
Cell Biology an Introduction

Satuan Acara Perkuliahan Biosel 2014/2015No.MateriUraian Materi1Pengantar2Mengenal SelFisiologi sel, struktur umum sel prokariot dan eukariot, komponen kimia sel3BiomembranMembran plasma; dinding sel; permeabilitas membran; transport ion4Arsitektur selMikrofilamen; mikrotubulus; filamen intermediet5Organela selRE; Ribosom; Apparatus golgi; Lisosom; Peroksisom; Kloroplas; Mitokondria6Nukleus dan organisasi sel7Metabolisme sel8Jalur sekresi sel9Energi sel10Interaksi sel11Siklus selNo.Komponen PenilaianPersentase 1Quiz102Tugas203UTS254UAS255UAP20Total 100%Kontrak PerkuliahanKelas CCell Biologyan Introductiondr. Alvi MillianaUIN Maliki MalangCells are the smallest units that can be aliveThe individual cells can grow, reproduce, process information, respond to stimuli, and carry out an amazing array of chemical reactions


Schleiden & Schwann (1839): Organism are composed of similar units of organization

Cell Theory

Discovery of the Cells

1665: Robert Hooke was first discovered cellIt looked strangely similar to cellula or small rooms which monks inhabited Hooke actually saw the dead cell walls of plant cell (cork tree). No nucleus and other organelles

1674: Antonie van Leeuwenhoek was first seen a live cell under microscopeFormulation of the Cell TheoryRobert Virchow: All cells only arise from pre-existing cells

Omnis cellula e cellulaModern Cell TheoryCell biology research exploded in the 1950sPossible to maintain, grow & manipulate cells outside of living organismThe 1st continuous cell line to be so cultured was in 1951s by George Otto Gey, derived from cervical cancer cells taken from Henrietta Lacks (HeLa cells)Characterization of the minimal media requirements for cellsDevelopment of sterile cell culture techniquesRapid growth of molecular biology in the mid-20th century

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