Page 1: 10, 1S21 ' i i SILER t mmm.I Summoned to Plan “IH IS, m IS … · 2014-12-12 · * iotorprctAbon," ho wid, "may oaaily coTooii

= t w i N. VOL. 4. KO. M . ■ .

' i i SILER tmmm.IPEIlCEPiK •

______ _, . ' W A I

■ U ls tM P r e m i e r S a y s S e c r e c y Is

E n p i o y e d a s a ' P r e c a u t i o n >ip,« i

A g a i n s t A n y H a r m t o C o m e

T l i r o u g t i M i s i n t e r p r e t a t i o n t ; / ’' — — . . nicrcoLONDON, yP)~W hB t h liappcnlotf diusttoi

behind tho seoaea Ib th a .tw u m u tlo n a oosiwd:of Uia I r i ^ parUea preUinloBrjr to the on t4iD

•iw a ira l o f tho eonveraatlona botwcon bcfor* E u n o n a do Volei& (aaif Fr«n(er

. (korjco on M ondftj ia tcrooncd bjr w hat „ ‘ I ^ S lr JuaoA Craig:, tho U lster prcmlor, t i y O 1 ttfjmed tb it moning " a nffid allettce.^'

, P roeM are Deemed VltaL S ir J m o » tuad thia pfaioae In tx- '

pUifllag to intorvioiTBTB U a belief th a tw eiT tW ag depo td td ^pon tho T n y ' Sqoeation yria hiiodled. ^ h o n :

" T h o allghtoat indlaeretioa or n l r ' o iy n p* iotorprctA bon," ho w id , " m a y oaaily coTooii

c4o»e ludoloulable haWL W hat wit) p j , i t y beat ftid th e attfliom ent o f ^ m o ia fo r oTwyone eoncomod to w ithhold com* « . j ‘

• moftt ODtiide o f o fficial conaulta tlona ." ^jarincO f tho prinfipala in th e eonforeneee,

Mr. U oyd Ooorpi U aponding tho week- ead ia hia co tintiy home a t Choquore .* , , j „ Cftuit," w h t i t laem bert o t th e probably w ill be ealJod.

U r. do V olera and b u oolleagfnfs | . wont thia afternoon to v is it th e ezbl- .j

b ltlon hero o f Blr Johtf U v o w ’a paint- . , 0 f t , t a p , which In tM o p fc fn ra o l t l « t lM of flir Roger Oaaemeat and o f th e fu* normal neral rroM sslon In London o f Lord Mayor M acSm noy o« Cork a a i a por- ^ tra i t o f Arehbiahop M annlx o f Ana- _ traJia.- . . . T c t t. A T il t t u l t t w © eltsitlosL . S ir Jfriaca C»a!ff wm aw aitlnff^ tlic 171 arriva l b London o f thrcc'h jom bera of tLo UlJtflT e ttbbo t, H . M. Pollock, mln* RIQ, later of fisauee , £ . A . Arehdale, m inis' cotr, ai

'te r of agrloultaro, aod J . M. Andrews, citizen minlstor o f b b o r , whom he rum noneJ suffcri tram .B dlta« t yesterday fo r contoTonecs a ll thi hero whicb are oxpoctod to bo bold thlfi places .avoain^. - lcsa-thi

Oq (be deliberations o f tbo U lster vlncca prem ier.'and coiloagnog la boliored to ta r rei rest thn im m ediate hope fo r tho aaeB<- These, bw rasaed ^ontlnnance o f th# Dowaintf til tho

■H lreeftontcftU ktloni, irh l«h i t ia poral- f in lo e V b le S l r , 'J « « e i -wUl Join Uondfiy, aV calami ,/ti io o g h aaeh » v la lt to t i e p t lo e minia- rollef

tc r'a o fficia l reaidcnce wonld moroly piotoly •be for a MCbnd peraonal in terview ' 0 w ith Mr. L loyd Oeorge. 0# t dk

D« V alen t T m t m t Bflnnc* '•The De V alera beadqna iteri w ai r p f ,

bombarded th lf m o n iln j . w ith roqnesta fo r commoat on various ptsbllahed ro- m porta os to term a, eoncreto proposal* aad,deeUUn# alltR ed t« have bMU made duriaff the talka on the ponce nueation . ^ 1. . alrcady held, b n t to a ll .iaqu&crs tho ^ o n n offiPlal rejoinder waa: ' Sn,l Vl

. n w e a re p le i£ cd to aecreoy. T htae roportf a re pure fab riea tiona ,-on t o l i r , . . ) . the minds of thoir .w riton , a ad aro Ttholly uB w arraated ." • « c a tc t


D U n U N , V PH 3am m eatlaK npon

] ' Today’s Games | [ fK ational Leagne. - • '

F in t games . R., II. E,.Cfikajfo ............. .......... ..........5 12 1Brooklyn --------------------------------2 S .1 ^ *

B atteries: A lexander and Daly; Bmitb Thft and Miller. I- - '

Seeond Ra»e: R. H . K.Chltfflo ------------------------------- 0 15 2 -1, ,Brooklyn -------- --------------------- 0 1> • 1 “ *

Bottotlcs: Cliovca and D aly; Schupp,#'Otiin(H sad fl^jylnr.\ Score: . R . 11. E.^PlttabarRb .................... ........... .....4 11 0 ^New York .........................-1 3 18 2

Bfttterics: Cooper. Zlnn.' ond flchniidt, “ r ro lten i; DouRlas and Snydbr,

F irs t auno: ’ B. H . E,C laolnnatl ...............— ------------ 7 11 ]PMJivdclpWa _____ ____ ______1 0 0

nattcries: Rlxov and W ingo; G.Smith nnd BniRRj-. '

H(>rnn.l Rame; B. H . K,'Ijw .innnll ....................... ........ .. 4 0 ]/libc iflph ift .......... .....c........ ...... 5 0 0 “ d

Batt/^rlcs: Napier, Ijtiquo and llnr- g ra te : llubbcll and Peters.

Klrjl i,Timo: R. II. E . *P«Bt. Ix)ui» ................: ........- .......... 4 10 :j I t -BBoston ...................- .................... 3 7 0

' B aU tiits; B o s k ‘and C\omon»; Mt- Quillan nnd OowJ.v. • . o f I I SocoDil Ramc; R. I I . K. ^bo Ht. Tjouts ..... ^ ........................... . 3 11 0

■ Boston .............. ....... ........ .........'5 12 • 0Batteries: lininca nnd Clemont;. |\ |E v \

Oi-ftrhp-rrFillinRim and O ’Neil, Oowdy.

Ajnerlcaii Leagao. j^or.5, . 7?- n . E Minne

Bostwi !..... . '- i..................- .......~ I0 ' tioit:nik7iKci ...... ...............................0 S a

'IJ.itt?rirs: Binh nml Rtiol; Wilklnv.ii .m.i H rhnlk BT;

■ . Kn.1 <111; • • R'.H^ K. \'hi!n(lrl|iliia ................. ............ " » « tho 11

ilnti'.'rii's: itoitimcii nml i’erkiin': Da- - '’'"1’’ u-i an 'l (iercctcid. . '

» j;iiii 7n .: n , H. r:.Ynrk .................................. '» • *.

f /o ir o l i '......................................... 0 • • nite .nttnttcricK: 'Winwlipv *»nd Sfbnni;: *111 '

l.i'flnnij and JM^'lcr. .. End 6th: ll- n . E. to theW oihlncton ..... '■'■'■r......- .....- ...... 2 • * o f tlirCiereland ---------------------- C * * " f fO

Battariee: Courtney, Seboct nnd Pic w ero'in rh r Coreleskie and-'Nonnm akcr. . ' denlci


I FALl$ail Cpmitiissions |lj|(| Summoned to Plan “IH Freight Rate War |[

S t a t e s W e s t S a s t a a l p p l E l » - * , or to Unite in Hght for I I

_ Eednctlons lyi

W ASniNQTON, confereaco />f reprcaeata tlves’o f railroad commla- Q gn»/ iions o t nil ^ t e s w est o l th e U ltd s - ilpjrt haa beea called, by John £ . Ben- , ISon/KOnoraJ connaelforthecom m iaslO B, '

0 be bold In ChltaRt) J u ly 2fJ. P i ta s nor a f ig h t beforo th e ia te ra ta to com* **l iicrco oommlaslba fo r fre ig h t ra to re-lujstlona o n g ia in -and hoy w ill b e dla- CLBiDSs»d,’ l t was anaonneod. a oariaga C&thotin tfco-eaee wUl begin hero A ognat 15' guilty»cfore Oommlasloner Lewia. , . , ■jrlth 1

■ — ■ I th e ju

Ryan is Optimistic iL m Over Trade Condition “/ J , '

• AlthN EW YORK, <ff)-Oi>tlmlaUo'T lewa p o rud

e gor^nK bualncu eonditlona woro ex- u a u rit ircssod by /Thomas P . Bynn, financier, th e n hp le ft fo r Europe tofloy on the Kaber )lynp le . l ie ta id determ ination and minbt io-oporatloa would“ hclp te s ta te pto^- ^ M rlty much sooner thnn m ost people .{upor ;hlak. ' ' .ho ol

“ I feel e o n fid e n t, '' ho aald, “ th o t j )a»lac»< eoadUlons a ll over tho -worlii, srlth few cxecptlonif aro slowly im*’roviDjf. • • I f a .. " I n th is eoaatry, orderly b o t per- {„,ptl*

ilatcnt liquidation Iioa been going oa o r many month*. People ovorywhero Qi,jp j lAvo l)ten reared. Thoy are g e ttin g yndor ivojvthat. Tho people o t thU country ire the greatest coaaumers o f food and "{5 ' nanufflctured product* in tho world In <, lorm al'tim e* and normal tImea arc g j , j ^ low ly romlng b a ck ." ’ ' j

I-' * ~ eating

ren Million Starving f; in Russian Provinces

Tho■r IQA, W V -T he la ives tla , o f Mos- ‘I*’* “

low, saya th a t on b ffidaJ appeal to a ll » iltliena of Russia to a id In nllovloting *“*? u ffc rin g coused by fomine, sigoed by lU th e m ta b o ra o l 'th e government, *ilaees tho number of a tn rv lng .a^ not esa th a n ton million in the variooa pro- earned -incea and along the Volga, In tho Tar- xa repabllc nad. the Ohavaah territory, rhese, th e appeal aaya, eanao t e d s t na- i l tho nax l barveat w ithont aid. The 'amioo is eharacteritod as a naiioiii^ la lam lty .' A eeordlag to aa American •olief expert in Riga, tb e t o s t o f com- dotoly rcllev iag th is niimbcr from ont- ,Wo o t Bnssla wonld exceed *10,000,-

Legioti to Take Hand in Community Uplift

' --------- . I d o tINDIANAPOLIB, Ind .. (fl>>-Porticl- polatir

>fttioo o f Indlvlduol local Amnric-nn Le- Kaber.^on' poata in projects o f community F iaamd 'f lv le welforo will be fostered find btoughlided by* n now departm ent o f tho Mra. },American Legion to be known os thu of kn<lopartitieht of nntional post nc tlvitlof, traa Icicreated a t natlotiRl hftidt^naTtfT* bM " be cho“dw -- . c t J o i

.Tobn- J . Noll, formerly o f Pom onj, nricke'Can., <tpsistnnt d irec tor'n f tho notlonnl |,avc ciTganliatlon, will h’rnd ’ tbe •«(•«' do- ____m rtm oat. , (

FLASHES FROMP A R IS , (/P>—The title o f bonorary docto

conferred npon Prestdeat Mlcholaa U u r a y ] b y tb s U aivendty o f P a i ls a t tho reception I Tbe ti t le ia one n m ly g n a t« d to f^relgnAn.

P E S UOQTBB, la . , ( /{^ -£ lo r« th a n 600 s ix and a lzteen marcbed tbroogli tb e doim toii p ro tes tiag against tho h i ^ p tlce o f ic« creai carried p lacaida laacilbod ' *,Wo 'w ant n ic k e l .

W INDSOB, O a t , (/F>—E ffo rts to preven torlo a ro bd ag .jn ad e ^ th e provincial antbo a t tb e dlroctkm o f A tto rney O «nonl Baney, 1 ogalBst th e 'Windsor. J'ockey. d u b charg lag i tb llng hOEM. ■ ' '

OHJOAOd, th a n one hondredBoctionfl o f tbe ^ s t a re boro to p a rtic ip a te cowboy contesta whlqh .opened a t G ra n t p a r t r iding, calf roping, s teer bnlldogglng, fan c y n tln n e lo r nine d i ^ aad -will carry p riten e f I a ad co n ala fo r l.OOo horses and ca ttio are p r

JE R SE Y OITY, N , J ' , (/PJ-A- n n t s lilk t apartraeata waa in e ffoet today under th e di I t t n s laoncbod by Jam es T. Oannon, J r ., dl a t a moaa m eeting In pro tes t against notlcoa 0 ed by 'well to do people tb a t t i e ^ t a •wouL o f laadlorda were given to c ity o ffieiala a f t tb e adjninlstratlon la resisting incroaees was


M innesota Supremo Cotjrt Refuses Mo- Moro tion .for Ilo-arBumcnt o f Loagno Not

Bx,ecnUvo's Caao^

8 T; I 'A F l.. Minn., f /n -M o H n ii o f ' FAI I'cumioj. for A. ('.‘ Towtilev, ^rcsliictj* of tl).' ii-itiniial N'on-iwrtisnn ,1*ikiic nml,frni'pji fiilli.i'rt, formcrl.v Io-iruo o rb in ' ,in|in'.in r, ro'ar’piinpnt • ia ’thc lr cnso t«cv 'iL-rowln;: out iif ronv irtion ' in Jncksnn the 1(Hiiinty for vlolnfion o t the s ta te c?plon- vot>T>n|[0 .nrf. w ns'licnied by llie MliitiCflDla liiiy.jiiim-im' toMtl tnilny.' The defenilnnta tbe Fwi'fi- j’i 'o n n iitny of 30 ilava t(i npply OXI *to tlie federnl supremo coiiH fo r rovJow snnd ; o f the ir /-MPr They arc tipder sentrneo n f 110 ilnya In Jackson coVnty ja il. Thoywere tried In Ju ly , 1018, nnd hav6 been 'Idenied varl()ur«ppeal* In sta to -eoarta. r r I

; , .■ y .’ .' :.'v - 1 J


L L S ". TWXK P A L U , IDA B O. S A T t

IS , m IS Lmmmf'e n te n c e o f L ife Im p r iso n m e n t j ,1 s P ro n o u n c e d U pon O hio •

W om an C o n v ic te d o f P lo t t in g p. H u sb an d ’s D M h

tionCLBVfiLAND, 0 . , (/P) — E v f one4 Uhotlne K aber w aa todn^r' found prci illty ofl m urder in, tho flra t degree b u t la i 1th a recommendation o f m ercy by jaea <e juxy 'wbWb tr ie d b t t on a e h u g o acts ’ plo tting tho k illin g of her hnaband, had aniol T. K aber. • U ador tho verd le t will ra. K abor m ust servo tho rem ainder usel ' her ilfo in p rison. ■ "WwAlthough tho ju ry .'l iad not y e t re- irted officially to the court, Jttdgeaurico Bom on announced tho dectklon

A ttorney I H n e la W . Poulson, Mra. a b e r 's personal counsel, so th a t b e ' ight inform Mra. K aber In hope th a t “ >«; e would rev ive , sufflelontly from a upor to bo .broaght in to 'co u rt to hear .0 official anaonnoomqat. 8be bad ®‘ cn in a stupor a ll morning.

U f* T o rn ImpoWtT........... s i p

I f a K aber w aa aenteacod to Ufo iprlaonment Itt th a Ohio tofotm atory r women a t MaryaTillo. U;>der the lio law thera ia no hope fo r pardon. ' idor auch a .v c rd io t. 'W hen t h / j u r y mado oflldA l J e p o rt

th e verdlet, Mra. K abor w as lying Dp in th e arm s of a deputy shorlff.10 w4a aaked i f aho had any th ing toy. Bho merely ahook hor head Indi- Tlting th a t aho had no t. Jndge Boraon comicn pronounced sentence. U ra . K aber portu entrled back to Uct cell in tb e nomil. wou:Tho ju ry resum ed its de liberations thela m orning, hav ing failed to roturn next verdlet la st n lgb t a fte r hav ing those four hours. ,«* T f j M rs.' KflbtJr w as said by hor atto r- ys to liavo been prac tically nncon- lous all o f laa t n ig h t. She had been rrlcd from tho court room and ha3it oaten during tho dny. - 0 ^ 0

• r i lu K y A l t o Two T M H . . l u t

The ju ry begun bnllo tloe ju s t two gi nlara from Ih o tim e ^abbcd to death, by auassla* .a lleged ^havo been hired b y l i r a . K aber< ' ,- i j K

Though'M ra. K abor waa nupeeted of ln(( implicated in her hnabaad'soth o t the timo, iaau fflclen t e>’idenee q ^q; la found th o a -b y official* « V h k h form ally chargo hor w ith the crime.

It tw o yeara U osos Kabor,' th e aged a tu rther i;f tho m urdered man, doggedly Jq, , .p t working on tho m ystco’ w ith tho t I11 of pHvato do tcctivcs. suspicion ^on] ilctiag stronfipr and ntrongor to Mra. ^H q abcr. othc Finally a b ro ther of Mra. K aber waa look ought In 08 a ruse, and her m othot, b lllt ra. M ary Brickel, who w w roapocled tn . know ing much about' tho murder, to t

ts led to beliovo th a t th e aon w as to ber' charged w ith tlio ciimo, The ruse le a ’iirked as i t had been planned. ' K rs . od,■ickol, to save tho son, is alleged to wha've confessed, Im plicating hor daugh. ered

J — drav(to n tln o a d 00 P age Pbn r) ]|ih

..... -------------- } ^ ^

M THE WIRE__________________ _________________ . Tllo c to ro f th o -a c a d o m y o fP a rl iw a s ■ay Butler, o f Columbia o n lv m lty io a to blm. at.'ttie Borbonne today.

^ ' , '• j « ‘' 600 c h i ld m bet'Koon th d a ^ of

ntoTO section o f DoS U olfiee today cream co n e i M oot o f th e 'clUldwn' }•, deal loo cream conoa.” ,||p '

event be tting a t race tzacka In On- .ntborlUes. I n a t e s t case,.brought loy, a complaint h a s bean p ro fo red g i t w ith ope iattag a common gam- {'. • • *l0Rl

ired cowboys and-cow girla fcosa a ll __« t4 i n thq 'wond.'a champlotttiilp p a r t today. Tbe con tests In bronk cy roping and tilc li; r id in g w ill con- n i l Ofis&^ooo. Beats to r 25,000: poopio | | | |

[tiike’among te n an ts o f fashloaablo lie direction of th o c ity aotborltlos. r., d irec tor o f rovoauo and finance, .COS o f ow ners o f apartm eatfl' tenan t- t),., irould b e n lM d O ctober 1 . I tu n o s ‘ a t 'tb o m eeting a a d t2ie support of w as plow ed.


loro T h aa H a lf.N ttm b er,o f.. .6 l in e n -i’liNocoasary to C alling 'of E lcctioi-" ,(i : j

oro E eportod '__ KFAflOO, N. T>„ (/P)—More thnn haH .'d :

!ii' s'inintures reqtiircd to insure a rp' vhiall eloelion ncninsl O ovem or Lynn .1. ■'rM.ier, A ttnrnoy O cneral I.pnike on'l ii;>ohn’’' IlnfTcn. eommiiisioncr of n f^ id il' h 't iicv'fttid.lalicvt,'Usvvt' W on Uhe h^1'l^'^nrt^.'rs o f Ihc indepemlenl in ;ot"T» nMfififtljon, it wns annnunepil !(*• thi'iiy. I’c tillons filed and tabiiliili'd in 1 lie Fargo boadqunrlers contftlned •IS. luf' XI n i^ n tiire j-f tt noon. E igh ty tlioii- SH( nnd siRnturcs n rc 'requ ired . ‘ '

. -------- > I— iiniIDAHO W EATHBB. 1

Toni(;ht and Sunday fflir;'w arm - ivh Pr huDtlav nBtth.TM»rllnn. tf'i'

r s P A ^ R M m i k i p h i

DAILJU B D A T , JU L T 10, 1S21

.E A G U E c o m ; LENDS EFFOF

'DISARMAMH) e c ld e s to P u rs u e In v e s tig a tio n s wH

l ib e ra tio n s o f C o n fe re n c e 'to b e Ci E x p e c ts U n ited S ta t e s to T a k e C( U n d er P ro v is io n s o f P e a c e T r e a ^

PA BIS, {ff)— Thb temj'brory m lx rf ■ lommlssion for tho r<iductiou of arma- 1 aonts appointed by. tbo league of na- f loos, dceidod today ttukt tbe confcr- ] laeo on thia question to bo oollcd by ’resident Harding would ao t conflict p | a any way w ith tbo league 'a disarm v nent a e ro , f&stcad of adjoum la); Ita ' t*ttlon Immedlaltly o ile r po»vonlag, as L | la d ’ boen suggested, the conmUsIon '' r ill contlnuo, oxpcctlag its work to bc tseful In a ’ prophrator)' way for tho K illi VashlBgtOn deliberations. , ( j

Bees ITnlty of Objects.Bcno Viviani, F rance’s roprcaontn-

Ivo and chalrmaa of the committee, w . a onoaing tho meeting declared th a t tioust he. Washmgton oonferonce,-iast«ad of ombo onfllctlug, fittin g in w ith such study. larlT ' The ehairm aa’s a ttitu d e wa* approv '1 by II. A. L . Fisher, O reat B rita in ’s consi epresontatlvc. - .

Dnring ibo discussion* oJ tlie ttco ly lo j . Igned af St. Oermaia fo r 'th o suppres- A f Ion-of the troffic .in anna, delegates m ont olnled out that tho tla fted S tate r was to pi ho only country which was not a party bill c o' th a t treaty , aad the feeling was c t- oq d resied 'tho t the Amorican government trodu Quld not help taking cognluineo of ot H hot fani when considcrlog Ihe dlionn- of th ment quesjions. Tht

A t W otit on Snrrey . t<Tho principal work planned for tlio i”*

ommission is tho nrepnration of a ro- ® o rt on tho political, social and oco- omlo a»pe(ts of dlsfiTmament, which , , rould bo aubmltted lo the 'm ooling of , ’ , ' lie arsembly o f the Icopie of nations * oxt September. *

'Jrges Great Britain to Continue Alliance j j | |

LONDON, ( f f ) -a o a c ra l S ir Ian [amllton In a speech a t Maaehester Q ts t alfiht strongly opposed abandoalng J | Iio A nglo 'japaneio u llan ro In favor

k M d '^B g laa d 'a position a t tha-bro- g f ^ ' .W u h l i i g t o o eonference o n 'n m l lUon uftjuripamenti ,woQld bo th a t ot

c a t b ia b g iT a ^ * b y h a l f a daajo ; iM keya-t* pull-cheatnula o u t of theIre,” and' d«yared i t would be advis- pn « e ble carofully to consider the temper-ture of tha<ehcaiai)t« before atrelch- ^olacjg .o u t it« pawa.{ • in coTbe speaker argued that-d io jopaac io ^^njo'

■ould bc Inbiolutflly loyal to a m\lltar>-,llianco, but would be auspieiona of aaj bo lUth e r combination or lenguo which hy Iloked os tbouRh i t contalaod a possi- madoHlty .>f tb e lr .boln^ oaclrcled. • cow.- fTbo oaly possible meana for England Bol

3 exctt an Influence for good upon tr ie tor relations w ith America and Amcr- and;a 's relations w ith Ja p an ; ho doelar- senbld, was to retain the nliianco w ith .Vewrhato^cr lafeguards might bo consid- d ittrired isccssary to insure agalnat boln(; mUtK rawn into any move against an ^ g - “ j:sh apeokiag people. ' oil 11


lolland Hm Hope of ”j “ Conclave Invitation

--------- ly,T IIE HAGUE ( / P ) - " I f Ihe jiroposed dcemi

unfcrenco a t W ashiogton la to dls- No uss problemH of tho For Eiyit, I t is cision \l r th a t noUanil tbouU f n ^ k lp a t t . Daog 1 tho In terest of hor 59,000,000 siib^ tor C !cls iu-.the Dutch ladioo whose tcrri- ^aQv, jrj* {'Orders the Pacific. ’ . „onolT hia I# tho general opinion In Duteh -

ovcrnment drclos, where the piano for lio conferonco aro being followed w ith L Iio ko ilicst interest. Although evorj- ‘ ody In Holland realizes the question f disarmamont U a m ntlcr fo r tho rent pow orr to decide, hopes aro ox- jcMod th a t H ollaad wUl bo lav ited [1 send representatives for tho discus- Sul ions oa eastern affairs. 'Rome o f tho nowsitipiTH iipplaudiii); o f $c

(C entlaaed oa Page l i r e ) iyhicl

M M f i i n ! H l J J . I 8 f i i [ [ ! G i P l

or 0'■ ■ potnn

D e p u ty . S b o r if f f l a n d O i t ia c n war 1 P o f ls o m o n P a t r o l S t r e e t s ■ . . o f A b o r d o o n

.\»K im E r:N '. p .. ,( /Ph-D oputy di('rifr» nud tperial citixon po'semen jditii'il tlio pqiii*e,__{()dav..iii-p3tral]ing Calm \l(CT«lfoti's' jilTcots, 'ffhfii' nil n'rcrocil op nririiiat n f lc r Inst tii(.'bt'!i <hrpn([',ning .[•ii.ilioti thnt rrsiiltrtl in the <'jectioij (rnm ,lhr..qlty o f 10,1 nll.'Ccil members ,„r Ihn I. w .-w , ■ • . ^ • T .

Five* htmdrccl n llf^ ^ .IrW ycW . reach-I'd hero ifils morning on .1 freicUt tta iii , •»l,iHi they linnrded imrtU of MilHicll, !'•' " S. n,, .vffllerdny morning. Tlipy brokeii;i iiitci croups here,' About lOfI <»pnt ••'-'Vn.irtli In th is rfiuiity nn'd' the ‘Others , •i«',’.i.'tUpr w ith Tjlio v.*ctc i„ v f lo r d a y ’s roiin.lup sM tterrd nlmnt thl- fil.v. • , • T

Tin re wns Bo 'sigii of any further dLs- red^ lurVnnre during ib e e.irlr mornlnff andShrriff Henry E llio tt decided lha t no milleffort lo d r iv e ,tbe mon out would bc " i ihnnile- ' ■ • - been

The lri.-»l o f U arry G.isoy of Chlcajfo, thU ;TTho i* charged by police w ith s ta r tin g wasthp trouble, will h r hni.l >-H


N m/IMISSION [fm rRT TO AID ,n O T PARLEY JIjw ith V iew to F a c ili ta tin g D e- I C alled b y P i-esiden t H a rd in g ; C og n izan ce o f P led g es G iven

1 a n d C o v en an t (j j ,

l i n r ![ iH l lE O i i f t i

--------- • ft weekCilis A m e p d m o Q t t o .E l i m i n a t e

C o n t r o l O la u s o by V o te o f b 1 2 2 to 1 0 6 Pres

ison laWA8 BINOTON, r . 0 ., (/PI - Th« •» 17;

ouac today refused to strike thO'dyi- a » c r tl mbargo provisions i r o n tho Fordney " P arlTf WH, killing aa amonflment by « « K®' leproicntAtlvo F rcar,jcpub llean , Wis- ‘he all onsin, to cllm laato the throfryoar fed ' ral i-ontrol clause by a vote of .122 to Q(L • PlulartA fte r ditposing o f tho dye amend- terior,

lent, tbo house took up an ameadmdnt *««ou* ) place crude o il on th e free lu t , ThoIII conies a t« to of 3.1 eonta a barrel FO L U a crudn oil. Tho amendment woa In- ' ■oduced by Rcprojcntntlvo /Treadway ij< ^ | E M assbrbnstUs, a republican member pjm igi f tho ways and means conunlttce.The Wisconsin membora charged th a t

ic inrlficom m laslon had ' ‘concealed'’ .1 om tho eommitteo thnt dycatuffa val- !d a t tbirty-flvc million dollara woro (portcd 'ln 1D20. t i e dor" T h is v ast amount waa exported ,’ he

.'clnred, " b y tho dye monopoly, which tJoalsU dcmandbig thia embargo, o t a tim e, .

0, when tho Amerlcaa people aro pay- • p r u i g nn ndvaaec o t 100 'per eent in I W in

IDFSltiBIII "■ ■ j f a i i i r T j

W ^ ' Against'AIlegei Bifty- 'era DiamlBffed After Attor- . g ^ d o i; •aoy:OenortU’a.Jtoquiry ^ ■ i&ot «

— L . , B..W ASHINQTON, (/P) — AU foderal memberoeeedinga against .Captain Bobert on the oaenbluth o f Now York a n d Sergeant of e land Potbler, o f Provldeaco, B. I , refntecI connoc.tlon w ith tho ahootlng of orgaal’[ajoV • A lexander Cronkhite a t Camp ergAnb ewia, W ash., i o Octobor, 1918, aio to 'Tho0 ilismlssed, i t w as annonncod today reachei y A ttorney General Daugherty who •“ «ado a personal investigation of th e VJ'K); _W. W.^ t h proceedings in tho westora dls-

•iet o f W ashington against both men _ P ttd rem oval, proceedings against Bo- i f m bluth In fho iwuthern dlstrle t o f ^ 'ew Y o rk 'o ad tfgalnst I’olhler in the [strict o f Rhode Island will b o ’ dia- ,U(wd, Mr. D augherty said, addlnR: cooijtn “ I t has fu rther beon doclded tha t

!l the ovldcnro procured by thd de- . irtm cnt, w ilh tho names of a ll w it- ‘ fsses who bavo any m aterial knowl- Igo of tho ease, sliall bo sent to the rosecntlng atto rney for Piercc conn- •, W ashington, for auch nctlon as ho :ema p ro p e r ." ' C U N fNo reaaon wns assigned for tho do-

sion. I t was reachcd a fte r U r. Ona ol aughorty n t tho suggestion of Spno- tion ir Colder; of Kow York, Secretary oover .and others, hod nmde .a per- OLD iRol investigatien. oao 'o fCnptala K «»nbloth ™ o tr t . l .d la ew York M arch 23 Inat. Tho shoot* ^ Ig occnrrcd a t Camp Lewis In 1D18 and " P ’ ^ n a rm y board of inquiry fouad th o t J® fnjor Cronkhltc hnd accidentally shot imsclf whllo practicing w ith a rc-

' ^ a l *Subsequent iiivustigation by tlio jus- .

cc departm ent resulted in the arrest v./n.Q f Sergonnt Polhler in Providence and prisouc series of sta tem en ts 'by him, somo o t j , j „

■hicli were contradictor)-, alleging thnt [* had been ordered b y Captain Bosoii- jin rto i luth to “ g e l” M ajor .Cronkhltc. The • nptain’s nrrcst followed nnd ho wos « rccntly gTvcn a hearing n t tho depart- if^nsnj lent o f justice,M njor Cronkblto wa^^the son of Maj- MBXI'

r Genernl A delbert ' CronVhite, who •• n j i nmmnndcd tho 80th division during tho •ar and tho investigation of fho shoot- • ng begnn a fte r the general’s return rom Franee. • _ ' . ,

o f Ihe


?ala,flicceodaNStorm of S treet Clean- ^ii. orsyD flm oD jratlon a t 'O re a t Falls ,

OREAT y 1-US, >font., (/P)y-Union ,nd uoH un,']^ r ttf ltt elf^n^ts ami garb- . ; lire liniiler ;workod side by side toifny vitiiout ^ Jib lc a fte r a dcmonslration SwedeIV !ilrll>yR-m pathlrers yesterday diif. Imd-s ng w h 'l la rnll. wns made for stnfe Iroubl rc'.fips.J /e troops were not sent and ' iftiT « 'en wJiri hnd been arrested hadleon f l /n s e d on bond tho'demonslrn-', '■‘'’'‘V'’ ion ended, 'o ha

T atrikers roturned lo work nt the- -edy.-d .w nrrs offered by the c ity and iprt-^V |o abide by the n’rbltm tion com- ' n it lc e ’s I’ulinj; thnt they must work W. ■viih non-union men. The.wom en-hnd M rs.. >con nrresled for throwing pepper; i t .Wfl*h :hu street'elenncrs. The demonstration Into t m an ^attem pt to relc.i*o them from j the I


i M ’r a m PUT ■ i i s i ix io a n W a r O f f ic e A u t tw r i r

i e s P r e d l c f S u p p r e s s io n o f ,

R e v o lt i n S t a t e o f T a m u l ip a s

W ith in W eei< ’s T im e .

lEXlCO CITY, (ffH W u otfioo •mor dofilSMd'loat nlgbt that- .tik«’ ialag in the atate of ToWillpas, Ted ; Qcaeijal Daniel Mortines H e ir e ^ ’’ lid be pail down in little more, than oek. I t was doolared federal tndps B being dlspatehofl into tho troobled’ rlet, and that the' danger iniold ib o over.'-resident Obregon m et newspapex . laat n igh t and seemed la c lln e l n o t Ire'at tho H errem - revolt' serionsly, rtlng there wero lu tflc ien t forces nipprcss the tn u b le . . B e BS*ert«d - Rovorament is ten d ed to l&Yvetlgato altuatlon and detorm ias w liat in-

nces wero behind, th s revolt, " a a d Elat them as eii;custsUueM p e m it. '* larco £ . Calles, seereta ty o t tbe la - . Dr, also la ld the nptlalng w u so t »ua. , '


WlfPICd PoUowers of Oeaeral lol .M artlnes'B enem who are in prisoner by gOTortmient forces be tried for treason, it it annonne-

by Qonettl Q om t, alUtaiy coe- der here.svemor Lopes y Lara-is hnrrying deporturo of Idle’oU field workaen. . lag titat they may Join the tsvoln- Ists.

ise 'T a k e s U p P n r a t ^ o f 8l& y> r D ro p p e d .b y O ffice r* U n . -

d < f r f o ^ o f V m a b e r #

lT E O I^ ,..a( D ,,r(«h i-W liD a* i ,D . d 9rson,.SS, ^ Tezsis, ihu-^: and ktUsd ba t sight a t Wolwy,>., tbiee rnlleg w att of S n m 'l y a iber of la bftad of some MO L W. W. the top e f a freight, tnda p u ^ g . of Wolaey for the north vraen he

Ited the demands of the L W. yf. in lu r to take ont a card ta th e ' inlzatioa. . ' ’' ' he 'traln w u not stoppel iiatil it ^ed the noxt station, Tnlwe; where sheriff a t that place w u .compelled force of numbera to p o ra ilt^ e I. •W. mtmbefs to leave the traia, and atayer.T u not apprtthtaded. p w o modo Dp. of the American

loa poats bf Enron, Woonsodtet, Iktoa, Bedfield and Hitehooek .wu atchod'in psou lt of the Idller and ral baadrod men . aro aeatehiag tfih ftryside neor Tularo..'A larga num- of saspeots have been roonded up. eadcrson was , shot .throngh the t and died. Inatantly, He waa an m i te man a a d tb i-sb n llf .d f 'tU s ’Ity foara a Iy n c h % if ble slayer ia


Of Two U e a Am sted for Abdse- on of S u m J M Admtti G dtt

L 0 3 E , A r i r , ^ ( ^ W a l t « r Hodson, ‘ 'Of the tw o 'm on a rm te d <t B o lo i^ ,: , llie, near here, whon they su rreff ''4 I Onrdl U eK lastry , 11-year-pId Ls* - Kaasaa, boy, to officora) confeiktd

ihcrllf 1. C. m n y a id o t U k ln ^ t i a t ddaaried young M cKiastry, accord- to ' t lM offlcor. S h e r if rH illy ard

0 tn Olobe to toko tbo two mcii nnd al 'M cKinstry bock to Kaasaa. -. ho alleged ooafesslon was m ade'juat ' , iro tho K aasas sheriff, w ith b is two . otiors and tho U cK Insfry boy, lo ft ! to<lay for I^ k in , whero, the sheriff i, .Hutlson oad J . 0 . (SklnBor) -Ed-- fton will faco ch irgcs o f kidnaping, ►•■wiia jtald by th e officer tb a t m th t n r re accompaaylng bim baek tu isas 'Tolantorily. '


AM PICO; ( /P H it is reported th a t I'xporlntion policy o f Amcrlcon oil

ipf.nit's will bo based upon cstimof«] . the -Mexican govcram cnt’c voluatloa iui fur Iht. two roonthij-of Ju ly and Lfun, • I t Is aald th a ttf f i t Is found ; . .'o'mpanips cnn export bll 'at o pro- the shipm ent of potrolcom will bo



-O.N'DON, GfP)-<3ucon V ic to r ia 'o f rde;i who, it* wos recently announced I-suffered a reciirrcnco of her car uiil'!, underw ent an operation yestcf- r: ay* .e, Stockholm message to, tho chanue Teb'croph company. Tho op- . tioa ' ndJs the dlspalch.; Is roportcd havo been (!u*c*sful.

l r d t n g s p l a k w e e k -^k d, ON OBUIBE DOW N POTOMAC

rt’ASIITNGTON, (/Ph-Presldeof andr-^ -8. -H arding aro p la in in g t 9 leave . M.hlaRt0n ' 0a th e yacht'. M ayflow ^0 todny for a week-end crul*e doTO 3 P o to n ec .--T h ey w ill,re tu rn .K w * ’•

Page 2: 10, 1S21 ' i i SILER t mmm.I Summoned to Plan “IH IS, m IS … · 2014-12-12 · * iotorprctAbon," ho wid, "may oaaily coTooii

* w o . _

i m rW U I I SlO E P P K

F an atic D esert T ribe to Collect 6 0 ,0 0 0 Pounds a Y ear from

. Governm ent a s P rice o f Good Will, and Quiet

LONDON, A- working: nr- m g o m e n t on t i e " n o p ^ e , no p a y ” prinelpla b u bc«n en(on?J Into by

' BriUah govenuncnt w ith tho 'W ahabi, a povcTful A rabian dcM rt tr ib e . Tho W ahabi oro hociods nnd betonir to a ■ect wbieh Colonial Boerotary W lnaton

. Qbnrcbill d«acr!bod in th e houio nl common* a a ^ 'b o a r ia ; tha u k e relation

. . t o orthodox W arn BI tho m o it m llllan t -* .form e oC CalTiolnn w onld havo bonn)

to R ond ia th e fie te u l tJrif^Lof the .... .roliRiouj w a n .”

lite y aro, ho anBtor^, intolerant,' . wcil-anncd .and blood th irs ty and thoy

’ reR ird i t ob an article of du ty na well u oO fa ith to kill a ll wb* do n e t ih'sru theJf opiolo&a. Mc’rcov«r, they nro very dangeroM to tho holy eltlOa o f Moc^a nnd Medina, and tbo wbola instltotioD of tho pIlRnmoRO. ' >

Tbo fi'naneci o f (Jih Sherccf oM foee* wbd enjoys' BrUleh r^otoctl'oQ, have Kuffcro.i tjriovoiiely by' th e intorroptlou

' ijf tha plIgrimagcB. /ITjoroforc, to at- Blat him and K ing Hussein o f the Sod-

I 'jaz„w ho ha^ been in eon itan t w arfare i w ith tbe "A ra b ian CalTinlsts,” iho I Intter (vro to roecivo 00,000 pounds enth ] annually, so lonR as tbey refr&ln from | annoying tbe lr ne lshbera and do oo t Interfere w ith tbe candidacy of Hua ■els'a son, th e Emir Feisul, fo r the m lersh ip o f tjio oew U oiepotam laa Itoto.

Colonel Lftwroneo o f th e Colonbl office whe haa I ire d a m e n ; th e W ahalil . fo r years, told aa in te rrle tro r th a t they wvro’ indeod m, m o it v io len t people. T hey 'u re , he raid, fana tically Uohnm- n o d a o ond would kiJl th c lr men and women, .for affloklng oven a e isarett').

. Tho w ay they correc t the ir women ia to • tio them np In baga and b eat them un- u ' mereifully w ith palm canei. K

EaehNmon h u 't h r e o w iv e i Bbonld aoy o f them go out- of doen , tho codo MUowi him to havo her p u t to death. ^

- This is bccaiuo they believe th a t i f u y et o ther n a n looks a t he r sbo i i eontaci' to

’ ina ted and (h a t t t A womoa goe* o ti^ J< ride her home th e I i certain to so ^ wrong.

W oarifi? > «Uk d rew or any eoitJy ec finery , prcdona'atonea o r m etali, Ij olic ee a penal offenie. ; •

" I n KO len io a re .,they a d e c u e n t m....... .-.-pwi^^'viflBloiiol, .Law teheo.' eoneludod. ut

. “ B ie y are Tlfiio and u au itero ae they, oi . t ro blood-thirsty and b r a ^ * I t ihonld ib

' be cheap a t 60,000 poundt a y e a r to m buy Iheir good w ill' and to keep them q u le i, '’ , Wl

..... . 'U s. J tt to r view , how eror, does no t so' m eet w lth n n i r e n u aeeeptation.- Uftny a

t)txp«yera would p refer to . see tb e en^ wi o f «12 Britiah eonm lts ien ts la Ifesopo- u tu n ia . dc. ■ mi


B oam of Fore ign U l n l ^ B itab lU hei B w ta a t Kaplee to Aid Tpmi. '''>

g n n t* to A m e ite i “

O m O A aO , W V -*■ tn rc a u fo t assirt- InfT Immigrants io A merica h u been established a t Kaplcs, I ta ly , ;by -the !'/* ^ a r d of ro ro lg n M lsaioni o f the Moth- odist Eplsc.opal Church, nccording to adWeos reaching headquarters o f fhe M ethodist Committee on Consorration and A dvinee boro. ^

Too bnreaa i r moddJed a fter, juccots- f*'’ ful A m erican iu itbn p lants On tho At- ‘.5 , lan tle acabeard. I t includes n igh t n igh t clnssea in Cngllsb, Ameriean ideals o f gOTemttoat, e to

I t o lio m a in ta ic i a a to ff whoso dudes | a re to ca.rry on correspondonce w ith “ J friends of prospective Immlgrnnlr In ‘ the U nited Btatea in th e name of thovi who request it, co-oporato w ith local consul, nod a tten d to all o f re- ’J’*''-

' and tho observasee of tbe nbw Amorlcan im m lgratloa laws. ' thr'

r - — ■ otbADVANOEfl E A IL W A T BA TES

• W IT H IN STA TE O P KANSAS »»*' W A S J I J N O / r O N , iflV -Bttllrooa

fre igh t ratos aad passenger fbrcs w ith ­in the sta to o t K a n s u wore ordered < V F rid ay by thn in te rs ta te eommoree A o commission to b e .in c re u o d by A ugust caa M to the level in e ffec t in tatersUife ant commorco. Fotrolenm and Its produetr ^ ( h wero rzcm pted from th e inerease. ^

A t t e n t i oWe have just finis'

and molds for re-tread

Y oar tiro s can ct to r w b a t tre a d or dim cairfiniflh i t so yo.a w<

yf- . Onr voloaitlzod ti.. All Work Absolu


t w i n FAiXS:DAl

' Jfidge Rummy ‘ ^

s ’ ' qG[ ■ Mllect . .

s ar-

' the mbl, a ,Tho ( ^

to a \ / ^iston ii nt , , 'tiios 'Itonc ' . I *omi)


h n u

occa ? ...sees M W W B g Mlavo --------- .., B B r e l r atlou • ______________ _

s n S G « |[F S 's T i l BUCK Pflf.i b l __fjy M o n OHioialB Eefmie SalarloB plo. Booaoflo o f TTDomploymeQt

A iao n g U o m b e rs h ip g,itn T • 01, to TNDIANAPOIiie, Ind ., y p ) -N e aal. „ un- arlos will be acceptod by m o n than j;

100 officers of .tbe U nited Mine W ork- w e rt o f A ao rlea fo r th e ir ■ w ork {bis M n tosth “ b e u tu e o t the widespread nn-

a y om^loyiaent among conJ’m lncrs,” saM r ' jH' today 's issuo of tbo Mino W orkora' uf. JoutoaJ, o fficial puWlcatiftn ot tbe in i CO tor*itttlonal union. ^

AU offleiala. Including tbe head o ffi _ tly cers, members 9< tho In ternational ex- . Isc ccu tlro board, ' organliora and fie ld ..■ workers, .aecordlnf^ to tho announce-

jn t m oat, **hav6'jrolunteored to contrib* ed. utd t h d r en tire sa laries fojr, Ju ly to th e “ loy. organisation in order th a t they m ay , lid fbore tb6'burden,^of J io rd lU ps w ith theto members|i{p o f fho' w fon . |

am The"'& ract-'amonnt thus contributed ^ was no t announced, i t being s tld th a t t

to t some o f th s o ffie ia lt w ork po rt t i a e oa ny a per diem batis. Tbo 'to tal, however, n4 wns expected to oomo to loverol thou- ' pe- sand dollars, John I* Lew is, u presi- ^

den t o f the union, receiver $068.66 a monlh, end P h ilip M urray, vico presi­dent, tn d W illiam Qrcon, secretary,

. • ench receive 1583.23. r s The salaries. I t wns explained a t th i

union's, hendquartors, will rck a in in OO iM tho general' fund o f (be o rgan fu tion , CTr

nh ieh i t was aald hns rccolvcd m any thi calls ! >r relief, b u t m aintains only one on fund fo r a ll expenditures o f tho tu ton . Ai

.1 " I t has long been tbo cry o f somi*' peoplo,'' ra id the M ine W orkers ' Jour- foi

I jjfll Joday, " Ihflt'rc ffnrd lrsa of w hctbcr pr; J,. the membership w orked or s o t th o sal- >''*

nrlos p f tho officers w en t on u hsual. •»'*' J” Such ta lk is indulged in solely fo r the }Q Ipurposa of croating d ia trn st o f tho

offlcflni in tho m b d s o f 'th o member- u . fhip. Thoir vo luntary action, however. •

in contributing tho ir entire sa lary fo r J qI>- ahnuld go f a r to dlssipnto aueh "*i<

,n Imprcsjions and prove th n t tbo offi- ciais feel a deep, sincerc ia tcrest i s

^ tlio vreli bolng of tho ran k and file o f tbo memborBhlp.” ' ' '

Iq Uoifii] headquarters estim ated thal u not Ics!' th an 1S0,00 union miners In r jj tho co u n trr ord o u t of w ork and tlin t ' J. n m y thousands more w ork ono to thrpn0 tlnys a week. U undreds of mines, °■ throughout tho country, a re closed ond . otbors OTO w orU ng ahort tlmo bocauso

of the slack demand fo r coal, i t was ov( B said. wa1 ' ------------- --------------- S "

(.tke Raapberry J a m ., Oci1 , Western Ausimlla tiai a species of Jof 9 Acacltt cnilcd raspberry Jam wood bo- t caoso of Its odor which la powcrfol 9 and. almo*i oTcrpowertng when the f wood ts freshly cut. says tho Amart* “J*''

can Forestry M nmlno, ®

o n A u t o Cinished installing the newes ■eading and re-eaping-

T I R j t Sa n com c in l ia d a a d g w n t g o o d o s □( : dim onB ion o o r v n l c a n u g w ill t a k o i m w o n ’t Im o w tb e d if f A qco b o tw oon

sod tlrcB ’Will s ta n d n p i B s r a n y sory:

mhitely G uarantee^^ive I

ulcanizin^QTH .


■ DOPGff /'/A ffO N W fU BE K O M O T E O -

^ I J j i r f fg W O < 1 ^

" V ' ' f ' s o P G c I e o T i ^ r i . -mWJK sow FOR.. f iu , y i i UPlJLWiN*

^ •?— T " — '

“ CDUBTfllllSDam. O F M H I O I I I I I II Union Leaders to be Held by

Military Forces In W est.IB ■ Virginia

CIIAB I.E8T0N , W. • y n . , \ l ^ ^ T h o aupromo court o f appeals here Prldny orderod D avid Eobb and. o lgb t other

' ' mino uuion loaders turned ovor to the ® stnto niUItia. Thoy were ^rrested lost

week by M ajor Tom Davis, O ovem or Is M organ 's representative in Mingo

county, charged under th o governor's proclam ation of m artial law w itb un-

, law ful nssemblage.' Actinn o f tbo court wna ou » w ri t o f

habeas corpur f iled by tho TJnitod Mine : W orkors t q soeore the release of tho

men w h o -^ e ro a n es te d 'i n t h i union > heodqaorterD la WUUamson. fVotn' tbero , they -wrro token to ' Welch, W . Va;,' a iid : w ere brought to Charleston fo r the

t i e applleatloa tor tho

\ ed tho m artial-law prc^lam ation w u il-lesal- '


Two H undi«d aod F ift jr S e le g ttM Bx- I poctod to A ttend Setsloas o f Jonr-

neynan 'B U nioa Ooaiwntloa

O m C A aO , hundred andJ f lf ly delegates, N proscnting abou t 17,- 1 OOO joumeymen- ta ilors throughfm t tbe , United fita tcs and Canada, w ill a tfead t tho convention of the Jonm eym en Tnil- . o rs ' Unl6n of N orth A merica hero en . A ugust 3,« This ronvention ir a quadrennial nf- . fa ir , tbo ta ilors being nreeodcd a wi'<'k P previous to tho convention by th e Com . m.'Ueo nn nnd A udit whieh audits . arrnuiits o f tho union, ro/iewd tb«) nnmiMimonts th a t have W en prowMod.I nnd prepares a roport fnr subni-siinn . *!,p i.Hcgates., A! thci^e conventions the .ie ti;i tle s of

fird (aiJoff fo r Cho nex t fou r .vmr* nru ■'iitllni-<1 anil considered, unO nny at'K'ii'iments, l - t f r e bccomi:i^ a ju r t (-f Jljc lOBSti'utJoD, a re subm it^J -c a r.t- '-.ii;ili,m of ll’t-ob tire mcmb

The Seven WrtJ<s‘ w ar.The Soven Wt-cks ,» u r wu» u oriuf

Wnr Id 16C0 tiutwuvii I'ru-'Mu .nm u;iiy Oo ono Bldo tiod Auiftrfa niiJ hc-r Oit- mon nlltcs (Ilavarlu , W uriii’tnl>«.Ti:. Bnilen, Saxony. •• UcM0-Cm-M!l,^llun- ovcK Naaxaa) oo (he utiicr. 71i5 tfo r wa# Iho culmlimtloB of Ulsoiurck’s plan for forcing Austrln uut of tbo Oemmo eonfedem tton andm alcloy way for a DOW Q em iany under ihrosslan icadorshlp. '

I f your p foperty is desirable, a nd .i* advertised In tbo e lsssilied ye n 'll flod your buyer.

O w n e r s/est typeof machine

s now. Ko mat- i o care of it, wc oon now and old. ioryice.

le Us A Trial

\ Wo1*ks' PH0NE291-M;.7 /

'ALLS, IDAHO, S A ^ D - ^

I _ ' '

I ’ f\Nor

I *W -7 V • ' ' ' ^

j e i s n! mmML

Oonditions in Former tlkraino Uet'ropolis Beported at ,

, y Low Ebb ;

WATlSAW, yp^-C oadlU ons in Klov, | in the U kraine, weio reported worse 1

lor than '.at any timo tinco the troub les 'o f ' ‘ go Ilussla began.■'* Word roacbod W arsaw recently th a t ]

the population of the c ity had dwindled I Qf to somothiDg llko 100,000 persons, ne whereas a t l i e beginaing of tho w ar | bo there were approxim atel/ 700,000 in- , ““ habitants. ' t” - rWaveletB who have crossed the frou- I

tie r w ithin tbo lost few weeks, m ost o f I them tinder d ifieu lt eircumstiuices, ai- i sort th a t tho Bolshevik' authorities a te i

H again in complete control- of the city.A t intervals during t t o sprlag there were tm es when the InnrrrectJoalsti

• hold tho upper hand. • •'Itt many Tillages in tho U kraine the {

S peasants a ro reported to have orgaaixed * and driven tho sovlote ou t a ad tbe pear- ^ an ts are reported eadeavoring.. to '

*• strengthen Ihelr anti-Bolshevik organl- « xations to p revent iaterfereneo w itli t th e ir farm s and viUngos.

Travelers s ty .only a few stores aro id open In Kiev, one o f those being a flor-

i s t ’f shop. • •le ■ - “

d ' - n i (o r u » a « < i" .„ i^raiTAnt woods bave alw ays t>eea

held la blghia t esteem among prlml- j J. live people' tn d wero ctinsldored cS-']( peclnlly pleasing to tbo gods, snys Ui6 ] 'American ForcHtry Magnxlno. Ac*.8 cordlngly, they havo figured proml* , I! eently in ibc lr rollglous c crcaonlca ^ d. and buda l rliea. Sandalwood Is o t „ ’V tbe first rank , j ^Juy r— - ■—


The Ford Sedan v, dcmpimtable rims witi carbecause of ifs all- equipment Finely'Up in the spring, summei weather and winter, touring, and for takin

. w ant The low cost c of its charms. ^ struction, and durablea The comforts of an c

PAY. JU LY 16.1921

» 0 T » HI«K I W AS W M © / f o i s r M e r . « i u - I


f - : I

, (r, saiM - • ' ;I I J - A 1

• . 1

I ' '

1 x 1 ^ . •^ , 3 f I e

L M j L ;= s = ^ = a = = ^ = s = 3 = : ^ = = B =


I - W ar n n tn c o O orvorttlon 's P lan is A dopted b j i ^ e w Orleans Banking

‘ Concom

W A B O IN G T O I^M ^E u g en o Meyer,Jr ., m anaging director of the W ar Fi- nance corporation, announced F riday

, receipt o f a tolegrnm from the Federal Internu tionnl B anking company of N ew I Orleanc sttating th a t the company vou ld w ork ou t a plan for dealing w ith {

Vl considcnablo quantities of cotton under ao tbo corporation 's now poliey fo r finonc i)f iDg oipottB.

A lon ta tive preposlUon Involving tw enty-five thousand to f i f ty thousand bales lor oxjtort, ho said, had been made

id by the compnay..3 Tho loab o f flvo million do llan on'

Mississippi de lta cotton, announced I last week, Mr. Moyer m id, b a r led to ’

“• prelim icary disppssions w ith tcfercnce to financing th ree hundred thousand

J- bales of cotteo in ono distric t, tw o i( hundred thoosand bales In another, nnd I- nlno million bushebi.of w heat in the 0 northw est.'

\i. ■ ' ' Only. S a f t Road.. Accident docs very lUtlo tow ard tb»

producdOD of any great resu lt !□ life, j tbougb tom eiliuei what la called

in p p y b it" mny bo made by a bold n veniiire. Tho coininou highway ' of {. S teady .'indus try a n d ' nppllcAtJon Is — I, tbo only aafo nmri (a travel. .

0 Soup SolokA litUe girl w u -tn n o y * d by b e t

s it te r ’s Inhalation of h e r soup. She becam e restless and Qnally in ' i p l t e o f elders present a t tbo table, sbo

‘ a a ld ; “ I Iwar you enjoy your w op,• E h lc ."—Lnw-n-nr** TplORrnm.

k A t O rdartiLC apitalist—"! w an t yo? to flmw thia

’ wUl eo It can 'i bo broken, ondentitD d1 mo?" Attonioy—“All right, t lr . nl ^ m ake it hc l^U ghC '—American Legion

[w eek ly .-

I with electric starting and lightit ^th SJ^-inch tires all around, is th ill-^round utility and rfefined an( ■upholstered. Plate glass windows ner, and early fall. A closed cai r. For theatre parties, for soda: king the. children to school,' i t i s , it of operation and maintenance is egular Ford car, simple in design, j [einservice. Won’t you come inane 1 electric car with the economy

c WESTERN Alll. MS'Snd Avenuo ^

i l l ' :P H O N E i :

■ : . - f r „ ■ ■


r o n M r B l»107« 'o r '.w « tt V l r j M . o m .O T i a u ^ t a o m u t s n t i S r

l a g e d 'F m I s P ak « cQatlt

WASHIHalON, ^ n ! i - K l r k p .t ' riek, fo m c r mino forem an, fo r the B am w cit Coal and Ook9.compha».'oi>- era tiiig in tho Mingo, W. V t , co tl dis­tr ic t, testified Fridoy beforo tho son- afo coramiJto* lavcsU gatiB^ £OBd(tlona ' tbero th a t mino ownorr had *‘fro a ed

, u p ' ' false shooting episodes to p o c n ro procliunotlon o f m artial law by th» govorner and “ so thoy would b rea k tke s tr ik e ."

K irkpatrick told- a eircum slaoilal s to ry of how bo and h lf a u ^ r io r offi- e c n hod arranged to go ou t In the hills around tho mine ontraneo, and shoot back and forth , to Impress new mine w orken brought in ih o field , nnd to

- ju t t i fy enU fo r troops. ,On crass-oxBminaUon by 8- B . A v ia ,.

eounsel fo o ope ra ton , K lr k u tr ie k sa id th a t hia son w u an o f f l o la ) ^ the U aited M lao W orkers and th a t be bad himself been "d o n e d i r t " b y . tb e em­ploying company.

Ohio Bankers Told . Crisis is WeatheredCLEVEI.AND, 0 ., ( f f j - j n . . Ju iu i-

c lal a n ! InduakinI crisis In th e U nit­ed Staten h u beon w eathered, and th e . long-hernlded return to norm al c o n d l^ ^ tions is gradually bolng . e f f e c te d j^ speaker* a t the c/orfng lessioa o f t i # Ohio B ankers' aasoclatloa convontloa declared Friday.

Unito'f S tate# S enator Pom crene of Ohio declared “ tho nation is u solid as the Toek of G ibraltar; w h at trouU os thero are a t w ith in-ounslyea oad a ll* tlia t Is uooded to bring about a rouou- ablo adjustm ent o f prices, w hich is tb# th ing uiosily needed, is proetieo of eoih- mon senst.”

/ S m

CigaretteT a.« e a i;>he dellolous Buriay

’ to b ao o o flavor.

It’s tp a s te d T

USED CARS IOno H udson car, ju s t 'o n t of the

shop. Thia is a good buy. • .

Ono Oldamebilo, 6 patsonger, in oxcollont condition, a real ba r­gain. Both cara priced ve ry rea- aonablo.


J - r a O H E B 1 S U 6 1 -

— " 4 . '

' ■ . rI , i

- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I II ^

ting system and the ideal family md comfortable - ,W8 . An open car a .a r in inclement '• -dal visiting, for * ' s just what " is not, the least j,strongin con- md look it over? • y of the Ford.

JTO CO.iNorth1 2 9

Page 3: 10, 1S21 ' i i SILER t mmm.I Summoned to Plan “IH IS, m IS … · 2014-12-12 · * iotorprctAbon," ho wid, "may oaaily coTooii

™ B s iL E I K i i l H

Tightest Sort of iPitchers’ I Replete with Good Playi

■ Support Goes Bad in Cn f e d in lFourth, is Broker Hits and Errors

— ‘i r r g nBafl on t In Iho Im t ner i]W W b a lf o f tbo lOVOQtb in- o f tb■ 'A ■ n lag o f h i t Dlf^bt’a Twi* wboQ(

ligh t Ja'aguB puno be- pefit«(twoon the !• 1>. 3 . and oontoi

K /y i i |H U E lectrics t couplo of cb&stl r « r ¥ ^ W U by th e E le c trk * , &ad«;n . U G followed by a b raco of in y ^

3 bobblos by tho L D . R , p lu b iI K ilt over the winning run la » 2 to o t fir

> J g*aff. ThJi acoro poUod tho mer- “ , eiiantd on t o f f i r r t pUee.

D on Linviile and “ B horty” Dinglo Dinhooked up, fo r tlx frames, In u n e a t a H o dt u t o f tw iflers os h u ever beon etttgod up, 'i n th is cnvlroa. Both men w ont alonjr Binglc

• in ram stylo to the la s t of tho seventh ble pw ith only oao eonator m arked ag a in s t iut«^rthom. Pingle ws» oeored o a f i r s t , th e Thin m coming over la th a I . D. a h a lf o f Eloc{i

. the fonrth ina iag . To m ake i t good tho fo r ttBlootrlc* turned o a Den a ad b a tte A d le t tlh i t d e lire iy for th ree MU, w hieh a e tte d .“ Siba count In the l u t ha lf o f th o fou rth . Jm idA fter th a t to the ualneky {for th e M er- was iohaats) l u t o f tho goventh, th e hill*- McQiimen displayed n a e fe lt\k . tU d s

i and IE ir o n Bespontible on ov

T he breakup is chargeable d iw c tly Thi. to two bad orrorB, eomirig d irec tly on fonrtl

top of a weakening by l in v i ile . Tbo th o perrors wore flagran t and a re eliorgcd th e tla gainst Baker, 1. D . 8 . le ft' f lo lde r on th e fith is oecu ioa , a ad M cOuirf, I . D. B. h ittlcth ird socker. I t wo* th is T ra y :. peil i

Bowborry, second baseman o f tho U nviElectrics, f i r s t m an up In th e lo st ha lf tbo pof tho Mventb, cracked L invlllo ' b do- ler, clivery fo r a single onshioa in to le ft ou t t

V field. Ja rv is , centerfieldor, b i t into o m the tam e territory, b u t ^ s te a d o f drop-p lsg a f ly over th e ro ,'^ e crocked a .

• aw iit grounder {hrough' th ird baao. IB aker played the flee ting pill bad ly and I I t got aw ay to th e fence. On tho h it Bow btrry n a th o d ftecond shouldhave been held there. Bntf’hffTjot over Baito th ird on the e rror, and w hen Jio* Scr

I*/ Qulro le t th e relayed ball through U m V ef a t th ird base, a th row doaigued 'to head Loi F o ff Q e runner, Eow lterry acored the

w inning run-Two h its were made o ff D in g le 's de- Q6i

livery In the f irs t th ree rounds, oad Chithe p itc h e r iin ied o w alk on to |l o f Phithese, b u t no ru n t scored. I n fa c t, tbe N e h l t i w ere scattered so fa r ap art th a t one ooald no t help tho othor.

In the fourth o w alk fo r 81b K le ff . . AU

U U &CORNow Selli Price Levr .

u n iiOWI

Cogswell Ti Wester

TWIN PALLS DAILY' ' - - '■ 'V ta g . '

rlod, t

'* . Bolck,

i l lT S O U I I S l f f i l T i l “ i i l K E i l•s’ Battle Ends'Contest, K S laying, when LimHlle’s Crucial Test — Score,

)ken and Game Lost oh -n.'run w

Scor I . D. *

ner spelled the way to a run, th e f ir a t Eleetri o f tho gome. .“ W b " atolfl aeeond whence h 6' eooated when E xeter uaei- y peetedly slammed the ball into- r i ^ t g_ cen ter fo r a eosbiea. Only tw o Mer- _i chanU reached f irs t base thereafter, and eaeb of thote died w here tfc.e tUgUt- jJ in g waa dono. Belek wae h i t by a p lu b e d ball in the f if th and a a e rror j m j,, o t f ire t baso le t Exeter on In tho sixth. H u „ ■

'■ S a t u ’ w i m . »

Dingle looked weak a t the e tarto ff.H e p o n e d Jo ilya and tho n e s t man up, % o o U ” UlUer, h it to r ig h t fo r ,a single, pu tting Jo slfn oa third. A 4eu> ble play killed off MUler and Blgney < a fte r ^ n g e l had fanned. , Tcaj

T h in g , looked a b it r o ^ fo r tbo Eleetrico, and more than a b it omlnoua |H lu f o r the I . D. a in the th ird when brrora I- D- : lo t tho f l n t two indiWdoals on bases. Banka “ Bib” K leffacr mode a bad throw to E lectr io a d o f f Jar>-la a t f irs t base, and th is Moose w as followed by another bad heave by McQulro on Oeo's roller. L laville set- E »l> , tU d a n d fa a w d Iho-BSH tw\» b a t te n , ^ and tooV K reagel’fl roller him self fo r nn ou t a t f i r r t base.

Throo solid single base blows la th e t ] fourth,- helped by aa error on p a rt o f ^ th o pitcher hlm ielf gave tbe Eloetrics th e tie lng conat in the second ha lf of k e I th e fourth, Blgaey, Dingle and ■Wallace defeat h itt in g in snccesalon, Diagle w as ijlp- on J« ped a t the third oa a snap throw by report lilnville a fte r Oee was eaught out by seek i tbo pitcher. <{n the f if th “ Boot^” Mil- ship, ler, cracked a single into left, b u t waa open i on t try ing to atrotch tb ^ blow another win.

l a i/ • ' « “ P

I BASEBALL I T l 'I . - I elosMl^ rbangi

PadfU-OQOctLeagM. the oiBan Pranclaeo, 7; Sacramento, 2. fSeattle , 3; Oakland, 2. therclV erson, 4 ; Portland, '3 . mlstolLoa .Angoles, 11; S alt Lake, 4 8 ho

■ w ith Americas l e a ^ e .

Boston, 3j Clflvelana, 2.Chicago, 8 ; W ashington, 2. he mi|PhU addphia, 3; D etroit, 2. PON ew Y ork, 7: S t. Louis, 3. beliot^

- - Dcoipi N ational League.

■ A ll games postponed; rd n . ' R E /

I D T I Rl l i n g a t t h e Lj v e l i n T i r e H

-----------------( - _____________________________

V 30x3^ - - $ 32x4 - - 3 4 x 4 H - -

(And Other S»2» In Propt

Itre repair men, who judi^p.valiiea beat, having the sturdiest carcsas made. ] grade con manufacturera t h ^ aa sta They ore tha quality choii^'of Mtd «»ew

Thia new low price ib made possible by i and speciolizM prpducdon.Plant Na 2 waa ercctcd for the sole i 30z3^incli Non-Skid fabric tirea. Witl of 16vOM tirefl and 20,000 tube^ thio plai pioductiQa 00 a quantity b&sv&'All materiftla uaed are tho best obtainat uniform. It ia the best fabric tire ever i owner at any price. ^


Tire and Service J tern Auto Compar

f Y N E W s : .T \T O ^ ^ ^ig. l i f t , s i i th waa aa unoT enifulpe- | | )d, then e im e the eveatfn l aeventh. IH

Tho S c tw l l

i.-D . a - A B .n ,n ;p o .A .E . .K loU ncr, c. ____ 3 0 1 0 0 0

lick, e b . _________ 2 0 0 0 0 0 .cOuiro,' 3 b . --------- 3 0 0 i 0 S IJCloffnor, s o . ____ 1 1 0 0 3 1 '

te tor, l b . ________3 0 1 4 0 0isted , r f . ________ 3 0 0 0 0 0,rcn, e f . ________ _ 8 0 1 1 0 0iker, If. ___ 1 _ 8 0 0 1 • 1 Javille, p. ______3 0 0 J a 0

T ota ir ________24 1 3 18* 5 1E L E C T M C S - A B .B .H .P 0 .A .E .slyn, If, — ____ S 0 0 . 1 0 0Uler, 3 b .- ________ 3 0 2 1 1 0rengel, sa. .....3 0 0 0 1 0Igner, c . _________3 1 1 1 0 1 1 ■ =Ingft, p . --------------3 0 1 1 1 0 ^allftM, l b . _______ 3 0 1 4 0 0 ■jwborry, 2b............. 3 1 1 2 0 0 ■^>•13, c f . _________ 8 0 1 0 0 -0 l lte, r f . ___________ S 0 0 8 0 0 ■

TotftU __________ £5 2 7 21 * 1 I*Nono ou t in aeveath when w ian lag A la was scored. ..Scoro by inn iags: .B . eoatD. S . ____________ 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 - i o a «

lectrl'S __ 0 0 0 1 0 0 1—2 j f j iSummary—Two-baae hita : F . E le ff - 10,0ir, Miller. Stolen .bases: P . K leffner. 10,0

K lof{ner.(2 ), Boren, BIgnoy. Double ceatays: E xeter to F . K leffner to U e- colpuiro; L iav ille to McGuire. S truck m oti t ; bv ijnvQ le , 0; by D ingle, 9. Bote low.1 balls: o f f L laville , 1; o ff D iagle, £. 7i t by p itched ball: by Dingle, Selck. beuns bnHpd In: B ie te r, W allace. P i n t JepiISO on errors: I. D. B., I ; E lectrica',4 . v> .Dft on bases: I . D. a , 4 ; Eleotrica, & u aIme of gam e:-l:10 . Umpire: “ P e p " for<,oldw ntfr. . 0ay,

7 W IL I0 H T LBA0T7B a ^Team— • -Woa L o s t’ e t . tho t

eglon ______________ 4 2 .C67 ableIks ----------- ____5 8 .625D . S t o r e ___________ 4 3 .571 wrci

anka __— 4 3 .871 pro\le c t r i c s _____________ 3 B ' .875 to 1[ o o s e ______________ 3 fl • .250 on .

. • part


WITH CHAMPION'"t--------- .

NEW YORK, m -N o tw ith a tk a d la g , Dfeat by J a c k Dcmpaoy ia Jersey City 1 Ju ly 2, Goorgea Carpentier, i t Is T ipo rto i in boxing c irelrs here, w ill f j 'P lek a re tu rn m atch for tho ‘champion* lip, be liev ing th a t by ’ adopting aa ^ pon stylo o f ba ttle he may be ab le to

l a o Vtatemcnt mode a t his training im p o f te r the Joraey City m atch Car- entler aaid bo would figh t a ay n a n la ,]0 world, ozeeptlng Dempsey, b a t h ii , , lo su t friends aow aay th a t he has banged hia mind. Georges disobeyed .« o rders o f hls advUers Sad fo tc td lie fight w ith the champloa, nnd lercln, it b claimed, he mM e his big ilstoko. ' mmShould Georges again be matched

1th Dempaey. a ad the boa t held la ew Y ork s ta te , where tiie boxing alw p rrm lt IS rounda to n declrlon. c m ight w in the ehamplonahip by out* ointing Dcmpeoy. C a r^ n tle r 's frieada eliovo tb a t ho is clever onongh to box 'CDspsoy laad s tay a w y fe r 15 rounds.


i E SLowesthlistory$24.50


r o p o r t i o n )

e a t, c la sa th e a o t i r e a a s . e . F o r ^ r s e v e n Eigb*'*' a a t a n d v d e q t i ip m e n t a e ta ,-••1 . ^

b y a tr ic te a t e c o n o m ic a

lie p u ip o a e o f m n ld o g W ith Q d a i ly c a p a c ity p la n t p e rm i ta r ^ e d

inab l& . T b e q u a l ^ ia irer o if e r e d to tb e c a r

! Stationiny - 'v/'

:.S; IDAHO. Sa t u r d a y ;. .

i i i l r RTB S [E fm > t; miTISTSSW-

fow-Law Penallting 10 Bound ®f Boats Win Be Effective

' . SS.”. — — pressi

J J J j r r n O X I N O bouts of too playe ro u n d s 'd u ra tio n w ith U f t

, deelslon fe q u lr^ o f tho ^ .i. , referee wUf be hllowe?

K p V l a Koliraaka. a fte r Ju ly n u B i when tbe boxing bill

lature goes Into effect.J i Six ounce ffloves m a r ..ilS

l i T b T S ] ^ U nder this new law the S j l oateat* may bo promoted by nny lie- , m d clMb and a feo o t |2!5 m ust bn t , i i (aid by th e d a b In a c ity of lesa than 0,000 population or ISO for citiea over 0,000. I n oddlUon o ta x o f 5 per u r e n t will be levied upon the gate re - ,j,u ',i , olpts. Each club may oaly hold lo to h t f 'ln one ploce, according to th j

hopoTho se t proWdes th a t thca} oontests a crl

10 held under the supervisloa of the whol [epa rtaen t- o f pablle welfare, ^ i c h uotJn as ohargo, o f the tlceasing of duba will n d referees. Beferees m ust qualify bo' o r o 'h o board and w ill be Ucenstd ou OH layment o f a ^ j ^ o f >10 ^ year. Slouj

W ithin throe hours before a match to n a . phyal.clan m nrt c ertify in w riting firat ha t th e portikl^anta ore physically ern : ble to U ke p a rt In the conteat. ana, J> iv a te promotion of boxing and rrcatliag m atches is dBcouraged b f o a»d < ifovlslon which statea tb a t a license 80 bi 0 bold 'm atches w ill-no t be issued to dub . n .Ind iv idual,'and oaly thoro tak ing a rt io the f igh t, w ith the referee and ttendaats, may receive compensation. „ Tho departm ent of pab lla w elfare is

ivcn full control over toe collection of « V ho a to te ’a shore of the receipts ond be enforcing rnles. ’ . —

Tho rlub holding wrestling ond box- ng matehcs m ust make Ita report with* n 72 bou n a fte r tho boote to th'o lepaitraent, Intlnding la i t s r t p ^ th e lumber of tlekeU told and to ta l re- d p ts nnd muat also pay over a f tb a t Imo tho 5 por cont tax on grosa ro- olpta.rrho penalty fo r violatloa o f th is

ost rule is placed a t a floe of'llOOO md revocotloa of tbe club’s license, i^r-v lo latlon o f any of the o ther pro- 'Islona a maximum penaKy of 1100 or mpriaonment fo r IK) doyr la provided n the law.

O lassififd advertising u tke eheap- flt th ing you can bay—measured, by he profits i t m ay bring you. m u

S, I


New PEconomyDependabjUComfortServiceDesignEndm*ance

■'^he Produ• More than 500,(

tion in daily'use, prc requirement of econ

W.E.P313-315 Main Ave. West

: ;.JUi,Y i6,1921 : .


la b s U a n a g e r T h in k s H e a d o f B a s o b a l l B e n d e r e d J e s t a n d l o n

P r o p e r D e o i s to n living\ aro fo

J o h o n y Evors, m anager o f the Chi- Igo Cubr, th inks t i e rccent deelslon : Judge L andis th a t Heine Groh must 600 in lay w ith C incinnati or not a t a ll. Is isolatlt le o f the g rca te r t ever made In base- jJiorag' all. A l th e aamo tim e, E vers ex- * ressoa th e belief th a t soveror' ball layers I n ' tho m ajor leagues are nut ning tholr best, beeauso they w an t to ’ D trndod to a team w ith o cl*ace to ‘“ “T 'o In the pennant, and cites th ir as pro- ably (‘no re a so n 'fo r tha heavy Mt- mg. .Tho l-oll players should do tb e lr best

t all times, and -not think only of get- P**"* Ing w ith a pennant w inning d u b ," ?®“"> aid -B w m . “ Judge LandU * » - th e iroh decUlon has shown them th a t bo •HI no l «6and for any foolIahnBss, and ^

th ink you w ill find o b ig improve- lent in the w ork of levbrol men as a ? csuifi ot th o t decision. ' ,.‘. 'I tl’Ink ono-of the reasons so mncb J".®!'' I tling Is be ing done a g a in s t p l t c b ^ rho oro supposed to be good Is because J? overol o f tlicnv t n lay ing down la th e ™ opo of being t r o d e l ' Now, th a t 's nol crltijlam o f pitchers o r plnycrt a s a

rhole. I t Jtist refers to a few o f the ****” • odM irable elem ent,' b o t I t i l n k th e r c m s s rill pi'rk up a b it a o f ^ " ' h b h i

O B W A q a E . K nepper, o f f tloux Cl(y, Iow a eiiamplon and iVince- »n student, reochlog tho finals <or the I ra t't im e , today contested th e west- rn am ateur go lf tit le w ith (A iek palna, f ive t^m es’w laner of th s honor, m e frico national am otour go lf prem ier woi nd once notional open champion, over 0 J idM a t tho W eatmoreland Oouiitry

fCc i l l n n r t ' ^ f w ?■) ®I f your property Is desirable, a s d is

dvertlied la th e claaslflsd - you 'll ind yonr buyer.

^ v r o

■ I ' ,



jOity Const] Appea Conv€ Mater

e Resouaction of Exp),000 Chevrolet cars gi irove that the Chetrol* momical transportatio

[MMOK= D E A L E R S = = =

-Phpne-707 ' '»


3limai7 Sliida living A itav.. ' l£ a im e ro f l8to a » A g « iz iS o o tli : .

. S eaQ roap

ONDON, (/I> -P eep le .w bo m stm Dg in tho n a a a e r of tho fitone' Ago ' found on Bcnnell. I s la n d 'la tE« .

imon Group, M olaaesls, accerdlog to N ortheoto D eck ,.a missionary, r . 'D ock says there are only about inbab ltaats , and becaoao. o f the’r - ’

i t lo n ,, tiirough lack of sh ip ’s an- ■ago,- evea tho ir diplect haa a e ra r ,1 stud ied . , . 'be DBtives on ly had Implemeats and

ras o f stone and wood when ' Dr. f irs t visited the island. U ley ved g rea t eageraets to b a rte r home, le ortlcles fo r any th ing m ade of

^ e . m e n aro g rea t flgb tera aad atlors. T heir throw ing spears have Its mode o f human leg a ad a r u ea, and tipped w ith a boae ap liater Igncd to b reak o ff la the w o u ad ," .1 Dr. Beck.'They seemed to f e d keealy tbe lotony of tb e lr Isolatloa aad showed e ttlcd melancholy, botb la the ir es s a d tho cadeace of th e ir voices.>lr only so r t p f muaVc, to w tdch th e y , xe,:consUrtf-iB the tuneless beatlag a lo g ."■hA tcoth - o f f lying foxes w tlc h irm in th e oiaves oa tbe is laad seem bo the oaly form of curreney known re.

C . E G A M 0 , ( 1 0 .W e spedalise la automobile re­

pair work. G uarantee f a ir treat* m e n t-an d the blgfaest 'e laaa of workmanship.

We so lld t a share of y w but- Iness. V

Special F ord,M eehailw188 2nd Ara. S ’.- T H O H B 0 6 6 - ’ «

^ E E N T o n BEEA B ia . OAB

■rlth b ig tire s on i t s ta ad isg a t - ;:ho curb , you m ay wonder how the owner caa a ffo rd to keep np juch costly Ureft T uJrtm iilag at th is shop Is the s e c re t Some' lire users bave us rulesjiU e their tire s and tubes a ian y tim es over.

GEM STATE VULC. CO.188 Saeond Ava. W.



3 4 5 .0 0


tructionaranceeniencerialircesperience” >giving satisfae- , ilet meets every ' ion. ■ '

ORCO.Tmn FaUs, Idaho . ■

Page 4: 10, 1S21 ' i i SILER t mmm.I Summoned to Plan “IH IS, m IS … · 2014-12-12 · * iotorprctAbon," ho wid, "may oaaily coTooii

. . . . . . . . . . '

l i i ' s i iS B i B E D

N atio n a l C o m m a n d e r , E m ery S a y s V e te ra n s ’ A djudged C o m p e n sa tio n P ro g ra m ' S till S ta n d s a n d w ill b e P re s s e d

OinOAQO ( f l ^ T b o /ig h t e f tho Am- e rlc in Icjfion for the Boldlera' bonus triU be cantlnnod v i th lencw cd vigor, dedaro 'l M ajor John - 0 . fEmerjr of G rsad Raplda, U k h ., natloD ol' wm*Biftodiif ot th a Lfffion, ia commenting on the “ side-track ing" ot tho bones bltl in th e senate hero la s t n ight,

“ I f th o w ar had 'eon tinoed -for an- othCT.'IO da jra ," ho nsierted, “ i t woold

H iave so r t tho govom nen t as mneh as th e proposed ^ w t o d esmponsalion

.p ro g ram ,” ' ■ ■ ■UajOT Emexx h a t been hero a ttend '

Isg tbe eonveition o f tlie N ational As­sociation of Beal E ita to Boards.

MTho A m erieaa Legion’s progratn •tin e ta o i i ,” ho said. “ We will Im inodjatoly s ta r t tho f ig h t fo r th e bonus ay over ag a in .in tho bouse.

“ We conrider President lla rd in g all w w ng in hifl a ttito d e . Why, the son- nto linanee eom m its report ds* olarfld u u tn iV tho ohiims th a t tbo Bweet

■ U ll'-anJ th e ndjnsted compensation pro- -------gram w ould bankrupt tho tro asu rj'. '’ - UBS.


W ASHINQTON, D. C., ( / R - A blufr to r.M npeneihd ConRresilonal.Becord appeared daugbt(todny w ith its a w o u n t.o f tho personal othar#. doah yesterday In tho senato ovor re-committnl o f the soldiers’ bonus bill 'beavllv ceniored. Cpmporativo peace Theand calm In the Beeord as well as thu granddicap ita l a tm osphere ,ncceoded th e storm degreewhieb rtigod w ith in 'n a d w llhout tho vlto, m:diam bor. ' • VUtorl(

S t a g e d from o f f id a l h istory wore e h a rn dB o s t of the tempestuous exchanges b<)- All atw een Senators U eCumber, ropoblitan, le lli, wN orth D akota, and ' Boed, democrat, Mrs. KjU issou ri.' 'The Beeord was s ilen t on on tr iaU r . M eCam bcr’s invitation to te ttio U rs.d ifferences “ ontslde.” Also lost to Cuyaho,h isto ry w ere. S e iu to r B te d ’s rem arks f irs t dc»bont “ black guards,” i t bolag andei* W illistood th a t tb e stenographer’s ringside counsel,report' had boen bine p«ndled«by th e the vorp i ^ p a l s them aelvet in tbe In terort made 1■of senato decomm. . C. Stan

B IO ID BUS3fOB> '!«

(Oontlnned f n i i Fag* O se) To■ th e conferenee botw oon' Eomonn 'd « .

V alat*>-and P r im e . U io is te r U oyd W U C Oeorgo l a London, t i o IrU h-B a jlo tln today doe luod:

“ I f a peaceful settlem ent should’ bo U aiket denied .the I r ish people . .w ill: resume • a rm e d : n sis tan e o to fo reign domina* t i o i • H ioy possess tho will, and by en- q h k

i^ an ran c o .ith o p o w o rto 'b rfn g th d r figh t . . eventually lo suedess,” .

^ B eferring to ' t h e obw rvanco of the w beati tm ee n n a n g ed betw een tho I rish re- soon d<

:pnbtlcana and th e crow n fotees, tho a t | I . 3i B ulletin said i t proved “ thoro J s in , , , th e naU on th a t.d ls d p l in e and obedl- cnee to au tho rity whleh is tho essence ‘o i-a" c f succcssfnl se lf government, Tho s ^ ^ , Tho i p rise oxprcssod by E nglish now spap«S traders th a t tho truco wn« kep t nriscs 'from . , tho inab ility to understand th o w all- tlo s o f th e s ituation which tho British cnee w! prose coniistezitly bns d isp layed .'’ soiling

— — ' in g prlS IN N I X I N MENISTBB OP thn t tl

FBOPAQANDA I S UTTTiJlAnTIT) woro oi■ D O BLIN , Fitzgerald , in

Sinn Foin m inister o f propaganda, was toleosea f ro m ,tb e Currngh internm entcamp In st n igh t, whoro bo had beenconfincd' fo r more than throe months The ’without, a eharge being preferred fw o ofogainst Wm. 'tn® ' “ i

H trg e ra ld was told b is release was by was neitho desUo of tho Blnn Fein lead en a^il “ tth a t he w as to go to Loudoui Ho le ft W JO 8fo r t h i t c ity th is morning. 3 4 'to


, Be l f a s t ; Ire land , V P ) -^ lr Jam es Craig, U lster prem ier, in a mossago to A w ar memorial m eeting in Castle Daw- eon, County lA ndonderry, today declar­ed th a t the British e tnp lr^ fo r wbleh th e soldiers in whoso honor tho meet­in g wa.*' held, mado th e suprem e sacri­f ice , wonld never be weakened by any ac tion of bis.

“ You may a ll rest assured ,” sold f llr Jam es, “ th a t I w ill eeo to I t , th a t th e ompire in whose cause they so aobly

. lo ld 'd o w a th e ir U res is n o t rroakened ^ 'b y 'day ncUoa of mine. They trusted . ^ us to ^ v e no th ing aw ay and the ir tru s t

.w ill never bo betrayed-’-' ^. J . B . E tcblngliam , Blnn F e in member ■

o f th e B ritish hooio o f commons for tho e ^ division of W ieUow, adoiowlodg* ' ' ^ todoy th o eongratulatlons of tho W iw o rd cotinty coancll on h is return to th a tco n n tzy , said none of thoso witli whom bu w as associated liked secret ne- goU ations, b u t th a t thoy consid­ered A necessary prelim inary. > '

U e declared he w ou ld .say notU ng regard ing th e outlook except th a t the -ifluntiv v (u never in a 's tro n g er posi­tion th a n -to d ay and w hatever t&e Im- a e d la to .r e su lt m ight bo, tho completu freedom o f Ire land was coming.

eelllng the Goods.C om m crdal T ra v d c r—“My loro f o i _____

yoo. my d e a r L o u isa ,, cxcccda nny* - thing thn t cou l>u otTcrcd In th a t t)a^ j C tlcu lor lino l" - rS trU . Stockholm. .,

GfHESTfR TO; ij, J^ r ^ a U B V O f f l C O K T S E H M i m


. ■ “ w m n <'— jis T v - C ( * « <

h s « m » "

/ B i i .a M £ R f e e . :

. U M T B o U N O a t 'iH ftM C AW >(H I U . m S A m , , , HAI

(H IIrtlA J AW

(H ctt O f H i t • ' r r - ~ W n * . <■ j ? .f f i i t u r J ^

I ^

' (N o a o n a f o n s ’ l -

U J IE V IM fr n A P A IB o c CA

AS-TrtCU-KJ.WS.X A ;. M M J . s c K A f m w w A t S n (

t s m c wAirmr /v

U B a IS itHLD QUILT7. Cornand ma:

(Oondnned from page one) Jir, Mrs. K nbor; Miss M arian lIcA rdle ,augbter of Mrs- E alier; herself and >ras\sotbers. Around

O thers ikpralt T t i i l' o p tio n ;

Tho grandmother, daughter andranddaogbter' woro Indicted lo r f ir s t josslonegreo murder, a lw M rs. E nn in in Cola* Bito, mldwlfo-niUM>.6 alvatoro Oata and eember'Ittorlo Plsneil^ thd la tte r, tw o being o a tsliarged w itb tbe ac tual murder. g t^ rt wAll aro w aiting tr ia l-execp ting P is- Seplem

slli, who has n o t been approhendod.[ra K abor w as the f ir s t to bo placed tinned :a t r ia l u c j t g.Mrs. K aber Js the f i r s t woman in highest

uyahoga county to be convicted of ^irst degree murdtjr. ; ehaoM W illiam J . Corrigan. Mrs. K aber’s

junsel, said be w as well sa tisfied with10 verdict. Tho samo expression w as n n i flado by County Prosecutor Edw ard | i . 2D ti. S tanton, ' , to L31

T CornI < ■«' ■ ' ( . yellow

T o d i y a M ^ r k o i s ,S ;l ! ,— ■ - . 1.1. ‘ •• J Bye

IVHEAT ENCOUNTERS,t)ALWl--------- ■ L ard

la rk e t OloMfl Close to Low P o in t a f te r xlUbs O t i u i s B arty T n d ln g ,

OmOAOO, (ff) - O pcntog.M abo'nl ™ estorday's dosing ' figures, to d a y 's • rheat m arke t w as easy a t tho s ta r t b u t . oon developed nctiv lty . Ju ly s ta rted w ith 111 11.30 j-3 to U l , September a t $1.82 Cash 4 to 1.33 and December a t ♦1.80 1-4'0 1.37, , Corn

Tbo sproads proved a ttrac tive to local O ats raders and thoro w as buying of Jo ly Barli nd selling of September a t 2e differ- neo w ith buying of September n sd the ' oiling o f Doeembor. ITndor th is deal-, ig prlce flnetuatlons-becam o 'so-m pld -- -Oin< lint tho officia l figures frequently M l tnl rero ou t of lino w ith .the prices being 'E g P •U in tho p it.M arket new s Inclosed cooler w i t h e r

ver tho 'g ra in b e l t ’and fu rth e r re p o rts p(vj> t b ligh t and 'b lack m s t In M anitoba .' ^

Tho w eaken tendency persisted In th o jj- ace of support on declines and tow ard ho cod tho- support leased, tbo dose , ' fas near Uio low point, Jn ly wound up - t <1.S0 1-2 to 1.29 3-4; Beptcmber a t O M /1.30 8-4 to 1.31 and Deecanbor a t 91.84 ll,000 ; 4 'to 1 .S5., . higher;



It’s Pur • Cream

S a fe T n m foriNFi

' l l o O r i ® \ Ho


's \M X 5 m - w e ? ^ x W m /M / / / / / / / / / / / '/ /^

3« o < i i v r » « /A

H f tM o y - M e u - s T K n y .9 K m o o o < - e - ^

" i

I j f e : I I ICAKS

( 7 0 f » £ P ____ ■■ .;o rn w as fa ir ly stroog a t tho s ta r t bulk1 m ain ta ined th is position thronghout Cai1 f i r s t hour. O ponlngpriees wero v ir- ,vjckilly unchnnged from yesterday’s dose .,teeri■ix J u ly 03 U c , September 02 to 02 to 21' and Doeembor 01 to 01 l - 8e. Thero g(o(](s \som o sd lin g on resting orders a t bigbc lund OSe fo r Uoptembcr bu t commis-' an houso buying offso t th is .a a d 'th e gbi:Ion advanced to 04 l-4c, , , ^cek^orn'elim ltfd"steadily th ro ta h o u t tbo jSc 1sion and d osed strong w ith Ju ly 05 / j j j jc ; Beptcmber 04 to 04 l-6e and Do- - nber 02 1-2 to 02 6-8e;3ats shared co rn ’s strength. Tho Cilr t w as even w ith yesterday 's finals, compjlem ber being 41 l-2c to 5-8e, 25c I.’rovisions were higher on (ho eon- bestued bulge in hog prices a t tbo yards, otherI t grades of hogs today 'wore tho cann<;hest In moro than throo months, hightrk and la i^ wore up 15 to 25e on or stLsgo and jr ib s s ta rted £ l - 2o higher, dull.

■ ■ h iS "jn iC A G O , m -'V fb e a t No. 2 rod ly co 20 to 1.30 1-4; No. 2 ha rd | U 0 8-4 te r c L31 8-4, sows:orn N o. 2 mixed 02 to 04e; No. 2 low 63 3-4 to M 1-Se. 8 h}at« N o. 2 w hite 40 to 40 8-4e; No. to 'p i vhito 37 1-Se, ngo:Bye aom lnal. tlveirim otby seed M.60 to 0.Olover •eed’ »18 to 19,Pork A om inal,'U rd 912 to ISjOS. lUbs 410.7S to lU O .'

V lm nnifana H o n and OnOn

M IN NEA PO LIS, M inn., (ff)—Flour ,8D to 9I0.S5.Bran <14 to 16.W heat roeelpts 147 cars, compared th 180 e ars a year ago.Cash No. 1 N orthern «L54 to 1.00; ly «1.42; September 91.88 '7-8; Do- mber «1.37 8-6.Corn No. 3-yollow 54 to S5c,O ats No. 8 w hito 37 to 87 l-2e.B arley CD to 03c.Byo N e. 2 91.27 to 1.29.',F lax N o. 1 91-03 to 1-04.

Obicago Prodooe

O inO A G O ,.(iip>-Buttor rocfllp ts .lf,-,I tube. , A.'Eggs, receip ts 10,000 cases. <Poultry a llvo unchanged, - - •

PortlABd Livestock POBTLAND, Oro.,' (/FJ—C attle neml- Uy steady; roeelpts 5^5. ' ' Q ogs'and shoop nominally s teady; no lelpts.

Omaha Llvostpck 'OMAHA, Nob., OF) — H og r« o ip ts ,000; b e tte r nad^es strong to lOe {her; o the rs .S ow , mostly IOe lower;-



ire y - m


y f f i d ^ H o f l i c k ’ sWjBlMy The Original

Avoid Imltilions

.'■** Slid Sabitlhites. Mtlk.UAltrdOrtlnEttrictlaPewilcr :ooki0 r ^ 0Urithinr-D {<.sU ble ■ ■

m /M ^ •



,lk o t » ! c i «1.7t to 10 ; top tlO iO . 2Hi-lo Cattio rocolptB none. Com plied Trith Bok ngo: B eef 'steers uneven; good eers 25 to SOc higher; o thers strong ^ E '

25e higher; top steers 9D.15; sbo- itockock SS to 75o h igher; bulls 60 to 7Se e st vo gber; veals COo to 9L60 h igher; atoekt week-I and feeders steady to strong. . ular<-lSheep 'recdp ts none. Compared w ith steelscek ago: L w b s and yoaillnga 16 to actionIc lower; sheep itro n g ' to 25o higher; to 2 pcding lambs 00 to 76« higher. . pccfei

Chicago Prodoc# “

CHICAOO, ( ff ) -C a tt lo rocoipU-liOO; cov^riimpnted w ith week ogo: B eef steers jater,Ic higher; yearlings 8S to SOe higher; appro: ‘St fa t sho'stock steady to 2Se higher;her grades steady to unevenly low er; a t j i jinners mostly 25c higher; b u lls ' BOc Tho agher; veal calves 80 to 75c np; stock- o f thi ' steers steady to 25c higher; feoderli QqW |jll. ed.w JHog reeeipts 6/)00; active, 15 to 25e showegber than yesterday 's average; fair- downigood cloaraneo; top 910.60; bn lk bet- sqqo

r grades 910 to 910,60; bu lk packing ties, i iws 98.85 lo lh25; pigs 10 to 25e high* ternal

• clinea Sheep lo c d p ts 4/JOO; practically all I'packers d iree t; compared w ith wook p : fa t lambs 76e to n low er; cnll na- N E ves about steady; yearlings aroand dosed csgsasM B V ■■-■■iW-Ttr“T!«Te a a s 8 s s t ^ a s s


] t bas be^n our policy U

118 good Bkilled^machinists

cur reputation for satisfa

* . The picture above is a

nincliine for tho grinding <

i t means more to us, for i

< done liefore and it takes I

volume of Cylinder Grind]

. ''We 'havciecured the ok

- cnst piston and carry a lat


I aWrencel i s THIED .WE8T—

JULY16.ia21; " ’ ', / . " 1------- ■■— I b id; 00I « « « • > • * < S « V M M l;a ' ‘TMXtM* tQ , , .. - I**'*1

* d ^

® ^ j t t y J

' B nttori- - ■“ ' Baneh

_• •• • .......

' ' ' ' ' ‘ Pun


J veal C(

a ? *

. . Fun


__________ :■ .. * ------ Flour, 1

V-lower; sheep strong to 25c higher; g ! ! ^ ' !edor lambs 25e highor, . potatoo

New Yoric Stock U o ik e t - CreamNEW YOBK, yp)—DeaUngs oo the Briek (ock oxchango t o ^ were a t the low* Beans .t volume of tho year oven fo r a short Lettuceoek-end sessloa-' Tho tono wns incg - Breed .o rah rougbou t, oils, equipm ents a^d B a tte reels showing fu rther heav iness Be- B u ttertions in thoBO inuos ranged from 1 Eggs (:2 points, A tlantlo Qulf, eommon and O blekn

sferrcd , S tandard OU of Now Jer- Bacon y and somo of tbo railw ay coalers Bacon, owing occasional pressure. Short Ham ''^. voring relieved the tension in p a rt Ham, i ter. The ^closing was steady, ^ l e s Po rk d mroximated 105,000 shares. Mutton Trading was alm ost a t a standstill Pork rc the opening of tod a y ’s stock markot. Pork ss

10 a ttendano of members on tho floor Steak the oxdiange w as unusually small. 80e; eh

ily the more popular issue's wero quot* Sn'af. :.w hbln tbe f i r s t h a lf 'h o u r and those ^ owed sligh t changes, though mainly iwnward. ’ B teeK equipments nndmo of ^10 foreign oils, also spedal- t t j

such a s Famous P layers and In- rnationhl Paper' made, fractional de- Inei- ,

L ibe rty Bonds NEW YOBK, UPi - L iberty bonds osed: 8 1-2 's 9§0.4C; f irs t 4’s 987.14 L ;____

r I S T H E C H E /

y to always use the best machinery in

ists as wc can secure, for i t is in this

sfactory work hos heen established,.

i a HEALD Cylinder Grinder. Th(

ig of cylinders in your car is $3,000,0

»r i t doea the work better than- i t con

>8 but little tim o.''A 8 a result we cai

ndingi nnd a t a price thnt will save 3

oxcluBive agency for the Atlas Spiral

l a r g e s to c k of p if i to n a , r im g s nnd 71111

ion Given to Out of'Town i


8KondL .<'*’'W iB 5 j- 'f lw t i14; eeeond;.4 14»s MQ.08; third 4 A . 199L1S; fouWh 4 U»» 957J 0: Vie- V 3 W V |M ,a iIi;V Ie to r7 - i M 's . f -

. Potatoes • — - 1nCAGO, (ff)-Polato. reetipti 80 t market eteady; Tirginia’e 95 to . b«m l: Korth OMoUa* WUU Boie, ed 94.70 c w t . .

E iusa« Olty Hay.ANSAfl CITY, m —H ay nnehang*0 91 low er; choiCe a lfa lfa n o to No. 1 p rairie 9 H to 12; N o.' 1 tim,

912.60 ^1 18; N o. 1 d o v e r 912 to

TWIK P A U fi HABHBT8' J:..:..< 3xtio ................

n ished by T w ia F a lls F lour Millslat No. 1, e w t ---------- 1— - 9I.W .

Proflttce * ' •« r fa t ..„ ____ :--------------------- 80ad l bn tto r ------------- ---------- — Wo

------------------- ^ 3 0 e .LiTestoa .V

'uralshed by la&epeiinni U « t Market

ittle—Cows 4 ^ 4 l* 2e ; steers 6e;• C@7o. , .9g » -P r im e 7@7 l*2e . veep—M utton 4«; lambs Oe. ‘ lultry—H ens 15e; fry e rs 25e. ‘ ;

H ay .'nm lshed by Tw ia F a lls County

Finn B u re au ' . \ .Aidard o r b e tte r hay , lo stadc, f irst ng , 97,60; some, poorer, a s lowl! b n l.a . «12.00. . | p ( .

H O nSB W IPB ’B OUIDB (BetaU Prices)

r, 08-lb. s a c k ________ |3 ,[email protected], beets, 100 lb s ,______9B-OO08.1Oir, cane, 100 l b s . — No quotationtoes, now, Ib .i'-^ .i-------------- 6®fle • .m Cheese — __________ '20ek Cheese ______ '_____80eI, _____________ ' ..... 6s ■nee, leaf, lb__________________W« -d _______________________ ____ 10se r (cream ery) 48eer (ranch) ------------------------ —• 80o.^ (ranch), d o t ------- -------- ;— . 8^

in, slleed .... .................. ................^

1,*a liee d ............. ...... 40e

Ion ^ o p s ----------- -------- ..- ^gflfflSOe

; 2®* B ok-^ irlo la 8«e; T-Wme 86e ; round dinek £0e,

Ief—P o t roast 20e ; a e d t 17 l-2e :> 12-l-2o; b risk e t lOe,


OHA& B. BOWOLZnra k 00.Phone S15-W i

128 Shoshone.Bt West '. ^Frendi S r? Oleaalai


If ;K

l A P E S T

H ^ E .

in our shop and*

lis m anner th a t- -

L. . . . , .

‘ho cost of this

).00tou6„ But I

ould havo been

:an do a b i^eji^

B you money.

■al light weight — __ ......■

1 Orders' ' i

m '

— PHONE 73

Page 5: 10, 1S21 ' i i SILER t mmm.I Summoned to Plan “IH IS, m IS … · 2014-12-12 · * iotorprctAbon," ho wid, "may oaaily coTooii

P yilE ST iSI D T p E iS

FreeioldorB A s W d k Say How EJnoatora WUl E i i j t UntU

Cash i# Available ■

I n view of tho fa c t t U t Buhl »ciiool• d iit r le t''p fb p c r ty OTrtow bavO',Totoa

.dq ira a p ropoiltlon to kffOliH n o ro than |>44,000 lo Jcliool w arrant#, iwued by th« p ast adminlB tration to «ovcr,«al- oiloa and o ther incurred e sp o u c s . of tho distric t, and, ia eonscqoeaeo of this

. action c f the vo ters tboro loomt a pos- lib i iity of monoy shortago for operation

iW Buhl schools tho coming year, tho school board bos asked teachers, who a ay want positiona in tho w est cad c ity edoeational ingtitliUons, i f thoy,wiU ae* ' copt rcdacod salaries.

On th is po in t tbi^. Buhl H erald oa tb ls wook bas tbo folloirlnf' a rticle, at* / tr ibu led to a "co iam itteo * of loeal te a c h e rs" wbo bavo osked.tho voters to { answer ft num ber of salient questions bavinff relntion to conditions of employ* ‘

( m ent and living in Buhl: . I“ Tbo scliool board has asked tho I

tcachers who are in Buhl a t tho proseat l • timo, if they w ill accept positions a t i Ibo Mduccd Mlju7 'w ith tho understand­in g th a t no w arran ts c an bo cashed un­til money is deiived. from tho • ta ie s which will bo rcc e^ cd in 'Jan u ary , 1022.

' ‘This is ft question th a t eannot bo answered w ithon t-go tting - som o-m ore inforainlion. W ill tho peoplo o f this

• d is tric t flnsnco tho teaehors by extend- in c credit to’ them unU l Ja n u ary , 1022!

'' I n order to lielp tbo d is trie t in its present dlfficulty,*wo, s« a o of tb e lo* j cal teachers, wonld bo w ilU neeept * tho proposed severe cu t in sd laiy ond w ait u n til Ja n u ary , 1022, to^eash the new w arrants, provided sufficU pt, cred­i t c oald-t^ 'oz tcnded untU tb n t da te or whenever tbere will be funds in the treasury. V ery fow toachors coa do *' w ithout salary from tho -m iddle of ^ A pril, 1021, untU Ja n u ary , 1022. *

“ Before d e d d ln j w hether we • ean - accept positions in tbe Buhl schools w e ^ m ust bavo an n re ra a t once to the fol- . lowing questions: *“

“ W bat doalora w ill w ait fo r the pay- ?' m ent o f bills fo r coal, groceries, clotb- , ine , shoes, e tc.! ' ' ' '

" W il l the c ity 2et rca/dent Uachort have w ater w ithout paying ren t wben f due!

“ W m tho Idaho Pow er Co. shu t o f f “ tho current i f wo can ’t pay l

" H o w m any poopio who have loom# J ' to ren t will w ait fo r tholr p a y t “

"H o w many people who servo meals to teachers w ill w ait fo r th e ir m oneyl r)

"T eacher# are compelled by law to K o ttond ■ Institn to . J t . Tw in J f all# . in .No- «

■ v e ab e r, who will volunteer to pay for “ tho lr be a rd .an d room whilo ia a ttend- o' ADCef ^

" C a n anyone give d e fin i te . oatur- anco th a t the w arran ts w ill'bo paid in wi January , 1022, o r w ill bo funds " t ie d ' ol

■ up*' by th o w ilr ts f fe'• • “ Wo a sk these questions in a ll sin- la: cerity . I f you can answ er nny of them as p?e«9 bare your answ er pDbUshod In mi tho next issue of th is paper.

" —Committee of Loeal Teachers.*’ to , t i '

. INITiCBNSIfiiENI "■ , . B F lN f iF I S in ? -

•______ ior

Now Aaaoclatiop E eooivcd 16," OO’tf'^Bass FingorllDgs for

- Salmon Reservoir'__________ _ la

Conjiijned to t^io Seulhcrn Idaho F ish nnd .Qomo niisociatien 10 cans of b a ts finfterlinps were TQeoived bero to tOj day fo r planting in the Salmon dam by reservoir. . R i

The consignment, which, total* op- tri proiim ale ly 15,000 young fish, conati- iri iites the f ira t sbiptncnt received a isce n], tbo orgnnizfltlon 6f the now association (q) nnd is said to be tho forerunner o f a number of sim ilar shipm ents to como .. hero fo r p lan ting in neorby stream s and T\>itcr bedicf. , I t is 'ex p e c ted th a t in tho coming week aben t 00,000 tro u t fry - will be received for p lan ting in tho up* 'V] por ead of Roek Creek. This consign- ita m ent baa been promised by tho stoto t,Q,

. fisb and gamo w arden, O tto M . Jones, hb The baas flngorllngs aro to bo taken ny,

b y members o f tbo Sportsmen*# elub to ' the Salmon dam fo r inserticvi In tbo r w aters la c k of th a t sln tctnro . ^ 1


O C P H E U II-2 vaudoviUo acts ; gonn- ino Pueblo Flood Pietnros o f the Col­orado Flood; alao a melodrama "O no Low ior A l l" ; and a 2 p a r t eomeSy.

ID A iO —A M aurice Tonm etir prodoe- tlon w ith Hopo na m p to n ; also Patho

I Nows- and comedy.

O E M -“ K a m " , spceial*6 p a ^ produe* tlon; Topics o f th e B ay and & roen Magazine.

T E E N X TA TO RIU il is K sorved for tho use of tlio Iviw anis club a fte r 0

. o ’clock M onday n ight.

No^^'s tho chance to get roal clean* ing T ilacs fo r SO eaats. I'booc 2I0W.

• —adv.

£a t i l useless to you may bo val- to o th e rs '— advertire i t i n ,the

fled. .

W A N T E D ! ” .Fords In any condition. Cash w aiting fo r d l models.' I

CENTflAL GA RA GE. .■31B Shotllioiu) W . - B io a g 41i2 |


: Most Shapely Form of i : Bowof


hooiDtodaoro I nied

I of f fX k iL c f W t *

t w m m lm mwho w •-«: Jeity

i iook 'npon tlils lady, whoso ’ elassio p: ^t* fea tures oro to ornam ent the bow of tl

>0“ tho new ahip Cafo o f Venice. Hor name bi is Jacqueline F a n it, and sho won the

loy* . '

l i i N f l r .

i i l l f f l i S ii t s ______ ur

L a r g e - P a t o l t e a ; o f t h e H o x io n s m d G r o w th D if lo b v e r e d i n E lm * , ta

' b e r j y D lB t r io t ' J '

o f ~ ROA new noxious weed pest menaces jj.

Jg some lection# o f tho Tw in Palls district r .according to County Commiaaioncr W. J q

" F . Brockoa ttnd •H ealth Officer . j j j Jackson .. The pest, whieh 1# a ^-nriety " . o f wild morning glory, ba# sprung up in (ai > menaeing quantity on many farms here- |,c

abonts, and is sa id to be well diatrlbut- ed along roadsides. D rastic action if im

^ being organized fo r tho extermination ju, of tho weed, Mr. Breckpn says. lal

Sample# of tho wild morning g loty Ui ,en wore bronght to tho offico of tho conn- eni

ty commissioners by Mr. Jackson this morning, and i t Is by this bc*iti3, joint- ' ly ^ t b tho farm bureau and Mr. Jack- me aon, th a t a program of w arfare ia bo- Cli log worked ont. da

ll# T io V eed apparently has taken a pt< v t firm grip on tom e of tho farm s In tho RT' to Kimberly d is tric t and, though tho iM Io- f ig h t w ill bo w aged a ll over the corftity, Mi (or aa' extensive dunpoign will be eonled Li' i j . oa in tbe K im berly section lookbg to- of,

w ard u te rm ln a t io a of the peat. • sul it- “ 1 fonnd pa tch a fte r patch of thi# in weed in tho K im berly district, some “ ®- ed ' o f -the patches comprising 2500 sqoaro

feot, wolle o thers covered acres of .In- la n d ," ’ said Mr. Jackson thi# morning, ' im as he explained tho nature of the weed P>‘ lu menace. Mr, Jackeon say# the morning t r j

glory i# one of tbo n o i t d iffeu lt weeds to combat known >bcicabouta, i ts na- H

. tivo h a b it being to entwine its ten- a t drils about any stand ing plant, lifo of hoi whieh Is u ltim ately choked out. Thi

Tlio weed boars ft sp a ll cup-shaped

E blossom, o f piakish-whito color. I ts loaves ore small and run to n sharp ™ point. Tho vinos themselves are very f .” long, and ono p lan t sometioies measar- ° v

- Ing 15 to 20 fee t, . j j - '

Placlno of Furniture.To mnko your frieada a t tholr ease

lo yonr home you must Ortt make them com fortable Many Oflrs(nj ar»

) f em barrassed nnd pu t nt (v dltndvan ave 0 tngo. tlirougb no fau lt o f th ti r own, the m by c a r c lm arruuKeuieDt of furniture, mcc

Itugs and foolatDuls so plnred iis to in ( p- tr ip tho tiinviiry moke niuny im i'»- aer^ i- trnncu su nwku-nrJ sk k> spull 'till mal •® pleasuro from 'iho siiiri. A frufil'-'

tab le holilliig u costly O ilnw e lltniy ^ a tid placed loo rlode to n luuiii:« In .

a «"■ ■ ' t .°n • ~ holdy .W onderfu l TranslOfmatlen. jy '^Figures from Maine show tba t ca;^ cr tI* I ta l of $8,000,000 is lnvG8tC(l In tha ougl0 bu a ln eu of transform ing the raw. h c^ wo#I- ring tDlo th e baked u r d J s a —G ^ o o cd in delli0 . . - ■ * " ■ . led

L ad les ' and m en’s suits, « n d ladies' choi p la ln 'w ool coats and drerses cleaned,TOc. Idaho CTeaners and D yers.-^idv. B

;| U N T IL F l• The response to bur

that we have decided

SUITS( This offer incli

weight overco!

' , PH0.NII-2II

Idaho Cle1 . c . :

1 2 6 S b o s t a S lrec{ W est

ULY N E W S ; . T W I ^ i F A I

>f Girl to be Erected on of Ship , ■ V

lc ptiM offetod t y O apu ln Covington for )f the m o lt shapeiT ^ 1 , 'whose form eould 10 be ImmortaUMd In wood.le '

l ^ p c i a l I ^ o i e , s

Phone 8S

Mr. and Mrs. A .' j". Poav'oy enter- tained a t a dellRhtful dancing partv

1 n t th o 'r home Friday evening comph- I m entiag M rs. J . A. O lvens,of Portland,I T ie hoj»o w m p rc fm d y docontei with• garden flowers. D ancing was enjoyed

until a Into hour, when n supper was served in tho g^rago which had been-

” turned Into a charming open a ir rrr- tnun in t fo r tho oecosion. T h e 'g u es ts wero Mi-, and Mrs.. E. J.. O strander, C. L*. Booth, R a -L a m e d , A sher D. W l- son, I^joaard Sm ith, A. W alters, C

' N . Bcatly , J . G. Thorpe, C. U . Mull,• R. A.- R aid , Mra. J . A. Qivens nnd Mr.; John Orahnm.

Mr. ^ d Mra. M.- J . Sweeloy' cntcr- t tained a*, a charmingly oppolnted din-• nor a t t i t H otel Rogeraon la st evening• in honor of J lr s . J . A. Qivens o f Port- land. Tho table w ar centered w ith a

> lu w b o w lo f sA c tp ca san d c o v ara -w erolaid fo r Mr. and Mrs. M. J . Sweoley,

f Mr. on-1 Mra. R. A. Read and M rs. Q iv• ens., ■— —• The W. 0 . T. U. held thoir regular• meeting a t tho hoao of M rs. J . M.• Claor, a t 101 Seventh avenue oast F r i­

day afternoon. Mra. J . 0 . Porterfieldi pwwoattfd an unuaaalfy in teresting pro- )' gram on tho subject o f " C h r is tia n Oit- I ieeaship." A n open discussion, led by , Mrs. J . .W . C. Dcake and Mrs. 0 . E.1 L ind followed, and much in te rest was• o tineed in tbo various phases o f the

subject. Tho attondanco was good and, plans w ere approached for w ork fo r the , next fow m onths, a long the line of tho , societies activities.

The W ar M others hold thoir annual plcnlo yesterday oftoraoon o t tbo coun-

. try homo of Mra. C. F . B u r t t M otor­ing ou t in tbo forenoon, tho compoay enjoyed a delicious caio torla lunchoon ' a t 1 o 'clock ond spent tho following hour in m usic and social diversions. Thoao participa ting ' Were Mosdomes' C. , O..Blg(^ns, F . B. Cox, L ena Ho'TOeriiian,T. K . Hnckmnn, P . W ynn, H , E Bhino- i ha rt, 0 . E . Bo\Vcliffe, J . P . A hern, L . , Freldmon, W alter Lee, L . Sineraa, 0 . 0 . : Sfver, J . J . Pilgerrim , W. H . K aris, H . * E .\U ow e, A. B. Brnnaon, J . 0 . Moore,II. Q. Johnson, H . Peters , A. 8 . M artyn,J . B. Jioia, 0 . 'F rS trobeck , M; C.-Put-- j nw !, and C. V. B artt Mrs. II. D. Bol- y loy nnd Mra. H . J . Lealir w ere gueats. t

Mrs. Jessie Yochem of 028 Fon rth f avenue c a s f c n to r ta ln o d ^ o Lnaies o f i the G. A. B . yo8lorday n t an oH’day ' meeting. Tho timo was profitab ly spent in quilting. A c afe te ria luneiicon w as ^ aerved. n t Jioon. > I t wns decided to make quilts fo r solo and lie'comfortOM as a m eans of ra ld n g funds for tho p society. . , ’ ■ . a

One hundred Shrinors and ladles nt- tended the Shrino c lu b 's arjuatlc social hold n t tho D ixie natatorium la st night, q, A t 0 o 'c loek tho plnagO;was turned ov* cr to tho p a rty and tbe w ater waa tho^ oughly enjoyed for on hour. Supper j , was served on tho grassed p lot connect* qj cd w ith the natato rium , and proved a ^ dollghtfnl functon . D r. B. A- P a rro tt led the eom pony ' w ith -B . F ..0 1 i t^ In charge of th e feast. ' fa

-------------- --------------- J ' pb e a d t h b C L A S8inE D "A D 8. al

URTHER:ir reduction in j rice ha led to continue indefini

^ L E A N E D a ^ ..^ P R E S S E E\cludes Ladies’ m d Gentlen coats and Ladies' plain woi

216-W--ffE'CALl fOR AND DEI

eaners an(C . E . R O W C L t F F E . P r o p r l e lo r



Ooe# to 'BoIse—John W . Graham will leavo today for Boise on a b rief busi­ness tr ip . _ •

Spend# D ay Her»—Mrs. Dolph! Fen­ton of Kimberly wap a Twin F a lls v is­ito r ywifcrday. . .

V U itlng Local Shops—Mrs. Oeorgo Pledger of Hansen was shopping in T w ia-F alls yesterday.

V la lto ri from 'B ock Oroek—Mr. and Mrs. F ran k Brown ar« visitors in Twin Falls today from Boek Creek.

' Oomo# from H ag en n in — WilUam Niles, a residen t of Hngennan, i# spend­in g th e day bero on business.

Qooat' o f A rthur PM vey—Dick K ing. J r ., o f Boise, is tho guest of A rthur J Pcavoy, J r ., fo r a few days.

Gone to 'Utah-r-Mri. G ertrude Stout, o f S to u t 's M illinery ,'U in S a lt Lako nnd Ogdon th is week on butlnesa. .

W alters B etom s—Judge E dw ard A. W & ltm 're turned lo st n igh t from Gtiod-

,M ing ^h 'ere bo wa# engaged ,in legal bus­iness.

V taltor f w a Sti P a n l-M ra . W. U, ^ K aris is onjck}'iag a v is it from bor sU- -V te r, Mrs. H. J .'L c ah r, of Sf. Paulj M in­


B irth—Bom to Mr. and Mra. Ray- J mond ^.tevena, a t tho heme of Mr. nnd

Mrs. I. A . AppelJ, o girl, on PrJdn#-. Jn ly 15. - ^

r- Oomoj from Los Angelos—Thomiis Costello arrived yeatoday from Los Au-

l‘- golos to a ttend harvesting operation* on hia vorloua farms.

Ih T___B oy la E osi^ ta l—Mrs. Burle W ick of

W alnut s tre e t has removed her 8-year- old boy to the county, Bonoral hospital

f for trea tm ent, fo r complications follow- lag t ^ whooping cough.

'!■ H lU E o t t m - A . J . m u , ton iitu tU oii C auperintondbnt o f tlio W arren company

in th is district, hns returned from Boise, wbero he spent sovorol days on company business.

' O o b j lo M o n t a t - U n . H . E . Vo-> gel -and daughter Charlotte expect lu b' leavo Sunday morning for an extended

visit in M ontana. Mr. Vigol w ill ac- tompony them to Pocatello, v,

•e ___ - '•Oo Vocatloo—Miss Bessie Carlson, o f

the P a r ro t t Optical company, le'ff y es­terday afternoon for G annett, w here y sho ^1 1 spend tbo coming wook v isit- (

'■J ing her sister, Mrs. Lee Lechleltor. ([. ✓ J1. Oomo fo r Shrine Boclol-M r. and M rs. id U arry W ebber, of Castleford, and Mr.)• and M rs. Lewis Kelsoy, o f Nam pa,> yrere p a rt o f tbe Shrino company en- . y joy ing the Dixie plunge la s t n ig h t. '

J LoaTe# fo r BU##—George A yer, who ‘g has been employed as c i i p e a t e r a t th e t^ Shoshono - E ^ ls powor p la n t tom e ‘g months, bo# eoncladed h ls w ork and IQ le f t yesterday fo r h is homo In BUsa.

Home A ju la —Mr. and M n . A . P . ; J S e n io rA n n d ^rs . H . P. Laird, ro tnrned

la s t n igh t from S a lt Lake, w here thoy spen t a w eek 's vneation. Tho tr ip w as

. modo hy su tooobllc. Ex trem ely ho t , w eather Is reported in U tah, especially J in S a lt Lake; . / .

I ^Viaitora from E u isa a -M rs . W . H .■ H nl and son Horold, e ight years old,' a rrived yesterday from A rkansoa City,

Knnsas, fo r a v ir it o f some length w i ^' Mrs. n i l l 's parents, Mr. and M rs. L .' P reston, living a mile and a h a lf oast• o f Tw in Falls. .

I VtsltorB from N ebraska—M r. ond M rs. W. S. Dnsch’Of Central City, Neb.,

' who are v isiting Idaho fo r tho f irs t tlmo nnd have ju s t completed n tr ip throu^n Yellowstono pork, are guests

' fo r a ]'i'w <iays a t tho bome e f M r. and• Mr«i J . M...Bice. ■

B e tn ia from Trip—M r.-and M rs. R.C. Cole, of Second avonuo north , v is it­ed a t K etchum, ITpiloy and Bollovup

' fo r tbo past ten days. Inelndcd in th e ir ^ pa rty were M ra.-Ethel Wilaon, and the M ltses Clara Hoppenbrock; N ola Yo- B

, chem nnd Chojlotte Cole. • S

Jnyhftwkor Plcalc Planned—Tho an- =nnol plcnle o f tho Buhl K ansas elub sis planned fSl- nex t W odnnsday, and is Sto bo held in th o T re d Parish grove, gon th e s ta te highway. .A nnouncement 2o f th e proposed outing is made by F re d =M ePhenos,- d u b presJdssi. s

To B e s ttm W ork -M iss Ad» W alk- ging ton , regular deputy to City Clerk gP au l R. Tober, will ro tnm to h e r du ties =a t tb o o lty hall on Monday. She has s

N O T IC E jla^ laeen sp general | niteiy 'our special o f |

50c Iim in ’s light V ■ ■. = 'ool dresses / ^lEllVER I

id D y e r s jP H O N E 2 1 6 - W I

' A Y , J U L Y 1 6 ; 1 9 2 1 : , . . . . . . ,

, beoa absen t ’ nbont .three n o n ih i 'p a leave. M iss -Florenee H ill will be t«m*

. porarily employed about tbe office th« nex t fo rtn igh t. ^

;• Tb A tte ad OoaTWitioa-^Eagcno O f ^ tronder' lo ft a fow days ago for Chi- W cago where ho will v is i t h is sister, Miss B Beatrfco O strander, p rio r to the open- I) ing of tho national convention, Ifiupu Si

“ • Sigma, r t tho Coagresa hotel, Ju ly JO to C 21. Mr. Oatrander is a doleg^ite from ^ tho Moscow braneli o f thu society.

Parent# H ere oa V lslt-rM r. and Mrs,Ed S. L am ed havo os guests, Mr. 'Lar- p. no d 's father, H . H . L am ed, of lionslng, N Mich, aud Mra. l ^ n e d 's mother, Mr*. B R. C. Octrander, alao 0 residen t of Lan. B

" sing. Mr. L arncd arrived some dayii SI ago, Mrs. O strander rea eh b g Twin 01 Falls on Thnrsdoy afternoon; Botb will 'C

® remain during tho balaneo o f tho sum- p:

LEAGUE 00M M I8SI0N J* "" ' • .V. Sj

(Continned from page one) " ^

Jt" President lln rd ing 'a atep in calling for 0](Q a d lrtum ouen t confereneot o g re s s tho L

wish thn t H olland be hoara, a i i d '^ ln t Vto her long experionco w ith eolonizn- Sj

A tlo a matter# as a reason. pi<1- •. ; --------- •

Premier Eara Urged o IJ to Attend Conclave

TOKIO, ( f f ) -T b o Boijn'.kui. o t tov- Jl em m ent party , Is urging Premier I la ra « to attend tho proposed eonferenco lu Waabingtou on lim ita tion of arm a- .

Ij m eats as J a p a n 's ropre ientatlve, do- ,. d a rin g lha t i f a delegation is sen t ■ ■ which would have to w a it fo r instruc-

t^ons from .'Tokio every move wonld l o . dlsadvantagobur- to Japan . Admiral Count Yamamoto, form er promler, - ;s the choice o f arm y d r d e s and Admlr{|l’ B aron 'B a ito , form er m in ister o f ma- ^ rino and a t p resen t governor of Korea, e f navy circles.

Admiral K ate , tho m inister o f mn- rino, dedared in an interview today th a t he would n o t refuse such an as­signment. H o sold he believed i t w'ohld , , bo b e tter to discuss P ac ific questlonr ^

J, teparately trom those eoneernisg-arn*_ nmonts, because a ll th e nations should - ' participa te in the deliberations oa lim '-' "

ta tlon , b u t I t 'w a s n o t necessary tha t ^ a ll should delibem to on the Pacific nroblems. H e repeated h ir previous declaration th a t i f a sa tisfac to ry agree- m eot should be reached Ja p an would

J no t adhere to h e r e ig h t ba ttlesh ip and. c i ^ t cruiser program.


*• TULSA, Okla., p ro d aaaU o a® w as issued boro today by th e Oklahoma ■* Oil M en 's P ro teetlve association, the

G ulf Prvdueorc^ osaocltitlon and the K ansas O il and Gas Producers a s s o ^ - tlon , calling fo r a notional potrdenm

' congrois to m eet in Tnlso, Jnly-2S.' The pnrpostf o f the congrcas 1# " t o

issuo a solemn w orolng to 'the lade* I pendent Industries, and th e geaerol pa!^.

0 llo o f th e -U n ite i.B ta te s o f th e danger 0 t h a t await# them anleas the govern-'0 m e a t can be-persooded to change i t i1 poliey regard ing a ta r i f f o n -o il ,!


d '' ~ ' . ~


ATTENTlOfMeet at the Lodge,

'' afternoon at 3:30,

funeral of. Brother J


I THE eATTERING RM .;has left the fwin3 . Trust Compaiiy as stg ' shaken as that day= bruslf time when th(g 'left his hard earnedg safekeeping.

g . Each year has seen a= o f dollars of deposit@ new patrons—and a(B niencM for'those pa

§ Thirteen years of g argues well for the = savings.S

I Twin Fall I & Trust C= TW IN FA LLS

g ' “ Hemher of Federail


• : v - ^ ' n n .

• •• "'-- 1 ; sTiujDnio or oLTOs; "

. ; A ilH m n i j j ra tktiyT^ -- obe— , W. t t PflLCleveland - ____ 52 - 3 0 • JSUJfew . York --------4f} S3 JSSW nshiagton ::________48 <3 . J53SBoston ---------:----------41 41 .600

D e t r o i t -------------------- 42 4?-. .485S t. L o u i s -------------- L .0 5 47 ..4J7Chleam -------------------35 40 .-,^,417P h J I ^ d p h i a -------- 33 48 ■ .407

NATIONAL'2JULQUB.C ln b * - ■' W .. L . P e t

Pittsburgh __________-eo 30 ' .6«7Now T o r k __________ 40 20 .flS!Boston -------------------- 48 32 .670Brcjsklyn ----------------- 42 34 .811S t. L o u U ---------- ;--------40 88 .318O b leago -------- ------------aa - 43 .434’C in c in b o t i__________47 .813PhUad.^lphia <______u - 23 63 .20.1

P A O m d 00 A 8 T LBAQUB 'lubs- IT. . L. • Tot

San FroocJaeo ______ 04 40 .(Jitt ia c r a ra e o to '________Cl 42 J50iSeattio ..................... C8 41 .68tOakland ____________ 55 44Los A n g eles___ ;__ 62 • 48 ,68»V p w p n --------------------- 62 Dl . .60.’Salt L a k e __________ 85 82 .WPortlan.1 - ..... _______ 22 - 74 .221


LONDON, W ^ P o p o B enedict te ceived Prineo Hirobito, th e Japane* heir apparent, in a, tolem n andiehei F riday , i t was announcod in a Bom< dispatch to the Central News today.

F ifty -cen t cleaning speelal. iill^ thii week. Idaho Cleonors and Dyers.—odi

I f your property lii desiiable, a sd t s d re r tis e l la th e e lau ifle d — / o n l find yonr la y e r .

Q laj.jiliod'( 1 0 0 ZiATB PO B 0)C<ASS3iOAif*dN

. FO R SALE—1020 Fo rd toorlng, gooc as new;. 808 SlxUt ave. N.

Nibley-CliannelLTW B BB O O H FA inr

IN, ELKS!e R oom s M onday

3, to attend the

■ John Costello.


RAH OF YEARS- In Falls Bank & Istrong and as un- Bly back in sage- - ghe first depositor 3id dollars for our 1

add^ thousands |iits—hundreds of ,1additional conve- B)atrons. 1

: sound banking ,■ g 18 safety-of your

Is Bank I ]6mp2 ny I, S , I D A H O 9

Reserve Syslem" g

Page 6: 10, 1S21 ' i i SILER t mmm.I Summoned to Plan “IH IS, m IS … · 2014-12-12 · * iotorprctAbon," ho wid, "may oaaily coTooii

FALIS DAItY NEWS[■ned m n r ttto m w n «iocpt BuaJay T hjj

^ ,T ,1

' B a w r i J ^ n d ' c j M l T n ^ ^A»rll I. 1>18, >t tta< pMtorric« At Twin eouffb FkUf, Idaho, undar ib« Aot o r ’UAreb 1. ,.l « r pre«ld

, 8UB9CRtPTI0N"flATB8Om yeu- ................................proeeiI m«ntht ..................................... . t t o , ,I monUu ................ ............................. t w ,» ................................................................... “ of ini' K W B B n o r ASSOCIATED PIUS8S itru c t-TD« AnoolAted P m a U escioilvelr « • , ,

titled to tbo OM for ropubUeatloa o t oU bo intn m dUpAtohw crodltod lo tt. or not - ,,eUienrlM credited. In thia u p « r . and also <<ullthe local n«wi pUbUtbed hei;aln. All Iq^ . _ rtcbta of wpubllctUon of ipeeUU . dl»-patehea herein are alao reaerved. h u bn

. No r«ai>0RilblUl7 U aatumod for th« hD Is care ef unaollolted manuacript, photo- , m p h a or o thu-contrtbuted-m atier. Ar- ‘ >00 I ildea nbm ltted for publleaUon wilt be ,taaed or not a t the diacretlon of the edlto 'u d no manuecrtpt wilt t>e relum ed uR' th s fo eas aooonpaaled b r neeesaarr poitac*.

-BASTSIW o E P o asB N T A T iv as 'Oeorte B . W rli l Co., m a . ITI UadUoo

Are., New Totfc; A, n . K k to r . U U H art- thoro 1 ford Batldlnr. C U ^ . . •.

— -------------- U::-------:------------- ovorlaiUereber Audtt D n fe tu 'o f ClrouUUoM ^ovora

bualneiA a A H B r A B I O S T r S O O R i M

Arriuiffemeata f o r , the oh tcrtilnm cnl o f the ''m o d e rn ta rf tv a a ," o f N ew Yfttk ikomebulidort u 'o u t l in e d and agreed upon by roprew ntntlvca o f tho BuW CJiainljM o f Oomaerco tad S o tu j dab in jo in t eottlon wiU» the T w ia P flU “ eafftvaa” committeo headed by 0 . E .W rig it, 0Bg4t to m eet trith genen} ap-

tho eo>l a eonfonnlty w ith tbeao a r m j e -

m en'ti whAt«vor tbore U to b« ia the ss* tu re of » ‘‘o tlebn tU on" greeUng o f The the Now Y orkers will b e held a t B olil; oa Nig! w hile to T w la FiUIa U given th e p r lr i- fu l joui lage of e n tec ltin iag nAwM sera a t ty voul lanehoon m th ey p u iit tiz eu g ti . nnd roa

. N o valid ob jeetloa can be raiaed, to a irp k a i th is plan. I t i l r ig h t t a d proper th a t Algloti,

■the be&TT end o f the e n te r t t in n a a t across program u o s ld devolve upon the pw< stcaUon plo of Buhl wlio ore .T«ftdy ta d anxl* tion. OUB to , m eet if . "B uhl l i to b e t i * '

“ *ht»ne to w n " oit the aewtomera, «ad there l i a o dl»poilUo& l a T w la IW li br

o ther adgh b o rln g to w w ' io hog tay* " th ing o f 'a d v a a ta g e or b e ae flt t b i f l i

lik e ly to v>®» *« e o u m. ' W hatever th o u g h t th e re 'm a y h^ve

b ^ a i n e w iih r w p w t to tbe jut1t»1 o f the " c a r a v a n " h a bflon concerned

•blely w ith t h e \ ^ _ h a r p o f lOcliU foront f am onliies Ineum W ft tipon Twin Polls ' la connection w ith tho ndvent o f lo la ' a j, notable a ^ a p of bonebulldori. h u five . The arraagem enta a i ouUlaed aad for tho a g m d opoa perm it o f the f a l l s i t di«- tional bi c ls rg e of T w ia F a lls ’ re ip o u lb illt le i , a ad opportuaity lo etinoMtlOD irith th e I ) / thi e r e a t

— '' - . « r a r f aP IE A T B T H E O E T IB


Streng th is added to tho theory th n t * ' ilra tes 'm ay havo beca,Tcn>on.lbIe for ho m ystery lurroundlog ttio fato o f — ‘ blps and u o w s Ihnt liavo dlsoppoarol f f tho A tlnntrc coast i ^ lh o lout fc'V lonths l y ibo report o f a skipper th a t is vessel hod been approachod by an ­ther c ra ft , w h i ^ Inter speeded away f ■ithout aaaw orin& ^lgnnls. A t least *(, kidnoin IV Kovcmmcnt places sufficloo t cic- bu t tb050 encc In tho^ story to causo i t to send Ill wireless w arnings to ships a t icn n „ j , I bo on tho w atch fur a c ro ft th a t u hornets ' igh l .p p to n tli In O n 'n « tk n t« gh ts rolled. T h a t is tho n a a n e r in hlcU i t camo upon a Munson liner, Clyde' Bum 10 i . l l « . m l o l r h i w . l p h l . , M ti td - “ ■Iff to the rq>ott of Coplain Qlloi, who g j>prisod tho OTToors o f tho a ffa ir a fte r Jenso nnd : , h«d b iin c h l h i , v t i n l to p o t i ■ Ji^3lly 0 score of ships have vanished Ilfo vic in ity of 'w here O aptala Qllos nil bad, ’cn

loountercd tho vessel o f m ystery since 0 f i r s t o f tbo year. The ungsnal «lr* g]” u[j imstonces surroondiog tho d is ^ p « a ^ momorini I le. of tho ships Toiulted In varied pos- 'o u n t r bio oxplanatloDS, among them being .0 th a t ft ncft m arauder, e ither a pt- to o r a “ (loviot c ru iw r ; ' wna rospon- ROMANS ) le . ' These views la ter gave w ay to '<• : g j ’ 0 opinion th a t tho m itsng ships had en lo st in storms.. . StUl th e a ltuatlon E tenuU Oil an lB c d ’poztling bocauso i t seemed probable th a t ao large a number of ssoIb could b e wroekcd and leave no HOME, (j ICO w hatever of the ir fato . Now tho ler theory bas^^.somo solid ground pnacd by so imin^jly and, w ith tiin t ns a basis, i t in opcratioi llkoly th a t tho possibility o f the op- ttions o f an ouflair crall will bo fol* fgJJ 'bIoHca rod up un til i t is proved no-auch vea-' The ciiRirCllat# o r un til i t ia enpturcd or dn-

* , S tnti's com:o.'’fd . eriean iinbn

i, .Americ.-ui cL n O H A T I K O F E D E II A L W A B T E

- k IkiIo (j( t.1:f anybody hnrbnri-d the idea th a t cnKineeis'

jsldunt<liii{r Ih an casy-(p)iDg Ameri

n, ready to Ict Hiineii d rif t, tlicy nrc ,npt'hods1 nriR disllluslonoil. I t i-i true thjit ho recant i.f mt ■fern to ge t along w ithout fricU oh/ ' Mr. M4?C

tjia t is poMiblc, b u t he .'does n e t fn'^bo pVo/oin 0 clash, i f i t is unavoidable, and tho lio*' 'ol rn he 'm akes up his &lnd i t is / i « d .t boa beon a p a rt o f tho annonnced jjTJley of-tho odm ia iitra tloa to reform uable to uti

d e p ^ e a t a l le rrloo o f th a g a r

T ^ m L S D A I L Y

t t a t t t a t to tb ft e ad ib a t ih e ie ja lg b t b o n n i j both economy aad grea tor offlclency. y U [ j T his m ew it th&t forccs would' bo rc- . ducod and ipors w ork would bo expeet' I c d o f thoee who rem ala . I t has^Uovel* ' oped tha t, by moaas of w irei w ith wWcb bureau officers are fam iliar, i t was sought to nullify the purposes of the •• presldBot lo this regard. W hoa ’Mr. H arding becamo-awaro of tho course proceedlDgs wore tak ing he drew h ia nwitelj club. H e aoaounced anyone d itec tcd cd to of ia to rfc rlcg w ith or aeekiag to ob- ing th struc t tbe efforts to reduce waste wbnld reeove be laatan tly separated iroa ‘his Job;

Quito a number o f persons lo W ash- Ington now ate aware th a t the p reddont in g '^h haa backbone. They do no t bellevo th a t ho is tolklng, merely. Y ot tho sit'ua- g” ” * lion th a t Confronted tho president Is fines i nrhnt m ight havo been oxpoeted.' B u t ossmsb '.he federa l govom aon t should require jvery person oa tho .payroll to reo'do'r tu rns i wrvlees equal to tho eomponsatlon. I f Mr. Bl

;hero Is dtipllcAtlon o f departmenta, tho J’’*]ueo >vwlap rfionld bo rmnored. I n A o rt , inrgo.,1 rovom aent service should be p a t on a turns, la sln iia 'b u lk T h a t Is whftV th e a i* lin istratlon ia 'try in g to do, and th a t p o r th s w h i t th e public waat»- , . entiroly

J t h a t been kaown for b a g th a t the ° .dministratlve dspartm oata w ere con* mtui i t ucted In-a loose aad wasteful m anner, 1[erotofore selfish lo te ro st h u blocked Dform. The fac t tb a t eeonoWy la s o ir qH ti,o n lw d tlv e hns rclaforeed’ tlio domaad tliis aiil ,r the inauguration of offidenoy and *3 t t S10 country is w ith the p resident ia thinklui U oHortu- "»«M I

-1 ual ro ll ^ e ancient romancer o f t i e A rabi-

D N ights w h o 'told about tbe woader- ways b<j l journeys on the maglo carpo t spr*- am lae rt’ would be surprised could he ro tura ^ ad road about tb e plans fo r p a u o u g tr

irplaae fU ^ ta from Froncb cities to |V)UCHiglc ts, l io to t to and Zonogal and j £ iross the Atlantic.- A nother demon-la tlo n th a t f a c t is s tiM g c i tb a a f i t - PabUsbion. Baf

Preachers are in th e ranka of tho un-

irpaid,' i t seODS, bocauso thoy do n o t which n iUco aa good a financial argum ent fo r f«How e.anselves as they db for tho unfortu- 'ites in distan t la n d a t id e pu!

roneoual;l* n ln o i? dUcoverlag Ib a l h is tbeo- n toUtm

. , . . ' t , . . k , 1 , . r t i d . 1 . I W . 'J ,™ - , ;ubtloBB, th a t they, axe n o t m uch dit* cintR. "'en t from himself. . ' ' •

' is suffer te ^ Id lllon to b a i l lo t , J . j j U .0s five Satordays, thus compensating Uovr lo a• tho weather by nroviiling an addl- Mr. JI;

•■1 ta ll . d .r .

' hns conf3y th is time It ia a d ifficu lt m a tte r to “ ph>i tho oVowd to pick on l a lo s t y e a r ’s eondmon. . . I ...

______________ ___ contmctli—• phai^ n i l

lobllittf cosh and r«vlvo the world,a a .N c iv Y ork banker. A g rea t B«ulnnly are doing tbe beat they can. Tliu ui

. _ kept In c— — ~ —' cleplinnt*

____ ro-ics. iin


— ----------- ------------ wild nnllSN T/IA U A, (Mo.) Coori«r-;jU iI IdnaiKirs stole K ato O 'lla ro . My, „p]p thoso guys wore sure hard, up forithing to otcal. Wo once heard o f _ in who ntolo snakes (iiit of a bag, onto wo knew o f a mun who stole _ _ vrnets’ n c it, b u t to slonl K ate SSZ* ire —well, th a t ’s the lim it. Kftto iro is It lecturer on prisons and H a s much o t an au th o rity o s Is Jesso M o' Bum.Kv, Oh, sho is sm arter than H I anii can civo him cords and mB. :s and- beat h b i ly ing a country 5 g J 1, Dut sho bns thn sanio sp irit aa nnd her purpoao is tho same. Stiu

j n ' t tell tho tru th on a bot, and H I against everything under tho sun >t Kntc. And y o t she m u st n o t lic j ? H »d, ’cBuao somo guys up aomewhote Inho saw something a ttrac tiv e In i n md kldiiapi-d'^her.' A subscription d bo started a t onco to bu ild tt* ; jrini 10 oach of theso kidnapers:;ountr>mcn, w hat a p ity thoy did ,!oso hcr so well abo co u ld ,ae v er |..v ,\ been found.,


jU Oity to Tako On Odd A p p w - | H 9 « If fropotala o f E nglM ort a n I k 9

O an ied I n ta J l f f e c t U

ME, (/Ph-Rom e will becoroo a c ity I u 911 npi>caxat\cc If tlvo plans for th e v ■ ■ on of tho housing problem pro- r | ^ H by some Itnllan'cngincera nro pul' WUki

cration. The proiiosril Is to Im W |W |n o'>flnt rooff of of the builil- 3n Rome light hoiiars of three w )d , |itorics. " - ' j H BcuRinVrn have placed thc lr idcn» I M 9

1 Henry Coit MncCJlcan, United -I rnninuTcial v^ttnchr to tho Am- H HI imbiuiiy. They li-ivc askcil tha t (, ■ *Ic.ou cap ita l become la lc tcsted In . !project. The mutcrial- for tin- H Hd( the iicliurne, nceording to tlii' K W

H 'ls ' wouW tOii'rAmerirn bcc-iusc of tlio ndnptabil K f tr Anierionn lighl con!>truction - j f g ^ ds in the chn’icu of mnlcrinU nad(,£ nssombling. ' , . . . " i "MdcClcnti hn» sucreeded in^n tc r- '“>10 oiicm-era] Ainorican busiscsf men earned larjiVoject nnil other j ’rojeets along nclc l in n "

u*' -<st buildinR coiwtrucUon in

- no rt'cerd of i t l i uwlMS to yoa m a y 'b o TO*- any cris to uthers — advsrtlre I t in tb<- Many claim iod.

iY 'N E W S > T m i < r f a l l s

ie sD F iO im li. I N O M D D I I D il o v o m m o n t ’s K o v e n u e s a r e E n * O o

h a n c B d T h r o n g h f i e c o v e r i e s . i f r o m F a l s e E o t n r n s

W ABniN OTpN ,^®. C. W - A p p r o r l - . N a te ly t?('onty million dollars wae. odd- Ual I to fho govehunont's rovonuca dut- atre g the fiscal y e a r Ju st ended through tc ft coverifs from false a ad frandulenf com como ta x returns, CommisBioaer B la ir tho loonnecd. lloa.iW litm o n ts havo been retu rned d n ^ .jrotl g thu year la e re ry aectloa o f the B< un try , he said, n o d m aay ja il son- 000,1 Decs have been Imposed, ranging frora whie

daye to a year, In addition to tbb 'Qie 108 pjid pojVUtlcs, which wore alao asaoi sesstid. will“ Fraud upon th e 'rev e n u e liy w ay finJi;

f iling false and fraudulent ta x re- a rrii rns Appears in many unique w ays,” Uqul r. B lair snid. "aom e taxpayers am T l trem ely crudo in th e ir raethods, and pcnd luce th e ir taxes by m erely om itting Kepi g ov ltw if o f Income from the ir re- who DS. Thus In ono iostanco la proml* I»aa< I t m erchant in ono of our la rger Prcst les r.wnod and operated two stores, 'ng r th rw • years s tro lgh t ho em itted Toun -iroly from h is re tu rns the ' iocome .vello ono o f tho Btorcs.’‘In ano ther ina taace a prominent T n t a received approxim ately qnc-half h is income os sa lary from a corpora- a o f w hioli t o WM projident, and of ieb eorpom tion ho owned practlcallv -

the stock. The corp9ratlon took I sa lary ,aa a deductloo ond a noces- ' 7 cxpoosoj tlio man him self cn tirciv Ittod to report th is salary, never aklog th a t tho corporation’s re turn lid bo checked against his Individ- re tu rn . ^d th

‘M anipulations o f inventori- orO not If**®' roquently found and these rtan ol- rs bo chocked accurately by th o cx- [nerf and no btialneia of any a lie con f, ? p acrura to books,and a t tho some “ «0 m anipulate inven tories."


>1MM .MlnuoKUJon bt C U ato £ ' £ ' S u ffe r tr 'a O ffe r firings Flood . fh„ J

o f

llIC A aO ., ( ^ H T h i . m .o n f , tach mon will attem pt lo ossist his3w crcatnre , fo r financiol retu rn ur nt thiirirlse, ie shown in th-« number of the nlea nvolved ns th e resnlt o f an or-' sake» published a year ngo which er- take'oualy Btoted thh t UenJ.imin H yde, centiflrnl edntrnetor, would give #1000 utionr ti'o n e 'w lio couM (off fiim how to down‘iH.aleop w ithout the in.- o f medl- tho t 1

10 rrlic lo misquoted Mr. Hyde, who iffering from paraly*is ngitntio nnd CLEA 3 than 3000 fetters wore w ritte n j »g him varied lines of advice as to \ K '•oaloep .. ,1U1p„

r. Jlydo has reconlJy mado auother tru str o f ♦2000 bu t in order to avo i-i th a t tfors from irresponsible persons he excessconfined tho o ffe r of the rew ard n ,i,.riPh>-siflnns of,good etandlng .” I lis we.-k. itiou is th a t tho cure pemmnentlyhim from tremor* n n j muteuJar POLAl

•actions und enablo him to s l f m a Qjix:n lth o u t having pains in his bnck. WAI

• agricolBlnnlnQ of Modern Menageries. term. 'u unrlen i' Ituiiiuiis uiiO .Orccka plnnnui In cap tiv ity leoim rda lions, b e a r s .. innts. 'gtmrreK. eamela, rhlnoco- . nntuloiifm. ostriches nod croci)-

held for sluuRlitiT at the gludia- ^ T1 Stiiius. It Ih fniiu tbe g rea t ‘ "''c™11 ninirnutes nml myal [mtsods

frciiui'iiil.v IteiJi nH^iiiiRfrles o'f' ntllmnlx. iiijiiiirlii uiiil aviaries- d m s l t

Ihc tiiudiTn putillr gnr^lms bnva origin. •

^ ______ purpos

“Miracle Man” Halted t

. . . . .. . . . . . . .) oliows “ Brother Ijaiah .” n-lio hini, but fo r himsolf tfii' n.imr of "M ir- gati«gj>ia n n " whllo i<rf<inninu* before rowils in Cftliform.1. -Th,-rc is fl:•d of hia having rnm plfirly cur- before, i f

c rippled or defonm-.l j.rrson. ment wor ■aim to havo boon curo.l i,y the gele's sudd an imm ediately a fte r leaving nnd cnnnc

L3, I D A H O , S A t o R D A Y .

M O F f i F i S i E S ri i m m s i i E s .

B o v o r a m im t I m p I o y e B / i a .W a ll L _ S t r 'o o t C o m p u t e Oomrt o t

$1,BOO,000,000 °°_ an

. NT3W Y O ^ , ( f f ^ E m p lo y e s V th j Ja itcd S tates assay o f ^ In ^ o U treo t today flalshed wo'lghlng M d c fting the m yriad gniina o f gold a ad nnd ' ountlng the certifica tes th a t eom prljc of. A ho h ^ e sum of f if teo a hundred ' a il* 1>o a lo a /d o l la r s -a b o d t one-fifth o f th e th e - ro tld 's sopply. ' . of C

Besides th is am ount th e re is *872'. Th00.000 w orth of gold in a sealed v a u lt aeen ■hlch la d prevloualy. been checked. foUo h e enormous horde, th* la rg est ever “ ( tsombled in one building la h irto ry and •111 continue t6.eweH fo r somo tim e! who* i^ isc iors aald, os nearly e v e ry -l in e r conti rriving horo has a consigam eat fo r made quldatlon in this country. been The count was aecossifated. b y a espec

ending change in sopurlntendenta. three cp resen to tlvet. o f Vomo M . B oyle, #cmb ho Is-rellnqulshiog tho position, .and pralsi ioac, H. Smith,-who aucceods him w ere vouel resent as the w ork progressed. D it^ us, w Ig tho m onth and a h a lf since th e a ll hi >unt was begun a eoo4tont.,flow o f conso Hlow m etal has poured in to the offles'. th y 1

— — ■ --------------- forth


jUectlona e f B a n Shacks S tand Now on Site o f Form er O ea ten of

PeppU tJea

8YDNEV, N. a w ; ; ( J > ^ I n „ t l v i l , S’ tho ropper minfng industry has cauB-

, tho practical desertion o f t i e popu- i„tioni from the towns of Cobar and j p f ^ j

A t ono tim e'Cobar boatled a popntn ' m nf .aoveral thow,(uid people. Now i , .Is but a .colloction of bare rhacka th i ls people gone. f ' " ' 'Broken Hills, onothor m ining town ° nt in Us hoydey hod a population of ,000, is also deaolate. .E orly in l l „ „ 10, when tho tow n's product# wero _nmm ling , n t high figures, th e minora ■lick and remained out two year*. ring which timo tho bottom fell frote Tt,* !?, 5 rantnl markets. When th o m laers rc rendy to return to work, the oper- „ . n ‘ >rs ffund they eoold work tho mines ” ^ ly n t tl lost. , ”Owners of the mines to ld tho m ea ‘H lkL their problem and .o ffered to work

• properties, w ithout profit, for the I? te of the miners, i f the men would t i « te wage reductions of nbout 20 p er It. The mon, although depcodlng Jn the government for food, voted -rn the proposals I t was chorged t radiealr. led In the movement fo , . Viit the return to work. ", er a rt.


fK W V O E K , ( /P )-T h e act.ual cob- “ Ion -of rieariafr. house bonks nnd- It companies for tho weok shtw s t th e y h o ld 113,282,010'r ese rvo-in ess of legal requirements. This is , lerrenrc nf |20,77,';,6.‘!0 from ' Inst ‘'’*'® k. •

I our wo

CAND TO HAVE BA N K TO BANT AGBIOULTOBAL OEEDXTB' " :aH 8A W (iipw to have a i ■:eollurol hank which will g ran t long Truo t, n credits to the fa rm e rs . ' I t i j “" ‘J iiioil to havo la working capitnl of lit <ight billlion marks. portsuit

..I. But TTllSsUn Rcmefliea. ■ Chineae

Jbota'n rcm edj for pnlns duo to 'cold Is Uio'cya.of 0 slievp mixed

tl fa t oud rubbed ou thu ofTcctod . , ,1. Ccntlpl>(!^Bkln pjiistors ond er-mM jRltigs (if fried iiuiniA fa t w ith i ;„ t th'o ;iped ()iilun»'arc o)so uaed by tho -i^t CIi iiitnlnw rs In Tibet for the sam e proph-.'t >osc.—Ilrooklyn Eogle. nm the

In Uio ’

by Authorities:1 • of tn illth e trill

ly '’'acr.iier

ut scieotists nnd doctrrs^nvesti- h is healing power mid th a t theso were suffering frnm mob liys-

jnd believed themselves curcd, ^ ‘®find themaolvcs ns Imdiv o ff os PoaltcO q i f n o t worse, a fte r the excite- “ O'!

roro off. Ho has left Los An- o f the sto uddenly, a fte r a pry was raised, bot It's tl nnot bo found anywhere. hn rry up,

y , J U L Y l e i 1 9 2 1 ■

I r a E NEWS’ SIM)A1< . ' B y e H A R L E S 'i G l . E N N

' ; ■ Rector, Qiun:!) of the AscQ tnesls 28:17: ' ^ * This is « ___—

nono. olher b u f the house 'of Ood. and U i k b t h ^ n . o f h o o y e ^ - HH

^ ^ beautifu l chnrch Im dedicated & tha c ity o f Twia rolls. I t waa se t a p a r t fo r oae 'greof I

)0 a Houso of P r v M - *

°*OTiera is on old pm yer fo r the coo*

ecration of a church which reads a t P y lOllOWS! \

“ 0 , f lto m a tjf td , n ^ t y ' la power, " nd o f - . z ^ e s ty •incomprehensible, 8 o ren rhom the -heaven' of heaVons eanaot rolafo: ontaln, m udi less tho w alli o f tem plw Trnper lade w ith hands; oad w ho y e t h a it 11,a t ♦ een graciously pleased to promise th y ^ ‘ ipecial prcsonee, w herever tw o or ® * ttree o f th y fa ith fu l a e r n n ts shall a ^ a llle ri sab le ia thy Name, to o ffe r up tbo lr fore raises oad sappUcations unto th e e :' premo ouehsafe, 0 Lord, to be present with », who are horo gathered together with II hum ility and readiness o f heart, to * " )nsocrote th is place to tbe honor of tho a t >y g rea t aomo; separating i t h e n c r m oat t irth* ftom all nahuiow ed, o rd ia a ^ , the la: ad eommoo uies; ood dedicating i t tu ^<>»o tly service, for reading th y H oly Wbrd,ir celrbroting .thy Holy Bacraments, ir offering to thy-glorlous M ajesty th« , i . — .crifleos of prayer, and th a n ^g iv - IT- * *” . .. IHow much thp word “ home” n eo as . • - uaj Our homo is aocred a a d dear to r q c i becauso I t is th e place w here wn Creek

/e aad lovo oad labor in th o moat lo* of M r na to and sacrod rolatlom hlps. H o ^ Bower^

M 5. 0 pocullor p lB cerw ia ih -so rvc i i r X L■finite ends and occupies a province aames 5ich nothing olso can flU. ■ ■ childreiJn s t so the church. The ehurch, in son, F rI province, is osholy and a sa cb d L. p ] ace, d istinct from every o ther build- Mabol g, unique In Its.a lm M d purpose. Of boo, F i un o the worship of Ood Is no t lim- the htu id to nay ehurch or .building; bu t of Joro ore Is no other place w here men and ion FIc imou -and children can como togothor. nex t m

members -of the com aunily , to Mrs M n h lp in the bond bf fellowship w ilh i f r g 9 confciousncss o f th e ir eommon FoUs'cr mborship la tho Kingdom o f Obd,'!W BocfcII os in B consecrated temple. Some: the n n w, as we eate r such a b u lld b g , Qod field a -mt r e a r to us. • Tho very a r t ood in favoi 'h itecture of the House oro deslgaed were: li make It so. Tho place speaks more Creek { qu tn tly to our souls than any words U r. j It ore spoken. TTie-vory walls seem Sunday aid ur in making our religion vltol a fto r 1 1 our worship a roollty. I, t h d r da Jot the building will not do ovory Asahu ng for us. W o 'm u tt cnltlvnto th i op (n ij of worship os wc cultlvoto any oth- Mrs. I

a rt. We muat dedicate ouraelves to Georgo ' rah lp -body , mind ond soul. We were bii st feel th a t wo aro In -a Vary reol Wednoa,: so a po rt of tbe worshipping congro- M otw loa, ond th a t wo and everyone wbo torod fo ers the church, nro thore to croafo W right atmosphere of worship. . a f te r sn

'rue worthip m ust hove certain dof- Brose li« e niorks. Tlio flra t clemont Is siivity. Wo m ust be in earnest about ________

worship oad In oil th a t w? do in I I’r s f fv in ) - I f wc a rc rcaJly sincere)ur worship, thero Is no doubt th a t 1 i'lll a ffec t our lives oad our cooduct ■ -irriM-r0 T.-orshlp demands tho real h e w t , „ , t

d;op. lovo o f the onp o ffering i t , ‘ th ;, l> , h . t m a to ,o .il> lp . o 'l o :

suit and prccious in God’s sight. w , ut we neod more than sinccritv . Tho ,leae,.worshipping thoir golden stan.^ .f.nd tho heathen, "w h o in tbcir dness bow 'dow n to wood, nnd £ : t i .0 " arc sincere. Tho Mobaramcdon, t l . se n.ost eoatly pocscssion Is a p ro y % int, i^ sincere to- tbe .la s t degree. .’I'” tho moat erroneous mny bo sincere,Christ the M aster wns tho onlv

ib,'t who ever dared to proclnlm, ‘ ''r " the Wov, tho Truth and tho L ifo .” ^ ‘r . ho worship of tho C hria thn church enow tho l our religion hns tho batU :nilb . And th n t eonsciousbcss o f I:tru th should bo tho motive power 1. »r««. v rrv sincere Christian, o f w hotever ‘ ’tr .n .„ .i irn or denomination. I t should bo itroiiRc.iit i>o8siblo -element In his wcdnOsdi

nd M ir'w orihip miist havo in i t not siiieerity and tru th , bu t i t m ust 7n

b.ive life. In our worship wo muiit r _ j ' .1 w ill; wo must put our life into p i f u ^ r 1.1 Iheroby find o now Ilfo from it. S . t W ,1 symbols nro useless. L iv ing sym- .W fu ll o^m eaning. Our worship, tbercforo bo comothing th a t wo n«nv->- T something thrtt wc share, expresslu rta k o in. In worahip wo m uii ? !''from onr most living natures—our ifm Pn—to the heart of the universal v e r-a re \

ea. in tho . pathw ay of sincerity , *i and life , wo shall find forgive- poaco nnd refreshment. Theso ore ,\Z ,,V ,

n store fo r us wheu wo worsbiii e should! forgiveness to the con- f • ro. pcaco to tho mind, ond refresh- . 10-th o 'sp irit. _________ pf*

klEB. O EEM AN EM PE E O E I’iTw ,'!- *. P A T S TA X-U N DEB PE O TEST ^

NDOK, (ilpJ-^The form er Oerm"i»h ’ np,a Mror hns'paid-uniler p ro lcst tho poll „ . ^f 5000 giiildcrs ctilm cd 1>v the mn ‘ illty o f Doom, s y s the Amator-lorrcspondoQt of tne Central Nows l''*>ypt. h

data on 1I o i-katser protested ngainst pay.- talncrf .'>0,ie tax on the ground th a t he had cording toitnblislicd himsolf in Doom of h ii ancicnt r:i

. !n .up lM r

a A l L T r A IB W E M H E It S . rO E E O A B I F O E H ja X W E E K | |

alllN O T O X , t>. C , ( ff ) - \V c a H tc a. t o

" " "or M l i ' . i ^ l 00.1 Ixiwi.r M iU oi.' cy, lloe trv^ount.n in .im d I*l;iteaii ”*s. 0<‘ncroll>- fa ir except fo r wide- ^ite red local thundcrBbworg nnd Tho add I tem peratures. Biriiply “T l

' . Statea," TW hat 8h#-'W anUd.' - iltlc In tho

tiie iiosi ollk-e n lit tle gUI hers projio J q dime In fron t o f tho c lerk os " n is E i t lid ; "I'lcAse. I forgot the oomo for " ills li

stoiiiu inammn told mo (0 got. reported th a tlie kind 'th a t makes a le tte r onx aoy at; u p ," -U o sf0D T ranscrip t. oxprcased-'

i i i S i H E l ■'SBAtRD.U A. \L8censicn» Episcopal

iiiuymiiiirIPPED S p F lll lC E S

etfoh Premier fioggests Send. ' lo g of More Troops in Notes

tp Britain and Italy .

V.BI6, t ^ P r ^ l e r B ria id h(i*I a n o te tc th i B ritish a n i i / a l i a n ■emments proposiog fho sending uf ifo reo iitiiti to tbo , l r ,c j t ro o f . to [>or Silesia in ordor to mako su tt t th ey are n o fd ia tu ro '.l ood to .-jt . . ‘ ' J respect fo r tho d«isir.r.« of the iT under th e treo ty o f Versaill*^ be-'1 the convM iog o f tjjf ajjled JU- M council.he F rench ombaarador la Berlin a t some tim e, was instructed to call

largo contingent* of Qerman dc- le troops under Oenoral Von H oefer ,!h a r o j t m d n l y g j n j ^ r Rllesia.

.^ROCKCREEIT j}CK CBEEK, Idaho - Tbo Bock k iJ id io s ' club met a t the home t f n . Curtic Lg - f f ia n in U t^ d ^ y -h e r - t ls tCT, i i n . ---------^. I ^ a o n . Those preaent were Mes- f‘ A tkin andI m , S t ^ k , O .iD . Crockett aad Frederick, P e r jy Jonor, 0 , H ea rr .’, Larsen and JhlldroB, M. Brown ol W ebb aad children, D. P . -Al*F ra n k Bower, H erraaa Scbnrgen, -

htjatesses and Mrs. Charlie Vonc* erome, Ifcd tho M lssw A nna-Lar- F lo ra Bow er and M ojy ja jjjer. Ths m eeting w ill be a t tho home of M . B ro ira, fVJday, Ja}y £S.. u d M n . W nltcr B>o» of M n T O nt e u « a .y « M b o B ,o ,o to rn ..

ofc-Crook oitilln T tlu r ie to riou j in ’W O w ith M urtaugh on the home gbndny, tho score boing 11 to 7

.vor o f tho home team. B atteries : ifu rtau g h , Ih iy and Oleaon; Bock c. C arter, M cCarty and L ahen .. aad Mrs. J . p . Hansen returned ay to th e ir home In /Twin W is

1 w oek’a v is i t o t tho bome o f ' • daughter, M ra 0 . D. Crockett,

ihol M urray-w as a burlness visii- Uanson Monday.

!. Ed Domroae and daughter, Mr^.:o H enry, and Mrs. E. A. Owens, biiaincas visitors in Kimberly on ■ l Broso o n d 'J b n W right mo- ' fo -T w in FiUlf W ednesday. M r .- / ' t a '

H IS returning to his home there \ W spending the past week o t tho- ' C heme. '

~ MURTAUGH ”IITAUOH, Idaho - MUs Lau- • lain 05 Twin Falls, who h u been ig friciids and relaiives here, re^ .I homo Monday.. JIJIO Sm ith lo tt T «c,d ;r\o»o ii. tr iier homo near Rupert.: M onte .Iloxlett, who h u boeen a . of Mrs. Mnrinn Plumb n t th r .'ohnson home, le f t Tuesday for ime In Seattle .r.nd M r i Qcorgo Benjam in and

:ii o f th o north side, roturaoJ''a.v from a t r i p ’through Yellow- Nntlonnl park . . _ .A. B. I'roxior and four children

[rs. M nrgoret Frazier visited a t »mo o f Mhi. -Oeorgo Uoojamin I days l u t week, leaving Tues- 'uning for thoir.kome n t Mitsou- mt,lorljio Fahoy en tertained a num-

littlo frionds a t Inwn party oa sdny. afternoon, the occu lon bo-honor of ho r.ten th b irthday 'an .-

try. Tho oftcm ooo w u ppcnt in ond refreshm ents of Ico crcan.

iko woro son-cd.' iU a r p re tty roro received by tho llttto host*.080 presen t were A dalalde Boyd,10 Nelson .D orothy and H ck n one, Elixobeth and M argaret •, Rea CallcB, Ixona Boyd, Mor- ' ' W Shepherd, E sther Boyd and N ygard o f Kimberly..Carl Nacho and children of Den-D v isiting a t tho homo o f Mrs.K slater, Mrs. Oeorgo Fisclier. ’ . n Jo in Buffered a s isoo loss by ndny morning nt 3 o ’clock. The .« ttc d 'in the bnm , which wns ■ lely destroyed; sovcr/ij notr teti ncis wero burned a n d 'a l l the npleme.nts -were domaged, and a if hay containing 20 tons was

I t is no t known whnt enusod

More Credit Given China.StnnJpy FJoirer, dfrecfor. o f

logleoi gnsdi'iw Qair<^.hnn [la-pared ronsldcmblo

I) the subject, whfcb bo ot>* ' ’om .m ithnrlintlv« noiirceii. A fr.- ■ „ lo Cuptnln F lo . though tho Hgyptlntis kept wild nnlmiils

Ivlty. ‘be llrnt »oolt)gtcnl gtir- whlcb tlii'n* In di-tlnlto knowl- I" foundeij hy'thi* tlrsc l•mpe^10 .Clioti Hcnnsty. nlioiit elrvi'n I Chinn. It W11B mi'icd the “ th.:o P n rk / ' nnd hml n Bclrntllli* leotlonal nlijoct.

r Executlvefi Simple J itlo . iddross o f tho President Is'T h o f rc s ld o n t of tho United

T bero w as debafo ove r-Ih o ' iio Orst coBgress. Sotno moia- ^ iposed th n t ho bo nddresaed E iccllency," ond other# argued 1 U lghncss," bu t o eommitteo tha t “ll Is not proper to on- . , . atylo or title ocfior thou tha t

d - ln tho ConstmtlOD."

Page 7: 10, 1S21 ' i i SILER t mmm.I Summoned to Plan “IH IS, m IS … · 2014-12-12 · * iotorprctAbon," ho wid, "may oaaily coTooii

- DailyAdveritsemeni

BElPIISTil[li i i m K

Armored Oora Patrol Streets ■ • Lately Scene qf Sanguinary '

Disorders ■

• BELf’A B r, ( /R -J rh o t5»illtiiry rcmm- ' ' ' q 1 control o f ' tAo K orth Quoen gtrcol

>/;«& is Bolfast' Frldftjr mornlog unit C m ortd con. pstroU cd th e ptroetr.

A t tho d ty hall a confereneo irw held, attended by o fficc n of tho p b lln tuid tho m ilita ry ond bv Icadiof; tow u- people to dUeuaa tho s ituation horo, In vlow of tbc d ljo tdcri £ba i bad occum d durm u tho week-

I t wns annonnccd F rid ay th a t w in- forccm ents o f th e 'm ilita ry in B«lfa it from adjoiniog a reas w as coalcmplatod.'

Whon tho roporU from Thursday

X n igh t’s TlotlflR were modo public F r i­day morning i t dovolopod th a t two )>or* tons wero killed during -tbo disordon, ftnd th a t between th ir ty and forty oth­ers were wounded.

D urinc tbo diBturboncc? tho molj loot- • od a number o f public houses.

LIFE BORIS SiraCEDloipaio Cocu’t Zmposcs ^ p ris*

onment Terms Upon Two V Naval Lientenants

L EIP810, O onnany,-(/Pj — Liouten- A st D ittm or and 'l ie i i tc o n n t Bc]dt, ehargi'-l w ith m urder la (bo dc- gr«e fo r fir in g ga lifo boats a fte r thn Canadian hoBpil(U. sliip .L landovery Castle bnd been.torpedoed in tho sum- c ier of ]D18 wero cach,' sentenced today

, to four y c m Imnrisenm ont. j. Tho fcntenco did no t, however, carry hard Ju b o r.w ith i(, as demaaaod by i tho p u b lic prorecutor. Tho case of | DittmaT and B oldt d iffered from tho | otlLcra Which hod been h c o rd .b y thu ]

- w p 'nm o court hero la « im o c tio a w ith i t r U s growing o u t 'o f v io la tioc i \) f the rules clvilired warfiare, in th a t the two lieutenants voro brought to tr ia l \ by the Gorman public prosecutor. Qrea^ ] B rita in only hod demanded tbe t r ia l of Commondtr P a td g of tho sobmnrino, wbieh torpedoed tho LlandoVery Castle, who flod tho country. The pablle p rot- ;

■ «CQtor, however, a f lo r an exominntiou ,F of the evidence, ordered th a t 'D it tm o r , \ Oad B oldt bo placed o a tria l.

Uay Sncoeed Father in \w . Oongress '

Mm. W inlfrcil U a io a B uck , of Ohl- CBDO, who, according to re-ports w ill b s apnoiuted by G overaor Sm all, o f DU- * cels, to 8u.eceod hor fa th e r, 'th e lAt« ‘ Itepresontatlvo .William £ . 'l^asoa, a t ^ a membor-at-largo in congress. I f K rs . Ij n o c k is appointed to a se a t in tho house ” I t will bo tho f irs t tim e th a t two worn- ®

~ OB bave occujjied such positions in tbo hlAtory of congress. U lss Alico M . Bob* ^ ortson is tbo present w om an'm em ber

I ' o f tho house. Mra. I luck Is th e w ife of I Robert \V. H uck, Chicago civil engi- .

ncer. 'Sbo hna four children.

Gas Buggies—IPs lucky


' T T m (


^ --------■

m' ■ . ■ ' I M S %


y Newlints under this

rS P O R T SI ^ (OoDtifiQed from Page 8.)

Brief Bits of SportOeorfcs Carpontiei' n a y bo a good

'e e tS FrenctLmani h o t be U a adopted tho f y I American pug ’s Idoa 0/ S e tting pablle

„ He has announcod th a t thongh Domp- soy gave H m a wholo of a whaUng ho

gtreel vtants a retu rn m atch. .aud --------- .

'■ George Zinko?« homer Thursday /* [ " a igh t was probably tho longest h ^ ever

o l d , i i i t l i i U ii« iln -p o k .JWM- ■ • '™' ^ The lo l l traveled on a dead, line to urrea cx tim e eoraer o f the conlcrfiold

fence, end dropped In the woods. Tho runner had dmpM time, even w ith fast

a tod fieldinjr, to romp tom e. • . . .

Tho t;nmo wa# snapplly played and ft b it. of W bltzel’a duplleato o f .which jieJded /o u r biga on tht> aighi before, was goi-d only tor two bases in th.i game nftalust 8 ib K lcffnor’s protc«c».

Ono o t Iho U to .additions from thi- collejfo fields to tho A tblcliea is Wni- te r Wolfe,', n southpaw pitcher, lie hflJIs /;om Lcliaaoii VAliby eoliege.

Tbo Detroit club bas purtbasod a i r n shortstop from tbo Bristol club of tht* JL U Appalochiaa leogue, named Jimmy

WHcox. The prico .paid ia $3000. W il; cox baiU fi’om Carnegie, I’O., aad wan

r is « picked ap from tho lots by (Q N ick £e ll th is spring. ' i

Outfielder Bill Jocobroa w as an a't>- j sentco from tho lino up o f tho S t LouU (

iten- Browni lart.w eek. Whllo in Clevolanu | o]dt, j ^ o i^ t 0 messo);e tolling bim th a t a j

dc- new baby hod srrived a t his home aad thn he <}uit between innings to hasten home

very to see tho aew arrlTol. sum- - ,}day The St. Lools Browns havo iodefln* t

ifely suspended Pitohor U rban Shock. 1 “ O’ er, fo r leav ing th e team w ithout per* 1

by misrion. Sbockor claimed an ia |ury 'tO ; ]> of Lia groin a fte r-p iteh lng a game a cou-

tho pie o f weeks ago and w ts told to go thu bome. In stead .bo took 0 vacation to

the N orthern lakes. 'the . --------- ■ .tbc The B i Louis. Browns don ’t meet ,

tbo Clevelond Ind ians again n a til I a - reo», bor-&»y, and tho Browns ought to bo ,

oi glad. Of the 16 games tbe tw o team s * rine, bovo played th is aeason tb e lad ian r stie. havo won 13. A n even bri^ak in thoBp iTot- 10 games wonld hovo changed th e Am* < tlou «rieaa league pennant race cooi^der*

ably. 1

Bubo Oldrlng has changed 'h ls mind. Uo will no t maaago a elnb In. thp Pa- cifiC 'N orthw est league, b u t w ill make

, , , a transcoatinontal m p to N ew Haven, Conn., whoro he will play tho outfield.

, Black Jack Johnsoa, w ho-has juat■; been lelcased from a fod'iral prison, if

■ determined th a t tho peoplo shall moke> > a horo of him. H e iaslstd upon a match'f w lt^ Jfifk Dempjoy. .r. - . » ■

I Btiil ft real good licking would prob*1 ablv do tho eoovictod'black w hite slnv-

er i500d. ' ^

;1 . ftepofls from Bonny L eonard’s home In'dlrato tho champion ligbtwoight is in Kcrkut iJJ heaJIb, u d - w i l l probably not fl;tbt again fo r s iz month.


• ’LONDON Viscount N orthcllff’s tour, oa which ho will s ta r t tomorrow, 1 going f i r r t to tho U nited S tates, says nn announcement by tbo London Times, 1

; is to 1)0 oxtondcd to include Canada, Honolulu, tho F i j i islands, Now Zea-

r h a d , Australia, tbo Pblllppincs, Japan , 1: J ' Chino, Korea, the S tra its Bettlementsj

Burma and India. His t iq o wili bo ‘ dovoted mainly to studying Pncifie ^ problemsr


3hi. PABIfl, </P)-rMnch damago wns dono ” to propoii)' when a te rrifle w inditcnn ^

QH. struck Porta y e s te r iiy : Cblmneya were 0: to ru from roofs, trees In tho Champa' I^ysoes and tho Aveano Bola do Bou- logne were uprooted,'autom obllce woro tl

„ ovortnmed and a w n in n over tbe boul- ovard . cafes and signs on* busineu d houses were demolished. Ifony persona woro Injured by ' falling deljria.

. l l l l C‘'®! Classified advoHlsln'g Is th e cheap- * . e st th ing JOU can buy—oeaenred by

the profits i t may bring yon.

eky for the Flivver he is notFOR HEAVEN t h e s e SH O E S ' f yOi

5 A K E S - /ILL ' ‘' I f , . • TO

TH/IT ^ T U F ^ n ' i r e f - V

R M — ^

irs ClaHead, (One Cei

^ By aclnial count, four ^ these people what you -7 es fpr sale or rent, th(

Oeneral Smnts Enters Irish bue ^eaco Parleys

rax'' Goncral Ja n C briitian Sm uts, p reu le i of BoaCh A frica ,V bb is now i s Sab lin o ttend lng tho preliminory poaeo pa r­leys now being c o n d u c t^ . Ho is a

‘I)- gnbst o f tbe Sinn F e in L ord Mayor. General Sm uts, I t is sold, is represent. In(j the Britiah governm ent a t the p a ^

J , . r . ■ ^

Tie ' ‘• ^ in a tha W lw to Pralao.”

E v u 7 heroic a c t m easorca liaolt in* by Ita contem pt of aomo extero&l KOod. :k* B a t i t finds ItA own anccesa a t last, 9r* and tbeo the prudent a lM e x u t ^ to; E m onon.lU-P> *to Sem etlm ss They H ave Both.

Tlier« o re two reOHOOa wby fi*oi6 ' people'don’t mind tbo ir own buslnesa.

One Is tlin t they bovco 't any mlod. and th e o ther ihnt they haven 't a n ;

52 buslnca* .-E xchao8e.

" n E A D - i m 'B A n F i w w a m*er* C hizte i Ho. U S

& S P O E I O F T B B 'O O N D m O H O F . TH B BA N K OF H O LU ST BB, A T


k f n n iB S , JO if fi s o i t t j m 13' EESOUEOEa ■ .

1. Loons and discounta ~ -$ '8 0 ,8 2 5 .1 S3t 2. O verdrofta ____ ______ 208.Wif 3. Stocks, bonds ' and w ar­ier r a n t s --------- - 4,146.21th 0. B anking bouse, fu ra ltn re

and f ix tu r e s __________15,500.000. O ther rea l e s ta t e ______ 4,050.85

I). '7 . Claims, judgm ents, ete~. 850.00 V- a .'C ash on band .— ......— 2,083.40

0. Duo' from banks ---------- 8,388.0012. Expcnscfl In 'excess of

le ■ ' e a r n i n g s ........................ - 400.08is ' -------------ly Total __________— ........«124,450.45

LIA B IL IT IE S J . Capital slock paid in 20,000,00

,0 2. Surplus f u n d --------------- 6,080.006. Ind iv idual deposits sub- '

's je c t to c h e k k _________ 50,600.12V, 8. Time cortificntea of do­rs p o s i t -------------------------20,700.42«, 0. Cashier’s <heeks --------- 128.01a, , ----------------»• Total deposits 80,459.48

13. Bills payable, inelnding <) obligations representingI® money borrowed ---------10,000.00

T otal -- ------------------------ 4124,459.45. . STA TE O F IDAHO, . 1' County of Tw in J a i l s —ea.

1, A. F.fCravon, coshler o f tho above ID named bank , do solomuly swear th a t DI the *boTo atalem ent is th io to the beat re o f n y knowledge and belief.,3 A- F . .CRAVEN, Cashier,u- Subscribed and sworn to before mo ro th l»O th day o f Jn ly , 1021.J- I c e r tify th a t I ora 'no t on officer or u direc tor o f th is bank.] , ■ J . B. KIRCHNEB.

Notary Publle,Correct—A ttest:

p W . n . CBAVEN, ly . J . M . BBATTEN,

'Dlreelorfc .

■ot going very far


issifiesnt per word peir oat of every ifive homes i ou liave ti) sell, trade, barte he position you want or th

-------------- —

»i> FOB SA LE-t BEAL ESTATE, i . FO B BALE O E T 4 A B E _IIV o r o m

' p lastered ood kalsomined house,, two big closet^ fro n t and. back sloepinB

ik poreh; law n, bom and two ox tra lota a ■ snap. Pbone 123 or call a t 111 Eaal

ifaio .

FOR 6 ALB->6 evera} pieces of land on ea»y t e r n s . ' Edw in Damman, Twin FaUs, o r phene S8a n ' ,

FOB 8 A l i& - 0 r traee , new n v e room modem house, w lto garage, for auto, lo t o r good poper. HQ Jefferson.

. P b o n e lO S M .-

' . FOR BENTFO B RENT—W oll veatillated room.

{5 • closo' in i $10 , a. m onih. '450 Second M ne. H. ^

a FO R RENT—Six room uafurnished; a two fro n t n » m s 'can bo ujod fo r offico ^ rooms; good location. Inqulfo W agner’/ £ i Homo Bakery.-

t — — POR— R B N T ^-G araw t-vM T -reaaon- able. The Oxford, 428 Main N. ----------

^ r i ^ I l i N T - ^ l c o p ' l a g room lo ' Grn- te r Houae. 120 Sixth N . Phouo'041B.

!t«2 f o b i ^ N T —U o st da lrab le .houso in Twin Foils, aitnated £11 N in th ave. N.

I A ■Apply A m alpuaoted Sugar Co„ Phone ,5, 4 o r 343, or to W. T . Scilley, Pboneint^ _________________________•______

POB RENT-TW O unfuraiahed ro im r, ground fldor; very desirable: looation 304 Six th n . , 1

, , '" p d i~ R E N T ^ F i v e r o r a b u ^ o w ; paved Btroot; .batb, b ig sleeping porch; lots o f shade. George H . SiaUn, phono

FOR B E N I>-U n<arn iiied th refr room opartm ent. Phone 805.

FOB B E N T -F u m ish ed housekeep' □10 log rooma w ith bath ; reau oab la . 40 i ^ Second ftvo. So.

H A L F Dl I to n , b« it ling u i i u A l V 'near Booths. ' A ddress-0 . A lexander.

Box 408; City.

FO B B E N T -F o n i roots* w ith ba th and sleeping poreh. I n q u ^ a t F irs t Proalnm b ^ e r y .

O F FO B R E N T -F o o r ro o a house. 058 /LT Third tv e . W. Phone 5UB4.

^ FO E BEN T—'n iw -n iO B furnished apartm ent, newly decorated, e laas. $36. Apply A partm ent No. 1, Beeond tv e . and F i f th at. E .

'go FOR B E N T -S le ip la g rooms, t t l Sth Ave. E . Phoas 76S-R

.21 "


'W A N T E D -Iiu n d jy to do a t horns. Phone 820W. ;

.00 WANTED—F io r or f ive room fo r ' nisbod houao; modom. -Phone ICIW,

,08 Ja y Beo Clark.

W A N T E D -F erds. H ighest “ w h price paid for bid cars. See Wilson,

^ a t Jay-Bee Clark store.

M ' NOTIOB TO OONTEAOTOBa ■The Board of Trustees of Indopend*

12 e n t School Dlatrict, No. 1, w ill receive . bids o t 6 o ’clock p. m., Ju ly 21, 1021,

u a t the office o f tho superintendent in 01 the H igh School Building, fo r the con- ~ struction of o bom oa th a J iu c o ln

school grounds. Tbe bom , will bo a en e-sto ry ' frame stm cturo 18 to Ofl fee t,.

00 Plans and Information tnoy be se- — eared from the ehoiiman of the said <5 board, D ; W . U pdegraff, a t the office1 oT tho BoIsfrPayette Lum ber Company,

143 Third avenuo Tbo board reserves ,tbe r ig h t to «* lot je c t any or all bids. s«t Anthoxiied a t a regnlar mcetlaff o f

tho aold board held Ju ly l l t h , 1021. JA N E CRAVEN SCOTT,

no Clerk.

or ' A devertisemenU of vOld.Advertiacmonts w ere In voguo In u >

d e n t Egypt, Oreccc aad R oiaa Oo tho w alls o f Pompoll hnTo been found annodncotoents o f g ladiatorial shows, w ith roogh pictures o f favorito glodl* a to rs , e tc . anticlpntloni o f tho mod* e m poster.

• (Copyright, 1020/by N ew E ra Feat!

M B L E II l i L S E T II I / / ■, THE DI5HE3

w c ' i L i m r I f .E /(R tV TON ’I ' ' / | ^ ' ;

PAY, JULY 16.19a-

sd Ad•er insertion,IS in Twin Falls receive Th > rter or exchange, about youi the help you need—One Cen

lE -OB SA LE -M IS C EL LAHEOUSIoom * T O R B A L E ^ o r c h ahade. 410 S ix th two M « h .

ti“ f S A L B -R u s rp ro o f m etal graiiiEast •*” *' everything lo r tbe

“ . dairy. Anderson & Day, 229 Bboskene I t . So.

FO R S A L E ^ F rc ^ cow, good milker, gen tle; term s If desired. Inoulre Zeek

_ J Plano store. ->

'f o r SALE— Jersey eow; fou>■nn 'O ath o f Sotjtb

Park Grocery. Phone 683J.

FOR S A L E ^Piek ing boxer; one ear- load picking boxes; any quan tity to lu l t . ' J . H. Barker, Bubl, Idaho. '

•uo. T ^ O R S A L B -B a ipba rrie f w d eher- ■ ond rice. Phone 550R4. \ !

— FO R BALEf—W hite ebllio pnppy. i«d; Telephone 203B1.Hte ----------- ' ■ '9r ’/ FO R S A L E ^Fresh eow. Phene '

2Q3J3. j

___ Phoae COOR. *

IR " r O l T B A L B " - fix tro B O ^ ^ - e b ' _ ■ gtteia, also flve 'y o n n g kirlm 651 Sev- , I in enth I'^ast. . J

FOR SALE—Household f n m itu r c ‘ eleetrie range, $00; bo t w ater heater, 115; oak Case piano 1150. 802 Fonrih =

__ ave. B. Phone B45J.

S ; FO E S A L E -C h in l» ., 4o p . t pound on tress. trees, easy fo pieJcI 3*4 niUea east o f f o n s d ij on iUm-

iw; berly road. B lab e Vosburg.

J ; FO E ' B A L E - F lu B uU L««hi»i, J hens; thor6ogbbreds: will sell ehoap,

— 773 Sixth ave. E.

FO R S A L E -F o rd I-ton tm ek , J020__ model, cab a sd boxbody; w ill sell 'ep' eheap; give rome term s. J . W. La-

t o lth-Laahenhelm Realty. -

__ FO B BALE—Clover h«y in th e shocki t ; 1*2 mile so r th W uU ng ton s ^ o o l In- , er. quire. J . L . Hodges.

_ . E . D. SE L L O aO , agent fo t L atl- « I th m er’a D ry A rieoato of L ead fo r spray r s t m a te r ia l Call Phone OSOB- P . O . ^ s

■701 - - : , *

W8 TO B 6 A L B - 0 . A 0 . Baited“ EoTk - ^ g ^ U O ^ ^ ^ t t l n g . 708 Blxth a re . :

30. I ^ B SALE—B ^ e l s s , trieyele t, tire i . Te. u d aceesiories. W e n e r ’s Bepair Sbep,

824 Beeond s t B .'

m FO B B A L E - F lr s t , and sicoad cut*.tin g hay, looie o r baled a t store. Carry,

. Idaho . Phone S45B1. 0

F O R S A L E - m O M O B r L E S «

T O R 'B A L ^ F ^ ^ a u U ; ^ ^ d 7 o a - ® dltlon. Pbono 00, Troy Laundry.

“5‘ H r ^ E —A ntom oblle»oB sU ki - K itcholl, UaxwelL 500 Third W. ^

- FOR BALE OB T R A D E -8 tudebak*<r road itcr In ex tra good condition; » will accept Ford In trade . Pbone

^ 300W.

FOR' SA LE—Bolek M vtn-passeoger id- c a r ; good tire s; new top ; pe rfec t en vo g ine; caa be seen a t p55 Blxth ave. N, =

Phono 487. '■

y , M I S C E H a N E O U S

a ~ D B M s k A m O ; - M rs. E lla V a a e ^ ‘ 00 on. Phone 008W.

le- F IR ST , 0LAB9 dressm aking awJ 0 la d le s ' foiloring; speelal prices sum-

Ieo mer sowing. MUs E. A . K ellogg, Room r

^ LOANS—W e have f irs t m ortgage -^ loans as follows, $500, MOOO, 13000. ^

, #4000; 3 to 6 vears 10 per c e a t; 5 por i cent eommfsalon. Blpfey * T i« « , _F U er___________ • . 8

L EA VE ordera a t T . J . L loyd 's for- S e t h ’s H ot flprlnga M ineral vfatera, ^

J MONEY, TO LOAN '■a FA B M LOANS t i j i»o»U ilj p»7 - rs, n e n t dwelUag loans. A rth ar L. Swim ^ 11* * .O o., T n i i t H d g . ^


'e a tn re s) '.

I k

I Paged WORTH ITt> News, Daily. Tell all luirooms for rent, hous- mt Per Word—IJhone 32!

S T ~ HELP WANTEDh i W A N TED -C om petcnt, reapectablo

woman fo r housekeeper la country . home, with modem equlpment;‘ one who

A wishes p em o aen t poiiU oa la eonsid- le erato family of fou r-ado ltr ; no wash* le I07. Address Box 1120. Telepbona


r, “ W A N T E S -F ^ret “ claas nechaaie ; k only one w ith referenees need a p ^ y ;

good p late fo r right-m an. A d d rw t o- 0, earo Newr.

‘ TO TBADETOR T ^ D E ^ i i e e t i i e w ashbff’ m -

^ ehino for milch eow. 335 Hbrrlsoa.

- FOR T R A p E -E q n lty la house, food loeatiaB ; to trade tor ear. I f . , eare Newa. ' .

” t 6 T R A D E -W ell improved two' acre trac t, do ie in, fo r four, room mod*

g e ra houie in e ity lim ltr. IJoyd-Cravea Company. Phono 025. 123 M ain ave.

.. E f l i l • . .

" • • LOST ^‘ LOST - M * « d top, lire , 81 b l 4.

mounted on rim,<betweea Shothose Ba* s is o n j Twin - Falls on S a n d a r Kf(«^

, noon. Leave a t office o f Tw in lU l s News. Reward. '

^ r isiEssiEciy ib a k e ey

' WAQima’S BMD-Whele ■'wheat g rah a u , rye, nu t. m ilk and Vicsaa bread. Cakes and pastry. 916 U ala

; ave. N. .Phone M.

1 ^ B K A D T y P A E l S ^

1 ^ U T Y P A B L O B -B esj B U ^ 'a Mi- i linery. Phene 576J.


» S to p .' P to«> I.


I. l iu a & E A T J L O C H P A k rped to handle any k ia d o t h a u i u

j IM Seeond A ve. N . P hene >71

p A n rrm o: • 0 * 0 * ^, F i n t elas* w ork by skilled work

n a n in painting, papering, a rtls tl . kalsomlniflg aad geaeral d eeo ra tiaf

gnaraateed, a t reasonable priees ^ Gee & Grinstead. Phones 6M U an

; 094R. _____________________________

SHOE KSPAIBIiraa I iB X a N d h b '8 b h o b B S P A lB iira

]32 Bboshone W. Phone 898. Al w ork guaraateod. A . Chlponrla, Pro{

TRAN8FES( ^ Z I E B o b lD A i r

Phone 348.

, p r o f e i J J X o n d l

“ ' ATTOBHinrfl"a ! N O E T H -U w y e t. " ^ t

Rice Balldlng- '

j o m i W. Q B A H A M -L a w ^ r, B a ^ T ru it Bldg. Phone 935 -^

ABHEB B. W i x i ^ - L a w y s r .

HCOIEB 0 . U II jL a ~ B o y d Y a lld l« |.

8W Jm L B Y * B W B H tB Y .rr A ttW M a t law. P ra e tlie .ia all eoorta. .Tw

, . Falls, Idaho. * '

E . H . WOLFB • - la w y e r , B o e u • «0, over Idaho D epartmeat- Store, T n fW s , Idaho.

J . B . WXBB—Lawyer. Fully orgaaia colleetlon departm en t O fnces Boems 0 and 7,over Tw in F a lls Ba * T rust Co., Twin Falls, I d ^ o . -


TUEf?Ei> THE ^TiJFFl ••------ - ' J U R 4 C K E ( 7 - p

L-*) C L A S iS EH .

Page 8: 10, 1S21 ' i i SILER t mmm.I Summoned to Plan “IH IS, m IS … · 2014-12-12 · * iotorprctAbon," ho wid, "may oaaily coTooii

' .. V - -

T O H i . _.„........POLLY AND HE

/ W E R E fe F lR E . '

Goes out.:A w t R 3 u . y ?

W ,

' '

i B E E P SIE I[ifff l[ i.JH i ’i r i T i . :— . «jront\B

Early SetUerta.XwinPalla Dls. S ™ ? tri'ot Sacoombfl to Attack field «

/o f Apoplexy .

r 11 n T 7 I M- 1..'. \ l 7 1 ^ n v tHvencn a re n iu sorUi n o t a i ^• t 9 o 'd o e k ,' &fter & few d ijs* 'lU & eo , 7 ^ [Bdueed by ovflr-flMrtioa. The f i iB jn l h * lf mil iriU tako place a t the reildenu) on Von* A rrire O v a t « P. m . w ith tb 'e 'B . ‘P . 0 . B. in D. W fihaiso, JST. OotteUo harifl'f; been a one m il m eobor ot th a t order. Tbe bodj' l i a t i ^ v e QroMmao’ii m ortnaiy e h ip e l 8 . 0 .

John Coftello .wu bore In Batlsr Anixp soun^, Ohio, 07 yean ajo/beinff o» of . VT.- F I ^miljT'of slae children, of wElsb da- Arrlro I 1/ a brother ood a diter exirrive him, A rbomu Coftello of Los Aa^lei and 10: leai rwln IVtllf, and Ifrs. John 7. Barnett Joba it Doeatnr, DUiiola. Ia hU earijr faor HoUl lOod bU pmnt« pored to Uliwari a ^ A. I ater to Springfield, llllnol*, where be Iwd to eM]y,mtthoed. Betoj ef aft- rontorous tplrit be went to Oolorado la IBBe. and there be met and married MIm )ortlo KeeB]ey. Together thoy wont to Eoger*o ifontanaaod later to Idaho where thoy Ivod for B tlrao'fiear Hafloy. *8nbee- ItlT n laently tbey reXursed to Illlikols; bnt j|||M I iby had heard tbo call of the west and ’ '* a m o to 'T w in F a U a ln lM C .u h m th e y I T , »re ilneo Uved haring been engaged fl I

M r. Ooitello l e m i a w ife and threeu u , Ohatlo'#, Cleveland and W ayne, a ll OarpeJf. Ttbbni' Uvo in o t near Tw in Pall*. j - v n o only danghtor d ie d .a fow y c d ^\go. - ■

Doeedent, while a n ls tln g a p a rty ofo n r iM -o v t o f a troDbleiome pIace in Tw o:Jie n a d . l u t SsJiday,;ozerled himsolf ion trt.iteyond h b streng th o sd im m ediately work voffered a sortnro d iiq r spell. H e ap- the oroa n a t l r ro to rcw d l^oia th is trouble, tte .S h o

bat on U onday m o n ln g n f fe t« d a 'l.strokl» o f apoplexy, and soak g tada- «n< l‘hetily t b m A th e -weeV:. by D. 1

, fo r Rog

• ■ O B m r A E Y 'Jo h n Henry.Ooodwill w u born la thn tbe ear

U to o rO h lo , Ja n o SO, 1846. Died a t Noar.1 b a se n , Id sh o ,.Ju ly 7, 1021. Age 75 .the groi oars 17. days. lumberA t th e ago o t 31 y«<i« bo w o t taar- ro up

led to M artha M otllda Lam phler in maM n < lie a ta to o f,In d ian a .. To this union place it tiTDO .rhildroa w tre b o m : Jennie A r. provide isda ,.la t(;r M n . T. B. D ateber; Oeorgo walls ai Foaroe and Jo h n Pranklia .' Tbe tw o Word )rm er live in tbo s ta te o f W iuohsia to tho ad th e lo tte r la H aniea , Idaho. These a t the irco children, together w ith ee ren bnlaufo randchildron, Uvo to taoum the lofs on. lie ( a beloved fyuher' and graodfather. on tho Cr, 0\jodw iU 's w ife U th e be- its lov tbn iM rrth 'e-ycarJSO T .-, T heI t bad been the hab it w itb Mr, Good- roaliud

for ycaiii, in the inmm or le u o n , ba ll ga ad a f te r supper to ta lu a pillow to voU d l ime convoiiicnt nbco ' In the open s i r o o n itn id lio down until, bed time. This e « - Ing ho retired fo a f l a t hay rack whlab i i i n / ' u mouatoil on jv low w heel w agon. J u u y ro ry ovldenco shows th n t he tr e n i f l i le t l r to tho long sleep, fo r when he »* n u fovercd .sorae tioe a f l t r hl» _ . latb th e re - w u no lig n of a stm ggle.M r, Goodwill liad lived in H a u e n , ” r .flb o u t throe yoari, and d n r in g .th a t 'v; mo .he hnd made a host of dose s lends, iD fac t, i t ho had an enemy . J " •'I ono secracs ta jc n o w it. I lo w ju 1^ 4 1! )nest; ind u W o u s, an d , n most -do- ^ rftble tU iw ^ . He Uad tc o n ta rry in g *® e m a ll botwccn the depot and tho ' 'o n » « ito ff lee , nnd worked n t his t u k uB- « «

tbo l iA ppropriate services were hold in tho apol room of the MethoiliBt church

T w ia Palls. 'T h e body w u then « o n f t id to - r e s t in tlie Twin Falla comi-

• Idaho (


j t r l c t Parm er A dm lta T aU ag U rl- | i jfttlon Supply AbOTo Hia AUowaaca | j

Jo d p j W ..8 . Mallory, seated in the obato eourt th is m orning, at-nouod a 10 of $25, together w ith eoitn o t eourt otccdlngB, against W allor Denton, a . £„ r t r k t farm er. Denton, who was sum- incd in to , court lo nnnwcr complaint a rp ing larceny of irrigation w ater Jm a supply dUcli, nfimitlod (jciU len eonfrontcd by tn tlm o n y subnfil. g t IP fac ts i n 'th e case. Do'nton7 who ililea two miles w est ol town, wns ap- q j ihcnded a t the Iniilnnce of a nolgh- r, Leon A yotte.

3all 2IGW and havo your su it clean- 1 fo r 50 cents. Idaho Clennora and

enfc— adv.

50 T O ir^neod a t a i i f , CsU Bob. )ne '74 .—a d r. • / ’ f c : =

T W I N f * A i x S D A I L Y :


■ a s k , d a d . ' j > ^ ‘K ro S

HE ,K ^ lo « ;s . . ' . < > u i i s e s-------------r --------- - h f r e 's

. . . . S P W '> J6

C w r a s7 ? ■ - ..............

\ 7 v ^ ^ i a ‘ '

B S 0 ^ /■A

f c

S r i B i E iI. F. Sbeohan, Stato Agronom- ]J

ist, Allied io Oortifit^atlori by H. B. Power# ‘

.This iv e n iag B. F . Sheehan, s ta te {roatvnUt, and H. E . Powers, farm a o an \« g o a t, will fin ish the ' seeond • >y of a tH^eo-day sehedole o f w heat eld oiA m lnatiou io tho Twin P a lls O o-O stric t. Tho eJperts will eontlaoo tho 1 ir lif lu tio n iaspM tion Monday. '


L oare fa iia bnrtauf offiee a t 7 a . m . <5“ ' T n i L . ^ d o lp h .x in e o lle south, 6ns- i l f mllo <& t o f Sonth Pa rk G ro c e ry - to prepi r r i ro 7:10; leare 7:35. I«y totD. W, H unter, t b n o miles south aad le mil# e as t c f Sooth P a rk Grocery— W J b iv e 7:45; 8:1C(.S . 0 . E lo d t, across from H u n te r’s ^ ' ir iro 8 :15; learo 8:<0. by dllV r.-P . Kiehoison, M on n tsin 'V iflw -- Tw in Fi r r i ro 8:50; learo 0:15. offered0 . A. M eM uler, H o llla te r-nA # ireI: learo 10:SO. a sheafJo b a H . Troeodly, throe mllos e u t a"oavei ' H oU Isler-A rriro 10:4ff; learo l l tO : . »n<l A . D. A caff, Amsterdam—A rrivo niuch n [:80.. i OtTTlU t . P o le rt, Amstoiflwn—Ai- ' u t i ,5 vo 1; learo 1:25. ja , t yeaT rod P . n o n d rlz , th ree miles w est o f ’gf y,., e g erso n -A rrlro .2 ; learo 2:25. • g p « e Ir

• ' '■ cupiod 1

ffliyfliiraiD HllT'BDISCDllTCiP S I T E S

___ th o t Wl

'arpentors and Lnmber on4ho S ri,!! Job—r lo g B AD'Out, Eoady " t L

for Erection •■ ■ . cUlly n

Two u M h w ic a Jolned tho C. E . Mnn- m trto p o f Doy ^ o u t a yw terday and f ■ork waa defin itely ’ commenced upon ° i ve oroctipn o f tho .assem bly hall a t ^ le,Shoshone basin comp. This asora- 0* Eo*' ig a truck w*s pressed into serrlco id thn c row handed Its •sailing orders f D. D. AlTord. Theso woro to le a d ir Rogerton, ta k e on ia cargo of lomber id make fo r the dunp rite . Y esterday 7**^ “ . E . S s lIM ai made tho tr ip In w ith .0 e a r j J i f f i ' , • tion anN early a ll the nocessary logs a te on 10 ground nnd with, the a rr irn l o f tho ' " E lg mber the building K ia e z ^ e to d will pa id ou i up ( u l . T he s e rr itc a of a stone The dii ason will b ) required to get tho fire- itod eoi ace into eomm!ssion,afld this will bo Womoa ^orld^l fo r u lo o a ' u tho exterior ' • ' j h l alls a re In place. w ires tW ord received from 0. E . Munson is « a tiy a I tho e ffec t th a t h e ran out o f gas vegeta l : the forest ran g er’s cab in and the u d p xlaufo of tho tr ip w as made by w ag- i ^ ' e 111. However, tbo en tire troop Is now ji j ja w: 1 tho ground and having the .tim e o f Cariran a aorw al young lives. . o f well T ho snm of -approximately $00 w u “ Mb la liu d as ta resu lt o f T ho rrd sy 's b u e - th is ' del an game, which am ount will bo do- odvlio otcd to tho w ork of finishing up Iho of pri-p: jDStruction program. ,<4711'.'

- over ai


•-------- Kd Xlonrt O repnles a M lo n o f 2>erenM In tfrdav

W arren Oaso fo r a N bn'Snlt Auitdili' A « lt, l .

a in t h e «In .fl.c m atter o f the .^\Vlrren Con- tiob. of

truction companv ag ain it Ihe Twin is *tati’alia niRhway diatrtet. in which plain- volvcdIff seek* to 'h a v e th e w ord ing-ef'?v ' „ontract fo r the de liv erj- 'o f cruihoJ '5ck .‘haiigod, Judrnj Balicock yentcrdnv - p . p i fto r JijaTlnjj ita lW ony , firanUd conn-ul fivo days.Jn w Uch to file , brief.'. An slio court te n tatively overruled n mo- filed irIon for non-suit o f tho case. J , W. '

' -I ' Donald.Suits cleaned .and pressed, 60 cents, parlies'

daho Cleaners and Dyers. Phone 21CW. Duhl d■adr. _■ joniove

RELIEF f ROM IUo9t hcadaoboB aro traocablo tc

• fectivc eyes or woakoncd eye miiBi

Poor cyos throw tho whole nor'

system out of balance. Onr gla

arc the remedy.

Parrott: Qpt“Where Glaiseskre I

— :— ---------:------------ — -------- - ^( t r S T H iAJK u p P „

SCSI (3 u e S T iO .^S l P; 's A 60 \ . ,ni4 G n O i g a V J 'M A H ^ (

r i s h t ] t i _ £

mM''* J j

I / i / j

lilt, <

i i a i E E S “ r a t i i iB F «

EHmiTsipi,,.■ cond

a r e t a r y o f C o n n t y F a i t A s k 0 ^ f o - o p e r a t l o n o u P o r t o f E x -

U b i to r B f o r B n o o e a a in g v

rgulng fo r tho « e e e s i o f the coa- county fa ir , S ec re tary J . M . M a r ‘ o f th e f i ^ b oa rd , n ^ s exhibitor*

prepare th e ir exh ib its w ithon t de- fo r th is expofitlon. ’ th e •<1 conaeetioa i r i tb tb e progrw n fo r fall premium exposition, B ccrsta iy <!• M

rkcl makc4 tb e foUowlag stiUenenC: E xh ib its sliould •U c '^roparod now dll who expect to exhibit o^ . th f tip s ) in FaU a.cannty f id r. Prem ium s ju u A Tat ared on 10 kinds o f grains ' and tor i u o s in the sh th f . A. bunch is no t » o n t ihoaf fo r exhib ition purpoecs.-T he n i ^ avea m u t be fou r inches la diam eter time

rllty and 'a rrangem en t count Ac; dolorm ining the aw ards. was .

Farm P ro d n e ta im p o rta n t ‘j 'Y ■The e xh ib its , in this departm ent

year wero th e beat io tho hlatory th-j f a ir . M ote than haU o f the „ , co in th e P roduce building « ia oe- iod Ly the d isp lay o f farm products L * , lutU-o of fm lt* nnd roo t cropa. T h is __ Ibit when show n n t the Idaho S ta te 1.• took fira t prem ium o re r m aay com- ‘ Uor* nnd won more than , $100. .A t

Tw in P a lls co u n tr fa ir , thia ex- „I t drew 1280 fo r the 03 exhibitors t won premiums. - This am ouat b ro than h a lf th o 'premiums pa id in Pn dcnojtmejvtji i a 1016.‘ Tho special i}ara exhibits o f B . 8 . rrisun and I . T . Creed wero espe- ily m eritorious and theae geatlem ea .

a lready a t w ork uaom bllng prod- _ . t fo r display th is fa ll , rrbe exhibit B e d miicollaneous products made b y tbe . . | s t E nd Plsrm D ovelopment-compaay Bosrtworth s u r p w e d Ui qua&Uty .

1 quality the e n tire a f^ c u ltn m l ^ s - T Bt Mme connty fa irr . ■' Ac lonaty A gent H . E . Pow ers is su* 9 .'°“ in teoden t of th is depaztm ent this J and w ill be g lad to a d ris e and u - twon : p rd ipec tlre exh ib ito rs in tbe selec ^ “1 1 and p repara tion of ezhibitss

W o ^ ’B B c p t r to e a t . .■ 'E lgh ty-th reo women shared $3X9 d ou t in th lf departm ent l u t ' ^9 d isplay liro ilgh t fo rth much mer- 1 comment from a ll who ris ite d the -mea’sb n lld in g . 2 ? “'TTiU is tho tune o f year fo r house- j ' 1 ?es to p repare som ethiog special for l y a t th e f d r . C anned fru lU and retables u well u Jollies, d ried fm its ^ I p resflrrer w ill bo awarded the ae iftw ral ■ premioma u l u t yeai, la w ill be » go6d tim e to show the riran from Brooklyn tbe ^ sa ib i lif ic s V‘’« “ w ell spread toblea in Idnho.‘M b s ' Elalo K oh w ill auperintend “ e de j^ rtm e n t a n d w ill bo pleased to '[""P d ie applicants u to beat methoda pri-pnrlnff cxhlbita. f*Th'.' fann ing season w ill anoa bi?;r anil ro llrftive exhibila should bc n n c d 'd t onfe.”

• “ “ ' b j t i am .T .E B A B R E B im to tl

vd M iller, aged 27 w u arrceled yes- day b y Dopuly S h e r if f H. C. V ai Stror itdiiln, a t . t h e ’in stance of John R, F It, juvcnllo nfficcr, and is being hoM 'T' the counly ja il pending nn invcatign- b. o f charRc* Ui^Kcd by M r. Ault. Tt Ta statu-1 th a t a 17-year-old giri ia in Spec] ivcd iu the nrro jt o f MlUcr, who b Cleat resident of the CaaUcford dintrict.

--------------------- : ------- BE?APBB8 BDMOVllD rB O M P IL B ____

^n action In d ivorce w as ycaterday td in tho d ia lrict c ou rt by A ttorney ' W. Taylor, of Buhl, fo r Bfcrtha Me- nald, again st W alte r McDonald. The rlies Involved ore residen ts of tho ihl d b tr lc t. , Pape rs in tfic c.kki wero iiovcd im m e d b te ly 'a f te r filing.

— - - - 1 rHEADACHES

n o r v o u a H y I :

jfical Co. I J■e Fitted RigM! ! '

s(MERE-S, • MV STARSl'CHlLi;P R E . G o S f o O U n . 1 W i xv M e M ' I- _ _ __ _ _ ^■IT S oes ■ : I' .OUT. ■

------ ’ • , . 1

B U m T jM I B I I I t i l S G ' '

adgea Babcock' and Lee Oon- II chde Bnsy Session 0! Dis-

triet IMbnnal

Judge T. Bailey. Lee, Jnaiei- jn r is t o f e eleventh jnd ie la l d istrie t, y e s te r d ^ acludiid a day.'B .iiearing o f tesU m oay •various ae tfona.^ansferred from oth- W a l l counties. ' n f

The grea ter p a r t o f yesterday mom- g w u coDsumod in hearing tsatlm ooy - tto r fle o rg e B ush divorce aettoa ;ainBt Ida E. Bush, the form er bo- Ao<. g a resident o f Jerom e, and tb e d»- Jodge ndant, wbo oppojei tho su it, b e in g » b r-B . ridoat ef Broken Bow, N ebraska. I n p iy e r 0 afternoon testim ony w u ta k en in G. teb righ t' of w ay ease b ronght by F . tried MoElroy against Charles H elm ar. . J a d

I n the Buah d iro rea .cBso th e eon rt hearii anted counael tim a to e lt« a n tb o ri ' is no: IS Involving question o f jn risd ie tion . th e 'c i laoUDn by a tto raeya fo r. tho defense will h r noa-iult w u taken under Bdrise* H acki }nt by tbo court/ I n th e H eE Ircy Falls, lainat H e lo a r ease Jndge L ee g ran ted Bnpet ne fo r filing o f b r S i . -----------------------'p laint According to th e enm plolnt, w hieb g t i & >a fllod in the Jerom e connty eonrt, - Tho 0 partloa to the Bosh aetion ware mar* year >d on June 6, 18M, in Oloarmont, Taxpc law uri, and lira d together, rea ring » m ora] mlly o f three ^ d n o , np to board , 1017. On tb a t date> according to dUtrh a in tlff thoy agreed to separate. I n defeai e appUcatioa fo r d lro ree , Bosh, wbo condn nn electrician, ow ning, i t la sa id , eon- tloh 1 lerablo property, alleges c ruelty a ad distrii ta dt*lgccd to a o r t l f y U m oefore $500 1 s friends and to In jure M s good plaint m e.---------------------------------------------------- Plaiat

---------------------------- ^oard

'ueblo: District Sib Still Needing

Considerable Aid— - ■ ■ ' ' i / f «

ed Cross ExeoutiTea Tell .of.. Oondition in Devastated

Oolorado Section

According to inform ation from Bed Honi lo u sonices, tho re lief ritnaU on a t ' ’ ood dov u la ted Pneblo baa .not y e t !on adequately m et, and ano ther ap- •al Is boing made fo r funds. F rank _ arsons o f tbo A m erican Red Cross ns- ^ onal h o ^ qoarto rs , wbo h u ia s t rls- » * .* pd the a fflic ted ,a rea , says tb a t the !Cd b uaquoaUonably 'v e ry g r e a t . 'F “ f !»ore lift 2,025 fam ilies in tho Pueblo s tr ic t,n n d 120 in tho Ln J u n ta area ho atand In need o f help, i t is said. licso unfortunate •families have loat ! **, irnlturc, bedding, clothing, and In nny c u e s the ir hoilsos. I t is now ci- mated th a t $150,000 moro b impera- ? = : ycly needed to rehab ilita te ' tho snf- f — • rcrs .who h iv e lo st th e ir a ll. nI t Is pointed on t th a t any contribu- o(I!l ona should bo m ade' promptly, u a illar now la of more valae than a la rg - - ]

amount la ter . Tho Red Croas is in v i >mpIeto control of the relief aitun-' Twt' on, and contributions to th is fund Ona •e prom ptly sent to the ir destination. , .

X J^ N B E D TO w m . m i

M arriage llcentos l i » e l^ e n issued Atrl r tho county clerk In tho paat 24 hours

tbi> following pcrionii: ’ llnrr)- B . t h e;roag, of T w in Falla, and Olivo 'B erry «c*r;rong, o f N ewark, N. J . ; to Bnj-moad Pho .. P r a t t and M aud L .Criswell, both' Tw in Falls. | j ] j

T ake advantage of out Big Qeaalnj):•>cclal. Suits cleaned, 50 cents. Idaho ean'ers and DyeA—a d r.


H otpoint Iron $8.00 Now

; I f yon trtll b ring to oar store any old i .WlU allow yon $1.00 u p a rt paym ent o a ilion w ith can tU erer handle■now;selling a'

American Electr. 20S KADTEABT ' . ......... -— '—

.. ; . . C c w m M j I M l t i r 'H n n t i t g J

l y 'M i e f c i T . j c s s A S ' y t o j .

ME. \K/HERE .V E 1?,& W ‘. . . (SoES.AiaH& J H E g b c s C

iSTffl H S

D a lto n ’s A c t io n s f o r l i e m o T a l * f-® 'o f P a r i s h , B i o e a n d C l a r k lo .

H e a r d A n r n s t 2. c b u_____Z lellfl

A ccording to a n , order issued by * ^ Y i tdge Babcock o n s te r -c u e s brought r . a y . Walton, secretary of th e (Tax- ' “ J lye rs ' league, a g a lu t W . W . P a rbb ,, W . Blco a n i 0 . P . p la sk w ill bc led in the distrie t eonrt on A ugust 2.J o d ^ Babeoek h u s e t.tb e eases for iw lng on the date mentioned, and i t _

no t'ossum od by th e attorneys, for o 'con toatan ts th a t any fu rth e r delay 111 b s caused ia these hoaringi. T . K . " < acfanan and Homer 0: M ills, of T w in .W inta. ills, and Dampier and Codding, of oinrire ip e rt, b a re been n ta in o d . by th s c ^ s i s a in tlf f a s coonsol, w ith W alters, Hod. a t B a iley ' fo r th e defendants.Those e u e s wore iu tl tu te c i'ca rly th b lar In th e name o f W alton fo r thu ixpoyets* league, and are fo r tho re- J o ral trom o ffk o aa-mem bers o f tl^e W lard o f trustee# o f ladependent fiebool M t str ic t, No. I , o t each person named a # ifeadant. T he com plaiat alleges.nU - ndnct o f official m a tte ta In connc?- 3h w itb the operation of the 'tchoo l I . . s tr ic t p /a irs . Pam agts a m oun tbg to ^ ~ M In caeJi instance a re u k e d b y .th e 1 T i lU ntlff in jodgment. . Tho f ir s t nained % . a ia ti f f is no lo a g e r .a member o f thn lard of trustees, b a rin g resigned the V flee .Immediately tfollowiag a le ry .u - . • . 1 ssmont election l u t spring. The oth- t , Mesffs. Clark and B lt« , a re ,l t i l l embers of tbe board.

tester Exhibits Cutthroat Trout

Taken on Spinner ^:o n r ’s W h i p p i n g o f J n o k e R lv -

• e r T le ld f l S a t i a f a c t o r y TB e a d t s '

B e rt K estor o f the Central market' tbe posaeseor o f (a p a ir o f cut-thron:

oa t w eighing together abont aoven )unds, which he 'C a o g b t during an iiit’c fishing l u t evening in the la le r i r e r a little below the Perrine 'idge. Another member of the pa rty ,porla th e ta k in g of 14 good slsed ont w ith a f ly . The K eater fb h were inght w ith a splaner.

S u n in ie r J ic iii s lo n by A ulo S ta g eFrom Jnly l l Till An*. 1 '

Betom Trip Good TiU Bapb 1 V

One way titkel. re»uUr fo re ,. |10 .«. W*' eonneot wilh No. l» nt ' Moimuun Home. ^

Twin F>vlls to Payette U k n by aulo t * ,excursion, reund trip ............. 129.90 ‘htavA Twtn RUIs ............. SiOO A. 4 l .o M .riArrive Itolse ................... . r. 5l. Sir °UaVe })olM for Payeite Lnkfa > X . f h e M. Arrive PaTotte Lakes c i i p . m.The aummer playcrounds of Id*ho. “ f™. Acsnlc wonclcm of the s ta te . ' ^Phone your m arv s tlo n i to the Roger' eon Hotil, 84; or Mr. Partenlu^ Tof.R f o r g

Tba OlHellailfl Anto SfageCompam g STRA8K BH08. INC.

Twin FaMi Office, Reaerton H etil, •Perrint Hotel OQtla

Ray h . t r a b k , w p r . . • ■ A i . . . - Dol*e Office. 112 N. 8t.

- 7 ,. - . ^

\ 2 0 % 1“ Discount _

O K A I i ' / i V - —

Electiical AppliiinceS: -D u r i n o t h e M o n it i o f .

July . %

n s F o r m e r l y '

w$6.9511 Iron sea may bare a t home 'wo m moa tho now Improrod HOTPOINT W lff »t 10.05. ^

W c C o m p a n y . Ju P H O lf f i tS J J

r » « n » 'S « n M k . l l i a ;

a a s k ] . . :la 'pA M '


Jpper Sectioris of Gem State to

B av^ 9 Swelter

rH E northern portion of tho Oom ^tate is to ba ro hotter w eather on ijiiaday, and

h a t condition may a ffec t the jw ijrond .,Prcdieflpns officla lly announc-

d f r r a the-Bolso oi'flce indfcate eontinnanco of th e torrldlty

h^t baa obtained for the past 0 1 days w ith apparen tly ao bance fo r a show er or two to flie ro tho monotony o f tho » n . iftuous perform ance.T ea te rda r tbe m ercury failed

B te ae li . 't io m ark aet on Wed- eaday and . equalled 00 Tbsra- ay. N inety-tw o degrees w u igb, o r tw o m arkers below the Cednosday and T bn iiday mark.« w Ipst n i ^ t w u Cl. -

t US’ brigh ten yon r home with la. E onk le & Bemiller, tbe Bz- re P a in t a n d W all P a p e r stor^■adr



nsulation”T h e T h r e a d e d r B«tter7 U immune to all l-tlme wood-Kporator Qli. le plates are (jsolated—not :rdy separated. • ^No m op^ out of your pocfcet * ntparator replaccmfeit, bo­use Willard T h ^ d ed Rubber nilat^oQ neither warps, cracki cbonlxes nor puncttires. -It, tlast* tbe battey.platcs. ,■ ,Asle a b o u t th e 'W illa rd jrcaded Rubber. Battery—

’ battery w i th Tludtded'ulatlon., f


i w m FA LLS, IDAHO / '161 2nd ATS No.

_____ . ------^PHONB 15—


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