Download - 100002

  • 7/30/2019 100002



    v Accuracy of 0.02% with a resolution up to 0.01 rpm

    v Built-in memory stores maximum, minimum, averageand last reading for recall to the display

    v Take accurate measurements from up to 24 inches

    away from rotating equipmentv NIST Certification included at no additional cost

    v NEW - Molded Rubber Shell providesadditional physical and environmentalprotection


    Hand-Held Digital Tachometer acc-

    urately measures rotational speed

    (RPM) using a visible beam of light.The CDT-1000HD can be up to 24

    inches away from the small piece of

    reflective tape that is affixed to the

    rotating element.

    The CDT-1000HD's rugged con-

    struction, portability and outstanding

    features make it an ideal choice for

    maintenance personnel, machine

    operators or others in a wide variety

    of machinery and material handlingapplications.




    CDT-1000HDMeasuring Range

    1.00 to 99,999 rpm



    CDT-1000HD is supplied as a complete kit, including thetachometer, reflective tape, two AA batteries (1.5V), operatinginstruction manual and an NIST certificateall supplied in a foam-fitted,hard plastic carrying case.


  • 7/30/2019 100002


    C DT-1000HD Data & S pec ific ations

    C H E C K L I N E

    P R E C IS IO N Q U A L I T Y C O N T R O L IN S T R U M E N T S

    T el: 662-927-0046

    F ax: 662-923-7094

    Measuring R anges

    R P M 1.00 99,99 9 rpm (non-contact)

    R es olution .01 from 0 100

    .1 from 100 1,0 00

    1 from 1000 99, 999

    A ccuracy 0.02% of reading or 1 digit

    Dis play 5-Digit LC D, 10mm high

    Dec imal P oint Automatic

    Memory S ys tem Maximum, minimum, last and

    average reading (retained in

    memory for the life of batteries)

    Measurement Sy s tem

    Non-C ontact Vis ible LE D light beam

    E ngineering units

    R P M R P M

    S ens ing Dis tance Up to 24 inches (60 cm)

    Display Update Time 0.5 seconds

    Au to P ower Off After 30 se conds of non-use

    (minimum, maximum, last and

    average reading retained in


    B attery L ife 30 hours continuous use, approx.

    B attery Ty pe 2 AA (1.5V ) or rechargeable

    Weight 5 ounces (140 grams)

    Hous ing Material AB S P lastic

    O perating T empera ture 32 to 122 F (0 to 50 C )

    S torage T emperature 4 to 150 F (20 to 70 C )

    Ac ces s ories Included R eflective tape, 2 AA batteries

    NIS T -tracea ble ca librationcertificate and operating

    instructions in a foam-fitted,

    hard-plastic carrying cas e

    Warranty 5 years








    1. On-T arget Indica tor: Indicates that the

    unit is lined up correctly for an accurate


    2. Memory Indicators: Indicates whichmeasurement stored in memory (last,

    max., min., avg) is displayed.

    3. L ow B attery Indic ator: Illuminates to

    indicate that batteries need replacement.

    4. MEM K ey: Acesses the memory. Each

    time the key is pressed the values stored

    in memory will be displayed.

    5. MODE K ey: Not functional in this model.

    6. MEAS UR E Key: Performs these


    T urns on the power

    S tarts and s tops the meas uring period

    E xits from the memory mode

    A combination Contact & Non-Contact Model, the CDT-2000HD is also available.

    C DT-1000HD Dis play and C ontrols

    Mataneepan Co.,Ltd.

    50/341 M.5 T.Bangkurad

    A.Bangbuatong, Nonthaburi

    11110, Thailand

    e-mail:[email protected]

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