
04/20/23 1

Sermons From Science -- Jan 2014科学布道 -- 2014 年 1月Sermons from Science is now published in both YouTube

under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides in the website

The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet.

May God have all the glory.

Pastor Chui

[email protected]

04/20/23 2

Fish with Limbs—An Illusion 鱼有四肢是一个幻想 In the Volume 50, Fall 2013 issue of the

Creation Research Society Quarterly, there is an article entitled “Fish with Limbs—An Illusion” by Colin Brown. He remarked that the “gene HoxD13 was put into a zebrafish. This altered the structure of the zebrafish’s fins, producing the illusion of limb-like structures. However, it would take numerous gene mutations to produce a real limb. Symmetric variation will never allow this to happen. A fruit fly underwent 270,000 positive mutations yet remained unquestionably fruit fly.

04/20/23 3

Fish with Limbs—An Illusion 鱼有四肢是一个幻想 “In the valine codon, changes to the third base

position will still result in the valine being placed into the peptide chain (known as a silent mutation). However, changes in the first and second base positions will alter the amino acid placed into the peptide (known as missense mutations). The body’s DNA repair systems will restore most of these base changes to their original form. In mice, they returned 85% within just 24 hours. Those changes, allowed to remain, will only do so if they do not upset the balance of development. This limits the type of changes such mutations will produce.

04/20/23 4

Fish with Limbs—An Illusion 鱼有四肢是一个幻想 “One lungfish has the same HoxD13 gene, but no

limb-like structures are produced. Evolutionists date tetrapods back as far as 397 million years, with a history extending into the Silurian period, before the main lines of lobe-finned fish. This removes links of the HoxD13 gene with the evolution of limbs in fish.

“Evolutionist claims again fall short—just like the claims about this experiment with the zebrafish.”

Thank Colin Brown for his excellent reporting. Let us give all glory to God the Creator.

04/20/23 5

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/20/23 6

Sermons From Science -- Jan 2014科学布道 -- 2014 年 1月Sermons from Science is now published in both

YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides in the website

The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet.

May God have all the glory.

Pastor Chui

[email protected]

04/20/23 7

Hitler and the Nazi Darwinian Worldview 希特勒和纳粹达尔文主义世界观 This is the title of a book review by Kitty Foth-Regner. Her

review is published in the Volume 50, Fall 2013 of the CRSQ. The subtitle of this book by Jerry Bergman is “How the Nazi Eugenic Crusade for a Superior Race Caused the Greatest Holocaust in World History.” She says that “Bergman exhaustively documents his contentions about ‘doctrinaire Darwinist’ Adolf Hitler.

“A central goal of Hitler and his government was the development and implementation of eugenics to produce a ‘superior race,’ often called the Aryan, Teutonic or Nordic race. At the very least, this goal required preventing the ‘inferior races’ from mixing with those judged superior in order to reduce contamination of the gene pool. Hitler believed that what we today recognize as the human gene pool could be improved by using selective breeding, similar to how farmers breed superior cattle.

04/20/23 8

Hitler and the Nazi Darwinian Worldview 希特勒和纳粹达尔文主义世界观 “Of the many factors that produced Hitler’s eugenic and

genocidal programs, one of the more important was Darwin’s notion that evolutionary progress occurs primarily as a result of the elimination of the weak in the struggle for survival and allowing the strong to flourish. Darwin-inspired eugenics clearly played a role.

“Bergman provides up-close-and-personal analyses of Hitler’s most important and influential henchmen, including Mengele, Bormann, Himmler, Goebbels, Goring, Heydrich, Rosenberg, and Streicher.

“Bergman closes his book with a weighty chapter titled ‘What Can Be Learned from Attempts to Apply Darwinism to Society.’

“The German government subsidized reproduction among ‘racially and biologically desirable’ couples, advanced the breeding of the Nordic super-race, and sponsored mass kidnapping of ‘racially valuable’ children.

04/20/23 9

Hitler and the Nazi Darwinian Worldview 希特勒和纳粹达尔文主义世界观 “Germany was known in the first part of the twentieth century as

the home of the most accomplished scientists in the world, including the majority of Nobel Laureates. These were the experts who gave Hitler the scientific justification he needed to advance his horrific programs.

“Scientists are highly vulnerable to intellectual and moral corruption—opportunities will be used if they promise more influence and success.

“Apparently not even medical doctors could resist. The psychiatric and medical professions were among the most enthusiastic supporters of Nazi race programs.

“Even outspoken Harvard professor Stephen Jay Gould wrote ‘Biological arguments for racism increased by orders of magnitude following the acceptance of evolutionary theory by scientists in most nations.’

04/20/23 10

Hitler and the Nazi Darwinian Worldview 希特勒和纳粹达尔文主义世界观 “Consider the alarming increase in reports of anti-

Semitism in many parts of the world. Or consider the ‘weaning of Americans from Christianity by banning public display of Christian symbols and ritual. This is remarkably reminiscent of what Nazi Germany did.

“Or consider any of the other steps the Western world is taking, from gun control legislation to interfering with (and in some cases persecuting) home-schooling parents—all echoes of Hitler’s own policies.

04/20/23 11

Hitler and the Nazi Darwinian Worldview 希特勒和纳粹达尔文主义世界观 “Many in Germany, early on, recognized the

harm of Darwinism, and the Prussian Minister of Education for a time in 1875 forbade the ‘schoolmasters in the country to have anything to do with Darwinism…with a view or protecting schoolchildren from the dangers of the new doctrines.’ Would the Nazi Holocaust have occurred if this ban had remained in effect?

“I believe Dr. Bergman answers affirmatively and persuasively in this very important book.”

04/20/23 12

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/20/23 13

Sermons From Science -- Jan 2014科学布道 -- 2014 年 1月Sermons from Science is now published in both

YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides in the website

The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet.

May God have all the glory.

Pastor Chui

[email protected]

04/20/23 14

Colossal Canyon Discovery 巨大的峡谷发现 The Creation 36(1) 2014 magazine has a report on

“An enormous mega-canyon has been discovered beneath the deep ice of Greenland. Scientists used airborne radar data to see through the 3-km-thick ice sheet, and were shocked to find a huge canyon similar in scale to the world-famous Grand Canyon of the USA, but nearly twice as long. It is carved up to 800 m (2600 ft) deep into the solid bedrock that underlies the ice, beginning in the middle of Greenland and continuing northwards to the sea. It is the world’s longest canyon.

04/20/23 15

Colossal Canyon Discovery 巨大的峡谷发现 “Many scientists are surprised because they

assumed that all the major features of the earth’s land surface had already been discovered. What is more, they don’t understand how the canyon can be so deep and sharply cut, because their long-age thinking has led them to believe it is about 4 million years old. In such a length of time, the unrelenting grinding force of glaciers should have worn the canyon down into a shallower valley with a rounded, U-shaped cross-section.

04/20/23 16

Colossal Canyon Discovery 巨大的峡谷发现 “The scientists say that the canyon formed before

Greenland was covered with ice, and that ‘the distinctive V-shaped walls and flat bottom suggests water carved the buried valley.’ They think a river must have been responsible. But by all accounts, that must have been some river! If they took off their long-age glasses and used biblical ones instead, they would see that high-energy, channelized run-off during the closing stages of the global Flood very quickly carved the canyon. This happened as the freshly-formed landmasses rose and the ocean basins sank, about 4,500 years ago.”

04/20/23 17

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/20/23 18

Sermons From Science -- Jan 2014科学布道 -- 2014 年 1月Sermons from Science is now published in both

YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides in the website

The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet.

May God have all the glory.

Pastor Chui

[email protected]

04/20/23 19

Book Review of “The First Four Days” “第一个四天”的书评 The book review was done by Don Ensign on Delmar

Dobberpuhl’s (DD) book “The First Four Days.” DD is concerned with the days of creation as divine actions:

Divine action 1 is the creation of the physical substance of the universe, described as a perfect fluid of very low velocity—quark soup, which forms into protons and neutrons in a short time.

Divine action 2 is the formation of light, both as particles and waves, and subatomic particles. The physical laws of electromagnetism and nuclear forces were created, causing these particles to form atoms and molecules which clump into primordial blob. Black holes came into existence.

04/20/23 20

Book Review of “The First Four Days” “第一个四天”的书评 Divine action 3 shows God as an architect and builder.

He separated the primordial blob into many ultra-massive black holes which are filled with large amounts of matter. These black holes were turned into white holes to form galaxies.

Divine action 4 was to separate the sea water from the emerging dry land on the earth.

Divine action 5 prepared the ecosystem by introducing plant life both on land and at sea.

Divine action 6 transformed proto-stars into light providers. The distant starlight problem was solved by superluminal light speeds and gravity wrapping of 4-D space-time.

04/20/23 21

Book Review of “The First Four Days” “第一个四天”的书评 DD admits that the formation of galaxies from white

holes are speculative because it was done by supernatural means. The formation of the universe is not extensions of today’s naturally occurring processes. Therefore, these are miracles.

DD provides an interesting account for the first four days in Genesis. It might appeal to those with a physics background.

DD’s framework needs a lot of work. It is an exercise for future generations.

Thank God for his interesting perspective to the first four days of Genesis.

04/20/23 22

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/20/23 23

Sermons From Science -- Jan 2014科学布道 -- 2014 年 1月Sermons from Science is now published in both

YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides in the website

The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet.

May God have all the glory.

Pastor Chui

[email protected]

04/20/23 24

“Terror Bird” Was Probably a Herbivore “恐怖鸟”可能是一个草食动物 In the Creation 36(1) 2014 issue, there is an article on

Terror Bird. “Based on its size and enormous, ferocious-looking beak, scientists assumed that the Terror Bird, Gastornis, was a ruthless carnivore. However, recent research has undermined this assumption.

“First, US paleontologists found fossil footprints said to belong to an American cousin of Gastornis which do not show any imprints of sharp claws, needed to grapple prey.

“Second, the bird’s large size and presumed inability to move fast throws into question its ability to capture prey.

04/20/23 25

“Terror Bird” Was Probably a Herbivore “恐怖鸟”可能是一个草食动物 “Third, analysis of the calcium isotope

composition in the bones of Gastornis matches that of herbivores.

“As we have explained many times previously, just because a creature has carnivorous ‘equipment’ (‘ferocious’ teeth, claws, beaks, etc.), does not necessarily make it a carnivore. See “‘Carnivorous’ dinosaurs had plant diet” in”

Thank God for the Creation magazine’s excellent reporting.

04/20/23 26

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/20/23 27

Sermons From Science -- Jan 2014科学布道 -- 2014 年 1月Sermons from Science is now published in both

YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides in the website

The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet.

May God have all the glory.

Pastor Chui

[email protected]

04/20/23 28

Darwin Descendant Found Faith 达尔文的后代找到信仰 In the Creation 36(1) 2014 issue, there is an

article on Darwin great-great-great-granddaughter, Laura Keynes, who holds a PhD from Oxford University, and is now a professing passionate Catholic. “She was in her 20s when a flurry of atheistic publications from the likes of Richard Dawkins brought the ‘God debate’ to public prominence. To Keynes’ surprise, “I expected to be moved by their arguments, but after reading on both sides of the debate, I couldn’t dismiss a compelling intellectual case for faith.”

04/20/23 29

Darwin Descendant Found Faith 达尔文的后代找到信仰 “What’s more, Keynes actually credits ‘Dawkins

and company’ for driving her away from atheism. She explains, “One of the things that made me wary of ‘new atheism’ was the strange mix of angry emotions I encountered there: anger at the thought of God; anger at any restrictions on behaviour; anger at thwarted will; pride in the exertion of will; pride in feeling intellectually superior; contempt for anyone who reveals human vulnerability in asking for the grace of God.”

04/20/23 30

Darwin Descendant Found Faith 达尔文的后代找到信仰 “She also noted that “it’s odd for people who

claim they value reason so highly to make such large concessions to emotions.”

“Laura Keynes now finds that when friends and family see her, many of them ‘raise arguments against Christianity, unprovoked…’.”

How interesting the above account is. Let us pray for Laura to have enough strength

to undergo Satanic attacks on her. Pray for the Holy Spirit’s power on her to win her friends and family to Christ.

04/20/23 31

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/20/23 32

Sermons From Science -- Jan 2014科学布道 -- 2014 年 1月Sermons from Science is now published in both

YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides in the website

The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet.

May God have all the glory.

Pastor Chui

[email protected]

04/20/23 33

Creation Is Always the Turning Point 创造是永远的转折点 In the Creation 36(1) 2014 issue, there is an article

on the importance of creation in evangelism. “It’s especially critical for winning people in animistic and majority-Buddhist regions to Christ. In context of possible freeing-up of opportunities to present the Gospel in Burma, the Chairman of the Bible Society of Myanmar, Rev. Saw Shwe, recently said: “Bibles are really essential for reaching Myanmar people of other faiths. They want the whole Bible, not just a New Testament, because the creation story in Genesis is always the turning point from their Buddhist ideology.”

04/20/23 34

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/20/23 35

Sermons From Science -- Jan 2014科学布道 -- 2014 年 1月Sermons from Science is now published in both

YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides in the website

The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet.

May God have all the glory.

Pastor Chui

[email protected]

04/20/23 36

Geneticists Get Adam Timing Wrong 遗传学家取得亚当时间错误 In the Creation 36(1) 2014 issue, there is an

article on the timing of the Y chromosome. “New analysis of the male sex chromosome has overturned earlier pronouncements from evolutionary geneticists that men’s most recent common ancestor lived around 50,000 years ago. They have shifted the date back to 135,000 years ago, about the same as geneticists had earlier claimed for the ‘mother of all women’ (on the basis of analysis of mitochondrial DNA, which only women pass on to their children).

04/20/23 37

Geneticists Get Adam Timing Wrong 遗传学家取得亚当时间错误 “Of course they try to distance their findings from

having anything to do with the biblical Adam and Eve. Except for the ‘dates’, the genetic data are compatible with all people being descendants of Adam and Eve. The data don’t require large populations of people. And the inflated ‘dates’ were derived from evolutionary assumptions about history and mutation rates. When currently measured rates of mitochondrial DNA mutation are used, for example, the timeframe for ‘Eve’ reduces considerably. The genetic data actually agree better with biblical history than the evolutionary story.”

04/20/23 38

Geneticists Get Adam Timing Wrong 遗传学家取得亚当时间错误 The has the following

reporting: “When these assumed rates were checked out

against the real world, preliminary results indicate that the mitochondrial ‘molecular clock’ is ticking at a much faster rate than evolutionists believed possible. If correct, it means that mitochondrial Eve lived 6,000 to 6,500 years ago, right in the ballpark for the true ‘mother of all living’.”

Praise God for such a finding.

04/20/23 39

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/20/23 40

Sermons From Science -- Jan 2014科学布道 -- 2014 年 1月Sermons from Science is now published in both

YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides in the website

The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet.

May God have all the glory.

Pastor Chui

[email protected]

04/20/23 41

Simple Solution to Moon’s Magnetic Puzzle月亮磁性拼图的简单解决方案 In the Creation 36(1) 2014 issue, there is an article on

the puzzle of the moon’s magnetic field. “Two samples of volcanic basalt from the moon were found to be more strongly magnetized than expected. Study lead-author Clemet Suavet explained that when lava solidifies, it takes on the magnetic field in its environment. Most scientists say that the moon formed 4.6 billion years ago and that churning in its molten core worked like a dynamo creating its magnetic field. If this were so, the field should have decayed long ago, but lava samples from meteor impacts show the magnetic field was much stronger for much longer than expected.

04/20/23 42

Simple Solution to Moon’s Magnetic Puzzle月亮磁性拼图的简单解决方案 “Some scientists suggested that meteorite

impacts may have lurched the moon and kept its dynamo going for longer. Others suggested that the inside of the moon wobbled and stirred the core, keeping the field going. However, the latest basalt samples mean the magnetic field was even stronger for even longer, raising even more questions. Suavet said, “The question is, when and how did the dynamo decay?”

04/20/23 43

Simple Solution to Moon’s Magnetic Puzzle月亮磁性拼图的简单解决方案 “Creation physicist Russell Humphreys proposed a

simple solution. First, the moon is only about 6,000 years old, appearing on Day 4 of Creation Week. Second, the magnetic field comes from electric currents circulating in the core, not a complicated dynamo. Third, these electric currents decay relatively quickly, which is why the moon’s field is so weak today. Finally, the magnetic field had not decayed much when the meteorite impacts formed the basalt ‘seas’ on the moon. This was at the same time as the global Flood on earth, only 1700 years after it formed.”

Occam’s razor demands that the moon is young.

04/20/23 44

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/20/23 45

Sermons From Science -- Jan 2014科学布道 -- 2014 年 1月Sermons from Science is now published in both

YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides in the website

The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet.

May God have all the glory.

Pastor Chui

[email protected]

04/20/23 46

Fossil Frog Still Looks Gooey 青蛙化石看起来还是黏的 In the Creation 36(1) 2014 issue, there is

an article on an interesting fossil frog. “A fossilized frog found in southwestern France in 1873 has long been thought to be merely a cast—albeit a finely detailed on showing ‘exceptionally well preserved external morphology’. However, thanks to modern imaging technologies, it turns out to have ‘exquisite preservation’ of its internal anatomical features as well.

04/20/23 47

Fossil Frog Still Looks Gooey 青蛙化石看起来还是黏的 “National Geographic said the specimen ‘looks

less like a fossil and more like the crispy remains of a modern frog left out in the sun too long’ and that it ‘still looks gooey after over 34 million years’.

“For those with eyes to see, the worldwide abundance of beautifully preserved fossils actually presents a very strong message against the millions-of-years paradigm.”

Praise God for the excellent reporting.

04/20/23 48

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/20/23 49

Sermons From Science -- Jan 2014科学布道 -- 2014 年 1月Sermons from Science is now published in both

YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides in the website

The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet.

May God have all the glory.

Pastor Chui

[email protected]

04/20/23 50

Children Put Self Before Others 孩子们把自己放在别人前 In the Creation 36(1) 2014 issue, there is an article

on child psychology. “One school of thought in academic psychology is that children are born inherently ‘good’—a notion directly at odds with what the Bible says, and with the everyday reality of parent’s experience! Now a psychological study has formally documented graphic self-centredness in very young children. When three-year-olds were given some stickers and asked how they should divide them with another child, they responded by saying that they and others should share equally. But their actual behavior was a different story: they kept most stickers for themselves!

04/20/23 51

Children Put Self Before Others 孩子们把自己放在别人前 “It was not until the children reached seven and

eight years of age that they began to divide up the stickers more fairly.

“Compare the biblical injunction to do to others as to oneself; and Jesus’ second commandment, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” These clearly presuppose that benefiting and loving oneself are the default states that don’t require any instruction. This latest study confirms what the Bible already taught.”

04/20/23 52

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/20/23 53

Sermons From Science -- Jan 2014科学布道 -- 2014 年 1月Sermons from Science is now published in both

YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides in the website

The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet.

May God have all the glory.

Pastor Chui

[email protected]

04/20/23 54

Submerged Forest Discovered 发现淹没的森林 In the Creation 36(1) 2014 issue, there is an

article on the discovery of a submerged forest in the Gulf of Mexico. “The Genesis Flood 4,500 years ago set the scene for the world’s Ice Age, when sea levels were lower than they are today. Creationists have estimated that period to have lasted about 500 years, time enough for substantial forests to have become established in areas where growing conditions were conducive.

04/20/23 55

Submerged Forest Discovered 发现淹没的森林 “Scuba divers recently discovered a ‘primeval

underwater forest’ about 18 m (60 ft) below the sea surface of the Gulf of Mexico. The stumps and fallen logs of Bald Cypress trees cover at least 1.3 square km (0.5 square miles), and the area teems with fish and other marine wildlife. Ignoring the Bible’s timeline of history, scientists ‘dated’ the forest at about 52,000 years old. But the evidence fits the biblical timeframe beautifully. When the Cypress trees are cut, ‘they still smell like fresh Cypress sap’. What’s more, the site ‘has just a few years to be explored, before wood-burrowing marine animals destroy the ancient forest.’”

04/20/23 56

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/20/23 57

Sermons From Science -- Jan 2014科学布道 -- 2014 年 1月Sermons from Science is now published in both

YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides in the website

The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet.

May God have all the glory.

Pastor Chui

[email protected]

04/20/23 58

More ‘Disarray’ for Evolution’s ‘Tree’ 更多“混乱”的进化的“树” In the Creation 36(1) 2014 issue, there is an article on

the disarray for evolution’s ‘tree’. “Once again, hot debates arise between evolutionists over the placement of fossil creatures in evolution’s ‘tree of life’. The Nature headline put it this way, ‘Fossils throw mammalian family tree into disarray.’ This latest controversy concerns two fossils of what has been described by paleontologists as a newly discovered haramiyid species. One research team says the group belongs in mammals, another research team says they don’t. Observing the fracas, Richard Cifelli, a vertebrate paleontologist at the Ohlahoma Museum of Natural History, said, ‘These new fossils change everything.’”

04/20/23 59

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/20/23 60

Sermons From Science -- Jan 2014科学布道 -- 2014 年 1月Sermons from Science is now published in both

YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides in the website

The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet.

May God have all the glory.

Pastor Chui

[email protected]

04/20/23 61

Double-decade Dinosaur Disquiet 双十年恐龙的不安 In the Creation 36(1) 2014 issue, there is an article

written by David Catchpoole on the 20-year discoveries of dinosaur bones with intact proteins and blood cells! “Many dinosaur fossils include real bone—they are not completely mineralized, i.e. are not yet ‘rock’. And what is found inside those dinosaur bones is a huge surprise to many people. A series of discoveries since the early 1990s has revealed dino bones with blood cells, hemoglobin, fragile proteins, and soft tissue such as flexible ligaments and blood vessels. And for special note: DNA and radiocarbon.

04/20/23 62

Double-decade Dinosaur Disquiet 双十年恐龙的不安 “This is enormously confronting for evolutionists,

because how could such bones possibly be 65 million years old? As one of the researchers involved in the discovery of dinosaur blood cells, Dr. Mary Schweitzer, said, ‘If you take a blood sample, and you stick it on a shelf, you have nothing recognizable in about a week. So why would there be anything left in dinosaurs?’ Why indeed? Unless of course they haven’t been extinct for millions of years, and their remains were preserved quickly under catastrophic conditions a few thousand years ago, or even more recently.

04/20/23 63

Double-decade Dinosaur Disquiet 双十年恐龙的不安 “But so entrenched is the evolutionary

paradigm in the scientific community, that it soon became known that Dr. Schweitzer was having trouble getting her results published. ‘I had one reviewer tell me that he didn’t care what the data said, he knew that what I was finding wasn’t possible,’ says Schweitzer. ‘I wrote back and said, ‘Well, what data would convince you?’ And he said, ‘None’. Schweitzer recounts how she noticed that a T. rex skeleton (from Hell Creek, Montana) had a distinctly cadaverous odor.

04/20/23 64

Double-decade Dinosaur Disquiet 双十年恐龙的不安 “When she mentioned this to long-time paleontologist

Jack Horner, he said, ‘Oh yeah, all Hell Creek bones smell.’ But so ingrained is the notion among paleontologists that dinosaur bones must be millions of years old that the ‘smell of death’ didn’t even register with them—despite the evidence being right under their noses. Schweitzer herself does not seem able or willing to escape the long-age paradigm, despite her direct involvement in many of discoveries. Note the timeline of these findings across two decades—pointed and regular remainders that something is very wrong with dinosaur-millions-of-years ideas:

04/20/23 65

Double-decade Dinosaur Disquiet 双十年恐龙的不安 “In 1993, dinosaur bone blood cells give Mary

Schweitzer ‘goosebumps’. In 1997, hemoglobin, as well as recognizable red blood cells, in T. rex bone. In 2003, evidence of the protein osteocalcin. In 2005, flexible ligaments and blood vessels. In 2007, collagen (an important structural protein in bone) in T. rex bone. In 2009, the fragile proteins elastin and laminin, and further confirmation of collagen—in a duck-billed dinosaur. (If the dinosaur fossils really were as old as claimed, none of these proteins should have been present.)

04/20/23 66

Double-decade Dinosaur Disquiet 双十年恐龙的不安 “In 2012, bone cells (osteocytes), the protein

actin and tubulin, and DNA were reported. (Measured rates of decomposition of these proteins, and especially DNA, show that they could not have lasted for the presumed 65 million years since dinosaur extinction. This is more in keeping with the biblical timeframe of thousands of years.) In 2012, radiocarbon was reported. (But carbon-14 decays so quickly that if the remains were even 100,000 years old, none should be detectable!)

04/20/23 67

Double-decade Dinosaur Disquiet 双十年恐龙的不安 “Note that the attempts by evolutionists to

explain away many of these findings as contamination, and also their unconcealed moves to stifle reporting of the radiocarbon result in particular, testify to an unwillingness to face up to evidence that challenges the long-age paradigm. A truly open-minded observer must surely ask, ‘Why?’”

Pray to God to open the eyes and minds of evolutionists.

04/20/23 68

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/20/23 69

Sermons From Science -- Jan 2014科学布道 -- 2014 年 1月Sermons from Science is now published in both

YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides in the website

The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet.

May God have all the glory.

Pastor Chui

[email protected]

04/20/23 70

Fast-Forming Fly Geyser 快速成型飞翔间歇泉 In the Creation 36(1) 2014 issue, there is an

article written by Jonathan O’Brien on Fly Geyser at Fly Ranch in Nevada. “In the 1960s, a drill hole previously bored into a natural, underground source of water began gushing heated water up the ground surface, creating a geothermal hot spring. Rock minerals began depositing, and have now formed an oddly-shaped formation 3.7 m (12 ft) high.

“It’s become something of a tourist feature.

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Fast-Forming Fly Geyser 快速成型飞翔间歇泉 “The formation at Fly Geyser is composed of

travertine and siliceous sinter. Travertine is a type of limestone rock, often associated with supposed long ages of formation. It is a historically-important building stone, used to build the outer wall of the Colosseum in Rome, and still widely used today. Interestingly, this same type of rock readily precipitated out of the flowing spring water at Nevada in modern times to form the sizeable Fly Geyser feature within a few decades.

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Fast-Forming Fly Geyser 快速成型飞翔间歇泉 “This curious deposit shows that it doesn’t

take millions of years for limestone rock to form, contrary to what I was told as a small boy, when visiting some famous caves in Australia. The guide said the big stalactites, stalagmites, and other amazing cave ornamentation formed over millions of years, however, I have since discovered that millions of years are not needed. All that is needed are the right chemical conditions.

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Fast-Forming Fly Geyser 快速成型飞翔间歇泉 “During the global Flood, recorded in the

Bible, the conditions would have allowed much faster deposition of enormous quantities of limestone, formed from minerals deriving from below the surface of the earth. Huge deposits of limestone were formed, in some cases hundreds of meters deep and covering thousands of square kilometers. Fly Geyser gives a tiny insight into how these formations would have been deposited very rapidly, within months.”

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Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

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