Page 1: 11 Days Super Beauty of Jiuzhaigou & Yangtze River



逢星期逢星期逢星期逢星期五五五五出發出發出發出發 Friday Departure

團費團費團費團費 LAND ONLY

雙人雙人雙人雙人 TWIN 小童小童小童小童 CHILD 單人差價單人差價單人差價單人差價 SGL SUPP.

CSJY11 3/1 - 8/31 ; 11/1 - 12/31 1999 1599 799

9/1 – 10/30 2399 1999 1199 上列費用均以美元每位計算。The above tour fares are based on US Dollar. 小童費用適用於 2至 11歲小孩不佔床。Child fare applies to children from 2 to 11 years old, no extra bed.

111 原居地原居地原居地原居地 ���� 成都成都成都成都 Hometown ���� Chengdu

今日搭乘豪華客機從原居地飛往成都。 Depart from home city for Chengdu, China.

222 成都成都成都成都 Chengdu

抵達成都後,接機入住酒店休息。 (晚餐) 酒店/Hotel : Ramada 華美達酒店或同級 Upon arrival at airport, the tour will be greeted and trainsferred by a local guide to the hotel for rest. (D)

333 成都成都成都成都 峨眉山峨眉山峨眉山峨眉山 樂山樂山樂山樂山 成都成都成都成都 Chengdu Mt. E’Mei Leshan

Chengdu 早餐後,乘車前往峨眉山。峨眉山是我國的四大佛教名山之一,素有「峨眉天下秀」之美譽。我們將遊覽報國寺,伏虎寺(含電瓶車),之後前往樂山,乘船遊覽樂山大佛全景,樂山大佛位於岷江、青衣江、大渡河三江匯流處,與樂山城隔江相望。景區集聚了樂山山水人文景觀的精華。參觀玉店後回成都。 (早/午/晚餐) 酒店/Hotel : Ramada 華美達酒店或同級 After breakfast, transfer to mountain Emei, which is one of the Four Sacred Buddhist Mountains of China, and upon arrival, visit Baoguo Temple and Fuhu Temple (by battery cart). Then transfer to Leshan and enjoy a boat ride visiting the Leshan Giant Buddha, the biggest carved stone Buddha in the world. It is carved out of a cliff face that lies at the confluence of the Minjiang, Dadu and Qingyi rivers. Stop by a jade workshop then back to the hotel. (B/L/D)

444 成都成都成都成都 Chengdu

早餐後參觀大熊貓繁育研究基地(含電瓶車),以造園手法模擬大熊貓野外生態環境,營建了適宜大熊貓及多種珍稀野生動物生息繁衍的生態環境。這裏常年圈養著20餘隻大熊貓。然後參觀絲綢店,下午遊覽款子巷子,錦裡古街,藥店(泡腳),晚上自費觀看變臉秀。 (早/午/晚餐) 酒店/Hotel : Ramada 華美達廣場國際酒店或同級 After breakfast go to Panda Breeding Center by battery cart, where over 20 species of rare animals are fed and bred there throughout the year. Then stop by a silk shop and continue to visit the Wide and Narrow Alley, Jinli Old Street, take a foot bath in a pharmacy, this evening has optional face-changing performance. (B/L/D)

555 成都成都成都成都 ���� 黃龍黃龍黃龍黃龍 九寨溝九寨溝九寨溝九寨溝 Chengdu ���� Huanglong Jiuzhaigou

早班機飛九寨溝,遊覽黃龍風景區主要因佛門名剎黃龍寺而得名,以彩池、雪山、峽谷、森林“四絕”著稱於世,是中國唯一的保護完好的高原濕地,它是一條長約7公里,寬約300米的鈣化山峽,這裏山勢如龍,又稱「藏龍山」。後參觀茶葉店。 (早/午/晚餐) 酒店/Hotel : Sheraton 喜來登酒店或同級

Take a morning flight to Huanglong to visit Huanglong Scenic Area(exclude round trip cable care). The 'World Wonder' and 'Fairy Land on Earth' are names enjoyed by the Huanglong Scenic and Historic Interest Area, which is well known for its colorful lakes, snow clad mountains, valleys and virgin forest, then transfer to Jiuzhaigou to check in. (BL/D)

666 九寨溝九寨溝九寨溝九寨溝 Jiuzhaigou

早餐後,遊覽九寨溝風景區。九寨溝有「童話世界」、「人間仙境」之譽。九寨溝的高峰、彩林 、 翠 海 、疊 瀑 和 藏族 風 情被成 為 「 天 下五絕」。九寨溝的著名景點主要分佈在日則溝,則渣蛙溝和樹正溝,其中火花海,五彩池,熊貓海,珍珠灘,蘆葦海,長海,鏡海樹正瀑布,諾日朗瀑布等風景致非常優美,獨絕天下。晚上自費觀看藏歌歌舞秀。 (早/午/晚餐) 酒店/Hotel : Sheraton 喜來登酒店或同級 Pay a full day visit to Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic Area. Jiuzhaigou Valley is a great masterpiece of nature having dreamlike scenery. It combines blue lakes, waterfalls, verdant forests, snow-covered mountains, and the folk customs of the Tibetan and Qiang peoples. There is no equal elsewhere that has sceneries and fables of dreamlike eloquence, or natural purities like a fairyland as Jiuzhaigou Valley. This evening has optional sing and dance performance in Tibetan style. (B/L/D)

777 九寨溝九寨溝九寨溝九寨溝 ���� 重慶重慶重慶重慶 Jiuzhaigou ���� Chongqing

早餐後送機重慶,遊覽三峽博物館,是保護、研究、展示重慶和三峽地區歷史文化遺產與人類環境物證的公益性文化教育機構。後遊覽磁溪口古鎮。晚餐後送上豪華遊船。 (早/午/晚餐) 住宿/Cruise : Yangtze #2 長江二號 (外艙陽臺房) Take a morning flight to Chongqing. Upon arrival; visit the Three Gorge Museum, a research center of protecting the historical and cultural heritage in Three Gorge area. Then visit Cixikou Ancient town. Later board the cruise Yangtze #2 at the pier. (B/L/D)

888 長江三峽長江三峽長江三峽長江三峽 Yangtze River

今天,您將參觀【豐都鬼城】,瞭解鬼文化和陰間文化。之後返回遊輪,繼續航程。晚上,參加船長的歡迎晚宴。 (早/午/晚餐) 住宿/Cruise : Yangtze #2 長江二號 (外艙陽臺房) Take a shore excursion to the Ghost City. It attracts tourists with temple and shrines dedicated to the gods of the underworld, instruments of torture and wild demon images are displayed. Return to ship and this evening enjoy the Captain’s welcome dinner.


999 長江三峽長江三峽長江三峽長江三峽 Yangtze River

今天您將欣賞到美麗的三峽風光:流泉、飛瀑、奇峰、秀古。換船遊覽小三峽。後船經瞿塘峽和巫峽。瞿塘峽雖最短,卻最為雄偉險峻。巫峽水流最為平緩,以幽深秀麗著稱。 (早/午/晚餐) 住宿/Cruise : Yangtze #2 長江二號 (外艙陽臺房)

This morning, you will take a shore excursion to the Mini Three Gorges on which we will be transferred to a pea-boat drifting rapidly on a breathtaking ride. Enjoy the wonderful scene of deep and quiet gorges, the magnificent peaks as it they are cut by axes and knives. Return to ship and enter the first Gorge-Qutang Gorge, the shortest but by far the most dramatic of the Yangtze’s Three Gorges with steep cliffs and fascinating oddities surrounding you. Then we will pass through the Wu Gorge, known for its odd misty rock formations and soaring mountain backdrop. (B/L/D)

111000 宜昌宜昌宜昌宜昌���� 武漢武漢武漢武漢 Yichang ���� Wuhan

今天將參觀世界上最大的大壩和水電站【三峽大壩水電站】,船經西陵峽。之後,您將在宜昌上岸,送往火車站乘高速火車前往武漢,抵達後遊覽漢口江灘,是武漢市最著名的風景遊覽勝地,被譽為亞洲第一大江灘,面積160萬平方米,與沿江大道景觀相鄰,與「天下江山第一樓」—黃鶴樓景區相望,與長江百舸爭流相映,構成武漢市中心區獨具魅力的景觀中心。 (早/午/晚餐) 酒店/Hotel : Oriental Grand 東方建國酒店或同級 Today your shore excursion will take you to the Three Gorges Dam, the world’s largest and most powerful hydroelectric dam. Set sail and pass the Xiling Gorge, the longest and previously the most hazardous, along the magnificent gorge. Then disembark at the Yichang and transfer to the train station to take a high speed train to Wuhan city. Upon arrival, transfer to the Hankou river beach area, which covers 1.6 million square and has the fame of the biggest river beach in Asia. (B/L/D)

111111 武漢武漢武漢武漢 ���� 原居地原居地原居地原居地 Wuhan ���� Home City

早餐後送機場,乘航機飛返原居地。 (早餐) Transfer to airport after breakfast. (B)

行程特點行程特點行程特點行程特點 ★ 乘飛機進出九寨溝,倍感舒適。 ★ 世界自然遺產:九寨溝。 ★ 中國國寶熊貓研究及繁殖中心 ★ 乘五星級“長江 2 號”暢游長江三峽 ★ 乘搭高鐵由宜昌至武漢。 Special Features ★ In and out Jiuzhaigou by flights ★ "World Heritage Site - Jiuzhaigou ★ Visit Panda Breeding and Research Center ★ Cruise Yangtze River by 5-stars"Yangtze #2" Ship ★ High Speed Train from Yichang to Wuhan

特特特特 約約約約 旅旅旅旅 行行行行 社社社社

For general information, terms & conditions & liabilities, please refer to Charming China colorful brochure. We reserve the right to change itinerary and prices without prior notice. 有關報名詳情及旅遊細則,請參閱「翠明假期」中國旅行團章程。 D.O.I.: 2/2/2014

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