  • ^::̂ _ - ____ . . - .

    ¦ 1:4^

    :mw M̂$r] -¦__"- ¦- ¦'ftiiij f

    (?Sf'lii n ^ CW - V r^ !it'*'j ,i i ' £ still ^oans/ iEv^ SJareiU-ElQazaf ,Dloch« , .Wm^^^^Stimt V̂ n«meroV8i^S^^!igJ^86c^tie8

    en- rhS.$l&'$ ̂ Bifcft was' &M Ae mWdiBlingui^KM***'' V(§?»*̂ JlfSt**Y* . \xx̂^^̂ 0a0̂ î̂ < b^of8>;ea'ch' : Before $obj iny* the^lwnflJpFa^iitiwholly1, ntttfl^lurt^an^^^ij iiliU^atO&tliyoWgian

    Prii«tl̂ :*^BKOOH'A i Oo..,.̂ ^ / \J > ?o ; !gfeat;:& ̂ : biitj $$a^^ paints* Mijl|%f>6^eillea,^^^^]j

    ISAA& Hi WISE, ^JEditdr & PtOJprietorr tyV./yl'hlnTc^ ears but 7do: rioriiear; t:Ue '̂ gaKs '̂ of 4pfi«^li | Blpcli liegaW ins'T^en ^^^ftta old ;' I^''tli0n

    %l^tŴ ^M^S ĵ ^V̂:̂ r^% mi^ rej ifrbut^fe^

    ^V*ii£l:i¥) i&i$'l̂ WVies^iS^i/Sw^ditfnB.i^uYjghiB it is j;evidBhjt (;;;antir I'liî j rldiiyJe.pp^iii^^iioh.J glfrecL '- .'w i th'v*|ile^"it[.^n^i.:ii:ii. .̂ 'ner^ti^">i8oal'hQ¦. 1;̂ ^.-̂ -jLdl-1̂ -,1—..^^^^^i^-^^^iL.--! tiorir'bfi^Bapti^ (liinka , feela ^ kTia^sJ',l|̂ sa

    '; and ViviPfesJ*«̂ ey jj ucoeede fr&ip/Jft^Tfifcth$cfrld fillM! iO^

    ¦"¦body-is .the spi vitHhaV ¦ returns to the\J^rdr| ba^'̂ ^• > ' ¦¦' (cacinded ft-onj '/Nb. M;y universal. depravity, of the immaculate con- who gave it , as the body returns to the clay', er 'oF'J the iptin'i ohjld 'reu^ , He, quickly acquir-

    lntellect is the name , of the divine spark in ception ,>and hundreds of other absurdities from which ilWas taken . ed 1 the Germ an-and Latin lunguages ; i n u,9 .thYbteasfcpf man. .. It U the light bestowed now , in, vogue: Think .>fr the belief in Uealh is beautifull y defined by our ancient latter a Bohemian -Catholic, .was ins" teacher,.onua by'our Creator to tind puf way through ; witchcraft , magicd , evil spirits, fortune tel- Sft fi es in Beresbith IUbb i, Ghupt. 9. Sr irnna i The opportunity cf aoq'iliHng some:knowledgethe labyrinth of 'life arid-death -to life ever- lers, sorcerers and eupk similar outrages on i ^ia nt nwa aia nam aira .wsp tub '3-i " It was. ofvanatomy wi th iha^ir-geori was welcome ,toJlasting, tb&pp^er^^^ the httiiaa intellect, nnd ypV must confess found writt en in the lessons of Rabbi Meir , MarcuS-and he made^ tliefebest use of it.-vij j 8,of physical creation; the counselor . that this age is mdcl^ less than intellectually free. ' And behold 'it was very good ;1 this point s to ,werit.1p Berjin to acquire: n- Byatematio audpoints out^t Q lis ;the; nature of thirigs and Look , into another direction ,' behold the death." * '' ;

    ^scientific educat ion aind- obtain the support pf

    evefttsV'the .chartiict'e^ Again Ibid, it says : , ^ _ some of hi ŵeiilthy'5^!v art-xbr- nature, : JntellecV i8!ithe: Us^crushin ̂

    upon'/human intellect man ias nnwa aia TO-i^a nr aiu

    nj ni ",'Be- The r accQij nt8 ,p,f. .thia inatfs. seriousness, in.great^light^ tfufe

    and,dinisj eve/ry ^culty^fithe^mnn except hold it v/as' gb'pd; '.this points to the angel pf j defntigable^ dili gonce, ^3 yw^bderfu l results

    ieHhrorigh'thia ̂ sh^e^dne^stind;'tb«B.̂ tmcii !̂ ia^a^ Jwealth!; '1 life , ' an d belipid it ' was yerj go0ay this poults, in Jns.studies; ^spedally;;Hi anatoniv;i natural

    ceiye nndiunde^ beHbtohe^ to" the angel of/ deatli.v , ' ":'' 'j ij \ .:¦¦ his^ryj ai(d the meaipnr~s6i^^and by^u^ing,h»ui) eififeci toi-caUse^wa ari of; ŷpung men:whose InteHecCis crippled in : Every creature is;gbjod of itself' a| iong/^S; fabulous.; ;Hev n)u8t.jiay^dp :̂in a nipnlh theriVe ^t thiB throng-bfthê ¦school' .of , it lives ; it is not ..only ̂ ift^d wi

    th; alt • t'hejpaj ¦ Wqrk.of a y^r^

    -in^^'sborViime , n,s

    intellect ;frbn^: pian>a«d^Mft m vice^at thej eryibu^setinto;iife'; and by the paciiies to become happy in its owai -sphere,. gristed, i-n^ rankfort o^rpdiir. as doctor, of,witb^fo'lulMe^his -pawions Without con- very idea;thaito; makis/Jmpney^is ;

    ail .man but

    i t is also beh^

    ted^ .betfefil the . wltole^i'' flveij i^m^..,. .̂ e;ti:raed|̂ i!Mih;; the^ce^bratedj*.

    trol,^'itaaJ^atiw; ̂, and^liis^alFeotioiil '"withfcrtrt

    !teraperfhê i8* a iconfOT»:Ou¥*ge^s;b^ np means intellectual- er be^perfect ; whicii ihe whole only ciin^

    child^ 1 ¦ ¦¦''" ;. - „'̂ ; , .:' -.;:,f-'::; ' ' ";ii v ' -v- . :v^»^4 ') 0 tM$$$y f e nMp ^ W. V^ ^^ 1^ . imper^ : 'x1̂

    ;mari;i8|)y^t.iyi^: a^ce;mpraVa^enJt ¦ J He

    whpsTnot intellectuailyJTffiee ns^ not; Nothing oii eat tip (sTperfcSt, -bebauTae^rtry^ ̂uemberr--Soon his re^u tatioQWas estabn BliedV

    even'sahlii ŝ î in^heistrict :sensed thing

    is a mere rp\art./;;-TW dec>a^ed:^rptj ier: a»d spread fasXi^An'eiaipnB ,; vice8i JBOcjal influences^ inherited. su- moralf ajgen^beteau^ :̂perBtitip^s^pr^^ioMrer^ors^Mn^ ;iP*̂ ^̂ o:)!̂ i 'ij ibb^h'atiisTacima'ily^pod by a Ipving' wife ,and children ,|bya^pUotiate! th^^cpuld. ;̂ i^fl^aii^^^^d;h|ir.'cnsla^'Md'ili^in^in^lecti;̂ 'pivbad^HghXo ;brPthfi rs andvfaitiifui^friends fh'e.W^ ;.' ::' . ,an ^tettt ̂ t it'fekes^th^ igUJdeUbyja>:-iniper^ respected in the : con^Vmtyi and^iB^mftteriai^f l^bis ^cheme^sj0^ritej .ana^^y^ars^Lh^ilj^îto^"thVp^tSr8;thuffimpdse^ual :̂ ^^ ^^m^tM^^ ^^J ̂l¥^^^:|̂ ^^?8^h^!̂ # ¦cav!: ̂


    1|̂ ^*^^'^^'^-# ̂ ^̂ r ̂-^'™^:̂ ^ '̂ SS°^°?ft ¦¦

    • txrdp sbi- and ^ip̂ i^ ^^B^e^^faBiirticism^ and . fpF^ea^^li^iW;̂ "̂ "Wf^^^is^^n^^s^^^^e,̂ ^^.̂; tlii8̂ |ttenip^Th"e^i ̂ JTnfiidijnn^igh^Mn^ta ^omingi sipwl^pd^su'reiy^:!̂ ¦̂ e#§!̂ ^fMbi^^^^S#Pill^r- -

    \ icj^na^re^ k^ f̂ l^^ ^ ^ ^̂ Ĵ ^ ^ ^ ^- hisfprentsi lMneith^ri/pasevin^ ^iaevof^plitical'fte^uom;;^ es'ilsrutmd'stprKctipnlin;̂ ^ ŝ ^^^f3^9i||v!̂ ^»^$^:̂ ^*̂ ^g-^^S^^^S"3 ¦ "¦; -anyii^lî djim re-' ' :;poHtic^y;ftee-^iw^Havi^ ¦̂ hol^triiyws'r^Ep?!^̂ i

  • .̂ >^i*̂ «y*ir" -";""'"* >*r rAti-°,,, "f'* " -"- *-'¦¦—- .-...-„.,—, . ,-,— ¦,. „¦... , ... ._„ ..Jii fl^i^̂ iii ^̂ î i^M

    iM^̂ ,̂ ,̂ ,!^,. _^__- - -»-' V - .

    ¦- . - . ¦ ¦ *¦« , »—-* ..»w«.i^«»/«>»« -1.-»^it.. .M^.M™^ .W4.̂ ^̂ Tiu^,w-M^̂ w.,M^>««i ̂ ...„t_j..i.v.M>,„.>.„.^,^M,^g^_J^ZH____ TH 'E . ' fstel|j:E1____ __ '" 1 " ~^

    MS^^i^r"^^^ 'There exists an old book called "rimccd Ju . ¦ >:• » • ,.., ¦ ,;: ";X oUa^rtUwik' • ' . ' '

    ¦ •" ,controversy:; - .especially, if carried V b$- daiea ad eramen rtmata," by John Wuelfer " t̂, MofOCM. — Imprisonment flf the ^S^i^iM^ a " ̂d«??« «W sin-

    of ^8v; I* iaJeridi^and^ssure h mUhat wp a reriegadb from Judaism lb -Catholicism S^ST a P"T ^*'¦ *£ ?' ̂ 'T: liforfbr the^Ieasnres Vtlib a.hu8PnteM arS '

    Bgainst^iW ,«-a new testnnony

    of men- The second part of the first named book con- Ẑ"*l"t * n, 1« , „ ' . - . ̂«

    >W ̂**»*&'¦ ^ry ' peoplet„l p«0pensm on the part of the cabbalistic- sieiB of ft repl y to lbe above by lUbbi Solo- JioTan ^ disTrees of fn JS°2r ̂the king -

    to t(,0 beggar, fraVn" th e suk-ortMBpi^l

    or Germany who persecuted mon QffQ nh

    ̂mlIed , The

    ̂̂ ^g r̂SX Toll? wTCwn^ St^0^n^ provide liiiu ' with .rai'inbn 't; or: tliey ;fuirni8a>^ »̂%*«


    ^gu^wbo; men^only the causes were; unknown to them , gSSIilS^ie ̂ tt̂ M̂ t̂m^̂- ¦i t ia; Tl,e^p>nphletContains;16pageB;8mo. ; whHe the one amells the- deviHa the play, .the whi^er,I went to w^^e^lfctoMr.I^^^^.,aridvw!il:m(?st:like^ other discerns the pow-e'r of; the Cabalah in Judg^:my dear air, of :my^


    ^ ̂ tW mystery - precisely ; as 4n our days^ 'tli e ^e^^%m;^̂ mm°m vm.̂ *̂ ****: ̂ ^msm^̂ si: wmsM^mi^Mi.; nttett^^ojt..t̂ Aau^o^tt^^v m'ent :.':bi-jiis ;-!q

    :ri - '' ^^^^ the; motive power; A:nybbw- :th)s^u^'^^^v^bcpm ¦ soritevcreatri^s^: ¦ ve^fir^^^lî r^g^::;

    -.i- ^*"'nr«l>' —:-- . • ¦•v ,:'-»'r,- :V -v .-.-?'V' *\ ' i t - :: :- -''*K -- - '"¦¦ • ¦".: .V •; ; .; . • -

    ¦¦¦ .. • ¦ . .. never yet; done, and . trust L shall-: never , find liErhttu l MoscectH ' Ileriiioifc bpnuf fi ) lrlf (>a:|in>r^iff?n:;«nyron«n ̂

    -^th&: felc ^ ©« ^©bttJ' Witli ; aiph^ripmeribn;which drivea the lotter to^ fill toime/J: ];,tpld ,him thatg[itisis;tedjapbn::thb:: thesb: ehe^abu^

    'rb^!k!iawle(i^^";icab^Dil ̂ 'theigrbSse-at superstitipri, ( "¦ V .-^^J^bbla . being/^wqg'K^- '

    W&̂ Wî ^^%: -̂^- ' "¦¦¦'- ¦> '¦' 7-~^^T^^r-—^~ Within;three3,purfl, and;vsh9uld .he;/fail :i^'̂ n^d:̂ ^


    !tn^^I^^(̂ . - . ; ¦ : :h ' ¦ ¦: -

    ¦-' A Speclmfiii Wa caiiTert. ::v ' ' - ;- ' ¦ iea8e|iim< l- wpuid'^^ ¦. :¦. ' ;¦ ̂ Theri;acbbrdihg^tb:tKeip^mphIe^^^ ; : • m^ ^-i^i^^- «V" ini. n'« ¦'.'• i. ¦ '" v - : '¦'""' cl6se.: the: dpors.^f;;my.rconsuiate ;*.̂ Thi s tlie- gratified;witli'tlib:mbst^bearitif^^^5^nB^ali^,fefc^'th^

    ,k n pw|e^,^.l8;tbe .gent^^ day, before the gupr^Mrt of Penrisy to. *We^nM^^

    mm|̂ ^"^1]^̂ ": n

    ia;-sitting in ban^«enbrdl:Horatib Hubbefr ^^;-glft̂ f natiitet^^ \istefiow. cari lie fib^blasp hemci • God?\ !:Eith- .̂ 4.̂ iii^'̂ &-"-; Vr ¦ 'vV ¦ >'

    ¦'¦";¦'• ;Th;s I'ppsilivel^refuse^ibut granted

    ̂ fclj ose wliich?arbicontiniidlly uscdneVer'̂ iii:'- e^his^l-amistakbiristvl^ ^-=^^^^,*?'&*•¦: ̂̂


    L^^^ ; S;p,ni,;at,which:1hburiJ;|nforn, She dtstrilHitesilifer^ioh^ 'tli^^iMtj ier-t^itMii^cmrectte ; .eraliHubb^llWade^statemenrofHk^a^^:: D^^-

    ,Vt,-"riI^i!^!hiiW»v '

    ;''' ' ¦¦¦¦ tiires of̂ Pavid v nv waVof ^iiStainln ff liis mn^ wna 'i-nV*-be net of delivering themj to .my ;solf- by^iabari sfof^btrimlirce/sucli^Plrttio^Rpply^ O tUC :,ChlCagO- TnbpnB^ ¦.¦¦¦¦ >f .̂ .3^^%f̂ l \̂ P^̂

    m°- 4ier„ when a ^ud knocks at: the ;door, and v a linkH-artieatablisKed bbtweea^ uisturit'kiri^Thb> Gbicngo Tribune bf^March 26 in an. tw?- ,llr" UW™> alttough npt an. active mem- : cpnsiderable^npiBe^ of; talking beloyv ,-: ftn-: .doniBi thather productibns^assing'tlifbbgh-^rti^e headed-- >f Thb' Jewish ̂ Passover '' did ^ *.?r ot

    oui-jbar foir any length of time, yet du< j ounced; ip. :me ; the,vmost.vgrati fying nn ^nfiriiteirinmbeV bftharidSi are- riiuchUri-5not complete. the; sentence


    ^^^was; forgotten altogether, and Ayemustwrite •¦¦̂ n>!̂ :.̂ /"^^^r^^W. :M^: I was determined to-possess; or ,tb cease-my- Gbd^afe tlie inexhaustible riphes bf njttiira 5ifrdov^ fbr 'thls gerillcmb^ 'Be!I' - :̂ P? S cliief offipe^ :^>

    -tibn^cpm^Me2ihtt:3bbjec^¦^iSm ^ ^ ^M ^X :t '^- ̂ oraa ^: «??aS1' SS^^°?u#^^vI]!i


    iiife V v xx r,:::¦ '^ 'Therefore: Abrahttm ¦Lincplri. in his-in.-; .clergyman of. the ^resbj teriaa. Chorch; and ;

    ¦strDngth ,;t:;gave him. my aruv 'dod coridiiclea- - .- j l icmark,;tliatoye;^

    bu^uraiM - s^id''' - '*' -I'n',teiH^ patariotiBm, ' -Was;" engaged as a .teacher of the classics in . him 'trough ol̂ lie.'gate^

    riS^t (n«;i^ ^¦'are sfeilr rAinr.Btent to ^^^ ^ his own home, ,::The esci^iien't :anib n..¦VfeP»W l^-^»;̂ J*?-,J S^P^*i^-^.- -- - ' ,;. . aft „ .;-,; . ^w „ ^ q. . . - . Jews l wnhnot .attempt to.aesciibe,. much less , tion .bf those cases whoso bwtory 1-cynld ob/j ust in tht best way all aur present difficul :

    ̂'**«. a ̂W> .

    to New : York State . set, the ̂ t f eu arui wbicK l leavb>u tbimag- Hairi,, I. libve found thafcltherembt^and^Mty ^ibrgettirig altogether ^&^ ??¦ ino/ - - . :'.' .,- . v , - - - .-' . .' '.,::V :-disposing-:cau8eB\ o;r in8ft^

    nairiot^^'-Tiiitcibrtf '' Senator -Wilson of fcurDe d tb- this city,, when he requested Mr. Although I only remained a few minutesin, lr, traced"to!fcba ™^»:.;?»^^?^';^;̂ ^wii.- ,xr' i''*&'«;&.iihi J iA- T\,U Pnnntrv - ff ii-es Hubbel f to have bis name entered as an at- his house, as I wishe^hinUo rbpose, the>bra,- Th cse^nfluenceB I ;can ,not'at: this^tinie^eiVu^Massachusetts said , .this country , gives . _ -.., . . . . . . ¦: , . ¦ t .. .. , coji r tyiird and street leading to his house merato or consider, but ' their: knowledge -equality; of;rights "evex: to that :race Vho; Jor,iey m our Supreme Court , asserting that ^re^hT.onge(j,willv pebple; a gre^ m,tny'bf jUstifie s.the: assertion -that wA^fc^;^atoned the-prbphets ,"an wbomrwere-hftlf-di-essedrio-welcome-the-pob r^«a*''J5' home p Ue::am p̂yr4aUb^0r^e^̂ -a* ^^w «f Iv.a iJ,~i\A "^' -irifl K, \ nn* riiiipm. pi'bme Gou' New York during his absence, man home; and as they heartily tlianked me ?wJ."WC .shall-- have in' oiir lartd: less of .yicb;

    her the patriotic supporters • of the CAeo^o . > i • lr ,i^f,v- me: I could only assure theui that I was aV- neglect of-physical training, and thai mper>rrfoUrt^Thcreforo the -Bo^on f r amcripla hd cessfully for Ins credentials, but being-assur- ready amply repaid by the .happiness 1 felt, feet physical &veropwe"nt> vr:W6¥,:̂ laiwV'L

    âif in ^ ' tiiA:-- ^ffn> dWnfinn tr ̂Cavid

    was fbrmally admitted topractice. of my life. ¦ The next day. a deputation wait - evident in many^ f o.ii-f female-patients.- The.the,%ae itev

    ̂ education and^ cd on me, the grand 'rabbin among them to- various Causes- which are reportbd ttf^e,of the Tribune-friends. -Therefore the pres- ia our bupr«m. -tonrt _ J|j» edacatioa and tKank ln^; TlfB jm8 closed the gates

    of the as the. sources of diaeascy rtti^rVh ichi^ar^ent 'government which , appears "from abilitiw were of a order, and under cov- Mellahi t0 iiave a . * ftnd actu,tUy m\-.> claBsified in ttie tablesbiiderth ehend bf i«^till tran sactions ' being constituted only to er- of these he succeeded in obtaining very ried ,he .poor 0i,j man on itheir shoiiWers, heu lth .V "intense mental iindibodilyeflbr^

    i (r v. «w\ *J*Miy Wo. D«nik hmrmtf ^r&s sums of money from gentlemen of this through the town , itow^^ thankful should. I be ¦" gnel'i "domestic urilmppine9;-Triaŷmake ofuoer s and dvy.ide the spoil, among * _

    successfullv swindled them to God for having been permitted to be the ua- very frequently he traced in their; primarythe sons of the Philistines has not given city, and , aaving successtuuy swindled them ffor til iQstru ai/at of sJ g00tl a cause ! inlluonces. to the bne causeof awantbf pby-;one singl e office to an Israelite, say not to lef t unexpectedl y .or A .usLral.a. 1 he vessel Chronicle. «ical stamma. 1 cftn not refrawfromi refer-on* of all thniP whom the Glncaco Tribune which , carried him Was driven by stress .of —_ —++- * ^

    ing. here tb remarjts . which!, made^ in theue oi au iuVae w ^

    ( & ^ weather

    into Itio Janeiro, whe're a similar Success makes E-vBitres.—They who are twenty fourth annual Report '{for>180.) Ieompliments;-f hcrefore but we shall say . > eminently suceessful ia business , or who there, stated that of , the one hundred andno more, we kbow you and the world knows DJ",VC,U "' fa 1"5 J *"¦* ° u- achieve greatness, or even notoriety in any eighty -seven female pntienti admitted durvou . Please add th is to your article in or- "lth dra fLs uPgi*e¥ him, and save them- ited -trmmph- of Fbe more ^worthy . ". Moreover, ing. tlie aceumulatrpn of household duties and

    bles move if a certain number of persons lay selves that -addi tional loss. the opposition which originates in such des- drudgery and the miurobh tfj crUig hted k*«o.. . . ' : , ., . . \, . a ,» J n -v " ¦ ¦ n " i j < i picabl e motives, is sure to be of the most un- «*.'/

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