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参考书目 第一章 (1) Strauss, J. and Frost, R., 2001, E-Marketing,(2nd ed.), New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc. p6. (2) Kotler,P.,Armstrong.G., Brown,L., and Adam,S., 2000, Marketing (7th ed.) Sydney: Prentice Hall Australia Pty Ltd. (3) American MarketingAssociation definition, Marketing News, March 1, 1985, p1 (4) Valentin, E., 1996, "The marketing concept and the conceptualisation of marketing strategy", Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, Fall, pp.16-27. (5)Chaffey,D., Mayer,R., Johnston, K. and Ellis-Chadwick, F.,2000, Internet Marketing, England: Pearson Education Limited. (6) (7) Bickerton,P., Bickerton, M. and Simpson-Holley, K., 2000, Cyberstrategy, Butterworth Heinemann. 第二章 (1) Durlacher Research Ltd, 2000, Business to Business E-commerce, Investment Perspective, Online, Available: (2) eMarketer, 2002, " eCommerce: B2B", Online, Available: 13/04/2002. (3) Taylor Nelso Sofres, 2002, "". Online, Available: 30/05/2002 (4) (5) 谢康: 《知识优势 - 企业信息化如何提高企业的竞争力》,广东人民出版社,1999


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第十一章 (1) Kare-Silver, M., 2000, E-Shock 2000, London: Macmillan Business. (2) Kare-Silver. M., 2000. 同上 第十二章 (1) (2) Millier, P, 2000, Nuts, Bolts & Magnetrons - A Practical Guide for Industrial Marketers, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Chichester. (3) Kotler, P., Armstrong,G., Saunders,J. and Worg, V. 1999, Principles of Marketing (2nd ed.). hemel hempstead: Prentice Hall Europe. (3) Webster, F. and Wind, Y., 1996, "A general model for understanding organisational buying behavior", Marketing Management, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp52-58. (4) Turnbull, P. 1999, "Business-to Business marketing: organisational buying, behaviour, relationships and networks", In Baker, M. (ed.) The Marketing Book (4th ed.). Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann. (5) Fill, C., 1999, Marketing Communications, Contexts, Contents and Strategies (2nd, ed.), Hemel Hempstead: Prentice Hall Europe. (6) Chaffey,D.,Mayer,R., Johnston, K., and Ellis-Chadwick, F.2000, Internet Marketing - Strategy, Implementation and Practice, England,JE: Pearson Education Limited. (7)Quelch, J. and Klein, L. 1996, " the Internet and international marketing", Sloan Management Review, Spring, pp61-75. (8) Hamill, J. and Gregory, K. 1997, " Internet marketing in the internationalisation of UK SMEs", Journal of Marketing Management, Vol.13, pp9-28. (9) KPMG, 1998, Europe Gets Wired. A Survey of Internet use in Great Britain, France and Germany. London: KMPG Management Consulting.

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第十三章 (1) Kalakota,R. and Robinson,M., 1999,E-Business: Roadmap for Success. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. (2)"Putting the Business into E-Business" 1999, Gartner Group, September 22, Online, Available: (3) Chaffey,D.,Mayer,R., Johnston, K., and Ellis-Chadwick, F.2000, Internet Marketing - Strategy, Implementation and Practice, England,JE: Pearson Education Limited. (1)Nobles, R, 1998, "Can We Talk?" Marketing Tools, June. Online, Available: (2) (3) A more detailed Drill-Down Discussion of Metcalfe's Law can be found at: http://www.seas. (4) For deeper examinations on levels of human needs, refer to literature and eescriptions of maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. May 1999, Online, Available: (5)Kozinets, Roberts, 1998, "How online communities are growing in power". Financial Times, 9 November. (6) Interested persons should refer to the following reference for more detailed discussions on community founctionality: Young, Margaret Levine, and John Levine. 2000. Poor Richard's building online communities. Top Floor Publishing, New York. (7) Zeichick, Alan, 2000, P2P networkds explained. Red Herring 4 December. Online, Available: (8) Strauss, J. and Frost, R. , 2001, E-marketing, 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc.

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