Download - 16 Favorite Scenes

  • all the scenes where they appear as a family with henry. all the scenes where Regina and emma get along and help each other.

    There are so many it's hard to list them all: 1. The mine scene 2. The "I invited her" and "Emma, I'm sorry" scene. 3. When Regina looked at Emma and said "you're back". 4. The " I

    believe her" scene. 5. The one where Emma was 'restraining' Regina when they fought against Cora. 6. Bench scene. 7. "Let me die as Regina" scene 8. Regina convincing Emma to do

    magic together and the "your boyfriend" scene 9. "Let's talk to our son" scene 10. The "you don't understand what I feel" scene after Henry gave his heart to Pan. 11. The Swan-Mills

    family hug. 12. The "you have to go" scene at the winter finale. 13. Where Emma and Regina talked after Regina sees Henry for the for the first time. 14. "I always know when you're lying"

    15. When Emma convinces Regina to teach her Magic. 16. The vault 17. The magic lesson at the apartment. 18. The two mommies when Henry told them that he drove a truck. 19. Magic

    at the hospital

    Pretty much any time they were in the same area in season 1. The mine scene is one of my favorites because it was the first time I really got Swan Queen. The vault "don't touch anything"

    scene this season was good too.

    Emma saving Regina from the Wraith. Emma and Regina chatting in Neverland, trying to save Henry together. Whenever Emma and Regina do magic together. Regina giving Emma good


    I always liked that scene right before Emma goes to fight the dragon. I think that little bit there sold me on Swan Queen.

    Emma cutting the branch of Regina's tree The mine Regina's apology outside grannys When Emma gave Regina the go ahead to use magic on the Lost Boy (they came to a mutual

    understanding to do whatever to save their son, and Emma was face to face with one of the worst "features" of the EQs magic abilities) Emma and Henry getting new memories Magic

    lessons on the bridge

    Swan-Mills famlily moments, all of them but my favorite of them all is the last episode moment in the hospital ... they just too cute my heart litteraly stoped beating for the entire scene...

    they have so much chemistry.

    just off the top of my head: -The Mine Scene (you know the one) Regina shows her vulnerability for the first time in almost forever and it just happens to be Emma -The first spark of magic

    (S2 with the hat) this shows a real, deeper connection between these two women that is totally unique -The stakeout (S3B) just perfect. happy and comfortable with each other

    Hard to decide, can I say all of them. but I think the whole 3x11 is perfect. Other scenes are the first time they meet, the mine's scene is gorgeous, the scene out of Granny's in 2x10 (I

    think), the final of S2 and from S3 I would point out the tender stare when they finally rescued Henry and all the scenes from 3x12, especially the smiles "I know when you're lying" or the

    bug scene. And maybe, the most important, when they're dinning with the Charmings as a family. God, every one melts my heart XD

    the Going Home Good byes, the Cricket game scenes, opening the hat portal, the scene at the well

    1x05 "just bring him to me" 3x11 "its not but i can give you one" 3x13 "but with you regina i always know when you're lying" 3x17 at the end, at grannys

    The midseason finale of season 3, when they were saying goodbye and Regina gave Emma memories of raising Henry. Also whenever they do magic together, and the scene where

    Emma and Regina were working together in Regina's office.

    Most of season 1, season 2wgere Emma and Regina and others are in the boat heading towards Peter pan's cave

    Searching for a cure for Henry's memories Teaching magic on the bridge 'I think we need to find a way to talk to our son' Cutting the branch off the tree I could go on....

    Definitely the more recent ones, with the S3.11 ending and the connections seen within S3.13 and S3.20. As i have previously mentioned, much stronger SQ evidence has been seen

    throughout Season 3 as a whole, especially the second half

    Am I allowed to say "all of them." I appreciate all aspects of their dynamic and enjoy the affectionate moments as much as the times when they're butting heads. It's all great. Their energy

    is electric.

    The first scene, when they meet, the bug scene, the scene out of Granny's, "Sorry I'm late", "I always know when you're telling the truth" ...ect

    My all time favorite Swan Queen scene is the second to last scene of season 3b, right before the curse hits to send them all back to the Enchanted Forest. The way Emma and Regina

    look at each other with so much emotion, and the fact that Regina though she was never see Henry again, and gave Emma and Henry new memories and a happy life was one of the

    sweetest yet heart wrenching moments of the show.

    *The mine scenes from Season 1 *When Emma and Regina first meet *The season 1 finale when they work together to save Henry & the part in the kitchen with the apple turnover *When

    Emma told her parents that she believed Regina *When they stopped the trigger in season 2 finale *The Witch Hunt episode from 3B *3A finale ending *Magic lessons in 3B

    Meeting, mine scene, outside Granny's diner, eternal zoom of love in Regina's office, Neverland "Hey", Shifting the MOON!, Stopping the diamant, "Our son" and many more.

    When they agree on things but can't seem to say it out loud. Also when Regina picks on Emma out of love.

    Basically the whole S1 :) Granny's scene in Cricket Game. Scenes in the mine in S2 finale. Discussing Henry and Operation Cobra in Neverland. Saving Henry eppie and S3A finale. All

    the Witch Hunt scenes, especially the one in Regina's office when Emma tells her she knows that Regina is telling the truth when she says she can't live without Henry and the stakeout in

    Emma's bug.

    Oh my gosh, so many. Emma cutting down Regina's tree with a chainsaw was one of the first scenes I saw of these two ladies. Then there's the "almost kiss" at the mines. Any time when

    Emma saves Regina (fire, wraith/dementor, etc). Them staking out Regina's house in Emma's bug and just talking. Regina teaching Emma magic on the bridge. Regina's sassy remarks

    like "i suggest you branch out" .

    I don't think I have favorite scenes.

    The Cricket Game scene where Emma asks Regina if she wants to go back inside for some cake and Regina asks Emma if she can see Henry more. There was a lot of tension, but they

    came to some common ground. The scene in the interrogation office when Emma tells David how she believes and knows Regina. "I know her, I believe her." "That's a woman that wants

    to change, she just wants everyone to see it." When she confronts Regina after seeing Pongo's memory of what happened to "Archie", the hurt face on Regina tells so much. It tells how

    much this woman was starting to think maybe there is someone out there that can give her a chance, that believes in her. The viewers saw the conflicting emotions going on in Emma's

    head, she believes Regina, but cannot deny what she sees. Emma has always been a person to believe after seeing, it's hard for her to have faith in things, it's a good thing that's

    changing. Every scene when they work together or make magic, they have common goals, which stem from protecting the people they love. When they stop the trigger, when they move

    the moon, when they stop Peter Pan, a great many moments like those are wonderful. The scene at Regina's office, when they were making the memory potion an Regina thanks Emma

    for standing by her, and then Emma says that she always knows when Regina is telling the truth. They share a look that is warm and loving. They care, and it's nothing to do with Henry,

    but everything to do with how much they've grown to understand each other. The scene in the bug, the stakeout, it was funny, and relatable, and so very simple. How Emma tells Regina

    What are your favorite Swan Queen scenes?

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  • that she should see Henry, even when he couldn't remember her. How Regina was afraid but Emma made her feel like she could face her son, even if he doesn't know who she is, that it's

    hard but it's better than nothing. When Regina gives Henry true love's kiss and Emma is so very happy for them. When Emma does magic and Regina looks like she's incredibly proud.

    And when Regina tells Emma how much potential she has. So many scenes.

    I love all of them, from Emma and Regina hating each other to working together, getting along and looking out for Henry.

    That scene from 'Witch Hunt' and the banter between them is always fun to watch.

    before the second curse when Regina gives Emma and Henry their happy endings.

    - Saving Regina from the fire in S1. - All the sassy come backs in S1. - When Emma says she believes Regina in S2 "Cricket Game" ep. - The OUAT S2 finale when they both worked

    together to stop the trigger. - When they talked about Henry in Neverland. - Swan-Mills Family hug when Henry got his heart back. - Swan-Mills family hug when Henry is back in his own

    body. - Regina talking to Emma at the town line as the curse was approaching. - All of 3x17 "Witch Hunt" episode. - Regina teaching Emma magic with the bridge.

    every time they interact (;

    The romantic zoom in on Regina as Emma does the goofy grin. Season 1, Regina steps into Emma's personal space as Henry is trapped down in the mine.

    The welcome home party, after the FTL journey.

    After the town hall meeting where Emma makes the town think she blames Regina for the new curse and Emma says she believes in Regina. Emma and Regina working together in

    Neverland. Regina saying goodbye to Emma at the end of Season 3a.

    Magic scenes like the mine shaft and the moon in Neverland. The first time they called Henry "our son". I also liked the scene when the mayor's office burnt down and Emma saved


    I love the scene when Emma comes out of the portal after Regina absorbed the green curse. Regina is like welcome home and Emma says something about her mom being a piece of

    work. I love anytime they do Magic together.

    All! But my all time favorite was when Emma cut down Reginaa tree AND all their Nederland scenes were amazing.

    When Emma saves Regina from the wraith and her touch creates magic to open the portal. Also whenever they look at each others' lips

    The mine scene. Stopping the diamond destruction. Eclipse. Regina saving snow & Emma at the well. All the glares & fights. Fave is at the welcome back party outside granny's. Oh the


    The magic lessons in season 3. The dream sequence in season one "what did you come for" "you."

    Any scene where they do magic together are great. I think my favorite scenes are all of their interactions in 3x13

    My most favourite one is when Emma and Regina interact after Emma remembers the past year. And most importantly, all of the winter finale. Because it really shows how far their

    characters have come, and how much a woman like Regina (who was thought to be heartless) can care and love so much that she would send her son away with the woman she was

    afraid who'd take him away from her.

    1. Emma saving Regina from the fire in (s1) 2. The whole scene where Regina asked Emma to look into August after he talked with Henry (s1) 3. Regina and Emma using magic together

    to stop the failsafe (s2) 4. Emma telling Regina "sure it was" when Regina assumed Emma trusting her wasn't easy. (s3) 5. Regina teaching Emma magic on the bridge (s3) 6. Emma

    re-introducing Henry to Regina (s3)

    When Regina gives new memories to Emma

    I love the scenes where they work together to save the day, and the scenes where they bicker and banter back and forth. By far, my favorites, though, are the scenes where they actually

    talk, let their guards down, let their feelings show, and learn something about one another.

    Their talk outside the dinner after Emma and Snow's return from FLT, and Emma and Regina working together in the beginning of 3b.

    Family moments are the best and the sexual tension when Emma pisses Regina off and Regina says "Miss Swan, you have no idea who you are dealing with" because we all know that

    Regina is capable of turning Emma into jelly.

    The scene where Emma asks regina to come back into the diner and party and Regina apologizes for snapping. Also the scene where Emma answers the door without pants and Regina

    doesn't even care.

    All of them !. The ones on Going Home and Witch Hunt mostly.

    when they work together to protect their family.

    The mine scene... and the time when they were investigating Zelena in Regina's office, and working together to make a potion.

    All of them!

    I like all of their interactions from the first few episodes, but I love the finale to season 2 when they are in the mines because that was the first time I really saw SQ and when I first started

    shipping it.

    Any of them in which they team up together to kick ass. I especially like scenes that show the bond of trust they've formed. I also feel like they share some of the most honest

    conversations of the entire show, and I especially like those scenes.

    Anytime magic is involved esp in Neverland.


    Any scene where Emma and Regina are working together/helping each other

    going home farewell scene, scenes in 3x13

    ALL THE SCENES. But my fave atm is when Regina gave Emma and Henry a happy life I guess.

    ALL OF THEM. Season 1 was full of SQ scenes. I mean, the whole "Since when are apples a threat.", "You have no idea what I'm capable of." THAT UNNECESSARY INVASION OF


    The mine scene, when they move the moon for Henry, when Emma saves Regina from the wraith, when Regina and Emma bonded over Emma learning magic and Regina was so scared

    she had lost her, the scene in the "yellow death trap" There are so many!

    Can't think of all of them right now, but 'Witch Hunt' is one of my definite favourite SQ episodes(Regina's office(Slow Rom-com camera zoom) and the stakeout). Also the apple turnover

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  • scene in S1. When they're together in Neverland in Neal's cave and Emma tells them about how she stopped counting the days because she gave up hope, Regina's face in that scene, I

    love what it shows. The good memories scene at the end of 3x11. Diner scene when Regina leaves and Emma follows her out. And there's many, many more.

    When they're working together, and of course those 'unintentionally' stares..

    Emma learning to use magic and Regina's expression when she thinks she killed Emma

    The Mine scene. The heart to heart they had in Neverland that started with "Hey." The goodbye scene in the first half of season 3. The magic lesson in Storybrooke.

    I probably love every interaction between them. Though, my absolute favorite is their interaction in the Thing You Love Most. When Emma is cutting down Regina's apple tree. It was the

    first time Regina had any kind of resistance while her time in Storybrooke and I love it.

    I think ep witch hunt - zoom of eternal love

    The ones in fanfics!

    Ohh, I have many! 1. Emma telling Regina she knows she's lying in Witch Hunt. - loved all SQ in this episode 2. SwanMills hugs in Going Home, Save Henry 3. Regina giving Emma

    memories in 3x11. 4. Stopping the trigger with magic 5. Emma saving Regina from the wraith AND making the hat work... 6. Dinner at Grannys in Jolly Roger.

    The ones in: 1x05, 1x07, 1x21, 2x01, 2x05, 2x10, 2x22, 3x05, 3x13, 3x17

    When henry is in the mines they are in each other's face, the handing over of the Apple turnover, any with Emma and get gazing talking out being near each other that would be deemed

    inappropriate, the bridge was the best one the look on her face when she thought Emma fell to her death.

    Definitely the scene from season one, where Emma cuts Regina's apple tree. The scene Regina invites Emma into her house to give her the apple turnover. That scene in season 3 where

    Emma and Regina talk in never land, about Henry. When they do the eclipse together, until family hug. When Regina gives Emma happy memories of raising Henry. The scene Regina is

    making magic in her office trying to recreate the memory potion and Emma is watching. All the jealous!Regina scenes and the scene where they were in a stakeout in the bug together. Uf,

    a lot I know.

    - Cricket game: I invited her/I know her/I believe her - Witch hunt: But with you, Regina..., stake-out, meeting Henry... - And straight on til' morning: mine scenes - Quite a common fairy:

    mirror-skype with Henry after Emma supports Regina in front of Snow - Jolly Roger: magic lessons - Pilot: their first meeting, Emma confesses bd wish while Regina threatens her - 1x02:

    apple tree-chainsaw - 1x22: the fight in the hospital after Emma realizes the curse is real

    all of them every inch. But the season 1 and 2 stuff was best probarbly

    There are tons, but the mine scene will always be The One for me, it was that scene that made me start shiping these two.

    All of them!

    leaving the diner in The Cricket Game, the 3A finale - Regina's gift to Emma and Henry, the "hey" "hey" scene in Neverland

    mine scene, "apples", neverland, stopping the device, making the hat work, the well, emma working with regina to find the witch, regina teaching her magic

    The two times Regina tought Emma magic. Oh and the "forbidden fruit" scene (;

    When they first made magic together, and in Neverland when it was about them getting their son back.

    The moment with Emma cutting Regina tree

    The confrontation over the apple tree (season 1), and Regina saying goodbye and giving Emma and Henry good memories (mid-season 3 finale)

    The scenes where they care so much for each other it's too much

    Mine scene s1, cutting down Regina's tree, your move, wraith attack, Emma and snow coming through the well, I invited her, conversation outside of Granny's in the cricket game, mine

    scene s2, most of neverland, the hey scene, Emma making fire, mirror scene talking to Henry, hugging Henry on boat, magic lessons in on bridge, giving Emma new memories, killing

    flying monkeys, Emma jealous over Regina and robin when she's 'smitten', hospital scene, charming family dinner.

    - their first meeting and the following apple cider scene - the almost kiss at the mines - Regina waiting for Emma on the desk at the sheriff station - Emma Savin Regina from the fire

    -Emma helping Regina up after the wraith attack -Regina and Emma making magic (EVERY MAGIC SCENE) - "I believe her" scene - neverland operation Henry talk - after Henry gave his

    heart away Emma supporting Regina "if you want to run the show, then run it" - swan mills family hugs (like after putting Henry's heart back, or back in storybrooke) - the goodbye scene in

    3x11 and the scene after Regina wakes up again after she faints in 3x11 -the cutting down the apple tree scene - the wrestling in the hospital in S1 finale - the deleted scene Emma spying

    Regina with August in the diner -"I invited her" and the following scene outside of the diner - both magic lessons -the stakeout in Emma's bug - "my superpower may not be perfect but with

    you Regina I always know when you're lying" and romcomzoom -Regina welcoming Emma back from Fairytale land -every scene they look at each other like they undress the other one

    The scene where Regina and Emma are trying to make a remembering potion in s3

    any time they talk to each other in a sweet way or couple like, along with the flirtatious looks and words.

    Season three, episode thirteen, Witch Hunt. Basically every moment. Also 1x2 or 1x3 (can't remember) when Emma opens the door in thee underwear. I also like then ending scene of


    Magic lessons! The tree cutting scene. All of them!

    Making magic!

    The mines All of Witch Hunt

    usually when they fought. though, the diamond scenes were pretty cute.

    Mine scene. Diner seen, because Emma invited her. Any moments they look at each other. When Regina gave Emma good memories and a second chance which was fantastic.

    1) S2E10 Granny's diner 2) S1 Almost-kissing scene 3) S1 Apple tree and chainsaw scene 4) Swan-Mills family hugs 5) Regina!Jealous scenes (my headcanon)

    The scene at the mines, the 'Hey' scene in Neverland and the Stakeout.

    going home, the cricket game, that one in season two where emma believes her, when they make magic for the first time and emma doesn't let regina die, 'regina please', them fighting in

    season one finale...

    Practically all the finales because they always ended up together and working together. Probably all the damn scenes actually, they don't get many proper ones to be honest. Also jealous

    regina is always a bonus.

    The almost kiss at the mine in 'That Still Small Voice'. 'Enjoy my shirt' The trigger in the mine scene in "And Straight On 'til Morning" The heartbreakingly beautiful 'My gift to you is good

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  • memories' in 'Going Home'

    When they first met (s01e01) and when regina gives emma a happy ending (s03e11)

    Every time they share the screen! But everything in Cricket Game and Witch Hunt has to take the cake.

    When regina moved really close to emma in season 1 and we all taught they were gonna kiss. And also when Regina gives emma and henry good memories. And all the sass of course ;)

    Al the scenes that make their relationship seem like they are a married couple, just the scenes that makes it seem so domestic. I love that.

    All of the making magic scenes. 'Did Henry really ask you to protect me.' 'She is not dying!' 'I invited her' and 'Thank you. For inviting me.' 'Picking apples.' 'You may not be strong enough,

    but maybe we are.'

    In the latest episode when Regina said "go ahead I'll take care of him" and Emma respond with "thank you" (Regina referring to Henry at the hospital). But there is much more!

    That's tough, so far it's probably the scene where Emma hugs henry goodbye to go defeat Zelena. And regina just lovingly tells her to go and that she's got henry and he will be safe with

    her. The family feels.

    Basically every Neverland scene, the magic making/ lessons scenes aaaand of course Emma rescueing Regina in S1 and the mine incident

    When they first meet, when they first start throwing words at each other (tease), when Regina asks for Emma's help to save Henry from underground... (I mean kiss already) when Regina

    believes Emma will leave her in the fire... but she saves her instead, when Emma believes Regina didn't do it, when Emma invites Regina to the welcome home party, she runs out after

    her, when Regina saves Emma and Snow from the death curse, when Emma helps Regina save storybrooke from the destruction device, when Regina looks concerned that Emma might

    have drowned, The scene where Emma says she can always tell when Regina is lying, the look Regina gives Emma when she says she's telling the truth, the bug car scene, the magic

    lesson on the bridge, and so much more!

    The mines, magic teaching, and anytime they are alone.

    The scene outside the Granny's in The cricket game.

    Don't care, love theme all, so small they are. Love the.magic together (true lover powerful)

    regina teaching emma magic

    Talking outside the diner in 2x10

    all of them but specially those when the dinamc between them becomes so clear

    OH MY GOD TOO MANY wow my mind is combusting because all of them came to the front of my brain at once. When Emma saved Regina from the fire in the town hall (s1), Regina

    giving Emma and Henry a happy ending at the end of the first half of season 3, or the heartfelt conversation between them in the Mayor's office - when Emma told Regina she always

    knows when she's lying. OH OR THE BUG SCENE!

    When they do magic together. When they are together on a mission without anyone else.

    A lot from season one and most all the neverland scenes

    oh well any of the ones they're beating each other up... but also the ones where they use magic together to save the world.

    All of them, I am not even I'm exaggerating.

    mine scene.

    Most of 2x10, especially the scene in front of the diner; Regina giving E&H happy memories in 3x11; all of their scenes in 3x13; all scenes in the hospital in 1x22; all of their scenes in 1x01

    and 1x02.

    Regina and Emma's magic lessons.

    The collaboration in S3E13 (in the office, in the bug...) the episode with the Wraith... ... practically all of them (oh the one at the apple tree cutting, don't know which episode that is

    anymore in season 1)

    The ones where they have voiced how much they believe in or know the other person.

    Apple-tree angst, first season. Showing up at Emma's room with apples, season one. Making magic, season two (that might be my favorite). The end of the first half of season three, with

    the whole second curse deal. That scene is powerful.

    wowowowoah! Too many to count! Ok so obviously the magic-to-stop-the-trigger thing in s02 final in s01 final when henry's heart stopped and the hospital called both of them at the same

    time, and then when they ran together in the hospital I DO HOPE YOU LIKE APPLES or.. walk. whatever suits you enjoy my shirt, because that's all your getting When they are working

    together to save henry in the mines THE FIRE When Gina is concerned about August Don't let your feeling cloud your judgment "you exposed me for who I really am" - because emma

    started falling for her and she needed to hate her for something in order to stop it, but she couldn't find a reason. This is why she looked so sad! IT's true isn't it.! THE HAT "we share a kid,

    it's complicated" I invited her + the talk when Gina leaves :( I believe her you have magic our son magic lessons with you regina I always know when you're lying

    Defo the scene from going home, oh! An the magic lessons

    Everything from Season 1, when Regina is teaching Emma magic in season 3B, and the scene where they're all having dinner at Granny's and Hook is being a total creeper spying on


    All of them.

    Chainsawing the apple tree through the stakeout, I like them all. Except the stuff at the mine. Asa parent, I know I wouldn't be able to even think about anybody but my kid if they were in


    Uff, tough to choose. Well, their first meeting, apples scenes, their almost kiss in the mine scene, when Regina gave Emma her apple turnover, making magic scenes, Swan-Mills family

    scene, but I guess their scenes in 'Going Home' and 'The Witch Hunt' were the best ones.

    The ones when they make magic together, what else but true love could make a magic that strong.

    All scene's, sadly since season 2 they just don't interact that much anymore, which makes even the smallest scene special in my eyes.

    The office scene in Witch Hunt. The bug scene. The mines in 2x22. "You're right, I don't know how you feel" in Neverland. And "My gift to you" in Going Home.

    The first meeting, most of season one really. Anytime they have to work together to achieve something. Emma protecting Regina. And Regina desperately trying to get her point across.

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  • And of course, the rom-com Granny's diner 'I invited her' scene.

    When they make magic together, when they have a friendly banter, when they is complicity.

    My fav always: "she doesn't die", when Emma promises to help Regina


    All the scenes in which they make magic together

    Oooooooo this is a toughy... There are just so many... I love when they do magic, and when they stare at each other... I love their every interaction really. And when Emma stands up for

    Regina and believes in her when no one else does, like always..... I can't pick a favourite I'm sorry.

    Magic lessons and the fights.

    In season 2, episode 12 - when they meet together to plot how they will work out what happened.

    The mine scene. "There you go, telling the truth again." Actually, this whole episode. Regina teaching Emma magic. The scene outside Granny's when Regina is leaving the "Welcome

    Back" party. The look they share when Emma crawls out of the well. The little "hey" scene in Neverland.

    Too many to describe individually but all the ones where Regina is snarky and sarcastic.

    The stakeout, and the magic lessons

    I haven't seen most of season 2, but anytimr Emma stands up for Regina and reaches out to her.

    My fav is outside granny's when Emma had invited Regina to the party and Regina leaves and yells at Emma and then apologizes and she accepts, and then most recently how they were

    both taking care of Henry in the hospital

    There are many Swan Queen Scenes that I love. I'll give a short list. 1. Cricket game- because Emma was adamant in believing in Regina, and knowing that she was telling the truth.

    Despite what happened afterwards, I stick by this choice 2. Where they stopped the trigger by working together. The looks that they were giving each other and having them use magic to

    stop the unstoppable and saved the town. The emotions between them there was intense. 3. Going home- when they were saying goodbye. There was more emotion between Emma and

    Regina than with anyone else. Again with the looks and then Regina gives Emma a happy ending and memories that she had always had Henry with her. 4. Witch hunt. Every time they

    have a scene together its magical. Their scenes always seem to be the highlight of the episode.

    Swan Mills Family moments and the new Charming Swan Mills Family times at home and diner. Witch Hunt. Making Magic.

    Every single one of them. My very favorite scenes are "Still That Small Voice" mine scene "Desperate Souls" Emma saved Regina from the fire "Return" when Emma walks in to see

    Regina sitting on one of the desks legs crossed and waiting for her. "An Apple Red As Blood" when Regina gives Emma the apple turnover and the way that they look at each other.

    "Broken" when Emma saves Regina again like she said. "Queen of Hearts" Regina saves Emma and Mary Margret for the well. Regina says "Welcome Back" to Emma and smiles. "The

    Cricket Game" Emma invited Regina to the welcome back party and smiled when Regina arrived and no one else did. "Straight On Till Morning" When Emma and Regina stop the fail save

    because together they are stronger. And in Season 3 I loved every moment Emma and Regina where together.

    1. When Emma told her parents she believed Regina about not having killed Archie. 2. Emma protecting Regina from the wreathe. 3. Emma coming back with Regina and helping her to

    stop the trigger with their magic united. 4. Regina being worried when Emma jumped from the Jolly Roger in Neverland. 5. Regina telling Emma to continue with operation Henry. 6.

    Regina bothered by Emma entrusting their son to Hook. 7. Regina worried when she thought Emma didn't survive the bridge collapsing when she taught her magic. 8. Emma telling

    Regina her power wasn't always perfect, unless she was using it with her. 9. The stakeout, when they talk about Henry.

    ALL OF THEM. Don't make me choose.

    Oh, that one is rather hard. I enjoy most, if not all of them. Though, the mine scene at the end of season 2 and the magic lesson in the second half of the third season would have to be my

    most favorite.

    3x14, where Emma tells Regina she always knows when she is lying. 2x22, combining magic and saving the town. 3x09, Emma comforting Regina and telling her to "run the show/how do

    we save Henry." coupled with putting his heart back in and a three-way hug. 3x11, when Regina gives Henry and Emma false memories, a Happy Ending. I enjoyed all the S1 banter

    scenes, too. And every magical training lesson, particularly the one on the bridge in S3.

    anytime they make magic together, and the whole stake-out scene was pretty great

    Swan-Mills hugs, "our son", stake-out, parenting moment after Charming let Henry drive & diner scene.

    All of them. But the one on the bridge especially

    Most of season 1, most of the Neverland scenes, in episode 1x21 when emma comes to say she's leaving SB and she looks up at regina with eyes that are clearly implying they need to

    have sex or kiss or something.

    The mine scene. The first scene. The one where Emma saves Regina; from the fire, from the wraith, from Whale. When Emma and MM come back from the EF. When Regina wanted

    Emma to fi the ropes, but Emma brings the whole bridge back up to her. When Emma makes Regina's magic work. Again, and again. When they make magic together. After Emma cuts

    the branch from Regina's tree and Regina struts out like fire and rage and oozing sex... There, again, are way too many.

    Of course when Regina gave Emma new memories and when Emma was chainsawing the apple tree

    Um all of them. Seriously, every interaction they have is dynamic and engaging and an important building block to their relationship, even when they are at odds. If I had to qualify though,

    some of the top ones would be (in no particular order): town line in "Going Home", Granny's and porch scenes in "Cricket Game", ripping the Lost Boy's heart out in "Good Form", every

    scene in "Witch Hunt", both mine scenes in "And Straight on 'til Morning." I could go on...

    The mine scene, The scene in season 3 where Regina says "don't touch" and Emma does, "She's not dying", "I invited her." "You're not strong enough, but maybe we are.", The scene

    where Emma restarts Regina's magic at the end of season 1.

    When they're on their own and the writers let them be grateful to one another. The mines, the wraith, and the first part of Zelena's curse. Their trust in one another has evolved and it is

    unavoidable. It has been seen in these last eps: Emma is suddenly rude to Regina, and then suddenly they're doing puppy eyes and trusting their abilities and identities in one another.

    Any of the ones involving working together to use or learn magic.

    Anytime they use magic together.

    My favorite SQ scenes are the bridge scene when regina was teaching Emma magic, when Emma woke up Regina by yelling her name and Regina responded with "Emma!" right after

    she woke up, and when they always held hands.

    The one's where they work together and when they understand one another.

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  • Their very first scene together. The mine scene where Regina's tells Emma to bring Henry back safely. All the scenes where Emma doesn't let the citizens of Storybrooke hurt Regina. And

    especially when Emma defended Regina's right to be at the welcome home party that Emma invited her to.

    The magic ending scene of season 2 when Emma and Regina save Storybrooke is my favorite, hands down.

    The "she's not dying" scene at the beginning of Season 1. Their scene outside of the diner after Emma invites Regina. The mine scene, at the end of Season 2. Most of their interactions in

    Neverland. The scene in the cave where Emma says Regina's name when she lights the candle. The scenes of the conspiring to catch Zelena.

    My all time favorite is still from the first season when Henry is trapped in the mines we all know what I am talking about... That or " how to get the savior to taste my forbidden fruit"

    "We love you!" I died happy.

    Every-fucking-one. Haha, the extra short list. 1) 'My gift to you is good memories.' 2) 'With you, Regina, I always know when you're lying.' 3) All the scenes in which Emma saves/helps

    Regina. 4) Swan-Mills family interactions like the hug in the Season 3A finale. 5) The almost kiss in 'That Still Small Voice'. 6) The stake-out. 7) All the 'making magic together' scenes.

    Every scene which they save each other. In "The Witch Hunt" when they are being #teamMoms and going on stakeouts together, that was perfection, and I really want more of that! Along

    with their magic teaching scenes.

    Season 1, trying to one-up the other. And the "I can always tell when you're lying".

    I really enjoy all Swan Queen scenes but I really enjoyed in Season 3B when Emma told Regina she can always tell when Regina is lying and there was the romantic zoom

    Pretty much all of the Neverland arc. When Regina is teaching Emma magic and the look of concern on her face when she falls. Whenever Emma defends Regina in front of the town, her

    parents, etc. When Emma saves Regina from the fire. When Emma tells Regina that she always knows when she's lying.

    Their meeting; the "thank you" scene at Granny's; the "there are u, telling the true again". I only watched season 1 and stopped cuz 'wtf ouat.' and then I came back watching in "Save

    Henry", so... but I pretty much know all their scenes.

    Anything about swan-mills family. Regina training emma, most of season 1, the hey part of season 3, moving the moon, emma preventing the ppl to hurt regina, emma saving regina from

    the portal, regina bringing her back (and snow), emma saying she knows when regina is lying, emma presenting henry and also they both working together to find who cast the curse.

    Seriously I think I like all the scenes with them.

    I like any scene thy have together. I just like to watch them interact, in any setting whether they are getting along or not. That's just me. I

    Magic in the mine. When Emma goes to cut down the apple tree.

    All of them. Every single moment they are working together and acknowledging each other makes me happy.

    The way they stare, when they work together, protecting eachother, I love most of the Swan Queen scenes.

    The finale of season 2 was a favourite, as well as some earlier scenes in season 1. However, 3x13 was a brilliant episode for them, and the effortless co parenting in 3x20 was near


    Just any interaction between them, especially if they are alone as it really makes my day.

    There are many. My favorite is in Season 2 episode 1, Broken, when Emma said "She's not dying" and kept her promise in the episode where she saved Regina from the fire. Even when

    she doesn't like Regina, she will save her. That scene in The Cricket Game is also one of my favorites, because we see Emma believing in Regina, something no one else has ever done.

    She doesn't have many reasons to trust Regina, but she does anyway. In the Jolly Rodger, I loved that scene where Regina is teaching Emma magic. The Witch Hunt is also one of my

    favorites, when they are in the car together, simply talking.

    When they do magic

    The hug on the Jolly Roger when Henry wakes up and when regina tells Emma to leave storybrooke with Henry with good memories

    The "I invited her", "I believe you", "Be careful" and the "let's do magic together" scenes. All the sweet ones actually :)

    Emma cutting Regina's tree. Emma opening her door to Regina in her underwear. At the mine *2, at the well, Emma saving Regina from the mob.


    . The near kiss mine scene . All of the times Emma stands up for Regina . 'You can use magic.' . 'Regina.' 'Emma!' . Magic Lessons :) . ALL OF THEM

    Hands down when they saved him from pan together or the bridge scene

    The mine scene in 'That Still Small Voice' and the "I always know when you're lying" scene in 'Witch Hunt'.

    - The hospital scene in the season 1 finale - The trigger scene

    Outside Granny's Diner, After the curse scroll knocks Regina out, after the Mine collapses and Emma saves Henry, The Going Home episode entirely, Making Magic scene, so many more!

    Cricket game both good and bad scenes :) Season Two finale. Saving Henry. Going the BUG.

    When they are in each other's personal space and the chemistry burns... Regina waiting on the Sherriff's desk when Emma comes into the station, 'Enjoy the shirt', .. those scenes. But

    also when they make magic together - season 1 finale for example. Emma protecting Regina, them clearly caring about each other are an all time favorite.

    all of them.

    Saving Henry in neverland

    scenes from desperate souls and witch hunt

    Episode 3x13 when Emma is helping Regina to trick. (All episodes with lots and lots of SQ)

    every scene with them talking to each other.

    The stakeout in Emma's car

    The magic lesson when Emma falls off the bridge

    The mine

    All the mayor/sheriff scenes from season 1. Every scenes where they work together (season 1 finale, 3x13,...)

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  • Ones when they get in each others face or it's just the two of them alone.

    The tree-cutting early S1, the wraith attack where they open the portal when Emma touches Regina's arm. (Haven't watched in a while)

    I especially like the scenes after they started to trust and respect each other. I saw the ship in season 1, but didn't really get into it until Emma and Regina started saving each other. So

    basically all scenes where they trust and respect each other, when they make magic together, when they hug Henry together etc.

    the one that made me ship it, 1x05, when Regina tells Emma to bring Henry back to her

    Goodbye scene I trust/know her I know when you're lying Awkward Regina mommy moment

    The almost kiss that happened in the first season.

    All of them...JMo and Lana have great on- screen chemestry, and they rule the tv every time they act together

    henry-in-mine!scene, making a memory potion scene, trigger scene, jail scene. um. all their scenes together.

    I really don't have a favorite, or even favorites.

    Mine Scene.

    All they have to do is look at one another. That's enough for me.

    Mine scenes: The first time they're there, when Regina asks Emma to save Henry (I mean, my sister and I both thought Regina was gonna legit lay one on Emma), and the second time,

    when Emma and Regina use their magic together to stop the trigger; when Emma touches Regina to jumpstart the hat's portal magic; when Emma captures Pan's shadow in the coconut

    and says she did it because of Regina; Regina and Emma smiling at each other after Regina sucks up the death curse at the well; and their tearful good-byes to one another at the end of

    season 3A, when Regina is getting ready to send Emma and Henry off with all new memories.

    The speech Regina made to emma at the trigger and deactivating it were the ones I LOVED. Also, the she's not dying. Anything with Emma protecting Regina makes me happy. Or

    Regina and Emma making magic together. Others too of course but those are the big ones I guess.

    1.) The cave..when Regina thought she was going to die but Emma swooped in with her magic. Especially the part ifht before that..when Emma turns to walk away but then looks over her

    shoulder and says "Regina...I". At that point I was like....HERE IT COMES THIS IS IT OH BOY. But nope. 2.) When Regina was explaining to Emma that she was going to give her new

    memories at the town line.

    Ultimate swan queen for me, is the portal opening.

    The fight scene from season one, the diner one in Cricket Game and the "i always know when you're lying" from this last half of the season.

    All of them.

    Can I say all of them. There is just so much to work with...the way they look at each other, their body language when they are around each is hard not to find something to swoon

    over in any scene they share.

    Neverland. :)

    All of them, but all time favorite is the moment I started shipping it when Emma cut down Regina's apple tree. Another is in when Emma says Regina's not dying and anytime they hug

    Henry together.

    Any time that Regina teaches magic to Emma.

    Every time they make magic together or Regina is teaching Emma magic. Essentially anytime they have a real conversation ("With you Regina, I always know.")

    Omg you've gotta be kidding me right! Ok the scene a mine when it looked like Regina was going to kiss Emma. Then the first ep of season 2 pretty much the whole ep where Emma

    saves Regina's life like 3 times. Or the scene outside Granny's in the cricket game, where Emma goes running after Regina, also Regina apologizes to Emma very much like she did with

    Daniel and calls her 'Em'. Then there is the scene close to end of season 2 where their magic stops the diamond from destroying Storybrooke. Then the scene on the winter final for the

    first part of season 3, where both Regina and Emma are crying, holding hands and Regina gives both Emma and Henry the gift of happy memories. What about then Emma smiles at

    Regina and tells her she always knows when Regina is lieing and look on Regina face, just melts you're heart and I just know she loves Emma. I can keep going...

    The hug(s) with Henry and the scene at the town line (although it does sting).

    Mine scene, Emma and Regina in the bug, Emma and Regina in front of Granny's in "Cricket Game," Emma watching Regina try to make potion

    All of them, but mostly the fusca one

    All of The Cricket Game (even the bad parts because they are INTENSE), the mine scene (season one), the "you may not be strong enough but maybe we are" scene, the wraith scene,

    the scene in season one when Regina calls Emma after booting her car

    In times of desperation when they team up they always seem real with one another. Opening my showing their true emotions.


    When they are simply connecting and talking to one another, most recently scenes in the Mayor's Office when they were trying to smoke out Zelena. The best scene. Maybe we are.

    Working together to try and catch Zelena

    EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. I'll just give you the episodes already. 1x01, 1x05, 1x21, 1x22, 2x01, 2x10, 2x22, 3x12, 3x13, mainly.

    I don't have any in particular. I enjoy the screen time they share..I do like the change of pace we briefly saw this season of them "bonding" spending time together magic lessons and just

    talking about their son. Small moments of normalcy.

    The scene in Witch Hunt after the staged town hall fight. And the stakeout in the Bug.

    The mine, saving Regina from the Wraith, fist fight in front of the tomb, Emma telling Regina she is leaving Storybrooke at the end of season 1, Saving Storybrooke at the end of season 2,

    anytime they do magic together, that moment Emma told Regina she trusts her/believes her, and most importantly, the mid-season 3 finale where Regina gives her "good memories"

    Emma invites Regina to party. Goodbye scene at end of season 3 part 1 Lots of options...

    Any scene with Emma and Regina working together or bickering in a funny way is a favorite scene of mine. There are so many scenes to choose from and they all flow together to show

    how Emma and Regina are changing toward each other and how they both fit into Henry's life.

    Oh god where to start. Well there's the mines And the fire And Regina's nightmare And their fight at the mausoleum over Graham And their fight in the hospital over Henry (kay tbf that was

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  • beyond hot even with the dire circumstances) Annnd pretty much anything when they're doing magic And then there's the biggie Mid Season Finale. Kill. Me. Now. I sobbed from Rumples

    'death' (I had an inkling he'd come back but my love for Robert Carlyle is irrational don't judge) All the way to the end with no breaks. So much to talk about that scene. Still no thank you.

    Get your shit together Emma.

    There are tons. The mine, the 'how to get the saviour to taste my forbidden fruit.', the chainsaw action with in your face mindset for personal space (all the time), Emma seeing the evil

    queen as Regina, the 'let me die as Regina' scene, the 'with you Regina, I always know when you're lying' scene in the mayor's office. This list would go on and on and on...

    Both mine scenes, cricket game sheriff station scene, emma jump starting Regina's magic with her touch, regina giving emma the gift of new memories scene

    The first meeting, I know her, operation henry, the goodbye scene, witch hunt and magic lessons

    Alllllll of them. Their chemistry is great. However, I like their first ever scene, the scene in the hospital where Regina admits the curse is real, the scene at the well where Regina saves

    them, when Regina flings Emma around on her porch, deactivating the trigger, pretty much all scenes in 3A especially in Neverland and Regina giving Emma new memories, their

    collaborating in Witch Hunt and the bridge scene.

    The mine. The diner scene at the beginning of 3b. All the one on tumblr.

    The stalkout, and the scenes where Emma stop Regina from ripping the heart of the lost boy out.

    Any/all magic-making scenes. Stake-out in the bug. Regina telling Emma to take Henry and giving them happy memories.

    I have many but to keep it short, outside Granny's the first time Regina apologizes to Emma, Neverland when Emma tells Regina to rip the lost boy's heart out, deactivating the diamond in

    the mines, and all the scenes from 3A finale. I think my most favorite moment is at the town line when Regina tells Emma she is giving her new memories.

    This is the hardest question ever!!! I used to watch ouat for the show but now only watch for sq and lana. So obviously all the sq scenes are my fav!! The end scene from going home, the I

    know when you're lying scene from witch hunt, and the dinner scene from the cricket game usually pop in my head first when I'm asked this question tho.

    when they saved henry from the mine

    Where Emma very vividly touches Regina's heart by showing that she understands the woman. When we love a person we begin to know them, we begin to see pass facades and flaws.

    When Emma goes "i know when you're telling the truth" it shows romantic potential.

    Anytime they make magic together...and eye-sex.

    I love all their scenes but I think my favorite is when Regina gives Emma her happy ending with Henry in 3x11

    "With you Regina, I always know when you're lying" The apology scene at the diner. Their goodbye in 3x11 The scene in the bug. Making magic together, specifically the trigger. "All I have

    is Henry"

    whenever regina and emma do magic together, the mine scene, saving the town, when regina gave emma her happy ending, when emma tells regina that with her, she can always tell,

    whenever they look at each other, sigh, all of them, even the fights.

    All Witch Hunt, Granny's scene in Cricket game, both Mine scenes and the Bridge scene in Jolly Roger. the goodbye scene in Going Home

    Whenever they make magic together. Also, every scene they have is just pure awesomeness.

    Well, with the mine scene I was like THEY'RE GAY AND THAT'S IT, but I love when they save each other and also doing magic together! :)

    Any scene involving eye sex and or getting all up I'm each other's space.

    The mine scene, every "our son" scene, and the "I always know when you're lying" scene.

    -chainsaw apple tree -stakeout -i know when your lying... there you go again telling the truth -trigger scene -hey

    In front of Granny's on Archie's birthday party. All the scenes in Neverland (they've showed that they care about one another and they were a team)

    Too many too list

    baby being born

    The main one with them by reginas tree, in the mines when they save storybrooke, the 'hey' in neverland, the hand holding while contacting cora, the forbidden fruit line, basically all of it

    all of them. newest favorite: when emma says 'there you go telling the truth again' and regina's look at emma.

    Most scenes with just Emma and Regina. Or just Emma, Regina and Henry. I did enjoy seeing Regina and Snow's relationship evolve. I find that Emma tends to cave to the pressure of

    the expectations of those around when they aren't around.

    02x10 - "I invited her" "Thank's for invited me" "Emma I'm Sorry" "I believe her" 02x22 "But maybe WE'RE" 03x12 "But with you Regina, I always know"

    All of them

    I would say a lot of season 3a in neverland and season 3b when Regina started to teach Emma magic. I've loved whenever they do magic with each other or are being together with Henry

    as a family.

    Turnover for sure, also the one when they act like five year old over Pan's map in Neverland, Regina teaching Emma magic back in Stoorybroke this season (the bridge scene)

    My favorite episode is the cricket game and I Iove all the scenes between them in this episode. "I invited her" "thank you" "Here she's Regina" "I know her, I believe her". Broken is another

    great one, "Let her go, let her go" "She's not dying" Emma touches Regina and the hat works

  • The first time Emma touched Regina and they did magic.

    All of them

    At the diner when they are all sitting there with no drama

    The mine scene (probably the reason why I started watching OUaT and ship them really hard. I mean, the look on Regina's face and Emma's reaction to it... It's priceless) I also love the

    other mine's scene (In the end of the 2nd season in which they combine magic to deactivate the crystal) And a lot of scenes from the 3rd season, specially the one in which Emma told

    Regina she always would know when she lies.

    When they are fighting and when they are just working together.

    Can i choose all 2x10 and 3x13 as an answer.

    1) the moment that they have outside of Granny's after returning from Neverland 2) the moment they both talk to Henry in the compact mirror. 3) of course the *almost kiss* when emma

    saved Henry 4)when they worked together to convince the town the regina was behind the curse in order to flush out zelena.

    The mine 'I always know when you're lying' Anytime they believe in each other... anytime they're on screen together, really...

    I LOOOOOOOVE that 2x10 scene where they're at Granny's, and Emma wants Regina around, and she's acting all puppy with her... i love that conversation they had that night, it's what

    made me ship swan queen in the first place. The 2x22 scene where they made magic together is so beautiful too... You may not be strong enough, but maybe we are

  • When regina was giving Henry and Emma new memories. She grabbed Emma's hand in a caring loving way.

    Outside the diner in Cricket Games is #1

    They all happen in fanfiction.

    All the scenes where they are Making magic together and helping each other out.

    When Emma marvels over what Regina has done.

    Tough to choose tbh, I think most of their interactions are meaningful and/or enjoyable to watch.

    3x13 in general was one of my favourite SQ episodes.

    Mine, diamond, moon.

    End of 3A.

    EYESEX. Also, when Regina teaches Emma magic, the hand-holding during the "shhh" of the sance, the SQ scenes in "A Curious Thing", and the "it's your turn to be a hero" scene in


    Whenever they look at one another or interact with each other as equals.

    Whenever they are together with Henry.

    The entire Witch Hunt is my favourite. The goodbye scene in Going Home. And the first meeting of course! "Hi." That's like my top 3 right there in no particular order.

    Any that involve that intense looking at each other. And when they make magic together.

    Definitely 3x13 when they're talking in Regina's office, the magic lessons, and the mine scene.

    The cricket game diner scene, and the stake out

    Any of the ones where the eye sex is at its high factor.

    Most of Season 1, finale of Season 2 and 3A, and any Swan-Mills family scenes we are being gifted with now.

    Pretty much all of season one.

    "Together, maybe we are.", and the mine scene, in particular, but all of them !

    I love them all. I actually squeal when watching on sunday nights

    Sorry i can't explain it but heres some gifs instead.

    There are SO MANY. To say every time they are on screen together, would be a clich, but that is the truth.

    Any hand holding, eye sex, and nice conversations

    Nearly all of them, but I especially liked these: "She's NOT dying", "My superpower may not be perfect, but with you, Regina, I always know when you're lying.", "My gift to you: good

    memories.", "You may not be strong enough, but maybe we are!"

    The scene in the mines when Regina asks Emma to save henry, every single magic lesson, all of their interactions in New York City Serenade and Witch Hunt (especially on the stakeout),

    when Regina saved Emma and Snow in "Queen of Hearts" and they talked about Cora being a piece of work... a thousand others.

    When they make magic or act like a family

    The exchange in Refina's office when Emma says she knows her. The bridge scene. The scene where Emma follows Regina when she leaves the "home-coming" party. And all the

    double-entendre scenes.

    Oh, jeez! I like the magic lessons. I'm not sure, there a quite a few! I'm having trouble remembering more, I'm sorry. Usually, if they're together then I'm happy.

    First scene, Apple Tree cut down, mine scene, fire rescue scene, Emma and Regina fist fighting, Emma preventing the mob from killing Regina, Emma touching Regina on the shoulder

    and it's activates Jefferson's hat, Regina saving Emma and Snow from FTL, Emma believing Regina's innocence in Dr Hopper's murder case, Regina and Emma stop the fail safe from

    exploding together, R&E learning magic, making an eclipse, Henry saying to Pan that both his moms are coming to save him, R giving E and H good memories, the moment Regina

    stopped called Emma 'Miss Swan', and absolute FAVORITE: when Regina kissed Henry to break the second curse, coming full circle from being the Evil Queen to Regina the Savior all

    with the belief and faith Emma had in her.

    Angry/aggressive narratives Hurt/comfort scenarios Doing magic

    Every time they do magic together. Every time Emma saves Regina. Every time they get in each other's faces. Every time they give each other those soft looks and tell the other that they

    believe in them. Right now I think my favorite scenes all reside in the Witch Hunt episode. Especially when they're in Regina's office and talking to each other when Regina's trying to make

    the potion. The stake out scene was pretty great, too. I was hoping (in my heart of hearts) for something along the lines of Spike going on a stake out with Buffy and the whole "is this a

    date." thing. But I knew that wasn't going to happen.

    First one that comes to mind is in Neverland after Henry takes his heart out how Emma allowed herself to see what Regina was left with and why she was so angry and desperate. Emma

    essentially leading Regina into a better direction and tapping into the sides of her that would be more beneficial at that time. While the whole thing irritated me a bit it's still a good scene.

    When Emma goes with her parents to Regina's house to confront her about Archies "death", there was a lot of passion in that scene from both sides. From two women who try to maintain

    a certain image they don't tend to just let their emotions fly like that and in such a public space.

    Too many. I pick all

    One of my recent favorites was the super gay soon in on Regina's face when puppy!Emma said "see. Not lying." Or something like that.

    Oh good lord, all of them.

    The one where they stop the failsafe together,

    Their meeting, Regina giving Emma her memories, the mine scene, that's all your getting, coffee spill everything.

    Do I have to pick one. I pick all of them, but my favorite right now is the scene where Regina is waiting for a Emma in the Shieff's Office in Season 1.

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  • I believe the best is yet to come

    Like, every scene where they're fighting + mine scene obviously

    when ever they are together

    Magic lessons, and Emma confused puppy dog face.

    The office scene in 3x13. The one in Season 1 where Emma comes to Regina's office with Sydney and Regina checks her out as Emma leans forward on her desk.

    Anything when they banter or exchange secretive looks.

    Emma cutting down Regina's tree, Magic lessons, "I invited her" and just the stolen glances that happen 24/7

    The two of them teaming up are the best. Neverland had some amazing teamwork that showed how far their relationship had come.

    The apple tree at the beginning of season 1. The last episode of season 1. In season two Regina and Rumple at the well, Emma and Snow coming back. Oh very important Regina in the

    red dress and blue blazer in season one. Regina on the desk inside the sheriff station. Season two Emma on Reginas porch after Archies "death" and Regina learns Emma has magic.

    The family dinner in Grannys diner, season three. Reginas TLK to Henry.

    The scene in the mines with the trigger, their teamwork trying to find Zelena (THE ROMCOM ZOOM OF LOVE), and the moment I started shipping them - when Henry is stuck in the

    mines in season 1.

    The "almost-kiss" scene on 1x05, the punching scene on 1x07, the fire scene on 1x08, the scene Regina is sitting on a desk at the sheriff station (I don't remember the episode), the

    "welcome back" scene on 1x09, and my favorite of all, the "Archie made a cake" scene on 2x10

    Any scene with them doing magic together, any time Emma says she trusts Regina, and of course the end of "Going Home".

    The scene that Emma saves Regina when they are trap in the fire. That scene in Neverland when Regina is about to rip a boy's heart and Emma stops her, and talk to her. The scene

    when they find Henry after he changes body with Peter Pan and the trio hugs. (I cried like a fucking bitch watching this) The scene in which they are in the jolly Roger and Regina puts

    Henry's heart back, he wakes up, they hug (I sob) The scene when they save Henry from the Wicked Witch, Regina kisses him, and the curse is broken, and then Emma comes to her and

    say "It was you"

    I'm pretty sure there are too many to list. Starting from season one: Cutting down the tree, Regina getting in Emma's personal space when she's going down to save Henry in the mine,

    Regina sitting all sexy like on Emma's desk, "Miss Swan/Madame Mayor", "You wanted to be the leader, so lead.", too many

    Bridge,Bug and the saddest thing is that's all I have to write for you to recognise them because that's the crumbs we hang onto.

    Chainsaw scene, Stopping The Trigger scene, Moving The Moon scene, Regina's Sexy Little Bondage Dream scene, "How do I make this saviour eat my forbidden fruit..." scene. I mean,

    fuck, literally all of their shared scenes.

    Every scene they've ever had together. But I'll narrow it down to three. 1. When they stopped the trigger with their true love. 2. In "Witch Hunt" when Emma told Regina she always knows

    when she's lying and then the camera did a romcom zoom on Regina's face. 3. Pretty much any scene that has Regina teaching Emma magic or Emma using the magic Regina taught her

    on her own.

    Regina holding out her hand to Emma and offering her good memories and a good life with their son, at the expense of her own happiness. That was incredible. I also loved Regina's rant

    when Henry was dying in Neverland and Emma reminded her that he is THEIR son and that she does understand what she feels, and afterwards, the 3-way hug they shared when Henry

    woke up. The very first scene they share on the showthe chemistry was so real.

    I think a little bit with Emma, and sometimes with Regina haha Well Emma is a very badass woman, and she doesn't give a damn, so now with all the things with Hook, well I don't think

    she really likes him or something, I mean, It's not so Emma. And with Regina all the things about her heart and power, I don't know.

    I really like the recent moments in season three like when they tricked the town into thinking Regina cast the second curse. They met up in Regina's office and Emma basically told Regina

    that she trusts her.

    My newest favorite is the magic lesson scene with the bridge.

    All of them, to be honest. All of their interactions are charged and fascinating to watch, so even the smaller ones are great. That being said, the ones where they work together and use

    magic are some of the best, and I have a particular soft spot for scenes where they simply talk to each other and listen (e.g., the bench scene in "Lacey").

    All of them :). Especially season 1 because it's almost every episode that we got something. In S2 it felt like it was years between them being in teh same scene let alone interacting.

    Favourites: the apple/underwear scene, the mine scene, the fight at the hospital, punchup at the cemetary, everything in Cricket Game, saving Regina from the fire, every time they use

    magic together, saving Henry in neverland/the and the Swan-Mills family hugs, every single thing in Witch Hunt especially the stakeout and the diner convo and the potions convo, the

    magic lessons stuff... Absolute favourite ever is when Emma takes a chainsaw to Regina's tree.

    1x01, 1x02, 1x05, 1x22, 2x01, 2x10, 2x22, 3x01, 3x09, 3x10, 3x11, 3x13, 3x19

    The "I think we need to talk to our son" scene.

    Mine accident, moon eclipse, just after Regina saved Henry :3 But basically every moment they experience together ;)

    The ones where they are working together, the eclipse on Neverland for example, or the magic lessons.

    My favorite is at the end of 3A when Regina gives Emma only happy memories. It says a lot about how much their relationship has evolved. Other favorite scenes is anytime they say OUR


    God, there's too many. EACH scene with them, is showing us their development, and something new, but the scene in Regina office in 3x13 has metled my heart

    Pretty much all of their interactions in Season 1, the mine scene, the scene outside the diner, the scene in Regina's office in S3. Probably more that I'm not thinking of off the top of my


    The mine scene in season one, the scene in the mines during the finale of season 2, the hug between Emma, Regina, and Henry in 'Save Henry,' all of their scenes in 'Witch Hunt,' and

    Regina teaching Emma magic in 'The Jolly Roger.'

    Can't recall, sorry. Don't ship them that hard.

    When they were in Emma's bug

    The mine scene, most interactions in season 3. But the obvious favorite is tasting forbidden fruit.

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    11 of 28 5/10/2014 4:43 PM

  • All of them. Mainly the entire ep of the cricket game.

    "My gift to you is..." The scene in Neverland when they talk about Tinkerbell and Operation Henry The stakeout scene "I said don't touch"

    Honestly I just feel like the chemistry is present in every scene. I can't even choose one.

    all scenes where they interact

    All of them . Is that an ok answer.

    though i miss their season one relationship,anything where they work together

    1x16 1x8 ...

    Oh god. The mine scene, the season 2 final, all their interactions in neverland (team mommies ) and the 3x11 scenes !

    All of the them. Both good and bad. The interaction of duo is amazing. That is another reason why I do not mind them not ending up together.

    Ooh, there are too many to count and Season 3 isn't even over yet. I loved all of their interaction during Episode 11 of Season 3, it's definitely become one of my favorite episodes because

    of it, as well as all of their interaction in Episode 17 of Season 3.

    The first and foremost is when Regina is letting Henry go with Emma to have their happy ending. After that, everytime they see each other with such puppy eyes, lol.

    Every closeup of the two invading each other's personal space. Every scene where Swan-Mills family is in focus. Loving glances between Regina and Emma whenever they're with Henry.


    When ever they work together is always good, but the scene under the apple tree with the chainsaw is still a favourite

    The last scene with them in 'going home'! And the fight scene in the season 1 finally

    dont remember

    I don't have one but when Regina and Emma are at the mines "turning off" the trigger, stopping the unstoppable.

    When they destroyed the trigger together.

    I love all the scenes where they're looking at each other like there's nothing else in the world around them.

    My number one SQ scene was when Emma and Regina made magic together. Oh wait, they seem to do that alot... ;)

    I like almost all their scenes in season one, but i prefer the scenes this season because of the character development that they have had, specially Regina; they now have some sort of

    friendship or at least they're not trying to kill each other and to me that means their relationship is developing.

    "There you go, telling the truth again". the entire goodbye scene from "going home". the diner scene in "the cricket game". the "operation henry" scene in "quite a common fairy". the mine

    scene "but maybe WE are." the scene where they almost kiss in "that still small voice"

    The diner scene when Emma chases after Regina. And the first "I believe her" when Regina was arrested. Those two moments hit me over the head with the ship that I knew of but had

    never really considered before. But rewatching I've also fallen for the sexual tension of season one. Their first meeting, chopping down the apple tree, fight in the supply closet. Hot damn.

    In the last season you can't beat "My gift to you is happy memories" and the "I always know when you're lying"

    The mines when they are saving Henry. At the hospital right after Emma finds out about the curse. When Emma saves Regina from Whale and then the wraith. The mines with the

    diamond. Regina teaching Emma magic both times. Lunar eclipse. Our son. Stakeout in the bug. Meeting in Reginas office to plan again Zelena.

    In the yellow bug, outside Granny's in The Cricket Game, Emma practicing magic in front of the mirror, and the mine scene, which is what started it for me.

    The "I can always tell when youre lying/ zoom in" scene

    In no particular order (or chronological maybe) - outside the mine scene - first encounter at Regina's house - fight scene outside Regina's vault (punch me, I punch you back) - fight scene

    at the hospital after Henry's poisoning - Emma saves Regina from the fire - Emma touches Regina's arm and makes Jefferson's hat work - Regina absorbs the death curse cast on the well

    to save Emma (and Snow) - Emma and Regina doing magic together - Actually every scene involving a conversation between the two of them, I'll stop here, I'm going to list them all

    Whenever they are both together, going after the same thing.

    So hard to choose. But anytime Regina calls Emma by her first name or they talk about "our son" and practice magic together.

    When Emma helped Regina stand up before Regina granted Emma and Henry new memories; Regina teaching Emma magic; Emma saving Regina in the jail;Emma and Regina working

    together to get Zelena

    I think all of season 1. Then scenes on the second half of season 3 that were pretty much Swan Queen (stake out episode). And there are more,. Basically every time they interact and

    Emma is not being an ass to Regina (like 3x18 and 3x19).

    episodes 1x19 emma walks in and finds regina sitting on her desk

    I have loved every SQ scene from Emma's first awkward "hi" while giving Regina the once-over to Henry getting his memories back and calling them both mom. And everything in

    between. But I think my very favorite was the season 3A finale. Regina waking up and saying Emma's name, holding her hand, giving her good memories. That was big for them as a ship

    and also just big for Regina's character development.

    - the first meeting - Emma cutting down the apple tree - "with you Regina, i always know" - "i do hope you like apple" - "almost kiss" at the mine - all of the fights ;D - Emma and Regina

    starting the hat and opening the portal - destroying the trigger together - all the family hugs with Henry - Regina and Emma saying goodbye in "Going Home" - Emma going after Regina

    when she leaves Granny's

    I love the scenes where they are saving each other or show care for one another, it really warms my heart!

    The bit with the thing that was gonna blow up the town, and the part in the first season when they thought Henry was dead

    apple tree, when Emma figures out Henry was right, many scenes from the current season (hard to choose)

    Pretty much all of their scenes together from season 1. I loved how they where in Neverland. For the second half of season 3 I have to say I love the scene when Emma and Regina are

    trying to make the memory potion and when Regina is teaching Emma magic.

    Everything in 3x13, 3x17. Pilot scenes. "Maybe WE are". There's a bunch!

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    12 of 28 5/10/2014 4:43 PM

  • Too many to mention them all! Some: 1) "But I can give you one" (Happy Ending) 2) "It's true isn't it!" "Yes" 3) "Thank you" "You said that" 4) "But with you Regina, I always know when

    you're lying" 5) "She's not dying" 6) "Welcome back" 7) "You have no idea what I'm capable of" 8) "What do you want me to do." "Help me" Okay, okay I'll stop now!

    One is in episode 11 season3 Going Home, when Regina holds Emma's hand and gives her best memories.. And then every scene with Emma and Regina makes me happy lol

    Season 1, episode 5: Henry is trap in the mine and Regina beg for Emma's help. She step up and in that moment I think that she was going to kiss Emma. Season 2, episode 22: Regina

    and Emma make magic together. They saved their town, their family. Regina was dying, to save them. But Emma didn't leave her alone. Season 3, episode 11. Regina gives Emma a

    happy ending. It is just PERFECT. Season 3, episode 13, they try to discover who took their memories, they team up to make a potion. The stakeout was basically a fanfiction scene. I so

    love the fact that now Emma try to push Regina to Henry and not away from him. Season 3, episode 17, Regina teaches Emma magic. Emma completely trust Regina. And together, they

    are really powerful. Another fanfiction's scene, when they have dinner at Granny's, as a family.

    Regina mentoring Emma in magic Emma wanting Regina to meet Henry Emma protecting Regina. Regina protecting Emma. EVERY TIME THEY'RE IN A SCENE TOGETHER.

    bridge magic lesson, yelling over Henry's heartless body, that stare in front of the elevator in the s1 finale, yellow big stakeoutttt

    The Season 3 winter finally, at the town line when Regina takes Emma's hands and tells her can give her a happy ending.

    Season 2, when Emma says she believe Regina is saying the truth; In jail, when Emma says Regina is not going to die. Season 3A, when Regina first calls Henry "our son" and when she

    says that "he is everything". In 3B, the whole "Witch Hunt" episode and the magic training.

    all of them. 'maybe you're not strong enough but maybe we are' 'regina, i-' (this one will haunt me forever) 'with you regina i always know when you're lying' 'i know her, i believe her' most

    of the cricket game tbqh and witch hunt these are my two favourite sq episodes hands down.

    I love them all. The show is infinitely better when they share scenes.

    All of them :)

    EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. But probably the 2x22 mine scene.

    When they saved Storybrooke together at the end of season 2, because that was when I swore complete allegiance to SQ. But all of them, really.

    ALL OF THEM. Eclipse, magic lessons, almost kiss, everything!


    i love their arguments in season 1!! but season 2 and 3, i like the the magic lessons!

    the pilot, when they make magic together, the end of season 3a, pretty much whenever the both of them are having a conversation or something

    The magic lessons, and the goodbye scene when Regina gives Emma a happy ending. (the romcom zoom was great too) and the "almost kiss" in the mine scene !

    I have many, but I really love the scenes when they share those intence looks. You can see so much passion in them.

    Anytime they work together and showcase how compatible they are. So the season finales, basically.

    I can't decide. Too much to choose just one!

    The mine scene in season one, the looking at each other scenes in season 3A.

    Damn, let me just.... There was that one scene when... Oh! But that part where Emma was like.... But wait! Regina did that one thing in that one scene!!! Umm... Let me get back to you on

    that one.

    most of them tbh but i'm partial to their scene together in quite a common fairy and the one at the end of queen of hearts and the scene in the bug in witch hunt. i don't think there's ever

    been a swan queen scene i haven't loved

    When Emma tells Regina that she knows when she is lying whilst in Regina's office. The season two finale with them in the mines saving SB. I honestly love most of their interaction,

    especially these days when they're few and far between.

    all SQ scenes lol

    Pretty much all of them.

    Any one where they have a working, meaningful dialogue and in which they can bond over shared experiences, goals, or emotions. Like some parts of the Neverland rescue efforts for

    Henry. I also like scenes in which Regina teaches or performs magic with Emma.

    I loved the scene in season two with the trigger, it is my favorite. Other scenes are probably when Regina is being sassy to Emma or anytime they have moment where they just seem to

    understand each other without any words.

    3.17 magic training

    My favorite scenes are the intimate stare they both shared in Witch Hunt. The "almost kiss" in the first season of episode 5. And most moments in season 2.

    Them acting like a family and being funny together. If there ever is a romantic scene that would become my favourite ofcourse

    1. "I know her, I believe in her." 2. "With you, I always know when you are lying." 3. "It is inside you, Emma" 4. "You have magic." 5. "Look, this isnt easyV I think that, this, whatever is

    between us needs to end...This. What were doing is a problem and Im gonna go."

    There are so many!! I will narrow it down to my top 10. Here they are, in season order: 1-when they first meet on the porch in the Pilot ep. 2-the Cutting Down of the Apple Tree scene in

    S1E2 3the Enjoy Your Cocoa scene in Granny's Diner in S1E4 4-the Mine scene in S1E5 5-the combining their magic to stop the destructive diamond in the Season 2 finale 6-the

    "Hey","Hey" scene in Neverland in S3E3 7-the Giving of a Happy Ending to Emma at the end of S3E11 8-the Trying To Duplicate The Memory Potion scene in Regina's office in S3E13

    9-the stakeout in Emma's bug/car in S3E13 10-the Bridge/Magic scene in S3E17

    Every time Regina Mills gets pissy about Emma Swan's suitors. Every. Single. Time. Also, pretty much all of the scenes where they interact are kind of my favourite. It's probably why I

    ended up shipping them, woops.

    Classic tree chopping, Mines, stakeout,

    Even though it isn't all lovey dovey, in Season 1 episode 7 (I think), when Regina and Emma have a bitch fight in the graveyard

    too many

    It's a tie between the longing looks in the mayor office in "Witch hunt" and the dinner at granny's in "The jolly rodger" (more a Swan-Mills familly scene, but I'm a sucker for them, all happy

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    13 of 28 5/10/2014 4:43 PM

  • together)

    I have a special feeling about their fight scene on A Land Without Magic, the mine scenes from Straight on til Morning, and all of their scenes from Going Home and Witch Hunt.

    Basically every scene, haha. They are hot when they're yelling and arguing, sexy when they're making magic with each other, and adorable when they talk about Henry. Totally married-

    couple material.

    Sneak peek 3 of The jolly roger - Emma and Regina stopping the trigger - The death trap scene - The yearning and adorable office scene I dunno there are too many!

    Too many to mention. Some of the latests are still fresh in my mind so I'm going with the "I always know when you're lying" and the stakeout scenes, because they seem to be bonding in

    both scenes, be it romantically or only as friends, that's up for interpretation, but the bond is there.

    all of them

    Beginning and End of season 2, working their magic together. Scene in pan's cave in season 3 and in season 2 when Regina is being interviewed about Archie's death and Emma stands

    up for her

    ALL OF THEM. But most recently the "I always know when you're lying, Regina" scene.

    The scenes in Witch Hunt were pretty nice, I'd day :D Oh, and when when Regina came to see Emma and this one was in her panties. And when she waited at the station, legs crosses,

    sitting on a desk. And the mine, the mine!

    The Mine Scene (Season 1) => The first time I really saw it. Jumped to my computer afterward to see if others tought the same as I did.

    The first meeting, the bug scene, neverland, the mine 1/2

    Everything in the cricket game. The Bug scene in Witch Hunt.

    Uh... all of them. Mainly the scenes where they're holding intense eye-contact, and the ones where they're throwing euphemisms around left, right, and centre, e.g. "How to get the saviour

    to taste my forbidden fruit." And, "I didn't come here for dinner." / "Then what did you come for." / "YOU." Because, helloooo. I love their scenes together in the pilot episode, where Regina

    is putting on the perfect hostess mask, and Emma falls for it and instantly opens up to her, telling her about the wish she made when she blew the candles out. I love, especially, the scene

    in which Emma walks into the Sheriff's station and sees Regina perched on her desk. I love all of their scenes together. I've reached the point where I can't stop seeing the sexual tension

    between them, and the only way I can justify that is because it must be there. These two have such good, natural chemistry with each other, I genuinely don't understand people who don't

    see it.

    the mine scene in like the fifth episode, the regina-looks-at-emma-like-a-sitcom-girlfriend scene a few episodes back, and the give-her-all-of-her-memories scene from the mid season.

    The Magic,the eye sex,the I Trust You's

    All the UST moments from Season 1, the rom-com looks from The Cricket Game, all the soft eyes in Season 3 ...

    The sheepish "hi", The mine, rescuing Regina from the fire, the bench, the magic lesson and the mirror in never land, saying goodbye and then working together

    All of them... but the ones where there's a deeper understandment between them, no words, just looks

    Mine scene & all from the s3a winter finale.

    1. The mine scene 1x05 2. The Fire Rescue 1x08 3. The Apple Turnover 1x21 4. The opening of the portal 2x01 5. The stopping of the trigger 2x22 6. The Magic Lesson 3x06 7. The

    Moon Eclipse 3x09 8. Emma and Regina say goodbye 3x11 9. The Reunion 3x13 10. The Stakeout 3x13

    Too many to list!!

    When they do magic together (with the hat, in the mine or in Neverland), or when they argue. true favorite scene is when Pan's curse comes, and Regina promises to give Emma

    and Henry a happy life before watching them leave. Too much feels.

    mmm.... In season 2, at the beggining, when Emma save Regina from the "dementor" and then, in "the cricket game", when Regin leaves, Emma follow her and Regina apologize. It's not

    very SQ but this is the first time Regina apologize to someone. The mine episode because this is the first thing I saw about ouat and i thought it was weird. In 3b, Emma said she always

    know when Regina is lying and there is a very strange movment on Regina's face. In season 2, everyone think Regina killed Archy exept Emma because "she know that look, she know

    her, she bellieve her" (and there are parallels with Charming affair). She just know Regina for what . 1 year . ans she "know her" . That's strange. And she said that even if she know she

    used to be the Evil Queen. and the famous "How to get the savior to taste my forbbiden fruit" of Regina.

    1x05 Mine Scene, when I started shipping them. 2x01 "She's not dying". 2x10 outside Granny's. 2x22 "You may not be strong enough, but maybe we are". 3x11 "My gift to you..." 3x13 "My

    superpower may not be perfect..."

    I love every scenes. They're look lovely together.

    When Regina break Pan's curse

    La scne dans le bureau de Rgina dans la saison 3. Lorsque Regina remercie Emma de croire en elle.

    Geez, too hard too choose! When they invade each other space, when they do magic, when they eyes-sex :p

    witch hunt when finally we can see the trust an d the connection between them in Regina office..and the goodbye scene in 3x11 but i love touching scene with the hat ... the mine scene...

    and the tree scene and the ....whell you got the idea.

    The almost kiss scene. Car stake out scene. All the jealous Regina scenes. The worried Emma scene. Just them always..

    3x13 in Regina's office. The fight in the cupboard 1x22 after Henry ate the apple, very hot. Them making magic together, various scenes.. mainly finale in season 2. Emma standing up for

    Regina in 2x01. When Emma used the chainsaw on Regina's apple tree... arms! The chemistry in that scene was amazing!

    When Emma hold Snow back and let Regina unleash her Evil Queen persona in Neverland

    I have no favorites, I enjoy each for what it is and I can take from it

    All of them.

    A lot, but if I had to pick just one, I'd say the one with the fire in Townhall. I liked how Regin still tried to act tough and casual after the rescue, but she was actually impressed (turned on.)

    and it showed. If I were to make an assumption, I'd say this is when Regina realized she had feelings for Emma (only her knows what kind, though).

    The scene in the police station, the one where Emma cuts part of Regina's apple tree, them making magic and also the scenes in Neverland. Not to mention, Regina giving them happy

    memories, Emma believing Regina is not the one casting new curse. Those are to name a few

    Free Online Surveys

    14 of 28 5/10/2014 4:43 PM

  • Chainsaw, the fire, coming home from the Enchanted Forest, stakeout in the Bug. Pretty much all of them, but those are highlights that others recognize easily.

    The apple tree scene in season 1 is my favourite

    "Let me die as Regina." "Be careful"

    Obviously every Swan Queen moment on 3x13 Witch Hunt

    There are so many :/ My favourite from season 1 was the one by the sheriff's cruiser before the storm hits when Regina asks Emma to check out who August was. I also loved the

    chainsaw scene, the apple

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