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    . 8, 18535 ( 4 - 9), : 210 4953646, : 210 6107864,

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  • : ......................................................................................................9




    2 ...............................................................................................................20.


    . .............................................................................................................25


    - 3 ...........................................................................................................................................35


    : ............................................................................................................40


    (, , ) ......................................................................................................................45



    ........................................................................................................................... 51


    . .......................................................................53E.


  • ................................................................................ 57


    2- ...............................................................................59


    2 () .................................................................................................... 64


    2 (, , )............................................................................... 71






    2 .............................................................................85.. , ..

  • 9:


    , . [ 2, , , , , ( , , , )], . - () () ( 1).

    , . - . .


    40 3

  • 1 () ......


    , , . , , . , , , . , , - , , , . 88cm 102 cm , (, , ), -, . Jean Vague, 1947, , . , , ( VLDL- , - HDL-), , .

    (Ratio) (Waist) (Hip) WHR (Waist-to-ip Ratio). O WHR , - , . - (>1,0 0,8 ) , , .

    WHR, , -, 10 , , , - . WHR , .

    , , .. .

    , - , .

    , , - .

  • 11

    , , , . , . , , . - . , .

    - Durnin-Womersley, , , . , , , . 450 . - , . 3-4 . - , . . (Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis-BIA) . , , , , . , ( 50 kHz 500-800 mA), ( ) , , . , - , , . , .. . . () , , ,

  • 1 () ......


    , . =(0,731*)-11,5, =(0,37*)-4,85, . , *0,923, - .

    , , .

    30 ( : 20-25). , . , , -, 2, , .

    , . . -, , , . , . , . , , 50 . - , . C19 . . . , , .

    , - 40. -

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    , ( 1). , .

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    -, -1. - .

    - , , , , , , .

    TNF-a, IL-6, , PAI-1, , . - ,

  • 1 () ......



    , - LDL- . , - . CRP , .

    - .

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    , ... 19971-3. 10-15 . - , (NRT), , NRT 3-5.

    150mg . 150mg 6 , 300mg (150mg ) 7 . - , . ( ) . 7 12 . NRT, 4-6.

    /, / , 7,8.

  • 1 () ......


    - . , , 6. ( ), . , . . , , , 9. - .

    in vitro , , -, . - 9,10.

    . - , , - . , o, , 8,11,12. , . , , - 0,1%11,13. , .. (.. , ), ( ), (.. ). 1 2. 8 . 20 p450.

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    ( , , ), (.. , , ). , . , 14 .

    , 1c 9,11.



    CYP2D6 1C-


  • 1 () ......


    14,15. 300mg 100mg, - 14. - .

    , , 13,14.

    (7-12 ), 12 , 7 12,16. 17. , 17.

    ... (US Department of Health and Human Services Clinical Practice Guideline) 2000, Fiore .18 6 , 30% 18 - 30% NRT . , (9 ) (6 12 ) NRT 15. 19,20.


    , . - 50% - 60% 21. . .

  • 29

    , : ) ( , , ) ) - ( , CYP2A6 CYP2B6).

    - .


    , - , . , , .. , , . Parkinson , .

    , (CB1) (Rimonambant)22, glutamate (mGlut5)

    23, 5- (5-1)

    24, DAD3 (BP 897)

    25, GABA26

    - (Selegiline/Eldepryl), - . , . 3.

    3. (rimonabant)

    (, GTS-21, anabasine, varenicline)

    (TA-NIC (Xenova Group), Nic Vax (Nabi Pharmaceuticals)

    (CYP2A6, CYP2B6) (Mexsalen) ( GABA)

    - (Selegiline/Eldepryl)

    glutamate (mGlut5)

    5- (5-1)

    DAD3 (BP 897)

  • 1 () ......



    Rimonabant, (CB1), 27 22. , . , rimonabant , 5,85 12 28, - . , , 22. , - CB1 . , CB1 . , rimonabant 29. STRATUS-US, 787 , 27,6% rimonabant 20mg/ 10 4 , 16,1% (OR: 2,2, p=0,004)30. , rimonabant .

    . - , . . . , 31. . .

    , , -

  • 31

    . , . , . - .

    1 2. . CYT002-NicQb 12 21% 42% ( 21% , p=0,044). TA-NIC 12 19% 38% 200g 1000 g ( 8% )31-33. Pseudomonas aeruginosa. 200 g 38% ( 9% - )33. . , 4 6 , . - . . , , , 31-33.

    , , . CYP2B6, . (1459 C>T: TC TT) (CC )34,35. (SLC6A3) DRD2. , - DRD2-A2 SLC6A3-9 36.

  • 1 () ......


    , OPRM1 Asp40, , , Asn 40. , Asp40 21 mg . , 37.

    . CC 5-HT2A . - TC 38.

    , . , . , .

    , - . , . , .

    , , , , .

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    - 3


    , , . , - . . , , , ... . , , .

    ; , , . , .

    , , , . -3 -6 18 .

    2 -. , (), . .

    , , -6 , . - , . -6-, , - ( 20 ) (DGLA). . DGLA -

  • 1 () ......


    . -5- , (), . () , . , .

    () , , . , , , -, .

    (), -5- -. () -3 , , . , , -5- , DGLA, . -5- , . , . , , ... , -5- - . , . , , , .

    -6-, -, . - , , - . , - - . -6-, , -3 ( ) . . . . .. , - . , , .

    , . , ...

  • 37

    , , - . . . . , /. . 1,5 3 . . - . , , ....

    - . () 20 . , (..) , , , , 2,5% . , , .

    , - , -3 . -3 .

    , - -3 . -3 () , .. .

    -3, , 45%. , HDL .

    , , , . -3 , , (by-pass) . -3 . GISSI-Prevenzione

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  • 1 () ......


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    .. -3 - ..

    .. , TNF-a IL-1, , - . GISSI-Heart Failure - -3 GISSI-P -3, .. -3 (1 gr/) , , , 9% 8% .

    (ESC) 1 - -3 . (AHA) : ) .. 2 , , ) .. 1 -3 ) 2-4 -3 .

    , -3 . ,

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    , , . 20 mmHg 10 mmHg , 115/75 mmHg , - . 50 . , 40% , 25% 50% . . , .

    , , 1. - 2 , 2 .

    1. (mmHg) (mmHg)

  • e


    (JNC-7, 2003) 120-139/80-89mmHg , . , , , .

    - , - ( 2).

    , , ( 3).

    3 , -. , .

    . -, , , . , , ( ), . (, , ) >130/85mmHg.

    , -

  • 1 () ......


    2. (Adapted from Journal of Hypertension 2007, 25: 1751-1762)1. Risk Factors 2. Subclinical Organ Damage

    Systolic and diastolic BP levels Electrocardiographic LVH (Sokolow-Lyon >38 mm; Cornell >2440 mm*ms) or

    Levels of pulse pressure (in the elderly)

    Echocardiographic LVH (LVMI M 125g/m, W 110 g/m)

    Age (M>55 years; W>65 years)

    Carotid wall thickening (IMT >0.9 mm) or plaque

    Smoking Carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity >12 m/sec

    Dyslipidaemia TC>190mg/dL or LDL-C>115 mg/dL or HDL-C:


    Slight increase in plasma creatinine: M: 115-133 mol/l (1.3-1.5 mg/dL);W: 107-124 mol/l (1.2-1.4 mg/dL)

    Fasting plasma glucose(102-125 mg/dL)

    Low estimated glomerular filtration rate (300 mg/24 h

    Peripheral artery disease

    Advanced retinopathy: haemorrhages or exudates, papilloedema

  • e


    3 . , - , . , , -, - (), . , -, , .

    . - (. -, , , ..).

    , , - . (, , , ..).

    3. (Adapted from Journal of Hypertension 2007, 25: 1751-1762)

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    2010, RELY FDA -. . , , , .

    , - .

    RE-LY, 150mg . / .

    21% , .


  • 1 () ......


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    , - (..) (). , LDL HDL . , , . () .

    .. . .., LDL , :

    HDL (45 >55 . () .. .

    : , ,

  • 1 () ......


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    LDL-C mg/dl

    < 160 < 130 < 100 < 70

    HDL , - >40 mg/dl > 150mg/dl. .

  • 55


    - . . . : , , , - .

    PPAR HDL-. HDL-. - . - . ACCORD . - 18 45.000 10 % - 13 % . -. . (>500 mg/dl) .

    - . (

  • 1 () ......


    3 ) (, , ). 3 . 3 -. 3 .

    LDL- (15-25 %) . . - LDL- . SHARP .

    LDL- . . . . .

    LDL- 20 %, 20 % HDL- 20 %. . . ( ). .

    , , .

  • 57


    2 .

    2 - . , - . (DCCT, UKPDS) . (HbA1c < 7%) , , : , LDL , -, .

    2 , . , . GLP-1 , . - .

    , - , .

  • 1 () ......


    , . - ( ), .

    - , > 7 % 50 % . , .

    1 2 > 8,5 % 2 .

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    ) --

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  • 1 () ......


    2% .

    ) (. )

    2. ()


    - , - . -, - , . ( ), - ( ). , , () - (24), . . , , , , Ca++- ATP .

    - , (- 1, 2, ). , , . , . , -, , .


    , D-, , . , , .

  • 2


    . , , . -, . .

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    , ( - ) , , , , , 2. PPAR , , . , . , , . , . , 2 NYHA, .

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    ( )

    , 1-2 . , . , , , ( ) , , .

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  • 1 () ......



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    2 (, , )


    2 , . HbA1c , ( 2-3 ), . , , - . , . - , , , , .

    2 . 20% 65 . , , , (.. ), .. (, , ), , . , -, , , .

    . . , , .

    . . , ,

  • 1 () ......


    . , , -.

    . , - . , . , . - , . , , .

    2 (). UKPDS, , . , (10 ) , ( ). , 2 . Advance (11140 , 66 , HbA1c: 7.3%) (HbA1c:

  • 73



    () , .

    , - , 24 .

    (Transient Ischaemic Attack - TIA) , , 24 , .

    (83%), (10%) (7%) (30-40%) - , (20-25%), (20-25%), 20-25% .


    ( ) ( ) , ( - : 10% , 18% 3 , 5-15% , 25-30% ), ,

  • 1 () ......


    ( ) .

    , , , -, . (Stroke Council of the American Heart Association) , , :. . . . . .


    , .


    8-10 .

    . ,

    , 35-44 85 , .

    - , - ,


    , .


    , , , -. 1,5-2,0 .

  • 75

    . , - .

    , , , , , . , . ( , , , ..) 3 . , - (), < 140/90 mmHg < 130/80 mmHg .

    2 6 .

    . , 2 , , - . UKPDS 2, , 40%. , . (AACE) HbA1c 6.5%, (ADA) , HbA1c < 7.0%, HbA1c (< 6.0%), .

    ( ) > 50%

    7% 5% 65 . , , 20-30% > 60%.

    - , . 3.5% 10.1% . ,

  • 1 () ......


    1,3% , < 75% 3,35 > 75%.

    , 3 , 27.0% 5.2% .

    , , , / (- ) . - . (> 80 ), ( ), , > 15 mm, , , ( / ).

    (stent) - , . ( , ) ( ) . , stent , .

    ( ) . (> 80%), . 70-99%, . 50-69% . < 50% . 50-69% .

  • 77

    - 2 , .


    5 . 80 25% .


    , . , (20% 27% ) . , 30 min, 3 2 , .

    . , , . , , < 7% , < 200 mg/ trans - < 1. 25-35% . , ( 14 g 1000 ) , .

    , . , ( 2 1 ) , (..

  • 1 () ......


    > 5 ) . , .

    . -

    , , . , , , . , . - , , , .

    , HDL - . ( , trans , ), . , (), LDL- < 100 mg/dL , < 70 mg/dL. < 150 mg/dL, HDL- > 40 mg/dL > 50 mg/dL non-HDL- 130 mg/dL.

    , , , ,

    , . , , , . , , .



    ) - , (, - , , , , ..).

  • 79

    , 45 ,

    , (10 > 10% > 50 > 60 ).



    ( ), .

    (50 - 325 mg ), (25 mg 200 mg x 2 ) (75 mg x 1 ) .

    - , , , . , -, (1 500 -).

    - - , (.. , non ST , stent), , .

    . , , - .

    , , . - . , ( )

  • 1 () ......


    , < 0.5% -

    40-50 , 5-15% 80 . 20% 5 . , .

    (, ) - (, ). ( INR 2.0 - 3.0), . .

    , , . > 75 . , . .

    , , , . , > 55 mm. - .

    3 .

    - (R 2.5 - 3,5).

    , , (75 - 100 mg), . - , R (R 3 - 3.5).

    , 3 , , - , ,

  • 81


    . , -

    . (.. > 1/3 ), () 2 .

    , (75 100 mg) (75 mg), , , - . - , .

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