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Tools in The Teacher's Toolbox

equipa de autoras do projeto swoosh – inglês

cláudia regina abreu, cidália sousa,Vanessa reis esteves


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Page 2: 20123239 CESCMC1113 SW7 DOC Book1 - Porto …...swoosh – inglês cláudia regina abreu, cidália sousa, Vanessa reis esteves O oR FORMAÇÃO 2013 Contamos consigo. Conte connosco

O Tools in the teacher's toolbox

swoosh – inglês Cláudia Regina Abreu • Cidália Sousa • Vanessa Reis Esteves2

FORMAÇÃO2013 Contamos consigo.

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eMaildo projeTosWoosh

[email protected]

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O Tools in the teacher's toolbox

Swoosh – Inglês Cláudia Regina Abreu • Cidália Sousa • Vanessa Reis Esteves 3

FORMAÇÃO2013 Contamos consigo.

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Tools in the teacher’s toolbox: the technological kit

When a teacher makes use of activities that have been specially designed to

incorporate several language skills simultaneously (such as reading, speaking,

listening, and writing), they provide their students with situations that allow for

well-rounded development and progress in all areas of language learning.


In class we should aim to develop these skills in an engaging way that engages

students. Learning activities should encourage our students to learn by doing and

develop their autonomy.

By using our technology kit: the e-book.

Use it to:

1. capture student’s attention (appeal to the fact

that they are digital natives).

2. empower students: Go for a learn by doing

rather than a learn about learning approach!

3. develop memory skills.

4. scaffold learning: Cater for a mixed ability class.

5. Make learning fun and memorable.

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O Tools in the teacher's toolbox

swoosh – inglês Cláudia Regina Abreu • Cidália Sousa • Vanessa Reis Esteves4

FORMAÇÃO2013 Contamos consigo.

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The advantages of e-books…

E-books typically contain the same content and layout as paper copies of books

and are made available for web viewing. There are a lot of advantages when using

an e-book:

1. Instant availability

2. New reading tools provide opportunities to highlight the text and jot notes in the

book margins (own the text).

3. Music, sound effects, animation, pictures, hyperlinks, and supplementary

materials are embedded in an e-book providing a richer and diverse learning


4. You can customize the viewing experience for your students’ unique learning

needs and eyesight by changing font size and screen contrast.

5. E-books are easily portable. A teacher/student can carry several books on a

portable reader or memory stick.

6. Easily done with e-textbooks is copying and pasting.

Fun technological classroom activities…

• activity 1: predict away

Zoom in on part of a text and project

it. Ask your students to read it and

write down the key words. Then ask

“What is the text about?” Get

students to predict what else is in

the text.

Then students open the book, read and

check their predictions.

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O Tools in the teacher's toolbox

Swoosh – Inglês Cláudia Regina Abreu • Cidália Sousa • Vanessa Reis Esteves 5

FORMAÇÃO2013 Contamos consigo.

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• activity 2: can anyone tell me?

One student gets an envelope with the key words taken of the text. He/she

leaves the room, and examines the cards outside. The teacher projects a text

and the class reads (ZOOM). Then student A returns and the teacher hides the

text. This student A faces the class and asks questions about the keywords.

He/she wants to find out information (authentic communication is taking place).

The other students try to explain. If the students don’t remember, the teacher

projects the text again, but student A continues facing the class (he/she is not

allowed to see the text).

Now the class is ready to open the book and do the reading comprehension


• activity 3: Guess the hidden word?

The teacher covers some words in the e-book. The students in small groups

have to guess the missing word. This activity is a game and so the following

points are awarded:

• activity 4: Go with your gut

The teacher zooms in on a grammar exercise, without explaining the grammar

rules. In pairs, student should try to do this exercise in their notebook simply by

following their guts. The students then read the grammar explanation and have

the opportunity to reformulate their answers. Finally, the whole class corrects

the exercise. This can be done interactively to motivate students.

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O Tools in the teacher's toolbox

swoosh – inglês Cláudia Regina Abreu • Cidália Sousa • Vanessa Reis Esteves6

FORMAÇÃO2013 Contamos consigo.

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• activity 5: Matching

Teacher projects a matching exercise that has chunks of language and the

students do the matching in their notebook (they can’t open their student books

yet). Then the teacher corrects it orally (or by using the interactive mode).

Afterwards the T asks if there are any questions. Now all the students must

close their notebooks and the T covers half of the exercise (square tool in the

toolbox). Next, the teachers says that they are going to play a memory game in

pairs. “What can you remember?” Pairs of students come up to the board and

redo the interactive exercise based on what they can remember. If they need

help, they can sneak a peek at their student books. After the pairs have had a

go, students open their student books and do the exercise individually. Students

are being exposed to the exercise several times thereby training their memory

skills. In this way the teacher is introducing a policy of success in the classroom.

Students are memorizing vocabulary chunks without realizing it!

• activity 5: Word gym

Group students in pairs and zoom in on a picture. Ask each pair to make a list

of all the words that they can remember in English. Then get feedback about all

the words that the various groups

know. See which group has the highest

number of words. Now challenge students

to find the remaining words. Help

students by projecting the exercise on

the board. Next correct the interactive

exercise as a class by inviting various

students to come up to the board.

Finally, test students’ memory skills by

inviting students to open their student

books and do the exercise in class or for homework.

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O Tools in the teacher's toolbox

Swoosh – Inglês Cláudia Regina Abreu • Cidália Sousa • Vanessa Reis Esteves 7

FORMAÇÃO2013 Contamos consigo.

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