Page 1: 2017학년도 대학수학능력시험 9월 모의평가 영어 영역 듣기 ... - · 2016-09-01 · 2017학년도

2017학년도 대학수학능력시험 9월 모의평가

영어 영역 듣기평가 대본

M: Linda, George Stanton is going to leave the company next week.

W: Yeah. He’s been a great help to our team. I want to do something to thank


M: Me, too. Why don’t we have a farewell party for him before he goes?


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W: Honey, I have bad news. I have to go on a business trip this Thursday.

M: But, we’re supposed to go to John Hamilton’s book signing that day. You

wanted him to sign your book.

W: Yeah, I really want that. But I cannot miss this trip.


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M: Hello, Lakeview residents. Thank you for watching this video on our website.

I’m James Lee, director of the Lakeview Post Office. I’d like to announce the

relocation of our post office to 17 Maple Street. As you know, our current

office is too small, so we need a larger space to improve the quality of our

services. We’ll continue to operate at the current office until Friday,

September 2nd, and the new office will be open from Monday, September

5th. Since we’re moving over the weekend, our services will not be

interrupted. Also, our phone number will not change. You’ll be able to enjoy

our services in a larger and more comfortable place. So, please visit our new

office at 17 Maple Street after our move. Thank you.

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W: Hey, Jack. How was your vacation?

M: It was great, Ellen. I traveled around the country.

W: What did you like most about the trip?

M: Taking the train was the best part.

W: What was so special about the train?

M: Since I didn’t drive, I was able to relax and enjoy the beautiful scenery.

W: I understand what you mean. It’s quite difficult to enjoy the view while


M: Yeah. What’s more, there were no traffic jams. So I didn’t waste my time on

the road.

W: Also, taking the train benefits the environment because it helps reduce air


M: I didn’t think about that. Now I feel great that I did something good for the


W: Train travel seems quite beneficial in many ways. I guess I’ll take the train

for my next business trip.

M: You really should.

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M: Excuse me. I’m looking for Ms. Sally Benson.

W: That’s me. How can I help you?

M: I’m Peter Brown. I saw on your bulletin board that you’re looking for help.

I’d be happy to donate some of my time.

W: We’d really appreciate that. We need someone who can assist me and my

coworkers here.

M: What would I specifically do?

W: You would help people check out and return books.

M: I did that when I volunteered at a different library.

W: Great. You’d also help organize and register new books when they arrive.

M: I did that too. Is there anything else I can help with?

W: It would be great if you could plan various library events with me, like book


M: I haven’t done that before, but I think I can do it.

W: Oh, good. Then when are you available?

M: I can come in on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings.

W: That sounds perfect.

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W: Dad, look at this picture. It was taken at the zoo.

M: You went there last Saturday, right?

W: Yeah, I did. It was hot and sunny that day.

M: Ah! That’s why you’re wearing a hat. It looks good on you.

W: Thank you. Can you see the two birds on the tree branch?

M: Yes. They seem peaceful. Oh, there’s a waterfall behind the pond. It looks


W: It was. The sound of it was really refreshing, too.

M: Look! The monkey in the cage has a banana in its hand. It looks happy.

W: I liked watching it. Do you see the ice cream stand next to the flower pot?

M: I see it. Did you get some ice cream from there?

W: Yes, I did. It was great.

M: It seems like you had a wonderful day at the zoo.

W: I sure did. Let’s go together next time.

M: Okay, we will.

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M: Tracy, how’s the preparation for the food booth going?

W: It’s going well. You know, the autumn school festival starts tomorrow.

M: I’m sorry I couldn’t help.

W: You were sick. Don’t worry about it.

M: Did we get the same spot as last year for the booth?

W: Yes. It’s the one right next to the gym.

M: That’s good. Have you decided on the menu?

W: Yes. We’re going to sell homemade sandwiches and lemonade.

M: I’m sure people will love them.

W: We also bought all the ingredients yesterday.

M: Wow, you’ve done a lot. Is there anything I can do?

W: Let me see.... We still need to move chairs and make copies of the flyer.

M: Since I’m not good at using a copy machine, I’ll move the chairs.

W: Great. Then, I’ll make copies of the flyer.

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Ben Tyler

W: David, you look excited. What’s up?

M: There’s a Ben Tyler concert in town. And I have tickets. Do you want to go?

W: Of course. I love Ben Tyler. When’s the concert?

M: It’s this Thursday at 6 p.m.

W: Thursday? I’m afraid I can’t go.

M: Why not? Do you have to finish your team project that day?

W: No, it’s done. But this Thursday is my parents’ wedding anniversary.

M: Are you going to have a party?

W: No. My parents are going out for dinner. I have to take care of my younger


M: Oh, I remember. She’s in elementary school, right?

W: Yes. She still needs someone to watch her.

M: How about asking your brother to look after her?

W: Unfortunately, he cannot do it. He goes to class on Thursday nights.

M: I see. It’s too bad you can’t go.

W: I’m sorry. I wish I could.

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M: Welcome to Kings Canyon Campground.

W: Hello. How much is the entrance fee?

M: It’s free this month. We’re having a summer special promotion.

W: Good. You rent out tents here, right?

M: Yes. What size do you want?

W: I’d like to rent a family size tent. How much does it cost?

M: It costs $20 per day.

W: Sounds reasonable. I’ll take one tent for three days. I also need a picnic

table. Can I rent one?

M: Yes, you can. It’s $10 per day.

W: I’d like one picnic table for three days then.

M: Okay. So, that’s one family size tent and one picnic table. Both are for three

days, correct?

W: Right. Can I use this coupon?

M: Sure. You get a 10% discount on the total amount.

W: Good. Here’s my coupon and credit card.

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Eugene Kim

W: Brian, what are you reading?

M: It’s a novel written by Eugene Kim, Mom. He’s my favorite author.

W: I saw his interview on TV. He’s a British novelist who was born in Seoul,


M: Right. He received the Royal Novel Award this year. It’s a famous award.

W: That’s great. What’s the title of the book he received the award for?

M: The title is Perhaps Jane. It’s the number one best-seller now.

W: What’s it about?

M: It’s about a woman who follows her dreams.

W: I see. How many books has he written so far?

M: He’s written seven books since his debut in 2009.

W: He’s been quite productive. But he looked fairly young in the interview.

How old is he?

M: He’s 32 years old.

W: He is young! He must be very talented.

M: I think so. You have to read one of his books, too.

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Science Quiz Olympics

M: Attention all Central High School students. This is Mr. Johnson, your

science teacher. I’d like to remind you of the upcoming Science Quiz

Olympics. As you know, the event is held every year to promote students’

interest in science. This year, the Science Quiz Olympics will take place on

Friday, September 23rd. If you like science or like a challenge, you should

not miss this opportunity. There will be plenty of prizes. All participants will

receive a T-shirt. And the top five finalists will get a movie ticket. To

participate, please visit the science department and fill out an entry form.

Registration will close on Thursday, September 22nd. You cannot register

on the day of the event. If you have any further questions, please contact the

science department.

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W: Honey, my nephew Tom’s birthday is coming soon. Let’s buy him a present.

M: Good idea. How about buying him a tricycle?

W: Sounds great. Tom will love one.

M: Let’s buy one on the Internet. [Typing sound] Look at these models.

W: Which kind of frame should we get?

M: A plastic frame doesn’t seem strong enough. We should choose a different


W: I think so, too. Then, we have to choose one among these four models.

What do you think about the warranty?

M: A one-year warranty seems too short.

W: I agree. Let’s get one with at least a two-year warranty.

M: Okay. What about this model with a helmet?

W: Well, Tom already has a helmet. He doesn’t need another one.

M: Yeah. So we have two options left. What do you think?

W: Hmm... I don’t think we can afford more than $80.

M: You’re right. Let’s buy this one.

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M: Susan, are you looking for a part-time job on the Internet?

W: Yes, Dad. I want a job that can help build my career.

M: You want to be a kindergarten teacher, don’t you?

W: Yeah. I’d like to get a job where I can work with kids.

M: Have you found anything yet?

W: This one looks interesting. Let’s check. [Clicking sound] The Rainbow

Daycare Center is looking for a teacher’s assistant.

M: Working there would help you get experience in your field.

W: Right. I wonder if this job fits my schedule.

M: It says here they need somebody in the afternoon.

W: That works for me.

M: The daycare center is in Cansinghill. I guess you can take the bus.

W: It takes more than an hour and a half. It’s too far.

M: I know. You do like to be around children, though.

W: True. But I’m not sure whether it’s worth my time and effort.


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[Door knocks.]

W: Can I come in, Mr. Davidson?

M: Brenda. Come on in. [Pause] You transferred here two weeks ago. How’s it


W: The teachers are very kind, so I’m doing well in my classes.

M: It’s good to hear you’re adapting well. Have you made new friends?

W: I have a few, but not many. It hasn’t been easy for me to make many new

friends here.

M: I understand. You know, making friends in a new environment is difficult

for anyone.

W: Can you give me some advice?

M: Why don’t you find students who have something in common with you?

W: You mean people with the same interests?

M: Yes. Joining a club at school can help. What are you interested in?

W: I’m interested in playing sports such as tennis and basketball.

M: Oh, good. We have several sports clubs. You should consider joining one of



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Jenny Daniel

M: Daniel is a university freshman. Jenny is a junior in the same major. They’re

taking a course together this semester. Daniel is often late for classes and

seems exhausted. When Jenny asks why, he tells her that it’s because the

university is far from his home. It takes two hours for him to get to school.

What’s worse, he doesn’t have enough time to study. Jenny understands his

situation because she had a similar problem last year. However, once she

began staying at the dormitory, her problem was solved. She wants to

suggest to Daniel that he live in the dormitory. In this situation, what would

Jenny most likely say to Daniel?

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W: Good morning, everyone. I’m Barbara Campbell with the Oakville Culture

Center. Throughout history, people made a lot of inventions. But, not everything

was planned and many were invented by chance. Some food products were also

made accidentally. For example, corn flakes were invented when a pot of boiled

grains was left unattended for several hours. Potato chips were also invented by

chance. When a customer kept complaining about his French fried potatoes, the

chef was annoyed and served very salty sliced potatoes. Surprisingly, the

customer loved them. Ice cream cones are another example. Ice cream had been

served on plates for years. One day an ice cream seller ran out of plates, so he

put ice cream on the top of rolled waffles. This is how the ice cream cone was

born. Lastly, chocolate chip cookies were made accidentally when a cook used a

chocolate bar instead of melting chocolate to make cookies. Now, I’d like you to

think of other examples.

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