Page 1: 2018年度 問題分析と学習アドバイス 学習アドバイス...Mariah Carey was born in New York in 1970 to an Afro-American father and a white mother. Her mother worked as


2018年度 問題分析と学習アドバイス




Ⅰ長文読解問題問題文は28行(350 words程度)のエッセイ。語句言い換え問題が5題と内容把握問題(英問英答)が5題。いずれも4択。





 難易度は全体的に「やや易~標準」レベルである。60分という制限時間内に解答することはそれほど難しくないので、焦らずにじっくり着実に解いていけばよい。では、大問ごとに見てみよう。 大問Ⅰ(長文読解問題)の問題文は、語彙・構文・内容ともに基本レベルであり、話題が具体的なので読みやすい。設問を見てみると、前半の「語句言い換え問題」は前年度よりもやや難しくなったものの、基本的な単語の意味と、その同意語の知識が求められている。後半の内容把握問題(英問英答)では、本文中の設問対応箇所を素早く見つけ出し、その箇所を正しく言い換えている選択肢を選ぶ力が試されている。 大問Ⅱ(短文空所補充問題)では、基本的な文法・語法の正確な知識(中3~高校1年)があれば、解くのは難しくない。 大問Ⅲ(文法正誤指摘問題)は大問Ⅱに比べると難しいかもしれない。「文法正誤」問題では、下線部が正しいかまちがっているかについて、あらゆる角度からチェックしなければならないので、受験生にとって負担が重いと言えるだろう。しかし、絶対に正しいと言える選択肢を消去していくことで正解に至ることができるので、コツをつかめば実はそれほど難しくない。 大問Ⅳ(和文英訳選択問題)は、英訳選択肢の違いが微妙で判断が難しい場合があるが、1つの問題で時間をかけ過ぎずに次へ進み、確実に解ける問題から解答していく方がよい。 大問Ⅴ(会話文空所補充問題)は、会話の文法・熟語・定型表現を見る問題である。


解き切れないものなどはない。すべて基礎的事項であり、高校1年くらいまでに履修する内容である。基本的な英語力がないと、大学の授業にはついていけないので、何よりも基礎力をつけておくことが大切である。 基本的な英語力は、高校の毎日の授業の中で培われるので、高校の英語の授業をおろそかにせず、毎日の予習・復習を怠らず着実に学習することが合格への王道であり、近道である。特に毎晩、次の日の英語の授業の予習をしっかり(最低1時間)やる習慣をつける必要がある。辞書を頻繁に引くことで関連する項目も同時に覚えられるので、辞書をよく読むことも大切だ。








Page 2: 2018年度 問題分析と学習アドバイス 学習アドバイス...Mariah Carey was born in New York in 1970 to an Afro-American father and a white mother. Her mother worked as


Among the non-Asian singers, who has sold the most copies of his or her album in Japan so far? Here are some hints: (i) She is an American. (ii) Another of her albums is the best-selling Christmas album ever. (iii) The best-selling single by a non-Asian artist in Japan is from that album. As you may have guessed, her name is Mariah Carey.

Mariah is truly world famous. She has sold more than 200 million records worldwide and won dozens of music awards. Top pop singers who say she (1) inspired them include Beyoncé, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Rihanna, Hikaru Utada, Justin Bieber and many others. Who is Mariah Carey? Where did she, and her talent, come from?

Mariah Carey was born in New York in 1970 to an Afro-American father and a white mother. Her mother worked as an opera singer and vocal coach. Sadly, Mariah’s mother’s family (2) rejected her for marrying a black man, and she suffered from (3) neglect on her mother’s side of the family.

Her parents divorced when she was three. Mariah remained with her mother and (4) eventually stopped seeing her father. By age four, Mariah was a sad little girl who had begun to hide a radio under her covers at night and sing along with songs to find peace from family troubles.

In school, Mariah excelled in music. Not just because her mother, a voice coach, helped her. She had real natural talent. She also began writing songs in high school. After high school, like most young Americans, she left home. She worked as a waitress to pay rent and then continued working late into the night to perfect her demo tape. However, her first (5) attempts to pass it to music labels failed.

Luckily, Mariah made some friends in the recording industry. One friend, a pop singer, took her to a party, where she gave her demo tape to the head of Columbia Records. After listening to it on his way back home, he had Columbia immediately give her a contract. His faith in her was justified. No other female singer has sold more records and CD’s than Mariah Carey.


1. inspired:(a) had an influence on(b) personally helped(c) stood in the way of(d) taught

2. rejected:(a) broke off contact with(b) disliked(c) sold(d) was afraid of

3. neglect:(a) abuse(b) hatred(c) independence(d) lack of interest

4. eventually:(a) as soon as possible(b) in the end(c) quickly(d) within a few weeks

5. attempts:(a) decisions(b) experiences(c) failures(d) tries


6. What does the article imply about Mariah’s mother’s family?(a) They also loved music and had encouraged Mariah’s mother to sing.(b) They often talked with Mariah.(c) They probably were prejudiced against African-Americans. (d) They were unfriendly to everyone.

7. Why did Mariah sing along with the radio under the covers as a small child?(a) Her mother, a voice coach, wanted her to practice.(b) Her parents liked her to sing at night.(c) She had already decided to become a star.(d) She wanted to forget her family problems.

8. How did Mariah make a living just after she got out of high school?(a) She sold demo tapes.(b) She soon became a singer.(c) She was a waitress.(d) She was a voice coach.

9. What does this article point out about young people in America?(a) They have many problems because of racial prejudice.(b) They often have family problems.(c) They often leave their parents’ homes soon after high school.(d) They usually work hard to achieve their dreams.

10. Which of these statements about Mariah Carey’s career is NOT true?(a) Her Christmas album is the best-selling Christmas album ever.(b) Many of today’s top singers were inspired by her.(c) She has sold more records and CD’s than any other female singer.(d) She has two sales records for any woman artist in Japan.


11. The father was so shocked at the news of his son’s accident ( ) he couldn’t speak.(a) because(b) since(c) that(d) where

12. I always read news articles on my smartphone, never ( ) a paper at a kiosk.(a) buying(b) delivering(c) recycling(d) selling

13. Cindy skipped lunch today because she had a ( ) appetite. (a) enormous(b) good(c) healthy(d) poor

14. The foundation of this confectionery company ( ) back to the Edo Period. (a) calls(b) dates(c) pays(d) stands

15. Eating a moderate ( ) of dark chocolate is said to lower blood pressure. (a) account(b) affection(c) amount(d) attention

英語 一般入試 Ⅰ期A

Page 3: 2018年度 問題分析と学習アドバイス 学習アドバイス...Mariah Carey was born in New York in 1970 to an Afro-American father and a white mother. Her mother worked as


16. Can you tell me ( ) TDR is open on New Year’s Day? (a) since(b) though(c) whatever(d) whether

17. ( ) my disappointment, the sale price was rather high. (a) Among(b) Beneath(c) In(d) To

18. A : Do you have any plans this weekend?B : Nothing special. I think I will sit ( ) the house watching TV. (a) across(b) around(c) for(d) on

19. It is no use ( ) with her father about the problem. (a) argue(b) argued(c) argues(d) arguing

20. A lot of people insisted that he should resign ( ). (a) a president(b) as president(c) president(d) the president


21. My brother Cane gets acquainted with many Canadians during his stay in(a) (b) (c)

Ottawa, where he was learning French. (d)

22. After their tutoring session finish, all the students went to their club activities.(a) (b) (c) (d)

23. Please inform of me as soon as you have come to a conclusion concerning this(a) (b) (c) (d)


24. Cousin Johanna resembles to my late mother so much that it amazes me.(a) (b) (c) (d)

25. The latest statistics indicate that the number of births are decreasing in this(a) (b) (c) (d)

area of Osaka.


26.(a) It will be better to visit the dental office once a year.(b) You had better have a dental checkup every six months.(c) You may schedule a dental examination six month later.

27.(a) Is it good for children to take in so many calories from snacks?(b) I wonder if it is good for children to get major nutrients from snacks.(c) Some children often eat snacks in order to improve nutrition.

28.(a) The key to success in international business is to understand each other.(b) To get along with other cultures, mutual understanding is uppermost.(c) For cross-cultural experience, we should not hinder mutual understanding.

29.(a) Be sure to switch off your cell-phone in class!(b) Never mind if switching off your cell-phone in class!(c) To switch off one’s cell-phone in class is not an unspoken rule.

30.(a) For your safety, please don’t run for your train.(b) For your safety, please stay in line while getting on the train.(c) There may be danger when you run around on a train.


Conversation 1

A : ( 31 ) B : I’m so glad we ( 32 ) go hiking! A : You live ( 33 ) a great neighborhood. B : Thanks! I think so, too. I was ( 34 ) to be born here. A : Now that we walked a bit, can we ( 35 ) a brief pause in this park? B : Why? You’re not tired already, are you? A : No, I just want to stretch a bit.

31. (a) How wonderful is today!(b) So wonderful today!(c) This wonderful day!(d) What a wonderful day!

32. (a) decided(b) decided for(c) decided on(d) decided to

33. (a) around(b) from(c) in(d) on

34. (a) fortunate(b) had luck(c) in good fortune(d) in a good place

35. (a) do(b) go(c) hold(d) take

Page 4: 2018年度 問題分析と学習アドバイス 学習アドバイス...Mariah Carey was born in New York in 1970 to an Afro-American father and a white mother. Her mother worked as


Conversation 2

Guide: Good afternoon everyone. ( 36 ) to our tour of New York! Guests: Hello! Hi! Guide: I’m your guide today. My name is Sharon O’Malley and I’m proud to be a

native ( 37 ) Guests: Hi, Sharon! Guide: The tour is ( 38 ) Are there any questions before we begin? Guest: Is it OK to change seats ( 39 ) the tour? Guide: I am afraid there won’t be any ( 40 ) seats. Today’s tour is sold out. Guest: Oh, I see. Guide: Look! Here come the last 5 people now. Everyone, please fasten your


36. (a) Be welcome(b) Welcome(c) Welcomed(d) We welcome

37. (a) from New York.(b) in New York.(c) New York.(d) of New York.

38. (a) about starting.(b) about to start.(c) almost started.(d) almost starting.


39. (a) during(b) in(c) in time for(d) while

40. (a) extra(b) good(c) more(d) new

Page 5: 2018年度 問題分析と学習アドバイス 学習アドバイス...Mariah Carey was born in New York in 1970 to an Afro-American father and a white mother. Her mother worked as

一般入試 解答例

英語 一般入試 Ⅰ期A

大問 解答番号 解答例 大問 解答番号 解答例

1 a

21 a2 b 22 b3 d 23 a4 b 24 a5 d 25 c6 c

26 b7 d 27 b8 c 28 b9 c 29 a10 d 30 a

11 c

31 d12 a 32 d13 d 33 c14 b 34 a15 c 35 d16 d 36 b17 d 37 d18 b 38 b19 d 39 a20 b 40 a

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