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The Rise of VR AR- Industrial trends and strategy analysis

By 喜杰思互動科技

CJS Interactive Faust / 2016/11



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個人簡介 Profile:

17年數位娛樂產業資歷,數位遊戲開發 運營 發行, VR/AR項目開發投資、IP授權、產業分析

學經歷 Experience:

東京藝術大學 媒體藝術研究所 先端藝術專修

米多利傳播娛樂 總經理

索尼影視娛樂 視覺特效助理導演

雷爵網絡科技 海外商務總監

資策會數位教育研究所 正規畫師/數位內容學院計畫 國際合作經理

AUTODESK 歐特克 傳媒娛樂產業解決方案 亞太區經理

摩伊移動娛樂科技 總經理 / 樂動卓越科技 海外商務總監

台灣AVR協會 (TAVAR) 商業顧問

富盈資本 聯合創始人

擅長領域 Categories :

Digital Media | IP Licensing | Entrepreneurship | Leadership | Game Design | Innovation | Industry Analysis | VR Technology

Film production | VFX | 3d Animation | VR Content distribution

周 佳君

Faust Chou

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•AR VR 產業領域應用趨勢

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VR (Virtual Reality)

Virtual reality (VR), which can be referred to as immersive multimedia or computer-simulated reality, replicates

an environment that simulates a physical presence in places in the real world or an imagined world, allowing the

user to interact in that world.

The Foundry’s interpretation: Virtual reality is the umbrella term for all immersive experiences, which could be

created using purely real-world content, purely synthetic content or a hybrid of both.


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lso known as immersive videos or spherical videos, are video recordings where a view in every direction is recorded at the same

time, shot using an omnidirectional camera or a collection of cameras. During playback the viewer has control of the viewing

direction like a panorama, a form of virtual reality.


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3D VR VIDEO for Cardboard

Also known as immersive videos or spherical videos, are video recordings where a view in every direction is recorded at the same

time, shot using an omnidirectional camera or a collection of cameras. During playback the viewer has control of the viewing

direction like a panorama, a form of virtual reality.


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AR (Augmented Reality).


Augmented reality (AR) is a live, direct or indirect view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are

augmented (or supplemented) by computer-generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics or GPS data.

The Foundry interpretation: Augmented reality is an overlay of content on the real world, but that content is not

anchored to or part of it. The real-world content and the CG content are not able to respond to each other.

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MR (Mixed Reality)

sometimes referred to as hybrid reality—is the merging of real and virtual worlds to produce new environments and

visualisations where physical and digital objects co-exist and interact in real time.


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CR (Cinematic Reality)

Cinematic reality describes a world that is grounded in reality, but exaggerates details to make for a

more exciting movie. To learn more, ENHANCE this article by 150%.


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Q4 2016

Windows 10 VR

+ PC or Laptop

Q3 2016


Stand along

Microsoft Deepoon 3 Glasses % more

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VR Camera

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Distribute Channels - Online

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Electricity 5.5b / 78%

www 3.0b / 43%

Smartphone 2.5b / 35%

Tablet 1.0b / 14%

console 0.1b /1.4%


TV 1.4b / 19%

PC 1.5b / 20%

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Thank you

Faust Chou /CEO CJS Interactive

Mobile: +886-988-367-555

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QQ: 2068996851 Skype: faust_chou

Line: choufaust

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