Page 1: 60° Congresso della Società Italiana di Anatomia e Istologia · SIAI Anatomia Istologia 60° Congresso della Società Italiana di Anatomia e Istologia Pavia, 15 - 17 Settembre 2006


Università degli Studi di Pavia

Società Italiana diAnatomia IstologiaSIAI

60° Congressodella Società Italiana

di Anatomia e Istologia

Pavia, 15 - 17 Settembre 2006

Università degli Studi di PaviaCorso Strada Nuova, 65

Volta del Teatro Anatomico Antonio Scarpa

Page 2: 60° Congresso della Società Italiana di Anatomia e Istologia · SIAI Anatomia Istologia 60° Congresso della Società Italiana di Anatomia e Istologia Pavia, 15 - 17 Settembre 2006


Sistema Museale di Ateneo,Museo per la Storia dell’Università,

Dipartimento di Medicina SperimentaleUniversità degli Studi di Pavia

Con il Patrocinio di:

Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca

Accademia dei Lincei

Regione Lombardia

Provincia di Pavia

Comune di Pavia

Istituto Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere

Comune di Abbiategrasso

Biblioteca Universitaria di Pavia

Con il Contributo di:

Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca

Page 3: 60° Congresso della Società Italiana di Anatomia e Istologia · SIAI Anatomia Istologia 60° Congresso della Società Italiana di Anatomia e Istologia Pavia, 15 - 17 Settembre 2006

Presidenza del ConvegnoProf. Antonio Tazzi, Prof. Alberto Calligaro

Comitato ScientificoA. CasascoM. Casasco M.G. Cusella De Angelis L. Gioglio A. Icaro CornagliaP. PoggiM. Polimeni F. RivaM. Sampaolesi

Comitato OrganizzatoreR. BarattaR. BorattoA. Farina E. Gaeta P. GiannellaA. Introini P. MichelettiL. Vercesi

Società Italiana di Anatomia e IstologiaConsiglio DirettivoPast PresidentProf. Giovanni Giordano LanzaPresidenteProf. Giovanni OrlandiniSegretarioProf. Alessandro RivaTesoriereProf.ssa Gigliola Sica

Componenti del Consiglio (per l’Anatomia)Prof. Saverio Cinti Prof. Eugenio GaudioProf. Giovanni Mazzotti Prof. Giuliano Pizzini

Componenti del Consiglio (per l’Istologia) Prof.ssa Emilia CiriacoProf.ssa Paola Narducci Bareggi Prof.ssa Maria Simonetta Pellegrini Faussone Prof.ssa Graziella Biagini

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Comitato d’Onore

On. Roberto FormigoniPresidente della Regione Lombardia

Dott. Cosimo MacrìPrefetto di Pavia

Dott. Vittorio PomaPresidente della Provincia di Pavia

On. Piera Capitelli Sindaco di Pavia

Prof. Alberto Quadrio Curzio Presidente Istituto Lombardo Accademia di Scienze e Lettere

Prof. Angiolino Stella Magnifico Rettore Università degli Studi di Pavia

Prof. Augusto Preti Magnifico Rettore Università degli Studi di Brescia

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Comitato Organizzatore per le Celebrazioni Golgiane

Presidente Prof. Angiolino StellaMagnifico Rettore Università degli Studi di Pavia

Vice-Presidente Prof. Alberto CalligaroPreside della Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia

Segretario Prof. Paolo MazzarelloCoordinatore del Congresso ISHN e del Congressodi Storia della Medicina

Dott. Emilia Benfante Direttore Vicario Direzione generale Culture,Identità e Autonomia Regione Lombardia

Prof. Fabio BevilacquaPresidente Sistema Museale d’Ateneo

Prof. Silvana BoruttiAssessore alla Cultura del Comune di Pavia

Prof. Luciana R. AngelettiProf. Ordinario di Storia della Medicina Università La Sapienza - Roma

Dr. Gemma CalamandreiIstituto Superiore di Sanità

Prof. Egidio D’AngeloPresidente del Congresso The Node and the Network

Prof. Giorgio GuizzettiDelegato del Rettore al Territorio

Prof. Antonio TazziPresidente del Congresso SIAI

Prof. Vanio VanniniPresidente del Congresso SIP

Prof. Sergio PecorelliFondazione Golgi di Brescia

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14.30 - 16.00Sessione Poster

14.30 – 16.00Sessione Poster

10.30 -13.00Cellule Staminali e

Rigenerazione Tissutale

16.30 -18.30Ingegneria Tissutale e


8.30 - 10.30Biomateriali/Apparato


11.00 - 13.00Apparato Digerente/

Apparato Respiratorio

10.30 - 13.00Biologia della

Riproduzione/Sviluppo,Istogenesi e Organogenesi

16.30 -18.30Organizzazione Interna

della Cellula

8.30 - 10.30Comunicazione


11.00 - 13.00Matrici Extracellulari/Ciclo


16.15 - 17.45Tecniche Emergenti di


8.30 - 10.00IIa Relazione

10.30 - 13.00Sistema Nervoso Centrale e


16.30 - 18.30Sistema Nervoso Centrale e


8.30 - 10.30Sistema Nervoso Centrale e


11.00 - 13.00Sistema Emolinfopoietico/

Matrici Extracellulari

16.15 - 17.45Apparato Cardiovascolare

16.30 - 17.30Lettura Golgiana

18.00 - 19.00Ia Relazione

Prospetto del Programma


















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Venerdì, 15 Settembre 2006


16.00 Cerimonia di inaugurazionee saluto delle Autorità

16.30 LETTURA GOLGIANA:The nets and the nodes: the paradoxicalGolgi and Cajal storyProf. Paolo Mazzarello (Università di Pavia)


18.00 LETTURA MAGISTRALE:Network mechanisms of light adaptationProf. Elio Raviola (Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA)

19.30 Ricevimento di benvenutoCortile delle Magnolie, Cortile della LoggettaPalazzo Centrale dell’Università

Venerdì,15 Settembre 7

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8 Sabato, 16 Settembre

Sabato, 16 Settembre 2006


8.30 LETTURA MAGISTRALE:Investigations into protein kinase-mediatedmechanisms in tumor cell apoptosis, in amy-loid- and prion-elicited neuronal degenerationand astrocytic NOS expression, and in tissueengineering.Prof. Ubaldo Armato Università di Verona


Comunicazioni:Aula Magna / Aula Volta / Aula Scarpa

10.30 - 13.00 AULA MAGNASISTEMA NERVOSO CENTRALE E PERIFERICOModeratori: Prof. G. Ambrosi, Prof. M. Bentivoglio,Prof. L. Fumagalli, Prof. E. Pannese

1 Increased MMP-2 and MMP-9 activity andvegf expression in the brain of dystrophicmdx mouse.Mangieri D., Corsi P., Ria R., Crivellato E., Vacca A., Roccaro A., Ribatti D., Roncali L., Nico B.

2 Chronic effect of erythropoietin in a rat modelof contusive spinal cord injury.Vitellaro-Zuccarello L., Mazzetti S., Madaschi L.,Bosisio P., Fontana E., Gorio A., De Biasi S.

3 Neurochemical characterization of aggrega-tes and proteasome impairment in spinalmotoneurons in a mouse model of amyo-trophic lateral sclerosis.De Biasi S., Bosisio P., Fontana E., Bendotti C.,Vitellaro-Zuccarello L.

4 Protease-activated receptor 1 activationmodulates the inflammatory response ofmicroglia.Fabrizi C., Pompili E., Nori S.L., Fumagalli L.

5 Localization of nicotinic acetylcholine recep-tors in murine cerebral cortex.Consonni S., Amadeo A., Aracri P., Becchetti A.


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Sabato, 16 Settembre 9

6 Morphological and neurochemical features ofcortical cholinergic neurons in rodentsAmadeo A., Consonni S., Becchetti A.

7 Citrulline-no cycle enzymes are expressed bythe activated microglial cells of the rat stria-tum after transient ischemia.Bizzoco E., Vannucchi M.G., Faussone-PellegriniM.S.

8 Involvement of purinergic receptors in paintransmission at spinal cord level.Borsani E., Stacchiotti A., Trovato A.E., Lonati C., Li Volti G., Rodella L.F.

9 Expression of the adaptor protein Fe65 in theGnRH-1 system during developmentFornaro M., Wray S., Robecchi-Giacobini MG.

10 New dissection approach for in situ isolationof the human fetal encephalon: comparisonwith standard techniques.Ravera S., Dallatana D., Petrini S., Gerboni S.,Zanca A., Groppi V., Castorina S., Toni R.

10.30 - 13.00 AULA SCARPABIOLOGIA DELLA RIPRODUZIONE / SVILUPPO,ISTOGENESI E ORGANOGENESIModeratori: Prof. A. Montella, Prof. G. Orlandini, Prof. G. Siracusa, Prof. M. Stefanini,

1 Sex steroid regulation of kisspeptin/GPR54system, a new regulator of the neuroendocri-ne reproductive axis, in human fetal GnRH-secreting neuronsMarini M., Morelli A., Mancina R., Vignozzi L.,Luconi M., Pezzatini A., Ambrosini S., Barni T.,Maggi M., Vannelli G.B.

2 Redistribution of α-SMA in placental villoustree: evidence for a role of TGF-β1 in FGR-AED pathologyMarzioni D., Todros T., Capparuccia L., Perugini V., Lorenzi T., Romagnoli R., Piccoli E.,Crescimanno C., Paulesu L., Castellucci M.

3 Ultrastructural distribution of mouse-materprotein in human oocyte.Sena P., Marzona L., La Sala G., Nicoli A., De Pol A.

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10 Sabato, 16 Settembre


4 Ultrastructure of postmenopausal endome-trium in italian women with and without hor-mone replacement therapy.Heyn R., Relucenti M., Franchitto G., Moscarini M., e Familiari G.

5 Cartilage histogenesis in a murine model ofchondrodysplasia.Icaro Cornaglia A., Casasco M., Riva F., Farina A., Giannella P., Forlino A., Rossi A., Casasco A., Calligaro A.

6 Translational control of the molecular mecha-nisms at the onset of embryogenesis.M. P. Paronetto, E. Bianchi, R. Geremia, C. Sette

7 NG2 and PDGFR-β expression in developingand tumour brain proliferating microvessels.Girolamo F., Errede M., Capobianco C., StallcupW.B., Perris R., Roncali L., Frei K., Virgintino D.

8 Fetal malformations associated with partialtrisomy of the long arm of chromosome 1.Bandiera P., Pirino A., Fogu G., Sanna R.,Campus P., Soro G., Cambosu F., Moro M. A.,Montella A.

9 Leptin effect on mouse primary ossificationcenters during bone histogenesis.Palumbo C., Ferretti M., Benincasa M., Bertoni L.,Cavani F., Rivasi M., Benelli A.

10.30 - 13.00 AULA VOLTACELLULE STAMINALI E RIGENERAZIONE TISSUTALEModeratori: Prof. S. Cinti, Prof. F. Manzoli, Prof. S. Miscia, Prof. M. Molinaro, Prof. S. Zecchi Orlandini

1 SOX2 expression is directed by alternativegenomic regions and it dimerizes with OCT4in mouse male germ cells.Gori M., Geremia R., Nicolis S., Dolci S.

2 Parallel involvement of PKC-α and PKC-δ in theoccurrence of erythroid differentiation fromhuman primary haematopoietic progenitors.Marchisio M., Lanuti P., Gaspari A.R.,Pierdomenico L., Bascelli A., Ciccocioppo F., Di Valerio V., Di Rico M., Centurione L., Di Baldassarre A., Santavenere E., Miscia S.

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Sabato, 16 Settembre 11

3 Local expression of IGF-1 enhances therecruitment of stem cells and improvesmuscle regeneration through a rapid resolu-tion of inflammatory response.Musarò A., Pelosi L., Giacinti C., Nardis C., Rizzuto E., Molinaro M.

4 Nestin as a marker of adult rat cardiac stemcells.Di Felice V., Montalbano A., Marino-Gammazza A.,De Luca A., Macaluso F., Zummo G.

5 Cellular bases of new treatment options inthe post-ischemic heart failure – the use ofshock waves in the activation of myocardialregeneration.Di Meglio F., Castaldo C., Nurzynska D., Arcucci A., Calabrese D., Mele V., Russo S., Romano G., Montagnani S.

6 Cellular cardiomyoplasty with relaxin-produ-cing skeletal myoblasts: improvement of car-diac function mediated by de novo angioge-nesis and ECM remodeling.Orlandini G.E., Bani D., Perna A.M., Tani A., CinciL., Bonacchi M., Margheri M., Zecchi Orlandini S.

7 Modulation of MAPKs during neuronal diffe-rentation of rat mesenchymal stem cells.Viganò M., Foudah D., Donzelli E., Salvadè A.,Scuteri A., Nicolini G., Miloso M., Tredici G.

8 Human fetal striatal transplantation inHuntington’s disease. First italian clinical trialat the university of Florence. Preliminaryreport.Ambrosini S., Marini M., Gallina P., Di LorenzoN., Paganini M., Saccardi R., Lombardini L.,Barni T., Vannelli G.B.

9 Long-term culture ability, SDF-1α/CXCR4 andinterleukin 7 expression in human coronalperiodontal ligament derived mesenchymalstem cells.Trubiani O., Isgrò A., Zini N., Giancola R., Orsini G.,Aiuti F., Caputi S., Paganelli R.

10 The plasticity of adipose-derived mesenchy-mal stem cells: swinging between therapyand pathology.Galiè M., Peroni D., Amici A., Konstantinidou G.,Montani M., Lisi V, Krampera M, Sbarbati A.

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12 Sabato, 16 Settembre





16.30 - 18.30 AULA MAGNASISTEMA NERVOSO CENTRALE EPERIFERICOModeratori: Prof. C. Cavallotti, Prof. M. Ledda,Prof. F. Michetti,

1 JNK and nestin expression in peritumor tissueof glioblastoma.Lama G., Mangiola A., Giannitelli C., Anile C.,Sabatino G., Lauriola L., De Silvestri S., De BonisP., Maira G., Sica G.,

2 Striatal expression of prion protein inducedby methamphetamine.Lazzeri G., Ferrucci M., Fulceri F., Miragliotta V.,Bartalucci A., Fornai F., Paparelli A.

3 Sphincteric systems in intraparenchimal cor-tical vessels: an experimental corrosioncasting and transmission electron micro-scopy study.Reguzzoni M., Sangiorgi S., Pisani R., RaspantiM., Tomei G.

4 A role for astrocytes in motoneuron degene-ration in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.Reali C., Scorciapino L., Saba F., Sirigu R.,Cabras S., Bongioanni P., Sogos V.

5 Cerebroprotective effect of treatment withcholinesterase inhibitor and cholinergic pre-cursor alone or in association in an animalmodel of vascular dementia.Tayebati S.K., Amenta F., Di Tullio M.A., Mignini F., Tomassoni D.

6 Differential expression of TJ proteins in adultand tumour-associated human brain endothe-lial cells.Errede M., Girolamo F., Roncali L., Virgintino D., Bertossi M.

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Sabato, 16 Settembre 13

7 Transplantation of human mesenchymal stemcells into the lumbar spinal cord of G93A mice.Vercelli A., Garbossa D., Mereuta M., Muraca G.,Mareschi K., Rustichelli D., Ferrero I., Fagioli F.

16.30 - 18.30 AULA SCARPAORGANIZZAZIONE INTERNA DELLA CELLULAModeratori: Prof. S. Adamo, Prof. E. Falcieri,Prof. C.Tacchetti, Prof. P. Sirigu,

1 An ultrastructural approach to apoptotic DNAfragmentation.Burattini S., Ferri P., Battistell M., D’Emilio A., Biagiotti L., Falcieri E.

2 Effects of GW441756 on sarcoma cell linesexpressing NGF receptor tyrosine kinase a(TrKA)Pistilli A., Stabile A.M., Chiarelli M.T., Rende M.

3 Immunohistochemical and molecular analysisof sarcoglycan subcomplex in human smoothmuscle: further study.Cutroneo G., Rizzo G., Favaloro A., Monaco M.,Barone M., Amato A., Sidoti A.

4 Role of actin cytoskeleton in the modulationof stretch-activated channels sensitivity ofmyoblastic C2C12 cells.Paternostro F., Sbrana F., Nosi D., Tiribilli B., Formigli L.

5 PMCA distribution and Ca++ omeostasys infrog crista ampullaris.Polimeni M., Russo G., Calzi D., Alloni M.,Gioglio L.

6 Nestin expression in the developing humankidney.Bertelli E., Regoli M., Toti P., Occhini R., Fonzi L.

7 Cadmium induced effects on morphology oftubular cells of the rat kidney.Meloni R., Bandiera P., Fenu G., Varoni M.V.,Madeddu R., Demontis M.P., Pirino A., Montella A.

8 Cyclosporine A and caveolae: effects on enosexpression.Tengattini S., Bonomini F., Dessy C., Feron O.,Rezzani R.

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14 Sabato, 16 Settembre


16.30 - 18.30 AULA VOLTAINGEGNERIA TISSUTALE E BIOTECNOLOGIEModeratori: Prof. A. Dolfi, Prof. P.C. Marchisio,Prof. G. Marotti, Prof. A. Ruggeri

1 Static magnetic fields stimulate skeletalmuscle differentiation.Coletti D., Pristerà A., Albertini M.C., Teodori L.,Molinaro M., Adamo S.

2 Skeletal muscle: tissue-engineering approa-ches through biomaterials and bioreactors.Maliardi V., Fassina L., Silvani G., Benedetti L.,Visai L., Benazzo F., Magenes G., Cusella DeAngelis M.G.

3 HGF-derived recombinant protein selectivelyactivates the AKT pathway and inducesmuscle hypertrophy.Omes C., Cassano M., Musella V., Biressi S.,Finan A., Mognol P., Michieli P., Cossu G.,Sampaolesi M.

4 A new in vitro model for the study of the bio-logy and physiology of cardiomyocytes.Fassina L., Magenes G., De Arcangelis V., Serra F., Naro F.

5 Preliminary observations on transplants ofvascularized bone scaffolds: an experimentaland morphological study.Ferretti M., Palumbo C., Bertoni L., Cavani F.,Carbonara A., De Santis G., Marotti G.

6 Steps towards the creation of a completeskin substitute.Cortivo R., Vindigni V., Zavan B., Tonello C.,Abatangelo S., Abatangelo G.

7 Morphological features of epidermal prolifer-ation and differentiation in normal humanbreast skin organotypic cultures: a timecourse study.Donetti E., Bedoni M., Marcucci A., Gagliano N.

8 A fractal model for bioengineering of the stro-mal/vascular scaffold of a bionic human thy-roid gland.Della Casa C., Spaletta G., Bodria M., Ravera S.,Dallatana D., Castorina S., Martorella A., Toni R.

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Domenica, 17 Settembre 15

Domenica, 17 Settembre 2006

8.30 - 10.30 AULA MAGNASISTEMA NERVOSO CENTRALE EPERIFERICOModeratori: Prof.ssa S. Faussone Pellegrini,Prof. M. Rende, Prof. P. Romagnoli,

1 Role of the nitroxidergic system in dorsal rootganglia after pulsed radiofrequency in a ratmodel of chronic pain.Borsani E., Sangiorgi S., Protasoni M., Ricci F.,Lanzi R., Pioli P., Bianchi R.

2 Ganglion cells and fibres were modified bypulsed radiofrequency procedure?Protasoni M., Ricci F., Dario A., Reguzzoni M.

3 Toll-like receptors are expressed in entericnervous system and dorsal root ganglia.Barajon I., Arnaboldi F., Opizzi E., Ripamonti G.,Palazzo M., Serrao G.

4 Neuromuscular compartment of humancolon: COX-2 expression in normal and infla-med tissues.Segnani C., Ippolito C., Colucci R., Blandizzi C.,Dolfi A., Bernardini N.

5 Expression pattern of COX isoforms in expe-rimental models of enteric and airway inflam-mation.Ippolito C., Segnani C., Fornai M., Antonioli L.,Breschi M.C., Dolfi A., Bernardini N.

6 Lack of α1b-adrenergic receptors protectsagainst epileptic seizures and MDMA sensiti-zation.Pizzanelli C., Natale G., Soldani P., Lembo G., Fornai F., Murri L., Paparelli A.

7 Biochemical and morphological study of car-diovascular alterations in a MPTP model ofparkinson’s disease.Lenzi P., Pellegrini A., Alessandrì M.G., Biagioni F.,Ricciardi M.P., Ruggieri S., Paparelli A.

8 Regional-dependent increase of sympatheticinnervation in rat white adipose tissue duringprolonged fasting.Cinti S., Giordano A., Frontini A., Murano I.

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16 Domenica, 17 Settembre


8.30 - 10.30 AULA SCARPACOMUNICAZIONE INTERCELLULARE/MATRICIEXTRACELLULARIModeratori: Prof. R. F. Donato, Prof. M. Marchini,Prof. P. Narducci, Prof. A. Riva, Prof. G. Stabellini

1 Articular cartilage chondroprotection by elec-tromagnetic physical stimulation.De Mattei M., Setti S., Pellati A., Ongaro A., Masieri F., Caruso A.

2 Nuclear PI-PLCβ1-lamin B1 complex signallingduring cell cycle progression in human eryth-roleukemia cells.Fiume R., Matteucci A., Ramazzotti G., Follo M.Y., Guidotti L., Manzoli L.

3 Proteomic-based analysis of nuclear signa-ling: PLCβ1 affects the expression of the spli-cing factor SRP20 in friend erythroleukemiacells.Bavelloni A., Faenza I., Cioffi G., Piazzi M., Marald N.M., Cocco L.

4 Catalytic domain of phosphoinositide-specificphospholipase C BETA 1: an early view for astructure/function analysis.Ramazzotti G., Gaboardi G.C., Billi A.M., Manzoli F.A.

5 The PLCγ1 - PKCε association suggests arole for plc signaling in skeletal muscle diffe-rentiation by insulin.Gaboardi G.C., Mongiorgi S., Matteucci A.,Billi A.M. , Faenza I.

6 Expression of GnRH receptor and its modula-tion by a GnRH agonist, hormones, anti-hor-mones and growth factors in human prostatecancer cells.Angelucci C., Lama G., Urbano R., Sica G.

7 Role of connexin 43 expression in sphingosi-ne 1-phosphate-induced myoblastic differen-tiation: not only gap-junctions.Zecchi-Orlandini S., Meacci E., Francini F.,Sassoli C., Chellini F., Formigli L.

8 Regulation of osteoclast differentiation andmaturation: crosstalk between immunitarysystem and bone.Nicolin V., Baldini G., Bareggi R., Zweyer M.,Zauli G., Narducci P.

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Domenica, 17 Settembre 17

9 Collagen fibrils crimp structure as a functionof strain.Raspanti M., Dell’Orbo C., Franchi M., De Pasquale V., Quaranta M., Ruggeri A.

8.30 - 10.30 AULA VOLTABIOMATERIALI/ APPARATO LOCOMOTOREModeratori: Prof. L. Cocco, Prof. N. Maraldi,Prof. G. Pizzini, Prof. M.Vitale

1 In vivo comparative study between acellulargraft and hyaluronan based conduits asmicrovascular (2 mm diameter) prostheses.Abatangelo G., Lepidi S., Vindigni V., Zavan B.,Tonello C., Abatangelo S., Cortivo R.

2 Topography of titanium surface drives organi-zation and morphology of osteoblasts.Uggeri J., Gatti R., Belletti S., Martini D., GovoniP., Orlandini G., Scandroglio R., Guizzardi S.

3 Effects of hema in expression and synthesis ofprocollagen α1 in human gingival fibroblasts.Teti G., Zago M., Bini C., Ruggeri Jr A., Ceccardi S., Falconi M.

4 Growth and differentiation of human bonemarrow derived mesenchymal stem cells onPLLA scaffolds.Battolla B., D’Alessandro D., Trombi L., CasconeM.G., L. Lazzeri, Moscato S., Dolfi A., Petrini M.,Mattii L.

5 Tissue transglutaminase gene expression andlocalization in rat tooth germ.Di Mauro D., Bruschetta D., Soscia A., Cinelli M.P., Ientile R., Caccamo D., Condello S.,Trimarchi F.

6 Self-assembling peptide nanofiber matrixsupport adipogenic differentiation.Di Liddo R., Finezzo M.L., Boran C., Grandi F.,Parnigotto P.P.

7 Human intervertebral disk degenerationmorfological structural and biochemical cor-relations.Martinez G., Musumeci G., Carnazza M.L.


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18 Domenica, 17 Settembre


11.00 - 13.00 AULA MAGNASISTEMA EMOLINFOPOIETICO / MATRICIEXTRACELLULARIModeratori: Prof. S. Capitani, Prof. R. Di Pietro,Prof. V. Mitolo, Prof. F. A. Moretta, Prof. R. A.Rana, Prof. D. Ribatti

1 Caspase-dependent cleavage of 170-kDaP-glycoprotein during apoptosis of human T-lymphoblastoid CEM cells.Cappellini A., Mantovani I., Chiarini F., Papa V.,Martelli A.M.

2 Cisplatin-induced apoptosis in humanpromyelocytic leukemia cells.Previati M., Lanzoni I., Corbacella E., Magosso S., Martini A., Capitani S.

3 Real-time PCR as a tool for quantitativeanalysis of PI-PLCβ1 gene expression in mye-lodysplastic syndrome.Follo M.Y., Bosi C., Finelli C., Mongiorgi S.,Fiume R., Cocco L.

4 Human natural killer cells expressing highlevels of natural citotoxicity receptors (NCR)directly respond to mycobacterium bovisbacillus calmette-guerin.Marcenaro E., Ferranti B., Parolini S., Moretta A.

5 Vav1 is involved in the regulation of proteinexpression during agonist-induced differen-tiation of tumoral myeloid precursors.Brugnoli F., Benedusi M., Grassilli S., Marchetti A.,De Villa S., Capitani S., Bertagnolo V.

6 The erythroid differentiation of K562 cellsdepends on the nuclear translocation of AKT.Missiroli S., Etro D., Capitani S., Neri L.M.

7 Morphological and molecular modificationsduring erythroid differentiation: role for crebnuclear transcription factor.Di Giacomo V., Caravatta L., Sancilio S., Rapino M., Di Pietro R., Cataldi A.

11.00 - 13.00 AULA SCARPAMATRICI EXTRACELLULARI / CICLOCELLULAREModeratori: Prof. C. Dell’Orbo, Prof. L. Fonzi,Prof. L. Naldini, Prof. D. Quacci, Prof. G. Sica,

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1 Effects of melatonin on cyclosporine a-indu-ced nephrotoxicity and oxidative stress.Bonomini F., Buffoli B., Reiter R. J., Bianchi R.

2 Valproic acid activity in androgen-sensitiveand -insensitive prostate cancer cell lines.Iacopino F., Urbano R., Navarra P., Sica G.

3 Anti cytomegalovirus antibodies in the patho-genesis of sclerodermia: a study throughgene array technique.Dolcino M., Lunardi C., Peterlana D., Bason C.,Navone R., Tamassia N., Beri R., Corrocher R.,Puccetti A.

4 siRNA down-regulation of diacylglycerolKINASE-ζ affects both DNA replication andmyogenic differentiation of C2C12 mousemyoblasts.Evangelisti C., Fiume R., Faenza I., Falà F.,Martelli A.M.

5 A flow cytometry procedure for simultaneouscharacterization of cell DNA content andexpression of different protein kinase cisoforms.Lanuti P., Marchisio M., Paludi M.,CiccocioppoF., Sancilio S., Caravatta L., Grifone G.,Centurione M.A., Santavenere E., Di Pietro R.,Miscia S.

6 Role of melatonin in the regulation of MAPKsin U937 cells.Luchetti F., Betti M., Arcangeletti M., Canonico B., Falcieri E., Papa S.

7 S100B protein-dependent activation of micro-glia: rage ligation by S100B results in stimula-tion of IL-1β and TNF-α secretion via NF-kB-dependent activation of the MEK/ERK andp38 MAPK pathways.Bianchi R., Giambanco I., Donato R.

8 Immunohistochemical assessment of parafi-bromin in mouse and human tissues.Porzionato A., Macchi V., Barzon L., Masi G.,Parenti A., Palù G., De Caro R.

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20 Domenica, 17 Settembre

11.00 - 13.00 AULA VOLTAAPPARATO DIGERENTE / APPARATORESPIRATORIOModeratori: Prof. R. Bianchi, Prof. A. De Pol,Prof. E. Gaudio, Prof. S. Montagnani, Prof. F. Osculati

1 Role of insulin growth factor-1 in normal liverand during the progression of primary biliarycirrhosis.Carpino G., Onori P., Franchitto A., Mancinelli R.,Floreani A., Mancino M.G., Alvaro D., Gaudio E.

2 GFAP expression in hepatic stellate cells isrelated to vascular remodelling during hepaticchronic deseases.Carotti S., Morini S., Ginanni Corradini S., De Santis A., Rossi M., Gaudio E.

3 Cell culture and cytological studies of colo-rectal epithelia. Preliminary results.Luca T., Privitera G., Lo Monaco M., Castorina S.

4 Histotopographic study of the longitudinalmuscle of the anus.Macchi V., Porzionato A., Dabrilli P., Parenti A.,Gardi M., Dodi G., De Caro R.

5 Effects of exposure to fluoro-edenite fibrepollution on the respiratory system: an in vivomodel.Loreto C., Musumeci G., Rapisarda V., Carnazza M.L., Martinez G.

6 Dystrophin and dystroglycan complex inairway epithelium CLSM analysis: further studies.Rizzo G., Cascio F., Santoro G., Arco A.,Consolo A., Righi M., Santoro A.

7 Molecular basis of ErbB2 down-regulationinduced by trastuzumab.Rabellino A., Zarcone D., Di Benedetto M.,Giammarresi A., Giordano S., Tacchetti C.





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Domenica, 17 Settembre 21


16.15 - 17.45 AULA MAGNAAPPARATO CARDIOVASCOLAREModeratori: Prof. R. De Caro, Prof. G. Familiari,Prof. M. Gulisano, Prof. F. Testa Riva

1 Association of heat shock protein 90 withhuman carotid atherosclerosis: possibleinvolvement in atheroma formation.Businaro R., Riganò R., Profumo E., Buttari B.,D’Amati G., Tagliani A., Capoano R., Salvati B.,Fumagalli L.

2 Failure of β2 integrin-mediated associationbetween uPAR and cytoskeleton in systemicsclerosis microvascular endothelial cells.Manetti M., Margheri F., Serratì S., Nosi D., Fibbi G., Matucci-Cerinic M., Del Rosso M., Ibba-Manneschi L.

3 Corrosion casting /1N NaOH macerationmethod: a new approach for the study of therelationship between vascular structures andconnectival stroma by scanning electronmicroscopy.Congiu T., Sangiorgi S., Manelli A., Quacci D.,Dell’Orbo C.

4 CD14-dependent internalization of lipopoly-saccharide in chick embryo cardiomyocytes.Gagliardi N., Mitolo C.I., Porro C., Maffione A.B.

5 Correlation between protein C levels in serumand vitamin D alleles expression in dialyzedpatients.Pacini S., Gulisano M., Punzi T., Aterini S.,Amato M., Ruggiero M.

16.15 - 17.45 AULA SCARPA TECNICHE EMERGENTI DI IMAGINGModeratori: Prof. M.L. Carnazza, Prof. V.F. Ferrario, Prof. L. Magaudda, Prof. B. Nico, Prof. G. Peri, Prof. D. Puzzolo

1 A new high throghput 3D correlative micro-scopy method. Cortese K., Vicidomini G., Canfora M., GaglianiM.C., Santangelo C., Bianchini P., Boccacci P.,Diaspro A., Tacchetti C.

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22 Domenica, 17 Settembre


2 The arch of the aorta and the roots of the bra-chiocephalic and left common carotid arteries- coronary arteries. new perspectives in imag-ing with cardio TC (MSCT 64): first experien-cies in europe.Castorina S., Riccioli V.

3 A computer support system to support dia-gnosis by imaging and its experimentalapplication to images of patients affected bymultiple sclerosis.Cannella V., Peri D., Pirrone R., Ardizzone E., Gaglio S., Peri G.

4 3D representation of human shoulder usingvolume rendering techniques.Bruschetta D., Bramanti P., Cammaroto S.,Milardi D., Duca A., Cinelli M.P., Arco A., Di Mauro D., Trimarchi F.

5 Imaging evaluation of anomalous muscles.Zaccheo D., Martinoli C.

6 Cerebral ventricles in living humans: amorphological study.Anastasi G., Bramanti P., Di Bella P., Milardi D.,Lelitro G., Soscia A., Magaudda L., Santoro G.


18.00 Seduta Amministrativa SIAI

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Sabato, 16 Settembre 23


Esposizione permanente per tutta la durata del Convegno

Sabato, 16 Settembre 200614.30 - 16.00 DISCUSSIONE


1 Aging is associated with a decrease of theGolgi apparatus volume in the rabbit spinalganglion neurons.Altieri l., De Palo S., Barni l., Ledda M.

2 Neurotrophin in human normal dura mater andmeningioma: immunohistochemical and RT-PCR profile.Artico M., Bronzetti E., D’Ambrosio A., Pompili E.,Felici l.M.,Santoro A., Cantanelli P., Pastore F.S.,Fumagalli L.

3 Effect of methamphetamine administration onthe small G protein RhoA in PC12 cells andmouse nigro-striatal system.Bianchi F., Lenzi P., Lazzeri G., Tamburini I.,Bandettini di Poggio A., Pellegrini A., Paparelli A.

4 Role of gonadal hormones aromatization ondifferentiation of the sexually dimorphic vaso-pressinergic system in mouse: a “knockout”model.Bo E., Allieri F., Bakker J., Viglietti-Panzica C.,Panzica G.C.

5 Effect of antidepressant in neuronal differentia-tion.Cabras S., Reali C., Scorciapino L., Saba F., Sirigu R., Biggio G., Sogos V.

6 Pattern of distribution of the small G proteinRhoA in adult human brain.Castagna M., Becherini F., Bianchi F.

7 Parkin expression in dopamine D3 receptorknock out mice.D’Agata V., Tiralongo A., Castorina A., Leggio G.M., Micale V., Drago F.

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8 Modifications of the peptides ANP and oxyto-cin in the hypothalamic. Supraoptic nucleus inresponse to exercise training.Farina Lipari E.,Gerbino A., Buscemi M., Lipari D.,Bellafiore M., Valentino B.

9 Expression of tyrosine hydroxylase within theintrinsic cerebellar neurons after methamphe-tamine treatment.Ferrucci M., Busceti C.L., Gesi M., Pompili E.,Nori S., Fumagalli L., Paparelli A.

10 Ultrastructure and proteomic analysis of cell frac-tions: characterization of intracellular inclu-sions induced by amphetamines.Fulceri F., Gesi M., Casini A., Bertini F., Soldani P., Fornai F., Paparelli A.

11 Effects of ukrain on cultured human glioblasto-ma cells.Gagliano N., Moscheni C., Torri C., Donetti E.,Magnani I., Gioia M.

12 Neurotoxic action of trimethyltin in cultured rathippocampal neurons is correlated with Ca2+

homeostasis dysregulation. Gangitano C., Grassi C., Piacentini R., Ceccariglia S.,Del Fà A., Azzena G.B., Michetti F.

13 Fate of transplanted rat embryonic neural stemcells in the rat hippocampus during trimethyl-tin-induced neurodegeneration.Giannetti S., Michetti F., Cenciarelli C., Geloso M.C.,Budoni M., Maira G., Corvino V., Casalbore P.

14 Effect of proteasome inhibition on the centraland peripheral nervous system.Gilardini A., Canta A., Rodriguez-Menendez V.,Ceresa C., Carozzi V., Oggioni N., Rigamonti L.,Avezza F., Marmiroli P., Tredici G., Cavaletti G.

15 The role of locus coeruleus in secondary epi-leptogenesis after limbic status epilepticus.Giorgi F.S., Mauceli G., Cantafora E., Tassorelli C.,Blandini F., Murri L., Paparelli A.

16 Aging of vasopressinergic system in femaleTs65Dn mouse, a murine model for down syn-drome.Gotti S., Bassi L., Viglietti-Panzica C., Panzica G.C.


24 Sabato, 16 Settembre

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Sabato, 16 Settembre 25

17 Claustrum and insula in human primary ageing:EAAT2 is a reliable protoplasmatic astrocytemarker. An immunohistoichemical study.Grandi D., Becchi G., Albonetti V., Solenghi E.

18 Expression of phosphoinositide specific phospholipase C in cultured LPS activatedastrocytes.Lo Vasco V.R., Fabrizi C., Fumagalli L.

19 Immunoreactivity to SNAP-25, syntaxin andNSF in the rat cerebellar cortex.Lorusso L., Flace P., Benagiano V., Ambrosi G.

20 Oculomotor disfunctions in whiplash injury: a practical example of vestibular-oculomotorcorrelation.Manelli A., Storaci R., Sassi A., Congiu T.

21 Transdermal delivery of type a botulin toxin bymeans of ionophoresis.Pacini S., Gulisano M., Punzi T., Morucci G.,Marchese M., Tosi E., Ruggiero M.

22 PSA-NCAM in the human trigeminal sensoryganglion and nucleus at perinatal and adult age.Quartu M., Serra M.P., Boi M., Ibba V., Del Fiacco M.

23 Peripheral nerve repair by means of muscle-vein-combined nerve guides.Raimondo S., Geuna S., Lee J.M., Fornaro M.,Robecchi M.G.

24 Decrease in the volume ratio between satellitecell sheaths and nerve cell bodies in the rabbitspinal ganglia with advancing age.Sartori P., Martinelli C., Procacci P., Conte V.,Ledda M.

25 PSA-NCAM in the human brainstem.Serra M.P., Quartu M., Boi M., Ibba V., Del Fiacco M.

26 Relationships between ghrelin and vasotocinimmunoreactive systems in the hypothalamusof Japanese quail.Sica M., Iagulli M., Panzica Gc., Muccioli G.,Viglietti-Panzica C.

27 Neurotrophin receptors (p75 and TrkB) aremodulated in the hippocampus of developingtrimethyltin-treated rats.Toesca A., Geloso Mc., Corvino V., Barone I.,Aversa D., Michetti F.

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28 Neurons expressing neuronal nitric oxidesynthase modulate microglia activation in therat cortex after transient ischemia.Vannucchi M.G., Bizzoco E., Corsani L.,Faussone-Pellegrini M.S.

29 Immunomodulant drugs and peripheral neuro-toxicity: subcellular targets and apoptosis incyclosporin A- and thalidomide-induced neuro-pathies.Volpi N., Massai L., Di Lazzaro F., Muscettola M.,Guarna M., Giannini F., Pucci A.M., Alessandrini C.

30 Distribution of nerve fibres in rat thymus aftercutting of different types of nerves.Cavallotti C., Tranquilli Leali F. M., Cameroni M.,Sagnelli P.

31 Lipid bodies and mitochondrial changes inducedby peripheral benzodiazepine receptor ligands.Falchi A. M., Battetta B., Sanna F., Piludu M.,Sogos V., Serra M., Diaz G., Putzolu M., Melis M.


32 Decidua in prolonged gestation: fluctuations ofarylsulphatase A activity and sulphatide con-centrations.Baldoni E., Vitaioli L.

33 Preliminary results on protemic analysis ofvesicular structures from pig epididymal fluid.Carpino A., Sindona G., Napoli A., Panza R.,Siciliano L.

34 Curcumin protects the Leydig cells from chro-nic alcohol administration.Giambelluca M.A., Ruffoli R., Scavuzzo M.C.,Giannessi F.

35 Ultrastructural aspects of human azoospermictestes with severe germ cell aplasia and inter-stitial fibrosis.Heyn R., Relucenti M., Petruzziello L., Battaglione E., Familiari A., Nigri G., Familiari G.

36 Doubling of the left testicular artery with varia-tion of origin.Manzoli L., Cocco L., Mazzotti G.

37 Effects of cryopreservation on human ovariancortical tissue.Marzona L., Sena P., Marsella T., Volpe A., Xella S., De Pol A.


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Sabato, 16 Settembre 27

38 Mitochondria of human steroid producingorgans have tubular cristae with periodic con-strictions and bulbous tips.Riva A., Usai P., Conti G., Isola R.

39 Lectin binding in the placenta from pregnancieswith altered glycemia.Sgambati E., Marini M., Gheri G., Vichi D., Zappoli Thyrion G.D., Toscano A., Pacini A.

40 Orphanin FQ and motility in seminal vesicles.Uzzo M.L., Spatola G.F., Mandracchia R., Buscemi M., Farina Lipari E., Lipari D., Valentino B.,Gerbino A.


41 Oligonucleotide repeats in the vertebrate 18SRrna molecule.Calvello R., Saccia M., Mitolo C.I., Maffione A.B.

42 Ultrastructural patterns of the epithelial cell hete-rogeneity in chick chorioallantoic membrane.Gabrielli Mg., Accili D., Menghi G.

43 Flow cytometric evaluation of surface andintracellular antigens during in vitro differentia-tion of CD56DIM NK cell subset.Galeotti L., Masoni C., Canonico B., Della Felice M., Papa S., Zamai L.

44 The oligosaccharidic content of the glyco-conjugates in the ependymal cells of the thirdand lateral ventricles of the chick embryo.Gheri G., Vichi D., Sgambati E.

45 Cysteamine impairs the migration of tyrosinehydroxylase -like immunoreactive chickembryo pontine neuroblasts: possible role ofsomatostatin.Lofrumento D.D., Romano M.L., Casciaro M., Silla S., Nicolardi G.

46 Role of human sialidases in the differentiation ofnormal and pathological skeletal muscle tissue.Maliardi V., Galli D., Micheletti P., Ceccarelli G.,Anastasi l., Cassano M., Monti E., Cusella deAngelis M.G., Sampaolesi M.

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47 Involvement of notch signaling in regulation ofplacental cell fate decision and in angiogenesis.Perna A., De Luca L., Giraldi D., Mastrogiacomo A.,Cobellis l., Colacurci N., De Falco M., De Luca A.


48 The Locatelli’s experiments: an evergreenmodel for studying tissue regeneration.Farina A., Casasco M., Patrini C., Mazzarello P.,Vannini V.

49 Human neural crest-derived cells from adultdental tissues: an extraordinary niche ofembryonic stem cells in the adult body. Graziano A., D’aquino R., Martino S., D’Angelo F.,Sampaolesi M., Orlacchio A., Papaccio G.

50 TNF-α negative effects on skeletal muscleregeneration and performance involve PW1-dependent caspase activation.Moresi V., Pristerà A., Rizzuto E., Sassoon D.,Molinaro M., Adamo S., Coletti D.

51 Regulatory effects of S100B protein on myoblastand muscle satellite cell differentiation dependon cell density and the time of exposure.Riuzzi F., Sorci G., Donato R.

52 Role of nitric oxide during osteogenesis induc-tion of the human periodontal ligament derivedmesenchymal stem cells.Salvolini E., Sigismondo M., Caputi S., Mazzanti l.,Di Primio R., Trubiani O.

53 In conditions of advanced fibrotic disease inGATA-1LOW mice ultrastructural changes areobserved that are comparable to those occur-ring in wound healing processes.Zingariello M., Bosco D., Ghinassi B., VannucchiA.M., Antonucci A., Migliaccio G., Migliaccio A.R.,Rana R.A.

54 Protection by α-lipoic acid against skin necro-sis induced by doxorubicin hydrochloride.Tomassoni D., Mattioli L., Traini E., Mignini F.,Perfumi M., Amenta F.


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55 S100B protein regulates astrocyte shape andproliferation via modulation of the RhoA/ROCKAXIS.Arcuri C., Brozzi F., Donato R.

56 Nucleolin: a nuclear Akt substrate.Etro D., Missiroli S., Neri l.M., Capitani S.

57 Expression of CD38 in human neuroblastomaSH-SY5Y cells.Orciani M., Salvolini E., Saccucci F., Nicolini G., Di Primio R.

58 An innovative procedure that simplifies the sec-tioning of embedded monolayer cell cultures.Piras M., Melis M., Piludu M.

59 The expression of Na+/Ca2+ exchanger NCX1,NCX2, and NCX3 protein isoforms in neuronaland astrocytic mitochondria.Salucci S., Minelli A., Castaldo P., Magi S.,Amoroso S., Gobbi P.

60 Expression of neurotrophin low-affinity recep-tor (p75), caveolin 1 (cav-1) and androgenreceptor (AR) in normal and neoplastic humanprostate: an immunohistochemical study.Stabile A.M., Pistilli A., Chiarelli M.T., Mearini E.,Rende M.


61 Postnatal bone formation in rat, cat and rabbitauditory ossicles.Di Comite M., Roberto M., Favia A.

62 Epithelial membran transporters in the develo-ping mouse vomeronasal organ: an immunohi-stochemical study.Merigo F., Mucignat-Caretta C., Zancaro C.

63 Corneal changes after photorefractive keratec-tomy: a scanning electron microscopic study.Micali A., Pisani A., Puzzolo D., Romeo G.,Roszkowska A., Mirabelli E.

64 Oxidative DNA damage and the relationshipbetween p53 and 8-OHdG in pterygium.Perra M.T., Maxia C., Corbu A., Minerba L.,Demurtas P., Colombari R., Murtas D., Zucca I.,Bravo S., Piras F., Sirigu P.

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65 Morphological study of the pecten oculi of theparrot melopsittacus undulatus.Puzzolo D., Micali A., Pisani A., Bernava G.M.,Amenta A., Aragona P.


66 Nestin expression in adult human kidney.Bertelli E., Regoli M., Toti P., Occhini R., Fonzi L.

67 Cell-specific processing of the neuro-endocri-ne precursor proVGF in swine and bovine adre-nal glands.D’Amato F., Nicolussi P., Ferri G.L.

68 Morphometric measurement of salivary glandspleomorphic adenoma capsule.Guerra G., Testa D., Iovine R., Galli V., Tafuri D., Di Vaia E., Soscia A.

69 Human salivary glands and diabetes mellitus: apreliminary study. Lantini M.S., Piras M., Cossu M., Isola M., Piludu M.

70 CRH and ACTH administration cause variationsin 3-D structure of mitochondrial cristae in ratadrenal cortex. Solinas P., Isola R., Isola M., Testa Riva F., Riva A.

71 Dopamine receptor expression in rat majorsalivary glands.Traini E., Tomassoni D., Baldoni E., Vitaioli L.


72 Cadmium induced effects on morphology ofglomerular cells of the rat kidney.Meloni R., Fenu G., Palomba D., Bandiera P.,Madeddu R., Demontis M.P., Pirino A., Montella A.


73 Studying embryonic lung development by tissueengineering: a novel three-dimensional model.Bucchieri F., Campanella C., Ribbene A., Palumbo D.,Bellafiore M., Marino Gammazza A., Lo Verde R.,Davies D.E., Haitchi H.M., Holgate S.T., Farina F.


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Sabato, 16 Settembre 31

74 Experimental approach for the treatment ofcongenital diaphragmatic hernia.Conconi M.T., Bellini S., Simonato E., NussdorferG.G., Parnigotto P.P.

75 Cells cultured on different biocompatiblescaffolds: a scanning electron microscopystudy.D’Alessandro D., Battolla B., Cascone M.G.,Lazzeri L., Moscato S., Bernardini N., Mattii L.,Dolfi A.

76 In vitro studies of nasha fillers biocompatibilitytowards human cell types.Esposito A., Flamourakis M., Sito G., Strand A.,Esposito V., Mezzogiorno A.

77 Evaluation of ribonucleolytic and angiogenicactivity of angiogenin and tryptic peptides. Finezzo M.L., Dalzoppo D., Di Liddo R., Parnigotto P.P., Grandi C.

78 Biological fixation: an important step in implantosseointegration.Franchi M., Bacchelli B., Martini D., Trirè A., Orsini E., Leonardi L., Ottani V.

79 Mesenchymal stem cells in vitro differentiationinto endothelial and osteoblastic progeny forbone tissue-engineering.Kyriakidou K., Lucarini G., Vagnoni D., Spadaccino G.,Zizzi A., Gigante A., Mollica F., Mattioli-Belmonte M.,Biagini G.

80 Behaviour of blood and lymphatic endothelialcells in polysaccharidic hydrogels.Rossi A., Weber E., Di Cintio F., Gerli R., Lamponi S., Leone G., Barbucci R.

81 HEMA induces cell damage in human gingivalfibroblasts: a morphological study. Zago M., Teti G., Pelotti S., Breschi L., Galanzi A.,Falconi M.

82 Galactosed polymers: a new kind of extracellu-lar matrix for tissue engineering.Peluso G., Renò F., Cannas M.

83 Polymeric surfaces functionalized with galac-tose for tissue engineering: modulation ofkeratinocytes cell behaviour.Renò F., Peluso G., Cannas M.

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Domenica, 17 Settembre 200614.30 - 16.00 DISCUSSIONE


84 Pooled deoxyribonucleotides polymers pro-mote DNA repair after UVB damage in humandermal fibroblasts.Belletti S., Uggeri J., Gatti R., Orlandini G.,Govoni P., Scandroglio R., Guizzardi S.

85 Differential expression and phosphorylation ofAkt substrates in CEM-S versus CEM-R cells.Bertacchini J., Cenni V., Marmiroli S., De Pol A.

86 Apoptosis involvment in the initial degenerativecascade triggering aortic valve calcification inthe subdermal model.Bonetti A., Contin M., Spina M., Gandaglia A.,Marchini M., Ortolani F.

87 A proteomic–based investigation identifieslamin A/C Ser404 as a bona fide nuclear sub-strate of Akt/Protein Kinase B.Cenni V., Lattanzi G., Bavelloni A., Bertacchini J.,Maraldi N.M., Marmiroli S., De Pol A.

88 Effect of melatonin on UVB induced death inskeletal muscle cells.Curci R., D’Emilio A., Burattini S., Battistelli M.,Falcieri E.

89 Effects of p53 and Hsp70 expression in amodel of oxidative-stress induced apoptosis intumoral cells.David S., Campanella C., Ardizzone N., MontalbanoA., De Luca A., Cantero G., Cortes-Bonavides F.,Peri G.

90 Correlation between apoptotic features andrelease of cytochrome c.Luchetti F., Ferri P., Canonico B., Falcieri E., Papa S.

91 Possible role of PKC-α, PKC-δ and PKC-ζ inamyloid-β1-42-induced T cell activation inAlzheimer disease. Pierdomenico L., Ciccocioppo F., Lanuti P.,Gaspari A.R., Bascelli A., Grifone G., CenturioneM.A., Centurione L., Santavenere E., Marchisio M.,Miscia S.

92 Expression of survivin, p53, and p16 proteins incutaneous malignant melanoma: an immunohi-stochemical study.


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Piras F., Murtas D., Minerba L., Ugalde J., Floris C.,Maxia C., Colombari R., Demurtas P., Vintimilla R.,Perra M.T., Sirigu P.

93 The predictive value of survivin expression pro-file in the prognosis of cutaneous malignantmelanoma with vertical growth phase.Piras F., Murtas D., Minerba L., Ugalde J., Floris C.,Maxia C., Colombari R., Demurtas P., Vintimilla P.,Perra M.T., Sirigu P.

94 Effects of chitosan derivatives(DChH1,DChL1,DChL2) on the proliferation andcytoskeleton of human fibroblasts “in vitro”.Poggi P., Zambito Y., Benedetti L., Silvani G.

95 Cytokinetic and pro-apoptotic effects inducedby inhibition of aurora kinases: a novel strategyfor malignant mesothelioma treatment.Riva F., Tagliani F., Soncini C., Panzarella V., IcaroCornaglia A., Moll J., Porta C., Riccardi A.,Mazzini G., Calligaro A., Casasco A.

96 Rage transduces antiproliferative, pro-apopto-tic and anti-tumor signals in myoblasts.Sorci G., Riuzzi F., Donato R.


97 Dopamine receptor subtypes in the humancoronary vessels.Cavallotti C., Bruzzone P., Inches E., Mancone M.

98 Cadmium inhibits in vivo angiogenesis inducedby MCF7 mammalian breast cancer cell line.Gulisano M., Punzi T., Morucci G., Tosi E.,Ruggiero M., Pacini S.


99 Smoke exposure affects gelatinase a and bactivity levels in two lung epithelial cell lines.Anzalone R., Corrao S., La Rocca G., Magno F., Di Stefano A., Colombo M., Palma A.

100 Micromasses, a useful tool for studying theeffects of NF-κB activating kinases in chon-drocyte physiology.Battistelli M., Olivotto E., Borzi R. M., Vitellozzi R.,Facchini A., Marcu K. B., Falcieri E.

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101 Vascular smooth muscle cells in the ascendingaorta aneurysm undergo apoptosis related tothe changes in the expression of extracellularmatrix proteins.Castaldo C., Di Meglio F., Nurzynska D., ArcucciA., Mele V., Calabrese D., Della Corte A., QuartoC., Cotrufo M., Montagnani S.

102 Circadian variations of matrix metalloproteina-se gene expression in synchronized humandental pulp cells.Dolci C., Tartaglia G.M., Torri C., Gagliano N.

103 Effects of ochratoxin a in rat liver: a morpholo-gical, biochemical and molecular study.Gagliano N., Torri C., Dalle Donne I., Milzani A.,Migliori M., Grizzi F., Filippi C., Bertelli Aae.,Giovannini l., Gioia M.

104 Lymphatic endothelial cell signal mechanotran-sduction.Maestrini D., Rossi A., Di Cintio F., Weber E., Gerli R.

105 Identification of composition of in vivo humanacquired pellicle: an immunohistochemicalanalysis with high resolution FEI-SEM.Ruggeri A. Jr, Hannig M., Mazzoni A., Huber K.,Breschi L., Mazzotti G.

106 Desmoid and fibroma fibroblasts respond diffe-rently to toremifene treatment.Stabellini G., Marinucci C., Lilli C., Balloni S., Dolci C., Moscheni C., Calastrini C., Locci P.

107 Cyclosporin a inhibits TGFβ II, BMP II and sti-mulates IL 2, 3 and 6 receptor expression inhuman fibroblasts. Stabellini G., Scapoli L., Palmieri A., Moscheni C.,Goffredi M., Shirai Yuri F., Becchetti E., Pezzetti F.

108 Extracellular matrix synthesis in human uremicosteoblasts treated with IL-1Vertemati M., Goffredi M., Tartaglia G., Calastrini C.,Shirai Yuri F., Minola E.


109 Analysis of myoD and connexin43 expressionin gluteus maximum muscle of young miceafter endurance training.Bellafiore M., Bianco A., Palumbo D., Macaluso F.,Battaglia G., Marcianò V., Palma A.


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110 The psychomotor development of balance andcoordination of italian schoolchildren.Cappellini A.C., Mancini S., Zuffellato S., Bini F.,Molino Lova R., Macchi C., Catini C.

111 Endothelin system in inflammatory myopathies:an immunohistological and immunoelectronmicroscopic study.Carbotti P. , Belmonte G., Pecorelli A., MencarelliM., Aglianò M., Greco G., Rossi S., Grasso G.

112 A non invasive study of knee range of motionduring standardized treadmill walking: three-dimensional data in healthy adults.Ferrario V.F., Lovecchio N., Galante D., TommasiD.G., Bellocchio M., Calori G.M., Marelli B.

113 Underhand ball-throwing task: a cross-sectio-nal investigation on primary school children.Grassi G.P., Turci M., Boratto R., Gazzaniga C., Tazzi A.

114 Somatic growth in children: a cross-sectionalinvestigation on primary school pupils fromVoghera (Pavia, Italy).Grassi G.P., Turci M., Boratto R., Magnani B., Tazzi A.

115 Contractile proteins distribution in intrafusalfibers of neuromuscular spindles from humanpopliteus muscle.Guerra G., D’Anna M., Rosa D., Sciorio S.,Calabrese D., Tafuri D., Montagnani S.

116 Muscle in exercise. Role of different fatty acidsin diets.Imbesi R., Castrogiovanni P., D’Amico F., Mazzone V.

117 Correlation between anthropology and postu-rology in personal identification.Mazzone V.

118 Functional anatomy of the rectus abdominismuscle during curl-up and sit-up exercises:movement analysis and electromiographic evaluation.Ripani M., Cerulli C., Ciccarelli A., Michielon G.,Morini S.

119 A 3D non invasive study of trunk movementsduring ergometer rowing.Sforza C., Galante D., Lovecchio N., TommasiD.G., Ciceri M., Mantovani E., Casiraghi E. Jr.

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120 The anatomical study of the deep fascia sup-ported its proprioceptive role.Stecco C., Porzionato A., Macchi V., Tiengo C.,Parenti A., Aldegheri R., Gagey O., De Caro R.

121 An histologic and topographic study of thesuperficial muscolo-aponeurotic system. Tiengo C., Macchi V., Porzionato A., Stecco C.,Parenti A., Weiglein A., Mazzoleni F., De Caro R.

122 Standing hindfoot alignment in healthy adole-scents.Turci M., Grassi G.P., Serafin A.

123 Lower limb postural screening in healthy highschool students.Turci M., Serafin A., Grassi G.P.


124 Exercise induces cardiac angiogenesis in ananimal model: morphological and gene expres-sion evidences.Burattini S., Lapalombella R., Marchionni C.,Margonato V., Falcieri E., Marini M., Veicsteinas A.

125 ANP and CD34 expression in human dilatedcardiomiopathies: a new insight.Cappello F., Ardizzone N., Di Felice V., Bucchieri F.,David S., Rappa F., Minervini F., Marasà L.,Ribbene A., Rabl W., Sergi C., Zummo G.

126 Time- and dose-dependent effects of chronicwound fluid on human adult dermal fibroblasts.De Mattei M., Magaldi S., Ongaro A., Palazzo A.,Gemmati D., Pellati A., Caruso A.

127 Microvascular architecture of the human dia-betic finger.Manelli A., Protasoni M., Sassi A., Quacci D.

128 A study of cellular and molecular patternsunderlying cardiovascular protesic surgery failure.Mezzogiorno A., De Luca A., Ferraraccio F.,Esposito A., Flamourakis M., Cerasuolo F.,Mazzarella G.

129 SDF-1/CXCR4 system in microvascularendothelial cells and skin from patients affec-ted by systemic sclerosis.Pacini A., Milia A.F., Manetti M., Toscano A.,Cipriani P., Liakouli V., Marrelli A., Kahaleh B., Matucci-Cerinic M., Giacomelli R., Ibba-Manneschi L.


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130 Glicosaminoglicanes distribution in Cohn-Oncley fractionation of human plasma.Pacini S., Punzi T., Morucci G., Tosi E., Cecchi F.,Ruggiero M., Vannucchi S., Gulisano M.

131 Signal transduction cascades activated bybacterial endotoxin in cardiomyocytes and therole of TLR4.Panaro M.A., Gagliardi N., Cianciulli A., Mitolo V.,Tesse A.

132 A study on the development of the venousasymmetries in cases of duplication of thecaval veins.Pirolo l., Marano l., Passiatore C.

133 Rosiglitazone inhibits neointima formationupon incision injury to the rat carotid artery.Romagnoli P., Pieri L., Rinaldi B., Filippelli A.,Domenici L., Bacci S., Giabbani L., Rossi F.

134 Intracellular surface of intercalated disk ofhuman heart seen by HRSEM.Testa Riva F., Loy F., Isola R., Loffredo F., Conti G.,Riva A.


135 Influence of helicobacter pylori’s proteins,VacA, CagA and HspB on human gastricepithelial cells.Manente L., Buommino E., Perna A., Dattilo D.,Lucariello A., Cavallotti I., Citro G., Tufano M.A.,De Luca A.

136 Histomorphometric evidence that esomeprazo-le prevents indomethacin-induced gastricmucosal damage in rats: involvement ofgastroprotective mechanisms.Natale G., Kastsiuchenka O., Verri M., Boschi F.,Pastoris O., Tonini M., Paparelli A.

137 Caspase 3-dependent apoptosis of the HCT-8enterocytic cell line induced by giardia intesti-nalis.Panaro M.A., Cavallo P., Mitolo V., Brandonisio O.

138 A morphological study by HRSEM of humanparotid glands treated in vitro with atropine.Perra A., Loy F., Proto E., Riva A., Testa Riva F.

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139 Target disruption of TGF-BETA/SMAD3 signal-ling confers resistance to intestinal fibrosis inthe mouse.Sferra R., Vetuschi A., Continenza M.A., Latella G.,Zanninelli G., D’Angelo A., Catitti V., Onori P.

140 Immunohistochemical study and densitometriccomparision on CB1 receptor expression in thegastrointestinal tract and pancreas of obese(fa/fa) and lean zucker rats.Tessitore V., Uzzo M.L., Spatola G.F., Cucco D.,Bonaventura G.

141 Morphometric analysis of preneoplastic lesionsand hepatocellular carcinoma in the cirrhoticliver.Vertemati M., Goffredi M., Quaglia A., Minola E.,Vizzotto L.


142 Proliferation in organotypic cultures of normalhuman keratinized oral mucosa.Bedoni M., Tartaglia G., Donetti E.

143 Transcobalamin 2 is involved in the onset ofnon-syndromic cleft lip with or without cleftpalate.Caramelli E., Martinelli M., Scapoli L., Palmieri A.,Pezzetti F., Carinci F., Rullo R., Gombos F., Carinci P.

144 3D hard tissue palatal size and shape in 6-yearold subjects affected by hypohidrotic ectoder-mal dysplasia.Dellavia C., Grandi G., Orlando F., HuancaGhislanzoni L.T., Catti F.

145 Human pulpal modifications after low mechan-ical injuries: histologic evaluation.Dellavia C., Orlando F., Colombo M., Mian F.,Pallavera A., Allievi C.

146 A non invasive study of soft tissue facial profilein healthy 6-year-old children: photographs vs.Digital anthropometry.Dolci C., Colombo A., Grandi G., Mian F., BedoniM., Sforza C.

147 Three-dimensional anthropometry of the lips inhealthy young adults.Ferrario V.F., Peretta R., Mian F., Rosati R., Grandi G., Colombo A.


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148 E-tutorial and e-learning in craniofacial anatomy.Future and perspectives for anatomy teaching.Leonardi R., Loreto C., Marrano V., Caltabiano C.

149 Caspase-3 is activated in a salivary gland cellline by Sjögren syndrome autoantibodies.Lisi S., D’Amore M., Sisto M., Caprio S., Saccia M.,Calvello R.

150 The schneiderian membrane: structure andrelationiship with the maxillary sinus elevation.Rodella L.F., Labanca M., Stacchiotti A.,Tschabitscher M.

151 Sjögren’s syndrome autoantibodies induceactivation of both intrinsic and extrinsic apop-totic pathways in the human salivary gland cellline A-253.Sisto M., Scagliusi P., Lisi S., Porro C., Caprio S.


152 Lymphatic vessels in human sural nerve: an immunohistochemical study.Aglianò M., Volpi N., Massai L., Alessandrini C.,Lorenzoni P., Rossi S., Giannini F., Grasso G.

153 Effects of glass fiber composites on immuno-competent cells and red-ox status in rat lymphnodes.Buffoli B., Laffranchi L., Tengattini S., Lonati C.,Paganelli C., Sapelli P., Rezzani R.

154 On the lymphocyte transendothelial migrationat the level of absorbing lymphatic vessel ofthymus-dependent lymphoid areas of peyer’spatches.Caldara G., Arcari M.L., Azzali G.

155 Role of the RANKL/RANK system in the induc-tion of interleukin-8 (IL-8) in B chroniclymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL) cells.Corallini F., Celeghini C., Melloni E., Gonelli A., DiIasio M.G., Guidotti L., Zauli G., Secchiero P.

156 IgV gene intraclonal diversification and clonalevolution in B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia.Fais F., Bagnara D., Callea V., Stelitano C.,Morabito F., Fabris S., Neri A., Zanardi S., GhiottoF., Ciccone E., Grossi C.E.

157 Morphological and molecular study of T-lymphocyte population during HIV infection.Favaloro A., Anastasi G., Cutroneo G., Santoro A.,Spinella S., Magaudda L., Piedimonte G.

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158 PKCε is differentially regulated inmegakaryocytopoiesis and erythropoiesis.Gobbi G., Mirandola P., Micheloni C., Sponzilli I.,Malinverno C., Vitale M.

159 Dopamine plasma membrane transporter anddopamine receptors in rat thymus and spleen.Mignini F., Tomassoni D., Traini E., Amenta F.

160 Sulphur ions delay spontaneous human neu-trophils cell death preventing p38 and Caspa-se-3 activation.Mirandola P., Gobbi G., Malinverno C., Vitale M.

161 An increase of OPG expression in the aortas of diabetic rats may contribute to the impairedmyo-relaxating activity characterizing diabetesmellitus.V. Nicolin, R. Bortul, G. Baldini, C. Ponti, D. Gibellini, M. Vaccarezza, P. Narducci.

162 Trail induces cAMP-, response element binding(CREB) protein phosphorylation in Jurkat Tleukaemic cells.Sancilio S., Caravatta L., Di Giacomo V.,Centurione L., Cataldi A., Di Pietro R.


163 Cell systems and fibre toxicity: in vitro asses-sment.Giantomassi F., Pugnaloni A., Cardile V., BellusoE., Bloise A., Fato R., Graciotti L., Paoloni L.,Nozza F., Rinaldi G., Biagini G.

164 Cigarette smoke affects heat-shock proteins inhuman lung fibroblasts: a proteomic study andidentification of three expressed HSP10variants differentially affected by the stressor.La Rocca G., Corrao S., Anzalone R., Magno F.,Macario A.J., Conway De Macario E., Farina F.


165 Three-dimensional geometrical models usingTC images in the study of the surgical approachto hydatid cists of the liver.Peri D., Cannella V., Peri G., Benvegna L.,Valentino A., Marcianò V., Li Volsi F., Lo Verde R.,Russo E., Sunseri A., Modica G.


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166 3D laser surface scanning and quantifyingfacial mobility.Verzé L., Quaranta F., Dell’Acqua A., Ramieri G.


167 Manual lymph drainage and compression the-rapy for breast cancer-related lymphoedema.Bracale P., Bracale G.C., Ficarelli I., Guerra G.,Montagnani S.

168 Preliminary morpho-structural studies duringendodontic treatment with Ni-Ti 55-45 instru-ments.Carini F., Varia P., Scardina G.A., Spatola G.F.,Uzzo M.L., Messina P., Valenza V.

169 The structure of liquide water.Fonzi L., Rossi C., Mazzuoli S.

170 Anthropological studies on Tomb IV and IXhuman bones of “Sa Figu” hypogeic necropolis(Ittiri).Mazzarello V., Piga G., Delogu P.L., Bandiera P.

171 Software for an anatomical test: development,upgrade and “on field” applications from 2002to 2006.Paternostro F., Vassalli M., Pacini A., Pacini S.,Pacini P., Orlandini G.E.

172 Mandibular movements at maximum mouthopening and EMG activity of masticatory andneck muscles in patients rehabilitated after amandibular condyle fracture. Preliminaryreport.Sforza C., Giannì A.B., Tartaglia G.M., Monteverdi R., Ugolini A., Pallavera A.

173 Canalar reprocessing with Ni-Ti flexmasterinstruments: our experience.Varia P., Carini F., Scardina G.A., Leone A.,Mandracchia R., Messina P., Valenza V.

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Segreteria OrganizzativaPragma Congressi Mazzini, 9 27100 PaviaTel. +39 0382 309579 Fax +39 0382 304892E-mail: [email protected]

I N F O R M A Z I O N ISedeUniversità degli Studi di Pavia, sede centrale Corso Strada Nuova, 65.Sessione Plenaria - Aula MagnaSessioni Parallele - Aula Magna / Aula Scarpa / Sessioni Parallele - Aula VoltaEsposizione permanente Poster: Aula ForlaniniSegreteria: Aula Forlanini

Orari della Segreteria (Aula Forlanini)Venerdì 15 settembre dalle 10.00 alle 19.00Sabato 16 settembre dalle 08.00 alle 19.00 Domenica 17 settembre dalle 08.00 alle 18.30

Attestazione di Partecipazione A tutti i partecipanti sarà rilasciato un attestato di parte-cipazione.

Colazioni di lavoro e Pause caffèLe colazioni di lavoro e le pause caffè saranno servite neicortili delle Magnolie e Sforzesco (ai lati della segreteria).

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Venerdì 15 Settembre, ore 19.30Ricevimento di BenvenutoCortili delle Magnolie e della Loggetta

Sabato 16 Settembre, ore 20.00 Cena Tipica Castello Visconteo

Domenica 17 Settembre, ore 20.30 Cena Sociale Almo Collegio Borromeo


Venerdì 15 Settembre, ore19.30Ricevimento di BenvenutoCortili delle Magnolie e della Loggetta

Sabato 16 Settembre, ore 10.00 Visita guidata alla Certosa di Pavia (su prenotazione,subordinata ad un numero minimo di adesioni)

Sabato 16 Settembre, ore 17.00 Sfilata della Pellicceria Annabella con aperitivo

Sabato 16 Settembre, ore 20.00 Cena Tipica Castello Visconteo

Domenica 17 Settembre, ore 10.00 Visita guidata della città di Pavia

Domenica 17 Settembre, ore 20.30 Cena Sociale Almo Collegio Borromeo

Mostra “Golgi, Architetto del cervello”Nel corso del Congresso sono previste visite guidatealla Mostra (prenotazioni in Segreteria)

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Venerdì,15 Settembre 46

Riferimenti topografici

Lo Store Merchandisingdell’Università di Pavia

Cortile dei Tassi - Corso Carlo Alberto, 5

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Venerdì,15 Settembre 47

TAXIStazione Ferroviaria: 0382 27439Piazza della Vittoria: 0382 29190Radiotaxi: 0382 576576

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Comunità Montana Oltrepò Pavese

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