Download - 8-CNS-ATM

  • B mnB mn K thut Thng tinK thut Thng tin

    H ni, 10 - 2009

    Email: [email protected]

    Ging vin: TS.Ging vin: TS. Trng Tun Trng Tun

    Trng i Hc Bch Khoa H NiKhoa in t - Vin thng

    nh v v dn ng in tnh v v dn ng in t

    ( Electronics Positioning and Navigation )( Electronics Positioning and Navigation )

  • Dn ng in tDn ng in tElectronic NavigationsElectronic Navigations

  • 22. . H thng Thng tin Dn ng Gim st

    v Qun l khng lu (CNS/ATM)

  • Qun l bay ATMAir Traffic ManagementAir Traffic Management

    Trong hot ng vn ti hng khng, QLB l lnh vc quan trng bc nht v n l yu t quyt nh tnh an ton cho cc hot ng hng khng (hnh khch, thit b bay...)

    H thng k thut ngnh qun l bay tp trung 3 chuyn ngnh chnh:

    Thng tin C (Communication)

    Dn ng N (Navigation)

    Gim st S (Surveillance)

  • Cc sn bay ti Vit Nam

    1. Min Bc: Ni Bi, in Bin, N Sn (Sn La), Ct Bi

    (Hi Phng), Vinh, ng Hi

    2. Min Trung: Ph Bi (Hu), Nng, Pleiku, Ban M

    Thut, Ph Ct (Bnh nh), Ph Yn, Cam Ranh

    3. Min Nam: Bin Ha, Tn Sn Nht, Lt, Vng Tu,

    Ph Quc, Cn o, Cn Th, Rch Gi

  • approach

    airport A airport B

    Ct cnhH cnh

    Qun l khng lu Qun l khng lu -- ATMATMQun l khng lu Qun l khng lu -- ATMATM

    Hng tuyn

    (ng di)tip cntip cn



    en route

    Air Traffic ManagementAir Traffic Management



    take off landing

    i pht mc


    C=Communications N = Navigations S = Surveilance

    1. UHF

    2. VHF

    3. HF

    4. V tinh

    5. TT Quang

    6. Vi ba

    7. Di ng

    1. Thp quan st

    2. Taxi way

    3. VHF

    4. NDB

    5. VOR/DME

    6. ILS / MLS

    7. GPS

    8. n ng bng

    1. Thp quan st

    2. Truyn hnh cp

    3. Radar

    4. V tinh

    5. TT Quang


    C=Communications N = Navigations S = Surveilance

    1. UHF

    2. VHF

    3. HF

    4. V tinh

    5. TT Quang

    6. Vi ba

    7. Di ng

    1. Thp quan st

    2. Taxi way

    3. VHF

    4. NDB

    5. VOR/DME

    6. ILS / MLS

    7. GPS

    8. n ng bng

    1. Thp quan st

    2. Truyn hnh cp

    3. Radar

    4. V tinh

    5. TT Quang


    C=Communications N = Navigations S = Surveilance

    1. UHF

    2. VHF

    3. HF

    4. V tinh

    5. TT Quang

    6. Vi ba

    7. Di ng

    1. Thp quan st

    2. Taxi way

    3. VHF

    4. NDB

    5. VOR/DME

    6. ILS / MLS

    7. GPS

    8. n ng bng

    1. Thp quan st

    2. Truyn hnh cp

    3. Radar

    4. V tinh

    5. TT Quang


    C=Communications N = Navigations S = Surveilance

    1. UHF

    2. VHF

    3. HF

    4. V tinh

    5. TT Quang

    6. Vi ba

    7. Di ng

    1. Thp quan st

    2. Taxi way

    3. VHF

    4. NDB

    5. VOR/DME

    6. ILS / MLS

    7. GPS

    8. n ng bng

    1. Thp quan st

    2. Truyn hnh cp

    3. Radar

    4. V tinh

    5. TT Quang

  • Thng tin - Communications

    * UHF, VHF, HF:

    - Thng tin thoi qua b m.

    - Taxi My bay : UHF

    - My bay Thp quan st: VHF

    - C ly xa: HF

    * V tinh, cp quang, vi ba: kt ni mng thng tin gia cc sn bay vi

    trung tm.

    - Mi sn bay : 1 trm v tinh VSAT / DOMSAT

    * Tng i: chuyn mch knh thng tin trong h thng

  • Gim st - Surveilance

    1. Thp quan st: mt , ng nhm

    2. Truyn hnh cp: quan st mt sn

    3. Radar :

    - t ti mt t (Ground-based)

    - t trn khng (Air-based)

    - Radar thi tit pha trc my bay (120 x 120): kch c, lng

    in tch

    - Radar o cao v quan st mt t

    - Tr gip o vn tc (pht sng lin tc, iu tn tuyn tnh)

    o cao: c ba phng php

    Radar o cao

    p k o cao: khc p sut theo cao

    S dng radar s cp

  • Gim st - Surveilance

    3. Radar (tip):

    - Radar s cp vng tip cn

    - Radar th cp vng ng di

    4 + 5 : Thng tin v tinh + thng tin quang

    Ni mng radar qua v tinh, mng cp quang: truyn nh radar

    v trung tm x l quc gia

  • Dn ng - Navigations1. Thp quan st dn ng: s dng thng tin thoi lin lc v dn

    ng2. Taxi ( Follow-me)3. VHF: ni dung thng tin dn ng4. VOR/DME:

    - VOR: VHF OmniRange: pht mc v hng ti bng VHF tr gip xc nh

    hng bay ti mt mc xc nh so vi hng chnh Bc - DME: Distance Measurement Equipment : tr gip kim tra v tr hin

    ti camy bay c ng theo ti nguyn c n nh theo phng ngang hay

    khng 5. ILS/MLS6. GPS / SNS (Sattelite Navigation System)7. n ng bng

  • Air Traffic Control

  • Taxiway Markings - Yellow

  • Threshold Markings Displacement



    Sterile Area

  • Runway 22 heading South West

    Runway 04 (Reciprocal) heading North East

  • Touchdown markings

    Runway number

  • Runway 22 is heading SOUTH WEST

  • Take Off


  • VOR (VHF Omni-directional Range)

    VORs operate between 108.0 to 117.95 MHz frequency band

    System includes VOR ground station or transmitter VOR receiver in aircraft

    In light aircraft this is often combined with the comm radio

    Aircraft display CDI course deviation indicator TO/FROM indicator ON/OFF flag to determine field strength


  • VOR

    1 trm VOR -> 1 tn s VHF


    TP. HCM


    VHF: 108.0-117.95MHzLine of sight

  • VOR has Line of sight range

  • The frequencies

  • The Principle of the VOR

    The VOR does not account for the aircraft heading

  • Relation between TRUE, MAGNETIC, and


  • Analogous Optical System

  • VOR Phase Angle Relationships

    R: Reference signalV: Variable signal

    Variable signal

    Reference signal


  • VOR Phase Angle Relationships

  • VOR Phase Angle Relationships

  • DME



    treDMED ttcD '2

    s ttreDME 50

    10 (NMI)

  • DME (Distance Measuring Equipment)

    Range is up to 199 NM at the high end of controlled airspace based on line of sight with accuracy of mile or 3% of the distance.

    DME operates on frequencies from 962 to 1213 MHz. Operation

    The aircraft transmitter sends out paired pulses at specific spacing.

    The ground station receives the pulses and then responds with paired pulses at the same spacing but a different frequency.

    The aircraft receiver measures the time it takes to transmit and receive the signal which is transmitted into distance.

  • Distance Measuring Equipment (DME)

    DME Distances are Slant Range

  • VOR Combination

    1. Using two VOR stations:












    2. Using a VOR/DME

  • Trm pht mc v hng NDB


    1 km

    7 - 10 km

    f1, P1 = 50 W

    f2, P2 = 100-300 W

    Trm K1, K2: Tip cn - trm K3: Hng tuyn

    Pht tn hiu iu bin, m mc : V tr hin ti ( tn a phng, s hiu

    mc NDB, ng bay )




    10 km

    H = ?

  • Non-Directional Beacons (NDB)

    Low to Medium Frequency 190 to 535 kilohertz (kHz) Unique three-letter Morse code identifier Radiates in all directions Airborne receiver required

    Automatic Direction Finder (ADF) Aircraft may either home or track to the station

  • Non-Directional Beacons (NDB)

    MB = MH + RB

    Using relative bearing and magnetic heading, magnetic bearing can be found Actual heading to fly to the station MB = MH + RB

  • Relative bearing (see NDB

    Bearings figure, on the right) is

    the angle formed by the

    intersection of a line drawn

    through the centerline of the

    aircraft and a line drawn from

    the aircraft to the radio station.

    This angle is always measured

    clockwise from the nose of the

    aircraft and is indicated directly

    by the pointer on the bearing


    Relative bearing

  • Magnetic bearing (see NDB Bearings

    figure, on the right) is the angle

    formed by the intersection of a line

    drawn from the aircraft to the radio

    station and a line drawn from the

    aircraft to magnetic north. The pilot

    calculates the magnetic bearing by

    adding the relative bearing shown on

    the indicator to the magnetic heading

    of the aircraft. For example, if the

    magnetic heading of the aircraft is 40

    and the relative bearing 210, the

    magnetic bearing to the station is


    Magnetic bearing


    The ADF, or Automatic Direction Finder, is the receiver in the aircraft

    The NDB, or Nondirectional Radio Beacon, is the transmitting antenna on the ground

    The ADF is the receiver of the NDBs transmissions

    Utilize the directional characteristicsof a loop antenna to determine thedirection of a radio station(strongest point or null position).

  • ILS (Instrument Landing System)

    Combination of several systems to provide pilot with the ability to land in conditions with poor visibility.

    Components LOC (localizer)

    Horizontal reference

    GS (glide slope) Vertical reference

  • Principle of ILS

  • Principle of ILS

  • Principle of ILS

  • LOC (LOCalizer)

    Combined with the VOR system

    Utilizes 1 of 40 ILS channels between 108.10 to 111.95 MHz.


    The ground transmitter is located at the far end of the runway and provides a valid signal up to 18 NM

    The CDI (course deviation indicator) gives full fly left/right deviation of 700 feet at the runway threshold. ILS-Localizer and corresponding

    Glide Slope-carrier frequencies (MHz)

  • GS (Glide Slope) / Glide Path

    Utilizes 1 of 40 channelsbetween 329.15 to 335.00 MHz.

    Operates on the same principlesas the LOC.

    The GS transmitter is locatedbetween 750 and 1250 ft.from the approach end ofthe runway

    The indicator is an ADI(altitude-director indicator).

    ILS-Localizer and correspondingGlide Slope-carrier frequencies (MHz)

  • Precision Approach Path Indicators (PAPI)

  • Airfield Lighting

  • Threshold Green Lights

    White Runway lights

    Sterile Area

    Red Obstruction Lights

  • Precision Approach Path Indicators (PAPIs)

    Threshold Lights

    High Visibility T

    Approach Lights

  • Landing on Runway 15 Birmingham Airport

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