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Кафедра «Языкознание»


Часть 2

Под ред. Т.И. Лаловой, С.Г Парастаевой, Е.А. Цаллаговой

Москва 2019 г.

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УДК 44

Л 20

Винникова О.М., Коптелова Н.Р., Кумскова Л.А., Парастаева С.Г., Плющёва О.Н.,

Филичева О.С., Цаллагова Е.А., Симонова С.В., Английский язык в профессии. Второе

издание. Учебное пособие / под общей редакцией Т.И. Лаловой, С.Г Парастаевой, Е.А.

Цаллаговой.– М., 2019.:.

Пособие представляет собой коллективную работу сотрудников кафедры

«Языкознания» ИПСС РУТ (МИИТ), в которой представлены материалы, используемые

для обучения английскому языку студентов технических специальностей.

Пособие является продолжением первой части «Английский язык в профессии» и

предназначено для студентов нижеследующих специальностей «Строительство мостов и

тоннелей», «Управление качеством в производственно-технологических системах»,

«Гражданское строительство», «Строительный менеджмент», «Система

автоматизированного проектирования», «Строительство автомобильных дорог»,

«Строительство железных дорог», «Управление техническим состоянием пути»,

«Землеустройство и кадастры». Специализированные тексты и упражнения направлены на

овладение языковыми навыками и применение полученных знаний по выбранной

студентами профессии.

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Учебное пособие является продолжением первой части «Английский язык в профессии» для студентов технических специальностей и включает девять разделов, каждый из которых состоит из пяти профессионально ориентированных текстов. Тематика текстов, лексические и грамматические упражнения, видеоматериалы направлены на тренировку навыков в таких видах речевой деятельности как чтение, аудирование, говорение, что обусловлено спецификой основной цели изучения языка и способствует формированию коммуникативной компетентности. В конце каждого раздела находятся ссылки на интернет-сайты для просмотра видео материалов.

Видео ресурсы могут быть использованы в целях самосовершенствования и самоорганизации самостоятельной работы студентов. Просмотр, прослушивание, функциональный и лексический анализы текстов, составление и ответы на вопросы могут быть организованы самостоятельно как студентами, так и преподавателем во время занятий.

Основными задачами учебного пособия становится формирование навыков понимания смысла, прочитанного (или услышанного) и передача содержания, а также выражения своих мыслей посредством доступных языковых средств, навыков самостоятельного поиска и обработки необходимой информации. Решение этих задач предполагает, что в ходе изучения материала студенты получат базовые знания о специфике будущей профессии и получат необходимый объём профессиональной лексики и самое главное научатся использовать её в соответствии с ситуацией речевого общения.

Пособие ставит своей целью систематизирование и расширение словарного запаса, характерного для специализированной литературы, а также развития умения использовать в устной монологической и диалогической речи специальных технических терминов.

Тексты выбраны из современной учебной литературы с использованием электронных энциклопедий, англоязычных сайтов, адаптированы и снабжены словарём, предназначенным для заучивания и расширения активного вокабуляра.

Учебное пособие адресовано студентам преподавателям и студентам как для работы в аудиториях, так и для самостоятельной подготовки студентов к занятиям. Авторы пособия желают плодотворной работы в освоении и применение английского языка в своей работе.

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ENGLISH IN BRIDGE ENGINEERING....................................................................................7UNIT 1. BRIDGE BUILDING IN THE ROMAN PERIOD.___________________________________7

UNIT 2. ARCH BRIDGES.______________________________________________________________9

UNIT 3. BEAM BRIDGES_____________________________________________________________11

UNIT 4. BRIDGE BUILDING IN THE MIDDLE AGES.____________________________________14

UNIT 5. ANCIENT BRIDGES._________________________________________________________16


ENGLISH IN BUSINESS MANAGEMENT.............................................................................21UNIT 1. CREATIVITY._______________________________________________________________21

UNIT 2. LOCATION._________________________________________________________________23

UNIT 3. PRICE._____________________________________________________________________24

UNIT 4. RISK_______________________________________________________________________26

UNIT 5.TEAM BUILDING.____________________________________________________________28


ENGLISH IN CIVIL CONSTRUCTION....................................................................................32UNIT 1. ROOF.______________________________________________________________________32

UNIT 2. EXCAVATIONS._____________________________________________________________34

UNIT 3. PREPARING THE SITE_______________________________________________________37

UNIT 4. SETTING OUT OF BUILDING._________________________________________________40

UNIT 5. THE SITE INVESTIGATIONS._________________________________________________42


ENGLISH IN COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN..........................................................................47UNIT 1. FACES OF THE INTERNET.__________________________________________________47

UNIT 2. GUI OPERATING SYSTEM.___________________________________________________48

UNIT 3. COMPUTER GRAPHICS.______________________________________________________50

UNIT 4. IMAGINING TOMORROW'S COMPUTERS TODAY_______________________________52

UNIT 5.HOW TODAY’S COMPUTERS WEAKEN OUR BRAIN_____________________________55


ENGLISH IN HIGHWAY ENGINEERING..............................................................................61UNIT 1. SIDE DITCHES._____________________________________________________________61

UNIT 2. PAVEMENT STRUCTURAL LAYERS.___________________________________________62

UNIT 3. HISTORY OF ROAD CONSTRUCTION__________________________________________64

UNIT 4. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT OF ROADS___________________________________66

UNIT 5. NEW ROAD SURFACE TECHNIQUES.__________________________________________67


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ENGLISH IN LAND CADASTER..............................................................................................72UNIT 1. CADASTRAL SYSTEM._______________________________________________________72

UNIT 2. LAND MARKET._____________________________________________________________74

UNIT 3. TOWN PLANNING.__________________________________________________________76

UNIT 4. URBAN CADASTER.__________________________________________________________77



ENGLISH IN QUALITY MANAGEMENT...............................................................................85UNIT 1. _________WHY THE BRITISH JOBS RECOVERY HAS NOT BROUGHT BULGING PAY PACKETS__________________________________________________________________________85

UNIT 2. BEIJING'S OLD STOCK EXCHANGE – ___ A HISTORY OF CITIES IN 50 BUILDINGS, DAY 17_____________________________________________________________________________87

UNIT 3. ECONOMIES MUST WORK TOGETHER ___ TO AVOID DECADE OF LOW GROWTH, IMF BOSS WARNS__________________________________________________________________90

UNIT 4. THE «QUALITY» YOU CANNOT FEEL__________________________________________93

UNIT 5. QUALITY PUT INTO PRACTICE_______________________________________________96


ENGLISH IN RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION...........................................................................102UNIT 1. THE UK’S LARGEST RAIL EXHIBITION RUNS FROM MAY 12 TO MAY 14________102


UNIT 3. ROAD AND LAND. ROADBED._______________________________________________104

UNIT 4.THE NEED FOR SPEED______________________________________________________106

UNIT 5. THE TRANS-SIBERIAN MAINLINE: __ STRIVING AT EFFICIENCY ENHANCEMENT__________________________________________________________________________________107


ENGLISH IN RAILWAY MAINTENANCE............................................................................114UNIT 1. RAILWAY TRACK MAINTENANCE WORKER CAREER._________________________114



UNIT 4. BALLAST BED MAINTENANCE WITH APPLICATION OF MODERN BALLAST BED CLEANING MACHINES.____________________________________________________________123



KEYS...........................................................................................................................................133ENGLISH IN BRIDGE ENGINEERING________________________________________________133

ENGLISH IS BUSINESS MANAGEMENT______________________________________________133

ENGLISH IN CIVIL CONSTRUCTION_________________________________________________134


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ENGLISH IN HIGHWAY ENGINEERING______________________________________________134

ENGLISH IN COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN.___________________________________________135

ENGLISH IN LAND CADASTER______________________________________________________136

ENGLISH IN QUALITY MANAGEMENT_______________________________________________137

ENGLISH IN RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION_____________________________________________137

ENGLISH IN RAILWAY MAINTENANCE______________________________________________139


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among – среди, в числеaqueduct – акведук, водопроводarch of triumph – триумфальная аркаaware of – знающий, осведомлённыйcondition – условиеconsequence – следствие, результатto distribute the load – распределять нагрузкуefficient – эффективныйgutter – водосточный жёлоб, водостокmortar – раствор, смесьoutstanding – выдающийсяportal – портал, главный входsemi–circular – полукруглыйto survive – выдержать, пережить

The Roman period was a peak in the history of bridge construction. A necessary condition for the efficient governing of the Roman Empire was good communications.

Because of this, the art of bridge construction showed an impressive development. Bridges that are still standing are evidence of this. Today only the stone bridges have survived the wear and tear of history, but the Romans also built outstanding wooden bridges. The most well-known of all the Roman wooden bridges is the one that Julius Caesar decided to build across the Rhine in 55 BC, and which was constructed in the course of only ten days.

The Romans were aware of the static function of the arch, as a means to distribute the load of the bridge. Bridges with a span of up to 40 metres were built. The Roman arch was semi-circular and consequently had a limited potential for the construction of bridges across large divides. An example, where the half-circular arch can be seen, is Pons Angelus in Rome built in 134 AD during the reign of Emperor Hadrian. This bridge is richly decorated with sculptures of angels, placed there during the 1650s, and which have given the bridge its name.

Pont du Gard at Nimes in France and Ponte di Augusto in Italy are among the most well-known Roman bridge structures. These were probably built in the years 18 BC and 14 BC. Pont du Gard, the bridge over the river Gard, is 275 metres long and 49 metres high. It was part of an aqueduct nearly 50 kilometres long, which supplied Nimes with water. On its first level it carries a road and at the top of the third level, a water conduit, which is 1.8 metres high and 1.2 metres wide. The three levels were built in dressed stone without mortar.

The construction of Puente de Alcаntara across the river Tajo in Spain was a masterpiece. Similar to many other Roman bridges, this one was also built with an arch of triumph or a portal. The bridge dates back to the days of Emperor Trojan (98 – 117 AD). All Roman settlements required a plentiful supply of water of good quality, both for housekeeping purposes and for the public baths. For such reasons big aqueducts were constructed, that carried water in open gutters. In addition to Pont du Gard, which carries water on the "upper floor", we can mention the aqueduct in Segovia, to the north of Madrid, as one of the finest of all Roman buildings. This is a "two storey" building with a length of 823 metres, a height of 23 metres and consisting of 119 arches with a span of about 6 metres. The aqueduct is built out of granite blocks without using mortar. It was built about 100 AD. With the fall of the Roman Empire, the development within the art of bridge construction also halted.

Answer the questions according to the text:1. Why is the Roman period considered as a pick in the history of bridge construction?


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2. Can we find any bridges constructed by the Romans nowadays?3. What materials did the Romans use for their bridges?4. What functions does the arch have?5. What is an aqueduct? Why was it needed?6. What are the most famous Roman bridges? When were they built?7. Where was Pons Angelus built? How did it get its name?


1) Match the words with similar meaning:

1. condition weight2. consequence restricted3. to survive abundant4. outstanding famous5. load perhaps6. well-known to provide7. limited to endure8. plentiful circumstance9. probably result10. to supply distinguished

2) Find matching nouns in the text and complete the phrase1. a necessary …2. an efficient …3. to distribute …4. to be aware …5. to be decorated …6. to supply …7. to carry …8. to require …9. to mention …10. to build …11. to survive …

3) Replace the words in italics using the vocabulary in the box.

outstanding efficient well-known consequentlyhalf-circular potential halted

1. The Roman arch was semi-circular. 2. As a result, it had limited possibilities for successful development. 3. With the fall of the Roman Empire, the development within the art of bridge

construction almost stopped.4. The Romans built excellent wooden bridges.5. Pont du Gard and Ponte di Augusto are among the most famous Roman bridge

structures.6. A necessary condition for skillful governing was good communications.

4) Translate from English into Russian.A. Bridge construction, as a consequence…, impressive development, an outstanding bridge

(student), static function, to distribute the load, limited potential, arch of triumph, half-circular, a plentiful supply, to date back, to be richly decorated, open gutter, poor working conditions, aware of danger, power efficient, an efficient use of fuel, efficient secretary, outstanding intelligence, to be aware of the difficulties, load uniformly distributed over, water supply


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B. 1. The bridge is still under construction. 2. The gutters are flooded with water. 3. The battle ended in a triumph. 4. A small error is of no consequence. 5. He did not explain it clearly – consequently, I did not understand. 5. The train halted at the signals.

5) Translate into English using the words in brackets.1. Наш новый кондиционер гораздо эффективнее прежнего. (efficient)2. Чтобы школа выпускала по-настоящему образованных людей, необходимо,

чтобы власть и ответственность за неё были в руках одного человека. (condition)3. Эта премия присуждается за "выдающийся вклад в радиовещание". (outstanding)4. Мы были среди собравшейся там толпы. (among) 5. Собранные деньги будут распределены по детским больницам района.

(distribute) 6. Стены здания несут тяжесть крыши. (load)7. Этот древнеримский акведук, сохранившийся до наших дней, одно из наиболее

посещаемых туристами мест во Франции. (aqueduct)8. Римляне строили многочисленные акведуки для доставки воды в города.




abutment – пята, береговой устойto anchor – фиксировать, закреплятьarch bridges - арочные мостыbridge deck – проезжая часть моста, мостовой настилcable – тросto expect – ожидатьto influence sth. – влиятьload – нагрузкаpre-cast concrete – сборный железобетонpre-stressed concrete – преднапряженный (предварительно напряженный) бетон scaffolding – леса, подмостиsemicircular – полукруглыйspandrel – надсводное заполнение, стойкаsupport – опораtier – ярусtricky – трудный, ненадежныйunder compression – под воздействием сжимающих сил; при сжатии(un)stable – (не)устойчивый

Arch bridges are one of the oldest types of bridges and have great natural strength. Instead of pushing straight down, the weight of an arch bridge is carried outward along the curve of the arch to the supports at each end. These supports, called the abutments, carry the load and keep the ends of the bridge from spreading out.

How do the abutments support an arch bridge?Cut a strip of cardboard that's about one inch ( 2.5 cm) by 11 inches ( 28 cm) gently

bend the strip so that it has a curve. Position the cardboard on a table so that it resembles an arch. Press down on the centre of the arch. What happens to the ends of the cardboard?

Next, place a stack of books at each end of the arch. Press again. Now what happens? Notice how the stacks of books act as abutments, keeping the ends of the arch from spreading apart.

When supporting its own weight and the weight of crossing traffic, every part of the arch is under compression. For this reason, arch bridges must be made of materials that are strong under compression.


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The Romans used stones. One of the most famous examples of their handiwork is the Pont du Gard aqueduct near Nîmes, France. Built before the birth of Christ, the bridge is held together by mortar only in its top tier; the stones in the rest of the structure stay together by the sheer force of their own weight.

Today materials like steel and pre-stressed concrete have made it possible to build longer and more elegant arches, including a 1700 foot ( 518 m) span in New River Gorge, West Virginia. (More typically, modern arch bridges span between 200-800 feet ( 60 - 245 m).

Constructing an arch bridge can be tricky, since the structure is completely unstable until the two spans meet in the middle. One technique is to build elaborate scaffolding, or «centering», below the spans to support them until they meet. A newer method supports the spans using cables anchored to the ground on either side of the bridge. In situations where there is an active water or roadway below, this method allows to build without disrupting traffic.

One of the most revolutionary arch bridges in recent years is the Natchez Trace Bridge in Franklin, Tennessee, which was opened to traffic in 1994. It is the first American arch bridge to be constructed from segments of pre-cast concrete, a highly economical material. Two graceful arches support the roadway above. Usually arch bridges employ vertical supports called "spandrels" to distribute the weight of the roadway to the arch below, but the Natchez Trace Bridge was designed without spandrels to create a more open and aesthetically pleasing appearance. As a result, most of the live load is resting on the crowns of the two arches, which have been slightly flattened to better carry it. Already the winner of many awards, the bridge is expected to influence bridge design for years to come.

Answer the questions according to the text:1. How are the supports at each end of the arch called? What is their function?2. What materials did the Romans use for the bridges?3. What materials are used for the construction of an arch bridge nowadays?4. What is a typical span length of an arch bridge?5. What is a newer method to support the spans? 6. When and where was the Natchez Trace Bridge built? 7. What materials is it made of? 8. Why was it designed without spandrels?


1) Check true or false. Correct false statement. If the statement is correct develop the idea using the words below:

To carry the load, spread out; to support the weight, traffic, under compression; top tier, sheer force of1. The weight of a bridge deck pushes straight down on the pylon.2. The abutments fulfill several functions. 3. Arch bridges must be built of sound materials (прочный материал).4. The Pont du Gard aqueduct was built without using mortar.5. Materials like steel and pre-stressed concrete have made it possible to build bridges

without using mortar.6. One usually does not meet any difficulties while constructing an arch bridge.7. Elaborate scaffolding is used to build an arch bridge without using mortar.

2) Finish the sentences:

1. An arch bridge a) doesn’t even need mortar.2. Compression b) is built below the spans to support them until they met3. Arch bridges c) is a semicircular structure with abutments on each end.4. The design of the arch d) is a force that acts to shorten the thing it is acting on.5. The force of compression e) is carried outward along the curve of the arch to the



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6. An arch made of stone f) are one of the oldest types of bridges.7. Scaffolding g) naturally distributes the weight from the bridge deck to

the abutments.3) Match the words and their definitions:

1. abutment a) a half of a circle2. deck b) a force that acts to compress or shorten the thing it is acting on.3. semicircular c) he roadway of a bridge 4. to influence d) the part of a structure (as an arch or a bridge) that directly

receives thrust (нагрузка) or pressure5. span e) to anticipate or look forward to the coming or occurrence of

smth6. expect f) to have an effect on the condition or development of 7. compression g) the spread or extent between abutments or supports

4) Complete the sentences with the words from the text:1. A chair which stands unevenly (uneven – неуравновешенный) on its feet is useless

as a_________. 2. In masonry (при каменной кладке), the __________ of a bridge mean the walls

adjoining (прикрепляющиеся) to the land.3. The walls of the building carry the ________ of the roof.4. My first care was to _______ the ice axe (ледоруб) firmly (крепко) in the snow.5. 5. We will ________ you for dinner on Thursday.6. The thing is shortened or compressed under the force of ___________.

5) Choose the best summary. Be ready to explain your choice:1. An arch bridge is a semicircular structure with abutments on each end. The abutments carry the load and keep the ends of the bridge from spreading out. The Romans used stones for arch bridges. Today materials like steel and pre-stressed concrete are used. To support the spans and make the structure more stable during construction scaffolding or cables are used. The most vivid examples of arch bridges are the Pont du Gard aqueduct near Nîmes, France and the Natchez Trace Bridge in Franklin, Tennessee.

2. Arch bridges are one of the oldest types of bridges. The weight of an arch bridge is carried outward along the curve of the arch to the abutments at each end. When supporting its own weight and the weight of crossing traffic, every part of the arch is under compression. For this reason, arch bridges must be made of materials that are strong under compression. One of the most revolutionary arch bridges in recent years is the Natchez Trace Bridge in Franklin, Tennessee.3. Arch bridges are one of the oldest types of bridges and have great natural strength. Arch bridges must be made of materials that are strong under compression. The Romans used stones for the bridges. The Pont du Gard aqueduct near Nîmes, France is held together by mortar only in its top tier; the stones in the rest of the structure stay together by the sheer force of their own weight. Today materials like steel and pre-stressed concrete have made it possible to build longer and more elegant arches. Modern arch bridges span between 200-800 feet ( 60 - 245 m).



according to – в соответствииbeam bridges – балочные мостыcompression – сжатие, компрессия to consist of – состоять из continuous span – неразрезное пролетное строение мостаdrawback – недостаток, помеха


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pier – опораpre-stressed concrete – предварительно напряженный железобетон to require – требовать, нуждатьсяtension – растяжение, натяжениеunobstructed – беспрепятственный, свободныйto withstand – выдерживать, быть устойчивым

A beam or "girder" bridge is the simplest and most inexpensive kind of bridge. According to Craig Finley of Finley/McNary Engineering, "they're basically the vanillas of the bridge world. In its most basic form, a beam bridge consists of a horizontal beam that is supported at each end by piers. The weight of the beam pushes straight down on the piers. The beam itself must be strong so that it does not bend under its own weight and the added weight of crossing traffic. When a load pushes down on the beam, the beam's top edge is pushed together (compression) while the bottom edge is stretched (tension).

Take a flat eraser or a small sponge and slice a shallow notch across the top and bottom. Create a beam bridge by supporting each end of the eraser (or sponge) with a stack of books. Press down on the centre of the bridge. What happens to the top and bottom notches? Notice how the top notch squeezes together in compression, while the bottom notch spreads apart under tension.

Pre-stressed concrete is an ideal material for beam bridge construction; the concrete withstands the forces of compression well and the steel rods imbedded within resist the forces of tension. Pre-stressed concrete is one of the cheapest materials in construction. But even the best materials can't compensate for the beam bridge's biggest limitation: its length.

The farther apart its supports, the weaker a beam bridge gets. As a result, beam bridges rarely span more than 250 feet. This does not mean beam bridges are not used to cross great distances -- it only means that they must be daisy-chained together, creating what is known in the bridge world as a "continuous span."

In fact, the world's longest bridge is a continuous span beam bridge. Almost 24 miles long, the Lake Ponchartrain Causeway consists of two-lane sections that run parallel to one another. The Southbound Lane, completed in 1956, is made up of 2243 separate spans, while the Northbound Lane, completed in 1969, is pieced together from 1500 longer spans. Seven crossover lanes connect the two main sections and function as bays in emergencies. Although impressive, the Lake Ponchartrain Causeway Bridge underscores the drawback of continuous spans: they are not well suited for locations that require unobstructed clearance below.

Answer the questions according to the text:1. What does the beam bridge consist of?2. What happens when a load pushes down on a beam bridge?3. What is the most suitable material for a beam bridge construction? Why?4. Is it possible to build a beam bridge that crosses long distances?5. What are “continuous spans”? How to use them?6. What is the disadvantage of “continuous span”?


1) Match the words and their definitions

beam the vehicles traveling on roadsinexpensive the distance between the two ends of a bridgeload a straight pole made of wood or metaltraffic a disadvantage or hindranceto support when something squeezesto withstand something that weighs down or burdens


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span capable of impressing, esp. by size, magnificence, or importance

rod a force that stretches or the state or degree of being stretched tight

emergency to need, to be a necessary conditionimpressive to resist or endure successfullydrawback a long, thick piece of wood, metal, etc. used

in buildingrequire not costing a lot of moneytension an unforeseen or sadden occurrence compression to carry the weight of

2) Complete the sentences with the following words:require consists of tension span

compression withstand emergency1. Use ____________ exit in case of fire. 2. A beam bridge ________ а horizontal beam, which is ________ by two pears.3. Materials such as concrete and metal can _________ high temperature.4. This question _______ careful consideration.5. What ________ can of continuous span can we trace?6. When choosing which materials to use engineers should take into consideration the

forces of _______ and ________.7. A _________ is distance or part between the supports of a bridge.

3) Give Russian equivalents to the following sentences from the text: 1. The beam itself must be strong so that it does not bend under its own weight and the

added weight of crossing traffic.2. When a load pushes down on the beam, the beam's top edge is pushed together

(compression) while the bottom edge is stretched (tension).3. Pre-stressed concrete is an ideal material for beam bridge construction; the concrete

withstands the forces of compression well and the steel rods imbedded within resist the forces of tension.

4. Although impressive, the Lake Ponchartrain Causeway Bridge underscores the drawback of continuous spans: they are not well suited for locations that require unobstructed clearance below.

4) Give English equivalents to the following word-combinations:Балочный мост; в соответствии с; состоять из; поддерживаться колоннами; давить на колонну; прогибаться под тяжестью; сделать неглубокий разрез; вер и низ; сжиматься под давлением; преднапряженный бетон; выдерживать давление; стальные рейки; компенсировать недостаток; большие расстояния; состоять из двух секций; подчеркивать; требоваться.

5) Translate into English:1. Балочный мост представляет собой горизонтальную балку, которая с обеих

сторон поддерживается колоннами. 2. При давлении груза на балку верхняя ее часть находится под давлением, а

нижняя под напряжением.3. Преднапряженный бетон – это самый идеальный материал. Он не только

хорошо выдерживает давление груза, но и является самым дешевым материалом.

4. Чем дальше друг от друга находятся опоры, тем слабее верхняя часть моста. Check true or false. Correct false statements:5. A beam bridge is the simplest but the most expensive kind of bridge.


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6. Pre-stressed concrete is one of the most inexpensive types of material.7. It is impossible to build a beam bridge of high length because the farther apart its

supports, the weaker a beam bridge gets.8. The forces of tension and compression have a very strong influence on a beam when a

load pushes down. 9. Reinforced concrete is used for beam bridge construction.



arch compression line – компрессионная линия (давления), линия деформацииas an example – в качестве примера(to) apply – применять, употреблятьbridge builder – мостостроительcalculation – вычисление, расчетcentre of gravity – центр тяжестиconcerning – относительно, касательно(to) erect – воздвигать, сооружатьneither … nor – ни …ни suspension bridge – висячий мостRenaissance – эпоха возрождения, ренессансtemporarily – временноtensile strength (of steel) – предел прочности на разрыв (свойство стали, работающее на

растяжении)truss bridge – мост со сквозными фермами with respect to – что касается…,

Neither necessity nor the material means existed could stimulate the building of bridges. The church engaged itself in the building of bridges. It is worth noticing that there was a transition from half-circular arches to shorter arches and ellipses. Pont d'Avignon, which was built in the years 1177 to 1188 with as many as 21 spans and a total length of over 900 metres, for a long time was the longest bridge in Europe.

With the emergence of the Renaissance and modern times, the building of bridges flourished again. Le Pont-Neuf, built by Marchand in 1578 – 1604 and which is one of the most famous bridges in Paris, may stand as an example of this period.

The design of stone bridges was for a long time based on empirical rules. The bridge builders did not have any explicit theory or static calculations to lean on. Theoretical considerations concerning stone bridges started with Lahire in 1695, when the arch compression line was defined. Culman introduced calculations of bridges with an elastic centre of gravity about 1850. Wooden bridges and steel bridges had a strong epoch along with the development of truss theory. In 1757, Grubenmann made a big bridge in Schaffhausen in Switzerland with a span of almost 100 metres, though he probably did not know this scientific development. Culman was the first one to systematically apply graphic methods for truss structures in 1866.

Maxwell, Cremona and Mohr, just to mention a few, performed a further development of truss theory. The previous limits to span lengths were expanded with the introduction of truss bridges made out of steel, The span length of truss bridges temporarily culminated with the building of the Firth of Forth Bridge, erected in 1889, with a largest span of 521 metres and the Quebec Bridge from 1917, with a main span of 548.6 metres. With respect to large spans, it is also the utilization of the tensile strength of steel in bridges that makes this feasible.

Answer the questions according to the text:1. What was characteristic of bridge building in the Middle Ages?2. When did the building of bridges flourish again?


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3. What are the most famous bridges of that period?4. When did the first theoretical considerations start? Who defined the arch compression

line?5. Name some outstanding bridge builders of the Middle Ages and explain what they did

for the development of bridge building.6. What was acknowledged in Russia in the 1840s?7. What made it possible to expand the previous limits to span lengths?


1) Find out if the statements are true. If the statement is false, correct it. If the statement is correct develop the idea using the information given in the text.

1. The Renaissance was a peak in the history of bridge building in the Middle Ages.2. The design of stone bridges had been based on static calculations and theoretical

considerations until 1695.3. Culman was the first who started to apply graphic methods for truss structures.4. 5. The utilization of the tensile strength of steel in suspension bridges makes it

possible to build bridges with longer spans.5. Nowadays Pont d'Avignon is the longest bridge in Europe.

2) Use the vocabulary in the box to replace the words in italics.

Utilization With respect to Concerning CalculationsApply Feasible Acknowledged

1. Culman was the first one to systematically use graphic methods for truss structures in 1866.

2. The bridge builders did not have any explicit theory or static computations to rely on.3. Theoretical considerations regarding stone bridges started with Lahire in 1695, when

the arch compression line was defined.4. It was admitted in Russia in the 1840s.5. As to large spans, it is the usage of the tensile strength of steel in suspension bridges

that makes this possible. 3) Translate from English into Russian.

To be neither for nor against, the political necessity, material means, a total length, the emergence of the Renaissance, stand as an example, explicit theory, theoretical considerations, to define a problem, the development of truss theory, it is widely acknowledged that, with the introduction of, made out of wood, limits to span lengths, to the limit, on a temporary basis, he neither knows nor cares.

4) Translate into English.1. Стоит обратить внимание на переход от полукруглой арки к строительству

эллиптических конструкций. 2. Расцвет строительства мостов пришелся на эпоху Ренессанса. 3. Этот мост, построенный в 1578-1604 гг., один из самых известных во Франции,

может служить примером мостостроения того периода.4. Проектировка каменных мостов основывалась долгое время на эмпирических

наблюдениях, а не на точных расчетах.5. С появлением мостов со сквозными фермами прежняя длина пролета была

значительно увеличена.6. Это свойство стали сделало возможным строительство мостов с большими

пролетами.5) Form nouns from the following adjectives and translate them into Russian:

Long, wide, height, broad, deep, thick, strong. Dimension is a measurement in length, breadth, or thickness. Study these ways of describing dimension.


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How long is it? It is 484.5 cm long. The length is 484.5 cm.How wide is it? It is 165.0 cm wide. The width is 165.0 cm.How high is it? It is 157.5 cm high. The height is 157.5 cm.How heavy is it? It weighs 2, 570 kg.How much does it weigh? The weight is 2, 570 kg.



arch bridge – арочный мостavailable – пригодный, доступныйbeam – балка(to) build out of – строить из(to) consist of – состоять из(to) cross natural barriers – пересекать естественные преградыto develop – развивать(ся)(to) exchange goods – обмениваться товарамиfloating bridge – наплавной или понтонный мостhowever – однако, тем не менееpillar – опораsuspension bridge – висячий мостspan – пролетvarious – различный, разнообразный

The history of bridges can be traced back to the origin of human civilization. Contact between different groups of people led to the exchange of goods and services, which made it necessary to establish channels of communication between the various societies. Trails and roads emerged, people built simple bridges to cross natural barriers and facilitate traffic.

The first bridges were very primitive. They were built out of wood and stone, the building materials that nature made available. A simple trunk of a tree or a stone across a stream eased the crossing and can be called a bridge.

People used ropes to cross greater gaps, as a result primitive suspension bridges appeared. Later on bridge construction developed into more complicated structures.

Primitive stone bridges developed to simple arch bridges built of stones laid on top of each other with a slight offset, until they met in the middle. This kind of arches can be found in ancient Egypt, Greece, Asia Minor and Mexico. Such a construction method only allowed short spans.

Floating bridges were also built a long time ago. One of the most famous floating bridges is Xerxes' bridge across Hellespont built in 480 BC in the war between Persia and Greece.

Unfortunately, there are few records and little information available about the first bridges. The earliest reference to a bridge takes us back to about 2650 BC. It was a bridge across the Nile at Menes, but without any details about it. We have, however, detailed information about a bridge that was built across the Euphrates about 500 years later. This bridge consisted of wooden beams on a foundation of stone pillars and had a span of about 10 metres. Some examples of early bridges that exist today are Tarr Steps in Exmore, England, built about 1000 BC, and an arch bridge across the river Meles by Izmir in Turkey, built about 850 BC.

Answer the questions according to the text:1. What did contact between different groups of people lead to?2. Why did people start to build bridges?3. What materials were used for the construction of the first bridges?4. What led to the construction of the first suspension bridges?5. Do we have enough information about the first bridges?


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6. Give all possible information about the bridge across the Euphrates.7. What bridges that exist nowadays can you name? When and where they built?8. Describe the first arch bridges. Where was this kind of bridges built? What was the

main drawback of such a construction method?9. When and where was the most famous floating bridge built?10. What materials were used for bridge building in China?11. When was the An-Chi bridge built?12. What type of bridge was the AnLan bridge? What is its total length? How many spans

did it have?


1) Circle the best answer to each of the following questions:1. The first paragraph tells us about …

a) the emergence of bridges;b) the origin of human civilization;c) the exchange of goods between different groups of people.

2. The second paragraph …a) contains a detailed description of the first bridges.b) shows that the first bridges had rather a primitive structure.c) tells us about materials used for bridge building.

3. Suspension bridge appeared …a) as a result people managed to cross greater gaps.b) in 2650 BC when a bridge across the Nile at Menes was built. c) when people started to use ropes for crossing greater gaps.

4. The fourth paragraph …a) tells us about main drawbacks (недостатки) of first arch bridges.b) gives us a full description of arch bridges built in ancient Egypt.c) contains the description of the first arch bridges developed from primitive stone

bridges.2) Find out the statements that are true. If the statement is false, correct it. If the

statement is correct develop the idea using the information given in the text.1. People built bridges out of ferrous metals and alloys of non-ferrous metals, building

materials that nature made available.2. Trails, roads and primitive bridges facilitated communication between people.3. The first reference to a bridge dates back to 2650 BC.4. According to the best authorities people didn’t use ropes. As a result they couldn’t

build suspension bridges.5. There are enough records and much information available about the first bridges.6. There is detailed information about a bridge built in 700 BC.7. The bridge across the Euphrates consisted of horizontal beams supported by two

stone pillars at each end and had a span of 10 metres.8. There are no ancient bridges existing nowadays.9. Primitive stone bridges evolved into arch bridges.10. Chinese bridges were built out of stone, wood and ropes.

3) Match the words with a similar meaning:a) exchange set upb) origin simple c) establish small river d) various difficulte) emerged appear f) build of different kinds g) facilitate ease


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h) primitive construct i) stream barter j) complicated very oldk) ancient source

4) Match the following phrases from the article:

1. Which made it necessary about a bridge across the Euphrates

2. People built bridges out of wood and stone

3. Ropes were used to the first year after his birth

4. There is little information available to establish channels of communication

5. We have detailed information of wooden beams on a foundation of stone pillars.

6. It consisted to simple arch bridges

7. They were built to cross greater gaps

8. They developed to facilitate traffic

9. It takes us back about the first bridges

5) Translate from Russian into English:1. Это не трудно будет сделать при наличии таких инструментов. 2. Он считает такие методы необходимыми для поддержания дисциплины. 3. Его замечания прозвучали несколько неестественно. 4. Чувствовалась атмосфера взаимного уважения, естественная для старых друзей. 5. Он великолепно разгадывает кроссворды. 6. На наше счастье мы были недалеко от берега, когда лодка перевернулась. 7. Мы пошли домой кратчайшим путем через поле, хотя это было и опасно. 8. Еще с древности человек для перехода через ручьи, речки, овраги пользовался

мостами примитивных типов. Ствол дерева, перекинутый с берега на берег, являлся простейшим видом балочного моста.

9. В XII столетии наиболее распространёнными на Руси были арочные деревянные мосты.

10. Инки строили верёвочные мосты, представляющие собой простейшую форму висячих мостов.

References: Watch the video and discuss it in class:


1. The Romans were__________ the static function of the arch, as means to distribute the load of the bridge.a) knowb) aware ofc) stay in the knowd) keep up

2. The Roman arch was ___________ and consequently had s limited potential for the construction of bridges across large divides.a) circularb) round


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c) ovald) semi-circular

3. The three level of the bridge were built in dressed stone without ________.a) concreteb) bridgesc) mortard) water

4. Today only the stone bridges have _________ the wear and tear of history.a) survivedb) livedc) leftd) stayed

Translate the words into Russian:5. gutter – 6. among –7. outstanding –

Check true or false:8. When supporting its own weight and the weight of crossing traffic, every part of the arch

is under compression.a) Tb) F

9. For this reason, arch bridges must be made of materials that are not strong under compression.a) Tb) F

10. Built before the birth of Christ, the bridge is held together by mortar only in its bottom tier.a) Tb) F

Fill in the gaps with necessary words:abutments, tricky, scaffolding, unstable, strength

11. Arch bridges are one of the oldest types of bridges and have great natural_________.12. One technique is to build elaborate ____________below the spans to support them until

they meet.13. These supports, called the_________, carry the load and keep the ends of the bridge from

spreading out.14. Constructing an arch bridge can be________, since the structure is completely

________until the two spans meet in the middle.Translate the words and word combinations into English:

15. компенсировать недостатки16. преднапряженный бетон17. выдерживать давление18. в соответствии с

Match the words and their definitions:

19. drawback20. require21. rod

a) to need, to be a necessary conditionb) a straight pole made of wood or metal c) a disadvantage or hindrance

22. It is worth _______that there was a transition from half-circular arches to shorter arches and ellipses.a) notice


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b) noticingc) noticedd) notices

23. With the emergence of the Renaissance and modern times, the buildings of bridges _________ again.a) appearedb) disappearedc) blossomedd) flourished

24. With _______ to large spans, it is also the utilization of the tensile strength of steel in bridges that makes this feasible.a) concernb) regardsc) respectd) referring

Translate the words into Russian:25. arch compression line26. tensile strength27. truss bridge28. erect

Match the following phrases to make them complete:

29. to cross30. bridge construction developed31. the bridge consisted of

a) natural barriersb) wooden beams c) into more complicated structure

Match the words with a similar meaning:

32. origin33. various34. complicated35. establish

a) difficultb) sourcec) set upd) of different kinds


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challenge – вызовinnovative – инновационныйimaginative – образныйperspective – перспективаradical – радикальныйthinking – мышлениеtraditional – традиционный

Creative people have innovative ideas for new products, find imaginative ways to sell. People are creative when they have new ideas, which challenge the traditional ways of thinking. Creativity is important in every field of business that why creative thinking helps to solve problems. Try to look at a problem from a different perspective; it can help you to find a radical solution.

Every business people think that creativity is only important in marketing or advertising. But it’s just as important in engineering, for example .In today’s business word, there‘s a lot competition so you have to do something different – something no one else is doing. It is the people in the company who make the difference .Your competition can copy your products, but they cannot copy your people. The old thinking was that only some people are creative. However, everyone can be creative – just in different ways. There are two types of people. Adaptors are careful and realistic .They look after the details. They are important for making improvements in the day-to-day running of the business. For example, they may find ways to reduce product faults innovators are people who want radical changes .They like to challenge the normal way of doing things and are happy to take risk. These people are important to a company when things are changing .But they are not team players and they usually hate meeting. Therefore, it may be hard for them to work together with the adaptors. People can only be creative in the right environment. It is essential for managers to encourage their staff to make suggestions and be ready to try new things .To be a creative leader, you have to take risks and accept the possibility of failure.

Answer the questions according to the text:1. In what fields of business is creativity especially important?2. Why is it so important for companies to do something different?3. How can companies be different?4. Are some people more creative than others?5. What can managers do to stimulate creativity?


1) Choose the best word or phrase in italics to replace the words in bold.1. The wood was a group of trees growing in a random way. planned / unplanned2. The solution is not always obvious. hard to find / clear 3. He broke the window deliberately. accidentally / because he wanted to4. She transformed the company. moved / changed5. She created a thriving club. successful / popular

2) The verb “Look” can have different meanings when combined with different words. Match the verbs 1-5 with the meanings a-e.

1. look at a) try to find something you have lost 2. look for b) seem, or be similar to


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3. look after c) observe4. look like d) take care of, be responsible for 5. look forward to e) be pleased about something that is going to happen

3) Complete the dialogue with the following phrases.

Would it help if That could be a solution If we did thatWhat could we do What if we That wouldn’t help

(A) The sales staff are selling many products, but it takes us too long to deliver the orders to the customer._________ to make the system more efficient?

(B) _________ took on more sales staff? (A) _________. We have enough staff. The order processing system is not working

well. (C) _________ the sales reps carried laptops when they visited the customers? That

way, they could enter orders immediately. (B) Yes! _________, we could reduce the time it takes to transfer orders to the sales

office. (A) _________ !

4) Choose the correct form of the verbs in italics.1. If I think of any new ideas, I will / I would phone you.2. If we had more time, we can / could do more careful research.3. People would be more creative if they were not / would not be so stressed.4. If we have / had a more exciting product, we would sell more.5. People will buy the product if we make / made it more exciting.6. Will / Would companies be more innovative if they encouraged more discussion?7. If we do not / did not take risks sometimes, we would never make any progress.8. What would we do if the venture failed / would fail?

5) Choose the correct word.1. This _______shows the increase in oil prices over the last ten years.

a) workforce b) developmentc) graphd) strategy

2. If you need more information, _________ the company website.a) browseb) collectc) shared) store

3. The new product did not sell well and the company lost _______ to its competitors.a) distributionb) demandc) market share

D finance4. The new technology is good, but the company needs a lot of _________ to develop it.

a) budgetb) opportunityc) potentiald) finding

References:Adapted from Christine Johnson «Intelligent Business» Longman, Pearson Education Limited, 2006, p.85.


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advantages – преимущества(to) consider – учитыватьcurrency – валютаgovernment – правительствоinflation – инфляцияshipping facilities – услуги доставки

The main aim of a business is a location. Every company wants to set up an office in a new location, because it is an important factor for its growth – t o be near regional markets, for example – it needs to be sure that the region has good infrastructure and a stable economy.

Some governments offer low taxes to attract companies to set up in developing regions. After deciding on the region or city for the new office, the company then has to find a good site for its premises.

Before setting up an office in another country, you will need to do quite a lot to research. There are a number of things to consider.

To start with, you want to be sure that the country has a strong economy. In addition, that means low inflation and a stable currency. If the prospects for growth are good, then so much the better.

Then you need to consider other factors. For example, does the location have a good infrastructure – a modern airport, good roads and perhaps shipping facilities if you need them?

Moreover, the third main area to research is the financial side. How much will it cost to rent office space? Does the government of the region offer special encouragement to foreign business such as low taxation? If the local government has a positive attitude to foreign business and the costs are low, then obviously these are going to be big advantages.

Answer the questions according to the text:1. What does a company want in a new location?2. Do some governments offer low taxes?3. Why do you want to be sure in a strong economy?4. Why does the location must have a good infrastructure?5. What advantages does the local government have?


1) Match the Russian and English equivalents. Make up the sentences with these words and word combinations:

1. location a) средство2. infrastructure b) правительство3. taxes c) регион4. facility d) инфраструктура5. encouragement e) относиться6. currency f) налоги7. government g) валюта8. region h) поощрение9. advantage i) расположение10. attitude j) преимущество

2) Which location is best for each of the business activities 1-5? Choose from the list a-e

1. bank a) at an airport2. big supermarket b) near the sea


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3. petrol station c) in a town centre4. duty-free shop d) out of town5. ship-building e) beside a motorway

3) Choose the correct option a-c to complete the textWashington is a leading business 1)_______ . It has a 2)_______ economy. International trade plays a key role in the 3)_______ of the city. The country exports many products through its historic 4)________ . Many international banks have their 5)________ offices here.

a b c1. placement

site location

2. large fat strong 3. growing increase development4. pitch airport port5. capital investment regional

4) Use the prompts to make sentences using the present continuous.1. They/ expand / their factory? _________________2. The market / get /more competitive _________________3. How much / she / offer? _________________4. He / not / have / lunch at the moment _________________5. We / not / increase / our prices _________________

5) Match the questions with the answers a-f1. Have you ever visited Australia? a) I went to Melbourne and Brisbane 2. When did you go there? b) Yes, I have. I went to Perth on

business3. What other cities did you go to? c) Yes, I worked in Mexico in 20074. Have you been to the Cape Town office? d) For a year5. Have you ever worked in a different country? e) I went last month.

References:Adapted from Christine Johnson «Intelligent Business» Longman, Pearson Education Limited, 2006, p.85.



competition – конкуренция(to) develop – развивать(to) improve – улучшать(to) increase – увеличитьprofit margin – прибыльquality product – качество продукцииtarget customers – целевые клиенты

The most difficult challenge for the company is to set the price. A lower price way help to increase sales, but it also reduces the profit margin. Studying the trends can help companies to choose the right pricing strategy for their products. As a result, the company may have to cut costs to keep prices down. We often use graphs to show trends in prices over months or years.

Price is important to everyone. Companies spend a lot of time deciding how to set prices. They often do not choose the best method of pricing their products. They can have a huge impact on profitability. A study of 2,400 companies showed what happened when they followed one of three strategies. The first strategy was to reduce costs by one per cent; the second was to increase the volume of sales by one per cent; and the third was to increase all their prices by one per cent.


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The companies who reduced their costs improved profitability by 2,3 per cent. The companies who increased their volume of sales also had an increase in profitability – of 3,3 per cent. The companies who increased their prices saw the biggest increase, with profits increased by as much as 11 per cent.

So how companies should set the price for a product? One method is a simple ‘cost-plus’ strategy. You calculate what it costs to produce an item and they you add the profit margin you would like to have. That is your price.

Another method is to find out what your customers are ready to spend on that product. Then you set the price to match.

Third way is to look at the competition. You see what your competitors are asking for the same kind of product and you set your price at about the same, or lower if you want to be competitive.

Pricing is difficult to get right and companies have to think carefully about the different factors. For example, ask: Who are your target customers and is price important for them? A second question is: What kind of product or service are you selling? Because if It is a quality product or a special service that no one else can offer, then asking a lower price will not help your sales. Pricing should be part of your plan. You should not develop a product and then say: ‘OK, now let’s think of a price.’

Answer the questions according to the text:1. Is it difficult for companies to set the price of a product? Why?2. What can help companies to choose the right pricing strategy for their products?3. Why do companies spend a lot of time deciding how to set prices?4. Who are your target customers and is price important for them?5. How should companies set the price for a product?


1) Match the Russian and English equivalent. Make up the sentences with these words and word combinations:

1. price a) покупатель2. profit b) цель3. customer c) стратегия4. competition d) услуга5. target e) прибыль6. product f) изделие7. service g) рентабельность8. costs h) цена9. strategy i) конкуренция10. profitability j) расходы

2) Make sentences about the future using the present continuous.1. You / visit / Berlin office / next week?

E.g. Are you visiting the Berlin office next week?2. I / not meet / Carl this evening.3. The Ranglaw company / open / an office / Bonn next year?4. Layla and Josh / not travel / to Australia / plane.5. Martina / look / at the new designs this afternoon?6. What time / your client / arrive / tomorrow evening?7. We / give / the presentation / in a fortnight.

3) Match the words 1-6 from the article with the meanings a-f.

1. Advanced a) the difference between the cost of production and the price of the product


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2. Workforce b) less important3. Portion c) an amount of food for one person4. Trend d) changes that bring improvement5. Margin e) the way a situation changes and develops6. Minor f) all the people who work in a particular company or factory

4) Which of the following words best fills each of the gaps below? You will have to use one of the words twice.

do make take put1. I am afraid I did not understand what you said. Can you….it another way?2. I think there is a mistake in these figures. We will have to……… the calculation

again3. They decided not to go ahead with the management buy-out, It was too big a risk to

…4. Companies are in business to………….profits.5. Thanks for the meeting. It has been a pleasure to… with you.

5) Underline the noun that does not belong in each group

a b c1. news fruit apple

2. song bank fact

3. paper bread document

4. price minute time

References:Adapted from Christine Johnson «Intelligent Business» Longman, Pearson Education Limited, 2006, p.85.



cash flow – денежный потокexplosion – взрывflood – наводнениеhazard – опасностьimpact – влияниеincreased competition – возросшая конкуренцияinstance – экземпляр, примерpower failure – сбой питанияstakeholders – акционеры, заинтересованные стороныsupply – снабжение, обеспечение

Firstly the risk of simply doing nothing. Another type of risk is what`s called credit or guarantee risk. There is also political risk and a final example I`d like to give is the risk of catastrophe or other disruption happening to a business.

Risk management has undoubtedly moved up the corporate agenda in recent years. You began to understand the complex nature of business risk in the 21st century, e.g.: fires, floods, explosions, power failures, terrorism that have the biggest impact. Risk can be categories into four types. Firstly, operational risk, for example, regulatory non-compliance, supply chain


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failure, or failure of governance within an organization. Secondly, financial risk. For instance, cash flow, credit or exchange risks. Thirdly, hazards. For instance safeguarding the health and safety of employees and the public, natural events and consequent business interruption impact. Finally, strategic risks, for instance, market changes, increased competition, or failure to adapt or change by an organization.

Five key steps to effective risk management: Firstly, be clear about your own organization’s objectives. Secondly, identify and describe the risk to those objectives. Thirdly, evaluate and rank the risk mapping the likelihood of occurrence against potential consequences. Fourthly, take action to deal with the highest-ranking risk. Finally, reporting on both inherent and residual risks to the organization’s key stakeholders.

Answer the questions according to the text:1. What four types of risk do you know?2. Can you explain five key steps of effective risk management?3. What has moved up the corporate in recent years?4. Who has the biggest impact?5. What examples of financial risk do you know?


1) Match these halves of sentences from newspaper extracts1. We can reduce risk … a) Risks involved when sending staff to work

in dangerous locations.2. Internet businesses … b) In order to advise insurance companies3. It is impossible to … c) Involved in setting up a new business4. trying to minimize risk … d) Eliminate all risk when entering a new

market5. It is difficult to foresee the risks

…e) Face increasing risks of running out of

money 6. Actuaries calculate risk … f) By spreading our lending to more businesses7. It’s important to consider the … g) Is an important part of business strategy

2) Match the follow word partnerships as they appear in the article.1. business2. revenue3. recovery4. potential5. decisive 6. integrated7. near-normal

a) Operations b) Planc) Actiond) Strategiese) Hazardsf) Interruptionsg) sources

3) Complete these dialogues with a suitable adverb.1. «What were your results like last year»?

«…………….good. We increased profits by over 5%».2. «How was the launch of your new product»?

«……………….. successful. We have been flooded this with orders ever since».3. «Do you really think we should try to enter that new market»?

«It’s ………………. risky but on balance I think we should go ahead».4. «What did you think of the presentations»?

«It was …………. useless. Most of the audience lost interest after five minutes».5. «Are you confident about those sales projections»?

«……………. confident, although it’s going to be tough».4) Supply the missing vowels in these adjectives, which can all be used to describe risk(s).

Small Big1. sl_ght 1. h_g_2. n_gl_g_bl_ 2. gr__t


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3. f__nt 3. s_bst_nt__l4. r_m_t_ 4. s_gn_f_c_nt

5) Complete the sentences with a suitable phrase from the box.

Badly misjudgedIncredibly well-preparedSlightly damagedDeeply disappointedSeverely criticizedSuperbly presentedThoroughly enjoyed

1. Management had ………… the staff mood on the new regulations and certainly did not expect a strike.

2. The airline was … for failing to respond to the needs of the victims’ families.3. The public was … by the pharmaceutical company`s arrogant attitude and its refusal

to admit its fatal mistake.4. The participants … the promotional presentation and seemed mesmerized by the


References: “Market Leader” by David Cotton, David Falvey, Simon Kent, Person-Longman, 2009, p.161



all-important – крайне важныйapproach – подходbetterment – благо, улучшениеcontribution – личный вклад (не денежный)development – развитие(to) encourage – поощрять, поддерживатьhigh performing – высокопроизводительныйknowledge – знаниеprofit – прибыль revenue – доход (годовой доход)

A good team player has the key to success. How good a team player you are and how well you share your knowledge with your colleagues is the all-important factor in growing your career today. It is not always easy to be a good team member and compromise your own views for the good of the whole, but it works for the betterment of the company. Research into high-performing team’s shows that each member cares for the development of his teammates. Indeed, the success of individual managers depends on how well that managers’ team or team

s improve in quality and productivity on a continuous basis. The most effective teams are able to solve complex problems more easily than one person is.

Teams soon develop a clear problem-solving approach that can be applied repeatedly as long as their leader initially creates a common purpose and vision, pointing the team in the right direction.

Why is team building important in an organization? If you want to be successful in business, everyone in the organization must work together to increase revenue, maximize profits and keep cost down. It is important to have in your organization a corporate culture that encourages teamwork. Members of a team must feel that their contribution to the organization is recognized and valued by the management.


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Answer the questions according to the text:1. What is the all-important factor in growing career today?2. On what does depend the success of individual managers?3. Is it true that one person is able to solve complex problems more easily than a team?4. What must everyone in your organization do if you want to be successful in missions?5. What must members of a team feel?


1) Use your knowledge to perform these exercisesMatch the prefixes of the words 1-10 to their meanings.

Prefix Meaning of prefixa b c

1. mismanage2. pro-European3. predict4. post-merger5. dishonest6. ex-boss7. bilateral8. reconsider9. irresponsible10. hypercritical

notoppositenot enoughafterveryoppositeagainstagainagainnot enough

do badlyin favour ofagainsttoo muchformerformerafterformernotvery

formerbeforebeforenot enoughnotaftertwoafteragainstopposite

2) Complete the text below using some of the words in Exercise 1 in the correct form.Our company went through a difficult period a few years ago. Bad decisions were taken

which caused us to lose a lot of money. Because the company had been ……………1, the chief executive had to resign. Last year, we merged with a much larger company. During the ………2

period our future strategy was discussed. It was decided that we could consider becoming a more global organization with a strong presence in Europe.

Most of us were ……………3, we liked the idea of expanding into Europe. Indeed our ………4 had been strongly in favour of doing this. However, the two new board members were strongly against the idea but never said so openly. I think this was very ……………5. Instead, they behaved in an ……………6 manner during meetings. For example, they would be ……………7, raising stupid objections if someone came up with a good idea.

Because the meetings were so unproductive, the Board of Directors got cold feet and asked us to ……………8 the decision to expand into Europe.

3) Discuss the following statements.1. A team always needs a leader.2. A team should change its leader regularly.3. Tension between team members makes a team more effective.4. Teams need people with similar personalities in order to succeed.

4) Complete the missing letters in the following words. Which of these qualities do you possess that would be useful when working in a team?

1. p_t_ _nc_ 6. t_ _ghn_ss2. f_r_s_ght 7. st_m_n_3. cr_ _t_v_ty 8. d_pl_m_cy4. _rg_nis_t_ _n 9. h_n_sty5. _nt_ _t_ _n

5) Answer these questions.1. Do you have any other qualities that would be useful for a team?2. What would you find difficult about working in a team?3. If you were a team leader, how would you get your team members to co-operate?


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References: “Market Leader” by David Cotton, David Falvey, Simon Kent, Person-Longman, 2009, p.164Watch the video and discuss it in class:


1. Creative people _____ innovative ideas for new products.a) wereb) includec) haved) consist

2. Creativity ___ only important in market.a) isn’t b) isc) wasd) had

3. Adaptors ___ careful and realistic.a) are b) is c) were d) full

4. People _____ only be creative in the right environment.a) must b) canc) have to be d) should

5. In what fields of business ____ creativity especially important?a) is b) arec) do d) does

6. How can companies ____ different ?a) be b) should bec) will d) must be

7. ____ some people more creative than others?a) is b) aren’tc) does d) are

8. Every company wants to _____ an office in a new location. a) set upb) getc) take d) organize

9. ______ governments offer low taxes.a) any b) allc) nothing d) some

Translate the words into Russian:29

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10. Currency - 11. Encouragement - 12. Attitude –

Check True or False: 13. The third main area to research is the financial side.

a) T b) F

14. The most difficult challenge for the company is to set the price.a) Tb) F

15. Price is not important to everyone.a) T b) F

16. Another method is to find out what your customers are not ready to spend on than producta) T b) F

Fill in the gaps with necessary words: does, do, does, have to, is it

17. What _____ a company want in a new location?18. _____ some governments offer low taxes?19. What advantages _______ the local government have?20. Pricing is difficult to get right and companies ______ think carefully about the different

factors.21. ______ difficult for companies to set the price of a product?

Translate the words and word combinations into English: 22. Сбой питания 23. Денежный поток 24. Усиление конкуренции

Match these halves of sentences.25. We can reduce risk … 26. Internet businesses …27. Actuaries calculate risk …

a) by spreading our lending to more businessesb) in order to advise insurance companies c) face increasing risks of running out of money

28. Who ____ your target customers and is price important for them? a) is b) willc) be d) are

29. How _____ companies set the price for a product? c) should d) muste) have to f) has to

30. Firstly the risk of simply _____ nothing.a) do b) didc) doing d) does

31. Risk management _____ undoubtedly moved up the corporate agenda.a) had b) hasc) will


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d) isTranslate the words into Russian:

32. all – important 33. revenue – 34. productivity – 35. contribution


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clean the building area! – очистите погрузочную зону! do not stand under the load! – не стойте под грузом!flat – плоский give the signal to lift the load – дайте сигнал о готовности к подъёмуthe job requires a bulldozer – для работы требуется бульдозерnear – близко, околоnearly – почтиno passage – прохода нетpitch – скат, наклонplace the lorry for loading. – поставьте грузовик под погрузкуshingles (of wood) – дранка, деревянная черепица, гонтslate – шифер slope – уклонsloping – пологий, покатыйthatch – солома, тростникtherefore – поэтому, следовательноunit – элемент, сборная частьunload the platform! – разгрузить эту платформу!

The roof is a necessary component of practically every building. It serves to protect the interior of the building from rain, snow, wind, and cold. There exist many types of roofs, the main ones being sloping (pitched) roofs and flat (or nearly flat) ones.

It is a well-known fact that every roof should have a covering. The type of covering of a roof mainly depends on the form of the roof and some other factors. The pitched roof is known to dry itself quickly of water. Therefore, it can be covered with roofing materials consisting of small individual units. To their belong, for example, slate, shingles of wood, tiles of fired clay or concrete. These materials are widely used and popular as roofing coverings since they have a number of useful qualities. Firstly, the small units they consist of are easy to install. Secondly, they are easy to repair since they are individual and small. Thirdly, it should be taken into account that they are rather cheap. Therefore, if a pitched roof is manufactured of properly chosen material and is well installed, it looks beautiful and attractive. Nevertheless, of course, pitched roofs have their disadvantages. Roofs of this kind should not be installed on broad and large building. They do not look attractive on such building. As to flat roofs, they can cover very broad building. Another advantage of these roofs is that they can serve as balconies and decks and even be landscaped parts of buildings they cover. However, they also have some disadvantages. One of them is that water evaporates too slowly from their surfaces.

Different roof covering are used and they serve different purposes: of them shingle and sheet metal roofs may cover any type of building. But as to thatched roofing, it is mostly used for country buildings, historic restorations and some types of specialized buildings.

Generally, the load on roofs consists of two components: the snow load and the wind-pressure. The action of these loads is quite different on flat roofs and pitched ones. The snow load on flat roofs is great; practically it is at the maximum. As to the wind pressure on roofs on this type, it is very small - practically it is at its minimum. On pitched roofs the situation is different; when the pitch of the roof increases the weight of the snow load decrease. As to the wind pressure, it increases with the increase of the pitch.

Answer the questions.


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1. Are thatched roofs used in modern big cities? If not, why? Where are they mostly used nowadays?

2. For what reason shouldn't pitch roofs be installed on broad and large buildings?3. Which part of roofs can serve as a balcony or a landscaped part of a building?4. What are the two main types of roof?5. Which type of roof dries itself quickly of water?6. What factors does the covering of the roof depend on?7. What types of covering consist of small units?8. What are their good qualities?


1) Which of the given words are adjectives or adverbs?Useful, considerable, the only, considerably, broad, the very, proper, hard, slowly, nearly, broad, useful, economically, quickly, beautiless, hardly, sloping, attractive.

2) Read the given terminological combinations; translate them into RussianFlat roofUnit areaSloping (pitched) roof Shingle nailThatched roof

3) Translate the following combinations into Russia.Properly chosen roofing materials -Beautiful and well-installed flat roof - Uneconomically large sloping roof -Roofing materials consisting of small units-

4) Choose the correct word:1. We had been walking for hours .......... we reached the campsite.

a) sinceb) for c) before

2. John was repairing the car ............. Steve was tidying the garage.a) whileb) beforec) after

3. We went to Spain on holiday .............a) tomorrowb) next yearc) last year

4. I fell asleep ............. I closed my eyes.a) justb) as soon asc) already

5. ............ did Jane and Ted get married? a) How longb) How long agoc) While

6. She has not seen Jim ............ he left school.a) forb) justc) since

7. He will not go home................he has finished his work.a) how long


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b) untilc) yet

8. I have lived in Kent............. ten years now.a) sinceb) for c) before

9. We have not finished work..............a) yet b) untilc) just

10. .............did Tina meet Steve?a) How longb) How long agoc) While

5) Complete the sentences1. On Saturday I ____________ (play) computer games with my cousins.2. My mum ____________ (not cook) dinner last night.3. I ____________ (walk) to school because there weren´t any buses.4. They ____________ (not dance) at the party.5. My brother ____________ (travel) to Ireland last summer.

References: Construction: Principles and Practices by D.Walton, Macmillan, 1995, p. 92-114



auger – сверло; бур(to) backfill – засыпка; заделкаbasement – фундаментboning rod – визирка; отвес(to) dig out – выкапыватьdigging pit – шахтаdigging trench – котлованdisposal – удаление, утилизацияfiller – наполнительfirm – прочныйpatch – небольшой участокprecautions – меры предосторожностиpickaxe – киркомотыгаpier – опораretaining wall – подпорная стена(to) reduce – уменьшать(to) reveal – открыватьshovel – экскаваторsloping site – пологое место(to) smooth – сглаживатьspade – лопатаstepped foundation – ступенчатый фундаментstrip foundation – ленточный фундаментsubsoil – грунт; подпочваtimber formwork – дощатая опалубка


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topsoil – дёрнwheelbarrow – тачка

The site must be excavated to build the foundations below ground. Excavation is normally done by hand or with mechanical diggers. Workers on small building sites usually carry out these types of excavations:

1. Removing the top soil.2. Reducing levels to make an even working surface.3. Digging trenches for strip foundations.4. Digging pits for pier and column bases.5. Digging holes for piles.6. Digging into sloping sites.7. Digging stepped foundations.8. Digging out basements.The contractor must solve two problems:1. Supporting the sides.2. Removing water.Topsoil should be removed because:1. It contains vegetation, which can damage foundations.2. It is not firm enough to support a building.You should remove at least 300 mm of topsoil. When you remove the topsoil, then you should have firm subsoil that is strong enough to

support the oversite concrete.This work can be done manually with:1. Spades.2. Shovels.3. Pick-axes.4. Wheelbarrows.You may need to dig even deeper into the subsoil to excavate trenches for strip foundations.

Excavation by hand, using spades and shoves, is a good method for excavating trenches for the foundations for small building.

You can use two methods to check that the excavation is deep enough.The deeper the excavation the more it costs to dig and to fill with concrete. Excavated soil

should be removed from the trench. After the excavation is completed the building inspector may want to check that the subsoil in the bottom of the trench will support the building load.

The excavation for the base of a column or pier is called a pit. Pits are usually square. You mark a position and dig around the central point of the column or pier. You can dig pits by hand or use a backacter. Any water should be removed. You will usually use a short-bored pile for small buildings. You use an auger, which is a spiral-shaped hand tool, to drill a hole in the ground.

Augers can be turned by hand or by machine. 1. Polings, which are vertical planks supporting the soil. In sand or gravel, they should be

placed close enough together to form a continuous timber wall. Depending on the soil type and working conditions, they may be placed about 900 mm apart. The purpose of the polings is to keep the soil on the sides of the excavation from falling in.

2. Walings, which are horizontal timber strips supporting the polings.3. Struts, which are timbers that span across the trench between the walings. The struts hold

the opposite walls of the excavation in place.4. Wedges, which are pieces of timber used to maintain the pressure of the polings against

the soil. If the soil expands or shrinks while the work is carried out, then you may need to adjust the wedges again.


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The level of water in the hole is called the water table. It varies according to the seasons and the amount of rainfall.

If you use a pump, then the end of the hose line should be below the bottom of the excavation in a small depression (called a sump). The hose should have a filter to prevent dirt from coming up into the pump.

If you remove the water by hand, then you must dig a sump that is large enough for a bucket. When the water is removed, it should be drained away so that it does not run back into the excavation.

You should always look at these factors when you are working in or close to excavations:1. Is the soil firm or lose?2. How long will the excavation be left open?3. Is the rainfall excessive?4. Are the temperatures very high? High temperatures can dry out soil.5. How deep is the excavation? A deep trench needs more support for the sides.6. Are there heavy loads or vehicles near the edges?7. Is there any vibration from nearby equipment?Workers should wear:1. Strong boots with reinforced toecaps.2. Protective helmets.3. Gloves.4. Waterproof boots in wet conditions.5. Goggles when working in rock.

Answer the questions according to the text:1. What are the advantages of these excavation methods on a sloping site:a) cut and fillb) stepped foundations?

2. Why should foundations be built below ground level?3. Why should you remove topsoil before digging the foundations?4. Describe how you would use boning rods to establish the correct levels of



1) Translate into Russian.1. Excavation is used to remove soil to lay a foundation or to reduce the levels below an

oversight slab.2. Safety is very important in excavation work.3. Water can fill excavated holes and trenches, which is dangerous.4. Excavation can be done with machines or by hand.5. Timbers are used to provide temporary support to the walls of an excavation.

2) Give the Russian equivalents of the following words:

degas subsoilremovefoundationsupervisor upper

a sumphose linebacketnarrowexcessive

tipper truckpump outdraina large drill

3) Open the brackets using adjectives and adverbs in suitable forms:1. I like living in the country. It's a lot ...more peaceful.. (peaceful) than the city2. I felt very ill last week, but I'm slightly.......(good) now.3. I cannot hear you. Could you speak a little..... (loud) please? 4. Steven is.....(tall) boy in the basketball team.


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5. This computer is very old. I need something ..... (modern). 6. The new library is far..... (close) to my house than the old one.7. Jane's new haircut makes her look..... (attractive). 8. This jacket was by far ....... (expensive) in the shop.

4) Open the brackets using Future Simple or to be going to:1. A: Have you finished your essay yet?

B: No, but I'm sure I ..... (finish) it on time.2. A: I have decided what to wear for the party.

B: Really? What ..........(wear), then?3. A: Why do you need hot soapy water?

B: Because I.......... (wash) the car.4. A: Did you post those letters?

B: No, I forgot. I.........(post) them this afternoon.5. A: Did you book a table at the restaurant?

B: Yes, but I don't expect it...........(be) busy.5) Past simple or present perfect.

1. A: Did you like the movie "The Reader "B: I do not know. I (see, never) ____________ that movie.

2. Sam (arrive) ____________ in Kiev a week ago.3. My best friend and I (know) ____________ each other for over fifty years. We still

get together once a week.4. Mark is a fantastic writer. He (write) ____________ ten very creative short stories in

the last year. One day, he will be as famous as Shevchenko.5. I (have, not) ____________ this much fun since I (be) ____________ a kid.

References: Construction: Principles and Practices by D.Walton, Macmillan, 1995, p. 30-38



(to) appoint – назначатьappropriate – соответствующееauthorized people – уполномоченныеboundary – границаbuilders` square – угольник(to) chop – рубитьcanteen – столоваяcoarse aggregate – крупный заполнительcontractor – подрядчикcrowbar – лапчатый ломdelay – отсрочкаdifferent trades – различные профессии(to) dump – сваливатьefficiently – рациональноto ensure – гарантироватьfence – заборfrequently – частоgoggles – защитные очкиlatrine – туалетline – веревка, шнурlevelling instruments – инструменты для выравнивая (нивелирование)


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manhole – люкa peg – колышекpersonal effects – личные вещиpick – кирка, ломplumb bob – свинцовый грузикpreliminary – подготовительный(to) retain – сохранятьsledgehammer – кувалдаspade – лопатаstorage – база, складtape measure – рулеткаwater tank – бак для водыwheelbarrow – тачка

The contractor’s site preparation begins after the:1. building has been designed2. construction documents gave been approved3. main contractor has been appointed by the client to construct the building

The contractor is expected to carry out the building work:- using appropriate knowledge, experience and skill;- efficiently and without delay:- employing skilled technicians and building workers in the different trades;- using the most appropriate materials;- ensuring that health and safety regulations are observed;- giving the necessary information to the local authority when required.

One of the contractor’s first jobs is to lay out the site boundaries. If a security fence is put up around the site boundaries, the contractor can control the movement of people and materials. Ideally, the boundary fence should have a single access point so that someone can check people in and out. A temporary access road should be constructed so that vehicles can enter the site in all weather.

The temporary site buildings and facilities should not be too close to the building that is being constructed. Clear space must be left around the building for dumping excavated earth and moving machinery and materials. The concrete mixer should be left in a permanent location during the building work. Deliveries of aggregates will need clear access to the concrete mixer.

A variety of tools and equipment is needed to do the digging, lifting, fixing and measuring jobs that are part of the work on a building site. Clearing the site is essential. First, all vegetation such as bushes and scrub should be removed. The roots of trees and bushes must be dug out and cleared away. The site needs to be clear of rocks and boulders in the area where the building will be set out. If they are too large, then the boulders or rocks must be broken into smaller pieces and taken away. The building site and surrounding areas should be inspected for termites as part of the process of clearing the site. Termites present a danger because they eat the cellulose in the timber in buildings where they cannot be seen. Destruction is often well advanced before it is obvious on the surface. To remove this danger, the termite nests must be dug out and the contents destroyed. The ground around a termite nest is usually treated with toxic chemical. For this reason, you must take great care when you handle the chemicals. It is advisable to wear gloves and goggles to prevent the inhalation of fumes. The chemicals and powders should be mixed in the open air.

Answer the questions according to the text:1. What are three responsibilities of the main contractor?


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2. What are the main tools and equipment used on a building site?3. Why should termite nests be destroyed on a building site?


1) Translate into Russian:1. The soil condition should be checked before excavations begin.2. Termite nests on the site must be destroyed.3. The concrete mixer and aggregates should be carefully sited.4. A complete inventory of the tools needed for building work is useful.5. The contractor must have the right experience to do the job.

2) Find the equivalents:1. Разведочная скважина 2. Рыхлая3. Копать4. Валун5. Лапчатый лом6. Лопата7. Защитные очки8. Предотвратить9. Вдыхание газов10. Заполнитель11. Обрабатывать12. Личные вещи13. Рулетка14. Твердая почва15. .Кувалда

3) Choose the correct form of the verbs:

Many people avoid 1) walking/to walk under ladders, as this is believed to bring bad luck. Some people expect things 2) go/to go wrong on the thirteenth day of the month, particularly if it is a Friday. Some say you must never 3) put/to put up an umbrella inside the house or 4) to place/place a pair of new shoes on the table. In many places, it is considered unlucky 5) to see/seeing a black cat, while in others this is thought 6) to be/be a symbol of good luck. 7) Break/Breaking a mirror results in seven years of bad luck and if you spill salt, you must 8) to throw/ throw a pinch of it over your left shoulder immediately.

Some people believe in these just a few superstitions. Do you know any more?4) Four of the sentences below are wrong. Cross them out and write them again

correctly.1. We are saving our money for a holiday this summer.2. I cannot tell you anything about Peter's boat because I never see it.3. We have dinner now. Could I call you back later?4. I have started learning Polish and I can say a few easy sentences now.5. Linda has passed all her exams so she can go to university.6. How long have you lived here?7. Grandma and Grandad are coming over every Friday.8. It does not rain very much in the east of England.9. I am getting up early and running three kilometres every morning until the expedition

starts.10. One person in every thirteen in the world lives along the Yangtze River in China.

5) Past simple or Present Perfect1. Things (change) ____________ a great deal at Rothen, Inc. When we first (start)

____________ working here three years ago, the company (have, only)


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____________ six employees. Since then, we (expand) ____________ to include more than 2000 full-time workers.

2. I (tell) ____________ him to stay on the path while he was hiking, but he (wander) ____________ off into the forest and (be) ____________ bitten by a fly.

3. Listen Liza, I do not care if you (miss) ____________ the bus this morning. You (be) ____________ late to work too many times. You are fired!

4. Sergey is from Kazan, which is hundreds of miles from the coast, so he (see, never) ____________ the ocean. He should come with us to Miami.

5. How sad! Dmitri (dream) ____________ of going to California before he died, but he did not make it. He (see, never) ____________ the ocean.

References: Building Construction: Principles and Practices by D.Walton, Macmillan, 1995, p. 18-21



(to) assemble – собирать(to) attach – закреплятьball of string – катушка веревкиbuilder’s square – угольникcill – дверной порог; нижний брус оконной или дверной рамы(to) define – определятьfixing – установкаhardcore bed – твердый фундамент lintel – перемычка obstruction – препятствие outline –очертаниеsetting out – планировкаsharp peg – острый штырьstake – столбикtape measure – рулеткаtriangle – треугольник

After the site is cleared of obstructions, the outline of the building can be set out on the ground with fixed lines and profiles.

The walls of a square or rectangular building must form right angles of 90°. The traditional method for making right angles is to use a 3-4-5 triangle

The position of the corners must stay fixed in place after the ground is excavated. You will need to build special boards called profiles to attach the lines that define the outline of the building. The profiles replace the corner pegs. A profile consists of two timber posts with a horizontal board across the top. The posts are sharpened like stakes so that they will stay in the ground. You should use two profiles at each corner. This means that you must make eight profiles for a simple rectangular building.

When the profiles are fixed, then you have completed setting out the horizontal levels of a building with right angles. The profiles should remain fixed in place until the building work is finished.

Columns and piers, which are upright supports, should be set out on two lines that pass through the centre of the column or pier at right angles to each other. You should follow these steps to set out columns and piers: 1. Locate the positions of the columns or piers on the working drawings. 2. Measure the positions on the ground and place pegs to mark the centre of the columns or piers. 3. Check that the lines are at right angles to the proposed wall positions. 4. Run


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lines from the centre of the pegs in both directions to the opposite wall positions or profiles 5. Remove the pegs as the building work progresses.

Circular buildings need profiles that move.1. Find out the radius of the building from the working drawings 2. Mark out this

measurement on the ground. 3. Place a stake securely in the ground at the end of the radius in the centre of the building 4. Drill a 12 mm hole in the stake 5. Place a 12 mm reinforcing bar in the hole in the stake 6. Check that the top of the bar is level 7. Cement the stake in position 8. Loop a piece of rope which is the length of the radius of the building over the reinforcing bar Measure the distances to the inner and outer sides of the foundation from the working drawings Use the rope to measure the same distances on the ground Mark the distances around the outline of the building

After you measure the radius and position the stake, then you can place a 12 x 150 mm board over the reinforcing bar. This method can be used instead of setting out with rope. The board is called a trammel. You should measure the width of the foundation and masonry walls and mark the top of the board for further use.

Before work begins, the contractor needs to find a fixed point to measure the different levels of the building. This fixed point, which can be a wooden peg, is called the site datum. Typical levels that need to be measured are: 1. the depth of the foundation trenches; 2. the height of the concrete strip foundations; 3. the depth of the excavation under the hardcore bed; 4. the height of the hardcore bed 5. the height of the oversite concrete slab. When these levels are established, then you can measure other levels such as: measure other levels 6. the bearing for ground-floor timber joists; 7. the bearing for first-floor timber or concrete floor construction 8. the bearings for roof trusses, rafters and wall plates; 9. the heights of window cills and lintels.

Answer the questions according to the text:1. What should you do if the diagonals are not equal when you check the setting out?2. If the shortest side of a 3-4-5 triangle is 750mm then how long are the other two

sides?3. Describe how you would set up a site datum mark?4. Make a right angle using three pegs and a length of spring.


1) Translate into Russian1. A site datum can be used to six vertical levels.2. The site must be cleared before construction begins.3. The position for corner of a building must be set out first.4. Centre lines are used to position columns or piers.5. A moving profile or trammel can be used to set out curved walls.6. The diagonals must be the same length.7. A right – angled base line must be established for the positions.

2) Find the equivalents 1. Здание2. Очертание3. Планировка4. Гвоздь5. Использовать6. Измерить7. Угол8. Измерить расстояние9. Ширина стен10. Поперёк11. Следовать12. Твердый фундамент


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13. Высота и глубина14. Нижний брус оконной рамы15. Опорный хомут

3) Find the English meaning :

панельное строительство civil construction

«под ключ» panel construction

промышленное строительство stage construction

Сборное (из бетона) industrial construction

военное строительство precast concrete construction

гражданское строительство turn-key construction

поэтажное строительство military construction

4) Put the verb into the correct form :1. A: Look at Steve! He is soaking wet.

B: I know. He ...... (wash) the car.2. A:Why ...........(make) so much food?

B: Well, I ............(expect) guests, but they phoned to say they couldn't come.3. A: Julia performed well at the concert

B: Yes. She............(practice) for months beforehand.4. A: ........(you/ever/be) to Spain?

B: Yes. I ...............(go) last year.5. A: I like your new coat.

B: Thank you. I ......(wear) my old coat for years, so I decided to buy a new one.6. A: Do you know this town well?

B: Of course. I .......... (live) here for six years.5) Put the verb into the correct form, present simple or past simple, active or passive.

1. It is a big factory. Five hundred people are employed (employ) there.2. Water ___________ (cover) most of the Earth's surface.3. Most of the Earth's surface ___________ (cover) by water.4. The park gates ___________ (lock) at 6.30 p.m. every evening.5. The letter __________ (post) a week ago and it ____________ (arrive) yesterday.

References: Construction: Principles and Practices by D.Walton, Macmillan, 1995, p. 23-29



access – доступ(to) affect – касаться, затрагивать(to) consider – учитыватьcontaminated ground –радиоактивно зараженная местность(to) determine – решать, измерятьessential – важный(to) flood – наполнять, затоплятьintended purpose – назначенная цель(to) investigate – исследовать, изучатьlevel site – равнинная местность


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(to) propose – предлагатьslope – уклон, наклонная выработкаsloping site – местность с уклономsuitability – соответствие, пригодность(to) survey – привязка к местностиtrial holes – разведочная скважинаmains water – водопроводная вода

One of the essentials for a construction project is the land that becomes the building site. Before the design work begins, you need to learn as much about the proposed building site as you can. You do this by:

1. considering stability of the site for its intended purpose;2. investigating the site in person;3. surveying the site;4. digging trial holes

Two factors affect a client’s decision to start a building project on a specific site:1. its suitability for the purpose of the intended project;2. the likely cost of developing the site

The clients also considers the total cost of developing a particular site before deciding if it is suitable for a building project.

A surveyor will gig the trial holes to find out the condition of the soil and the amount of water present. Soil samples and removed and analyzed.

The surveyor finds out the horizontal and vertical levels to determine how flat the site is.Site levels are fixed in relation to a mark or level nearby such as:

1. a datum level mark of an area as the height above standard sea level in metres;2. a manhole cover in a nearby road, which is a permanent marker for ground level;3. a mark made on a rock face or tree, which can be measured and used to establish

levels when the building work begins o site;4. spot levels which are points marked out on the ground for taking levels

When the survey is completed, the information is used to prepare a drawing to a suitable scale to show the physical characteristics of the site and area around it.

The drawing includes:1. the shape and size of the site in relation to the area around it;2. The building line. This line is usual the distance that must be maintained between the

purposed building and the site boundary. The building inspector can confirm whether the building line is correct.

3. the datum level that served as the baseline for the survey levels;4. the location of any spot levels on the site;5. the contours, or lines that show the amount and direction of any slope on the

site;6. road access to the site;7. the location of many manholes and the direction of the drainage runs. This

should be confirmed with the local authority, why may also give you information about the direction or flow and invert levels

8. the locations of any services such as water and electricity in relation to the site;9. the position of trees or other natural features, which might influence the building

design or construction, work.

Answer the questions according to the text:1. Which factors are likely to increase building costs?2. What feature indicates the presence of drains below ground?3. Which three services are useful for site development?4. How do you understand such expression: “a mark made on a rock face or tree”?


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1) Complete the sentences according to the text:1. The drawing includes ………….. that served as the baseline for the survey levels.2. Site levels …….. in relation to a mark or level nearby.3. One of the …….. for a construction project is the land.4. Two ……… affect a client`s decision to start a building project.5. Soil samples are ……….. and analyzed.

2) Translate into Russian:1. Spot levels are the series of points on the ground where the survey or lakes the levels.2. Trial holes are used to investigate the condition of the soil below ground level.3. The datum is a level that is marked on maps to provide a common fixed measurement

such as the height above sea level.4. Contours are lines that join points of equal height above or below the datum level.5. Contours show the direction and height of a slope.

3) Put the verbs into the correct tenses :1. A. I ...... (see) three films this week.

B. I haven't seen any, I'm afraid.2. A. Where is Jack?

B. He ......... (go) to the park with Paul.3. A. I haven't seen Tom for a long time.

B. I know. He ......... (study) a lot since September.4. A. John paid for the cinema tickets last night.

B. Really? He ......... (be) very generous these days.5. A. The children are exhausted.

B. They ......... (play) for hours, that's why.6. A. I had a very bad day at work yesterday.

B. So did I. First, the computer .......... (break down) and then I ......... (spill) coffee on some papers.

4) Write the sentences again, using the word or words in brackets instead of the underlined word or words. Make the necessary changes to the sentences.

1. I am reading a book about the Pacific now.(often)

2. We have taken an expedition to China for the last five years.(every year)

3. We eat a lot of fish every week.(at the moment)

4. Pauline Jones has worked at a travel agent's in London since 2000.(in the school holidays this year)

5. Brian goes to some unusual places in the summer.(for the last five years)

6. We always prepare for expeditions.(now)

7. Dave is repairing his motorbike, so we cannot go to the cinema on it.(can)

5) Put the verb into the correct form, present simple or past simple, active or passive.1. The boat ________ (sink) quickly but fortunately everybody ________________

(rescue).2. Jacob's parents _____________ (die) when he was very young. He and his sister

_________ (bring) up by their grandparents.3. I was born in London but I __________ (grow) up in the north of England.4. While I was on holiday, my camera ________ (steal) from my hotel room.


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5. While I was on holiday, my camera _________ (disappear) from my hotel room.References:;%20Principles,%20Materials,%20&%20Systems%20(2nd%20Edition)/Cover%20&%20Table%20of%20Contents%20-%20Building%20Construction;%20Principles,%20Materials,%20and%20Systems%20(2nd%20Edition).pdfBuilding Construction: Principles and Practices by D.Walton, Macmillan, 1995, p. 9-12Watch the video and discuss it in class:


Choose the correct answer:1. We had been walking for hours ......... we reached the campsite.

a) sinceb) for c) before

2. John was repairing the car .............. Steve was tidying the garage.a) whileb) beforec) after

3. We went to Spain on holiday .............a) tomorrowb) next yearc) last year

4. I fell asleep ............ I closed my eyes.a) justb) as soon asc) already

5. ............ Jane and Ted get married?a) How longb) How long agoc) While

Complete the sentences6. On Saturdays I usually ____________ (play) computer games with my cousins.7. My mum ____________ (not cook) dinner last night.8. I ____________ (walk) to school because there weren´t any buses.9. They ____________ (not dance) at the party today.10. My brother ____________ (travel) to Ireland last summer.

Give the Russian equivalents of the following words:11. degas 12. subsoil13. remove14. foundation15. area supervisor

Use the correct forms of adjectives and adverbs:16. I felt very ill last week, but I'm slightly.......(good) now.17. I cannot hear you. Could you speak a little..... (loud) please? 18. Steven is.....(tall) boy in the basketball team.19. The new library is far..... (close) to my house than the old one.


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20. Jane's new haircut makes her look..... (attractive). Translate into English:

21. Рыхлая22. Копать23. Валун24. Лапчатый лом25. Лопата

Choose the correct form, present simple or past simple, active or passive.26. It is a big factory. Five hundred people …there.

a) a. employ b) b. are employed c) c. employed

27. Water ___________ most of the Earth's surface.a) a. is covered b) b. covered c) c. covers

28. Most of the Earth's surface ___________ by water.a) a. is covered b) b. covered c) c. covers

29. The park gates ___________ at 6.30 p.m. every evening.a) a. is locked b) b. lock c) c. are locked

30. The letter __________ (post) a week ago and it ____________ (arrive) yesterday.a) a. was posted, arrived b) b. posted, arrives c) c. post, arrive

Check true or false:31. Excavation is used to remove soil to lay a foundation or to reduce the levels below an

oversite slab.a) T b) F

32. Safety is not very important in excavation work.d) T e) F

33. Water can fill excavated holes and trenches, which is dangerous.a) T b) F

34. Excavation cannot be done with machines or by hand.a) T b) F

35. Timbers are used to provide temporary support to the walls of an excavation. .a) T b) F


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(to) allow – позволять, разрешать(to) assemble – собирать, транслировать (программу с помощью ассемблера)(to) enroll – вступать, вносить в списокhost – базовый компьютер, вычислительный узел, решать задачу на главной машине(to) interconnect – связывать, соединять, соединительный провод(to) launch – начинать, пускать в ход(to) mean (meant, meant) – иметь в виду, подразумевать

The Internet as a global system of interconnected computer networks and the Web is one of a large number of Internet services. The Web is a collection of interconnected documents (web pages). A typical web page looks like the following way:

At the top of the page is the URL address – means Uniform (Universal) Recourse Locator. http means Hypertext Transfer Protocol and tells the program to look for a web page.www means world wide is the domain name of the server that hosts the website.Other top-level domains are .com (commercial site), .edu (educational site), .org

(organization), .net (network). On the typical web page we can see the toolbar with different icons, tab buttons, search box, favorites. In addition, we can go back and forward one page, go to the home page, stop the current transfer, refresh the current page, bookmark etc. There are many websites where you can find any information. The most popular are online encyclopedia Wikipedia, where you can post your opinion on online journals or blogs.

The Internet today is not just about email or the Web anymore. If you want to assemble a group of people from around the world, you can use conferencing

programs such Net-Meeting for conferencing and communicating via the Net. You also need a webcam microphones and computer speakers. However, if you want to chat privately with your friend, family member or business colleague you can launch instant messaging. The four most popular IM services are ICQ, Windows Live and Yahoo Messenger. They all work similarly: at first you should enroll in the service by creating a username and a password. Then you can see people who are online and offline. Internet telephony allows you to make long-distance calls nearly everywhere in the world practically free. You can download software such as Skype, Net2Phone from the net also free.

Answer the questions according to the text:1. What is your favorite search engine to find information on the web? Why?2. What is your favorite way to chat on the internet? How much do you spend chatting?3. Why is videoconferencing so useful for virtual groups? What special hardware and

software do you need to videoconference?


1) Match the verbs (1-6) with the nouns (a-f) to make common collocations. 1. Make a. information2. Store b. ringtones 3. Keep c. video calls4. Access d. records5. Dispense e. the Internet6. Download f. money

2) Use the collocations from exercise 1 to complete these sentences. 47

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1. They use a database to ______________ _______________ of customers, supplies and orders.

2. Using the built-in camera, you can ____________ _____________ to other 3G mobile phones and see yourself and the person you’re talking to on the screen.

3. I ______________ ______________ using Wi-Fi when I am travelling.4. If both card and PIN are valid, the ATM will proceed ____________

_____________ to the customer.5. Windows and Mac OS both use different formats to ______________

_____________ on disk.6. Most mobile phones allow you to ________ _________ music and wallpapers.

3) Complete this text with a, an, the or nothing (-).In our classroom, we have five computers connected to (1) _____________ Internet. We use them to prepare (2) _____________ projects and reports, and to study subjects like (3) _______________ Music, Art and Science. This year, we are preparing (4) _______________ exchange with students from a partner school in Europe. Our teachers use (5) _______________ video projector to make (6) _______________ presentations on a large screen. At home I have a desktop PC and (7) _______________ inkjet printer. I use my computer to play games, send and receive (8) _______________ email, and get (9) _______________information from (10) _______________ Web.

4) Put the verbs into the present simple or continuous.1. John (surf) ____________________everyday he finds new things that catch his eye.2. I (apply) _____________________ for a good job this month.3. How many emails (you receive) ________________________every day?4. What is the matter? What you (do) ___________? - I (look)

_______________________at the screen. Now my eyes are sore and tired.5. Sorry. I am busy. I (talk) ____________to my Mum who (live) __________far from

me. – How often (communicate) _____________to your relatives and friends? – Almost every evening.

5) Choose the correct form of the words in italics.A study was recent / recently carried out into the productivity of 160 engineers. The

engineers worked in teams but also did many tasks individual / individually. The study looked at how frequent / frequently the engineers helped each other. Engineers were also asked to say how high / highly they respected each of their colleagues. The study found that helpful / helpfully engineers received a high / highly level of respect from their colleagues. However, if they gave help but did not receive much, they were not very productive / productively. Those engineers who accepted help as well as giving it were able to boost their productivity and were also more popular/ popularly with their colleagues.

References: Adapted from Infotech “English for computer users” by Santiago Remacha Esteras., p. 84-




application software – прикладное программное обеспечениеbased on – на основе, согласно, основываясь наdesktop – стационарный компьютерemphasis on – акцент, особое значениеgraphical user interface – графический интерфейс пользователя.(to) memorize – запоминатьmultitasking – многофункциональность; многофункциональный, мультизадачныйnetwork connectivity – возможность сетевого соединения


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(to) provide access – обеспечивать доступ(to) run a program – запускать программу

The user interface refers to the standard procedures, which helps people use a computer. In the late 1970s and early 80s the way to access computer systems was very difficult. Users had to memorize and type many commands just to see the contents of a disk. In fact, only professionals could this.

In 1984, Apple produced the Macintosh, the first computer with a mouse and graphical user interface (GUI). A few years later, Microsoft launched Windows, another operating system based on graphics. Nowadays computers are used by all kinds of people and as a result, there is a growing emphasis on user-friendly systems.

Typically, a GUI includes windows, icons, menus and pointer or WIMP. The background of the screen is called the desktop, which contains icons that represent files or folders. When you are in a folder, you can launch a program or a document. When you run a program, your PC opens a window that lets you work with different tools. A modern OS also provides access to networks and allows multitasking, in other words you can run several programs and do various tasks at the same time. The most popular operating systems are the Windows family, Mac OS, Unix, and Linux. These computer platforms differ areas such as device installation, network connectivity or application software.

The most common user interface in computing today is a graphical user interface but with the development of virtual reality (VR) techniques, a different type of interface has emerged a virtual interface. VR uses 3-D graphics and computer simulation to generate an imaginary world in which the user can move.

Answer the questions according to the text:1. What kind of OS was used in the early 80s: text-based or graphic-based?2. What does the acronym WIMP stand for?3. How do you run a program on a computer with graphical interface?4. What is multitasking?


1) Complete each sentences using the word in brackets and one of these suffixes.Adjective suffixes: -full, -less, -ive, -ed, -al, -y, -ic

Noun suffixes: -tion, -er, -ing, -logy, -ness1. We are the world’s leading ______________ of digital cameras for professional

photographers. (manufacture)2. We offer the most advanced ______________ in printing services. (techno)3. The amount of light produced by an LCD screen is called ______________, or

luminance, measured in cd/m2. (bright)4. A ______________ mouse has no cable, and an optical mouse has no ball. (wire)5. This camcorder will give you rich, ______________ pictures, thanks to its CMOS

sensor. (colour)6. A digital cameras offer ______________ features such as Bluetooth connectivity.

(innovate)2) Complete the definitions 1-5 using relative pronouns (who, which, that) and the

information in a-e.1. The CPU is a chip 2. A hacker is a person 3. A modem is an electronic device 4. A software engineer is someone 5. The mobile phone is a device 6. it enables a computer to communicate with another over telephone lines7. he/she writes computer programs


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8. people use for communicating with each other9. it acts as the brain of a computer10. he/she invades a network’s privacy

3) Choose the correct words in brackets to complete these sentences.1. We need more money to (compute / computerize / computational) the school library.2. Today, most of the information we produce is stored (digital / digitizing / digitally).3. Information is stored on a magnetic disk in the form of (magnetized / magnetically /

magnetizable) spots, called bits.4. As you use your PC, the hard disk becomes (defragmented / fragmenting /

fragmented) – files are broken up into small pieces that are stored at different locations across the drive.

4) Complete the text with the best option a-c.some / any / a / much / many / a lot of

Nowadays, people are rich. However, the rich are not always happy. People who have money do not want to be without it, but they can have_____ big problems sometimes. They often do not have ____ close relationships.

Sports stars and entertainers may have ______ hard life because they spend _____ time away from friends and family. Twenty-nine-year-olds in Silicon Valley who do not need to work any more often feel that there is not ____ purpose to their life. It may sound strange, but there are not ____ young people who want to spend their whole life playing games.

a b c1. a lot of much any2. many much a lot of3. any some much4. some many much5. some any a6. a lot of many any7. a some many8. much many some

5) Plans and intentions.Complete the dialogue with the appropriate form of the verbs in brackets: going to, will or the present continuous.

A: Hi, Richard. I am afraid I have got some bad new I (not come) _______ to Bahrain tomorrow.

В: But we (meet) _______ Ahmed on Wednesday to discuss the sales figures!A: I know. I am sorry but we have problems will the launch of the G42. I have decided I

(stay) ______ at head office to put things right.В: (you, come) _______ next week instead?A: I do not know yet. I (phone) _____ you оn Friday. We (talk) _____about it then.В: OK. But you know Ahmed (travel) ______ to Singapore the week after, so he (not be)

______ free to meet with us then.

References: Adapted from Infotech “English for computer users” by Santiago Remacha Esteras., p.63-67



geometric objects – геометрические объектыraster graphics – растровая графикаresolution – разрешениеvector graphics – векторная графика


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Computer graphics are pictures and drawings produced by a computer. There are two main categories: Raster graphics and Vector graphics. Raster graphics or bitmaps are stored as a collection of pixels. Popular raster formats are JPEG, GIF and TIFF.

The sharpness of an image depends on the resolution. Vector graphics represent images using geometric objects based on mathematical formulae. Vector data can be handled by drawing programs like Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw and EPS is the most popular format.

Almost all computer users use some form of graphics. Home users and professional artists use image-editing programs to create and work with

images.Graphic artist and designers use drawing programs to create freehand drawings and

illustrations for books or for the Web. Businesspeople use presentation graphics to make information more interesting visually because graphs and diagrams can be more effective ways of communicating with clients than lists of figures. Engineers use graphics to design in order to present data in a more understandable form or use CAD (Computer Aided Design) software to develop, model and test car designs before the actual parts are made. CAD is also used in the aerospace, architecture and industrial sectors to design everything from airplanes and buildings to consumer products. This can save a lot of time and money. Computer art is used in adverts and TV programs. Artists and scientists use special graphic applets to create amazing fractals. Government agencies use Geographical Information Systems (GIS) to understand geographical data, predict natural disasters and make detailed maps. Animators apply computer animation software to create animated cartoons or add effects in movies and video games.

Answer the questions according to the text:1. What is the difference between raster and vector graphics?2. Why do people use graphics? What are the benefits of using graphics?3. What does CAD stand for?


1) Complete the sentences with words from the box.

raster graphics wireframe filters attributesvector graphics rendering primitives toolbox

1. Graphics programs have a _____________________ that enables you to draw, paint and edit images on the computer.

2. Bitmaps, or _____________________, are stored as a series of tiny dots called pixels.3. _____________________ are created using mathematical formulas describing

shapes, lines and curves. They are used by drawing programs to create images that can be scaled without loss of quality.

4. The basic elements used to construct graphical objects are called _____________________; they include lines, circles, polygons and text.

5. Line objects can have different kinds of_____________________, such as thickness, color, etc.

6. CAD designers often start a project by making a _____________________, a drawing showing the edges and vertices of a 3-D model.

7. _____________________ is the technique used to make a graphic object look realistic, by adding reflection, shadows and highlights.

8. In image-editing programs, _____________________ are special effects that can be applied to pictures.

2) Choose the correct connectors in brackets to complete these sentences.1. A virus entered my computer. (As a result / On the other hand), many files have been



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2. DVD-R and DVD+R can record data once, (therefore / whereas) DVD-RW and DVD+RW can be rewritten thousands of times.

3. Many software companies support the Business Software Alliance, an anti-privacy group, (besides / because) software piracy is a problem that costs the industry millions of pounds a year.

4. (Moreover / Although) Blu-ray and HD-DVD players are backward compatible with all CD and DVD formats, they are not compatible with each other.

3) Put the verbs into the present perfect simple or past simple.1. IBM (develop)____________________Fortran in the mid-1950s to create scientific

and engineering applications.2. John (be) ________________________ a software engineer since May 2006.3. Once I (realize) _______________________that I had a virus,I ran my virus

protection program.4. (you ever work) __________________________ as a web designer?5. They (make) ________________________presentations for the conference. –

Certainly. Everybody (do) ________. – When they (finish) _____them? – They (be) _______ready last week.

4) Choose the correct form of the word or phrase in italics.In the past, Britons mainly drank / have drunk tea; but in recent years, coffee became / has

become increasingly popular. Chains of coffee shops, such as Starbucks, opened / have opened in city centres across the country and now more than 80 per cent of Britons visit a coffee shop at least once a week. Spending on coffee rose / has risen by 15 per cent since last year. A recent / recently report shows that Starbucks is the chain that is growing most rapid / rapidly and has a market share of 25 per cent. Costa Coffee is a close / closely competitor with a 21 per cent market share. The number of coffee shops in city centres now reached / has now reached a maximum level, and the chains are trying to expand into small towns. This could be bad news for small cafes: if the chains continue to expand, many small outlets would / could go out of business.

We asked two consumers for their opinions on coffee shops. Matt Wingford, an accountant, says: ‘I like the coffee - it’s excellent. But my local coffee j shop is often very noisy / noisily. I went / would go more often if it would be / was quieter.’ Cathy Mansfield, a student, says: ‘It’s great. My friends and I go there regular / regularly. But the coffee is quite expensive. I will / would drink more coffee if it is / was cheaper.

5) Choose the correct answer (a-c) to complete the sentences.1. It is important ______ programming languages with markup languages.

a) not confuse b) not to confuse c) don’t confuse2. Markup languages are used ______ the structure of web documents.

a) for describe b) describe c) to describe3. You must learn ______ effective business letters.

a) to write b) write c) writing4. Mr. Keller has asked me ______ you these files.

a) send b) sending c) to send5. This program will make this old PC ______ faster.

a) running b) run c) to run

References: Adapted from Infotech «English for computer users» by Santiago Remacha Esteras., p.100-102.



(to) anticipate – ожидать, приближать


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attention deficit hyperactivity disorder – синдром дефицита внимания и гиперактивности (СДВГ)

computational power – вычислительная мощностьon demand – по требованию, по запросуdownside to – недостаток, потери(to) forecast the interaction – предсказыватьhyperpersonalization – гиперперсонализацияliterally – буквально, дословно(to) look ahead – смотреть вперёд, предвидеть(to) make some predictions – прогнозировать, предсказывать(to) overcome challenges – преодолевать трудностиprincipal engineer – ведущий инженерrapid development of technology – быстрое, бурное развитие технологийroughly – грубо, в общих чертахscience fiction – научная фантастикаscreen time – продолжительность сеанса, экранное времяsocial science – обществознание, социология(to) take shape – принять форму, очертанияtightly – туго, плотно, сильно

DUBLIN—Brian David Johnson is always looking ahead. As a principal engineer and futurist at the world's largest chip manufacturer, Intel, he forecasts the interaction between humans and computers, using insights from a variety of scientific fields, to help the company's engineers and product developers. He says he is currently focused on the year 2020.

Q: What does your work as a futurist look like? B.D.J.: The day job is to help design the chips 10 years out. I create models that will help

find out how people will interact with computers, and these are based on social science, computer science, statistical data, and even some science fiction. I am a principal engineer. I go to the designers and say: “This is what the chip will have to contain and will need to do.”

Q: You study the interaction between humans and computers. What do you foresee in the next 10, 15 years?

B.D.J.: Looking at the past, technology has been about command and control. In the future, it will be about relationships. Our technologies will get to know us and we will become more tightly connected. That has an impact on what we do productivity-wise, but even more it connects us to the things and people we love. Siri, the personal assistant built into your iPhone, is an early example of that. You literally talk with your phone and it can talk back to you.

Q: In what way does the development of chips play a role in this? B.D.J.: As we move closer to 2020, the size of computational chips is becoming so small

that it is approaching zero. This means we could literally turn anything into a computer. Your tea glass, the table, you name it. There is a switch coming, where we do not have to ask: “Can we turn that into a computer?” but we know we can and we wonder: Is there a use to do it? That is what we have the social scientists for. We do not study markets, we study people.

Q: Have the technical challenges to do that been overcome? B.D.J.: They will be. Siri is far from perfect. Currently if you have a different accent than

people like me who live around Silicon Valley, it will not work well. With more computational power, things will improve, but there is a lot more to be done.

Q: There are downsides to the rapid development of technology. People are said to develop attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), due to the information and interaction overload. Do you study that as well?

B.D.J.: Yes, we do. That project is called The Future of Fear. The thing is: «These communication technologies are very new. We do not have rules and norms on how to handle


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them. Those norms will take shape in the coming years. I already talked to people telling me they have set maximum screen time».

Q: Can you make some predictions about how our relationship with computers will evolve further?

B.D.J.: No, I do not predict! The number one reason: Anyone who does predictions is underestimating the complexity of developments. Anyone who does is probably trying to sell you something. It is my job to look ahead and anticipate—we roughly think that this is going to be it. I do not want to be right, I want to get it right, work towards it.

Q: Have you ever been wrong in these 10 years? B.D.J.: Well, we had to correct things. We had forecasted television on demand as well, but

what we found is that people wanted the internet on their television. We went back to the social scientists and learned that what they wanted was personalization. Your internet is very different from my internet, it totally fits my demands. You can call it hyperpersonalization…

Answer the questions according to the text:1. What does Brian David Johnson do? What does his job look like?2. What does he foresee in the next 10, 15 years in the interaction between humans and

computers?3. What is your forecast?


1) Write the plural of these words.1. business 6. switch2. software 7. woman 3. technology 8. child 4. analysis 9. formula 5. tax 10. query

2) Choose the correct answers.1. The language used for data transfer on the Internet Is called

a) HTTP b) TCP/IP c) ADSL2. Which device is used to connect a computer to the telephone network?

a) modem b) USB connector c) hub3. If you want to connect multiple computers to the Internet without using cables, you

need aa) wired router b) modem c) wireless router

4. Which technology lets you have real-time conversations online, by typing messages?a) VoIP b) Telnet c) Instant Messaging

5. What is a collection of web pages called?a) the Internet b) a website c) a homepage

6. This technique encodes data so that unauthorized users cannot read the information.a) decryption b) encryption c) firewall

7. The fraudulent attempt to steal passwords and personal data, usually via email, is known as

a) phishing b) piracy c) IP spoofing.3) Complete these texts with the passive form of the verbs in brackets. Be sure to use the

correct tense.Sound and music

The Phonograph (1) _______________________ (invent) by Thomas Edison in 1877, who discovered how to record music and voice on a metal cylinder of tin foil. Ten years later, Emile Berlinger invented a method of reproducing sound on rotating discs with a spiral groove - the first gramophone records.Magnetic tapes (2)_______________________ (manufacture) by German audio engineers at AEG and Bash in the 1930s, and the first compact disc


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(3)___________________ (design) by Philips and Sony in 1980.Three years later, CDs reached the market in Asia and the US. In the near future, CDs (4) ___________________(probably replace) by new technologies such DVD- Audio, FID-DVD and Blu-ray discs. The most recent development in digital recording has

been the MP3 format, which has generated the market for portable MP3 players and iPods. Today, more than 50% of all music (5) _________________ (buy) online and many music tracks (6) ___________________ (download) illegally.

4) Complete these texts with the passive form of the verbs in brackets.The computerThe first computers built using silicon chips went on sale in 1965. Microsoft (11) _________________________ (found) by Bill Gates and Paul Allen in 1975 to sell a version of the BASIC language for the Altair computer. The first IBM-PC (12) ________________________________ (sell) in 1981, becoming a standard for personal computers.Every year, more and more people get on the Internet.Today, the Web (13) __________________________ (can access) from PDAs, mobile phones - indeed, from anywhere at any time. In the future, artificial intelligence and voice recognition (14) ______________________ (incorporate) into most computer applications.

5) Complete these sentences with the jobs from the box.

webmaster blog administrator help desk technician network administratorcomputer security specialist hardware engineer

1. A computer ________________________ is responsible for designing and developing the electronic and mechanical parts of computers.

2. A ____________________________ has access to the blog settings and has the ability to edit and remove posts made by other members.

3. A ____________________________ manages a LAN within an organization.4. A ____________________________ regulates access to computer data and prevents

unauthorized modification or destruction of information.5. A ____________________________ provides phone or email support on technical

issues, including operation of equipment, setup problems, troubleshooting, etc.6. A ____________________________ must be proficient in HTML, XML and





(to) accomplish – выполнять, завершать(to) assume – принимать, допускать(to) аstray – отклоняться, сбитьсяaugmentation – увеличение, добавление, возрастание(to) be in charge of – отвечать заbrowser pages and a to-do list – компьютерная программа просмотра страниц и список

текущих делchore – рутинная работаcognizant – знающий, компетентныйconscious – сознательный, ощущающийcrucial advance – существенное продвижение, прогресс


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(to) deal with – иметь дело с (to) devise various techniques – придумывать, разрабатывать новые приёмы(to) distract – отвлекать (внимание), рассеиватьdozens – множество, десяткиfairly and smoothly – справедливо и благополучно(to) fulfill multiple desires – выполнять многочисленные пожелания(to) imply – предполагать, иметь последствия(to) hinder – мешать, препятствовать human augmentation – прирост населения(to) maintain attention on – сохранять вниманиеmode – состояние, режим работыmultitasking – многозадачность, многофункциональность(to) propose – предлагать, вносить предложениеrequest – запрос, требованиеrequire sustained concentration – требует длительной, непрерывной концентрации (to) resolve conflicts – устранять конфликтыrise of capabilities – рост возможностейin the same glimpse – беглый набросок, мельканиеseparated from – отделённый от(to) strive (strove, striven) to eliminate – стремиться, стараться устранять что – либоswitch between tasks – выбор между заданиями, операциямиsubtle point – тонкий вопросsusceptible – чувствительный, неустойчивый(to) sustain attention – поддерживать внимание(to) take training and effort – проходить подготовку и прикладывать усилияtime- sharing – разделение времени(to) toggle between – переключать, переходить междуunimaginable – невообразимыйvoluntary – добровольный

To understand what has happened, we need to return to the nineteen-sixties, when computers were giant, slow machines that served dozens and sometimes hundreds of people at once. Such computers needed a way to deal with many requests for processing resources. Engineers devised various techniques for handling this problem – known first as time-sharing, and later as multitasking, operating systems. In essence, multitasking algorithms used clever techniques to share the computing power available among multiple users as fairly and smoothly as possible. With multitasking, it was possible with a single computer for many people to have the illusion of having their own machine.

The engineers who designed time-sharing and multitasking probably never imagined that their ideas would be used for personal computers — if each user already had a computer, why would he or she need multitasking? Moreover, when the first mass-market personal computers, like the Apple II, arrived in the late seventies, their highly limited processing power was used to perform a single task at a time. It was programming or word processing, but not both at once.

The purpose of multitasking had gone from supporting multiple users on one computer to supporting multiple desires within one person at the same time. The former usage resolves conflicts among the many, while the latter can introduce internal conflict; when you think about it, trying to fulfill multiple desires at once is the opposite of concentration.

A second crucial advance was the huge increase in the speed of computer processors over the past three decades. Only with this kind of power could personal computers multitask in an acceptable way. Today, we want our computers to do more, faster, with less work on our part.

From this perspective, the multitasking capabilities of today’s computers are sometimes a form of augmentation — but only sometimes. It can be helpful to toggle between browser pages


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and a to-do list, or to talk on Skype while looking at a document. Nevertheless, other times we need to use computers for tasks that require sustained concentration, and it is here that machines sometimes degrade human potential.

While the brain is good at many things, it is rather bad at others. It is not very good at achieving extreme states of concentration through sustained attention. It takes great training and effort to maintain attention on one object — in what Buddhists call concentration meditation — because the brain is highly susceptible to both voluntary and involuntary demands on its attention. Second, the brain is not good at conscious multitasking, or trying to pay active attention to more than one thing at once. Perhaps computer designers once hoped that our machines could train the brain to multitask more effectively, but recent research suggests that this effort has failed.

In short, we are easy to distract, and very bad at doing two or more things at the same time. Yet our computers, supposedly our servants, constantly distract us and ask us to process multiple streams of information at the same time. It can make you wonder, just who is in charge here?

What we need are machines that are built from the ground up purposely to minimize distraction and help us sustain attention for hard tasks. We need computers and devices that return to the project of human augmentation by taking the brain’s limits seriously and helping us overcome them.

What this looks like, I am not exactly sure, although I am sure we should be trying to find out. Perhaps all we need are computers that lock into different modes: chore mode, communication mode and concentrated work mode. In the work modes, the machine would do what it could to keep you on track, in ways both subtle and less so. We also need designers cognizant of the brain’s weaknesses, who strive to eliminate or minimize unnecessary distractions, such as beeps for e-mails, bouncing icons and unnecessary pop-up windows.

There will always be some who say that all anyone needs to deal with these problems is better discipline or will power. I am not so sure. Discipline is useful, but so is an environment and tools that actually help, rather than hinder. The strange part is that we now have technological powers to shape our environment that were unimaginable to earlier generations, yet we do not use them with a realistic view of the brain’s weaknesses. Perhaps a single rule is enough: our computers should never make us stupider.

Answer the questions according to the text:1. What didn’t engineers think about when they designed time-sharing and

multitasking?2. Are modern computers bless or curse for young people? Will you give your pros and

cons?3. Do computers really weaken our brains? Do you agree or disagree? Will you express

your point of view?


1) Complete these sentences using the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.

1. Laser printers are usually (fast) _________________ than inkjets, printing text pages at a speed of 10 to 20 ppm, and are (cheap) _______________ to operate.

2. The human brain is far (powerful) __________________ than the (advanced) ________________ computer working at its full capacity.

3. I recommend getting the (high) _____________________ resolution monitor you can afford.

4. Plasma screens are (heavy) ____________________ than LCD screens.5. The ILOVEYOU computer bug is the (bad) _______________________ virus in

history.6. Film scanners are (expensive) _________________________ than flatbeds, usually

starting at £250.57

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7. This printer has been ranked as the (less reliable) ______________________ on the market.

2) Choose the right variant in if-sentences using the first conditional.1. I can give Bob the message if I (see) him.

a) seeb) will see

2. If I (hear) any news, I (phone) you.a) hear; will phoneb) will hear; phonec) will hear; will phone

3. If the weather (be) fine tomorrow, we are going to have a picnic.a) isb) will be

4. Hurry up! If you (catch) a taxi, you (meet) Mary at the station.a) catch, will meetb) will catch, meetc) will catch, will meet

5. When I (arrive) in Manchester next week, I (phone) you.a) arrive, will phoneb) will arrive, phonec) will arrive, will phone

6. If he (not / be) busy tomorrow morning, he probably (give) you a lift.a) isn't busy, will probably giveb) won't be, probably givesc) won't be, will probably give

7. Call for an ambulance if he (feel) worse.a) feelb) feelsc) will feel

8. Mrs. Clay (go) shopping today if she (finish) her work earlier than usual.a) goes, will finishb) will go, finishesc) will go, will finish

9. Watch the football match on TV at 11 p.m. if you (stay) at home tonight.a) stayb) will stay

10. I am tired, but if you (make) me strong coffee, I (go on) working.a) make, will go onb) will make, go onc) will make, will go on

3) Answer these questions using the second conditional.What would you do...?

1. if you had a digital video camera?If I had...____________________________________________

2. if you found a mobile phone on a bus?____________________________________________________

3. if you owned the Internet?____________________________________________________

4. if you were a very rich man/woman?____________________________________________________

4) Complete these sentences using modal verbs (can, could, must, may, might, should). More than one answer may be possible.


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1. I ____________ use a computer when I was only five years old.2. We are looking for a webmaster who ____________ design, improve and maintain

our website.3. If you want to see animations, you ____________ have Flash Player on your system.4. Before publishing your website, you ____________ check that all the links work.5. You ____________ like to include a counter on your home page to show how many

times it has been accessed.5) Decide the type of application software (a-h) that these people should use.

1. «I would like to retouch photos on my computer».2. «I work for a company specializing in designing fend publishing catalogues and

brochures».3. «We are an organization that makes maps and 3-D models of the Earth surface».4. «I want to produce illustrations and freehand ' drawings for an encyclopedia».5. «I design web pages for a TV company. I usually include frames, cascading style

sheets and multimedia elements on my page designs».6. «I teach science and I need to prepare slide shows for my lessons».7. «I am an engineer. I need to design the interior and exterior of a sports car».8. «I need a program that supports MIDI and includes a wide range of functions - scales,

intervals, melody and rhythm».a) music software b) CAD softwarec) paint and image-editing program d) DTP software e) presentation software f) drawing programg) HTML editorh) geographic information system

Reference: the video and discuss it in class:


Fill in the gaps 1. If you want to … a group of people from around the world you can use conferencing

programs.2. The most popular … are the Windows family, Mac OS, Unix, Linux.3. Raster Graphics, or… are stored as a collection of pixels.4. As we move closer to 2020, the size of computational … is becoming so small that it is

approaching zero.5. The engineers who designed …. and multitasking probably never imagined that their

ideas would be used for personal computers.6. Choose the right answer

1) to enroll a) разрешение2) To run a program b) преодолевать трудности3) Resolution c) увеличение4) To overcome challenges d) вступать, вносить в список5) Augmentation e) запускать программу

True or false7. on the typical web page we can see the toolbar with different icons, tab buttons, search

box, favorites


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8. when you are in a folder you cannot launch a program or a document9. the sharpness of an image does not depend on a resolution10. we could literally turn anything into a computer11. the purpose of multitasking had gone from supporting users on a computer to supporting

multiple desires within one person at the same timeChange the word

12. if you want to start new business, you need to study a lot13. nowadays computers are used by all kinds of people and as a result there is a growing

interest in user- friendly systems14. Bitmaps are stored as a collection of pixels15. He predicts the interaction between humans and computers16. Who is responsible for starting up a new program?

Translate into english17. собрать группу людей18. Microsoft запустил (создал) новую программу19. все пользователи компьютера20. быстрое развитие технологий21. выполнять многочисленные пожелания

Make a question22. You/a /computer/webcam/need/?23. Have/a lot of/ memorize/ commands/ users?24. raster/ Vector/ graphics/and /graphics/there/are/two main categories?25. work/ Intel/a/ as/ engineer/ principal?26. devise/engineers/ techniques/various/for/this/handling/ problem?

Change the word27. Graphic …. are drawing programs and illustrations (design)28. They all work…. (similar)29. professionals have to …. a lot of commands (memory)30. Technologies will become … connected (tight)31. We need to use computers for tasks that require … (to concentrate)

Fill in the letter32. emp…asis on33. la…nch34. r…solution35. lit…rally


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adjoining – прилегающийcross – section – поперечное сечениеdrain channeling – дренажная канаваembankment – насыпьflume – стокinterception ditch – водосток(to) penetrate – проходитьroadbed – дорожное полотноside ditch – боковой жёлоб

Side ditches, flumes, interception ditches and drain channeling are used for collecting water from the roadbed. Roadside ditches are used for moving water alongside a road. Diversion ditches lead water away from the road at a point where this does not happen naturally. Present road construction provides side ditches parallel with the roadway.

Road and diversion ditches are for handling water in locations where the topography limits other options. It improves drainage of the road.

A side ditch is used to collect the water from the roadside. The side ditch generally collects water from the adjoining land too. The side ditch discharges into a natural outlet at the first opportunity. Side ditches in cuttings and next to embankments are excavated to a depth of up to 0.6 m. These ditches are used for collecting water flowing off the road surface and from adjoining land during rainfall or snow thawing.

The side ditch may contribute to the drainage of the subgrade because of the evaporation of moisture from the side ditch inner slopes. However, side ditch is mainly used to permit the rapid discharge of water. When this water discharge is not ensured then ponding occurs. Therefore, the side ditch becomes a source from which water may penetrate back under the road, resulting in saturation of the subgrade.

Serious road deterioration results if side ditches overflow during storms. Proper construction and spacing of water turnouts and side ditches on crowned roads or road sections should prevent this by channeling the water away from the road.

There are two types of shapes for cross-sections of the ditch: V-typed or trapezoidal. A trapezoidal cross-section is used for impermeable soils and in less favorable conditions of runoff. In this case, its bottom width is of 0.4 m. Its depth is of up to 0.7-0.8 m from the edge embankment. If the road is built in dry country with a rapid surface runoff, and the occurrence of ground water is deep, the side ditches are given the shape of triangular flues of 0.3 m minimum depth. A blade grader is used to construct and maintain the V-typed side ditch. The V-typed side ditch is not deep and, therefore, it is much safer than the trapezoidal side ditch.

Answer the questions according to the text:1. What is the side ditch purpose? 2. Why may the side ditch contribute to the drainage of the subgrade? 3. What is the case when the side ditch becomes a source from which water may

penetrate back under the road? 4. What is the shape of the cross-section of the ditch? 5. What machines are used to construct and maintain the side ditch?


1) Find the equivalents in the text:


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сбор воды, желоб, выемки, сливы, собирать воду с, быть предназначенным для, примыкающий участок, насыпь, вырыть, испарение влаги, быстрый спуск воды, обеспечить, случается наводнение, проникать, пропитывание, поперечное сечение, страна с сухим климатом.

2) Translate into RussianRoadbed, road construction, to provide, to be intended, to collect the water, adjoining land, a natural outlet, embankment, to be excavated, depth, rainfall, to contribute, ponding, to penetrate cross-section, impermeable soil, to maintain.

3) Match the terms with the definitions

1. ditch a. a surface or shape exposed by making a straight cut through something

2. embankment b. a long, narrow hole in the ground next to a road or field, which water can flow through

3. drainage c. the part of a road on which vehicles travel

4. cross-section d. an artificial slope made of earth

5. roadbed e. the ability of soil to allow water to flow away

4) Put the word of the appropriate part of speech into the sentences1. Tom is a person of perfect (generous) 2. Mum could not make choice without father’s (agree) 3. Mary takes care about her (appear) 4. Bob said nothing in his (defend) 5. Son’s success gave mum a great (satisfy) 6. Mobile phones are very (sense) things 7. Ann is a very (rely) person 8. He tried to avoid (misunderstand) 9. (Forgive) is a great skill. 10. He can’t hide his (happy)

5) Put the word into the right form:1. Pete ate some (tomato) 2. Please, put some (sugar) in your tea. 3. The Blacks have to buy new (furniture) 4. The Milicops have a lot of (money) 5. How many (person) were at the cinema with you? 6. Could you give some (information) on your project? 7. Here (family) are very welcome. 8. Those (man) seem to be very tired.




carriageway – проезжая часть(to) induce – воздействоватьpavement – дорожное покрытиеpavement base – основание дорожного покрытияroadbed – дорожное полотноsub-base – нижний слой покрытияsubgrade – земляное полотно дороги


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vehicle – автотранспортное средство

The carriageway is usually covered with a pavement. The main aim for it is to ensure all-year-round operation of vehicles traffic on a road. The pavement is laid on the surface of the roadbed. It can be rigid or semi-rigid structure. The pavement resists traffic stresses and climatic factors.

The stresses induced in the pavement by motor vehicle wheels wear with the depth. That is why the pavement is designed in the form of a multilayer structure. The pavement consists of the following layers: the surfacing, the pavement base, the sub-base and the subgrade.

1. Surfacing is the upper and most rigid layer of the pavement. It is comparatively thin. It is the most expensive part of the pavement. The surfacing resists well the abrasion and the impacts caused by the wheels, and the effect of weather conditions. Surfacing usually comprises two coats or courses – a course and a wearing course.

2. Pavement base is below the surfacing base coat. It is a strong bearing layer of stony material or stone with a binding matrix. This layer is designed to distribute the individual wheel-loads over the roadbed or sub-base. The pavement base is not subjected to the direct action of automobile wheels.

3. The sub-base is a layer of earth or stone materials, resistant to moisture, inserted when necessary between the pavement base and the roadbed. The sub-base is made of gravel, slag, soil treated with binding agents, sand. Its role is to spread the load evenly. It also reduces the required thickness of the pavement base.

4. The subgrade comprises the thoroughly compacted upper layers of the roadbed, upon which are laid the layers of the pavement.

Answer the questions according to the text:1. What is the carriageway covered with? 2. What kind of structure can the pavement be? 3. Why can the pavement be designed in the form of a multilayer structure? 4. What courses does the surfacing comprise? 5. Where is the pavement base laid? 6. Why is the pavement base designed? 7. What does the subgrade comprise?


1) Find the equivalents in the text:обеспечение круглогодичной эксплуатации, брусчатка, укладывать, поверхность, жесткий, разрабатываться, многослойный, транспортное средство, распределять, подвергаться прямому воздействию, сопротивляющиеся

2) Translate into Russianall-year-round operation, vehicle, carriageway, surface, rigid, to resist, traffic stresses, climatic factor, to enable, to be designed, multilayer structure, comparatively, weather conditions, stony material, direct action, resistant to , to reduce, required.

3) Match the terms with the definitions

vehicle material topmost layer of an object

surface purposeful or inventive arrangement

traffic device for transporting persons or things

structure passage of people or vehicles along routes of transportation

design something constructed

4) Put the word of the appropriate form into the sentences1. Andrew could not but __ at Tom in silence. (glance)


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2. He likes __ presents to his friends but even more he likes __ gifts. (give, give) 3. His son is so pale! He ought __ a change of food and air. (have) 4. Jill only pretends _ the books on the desk. (arrange) 5. Line is trying ___ down his excitement. (calm) 6. One window remained ___. (wash) 7. Nancy is happy ____ through with this task. (be) 8. The child is sorry ____ you in your work. (disturb) 9. Ann is not old enough ___ ____ out late (allow, stay). 10. Franc is happy ___ first prize for this picture. (award)

5) Translate the sentences into English:1. Лене трудно верить. 2. Маме доставляло огромное удовольствие видеть, как играют дети. 3. Неплохо было бы поехать за город завтра. 4. Учителю понадобилось много времени, чтобы убедить его, что он неправ. 5. Не предупредить ребенка в этом было бы нечестно.




alignment –выравниваниеdeforestation – вырубка лесовembankment – насыпьerosion – размываниеgradually– постепенноpavement – дорожное покрытиеsediment – осаждениеslope gradient – откосthickness –толщинаwastewater – сточные воды

Road construction methods have changed greatly since the roads were built first in about 4000 BC.

In ancient times, river transport was much faster and easier than road transport. The Romans built stone paved roads in North Africa and Europe to support securely their military operations. Later the Arabs built roads that wholly were covered with tar. The roads were constructed easily. The earthworks were prepared carefully. Then the road foundation was lifted at the centre for water drainage.

Road construction techniques gradually improved by the study of road traffic, stone thickness, road alignment, and slope gradients. Initial road construction materials were stones that were laid in a regular, compact design, and covered with smaller stones to produce a solid layer.

The building techniques were applied simply but effectively. They reduced the travel time considerably and connected one place to another by land.

The Appian Way in Rome still exists although it was constructed 2300 years ago. Roman roads are virtually the beginning of road construction. Telford Pavements are surely the second step. Macadam Pavements are the following. They ultimately lead to the Bitumen Roads. Today, the concrete roads have truly added another dimension to stability and strength of the roadways.

According to modern road construction, geographic obstacles are removed entirely. New construction materials are far more improved and durable. Rock and earth is removed by explosion or digging. Embankments, tunnels, and bridges are constructed, and then vegetation is


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removed by deforestation, if necessary. Finally, the pavement material is laid by using a range of road construction equipment.

Roadways are designed and constructed for use by vehicles and pedestrians. Storm drainage and ecological considerations should be considered seriously. Sediments and erosion are carefully controlled to avoid damaging effects. Drainage systems are constructed so that they should be able to carry wastewater to a waterway, stream, river, or the sea.

Answer the questions according to the text:1. What were first roads like?2. What materials were used for the first roads?3. What ancient roads remain?4. What are the steps for modern road construction?5. What factors are taken into consideration during modern road construction?


1) Find the equivalents in the text:до нашей эры, в древние времена, военные операции, земляные работы, для отвода воды, постепенно, толщина камня, выравнивание, откос, для получения твердого слоя, сократить время в пути, значительно, до сих пор, считаться, известен, стабильность, прочность, дорожное полотно, включать в себя, удаление, вырубка лесов, пешеходы, осадки, эрозия, поток.

2) Translate into RussianAncient times, river transport, stone paved roads, to support, military operations, to cover with tar, to lift the road foundation , road traffic, stone thickness, road alignment, solid layer, travel time, second step , to be followed by , removal , obstacle, durable, embankments, deforestation ,vehicle, pedestrian.

3) Choose the right word1. The boy works … (hard, hardly) at his English. 2. Oh, it is too …! I should leave. (late, lately) 3. It takes me … 40 minutes to get to the swimming pool. (near, nearly) 4. The sportsman was tired and could … speak. (hard, hardly) 5. There is a modern sports centre … our school. (near, nearly) 6. The athlete can jump very …. (high, highly) 7. I haven’t visited my granny … (late, lately) 8. He is a … skilled engineer. (high, highly)

4) Put the word of the appropriate form into the sentences1. The (hard) you work the (soon) you make progress. 2. Is the sound loud enough or shall I make it (loud)? 3. Yesterday they finished the work (late) than usual. 4. The woman said she had been treated (badly) than a slave. 5. The little girl sang far (well) than her sister. 6. The boy’s greatest ambition was to become a pilot, fly (high), and (fast) of all. 7. I could see very far from my place, but Ben climbed a tree and saw even (far) beyond the field. 8. We envied John, for he lived (near) of all; it took him the longest time to get to the office. 9. Our horses ran fast, but Arrow ran (quick) than my White Star, and Lightning – (fast), as usual. 10. I like this picture (well) of all. 11. I missed our walks together, but those long evening conversations by the fireplace I missed (much) of all. 12. He stepped (close) and saw that they were playing with little kittens.

5) Choose the right form of the word:1. She looked at them (cold, coldly). 2. The weather is (cold, coldly) today. 3. This is a (comfortable, comfortably) desk. 4. The English like to live (comfortable, comfortably). 5. He is (dangerous, dangerously) calm. 6. This road is (dangerous, dangerously). 7. Let’s look at it from (different, differently) angles. 8. The two sisters reacted (different, differently). 9. This definition is not quite (exact, exactly). 10. Can you tell me (exact, exactly) when he will come.


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(to) be aimed at – быть направленным наfrom beginning to completion – от начала до завершенияbudgeting – бюджетированиеmeeting a requirement–удовлетворение потребностиoverall planning – общее планированиеprocurement of materials – закупка материаловselecting participants – отбор участниковsetting performance requirements – установление требований к производительностиviable – жизнеспособный

Construction management (CPM) is the overall planning, coordination, and control of a project from beginning to completion. CPM is aimed at meeting a client's requirement in order to produce a functionally and financially viable project.

The functions of construction management typically include the following:Specifying project objectives and plans including delineation of scope, budgeting,

scheduling, setting performance requirements, and selecting project participants. Maximizing the resource efficiency through procurement of labor, materials and equipment. Implementing various operations through proper coordination and control of planning,

design, estimating, contracting and construction in the entire process. Developing effective communications and mechanisms for resolving conflictsConstantly increasing traffic and exponentially increasing vehicular load made construction

management techniques the need of the hour. Managing maximum traffic in optimal space is undoubtedly essential. Site engineers have to take care of safe designing of roads, highway space management and proper drainage of water. Construction management includes putting all the pieces of puzzle together, defining project objectives, dividing the project into modules and optimizing the available resources. Analysing the problems one should take into account time, money and resource management. Time saved is money earned, and that is where construction management techniques are helpful.

Construction Projects have been managed since long ago, but in the 1990s, there were significant developments in technology, which resulted in the production of very powerful software packages for the construction industry. The emergence and technological development of personal computing has itself revolutionized the way many people work.

Associated technologies development caused revolutionary changing in organizational communication. Information is now available to managers and other employees in a faster and reliable way.

Answer the questions according to the text:1. What is the aim of construction management? 2. What are the functions of construction management? 3. What does project objectives specification include? 4. What are major aspects that the site engineers have to take care of? 5. What are the most important aspects of construction management?


1) Find the equivalents in the text:общее планирование и координация; контроль проекта от начала до завершения; направлен на; удовлетворение потребности клиента; функционально жизнеспособный;


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цели проекта; бюджетирование; установление требований к производительности; отбор участников проекта; закупка материалов и оборудования; разрешение конфликтов.

2) Translate into RussianIncreasing traffic load, vehicular load, construction management techniques, the need of the hour, designing of roads, highway space management, site engineer, to take care of, defining project objectives, money management

3) Match the terms with the definitions

construction management

determining when an activity should start or end

scheduling process of expressing quantified resource requirements

estimating Coordination and control of a project from beginning to completion

budgeting two-way process of reaching mutual understanding, exchanging information, news, ideas and sharing meaning

communication computation of a price with regard to time and resource requirements upon which a firm quotation is based

4) Put the word of the appropriate form into the sentences1. He prefers ____ by train to flying. 2. I am afraid of ______ late for the flight. 3. He suggests our______ to see him. 4. ______ cartoons is always fun. – Смотреть мультики всегда забавно. 5. He left us without _____ a word

5) Translate the sentences into English:1. Тебе нужно позвонить перед уходом из дома. 2. Мой любимый вид отдыха – путешествие. 3. Вы не будете возражать, если я открою окно? 4. Чтение — вот лучшее учение. 5. По переезду в другую страну, люди стараются привыкать к новому образу





abundance – изобилиеbottom layer – нижний слойcracking – крошение(to) deteriorate – разрушаться,fuel consumption – расход топливаimpact – влияние(to) make sense – иметь смысл(to) meet specifications – отвечать потребностямovernight – в одночасьеrecycled material – перерабатываемый материалtaxpayer – налогоплательщик

If a few cost-benefit analyses had been done, they would have proved the efficiency of special type of asphalt. If asphalt had been used to reduce noise levels, it would make more sense


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than constructing sound wall barriers. If there were a product designed to reduce traffic noise while meeting all the normal specifications for hot-mix asphalt, it would be ideal for use in residential areas.

If we took into account ideas of eco-friendly manufacturing, asphalt mixes would be developed that they would have less of an impact on the environment. If it is manufactured at a lower temperature, odor, smoke, fuel consumption and emissions will be reduced during manufacturing.

If a recycled material was used in the mix, manufacturers would make roads more sustainable from an environmental perspective.

If we take into account computer modelling, it will be used for designing structures like an overpass. If we use it, we will be able to test ideas and to see the impacts, including the cost impacts of changes.

If we build roads using porous asphalt or pervious concrete, water-saving paved surfaces will allow storm water to drain through the surface into a catchment area below. The products will work well in parking lots, allowing owners to collect runoff and store it for uses such as on-site irrigation.

Moreover, if perpetual pavements are designed, they will last around 50 years, compared to 20 years for conventional pavements. Fatigue cracking will occur when the tensile strength at the bottom of the asphalt exceeds the limit. So perpetual pavement is to be designed from the bottom up. The bottom layer should be a rich bottom mix, a specially designed mix packed with asphalt cement that is basically indestructible, and therefore highly resistant to cracking.

The middle and top layers should be made of high-quality asphalt mixes that resist rutting, cracking and wear.

When the construction is completed, the pavement will start to deteriorate. But if it is a perpetual pavement, the pavement will remain safe. Deterioration will occur at the top, but it is easy to fix. Repair work has to be done every 20 years and can be done overnight.

While they are too expensive for low-traffic-volume roads, perpetual pavements will soon become increasingly popular for major roadways.

If we do not consider a road surface to be just a layer of asphalt or concrete, we will find an abundance of products, techniques and treatments that can do everything from preventing pavement from cracking to lessening traffic noise to helping us conserve water.

Answer the questions according to the text:1. How can we reduce noise levels?2. What is eco-friendly manufacturing?3. What materials can be used for road paving?4. What are the advantages of perpetual paving?5. Is a road surface just a layer of asphalt?


1) Find the equivalents in the text:снижение уровней шума, предназначенный, использование в жилых районах, влияние на окружающую среду, устойчивый с экологической точки зрения, переработанные материалы, компьютерное моделирование, проектирование конструкций, налогоплательщики, в результате, эстакада, по сравнению, предел прочности на растяжение, превышать лимит, износ, фрезерование, в одночасье, изобилие

2) Translate into Russiancost-benefit analyses, to reduce noise levels, to make sense, to meet specifications, hot-mix asphalt, eco-friendly manufacturing, impact on, fuel consumption, recycled material, to design structures, to benefit taxpayers, computer modelling, compared to, bottom layer, resistant to cracking, to deteriorate, overnight, low-traffic-volume roads, abundance of products, to lessen noise

3) Define the concepts in the box68

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Noise-reducing asphalt, Eco-friendly manufacturing, Eco-friendly ingredients, Computer modelling, Water-saving pavement, Perpetual pavements

4) Rewrite the sentences with the same meaning:1. There may have been a few cost-benefit analyses done that show that using asphalt to

reduce noise levels makes more sense than constructing sound wall barriers. (if) 2. Any product designed to reduce traffic noise while meeting all the normal

specifications for hot-mix asphalt will be ideal for use in residential areas. (if) 3. Using computer modelling for a structure like an overpass can be much more

effective. 4. I did not see the signal, so I did not stop. 5. He does not earn as much as I do because he does not work overtime.

5) Fill in the gaps with the word of the appropriate form:1. When I _______ (finish) my work, I_______ (go) to the cinema. 2. We_______ (buy) this book as soon as our mother_______ (give) us some money. 3. My father_______ (start) writing before the sun _______ (rise). 4. If I _________ (know) his address, I ___ (visit) him. 5. If Tom ___ (not miss) the bus, he ________ (come) to the meeting on time. 6. If he _________ (phone) me, I ___ (tell) him the home task. 7. The trains all (stop) … if it snowed heavily. 8. You would have had stomachache if you (eat) … too much of that cake. 9. Susan could have worked as a model if she (to be) taller. 10. The students would have solved the problem if they (to use) their textbooks.

References:http://www.albertaconstructionmagazine.comWatch the video and discuss it in class:


Fill in the gaps using the appropriate word from the box below:

a client's requirement \ the pavement base and the roadbed \ the evaporation of moisture \ road traffic, stone thickness and road alignment \ a specially designed mix packed with asphalt cement

1. The side ditch may contribute to the drainage of the subgrade because of ___________ from the side ditch inner slopes.

2. The sub-base is a layer of earth or stone materials, resistant to moisture, inserted when necessary between the ___________________.

3. Road construction techniques gradually improved by the study of___________________.

4. Construction management is aimed at meeting ___________________ in order to produce a functionally and financially viable project.

5. The bottom layer should be __________________ that is indestructible, and therefore highly resistant to cracking.

Match the terms with the definitions

6. ditch a) an artificial slope made of earth

7. surface b) a long, narrow hole in the ground next to a road or field, which water can flow through

8. scheduling c) part of a road on which vehicles travel

9. embankment d) determining when an activity should start or end


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10. roadbed e) e. material topmost layer of an object

Prove that the statement below is either true or false11. A side ditch is used to pour the water to the roadside.12. The sub-base is the upper and most rigid layer of the pavement.13. The Romans built roads wholly covered with tar.14. Construction management is the overall planning, coordination, and control of a

project from beginning to completion.15. Using asphalt to reduce noise levels makes no sense.

Translate into English the following set phrases:16. поперечное сечение17. транспортное средство18. вырубка лесов19. переработанные материалы20. насыпь

Fill in the gaps with the word in brackets changing the form into appropriate one:21. Water from the adjoining land _ generally _____ by the side ditch too. (to collect)22. The sub-base also reduces the required _______ of the pavement base. (thick)23. The earthworks were prepared ___________. (care)24. Construction management techniques are _________. (help)25. Superpave asphalt mixes resist _________. (to crack)

Fill in the gaps with one of the variants below:26. _______________ means the ability of soil to allow water to flow away.

a) Cupageb) Watabilityc) Drainage

27. A device for transporting people or things is called ___________ .a) vehicleb) borrowingc) transchanger

28. According to modern road construction ___________ are removed entirely.a) roadsb) geographic obstaclesc) carriageways

29. __________ means determining when an activity should start or enda) budgetingb) schedulingc) screaming

30. When the construction is completed the pavement will start …a) to penetiateb) to initiatec) to deteriorate

Choose the appropriate translation to the sentence:31. The side ditch generally collects water from the adjoining land.

a) Вода с прилегающего участка, как правило, собирается боковым желобом.b) Вода заграницей с земли собирается генералами через боковой желоб.c) Воду с приграничной земли собирают сторонние канавы.

32. The pavement base is not subjected to the direct action of automobile wheels.a) Тротуарная база – не предмет непосредственного воздействия автомобильных

колес.b) Основание покрытия не метится от автомобильных колес.


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c) Основание дорожного покрытия не подвергается непосредственному воздействию автомобильных колес

33. According to modern road construction, geographic obstacles are removed entirely.a) В соответствии с современными методами строительства географические

преграды устраняются полностьюb) Согласно современной дороге строительство географических преград

передвигается полностью.c) На современной дороге создание географических преград полностью смещено.

34. Information is now available to managers and other employees in a faster and reliable way.

a) Информация является сейчас доступной от менеджеров и других работников в быстрый и надежный путь.

b) Информация сейчас доступна о быстрейшем и надежном пути до менеджера и других работников

c) Менеджеры и другие работники теперь быстрей и надежней получают информацию.

35. If pavements are designed, they will last around 50 years.a) Если тротуары разработаны, они будут строиться 50 летb) Если мостовые спроектированы, то они продлятся около 50 лет.c) Спроектированные мостовые служат около 50 лет.


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appropriate – подходящий(to) assess – оцениватьbudget – бюджетcomprehensive – всестороннийcoverage – покрытиеdeed – документdigital – цифровойframework – рамаgeocode – геодезический кодguarantee – гарантияto establish – основыватьjurisdiction – судебное ведомство(to) impact – воздействоватьlegal – законныйliable of – ответственный заmultiple – многократныйsecurity – безопасностьtitle – учетtrend – направление

The basic elements of the cadastral system are different in different countries can be based on titles and deeds. Some countries have indicated that their cadastral system is based on titles. In most jurisdictions, the cadastral systems include land registration and cadastral mapping, so the cadastre covers the complete territory of the country. Strategic planning, management and operational control for both components of the cadastral system are done within the same organization, which is in all cases, from the public sector. But sometimes tasks of strategic planning and management control are separated among different organizations, some of which are even in the private sector.

Cadastral system were mainly established to serve a legal and for a fiscal purpose. Historically, land records have been established to serve two main purposes. First, as “fiscal” records, primarily for the public sector, they have served as the basic for the full and accurate taxation of land. Second, as “legal” records for the private sector, they have served as registers of ownership and other land rights. The data of the cadastral systems are used planning and environmental impact assessment. A legal basis, however, does not exist everywhere for all of these other purposes.

There are some strengths and weaknesses in the existing cadastral system. The strengths of existing cadastral systems include state guarantee of title, legal security; fast service for users; complete coverage, comprehensive, liable, secure system. System is computerized and automated, digital data; system servers other purposes.

Weaknesses of existing cadastral system involve limited computerization; link land registration- cadastral mapping is not efficient enough or inappropriate. In some cases national consistency could be greater, administrative control over land by different organizations is necessary. One of the disadvantages are low budget funds and incomplete legal framework, little accuracy of maps and slow updating, slow customer service. Financing mode is unsuitable or very expensive. The system has low degree of coverage and high investment cost. Rigid structures, little flexibility, low level of integration are also disadvantages of the existing cadastral system.


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Today cadastral systems are strongly influenced by the land information concept. In short, the main trends can be expressed in the following terms: multiple uses, automation, geocodes and digitization.

Modern society has developed into an information society, which both requires, and has the ability for produce accurate information.

However, if the information is to be convenient to handle, it must be linked to identifiable spatial basis for much information – concerning not only the land itself, but also the people living on the land and many of their activities.

Answer the questions according to the text:1. What do the cadastre systems include?2. Does the cadastre system cover the complete territory of the countries?3. Are fiscal and legal records the main purposes of cadastral systems?4. What are their strengths and weaknesses of exciting cadastral systems?5. What are the main trends of the cadastral system?


1) Translate next word combinations from Russian to English:Сильные и слабые стороны, правовые и фискальные цели, основные элементы системы, планирование и управление, частный сектор, земельные записи, государственный или общественный сектор, регистрация владельцев земле, оценка воздействия на окружающую среду.

2) Choose the correct prepositions:(into, to, of, by, of, on, of)

1. Both cadastres and land mapping should be simple, and concentrate only … the date … their particular purposes.

2. The strengths … existing cadastral systems include land registration.3. The financial part … land registration is constantly carrying out … the private sector.4. It is difficult … achieve a high level … integration.5. Modern society has developed … an information society.

3) Finish next sentences using the words:(To serve, to adapt, to develop, to work, to became)1. Land use planners … today on the problem of automating land records.2. An integrated system … now.3. Every land information system must be able to … to new developments and new

types of date, and to make changes.4. They have … as registers of ownership and other land rights.5. The land unit tends to … a legal entity protected by law.

4) Find cognate words from the text:Arrange, manageable, assessor, cover, convenient, management, arrangement, establishment, coverage, organization, manager, assess, convenience, establish, organize, coverage

5) Add a, an or nothing depending on whether the nouns are countable or uncountable:e. g. Would you like a chocolate? They are delicious.

1. Do you like chocolate?2. That was terrible meal!3. When he gives advice, you should listen carefully.4. Mummy, can I have ice cream? They are only 50 p.5. That is great news!6. Let’s go to café for breakfast.7. Do you have luggage to carry?8. That is useful information. Thanks for telling me.9. I live in village Santa Catarina.10. He spends money very quickly!


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References: Adapted fromАнглийский язык по направлениям «Землеустройство и кадастр» Веселовская Н.Г., М., Издательский центр «Академия», 2000 г., стр.31



agreement – соглашениеadversely – вредно(to) consider – рассматриватьcommodity – товарcommunity – общество(to) derive – происходитьenvironment – окружающая средаequal – равныйestate – недвижимостьjurisdiction – юрисдикция(to) license – лицензироватьmarket – рынокmortgage – ипотека, закладopportunity – возможностьproperty – свойствоportfolio – пакет документов(to) provide – обеспечиватьrental – арендная платаsharecropping – размежеваниеtherefore – поэтомуtowards – по направлению к transaction – сделка

Land use and sometimes land ownership have influences on other aspects of society`s economic and noneconomic interest. The general trend towards market economies, often adversely affects men who do not get equal opportunities to use land and property as a commodity.

There is therefore a need for regulations based on environment, social, cultural and political considerations that provide a framework for the activities of the land market.

Land markets are made up of a constantly developing portfolio of legal interests and transaction types.

This portfolio of transaction types includes sale, rental, sharecropping, and licenses, together with associated derivative transactions including mortgages and mortgage markets, and other real estate interest. Some of these transactions types are typically registerable in those jurisdictions that have formal registration institutions, including sales, mortgages, some leases, and some third party interests. Many are not, including particularly those ‘less’ formal interests such as shorter terms of leases or rental agreements, sharecropping agreements and licenses, derivative interests operating «upstreams» of the registerable interests such as secondary mortgage market, and some customary rights.

The general rational for land markets is that, under appropriate institutional frameworks, they will tend systematically to move land towards the most economically efficient ownership and use. This is broadly accepted as a desirable function, particularly given that land is typically the most valuable single class of asset in an economy.

There are several key requirements for a property functioning market. In the majority cases, they include an appropriate legal framework aimed at minimizing risk and uncertainty of land


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ownership and use. The value of interests in land is closely related to the level of risks and attached to any given interest. Common and important areas of the legal framework include both registration of interests in land and spatial land use planning.

Land registration and the provision of related information as the basis of land transactions underpin the more efficient operation of the land market by two main mechanisms, land registration and similar ownership information systems will provide greater security for those interested in transaction on that property. The other mechanism that registration provides for transactions in the market is to reduce the costs in both time and money by simplifying the legal and other procedures. Again this could be expected to increase the value of registered land by reducing the friction in the market. A land market should always try to move lands towards the mostly economically efficient ownership and use.

Answer the questions according to the text:1. Does land ownership have influences on any aspects of society?2. What does land market provide?3. What does portfolio include?4. Some transaction types are typically registered in some jurisdictions that have formal

registration institutions, aren’t they?5. Are there several key requirements for a property functioning market?


1) Match the words on the left their meanings on the right.1. Land a) types2. Transaction b) interest3. Developing c) market4. Legal d) portfolio5. Economic e) ownership

2) Make up sentences using the following words.1. a, need, for, based, there, regulations, is, social, on, cultural, environment, political,

and consideration.2. transaction, a types, land, markets, and, made, are, up, constantly, of, portfolio,

developing of, legal, interests.3. a several, there, key, are, property, market, requirements, for, functioning.4. market, a, land, try, should, always, to, towards, move, lands, mostly, the, use, and,

efficient, economically, ownership.3) Write three forms of the following words:

to make, to take, to give to provide, to add, to come, to use, to base, to have, to be, to drive, to reduce.

4) Ask the questions underline words.1. Land markets provide a mechanism for the allocation of ownership.2. Land use and land ownership have influences on other aspects of the society.3. Land markets are made up developing portfolio of legal interests and transaction

types.4. This portfolio of transaction types includes sale, rental and licenses.5. A land market should always try to move lands towards the mostly economically

efficient ownership and use.5) Complete the sentences with next prepositions. (to, of, for, of, on, in, by, for, in, of, in)

1. There are several key requirements … property functioning market. 2. Common and important areas … the legal framework include both registration …

interests … land and spatial land use planning.3. Land registration and similar ownership information systems will provide greater

security … those interested … transaction … that property.


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4. Again this could be expected … increase the value … registered land … reducing the friction

References: Adapted from Английский язык по направлениям «Землеустройство и кадастр» Веселовская Н.Г., М., Издательский центр «Академия»2000 г., стр.76



amenities – удобстваcircumferential – кольцевойdwelling – жилье(to)fulfill – выполнять(to) gain – получать(to) gain – получатьgross handiwork – ручная работа в чистом виде(to) imply – подразумеватьrectangular – прямоугольный(to) seek – искатьturmoil – шум, беспорядок, суматохаundulation – неровность

As we know, some people live in towns. A town (a city) attractive by its beauty, by its artistic symmetry and design and by the amenities and conveniences, which it offers, will gain a reputation and an individuality, which not only it is council and its landowners, but also its citizens, may be proud.

What then should be the aim of every City? In addition, to answer that question we are at once thrown back upon the question of what should be the individuality by which the City should be marked and known. Bacon says in his Essay of Gardens, «God Almighty first planted a garden. And indeed it is the purest of human pleasures, it’s the greatest refreshment to the spirit of men without which buildings and palaces are but gross handiwork». Surely then the aim should be the one implied by the term «Garden City», beautiful, well planted and finely laid out, known and characterized by the charm and amenities which it can offer to those who seek a residence or dwelling removed from the turmoil, stress and discomforts of a manufacturing district.

The various system of planning which have been adopted in the past are rectangular, radial and circumferential; but the latest schemes for town planning are generally a combination of all three, which allows for the best fulfillment of town planning ideals.

The problem the for the town-planner is to consider his scheme in respect to the configuration and undulations of the site; direction of main radial and circumferential avenues and boulevards; the layout and constriction of avenues and boulevards; open spaces, parks and recreation grounds; tramways; civic centre.

The limitation of the number of houses per acre and height and identical character should be provided. Factories and works must also be placed in the special areas.

Answer the questions according to the text:1. Are towns and cities beautiful?2. What is a city attractive by?3. What is the aim of the city?4. What is the problem for the town-planner?5. Should the limitation of the number of houses per acre be provided?


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1) Find the synonyms among these words:Crowd, sidewalk, wanton, irresponsible, intersect, congestion, cross, horizon, noise, pavement, skyline, turmoil.

2) In the following sentences, choose the right variant.1. These … (circumferentially, circumferential) routes which connect the various parks

and open spaces are largely used by residents, motorists and cyclists as circular drivers.

2. Factories and works should be placed in … (special, specialty) areas.3. The … (regular, regulation) respect the most important parts of a town planning

system.4. A city is attractive by its … (beauty, beautiful).5. It is difficult to … (estimate, estimately) future demands.

3) Give English equivalents for these.Цель каждого города, ручная работа в чистом виде, вдали от суматохи, парк и места отдыха, общественный центр, особые зоны, заводы и фабрики, система планирования, неровности места.

4) Say if it is true or false.1. Surely then the aim should be the one implied by the term ‘’Factory City’’.2. A city attractive by its beauty, by its artistic symmetry and design and by the

amenities and conveniences.3. The various system of planning which have been adopted in the past are rectangular,

radial and circumferential.4. The problem for the town worker is to consider his scheme in respect to the

configuration and undulations of the site.5) Make up adjectives on the model. Try to guess their meanings.

Music – musical (музыкальный) Wonder – wonderful (чудесный)

1. Industry – 6. Use –2. Culture – 7. Type –3. Region – 8. Success –4. Beauty – 9. Benefic –5. Help – 10. Fisk –

References: Adapted from Английский язык по направлениям «Землеустройство и кадастр» Веселовская Н.Г., М., Издательский центр “Академия» 2000 г., стр.64



assessment – оценкаbenchmark – критерий census – переписьcorresponding title – соответствующий учётfiscal – денежныйgraphic – графический intervention – посредничествоmortgage – ипотека revenue – доходstockholder – акционер urban – городской unilateral – односторонний


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Cadastres were created with the aim of improving the basis for land taxation, and land registers were established to make land transactions more secure.

An urban cadastre is the physical description of the land and real estate tenure in a city. It contains graphic and textual information. Graphic information includes the description of each individual parcel and building, topographic features such as roads, rivers, contour lines, additional information such as cartographic grids, geodetic benchmarks, etc. Textual information includes names of owners or occupants, names of streets or areas of specific interest, main characteristics of each parcel or building such as the area, the fiscal value, the associated urban certificates, etc. Both types of information are linked together and managed in a system known as а cadastral information system.

Most of the time, the cadastre is integrated with the property registry, the legal registration of land and real estate property. Integration of the cadastre with the registry creates a parcel based registry or a legal cadastre. This guarantees the exact correspondence between physical and legal ownership. In other words, tenure documents" registered in the property registry, and respectively, wherever there are registered titles, there is a unique parcel corresponding to it. A unique identification number links unilaterally the parcel or the building to the title technically permits this.

We can identify two categories of stakeholders involved in the maintenance and use of cadastral information: information providers and information users. Information providers include cadastral and registry services as well as private surveyors and notaries. The former are responsible for the systematic production and maintenance of the information, the latter generally intervene for day-to-day individual demands, such as private utility and facility companies that would produce and need data for their own purposes like water tax collection. Information users include the private individual users, municipalities and local communities, public and private investors, banks, real estate and mortgage brokers, etc.

The successful urban cadastre depends upon legal frameworks, the social assessment and participation as well as use of new technologies.

Answer the questions according to the text:1. What is an urban cadaster? 2. Does it contain graphic or textual information? 3. Graphic information includes the description of an individual parcel and building,

doesn’t it? 4. What is a cadastral information system? 5. What categories of stockholders do you know?


1) Match English and Russian words and phrases:1. Описание участка a) Information users 2. Пользователи информации b) Topographic features 3. Индивидуальные требования с) Real estate tenure 4. Топографические черты d) Individual demands 5. Недвижимость e) Description the land

2) Translate some international words:International, physical, graphic, topographic, cartographic, geodetic, specific, certificate, system, integrate, document.

3) Complete the sentences with a word from the box.

types, description, owners, cadaster, parcel, legal

1. Graphic information includes the … of each … building.2. Textual information includes names of … 3. Both … of information are linked together.4. Integration of the … with the registry creates a parcel based registry or a … cadaster.


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4) Make up the comparative and superlative forms of the following adjectives:difference, important, real, individual, interesting, local, additional, nice, bad.

5) Fill in the gaps with suitable verbs “to have”. 1. Every day I … dinner at 2 o’clock.2. Foreign countries … understood the importance of property registration.3. The staff … already been trained to maintain the system.4. There … been there steps for the rapid technological evolution.5. You … to stem lesson from a technical comparison of European cadastral system.

References: Adapted from Английский язык по направлениям «Землеустройство и кадастр», Веселовская Н.Г., М., Издательский центр «Академия» 2000 г., стр.52



approach – подходawareness – осознаниеconsiderations – соображения(to)disregard – пренебрегать(to) eliminate – ликвидироватьgrowing – ростmultifunctionality – многофункциональностьplanning – планированиеpollution – загрязнениеremediation – восстановлениеscientific – научныйwildlife – живая природа.

Environmental protection is the main problem facing humanity nowadays. Ten years ago, the world «ecology» hardly meant anything for the majority of people, but today we cannot help bearing it in our minds. It has happened because of the growing effect of the rapid industrial development of the natural world, which has negative features of its own. In fact, the state of environment has greatly worsened of late.

Scientific and technological progress of the twenty-first century resulted in widespread mechanization, automated lines computerized management, spaceships, atomic power stations, pipelines, new roads and highways.

But it cannot be denied that the price for rapid industrial development is very high: natural resources are exhausted, the ecological balance of the planet is disturbed; some species of flora and fauna disappear; city and industry waters, chemical and fertilizers are endangering lakes, rivers and ponds. Big cities have a problem with air pollution: the «Killer Smog» caused some 3500-4000 deaths in London in December 1952. Progress can be blamed for all these environmental problems.

In recent years, the pollution problems have received great publicity. The Environmental movement associated with no political party has gained widespread trust and support. Environmental activities stress that industrial pollution and the automobile cause the problem. Long-established environmental groups warn that acid rains threaten many forests. The media is begun to campaign against the ugliness of billboards, tin cans and trash. Many people started to realize that to keep air and water clean, strict pollution control is necessary.

The protection of natural resources and wildlife is becoming a political program in every country. Numerous antipollution acts passed in different countries led to considerable improvements in environment. In many countries purifying system for treatment of industrial


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waters have been installed, measures have been taken to protect rivers and seas from oil waters. Wildlife reservation models of undisturbed nature are being developed in some parts of the world.

But the environmental problems have grown beyond the concern of a single country. Their solution requires the cooperation of all nations.

Soil pollution has become a priority in many industrialized countries after the inventory of various locations in which contamination was posing risk to people and the environment.

The effects of soil contamination are different:- soil pollution is a source of risk for humans and ecosystems- soil contamination is a source of risk for ground work - for publicly owner sites, a polluted area is a severe planning constraint- for privately owned sites, a polluted area is a heavy economic burden of remediation

expenditures- the present of polluted areas may hinder and delay some specific developments

which imply land use ground work- remediation expenditures do not offer any increase in productivity, merely the

possibility of removing a source of risk and a planning constraint.The ultimate objective of the operations is to eliminate the risk to a man and the

environment and to prevent the dispersion of pollution that is to restore multifunctionality in the shortest possible time. Soil multifunctionality requires that the soil on the site after sanitation should pose no harm to humans, animals or plants, regardless of the use of the site, the type of soil, the type of pollutants and the local situation. This is a very demanding objective, totally driven by environmental quality considerations. There is, however, a growing awareness that other criteria should be included when assessing remediation strategies. One of the reasons is that the costs involved in multifunctional operations are no longer political defendable. There is also a growing recognition that clean-up operations do not necessarily lead to a positive environmental balance. Soil remediation requires the use of resources (like energy and clean water) and may lead to a net transfer of contamination to other compartments (for instance, due to air emissions). Therefore, the single perspective implied by the multifunctionality may result into an approach, which disregards many relevant concerns for soil remediation.

Answer the questions according to the text:1. Are the environmental problems caused by industrial pollution?2. What pollutions problems have received great publicity in recent years?3. Where did numerous antipollution acts pass?4. The solution of the environmental problems requires the cooperation of all nations,

doesn’t they?5. What has been done to improve the environment in many countries?


1) Change the modal verbs in these statements to their equivalents:1. The polluted areas must delay some specific developments.2. Soil recommendation can lead to a net transfer of contamination to other

compartments.3. Scientists can consider multifunctionality as the soil related interpretation of

sustainability.4. Progress can be blamed for all these environmental problems.

2) Translate some international words:1. Locations.2. Ignition.3. Ground.4. Soil.5. Area.6. Contamination.


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7. Explosion.8. Requires.9. Compartments.10. Implied.

3) Match English and Russian words and phrases:1. Various locations a) Многие актуальны2. Animals or plants b) Исключить риск3. Eliminate the risk c) Экологический баланс 4. Environmental balance d) Животные и растения 5. Many relevant e) Различные места

4) True and False:1. The present of polluted areas may hinder and delay some specific developments,

which imply land use groundwork.2. The ultimate objective of the operations is to eliminate the risk to a man and the

environment and to prevent the dispersion of pollution, that is to restore little functional in the shortest possible time.

3. Soil pollution is a source of risk for humans and ecosystems.4. The present of polluted areas may hinder and delay some specific developments,

which imply land use groundwork.5. Remediation expenditures do not offer any increase in productivity, merely the

possibility of removing a source of risk and a planning constraint.5) Form Participle I and Participle II from the next verbs.

1. To improve.2. To restore.3. To value. 4. To pose.5. To depend.6. To pollute.7. To complete. 8. To combine.9. To increase.10. To lead.

References: Adapted from “Английский язык по направлениям «Землеустройство и кадастр» Веселовская Н.Г., М. Издательский центр “Академия”2000 г., стр.176Watch the video and discuss it in class:


1. Choose the right word and complete the sentence.Some countries have indicated that their cadastral system is based on …a) budgetsb) titles

2. Say if it is true or false.The basic elements of the cadastral system are different countries can be based on titles and deeds.

3. Complete this sentence with the right preposition. The financial part of land registration is constantly carrying out … the private sector.a) inb) byc) for


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4. Find English equivalents to the Russian phrases.1) кадастровая система a) land registration2) регистрация земли b) guarantee of title3) гарантия учета c) cadastral system

5. Fill in each gap with a suitable word: transaction, portfolio.Land markets are made up of a constantly developing ____ (1) of legal interests and ___ (2) types.

6. Put the words in the correct order to complete the sentence.Requirements, are, several, there, key, for, a, market, property, functioning.

7. Choose the right answer to the question.Does the cadastral system cover the complete territory of the most countries?a) Yes, it doesb) No, it doesn’tc) In some countries

8. Complete the missing letters in the following words.1) 1. m-rk-t2) 2. l-nd3) 3. l-g-l 4) pr-t-ct5) s-st-m6) be--ty

9. Find out if the statement is true or false. Land use planner must study all subjects to know his specialty well.

10. Make up the comparative and superlative forms of the following adjectives.1) simple2) easy 3) reliable4) public5) clear6) different

11. Rewrite this sentence using the correct form of the passive.The Government should manage and supervise the Cadastral system.a) should managed and supervisedb) should be managed and supervised

12. Write the question in the correct

13. Correct the mistakes.As we knows some people lives to the towns(3 mistakes)

14. Match the two halves of each sentence.1) Factories and works should a) attractive by its beauty2) A city is b) future demands3) It is difficult to estimate c) be placed in special areas

15. Choose the right word and complete the sentence.An urban cadastre is the physical description of the land and real estate tenure in a_____.a) villageb) cityc) country

16. Complete the statement with the right preposition.Both types ___information are liked together and managed__ a system known as a cadastral information system.a) of, inb) of, to


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c) in, by17. Choose the correct options.

Do/Does an urban cadastre contain graphic or textual information?18. Find out if the statement is true or false.

The successful urban cadastre depends upon legal frameworks, the social assessment and participation as well as use of new technologies.

19. Finish the words in the sentence.Common and impor…t areas of the legal frame…k include both regi…tion of interests in land and spatial land use plan…g.

20. Give the English equivalents of Russian words.1) market a) общество 2) community b) рынок3) transaction c) сделка

21. Find out the correct variant of the translation.«God Almighty first planted a garden»a) С божьей помощью мы посадим сад.b) Всемогущий Бог первым делом посадил сад.c) Сад будет посажен Богом.

22. Choose the right word and complete the statement.In many countries purifying system for treatment of _____waters have been installed, measures have been taken to protect rivers and seas from oil waters.a) industriallyb) industrialc) industry

23. Complete the missing letters in the following words.a) t…peb) enviro…mentc) inv…lved) gr…we) elim…natef) recogn…tion

24. Choose the right question to the sentence.In recent years, the pollution problems have received great publicity.a) Do the pollution problems received great publicity?b) Did the pollution problems have received great publicity?c) Have the pollution problems received great publicity?

25. Complete the statement using correct word.The protection of … (nature, natural) resources and wildlife is becoming a… (politic, political) program in every country.

26. Make up statement using next words.Industrial/by/caused/are/pollution/the/problems/

27. Complete the sentence choosing the proper variant.Scientific and technological progress of the 21st century resulted in wide spread mechanization, automate lines computerized management, spaceships, automatic … stations, new roads and highways.a) powerb) railwayc) chemical

28. Match the words from the left with their Russian equivalents.1) environmental balance a) экологический баланс2) soil pollution b) защита природных ресурсов3) protection natural resources c) загрязнение почвы


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29. Choose the correct form of the passive.In most cases, the cadastre covers the complete territory of the country.a) The territory of the country is covered by the cadastre.b) The territory of the country was covered by cadastre.

30. Choose the right variant of the translation.An urban cadastre is the physical description of the land and real estate tenure in a city. a) Городской кадастр содержит физическое описание земли и недвижимости в

городе.b) Городской кадастр содержит описание земли.c) Городской кадастр содержит физическое описание недвижимости.

31. Find English equivalents to the Russian phrases.1) topographic a) физический2) physical b) городской3) urban c) топографический

32. Choose the best variant of the article.Aristotle is said to have defined a City as a “place where men live for ... (1) noble end” which implies ... (2) end of the life or ... (3) implementation of ... (4) aim.

33. Usage of the right verb.One of the greatest achievements of the Napoleonic cadastre ... (to be) that from the very start and regardless of the land nature, it (to provide) ... a complete record of all land units within the area – including unique identification – and (to define)... these units on comprehensive maps.

34. Find out the original form of adjectives.less, better, worst, the most different, farther.

35. Make up tag questions.National mapping Agency must maintain large-scale mapping for England, Scotland and Wales.a) doesn’t they?b) didn’t it?c) mustn’t it?


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(to) apply – трудоустраиваться;bulging pay packets – увеличивать выплаты;the cards are stacked in favour of – ситуация складывается в пользу …;(to) coincide – совпадать;dole – пособие по безработице;(to) emerge – выясняться;ONS (office of national statistics) – управление национальной статистики;(to) plunge – ввергнуть, погружать;reasonable lick – размеренный темпrecession – спад деловой активности;unemployment rate – уровень безработицы

Weaker unions and lower inflation have coincided with a structural change that has resulted in an increased supply of labour. The last time Britain`s unemployment rate was this low in July 2008, two months before the collapse of Lehman Brothers plunged the global economy into recession.

Jobs growth in the three months to February was strong, with 248,000 more people in work than in the quarter ending in November. The proportion of people aged 16 to 64 in work stood at 74.4%, the highest since comparable records began in 1971. There were 743,000 job vacancies – up 124,000 on a year earlier.

Once upon a time, all this would have translated into higher pay. More jobs, more vacancies and shorter dole queues have traditionally been signs of a tightening labour market, resulting in employers having to offer higher wages to keep or attract workers.

But according to the latest Office for National Statistics data it is obvious the old rules no longer apply. Back in early 2013, when the economy finally emerged from its post-recession lack of activity, average earnings were rising at an annual rate of 1%. The latest figures show them rising at 1.7%, and that was slightly down on the previous month. A return to the pre-recession average earnings growth of 4.5% looks a long way off.

One explanation for this is that the cards are stacked in favour of employers, since unions are weaker than they once were. In the public sector, the most heavily unionized part of the economy, earnings growth has halved to 0.9% in the past two years. But the attacks on organized labour began long before the collapse in earnings growth, which means other factors have also come into play. One is that inflation is much lower than it was, currently standing at 0%. But wage growth was very slow even before the cost of living was brought down by the halving of the oil price in the second half of last year. It may well be, though, that employers will use inflation at 0% to justify low settlements when annual pay talks come around.

What has actually been going on is that these two long-term trends – weaker unions and lower inflation – have coincided with a structural change to the labour market that has seen an increase in the supply of labour. There have been four sources of this. Firstly, the population has been rising, with around half of the 2 million increase in employment accounted for by a rise in the number of people of working age. Secondly, workers from low-growth parts of the Eurozone have come to Britain in the hope of finding jobs. The ONS estimates that between late 2013 and late 2014 the number of UK-born people working in Britain rose by 345,000 to 26.16 million while the number of non-UK born working people was up by 260,000 to 4.78 million. Thirdly, in the last year there has been a 75,000-strong increase in the number of people aged 65 and over


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who are working. Finally, tougher benefit rules have led to people who would have been formerly classified as economically inactive joining the search for work.

Because of this growing reserve army of labour, employers have been under no immediate pressure to offer higher pay even when the economy has been growing at a reasonable lick. This may change, but the signs are that it would take further falls in unemployment for upward wage pressure to build. The reason living standards are going up is not that pay has gone up but because inflation has come down.

Answer the questions according to the text:1. When was the last time low unemployment rate in Britain?2. What has traditionally led to offering higher wages for workers?3. Which part of the economy is the most heavily unionized in Great Britain?4. Why has the labour market seen an increase in the supply of labour?5. Do living standards depend on the inflation rate?


1) Match the words with their synonyms:1. to coincide a. a downfall2. labour b. data3. rate c. work4. a collapse d. an advantage5. a quarter e. to be the same6. proportion f. a part7. records g. level8. obvious h. notes9. figures i. three months10. a benefit j. evident

2) Translate word expressions into English using the text and the words from Ex. I:Совпадать со структурными изменениями, рынок труда, уровень безработицы, обвал цен, предыдущий квартал, соотношение людей в возрасте от 16 до 64 лет, исторические записи, очевидные результаты, последние данные показывают, польза от применения инновационных технологий.

3) Use the proper word form in the gap:

1. The _________ will use the inflation to satisfy low settlements. employ2. Lower inflation coincided with a _________ change. structure3. Two months before the collapse of Lehman Brothers plunged

the global __________ into recession.economise

4. Job ____________ in the three months to February was strong. grow5. In 2013, the economy finally emerged from its post-recession

lack of _____.act

6. The _________ of the country has risen to 150 million people. populate7. The Browns bought a new house at a ___________ price. reason

4) Fill in the gaps with the proper prepositions using the text:1. Weaker unions and a structural change have resulted ______ an increased supply in

labour.2. The last time Britain`s unemployment rate was this low ____ June.3. The proportion of the people aged 16 to 64 in work stood _____ 74,4%.4. Once ______ a time, all this would have translated into higher pay.5. Average earnings were rising _____ an annual rate of 1%.6. One explanation for this is that the cards are stacked _____ favour of employers.7. Employers have been _____ no immediate pressure to offer higher pay.


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5) Read the numbers and choose the correct variant:

1. 74.4% a. seventy-four dot four percent b. seventy-four point four per cent

2. 248,000 people a. two hundred and forty-eight thousands people b. two hundred and forty-eight thousand people

3. in 2008 a. in twenty oh eight b. two thousand eight

4. 0.9% a. nought/zero point nine per cent b. oh dot nine per cent

5. 4.78 a. four point seventy-eight b. four point seven eight

6. 6. ½ a. a half b. one seconds

7. 7. ¾ a. three fourth b. three quarters




courtyard – внутренний двор;(to) demolish – сносить;eagerness – желание, стремление.(to) endure – стойко сражаться;entity – организация;faux – искусственный, стилизованный;former – бывший;freewheeling – беспрепятственный;goods – товары;influx – наплыв;impasse – тупик, безвыходное положение;intricately – запутанно;maze – лабиринт;moat – ров;pilaster – пилястра;public trading – публичные торги;rapid – быстрый;stakeholders – акционеры;stock exchange – фондовая биржа(to) tear through a hole – пробить брешь;tenants – арендаторы;tucked away – скрытый;(to) usher – проводить, ознаменовать окончание;warlord – полководец;whirlwind – вихрь/стихийный

The former Beijing stock exchange behind Tiananmen Square has survived China’s whirlwind change to tell an important story of the city’s development. Walk around Beijing is remaining old neighborhoods – known for their maze of narrow alleyways, or hutongs – and you will pass by centuries’ worth of history. Ancient courtyard homes sit next to factory chimneys


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from the time the communists brought manufacturing to the city centre. In many places, the hutong neighborhoods are completely gone, demolished to make space for the city’s explosive modern growth.

The former Beijing stock exchange on Qian men West Riverbank Street (Qian men Xi Heyan Jie) behind Tiananmen Square is a building that has endured the city’s whirlwind change. It is not a well-known building but it survives to tell an important part of Beijing’s development over the past century. Tucked away among courtyard homes, the old exchange is located to the west of Qian men, the gate that used to guard access to the inner city. The Qian men neighborhood has historically been Beijing’s centre of commerce. Geographically isolated and ruled by an increasingly conservative Qing dynasty, change had come slowly to Beijing. While skyscrapers were going up in New York and Chicago, goods still arrived in Beijing on camelback.

At the beginning of the last century, this changed. In 1906, a hole was torn through the ancient city wall and a railway station opened next to the Qian men gate. This was the beginning of the end of the city wall and the start of a century of rapid changes. The 1911 revolution ushered in the China’s warlord period with different factions fighting for control of the country. In Beijing, the city began its transformation from an imperial city that had seen few changes over several centuries to a modern metropolis. On West Riverbank Street by the city’s moat, a growing number of banks and hotels began to appear to serve the influx of merchants. Roads were paved, and western engineering and architecture began to leave their traces on the city’s streets and buildings.

It was in this turbulent environment that the Beijing stock exchange was established in 1918. It was the first stock exchange owned and operated by Chinese people. Foreigners had brought public trading to Shanghai decades earlier but a domestic securities market had never fully developed. Indicative of the growing foreign influence and capitalism, the building was a break from traditional Chinese architecture with a facade and an interior marked by both Chinese and western styles. Inside, a light-filled, two-storey gallery is surrounded by wooden pilasters, and on the second floor, an intricately designed iron fence lines the balcony. The exchange operated for several decades before trading stopped in the 1940s. It reopened briefly after the Communist party took over in 1949, and then closed for good soon after. Like elsewhere in the city, the communist government took a practical approach to the use of the building. After housing navy cadets for a few years, the building was taken over by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and used as housing for its researchers and students.

Today, western-style capitalism and freewheeling development are back. In 1990, China got its own stock exchange again – this time in Shanghai. Meanwhile in Beijing, the first foreign fast-food chain opened in the late 1980s around the corner from the old exchange. In addition, down the street, by the Qian men gate, developers have now transformed the old commercial neighborhood into a pedestrian mall, complete with faux 1930s-era shops and restaurants. In other parts of Beijing, space-age architecture dots the skyline and the city’s expansion continues at a steady pace – one mega-block and high-rise compound at a time.

The fate of the old stock exchange lies in the hands of several layers of stakeholders, from the Chinese Academy of Science and the current tenants to the city agency and other parts of the government. So far, this relationship has mostly preserved the status quo. In this way, the ghost of the exchange provides a telling illustration of how Beijing struggles with its past with no single entity taking charge of the preservation efforts. This impasse does, however, mark a change from the time the city dealt with its old neighborhoods by tearing them down – something the disappearance of the city wall and more than two-thirds of the city’s hutongs can attest to. Today, redevelopments like the Qian men neighborhood, even if heavy-handed, suggest an eagerness to preserve some version of the past.

Answer the questions according to the text:1. What kind of building is the former Beijing stock exchange?


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2. Where is it located?3. When was a railway station next to Qian men gate opened?4. What can one see inside the Beijing stock?5. Where did China open its own stock exchange in 1990?


1) Match the words with their opposites:1. former a. foreign2. faux b. to construct3. narrow c. to stay the same4. ancient d. current5. change e. slow6. to demolish f. state7. rapid g. clearly8. intricately h. wide9. domestic i. modern10. public j. natural

2) Translate word expressions into English using the text and the words from Ex. 1:Бывшая китайская фондовая биржа, рестораны, стилизованные в 30-е года прошлого века, лабиринт узких улочек, древние дома во внутренних дворах, трущобы были полностью снесены, быстрые изменения, современная столица, балкон с витиевато спроектированным ограждением, внутренний рынок, публичные торги.

3) Use the proper word form in the gap:

1. Walk around Beijing`s remaining old _______ known as hutongs neighbour2. The old stock ______ is located to the west of Qian men. change3. ___________ isolated and ruled by a conservative Qing dynasty. geography4. Western ________ and architecture began to leave their traces on

the city`s streets and buildings.engine

5. ___________ of the growing foreign influence and capitalism, the building was a break from traditional Chinese architecture.


6. The mark of a change from the time Beijing dealt with its old neighbourhoods is characterized by the _________ of the city wall.


7. Today ________ like the Qian men neighbourhood suggest an eagerness to preserve some version of the past.


4) Use the proper grammatical form (refer to the text if it is needed):

1. The former Beijing stock exchange on Qian men West Riverbank Street is a building that _____ the city’s whirlwind change.


2. It _________ to tell an important part of the Beijing`s development.


3. The Qian men neighbourhood ________ historically Beijing’s centre of commerce.


4. While skyscrapers __________ up in New York and Chicago, goods still arrived in Beijing on camelback.


5. At the beginning of the last century the situation ____________. change6. In 1911, Beijing began its transformation from an imperial city

that ________ few changes over several centuries to a modern metropolis.


7. Roads _______ and western architecture left the traces on the city`s streets and buildings.



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5) Choose the best variant:In 1990, China got its (1) _____ stock exchange again – this time in Shanghai. (2) ______ in Beijing, the first foreign fast food (3) _______ opened in the late 1980s around the corner from the old exchange. And down the street, by the Qian men gate, developers have now (4) ________ the old commercial neighbourhood into a pedestrian mall, complete with faux 1930s-era shops and restaurants. In other parts of Beijing, space-age architecture dots the skyline and the city’s (5). ____ continues at a steady pace – one mega-block and high-rise compound (6). ______ a time.The fate of the old stock exchange lies in the hands of several layers of stakeholders, from the Chinese Academy of Science and the current tenants to the city agency and other parts of the government. So far, this (7) _______ has mostly preserved the status quo.

a b c1. private own personal2. nevertheless however meanwhile3. chain network association4. transformed transported transmitted5. stretching invasion expansion6. in at on7. sponsorship friendship relationship




austerity – аскетизмbailout programs – спасительные программыbattered – давний, многолетний(to) cut the cost – сократить расходы(to) descend – понижаться, спускатьсяthe equalization – уравниваниеflurry – суматохаfrustration – крушение, разочарованиеimpetus – движущая силаinsolvent – неплатежеспособный, банкротinternational monetary fund (IMF) – международный валютный фонд (МВФ)(to) invoke – призыватьmoderate – умеренныйoutlook – обзорoverhang – излишекto persist – настойчиво продолжатьplea for – просьба, призывrecovery – выздоровление, оживлениеsustainable – устойчивыйtax credit entitlements – льготы на налоговый кредит(to) undermine – подрывать(to) voice – озвучивать, высказывать(to) wain - медленно двигаться, тащиться(to) wind up – снижать(to) wrangle – пререкаться


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Christine Lagarde, the boss of the International Monetary Fund has made an impassioned plea for governments to make the next decade one of sustainable and inclusive growth that cuts national debt burdens and deals with high unemployment. She warned that developed and emerging economies still suffering the after-effects of the 2008 crash must collaborate better to avoid an era of low growth.

Speaking ahead of the Washington-based organization’s spring conference next week, Lagarde welcomed a recovery in the US and UK, which she said was “firming up”, but voiced concerns about the Eurozone and pointed to Russia and Brazil as major trading nations in economic trouble. She said: “With overall growth moderate, the global economy continues to face a number of significant challenges. For example, what I have called the ‘low-low, high-high’ scenario: the risk of low growth-low inflation and high debt-high unemployment persists for a number of advanced economies.” Calling for extra effort to rebuild battered consumer and business confidence, she invoked speeches by former US president John F Kennedy and Britain’s wartime leader Winston Churchill, who she quoted saying: “I never worry about action, only inaction.”

While the European Central Bank has joined the Bank of England, the Bank of Japan and the US Federal Reserve in printing money to cut the cost of credit and stimulate demand, the IMF believes much of the ECB’s extra funding remains stuck in the banking system and unable to reach consumers and small businesses.

Lagarde also criticized European governments for allowing thousands of zombie companies to continue rolling over unsustainable debts seven years after the crash. In a clear reference to the stagnation suffered by Japan over two decades – during which the government and the courts blocked petitions to wind up companies that were effectively insolvent – she said: “Effective insolvency frameworks are crucial to tackle the private debt overhang and deal with the total stock of €900bn [£654bn] in non-performing loans that is blocking credit channels.”

The organization, best known for acting as lender of last resort to Greece, Ireland and Portugal, has come under fire for supporting austerity programs as the price of sovereign rescue operations. Critics of the IMF have accused the organization of doing more to delay the recovery of the Eurozone area by imposing strict repayments schedules on indebted countries. The report argued that potential growth in advanced economies was expected to increase slightly, from an average of about 1.3% a year in the last six years to 1.6% until 2020, but not reach the 2.25% average seen between 2001 and 2007 without further effort by individual governments and renewed collaboration through organizations such as the IMF.

The warning comes in the IMF’s spring outlook, part of which has been released ahead of its full publication next week. It marks a growing frustration in the organization at the lack of action by governments after the flurry of activity following the banking crash. IMF officials are known to be concerned that the impetus for reforms has waned and in some cases descended into wrangling over bailout programs, as is the case in Europe between Brussels and Athens. But the organization has itself come under fire from critics who argue that it has forced countries such as Greece to adopt unsustainable debt repayment programs, undermining their recovery. While the organization is split between those who believe governments should emphasis public investment over supply-side reforms, such as cuts in subsidies and benefits, the report side-steps the need for organizations such as the IMF to write off some or all of the debts accumulated by countries worst hit by the 2008 crash.

Recent employment figures have shown a jump in the number of over-50s in the workforce and those over 65 as employers look to retain those with high skills. Working age women have re-entered the labour market in greater numbers over recent years, partly in response to severe cuts in tax credit entitlements and other benefits affecting younger families and the equalization of the pension age for women over 60.

It said: “The reforms needed to achieve this objective vary across countries. In advanced economies, these policies would involve product market reforms, greater support for research and development – including strengthening patent systems and adopting well-designed tax


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incentives and subsidies in countries where they are low – and more intensive use of high-skilled labour and information and communications technology capital inputs to tackle low productivity growth; infrastructure investment to boost physical capital; and better designed tax and expenditure policies to boost labour force participation, particularly for women and older workers”.

Answer the questions – are the statements true (T) or false (F):1. Christine Lagarde said that the economies on the developed countries didn`t suffer

from the 2008 crash and can work apart.2. She mentioned that the UK and US economies were recovering and firming up.3. The 'low-low, high-high’ scenario: the risk of low growth-low inflation and high

debt-high unemployment persists for a number of advanced economies.4. Japan suffered a significant economic growth over two decades.5. Recent employment figures have shown an increase in the number of mid-50s in the



1) Match the words with their synonyms:1. Monetary a. to say something2. a plea b. an awareness3. sustainable c. to work together4. to collaborate d. reasonable, not extreme5. to voice e. employees6. a concern f. clients7. moderate g. a call8. consumers h. to compensate9. workforce i. financial10. tackle j. steady

2) Translate word expressions into English using the text and the words from Ex. I:Международный Валютный Фонд, страстный призыв к правительствам, устойчивый и всеобъемлющий рост, сотрудничать в строительном секторе, озвучить свою точку зрения, обеспокоенность по поводу еврозоны, умеренные цены, потребители банковских услуг, численность рабочих мест, компенсировать низкий уровень производства.

3) Use the proper word form in the gap:

1. Calling for extra effort to rebuild battered consumer and business ________, she quoted Winston Churchill.


2. Effective _______ frameworks are crucial to tackle the private debt overhang.


3. Some organizations do more to delay the recovery of the Eurozone area by imposing strict __________ schedules on indebted countries.


4. The ________ comes in the IMF`spring outlook. warn5. It marks a growing ___________in the organization at the lack

of action by governments after the flurry of activity following the banking crash.


6. Greece has to adopt _________ debt repayment programs. sustain7. The issue of ___________ of the pension age for women over

60 is being widely discussed today.equal

4) Use the proper grammatical form (refer to the text if it is needed):

1. Christine Lagarde ________ already an impassioned plea for make


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governments to cut national debt burdens.2. She ________ concerns about the Eurozone last week. voice3. Recently the European Central Bank _______ the Bank of


4. The IMF believes much of the ECB`s extra funding ________ stuck in the banking system.


5. The potential growth in advanced economies are expected to increase _________ .


6. The number of over-50s in the workforce _________ today. rise7. . Advanced economies use __________ high-skilled labour than

developing countries.intensive

5) Choose the best variant:But the organization has itself come 1. ______ fire from critics who argue that it has forced countries such as Greece to adopt unsustainable debt repayment 2. ________, undermining their recovery. 3. _______ the organization is split between those 4. _______ believe governments should emphasis public investment over supply-side reforms, such as cuts in subsidies and benefits, the report side steps the need 5. _____ organizations such as the IMF to write 6. ______ some or all of the debts accumulated by countries worst hit by the 2008 7. _______.

a b c1. in under at2. programmes Leaflets flyers3. Although Despite While4. which who whose5. in for of6. off down out7. fall smash crash




(to) be akin to – быть сродни;(to) coerce – принудить, заставить;excessive – чрезмерный;(to) herald – возвестить, ознаменовать;(to) hinder – препятствовать, мешатьmunitions – боеприпасы;(to) pervade – пронизывать, распространяться;previous – предыдущий;(to) tackle – решить, преодолеть;(to) undermine – ослабить, подорвать

ISO 9000 is everywhere. Drive on any motorway and you notice the 'quality assured to ISO 9000' logos on commercial vehicles. Managers in both private and public sectors know that achieving this standard it is a requirement for doing business with many customers.

But is ISO 9000 improving the way organizations serve their customers - or is it a disease in the fabric of our industrial society? It was 1979 when Margaret Thatcher pushed the button that began the spread of the ISO 9000 phenomenon. In the interests of 'improving' British management, she was persuaded that an approach used by the military and power generators would have value. For the previous 20 years, the UK had experienced problems with munitions


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production, power generation and, in fact, all its new technologies. These were tackled by the introduction of the British Standard BSD 5750, which required organizations to specify how they worked, write that down and prove it to an inspector. For the first time we had a standard that was concerned not with what was made but how it was made - that is, a management, not a product standard.

In 1987, the British Government persuaded the International Standards Organization to adopt it as an international standard. The infrastructure of consultants, assessors and quality managers now pervades organizational life on an international scale. The tragedy is that far from being a force for improvement, this British invention is bad for business. It makes people do things that make them worse and stops them doing things that would make them better.

ISO 9000 is not improving organizations because it is based on bad theory. Underlying it are concepts of specification and control, rather than those of understanding and improvement, which are the heart of real quality. Customers will recognize that ISO 9000 has led our organizations to focus on procedures rather than service; managers’ point to the excessive bureaucracy and work whose only purpose is to satisfy the ISO 9000 assessor.

What had happened was that Government Ministers and managers had persuaded themselves that this standard for 'quality assurance' was akin to the 'Japanese miracle'. After eager visits to Japan, they copied the things they saw - quality circles and suggestion schemes. But it was what they didn't see that mattered, a different way of thinking about the design and management of work. These and principles and methods behind the 'miracle' were based on managing the organization as a system, and the cornerstone was the integration of decision-making with work - something anathema to ISO 9000's traditions.

The Japanese, coerced into registering to ISO 9000, complain that it has been undermining world-class thinking. This year Toyota Japan has declared it will not use ISO 9000. Now the standard is being revised. After a five-year review, December this year will see the publication of ISO 9000: 2000, claimed as 'an improvement'. Already, the growth of registrations to ISO 9000 is diminishing in those countries where ISO 9000 has been well established. In countries that follow rather than lead, the rate of new registrations continues apace.

The 2000 review was heralded with an admission that people had problems interpreting it and with value for money. But while the new standard has some new language, its underlying philosophy remains unchanged. The requirements for documentation remain; management is conceptualized as an arm's-length activity.

The new ISO 9000 maintains a philosophy of planning and control, whereas we should be encouraging managers to learn about the 'what and why' of current performance as the basis for learning rather than control. When managers do learn how to understand the 'what and why' of current performance they discover for themselves just how much their registration to ISO 9000 is hindering rather than improving performance.

Answer the questions according to the text:1. When did the spread of ISO 9000 begin?2. What did the British Standard BSD 5770 require?3. What is the heart of real quality according to the text?4. This year Toyota Japan has declared it will not use ISO 9000, hasn`t it?5. Does the new ISO 9000 maintain a philosophy of planning and control?


1) Match the words with their opposites:1. vehicles a. a natural fact2. a phenomenon b. a norm/sample3. munitions c. too much4. to tackle d. a perfection5. a standard e. weapons6. a scale f. to force


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7. an improvement g. means of transport8. excessive h. to delay9. to coerce i. a level10. to hinder j. to solve

2) Translate word expressions into English using the text and the words from Ex. I:Коммерческий транспорт, уникальное явление, производство оружия, решать проблемы новых технологий, международный стандарт, выводить на высокий уровень, улучшение качества, чрезмерная бюрократия, вынуждать зарегистрировать в системе, мешать реорганизации.

3) Use the proper word form in the gap:

1. Some researchers think that ISO 9000 is a disease in the fabric of our _______ society.


2. Managers know that achieving the standard is a ________ for doing business with many customers.


3. Margaret Thatcher, ________ Prime Minister, pushed the button that began the spread of ISO 9000.


4. The ________ of consultants, assessors and quality managers now pervades organizational life on an international scale.


5. The tragedy is that far from being a force for _________, this British invention is bad for business.


6. Concepts of ___________ and control are the heart of real quality.


7. The 2000 review was heralded with an _________ that people had problems interpreting it and with value for money.


4) Use the proper grammatical form (refer to the text if it is needed):1. ISO 9000 is ________. every2. It _____ 1979 when Margaret Thatcher pushed the button that

began the spread of the ISO 9000

3. Government Ministers and managers had persuaded _________ that this standard for 'quality assurance' was akin to the 'Japanese miracle'.


4. It makes people do things that make them ________ and stops them doing things that would make them better.


5. Customers will recognize that ISO 9000 _______ our organizations to focus on procedures rather than service


6. This year Toyota Japan has declared it _________ ISO 9000. not use7. Now the standard ____________. revise

5) Choose the best variant:The 2000 1. ______was heralded with an admission that people had problems interpreting it and with 2. _______ for money. But while the new standard has some new language, its underlying philosophy remains 3. ______. The requirements 4. _______ documentation remain; management is conceptualized as an arm's-length activity.The new ISO 9000 5. ________ a philosophy of planning and control, whereas we should be encouraging managers to learn 6. _________ the 'what and why' of current performance as the basis for learning 7. ________ than control. When managers do learn how to understand the 'what and why' of current performance they discover for themselves just how much their registration to ISO 9000 is hindering rather than improving performance.

a b c1. scene review outlook2. cost price value3. unchanged mischanged dischanged


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4. about on for5. carries maintains keeps6. about of from7. more rather whether

Adopted from



(to) allocate – распределять;assessment – оценка, оценивание;benefits – преимущества, выгода;breakthrough – прорыв;customer perception – понимание запросов клиента;(to) embark – начинать, придерживаться.first and foremost – прежде всего;goal/target – цель;(to) implement – внедрять, применять;(to) perceive – понимать, воспринимать;(to) scale up – постепенно увеличивать, расширять в масштабе;(to) shoulder – брать на себя;(to) take the lead – взять на себя инициативу;(to) urge – настойчиво просить;

Joseph Juran, along with W. Edwards Deming and Philip Crosby, is one of the founders of the quality management movement. While Deming and Crosby often spoke of quality in more philosophical terms, urging companies to adopt quality as a vision, Juran concentrated on the problems of planning and implementing quality systems.

Juran was born in Romania in 1904, but grew up in rural Minnesota. He attended the University of Minnesota, where he studied electrical engineering and was also chess champion. He then went to work for Western Electric Company at Hawthorn, near Chicago, where he developed many of his most important ideas on quality. After the Second World War, he joined the faculty of New York University and began further revising and publicizing his ideas. This led him towards a series of lectures and consultancy projects in Japan during the 1950s and 1960s.

Juran defines quality as 'managing the activities needed to achieve the quality objectives of an organization'. He begins from two principles. First, managers have to realise that 'they, not the workers, must shoulder most of the responsibility for the performance of their companies'. Second, they must understand the financial benefits that can be realised once quality is made a priority. He thus turns quality into a management issue first and foremost. Juran insists that the user, not the producer, defines quality. If the customer does not perceive that a product has delivered good quality, then the company has failed. An assessment of quality, therefore, means that management must look outside the company as well as inside.

The assessment of quality is seen as the first step in implementing a quality system, and requires the company to analyze customer perceptions, internal systems, whether there is a 'quality culture' in the organization and, most important, the financial costs of delivering poor-quality products. In organizing for quality, managers again must take the lead. Juran suggests the idea of 'quality councils', teams of senior managers drawn from all departments who could lead the coordination of systems across the company.

Quality is implemented in three stages. First, in the planning stage, quality targets are set and resources are allocated. In the control stage, performance is evaluated and compared with


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goals, and the gap between the two identified. Third, for each gap, a quality improvement project is set up to find ways of closing the gap and then implementing the solutions.

Juran thinks that the next breakthrough in quality will need to scale up. Right now, the companies that have reached the state of being quality leaders represent a very small part of the economy. We have a very desperate need to scale that up. We are scaling it up, but the pace disappoints him. A number of forces, of course, are urging scaling up. The companies that have achieved leadership are forcing their suppliers to do the same. Therefore, that is a force for scaling up.

The needed breakthrough is to scale up, and one of the hidden ingredients there is a feeling of cultural resistance. People are too reluctant to tackle these activities engaged in by the leaders. They are afraid: "For us, that's unknown territory. We are not sure where it will lead us. Our business is different." When the quality leaders embarked on their successful approach, either defensively because their market was being taken away by the Japanese or for other reasons, none of them really achieved the state of leadership in less than six years. Some took eight to 10 years. And that, in itself, is a process of scaling up.

Answer the questions – are the statements true (T) or false (F):1. Joseph Juran is the only founder of the Quality management ideology.2. Juran was born in Romania at the beginning of the XXth century.3. Juran`s definition of quality is based on three principles.4. Juran insists that the user and the producer determine quality.5. The assessment of quality is considered to be the first step in producing a quality



1) Match the words with their synonyms:1. to urge a. a question2. terms b. embodying3. implementing c. to call4. an objective d. to give5. an issue e. a decision6. an assessment f. a goal7. a solution g. an evaluation8. a perception h. conditions/relations9. to allocate i. to start10. to embark j. a comprehension

2) Translate word expressions into English using the text and the words from Ex. I:Призвать к миру, внедрение системы качества, в философском отношении, цели организации, вопросы управления, оценка качества, решение важных задач, распределять ресурсы, придерживаться успешного подхода.

3) Use the proper word form Ex. I in the gap:1. The company …. its resources properly to make more profit.2. The …. of the staff is an obligatory procedure.3. In the planning stage, quality …. are set.4. When the quality leaders …. on their successful approach, none of them really

achieved the state of leadership in less than six years.5. A quality improvement project is set up to find ways of closing the gap and then the

solutions.6. The assessment of quality requires the company to analyze customer …. .7. Deming and Crosby …. companies to adopt quality as a vision.

4) Use the proper grammatical form (refer to the text if it is needed):

1. Juran ______ in Romania in 1904. bear


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2. He _________ the University of Minnesota, where he studied electrical engineering


3. Juran worked for Western Electric Company near Chicago where he developed many of ______ most important ideas of quality.


4. At New York University Juran began _________ revising and publicing his ideas.


5. The _______ principle of quality make managers shoulder most of the responsibility for the performance of their companies.


6. Juran insists that quality _________ by the user, not the producer.


7. If the customer does not perceive that a product ___________ good quality, then the company has failed.


5) Choose the best variant:The (1) _______ of quality is seen as the first step in implementing a quality system, and (2) _____ the company to analyze customer perceptions, (3) ______ systems, whether there is a “quality culture” (4) ______ the organization and, most important, the financial costs of delivering poor-quality products. In organizing for quality, managers again must take the (5) ______. Juran suggests the idea of 'quality councils',(6) ________ of senior managers drawn from all (7) _______ who could lead the coordination of systems across the company.

a b c1. mark assessment appreciation2. asks takes requires3. internal inside domestic4. by at in5. head lead hand6. teams crews commands7. units compartments departments

References: The Financial TimesWatch the video and discuss it in class:


Choose the proper variant:1. The last time Britain`s __________ was this low in July 2008.

a) unemployment rank b) unemployment rate c) unemployment bank

2. Before ________ of Lehman Brothers plunged the global economy into recession.a) the contest b) the intense c) the collapse

3. According to the latest Office for National Statistics data it is _________ the old ruler no longer apply.a) obvious b) gorgeous c) previous

4. ___________ of people aged 16 to 64 in work stood at 74.4%.a) the portion b) the participation


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c) the proportion5. Weaker union and lower inflation ____________ with structural change.

a) were coincided b) have coincided c) were coinciding

6. Average earnings were rising ________ an annual rate of 1%.a) up b) at c) to

7. Employers have been __________ no immediate pressure to offer higher pay.a) under b) below c) down

8. The _________ Beijing stock exchange on Qianmen West Riverbank Street is a building that has endured the city`s whirlwind change.a) former b) early c) preceding

9. A growing number of banks and hotels began to appear to serve the _________ of merchants.a) influx b) influence c) index

10. Western-style capitalism and ___________ development are back.a) freewhile b) freewheeling c) freewhaling

11. The fate of the old stock exchange lies in the hands of several __________ .a) stakehelders b) stayholders c) stakeholders

12. At the beginning of the last century the situation __________ .a) changes b) changed c) has changed

13. In 1990, China got its __________ stock exchange again.a) private b) personal c) own

14. The first foreign fast-food _________ opened in the late 1980s. a) network b) chain c) association

15. Calling for extra effort to rebuild battered consumer and business ___________, the IMF boss quoted Winston Churchill.a) commerce b) conference c) confidence

16. Recent employment figures have shown a jump in the number of over – 50s in the _________.a) jobforce b) workforce


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c) labourforce17. Greece has to adopt ___________ debt repayment programs.

a) unsustainable b) unsustained c) unsustainful

18. Much of the ECB`s extra funding remains stuck in the banking system and unable to reach ___________ and small business. a) compressors b) confessors c) consumers

19. The potential growth in advanced economies are expected to increase _________.a) slight b) slightly c) slighted

20. She _________ concerns about the Eurozone last week.a) has voiced b) voiced c) was voicing

21. The report sidesteps the need _______ the IMF to write ______ the debts.a) for/off b) in/down c) at/from

22. The problem with power generation and new technologies were _______ by the introduction of the British Standard BSD 5750.a) hindered b) tackled c) persuaded

23. The registration to ISO 9000 is __________ rather than improving performance. a) hindering b) tackling c) persuading

24. The Japanese, __________ into registering to ISO 9000, complain that it has a bad effect.a) coined b) coincided c) coerced

25. The 2000 review was heralded with an _________ that people had problems with the value of money.a) admission b) attraction c) admiration

26. ISO 9000 is __________.a) everybody b) something c) everywhere

27. It makes people do things that make them ___________.a) worse b) worst c) badder

28. Now the standard __________ .a) is revised b) is being revised c) is revising


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29. Some specialists are concentrating on the problems of planning and _________ quality system into practice.a) implementing b) inventing c) employing

30. The __________ of quality requires the company to analyse customer perception, internal systems and financial costs.a) assessment b) assignment c) appreciation

31. In the planning stage, quality targets are set and resources are ____________.a) located b) relocated c) allocated

32. The quality leaders ___________ on their successful approach.a) stuck b) embarked c) began

33. He worked for Western Electric Company where he developed many of ______ important ideas.a) him b) he`s c) his

34. Juran insists that quality ______________ by the user, not the producer.a) defines b) defined c) is defined

35. The __________ principle of quality makes a manger shoulder most of the responsibility for the company performance.a) one`s b) one c) first


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adjacent – смежный, соседнийawaited – ожидаемыйbill – считать, рекламироватьcovering – включающийeagerly – страстно желаемыйensuring – гарантирующий, обеспечивающийlive up – «раздувать»performance – эффективность

Published: 8th May 2015 National Exhibition Centre stage for Railtex 2015

Railtex is the eagerly awaited trade show for the rail industry and this year is being held at the National Exhibition Centre (Halls 3 and 3A) adjacent to Birmingham International on May 12/13/14 opening at 10am each day.

It is billed as the UK's leading rail event covering railway equipment, systems and services and has traditionally lived up to this hyperbole. It is also a great place to network and maybe catch up with former colleagues. It also provides a great opportunity to get a job in the rail industry.

The show has a range of influential guest speakers each day. Talks and presentations are held in several areas such as ‘The Knowledge Hub’ and the main stage. The 2015 event has on Tuesday 12 May, a speech by Richard Price, Chief Executive at the Office of Rail and Road Regulation. His office monitors Network Rail and High Speed 1 ensuring the rail industry is competitive and fair. It also regulates the industry's health and safety performance.

Answer the questions according to the text:1. How is the largest rail English exhibition called?2. Is Railtex the eagerly awaited trade show? Why?3. How many days are given for the rail industry exhibition show?4. Is Railtex billed as the UK’s leading rail event? Why?5. Does show have a range of influential guest speakers’ day? Whose speech open the



1) Find synonyms to: Show, hyperbole, railway, equipment, catch up. Compose sentences with synonyms. For example: railway – railroad. It was necessary for railroads to utilize some means of spacing trains for clear tracks.

2) Give opposites to: Industry, hyperbole, provide, health, former. Make up questions with antonyms. For example: Communications are important to the national agriculture. Why communications are important to the national agriculture?

3) Use a dictionary. Find some meanings of the word «performance». Prepare a short story with one of the meanings.

4) Find phrasal verbs in the text. 5) Make sentences using «have + object + the past participles in the box».

changed, repaired, valued, serviced, cut


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For example: - Kate has haircut.- I will probably have my dress cut next week.- Have you had your ears pierced?

References: [email protected]



arguably – бесспорноbear (bore, born) – выносить, терпетьbrunt – тяжесть, нагрузкаcraft – самолётыD-Day – день высадки войск союзников в Нормандии (Франция) 6 июня 1944 г.to deny – отрицатьevacuee – эвакуированный(to) reveal – обнаруживать, скрывать(to) swing (swung) – качаться, колебатьсяtroops – войскаV-E Day (Victory Day) – день победы в Европе в 1945utmost – всё возможноеwarfare – война, приёмы ведения войны

Published: 5th May 2015 The Southern Railway’s wartime role revealed in May 1945 after European warfare had

endedIt is an undeniable fact that the railways played a major part in the war effort in World War

Two (WW2). It transported troops and military equipment from bombs to tanks and landing craft and anything else required to help the military effort. It also swung into action moving evacuees from Dunquerque in June 1940.

While every railway company did their utmost, arguably it fell to the Southern Railway to bear the brunt of activities in 1944 and 1945 to support D Day and the subsequent supply chain to help sustain the military effort on mainland Europe.

Once the war was declared over, the official end date was May 8 1945 and this prompted a special victory edition of the Southern Railway staff magazine. This unusually used much colour and contained letters of thanks from the Chairman Eric Gore Brown and General Manager Sir Eustace Missenden.

Symbolism on the cover…The cover comprised of a drawing showing the newest electric train alongside a new

Merchant Navy Class steam locomotive with the flags of the United States, The UK and Russia flying from a ‘Victory’ legend above a ship symbolizing the joint effort of the three countries, the Merchant Navy and the railways.

Answer the questions according to the text:1. What is mean under abbreviation WW2?2. What goods were transported by railways during was days?3. Where is Dunquerque situated?4. Can you explain difference between D-Day and V-E Day?5. Do you know how we pronounce the word «colonel» is English?


1) Give synonyms to:


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brunt rock swing display reveal loading craft planes utmost top Retell the story using synonyms.

2) Find equivalent is the text to: WW2, VE day, D day, warfare, activity. Retell the story using equivalents.

3) Write full variants to: WW2, VE Day, D Day, Col., UK. For example: VE - Victory in Europe.

4) Match the beginning of each sentence with the most suitable ending.1. If you had been promoted a) you’d probably regret 2. If you were rude to the boss b) you wouldn’t get a reference 3. If you were fired c) would you have made any changes? 4. Would you have gone to the party d) he wouldn’t have had to spend a month in

college.5. If he hadn’t failed the exams e) if you’d been invited?

5) Complete these sentences 1. I’ve never been able to ____.2. I’ve never had to ____.3. I wouldn’t like to have to ____. 4. I’d like to be able to ____.5. I’ve always had to ____.




facility – удобство, оборудованиеpower plant – силовая установка, электростанцияright of way – полоса отчуждения (отвода)roadbed – земляное полотноroundhouse – депоterminal yard – сортировочная станция, паркwarehouse – товарный склад

Railway facilities are usually divided into two general groups: road and equipment. «Road» is also referred to as "way and structures". It includes land, right way, roadbed and

track, signal and communication systems; station and other buildings at terminals; shops and road-houses, warehouses, power plants and lines; offices and other buildings; many other types of structures located both on and off the railway line.

The right of way on one or the other side of the line is sometimes from five to ten miles wide.

Engineers lay out the roadbed on the right of way. Being a strip of land, on which the ties and rails are laid, the roadbed should be wide enough to support and carry one or more lines of the track that the railway builders plan to lay.

The road may have a foundation of earth or sub ballast on which the ballast itself is laid, or the rails and ballast may be laid directly on the right of way. Consisting of gravel, stone, slag, cinders, sand or other similar material, ballast (with the sub ballast) should not be less than 24 inches deep.


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Having determined the number of tracks, that should be laid, engineers calculate the width of ballast.

Having been thus measured, the roadbed is prepared for laying ballast.Railway construction is founded upon the right of way consisting of a strip of land of

varying width and receiving careful preparation before the tracks are laid.The right of way having been cleared, the earth is graded for the roadbed and track. Grading

involves many things such as building up low places and cutting down high ones. The grading and other similar work having been completed, the displaced earth having been

settled, the right of way is ready for the roadbed.Utilizing a considerable part of the land for terminal yards and station grounds, railways

build there warehouses, offices and other structure for transportation service.

Answer the questions according to the text:1. What groups are railway facilities divided into?2. How wide is usually the right of way?3. Is road referred as “way and structures”?4. What is the width of ballast usually?5. What is needed for transportation service?


1) Write the names of every object.1. fa . . . . li . . .2. pl . . . t . . .3. y . . . d4. r . . . bed5. w. . . . rehouse

2) Complete the sentences with the words in the list: yard, house, power, facility.1. Do you live in a . . . . or a warehouse?2. What is the . . . . plant age?3. What . . . . has this house?4. A terminal . . . . is bigger than a round-house. 5. The right of . . . . was cleared.

3) Choose the right answer.1. – What’s that?

-- . . . . my new calculator.a) It’s b)There’s c)These is

2. I’m sorry. Sara can’t come to the phone. She . . . . lunch.a) is having b)has c)have

3. My father . . . . me a bicycle last year.a) was given b)gave c) gived

4. Bill . . . . TV when Ann came in.a) watched b) watches c)was watching

4) Choose the correct form of the words in italics.A study was recent / recently carried out into the productivity of 160 engineers. The engineers worked in teams but also did many tasks individual / individually. The study looked at how frequent / frequently the engineers helped each other. Engineers were also asked to say how high / highly they respected each of their colleagues. The study found that helpful / helpfully engineers received a high / highly level of respect from their colleagues. However, if they gave help but did not receive much, they were not very productive / productively. Those engineers who accepted help as well as giving it were able to boost their productivity and were also more popular/ popularly with their colleagues.

5) Read the text and fill the gaps with verbs do and make in correct form:


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Many experts point out that technology has put new emphasis on writing. Nowadays teens are increasingly using new form of their language, which affects their writing abilities. Special research, which has been _______ recently, shows that teens who regularly use text messaging _______ more mistakes in writing.Technology makes teens lazy. Many teenagers rely on technology to do all their work and some of them can’t even _______ simple math without a calculator. Another bad effect of using technology is addiction. Computer addicts don’t _______ their homework properly and neglect their everyday duties. To avoid this, parents ought to ______ sure that social networking and chatting happen after homework is over, or at timed intervals.|Excessive computer use can result in obesity since fats are not removed from the body. Parents don’t always _______ an effort to promote more physical activities for their children, and teens sink deeper into the life of physical inactivity. To ______ matters worse, radiation from mobile phones, TV and computer screens _______ harm to teen’s health leading to serious diseases. That is why it ______ sense for parents to limit the time teens spend using technology and increase the time for sports activities. We shouldn’t reject technology. We should know how to _______ the best use of it.

References: Safonova, C. “Road and Land. Roadbed”, m.: Higher School,-2002, pp. 22, 23



consignor – грузополучательcontainer – контейнерlarge-capacity – вместительныйturnover – оборотvolume – объем

The stability of the economies of countries overall Eurasian continent depends to a large extent on the Trans-Siberian Mainline (Transsib). States of the Asian and Pacific Region, especially China, have enormous potential for the development of foreign trade turnover with EU countries. This refers to the infrastructure capacity for cargo transportation from Europe to Asia and servicing the stable cargo flow moving in the opposite direction.

The total volume of international rail transportation of large-capacity containers via the Transsib amounted to 563,000 TEU in 2011, a 27% increase on the previous year. In the first half of 2012, 308,000 TEU was carried, 23% more than in the same period of 2011. In spite of the increases, the absolute figures of transportation via the Transsib are not so remarkable. No more than 1% of the total container freight flow between Western Europe and Asia is now transported via Russia.

The development of export and import transportation and usage of transit potential can be considered two priorities for container business development in Russia till 2020, targeted at increasing its competitiveness in the international transport and logistics market. According to different forecasts made, for example at the 21st Plenary Meeting of the International Association the Coordinating Council on Trans-Siberian Transportation (CCTT), which was held in the Helsinki in September 2012, the average annual increase in container transportation via the Russian railway network may vary from 8% to 10%.

These plans are closely connected with the issues of urgent development of infrastructure and increasing carrying capacities on the eastern part of Russian railways, including the Transsib and the Baikal-Amur Mainline. RUB 1.1 trillion is to be invested in it by 2020. The volume of transit transportation via the Transsib is supported to grow due to advantages created for more efficient competition with alternative routes, and first of all the traditional sea route via the Suez Canal. This can be achieved through coordinated work and efficient interaction among all


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participants of transportation - members of the CCTT, federal executive authorities, railway companies, ports, and consignors. It envisages development of logistics schemes, usage of innovative technologies, preferential tariff rates, and creation of attractive conditions for cargo transportation.

Answer the questions according to the text:1. Why does the stability of the economies of countries on the Eurasian continent

depend on the Trans-Siberian Mainline?2. What is abbreviation for «Trans-Siberian Mainline»?3. What is container business for the international transport and logistics market?4. Do you know a full-form for CCTT?5. The volume of transit transportation Via Transsib is supported to grow due to

advantages created for more transit transportation with alternative routes, doesn’t it?


1) Write full forms for:1. Transsib2. TEU3. CCTT4. RUB

2) Find equivalents to:- way- track- Via- remarkable- average

3) Translate into Russian.1. The rails are carefully inspected before they are laid in the track.2. The new project was given much place by all newspapers.3. The ways to improve the traffic conditions were much discussed.4. The platforms will be in operation in a month.5. The roadbed will be levelled.

4) Form new words using –er; -or:to drive, to construct, to run, to operate, to work.

5) Give synonyms:due, by queue, regard.

References: «The RZD – Partner International”, № 4(32) 2012



charter – чартер, хартия, право, фрахтовый контрактfreight – грузmaintenance – эксплуатация, ремонт, содержание(to) master – овладеть, изучить, одолетьreduction – уменьшение, сокращение, скидкаvessels – сосуд, судно, корабль

Strengthening the Trans-Siberian Mainline as a link of the East – West transit route is one of Russian Railways` strategic objectives for the development of railway transport in the CIS and the Baltic States.


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The speed of transportation via the Transsib is faster than via the Suez Canal. Railway rates are not competitive in comparison with sea charter rates. There are objective reasons for that: the lion’s share of the railway tariff is expenses on infrastructure maintenance, which does not exist in sea charter rates. In the opinion of experts, railway transit may become more attractive through a higher speeds and services of a higher quality.

If sea transporters offer a lower tariff rate, railway companies can carry freight in a shorter period of time. Cargo transportation takes 15-20 days instead of 40-45. Such a reduction in the delivery time dramatically changes the situation, because the longer cargo is in transit, the longer the assets of the cargo owner and the consignee are unavailable. Today, Russian transport operators have already mastered cargo transportation on the "door-to-door" logistics principle. For example, Trans Container can transport cargo from Shanghai to Berlin in 15-20 days. Sea transportation on the rout takes 45 days. Depending on the type of cargo, land transportation of every container is by $1,500 – 2,000 more expensive than that by sea vessels. Analysis shows that if the railway rate exceeds the sea one by $1,000, railways will be become competitive. This can be achieved only through the reduction of expenditure. According to experts’ evaluations, transit cost decline by $400 by decreasing expenditure on loading-unloading works, transportation by sea vessels, payments for the cargo flow (up to 500,000 TEU in one direction). And the reduction in transit time from 14 to 7 days will attract another 60,000 – 200,000 TEU per annum.

«Nevertheless, while sea tariffs remain low, the changes in tariffs on transportation via the Transsib will hardly influence on the volume of transportation via the mainline», notes Gennady Bessonov, Secretary General of the CCTT. In his opinion, the best solution is to make the technology perfect and cut expenditure through the launch of a single logistics operator. The number of participants in the multimodal chain is not important to a cargo owner; the main thing for him is the final cost. «The transport product is attractive because we can provide «door to door» transportation at certain final (through rate, which is based on the coordinated work of the multimodal chain and reduction of expenditure at the points of cargo transfer», continues Mr. Bessonov. «Therefore, the problem is not mechanical reduction of the rate (it is low already), but organization of this work. We have been doing it for several years already».

Answer the questions according to the text:1. Is the speed of transportation Via the Transsib faster than Via the Suez Canal?2. Why railway rates are not competitive in comparison with sea charter rates?3. Is infrastructure maintenance expenses the lion’s share of the railway tariff?4. How much time does it take to transport cargo from Shanghai to Berlin?5. What can influence transit cast decline?


1) Give equivalents to:1. maintenance2. freight3. to master4. vessel5. reduction

2) Find in the text:1. изменение тарифов2. по мнению экспертов3. железнодорожный транзит4. услуги более высокого уровня5. запустить

3) Match together.1. They spent on the phone2. You can’t send together


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3. He always gives good advice4. We often talk emails from this computer5. He spoke time abroad

4) Put alternative questions.1. We work at a factory (ministry).2. She gets up early on weekdays (Sundays).3. We start our work at 9 (8 o’clock).4. Petr has four children (one).5. They have coffee (tea) in the mornings.

5) Insert prepositions.1. Take my book ... Nick, please.2. Go ... your office now.3. Come ... ... the shelf and take your book.4. The cups are not ... the table.5. Tell me ... your flat.

References: «The RZD – Partner International”, № 4(32) 2012Watch the video and discuss it in class:


1. Use the words from the table in the sentences.

arguably reveal facilities to live awaited1) To . . . . . the enemy was the craft task.2) To . . . . . up this scandal is not a good idea.3) It was . . . . . result.4) . . . . . it was the great D – Day.5) Several special laboratories and other . . . . . are at their disposal.

2. Find the word we could use in the following combinations four times:

account advertise

bill law name count produce

1) Счет в банке.2) Счет в ресторане.3) Закон о правах.4) Рекламировать выставку.5) Его зовут Билл.

3. Choose the right grammar form 1) I heard a good ( interviewing / interview ) on the radio devoted to VE – Day.2) Railway employees usually wear a special ( uniform / unit ) at work.3) The station manager had a good ( ideas / idea ) to change the train time – table.4) Technology ( make / makes ) teens lazy.5) Nowadays teens are increasingly ( use / using ) new form of their language.

4. Is it true or false:Railtex was the eagerly awaited trade show. It was billed as the UK’s leading rail event. But it didn’t provide a great opportunity to get a job in the rail industry. Besides the show hadn’t a range of influential guest speakers each day.

5. Find equivalents:1) Adjacent a) – полоса отчуждения, отвода.2) Right of way b) – оборот.3) Turnover c) – эксплуатация, ремонт, содержание.


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4) Maintenance d) – уменьшение. e) – сокращение. f) – смежный, соседний.

6. Put up a question:Show, days, given, many, are, how, the, for, exhibition, rail, industry.

7. Insert a letter :1) B_ll;2) Cr_ft; 3) L_gerly; 4) _tmost; 5) Col_nel

8. Use the words from the table in the sentences:

ensuring warehouse eagerly turnover deny

1) The law . . . . . these guarantees was adopted.2) They . . . . . wanted to pass that exam.3) The . . . . . was situated nearby the round – houses.4) Trade . . . . . between two countries raised greatly.5) To . . . . . the fact was foolishly.

9. What word could be used in three sentences below:

Wagon carriage vehicle car vessel

1) Это современный автомобиль.2) Пассажирский вагон находится на сортировочной горке.3) Реклама на «КарПрайс».4) Судно прибыло к месту приписки.5) Современное транспортное средство.6) В купе было душно.

10. Choose the right grammar form:1) There wasn’t ( enough / some ) fuel in a tank.2) ( A little / Some ) time was left before the start of the train.3) ( A few / A little ) engineers worked that night at the station yard.4) It was really noisy because there were ( a lot of / lots of ) station workers on the

tracks.5) They had never had ( any / some ) problems with their craft.

11. Is it true or false:The Southern Railway’s wartime role revealed in May 1945 after European warfare had ended. It was undeniable fact that the railway played a major part in the war effort. It didn’t transport troops only but also military equipment from bombs to tanks. While not every railway could do their utmost, arguably it fell to the Southern Railway. The war was declared over; the official end date was May 9 1945.

12. Find equivalents: 1) Awaited a) Земляное полотно.2) Roadbed b) Вместительный.3) Charter c) Включающий.4) Covering d) Чартер, право, фрахтовый контракт.5) Large – capacity e) Увеличение.

f) Разоблачение.g) Смежный, соседний.

13. Put up a question: In, do, English, you, we, know, how, the, word, “Europe”, pronounce.

14. Insert a letter:


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1) Ad…acent ;2) Awa…ted ;3) Den… ; 4) Ar…uably ; 5) Vic…ory ;

15. Use the words from the table in the sentences:

troops swung billed performance volume

1) American and Russian . . . . . met by the river Elbe. 2) The . . . . . of transportation via the main line increased.3) The tree . . . . . under the wind gust.4) The industrial exhibition was . . . . . by mass media.5) Market agricultural . . . . . produce was impossible without roads.

16. What word could be used in both situations?

track road path way line

a) Британские авиалинии – всемирно известное авиапредприятие, самолеты которого осуществляют регулярные рейсы в Австралию, Азию, Америку и Европу.

b) Открытое акционерное общество “Российские железные дороги “(ОАО “РЖД “) – главный перевозчик железнодорожных грузов и пассажиров в нашей стране.

17. Choose the right grammar form:1) You ( have to / has to ) ask for advice when you have a difficult job to do at the hump

yard.2) You ( mustn’t / may not ) contradict the orders of a dispatcher.3) You ( can’t / mustn’t ) criticize your colleagues behind their back.4) You ( need / must ) report the boss directly or on the phone regularly.5) They ( have to / should ) inform the local head- quarters immediately in case of

emergency.18. Is it true or false

Railway facilities are usually divided into two general groups: road and equipment. “Road “is also referred to as simply “way “. It includes land, right of way, roadbed and track. Engineers lay out the roadbed on the right of way.

19. Find equivalents: 1) Bill a) Страстно желаемый.2) Round-house b) Контейнер.3) Container c) Груз.4) Eagerly d) Судно.5) Freight e) Рекламировать, считать.

f) Паркинг. g) Депо

20. Put up a question : What, are, groups, facilities, divided, railway, into.

21. Insert a letter : 1) Ens…ring ; 2) Evacu…s ;3) Tro…ps ; 4) R…adbed ;5) Wa…ehouse ;

22. Use the words from the table in the sentences :arguably consignor freight power plant evacuees


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1) Large-capacity containers were addressed the . . . . . yesterday.2) . . . . . they’ve done their utmost.3) . . . . . train reached its destination in time.4) . . . . . from Leningrad were placed in Sverdlovsk.5) . . . . . supplied the town with electric energy.

23. What prefixes give the opposite meaning to the expressions below :1) Верхнее строение пути.2) Геоподоснова.3) Нижнее строение пути.4) Подземная часть.5) Надземная часть.

24. Choose the right grammar form :1) The show ( has / is ) a range of influential guest speakers each day.2) It ( is billed / billed ) as the UK’s leading rail event.3) Talks and presentations ( held / are held ) in several areas.4) Railways ( transported / were transported ) troops and military equipment.5) Once the war ( declared / was declared ) over the official end date was May 8 1945.

25. Is it true or false :The stability of the economics of countries on the whole Eurasian continent depends to a large extent on the Trans – Siberian mainline. States of the Asian and Pacific Region, especially Japan, have enormous potential for the development. The development of export and import transportation can be considered two priorities for container business development in Russia till 2020.

26. Find equivalents :1) Performance a) Удобство, оборудование.2) Facility b) Объем 3) Terminal yard c) Овладеть, изучить, одолеть.4) Volume d) Смежный.5) To master e) Сортировочная станция, парк.

f) Соседний.g) Эффективность.

27. Put up a question :Is, business, what, container, the, for, and, market, international, logistics, transport.

28. Insert a letter : 1) Perfa…mance ; 2) Rev…al ;3) Warf…re ;4) Fa…ility ;5) Ri…ht ;

29. Use the words from the table in the sentences.

master facilities roadbed terminal yard right of way

1) . . . . . consists of a strip of land with varying width.2) The house had all . . . . . comfort as a flat with modern accommodations.3) . . . . . was ready for laying ties.4) Two trains from the East were at the . . . . . 5) To . . . . . knowledge of English is our task.

30. Form words with negative meaning with the help of prefixes: 1) Successful 2) Happy3) Real4) Dependence


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5) Possible6) Logical7) Regular

31. Choose the right grammar form:1) They (are going / will ) to speak about D – Day tomorrow.2) The war brigade ( will be / is going to be ) here in a moment.3) Veterans ( tell / told ) us about VE – Day.4) After the war was declared over, soldiers ( return / returned ) home.5) Usually in Europe they ( celebrate / celebrates ) Victory Day on the 8-th May.

32. 4. Is it true or false:Strengthening the Trans – Siberian mainline as a link of the East – West transit is one of Russian Railway’s Strategic objectives. The speed of transportation via the Transsib is faster than via the Suez canal. Railway rates, are competitive in comparison with sea charter rates. If sea transporters offer a lower tariff rate, railway companies can carry freight in a shorter period of time.

33. Find equivalents: 1) Ensuring a) Силовая установка, электростанция.2) Power plant b) Товарный склад.3) Warehouse c) Грузополучатель.4) Consignor d) Сосуд, судно, корабль.5) Vessel e) Соседний.

f) Смежный. g) Гарантирующий.

34. Put up a question:Much, time, how, it, does, to, transport, take, from, cargo, Berlin, to, Shanghai.

35. Insert a letter: 1) Co…erring ;2) Sw…ng ;3) B…ar ; 4) T…rnover ; 5) Vol…me ;


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apprentice – подмастерьеcrucial – ключевой; критический, решающийcutting – выемка, траншея(to) determine track – вычислять положение рельсового путиembankment – насыпьeyesight – осмотрGCSE – сертификат об окончании средней школыheavy machinery – тяжелая техникаheight – высотаlevel crossing – железнодорожный переезд, переходmaintenance – содержание и техническое обслуживаниеmaintenance requirements – требования по техническому обслуживаниюobstruction – преграда, помеха, затрудняющая движениеp.a.: abbreviation from latin: per annum – в год, за годproper – правильный, должный; надлежащийrepairs – ремонтные работыresponsible – ответственный, несущий ответственность, отвечающий (за что-л.)(to) set up and renovate track – прокладывать и восстанавливать рельсовый путьshift – (рабочая) сменаsite survey – инженерно-геологические изысканияtrack side equipment – железнодорожное оборудованиеtrainee – практикант, стажёр

Work environment:A rail track maintenance worker is responsible for repairing and maintaining the tunnels,

railways, bridges and trackside equipment, which makes up the rails network of the country. The duties and responsibilities of the rail track maintenance worker include:

- set up and renovate track, embankments, tunnels, cuttings, bridges and level crossings;- determine tracks to check sections are at the proper distance and at proper height;- examine tracks for defects by making use of combination of equipment check and

eyesight;- clear and report possible obstructions, for instance after bad weather;- performing site survey to recognize the maintenance requirements to track section;- report about the incidents and accidents;- carry out hand signaling tasks and take care during track side operations;You will control heavy machinery to put down new track or perform most important repairs.You will basically work in a small team and take instructions from a team leader under the

administration of a rail-engineering technician.Qualification, education and experience:

You will work as an apprentice with a rail track maintenance company. You might not require qualification, but a good standard of education, which includes English and Mathematics GCSEs. An experience in the civil engineering or construction engineering will be of great use.

Before starting your training, you need to pass a medical test of your color vision, eyesight, general fitness and hearing.

You might require a driving license and use of vehicle to begin shift outside of normal public transport hours.Salary and other benefits:


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Trainees make between £ 12,000 and £ 15,000 p. a.Qualified staff can be paid £ 18,000 or more, as per their skills and hours worked.Track maintenance staff with managerial or examination duties can get up to £ 30,000 a year.Some companies put forward the free or condensed price travel as an added benefit.

Working conditions:Railway staff worker will basically work in the shifts, which cover up days, nights and

weekends in every weather conditions. Safety is serious to this job, and your company will give you protective clothing such as a hard hat and protection boots.Different opportunities:

You will find mainly the opportunities in the big cities and towns. Some alternatives, metro and light rail operator also employs track staff.

With your skills, you can be advanced to supervisor or team leader and with additional training you can turn into a track manager or inspector.

Answer the questions according to the text:1. What is a rail track maintenance worker responsible for?2. What do you think are the main duties of the rail track maintenance worker?3. Whom does the team carrying out the track maintenance work consist of?4. Are the qualification requirements for a track maintenance worker high? What are

they?5. Could you pass the medical test successfully to get this job?6. Why is even a driving license required for the job?7. What are the track maintenance workers’ salaries and benefits? Compare with these

in Russia!8. What opportunities are opened for a track maintenance worker?


1) Find in the text, translate and make up phrases with nouns derivated from the following verbs. Pay attention to different word-building models: verb + ment, verb + ance, verb + ing, verb + tion, verb + er/or, verb + ee:

to equip (оснащать) – to embank (защищать насыпью) – to require (требовать) – to maintain (обслуживать) – to repair (ремонтировать) – to cut (резать) – to cross (пересекать) – to qualify (обучать, готовить) – to educate (давать образование) –

to construct (сооружать) – to protect (защищать) – to manage (управлять) – to lead (вести) – to supervise (руководить) – to inspect (осматривать) – to train (тренировать, готовить) – to employ (нанимать на работу) –

2) Find the English equivalents:- Отвечать за ремонт и техническое обслуживание железных дорог;- укладывать и обновлять полотно, насыпи, выемки, переезды;- надлежащее расстояние и высота;- тщательный осмотр пути на наличие дефектов;- проверка с использованием оборудования;- очистка пути от преград, затрудняющих движение поездов;- проведение инженерно-геологических изысканий;- подавать зрительные сигналы рукой;- осуществлять контроль работы тяжёлой техники при прокладке пути;- выполнять инструкции бригадира;- работать учеником; проходить медосмотр;


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- необходимость наличия водительского удостоверения;- администрирующий и контролирующий технический персонал;- бесплатный либо льготный проезд;- работать по сменам;- обеспечивать спецодеждой;- возможности альтернативного трудоустройства на монорельсовой железной

дороге,- повысить квалификацию.

3) Define the function of “to” and translate correctly:a) “to” as a signal of the Infinitive;b) “to” as a preposition.

1. The rail track maintenance workers examine tracks to check sections are at the proper distance and at proper height.

2. They perform site survey to recognize the maintenance requirements to track section.3. You need to pass a medical test of your general fitness, eyesight and hearing.4. The staff with managerial duties can get up to £ 30,000 a year. 5. Later on you can be advanced to supervisor or team leader.6. Safety is serious to this job.

4) Grammar review: Infinitive. Study the table below. Write all possible Infinitive forms using the phrases. Translate into Russian.


Active Passive

Indefiniteto + V1 to  be + V3

to ask – спросить, спрашивать (вообще)

to be asked – быть спрошенным, спрашиваемым (вообще)

Continuousto  be + V-ing

—to be asking – спрашивать (в тот момент или период)


to  have + V3 to have been + V3

to have asked – спросить, спрашивать (уже, раньше, до


to have been asked – быть спрошенным (уже, раньше)

Perfect Continuous

to have been + V-ing

-to have been asking – спрашивать (в течение отрезка


Example: to construct the track – to construct the track, to be constructing the track, to have constructed the track, to have been constructing the track, to be constructed, to have been constructed.

To renovate a track section, to fulfil the survey, to examine a level crossing, to set up an embankment, to determine the height, to find a job, to discuss the task, to carry out the duties, to finish the work in time, to work the night shift.

5) Translate the sentences into Russian. Pay attention to the Infinitives.1. Our supervisor is said to be planning to visit the chief manager for talks.2. If the roads are not used, the people, who are in the county, still must pay them.3. The weather seems to be improving.4. I have to take the first train not to be late.5. We hope to have finished the maintenance work by next Monday.6. You should not determine this track section.7. I was sorry to have hurt him.


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8. He could not have been talking to the team leader. He was not here yesterday.9. I do not want to be studying at such late hour.10. He is known to have been working on this problem for many years.11. Can this amount of work have been done in such a short time?




auxiliary trolley – вспомогательная вагонеткаcurvature – изгиб, кривизнаdeviation – отклонениеequipment status – оснащённостьfault – дефект, недостатокfixed reference points – фиксированные опорные точки, необходимые для расчёта

степени отклонения путиgauge – ширина колеиgrade – уклонhorizontal alignment – выверка по горизонтальной осиlaser beam – лазерный лучlongitudinal profile – продольный профильmaintenance – обслуживание (ж.-д. пути)neglect – игнорированиеoutput – производительностьpaved track – бетонированный путьpreliminary – подготовительныйprocedure – мероприятиеsuper elevation – возвышение наружного рельса на кривойsurvey – инспектирование, проверкаtamping machine – подбивочная машинаtwist – скручивание, угон рельса

Whenever a new high-speed railway line is built, the application of appropriate track maintenance procedures is very important to enable a high level of ride quality and safety. Neglect of maintenance in the initial phase of the track service life will cause inherent faults that cannot be compensated later.

Although alternative track designs for high-speed railway have been developed, such as paved track, the majority of high-speed lines today features ballasted track. To meet the demands of high-speed railway lines track maintenance technologies are developed continuously and include nowadays several preliminary as well as basic stages.

Before any track maintenance work can be carried out, a survey of the actual track geometry has to be made. The track surveying operations deliver precise data of the following track geometry parameters: gauge, super elevation and calculated twist, longitudinal profile, horizontal alignment, curvature and grade.

On a great number of high-speed railway lines, these operations are completed with the help of electronic track survey cars. The costs of mechanized surveying are reduced to one fifth


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compared to the manual method. Electronic track survey cars are available in different levels of output as well as equipment status.

For instance, the popular Plasser & Theurer EM-SAT car consists of a main vehicle, equipped with a computer system, a laser beam receiver, and an auxiliary (“satellite”) trolley that carries a laser transmitter.

The machine moves forward along a laser beam, emitted by the laser transmitter on the satellite trolley. Every 50 to 150m, the satellite trolley stops at a fixed point, measures and records any deviations from the target track geometry and then moves forward again. The average measuring speed is 2,5 kph. Measurements are taken in cyclic action with simultaneous measurement of longitudinal level and alignment of the track. Apart from displacement and lifting values (measuring accuracy < 1 mm), cant and track gauge can be recorded at the same time. The recorded data and the calculated correction values are displayed on the computer screen on-board the main vehicle as well as on the computer screen on-board the tamping machine, which guarantees highest precision and performance of subsequent tamping work.

The latest development now is the combined use of EM-SAT and GPS to check the track position in relation to the fixed reference points.

The EM-SAT track survey car can optionally be equipped with a non-contact ballast profile measuring system, which records the ballast profile by means of laser scanner. On the computer display a surplus (green bars) or a lack (red bars) of ballast is indicated separately for the left and right-hand side of the track, allowing the ballast profile to be checked immediately during the measuring run.

The preliminary track geometry survey is undoubtedly of high importance. It provides the maintenance team with the necessary data as well as contributes to the right coordination of the further maintenance stages.

Answer the questions according to the text:1. Why is the appropriate maintenance of high-speed railway lines of great importance?2. What kinds of the track design are used for high-speed railways nowadays?3. What data are gained during the preliminary track survey stage?4. Are the track observation operations for the most part manual or mechanized? Why?5. What units make up the EM-SAT car?6. How does the EM-SAT car operate?7. With what optional units can the EM-SAT car be equipped?8. Why is the preliminary stage in maintenance of high-speed railway lines necessary?


1) Match the words, make up word combinations. Translate into Russian.


speedmaintenance designfaultsystemstagesurvey datatrackprofile trolleytechnologiesbeam

2) Match the word with its definition.


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1. maintenance2. survey3. gauge4. super

elevation5. twist6. longitudinal

profile7. curvature8. grade9. laser beam

receiver10. deviation11. kph

a) turn or bend into a specified position or in a specified direction;

b) the process of keeping something in good condition;c) is written after a number to indicate the speed of something

such as a vehicle. It is an abbreviation for «kilometres per hour».

d) the amount by which a single measurement differs from a fixed value;

e) examine and record the area and features of (an area of land) so as to construct a map, plan, or description;

f) the distance between the rails of a line of railway track;g) the amount by which the outer edge of a curve on a road or

railway is banked above the inner edge;h) a part of an apparatus that detects laser beam signals and

converts them into visible form;i) rail section running lengthwise;j) chiefly North American: a gradient or slope;k) degree to which a curve deviates from a straight line.

3) Translate into English, using phrases from the text.Выполнение соответствующих мероприятий по текущему обслуживанию пути; обеспечивать высокий уровень качества и безопасности; быть причиной неизбежных дефектов; соответствовать требованиям по эксплуатации высокоскоростного пути; постоянно развивать технологии; включать несколько предварительных и основных стадий; предоставлять точные данные о геометрии пути; исследовать путь с помощью путеизмерительных машин; главная машина, оборудованная компьютером и лазерным ресивером; вспомогательная вагонетка с лазерным передатчиком; измерять и записывать любые отклонения от расчётной геометрии пути; отображать на экране компьютера корректировочные значения; последняя разработка – использование путеизмерителя и навигационной системы GPS; проверять положение пути по фиксированным опорным точкам; дополнительно оборудовать системой индукционного измерения балластного профиля; недостаток и излишки балласта, отмеченные на мониторе; предоставлять необходимые данные и способствовать координированию дальнейших шагов по текущему содержанию пути.

4) Grammar Section. Transform the sentences; use the Verb in Present Perfect Active Voice.Example:

- The workers are taking measurements of track geometry at the moment.- The workers have taken measurements of track geometry already.

(Possible Signals: already, not yet, this week, before the commission’s arrival, by the end of this month).1. Nowadays the engineers are developing a new cost-effective track maintenance

technology.2. At the moment, the brigade is surveying the high-speed track geometry.3. During the track geometry investigations, the maintenance team is using track survey

car.4. The survey car is now recording longitudinal level and alignment of the track.5. The machine is taking measurements of displacement and lifting values on this

section.6. The vehicle is measuring cant and track gauge deviations.7. The computer is displaying the recorded data on the screen.8. The engineers are discussing the track survey data this afternoon.


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9. Now the team is deciding about the necessary maintenance measures on this high-speed line section.

5) Transform the sentences from Exercise 4. Use the Verb in the Past and Future Perfect Active Voice.Example:The brigade is surveying the track geometry.The brigade had surveyed the track geometry by beginning of the last week.The brigade will have surveyed the track geometry by tomorrow.




approx. (abbreviation from approximately) – примерно, приблизительноballast regulating machine – балластораспределительная машина(to) be worthwhile – иметь смыслcontinuous-action leveling, lining and tamping machine – выправочно-подбивочно-

рихтовочная машина decisive – убедительный, не вызывающий сомненийdeteriorations – ухудшение, износdynamic track stabilizer – стабилизатор путиe.g. (abbreviation from latin exempli gratia) – например (от лат. “exempli gratia” – «ради

примера»)(to) eliminate – устранять, ликвидироватьfluctuation – колебаниеhorizontal oscillation – колебания по горизонтальной осиhz (abbreviation hertz) – герц(to) match – приводить в соответствие(to) merge – объединять, соединятьoutput – производительность, мощностьplanning office – плановый отделprecipitation – атмосферные осадки(to) res(to)re – восстанавливать(to) retain – сохранять, поддерживатьsettlement – зд.: осадка грунтаsubsoil – lподпочва, грунт основанийwork output – зд.: провозная способность ж.-д. линии

The track network is a dynamic system. Varying factors such as rail traffic, nature of the subsoil, temperature fluctuations or precipitation are the cause of constant changes. However, to plan maintenance work efficiently, it is necessary to know the current state of the track and above all recognize possible deteriorations.

To obtain the relevant data it is essential to have regular measurements carried out by track recording cars. These scan the entire line network several times a year. The acquired data can be merged in a track geometry database and are available for long-term analyses. This provides the planning offices with a valuable instrument. Rates of deterioration indicate which type of action would be the most suitable in order to restore the target geometry of the track and to retain it as long as possible.


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The preliminary analysis of the line network state having been carried out, the actual maintenance of high-speed railway track starts. This requires a range of work processes that must be coordinated as efficiently as possible to guarantee the high work output, the best quality of work and, ultimately, the cost-efficiency.

The track of high-speed lines requires precise geometry, allowing only very tight tolerances that must be kept in the millimeter range. At higher speeds, faults in track geometry stimulate the railway vehicle bodies with critical frequencies, e.g. frequencies in the range of between 0.5 to 10 Hz, and must be eliminated.

Today it is state-of-the-art in track construction and maintenance to use a group of machines – a high capacity mechanized maintenance train. The individual machines of the system are matched in output, traveling speed and design parametres, thus forming a harmonic group of machines. The tamping machine leads and determines the output.

To put the track into its correct geometrical position and to achieve a durable work results requires the following basic operations:

- track geometry correction, using a continuous-action leveling, lining and tamping machine.

One of the latest machines for tamping is the 09-4X Dynamic Tamping Express with integrated dynamic track stabilization, a nominal output of 2,600 m/h.

- ballast profiling, using a ballast-regulating machine.Ballast regulating machines combine the task of ballast distribution and ballast profiling.

The goal is to regain the surplus ballast and add it to where it is needed.- final compaction and homogenization of the ballast bed, using a dynamic track

stabilizer.After tamping work, the dynamic track stabilizer lowers the track as required setting it into

horizontal oscillation. The stabilizer produces an uniform settlement that is equal to a load of approx. 700,000 to 800,000 tons. The corrected track geometry is preserved for longer. The result of this is the extension in maintenance intervals of approx. 30 %.

It is worthwhile investing in high-tech machine systems. This has a decisive effect on the cost-effective performance and the quality of the work performed.

Answer the questions according to the text:1. What factors cause changes in track geometry?2. What data are necessary to plan track maintenance efficiently?3. Why is the application of track recording cars in the preliminary stage essential?4. The requirements for the actual maintenance processes on high-speed lines are varied,

aren’t they? List several of them!5. Is it nowadays state-of-the-art in railroad maintenance to apply separate or combined

machines? How are they called?6. In what parametres are the individual machines as parts of the system matched?7. What are the basic maintenance operations? Relate the basic maintenance operations

to the proper applied machines!8. What is the task of a ballast-regulating machine?9. When and what for is the dynamic track stabilizer applied? Name the advantages of its



1) Arrange the points of the plan in the correct sequence according to the text.- Railway track as a constantly changing system.- Application of track recording cars as essential means of track geometry

investigation.- The requirements for the actual maintenance processes.- Peculiarities of high-speed railroads maintenance.


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- Usage of high capacity mechanized maintenance train as the most effective up-to-date means.

- Basic stages of the railway maintenance process.2) Translate the following phrases into Russian.

- nature of the subsoil;- awareness of possible deteriorations; - to decide about the most suitable action;- to restore a line;- a wide range of work processes;- high level of work output, quality as well as cost-efficiency;- to match separate machines in output, speed, design;- to achieve a durable work results;- to extend maintenance intervals considerably;- to have decisive effect on the quality of work.

3) Find the English equivalents.- движение железнодорожного транспорта;- обусловливать изменения;- проводить регулярные измерения;- объединять полученные данные в базе данных компьютера;- сохранять точную геометрию пути;- миллиметровые допуски;- устранять нарушения геометрии пути;- собирать излишки балласта;- выправочно-подбивочно-рихтовочная машина;- балластораспределительная машина;- стабилизатор пути уменьшает высоту балласта.

4) Grammar Section: Passive Voice. Look through the article, find sentences with the Verb in Passive Voice and define passive tense form of the Verb. Use the table for reference.

Passive VoiceIndefinite/Simple Continuous/Progressive Perfect Perfect-


Present am/are/is maintained

am/are/is being maintained

have/has been maintained






их ф





я ф




Past was/were maintained

was/were being maintained

had been maintained

Future will/shall be maintained

Вместо отсутствующей формы употребляется Future Indefinite

will/shall have been maintained


would/should be maintained

Вместо отсутствующей формы употребляется Future-in-the-Past Indefinite

would/should have been maintained

5) Transform the sentences, use the Verb in the Passive Voice. Pay attention to the tense forms.Example:

- The workers take usually measurements of track geometry at the preliminary stage.


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- The measurements of track geometry are usually taken by the workers at the preliminary stage.1. Rail traffic, nature of the subsoil, temperature fluctuations or precipitation cause

constant changes in the track network.2. The track-recording car is carrying out at the moment essential measurements.3. The maintenance train will scan the new line network several times a year.4. The planning offices had merged the acquired data into the computer database last

month.5. The maintenance workers have been restoring the target track geometry on this

section for two days already.6. Next week the engineers will be using a high-capacity mechanized maintenance train

the coordinate the work processes.7. The tamping machine lead and determined the output.8. The continuous-action leveling, lining and tamping machine will have corrected track

geometry.9. The ballast regulating machines were distributing and profiling the ballast.10. The dynamic track stabilizer will produce an uniform settlement.




ballast bed – балластный слойballast crowning – вздутие балластного полотнаballast screening – сортировка балластаcircuiting endless excavating – chain – замкнутая лента циркулярного транспортёра для

выемки балластаcross-fall – поперечный уклонdynamic stress – напряжение при динамической нагрузкеformation – земляное полотноhopper unit – выгрузочный механизмlongitudinal and lateral – displacement – продольный и поперечный сдвигrailway bed (брит.) – railroad bed (амер.) – полотно железной дорогиresistance – устойчивость, сопротивлениеsleeper crib – шпальный ящикslewing conveyer belt – вращающаяся лента транспортёраsoiling – грязь, загрязнениеspoil disposal – удаление отходов, грунтаstraight cutter bar – буровая, режущая штанга продольного направления subsoil – подпочва, грунт основанийsubstructure – нижнее строение пути(to) sustain the bearing strength – обеспечивать несущую способностьvibrating screening unit – вибрационный сортировщикwater drainage – водоотвод, дренажwater permeability – водопроницаемость

The primary tasks of the ballast bed are providing a uniform transmission of the traffic load from the rail to the substructure and enabling a high resistance of the sleepers to longitudinal and


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lateral displacement. The clean ballast guarantees the elasticity of the track reducing the dynamic stresses. Thanks to good water permeability, it helps to sustain the bearing strength of the subsoil.

On the contrary, the ballast bed containing too many fine particles reduces the bearing strength, elasticity and water drainage. Consequently, track geometry deteriorates rapidly. Regular ballast bed cleaning is absolutely necessary to perform high quality and cost-efficient maintenance of a track line. This work can be performed highly efficiently using complex ballast bed cleaning machines.

Ballast bed cleaning is a complex process. It includes the following stages:1. Removal of the ballast;2. Ballast screening;3. Spoil disposal;4. Cleaning procedures;5. Supplying of the cleaned ballast to the track;6. Correction of the track geometry;7. Supplying of new ballast, if necessary.

For ballast excavation, the ballast cleaning machines are equipped with a circuiting endless excavating chain that is automatically guided on the formation, using a straight cutter bar.The excavating unit is guided in longitudinal direction and cross-fall according to pre-selected

values. The excavation depth-control provides a straight cut of the formation and therefore prevents the occurrence of ballast crowning.

After having been excavated, the ballast matter is sorted by a vibrating screening unit. Three screen layers separate the reusable ballast from the over-sized stones and the fine particles. The screened-out spoil is transported to the front of the machine, so that the cleaned track is not polluted.The suitable ballast is returned to the track using the slewing conveyer belts. The ballast is placed directly underneath the sleepers as well as in sleeper cribs and tamping zones.

Track lifting and slewing devices located at the excavating chain enable exact track geometry after cleaning.At the final stage, the material conveyer and hopper units coupled at the end of the machine add new ballast where it is necessary.

The ballast as a part of the system composed of rail, sleeper and ballast bed has a number of important functions. To fulfil these functions, it has to be clean. Therefore, soiling caused by day-to-day operation must be cleaned regularly.

Answer the following questions to the text:1. What are the primary tasks of the ballast?2. Why is it important that the ballast is clean?3. Into what stages is the complex process of ballast bed cleaning subdivided? List the

stages of ballast bed cleaning.4. What machinery is used to remove the ballast? Describe the whole operational

process.5. What unit provides the screening of the excavated ballast? What are the peculiarities

of its work?6. What equipment helps to return the cleaned ballast to the track? Where is the ballast

placed?7. How is provided the exact track geometry after cleaning?8. What is the final stage of the complex process?


1) Translate the following phrases into Russian.1. to provide a uniform transmission of the traffic load;2. to reduce dynamic stresses;


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3. to reinforce the bearing strength of the substructure;4. to be guided in longitudinal direction and cross-fall;5. to ensure a straight cut of the formation;6. to locate track lifting and slewing devices at the excavating chain;7. to couple the material conveyer and the hopper unit.

2) Say the following phrases in English.1. повышать устойчивость шпал;2. нарушать геометрию пути;3. проводить работы по текущему обслуживанию балластного полотна

качественно и экономично;4. подавать очищенный балласт на путь;5. отделять повторно используемый балласт;6. укладывать подходящий балласт под шпалы, в шпальные ящики, в места

подбивки балласта;7. загрязнять в результате ежедневной эксплуатации.

3) Are the following statements true or false? Compare with sentences in the text.- The task of the ballast bed is transferring dynamic stress of the traffic from the rail to

the sleepers and enabling a low resistance of the sleepers to longitudinal and lateral displacement.

- The clean ballast guarantees the rigidity of the track, raises the dynamic stresses, reduces water permeability and lowers the bearing strength of the subsoil.

- Ballast bed cleaning is a simple process that can be easily fulfilled by hand for fifteen minutes.

- To increase the work output in ballast bed cleaning several individual machines are run.

- While cleaning the ballast bed the following operations are carried out subsequently: correction of the track geometry, cleaning procedures, ballast screening, removal of the spoil.

- For ballast excavation the ballast cleaning machines are equipped with slewing conveyer belts.

- The excavating unit is guided in lateral direction and without cross-fall according to pre-selected values.

- After excavation five screen layers separate the reusable ballast from timber, concrete, bricks and soil.

- The suitable ballast is transported to the front of the ballast bed cleaning machine, so that the cleaned track is not polluted.

- Soiling caused by day-to-day operation must be cleaned twice a week.4) Use different word-building models name all possible words with the given roots.

Translate the words into Russian. Make up sentences with the words.Example:

To construct –constructed, constructing, construction, constructive, constructional, constructively, constructivism, constructor; reconstruct etc.

To maintain, to place, long, to guide, screen, soil.5) Grammar Review: Participle. Study the table below.

Write all possible Participle forms using the phrases.Participle

Active Voice Passive VoiceParticiple I(Present Participle)

Indefinite V-ing(doing)

being + V3

(being done)Perfect having + V3

(having done)having been + V3

(having been done)Participle II - V3


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(Past Participle) (done)

Example:To clean the ballast – cleaning the ballast, having cleaned the ballast, the ballast being cleaned, the ballast having been cleaned, the cleaned ballast.To perform cleaning, to use ballast bed cleaning machines, to ensure cost-effectiveness, to distribute loads, to withstand dynamic stresses, to reduce elasticity of the track, to excavate the fouled ballast, to screen the ballast matter, to feed spoil into a spoil conveyer, to achieve optimum quality.

Translate the sentences into Russian. Pay attention to the Participles.1. The existing individual machines for track maintenance are being combined together,

forming complex machine systems.2. The ballast bed fulfils important functions as the binding element between sleepers

and substructure.3. The loads of the trains having been distributed by the ballast bed onto the track

substructure were not uniform.4. The maintenance crew can perform this work highly efficiently using ballast bed

cleaning machines.5. Being very elastic, the ballast bed withstands the dynamic impacts.6. The fouling having occurred under normal operational loads was caused by the broken

off edges of the ballast stones, settlement of the stones and friction processes.7. The increased proportion of fines reduces the elasticity of the track, the water

permeability and the durability of the track geometry.8. Large oscillating screens with several screening levels ensure optimum quality of the

cleaned ballast.9. The wastes left behind from the ballast cleaning are passed into a spoil conveyer and

transport system.10. The ballast being cleaned at the moment will be returned to the track directly behind

the excavating chain.

References: - pp.30, 31



accuracy – точностьarduous – трудный, тяжёлыйcareful handling – бережная транспортировкаcontinuous assembly line – action – непрерывная конвейерная работаcost-efficiency – рентабельность, эффективность затратcyclic action – цикличная работаexpenditure – издержки, расходыdouble flange – двойная реборда колесаhigh output – высокая производительностьhydrostatic drive – гидростатический приводby manual labour – вручную(to) pre-deposit – предварительно укладыватьprecise placement – точная укладкаrear – задняя, хвостовая частьsleeper exchanger – шпалозаменяющая машинаsubsequent costs – последующие затратыtrack rehabilitation – реконструкция, ремонт железнодорожного пути


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track renewal – замена рельсового путиwork area – рабочая зона

The good functioning of the railway track depends upon the condition of the individual components such as rails and sleepers. Defective parts must be replaced in good time in order to avoid high subsequent costs. In the past, these material-intensive and arduous tasks were carried out by manual labour, but today these are performed using powerful machines. Mechanized track renewal methods help to reduce costs as well as to achieve high quality.

The machines designed for track renewal operations allow conducting this work either in complex continuous assembly-line action or in compact cyclic action.

Track rehabilitation using the continuous-action assembly-line method has proven to be the most cost-efficient method of work. The entire supply of new sleepers and rails within the track being laid is fully mechanized operation. Accuracy and high working speed are the outstanding features of this technique. Other advantages are the careful handling of the material, particularly the rails, and better preparation of the subsoil (sleeper bed). The new rails are pre-deposited next to the tracks. The new sleepers are supplied from the rear over the newly laid track. The absolutely accurate and automatic laying of the sleepers, as well as the installation of the new rails, goes like clockwork - in one shift of about four hours almost 1,000 metres of track can be laid.

Sometimes the application of cyclic track renewal method is much more reasonable. Laying track in cyclic method is an easy and compact single-sleeper laying process. The sleepers are pre-deposited between work area and sleeper transport wagon. Cyclic action single sleeper exchanger is capable to pick up and carry 20 concrete sleepers or 24 wooden sleepers at a time. Wheels are equipped with double flanges and hydrostatic drive. The machine can achieve the maximum self-propelled speed of up to 22 km/h. In the course of operation, the laying unit picks up sleepers with the help of two horizontally extending angle sections. Electronic measuring sensor for sleeper spacing is responsible for precise placement of sleepers. Sleepers are laid exact to the millimetre.

The evident advantages of the modern cyclic action machines are simple electronic hydraulic sequence control, one-man-operation process, relative high output and cost-efficiency: 20 concrete sleepers are laid in 100 seconds.

Answer the questions according to the text:1. In what case and why is it necessary to conduct track renewal works?2. Is the task of railway renewal a simple one?3. Why have the mechanized track rehabilitation methods become popular?4. What are the contemporary techniques for mechanized track rehabilitation operations?

The machine types involved into each of them differ considerably, don’t they?5. What are the advantages of continuous assembly-line track renewal method?6. What are the operational features of continuous action track renewal machines?7. When is the cyclic track renewal method preferred?8. What are the operational peculiarities of the cyclic action track renewal machines?


1) Match the words with the definitions! Make up sentences with the given words!

1) rehabilitate2) renewal3) concrete 4) placement 5) to apply 6) flange 7) personnel 8) output

a) a quality of being true or correct, even in small details;b) a quality of something that saves or makes a lot of money in

comparison with the costs involved;c) a substance used for building which is made by mixing together

cement, sand, small stones, and water;d) bring or put into operation or practical use;e) people employed in an organization;f) the back part of something, especially a building or vehicle;


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9) cost-effective 10) rear 11) accuracy

g) an object, serving on a wheel to maintain position on a rail;h) the amount of something produced by a person, machine, or

industry;i) the action of putting someone or something in a particular place;j) the replacing or repair of something that is worn out, run-down, or

broken;k) return something to its former condition.

2) Divide up into two groups! Try to name as many words as you can to the semantic field “Track renewal”! Score the points!Example: cosmonaut, spacious, to orbit – belong to the semantic field of “space”.

3) Translate into English!Реконструкция железнодорожного пути, проводить работы по замене пути, зависеть от состояния отдельных элементов, заменять изношенные части, снижать расходы, достигать высокого качества, использовать физический труд, применяя комплексный непрерывный либо цикличный методы, подача новых шпал и рельсов, отличительные особенности данного метода, бережная доставка материала, более качественная подготовка основания пути, монтирование новых рельсов, колёса с двойными ребордами, в ходе работ, отвечать за точное размещение шпал, укладывать с точностью до миллиметра, очевидные преимущества, относительно высокая производительность и рентабельность.

4) Grammar Review: Gerund. Study the table. Make up all possible Gerund Forms using the following phrases! Find Gerund forms in the text. Translate the sentences into Russian!


Active Passive

IndefiniteV-ing being + V3

constructing- “сооружение", сооружать

being asked- будучи сооружаем (ым)

Perfecthaving + V3 having  been + V3

having asked- соорудил (уже, до чего-либо)

having been asked- был сооружён (уже, ранее)

Example: to renew the track: renewing, having renewed, being renewed, having been renewed.To rehabilitate the line, to avoid high costs, to carry out with powerful machines, to apply contemporary techniques, to supply sleepers and rails, to prepare the subsoil, to install the new rails, to lay exact to the millimetre , to achieve the maximum speed, to guarantee high quality, to provide high output.

5) Open brackets! Use the Gerund! Translate the sentences into Russian!1. Careful _________ (to handle) of the material is of great importance.2. The brigade left the site without _______ (to finish) the work.3. The maintenance engineers spent three days ________ (to analyze) the survey data.4. Our task was ________ (to pre-deposit) the sleepers.5. We heard engineers ________ (to argue) about the most suitable maintenance

technique on this section.6. He was proud of ________ (to win) the match.7. He likes __________ (to appoint) team-leader.8. They suspected the man of ________ (to steal) last night the device.9. On this railway line with special geological structure it was worth while ________ (to

apply) the latest machinery with GPS-sensors.10. The maintenance team reported all the works _________ (to finish) in time.


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11. We were interested in ________ (to test) the products of Kaluga Track Machine Works.

12. Would you mind ________ (to shut) a window? I hate ________ (to sit) in a draught.6) Watch the videos about two types of track renewal machines. Discuss their advantages

and disadvantages as well as the preference of their usage in different situations. Points to compare: cost-effectiveness, quality, output, size, user-friendliness.



1. A rail track maintenance worker is responsible ___________ the tunnels, railways, bridges and track side equipment.a) looking forb) talking aboutc) repairing and maintainingd) going through

2. An experience in the ________________ or construction engineering will be of great use.a) automobile engineeringb) local customs and traditionsc) striking up an acquaintanced) civil engineering

3. Before starting your training, you need to pass a ______________ of your color vision, eyesight, general fitness and hearing.a) examinationb) medical testc) face controld) intelligence quotient test

4. Safety is serious to this job, and your company will give you ___________ such as a hard hat and protection boots.a) formal suitb) military dressc) protective clothingd) pursuit

5. Qualified maintenance team is performing site survey ____________ the maintenance requirements to track section.a) to recognizeb) to have recognizedc) to be recognizedd) to have been recognized

6. The track section is reported _________________ for defects by making use of combination of equipment check and eyesight.a) to examineb) to have been examinedc) to be examiningd) to have examined

7. Track maintenance staff with managerial or examination duties can ___________ up to £ 30,000 a year.a) payb) to payc) to have paidd) be paid


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8. To meet the demands of high-speed railway lines track maintenance technologies are developed continuously and include nowadays _________ as well as basic stages.a) initialb) finalc) preliminaryd) peripheral

9. Before any track maintenance work can be carried out, a survey of the actual _____________ has to be made.a) track geometry parametresb) setting parametresc) environmental problemsd) number of factors

10. On a great number of high-speed railway lines these operations are completed not manually but with the help of ________________.a) high-precision instrumentsb) live stockc) electronic track survey carsd) global network navigator

11. The ______________ and the calculated correction values contribute to the right coordination of the further maintenance stages.a) high speedb) recorded datac) clockwise adjustmentd) coordinated team

12. The engineering team ____________ recently a new cost-effective track survey technology.a) is developingb) have been testingc) was developedd) has tested

13. The survey car ____________ by the end of the shift longitudinal level and alignment of the track.a) is recordingb) was recordedc) had recordedd) will have been recorded

14. Last year he costs of mechanized surveying __________ to one fifth compared to the manual method. a) have reducedb) had reducedc) are reducingd) will be reduced

15. The preliminary analysis of the line network state having been carried out, the ____________ of high speed railway track starts.a) surveyb) constructionc) actual maintenanced) deterioration

16. A range of maintenance processes must be coordinated efficiently to guarantee the high work output, the best quality of work and, ultimately, _______________.a) high valueb) additional investments


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c) a number of investigationsd) the cost-efficiency

17. At higher speeds ___________ in track geometry stimulate the railway vehicle bodies with critical frequencies.a) correct valuesb) deteriorationsc) necessary settlementsd) various factors

18. Today it is state-of-the-art in track construction and maintenance to use _________________.a) a group of machinesb) hard manual workc) individual machinesd) a single tamping machine

19. Faults in track geometry e.g. frequencies in the range of between 0.5 to 10 Hz must ______________.a) eliminateb) have eliminatedc) be eliminatedd) have been eliminating

20. The track geometry __________ through a continuous-action leveling, lining and tamping machine.a) will correctb) is correctingc) has correctedd) will have been corrected

21. A uniform settlement ____________ with the dynamic track stabilizer.a) was producedb) are being producedc) will have producedd) produces

22. The primary task of the ballast bed is providing a uniform transmission of the traffic load from ______________.a) the rolling stock to the passengersb) the engine to the wheelsc) the rail to the substructured) the substructure to the soil

23. The clean ballast enables a high resistance of the ____________to longitudinal and lateral displacement.a) railsb) sleepersc) subsoild) dynamic stress

24. The ballast bed containing too many fine particles reduces the bearing strength, elasticity and _____________. a) spoil disposalb) ballast crowningc) soilingd) water drainage.

25. Ballast bed cleaning is a ________ process.a) uniqueb) complex


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c) simpled) low-cost

26. Regular ballast bed cleaning can be performed highly efficiently _________ complex ballast bed cleaning machines.a) usingb) having been usedc) being usedd) used

27. The ballast matter is sorted by a __________ screening unit.a) vibrateb) vibratorc) vibrationsd) vibrating

28. At the final stage the material conveyer and hopper units __________ at the end of the machine add new ballast where it is necessary.a) couplingb) couplec) coupledd) having coupled

29. ____________ track renewal methods help to reduce costs as well as to achieve high quality.a) Mechanizedb) Manualc) Low-speedd) Short-term

30. Defective rails and sleepers must be replaced in good time in order to avoid __________.a) preliminary discussionb) introduction of new techniquesc) additional recruitmentd) high subsequent costs

31. Accuracy and high working speed are the outstanding features ____________.a) manual methodb) continuous assembly-line methodc) cyclic methodd) appropriate planning

32. Laying track in cyclic method is ____________ single-sleeper laying process.a) a complex and high-costb) the latest innovativec) a safe and low-costd) an easy and compact

33. The machines designed for track renewal operations allow __________ this work either in complex continuous assembly-line action or in compact cyclic action.a) conduct b) conductingc) conductedd) being conducted

34. Other advantages of this innovation are the careful __________ of the material, particularly the rails, and better preparation of the subsoil (sleeper bed).a) having handledb) being handledc) handling


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d) having been handled35. The maintenance team reported all the works _________ in time.

a) A having been finishedb) B finishingc) C finishd) D are finishing


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1. b2. d3. c4. a5. водосточный желоб, водосток6. среди, в числе7. выдающийся8. a9. b10. b11. strength12. scaffolding13. abutments14. tricky, unstable15. compensate for limitation16. pre-stressed concrete17. withstand compression18. according to19. c20. a21. b22. b23. d24. c25. компрессионная линия26. предел прочности на разрыв27. мост со сквозными фермами28. строить 29. a30. c31. b32. b33. d34. a35. c


1. c 10. a 19. b 28. b2. a 11. d 20. d 29. a3. a 12. a 21. a 30. c4. d 13. a 22. d 31. b5. b 14. b 23. d 32. a6. a 15. b 24. a 33. a7. d 16. a 25. d 34. a8. a 17. c 26. d 35. a9. d 18. c 27. c


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1. c2. a3. c4. b5. b6. play7. didn’t cook8. walked9. haven’t danced10. travelled 11. дегазация, дегазировать12. недра, подпочва13. удалять14. фундамент15. мастер участка16. better17. louder18. the tallest19. closer20. more attractive21. chessom22. dig23. boulder24. crow-bar25. shovel26. b27. c28. a29. c30. a31. a32. b33. a34. b35. a


1. The side ditch may contribute to the drainage of the subgrade because of from the side ditch inner slopes.

2. The sub-base is a layer of earth or stone materials, resistant to moisture, inserted when necessary between the pavement base and the roadbed.

3. Road construction techniques gradually improved by the study of road traffic, stone thickness, road alignment, and slope gradients.

4. Construction management is aimed at meeting a client's requirement in order to produce a functionally and financially viable project.

5. The bottom layer should be a rich bottom mix, a specially designed mix packed with asphalt cement that is basically indestructible, and therefore highly resistant to cracking.

6. b7. e8. d


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9. a10. c11. false. A side ditch is used to collect the water from the roadside.12. false. The sub-base is a layer of earth or stone materials, resistant to moisture, inserted when

necessary between the pavement base and the roadbed.13. false. The Romans built stone paved road.14. true15. false. Using asphalt to reduce noise levels makes more sense than constructing sound wall

barriers 16. cross-section17. vehicle18. deforestation19. recycled materials20. embankment21. Water from the adjoining land is generally collected by the side ditch too.22. The sub-base also reduces the required thickness of the pavement base.23. The earthworks were prepared carefully. 24. Construction management techniques are helpful.25. Superpave asphalt mixes resist cracking.26. c) drainage27. a) vehicle28. b) geographic obstacles29. b) scheduling30. c) to deteriorate31. a32. c33. a34. c35. c


1. to communicate with2. operating systems 3. bitmaps4. chips5. time-sharing6.

1) d2) e3) a4) b5) c

7. true8. false9. false10. false11. true12. launch13. an increase14. raster graphics15. forecasts16. in charge of


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17. to assemble18. launched19. all computer users20. fast development21. multitasking22. Do you need a computer web cam?23. Do users have to memorize a lot of comments?24. Are there two main categories: raster graphics and vector graphics?25. Do you work as a principal engineer?26. Do engineers devise various techniques for handling this problem?27. Designers 28. similarly29. memorize30. tightly31. concentration32. emphasis on33. launch34. resolution35. literally


1. b2. true3. b4.1) c 2) a 3) b

5. portfolio, transaction6. There are several key requirements for a property functioning market.7. a 8. market, land, legal, protect, system, beauty9. true10.

1) simplier, the simpliest2) easier, the easiest3) more reliable, the most reliable4) more public, the most public5) clearer, the clearest6) more different, the most different

11. b12. What is the problem for the town-planner?13. know, live, in14. 1c, 2a, 3b15. b16. a17. does18. true19. important, framework, registration, planning20. 1b 2a 3 c21. b22. b


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23.a) yb) nc) od) ee) if) i

24. c25. natural, political26. The environmental problems are caused by industrial pollution27. a28.

1) a, 2) c, 3) b

29. a30. a31.

1) c. 2) a, 3) b

32.1) a2) an3) an4) the

33. 1) was2) provided3) defined

34. – little, good, bad, different, far35. c


1. b 2. c 3. a 4. c 5. b 6. b 7. a 8. a9. a 10. b 11. c 12. b 13. c 14. b 15. c 16. b17. a 18. c 19. b 20. b21. a 22. b 23. a 24. c25. a 26. c 27. a 28. 8b29. a 30. a 31. c 32. b33. c 34. c 35. c


1. reveal, live, awaited, arguably, facilities 2. bill3. interview, uniform, idea, makes, using4. true, true, false, false5.

1) g


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2) a 3) b 4) c

6. How many days are given for the rail industry exhibition show?7.

1) i 2) a 3) a 4) u 5) o

8. ensuring, eagerly, warehouse, turnover, deny9. Car10. enough, a little, a few, lots of, any11. True, true, true, false, false12.

1) g 2) a 3) d 4) c 5) b

13. Do you know how we pronounce the word «Europe» in English?14.

1) j 2) i 3) y 4) g 5) t

15. troops, volume, swung, billed, performance16. «way» 17. have to, mustn’t, mustn’t, must, have to18. true, false, false, true19.

1) e 2) g 3) b 4) a 5) c

20. What groups are railway facilities divided into? 21.

1) u 2) e 3) o 4) o 5) r

22. consignor, arguably, freight, evacuees, power plant23. sub-and super24. has, is billed, are held, transported, declared25. true, false, true26.

1) g 2) a 3) e


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4) b 5) c

27. What is container business for the international transport and logistics market1)2) r 3) e 4) a 5) c,

28. g29. right of way, facilities, roadbed, terminal yard, master30.

1) un 2) un 3) un 4) in 5) im 6) il 7) ir

31. are going, will be, told, returned, celebrate32. true, true, false, true33.

1) g 2) a 3) b 4) c 5) d

34. How much time does it take to transport cargo from Shanghai to Berlin?35.

1) v 2) i 3) e 4) u 5) u


1. c 2. d 3. b 4. c5. a 6. b 7. d 8. a9. a 10. c 11. b 12. d13. c 14. b 15. c 16. d17. b 18. a 19. c 20. d21. a 22. c 23. b 24. d25. b 26. a 27. d 28. c29. a 30. d 31. b 32. d33. b 34. c 35. a


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Английский язык в профессии

Часть 2

Учебное пособие

Под ред. Т.И. Лаловой, С.Г. Парастаевой, Е.А. Цаллаговой.

Тех. редактор Е.А. Левит

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