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  • 8/10/2019 8A109LXPA0007


    Directrice de publication : Valrie Brard-Trigo

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    BTS Informatique de gestion


    Lesley Stewart


    Lexique, transcriptions et informations

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    8 A109 LX PA 003

    Presenting companies, department and jobs


    Conseils pour apprendre du vocabulaire 04

    Unit 1 : Presenting companies, departments and jobs 05

    Lexique 05

    Transcriptions 09

    Unit 2 : IT evolution: problems and solutions 13

    Lexique 13

    Transcriptions 17

    Unit 3 : Intra & 21

    Lexique 21

    Transcriptions 26

    Unit 4 : Security, security, security 29

    Lexique 29

    Transcriptions 34

    Unit 5 : Storage and outsourcing 39

    Lexique 39

    Transcriptions 44

    Unit 6 : Software and sales 49

    Lexique 49

    Transcriptions 53

    Info files 57

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    48 A109 LX PA 00


    Conseils pour apprendre du vocabulaire

    Essayez de toujours comprendre le vocabulaire dans son contexte. Faites si possible votrepropre rpertoire de vocabulaire, et groupez les mots par thme. Inventez des phrasestypes pour retrouver ces mots / expressions dans des contextes logiques et personnaliss.

    Indiquez sil sagit dun verbe, dun nom, dun adjectif, etc. Pour les noms, les adjectifs etles adverbes, cherchez et notez les formes irrgulires et les antonymes (sils existent !).

    Exemple pour le thme transport

    bus bus (n)

    coach car (n)

    car voiture (n)

    to drive (v) a car conduire une voiture

    old (adj) ancien

    new (adj) neuf

    driver (n) conducteur

    petrol (n) essence

    pass (n) abonnement / billet (hebdomadaire / mensuel / annuel etc.)

    A very old / new (adj) car. une voiture trs ancienne / neuve.

    Petrol is very expensive today. lessence est trs chre aujourdhui.

    Yearly underground pass. un abonnement annuel de mtro.

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    8 A109 LX PA 00


    Unit 1

    Presenting companies,departments and jobs



    abroad ltranger

    agree (with) tre daccord (avec)

    anti-lock braking system ABS (automobile)

    apologise (for) sexcuser

    apply (for) postuler () / poser une candidature (pour)

    approve (of) approuver

    as a result en consquence

    ask (for) demander

    average moyen(ne)

    aware (of) tre conscient (de)


    become devenir

    belong (to) appartenir ()

    boost propulser / hausser / faire remonter en flche

    brand name marque

    broken down tomb(e) en panne

    business trips voyages daffaires


    cheap pas cher

    check vrifiercommonly couramment / frquemment

    company entreprise

    computer ordinateur

    conduct mener / diriger

    confer (with) confrer / accorder ()

    consumer consommateur

    convenient pratique / commode

    country pays

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    Unit 1

    8 A109 LX PA 00



    deadline date butoir / limitedelay retard

    department service

    depend (on) dpendre (de)

    digital numrique

    discrepancy divergence / contradiction / dcalage / diffrence

    dust poussire

    duties devoirs / tches / besognes

    Eeasy going complaisant

    entertainement divertissement

    expenses des fraisexpensive cher(e) / coteux

    Ffactory usine

    found crer / fonder ( une socit)

    founder crateur / fondateur (pour une socit)

    fall behind tre la trane / se laisser distancer

    focus (on) se concentrer sur

    forefront la pointe de

    Ggoals buts

    a great deal (of) beaucoup (de)

    green light feu vert

    growth dveloppement / croissance / expansion

    Hhandle soccuper de quelque chose

    hardly ever presque jamais

    household name marque trs connue


    in addiction (to) en plus (de)increase monter / accrotre / augmenter

    issue problme / question

    Jjob interview entretien pour un travail

    Kkeep garder

    keyboard clavier

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    8 A109 LX PA 00


    Presenting companies, departments and jobs


    laptop ordinateur portablelaunch lancer (une socit, une opration)

    link lien

    lions share la part du lion

    long-range long terme

    Mmain principal

    maintain garder

    management la direction (dune entreprise)

    manufacture fabriquer

    means of transport moyen(s) de transport

    meeting runion

    metal housing botier mtallique

    mistake erreur

    most of the time la plupart du temps

    Nneeds besoins

    network rseau

    never jamais


    often souventon land sur terre

    on water sur leau

    oversee superviser

    overtime heures supplmentaires

    own possder

    Ppatent brevet

    proficient comptent

    provide fournir

    Rrank classer

    rate vitesse / rythme / taux

    relationships rapports

    rely (on) compter sur qqn / qqe chose

    remain rester / continuer

    remotely distance

    replicated reproduit

    requirements besoins

    resign (from) donner sa dmission (de)

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    Unit 1

    8 A109 LX PA 00


    rising qui monte

    running qui fonctionne

    Ssensitive sensible

    several plusieurs

    share (v) partager

    shares (n) des actions / parts dune socit

    size taille

    skill comptence

    smoothly sans -coups

    sometimes des fois

    speed vitesse

    staff personnelstar toile

    stay abreast (of) rester la hauteur de

    stem (from) provenir (de) / dcouler (de) / dnuer (de)

    stock exchange la Bourse

    sub-contractor sous-traitant

    subsidiaries filiales

    succeed (in doing) russir ( faire)

    suppliers fournisseurs

    Tthanks to grce

    tight budget budget serr

    tightly troitement

    timeframes dlais

    trade union syndicat

    trading opration commerciale / transaction

    turnover chiffre daffaires

    Uusually dhabitude


    working hours horaires de travailworldwide mondial(e)

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    8 A109 LX PA 00


    Presenting companies, departments and jobs

    LISTENING 1 Presenting and IS department D02

    Interviewer: Could you tell me a little about the way your IS department is organised?

    IS manager: OK. Ill try. Our organisation is really split into 2 dimensions. One is linked to

    geographical regions, and the other is linked to the technology we cover. From

    a geographical point of view, were organised like most large companies.

    There are 3 main geographical regions; Europe, the Americas and the Greater

    Asia Region. There are sub-divisions within these regions. The European sector

    for example is sub-divided into 4 areas, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North

    Europe and the Mediterranean.

    Interviewer: Okay. Like you say, its a fairly traditional organisation. What about the technicaldimension?

    IS manager: From the technological point of view ... well, Im not very familiar with the way

    specific applications are handled, because Im part of the global infrastructure

    team. This team is broken down into 3 or 4 areas, ( as sometimes 2 areas are

    mixed together).

    Generally speaking, there is the Work Station and Help Desk Area, the Server

    Area and the Telecom Area. . And these areas are broken down again into

    different specialised units.

    Interviewer: Okay so far. . Perhaps you could describe one of these areas in a little more


    IS manager: Ehm If I focus on the way the telecom area is organised, for example. .

    There are 4 specialised units. The data network, thats your personal computer

    with internet access, connection to one or more serverseh .well connection

    to whatever device there is on the network. We also have the voice network,

    everything thats related to voice. The voice area includes, of course, the phone

    system but also what we call the conference call bridge, mobile... mobile phones,

    and also the link with videoconferencing and IP phones.

    Interviewer: Sorry Whats the difference between conference call bridges and


    IS manager: Well, Conference Call Bridge is audio only. . There can be a certain number of

    participants together in the same virtual room, and everyone can speak at the

    same timewell, hopefully not everyone at the same time.

    Interviewer: Yes, it could get really confusing.

    IS manager: Yeah, but usually its OK. We are really used to doing this as we spend a lot of

    time in meetings, and when I say meetings, most of the time I mean virtual ones.

    Its cost saving. So, for this we use tools like conference call bridges; either in-

    house devices which we manage ourselves or tools we buy outside... sometimes

    we buy the service outside. Eh, Ive spoken about the Data Network and the

    Voice Network, there is also the External Access Network. This is the core LAN

    network with connection to the outside world. Our users, whether they are in the

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    Unit 1

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    field or at home, need to connect remotely with the company for information

    or to access e-mails, etc. So, for this there are special devices and services.Interviewer: When you say users, do you mean customers?

    IS manager: No, I mean employees, for example field engineers. This external access area

    also covers communication with our partners. Third parties which need to be

    connected to the company network, for example, the payroll system, which isnt

    in-house. It needs to be connected up to the company network. This is part of the

    external access area because it has to pass through firewalls and there is a high

    level of security and checks. Some people in the department are specialised in this

    area. The 4tharea of telecom is monitoring. Monitoring is fairly self-explanatory.

    Thats how we keep a check on all the systems we are responsible for, everything

    that keeps a check on the health of our network. So there you have it; Voice

    Network, Data Network, External Access and Monitoring. We are organised insuch a way that this multi-dimensional organisation is replicated at all levels.

    What I mean is that there is one person globally responsible for each network,

    Voice, Data, etc., but there is also someone responsible for each network in every

    region. In that way we can assure that the same type of service or request is dealt

    with identically in each region and that there are no discrepancies.

    For example in the External Access Area where we use firewalls, there is special

    hardware and software and its important that we are using the same equipment

    worldwide. This is possible because there is one person with worldwide

    responsibility in this area, as well as one for each geographical region and the

    message is the same for everyone. Its really a top-down approach to retain

    consistency throughout.

    Here, in Europe, we have very few IS specialists in each country. For example, I

    have no telecom people in the other countries that Im responsible for.

    Interviewer: Right. Does that mean you send specialists from this department to install new

    systems or solve a problem which has to be dealt with in another country?

    IS manager: No, no. Network is something that we can cope with remotely in all cases.

    Interviewer: Even the hardware?

    IS manager: Yes, even the hardware. We have suppliers who can go on-site to solve a problem

    in an emergency. If the problem is not urgent then we can send devices from

    here and the people over there, the first level support, just screw it in. They

    know how to patch. We trust them and theyre doing a good job. We rely onthem.

    Eh.., I think Ive covered just about everything, eh thats basically how our IS

    Department is organised.

    Interviewer: Great. Thanks very much for the explanation. .

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    8 A109 LX PA 00


    Presenting companies, departments and jobs

    LISTENING 2 An IS managers typical day D03

    Interviewer: Perhaps I could ask you some questions about your job and your daily routine?

    IS manager: Yes, of course. What would you like to know?

    Interviewer: Perhaps we could start with a description of your typical day.

    IS manager: A typical day! Well eh thats quite difficult as no two days are alike, and it

    also depends on the day of the week. But there is a general pattern to my time.

    Between 30 and 50% of my time is spent in meetings.

    Interviewer: Operational meetings?

    IS manager: Different kinds of meetings really. Yes, there are operational meetings. First of all

    here in the department just to see where we are at, if there any problems, or if

    there are any urgent needs to deal with .. for example; insufficient resources. I

    hold these meetings every week, and they last for about 2 hours.

    Interviewer: Do they follow a set pattern?

    IS manager: Yes, they are all fairly structured. First, I update my team on any general news

    this can be organisational announcements or a new project coming up. Then,

    each person on the team presents a document to show where they stand on their

    projects, so that everyone is aware of each others work. Thats very important.

    That way, if there are any outside queries, each member of the team can answer

    them, even though there is only one person responsible for each project.

    Interviewer: Any other operational meetings?

    IS manager: Yes every 2 weeks I organise an operations meeting with my European team,Im the domain manager for the network in general, but Im also the European

    specialist for all remote access and firewall issues.

    Interviewer: And management meetings?

    IS manager: Every week there is a European Telecom Managers meeting. This is the European

    meeting held with my colleagues from the UK and Germany.

    Interviewer: Ah...So you get to travel a little as well...

    IS manager: I wish! Getting out of the office once in a while would be a good break. No, Im

    afraid everyone stays in their offices. We use a web meeting and conferencing

    system. Groupware, you know; IP phones, white boards and a secure collaborative

    working environment. That way we can share the same documents online,

    in real time. This means one person is updating the document and we are all

    following the same presentation. Web meetings are our most common means of

    communication. Its really one of our key tools. Thats about it as far as meetings

    go .... Oh, I almost forgot .. I also have to organise monthly one to one

    meetings because Im responsible for resource management. That is, looking

    after employees careers and training.

    Interviewer: A lot of meetings!

    IS manager: Yeah, like I said meetings eat up a lot of my time!

    Interviewer: Okay, what about hours, when do you start work in the morning?

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    Unit 1

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    IS manager: Generally, I connect up to the network from home before leaving for work at

    about 7:15am just to make sure everythings running smoothly. For example,this morning, there was a virus attack published during the night. Our American

    colleagues were not aware of it, because of course its still night-time over there.

    So, I immediately alerted the person in charge of Europe and sent a copy to the

    security manager in Peru and then sent a message to all our users telling

    them not to touch it if it came through to them. During the day theyve been

    doing an update of all the virus definitions.

    Interviewer: What else have you been doing today?

    IS manager: EhIve been doing an update on the telecom budget review for international

    costs. Ive also had a meeting with everyone in my team about an operating

    problem we had earlier in the week. This problem was not handled as I would

    have liked so I wanted to get everybody on board, to see what happened, whyit happened and to make sure this type of problem is addressed correctly in the

    future. What else ... one call about presenting a special internet access project for

    next year. Its being presented this afternoon in order to get the green light to go

    ahead to the next step of the project, which is the funding. Thats about it really

    for today, except dealing with mails

    Interviewer: I suppose you have a lot of emails to deal with in a day?

    IS manager: Emails yes, hmm ... around about 50 a day. Today, there have been some about

    invoicing, some about funding, a few minor problems to deal with, as well as

    contact with our users. There is one from Brazil I have had to deal with quickly.

    A member of staff is leaving the company over there and when that happens

    we have to react quickly to make sure that all access is shut down OK,

    several about the budgets. Ah yes one dealing with an outage problem on

    the main line with Poland. When the line goes down, a back up line kicks in and

    stops any disruption in the service, so that the user can carry on working. But in

    this case there was full site isolation at one point and so now we have to check

    everything to eliminate each line to see where the problem stems from. That

    takes some time, of course. Thats what Ive been doing so far todayand the

    days not over yet As you can see, its pretty varied.

    Interviewer: Very! But interesting I suppose?

    IS manager: Yes, its never boring.

    Interviewer: Thanks a lot for taking the time to answer my questions.IS manager: No problem.

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    8 A109 LX PA 00


    Unit 2

    IT evolution : problems and solutions



    aim viser (verbe) / le but (nom)

    allocated allou

    allowed permis

    amounts montant

    alike de la mme faon (ici)

    anywhere nimporte o

    arrival arrive

    attach joindre

    available disponible


    backing rentoilage (ici)bin poubelle (nom)

    bin / binnig (v) mettre la poubelle

    bosses les patrons / chefs

    broadband ADSL / haut dbit

    bring together rassembler


    cardboard / cardboard boxes le carton / botes en carton

    case botier

    cater for pourvoir / satisfairecheaper moins cher

    commonplace banal / commun / ordinaire

    comply with respecter

    core central / noyau

    cost cot

    cost-effective rentable / bon rapport cot - performance

    covering strip bande de protection

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    Unit 2

    8 A109 LX PA 00



    delivery times dlais de livraisondesktops ordinateurs de bureau

    drawing board planche dessin industriel

    Eease facilit

    enable permettre

    end up finir par devenir

    endless sans fin / infini

    erase supprimer

    even mme

    eventually finalement


    field engineer ingnieur sur le terrain

    file fichier

    folder dossier

    fortunately / unfortunately heureusement / malheureusement

    fulfill excuter / raliser


    get rid of se dbarrasser (de)


    hanger attache / cintre

    heavy lourd

    highly extrmement

    hire embaucher (ici)

    hook crochet

    hook up accrocher

    however cependant

    hub centre / moyeu / concentrateur

    huge norme


    in hand en main


    joint connectors raccords

    jump sauter

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    IT evolution: problems and solutions


    latest le plus rcentleap bond

    leastways du moins / ou plutt

    load charger


    mainframes gros ordinateurs / units centrales


    nails clous

    nightmare cauchemar


    once une fois

    order (n v) commande / commander

    outside lextrieur (de)

    overall global(e)


    path chemin

    pleased content(e)

    prevent empcher

    prove (oneself) faire ses preuves (ici)

    purchasing achats


    realise se rendre compte

    recover / recovery rcuprer / rcupration

    reluctant rticent

    remote distant(e)

    requisite requis / ncessaire

    restricted limit(e) / restreint(e)


    safely / safer en scurit / plus sr

    screwdriver tournevis

    send envoyer

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    8 A109 LX PA 00


    IT evolution: problems and solutions

    LISTENING 1 A problem and its solution D05


    Weve had a couple of security problems recently, nothing too drastic but

    worrying nonetheless. And you?

    B: Well, recently there was quite a bit of worry over the rising number of laptop

    thefts. A lot of our managers use them especially when visiting customers. The

    whole point of them having laptops is that they can travel anywhere and still

    have a record of all the customers detailed information to hand. Travelling, of

    course, increases the risk of theft. We were worried about all the confidential

    customer information on the hard disk. Our managers believed that when they

    put files in the bin, that was that, they had eradicated all sensitive data. But,naturally, as you well know all data can be recovered from a hard disk, so binning

    files was hardly great security for our customers.

    A: How did you deal with the problem?

    B: We started looking for software that would completely erase sensitive files from

    a hard disk, with no possible chance of recovery. There were various options on

    the market but we had a set of criteria to comply with, which meant our choices

    were limited. First of all, it had to be inexpensive. Also, we needed something

    easy to install and most importantly, it had to be easy to use as our managers are

    not computer whiz kids.

    A: Not an easy task, I know. Did you find the software you were looking for?

    B: Initially we found a couple of good pieces of software that were interesting;

    leastways they did the job we required of them. However, the software came

    with various other applications we didnt need, and these were complicated

    for our users. Another negative aspect was that we would have had to buy the

    whole package and it ended up being quite expensive. Eventually, it took a

    while; but we came across what was for us, the perfect piece of software for

    the job in hand. Wed scanned the internet and came up with eraser. Specific

    software for getting rid of sensitive files and leaving no thief, hacker or whoever

    the possibility of recovering any of the data. It is very simple to use, one of our

    criteria, it was free, another good point, and it did only the job we required - and

    it did it very efficiently, I might add. Its even referenced by NASA and the FBI,

    for example. It uses the Guttmann algorithm which basically writes and rewrites

    a series of specific data several times over the data to be destroyed.

    The beauty of this software is that being GNU software you can personalise it

    and adapt it to your specific needs. For example, in its standard form you can

    choose to overwrite four, seven or thirty-two times. The time it takes to erase

    is quite long so we chose seven times. You can program it to erase at periodic

    intervals every time you start up the laptop for example. We programmed

    it to erase the bin contents everyday at 5pm. Of course, we then realised that

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    Unit 2

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    emptying the contents of the bin automatically could cause problems if some

    files were put in the bin by accident. So we created a second bin just for sensitivedocuments.

    A: It sounds like a suitable solution for your problem.

    B: Yes, were so pleased with this product that were soon going to install it on all

    our desktops.

    LISTENING 2 A companys IT evolution D06

    A: How has your company kept up with changes in Information Technology?

    B: A few years ago communication was not as easy as it is today. We work as a virtual

    organisation; that is a lot of employees are not in the same building, town or even

    country as their bosses. In my case, my two bosses are in other countries. So, we use

    networking, database software and groupware. We couldnt work today without

    all these tools.

    A: This wasnt always the case, was it?

    B: No it wasnt. In the past our IS base was run by big mainframes which took up a

    lot of space and were very slow and heavy to run. We only had text-based e-mail

    which was used sparingly as it was not at all user-friendly and the mail system took

    a very long time if you wanted to attach a file for example. It was a real nightmare.

    In fact it was easier by phone, but of course you couldnt send files by phone. The

    phone was also very expensive. At the time we had the national phone company

    running our telephone system. Today we have an in-house system, which is much

    cheaper to operate. For remote access we used dial-up modems. As these were

    analogue modems they had very slow performance rates. We had very basic servers

    and no printers, because again the cost was too high. Internet access was highly

    restricted for the same reasons.

    A: What was the biggest problem at the time?

    B: The main problem we had in the past was that each country had its own system

    running individually. Each database was local, so communication between countrieswas laborious and costly. There was no centralised system like we have today. Even

    the use of laptops is quite recent as they were too expensive in the past for the

    field engineers to have.

    A: Was there a rapid change over to newer systems?

    B: No, the progression was a gradual one to todays networking. In the UK they had

    installed a central system using SAP or S.A.P. and so the decision was taken for each

    country to hook up to the same one. It took a considerable amount of time for each

    country to change, but it made an enormous difference to communication. Using

    SAP meant that each country could no longer have its own autonomous system but

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    IT evolution: problems and solutions

    had to change to the same system; the same servers, same everything in fact.

    This major leap, called ERP, enterprise resource planning to give it its full name,brought our company together virtually and enabled us to create our global

    infrastructure. Its a software solution addressing company needs in order to meet

    organisational goals while tightly integrating all the functions of a company. It

    facilitates company-wide integrated information systems, performs core corporate

    activities and increases customer service. It integrates databases, applications,

    interfaces, tools, etc. For example, it can automate the different steps along the

    path to fulfilling a customer order . And this can be from the point of view of the

    production department, financial department, or for delivery times, etc.

    A: What were the main benefits?

    B: This standardisation of systems meant that they were easier to maintain. It was

    a turning point in the way the company interacted internally and how we wereorganised. As an organisation we never jump on the latest technology as soon as its

    on the market. We wait until it has had a chance to prove itself, to mature, before

    deciding whether to adopt it or not. Its safer that way and more cost effective.

    A: Yeah as in most cases, better to rely on tried and tested products.

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    Intra &



    'a whole different ball game' expression : compltement diffrent

    according to selon

    ads la pub / annonce / rclame (n)

    advertising publicit

    amazing tonnant(e)

    annoying nervant(e) / agaant(e)

    answers rponses

    awful affreux / atroce


    backlink (inlink, inward link etc...) lien retour

    balance (n) quilibrebandwidth bande passante

    barely peine

    batch un lot

    benchmark une base ou une rfrence (ici)

    benefit profiter

    the best le / la meilleur(e)

    between entre

    bid (v, n) faire une offre / enchrir / une enchre

    billion milliard

    'bite the wax tadpole' phrase qui na pas de sens, littralement : mordre lettard en cire

    boast se vanter

    breakneck casse-cou

    browse surfer (Internet)

    building construction

    bullet list liste points / puces

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    claim revendiquerclues indices

    clustering regroupement / clustrisation

    comic-style style bande dessine

    compete rivaliser / faire concurrence

    counterpart homologue

    crawler-based les rsultats sont lists selon le nombre de fois o lemot recherch apparat sur une page

    crazy dingue

    current actuel


    dash hopes anantir les espoirs (ici)

    deployed dploy(e)

    differ (from) se distinguer / tre diffrent (de)

    disgruntled mcontent(e)

    drawbacks dsavantages

    driving down poussant vers le bas


    emphasise insister sur / souligner

    expectations attentes

    expense cot


    faithful loyal(e)

    fall (v)(n) tomber / (nom) chute

    famous clbre

    fashionable en vogue / la mode

    favourites prfrs

    be fed up (with) en avoir assez (de)

    feed nourrir

    figures chiffres

    firm socit

    flashing tincelant / scintillant

    forge ahead prendre de lavance / foncer

    fortunes les richesses / les fortunes


    gather rassembler / ramasser

    global stage la scne mondiale

    growth croissance

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    harm faire du malheadline gros titre

    headlong tte baisse / se prcipiter

    hidden cach(e)

    highlight souligner

    highways voies publiques / grandes routes


    impressive impressionnant(e)

    improve amliorer

    inbound link cf backlinkincluded inclus / compris

    increase augmenter / saccrotre

    incur encourir


    'keep your eye on the ball' expression : tre sur le qui-vive

    'keep up with the Joneses' expression : faire aussi bien, voire mieux,que les voisins


    lack manque

    lag behind tre la trane / avoir du retard / tre en retard sur

    landscape paysage

    law la loi

    layout mise en page

    lengths longueurs

    likely probable

    (be) like-minded (tre) du mme avis / (avoir) des ides similaires

    link-rich possder beaucoup de liens

    lowering baissant (ici)


    manly viril

    means moyens


    name appeler / nommer

    newspaper le journal

    nowhere nulle part

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    'on the other hand' expression : dun / (l autre) cton-line en ligne

    one-upmanship art de faire mieux que les autres

    outlay mise de fonds / dpense

    outsider quelquun dextrieur / tranger quelque chose

    outweigh dpasser / emporter sur

    overcrowded surpeupl / trop dense


    pathfinders qui cherche des voies / liens

    portal portail (porte vers plusieurs services sur Internet)postage timbrage

    pros and cons le pour et le contre

    pursue poursuivre


    query question


    rate taux

    reached atteint

    reap rcolter

    remember se souvenir

    remind rappeler

    retrieve rcuprer

    rise monter

    rules rgles


    sales ventes (ici)

    savings conomiesscant maigre / gure / trs peu

    scheme systme / plan

    search (v,n) chercher / rechercher / recherche

    shoot ahead passer loin devant

    sieve / sift dgager (ici)

    slang argot

    solve rsoudre

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    sounding qui sonne

    soundness justessesparingly avec parcimonie

    spend dpenser

    spider araigne

    sub-heading sous-titre

    subscriber abonn

    sustained soutenu


    therefore par consquence

    thoroughly compltement / entirementthrow jeter

    tiny minuscule

    to date ce jour

    to leave someone standing expression : laisser quelquun loin derrire

    tool outil

    topic sujet

    trust confiance

    truth la vrit


    upgrade mettre jour / acheter la nouvelle version

    unlimited sans limite

    unwise pas sage

    useful utile


    wade (through) venir bout / schiner

    war guerre

    ware marchandise / produit

    way ahead loin devant

    well-known bien connu(e)

    within lintrieur(e)

    workplace lieu de travail

    worth vaut

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    LISTENING 1 Search engines D09

    A: Isnt it amazing! All those search engines we all used to use not so many years

    ago and now all we ever hear about is Google!

    B: Yes, its Google mania. As a household name theyre more well-known today

    than Microsoft. Its even become a verb to google, meaning to do a web


    A: Right. So what happened to, you know, Ask Jeeves, AltaVista, Lycos and so on?

    How come Google shot ahead of all the others? They seem to have come from

    nowhere fast.

    B: Well, the others are all still around and working well. AltaVista was one of thefirst comprehensive internet search engines created by Digital back in 94. They

    called it the first super spider software. It was a crawler-based search engine.

    That is; it listed results according to the number of times search words appeared

    on a page. Lycos, which was even earlier than AltaVista, was the same but

    much more limited. Then in 97 there began a series of search-engine size wars,

    mainly started by AltaVista and INKOTOMI. They were in fierce competition,

    each claiming to have the greatest number of documents or web pages. In the

    nineties, the guys who created Google realised that results would be quicker if

    a search engine looked at the relationships between different websites. Their

    system calculated the website importance by counting the inbound links or

    back-links. They decided to test this theory by creating a search engine which

    ranked websites by the pages which had the most links.

    A: You mean that where there were the most links it was because those pages

    were the most relevant to a search?

    B: Exactly. Googles strength is getting results from simple 1 or 2 word queries

    because of these relevance techniques. People were also really attracted to the

    simplicity of Googles design. After all, we were all getting thoroughly fed up

    with complicated overcrowded websites that were difficult to sieve through.

    Finding the information you actually wanted was difficult. Google also put a

    stop to annoying pop-up ads on their site.

    A: Oh, I know. They used to drive me crazy. Search engine size wars are still going

    on. I read that Google made a benchmark of 500 million documents back in

    millennium year, and left all the others standing.

    B: Yes. There was continual one-upmanship for many years with different search

    engines pushing the figures from the millions into the billions. By 2004 Google

    was up to a record-setting 8 billion.

    A: Wow. I must admit thats pretty impressive. So, is it just the amount of web

    pages a search engine finds that makes it the biggest and the best?

    B: A lot of people think so, but the ideal search engine doesnt exist, even if people

    do have their own favourites. As I said earlier Google is excellent at obtaining

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    good answers with scant clues, but it usually feeds you still images, whereas FAST

    (now part of YAHOO), is much better at using and understanding language topersonalise the individuals request and is great for sound, music and video.

    A: So, it depends on what youre looking for. The kind of browsing I do is very

    work-focused, and therefore quite detailed. I dont usually need to wade

    through the hundreds and thousands of pages that search engines throw up.

    B: Well, now there is a whole new batch of search engines like which

    use the subject-specific-popularity technology developed by TEOMA. Some

    are relatively small but they locate specific groups of like-minded experts and

    enthusiasts. They find link-rich pathfinders for you. Some have no index of their

    own. These are meta-search engines that send out your query to other search

    engines and will sift the information to give you the best results. This is called

    clustering and it organises the results pages into different subjects. There is alsoDaypop which gets information from web-logs or online diaries. As blogers are

    enthusiasts on a given subject theyll hopefully provide you with better links.

    A: In that case, I guess big is not necessarily best!

    B: Thats right. Those huge search engines we talked about, knowing they needed

    to stay on the ball, transformed themselves into portals offering a variety of

    services and thereby kept their customers faithful. Search engines are reaching

    out further and constantly changing the way we use the web.

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    LISTENING 2 Ins and Outs of CAT (computer assisted translation) D10

    Speaker: Okay, now Id like to talk to you about another interesting subject - Computer Assisted

    Translation, or CAT as its commonly termed. CAT comes in a wide variety of forms,

    from the simple spell-checker program to the full-text search tools (also known as

    full-text indexers). There are 2 main categories of CAT:

    MT (Machine Translation) and TM (Translation Memory).

    MT, where the machine actually does the translation for you, has been around for

    many years. Unfortunately, customer expectations are often dashed when using it, and

    trying to measure quality is a complex business for mono-linguists. Many companies

    have used this type of translation software when trying to reach out to a wider

    audience, for example through advertising slogans. MT analyses a text and rewrites it

    according to a programmed set of linguistic rules. Naturally, as it is a machine doing

    the translating, it is fairly rigid and lacks imagination. It is also limited by the grammar

    and vocabulary content thats fed in to it, in the target language. As a result, some

    users of MT software have suffered terrible experiences of mistranslation.

    Through bad translation, advertising slogans for some multi-nationals were ridiculous

    or even offensive in certain countries. One well-known soft drink company, when

    naming its product for the Chinese market, came up with a similar sounding Chinese

    word. The word they chose in Chinese meant bite the wax tadpole. This was not the

    attractive, tempting name they were looking for. Another example was a famous car

    manufacturer selling to the Brazilian market. They discovered the name chosen fortheir car meant tiny male genitals in Brazilian slang. This was a catastrophe for the

    manly marketing image they wanted for the car. This turned out to be an expensive

    mistake as changing the names on all the cars cost the company a great deal of


    Valuable tools in common use, such as dictionaries and spell-checker programs, also

    fall into this category. Verifying the soundness of the translation remains the major

    problem with all these programs when used by a mono-linguist. We still have a long

    way to go before MT is entirely capable of taking over from humans.

    TM, on the other hand, is a whole different ball game. This type of software helps

    the translator and not the other way round. The human works on the translation

    and is aided by the program. These tools consist of a database of text segments ina source language, and their translations into one or more target languages. In its

    memory, TM is also capable of remembering and then reminding the translator of

    how they translated similar sentences, phrases or even whole texts in the past. This

    can be especially useful for the translation of technical manuals and other repetitive

    texts. It memorises usage patterns and can be used in a helpdesk capacity. These TM

    tools are constantly being updated and improved and many large companies use

    them to build their multi-lingual websites and write instruction manuals, reducing

    translation costs and saving considerable time.

    Right now, any questions so far? Yes, the young lady on the right.

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    Unit 4

    Security, security, security



    access accs

    accounts les comptes

    additional supplmentaire / de plus

    address book carnet dadresses

    adware publiciel

    aerial antenne

    afford avoir les moyens de

    agenda ordre du jour

    agree (with) tre daccord (avec)

    almost presque

    arise se prsenter / se poser (ici un problme)

    armchair fauteuil

    authentication authentification

    awaiting en attente (de)


    back door porte derobe

    back-up sauvegarde

    bet pari

    believe croire

    blackmail chantage

    blind alley (figuratif) voie de garagebogus faux

    botnet un rseau dordinateurs zombie pour fairedes envois en masse de mailings

    brain cerveau

    break-through perce

    buy acheter

    bypass contourner / viter / se passer de

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    call appelercapture capturer

    catch attraper

    channel canaliser (ici)

    coat hanger porte-manteau

    coffee tin bote caf

    computer-savvy avoir des connaissances en informatique

    computer speak le langage des ordinateurs / jargon informatique

    contest concours / lutte / combat

    cope with venir bout de / faire face / affronter

    copyright droit dauteurcountry pays

    crack dchiffrer


    destroy dtruire

    discreetly discrtement

    discuss parler de

    doubly doublement


    earlier plus tt

    earth (lctricit) mettre la masse / la terre

    eavesdrop (on a conversation) couter aux portes / couter une conversation prive

    encoding / encrypting mettre en code

    enough assez

    entirely entirement

    escalate sintensifier / monter en flche

    exhilarating grisant / exaltant


    false faux

    fingerprint empreinte digitale

    fishing la pche

    flowerpot pot de fleurs

    foolproof infaillible

    forge contrefaire / falsifier


    games jeux

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    Security, security, security

    genuine authentique / vrai

    get a kick out of (doing something) expression : prendre son pied ( faire quelque chose)get back revenir


    harmless inoffensif / innocent

    health sant

    hence donc / par consquent / do

    hunt (n, v) chasse / chasser


    implementation mise en oeuvrein earnest srieusement

    inevitably invitablement

    inside lintrieur

    invoice facture

    item article / question / point (ici)


    join in participer / se mettre de la partie


    keep garder

    keylogger enregistreur de frappe (espion ou non)

    keys touches (ici)

    knock over renverser

    knowledge connaissance


    lay off licencier

    leave laisser (ici)

    (lead, led, led) mener

    legitimate lgitime

    link lien

    lone standing individuel et seul


    mailshot mailing / publipostage

    manage (to) russir

    master matre

    mess pagaille

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    money de largent


    neighbour voisin


    opponent adversaire

    otherwise autrement / sinon

    ourselves nous-mmes

    outline brosser un tableau dans les grandes lignes

    Ppassword mot de passe

    pavement trottoir

    pit your brain against se mesurer intellectuellement

    places lieux

    plenty (of time) assez (de temps) (ici)

    point out faire remarquer

    proposal proposition

    proxy par procuration

    purpose but / objet / raison

    put forward proposer / mettre


    recipes recettes (de cuisine)

    record companies maisons de disques

    recording enregistrement

    report rapport / compte-rendu

    request demande / requte


    save sauvegarder

    scramble brouiller

    screen cran

    selling vendre

    share partager

    short court

    shutdown arrter / fermer (un systme etc...)

    side-track router / driver

    sister soeur

    (the) slightest (le) moindre

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    Security, security, security

    small fry menu fretin

    snoop fureter discrtementspamming envoi massif de couriers lctroniques

    spend dpenser (argent) / passer (temps)

    spyware logiciel espion

    star-shaped en forme dtoile

    stay / keep ahead garder une avance sur les autres

    steal voler (drober)

    street rue

    stroll flner

    stuff (uncountable !) choses / trucs

    stymie coincer / mettre dans limpassesuburban de banlieue

    suchlike de la sorte / du mme genre

    suit convenir

    sum montant

    surge une saute de courant (lctricit)


    take advantage of profiter de

    teenagers adolescents

    the need le besointhough bien que / quoique

    thousands des milliers

    threat menace

    timescale priode / perspective de temps

    trojan / trojan horse cheval de Troie


    unless moins que

    unlike diffrent de / dissemblable / contrairement

    unwittingly involontairement

    usurps usurper


    watch regarder / observer

    way faon / manire

    well-being bien-tre

    widely-travelled qui a beaucoup voyag

    win, (won, won) gagner

    worms les vers

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    LISTENING 1 Data protection and electronic signatures D15

    Sonia: Right, whats the next item on the agenda?

    Gerhard: Well James has put forward a proposal to introduce electronic signatures for all

    top management.

    Sonia: Really, Okay. Lets discuss it then. What use are they, and why would we need


    Gerhard: The main idea is to stop anyone intercepting messages.

    Sonia: Why would anyone want to do that?

    Gerhard: To change the content for example. Lets say Ins, the Finance

    Manager wants to approve payment for an invoice from one of our suppliers.If the message were intercepted, the approval could be used for criminal


    Sonia: Yes, but we already have anti-viruses, firewalls, and all sorts of computer

    security, surely no one can get past it all?

    Gerhard: Nothing is foolproof. Keeping ahead of cyber-criminals means changing and

    updating our systems to stay ahead. This is additional security.

    Sonia: Perhaps we could bring James in here to give us more details?

    Gerhard: Thats a good idea. Ill get him.


    James: Good morning everybody. Right, well, to talk about electronic signatures, also

    called digital certificates, theyre a sort of digital fingerprint system. Theyre

    in popular use, in particular in e-commerce. As we are expanding into the e-

    market we need this important part of the authentication process, for ourselves

    and our customers.

    Sonia: Absolutely. Gerhard was talking about internal use though, between

    departments. Is that also necessary, or could we just issue these digital

    certificates to the Sales and Finance Departments?

    James: Anyone receiving messages, giving the authority to spend company money,

    needs the assurance that the message comes from who it says it does. In our

    case, it is only the managers who have this authority, so I believe they should

    each have their own electronic signature as a precaution.

    Gerhard: I agree entirely. Its getting too risky given the ease with which we all use e-mail

    for transmitting buying and selling requests. To go back to something Sonia said

    earlier, can I just point out that we, the company, dont issue these certificates

    ourselves. We have to apply for them from a Certificate Authority. A third party

    organisation issues the digital certificate, to create the digital signatures and

    public and private key pairs.

    James: Thats right.

    Sonia: How do they work?

    James: Well, lets take you and Gerhard for example. When you send a message to

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    Security, security, security

    Gerhard you would use the public key to encrypt the message. Gerhard must

    then use his private key to decrypt the message. Thats why we call them keypairs. They are easy to use.

    Sonia: So, I suppose the signatures need to be easy to remember and at the same time

    difficult to forge.

    Gerhard: Yes, if theyre too simple, such as a persons name or initials, its easy to crack the

    computer system.

    James: And, on the other hand, as Sonia says they have to be easy enough to


    Sonia: Right. James, can we leave this with you? Id like a short report as soon as you

    can, outlining the costs, and timescale for implementation. Will the end of next

    week give you sufficient time?

    James: Plenty. Shall I send you it in an encrypted e-mail?Sonia: If you do, I wont be able to read it without my private key. Thank you, James.

    OK. Gerhard, can we move on to the next item?

    Gerhard: Okay, last week we had a report of a security breach in the firewall

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    LISTENING 2 Hacking and a hackers advice


    Interviewer: So, when did you start hacking, and why?

    Hacker: Ive been a hacker for many years now. It started innocently enough at the

    grand old age of 13, quite simply because my parents couldnt afford to buy me

    sophisticated new software, and as I was already very computer savvy, I started

    trying to find ways of downloading and cracking software codes for personal

    use. At the time it was mostly for music. Then, of course the great change came

    for me when broadband arrived and I started downloading in earnest. Unlimited

    access to the internet also meant that I could spendhours talking on forums and

    discovering the fascinating world of hacking. It was genuine curiosity. Being in

    contact with other hackers encouraged me to join in their games. Thats what

    most of it is about anyway its all just a game. The great challenge and especially

    the competition: pitting your brain against a huge corporation or organisation

    is exhilarating stuff, in particular for teenagers. Its an amazing feeling to think

    that little old you can stymie some enormous company or whatever, right from

    your armchair. Were code crackers and some of us have even become heroes,

    well, perhaps Im exaggerating a little! But you never know when well be

    needed. Bypassing security codes is usually how I break through security to gain


    Interviewer: Who do you think are the biggest threats to hackers?Hacker: Record companies in particular are continually hunting down hackers because

    of copyright laws trying to protect their business. So, some software can only

    be bought on the internet using a credit card, and the company puts a program

    into your computer which can read everything in your computer, and therefore

    it knows if the software is being used on another computer. Some software can

    also detect if a CD is a copy or not.

    Interviewer: Are there any ways of avoiding detection?

    Hacker: I use a proxy server when Im hacking, that way if the web police are out there

    searching, they cant get back to me. By using a proxy my personal information

    is not given out, its only false information, and the police are led on a wild

    goose chase to various different places and different countries. So they dont

    know where I am, or who I am. Most hackers are doubly careful when dealing

    with the USA, as the FBI pretends to be a proxy server, and you can get caught

    that way.

    Interviewer: Sounds like it could be dangerous. So, why do you continue?

    Hacker: As I said before, its mainly to get a kick out of the challenge. You must have

    heard of the Sasser worm. That made a real mess. It was a contest between

    two hackers to see who could contaminate the most computers. Sasser won

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    Security, security, security

    because he managed to create a worm that destroyed his opponent, Blaster. So,

    in the hackers world Sasser and Blaster are well-known. Im not, and most ofthe hackers I know, are not out there on a destructive path.

    Interviewer: Has hacking changed?

    Hacker: Today, there are new methods of hacking, in particular brought about by the

    massive adoption of WIFI. Theyve just made it so much easier for us. You can

    easily hack into anybodys system, especially your neighbours, just by using a

    coat-hanger or an old coffee tin to act as an aerial to channel energy. WIFI

    systems send energy out in a star-shaped direction. All you have to do is channel

    this energy in the direction you want, capture it, and use it as you like. Some

    WIFI systems use a WEP key, which means that all communication between the

    modem and the pc is encoded. So, you need the WEP key. Sniffers are what we

    call people who listen and receive all the data from a particular machine and canthen read the WEP key. After that you have total access. People with WIFI should

    change their WEP key regularly, I change mine constantly. Once I have the WEP

    key I can infiltrate the whole network, send instructions to disconnect everyone

    from the router and then change the address from my own MAC address, that

    means manufacturing address code, to one of the people connected up to the

    router. Every network card leaving a factory has a unique MAC address. So then

    if I want to do anything illegal on the internet, everythings directed back to the

    host computer, guarding my anonymity. This is called spoofing.

    War driving has become very popular with hackers as a consequence of WIFI. That is to say they

    get as close to a company as they can, often or not the car park, and they try to

    get past the companys security and enter their computers.

    Interviewer: Have you got any advice on security?

    Hacker: My advice, well, as Ive already said all passwords must be changed frequently.

    People should avoid mass produced software. MSN is like an open book to

    hackers. Most hackers attack Windows, so its better to use Linux or Mac.OS. I

    suppose I shouldnt really be telling you all this. Its a good job its anonymous!

    Interviewer: Dont worry, I wont tell anyone!

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    Storage and outsourcing



    accompanying daccompagnement

    add ajouter

    akin (to) analogue

    all-inclusive tout compris

    allow permettre

    although bien que

    anyway de toute faon

    archive archiver

    away (from) loin de


    back-up (n, v) sauvegarde / sauvegarderbackward compatible compatible avec les modles prcdents

    basically au fond / fondamentalement

    behind derrire

    bonus prime

    branch office succursale

    busy occup


    call / caller appel / la personne qui appelle

    cancel / cancellation annuler / annulationcentury sicle

    choice choix

    clouds nuages

    consequently par consquent

    corner (just around the) virage / (ici) n'est pas loin

    current actuel

    cut (v, n) couper / coupe

    cut back rduire

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    daily quotidien(nement)deal with soccuper de

    discount remise / rabais

    dividend dividende

    down the road au bout de la rue / pas loin


    enormous norme

    engaged occup (ligne tlphonique)

    etched pits cavits graves

    eventually finalement

    extend prolonger


    factors facteurs

    foreign dun pays tranger

    feared redout / craint

    fees honoraires

    forget oublier

    forms formes / sortes

    friendly amical

    full plein


    go ahead with (something) (ici) mettre un plan / un projet excution

    great gnial / super


    half moiti

    hand over cder / remettre

    hands mains

    head tte

    heading (for) se dirige (vers)

    hold the line patienter (au tlphone)

    hold back freiner / retenir

    (at) home chez soi


    in the long run long terme

    (be) inclined (to) enclin / tendance

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    inevitably invitablement

    interestingly de faon intressante / chose intressante


    join adhrer


    keep garder

    key cl

    knowledge savoir / connaissance

    Llabour force main-duvre

    legal juridique

    lifespan dure de vie

    look forward to attendre avec impatience

    loss perte

    lovely charmant / ravissant / chouette

    lump of sugar morceau de sucre


    manifold multiple (ici)manufacturing process processus de fabrication

    MD (Managing Director) UK

    CEO (Chief Executive Officer) USA

    General Manager USA


    meeting (meet) (n,v) runion (rencontrer)

    motorbike moto


    (be) obliged (to) (tre) oblig

    occur se produire

    offshoring / outsourcing sous-traitance ltranger / sous-traitance ouexternalisation

    on behalf of au nom de

    on demand la demande

    on hand sous la main

    out of date prim

    overhaul reviser compltement

    own propre / soi (ici)

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    package contrat global (ici)part pice (ici)

    perk avantage / -ct

    poor pauvre


    receipt (un) reu

    reduce rduire

    refer (to) faire rfrence ()

    relate (to) se rapporter ()

    removal enlvementresponse time temps de rponse

    revamp retaper

    rough draft brouillon


    Sales Manager directeur des ventes

    sequential access accs squentiel

    set up installer

    shorter plus court

    shout crier

    speed vitesse

    staff turnover renouvellement de personnel

    stage phase / stade (ici)

    stand in for remplacer quelquun

    still toujours (ici)

    storage / store stockage / stocker

    story (une) histoire

    suitable qui convient / appropri

    sub-divided subdivis()

    switchboard operator standardiste

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    task tcheteething problem difficult initiale

    these days de nos jours / ces jours ci

    though quoique

    throughout partout dans / dun bout lautre de

    throughput dbit

    tied up occup (ici)

    timing synchronisation (ici)

    tip pourboire (ici)

    trend tendance

    true vrai


    (the) utmost (la) plus haute / extrme




    water-skiing ski nautique

    wavelength longueur donde

    weekly hebdomadaire

    well-established bien tabli(e)

    whereas alors que / tandis que

    widespread trs rpandu (ici)

    wonderful merveilleux

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    LISTENING 1 A small business planning I.S. growth D17

    Andy: OK, Delia, Ive just been given the green light by the MD. Were going ahead

    with the plans for a complete overhaul of IS throughout the company.

    Delia: Great. The timing is just perfect, what with the opening of the new branch

    office in Welwyn Garden City.

    Andy: Exactly. I think it was one of the determining factors. Our equipment here

    in Head Office is so old and so out of date that any system we set up in a

    new environment wont be able to communicate with us. Well, except for

    the standard phone line. We wouldnt be able to cope with running 2

    entirely separate IS systems anyway, so wed have to take on more staff.The MD realised that revamping our present equipment, buying upgraded

    hardware, such as routers and T-1 lines, to take advantage of remote service

    between the 2 offices, would be cheaper in the long run. Of course, although

    she agreed with everything I said there will be restrictions; money being the

    biggest one. Right, down to business; Delia, can you call Josh in for me?

    Delia: Sure. (Puts her head round the door and shouts) Josh, can you come in? We need


    Josh: Im on my way. 2 seconds while I save this file.

    Andy: Hello Josh. We need to make some decisions on those comparisons you made

    last month.

    Josh: Hi, Andy. The basic hardware equipment is the same quality and price for

    both Rewfringes and Fromalston. The differences come in the accompanying

    software packages. The initial installation and set up with staff training included

    is the same price from both companies. The Fromalston software package has

    continuous data protection incorporated, but is more complicated to adapt to

    our needs. It will also take the staff longer to get used to it. Rewfringes software

    package, on the other hand, uses more standard language and is easier to adapt

    and use.

    Andy: Delia, have you spoken to the suppliers yet, about maintenance contracts? I

    think were agreed that the quality of the After Sales Service is of the utmost

    importance in deciding which supplier to go through.

    Delia: Yes, I spoke to Rewfringes and Fromalston last week. I have a rough draft of the

    maintenance contracts here.

    Andy: Any significant differences?

    Delia: They both offer full hardware and software support. Rewfringes includes daily

    updates, whereas with Fromalston, its weekly. The overall costs are slightly

    cheaper if we go through Rewfringes. The main reason for that is that their

    After Sales service is outsourced to a company abroad.

    Andy: So, what happens if we have a problem we cant deal with ourselves?

    Josh: These days everythings repaired online.

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    Delia: Thats right.

    Andy: Hmm. Im not sure I like the idea of having to rely on people half way round theglobe in the case of an emergency.

    Delia: In the unusual case of a serious problem they use a local company to cope with

    the emergency.

    Andy: I find it amazing that its cheaper to use a company abroad than the one thats

    just down the road, like Fromalston.

    Josh: Rewfringes software is easier for us to adapt to our complex financial system.

    That was their main selling point. Theyre also very experienced in setting up

    networks that can easily grow, so as we expand we can add to our IS systems

    without having to buy expensive new equipment in a few years time.

    Andy: That seems to me to be their main selling point, because our complex financial

    system, as you put it, will have to be simplified anyway. Delia, how many hoursof staff training do these companies supply?

    Delia: ErRewfringes estimates 60 hours, that includes setting up and staff training

    on the new systems. Fromalston only talks about 30 hours, but thats just for

    staff training.

    Andy: Hmmm If we can get some guarantee from Fromalston that the amount of

    staff training hours they offer is sufficient for everyone to be up and running,

    and if not, that they can give us more, then Im inclined to go for the local firm,

    for purely practical reasons. Getting everything installed and up and running

    correctly will be much easier, when alls said and done, by a local firm. Were

    bound to have teething problems, but at least theyre only a phone call away.

    Josh: So are Rewfringes.

    Delia: The problem with the phone call to Rewfringes is language. Ive heard that a

    lot of people are having problems with these foreign call centres where they

    hire local people whose English is not very good and its difficult to understand

    them. Even more so, when having problems with a new system. Im afraid I

    agree with Andy, Josh. Sorry.

    Josh: At the end of the day youre the deciders. I just hope the limited experience of

    Fromalston doesnt hold us back in the long term.

    Andy: Yes, I understand what youre saying Josh, but therell never be a guarantee

    that any system we implement will be backward compatible in a few years

    time. Things change too fast for that. Today were setting up a networkingsystem that allows us to expand and still be fully functional over the next 5 to

    8 years. Were making this decision based on what this company needs over the

    next few years, and not on what the general trend is. Fromalston is also a small

    company on its way up, so we can grow together. In the long run, well be one

    of their loyal customers and that will pay. Youll see.

    Delia: Right, Ill set up a meeting with Fromalston ASAP.

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    LISTENING 2 Ordering goods on the telephone D18

    Receptionist: Good morning, Flucksons Ltd, how can I help you?

    B. Smithson: Hello, Could I speak to your Purchasing Manager, please?

    Receptionist: Hold the line please Caller, Im putting you through.

    B. Smithson: Thank you.


    Secretary: Sabrina Draks office, good morning.

    B. Smithson: Good morning, Id like to speak to Ms Draks, please.

    Secretary: Could I have your name please?

    B. Smithson: Of course. Its Brian Smithson of DPJ Electronics[Transfer]

    Sabrina Draks: Good morning Sabrina Draks speaking. How can I help you?

    B. Smithson: Good morning Ms Draks. Im calling you back on behalf of Teddy Klan whos

    away on holiday. He left me a note asking me to get back to you with some

    prices on TDA 456s

    Sabrina Draks: Thats right. I rang Teddy last week. Were thinking of upgrading our equipment.

    Were still working with TDA450s. When I spoke to Teddy, he suggested the TDA

    456 as the most suitable upgrade.

    B. Smithson: Ah yes, absolutely. There are no peripheral changes to be made, and no staff

    re-training. Its the easiest solution. What sort of numbers are we looking at?

    Sabrina Draks: Well, we have 60 TDA450s on site, but currently use about 40 of them. What

    about prices and delivery times?

    B. Smithson: Bought individually the TDA 456s cost 125. Discounts start with a minimum

    order of 10. After that, there is a reduction for every 20 ordered. If you are

    currently using 40 then you need to have about 50 in stock, for busy periods.

    The company must have originally ordered 60 of the older model because of

    the increasing level of discount with every 20 ordered.

    Sabrina Draks: I see. The price is a lot higher, all the same. Are there significant differences

    compared with the original model?

    B. Smithson: Oh, very much so. The speed has been tripled, and the size cut by half, which

    makes stocking and transporting them a lot easier. In addition, the lifespan of

    the TDA456 has been extended by 5 years.

    Sabrina Draks: What sort of discount can I expect for 40 units?

    B. Smithson: An initial discount of 5% is given on 10 units. Another 5% is given after that

    on each order of 20 units. Thats a 15% reduction on 40 TDA456s. So, thats

    106.25per unit, giving a total of 4250. But, I think you should really consider

    ordering 60 units as Teddy told me that in the past youve needed up to 58

    TDAs running at the same time. This will give you a full 20% discount, bringing

    the price down to 100per unit. These prices include VAT, delivery and on-site


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    Sabrina Draks: Yes, but as were cutting back on powered TDAs, 60 will no longer be necessaryeven in our busiest period. Its true that 40 could be a bit tight though,

    especially in the winter season. As were one of your most loyal customers andwill probably continue to be so, could we ask for the full 20% discount on 50units, instead of 60.

    B. Smithson: Im afraid Ill have to get back to you on that, as Im only standing in for Teddy.

    Thats a decision thats not in my hands. Hell be back next Monday. I could get

    him to call you then?

    Sabrina Draks: Well, Id like to get this order sorted before then, so if you can phone me back

    before next week, Id appreciate it. If not, itll have to wait for Teddys return.

    By the way, what are the delivery times?

    B. Smithson: If you could just hold the line a moment, Ill check what we have in stock?

    Sabrina Draks: OK. Ill hold.


    B. Smithson: Right, lets see. Um Theres no problem with delivery. It would take a maximum

    of 3 to 4 days. Of course, thats as stocks stand today. But there shouldnt be

    any delays if your order comes through before the end of next week.

    Sabrina Draks: Thatll be fine. Right, thank you. I look forward to hearing from you or Teddy, at

    the beginning of next week, and we can sort out the details then.

    B. Smithson: Thank you. Ill try and do my best to get back to you before Friday, if not, Teddy

    will phone you on Monday, at the latest. Looking forward to talking to you

    again. Bye.

    Sabrina Draks: Many thanks, Bye.

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    Unit 6

    Software and sales



    abilities aptitudes faire quelque chose / capacits

    accurate prcis / exact

    act agir

    advice (uncountable!) conseil (un conseil = apieceofadvice)

    afford se permettre (financier)

    aim (at doing / to do) viser ( faire quelque chose)

    (not) anymore (ne) . plus (ngation)

    astonishing tonnant

    auction les enchres


    behaviour comportementblack noir

    blindly aveuglement

    board of directors conseil dadministration

    booming en plein essor / prosprer

    bug bogue / erreur

    business-friendly facile utiliser pour les socits / favorable auxsocits

    button bouton

    Ccase cas

    coin inventer (un mot ou une expression)

    connectivity / connectedness liaison, branchement ou raccordement

    criteria critres

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    dedicate ddierdefault dfaut

    delivery livraison

    discount remise

    display talage / exposition


    embrace pouser / embrasser (une ide)

    evolve voluer

    explain expliquer


    feasibility faisabilit / possibilit (de ralisation)

    feature caractristique

    feedback retour dinformations / ractions

    fix rparer (ici)

    flea market march aux puces

    forecast prvisions

    freedom libert


    glad content / heureux


    headset casque couteurs

    hire embaucher (ici)

    history (l) Histoire

    hop sautiller


    incentive motivation

    infrared infrarouge

    involvement participation


    keep an eye on expression : surveiller quelque chose / quelquun

    king roi

    kingdom royaume

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    sample chantillonsecurely de manire scurise

    set aside mettre de ct

    shipping costs frais de transport

    shop window vitrine de magasin

    short-range courte porte

    similar semblable

    slave esclave

    slow lent

    spread-spectrum spectre tal / talement de spectre

    state tatstress pression

    study (v,n) tudier / tude

    survey tude / enqute / sondage


    talents dons

    television set poste de tlvision

    thief (plural = thieves) voleur

    track suivre la trace de


    ultra-wideband bande ultra large

    (act in) unison (agir en) concert

    unite unifier


    value valeur


    weak faiblewhisperer quelquun / quelque chose qui murmure


    yesterday hier

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    Software and sales

    LISTENING 1 Buying and selling D22,23,24

    Conversation A

    A: Im interestedin buying the blackones, but find the shipping costs from the

    US too high.

    B: Why dont you try going onto Ebay and bidding in an auctionfor them? That

    way, youll have a lot more choiceof where to get them from. Youll probably

    find the same ones at a cheaper price.

    A: Yes, but Im a bit worriedabout using the auctioning system.

    B: Oh, you dont need to be. There are a lot of security measures to make

    people feel safeabout using credit cards and the like. You can use Paypal for

    the transaction. The customers payment information is securely routed through

    a network of processors and financial institutions.

    A: Sounds OK. Maybe Ill try it.

    Conversation B

    Brenda: Id like to start up a business on the internet.

    George: In that case, maybe you should check the Ebay website. Theres a lot of

    information to help people who are starting up a business. Starting the business

    up on Ebay is probably the cheapest and easiest way to go about it.

    Brenda: Yes, but I dont have a website.

    George: You dont need one. If the business takes off, it would be a good idea to have

    one later. All you need is an e-mail address.

    Brenda: But, how do people pay me?

    George: You can use the Paypal system for payment. You send the customer an e-mail

    invoice. You can create one using the Paypal website or using Outlook, for

    example, or any other email software. The email incorporates a Request Money

    option. The customer clicks on the button and pays you through the Paypal

    secure website. Its quick and painless.

    Brenda: Is it expensive to set up?

    George: Not at all. The basic charge is 3%.

    Brenda: Sounds very reasonable.



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    Conversation C

    Brenda: Ive been buying and selling over the internet, through Ebay, for nearly a year

    now. Business is booming!

    GEORGE: Good. What about your overheads?

    Brenda: Theyre very low. There were no set-up costs, which is a great bonus. It costs

    very little to insert items for sale. Ebay takes a fee of about 5.25%. Apart from

    that, I was paying the basic 3% charge to use Paypal but now that my sales have

    increased Im eligible for the Merchant Rate which is less than the standard

    rate. So, Ive made gains there.

    GEORGE: So, youre happy with the system.

    Brenda: I think its great for people starting up. I also get support from Ebay to help me

    run my Ebay account. The more I sell the more support I receive. The red tape iskept to a minimum, and like most people, I really appreciate that.

    GEORGE: You appear to have a wide choice of models on the site.

    Brenda: Yes. Thats one of the reasons I opted to sell via Ebay. I could never have had so

    many different models on display in a shop window. This must be the largest

    marketplace in the world

    GEORGE: Some people call it the biggest flea market in the world.

    Brenda: Yes. Thats much more accurate.


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    Software and sales

    LISTENING 2 Database marketing D25

    Brenda: Ive got a great idea for a new product.

    George: You told me about it yesterday, and Ive been thinking about it. I think you need

    to ask yourself if there is a market for it.

    Brenda: Yes, I know. I need to do some market research.

    George: You mean asking people to fill in questionnaires and such like. Thats very time

    consuming and expensive.

    Brenda: Not if I use the internet to conduct my research. If I put a questionnaire on the

    Web, it wont cost very much and Ill reach out to a very wide audience.

    George: Hmm. Thats true. If you put a survey on your website, you could ask people aseries of pertinent questions and see what feedback you get.

    Brenda: Thats the idea. But first I need to attract people to my website and then find a

    way of getting them to complete the survey.

    George: If you want to get people to take the time to fill in the questionnaire, youll

    need to offer some incentive.

    Brenda: Such as?

    George: Well, you could offer free samples or a discount on future purchases, for


    Brenda: OK. Good idea. Ill think about that. But my main problem is attracting enough

    people to the website in the first place. Im sure there are some of our present

    customers whod be happy to do the survey, but I want to develop a new market.

    George: Sounds like database marketings the answer.

    Brenda: Yes. I can use my existing database of customer information to send out a

    personalised email to promote the new idea.

    George: What criteria do you use in your existing customer database?

    Brenda: Weve sorted it by geographical areas and transactional history details.

    Transactional history is sub-divided into frequency of purchase and monetary

    value. That way we can analyse customer behaviour.

    George: Sounds good. Have you developed predictive models to forecast how the

    customers would be likely to respond to different sales promotions?

    Brenda: No. That would take more time and money. Its mainly the much bigger

    organisations that can afford to spend that amount of money on marketing.

    They use statistical techniques to rank customers in order of propensity to buy

    or to respond to new products. Were not in the same league.

    George: Not yet!

    Brenda: Youre right not yet. If I had more time, Id use all the customer information to

    analyse our customers needs.

    George: So, buy the databases you need. You can buy customer lists or databases from

    other organisations. If I were you, Id buy a list which has been compiled by a

    specialist magazine. You could also get lists from financial institutions based on

    credit application forms. What else is there?

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    Brenda: I know some databases come from application forms filled in by customers for

    free products and competitions and the like. I might look at those.George: Yes, of course. If you do that, youll know more about your competition. Thats

    essential. You could also try getting information from online networking groups.

    But once youve got the right database you need to make up a marketing plan.

    Brenda: Ive been working on it. Ive written a brief description of the product, its

    potential benefits and the type of market Im targeting. Any other ideas?

    George: Well, I dont think youve looked at the competition enough. As I said earlier

    knowing your opponents is vital. The analysis of the databases you buy will help

    you see how the competition markets and sells similar products. That way you

    can look for the niches they may have overlooked.

    Brenda: Right. Employing database marketing is definitely the way to go.

    George: I think so. Also, using the internet for the survey will mean that you should havea fast response time.

    Brenda: As I have so much work to do, Id better go and get things moving. Bye. And

    thanks for the advice.

    George: Im glad I could be of some help. Bye.

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    Unit 1

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    pay paid paid payerput put put poser

    read [ rid] read [ red] read [ red ] lire

    ride rode ridden aller cheval, bicyclette...

    say said said dire

    see saw seen voir

    sell sold sold vendre

    send sent sent envoyer

    show showed shown montrer

    sing sang sung chanter

    speak spoke spoken parlerspell spelt spelt peler

    spend spent spent passer (du temps)

    swim swam swum nager

    take took taken prendre

    tell told told dire, raconter

    think thought thought penser

    understand understood understood comprendre

    wear wore worn porter (vtements)

    win won won gagner (ex : un prix)

    write wrote written crire

    O Cette liste n'est pas exhaustive : elle concerne les verbes irreguliers utiliss dans ce cours.

    Les traductions proposes correspondent au sens le plus usuel.

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    Info file 2

    American English

    Quelques petites diffrences entre l'anglais britannique et l'anglais amricain sontindiques dans le cours. Vous en trouverez quelques exemples supplmentaires quevous pouvez consulter en cas de besoin ci-dessous.


    Rappel : la diffrence entre les dates britanniques et amricaines est peut-tre ladiffrence la plus importante car cela peut entrainer un malentendu : en GB le jourprcde le mois ; aux USA, c'est le contraire.

    British English

    crit : 05/10/01= 5th October 2001ou 5 October 2001Parl : the fifth of October two thousandand one.crit : 14/04/99 = 14(th) April 1999Parl : the fourteenth of April nineteenninety-nine

    American English

    crit : 05/10/01=10th May 2001ou 10 May 2001Parl : May tenth, two thousand and one.crit : 04/14/99 = 14(th) April 1999Parl : April fourteenth, nineteen ninety-nine

    C'est pourquoi dans ce cours nous vous conseillons d'crire toujours la date enentier et non pas sous forme abrg