Page 1: A guide to yom kippur

By: Shari Fischer

Page 2: A guide to yom kippur
Page 3: A guide to yom kippur

Why did run away?

did it for . He

wanted to show his love for . He was willing to

put his life at risk if

would be saved. We see he runs away, almost gets killed and lands inside a fish.

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How does this connect to ?

is all about fixing ourselves. One way to fix ourselves is to be nice to others. Ahavat yisroel is loving all Jews. If we love all Jews, we are doing what Hashem wants. Hashem will forgive us if we do what hewants.

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So how do we know this means

they did ?

It says .

That’s the language it uses by and .

and both did . So it is hinting out

that did too.

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How does this connect to ?

means that cannot be recovered through

legal proceedings. It’s the small stuff taken, like a pen. No one cares about getting it back for you. is all about the small stuff we do that adds up. In the beginning we think we are

just doing a little bad but really it’s all bad. Like

saying one mean thing about your friend every

day. It seems like a little, but really adds up.

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Why did the people of Ninveh

immediately believe Yonah?

says the sailors were in the city. So when they saw Yonah come they believed him. They told everyone in the city about what happened on the boat. How they had thrown him into the water and he survived. Also how they were the only boat with the storm and how great Hashem is.

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How does this connect to ?

is all about teshuvah. About fixing our ways. If the people of Ninveh were able to fix their ways then of course we can. We have a chance once a year to put aside time to get Hashem to forgive us. It’s a time for us to do teshuvah on .

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The message of fast days


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Why did the people of Ninveh have 40 days to

fast and repent before getting destroyed?

When died the mitzrayim spent 40 days mummifying him. Since the king of Ninveh was the same king from mitzrayim, the people of Ninveh had 40 days to fast and do teshuvah.

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How does this connect to ?

One aspect of is the

fasting. Making ourselves pure without bothering with food. If we are not thinking about food we can concentrate on teshuvah.

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-- Its is not fair: we are dying

because of this man

- -It is not fair: why should we be murderers?

- - we are doing your will. Whatever the outcome don’t be made at us.

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How does this ?

is the day where Hashem

decides our fate. We say in the tefillot of :

”. If we daven and use our

power of tefilla we can remove our fate that is decided on .

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Taking responsibility




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What is hinting out?

is saying that Hashem made the

storm. Hashem is the only one who can stop it. is taking responsibility

for his action. He is doing everything for Hashem. He is admitting that he is the cause of the storm. He even suggests a punishment for himself.

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How does this connect ?

is all about what we did in the past year. We are taking responsibility for our actions. admitted to his sin and even suggested a punishment for himself. We don’t need to suggest a punishment for ourselves, but we need to see what we have done wrong and atone for it. That’s the only way we will get forgiven for what we have done wrong, and get another chance.

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The way Hashem relates to



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Q: Why does it say male fish in pasuk aleph and female fish in the next pasuk?

A: It was first a boy fish. He had a lot of space. He was comfortable. He didn’t daven. Hashem hinted to the fish and he spit into a girl fish. She was filled with eggs and uncomfortable. was “squishy in the fishy”, and davened to Hashem.


Q: Why was treated so harshly?

A: He was a Tzadikim. We see how Hashem judges Tzadikim from the pasuk "

Hashem was trying to show that he had to set a good example for the world. He wasn’t just a regular Jew. Everyone looked up to him and he had to be a role model for the world.

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How does this connect to ?

On and right before we are all

trying to be like Tzadikim. Since that is our goal Hashem should judge us like he judges Tzadikim, very strictly. Hashem knows that we really aren't Tzadikim so he judges us like regular people. If we would get judged like Tzadikim we would probably be all die because of how much bad we all do.

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Changing ones nature



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Pasuk : -a storm

“aah we are dying”

Pasuk : – helpless

Pasuk : - :

they feared Hashem.

The sailors changed from sailors to men. They were thoughtful and nice. They had fear. They realized they weren’t the strongest most important men in the world. they had realized there was a Hashem.

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How does this connect to ?

On we also change. We wear

white and act like angels. We spend the day trying to change ourselves for the good. If we really work hard we can get to where we want to be. If we don’t sincerely fix our ways we can never change our nature.

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