Page 1: A PERCEPÇÃO DO FARMACÊUTICO NO PROCESSO DE … · preces e a quem eu tanto agradeci por cada vitória alcançada. Sem a TUA presença ao meu lado, nada seria possível. Aos meus







Aline Santana Dosea



Page 2: A PERCEPÇÃO DO FARMACÊUTICO NO PROCESSO DE … · preces e a quem eu tanto agradeci por cada vitória alcançada. Sem a TUA presença ao meu lado, nada seria possível. Aos meus







Aline Santana Dosea

Dissertação apresentada ao Núcleo de Pós-

Graduação em Ciências Farmacêuticas da

Universidade Federal de Sergipe como

requisito parcial à obtenção do grau de Mestre

em Ciências Farmacêuticas.

Orientador: Prof. Dr. Divaldo Pereira de Lyra Júnior



Page 3: A PERCEPÇÃO DO FARMACÊUTICO NO PROCESSO DE … · preces e a quem eu tanto agradeci por cada vitória alcançada. Sem a TUA presença ao meu lado, nada seria possível. Aos meus



Page 4: A PERCEPÇÃO DO FARMACÊUTICO NO PROCESSO DE … · preces e a quem eu tanto agradeci por cada vitória alcançada. Sem a TUA presença ao meu lado, nada seria possível. Aos meus




Dosea, Aline Santana

A percepção do farmacêutico no processo de implantação de serviços

clínicos farmacêuticos / Aline Santana Dosea ; orientador Divaldo Pereira

de Lyra Júnior. – São Cristóvão, 2015.

82 f. : il.

Dissertação (mestrado em Ciências Farmacêuticas)–Universidade

Federal de Sergipe, 2015.

1. Serviços farmacêuticos. 2. Farmacêuticos e pacientes. 3. Farmácias,

drogarias, etc. I. Lyra Júnior, Divaldo Pereira de, orient. II. Título.

CDU 615.15

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Dissertação apresentada ao Núcleo de Pós-

Graduação em Ciências Farmacêuticas da

Universidade Federal de Sergipe como requisito

parcial à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências


Aprovada em: 26/02/2015


Orientador (a): Prof. Dr. Divaldo Pereira de Lyra Junior


1º Examinador (a): Prof. Dr. Alfredo Dias de Oliveira Filho


2º Examinador (a): Profa. Dra. Adriana Inocenti Miasso







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É com grande emoção que chego à conclusão de uma inesquecível etapa da minha vida, mais forte e

madura para alcançar mais objetivos e realizar todos os meus sonhos.

Agradeço inicialmente a DEUS, meu pai amado, amigo de todas as horas, que ouviu todas as minhas

preces e a quem eu tanto agradeci por cada vitória alcançada. Sem a TUA presença ao meu lado,

nada seria possível.

Aos meus pais queridos Ana e Eugênio, por lutarem pelo meu sucesso desde sempre, agradeço pelo

apoio em todos os momentos de alegria e tristeza, e por serem meu maior exemplo de amor e união.

Amo muito vocês.

Ao meu irmão André, pelos momentos de alegria que aliviaram minhas madrugadas de trabalho.

Agradeço também pelo exemplo de estudante disciplinado e esforçado, meu orgulho de você é

enorme. E à minha irmã Giselle, que viveu junto comigo a paixão pela pesquisa qualitativa que

rendeu lindos frutos. Você também é meu exemplo de estudante e trabalhadora incansável que faz

de tudo para realizar seus sonhos. Amo vocês.

Agradeço a toda minha família, que esteve do meu lado sempre me apoiando e incentivando a lutar

pelos meus sonhos. Meus domingos seriam muito tristes sem a presença de vocês, obrigada por tudo!

Ao meu melhor amigo e companheiro Adelson, obrigada por não medir esforços para me apoiar

sempre, pelo estímulo e força nos momentos difíceis e acima de tudo, pelo amor incondicional em

todos os momentos. Te amo muito.

Agradeço imensamente ao meu orientador Divaldo, por sempre acreditar em meu potencial e por me

proporcionar momentos únicos de aprendizado e crescimento. Obrigada por me fazer ver tantos

sonhos se tornarem realidade, seu apoio foi imprescindível nesta jornada!

À minha mãe acadêmica e amiga Giselle Brito, a sua presença ao meu lado em todos os momentos

foi muito importante. Fazer parte do seu doutorado foi muito mais gratificante do que imaginava,

sonhamos e realizamos juntas de forma muito especial. Agradeço infinitamente a Deus por ter me

dado a oportunidade de trabalhar ao seu lado, tudo que aprendemos juntas foi inesquecível. Muito


A todos os amigos e amigas da Fundação Estadual de Saúde (FUNESA) e Farmácia Popular do

Brasil, que deram sentido ao meu trabalho e viveram comigo momentos que jamais vou esquecer.

Agradeço a dedicação de todos em construir uma linda história de sucesso, me sinto lisonjeada em

ter feito parte desta família de guerreiros que luta pelo avanço da profissão e pelo bem dos seus


Às minhas amigas de turma, Gabi, Ju, Day, Carol, Geo, Lari e especialmente a minha companheira

Carla, por todos os momentos incríveis que passamos juntas e pela amizade que fortalecemos nestes

dois anos, tenho muito orgulho de ser sua amiga. Aos meus amigos do peito Dani, Giulli, Lelo,

Adjane, Massia e Rodrigo pelo apoio e torcida pelo meu sucesso. Às amigas do Talibah, em especial

a Liana que dividiu comigo as mesmas angústias e alegrias do mestrado, obrigada pela amizade em

todos os sentidos!

Aos amigos do LEPFS por todo aprendizado agregado juntos, foi muito bom poder compartilhar

tantos momentos bons com vocês! Ao professor Wellington pelos valiosos conselhos e ensinamentos.

Aos colegas da UFRGS, em especial aos professores Mauro Castro e Denise Bueno pelo aprendizado

durante o PROMOB, e a Paulinha pela recepção calorosa em Porto Alegre.

Às professoras Jésia e Deborah, por cativarem em mim o amor à pesquisa qualitativa, devo a vocês

todo meu conhecimento construído e a minha vontade de trilhar novos caminhos nesta linha de


A todos os professores do Núcleo de Pós Graduação em Ciências Farmacêuticas e à Coordenação de

Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal do Ensino Superior (CAPES) pela concessão da bolsa do meu mestrado.

Page 7: A PERCEPÇÃO DO FARMACÊUTICO NO PROCESSO DE … · preces e a quem eu tanto agradeci por cada vitória alcançada. Sem a TUA presença ao meu lado, nada seria possível. Aos meus


Em farmácias comunitárias, no momento em que o farmacêutico incorpora a prática clínica

em sua rotina, várias barreiras e facilitadores influenciam a implantação de serviços de

cuidado aos pacientes. Objetivos: Conhecer e compreender a percepção de um grupo de

farmacêuticos sobre o processo de implementação dos Serviços Clínicos Farmacêuticos em

farmácias comunitárias; Conhecer e compreender por meio de uma Revisão de Escopo da

literatura, a percepção farmacêutico na provisão de Serviços Clínicos Farmacêuticos em

farmácia comunitária. Metodologia: O estudo foi estruturado em duas etapas. A primeira

etapa correspondeu a Revisão de Escopo realizada nas bases de dados Lilacs, PubMed,

Scopus, Scielo e Web of Knowledge. Os estudos deveriam ser e se declarar de percepção de

farmacêutico e os Serviços Farmacêuticos deveriam ser centrados no paciente. A segunda

etapa correspondeu a um estudo qualitativo, no qual foram realizados três Grupos Focais

com um grupo de 11 farmacêuticos. A análise dos dados foi feita por meio da técnica de

análise de conteúdo. Resultados: Etapa 1 - A pesquisa bibliográfica resultou em 29 artigos

que cumpriram os critérios de inclusão. Os estudos foram realizados em oito países

diferentes, possuíam metodologias qualitativas (grupos focais, entrevistas, diários e

questionários) e quantitativas (questionários), e foram encontradas 12 diferentes

classificações de serviços farmacêuticos. Na maioria dos estudos, os farmacêuticos

acreditavam que seu papel em farmácias comunitárias era positivo para os pacientes,

barreiras e facilitadores para os serviços foram relatados. Etapa 2 - A gravação dos áudios

dos grupos focais foi integralmente transcrita e analisada. A percepção dos farmacêuticos

trouxe temas como acesso ao medicamento, barreiras e facilitadores para o serviço,

expectativas, mudanças geradas ao longo da implementação dos serviços, resultados

atingidos e a consolidação dos serviços. Conclusão: A Revisão de escopo apresentou

recomendações para a implementação de serviços clínicos farmacêuticos em farmácias

comunitárias, tornando mais fácil a provisão de serviços e valorizando as práticas em

farmácias comunitárias. A divulgação de experiências positivas em implementações de

serviços por meio de estudos de percepção têm mostrado que é possível desenvolver um

modelo de serviços clínicos em farmácias comunitárias.

Descritores: Serviços Clínicos Farmacêuticos, Farmácia Comunitária, Percepção do

Farmacêutico, Implementação de Serviços de Saúde

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In community pharmacies, at the time the pharmacist incorporates clinical practice into their

routine, several barriers and facilitators influencing the implementation of patient care

services. Objectives: To learn and understand the perception of a group of pharmacists on

the process of implementation of Clinical Pharmacy Services in community pharmacies;

Understand through a Scoping Review of literature, pharmacist perception about Clinical

Pharmacy Services in community pharmacy. Methods: The study was structured in two

stages. The first step corresponded to Scoping Review held in the Lilacs, PubMed, Scopus,

Scielo and Web of Knowledge database. Studies should be of the pharmacist perception, and

the pharmaceutical services should be patient-focused. The second stage corresponded to a

qualitative study in which three focus groups were conducted with a group of 11 pharmacists.

Data analysis was done using the technique of content analysis. Results: Step 1 - The

literature search resulted in 29 articles that met the inclusion criteria. The studies were

performed in eight different countries, had qualitative methods (focus groups, interviews,

diaries and questionnaires) and quantitative (questionnaires) and 12 different classifications

of pharmaceutical services were found. In most studies, pharmacists believed that their role

in community pharmacies was positive for patients, barriers and facilitators for service were

reported. Step 2 - The audio recording of the focus groups were fully transcribed and

analyzed. The perception of pharmacists brought issues such as access to medication,

barriers and facilitators to service, expectations, changes generated during the

implementation of services, results achieved and consolidation of services. Conclusion: The

Scoping Review made recommendations for implementation of Clinical Services

Pharmacists in community pharmacies, making it easier to service delivery and enhancing

practices in community pharmacies. The dissemination of positive experiences in

implementations of services through perception studies have shown that it is possible to

develop a model of clinical services in community pharmacies.

Keywords: Clinical Pharmacy Services, Community Pharmacy, Pharmacist Perception,

Implementation of healthcare services

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1. INTRODUÇÃO............................................................................................ 10

2. ANTECEDENTES DA PESQUISA............................................................ 13

3. REVISÃO DA LITERATURA...................................................................... 17

3.1 Serviços Farmacêuticos.............................................................................. 18

3.2 Implementação de Serviços de Saúde....................................................... 19

3.3 Perfil Profissional do Farmacêutico............................................................ 20

3.4 Estudos sobre a Percepção do Farmacêutico............................................ 21

4. OBJETIVOS............................................................................................... 35

4.1 Objetivo geral.............................................................................................. 36

4.2 Objetivos específicos.................................................................................. 36

5. RESULTADOS........................................................................................... 37

5.1 CAPÍTULO I – Pharmacists’ perceptions regarding the provision of clinical

services in community pharmacies: a scoping review..............................................


5.2 CAPÍTULO II - Implementation of clinical pharmacy services in community

pharmacies: perceptions of a group of pharmacists..................................................


6. CONCLUSÃO GERAL......................................................................................... 82

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Embora os medicamentos, enquanto inovação tecnológica, sejam a forma mais

comum de tratamento das doenças e aumentem a expectativa de vida da população, estudos

demonstram que seu uso inadequado tem gerado problemas relevantes de saúde pública

como intoxicações por medicamentos, reações adversas e resistência a antimicrobianos. 1,2,3

Diante desses fatores, os serviços clínicos farmacêuticos (tais como, dispensação,

monitoramento de parâmetros clínicos, revisão da farmacoterapia e seguimento da

farmacoterapia) têm se desenvolvido como prática de prevenção de morbimortalidade

relacionada aos medicamentos. 4,5,6

Ao longo dos anos os serviços clínicos farmacêuticos foram aprimorados e podem

contemplar desde a atenção primária à saúde até o manejo de doenças crônicas. 7 Nas últimas

décadas, em consequência, a farmácia comunitária tem funcionado como cenário de prática

fundamental para o desenvolvimento e consolidação desses serviços, como por exemplo, os

serviços de revisão da farmacoterapia e dispensação providos neste cenário têm gerado

impacto econômico significativo com a redução do número de internações hospitalares e

mortalidade de pacientes com doenças crônicas. 8,9

Desfechos como aumento da adesão a farmacoterapia, melhora na qualidade de vida,

diminuição de problemas relacionados aos medicamentos (PRMs) e diminuição de custos

diretos e indiretos na saúde estão entre os objetivos que podem ser alcançados pelos serviços

clínicos farmacêuticos. 10,11 Além disso, a literatura mostra que quando resultados como

estes são alcançados, os pacientes se sentem satisfeitos, outros profissionais de saúde

reconhecem e apoiam a prática e os farmacêuticos se sentem valorizados no ambiente de

trabalho. 12-14

Na prática, a implantação de serviços farmacêuticos focados no cuidado aos

pacientes não se restringe às políticas públicas para o acesso a medicamentos essenciais.

Neste processo, o farmacêutico deve ter perfil e habilidades específicas, assim como toda a

equipe de técnicos ou profissionais envolvidos na implantação dos serviços deve estar

sensibilizada e capacitada, para que os resultados esperados sejam alcançados. 15-17 Além

disso, é necessário organizar recursos humanos, estruturais e procedimentos que permitam

o funcionamento pleno dos serviços. 5,15,18-20

Apesar do desenvolvimento da profissão ao longo dos anos, no Brasil, o perfil do

farmacêutico ainda é tecnicista e há resistência dos próprios profissionais em iniciar práticas

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clínicas e implantar serviços com este propósito. 21,22 Devido a este e outros fatores, o

processo de implementação de serviços clínicos farmacêuticos é considerado lento em

muitos outros países. 23-26

Além de conhecimentos e habilidades em Ciências Farmacêuticas, o profissional

com o novo perfil deve ser capaz de desenvolver habilidades de comunicação e estabelecer

relações interpessoais com seus pacientes e com outros profissionais de saúde. 27-29 Além

disso, a mudança de perfil do farmacêutico está envolvida com diretrizes para a prática

farmacêutica que preconiza ações de prevenção e resolução de problemas relacionados aos

medicamentos para otimizar os resultados terapêuticos dos pacientes em hospitais, farmácias

e outros ambientes. 30-32

Para fortalecer a implementação desses serviços, alguns estudos demonstram os

resultados clínicos, humanísticos e econômicos que promovem impacto para gestores em

saúde. 8,25,33 Assim, pesquisas sobre implementação de serviços com variáveis que

conceituam e avaliam os resultados, tem o poder de melhorar a prática, demostrar o

desempenho das ações e aumentar a responsabilidade de organizações de saúde. 34,35

No Brasil, a Política Nacional de Assistência Farmacêutica (2004) definiu conceitos

e práticas para guiar ações dos profissionais de saúde voltadas à promoção, proteção e

recuperação da saúde, visando o uso racional de medicamentos. 36 No mesmo ano foi criado

o programa da Farmácia Popular do Brasil (FPB), visando implantar ações que promovam a

universalização do acesso à farmacoterapia, assegurar medicamentos básicos e essenciais à

população, bem como proporcionar a diminuição do impacto causado pelos gastos com

medicamentos no orçamento familiar. 37 No entanto, até o momento há registros escassos da

implementação e de avaliação do cumprimento e do impacto desses serviços, bem como

ainda há poucos modelos de serviços clínicos farmacêuticos no país que possibilitem o

atendimento completo das políticas públicas e das diretrizes do programa FPB.38-42

No país, a sensibilização de gestores da saúde pública pode trazer investimentos e,

consequentemente, resultados significantes para a população usuária do Sistema Único de

Saúde (SUS). 5,19,20 Porém, apesar do programa FPB favorecer as pesquisas com serviços

clínicos farmacêuticos, no Brasil estas ainda não obtiveram sucesso na manutenção e

consolidação de modelos de prática para usuários do SUS. 103

Diante disso, atualmente um grupo de farmacêuticos está envolvido na implantação,

implementação e consolidação de serviços de cuidado ao paciente em unidades da FPB no

Estado de Sergipe, ademais, o apoio de gestores da saúde pública, os investimentos

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continuamente feitos e as experiências vivenciadas, tornaram o ambiente em questão rico

para realização de pesquisas na área.

Com o intuito de aprofundar as discussões sobre a implantação de serviços clínicos

farmacêuticos em farmácias comunitárias, esta pesquisa visa conhecer os estudos que

abordam a percepção do farmacêutico sobre a provisão destes serviços e compreender na

prática as percepções de um grupo que vivencia este processo.


O Laboratório de Ensino e Pesquisa em Farmácia Social da Universidade Federal de

Sergipe – Brasil (LEPFS/UFS) é uma iniciativa acadêmica, estabelecida em 2007, com o

intuito de desenvolver atividades relacionadas ao ensino, pesquisa e extensão e formar

profissionais capacitados para a execução de estudos na área da Farmácia Social. O

LEPFS/UFS tem como missão inovar e formar para o cuidado ao paciente e para promoção

do uso racional de medicamentos.

Em 2008, a prática do serviço de Atenção Farmacêutica foi iniciada como atividade

de pesquisa e ensino do LEPFS/UFS. Naquele ano, sob a orientação do Profº Dr. Divaldo

Lyra Júnior, duas mestrandas, realizaram duas revisões sistemáticas, as quais tiveram como

objetivo analisar a qualidade das pesquisas sobre Atenção Farmacêutica no

acompanhamento de pacientes portadores de Diabetes Mellitus e Hipertensão Arterial


Os resultados dessas revisões demonstraram falhas na qualidade dos estudos

analisados, sobretudo no que concerne a carência de resultados farmacoeconômicos, de

satisfação dos pacientes e a dificuldade de documentação do serviço, evidenciada

principalmente, pela ausência de classificação dos PRMs. 100, 101

Com base nos estudos acima referidos, foi notada a necessidade de mais pesquisas

na área da atenção farmacêutica para atribuir maior valor aos resultados desta prática. Desse

modo, entre 2009 e 2011, o LEPFS/UFS em parceria com a Secretaria Municipal de Saúde

de Aracaju deu início a estudos envolvendo a prática da Atenção Farmacêutica em idosos

portadores de Diabetes Mellitus, Dislipidemia e Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica não

controladas em uma unidade própria de Farmácia Popular do Brasil de Sergipe, a fim de

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atender a necessidade de melhorar os resultados clínicos de tais enfermidades e a qualidade

de vida destes pacientes. 5,19,20

Nestes estudos, as intervenções farmacêuticas destinadas a resolver e prevenir PRM,

associadas às intervenções educativas contribuíram para a sensibilização dos idosos usuários

do programa FPB com condições crônicas de saúde (como Diabetes Mellitus, Dislipidemia,

Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica e, suas complicações), com a melhora do uso da

farmacoterapia, bem como de resultados clínicos e humanísticos positivos.

Apesar da Política de Assistência Farmacêutica do SUS-Sergipe (2010) ressaltar a

necessidade de se desenvolver o cuidado farmacoterapêutico individualizado e privativo, até

então não havia registros sobre o impacto social das atividades desenvolvidas pelos

farmacêuticos da FPB no que concerne a promoção do uso racional de medicamentos. Ao

contrário, os registros de atividades eram limitados apenas à cobertura da distribuição de

medicamentos essenciais a população. 102

Os três estudos obtiveram grande destaque no cenário farmacêutico nacional em

2012,20,24,100 em contrapartida ao apoio firmado, houve a apresentação dos resultados obtidos

às Secretarias Municipal e Estadual de Saúde de Sergipe, sendo neste momento ressaltada a

necessidade de implantar os serviços clínicos farmacêuticos previamente preconizados nas

Diretrizes do Programa FPB para assegurar o maior entendimento do novo paradigma focado

no cuidado ao paciente.

Interessada em replicar o sucesso dos estudos no serviço público do estado, a

coordenação da Fundação Estadual de Saúde de Sergipe (Funesa-SE) convidou o

LEPFS/UFS para iniciar o atual projeto de implantação de um modelo de serviços clínicos

farmacêuticos no programa FPB nas três unidades próprias geridas por esta fundação que

atende grande parte o estado de Sergipe.

Apesar de estudos sobre implantação de serviços clínicos farmacêuticos em

farmácias comunitárias serem continuamente feitos no país, poucos estudos tem sucesso na

continuidade dos serviços após a finalização das pesquisas 68,75,95, por isso, o presente projeto

é pioneiro no país a sugerir um modelo aplicável e sustentável de serviços clínicos

farmacêuticos aplicados ao Programa FPB. Este poderá servir como piloto e referência para

otimização da qualidade de serviços farmacêuticos e promover o uso racional de

medicamentos, bem como para a reprodução do modelo em todo o programa.

Nesse cenário, o LEPFS/UFS junto a Funesa-SE têm desenvolvido um estudo

transversal para avaliar a infraestrutura (física e recursos humanos) necessária para assegurar

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a prestação dos serviços clínicos farmacêuticos nas FPB, um estudo longitudinal que

promove o nivelamento do conhecimento dos farmacêuticos para capacitá-los à prestação

dos serviços, o estabelecimento de processos de trabalho para a prática, a monitorização da

implementação dos serviços e a elaboração dos documentos e instrumentos necessários para

aplicação dos mesmos, e dois estudos longitudinais qualitativos que permitiram conhecer as

percepções dos farmacêuticos sobre a implantação dos serviços.

Algumas produções científicas do grupo de pesquisa nos últimos dois anos do

referido trabalho são apresentadas a seguir:

- Dosea, A.S.; Brito, G.C.; Santos, L.M.C.; Lyra Junior, D.P. Expectations of pharmacists

as the deployment of pharmaceutical services in community pharmacies. In: 9o International

Congress of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2013, Ribeirão Preto.

- Cruz, C. F.S., Dosea, A.S.; Brito, G.C.; Almeida, M. C. T.; Victor, E. L., Lyra Junior, D.P.

Influência da formação do farmacêutico na promoção do uso racional de medicamentos. In:

5º Congresso Brasileiro sobre o Uso Racional de Medicamentos, 2014, São Paulo.

- Brito, G.C.; Dosea, A.S.; Boaventura, T.C.; Almeida, M.C.T.; Victor, E.L., Lyra Junior,

D.P. Modelo de coaching na consolidação serviços farmacêuticos em farmácias

comunitárias. In: 5º Congresso Brasileiro sobre o Uso Racional de Medicamentos, 2014, São


- Santiago, J. S.; Borges, C.L.; Souza, D.M.; Santos, D.S.; Oliveira, V.A.; Cardoso, A.V.;

Almeida, M. C. T.; Victor, E. L.; Dosea, A.S.; Brito, G.C.; Lyra Junior, D. P. Perfil de

pacientes com hipertensão que ingressaram no serviço de revisão da famacoterapia em três

unidades de farmácia comunitária. In: XXII Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de

Hipertensão, 2014, Salvador.

- Oliveira, V.A.; Cardoso, A.V.; Santiago, J. S.; Borges, C.L.; Souza, D.M.; Santos, D.S.;

Boaventura, T.C.; Almeida, M. C. T.; Victor, E. L.; Dosea, A.S.; Brito, G.C.; Lyra Junior,

D. P. Serviços farmacêuticos de monitoramento da pressão arterial em farmácias

comunitárias como promoção de saúde. In: XXII Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de

Hipertensão, 2014, Salvador.

- Dosea, A.S.; Cruz, C. F.S., Brito, G.C.; Pimentel, D.M.M.; Lyra Junior, D.P. Barreiras

para a implantação dos serviços farmacêuticos em farmácias comunitárias. In: I Congresso

Brasileiro de Assistência Farmacêutica e Farmácia Clínica, 2014, Fortaleza.

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- Souza, D.M.; Santos, D.S.; Dosea, A.S.; Brito, G.C.; Lyra Junior, D.P. Perfil de

Intervenções realizadas na dispensação de medicamentos em três unidades de farmácias

comunitárias em Sergipe. In: I Congresso Brasileiro de Assistência Farmacêutica e Farmácia

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Segundo a Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS), o uso racional de medicamentos

é conceituado como “o processo que compreende a prescrição apropriada; a disponibilidade

oportuna e a preços acessíveis; a dispensação em condições adequadas; e o consumo nas

doses indicadas, nos intervalos definidos e no período de tempo indicado de medicamentos

eficazes, seguros e de qualidade”. 43 Apesar deste conceito, a literatura demonstra que mais

de 50% de todos os medicamentos são prescritos, dispensados ou utilizados de forma

inapropriada. 3

Esta situação tem desencadeado ações em nível mundial com atenção especial por

parte dos gestores e responsáveis pelo gerenciamento da assistência farmacêutica, visando

aumentar a segurança no uso dos medicamentos. 44 Tal afirmativa corroborada pela literatura

que demonstra que serviços clínicos farmacêuticos proporcionam a melhora de resultados

clínicos, humanísticos e econômicos dos pacientes. 45-48

Na metanálise de Morgado et al. (2011), por exemplo, 87,5% das intervenções

farmacêuticas feitas no serviço de monitoramento de parâmetros clínicos resultaram em

melhoras relevantes para o tratamento com anti-hipertensivos, e 43,8% das intervenções

promoveram aumentos na adesão ao tratamento. 49 No ensaio clínico de Margolis et al.

(2013), farmacêuticos conseguiram o controle da pressão arterial em 71,8% dos pacientes

do grupo intervenção após 18 meses de monitoramento. 50

O serviço de revisão da farmacoterapia, por sua vez, no estudo de Lenander et al.

(2014), o número médio de PRMs reduziu de 1,73 por paciente no início do tratamento para

1,31 ao final do serviço farmacêutico. 51 Outrossim, no estudo de Gheewala et al. (2014),

83,8% das intervenções do serviço de revisão da farmacoterapia foram aceitas pelo prescritor

para resolver PRMs diagnosticados em idosos de instituições de longa permanência. 52 Na

revisão sistemática sobre o impacto da revisão da famacoterapia de Hatah et al., em 2014,

57,9% dos estudos apresentaram como resultado a melhora na adesão ao tratamento. 53

De forma semelhante, no estudo de Arroyo et al. (2013), o serviço de seguimento da

farmacoterapia conseguiu melhorar a adesão de pacientes em uso de terapia antirretroviral,

no qual dos 107 pacientes não aderentes no início do estudo, 43 tiveram boa adesão após um

ano de serviço e este número aumentou para 75 no final do estudo. 54 Assim como para outras

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doenças, o seguimento da farmacoterapia foi determinante para atingir melhores resultados

clínicos, aumentar a qualidade de vida e reduzir gastos com saúde em hospitais, ambulatórios

e farmácias comunitárias.11,55,56

Atualmente, ainda não há consenso no mundo sobre a definição e nomenclatura dos

serviços clínicos farmacêuticos, porém a descrição das atribuições clínicas desses diferentes

serviços promove maior compreensão sobre os objetivos e níveis de complexidade de cada

um destes. Por isso, no presente estudo foi seguida a definição atualizada dos serviços

clínicos farmacêuticos pelo Conselho Federal de Farmácia (2014): 57

- Dispensação de medicamentos: entrega de medicamentos, geralmente como

resposta à apresentação de uma receita elaborada por um profissional autorizado, com

orientação sobre o seu uso adequado e intervenções educativas.

- Monitoramento de parâmetros clínicos ou monitoring of clinical parameters:

monitoramento da pressão arterial, glicemia capilar, peso, circunferência abdominal e índice

de massa corporal, com intervenções educativas.

- Revisão da Farmacoterapia ou medication review: avaliação e ajuste da

farmacoterapia (ajuste da dose, horário, frequência) e triagem de pacientes elegíveis a

serviços de seguimento.

- Seguimento da farmacoterapia: também conhecido como medication therapy

management (MTM), seguimiento farmacoterapéutico ou gestão da farmacoterapia, este

serviço visa garantir que os objetivos terapêuticos sejam alcançados com identificação,

prevenção e resolução de PRMs. Esta definição segue o conceito proposto Hepler e Strand



A literatura mostra que apesar das pesquisas em serviços de saúde terem à sua

disposição diversos modelos para implementação de ações e serviços, a maioria das

iniciativas não tem sucesso na consolidação. 58,59 A sustentabilidade de muitas metodologias

não é confiável, pois a maioria aborda apenas a efetividade das intervenções, deixando de

lado as ações necessárias para a sustentabilidade do serviço após a pesquisa. Por isso, é

necessário estruturar e avaliar cada medida aplicada por meio de indicadores, além de

conhecer previamente as possíveis barreiras e facilitadores do serviço que se propõe

implementar. 41,60,61

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Estudos mostram que divulgar as barreiras e facilitadores para a implementação de

serviços farmacêuticos em farmácias comunitárias além de ajudar novas pesquisas e serviços

ainda não consolidados, é importante para a criação de novas oportunidades de cuidado ao

paciente. 62,63 Os resultados das pesquisas sobre implementação de serviços clínicos

farmacêuticos também reforçam a necessidade de avaliar o sucesso limitado destas ações.

12,64,65 Nestas pesquisas, a falta de estrutura e processos adequados dos serviços, lacunas na

formação do farmacêutico, falta de tempo e remuneração são barreiras frequentemente

relatadas para consolidação de serviços em hospitais, ambulatórios e farmácias comunitárias.


Em contrapartida, estudos destacam alguns facilitadores fundamentais para o sucesso

da implementação dos serviços em farmácias comunitárias. Dentre os quais, a boa formação

e capacitação dos profissionais, resultados positivos para os pacientes, satisfação no

trabalho, tempo suficiente para serviço, ambiente privado e confortável para o paciente e

parceria com outros profissionais de saúde. 24,69,70 Todavia, aspectos associados a influência

do perfil do farmacêutico ainda são pouco conhecidos e merecem maior destaque em futuros



Ao assumir a responsabilidade pelos tratamentos dos pacientes o farmacêutico

fortalece sua credibilidade, pois os usuários de medicamentos têm a segurança de encontrar

nas farmácias o profissional mais preparado para prover informações sobre o uso racional

de medicamentos e para o manejo da farmacoterapia. 11,17 Segundo Franceschet e Farias

(2005), a facilidade de acesso aos serviços farmacêuticos valoriza sua prática e, por isso, o

profissional precisa conhecer, aceitar e viabilizar o cumprimento de seu papel social. 71

Diante desta mudança do foco da prática profissional do produto para o paciente,

Oliveira (2003) afirma que a além da competência técnica do farmacêutico, o perfil deste

profissional deve ser de cuidador e precisa estar voltado para “outro”, como centro da sua

prática, de modo que deve manter interesse pela subjetividade do paciente. 72 Segundo Lyra

Júnior (2005), na relação farmacêutico-paciente deve haver troca de emoções e

preocupações, pois dessa forma serão criadas maiores oportunidades para o farmacêutico

cuidar dos pacientes. 38

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Em compensação, outros estudos mostram que a maioria dos farmacêuticos

brasileiros ainda não vivenciou esta experiência profunda de cuidado ao paciente, pois

historicamente se afastou do público que utiliza medicamentos, e a definição dos conceitos

e práticas clínicas farmacêuticas no Brasil ocorreu de forma lenta em relação a outros países.


Embora desde 1993, a OMS preconize práticas do farmacêutico ligadas às

orientações para promoção do uso racional de medicamentos e a serviços de prevenção e

controle de doenças crônicas, 76,77 o farmacêutico brasileiro ainda não é formado para a

prática clínica. 39,78,79 No entanto, diversos estudos no mundo fortalecem esta mudança de

paradigma da profissão, por meio de padronizações de práticas, elaboração de protocolos,

avaliação de serviços e divulgação de resultados positivos de serviços clínicos

farmacêuticos. 80-83

Ante ao exposto, a demanda por farmacêuticos com perfil clínico levou alguns

pesquisadores a investigar ao longo dos anos a percepção destes profissionais em relação ao

seu novo papel. 84-86


As pesquisas sobre percepção dos farmacêuticos são amplas e colaboram com o

aprimoramento das práticas clínicas, pois abordam temas como visões, experiências e

atitudes que são de grande valia para esclarecer as questões que permeiam a profissão

farmacêutica na atualidade. 87-89

Vale ressaltar que todas as pesquisas citadas anteriormente usaram metodologias

quantitativas para avaliar a percepção do farmacêutico. Segundo Oliveira e Varela (2008), o

uso de metodologias qualitativas neste contexto pode ser útil para responder perguntas que

a quantificação de dados não é capaz de responder. 90 Embora esta metodologia ainda seja

pouco utilizada na Farmácia, a mesma possibilita o conhecimento de realidades empíricas

que servem de base para o desenvolvimento de serviços de cuidado ao paciente. 90-93

No estudo qualitativo feito por Maitreemit et al. (2008), os farmacêuticos não

consideraram os conhecimentos e habilidades clínicas como as competências mais

importantes para a prática profissional. 30 Ademais, Sarriff, Gillani e Babiker (2010)

mostraram que apenas a minoria de farmacêuticos na Malásia entendia a importância dos

serviços clínicos e se sentiam competentes para executá-los. 94 Hamarneh et al. (2011)

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afirmaram que diante da demanda pelo novo perfil profissional, é essencial compreender a

cultura, o comportamento e os sentimentos do farmacêutico em relação à sua atuação na

prática. 32

No Brasil, Pereira et al. (2009) discutiram sobre a experiência de farmacêuticos

(dificuldades, expectativas, aprendizado e satisfação) na implementação de um serviço. 95

No estudo de Bastos e Caetano (2010) os farmacêuticos relataram que apesar de sentirem

realização profissional na provisão de serviços de cuidado ao paciente, a baixa remuneração,

a falta de qualificação dos funcionários da farmácia comunitária, bem como a falta de tempo

para atividades clínicas são obstáculos que trazem insatisfação no trabalho. 75

Além dos estudos supracitados, as revisões de literatura podem ser úteis para fornecer

uma visão ampla das pesquisas sobre a percepção do farmacêutico. Em especial, a revisão

de escopo ou scoping reviews fornecem a compreensão da questão da pesquisa, evidenciando

lacunas e incertezas sobre o tema e particularmente se mostra como um recurso valioso para

basear futuras revisões sistemáticas. Esta última avalia a qualidade dos estudos e sintetiza os

resultados qualitativamente ou quantitativamente. 96

Diante disso, a revisão de escopo de Agomo (2012) sobre o papel do farmacêutico

comunitário na saúde pública revelou diversas áreas de atuação do profissional, como

prevenção e controle de doenças crônicas e programas de cessação tabágica, e lacunas que

geram oportunidades da criação de novos serviços clínicos para farmacêuticos neste âmbito.

97 A revisão de escopo realizada por Babinec et al. (2010) também mostrou hiatos entre as

pesquisas sobre comunicação farmacêutico-paciente, pois estas até então abordavam

basicamente o conteúdo de orientações do farmacêutico, deixando de lado a influência das

habilidades de comunicação neste processo. 98

Apesar de informar futuras revisões sistemáticas, a revisão de escopo pode ser útil

para a formulação de políticas, pesquisadores e profissionais, reduzindo a duplicação de

esforços e orientando futuras pesquisas. 99

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4.1. Objetivo geral

Conhecer diferentes aspectos da percepção do Farmacêutico sobre a provisão e

implantação de serviços clínicos farmacêuticos em farmácias comunitárias.

4.2. Objetivos específicos

Realizar uma revisão de escopo da literatura sobre a percepção do farmacêutico na

provisão de serviços clínicos farmacêuticos em farmácias comunitárias

Compreender a partir da percepção de um grupo de farmacêuticos, como ocorre o

processo de implantação de serviços clínicos farmacêuticos em farmácias comunitárias.

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Aline S. Dosea, BPharm, M.Sc. Student a, Carla F.S. Cruz, BPharm, M.Sc. Student a,

Giselle de C. Brito, BPharm, MSc, Ph.D. Student a,b, Divaldo P. Lyra Junior., BPharm,

MSc, Ph.D. a

aTeaching and Research Laboratory Social Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacy, Federal

University of Sergipe, LEPFS-UFS, s/n, Avenida Marechal Rondon, Jardim Rosa Elze, São

Cristóvão, Brazil

bDepartartment of Pharmacy, Federal University of Sergipe, Health Campus, Lagarto, Brazil

Corresponding author: Divaldo P. Lyra Junior.

E-mail address: [email protected]


Background: Over the years, pharmaceutical practices and the results thereof have suggested

a need for several actions, to encourage the deployment and maintenance of clinical

pharmacy services in community pharmacies. Pharmacists’ perceptions illuminate

experiences that could aid the provision of the relevant services and help other pharmacists

or policymakers identify implementation strategies for services in community pharmacies.

Objectives: This study aims to understand, through a scoping review of the literature,

pharmacists’ perceptions regarding clinical pharmacy services in community pharmacy.

Methods: A scoping review of literature was conducted, using the Lilacs, PubMed, Scopus,

Scielo, and Web of Knowledge databases, with articles indexed until February 2014. The

search included combinations of the following descriptors: “community pharmacy services,”

“pharmacist,” “pharmacist perception,” “pharmacist view,” “pharmacist function,”

“pharmacist expectations,” and “role of pharmacist.” The inclusion criteria were that each

study be on pharmacists’ perceptions and declare itself as such, and that the pharmaceutical

service under study be patient-focused. We excluded theoretical articles, case reports, other

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reviews, conference abstracts, letters to the editor, reports, awards results, studies that did

not have an abstract or full text, and studies with a non-English full text. Results: The

literature search identified 694 articles; among these, 29 met the inclusion criteria. The

studies were conducted in eight countries, with the United States and New Zealand yielding

the highest number of publications, at five each. Thirteen studies used qualitative

methodologies (focus groups, interviews, and diaries), 13 used quantitative methodologies

(questionnaire), and three used mixed methods; 12 distinct classifications of pharmaceutical

services were found. In most of the studies, the pharmacists believed that they played a

positive role for patients in community pharmacies. Barriers and facilitators of services were

also reported and pharmacists perceived lack of training in the provision of clinical services.

In most studies, pharmacists felt that their relationships with other healthcare professionals

could enhance patient outcomes. Conclusion: This study provided recommendations for the

implementation of clinical pharmacy services in community pharmacies, to improve the ease

of service provision and ensure that practices in community pharmacies are highly valued.

Keywords: Clinical pharmacy services, community pharmacy, pharmacist perception,

implementation of healthcare services

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Over the years, community pharmacy has been recognized as a propitious and

accessible environment for pharmaceutical practices that promote the quality of life of

members of a given population. 1,2,3,4,5 Community pharmacy is often the last link between

health services and drug users, where, in addition to the purchase of supplies, guidelines for

rational use of medicines and services for the prevention and control of chronic diseases can

be provided. 6,7

As a consequence of the results achieved through the provision of these services,

health organizations and researchers have suggested several actions to encourage the

deployment and maintenance of clinical pharmacy services in community pharmacies, such

as the development of models of practice. 3,8,9 Along with that, studies on pharmacists’

perceptions of the provision of these services show how this process of deployment occurs.


Perceptions illuminate issues relating to experiences, barriers to services, facilitators,

and expectations; these, in turn, can aid the provision of similar services. Dolovich et al.

(2008) proposed recommendations for the reduction of bureaucracy in the provision of

clinical pharmacy services, based on pharmacists’ perceptions. 13 According to Eades et al.’s

(2011) systematic review, among other issues, studies have shown that the majority of

pharmacists who work in public health services felt a need for training, so as to attain

confidence in service provision. 12

In Morton et al.’s (2014) study on pharmacists’ perceptions, the participants

questioned as to whether pharmacists should give lifestyle advice in community pharmacy,

since they are not remunerated for it. 14 Such issues help other pharmacists or policymakers

identify implementation strategies for services in community pharmacies, in relation to

future projects in the pharmaceutical field. 15 Therefore, through a scoping review of the

literature, this study aims to identify and understand studies on pharmacists’ perceptions of

clinical pharmacy services in community pharmacy.


Data sources and searches

A scoping review of literature was conducted, using articles indexed until February

2014 on the Lilacs, PubMed, Scopus, Scielo and Web of Knowledge databases. The

keywords used in the article search were obtained through consultations of the National

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Library of Medicine’s controlled vocabulary encyclopedia, using Medical Subject Headings

(MeSH), and from articles on the topic, which contained the most frequently used terms. The

search strategy included combinations of fixed descriptors (“community pharmacy services”

and “pharmacist”) and mobile descriptors (“pharmacist perception,” “pharmacist view,”

“pharmacist function,” “pharmacist expectations,” and “role of pharmacist”). These words

were changed according to each database’s search protocol, as necessary.


1) “pharmacist perception” AND “community pharmacy services” AND


2) “pharmacist view” AND “community pharmacy services” AND “pharmacist”

3) “pharmacist function” AND “community pharmacy services” AND “pharmacist”

4) “pharmacist expectations” AND “community pharmacy services” AND


5) “role of pharmacist” AND “community pharmacy services” AND “pharmacist”

Study selection

In this study, the following inclusion criteria were applied: (i) the study should be on

pharmacists’ perceptions and be specified as such; (ii) the pharmaceutical services should

be patient-focused, featuring clinical pharmacy services. This scoping review excluded

theoretical articles, case reports, other reviews, conference abstracts, letters to the editor,

reports, and awards results, as well as those without an abstract or full text and those with a

non-english full text.

Data Extraction

Two reviewers (ASD and CFSC) independently conducted a preliminary evaluation

of the relevant titles, abstracts, and full text. Possible discrepancies were reviewed and

judged by a third reviewer (GCB). Articles that were replicated in two or more databases

were considered only once. Two reviewers (ASD and CFSC) extracted the relevant data, in

order to investigate those considered important for the review.

The scoping review was conducted according to the recommendations of the

Cochrane Public Health Group. This statement provides essential information on the

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methodology and development of scoping reviews, including the following: identification

of the research question, identification of relevant studies, study selection, the charting of

the data, collation, the summarizing and reporting of the results, and optional consultation.


Synthesis and data analysis

Articles that met the inclusion criteria for data extraction were carefully described,

with reference to the following aspects: country, the number of pharmacists, study design,

methods, description of pharmaceutical service, perceptions analyzed, results, and

limitations declared.


The literature search yielded 694 articles; no article was found in the Web of

Knowledge and the Lilacs databases. Twenty-nine articles met the inclusion criteria, thus,

constituting the final sample. Figure 1 shows the steps followed to select the final sample.

Figure 1. Flowchart of steps taken to select the final sample of articles included in

the scoping review

694 potentially relevant articles found in


PUBMED (435)


SCOPUS (246)

61 articles were excluded: indexed in

two or more databases


31 articles selected to be

read in full

633 articles selected by

analysis of titles

61 articles were selected

by analysis of abstracts 32 excluded because they did not

describe the methodological

approach towards pharmacists’

perceptions regarding the

provision of clinical services

572 excluded because they did

not mention pharmacists’

perceptions and provision of

clinical services

29 full papers selected to

final sample

2 excluded because the

pharmaceutical services were not


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The studies’ characteristics (country, study design, number of pharmacists, methods,

and the clinical pharmacy services provided), results, perceptions under analysis, and

limitations were described in figures and tables.

Characteristics of the studies

The studies were conducted in eight countries, but mostly, in Oceania 10,12,17-24 and

North America; 25-33 seven had been conducted in the United States and five in New Zealand

and Australia, respectively; these countries had the highest number of publications (Table

1). Only one study was conducted in Africa 34 and none in South America. Most studies were

cross-sectional, with the exception of one, which was a longitudinal intervention study. 20

The number of pharmacists participating in the studies ranged from 5–870. This was due to

the variety of methodologies used; 12 studies used qualitative methodologies,

12,17,19,21,23,24,26,29-31,36 14 used quantitative methodologies, 11,18,27,22,25,28,32,33,37-41 and three

studies used mixed methods (Figure 2). 10,20,34

Table 1. Studies (n = 29) included in the scoping review, according to continent

Continent No. (%) of studies (n = 29) Studies


(Australia, New Zealand)

10 (34,48%) 10,12, 17–24

North America

(United States of America, Canada)

9 (31,03%) 25–33

Europe (England, Switzerland,


4 (13,79%) 35,36,38,42

Eurasia (Turkey) 2 (6,89%) 37,11

Asian (Qatar, Malaysia, Singapore) 3 (10,34%) 39–41

Africa (Sudan) 1 (3,44%) 34

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An analysis of the clinical pharmacy services provided revealed that, in nine of the

studies, there was no intervention 24,25,27,32,33,39-42 and participating pharmacists expressed

their opinions about what could be done about the service; all of the studies referred to the

pharmaceutical service being provided. In this study, clinical pharmacy services were

defined as any services comprising interventions by pharmacists, aimed at optimizing the

use of drugs, regardless of the service’s methodology or level of complexity.

The following twelve classifications of pharmaceutical services were found:

medication review, 17,19 medicines management, 18 dispensing, 21 pharmaceutical care, 31,34,38

medicine use review, 10,23 medication therapy management (MTM), 25,27 therapeutic drug

monitoring, 32 cognitive pharmaceutical services, 26 disease management, 20,22,37 advice,

29,33,36,40,42 follow-up, 11,12,20 and counseling. 24,28,30,33,35,39,41 For this reason, we categorized

the services according to intervention type, to clarify the activities performed. Table 2 shows

the interventions in clinical pharmacy services, as found in the studies.

12 3

Quantitative Qualitative


- 14 questionnaires with

measurement scales - 8 interviews

- 3 focus groups

- 1 pharmacists’ diaries

- 2 interviews and questionnaires

- 1 control intervention and a

questionnaire with qualitative data

Figure 2. Methods used in the studies (n = 29) included in the scoping review

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Table 2. Interventions in clinical pharmacy services, as depicted in the studies (n = 29) included in the scoping


Type of pharmaceutical intervention No. (%) of studies

(n = 29) Studies

Advice or counseling about medication 29 (100%) 10–12,17–42

Education for patient or health teams 13 (44,82%) 10,11,18,19,24,25,27,31,34,37–39,41

Drug-related problem management 8 (27,58%) 19,20,25,26,27,31,34,38

Collaboration with other healthcare

professionals 8 (27,58%) 12,17,18,20,25,32,30,31,39,41

Improvement of adherence 7 (24,13%) 10,19,20,22,23,27,39

Counseling about lifestyle and environmental

factors 7 (24,13%) 33–37,39,41

Adjustment of pharmacotherapy 6 (20,68%) 12,17–19,21,30

Help regarding self-medication and self-care 5 (17,24%) 22,25,29,40,42

Monitoring of health outcomes (clinical,

humanistic, and economic) 5 (17,24%) 20,25,31,34,38

Care plan development 4 (13,79%) 12,22,26,31

Home care 2 (6,89%) 21,32

Results of the studies

The perceptions of pharmacists, as analyzed in the studies, varied according to the

pharmacists’ involvement in the service, as well as the methodology used. There were

studies on the potential role of the pharmacist, 11,17,18,20,22,24,29,30,31,34,37 comfort level in

relation to service provision, 25,29,41 intention to provide services, 29 barriers to service

provision, 10,18-,22,25,26,28,29,30,34,36,38,39,41 provision of services by facilitators, 10,17,21,25,28

pharmacists’ education and training needs, 12,20,27,26,34,28,29,38,39,41,42 and their relationships

with other healthcare professionals. 10,20,21,22,26,30,31,34,35,39

With regard to the perceptions described in most of the results, the pharmacists

believed that the role that they played in community pharmacies was particularly positive

for patients, as it is linked to patient management or counseling therapy, and aimed at

improving the use of medicines. 11,18,20,22,24,29,30,31,34,37,38 Most pharmacists felt that their role

was very important, viewing it as being beyond that of the traditional pharmacist, and feeling

that they should be involved in therapy management.

In studies addressing pharmacists’ comfort regarding the provision of clinical

services, professionals reported feeling comfortable to implement educational interventions

and provide information on medicines; they also associated their comfort levels with

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enhanced service and practical knowledge. 25,26,29,41 In one study, 29 the pharmacist did not

feel comfortable because of lack of information regarding a patient’s medical history; in

other studies, 27 pharmacists did not feel assured that a service would be profitable for their

pharmacies, despite their strong intentions to promote their services.

In many studies, the pharmacists addressed the barriers to service provision; the main

barriers were lack of time, 10,20,21,22,25,28,36,38,41 training, 12,20,29,34,38,39 skills and knowledge,

19,20,24,26,27,38 reimbursement, 10,25,34 confidence, 19,20 and a private environment. 28,38 Besides

hindering the implementation of services, the barriers discouraged the maintenance of

services provided by the pharmacists. 19,24,34

Another important factor identified, based on the perceptions of pharmacists, was the

facilitators of practice, such as educational training, 25,26,42 positive outcomes for patients,

10,20,34 job satisfaction, 21,26,34 physical layout, 26,28 support of healthcare professionals

10,21,27,31 and adequate support staff. 10,26,28 These factors enabled patients to obtain

satisfactory results from professionals and assisted in the development and consolidation of

services. 21,23

Some studies considered education and training needs a very important issue for

service maintenance, as the majority of pharmacists felt that they lacked training in the

provision and management of clinical services; 12,20,29,34,38,39 in studies in which there was

training, the pharmacists recognized the advantages thereof in their service provision and

felt more self-confident in their approach towards patients. 25,26,42

With regard to their relationships with other healthcare professionals, in most studies,

pharmacists felt that this relationship is beneficial in improving patient outcomes

10,21,22,26,27,31,35,39 and that the lack of such a relationship is a barrier. 20,30,34 With regard to the

limitations, as assumed by the authors, five studies did not report limitations 11,26,33,35,39 and

others mainly reported limits regarding the generalization of results, 17,21,25,27,41,42 the bias

associated with self-reports, 17,23,25,29,34,38 the influence of pharmacists’ experiences on

service provision, 12,26 problems with the data collection instruments, 22,28,37 and the use of

convenience and small samples. 20,22,24,29,31,41,42


Characteristics of the studies

The distribution of studies according to country may have been limited by language

and may have probably been due to developments in clinical pharmacy studies in the

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countries of Oceania (i.e., public policy on the expansion of access to medication and

initiatives to enhance the role of community pharmacists), which rendered these studies

12,17,19,21 different from those found in previous reviews of clinical pharmacy services, in

which the majority of studies were had been conducted in the United States and Europe.

43,44,45 With regard to the methods used, questionnaires and interviews are commonly used

to obtain perceptions of professionals regarding their practices. Other than their ability to

yield study results quickly, these methods do not require the use of too many resources and

researchers can often count on the help of professional associations and councils to apply a

wide range of research. 18,46,47

The wide variety of the types of clinical pharmacy services described in studies is

due to the different characteristics of health systems in the various countries, coupled with

their respective public policies. 48,49 In addition, the lack of standardization of types of

clinical pharmacy services and their descriptions hinders the consolidation of the practice,

as it complicates the reproducibility of these services for working professionals and in the

education field. 50 An example of such an instance is in the systematic review by Allemann

et al. (2014), in which eighth definitions of pharmaceutical care were found. 51 Therefore, it

is suggested that a broad definition of pharmaceutical services be formulated, to enable the

evaluation and measurement of services, and valuing of community pharmacies. 52

With regard to the types of pharmaceutical interventions in clinical pharmacy

services, most studies addressed the provision of counseling and advice regarding

medication, whereas a minority addressed the development of a care plan and monitoring of

health outcomes; few studies provided follow-up assistance to the patient. In some

systematic reviews of clinical services in community pharmacies, studies described

strategies for improving patient outcomes and affirmed the importance of provision of more

complex interventions relating to medication management, such as MTM and medication

review services, since either education or information regarding medication is not enough

for the majority of patients. 53-56

Results of the studies

In all the studies in this review, the role of the pharmacist was associated with the

provision of patient care and generation of positive results, regardless of the type of service

provided. This result is corroborated by the reorientation of the profession in recent years,

in which the focus of pharmaceutical practice is the patient. 57 Therefore, in literature studies

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on the improvement of clinical pharmacy services, as well as in this review, the prevailing

theme is that of pharmacists beginning to see more service opportunities in community

pharmacies and other settings. 45,58

The association between comfort level, the intention to provide clinical pharmacy

services, and the appreciation of the service or of the pharmacist’s practical knowledge is

understandable, since comfort levels decrease as a function of barriers and lack of training.

25,29 In a study by Bruchet et al. (2011), which identified actions taken to improve the quality

of clinical pharmacy services, it was suggested that managers consider educational programs

or mentorship for the improvement of pharmacists’ confidence and comfort levels. 8

Barriers to service provision, as found in the study, are in accordance with literature

and represent the major causes of low consolidation of clinical pharmacy services in the

world and have been shown to demotivate pharmacist in practice. 59-61 However, studies

show that the identification of these barriers is useful for the implementation of counteracting

strategies and improvement of the quality of the service provided. 21,62,63

The valuing of service provision facilitators is important in ensuring the quality of

clinical pharmacy services. In the reviewed studies, facilitators proved very important in

encouraging the development and expansion of services. 25 Some authors suggest that

literature should communicate about and disclose more facilitators of clinical pharmacy

service provision in community pharmacies, as this enhances patient care opportunities and

yields economic benefits for the pharmacy. 64,65 In addition, the identification of facilitators

could be one of the steps followed prior to the initiation of the practice; this could prevent

predictable barriers. 66,67

Despite it increasingly becoming a prerequisite for the provision of more complex

services such as therapy management, literature shows that lack of education and training is

a major obstacle in the provision of clinical pharmacy services; a similar finding emerged in

this review. 3,4 Other than improving technique, training and capacity building increase

professional confidence, especially in relation to increased knowledge and communication

skills. 2,68,69

Collaborative approaches between pharmacists and other healthcare professionals

help patients achieve therapeutic goals and enhance medication management; however, this

does not happen often, due to professionals’ lack of information, confidence, and

communication skills. 70,71 This was also observed in the studies included in this review.

Therefore, it is suggested that the relationship between these professionals be evaluated, so

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that strategies for the implementation of a collaborative, patient-centered practice can be

proposed. 72,73

Recommendations for future research

The gaps found in this review could inform reflections and recommendations for

future research. Studies have shown the importance of emphasis on actions aimed at

improving the training of pharmacists and their staff, since pharmacists often report that their

higher education training does not fully enable them to consolidate clinical services in

community pharmacies, but that further training in chronic disease management, therapy

management, and communication skills is necessary. 74,75

Few studies have shown a need for the training and encouragement of pharmacy staff,

in providing the necessary support in pharmaceutical services. Staff could assist in the

recruitment of patients and the dissemination of services to clients of pharmacies, 76-78 and

take responsibility for tasks within the pharmacy, to optimize the pharmacist’s time, enabling

him or her to perform care work.

For optimal service provision, research should emphasize the importance of a private

environment for consultations, because the lack of such a structure would affect the service

negatively. 14 The environment should be comfortable, offering privacy, and having the

necessary resources that enable the documentation of data and measuring of patient

parameters, depending on the type of service performed. Moreover, Aguiar et al. (2013)

suggests the use of roundtables to facilitate confidence and create a close pharmacist-patient

relationship. 79

Aspects related to the economic impact of the service and the fair remuneration of

pharmacists were rarely addressed in the studies in this review, and should have more

prominence in future research. This theme may help enhance the services that attract

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investment by managers and public-policy makers, and increase pharmacists’ remuneration,

improving their satisfaction in relation to their practice.

With regard to the barriers found in pharmacists’ relationships with other healthcare

professionals, it is important that new studies address strategies primarily aimed at

improving communication between these professionals. Pharmacists could disclose the

results of their services and avail themselves for partnerships with other healthcare

professionals who wish to improve patient management. 80

An additional gap presented was the detailed description of facilitators of service

provision, which could help professionals initiate services, with these strategies already in

place. It also enables reflection on the possible barriers, efficacy of facilitators, and the

feasibility of the service. Finally, it is important that studies disclose the means of

standardizing practices and disseminate consolidated service models. In this manner, it is

believed that service provision would be easier and that practices in community pharmacies

would be highly valued.


Since this is a scoping review, trial quality was not assessed, but this choice was due

to the main objective of the current work, which was to know and understand pharmacists’

perceptions of clinical pharmacy services within community pharmacy. This review will

serve as a basis for subsequent systematic reviews that detail the quality of the reviewed



This review showed various aspects of pharmacists’ perceptions regarding clinical

pharmacy services in community pharmacies; perceptions regarding the pharmacist’s role in

relation to the orientation of the patient and regarding the lack of time and training in service

provision were identified as the most prevalent barriers. In addition, the support of other

healthcare professionals and job satisfaction were identified as facilitators of the service,

whereas education and training needs were perceived as limiting factors for practice.

Perceptions also highlighted partnerships with other healthcare professionals as a support

structure; important issues such as academic training, requirements for the structuring of

pharmacies, economic aspects, and the influence of public healthcare policies on service

implementation were also highlighted.

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Furthermore, strategies aimed at the improvement of clinical pharmacy services and

at the development of practical models that meet health needs could be identified. The

following measures were proposed, based on the presented gaps: changes in the structures

of pharmacies, to ensure better patient care; actions aimed at improving the training of

pharmacists and their staff; strategies aimed at facilitating communication between

healthcare professionals; and the development of means to standardize practices and

disseminate consolidated service models. Thus, clinical pharmacy services are expected to

optimize drug use accordingly.


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78. Patwardhan PD, Amin ME, Chewning BA. Intervention research to enhance

community pharmacists' cognitive services: a systematic review. Res Social Adm Pharm.


79. Aguiar PM, Balisa-Rocha BJ, Lyra Júnior DP. Avaliação de indicadores de

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Aline S. Dosea, BPharm, M.Sc. Student, a Giselle de C. Brito, BPharm, MSc, Ph.D.

Student, a,b Lincoln M. C. Santos, Pharmacy Studant, a Tatiane C. Marques, BPharm,

MSc, Ph.D. Student,a Blície Balisa-Rocha, BPharm, MSc, Ph.D.,c Deborah Pimentel

M.D., MSc, Ph.D.,d Denise Bueno BPharm, MSc, Ph.D., e Divaldo P. Lyra Jr., BPharm,

MSc, Ph.Da

aTeaching and Research Laboratory, Social Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacy,

Federal University of Sergipe, LEPFS-UFS, s/n, Avenida Marechal Rondon, Jardim

Rosa Elze, São Cristóvão, Brazil

b Department of Pharmacy, Federal University of Sergipe, Health Campus, Lagarto,


c Pharmacy Course, Faculty of Guanambi, Guanambi, Brazil.

d Department of Medicine, Federal University of Sergipe, São Cristóvão, Brazil

e Pharmacy Faculty, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil

Corresponding author: Divaldo P. Lyra, Jr.

E-mail address: [email protected]

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Background: In community pharmacies, when pharmacists incorporate clinical practice

into their routine there are several barriers and facilitators influencing the implementation

of patient care services. Knowing the perceptions of pharmacists who promotes the

clinical pharmacy services can help improve the quality of implementation of services as

well as valorize the role of the pharmacist in providing patient care. Objectives: To know

and understand the perception of a group of pharmacists who were working in three units

of the Farmácia Popular do Brasil program on the establishment, implementation, and

consolidation of clinical pharmacy services. Material and Methods: This was a

longitudinal and observational qualitative study using focus groups. Data were analyzed

using content analysis. Results: The recording of the focus groups generated more than

210 minutes of audio that was fully transcribed and analyzed. The perception of the

pharmacists about the Farmácia Popular do Brasil program was that it facilitates access

to healthcare and medication. In addition, the pharmacists characterized the Farmácia

Popular do Brasil program as establishing an environment with less pressure on

pharmacists to make sales. In general, the pharmacists thought that the Farmácia Popular

do Brasil program pharmacies were better than most pharmacies, and that this model

brought the pharmacists using it greater satisfaction than other approaches. However,

several barriers to using the service emerged. The distance between neighboring cities

made it difficult for patients to return for services. In addition, patients were not

accustomed to identifying pharmacies as healthcare establishments. Lack of training of

staff, which created a lack of communication skills and knowledge, presented another

issue. The pharmacists expressed their expectations to have increased technical support,

skills development opportunities, and monitoring of researchers who assess the progress

of the service. Pharmacists overcame many of their insecurities in 2014 and felt more

proactive and committed to quality service. They began to reach their goals for patients,

and they gained more visibility. Consequently, the pharmacists feel that they have gained

further experience and professional enhancement. Conclusion: The dissemination of

positive experiences in services implementations through perception studies have shown

that it is possible to develop a model of clinical services in community pharmacies.

Keywords: Clinical Pharmacy Services, Community Pharmacy, Pharmacist Perception,

Implementation of healthcare services

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In recent years, advances in health technologies and new social demands for

specialized services have resulted in changes in pharmacy services.1,2,3 Within this

context, pharmacists have been included into health teams that guide their actions for the

promotion of services focused on the patient. Pharmacists thus have been encouraged to

become co-responsible for health outcomes and improved quality of life for patients.4,5,6

At the time the pharmacists began incorporating their clinical practices into

community pharmacies, several barriers and facilitators were influencing the

implementation of patient care services.7 Studies showed that barriers to implementation

included low professional remuneration and lack of investment in the infrastructure for

pharmacies.8,9,10 On the other hand, it is possible to observe facilitators as patient

satisfaction with the service and the support of researchers for the improvement and

maintenance of practice.11,12,13

In this context, knowing perceptions of the pharmacists who promote the clinical

pharmacy services can help improve the quality and implementation of services and

valorize the role of the pharmacist in providing patient care. Therefore, it is possible to

reveal from interviews with those working in pharmacy practices what issues there are

about structuring services and the work processes and what professional skills are

necessary for their success.14,15,11

Most studies related to this theme are linked to the perceptions and experiences of

patients using medication and healthcare professionals involved in the services provided

by the pharmacists.16,17,18,19,20,21 However, this practice is still new in Brazil, and there are

few studies on understanding the implementation of clinical pharmacy services from the

perspective of the pharmacists themselves.22,23,24 This study aims to know and understand

the perception of a group of pharmacists immersed in experiences involving the

establishment, implementation, and consolidation of clinical pharmacy services in

community pharmacies.


This study has a methodology of collecting data on the understanding and

interpretation of the phenomena under investigation without judgment. Since the

collected data would not be measurable nor could hypotheses or causal relationships

between facts be formulated, we chose a qualitative research study approach, which seeks

to explain relationships, values, attitudes, beliefs, and habits.25,26

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The setting of this study was composed of three units of the Farmácia Popular do

Brasil program. This program is a pharmacy network created by the government to sell

medications at subsidized prices and to facilitate the population's access to them.27 These

units of the Farmácia Popular do Brasil program are located in three cities in the

northeast. They are managed by a health foundation that established a partnership with

researchers who are interested in initiating a project to develop a model of clinical

pharmacy services in community pharmacies. For three years, these researchers have

developed projects to set up and evaluate the establishment, implementation, and

consolidation of pharmacy services.

The pharmacists received advanced training in order to provide quality clinical

services to their new patient load. The study sample consisted of 11 pharmacists who

were working in three units of the Farmácia Popular do Brasil program. The data were

obtained over the course of three focus groups. For this study there are a convenience

sample because the interest is only for person who had a significant relationship with

establishment, implementation and consolidation of clinical pharmacy services.

Following the recommendations of the consolidated criteria for reporting

qualitative research (COREQ)28, focus groups were conducted in a distinct setting of the

workplace in order to minimize possible interference. All pharmacists signed a consent

form that included permission to use video recording and data from the focus groups. This

study was part of the PhD project of researcher Giselle de C. Brito and was approved by

the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Sergipe, CAAE number:


Development of scripts

The scripts for the discussion groups were prepared by the researchers involved

in the project. The pharmacists addressed the lived experiences in three stages of the

project: in March 2012, at the beginning of establishing the project; March 2013, during

implementation; and March 2014 during the consolidation of clinical pharmacy services.

Interview questions addressed the perceptions of the pharmacists on the Farmácia

Popular do Brasil program model; the effects on patients because of receiving services;

barriers and facilitators of establishing, implementation and consolidation of the program;

and other factors related to patients, practice, training and the changes generated during

the process.

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The interview questions were open and driven by a moderator who had the role of

stimulating an exchange of opinions and maintaining the focus of the discussion. Groups

were conducted for a maximum duration of two hours, and the discussions were

videotaped and later transcribed for analysis.


Data were analyzed using content analysis29 in which the reports are organized

and systematized into categories and registration units. Two researchers (A.S.D. and

G.C.B.) independently analyzed the focus groups. In cases of disagreement, a third

investigator (D.B.) was also used. This reviewer also suggested improvement in

categorizations that have been accepted by consensus of three reviewers (A.S.D. and

G.C.B. and D.B.). Subsequently, a careful review by a senior evaluator was performed

(D.P.). After the definition of categories was performed a critical analysis of the three

focus groups.


In the present study there was no withdrawal or refusal of any pharmacist invited

to participate in focus groups. The recording of the focus groups generated more than 210

minutes of fully transcribed audio. Subsequently, the material was organized and

analyzed in order to make it functional. This material generated 102 text clippings that

contained references to the topics of discussion. These text clippings were grouped by

similarities, and categories were formed according to the registration units. Table 1

presents the results of the focus groups.

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Table 1: Pharmacist perceptions during the beginning of establishment (2012), implementation (2013) and consolidation (2014) of clinical

pharmacy services.


Beginning of establishment

in 2012

During implementation

in 2013


in 2014

Facilitating access Access to pharmacist

Access to medication

Lack of pressure for sales

Ideal physical structure of pharmacy

Access to pharmacist

Access to medication

Lack of pressure for sales

Access to clinical service

Not reported

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Table 1 (continuation): Pharmacist perception during the phases at the beginning of establishment (2012), implementation (2013) and

consolidation (2014) of clinical pharmacy services.


Beginning of establishment

in 2012

During implementation

in 2013


in 2014

Barriers Distance from neighboring cities

Lack of physicians in the city

Difficulty in recruiting patients/creating demand

Difficulties in the provision of pharmaceutical services, need of

capacitation of pharmacists

Negative influence of paternalistic relationship between

physician and patient

Lack of recognition of the pharmacist by the population

Failures in human resources

Dichotomy between theory and practice

Bureaucracy in services

Professional insecurity for lack

of skills

Consolidation Barriers:

Problems in the structure

Human resources issues

Increased serviced

Overdue barriers:

Practice of clinical


Communication skills

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Table 1 (continuation): Pharmacist perception during the phases at the beginning of establishment (2012), during implementation (2013) and

consolidation (2014) of clinical pharmacy services.


Beginning of establishing

in 2012

During implementation

in 2013


in 2014



Technical support

Partnering with physicians to increase the

number of patients

Ability to generate outcomes for patients

Professional self-confidence

Idealization of service

Enhancement and professional achievement

Doing excellence /reference service

Maintenance of training and technical


More professional accomplishments

Expansion of services

Maintenance of technical


Changes generated

in implementation

Not Reported Improvement of service

Technical support

Overcoming of insecurities

Professional enhancement

Positive results for patients

Technical support

Professional enhancement

Service excellence implemented

Positive results for patients

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Facilitating access

It was the general opinion of the pharmacists that the Farmácia Popular do Brasil

program greatly facilitated the public’s access to professional help and medication. They felt

that the fact that the government provided drugs at low cost and that the environment allowed

pharmacists to be more available to provide guidance for patients. The results from this

survey emphasize the importance of performing actions to reduce barriers to medication

access to increase adherence to treatment.30,31

Besides promoting greater access to medication, the Farmácia Popular do Brasil

program facilitates the visibility of clinical pharmacy services and pharmaceutical care that

provides comfort and privacy for patients.27,32 This factor has been reported as an essential

factor in building a trust relationship between the pharmacist and patients. Lack of this type

of structure was cited as a recurring problem for community pharmacies.33-36

In addition, pharmacists saw the program as an environment in which there was less

pressure to make sales; therefore, it was considered a better model for work with better job

satisfaction. This perception corresponds with studies showing that pressures on the business

side of healthcare can cause a lack of patient confidence in the information provided by the

pharmacist and frustration and tension in the pharmacy professional due to lack of job

autonomy.37,38 As one pharmacist noted:

"The pharmacy has a room for pharmaceutical care that allows patient privacy (...)

When you arrive at the service you are seen as a human."

Barriers to implementation

Several barriers emerged during the years of implementation of services; however,

over time the majority of problems were overcome. For example, the distance between cities

and the lack of physicians to evaluate clinic conditions presented difficulties for the

development of clinical pharmacy services. Previous researchers have approached the same

problems, in which besides lack of support from physicians there were also discordances

with pharmacist interventions.39,40 This points to the importance of multidisciplinary


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Another issue that arose during patient recruitment was that the patients were not

accustomed to identifying pharmacies as healthcare establishments. Faced with similar

problems, several researchers developed strategies for engaging patients, such as

communicating with potential patients about the service benefits.11,35,41 In addition, the

approach of some physicians was exerting a negative influence on patient recruitment to

pharmaceutical services, because patients emphasized that the physician was the only

healthcare provider that should have knowledge and power over clinical decisions.

According to one pharmacist:

"She (the patient) said, 'but the doctor knows more than the pharmacist.’"

Study participants reported service delivery problems due to failures in academic

training and lack of clinical skills. This issue reinforces the need for training and continuing

education for pharmacists.36,42,43 By 2014, many of the barriers to service were overcome,

the performance of clinical pharmacy services had significantly improved, and pharmacists

felt better about the consolidation of services.

In Brazil, there is still no law regulating the presence of a qualified pharmacy staff in

community pharmacies.44 Therefore, one factor that also caused problems in the past was

the lack of knowledge and technical training of staff. This failure demanded time of

pharmacists who organized staff training activities and continuing professional development

to avoid problems on the pharmacy.

In 2013, the bureaucracy found in the community health services was considered to

be a barrier that drove away patients and slowed down service delivery. This was due the

necessary documents for the purchase of medicines, however this is a measure of the

program that ensures the control of drug sales. In addition, pharmacists felt insecure about

the provision of clinical services and by the lack of sources of information to improve care.

This brought on feelings of shame, fear, and frustration. One pharmacist said:

"Sometimes I feel weak. There are some skills that I still could not develop,

especially communication."

Regarding, increased service demand being a barrier:

“If we increase the amount of care service, we have to see how a new routine (...) is

a difficulty, is a new requirement, by the amount of care service that lie ahead."

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In 2014, barriers such as lack of clinical skills were overcome and the performance

of clinical pharmacy services improved significantly, what proves that the support of

researchers helped to decrease the dichotomy between theory and practice and professional

insecurity for lack of skills.

Expectations and changes generated on implementation

Pharmacist expectations were linked to their idealization of the community pharmacy

service and what would be required for a successful first year of practice. They expected to

have technical support to develop skills and acquire knowledge. They also wanted to have

monitoring by researchers who could assess the progress of the service. Likewise, in the

literature it shows that pharmacists expect more training about management issues, specific

diseases, and approaches to the implementation of services.

Professional pharmacy education at the undergraduate level does not offer that kind

of expertise.45,42,46 For this reason, several studies like ours have advocated investing in

technical support with training, because this strategy will bring about improvement to the

practice of the pharmacist. Furthermore, the pharmacist can become safer and more self-

confident about the provision of clinical services in community pharmacies and other

primary care environments.47-51

In 2012, a pharmacist commented:

"We need to know we have the support of you (researchers) to clarify and facilitate

information for us."

In 2013, another pharmacist said:

"The expectation is to have to be a reference and have professional development,

which is the true pursuit of excellence."

Others commented:

"I think in that year (2014) I need to improve myself, always doing better." and "The

coordination support is 100% for me, (it) is very good (...) When I joined, I did not know

how to dispense medications like I dispense today. I did not know how to take care of patients

like I take care of them today."

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After the first year of establishing of services, in 2013 the three pharmacies were able

to maintain the same level of evolution of practice, but the pharmacists also hoped that by

partnering with physicians they would increase the number of patient referrals to clinical

pharmacy services. According to studies on the issue, this partnership sometimes does not

happen because of resistance from other healthcare professionals regarding pharmaceutical

interventions or because of fear of approaching physicians on the part of pharmacists.52,53

Consequently, patient management can become more difficult and the therapeutic outcomes

can become diminished. Therefore, strategies for fostering good communication, trust, and

respect between physicians and pharmacists are recommended to improve collaboration

between these professionals.54,55

During implementation of the program, the pharmacists also had ideas about

improving medication compliance and quality of life for patients who used their services.

These goals, generated increased visibility and recognition by the local population of the

community pharmacy services in the same manner as in Bradley et al. (2012).

The service received increased appreciation from physicians after the positive results

were achieved by pharmacist intervention regarding drug interactions.56 In this sense, the

improved pharmaceutical services also make patients feel grateful for the improvement in

the understanding they have of their medications.49 The results of the study showed that

clinical pharmacy services bring benefits not only for patients, but also for the motivation

and productivity of pharmacists. As one pharmacist noted:

"We're getting to be a reference of healthcare facilities (...) I have seen an evolution

in 2013, and in 2014. I think it worked because (of) patient outcomes." and "If (we) reduced

the quality of services, patients will gonna miss! Because today the pharmacy has this

characteristic, there are people who will go there only for services. "

In 2014, healthcare services were consolidated. Pharmacists had become self-critical

and more independent from technical support. They incorporated practice routines that gave

a sense of professionalism to clinical services. By this time, they had become different

professionals, capable of transforming the reality of their patient population to being

motivated, accomplished, and valued:

"(The service) worked, but lacks the magnification, we need (to) disclose more (...)

want to recruit more patients (...) (and) attain and exceed the target that was (achieved) last

year. "

"I'm performed, I feel that I am important and I can change reality."

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"Privilege, transformation, enhancement, experience (...) everyone is beginning to

know our role."

"We feel that we are actually exerting our function to society."


Because of employee turnover, all pharmacists do not have the same level of training.

Although these results may elucidate some of the issues at hand, they are based only on self-

reported data from the participants, so they may not be generalizable to other pharmacy



Knowing the perceptions of pharmacists was essential to understanding how it was

possible to consolidate the clinical pharmacy services in community pharmacies and

understanding the barriers and facilitators influencing the process. The perceptions of

pharmacists can point to strengths, such as access to pharmacies and the importance of

technical support received. It is possible to note a gradual change in the pharmacists’

perceptions over the years, as well as the recognition of overcoming obstacles.

Pharmacists were involved with the Farmácia Popular do Brasil program to improve

the application of clinical services. Based on knowledge of the pharmacists’ perceptions,

various interventions for improvement were applied, such as mandating further training and

using the guidance of researchers. Therefore, the study has shown that it is possible to

develop a model of clinical services in community pharmacies.


To the pharmacists, Maria Cristiane Trindade de Almeida and Eulália Lins Victor,

coordinators of the Farmácia Popular do Brasil program managed by the Sergipe State

Health Foundation (Funesa) and to the 11 pharmacists who participated in the focus groups.

The financial support for this study was obtained from the Coordination for the Improvement

of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) and the Foundation for Research Support of the

State of Sergipe (FAPITEC).


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Diante do exposto, foi possível compreender a partir dos estudos da revisão de

literatura que os farmacêuticos associam o seu papel a orientação ao paciente e que barreiras

como a falta de tempo para o serviço e falhas na formação acadêmica do farmacêutico podem

influenciar no sucesso dos serviços clínicos farmacêuticos e na sua satisfação com o

trabalho. Tais resultados serviram de base para apoiar os achados dos grupos focais, pois as

percepções encontradas nos dois estudos serão coerentes se comparadas.

Os relatos dos grupos focais apontaram questões como a importância do acesso aos

medicamentos essenciais e do suporte de pesquisadores na implantação de serviços clínicos

farmacêuticos. Apesar da maioria dos achados nos dois estudos não permitirem

generalização, foi possível compreender que a necessidade do desenvolvimento da formação

do farmacêutico durante a implantação dos serviços clínicos farmacêuticos pode ser

essencial para a consolidação dos mesmos e para o desenvolvimento da segurança do


Neste sentido, sugere-se o aprimoramento dos serviços clínicos farmacêuticos a

partir do investimento no treinamento de conhecimentos e habilidades do profissional, de

adequações na estrutura de farmácias comunitárias, bem como do estreitamento das relações

entre outros profissionais de saúde para facilitar a ampliação destes serviços em ambientes

ainda não explorados.

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