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A tárgy természete...

• A biológiai tudományok egysége• Molekuláris, organizmikus és populációs

megközelítés • Érdekes de NEHÉZ• Aki nem akar figyelni, az menjen ki!• Vizsga: írásban. Utóvizsga: szóban• Vizsganyag: az előadások (órai jegyzet és

diasorozat, cikkgyűjtenény)

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Az élet kettős természete

Eörs Szathmáry

Eötvös University Collegium Budapest

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Miért kettős?

• Homeosztázis—disszipatív—anyagcsere• Egyirányú vezérlés és öröklődés• A láng és az öröklődő tulajdonságokkal

rendelkező sejt különbözősége

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Great thinkers on the nature of life

Gottfried Leibniz

Freeman Dyson

John Maynard Smith

Erwin Schrödinger

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• Az „isteni gépek végtelenül oszthatónak tűnnek

• A gépszerű működés a „molekuláris” dimenzióban is érvényesül

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• A gén mint aperiodikus kristály

• Az entrópia alacsony szintjének fenntartása állandó munkavégzést igényel

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Maynard Smith

• Anyagcsere és homeosztázis

• Genetikai szabályozás • Az evolvabilitást az

utóbbi adja

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Freeman Dyson

• Az élet kettős eredete• Először az anyagcsere

és a homeosztázis, nukleinsvak nélkül

• A gének mint a rendszer parazitái jelenhettek meg

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An irreversible system

• A B

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A reversible reaction

• A B• Le Chatelier-Braun principle

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A reversible, closed reaction system

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Reaction systems

• A closed, reversible cycle

• An open, almost reversible system

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Closed and open systems

Alul: a stacionárius állapot (steady state)

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The skeleton of sugar decomposition

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Chemical cycles are metabolic engines

• The cycle as a whole is a catalyst

• The Noble prize of Szent-Györgyi was awarded for catalysis by fumaric acid

• Krebs has recognized the whole cycle

• Enzymes are superimposed on the metabolic cycle

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A simple chemical cycle

• It is formally a unit composed of a closed and an open part

• Acts as a catalys

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Engines operate in cycles, and are hence are dynamically stable

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Tibor Gánti• Born in 1933• Chemical engineer• Patents in industrial

biochemistry (artificial metabolism)

• Syntheses using the controlled operation of enzymatic reaction networks

• First book on molecular biology in Hungary (1966)

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The first edition of the Principles• A serious book in a

popular science disguise (1971)

• There was no other way to publish

• Proposal included the term “chemoton”

• ‘reductionist’ and ‘vitalist’ at the same time!

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The investigation of life criteria: absolute criteria

1. Inherent unity2. Metabolism3. Inherent stability 4. Information carrying subsystem5. Processes regulated and controlled by a


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Quest for a biological minimal system

• Chemical supersystem• Should be conceptually as simple as

possible• Must not necessarily be realizable in its

simplest form• Comparison with other elementary units

(such as the elementary cell in crystallography)


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The latest edition: OUP 2003

• After several editions in Hungarian

• Two previous books (the Principles and Contra Crick) plus one essay

• Essays appreciating the biological and philosophical importance

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Enzymes and cycle stoichiometry

Very important: the cyclic process sign with the number of turns

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Structures built of amphipathic molecules

A two-dimensional fluid

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A self-reproducing vesicle (1978)

• Metabolism and reproduction• No genetic subsystem

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Pathways of supersystem evolution



metabolism M B




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Organisation of chemical systems into a supersystem (1974)

• CHEMOTON: a particular supersystem which is also a biological minimal system

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Gánti’s chemoton model


template copying


membrane growth

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The assembly of RNA structures

• Combinatorial assembly of RNA structures

• Submitted to selection for function between chemotons

• 1979

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The channelled assembly of ribozymes (1983)

• The presence of substrates gives guidance to ribozyme assembly

• Good enzymes and bad enzymes will affect the fitness of the chemotons

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Venter: professional but trivial (synthetic biology)

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The monograph (Kluwer 2003)

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The chemoton symbol

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Evolution towards a Borromean arrangement?

Chemoton symbol Borromean rings

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