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AC 5th YR Scheme – Dissolution - A still life print of waste products.

Name of student teacher: Angela Clarke

Class : 5TH Year

Title of Scheme: Dissulotion - A still life print of waste products.

Aim of Scheme: To design and create a drypoint print based on the life cycle of waste products, through the exploration of line, shape, form, value, distortions, reflections and refractions that result from looking through glass or plastic objects. Also considering movement, scale, composition and printing techniques when exploring the aesthetic quality of wasted material, and the future of eco friendly packaging, recycling and the environment.

Class size, profile and details: mixed ability, 11 Pupils

Duration of lessons: 75mins

Lesson No Conten


Learning Outcomes Teacher tasks and Pupils Task

Support studies and Visual Aids

Evaluation/ Assessment Procedures


Introduction explantation of scheme

Monoprinting -Drawing

Pupils will be able to :

To analyse still life paintings according to the lines, shapes, form, value, and pattern, if any.

To Identify and describe what

Introduce the scheme- Dissolution

Discuss the role and function packaging and the sustainable

Key rerms:

Dissolution – The formal ending, dissolving or decomposing. Dissolution is of

Verbal questioning of their understanding of Types of still life paintings e.g. Where and why were they

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/Analysing from primary source

Choose one object and draw from 3 different angle

constitutes a still life painting. Knowledge (cognitive domain)

To accurately observe the lines, and shape anf form of waste products through observational drawing.

To demonstrate an awareness of line and shape, how shape can create design and patterns in relation to still life, Skills (psychomotor domain)

To consider the role and function packaging and the sustainable developments goals, in terms of myself, my community, my world.

To make connections between waste products and possible ideas for their drypoint print, developing the theme.

To engage in preliminary work involving critical thought and deciding on their own idea based

developments goals, in terms of myself, my community, my world. Discuss the history of still life paintings and the objects they contain. Why art works are related back to the context in which they are made, viewed and valued e.g. Are their meanings lost to us today? What meaning do these object hold to us today? What if the objects hold no value. Reflect on their life cycles.

Does the style of the painting effect the message. Discuss the dissolution of the life of waste material- dissolving/ decomposing etc

fundamental importance in all chemical processes, natural and unnatural, from the decomposition of a dying organism and return of its chemical constituents into the biosphere.

Examples defining still life as an arrangement of 3 or more related objects. My drawings the still life.

Visual aids

Classroom Strategy will be Presentation boards for the length of time of this scheme - Examples of the momochromatic still life prints of Giogio Marandi, Walter Murch, Valeria Vecchia,

created? How has still life painting given the artist the ability to send us messages?

Question on PB-How is line,shape, form, pattern and value used in each image?

How do they effect the composition of the overall image?

Can they identify 10 key features of each painting and explain them.

Ask students how a mirror works

What is the purpose of using distortion, reflection and refraction to convey

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on the theme . .Attitudes (affective domain).


To read brief and to reflect on ideas for the theme.

To source objects in relation to waste materials, images from newspapers and magazines in relation to their idea and that they would like to incorporate into their still life.

To visually record a range of different ideas for a restructured still life.

To write thoughts on what water represents to them and describe a time when you were in it.

what is dissolute living?

Formally analyse the still life images according to the lines, shapes, form, value. Discuss Reflection and refraction. Recognise examples of other artists/cultures work, understanding how it informs their artwork.Think about creating atmosphere , look at supporting artists examples.

Demonstrate using mirrors to reflect light to hit a target in a separate part of the room. Demonstrate refracted light through a prism. Dark material absorbs light Group work- students

Examples of glass by Janet Fish, Gary cody and Juilian Farrar

Examples of Russ Mills - technique, Bill Viola piece ‘Dissolution’,’ 5 Anggels for the Millennium ‘ and water movement

Presentation Board-Comtemporary drypoint artists/designers work –discuss their different processes and materials.

Support studies

Example of a drypoint print to show

My book on still life

Handout on the brief

an atmosphere?

What words would describe these images-graphic, abstract, symbolic, fresh, clean, modern, smooth or textured?

Have they observed the object from all angles. Have they successfully drawn a close up section ? Have they been connecting with the idea generation and using their imaginations ?

DISCUSS ideas for next week.

What ideas did you get while drawing the object.

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change roles for time keepers, Reflectors and emitters and targets

How can we restructure waste material to send a message for todays trowaway culture.

Introduce the waste material as aestheticly pleasing objects which can be viewed from different angles and explore views from different close up sections.

Consider restructuring their look to give their lives new value and meaning.

Demonstrate how to create a monoprint

outlining theme, terms

Key words and terms –Refraction, transparent, opacity, Convex, concave, print, plate, , printing press, artist’s proof, edition, impression number, gouge, ,burin, ink, and proofing.

Define types of printing- monoprint, engraving, etching, intaglio, reduction block print, silkscreen.

Explain and show Patterned papers to be used in later classes, to stick behind the transparent objects , in the form of carefully designed , unformly disributed markings, that provide valuable cues to the objects

Special considerations for mixed ability groups. Worksheet with pre prepared drawings of bottles and 3D shapes.

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Demonstrate drawing the chosen object ( or enlarged section) from different angles. Then add water. Demonstrate continuous line drawing .

Discuss the theme a resturctured still life as a starting point for the drypoint print, using visual aids and artist examples. Observe “funny shapes” and implied edges vs. mere outlines.

Consider and employ interesting cropping and point of view for an all over dynamic composition

Pupils Task, To describe what the

shape, form and depth, rather than on the use of highlights or shade

Camera, Flashlight, Mirrors, Black Material, Crystal or prism.

Aceate sheets for monoprint, ink roller, paper.

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still life paintings looks like and feels like .To discuss what message the artist is trying to convey.To work in groups brainstorming possible waste objects that hold strong association for them.

Pupils will chose one object. , Pupils will explore monoprinting as a medium for drawing.Pupils will OBSERVE the chosen object from different angles, front, bottom and enlarged section. They will explore adding water and they will do one drawing in continuous line observing the object in a section close up.

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As they draw, pupils will take note of ideas and possibilites for the theme.


Investigate Reflection through mirrors, Refraction through liquid

Preliminary contour and tonal sketches of objects

Introduction to the tranaparent wire-frame construction technique

Introduction to the principles of design in relation to still life composition.

To have a basic awareness and experience of reflection and refraction and water in movement.

To observe how line can be used to define pattern, texture and form.

To be aware of how the illusion of form and depth can be created through shading techniques

To observe the component parts of value shaded forms to include higlights, reflected light. core of shadow and cast shadow. Knowledge (cognitive domain)

To be able to translate their observations of one object into realistically shaded drawings. Skills (psychomotor domain)

Question past learning- reassess pupil knowledge of a value strip

Arrange the objjects as if you where blocking characters in a story, who is next to who, how far or close etc. also consider point of view, Look for visual elements and distortion. Demonstrate Contour drawing on one object Demonstrate how to introduce tonal value to the drawing. Consider direction of hatching to describe form. Create swatches of

Visual aids: Images of water, collection of plastic and glass waste products.

Examples of Images showing the difference between geometric and organic lines and shapes

work by artists as an example that helps explain 3-D illusion, athmospheric effects and discuss briefly there purpose in art

Differentation: Worksheet: Value tonal scales using a variety of techniques: hatching, crosshatching,

How can line be used to define form?

In what ways can art create illusions?

How can the illusion of form be created through shading techniques on a 2-D surface

How can tone be used to shift the viewers eye around the composition ?

What other ways can we improve The composition?

Evaluate pupils ideas - are the ideas

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Subtractive drawing on Scraperboard

To develop general and artistic knowledge for artmaking

To describe using key words what constitutes a scraperboard artwork and to critically evaluate their own and the work of others. Attitudes (affective domain)


Continue to develop ideas and to source objects in realation to their ideas.

different techniques to create water effect.

Demonstrate stippling, hatching, and cross hatching.first on paper, then following the higlights explain subtractive using scraperboard.

Discuss the illusion of depth

Brainstorm possible meanings of illusion, keeping in mind the theme and the objects.

Group discussion.

Pupils practice shading using a variety of techniques.

Pupils will then


Examples that demonstrate highlights, reflected light, core of shadow, cast shadows

Materials: Scraperboard- Silver card and indian Ink, Tools.

Examples that convey realism and discuss how it is achieved

Images explaining Perspective

Images on Composition.

Examples that describe different types of compositions –Symmetrical and Asymmetrical.

relvant to the topic

Evaluate drawings on how well they explored and observed their objects

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proceed to do a tonal drawing.

Pupils will then create a subtractive drawing using their tonal drawing to inform their scraperboard study


Analytical drawing, value studies of objects

Introduction of General – to –specific technique of building value structure

To analyse prints according to the tone, dimension form, space/depth, colour, texture and symbolism and design. Knowledge (cognitive domain)

To generate a range of ideas through brainstorming.

To visually develop them further through thumbnails

To examine the possibilities of waste products as structures in a still life, and to make decisive judgements in relation to composition. .Attitudes

Introduce the students to the drypoint print design process. Discuss how different values are created and how to build up layers.


Handout –The seven laws of perspective

Using the mindmaps and thumbnail sketches students develop ideas before creating a 3D still life

Examples that demonstrate highlights, reflected light, core of shadow, cast shadows

Examples that convey realism and discuss how it is achieved

Presentation boards

Worksheets –Mindmaps, thumbnail sketches Value tonal scales using a variety of techniques: hatching, crosshatching,

Group discussion looking at each others designs, consider which work best for a still life design. Consider the most effective use of the pattern for their final design

Who has used the objects most imaginatively?

Can I reconise any designs that use the

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(affective domain).

To make a Value grid using line to five shades.

To create a 3D composition keeping in mind line and value to indicate form in relation to their ideas suitable for a print. Skills (psychomotor domain

Homework- Pupils will make a value grid.

write a story line based on the collection or create an imaginary person who might have owned them.

using waste products

Demonstrate how to make a value grid with at least 5 different values ( for homework)

Pupils will record possible design layouts with the use of a camera

To experiment with a variety of design layouts keeping in mind line and value to indicate form and the examples of the supporting artists that they analysed before starting on compositional layouts


Handout –The seven laws of perspective

Mixed media- markers, pens, coloured pencils, crayons,chalk,pastels etcs

line, shape, form, pattern or colours of the objects?

Have they collected a range of art materials at home such as markers, gel /felt pens,colouring pencils ,wax crayons, water colour paints.


Introduction to the drypoint

To analyse the techniques used in creating a drypoint plate.

Demonstrate how to create a drypoint

Secondery source visual aids for them to

Who has used the objects most

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making process

Exploration of line- Mark making using different media to create drypoint samples in relation to value

Final thumbnail Compositional studies for still life

To be aware of the development and construction of a drypoint plate and it can be used as a way for the transfaring of images within the print process.

To accurately observe and anialyse the lines, shapes, patterns, texture, value and composition of examples of a still life In prints form. Knowledge (cognitive domain)

To make connection between the supporting study artists examples and possible ideas for their own drypoint plates.

To examine the possibilities of waste products as structures in prints, and to make connections between their previous drawings and photographs and ideas suitable for a print.

To generate a range of ideas through brainstorming and to

plate using the my example and showing examples of work by the supporting artists.

Pupil task everyone will make marks on the sample plates. On the next lesson students will apply ink and print sample plates to inform their final artwork. Students will explore a range of mark making using different media on a drypoint plate

Brainstorming and idea generation in groups of four. Discuss the ideas collectively.Which media worked well and was easy to control?

look at: Photos of water, Value tonal scales using a variety of techniques: hatching, crosshatching, stippling.

Examples that demonstrate highlights, reflected light, reflections, refractions, core of shadow, cast shadows.

Worksheets -thumbnail sketches.

Design board showing stages of drtpoint print development, Examples of artists who work in the drypoint technique – Albrecht Durer and Rembrandt and Angie Hofmeister - examples


Can you see any ideas in presentation boards that would help in their designs? Compare the use the line, shapes and value and patterns in the prints and that of the waste objects. Question them about possible compositions for their print –background, middleground and foreground?

What art materials might be best used to interpret the ideas?

Have they collected a range of art

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have visually recorded a range of different ideas through thumbnails. Skills (psychomotor domain)

To have used their imaginations to look for new ways of interpreting ideas e.g. looking for patterns, overlaying, repeating, reversing, Interlocking or simplifing elements.

To critically evaluate their own work to date through discussion and to be able to look at their design ideas to see what needs to be added to improve their design. Attitudes (affective domain).


Puipls will bring any waste materials that the would like to incorporate into their still life.

Discuss why and how to make thumbnail sketches to explore different compositional layouts.

Final thumbnail Compositional studies for still life - study of differently shaped objects including a glass bottle, in chalk pastel on brown sugar paper(or any neutral –toned paper) or Subtractive drawing studies using chalk on black paper with a focus on the light, reflections, refractions and the shadows of objects

Pupils will make thumbnail sketches exploring different

of their work. materials at home

Have they considered posible plan layouts for the prints?

Who has explored a theme and sourced imagery?

Consider the use of different art materials in pupils samples and discuss which might be most effective in their design

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compositions and ideas based on their chosen theme for their own still life print, using their imaginations and their previous drawings and photographs to help them.


Explorarion of value

The techniques of Chiaroscuro and Athnospheric Perspective were added into scheme to meet students needs

Final Compositional layout for still life

Introduction to

To observe value in the work of a supporting artist, Julian Farrar.

To investigate the patterns or surface detail of objects in terms abstraction, distortion, reflection and refraction from direct observation and experience. Knowledge (cognitive domain)

To observe the relationship between positive ( the objects) /negative space ( the area around the objects) and transposition of light and dark.

Styling with the aid of background patterns- Students arrange final Still life compositions-Students choose objects based on drawings

Question past learning- reassess pupil knowledge of the work Chiaroscuro and Athnospheric Perspective

Presentation board on the supporting artist Julian Farrar

Discussion question sheet on supporting artist

Vocabulary: Chiaroscuro and Athnospheric Perspective

Design board showing stages of drypoint development.

Questions on Paintings- Do you like this piece?What would you change in this piece?Would you want this piece in your house?

Question them on the making and printing process-Which steps go first? What considerations are important?

Questions for

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printing a drypoint plate using samples

Application of value to the still life drypoint plate From back to front.

To be aware of how different materials can be manipulated and combined to create tones ,form texture and pattern, and can enable realisation of their still life design. Skills (psychomotor domain)

To analyse the techniques used in creating a drypoint print and to be able to list a number of features of drypoint prints.

To discuss and question ideas, thoughts and opinions and to use key words. Attitudes (affective domain).

Homework To continue working on their still life plate using previous drawings, photographs and samples to guide them.


Discussion Guiding questions on artist examples: What range of value does he use? High value or low value range? Are these pieces abstract? Are parts of his pieces abstract? What is the subject matter? The students then add value that they see. Have them focus on what kinds of shapes they see, How does shape and value create form.Pupils task- Pupils will experiment with a variety of value

Using the viewfinder pupils will select an area of their composition and begin creating contour outlines on their final plate

Consider theme, design and function of still life.

demonstration Does this print have a message? How does the different materials effect the image? How are we meant to read this mage? Rate the elements in order of importance-Pictures, words, Symbols? Will my print be successful?

Have they made good use of the materials?

Divide into groups. Discuss each others designs ideas, consider as a group how it can be improved, possibilities for colour and where there will be

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Teachers Task: As students explore value, teacher will prepare printing press. Introduce the students to the print process and techniques. demonstrate how to make a drypoint print. Demonstrate how to remove too much ink. How to position and keep all surfaces clean and well ordered. Demonstrate using a printing press. demonstrate how to make a successful drypoint print.

Discuss final print is always a reverse image. Explain the Types of printing - monoprint, engraving, etching,

problems and how they can be overcome.

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intaglio, reduction block print, silkscreen.

Pupils task- Students will print samples

Group Discussion- Review of printed samples

Teachers Task: Remind students how different materials produce a range of textures and patterns. Demonstrate: How to establish dark tones using a sharpie and how to leave light tones.

Pupils Task: pupils will select an area of their composition and begin creating patterns on their final plate, using the

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printed samples, students own photographs, line value grids and previous drawings and scraperboards to help realise their ideas

Pupils will consider colour and different materials and how they may be used to create different marks, lines and value on their plates.

Students will add patterns keeping in mind different media and techniques that they produced on samples before starting on their final artwork.

6/8 Finalising the Make connections between the Discussion on Pooled art materials Final group critique

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9/2/17 Compositional

Development and Construction of drypoint print

the supporting study artists examples, their previous drawings and possible ideas for developing further the theme.

To know how to select suitable images from previous studies for their still life based on the theme.

To appreciate the purpose of using abstraction distortion, reflection and refraction to convey an atmosphere. Knowledge (cognitive domain)

To observe the relationship between positive ( the objects) /negative space ( the area around the objects) and transposition of light and dark.

To effectively develop the look of the still life further by adding detail if required. Skills (psychomotor domain)

To realise of the design and

composition in terms of the design principles - balance, space, rhythm, scale, size, emphasis, unity, and composition. Demonstrate armospheric perspective - how To make objects appear closer and in focus

To Transfer chosen layout and images to final artwork, consider using the viewfinder pupils will select an area of their composition and begin to draw.

Pupils carefully observe the still life for shape, size and placement. Demonstrate atmospheric

brought in by pupils and teacher if required. Heavy Acetate or perspex.

Tools for etching - drypoint needles, nails, sandpaper etc.


Each pupil must be evaluate according to research drawings, ability to brainstorm, develoment of ideas, final composition and the execution of the final print design in colour.

Have pupils effectively interpreted the theme into their designs and utilized the medium and form of printmaking to best suit their images and expression.

Consider theme, design and function of prints.

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create a still life drypoint plate. .

To peer evaluate, self evaluate and to use key words critically. . Attitudes (affective domain).

perspective(close objects sharp and clear showing texture, distant objects lacking definition

Students will make a drypoint based on the theme.

Demonstrate how to start the print process- demonstrate how you can either uniformly wipe pigment across a plate or paint specific areas as the image requires, like an intaglio print.

Pupils are to be encurged to choose colours that suit their plate, Blue, Sepia?

Demonstrate how to

Question them on the making and printing process -Which steps go first?

What considerations are important?

Reiterate the safety rules.

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sign and number prints.

Students will be expected to make two black and white prints and one spot color prints of their plate based on the theme.

Students present their prints, giving a account of the creative process to date,idea development, use of art materials and techniques, and realsation of ideas.

Portfolio exchanges and signing of prints


Printing of drypoint still life

If possible time will be given for

To be aware of the development and construction of a drypoint print. knowledge (cognitive domain)

Reminded the students to the print process. Discuss final print is always a

Rollers, plexi glass ink plates, ink, sponge for daubing, rags, cotton buds for wiping fine

Have they demonstrated how they use their understanding of

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the display and presentation of prints in this lesson as SA2 exams on the 16/2/17

To be able to effectively make a drypoint print by applying media, techniques and processes. Skills (psychomotor domain)

To Display artwork and to communicate their experiences and ideas.

To reflect upon and assess the characteristics and merits of their work and the work of others. attitudes (affective domain).

reverse image.

Demonstrate how to start the print process - how to apply the ink and how remove leaving ink in etched lines, Demonstrate how to use an ink roller - to roll in one continuous direction, to apply the ink equally on the roller. To put newspaper underneath and move to clean sheet with template face up. How to register the paper and how to place in one motion the paper on top so as not to smudge the ink. How to use a printing press. How to pull paper away from template. How you can either uniformly

detail, newspaper etc

Damp final compositional paper.

Worksheets - Self-reflection, Self-evaluation and Rurbic

distortion to prpduce a sensitive piece of artwork that effectively conveys their feelings and experiences through drypoint printing. Have they used the ideas from the supporting artist and developed their own ideas to inform the progression of their own artwork. Have they worked consistently communicating and supporting each other to ensure the work is completed efficiently, understanding key words.

Assess on composition,

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wipe pigment across a plate or paint specific areas as the image required.

Demonstrate how to sign and number prints.

Pupil Task; Students will make two (black and white or coloured) prints based on the theme.

valueand evenness of print surface.

Assess craftsmanship on clarity and cleanliness of print, success of editioning.

Are they making good use of the printing process?


Presentation of prints

Due to school exams this lesson can not take place

To be aware of the development and construction of a drypoint print. knowledge (cognitive domain)

To be able to effectively make a still life drypoint print by applying media, techniques and processes. skills (psychomotor domain)

Students present their prints, giving a account of the creative process to date, idea development, use of art materials and techniques, and realsation of ideas.

Summarize the scheme, Discuss adapting theme as a starting point for future projrcts

Artist statement

Final group critique

Each pupil must be evaluate according to research drawings, ability to brainstorm, develoment of ideas, final composition and the

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To Display artwork

To reflect upon and assess the characteristics and merits of their work and the work of others. attitudes (affective domain).

To communicate their experiences and ideas.

Portfolio exchanges and signing of prints.

Assess on composition, value and evenness of print surface.

Assess craftsmanship on clarity and cleanliness of print, success of editioning.

Did they making good use of the printing process?

execution of the final print design in colour.

Have pupils effectively interpreted the theme into their designs and utilized the medium and form of printing to best suit their images and expression.

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