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  • 7/28/2019 anti-BHO - "L"


    Barely keeping up with the news-of-the-day, its more difficult to flesh-out stories that are more

    analytical; nevertheless, an effort will be made to again focus on the BHO Scandal-Sheet. [This answers

    a thought-experiment, inasmuch as it consumed four hours merely to excerpt e-mails that had arrived

    during the prior eight; this yields hope that the focus will be maintained on Scandals, Middle East,

    Harrisburg, and stuff-potentially-overlooked.] Illustrative of the ability of social-pressure to achieve

    conflict-resolution is the news-flash that Senators have reached a tentative deal on averting the

    constitutional showdown over confirming President Obama's agency nominations; this preserves the


    First, consider exploring a website that aggregates the-most-important-things-learned-from-a-movie,

    then note that there are apparentlysix-types-of-atheist, and then absorb a Nerd/Geek Joke:

    Einstein, Newton, and Pascal are hanging out one afternoon.

    Einstein is bored, so he suggests, "Let's play hide-and-seek. I'll be it!"

    The others agree, so Einstein begins counting. "One... Two... Three..."

    Pascal runs off right away to find a place to hide.

    But Newton merely takes out a piece of chalk and draws a mid-sized square. He finishes

    and steps into the square just as Einstein shouts, "Ready or not -- here I come!"

    Einstein looks up and immediately spots Newton standing right in front of him. He says,

    "I found you, Newton!"

    Newton replies, "No, you found one Newton per square meter -- You found Pascal!"

    LEIBOVICH'S WASHINGTON TAKEDOWN, 'THIS TOWN,' OUT TODAY -- DanielAkst has a review this morning for Bloomberg BusinessWeek titled, "Leibovich's Portrait of

    D.C. Cesspool Will Make Cynics Cringe": "The title might as well be, 'Abandon All Hope, Ye

    Who Enter Here.' Instead the book is called 'This Town,' but it's a tour of hell nonetheless -- an

    infernal vision of the U.S. capital as a cesspool of greed, vanity and spinelessness. And unlikeDante's version, this one isn't even a cautionary tale. On the contrary, Mark Leibovich's new

    book about Washington depicts a hell in which the inmates fight tooth and nail to remain in the

    place, glued to the Potomac and one another by easy money and mutual regard. A veteran

    reporter for the New York Times, Leibovich gives us a portrait of the capital so dark it makesHieronymus Bosch look like David Hockney. Written more in snark than in anger, the book is

    consecutively delightful, exhausting and finally revolting. It's hard to believe anyone will be

    shocked to learn that Washington is awful or that the big money flowing through town nowadaysdissolves principles as effectively as scotch melts ice. Yet Leibovich's dismaying chronicle of

    four and a half years -- from June of 2008 through Barack Obama's second inauguration -- in the

    life of 'This Town' will make even hardened cynics cringe."

    Iran. AsRussia and China Blocked U.N. Condemnation of Iran Sanctions ViolationsandIranian Naval and

    Maritime Strategyhas grown increasingly expansionistic, Israel is worried/warywhile Europe will remain

    anti-Israel [Israel Condemns New EU Guidelines that Ban Cooperation Beyond Pre-1967 Lines, EU Bars,0,7313678.story,0,7313678.story,0,7313678.story,0,7313678.story
  • 7/28/2019 anti-BHO - "L"


    Cooperation with Jewish Settlements in West Bank and Israel: New EU Directive Shows "How Disconnected"

    Europe Has Become]; thus, will BHO [finally] act if its true that [finally] U.S. Fears Iran Will Secretly

    Develop Nuclear Bomb?{The U.S. is concerned that Iran would be able to deceive the West and develop

    a nuclear weapon "under the radar," and it is no longer certain that it would be able to learn of

    Ayatollah Khamenei's intentions to that effect ahead of time. A senior Western source told Shlomo

    Cesana (Israel Hayom) on Sunday that Tehran's accelerated uranium enrichment efforts and its multiple

    secret enrichment sites were cause for concern.} This is a prcis of an essay in the WSJ (by Daniel


    Israel Has Launched Long-Shot Attacks Before

    Last week, Israel's outgoing ambassador to the U.S., Michael Oren, compared Prime MinisterBenjamin Netanyahu's willingness to use military force to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclearweapons to the challenge faced by former Prime Minister Levi Eshkol in May 1967.

    On June 5, 1967, Eshkol sent most of Israel's air force into Egypt for a surprise preemptiveattack, which left less than a dozen planes to defend the entire homeland. In the six days thatfollowed, Israel defeated multiple threatening Arab armies, changing the face of the Middle Eastto this day.

    Since the Six-Day War, successive Israeli leaders have signed off on daring operations after

    becoming convinced that even their staunchest allies would not come to their assistance. Theseinclude the 1976 hostage rescue in Entebbe, Uganda; the bombing of Saddam Hussein's Osiraqnuclear reactor in 1981; and the attack to spoil Bashar al-Assad's own nuclear ambitions in 2007,to name a few.

    Netanyahu views Iran as an existential threat comparable to the Nazi Holocaust. Sources close tothe prime minister assert that he keeps in his desk drawer World War II-era letters from the U.S.War Department, which decline requests to bomb gas chambers at Auschwitz.

    On July 14, Netanyahu commenced a widespread public and back-channel diplomacy campaign tore-rally Israel's allies to commit to both a convincing military threat and additional economicsanctions against Iran.

    Many Israeli pundits, as well as Oren himself, have compared Netanyahu's diplomatic push toEshkol's last-ditch efforts to convince Washington of the existential threats posed by Arab nationsin the weeks before June 5, 1967.

    Meanwhile, The Israel Defense Forces reportHizbullahnow has 60,000 rockets (all accumulated underthe U.N.s watch) asPalestinians Protest Against Normalization with Israeland aPalestinian was Convicted of

    Stabbing Murder of Israeli. Bret Stephens commented on efforts to maintain the status-quo by The

    Boring Palestinians.

    Egypt. AlthoughArab Economic Aid Helps Egypt Avoid Reforms, it is felt thatThe U.S. Should Not Suspend Aid

    to Egypt's Army; this explains why Israel Allows Two More Egyptian Infantry Battalions into Sinai.Yesterday,

    there were Seven Dead inCairo Clashes; By this morning, Egyptian authorities hadarrestedmore than

    400 people over last night's clashes. Also, theUS reopened Cairo embassy as the special envoy arrived.

    Syria. Pro-Assad gunmen killed Syrian mediators in Homs;Syria mortar fire hits Israeli-occupied Golan.The Syrian morassnow includes recognition that "Islamist militants with links to al-Qaida attacked Free

    Syrian Army supply depots in northwestern Syria over the weekend in a bid to seize weapons andequipment, underscoring a growing divide between moderate and jihadist rebel forces in their sharedstruggle to overthrow Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The increasing tension calls into questionPresident Barack Obamas decision to send money and weapons to Syrian opposition groups, which arenow openly fighting one another as well as Assads regime. 'This ought to undersco re the danger toObama administration officials of going down that path and providing aid to the insurgency,' Ted GalenCarpenter, a senior foreign policy fellow at the libertarian Cato Institute, told The Daily Caller NewsFoundation."
  • 7/28/2019 anti-BHO - "L"


    Ambassadorships. BHO hands out plum ambassador posts to 19 big campaign donors.


    Martin/Zimmerman. As the media fanned racism [AP STILL REFERRING TO ZIMMERMAN AS 'WHITE'


    interviews of family [e.g.,Zimmerman's Parents in Hiding from 'Enormous Amount of Death Threats']and juror* [Zimmerman had right to defend self,Screams Were Zimmerman's,Zimmerman should not

    have followed Trayvon Martin,Race Played No Role, andjury initially split 3-2-1 on verdict] were scored,

    more reaction to the verdict went-public [akon-and-nfls-roddy-white-are-madandCong. Lewis claimed

    Zimm Acquittal Justifies Stalking and Killing Innocent Black Boys] and violence persisted [Rally Shuts

    Down Major Intersection In Newark,LAPD vows crackdown andWhite jogger beaten]. Meanwhile, a

    consensusview emerged thatFederal Criminal Charges Against George Zimmerman Face High Hurdle,

    but Dershowitz claimed Zimmerman Can Sue Fla. Prosecutor for Murderer Statement [even as

    Zimmermans lawyers suggested he might seek compensation from the prosecution] and Rush

    claimedLiberals Throwing 'Temper Tantrum' Over Verdict. [* - The Juror is dropping plans to write a

    bookabout her account of the controversial case.]

    These messages of this case have been compiled:

    Huge racial gap among Zimmerman trial followers. Overall, 56 percent of African

    Americans say they were following the trial "very closely," while 20 percent of whites

    said the same. That racial gap ranks among the highest when it comes to major racial

    incidents in America over the last two-plus decades. Aaron Blake in The Washington


    How the media might have helped George Zimmerman go free. There is extensive

    research literature on what social scientists call "pretrial publicity" or PTP[P]ublicity

    leaves high-profile defendants worse off. But more recent research has looked at

    "positive PTP," or pro-defendant coverage, which has a similar but opposite

    impact[A]lternating exposure to positive and negative coverage had the net effect of

    making study participants more likely to favor the defendant. "The point-counterpoint

    presentation resulted in a pro-defendant (or pro-acquittal) bias," the authors conclude.

    Dylan Matthews inThe Washington Post.

    SALETAN: You are not Trayvon Martin. Everywhere you look, people feel vindicated in

    their bitter assumptions. They want action. But that's how Martin ended up dead. It's

    how Zimmerman ended up with a bulletproof vest he might have to wear for the rest of

    his life. It's how activists and the media embarrassed themselves with bogus reports.

    The problem at the core of this case wasn't race or guns. The problem was assumption,

    misperception, and overreaction. And that cycle hasn't ended with the verdict. It hasescalated. William Saletan inSlate.

    COATES: Martin and the irony of American justice. It is painful to say this: Trayvon

    Martin is not a miscarriage of American justice, but American justice itself. This is not

    our system malfunctioning. It is our system working as intended. To expect our juries,

    our schools, our police to single-handedly correct for this, is to look at the final play in,0,1546139.story,0,1546139.story,0,1546139.story,0,1546139.story
  • 7/28/2019 anti-BHO - "L"


    the final minute of the final quarter and wonder why we couldnt come back from

    twenty-four down. Ta-Nehisi Coates inThe Atlantic.

    SUNSTEIN: Reasonable doubt is central to Zimmerman verdict. Reasonable doubt is

    far more difficult to meet than other legal standards, including "preponderance of the

    evidence" (used for most civil trials), "clear and convincing evidence" (used for

    deportation proceedings) and "substantial evidence" (used for administrative agency

    decisions). To be sure, any doubt must be "reasonable"; the law doesn't require

    absolute certainty. But a good defense lawyer is often able to obtain an acquittal even if

    most jurors essentially agree with the prosecution's account of the facts. Cass R.

    Sunstein inBloomberg.

    CAPEHART: Trayvon Martin and the stolen youth of black children. What this means is

    that black adolescents cannot afford to be normal American teenagers. They cannot

    experiment with pot. They cannot fight in any way ever, even if it means protecting

    themselves from a stranger. They cannot take sophomoric pictures with middle fingers,

    bare chests or in silly gear. They can't have improper conversations on social media.

    They can't wear anything society views as menacing. And growing up, they can neverever make bad choices or mistakes -- the types that teach life lessons, foster humility

    and build character.Jonathan Capehart inThe Washington Post.

    COBB: What hasnt changed in post-racial America. A cursory glance at the history of

    race in the U.S. shows that the moments of great advancement are accompanied by

    terrible setbacks, a social equivalent of the boom-bust cycle in economics. In the spring

    of 2007, as Obama's campaign showed the first fragile possibilities of success,

    enthusiasm among blacks evolved in tandem with a seldom-voiced understanding that

    his election wouldn't resolve the question of race, only complicate it[T]he conundrum

    that confronts millions of young black men: the dual fears of crime and of those in

    society who can only see them as the embodiment of it.Jelani Cobb inBloomberg.

    Zimmerman Verdict Was Outrageousand Correct First, based on the state's laws andthe prosecutors' case, Zimmerman should not have been convicted of anything. Andsecond, "the killing of Trayvon Martin is a profound injustice."

    Jason Riley: Race, Politics and the Zimmerman Trial. The left wants to blame black

    criminality on racial animus and 'the system,' but blacks have long been part of running

    that system.

    Clarity fromWilliam Saletanreinforcing this theme: Stop Insisting that Every High-Profile Legal

    Decision Vindicates Your Worldview!:

    The 911 dispatcher who spoke to Zimmerman on the fatal night didn't tell him to stay in

    his car. Zimmerman said he was following a suspicious person, and the dispatcher told

    him, "We don't need you do to that." Chief prosecutor Bernie de la Rionda conceded in

    his closing argument that these words were ambiguous. De la Rionda also

    acknowledged, based on witness and forensic evidence that both men "were scraping

    and rolling and fighting out there." He pointed out that the wounds, blood evidence,

    and DNA didn't match Zimmerman's story of being thoroughly restrained and
  • 7/28/2019 anti-BHO - "L"


    pummeled throughout the fight. But the evidence didn't fit the portrait of Martin as a

    sweet-tempered child, either. And the notion that Zimmerman hunted down Martin to

    accost him made no sense. Zimmerman knew the police were on the way. They arrived

    onlya minute or soafter the gunshot. The fight happened in a public area surrounded

    by townhouses at close range. It was hardly the place or time to start shooting.

    That doesn't make Zimmerman a hero. It just makes him a reckless fool instead of a

    murderer. In apost-verdict press conference, his lawyer, Mark O'Mara, claimed that

    "the evidence supported that George Zimmerman did nothing wrong," that "the jury

    decided that he acted properly in self-defense," and that Zimmerman "was never guilty

    of anything except protecting himself in self-defense. I'm glad that the jury saw it that

    way." That's complete BS. The only thing the jury decided was that there was

    reasonable doubt as to whether Zimmerman had committed second-degree murder or


    In court, evidence and scrutiny have exposed difficult, complicated truths. But outside

    the court, ideologues are ignoring them. They're oversimplifying a tragedy that was

    caused by oversimplification. Martin has becomeEmmett Till. New York Mayor MichaelBloomberg is using the verdict toattack Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law, which wasn't

    invoked in this case. Thegrievance industrial complexis pushing the Department of

    Justice toprosecute Zimmermanfor bias-motivated killing, based on evidence that

    didn't even support a conviction for unpremeditated killing. Zimmerman's lawyers have

    teamed up with members of the Congressional Black Caucus, inadvertently, to promote

    the false message that Zimmerman's acquittal means our societythinks everything he

    did was OK.

    ObamaCare. Even Unions Are Turning negative. John Goodman recapitulated problems: ObamaCare Is

    the Problem, Health Savings Accounts Are the Solution, Health Insurance Costs Set for a Jolt,

    ObamaCare Will Worsen the Physician Shortage,Covering Pre-Existing Conditions in a Market-DrivenHealth Systemis problematic, andExchanging Medicaid is a Better Option.

    NSA. NSA Chief's Attitude may be to Forget Needle and simply Collect Haystack, but Snowden's

    surveillance leaks open way for challenges to programs' constitutionality. It has been argued thatThe

    War on Terror is a war on American freedombecause, from reauthorizing the Patriot Act to waging war

    on whistleblowers, Obama's civil liberties record has been even worse than Bush's. Although Putin

    wants Snowden to leave Russia,Snowden officially applied for asylum in Russia.

    Immigration Reform. Judicial Watch has published a new report exposing BHO'sconspiracy to grant

    backdoor amnesty to illegal aliens; it includes a four year timeline of evidence. Meanwhile,immigration

    Security Push Chafes Border Lawmakers.

    Jobs. Mortimer Zuckerman: A Jobless Recovery Is a Phony Recovery.

    Pennsylvania. District Justice William Wenner will decide if the case against six men accused of trading gifts andcampaign cash for Pennsylvania Turnpike contracts can proceed to court. The National Journal published thefollowing observation: Ex-Rep. Marjorie Margolies (D) garnered a ton of attention earlier this year when shelaunched a comeback bid 18 years after leaving Congress. But despite all the fanfare and her connections to theClintons and other prominent Democrats, Margolies' path back to Capitol Hill isn't exactly clear: she raised the leastin the second quarter of the four Dems running to replace Rep. Allyson Schwartz.

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