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Anxiety 焦慮 : 操心的情緒

H.Y. Yang



付出恐懼與憂慮的代價,而焦慮便是恐懼與憂慮的根源。 周華健所唱紅之流行歌曲最近比較煩,不快樂、總覺得


太煩惱臉上出現皺紋、憂心身材變質、膚質粗糙、擔心失業找上門。 婚姻很煩,夫妻溝通有障礙、婆媳相處不來、

太太每天嫌我回家太晚。 女兒說六加六結果等於十三,煩惱怕她不爭氣、沒競爭力,究竟該責備還是該鼓勵? 這

只是心煩、失落、灰心、卻還沒有混亂; 人們渴求從束縛中掙脫,有人積極學習以面對其根本(衝動、猜忌 與溝

通 )問題,努力克服沮喪,憤怒和煩惱;有人尋求心靈上解脫而求助於宗教信仰。

但長期挫折、困惱、絕望、或憂慮之負向心理累積感覺沮喪、活著沒意義、自殺念頭興起,則需就醫。 此疑

慮、害怕、無奈 ( unease, dread, or foreboding sense )面臨壓迫等主觀的經驗,不易被辨視或能具體化,經常以抽象的

字眼形容此“情感的痛楚”、”自我的扭曲”。日前上映的「老大靠邊閃 2-歪打正著」中,金像獎影帝勞勃迪尼


還常感到心悸頭暈。 為了找出這個幕後元兇,維堤不惜裝瘋賣傻,逼警方讓他保外就醫,後來更找到精神科醫師

班索柏(比利克里斯托飾)為他診斷。 經過索柏的判斷,維堤極可能罹患與焦慮症相關的精神疾病。在索柏勸說下,


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會金盆洗手? 本片是以喜劇方式呈現焦慮病症,勞勃迪尼洛在片中不僅載歌載舞,還讓比利克里斯托在他臉上亂



所謂害怕( fear ) 是指短期間對外界可識別的警戒迅速產生的情緒與生理反應。

所謂焦慮 anxiety 是指一不愉悅的情緒狀態; 可能是正常的短暫的焦慮,亦或在任何刺激存在下,此對生活中


慮症 ( generalized anxiety disorder )。 產生劇烈、無理、內心的威脅( remote inner threat ); 並伴隨著感情、認知、

生理與行為上的無奈與無力感。 如易怒、緊張、過度擔憂、表情異樣等精神症狀並可能伴有盜汗、颤抖、頻


常是於 20 歲之前,可能與幼年的害怕或社會壓制有關。但更值得關切的是 80%全身性焦慮症的患者同時遭受

到嚴重抑鬱 ( major depression )、智能不足( dysthymia )或社交恐懼 ( social phobia )的侵蝕

所謂恐懼感 phobia: 為一種強烈感情的反應;是指對特定對象(如蜘蛛、蛇)或狀態( 如高處、社交恐懼 )時產生



所謂驚恐反應( Panic )是指重複、無預期的發作,屬於最嚴重的焦慮狀態; 此種於成年人突然爆發的驚恐反應

於10分達到尖峰出現嚴重的害怕與不適,時常伴隨著 1. 心悸, 心跳加速 2. 冒汗 3. 肌肉顫抖 4. 呼吸急

促 5. 窒息感 6. 胸痛或不適 7. 噁心或腹脹 8. 暈眩或頭暈 9. 與現實脫節或失去自我 10. 害怕或發

瘋 11. 死亡恐懼 12. 麻木感 13. 冒冷汗等感覺與認知異常等自主神經的症狀。 這種突然出現的症狀,

好像即將失去理智,甚至即將死去,有些患者還會感到胸痛、呼吸困難。 一般來說,經過1小時後,症狀可

自行緩解。 患者自覺一切如常,但不久又會無端再度復發。 三分之一的患者經常會有無名的空室恐懼症

(Agoraphobia )之前兆。 其臨床症狀與甲狀腺功能亢進、 咖啡因或興奮劑(如古柯鹼, metamfetamine)過量或成癮

類似、以及偶爾出現於腎上腺髓質嗜鉻細胞瘤或之部分複雜型癲癇症患者。 臨床上,60-90% 驚恐發作病例

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升。 若是沒有即時接受治療,病情將不斷惡化。 驚恐症雖然病因不明,似乎與基因異常有關;理論上此類

患者之對警覺性敏感度較高。 於發病初期學習面對焦慮的認知、心理解析與呼吸訓練亦是治療可行的方法,

確實可加強藥物的療效。 一旦藥物能達成滿意的療效後,仍需維持服藥1-2年,防止復發。

Proposed neural circuitry of panic

The amygdala has a crucial role as an anxiety way-station that mediates incoming stimuli from the environment (thalamus and sensory

cortex) and stored experience (frontal cortex and hippocampus; dark arrows), which aff ects the anxiety and panic response by

stimulating various brain areas responsible for key panic symptoms (red arrows). The periaqeductal gray in the midbrain could be

especially important for mediating panic-anxiety. Drug treatments can target all parts of this system, aff ecting amygdala and frontal-lobe

interpretation of stimuli, or output eff ects. Cognitive-behavioural treatment aff ects the frontal-lobe areas, especially in the medial

prefrontal cortex, which is known to inhibit input to the amygdale by using a braking action.

情緒與壓力 Emotion & Stress

早在1937年神經解剖學者Papez 已提出腦內邊緣系統之神經通路( Papez circuit in limbic system) , 即是 hypothalamus, ant

thalamic N, gyrus cinguli, hippocampus 間的聯繫構築一中樞情緒功能及表現和協的機制。在早期臨床應用上如Egaz Moniz

以切除prefrontal lobe治療精神病的焦慮;以電刺激 amygdala 或 post hypothalamus 清醒的患者顯現害怕而非生氣以診

斷temporal lobe 癲癇症。 其中又以 amygdala 公認在情感與社交( 如害怕情境與面部表情上)上擔任關鍵的角色; 因

為一旦此神經核區受到損壞則面部害怕表情的認知則有特有的缺失。 而其中 septo-hippocampus 神經系統則是人類

行為不谕距的管制系統。 中樞交感也擔任在壓力的表現; 如果將其神經核locus coeruleus以電刺激或微量注射

yohimbine ( 2 antagonist)、caffeine 會在猴子產生害怕與焦慮的症狀,此現象可以被破壞此神經核或以交感神經抑制

劑 clonidine、Benzodiazepines、抗鬱劑( imipramine, alprazolam )等所阻斷。 同樣於動物實驗發現中樞血清素也參與焦慮

的神經傳輸上;因為若果將其神經核 dorsal raphe nucleus以電燒破壞或微量注射5,7-dihydroxytryptamine 會在鼠類引發

焦慮的症狀。 現今已知的致焦慮化學物質包括: adrenaline( caffeine ), isoprenaline, yohimbine, fenfluramine, m-CPP, Na

lactate, CO2, -carbolines (-CCM, -CCE, FG7142), pentylenetetrazole, picrotoxin, corticotropin releasing factor, sub. P, NO, 及

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CCK4, 等等; 其中又以CCK4 與 CO2 最具代表性。


依據美國精神醫學會 1994 年出版的心理異常診斷與統計手冊( Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder, DMS-IV ),

將焦慮症劃分為七種類型,分別是: 1. Phobic disorder 恐懼症, 2. Panic disorder 驚恐症 , 3. Agoraphobia 空

室恐懼症 without a history of panic disorder, 4. Generalized anxiety disorder 全身性焦慮症, 5.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder 強迫意念(著魔)-強制行為, 6. Post-traumatic stress disorder 創傷後壓力症候群,

與 7. Atypical anxiety disorder 非典型焦慮症。


精神疾病中最盛行的疾病。 據美國十年前的統計,精神疾病中目前焦慮症( anxiety disorder)盛行率約為 10 %,越是

接近大都市,患病比率就越高。 依次為情緒異常( Mood disorder )占 5.1% ,酒癮 ( Alcoholism ) 占 2.8%, 藥物成癮( Drug

Abuse) 占 1.3%, 強迫症(Obsessive-compulsive disorder) 占 1.3%, 精神分裂症( Schizophrenia ) 占 0.7% , 社交異常

( Antisocial disorder ) 占 0.5%, 躁鬱症( Manic-depressive disorder ) 占 0.4%。



2005/6/20 4Kessler et al. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1995;52:1048.

Kessler et al. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1994;51:8.











Any Anxiety





PTSD Generalized







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Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders

但更值得注意的是可能是由於心理抗拒、時間不許可等因素,僅有 20 %的患者會尋求心理專科醫院的就診。 焦慮

症亦可能是其他精神疾病( 如抑鬱症、精神分裂症、或藥物成癮) 的症狀,臨床上,精神分裂症、躁鬱症(bipolar

disorder)、飲食失調(eating disorders)、心理沮喪(dysthymia)和重度憂鬱,都有焦慮的症狀。它當然與荷爾蒙有關:

如甲狀腺功能亢進患者會有類似焦慮症狀;親硌母細胞瘤 Pheochromocytoma、低血糖的糖尿病患者會有短暫的類似

驚恐症狀、頭痛與冒汗。 故診斷時必須排除其它心臟( 心律不整)、神經( 藥物或酒精成癮 )或腸胃道( 如大腸急噪

症 irritable bowel syndrome)的誤診以及藥物的副作用等因素。

參與焦慮的神經傳遞物質 :

BDZs/GABA chloride ionophore

5HT1A, 5HT2, 5HT3

5HT1A agonist , e.g. buspirone, the first anxiolytic agent mediated primarily by 5-HT system

5HT2A, 2c antagonist, e.g. nefazodone as an anxiolytic agent

CCK ( cholecystokinin ): CCK-4 produced a panic-like attack in human

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CCK: endogenous stress modulator, the agonist (CCK4) enhance anxiogenic action ( anxiety, panic ) in rodent and

human, which might involve the excitation of nucleus tractus solitarius

CCK-B receptor 之基因位於 11p,其拮抗劑( RB211,CI988 & L365260) probably involves the dorsal vagal complex at

the bulbar level rather than the limbic structures

NA/NPY ( neuropeptide Y )

NPY agonist might to used in the treatment of some forms of anxiety

Corticotropin-releasing factor ( CRF ) : CRF antagonist -helical CRF 9-41 protects against stress

Corticosteroids play a key role in these stress-induced changes by sensitizing neurones in the ventral tegmental area

Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) in hypophysial portal blood appears to be reliable index of emotional stress in sheep.

Adenosine 2A receptor

N-methyl-d-asparate ( NMDA )

Benzodiazepine 接受器的 Inverse Agonists : 如Ro 5-3663, β-CCE ( β-carboline ethyl ester ), DMCM

Developmental Focus : 5HT, cholecystokinin (CCK ) and NMDA receptor


如何面對焦慮 ?

一般而言盡量少服用精神科用藥;因為此類抗焦慮藥物的基本條件是脂溶性高可能進入 CNS;何況須長期服用後才

能達到所為之治療有效濃度。 最常用的 bezodiazepines 類抗焦慮藥,絕對註明僅能短期服用,因為長期服用此類

藥物均會產生耐藥性及成癮。 除了會產生副作用(車禍意外)外亦可能引起記憶力消退、反彈性焦慮、脫癮症候

群( 參閱表 1. )。 而且它的療效是減少發作的次數,減輕發作的嚴重程度為準則,絕不是能根治。 但也不能否


表 1. Benzodiazepines 類的不良反應

Bodily -dizziness, dysarthria, ataxia leading to falls

- gain in weight, rash

- menstrual irregularities

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- blood dyscrasias ( rare )

Psychological - drowsiness

- paradoxical anxiety/hostility

Psychomotor - attention, speed, coordination impaired

- tolerance ensues

Cognitive - amnesiogenic

- disruption of consolidation

- poor subjective memory

Real-life - driving

- accidents at home and work

Dependence - rebound, abuse common when the pt indulges in alcohol

在心理治療上常以認知-行為 Cognitive-Behavioral 的諮商來改善焦慮;如利用禪修、冥想、放鬆、呼吸自我控制方式


全根絕的地步。 對常人常以施以簡便的支持性輔導( 如按摩放鬆、生物回饋、催眠 )加上傾聽問題與鼓勵(宗教

信託) 亦是焦慮去敏化的良方。 據統計已開發中國家出版的暢銷書中名列前茅者首推心理相關的非醫療專業叢


焦慮症診斷的準則 ( Diagnostic Criteria )

驚恐發作的準則 Criteria for Panic Attack ( DSM-IV, 1994)



(1) 恐慌莫名發作 ; (2)在情境之下,觸發恐慌,如廣場恐慌症(懼曠症)



的行為中發作。 雖然莫名恐懼是恐慌症的主要症狀,但那些症狀並非總是表示是恐慌症。憂鬱症和其他焦慮症也

和恐懼莫名發作有關。 情境觸發恐慌症是比恐慌症更具有特殊恐懼或是社交恐懼症( social anxiety disorder, SAD)的角

色性。夜間的恐慌發作,其會使人從睡夢中醒來,幾乎是莫名恐慌症。 因為不知何時會恐慌,他們常常導致全身





恐慌症會有其它精神疾病的共同徵候;50-60%的病人同時患有重度憂鬱症。其他常見共病症包括SAD、GAD 、




呼吸短促等身體不適症狀,卻不會抱恐有焦慮症狀,因此常造成醫生誤判。 因胸痛到急診室就醫的病人中,25~32%



NOTE: A panic attack is not a codable disorder. Code the specific diagnosis in which the panic attack occurs ( e.g. panic disorder

with agoraphobia )

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A discrete periods of intense fear or disconfort , in which 4 ( or more ) of the following symptoms developed abruptly and reached a

peak within 10 minutes

1. Palpitations, pounding heart, or accelerated heart rate

2. Sweating or accelerated heart rate ( tachycardia )

3. Trembling or shaking

4. sensations of shortness of breath or smothering

5. feeling of choking

6. Chest pain or discomfort

7. Nausea or abdominal distress

8. feeling dizzy, unsteady, light-headed, or faint

9. derealization ( feeling of unreality ) or depersonalization ( being detached from oneself )

10. fear of losing control or going crazy

11. Fear of dying

12. paresthesias ( numbness or tingling sensation )

13. chills or hot flushes

非藥物療法包括暴露療法(exposure treatment)和放鬆訓練的CBTs療法,被證實也能治療恐慌症。以認知學說觀


引發恐慌症。在認知治療中,徹底阻斷這個惡性循環,療效則可持久。呼吸再訓練(Breathing retraining)和暴露於恐懼

中在行為治療上是關鍵的。 藥物治療跟CBTs,目前無法定論哪個比較有效,目前並無定論。CBTs治療的好處是,



空室恐懼症的診斷準則 Criteria for Agoraphobia ( DSM-IV, 1994)

1. 處於特定的處所或非預期的狀況時會呈現焦慮的驚恐發作般徵候,逃離又顯困窘,求助不能。空室恐懼的


2. 預估會引發明顯憂慮或焦慮幾近驚恐發作般的狀況(如旅行)則須避免,或隨伴而行

3. 迴避焦慮或恐懼並不比其他心理障礙( 如害怕干尬而迴避或盡可能減少參與社交之社交恐懼 social

phobia、盡可能不單獨乘坐電梯的特定恐懼 specific phobia、甚而強迫迴避某位骯髒鬼的烏污染的強強制行

為 obsessive-compulsive disorder、迴避嚴酷壓力相關刺激的創傷後壓力症 post-traumatic stress disorder 、避免離

開家庭或親人的分離式焦慮症 separation anxiety disorder 為佳。

廣泛性焦慮症的診斷準則 Diagnostic Criteria for General Anxiety Disorder (GAD, DSM-IV, 1994) { benzodiazepines,



的發病平均年齡是在21歲, 但高危險群是在10幾歲到50多歲間。GAD的發病率在女性是男性的2倍,而且GAD女





也有超過90%的患者曾併發過。常見的併發症包括了恐慌症、社交恐懼症、單純恐懼症(simple phobia)、強迫症和


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A. Excessive anxiety and worry ( apprehensive expectation ), occurring more days than not for at least 6M, about a number of events

or activities ( such as work or school performance ).

B. The person finds it difficult to control the worry

C. The anxiety and worry are associated with 3 ( or more ) of the following 6 symptoms ( which at least some symptoms present for

more days than not for the past 6 M). NOTE: Only 1 item is required in children

1. Restlessness or feeling keyed up or on edge

2. being easily fatigued

3. difficulty concentrating or mind going blank

4. irritability

5. muscle tension

6. sleep distrubance ( difficulty falling or staying asleep, or restless unsatisfying sleep )

D. The focus of the anxiety and worry is not confined to features of an Axis I disorder ( e.g. the anxiety or worry is not about having a

panic attack[ as in panic disorder], being embarrassed in public[ as in social phobia], being contaminated[ as in

obsessive-complusive disorder], being away from home or close relatives[ as in separation anxiety disorder] ,gaining weight[ as in

anorexia nervosa], having multiple physical complaints[ as in somatization disorder], or having a serious illness[ as in

hypochondriasis], and the anxiety and worry do not occur exclusively during posttraumatic stress disorder.

E. The anxiety, worry, or physical symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other

important areas of functioning.

F. The disturbance is not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance ( e.g. a drug of abuse, a medication ) or a general

medical condition ( e.g. hyperthyrodism) and does not occur exclusively during a mood disorder, a psychotic disorder, or a

pervasive developmental disorder.


psychotherapy)、認知療法(cognitive therapy)、心情放鬆訓練、冥想訓練,對緩解焦慮和增進處理事情能力很有幫助。


cognitive-behavioral therapy; CBT)可以減少GAD患者已長達6到12個月的焦慮情形,也可減少併發其它精神疾病。不

管是認知療法或給予BZD,對GAD病患療效是相似的。雖然精神社交治療(psychosocial therapy)常被建議作為GAD

或其它焦慮症的第一線治療,但是實際上很少用到。 原因包括了時間和金錢的消耗和有限的治療專家。在過去十


創傷後壓力徵後群的診斷準則 Diagnostic Criteria for post-traumatic stress disorder, PTSD ) ( DSM-IV, 1994)

創傷後壓力徵後群( PTSD )是一種經歷嚴重身心創傷後所產生的焦慮性疾病,此創傷事件通常是在突發、無法預


不斷再次經歷(intrusive re-experiencing)、情感麻木、有如驚弓之鳥(Avoidance feature)、反覆出現惡夢、觸景生

情、週年性現象、逃避並會持續緊張。PTSD 常見於戰後退役軍人,此類患者在第一次世界大戰後被定名為彈震症

(shell shock)。然而,PTSD 也常出現於歷經天災、重大事故、犯罪攻擊、強姦、性虐待或身體上的虐待或受政治


求刑或殺害、被診斷出絕症或經歷家人或親友的死亡皆有可能會導致 PTSD。

民國 99 年 921 大地震一個月內,震央附近魚池鄉所設醫療站的 525 位求診倖存者中,最常見的症狀有失眠、緊

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達 66%,因痛苦而避談地震和情緒麻木者約 20%,而失眠及驚嚇過度者更達 60%以上。 地震災難半年後,陽明大

學社區醫學中心周碧瑟的團隊,對魚池鄉 4000 多位居民進行研究後指出,大約 35%的倖存者有 PTSD 和憂鬱症狀。


理影響通常會拖延很久,一般而言,需要 12 個月才能穩定下來,但地震後之「創傷後壓力症候群」卻會持續至 18

個月以上。而統計資料顯示,地震後 32-60%的成人及 26-90%之兒童會有「創傷後壓力症候群」。 絕大多數災難之







創傷後壓力徵後群的患者都有一個共通的特色,就是對整個創傷( 如天災、人禍、家暴) 事件會暫時失憶,或是產


苦,她會繼續過平常的生活,假裝什麼事也沒發生。但是因為 PTSD 是一種經歷嚴重身心創傷後所產生的焦慮性疾

病,所以不自覺地從心理與生理上,都會顯出許多的症狀。 一般可分為三大類症狀:過度警覺、逃避麻木、及似


PTSD 的診斷標準




如:作夢、惡夢、幻覺重現 flash back、一再





1. 極力避免回憶、感覺或與人談起創傷事情。

2. 極力迴避會聯想起創傷事情的人、事、地、物。

3. 對於回憶創傷事件有障礙(impaired)

4. 對活動的參與興趣減少

5. 有疏離感(feeling of detachment)

6. restirected range of affect

7. sense of foreshortened future



1. 對睡眠造成干擾

2. 易怒

3. 難以集中精神

4. 失眠症

5. 較誇張的驚嚇反應

E.上述 B、C、D 持續長達一個月一上 F.嚴重影響一般日常生活功能

A. 此人曾經暴露在創傷事件中,而且具備下列兩種情況:

1. 此人曾親身經驗、目擊,或是面對過活生生死亡、威脅生命或嚴重傷害的真實案例、或是面臨自身或他人


2. 此人對此產生強烈的害怕、無助或驚嚇的感受與反應。( 兒童可能表現出暴躁或手足無措的行為 )

B. 此創傷事件,可以下列一種(或更多)方式,被再度深刻體驗:

1. 創傷的陰影、思緒和感受屢次重現於腦海中,歷歷在目。

Page 10: Anxiety

2. 創傷的噩夢不斷

3. 創傷重現如活靈活現般感受( 包括這類創傷發生、睡醒、或中毒時的歷險、錯覺、幻覺、電影畫面倒帶一


4. 面對內心或外在暗示的強烈經精神困擾會組合或假想是創傷事件般.

C. 持續逃避與此創傷事件有關的刺激,在一般反應呈現出僵化或麻木 ( 而此種反應在創傷發生前未出現),而且


1. 設法逃避與創傷相關的思索、感受或對談

2. 設法逃避引起創傷回憶的活動、地點或人物。

3. 無法回想起創傷事件的重要部分。

4. 對有意義的活動明顯喪失興趣或很少參與。

5. 感覺與別人默不相干或逐漸疏遠。.

6. 情感的跼躅不前( 如不再有愛的感受)

7. 感到前途黯淡( 如不在乎癌症、婚姻、子女或正常的壽命 )

D. 對周遭持續處在高度警戒的狀態 (而此種反應在創傷發生前未出現), 症狀包括下列情況中的兩種以上:

1. 難以入睡或經常醒來。

2. 暴躁或大發雷霆。

3. 難以集中注意力。

4. 過度警覺

5. 過份的驚嚇反應。.

E. 此種困擾(診斷準則 B, C, D 之症狀)持續超過一個月。

F. 此困擾造成臨床上重大痛苦,或社會、職業或其他重要功能方面受到損害。

藥物或是認知行為治療都可以有效治療 PTSD。只用非藥物治療或許對於輕微的 PTSD 的初期治療是合適的,但是


療效果對於三個核心症狀(重新經歷/侵入性症狀,迴避/情緒麻木,過度亢奮)是很重要的。不是所有 PTSD 的治療都


一般對於 PTSD 的第一線用藥是 SSRIs,但是許多抗憂鬱藥物也有用。對於藥物治療的反應通常是非常漸進的,

需要到 8-12 周或是更長時間。要 12 週會有部分反應、要完全減緩病情則需要到治療數個月之後;因此,要決定對

特定藥物的效用需要一段足夠的時間。然而在 4 週的治療後還沒有進步,繼續服藥就不太可能有效,因此在這種案

例中就應該要嘗試其它的治療方法。在創傷發生後的三個月之內的早期治療可以避免發展成慢性 PTSD。 Sertraline

和 paroxetine 是目前唯一由 FDA 認可用來治療 PTSD 的藥物。 大型具對照組的臨床研究指出這兩種藥物非常有效而

且在同時減少 PTSD 的三個症狀(重新經歷/侵入性症狀,迴避/情緒麻木,過度亢奮)方面優於安慰劑。它們同時可改

善憂鬱以及焦慮的症狀並且可以讓整體功能運作以及生活品質都有進步。Fluoxetine 也似乎對於治療某些 PTSD 患者


的 PTSD 男性戰後退役軍人被發現相對於女性以及平民,對於 Fluoxetine 的反應較不好,但是這個觀察結果可以應用

在治療一般 PTSD 上。Citalopram 和 fluvoximine 在治療 PTSD 的公開試驗中顯示有療效。

各種心理社會治療也被用於治療 PTSD 患者,其中包含幫助患者對壓力的焦慮控管,認知治療,情境暴露法

(Exposure therapy)等等。認知療法通常用於治療患者的墮落(demoralization)、罪惡感和羞愧感;然而情境暴露


控制 PTSD 試驗患者皆有很好的療效,但情境暴露法對於理想結果是不可或缺的。

Obsessive-compulsive disorder 強迫意念(著魔)-強制行為( 簡稱 OCD, 強迫妄想症) (DSM-IV, 1994)

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整理、排序、屯積(hoarding )、計算、問問題、懺悔。妄想和強迫行為對病人而言是不愉快、擾人的經驗,並不會

帶來快樂和滿足。這項特徵把 OCD 和其它有害行為(過度賭博和購物)區別開來,因後者也常被形容成強迫性行為。

患有 OCD 的成人常會理解到自己的行為是無意義的、太過度,但小孩卻未必能體認得出來。

OCD 的診斷準則











C.這強迫觀念或強迫行為造成顯著壓力,耗時(>1 小時/天),或顯著干擾日常功能


臨床上,OCD 屬於 heterogeneous disorder,有許多不同的症狀,極其廣泛。目前有五大類 OCD 症狀群被定出:




差。 簡單而言強迫症的特徵是有先入為主強的強迫意念( 害怕污染與細菌的著魔 ),而有不自主的強制行為或習慣

( 如洗手至泛紅起皺),困擾著日常生活( 即使自己也覺得尷尬,但每天超過 1 小時洗手才能避免此焦慮 )。其他強



科學家將焦慮症迷底解開後,開始將研究重心轉向抗焦慮新藥研發領域。過去 15-30 年的臨床研究統計的結果發現

針對此類心理疾病的成功治癒率約為 60-80 %。

表一: 焦慮症的第一線用藥

驚恐( panic attack ) 低劑量 SSRI ( 如 sertraline, paroxetine )

社交恐懼( social phobia ) SSRI ( 如 fluoxetine, sertraline ), 阻斷劑( propranolol )

強迫症( obsessive-complusive disorder ) Clomipramine, fluvoxamine, fluoxetine 加上行為療法

創傷後壓力症( post-traumatic stress disorder ) 三環抗鬱藥( imipramine ), doxapine, trazodone, nefazadone

全身性焦慮症( generalized anxiety disorder ) buspirone

Page 12: Anxiety

適應症 第一線藥物 第二線藥物 其它可使用的藥物

GAD Paroxetine Escitalopram Nefazodone Citalopram

Mirtazapine Hydoxyzine

Buspirone Venlafaxine


Sertraline Fluoxetine TCAs



Paroxetine Alprazolam Fluovoxamine Lorazepam Valproic acid Imipramine

Fluoxetine Clomipramine Venlafaxine Nefazodone

Sertraline clonazepam Escitalopram Citalopram Mirtazapine diazepam

SAD Paroxetine Venlafaxine


Fluovoxamine Alprazolam Phenelzin Buspirone

Sertraline Citalopram Escitalopram Nefazodone Topiramate

Clonazepam Bupropion Gabapentin

PTSD Sertraline

Paroxetine Fluoxetine


Imipramine Cabamazepine

Phenelzine Valproic acid

Mirtazapine Lamotrigine

Fluovoxamine Trazodone Topiramine

Venlafaxine Citalopram Atypical antipsychotics


OCD Paroxetine Sertraline Clomipramine Citalopram Clonazepam Pindolol

Fluoxetine Fluovoxamine Venlafaxine Escitalopram Antipsychotic agents



一般來說,若施以藥物治療、心理治療及行為治療,平均 4~6 週即可得到顯著改善。雖然大部份患者可得到舒緩,

但在遇到巨大壓力時,仍有復發可能。 由於社會大眾對精神疾病並不了解,常認為他們是「不定時炸彈」。台北市






1. Benzodiazepines

2. HT1A ligands : buspiron

3. SSRI-s : citalopram, fluoxetin, fluvoxamine, paroxetin, sertralin

4. SNRI : reboxetin

5. Reversible Inhibitor of MAO-A : moclobemid

6. Dual action Antidepressants : venlaflaxin

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7. Tri- and tetracyclic (old) antidepressant agents : imipramin, maprotilin

8. 其他 : antihistamines, hydroxyzin 現已不用

A. 作用於Benzodiazepine-GABA receptor-Chloride channel Complex 的Benzodiazepines 類: 此類抗焦慮藥已是使用長

達35年, 如bretazenil, chlorazepate, chlordiazepoxide, clonazepam, diazepam, triazolam 等,甚至非此類結構的

Pyrazolopyridines 如 Etazolate, Tricazolate. 此類藥物的特點是藥效作用較SSRI為快(約1 星期),患者之忍受度較佳。

但缺點是對 panic disorder, social anxiety disorders, 及generalised anxiety disorder之臨床效果有限,故常是與抗抑鬱藥

物共服;但對 obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder或major depression實效較佳。但長期服用可


TABLE 2 : Pharmacokinetics of Benzodiazepine Antianxiety Agents ( FDA Approved )

Dosage (mg/d) T1/2 (Hr) Approved Indications

Alprazolam (Xanax,Upjohn) 0.75-4 12-15 anxiety, anxiety-depression

Chlordiazepoxide (Librium, Roche) 25-200 5-30 anxiety, alcohol withdrawal, preop sedation

Clorazepate (Tranxene, Abbott) 7.5-90 prodrug anxiety, Alc-ppt induced partial seizure

Diazepam (Valium, Roche) 2-40 20-80 anxiety, alcohol withdrawal, muscle spasm, preop sedation, status


Halazepam (Paxipam, Schering) 20-160 14 anxiety

Lorazepam (Ativan,Wyeth) 0.5-10 10-20 anxiety, hyponotic, panic, status epileptic, preop sedation,

antivomiting due to cancer chemotherapy

Oxazepam (Serax, Wyeth) 30-120 5-20 anxiety, anxiety-depression, alcohol withdrawal

Prazepam (Centrax, Parke-Davis) 20-60 prodrug anxiety

** Flurazepam (Dalmane), temazepam (Restoril) and triazolam (Halcion) are marketed as sedative-hypnotic

**Clonazepam (Klonopin) is indicated for used as an anticonvulsant

** Alprazolam has proven efficacy in panic disorder with agoraphobia and possibly depressive illness, however, FDA did not approved for

those indications.

藥物名稱 FDA 核淮的適應症 <65 歲的劑量 <65 歲最大劑量 上市年份

Page 14: Anxiety

Chlordiazepoxide 焦慮症,術前焦慮,急性酒


15-100 mg/day 40 mg/day 1960

Diazepam 焦慮症,肌肉鬆弛劑,術前



4-40 mg/day 20 mg/day 1963

Oxazepam 焦慮症,酒精戒斷症狀 30-120 mg/day 60 mg/day 1965

Flurazepam 鎮靜-催眠 15-30 mg/day 15 mg HS 1970

Clorazepate 焦慮症,酒精戒斷症狀,抗


15-60 mg/day 30 mg/day 1972

Clonazepam 抗痙攣,恐慌症 0.5-12 mg/day 3 mg/day 1975

Lorazepam 焦慮症,憂鬱症中的焦慮情

2-6 mg/day 3 mg/day 1977

Alprazolam 焦慮症,憂鬱症中的焦慮情


0.5-6 mg/day


到 10 mg/day

2 mg/day 1981

Temazepam 鎮靜-催眠 15-30 mg/day 15 mg HS 1981

Triazolam 鎮靜-催眠 0.125-0.25 mg


0.125 mg HS 1983

Quazepam 鎮靜-催眠 7.5-15 mg HS 7.5 mg HS 1990

Estazolam 鎮靜-催眠 1-2 mg HS 1 mg HS 1991

B. ß-adrenergic antagonist : symptom relief of phobic disorder

- 主要是針對焦慮引發生理(自主神經)的症狀( 冒汗、肌肉抽搐、心悸)的改善

- S.E.: cold extremities, paraesthesia, and lassitude

- Contraindication: asthma

1. Propranolol

non-selective, memb stabilization, and 5HT antagonist

2. Oxprenolol: less bradycardia, and less risk of heart failure

3. ICI 118,551

- selective ß2-adrenergic blocker

- effective in the control of essential tremor, & stress-induced hyper-kalaemia.

- Controversy also exist in the treatment of generalized anxiety & neurological syndrome.

C. Reuptake & Monoamine oxidase ( MAO) inhibitor: for phobic, panic disorder

1. Tricyclic antidepressant (reuptake inhibitor)

- effective for severe anxiety with concurrent depressive

- limited usefulness,

- initial " activation syndrome" (restlessness, agitation, exacerbation of anxiety ), delayed onset

- be caution with their more serious S.E.( e.g. cardiotoxic)

- lack of abuse potential

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2. MAO inhibitor

- effective reduced the frequency of panic attack

- phenelzine is the drug of choice for social phobia

- behavioral therapy alone is the treatment of choice for simple phobia.

1. clomipramine & MAO inhibitor(phenelzine): faster onset, for phobic disorder

2. imipramine : for panic disorder

3. clomipramine : for obsessive-compulsive disorder

4. befloxatone

5. brofaromine

6. moclobemide

7. phenelzine

8. tranylcypromide

D. 5HT partial agonist

5HT1A receptor agonist ( somatodendritic autoreceptors ) : alnespirone, binospirone, buspirone, gepirone, ipsapirone,

tandospirone for generalized anxiety

partial agonist: buspirone, ipsapirone, gepirone, tandospirone

Anatomy: cell body: dorsal & medium raphe N( B5,B7, B8 ) which project widely to forebrain area ( limbic system e.g.

amygdala, hippocampus)

Highest density in; hippocampus, frontal cortex, dorsal raphe N

** Inhibition of dorsal raphe N. firing = anxiolytic activity (?)**

Buspirone ( Buspar, Bristol-Myers Squibb)

此種新穎的選擇性中樞性抗焦慮藥物,雖然它已在 1968 年已被合成, 但直到 1980 年代末期才被引進市場。 它

的結構不屬於 benzodiazepine 類, 故不會與 BDZ-GABA-chloride receptor complex 結合; 當然也不能被 flumazenil 所

拮抗。它是 5HT1A somatodendritic autoreceptor 的部份致效劑;急性給藥後它可抑制節前血清素的釋放,而 2-4

星期後逐漸使此類此自我調節的接受器去敏化,達到抗焦慮的藥效。 它亦是多巴胺神經突觸前接受器的拮抗

劑;而其活性代謝物 1-pyrimidinyl-piperazine ( 1-PP) 則為有腎上腺素 2-adrenergic 接受器的拮抗作用,能加強

其中樞的抗焦慮的藥效。 由於它不具鎮靜、肌肉鬆弛的優點,故不會有常見的鎮靜藥物、酒精的交互作用( 加




- more selective at the 5HT1a site, as an antagonist of presynaptic, but not postsynaptic. T1/2= 1-2 hr

- It shows the usual side effects of this type, sweating, fatigue, poor concentration, tremor and nausea

- It efficacy for treating anxiety or depression is under study

- The dorsal raphe projection to the amygdala may be critically involved in mediating the anxiolytic action

Gepirone (BMY 13805) , Tandospirone : a new generation of anxiolytics

3. Ketanserin (antihypertensive), Ritanserin : 5HT2 receptor antagonist as a sleeping-modulating compound

** At present, there is no unitary hypothesis or clear explanation for the efficacy of different classes of 5HT drugs in anxiety

disorders and selectivity for various receptor subtypes.

To date at least 15 different 5-HT receptors identified and divided into 7 different families.

Page 16: Anxiety

5HT1b: cAMP dec, functioning as a autoreceptor in hippocampus postsynaptics, and widely implication in major depression

Its agonist ( & SSRI ) contribute to sexual dysfunction, anxiety and insomia.

somatadendritic [5HT-1A] and terminal autoreceptors [5HT-1D]d].

5HT3 receptor antagonist : granisetron, ondansetron, tropisetron, zacopride

5HT2A and 5HT2c receptor antagonist : ICI69369, LY53857, risperidone, ritanserin, RP62203, serazepine, sertindole

Treatment with SSRI antidepressants causes downregulation of 5HT-2 receptors (Taylor et. al, 2005). In agreement with

these finding 5HT.-2a.2c receptor agonists are anxiogenic. The fact that 5-HT is both anxiolytic and anxiogenic

highlights the complexity of brain responses to stress. There is no known receptor subtype singularly responsible for


5HT1B receptor agonist ( ?) : eltoprazine, fluprazine

5HT2C receptor agonist : m-CPP, TFMPP for panic disorders

** To date, the most convincing evidence of the potential interest of anxiolytic concerns 5HT1A receptor agonists ( reduce somatic

activity ) and 5HT2a and 5HT2c receptor antagonist ( direct postsynaptic blocker ) .

** Further suggest that an achievable merging of 5HT-1a antagonism and 5HT transporter reuptake inhibition into one molecular

entity to be a superior antidepressant. ( Evrad, et al 2005) expand on this theory with methodology tested on rat and human 5HT

receptors in their effort to design a dual acting ( SSRI. 5HT-.1a antagonists) as possible next generation antidepressants.

** Recent studies suggest that neurogenesis (i.e. the process of neuronal stem cell proliferation, differentiation, and survival) is

involved in the action of antidepressants. According to Taylor, antidepressants mediate their effects through the increase of

serotonin by SSRI and NE levels allowing neurotransmitters to stimulate the cAMP or Ca, leading to the increase in CREB and


E. 5HT-specific reuptake inhibitor( SSRI ): for obsessive convulsive disorders, social phobia, generalized anxiety, antipanic

( should be started in very low doses to avoid initial excitement : absence of antiACh, less weight gain, less orthostasis, and no

cardiac conduction defects

- Fluvoxamine (Luvox , Solvay) 適應症為 1). 強迫意念(著魔)-強制行為

- Zimelidine: withdrawn , Guillain-Barre syndrome

- Fluoxetine (Prozac, Eli Lily ) : the 1st SSRI, introduced into clinic in 1988; in the treatment of a variety of brain

disorders, including depression, panic disorder, obesity, and alcoholism.

Active metabolite : norfluxetine

- Sertraline (Zoloft , Pfizer ) 適應症為 1). 強迫意念(著魔)-強制行為, 2). 驚恐症, 3). 創傷後壓力症候群

- Paroxetine ( Paxil , Smith Kline Beecham) 適應症為 1). 強迫意念(著魔)-強制行為, 2). 驚恐症, 3). 親人的分

離式焦慮症 separation anxiety disorder, 4). 全身性焦慮症

- Fluoxetine ( Prozac, Eli Lilly) 適應症為 1). 強迫意念(著魔)-強制行為, 2). 善飢癖( Bulimia Nervosa) , 3 ). 經前不

安症狀( premenstrual dysphoric disorder ,PMDD )

- Citalopram

- Escitalopram

Page 17: Anxiety

Current 5HT "anxiolytic" in development

Drugs Company Indication Status Comments

5HT1a agonist/ partial agonist

Buspirone Bristol Myers Squibb Anxiety/depression Marketed all 5HT1a

Ipsapirone Troponwerke " Phase III

Gepirone Bristol Myers Squibb " Phase III

MDL 72832 Merrell-Dow " Phase III

Tandospirone (SM3997) Pfizer " Phase II

WY 47846 Wyeth " Preclinical

MDL 73005 EF Merrell-Dow Panic disorder Phase II

5HT2/5HT3 antagonist

Ritanserin Janssen Anxiety/depression Phase II

ICI 170,809 ICI " Phase II

ICI 169,369 ICI " Phase II

Sergolexole (LY 281061) Lilly " Phase II

5HT3 antagonist

BRL 46470 SKF Phase II

ICS 205930 Sandoz " phase II

Ondansetron (GR38032F)Glaxo " Phase III

Zacopride A.H. Robins " Phase II

5HT uptake inhibitor

Fluoxetine Lilly Depression/anxiety Marketed

Paroxetine SKF " Phase III

Sertraline Pfizer " Marketed

Behavioral Effects:

SSRIs have been shown to be the only effective drug treatment for depression in children and adolescents youth. There is great concern

about the SSRI's effects on suicide in children and adolescents. The potential for SSRIs to activate suicidal behavior was first detected

Page 18: Anxiety

over ten years ago through a sequence of case reports describing a small number of individuals whose suicidality worsened during

treatment and then sometimes improved after stopping the SSRI; all except one of those reports (King et al., 1991) were in adults

(Teicher et al, 1991; Tothschild et al, 1991; Creaney et al, 1991; Wirshing et al, 1992; Lane et al, 1998). However, in a few cases,

patients were re-started on the SSRIs and the suicidal behavior re-emerged. A separate analysis published in 1992, found similar case

reports of suicidal behavior with every class of antidepressants, including drugs against psychosis and anxiety (Kapur et al, 1992) the

results indicated that there was no evidence from these case reports of an effect confined to one pharmacological class of drug, or a

clear dose-response relationship; they reported that the only common characteristic in these reports was psychiatric disorder known to

carry a risk of suicidality. In 1993, the ACNP Task Force concluded that there was no scientific evidence indicating that SSRIs could

trigger suicidal behavior. However, other research has shown that there is a link between suicide and SSRIs. Andrew Mosholder (2004)

of the Office of Drug Safety of the FDA and others reported that 2-3 out of 100 antidepressant-treated children will develop suicidal

behaviors. According to Mosholder, a suicidal event would occur once in every twelve patient-years. In 2003, the American College

of Neuropsychopharmachology (ACNP), which evaluated the safety and efficacy of SSRIs antidepressants for depressed youth under 18

years; raised some concerns claiming that children and adolescents treated with SSRIs may increase the risk for suicidal ideation or

suicide attempts; furthermore, in 1993, the U.K. Department of health reported similar findings; claiming that with the exception of

fluoxetine (Prozac), the SSRIs antidepressants were not effective, but rather, its use would increase the level of suicidal ideation, and

suicide attempts for children and adolescents less than 18 years of age. Toxicological analysis has been used to determine if SSRIs

influenced individuals to commit suicide. Evidence from many sources confirms that selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)

commonly cause or exacerbate wide range of abnormal mental and behavioral conditions. On the other hand, a resent study on 49

adolescent suicides, conducted by a research team in Utah, recently reported that 24 percent of the victims had been prescribed

antidepressants, but there no evidence that either of those victims had tested positive for SSRIs at the time of their death (Gray et al,

2003). Another study conducted on 5000 adult suicides, one research team found that most victims had not taken an antidepressant

(most commonly SSRIs or other new generation antidepressants) immediately before their death, even though the majority had been

depressed. Only 4% had toxic concentration of antidepressants, meaning that the drugs were used in an intentional overdose

(Isacsson et al, 1997). After all the inconclusive evidence, The FDA conducted a thorough investigation of eight antidepressants,

including all currently approved SSRIs, and the results indicated that the evidence reviewed so far was insufficient to determine whether

or not there was a correlation between SSRIs and suicidal behavior in youth. Nevertheless, the FDA advised physicians to monitor

children and adolescents for changes in their clinical state and for increased suicidal risk ACNP (2004) Andrew Molsholded of the office

of Drug Safety of the FDA and others reported at the FDA Public Hearing on Antidepressants and Suicide, that 2-3 out 100

antidepressant-treated children will develop suicidal behaviors; Breggin estimated that a suicidal event would occur once in every

twelve-patient years; which according to him, those figures were underestimated. Furthermore, Beggin claims that the short-tem studies

frequently conducted by drug-companies, were biased and habitually disregarded or ignored data regarding the adverse drug effects; in

order to confirm the effectiveness of the SSRIs Breggin & Breggin 1994). Breggin claims that the FDA disregarded other related

hazards that increase the number of children afflicted with life-threatening drug reaction (Emslie et al. 1997). Furthermore, Breggin

reported that the FDA hearings are more about deception than science; the drug companies have conspired together to hide the

dangerousness of the newer antidepressants in the treatment of children and adults. Amazingly enough, the FDA has become more

accepting of the idea that the newer antidepressants, particularly the SSRIs and Effexor (venlafaxine), cause suicide in children (Breggin

and Breggin 1994). Breggin summarized the deceptive drug company practices, focusing on Prozac and its manufacturer, Eli Lilly; he

reported a brief summary of some of the ways that Eli Lilly, often in collaboration with the FDA, has hidden data on the dangerousness of

the SSRIs (many of these deceptions are discussed in Breggin and Breggin, 1994, and all of them are documented in Breggin, 1997)

In the last few days before the FDA approved Prozac marketing, Bob Temple of the FDA went thorough the Prozac label and drew lines

through adverse drug reaction that he considered unnecessary; he specifically expunged "depression" from the list of frequently reported

Page 19: Anxiety

psychiatric adverse drug reaction. Therefore, "depression" as a drug-induced effect went from frequent to nonexistent in the drug label.

The information that depression was "frequent" reaction to Prozac had poured into Eli Lilly and Company from principle investigators

funded by the company to do clinical trial, but recognition of its existence was eradicated. Amazingly enough, the FDA has become more

accepting of the idea that the newer antidepressants, particularly the SSRIs and Effexor (venlafaxine), cause suicide in children (Breggin

and Breggin 1994).

F. New Approachs to Anxiolytic drugs

"Anxioselective" benzodiazepines

partial agonist

Subtype selectively

Benzodiazepine-like ( but not identical )

5HT1a partial agonist

Cholecystokinin (CCK-4, CCKB receptor) antagonist : CI988, L365260, RB211 for panic

Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) antagonist

NMDA receptor antagonist : AP7, 5,7-dichlorokynurenic acid, dizocilpine, (+)HA-966, ifenprodil

Drugs used in the treatment of panic disorder with agoraphobia

Dose( mg/D) Comments

Tricyclic antidepressant: Imipramine ( Tofranil, Geigy) 150-300 lag time until 6-10W, stimulatory S.E.

Clomipramine 10-100

MAO inhibitors : Phenalzine (Nardil, Parke-Davis) 45-90 lag period 3-6 W, pts acceptance, diietary restrictions

Benzodiazepines : Alprazolam (Xanax, Upjohn) 4-10 long-term therapy needs further study

(high potency ) Diazepam (Valium, Roche) 30-40 possibly effectiveness

Clonazepam (Klonopin, Roche) 3-6 possibly effectiveness

Miscellaneous : Clonidine (Catapres.Boehringer) 0.5 tolerance develops to antipanic effects

[Ref] Hamon M. Neuropharmacology of anxiety: perspectives and prospects. TiPS 15:36-39, 1994

- Drugs not effective in panic disorder : Buproprion (antidepressant), maprotiline (antidepressant), deprenyl (MAOb inhibitors),

Buspirone(5HT1A partial antagonist), Ritanserin( 5HT2 antagonist ), propranolol.

- Barbiturate and meprobamate should be avoid

PET-1 焦慮基因!?

近來焦慮症備受醫學界重視,科學家也極想找出人類基因和焦慮症之間的神秘關係。 美國 Case Western Reserve

University 之 Evan Deneris 研究團隊發現與焦慮極為相關的基因-PET-1。 從老鼠試驗結果發現,自正常老鼠身上剔

除 PET-1 基因則發生焦慮和侵略現象大幅增加,在自己的領域中常攻擊入侵者,其攻擊次數比正常老鼠多上數倍,

意味老鼠焦慮程度有加重傾向。 若人體內缺少 PET-1 基因,則極易產生過度焦慮及暴力傾向。 基因剔除鼠,PET-1



Page 20: Anxiety

研究發現焦慮症和性別間有相當程度的關連性。 流行病學資料顯示先天或家族性有關的精神疾病, 罹患比例常

是男多於女。 以智障為例,罹患患者男女比例為 3:1 至 3:2;自閉症的男童為女童的 4 至 5 倍。 然而,女性在

與焦慮、憂鬱有關的患病卻遠遠大於男性。其中原因始終讓科學家百思不解。 近年來相關之證據也逐一浮上,如

1. BDNF( 腦源性神經滋養因子, brain derived neurotrophic factor),與恐懼症及創傷後應激障礙等焦慮症有關。 BDNF

是由 120 個氨基酸組成的一種鹼性蛋白,由神經元分泌,對神經細胞的生長發育及保護修復有重要作用,其

訊息徑路是經由 TrKB,及神經滋養受體(LNGFR)。 研究發現具有異常滋養因子的人群中,大腦額葉皮層和

杏仁核的神經回路發生了改變,進一步發現 JNK 參與其中焦慮之訊息

2. Glyoxalase 1 與 glutathione reductase 1


Oxidative stress is the new stress– by Jay A Gingrich, Nature Medicine, 11:1281-2, 2005

Emotional stress may increase anxiety, but in mice, a different kind of stress-

oxidative stress-may also contribute to anxious behavior.

3. 美國國家酗酒暨酒精中毒研究所(National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA))之 Mary-Anne Enoch 找

到一個造成女性焦慮症相關的基因-COMT (catechol-0-methyl transferase, 此轉移酶為代謝 norepinephrine,,

epinephrine, dopamine 等神經傳遞物質的重要酵素 )。

實驗發現,調控前葉多巴胺情緒路徑之 COMT 基因含量太低,如同長期吸食大麻煙般,容易產生焦慮等精神疾病。

正腎上腺素則是影響人類焦慮情緒的主因。 結果發現女性高焦慮族群中的 COMT 基因 DNA 分析發現在第 158 個氨

基酸發生單一核苷酸突變,稱之為 Met158 突變(Val158

Met) 。因而導致其 COMT 基因表現,僅有正常女性含量的 1/4

到 1/3。

Page 21: Anxiety

4. 經前症候群(PMS)是指女性在月經週期的第二階段,即黃體期,出現疲勞、情緒改變、易怒、腹部腫脹等


非類固醇鎮痛劑,每天補充 1500 mg 的鈣來緩解症狀;若症狀嚴重到影響日常生活,即是經前不悅症(PMDD)。

長期放任經痛不處理,陷入更劇烈的疼痛反應和更惡劣的情緒狀態,惡性循環可能導致雌激素接受體 α 基因

(ESR1 基因),DNA 核苷酸 A、G、C、T 排列發生變異。也就是說,經前焦慮症患者身上大多帶有 ESR1 突變基

因。 甚至榮總研究團隊以正子斷層掃描及磁振造影分析罹患經前症候群(PMS)年輕女性之腦部變化,發現


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