
as of October 31 = $-

, Ministers ..You the people of God

October/November 2017


decemeber 2005 News

1504 Sprice Avenue, Coquitlam, BC


Pastor: Eric Krushel 604-936-1864

Ministers: You the people of God


This is the last in my series of articles on “What the Seasons of the Church Year Teach Us About Being Lutheran.” Since last Advent I have been reflecting on the distinctively Lutheran themes of each liturgical season. And, finally, we come to autumn which is when we move into the later part of Ordinary Time. And this year in particular, that means a focus on the upcoming celebration of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. Or is that commemoration of the Reformation?

You may have noticed that the publicity for the Joint Prayer Service for Unity on Oct. 1 described it as a service in commemoration of the Reformation. Why a commemoration and not a celebration?

Well, to be clear, there will be elements of celebration in our recognition of this milestone this fall. The upcoming Hymn Fest on Oct. 21, for one, will be a festive time of fellowship and singing and appreciating the musical heritage we claim as Lutherans. And there is much to be joyful about in the freedom which Luther and the reformers rediscovered for all Christians.

But we also need to acknowledge that, for all its blessings, the Reformation did end up dividing the church (maybe splintering would be more accurate). That is an unfortunate legacy we have been seeking to address very intentionally at least since the middle of the last century. In that sense, to describe the events of this year as a celebration seems a little too much like us Lutherans beating our chests in triumph over an event that has been the source of much grief in the body of Christ.

And maybe that’s what the Reformation emphasis during this late part of Ordinary Time can teach us about being Lutheran. We are not just a church reformed, but we are a church that’s always reforming. That is to say reformation for us is not so much an historical event to celebrate as it is a way of life to engage. And maybe one of ways we most need to be about the business of reformation today is by working to heal the divisions in God’s church.

So, yes we celebrate the gifts of Luther’s reform movement. But mostly we commemorate an event that both gave birth to our Lutheran church and calls us forward to the work of on-going reform. May this anniversary inspire and energize us to move into an even more hopeful future.

For specific requests for prayer, please contact Kate

Wright at 604-937-0392 or Claire Thompson at

604-939-3086. Your prayer request will quickly be

passed to our congregational prayer chain.

Eric Svingen-Jones, as he continues to

recover from a concussion.

Eunice Wills who is struggling with Stage 4


Al Startin as he continues his course of

treatment for cancer.

Maureen Miller-Nielson, friend of Janice

and Dale Wald, who is undergoing cancer


Ron Peterson, Eric Svingen-Jones’ uncle,

recently diagnosed with terminal cancer.

Vivian Kroeker as she recovers from her

broken hip.

Jan Batchelor waiting to return home from

her recent hospitalization.

Betty Jones who continues to recover from

her broken hip.

Christine Stanley who is undergoing tests

and treatment for heart issues.

Bryan Morris in hospital for undetermined

health issues.

For our confirmands, those who will be

confirmed in October and those beginning

their confirmation journey.

When you’ve done something wrong, admit it and be sorry. No one in history has ever choked to death swallowing his pride

- quotes

For Our Prayer

All women are invited to join us for an evening or afternoon of fellowship and Bible Study at our circle meetings. Circles will continue to study and discuss a chapter each month from the “Women of the Bible” study series.

October General Meeting Tuesday, October 10th at 10:00 a.m.

All women are invited to attend

10:00 am - A general business meeting will be to discuss various functions, activities and

distribution of funds.

At 11:00 a.m. our Special Guest Speaker:

Sharon De Lalla, of the Talitha Koum Society

The Talitha Koum Society is a non-

denominational organization that has been

providing transitional housing offering addictions

recovery, life skills training, employment and/or

educational resources and mentorship to

marginalized women. TK's program objectives

are to provide women with constant or recurring

substance use (and their children) with a safe,

nurturing and supportive environment for healing,

and to teach the foundational life skills necessary

for living in harmony with their community. The

residences are more reflective of a typical home

where women and their children can experience a

normal, daily routine lifestyle.

Sharon has advised that she will bring a client or

former resident to speak as well.

Lunch will be served following the presentation.

November Circle Meetings Afternoon Circle: Nov. 14 @ 1:00 pm

- Study Leader: TBD Evening Circle: Sept 11th - 7:00 pm

Hostess: Gail Tremain Study Leader- Flora Pregler



Church Librarian

Jane Whitter

Book Review – A book

From our church library, provided for your

reading pleasure and information.

The Spirit of the Disciples – by Dallas Willard

Willard presents a way of living that enables

ordinary men and women to enjoy the fruit of

the Christian life. He reveals how the key to

self-transformation resides in the practice of the

spiritual disciplines, and how their practice

affirms human life to the fullest.

BIRTHDAY Happy Birthday to Vera Beech who Is celebrating a milestone birthday, Turning 90 on November13th and to Terry Shular who will celebrate her 82nd birthday on November 22nd. Blessings from your Good Shepherd Family.

BAPTISMS Shelby Taylor Goyeau was baptized on September 17th.

MARRIAGES Jinny Chung and Lucas Baldini, who were

married on Saturday, September 16th.

Ian Chung and Sara Kang who were married on

Saturday, September 23rd.

CONFIRMATION Evan Darts, Shelby Goyeau, Emily Myers, Shayan

Saed, Hope Svingen-Jones, Katia Terry, Joanna

Whitter, who will be confirmed on Oct. 15.

CHANGE OF ADDRESS Omid and Malahat Nejati 2129 Kugler Avenue, Coquitlam, BC VEK 2S5

You are invited to join us at the home of

Kate Wright on October 25 at 7:15 pm

when we will be discussing:

“The Wounded Healer

by Henry Nourato.

The Wounded Healer is a hope-filled and profoundly simple book that speaks directly to those men and women who want to be of service in their church or community, but have found the traditional ways often threatening and ineffective. In this book, Henri Nouwen combines creative case studies of ministry with stories from diverse cultures and religious traditions in preparing a new model for ministry. Weaving keen cultural analysis with his psychological and religious insights, Nouwen has come up with a balanced and creative theology of service that begins with the realization of fundamental woundedness in human nature.

From the


The following is an update on our financial status as of August 31, 2017

Total Income $ 141,098.14 Total Expenses $ 151,405.20 Deficit $ - 10,307.06

Line of Credit Balance as of August 31, 2017 = $ 25,608.16

is Sunday, November 5th and we will

be remembering the saints of our lives

and lighting candles in memory.

Please keep your eyes open for the

Book of Remembrance and feel free to

add the name of a loved one whose

name will be lifted up during our

liturgy of remembrance.



Inspired by the success of our sessions with our friends from All Saints Roman Catholic parish in March, we are planning another morning of conversation and fellowship. It will take place on Saturday, November 25th from 9:45 to 12:15 at Good Shepherd and we will be talking about what we each believe about Mary and the Saints. We hope this event (and possibly others in the future like it) will help us to build on the legacy of good will which is the gift of this anniversary year.

2017 ELCIC Praise Appeal Sunday

October 16th, 2017

The Praise Appeal is a special Offering taken annually on this Sunday in support of the mission and ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada.

The theme for the 2017 ELCIC Praise Appeal, Liberated by God's Grace: Salvation - Not for Sale, echoes The Lutheran World Federation theme for the commemoration of the 500th Anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation. You will see the ELCIC lift up this theme of Liberated by God's Grace and it's three subthemes (Creation - Not for Sale, Salvation - Not for Sale, and Human Beings - Not for Sale) as we participate in the international and ecumenical commemoration of the anniversary. The commemoration gives us the opportunity to remember and reflect on the Reformation and what it means for us now, living as Lutheran people within the whole body of Christ.

Reformation Sunday is October 29th on which day we will be joining with Lutherans across the world to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. Please plan to join us for this special service which will include great music, singing and maybe even a visit from the old man himself and a special treat.

Save the Date

Advent Banquet Sunday, December 3 at 5:30 p.m.

Good Shepherd Women will again be hosting

our annual Advent Banquet. Join us for an

evening of fun, fellowship, singing and


Details to follow in the Sunday bulletins








Sunday, October 1, 2017 @ 2:00 pm




Reception will follow @ parish hall


Reverend Dr. Gregory Mohr

Bishop of BC Synod Evangelical

Lutheran Church in Canada

Most Reverend J. Michael Miller,


Archbishop of Roman Catholic

Archdiocese of Vancouver

Contact [email protected] 604.524.1318 or [email protected] 604-683-0281 for more information



Hymn Festival

Saturday ∙ October 21, 2017 ∙ 7 p.m.

Queen’s Avenue United Church

529 Queen’s Avenue

New Westminster

Sing the church’s song, old and new

Listen to organ, trumpet, drum, and


See dancing and art work

Enjoy the gathered community of


Rachel Alflatt, organ/piano

Lorraine Reinhardt, music director

Reception with Cash Bar

Free-will Offering for the ELCIC

Reformation Challenge Hymn Festival

Feast for the ears, the eyes, and the heart

Martin Luther Quotes:

On Speaking Out: “You are not only responsible for what you say, but also for what you do not say.”

On October 15, we will celebrate with 7 of our youth as they affirm their baptism. This is always a joyous time and we invite you to come out and support these young Christians on this significant day in their faith journey. You will also have a chance to hear in their own words about what this day means and view their art projects. You will be invited to sign their picture frames and pass on your personal prayers, wishes and blessings to them.

Our next series of movie nights will focus on the small screen: we will be viewing some television episodes to see how the Kingdom of God has been

portrayed over the past 30 years or so. We will watch documentaries, dramas, and comedies (yes, including the Simpsons!). All are welcome--hope to see you there! As usual, we will meet at Peter Schuler's home on Sunday afternoons at 4 pm. Currently scheduled dates are October 15, November 5 and 19, and December 10; more meetings will follow in January.


Our Missional Guiding

Team invites you to

another Missional Munch

on Sunday, October 22.

As usual, we will gather for a catered lunch

and conversation about our summer Listening

Over Lunch experiment. Even if you didn’t

participate directly or at all in this experiment,

your participation and input is appreciated. All

feedback both positive and negative,

complimentary or critical help us on the

Guiding Team to develop new ideas for

experiments and plan for future missional

engagements. We will plan to be wrapped up

and on our way home by 1:00 p.m. If you did

participate in any of our summer walks, either

with the group or on your own, plan to come,

share your stories and reflections.

Hopes and Dreams

Please take a moment to visit the Hopes and Dreams Box in the Parish Hall.

Record your hope or dream for the whole church on the paper provided and leave your note in the box provided. As a further way of lifting up the theme of reform this fall we will add your note (anonymously) to the Sunday prayers up until and including Reformation Sunday. Contribute early and often!

You know you are a Lutheran when…

When you’re agreeing with someone,

instead of saying, “yes I agree,” you

say, “this is most certainly true.”

70th Anniversary Quilt The We Care program is very excited to share the finished quilts that were constructed earlier this year celebrating Canadian Lutheran World Relief's 70th anniversary. Over 120 submissions were received from churches in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario. Due to the volume of submissions, three large quilts were completed.

We invite church groups or individuals who have constructed these squares or had an influence on their construction to share their explanation of their submission for all to hear. A Facebook album of these quilts can be located here.

Please feel free to comment on the quilts and share your stories or experiences in putting these works of art together.

A special thank you to Epiphany Lutheran Church in Winnipeg, Manitoba, for undertaking the work of putting all the squares together to complete the quilts.

Goals for Kids

The We Care Program invites churches and individuals to help us give children the chance to play. The We Care Program is looking for a minimum of 500 new or gently used soccer balls

to be included in future shipments. Please include a pump for approximately every 10 balls. Soccer balls should be deflated due to limited space in our containers. By deflating the soccer balls many more can be included! Soccer balls can be dropped off locally or delivered using one of our trucking partners with our shipping label attached to your box. These can be included in the "other" slot and labeled as "Soccer Balls."

Help CLWR bring the gift of play to children around the world.

Q: Who was the greatest male financier in the Bible?

A. Noah – He was floating his stock while everyone else was

in liquidation

Q. Who was the greatest female financier in

the Bible?

A. Pharaoh's daughter. She went down to the

bank of the Nile and drew out a little prophet.

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to the new season now that everything is in full swing! We have

had a great kick off BBQ and an awesome bible study so far this year, I'm

constantly impressed by how beautifully all the youth sing! We have some

great events planned for the fall and some of us are really looking forward

to CLAY in August 2018! There will be some fundraisers coming up so keep an eye out for

more info, including how the youth can help with your Christmas baking!

Upcoming youth events:

Oct 15 - Games night

Oct 21 - Corn Maze in Chilliwack (drivers needed)

Oct 29 - Bible Study

Nov 3 - Surprise Event

Nov 10 - Invited to St. Paul’s youth event

Nov 26 - Bible Study

Dec 8-10 - Mt Seymour Retreat!!!

Check your email for more information or email [email protected].

I am still looking for some adult volunteers, it is a low time commitment, please contact me at

[email protected] if you are interested. We could also use an adult or two up at Mt.

Seymour to help with supervision/cooking.













October 8-14 is Homelessness Action Week

in the Lower Mainland and once again our

Tri-Cities Homelessness and Affordable

Housing Task group is hosting an event at the

Coquitlam Public Library on Thursday,

October 12 from 7 to 8:30. Like last year it

will an opportunity for 4 panelists who have

experienced homelessness to share their

stories and engage in conversation around the

issues relating to homelessness. This was a

very good event least year and is

recommended for all concerned about this

difficult issue in our communities.

October 2017 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 9:-00 am – Adult Bible Study 10:00 am Worship Service and Sunday School 1:30-4:30 Korean Church 2:00 pm -Ecumenical Prayer Service at St. Clare’s Church 6:00 Youth Group Event

2 1:00 pm Al Anon

3 7 pm -Woodworking 7 pm – Adult Faith Conversation 7:30 pm – Al Anon

4 7 pm - Confirmation

5 7:45-CODA


7 2-7 pm- Spanish Church 8:30-10 pm –AA Grp

8 Thanksgiving Sunday 9:-00 am – Adult Bible Study 10:00 am Worship Service with Holy Communion and Sunday School 1:30-4:30 – Korean Church

9 1:00 pm Al Anon

10 10:00 am – Women’s grp. General meeting 7 pm-Woodworking 7:30pm – Al Anon

11 10:30 Bible Study 7 pm - Confirmation

12 7:45-CODA


14 9:30 am – 3 pm: Lower Mainland Regional Gathering at Gloria Dei in North Vancouver 2-7 pm- Spanish Church 8:30-10 pm–AA Grp

15 Confirmation Sunday 9:-00 am – Adult Bible Study 10:00 am- Worship Service with Confirmation, Holy Communion & Sunday School 4 pm – Movie Night Youth Games Night

16 1:00 pm Al Anon


7 pm -Woodworking 7 pm – Adult Faith Conversation 7:30 pm – Al Anon

18 7 pm - Confirmation

19 7:45-CODA


21 2-7 pm- Spanish Church 7 pm Reformation Hymn Fest- Queens Ave. United Church 8:30-10 pm–AA Grp Youth Corn Maze

22 Praise Appeal Sunday 9:00 am – Adult Bible Study 10:00 am- Worship Service and Sunday School After Service – “Missional Munch”

23 1:00 pm Al Anon


7 pm Woodworking 7:30 pm – Al Anon


10:30 Bible Study 7 pm - Confirmation 7:15 Book Club

26 6:00 pm – Council Meeting 7:45-CODA


28 2-7 pm- Spanish Church 8:30-10 pm–AA Grp

29 Reformation Sunday 9:00 am – Adult Bible Study

10:00 am – Worship Service with Holy Communion and Sunday School 6 pm – Youth Bible Study

30 1:00 pm Al Anon

31 7 pm Woodworking 7:30 pm – Al Anon

November 2017 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 All Saints Day 7 pm - Confirmation

2 7:45-CODA

3 Youth Surprise Event

4 2-7 pm- Spanish Church 8:30-10 pm –AA Grp

5 All Saints Sunday 9:00 – Adult Bible Study 10:00 am Worship Service with Holy Communion and Sunday School 4 pm – Movie night

6 1:00 pm Al Anon

7 7 pm-Woodworking 7 pm – Adult Faith Conversation 7:30pm – Al Anon

8 10:30 Bible Study 7 pm: Confirmation

9 7 pm – Council Budget meeting 7:45-CODA

10 St. Paul’s youth event

11 8:30 am- Men’s breakfast 2-7 pm- Spanish Church 8:30-10 pm–AA Grp

12 9:00 am – Adult Bible Study 10:00 am- Worship Service with Holy Communion and Sunday School Youth event tba

13 1:00 pm Al Anon 7 pm – Women’s Group Meeting

14 1 pm- Women’s Grp mtg 7 pm-Woodworking 7 pm – Adult Faith Conversation 7:30 pm – Al Anon

15 7 pm - Confirmation

16 7:45-CODA


18 2-7 pm- Spanish Church 8:30-10 pm–AA Grp


9:00 am – Adult Bible Study 10:00 am- Worship Service and Sunday School 4 pm – Movie Night


1:00 pm Al Anon

21 7 pm Woodworking 7:30 pm – Al Anon

22 10:30 Bible Study 7 pm - Confirmation

23 6:00 pm – Council Meeting 7:45-CODA


25 9:45-12:15 – Lutheran/Catholic conversation 2-7 pm- Spanish Church 8:30-10 pm–AA Grp

26 Christ the King Sunday 9:00 am – Adult Bible Study

10:00 am – Worship Service with Holy Communion and Sunday School 6 pm – Youth Bible Study

27 1:00 pm Al Anon

28 7 pm Woodworking 7 pm – Adult Faith Conversation 7:30 pm – Al Anon

29 10:30 Bible Study

7 pm - Confirmation

30 7:45-CODA

Pastor Eric on study leave November 13-19

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