Page 1: Asurmen s Academy by DaveV

ASURMEN’S ACADEMY: The Return of Ancient Days

Astronomi-con Winnipeg 2010

July 24th-25th

Presented by Dave Violago

Page 2: Asurmen s Academy by DaveV


The battlefield is silent. An Eldar Farseer stands surrounded by the

detritus of war – a group of smouldering armoured vehicles. On the

ground around her are dozens of Human bodies, their laser rifles fallen

from nerveless hands.

Movement draws her eye. Armour glitters in the dim light. Acolytes of

the Fire Dragon and Dire Avenger Shrines move among the dead Human

soldiers, picking up map cases, commo units, and other items of


To the west, an Autarch in purple armour stands next to a grounded

Eldar skimmer. A riderless jetbike hovers in place nearby. The Farseer,

levitating just above the ground, moves towards the Autarch.

She passes the burnt out hulk of a Human heavy tank. As she floats in

front of it, she peers briefly through a large rent in the shattered front

armour, and notes the condition of the driver. A charred spinal column

rests against the seat back; a scatter of limb bones lie beneath the


The Farseer approaches the grounded Wave Serpent tank. It sits at a

slight angle, leaning against a feature in the ground. The Autarch steps

up to face the seer and braces to attention - her helmeted head shakes

once, forestalling any speech.

Dropping lightly to the ground, the Farseer peers into the open cockpit

of the skimmer. The pilot sits in place, dressed in brown synthi-leather,

with close-cropped hair that is scorched and blackened at the back of

the neck.

The corpse is that of a young Eldar woman. The Farseer stretches out

her hand, caressing the pilot’s brow. She leans in and plucks a shining

gem from the pilot’s tunic. The seer places it in a pouch at her waist.

The pouch is partially full with other Spirit Stones, all pulsing with the

energy of the essences within them.

Another figure in bright teal armour jogs up. He halts in front of the

Farseer as she turns around. His crested helmet nods once each to the

seer and her companion.

Turning back to the seer, he says, “Milady, we’ve finished policing the


The Farseer shoots a glance at the Autarch. The latter sketches a salute

and steps off towards the Aspect Warriors milling about in the distance.

“Mount up!” the Autarch barks. “We’re done here.”

Cover drawing by Dust-989, used with the permission of the artist.

Page 3: Asurmen s Academy by DaveV

Number/squad: 1 Farseer (p.26, p.28 & p.60 Eldar)

Unit Type: Eldar Jetbike

Farseer Psychic Powers: Doom, Fortune

Weapons: Singing Spear

Wargear: Eldar Jetbike, Ghosthelm, Rune Armour, Runes of Warding


Doom: Used at the start of the Eldar turn. No LOS required. Target one non-

vehicle unit within 24" - all hits caused upon that unit gain a re-roll to

wound until the start of the next Eldar turn. (p.28 Eldar)

Fortune: Used at start of turn. No LOS required. One unit within 6" may re-roll

saves until the start of the next Eldar Turn. (p.28 Eldar)

Eldar Jetbike: (p.53 WH40K)

- Movement: Move 12" over terrain. Start/end move in Difficult Terrain, takes

Dangerous Terrain test. Land on top of Impassable Terrain, takes

Dangerous Terrain test. (Dangerous Terrain p.14 WH40K)

- Turbo Boosters (USR p.76 WH40K) - move 18"- 24" over terrain, gain 3+ cover

save, conditions apply.

- Shooting: Fire one weapon per rider. Relentless (USR p.76 WH40K) – fire as if

stationary and still assault.

- Assault: Move 6" in Assault phase. If not Assaulting, affected by Difficult

Terrain as in Movement phase.

- Fall back 3D6", treating Difficult Terrain as Dangerous. (Dangerous Terrain

p.14 WH40K)

- Confers 3+ armour save and +1 Toughness (not vs. Instant Death). (Instant

Death p.26 WH40K)

Ghosthelm: Prevent Perils of the Warp attack on D6 roll of 3+. (p.26 Eldar)

Independent Character: Skilled Rider (USR p.76 WH40K) – bikers re-roll failed

Dangerous Terrain test.

Psyker: (p.50 WH40K, p.28 Eldar)

- Psykers affect Wraith Sight up to 6”

- Farseer Psychic Tests: Roll 2D6 against Leadership stat.

- Perils of the Warp: On a Psychic Test roll of 2 or 12, Psyker is attacked.

Suffers 1 wound; no armour or cover saves, must pass invulnerable

save twice (but see Ghosthelm). If roll “2” power works even if


Rune Armour: Confers a 4+ invulnerable save. (p.26 Eldar)

Runes of Warding: All enemy Psychic tests must be taken on 3D6, suffering a

Perils of the Warp attack on any roll of 12+. (p.26 Eldar)

Singing Spear: 12" Range; Sx; AP6; Assault 1; Wounds on 2+; Strength 9 vs.

vehicles; Two handed (p.27 Eldar)



Most Farseers shepherd their

Craftworld from a safe vantage

point within the Dome of

Crystal Seers. Ciara Lorcáin

provides leadership to the

Swordwind‟s Aspect Warriors

directly on the battlefield.

Ciara is a relative newcomer to

the Path of the Witch. She

formerly trod the Path of the

Warrior as an acolyte of the

Howling Banshee Shrine.

The Witch Path beckoned, and

she commenced her current

journey only a few Standard

decades ago. The intricacies

and challenges of runic lore

have quickly drawn her mind

far down this path. So much so

that she feels she can never

turn back.

She is known for saying “She

who sees the doom of others

can deliver it.”

Pts WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

Ciara Lorcáin 158 5 5 3 3/4 3 5 1 10 3+/4++

Page 4: Asurmen s Academy by DaveV

Pts WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

Saoirse Riagáin 133 6 6 3/6 3/4 3 6/10 3/4 10 3+/4++

Number/squad: 1 Autarch (p.29 & p.60 Eldar)

Unit Type: Eldar Jetbike

Weapons: Fusion Gun, Haywire Grenades, Laser Lance, Plasma Grenades,

Shuriken Pistol, Twin-Linked Shuriken Catapults

Wargear: Eldar Jetbike, Banshee Mask, Forceshield


Eldar Jetbike: (p.53 WH40K)

- Movement: Move 12" over terrain. Start/end move in Difficult Terrain, takes

Dangerous Terrain test. Land on top of Impassable Terrain, takes

Dangerous Terrain test. (Dangerous Terrain p.14 WH40K)

- Turbo Boosters (USR p.76 WH40K) - move 18"- 24" over terrain, gain 3+ cover

save, conditions apply.

- Shooting: Fire one weapon per rider. Relentless (USR p.76 WH40K) – fire as if

stationary and still assault.

- Assault: Move 6" in Assault phase. If not Assaulting, affected by Difficult

Terrain as in Movement phase.

- Fall back 3D6", treating Difficult Terrain as Dangerous. (Dangerous Terrain

p.14 WH40K)

- Confers 3+ armour save and +1 Toughness (not vs. Instant Death). (Instant

Death p.26 WH40K)

Banshee Mask: In the first round of an assault, counts as Initiative 10.

(p.31 Eldar)

Forceshield: Confers a 4+ invulnerable save. (p.29 Eldar)

Independent Character: Skilled Rider (USR p.76 WH40K) – bikers re-roll failed

Dangerous Terrain test.

Master Strategist: May choose to add 1 to all Reserves rolls while still alive,

whether she is in play or not; a roll of “1” still fails. (p.29 Eldar)


HQThe Path of Command is very

demanding. To become an

Autarch, an Eldar needs to

travel multiple Paths of the

Warrior, and still be able to

retain themselves from getting

lost on the path and becoming

an Exarch. The Autarch is able

to use a wide variety of

wargear, reflecting his or her

experience with all facets of

warfare. They can use almost

any piece of weaponry from

the Aspect Shrines, although

not artifacts exclusive to the


Saoirse has chosen to wield

weapons and wargear

associated with the Shining

Spear, Howling Banshee and

Fire Dragon Shrines.

She is the head of the

Farseer‟s battle staff. She

advocates defeating an

adversary through shock,

brought about by movement.

Her motto is “Preempt,

dislocate, disrupt.”

“Only when you have fallen screaming upon

those who know they are already dead can

you understand the Banshee.”

- Anthrillien Morningchild, Autarch of Yme-Loc

Page 5: Asurmen s Academy by DaveV

Unit Type: Vehicle (Skimmer, Tank, Fast); Transports 12 models (p.45 & p.63

Eldar, p.71 WH40K)

Weapons: Twin-Linked Shuriken Catapults, Twin-Linked Missile Launchers


Energy Field: The prow is protected by an Energy Field. Protects the Front and

Side arcs. Ranged weapons >S8 are reduced to S8; hits will never roll more than

+1D6 for their AP; does not affect close combat attacks or the Rear arc (p.45


Dire Avengers take to the

battlefield as well-rounded

infantry, armed with the

traditional weapons of the

Eldar, Shuriken Catapults

(although theirs are improved,

with a greater range than

standard Shuriken Catapults).

The Companions constantly

hone their skill at arms. Foes

often underestimate the

firepower that the Companions

can generate.



Wave Serpent


[120] 12 12 10 3

Pts Front Side Rear

Number/squad: 6 Dire Avengers. (p.30 & p.64 Eldar) [72 pts]

Unit Type: Infantry

Weapons: Avenger Shuriken Catapults.


Fleet: Unit may assault in the same turn it has Run. (USR p.75 & Run! p.16


Pts WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

Dire Avengers 192 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 9 4+

Page 6: Asurmen s Academy by DaveV

Unit Type: Vehicle (Skimmer, Tank, Fast); Transports 12 models (p.45 & p.63

Eldar, p.71 WH40K)

Weapons: Twin-Linked Shuriken Catapults, Twin-Linked Bright Lances


Energy Field: The prow is protected by an Energy Field. Protects the Front and

Side arcs. Ranged weapons >S8 are reduced to S8; hits will never roll more than

+1D6 for their AP; does not affect close combat attacks or the Rear arc (p.45


Dire Avengers are the oldest

and most numerous of all the

Aspect Warriors. They

represent the Aspect of the

War God as „Noble Warrior.‟

The Blood Redeemers have

made an oath to be unstinting

in their devotion to the Eldar


They have the honour of once

serving under Asurmen himself.

He unexpectedly materialized,

aiding in bitter fighting against

Khornate forces on Kasr Rorn.



Wave Serpent


[135] 12 12 10 3

Pts Front Side Rear

Number/squad: 5 Dire Avengers. (p.30 & p.64 Eldar) [60 pts]

Unit Type: Infantry

Weapons: Avenger Shuriken Catapults.


Fleet: Unit may assault in the same turn it has Run. (USR p.75 & Run! p.16


Pts WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

Dire Avengers 195 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 9 4+

Page 7: Asurmen s Academy by DaveV

Unit Type: Vehicle (Skimmer, Tank, Fast); Transports 12 models (p.45 & p.63

Eldar, p.71 WH40K)

Weapons: Twin-Linked Shuriken Catapults, Twin-Linked Shuriken Cannons


Energy Field: The prow is protected by an Energy Field. Protects the Front and

Side arcs. Ranged weapons >S8 are reduced to S8; hits will never roll more than

+1D6 for their AP; does not affect close combat attacks or the Rear arc (p.45


The Fire Dragon Aspect is

modeled after the dragon of

Eldar myth – a sinuous, fire-

breathing reptile representing

wanton destruction.

Fate‟s Tears is a squad of

hardened professionals. They

are fanatically devoted to

Ciara. Without hesitation,

Fate‟s Tears will burn down

anyone standing before them.



Wave Serpent


[100] 12 12 10 3

Pts Front Side Rear

Number/squad: 5 Fire Dragons. (p.32 & p.62 Eldar) [80 pts]

Unit Type: Infantry

Weapons: Fusion Guns and Melta Bombs.


Fleet: Unit may assault in the same turn it has Run. (USR p.75 & Run! p.16


Pts WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

Fire Dragons 180 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 9 4+

“The stars themselves once lived and died

at our command,

and yet you still dare to oppose our will.”

- Farseer Mirehn Bielann

Page 8: Asurmen s Academy by DaveV

Unit Type: Vehicle (Skimmer, Tank, Fast); Transports 12 models (p.45 & p.63

Eldar, p.71 WH40K)

Weapons: Shuriken Cannon, Twin-Linked Shuriken Cannons


Energy Field: The prow is protected by an Energy Field. Protects the Front and

Side arcs. Ranged weapons >S8 are reduced to S8; hits will never roll more than

+1D6 for their AP; does not affect close combat attacks or the Rear arc (p.45


The role of the Fire Dragons is

to attack heavily-armoured

targets with superheated


Ancient Whispers carries the

second chorus of Fate‟s Tears

into battle. With her great

speed, she can deliver them

wherever Ciara decrees that

they are needed most.



Wave Serpent


[110] 12 12 10 3

Pts Front Side Rear

Number/squad: 5 Fire Dragons. (p.32 & p.62 Eldar) [80 pts]

Unit Type: Infantry

Weapons: Fusion Guns and Melta Bombs.


Fleet: Unit may assault in the same turn it has Run. (USR p.75 & Run! p.16


Pts WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

Fire Dragons 190 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 9 4+

“There is no art more beautiful and diverse

than the art of Death.”

- Laconfir of Biel-Tan

Page 9: Asurmen s Academy by DaveV

Warp Spiders take their name

from tiny creatures which

move throughout the

wraithbone core of the

Craftworld. They melt their

bodies into the infinity circuit

and crystallize at a new

location. These tiny warp

spiders hunt and destroy alien

psychic fragments that might

otherwise corrupt the

wraithbone core.

This Warrior Aspect personifies

the doctrine of aggressive

defense. By use of short warp-

jumps, they can make sudden

and totally unexpected


Soul Hunter was trapped long

ago on the Warrior Path.

Obsessively, he keeps a careful

count of the lives he destroys.

In his battlesuit, he looks like a

Daemon from ancient legend.

The Dream Weavers strike deep

into the heart of the enemy,

surprising their foes. The

surprise never lasts for very


Their motto is “No barrier

shall thwart our purpose.“




Number/squad: 5; Exarch Soul Hunter leads 4 Warp Spiders. (p.36 & p.65 Eldar)

[127 pts]

Unit Type: Jump Infantry

Weapons: Soul Hunter is armed with two Death Spinners. Warp Spiders are armed

with Death Spinners.

Wargear: Warp Jump Generators.


Jump Infantry: (p.52 WH40K)

- Movement: May move 12" over terrain. Start/end move in Difficult Terrain, take

Dangerous Terrain test. Land on top of Impassable Terrain, take

Dangerous Terrain test. (Dangerous Terrain p.14 WH40K)

- Assault: Assault 6", affected by Difficult Terrain as normal infantry.

- Fall back 3D6", treating Difficult Terrain as Dangerous.

Warp Jump Generators: (p.36 Eldar, Deep Strike p.95 WH40K)

- Move as Jump Infantry (p. 52 WH40K)

- May make second jump in Assault phase when not assaulting or fighting in an

assault; move 2D6" in direction nominated. May make second jump even

if Deep Striking. Model dies if ends move in impassable terrain. If roll

doubles, one model dies. Finish moving as Jump Infantry.

Pts WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

Soul Hunter [39] 5 5 3 3 1 6 2 9 3+

Warp Spiders 127 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 9 3+

Page 10: Asurmen s Academy by DaveV




Vyper Squadron


210 10 10 10 3

Pts Front Side Rear

Number/squad: 3 Vyper Jetbikes. (p. 41 & p.65 Eldar) [210 pts]

Unit Type: Vehicle (Skimmer, Fast, Open-Topped).

Weapons: Each Vyper is armed with a Scatter Laser and a Shuriken Cannon


Units of Vehicles - Squadrons (p.64 WH40K)

- Movement: All squadron vehicles move at same speed band, e.g. Combat

Speed. All vehicles have to maintain 4” coherency.

- Shooting: All squadron vehicles shoot at the same unit. When shot at, use

common Armour Value or, if different, use AV of facing of the closest

vehicle. Controlling player allocates glancing and penetrating hits. RE:

damage results: treat all “Immobilized” results as “Destroyed

(Wrecked)”, and treat all “Stunned” results as “Shaken”.

- Assault: Enemy models roll to hit and for armour penetration against the

squadron as a whole. Damage results are as above.

Vyper jetbikess are highly

mobile weapons platforms,

capable of laying down a

withering hail of fire even at

high speed. Although not

heavily armoured, their ability

to skim quickly through the air

provides them with as sure a

defense as any amount of thick

armour plating.

Breaking Waves moves around

the periphery of battle,

darting out of cover to snipe at

targets of opportunity, then

fading away again. This

stealthy mode of warfare

raises much ire among the

Swordwind‟s foes.

Page 11: Asurmen s Academy by DaveV




Night Spinner


115 12 12 10 3

Pts Front Side Rear

Number/squad: 1 Night Spinner grav tank. (p.25 WD365, p.71 WH40K) [115 pts]

Unit Type: Vehicle (Skimmer, Tank, Fast).

Weapons: Twin-Linked Doomweaver, Twin-Linked Shuriken Catapults

The Night Spinner artillery

vehicle spins threads of

monofilament wire known as

the Chain of Vaul, named after

the unbreakable bonds of Eldar


This particular tank is named

after her most renowned pilot,

who was killed in action

fighting against the Tyranids.

The crew of War Prayer are not

afraid of sacrificing

themselves, as long as they are

protecting the citizens of the



Total Cost: 1500 Points

# Models: 36

# Scoring Units: 2

“Let not the fear of death stay your hand

nor defeat your courage.”

- Phoenix Lord Maugan Ra

Page 12: Asurmen s Academy by DaveV


(p.68 Eldar; Twin-Linked weapons re-roll misses, p.31 WH40K)

Avenger Shuriken Catapult 18" Range; S4; AP5; Assault 2 (Assault Weapons p.28 WH40K)

Bright Lance 36” Range; S8; AP2: Heavy 1; Lance (Lance p.32 WH40K)

Death Spinner 12" Range; S6; AP-; Assault 2 (Assault Weapons p.28 WH40K;

Exarch with 2 Death Spinners counts as Assault 4)

Doomweaver 12”-72” Range; S6; AP-; Heavy 1; Barrage; Large Blast; Rending;

Monofilament Web (Mark units hit, the next time units move they count as

being in both Difficult and Dangerous Terrain. Barrage p.32 &

Rending p.31 WH40K, Doomweaver p.25 WD365)

Fusion Gun 12" Range; S8; AP1; Assault 1; Melta (Assault Weapons p.28 &

Melta p.32 WH40K)

Haywire Grenades One attack against vehicles (pp.63, 70 & 73 WH40K).

D6: 1 = NE, 2-5 = Glance, 6 = Penetrating hit (p.35 Eldar)

Laser Lance 6" Range; S6; AP4; Assault 1; Lance (Lance p.32 WH40K;

S6 Power Weapon when initiating an assault, p.37 Eldar)

Melta Bombs One attack w/ 8+2D6 AP (exceptions apply: Vehicles p.63, Fast Vehicles p.70,

Walkers p.73 WH40K)

Missile Launcher 48" Range; S8; AP3; Heavy 1 or S4; AP4; Heavy 1; Blast; Pinning

(Blast p.30 & Pinning p.31 WH40K)

Plasma Grenades Negate initiative penalty for assaulting enemy through cover (p.36 WH40k);

One attack w/ 4+D6 AP (p.63 WH40K)

Scatter Laser 36" Range; S6; AP6; Heavy 4

Shuriken Cannon 24" Range; S6; AP5; Assault 3

Shuriken Catapult 12" Range; S4; AP5; Assault 2

Shuriken Pistol 12" Range; S4; AP5; Pistol (Pistol Weapons p.29 WH40K)

Singing Spear 12" Range; Sx; AP6; Assault 1; Wounds on 2+; S9 vs. vehicles; 2 handed

(p.27 Eldar, Assault Weapons p.28 WH40K)

Page 13: Asurmen s Academy by DaveV


Ciara Lorcáin (1#, 158 pts; ½=79 pts)

1 Farseer @ 158 pts ( Doom; Fortune; Runes of Warding; Eldar Jetbike; Singing Spear)

Saoirse Riagáin (1#, 133 pts; ½=67 pts)

1 Autarch @ 133 pts (Banshee Mask; Eldar Jetbike; Laser Lance; Fusion Gun)

Companions (7#, 192 pts; ½= 96 pts)

6 Dire Avengers @ 72 pts

Fencing Master – 1 Wave Serpent @ 120 pts (TL Missile Launchers)

Blood Redeemers (6#, 195 pts ; ½=98 pts)

5 Dire Avengers @ 60 pts

Peacemaker – 1 Wave Serpent @ 135 pts (TL Bright Lances)

Fate's Tears - 1st Chorus (6#, 180 pts ; ½=90 pts)

5 Fire Dragons @ 80 pts

The Kid – 1 Wave Serpent @ 100 pts (TL Shuriken Cannons)

Fate's Tears - 2nd Chorus (6#, 190 pts; ½=95 pts)

5 Fire Dragons @ 80 pts

Ancient Whispers - 1 Wave Serpent @ 110 pts (Shuriken Cannon; TL Shuriken Cannons)

Breaking Waves (3#, 210 pts; ½=105 pts)

1 Vyper Squadron @ 210 pts

1 Vyper (Scatter Laser; Shuriken Cannon)

1 Vyper (Scatter Laser; Shuriken Cannon)

1 Vyper (Scatter Laser; Shuriken Cannon)

Dream Weavers (5#, 127 pts; ½=64 pts)

4 Warp Spiders @ 88 pts

Soul Hunter – 1 Exarch @ 39 pts (Death Spinner x2)

War Prayer (1#, 115 pts; ½=58 pts)

1 Night Spinner @ 115 pts

Total Roster Cost: 1500 points

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