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Manfaat Air Mawar untuk Kecantikan Kulit, Wajah, Rambut Setelah kemarin kita membahas mengenai manfaat bunga mawar untuk kecantikan, sekarang kita akan kupas habis mengenai kegunaan air bunga mawar untuk kecantikan kulit, wajah dan rambut.

Bunga mawar penuh dengan filosofi. Memiliki bunga yang indah dengan warna-warna yang menarik, tangkai bunga mawar dipenuhi oleh duri yang apabila tidak hati-hati menggenggamnya maka kulit akan tertusuk.

Selain penuh dengan filosofi bagi kehidupan, ternyata bunga mawar juga penuh dengan manfaat, baik untuk kesehatan maupun untuk kecantikan. Air bunga mawar bisa digunakan untuk perawatan kulit dan wajah. Selain itu baik juga dimanfaatkan untuk menjaga kesehatan rambut.

Berikut ini beberapa manfaat dari air mawar yang perlu Anda ketahui.Mengatasi Jerawat

Air bunga mawar dapat digunakan untuk membasuh kulit wajah yang berjerawat. Selain berfungsi sebagai antiradang dan antiseptik, air mawar juga berfungsi sebagai pembersih dengan membersihkan pori-pori. Gunakan air mawar untuk membasuh wajah minimal dua kali sehari.

2. Mengatasi Kulit Kering

Secara alami, air mawar memiliki khasiat untuk melembabkan kulit. Jika Anda memiliki kulit yang kering dan sensitif, gunakan air mawar sebagai toner untuk membasuh wajah minimal 2 kali sehari.

3. Mengatasi Penyakit Kulit

Air mawar dipercaya dapat mengatasi berbagai masalah penyakit kulit. Diantaranya mengatasi eczema, dermatitis, lecet atau luka bakar. Gunakan air mawar seperti menggunakan toner pada saat yang diperlukan.

4. Mencegah Penuaan Dini

Air mawar yang mengandung Rosehip (buah dari biji bunga mawar) memiliki kandungan vitamin C yang sangat tinggi yang merupakan sumber antioksidan yang baik bagi kulit. Antioksidan dalam air mawar tersebut berkhasiat untuk menangkal radikal bebas dan membuat kulit selalu awet muda.

5. Mencerahkan Wajah

Air mawar mengandung vitamin C dan vitamin E yang baik untuk nutrisi kulit dan mampu mencerahkan serta menyegarkan kulit wajah. Celupkan kapas dalam air mawar yang sudah didinginkan, kemudian tepuk-tepukkan pada wajah.

6. Kesehatan Rambut

Selain bermanfaat untuk kulit wajah, air mawar juga baik digunakan untuk menjaga kesehatan rambut. Diantaranya mengatasi ketombe, mengobati iritasi di kulit kepala, melembabkan rambut yang kering hingga membersihkan rambut yang kotor.

7. Mengatasi Mata Lelah

Jika Anda mengalami mata lelah akibat kurang tidur, biasanya akan terlihat lingkaran hitam di bawah

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mata. Tidak perlu panik, karena cara mengatasinya sangat mudah. Cukup kompres mata dengan kapas yang sudah dicelupkan dalam air mawar, suhu dingin lebih baik.

Sebenarnya masih banyak lagi manfaat air mawar yang bisa Anda dapatkan. Misalnya bisa digunakan untuk menghilangkan kemerahan pada kulit akibat pakaian dalam yang ketat.

Ini Dia! 5 Manfaat Minyak Mawar10 Desember 2012 | 12:03Ranu Ario Kurniawan -

Dok. Penowo

Bunga Mawar –  Ternyata minyak  mawar digunakan sebagai ramuan untuk kecantikan oleh para perempuan di India semenjak dahulu. Minyak mawar dianggap sebagai produk perawatan kecantikan tertua oleh bangsa tersebut. Produk tersebut ditambahkan pada air yang dipakai mandi juga dipakai untuk memperhalus kulit wajah.

Bahkan beberapa produk kecantikan modern sekarang ini juga menggunakan bahan tersebut. Jadi apa saja manfaat minyak mawar?

1.  Karena minyak mawar memiliki sebuah kandungan anti radang, menggunakan minyak mawar bisa menolong mengurangi kemerahan karena iritasi atau kulit yang kepanasan.

2. Minyak mawar adalah pembersih yang hebat. Kandungan bahan ini bisa menghapus minyak dan kotoran yang terakumulasi di pori-pori. Karenanya, dua bahan ini bisa digunakan untuk mencegah jerawat.

3.  Minyak ini memiliki kandungan seperti astringent, yaitu senyawa yang berfungsi menciutkan atau mengecilkan jaringan tubuh. Karena itu minyak mawar cocok digunakan sebagai after facial untuk membersihkan dan mengecilkan pori-pori wajah.

4. Aroma mawar dikatakan sebagai sebuah peningkat mood yang hebat. Aroma tersebut bisa menghilangkan perasaan cemas dan menambah perasaan nyaman sehingga Anda bisa relaks. Karena hal tersebut, minyak ini bisa digunakan untuk menolong kita tidur lebih baik dan bangun lebih segar.

5. Salah satu cara terbaik untuk menggunakan minyak ini adalah mengoleskan di wajah saat malam. Minyak ini bisa membersihkan wajah dari segala kotoran yang terkumpul di sepanjang hari itu.

Uses of Agarwood Essential OilThe aroma of agarwood oil is believed to relax the mind, provide emotional stability, and relieve anxiety and depression. Its application also helps to get rid of muscle fatigue and joint pain. Find out more about this essential oil from this Buzzle article.

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Agarwood essential oil is easy to use, but buying it is certainly not that easy as it is quite expensive. However, this pricey essential oil is one of the most revered essential oils owing to its numerous uses. The essential oil is derived from Aquilaria, a genus constituted by rare and threatened species of trees that are cultivated mostly in certain parts of China and Southeast Asia. Fungus overgrowth in these trees lead to the formation of agarwood, a dark resinous wood, from where the aromatic essential oil is extracted by the process of distillation.

Used in PerfumeryIn many countries of Southeast Asia and in Japan, the all-pervasive sweet, woody aroma of this essential oil is what makes it one of the most sought-after ingredients by various perfume manufacturers all over the world.

Relieves Respiratory ProblemsThis essential oil is quite potent when it comes to easing respiratory disorders, such as asthma and bronchitis. It is believed to be anti-asthmatic, which helps treat asthma attacks.

Relieves Digestion ProblemsThis essential oil is believed to be a flatus-relieving oil, which means that it prevents gas buildup in the intestine. So, usage of this essential oil may help release gas and combat bloating that commonly occurs after a heavy meal. Its ability to promote expulsion of gas from the intestine helps to mitigate digestion problems effectively.

Promotes Mental HealthThis essential oil can also be helpful in promoting emotional and mental well-being. The aroma of this oil has a positive impact on the mind, promoting emotional healing. The deep emotional impact after inhaling the aroma of this essential oil can help to calm the mind as well as overcome negative emotions. Emotional disturbances that lead to anxiety and depression can effectively be treated with this essential oil.

Relieves PainThis oil alleviates physical discomfort caused by muscle fatigue, aches, spasms, and joint pain. Massaging it on painful sites can help relieve sore and achy muscles. It acts as a natural muscle relaxant, hence its application can help relieve body pain.

Improves Dermatological HealthA skin care routine that involves usage of agarwood essential oil is actually quite effective in combating various skin problems, leaving one with a clear complexion and better skin. No wonder, it is an active ingredient of luxury skin care cream brands.

Improves LibidoPeople suffering from sexual dysfunction may benefit by using this essential oil. Believed to be a libido enhancer, it may help in the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

Other Medicinal UsesChinese herbal remedies advocate the usage of this oil for the treatment of liver disorders,

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such as cirrhosis. The essential oil is thought to have anticonvulsant properties, which may help treat epilepsy.

It is believed that agarwood oil played a crucial role in clearing the mind and thus facilitating the achievement of spiritual enlightenment of Indian sages. Even today, the Japanese shamans use this oil to perform mystical rituals in order to alleviate individual suffering.

The US FDA does not endorse the benefits of agarwood essential oil. Hence, its usage is not advocated without consulting a doctor.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expertRead more at Buzzle:

Kaffir Lime | Citrus HystrixCommon Name and Occurrence: Kaffir Lime or Citrus hystrix or Citrus amblycarpa belongs is a type of lime native to Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia It is popularly known as makrut in Thailand and limau parut in some regions of Southeast Asia.

Everyone at some point in their gastronomic adventures has eaten Thai red curry or the green one; sipped on the spicy Tom Yum and the Tom Kha soups and wondered what is it that makes these dishes so zesty and flavorful? It's the lime leaves in the food that lends them that distinct flavor typical of the Southeast Asian cuisine.

Parts Used: Kaffir Lime has a bumpy fruit with a rough skin Open it and it resembles a sweet lime, except that it's not so sweet Bitter in taste, it is often pickled in particular Indian cultures The kaffir lime leaf is a typical double leaf joined such that the lower part of the leaf is oval and the upper part resembles a heart shape The leaf when fresh is shiny in appearance and is replete with essential oils.

Apart from culinary uses for which most people know this plant, it has other uses which make it a regular in most Thai homes and backyards In popular Thai culture, this plant is known to cleanse the mind and the body and ward off evil spirit, which explains every house having one!

The fruit is not as extensively used as are the leaves However, the juice of the fruit is good for healthy gums It has bleaching properties and when mixed with detergent can fight the toughest stains The rind of the fruit is used in many digestive tonics and blood purifiers.

Benefits And Medicinal Uses Of Kaffir LimeThe leaves however are the richest part of the plant They are easy to store since they can be frozen for many months without losing flavor Just one or two are enough to flavor a pot full of soup The leaves can be rubbed on to gums and teeth for total dental health The essential oil in

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the leaves is extracted and used for various purposes It is a used in many bath products such as soaps and shampoos The oil is a great hair and scalp cleanser The aroma of the leaves is rejuvenating; add a few drops of oil or a few crushed leaves to your bath and you will feel your negative thoughts ease away It is believed to have a positive effect on the mind and the body and leaves one with positive thoughts The oil is also infused in deodorants and body sprays for that extra zing The oil is also used in tonics which aid in digestion and purify the blood Air fresheners with the kaffir lime aroma freshen up rooms and give a feeling of a freshly cleaned room.

Great in taste and abounding in various benefits, this plant is a great choice for your backyard and if you don't have a backyard, reserve some room for the leaves in your refrigerator

5 Manfaat Memakai Hand & Body LotionRabu, 28 November 2012 10:30 - Dari semua produk kecantikan wanita, hand & body lotion adalah benda yang harus Anda miliki di meja rias. Hand & body lotion adalah produk yang harus dipakai semua wanita. Mengapa? Inilah alasannya:

Menjaga Kelembaban Kulit

Fungsi utama dari pelembab, khususnya hand & body lotion adalah menjaga kelembaban kulit. Seperti yang kita tahu, mandi dan memakai sabun dapat menghilangkan kelembaban alami kulit. Pemakaian hand & body lotion setelah mandi akan mengganti kelembaban yang hilang sekaligus membantu menjaga kelembaban kulit sepanjang hari.

Mencegah Kulit Bersisik dan Kusam

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Walaupun seseorang memiliki kulit normal, pasti ada beberapa bagian tubuh yang lebih kering dibanding daerah lain. Karena itu, pemakaian hand & body lotion membantu menjaga kelembaban bagian yang lebih kering. Daerah yang lebih kering ini biasanya pada kaki, sehingga menimbulkan guratan putih seperti sisik. Bisa juga di daerah lutut dan siku yang tampak lebih kusam dan gelap dibanding daerah lain. Pemakaian hand & body lotion secara teratur akan mencegah kulit bersisik dan kusam.

Melembutkan Kulit dan Membuatnya Bersinar

Mayoritas hand & body lotion dirancang untuk melembutkan kulit. Tidak hanya setelah diaplikasikan saja, tetapi juga memberi kelembutan ekstra sepanjang hari. Jika Anda teratur memakai hand & body lotion setiap kali selesai mandi, maka kulit Anda akan terhindar dari kusam dan membuat kulit lebih bersinar. Terlebih lagi jika Anda rajin mengaplikasikan hand & body lotion saat kulit terasa kering (misalnya di ruang ber-AC), maka kulit Anda selalu sehat dan bersinar.

Memberi Perlindungan Kulit

Hand & body lotion masa kini tidak hanya memberi efek melembabkan, tetapi juga menambahkan beberapa bahan untuk memberi perlindungan pada kulit. Perlindungan yang sering ditawarkan hand & body lotion adalah perlindungan dari sinar matahari, tidak hanya mencegah kulit menjadi gelap, tetapi juga mencegah bahaya UV A dan UV B bagi kesehatan kulit. Saat ini telah banyak hand & body lotion yang dilengkapi antioksidan sebagai pelindung dari radikal bebas.

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Aromanya Membuat Tenang

Mayoritas hand & body lotion sengaja diberi aroma yang lembut dan menangkan. Hal ini bukan tanpa alasan, karena saat mengaplikasikan hand & body lotion, akan lebih baik jika diberi pijatan lembut. Kulit tidak hanya lembut, tubuh akan menjadi lebih rileks dan tenang. Aroma hand & body lotion biasanya tidak tahan lama, jadi tidak perlu khawatir aromanya akan bertabrakan dengan parfum yang akan Anda pakai.

Dengan semua manfaat itu, jangan lupa memakai hand & body lotion setiap selesai mandi dan pada saat dibutuhkan.

MANFAAT GARAM LAUT BAGI KESEHATAN KULIT Garam yang berasal dari laut ternyata tidak hanya dipakai sebagai bumbu masakan, tapi ternyata dapat dimanfaatkan untuk kecantikan. Garam laut mempunyai kandungan di antaranya kalsium, potasium, magnesium, sulfat dan merkuri yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk perawatan kecantikan. Garam laut adalah hasil dari evaporasi air laut yang bentuknya seperti kristal.

Garam laut adalah bahan dasar produk kecantikan seperti bath salt, salt scrubs, body wraps, sabun dan produk kosmetik seperti make up. Garam laut yang dipakai sebagai bahan dasar produk perawatan kecantikan biasanya diambil dari tempat yang belum banyak terjamah tangan manusia sehingga masih banyak mengandung mineral, salah satu tempat itu adalah Laut Mati.

Manfaat yang didapat dari mandi garam laut adalah:

Dengan cara digosokkan, kandungan mineral yang ada di dalam garam laut dapat menstimulasi peredaran darah menjadi lancar.

Masalah kulit seperti jerawat, kaki pecah-pecah dan keluhan kulit lain dapat diatasi dengan berendam menggunakan garam laut beberapa kali dalam satu minggu dan dilakukan dengan teratur.

Mandi menggunakan garam laut dapat dijadikan terapi bagi penderita alergi pada kulit. Kandungan magnesium di dalamnya membersihkan dan mendetoksifikasi reaksi alergi.

Semua kandungan garam laut dapat mengatasi kerutan pada wajah dan semua keluhan penuaan pada kulit.

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Baru-baru ini Larissa mengeluarkan perawatan baru (Exfoliation) yang berbahan dasar garam laut, yaitu sea salt scrubs atau yang dikenal dengan istilah salt glow. Menurut International Spa Association, sea salt scrubs ini adalah bahan scrub yang paling digemari oleh penikmat spa karena sangat efektif untuk mengangkat sel kulit mati dan kaya akan mineral yang dibutuhkan tubuh, seperti magnesium klorida (MgCl2) dan kalium klorida (Kcl). Jenis-jenis scrubs yang dipakai adalah:

a. Lavender sea salt scrub (Lavender salt glow)Berbahan aktif garam laut dan lavender oil yang bermanfaat sebagai antioksidan dan cocok untuk segala jenis kulit.b. Rose tea sea salt scrub (Rose tea salt glow)berbahan aktif garam laut dan rose tea extract yang mempunyai kegunaan sebagai antiseptic dan cocok untuk kulit normal cenderung berjerawat.c. Milky sea salt scrub (Milky salt glow)Berbahan aktif sea salt dan milk (susu) yang cocok untuk kulit kering dan berfungsi untuk mencerahkan.

Selain perawatan baru yang menggunakan garam laut, Larissa juga mengeluarkan produk baru yang salah satu jenisnya berbahan dasar garam laut, yaitu Revitalizing Bath salt (berbahan aktif garam laut dan peach extract, cocok untuk kulit normal) dan Relaxing Bath Salt (berbahan aktif garam laut dan Lavender extract, cocok untuk kulit kering). Kedua produk tersebut merupakan satu rangkaian dari produk Relaxing Series (untuk kulit kering) dan Revitalizing Series (untuk kulit normal) yang terdiri dari body wash, body scrub, body lotion, soap dan bath salt.

Benefits of Frangipani Essential Oil

Posted December 8th, 2013 by AsianSpaProduct.

There are a number of unique benefits to frangipani essential oil. In addition to their natural aging skin care properties, these products are also used extensively in aromatherapy. Many of the most luxurious spa treatments make use of frangipani as a relaxation material, because it has the ability to help people retain their calm, and even a new sense of grounding and self.

Frangipani tree is known as the “Tree of Life” and highly regarded for centuries for its healing powers. Frangipani essential oil has a prominent place in aromatherapy due to the scent’s rejuvenating qualities for the mind and body when the essence is inhaled. In addition, it is believed that aromatherapy with frangipani oil effects deep internal cleansing that refreshes the body, mind and soul.

The romantic scent of frangipani essential oil can last for many long hours due to its high concentration and originally strong aroma and is used in high class perfumery. Its scent encourages a sensual and almost provocative response due to its rich and exotic floral smell and is popular among high-class people.

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Aside from its magnificent scent, frangipani essential oil is highly regarded for its amazing benefits to the skin and hair. Frangipani essential oil can also be used in cosmetics, massage oil, bath and beauty products as it serves as a perfect skin care because of its age defying effects. It helps in revitalizing the skin and hair, and gives optimum moisture. It is easily absorbed by the skin thereby making the skin healthier, smoother and softer. It also provides protection against the harmful UV-rays of the sun.

Frangipani essence oil is used in the bath, in massage oils and creams and in various beauty products for natural skin care that defies the aging process. The ability of the essence to increase self awareness and inner peace has drawn people to it to ease stress and anxiety and revive their spirits. Natural Frangipani is also used in skin care in creams and lotions due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. The anti-inflammatory properties of the frangipani essential oil are known to relieve inflammation, back pain, headache and Tinnitus among others.

Frangipani essential oil is used favorably during and after baths. The rejuvenation experience is sensational to all the senses in the body and offers a tranquil and personal atmosphere. It will instantly relieve stress and replenish the mind and body.

During massages, the combined aromatherapy scent of frangipani essential oil and its moisturizing properties makes it perfect to rub on the skin. It is an incomparable sensual experience that’s sure to regain confidence and self-esteem most especially for women. It also soothes and relaxes nerves and muscles of the body.

A few drops of scented frangipani oil in the bathtub, for example, will heighten your senses and give you that same feeling of renewal that you would achieve in the spa. In addition, many natural health care products incorporate this essential ingredient in their skin care products. It can help clarify and tone skin.

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Frangipani (Plumeria) Oil in healing and symbolPosted on February 15, 2013 by Siannaphey


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3 Votes

Frangipani is one of my favourite essential oils to work with and it is also expensive to purchase (10ml =up to$40).  But I couldn’t simply live with out it – the  sweet scent of buttery soft  floral petals enhanced by citrus is very appetizing!! I remember in my teens I would try to make my own flower infusions (not successfully I might add). I find Frangipani a wonderful companion to Australian Sandalwood (another favourite of mine).

My house is blessed with this beautiful tree, one sheltering my bedroom window and the others framing the front of the house. It’s beautiful waxy cream and yellow flowers make me happy, and it is a joy to see the flowers reappearing between December and April each year.

Frangipani is one of the most enticing and captivating scents due to its uplifting and soul soothing qualities and Ancient Indians believed it to be the “Tree of Life” due to its healing capacity. The oil will instantly relieve stress and replenish the mind and body, to induce peace and tranquility in your internal and external awareness. It also helps one to regain confidence and self-esteem, while soothing and relaxing the nerves and muscles of the body.  

In the language of flowers, Frangipani (Plumeria) are said to stand for love long in absence and it is associated with “love” in Feng Shui. According to Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs (by Scott Cunningham; Llewellyn Publications, 1984) the frangipani (plumeria) is associated with the feminine, ruled by Venus, its element is water, its deity is Buddha, its power is love and its magical uses are in love spells.

“Warming” oils — such as those from Frangipani, Sandalwood, Lotus flower, Frankinense, Cinnamon and Basil — are said to have a calming influence on those suffering from fear, anxiety, insomnia or tremors, according to the principles of Ayurveda, a 5,000-year-old Indian holistic science that seeks to balance mind, body and spirit.

Here is an overview of the oil properties

Fragrance: sweet, heady, fruity, floral

Emotions: Relieves stress (sedative), refreshes, instills high self-esteem, inspires romance, fearlessness, self harmonizing; Uplifts overall emotions about the self and the surrounding environment.

Skincare: Moisturizing on the skin (used by massage therapists to moisturize during massage). Smoothes dry and cracked skin, absorbs easily and helps keep skin soft. In India the oil has been used as the treatment for itches and fevers. It is believed that Mayan people added it for skin treatments.

Physical: Aphrodisiac, astringent, relieves inflammation, antioxidant, purifying, tones, reduces headache, relieves back pain and tinnitus, soothes and relaxes nerves and muscles; Excellent for maintaining well-functioning systems throughout the body.

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Spiritual: Inner and outer self-awareness, inner peace and harmony, uplifts spirits and nourishes the soul.

Chakras Affected: First Chakra: Represents Courage, Passion, and Loyalty. This chakra allows one to be grounded and connected to the Earth. Fourth Chakra: Promotes love and a sense of trust in the grand design

Some Aromatherapy oils and their benefits. This list and contents are being continually updated as information is obtained.

Information provided Oxford Aromatherapy on aromatherapy oils and blends is does not guarantee complete or accurate information.  The information is to be considered educational only.   Consult your doctor or trained aromatherapy practitioner before using.

Absinthe: Artemisca absinthum is above all a stomach medicine, being useful for indigestion, gastric pain, and lack of appetite, as well as the related problems of heartburn and flatulence, fevers, dysentery, asthma, burns, anaemia. It is also said to be helpful for liver insufficiency by stimulating liver and gallbladder secretions, jaundice. Anthelmintic, choleretic, deodorant, emmenagogue, febrifuge, insect repellent, narcotic, stimulant (digestive), tonic. Absinthe blends well with jasmine, orange and lavender. Pure Absinthe oil is poisonous. Relatively small doses may cause nervous disorders, convulsions, insomnia, nightmares, and other symptoms. Not commonly used by Aromatherapists.

Anethi: Anethum sowa - Oil made bt steam distilation from the seeds of a plant also known as East Indian Dill. Freshh sweet herbaceous scent.

Angelica: for respiratory problems and as a tonic for digestive systems, helps coughs and colds

Anise or Aniseed Pimpanella anisum: Top Note. Antiseptic, antispasmodic, carminative, diuretic, expectorant, galactogogue, stimulant, stomachic. Effective with the digestive system. It may be used to relieve dyspepsia, colic and flatulence in individuals with gas accumulation or those suffering from nauseous migraines. A massage of the digestive area when blended with peppermint, nutmeg and carrier oil, is quite soothing. It can also be helpful when massaged onto sore muscles or joints.It is also recommended for those with heart palpitations and any breathing difficulty from upper respiratory conditions. Expectorant useful for bronchitis and spasmodic asthma. It is said to increase Qi, restoring cardiac and respiratory functions while stimulating the lungs and expelling phlegm.

Amber: a rare and highly sought after scent and a natural perfume or as a relaxing bath oil. Additionally, you may mix it with sweet almond oil, jojoba oil or your favourite vegetable oil to make your own amber massage or body oil. Amber Essence Oil is also the perfect base oil for your own essential oil blends. Enjoyed by both men and women for its sensuous nature. It also may be used as a reliever of stress or anxiety, or to calm the mind for meditation or clear thinking

Basil Ocimum basilicum Top note: A liquorice-like scent that is stimulating. Colourless to light yellow. For reparatory infections, treatment of mouth ulcers, stimulating, good for mental fatigue and migraines, also for wasp stings and snake bites. It is useful for its antispasmodic properties which is beneficial to the respiratory system and can aid in relieving sinus congestion, asthma, bronchitis, influenza, or whooping cough. It is also beneficial for all types of fevers.. It is best if used for conditions when there is fatigue, cold and/or depression present. Basil is also useful for digestive disorders such as vomiting, gastric spasms, nausea, dyspepsia and hiccups. Analgesic, antidepressant, antiseptic, antispasmodic, carminative, cephalic, diaphoretic, digestive, emmenagogue, expectorant, febrifuge, nervine, sudorific, immune stimulant. Restorative, tonic, antidepressant, refreshing, uplifting, fortifying, purifying, clearing, warming, cephalic, and stupefying (in excess). Its active principles include methyl-chavicol, linalol, cineol, eugenol, pinene and camphor. Basil also makes a good massage oil for tired, overworked muscles and is often used by athletes, dancers, and others involved in strenuous physical activities. The chavicol version of basil is somewhat of an irritant, especially to the skin, and can be be stupifying in large doses. Use in moderation and avoid use over a long-period of time. Avoid during pregnancy or with a history of estrogen-dependent cancer.

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Benzoin Styrax benzoin: contains vanillin which gives it a creamy aroma. Soothing and comforting. Add to massage oil for penetrating/warming winter rub. A useful protection against roughened skin, especially for those who work outdoors. May need warming.

Bergamot: for fevers, tension, wounds, stress, anti-depressant, ingredient in Earl Grey Tea. Hot compress  treatment of boils

Birch: treatment RSI, cellulite, inflamed tendons (tenosynovitis),  Has a cortisone-like action and is beneficial for bone, muscle and joint discomfort. It has been helpful in decreasing pain from arthritis, tendonitis, and rheumatism.

Birch Bud: diuretic, blood-cleanser and skin treatment, dermatitis boils and ulcers Black Pepper: for muscular pain, analgesic, digestive stimulant, warming Cardamon (or Cardamom): digestive aid, used in India as aphrodisiac Cajeput: inhalation for colds and reparatory infections Carrot Seed Daucus carota: Middle Note. Wood-earthy, herbaceous scent that is slightly

spicy-sweet, dry and warm.  Carminative, cytophylactic, depurative, diuretic, emmenagogue, hepatic, stimulant, anathematic, antiseptic, tonic, vasodilatory, smooth muscle relaxant. An excellent blood purifier due to its detoxifying effect on the liver. Used to treat jaundice and hepatitis, and is reputed to increase red blood corpuscles. Traditionally, it has been used to boost the general action of all organs, including the kidney and gallbladder. May be helpful for anaemia, accumulation of toxins, arthritis, gout, oedema, rheumatism, colic, anorexia, indigestion and liver congestion. It may also assist in glandular problems and PMS or hormonal imbalances.Clearing effect on the mind and can help relieve feelings of stress and exhaustion. In skin care it can improve the complexion due to its stimulating effect on red blood cells and add tone and elasticity as well. It is useful for weeping sores, ulcers, vitiligo, pruritis, boils, carbuncles, eczema, and psoriasis.

Cananga Cananga odorata - another name for Ylang Ylang Cassia  (Cinnamomum cassia) is a slender evergreen native to Southeast China as well as

Vietnam and India. Also know as Chinese Cinnamon, Cassia has a long history of traditional use. Today, the warm, spicy aroma of Cassia Oil is popular in aromatherapy and is often a component of potpourri. This essential oil is steam-distilled and 100% pure.Not for topical use.  Do not use during pregnancy. Reported to be the Natural Lipase Inhibitor for Losing Weight Safely and Effectively. Stomachic, carminative, mildly astringent, said to be emmenagogue and capable of decreasing the secretion of milk. The tincture is useful in uterine haemorrhage and menorrhagia, the doses of 1 drachm being given every 5, 10 or 20 minutes as required. It is chiefly used to assist and flavour other drugs, being helpful in diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, and to relieve flatulence. Not widely used by UK Aromatherapists.

Cederwood, Virginian: acne, arthritis, bronchitis, coughs, cystitis, dandruff, dermatitis, insect repellent, vaginal infections, stress, men's toiletries 

Celery: for depression especially associated with rheumatoid arthritis, gout.  God for liver and digestive system or an an emmenagogue (helps irregular menstruation)

Celery Seed: Apium graveolens -  China, Hungary, India, Netherlands, USA. Yellowish to greenish brown liquid with a pleasant aromatic odour.he seeds are used in steam distillation to produce the oil. Uses: amenorrhea, arthritis, dyspepsia, flatulence, gout, indigestion, jaundice, liver congestion, rheumatism.

Cempaka (tropical magnolia): an oil used mainly in Indonesia for stress relief Chamomile German:  Abscesses, allergies, arthritis, boils, colic, cuts, cystitis, dermatitis,

dysmenorrhoea, earache, flatulence, hair, headache, inflamed skin, insect bites, insomnia, nausea, neuralgia, PMS, rheumatism, sores, sprains, strains, stress, wounds.

Chamomile Roman: Abscesses, allergies, arthritis, boils, colic, cuts, cystitis, dermatitis, dysmenorrhoea, earache, flatulence, hair, headache, inflamed skin, insect bites, insomnia, nausea, neuralgia, PMS, rheumatism, sores, sprains, strains, stress, wounds

Cinnamon:  Warming good for poor circulation, aches and pains and following illness. Can be a skin irritant and great care must be used especially with old people

Cornmint: another name for Peppermint oil. Coriander Coriandrum Sativum:   This oil, as shown in research to lower glucose levels by

normalizing insulin levels and supporting pancreas function. It also has anti-inflammatory and sedative properties.

Clary Sage: for depression, nerves, sore throats. Normally used instead of Sage. Clove: toothache, asthma, nervous tension, sedative Devil's Claw: Rheumatism, arthritis and other inflammatory conditions

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Cypress: menopausal problems, rheumatism, haemorrhoids, astringent Elimi: excellent skin care oil, anti-stress Fenugreek, Trigonella foenum-graecum: A herb native to southern Europe and Asia. One of

the oldest cultivated medicinal plants,  widely grown today in the Mediterranean countries, Argentina, France, India, North Africa, and the United States as a food, condiment, medicinal, dye, and forage plant. Diosgenin, a steroid sapogenin found in fenugreek but currently isolated from Dioscorea species, is the starting compound for over 60% of the total steroid production by the pharmaceutical industry. Other sapogenins found in fenugreek seed include yamogenin, gitogenin, tigogenin, and neotigogens. Other constituents of fenugreek include mucilage, bitter fixed oil, volatile oil, and the alkaloids choline and trigonelline. Extract of fenugreek is obtained by alcoholic extraction. As a medicinal plant, fenugreek is considered a carminative, demulcent, expectorant, laxative, and stomachic. The plant has also been employed against bronchitis, fevers, sore throats, wounds swollen glands, skin irritations, diabetes, ulcers, and in the treatment of cancer.  Has been used to promote lactation and as an aphrodisiac. Fenugreek is generally recognized as safe for human consumption as a spice or natural seasoning and as a plant extract.

Dill: flatulence, pains, Amenorrhea Eucalyptus: there are about 300 varieties of eucalyptus.  The Blue Gum of Australia is good

for congestion, powerful bacterial and antiviral. Relives pain in rheumatism, muscular aches and fibrosis. Deters mosquitoes

Fennel: Diuretic and urinary tract antiseptic. Treats cellulites. Regulates menstrual cycle.

Fir Silver (Abies alba): Clearing, refreshing and restoring. From the Siberian fir tree, the distinctive and refreshing pine-forest fragrance has an affinity with the respiratory system and helps to maintain clear sinuses. When used in massage, Silver Fir oil is easing and soothing to muscles and joints.

Frankincense (Olibanun): for calming emotions, asthma, bronchitis, coughs, scars, stress, stretch marks.

Frangipani  (Plumeria alba): Oil originates from  India,  extracted from the flowers. Also known as plumeria. Refreshes and assists in deep cleansing, although often chosen purely for it's scent. Avoid in pregnancy, on babies, and children. Frangipani absolute has a heavy, sweet, floral-green aroma, with a soft spicy background. 

Galbanum (Ferula galbaniflua): Strengthening, relaxing and soothing. Galbanum has an

intensely green-leaf type fragrance that works on the emotional system to balance and promote stability in a stressful world. Highly beneficial when used in massage to relax and soothe tense or tight muscles.

Geranium: Menopausal problems & PMS, acne, cellulites, dull skin, lice, oily skin Geranium Bourbon (Pelargonium graveolens): Balancing and stabilising. Produced in the

Reunion Islands, the fragrance of this oil is considered by most experts to be superior to all other sources of Geranium. Therapeutically, the range of properties are the same as Egyptian Geranium, but Bourbon oil is preferred by many Aromatherapists.

Ginger: Aching muscles, arthritis, nausea, poor circulation, colds,  'flu and diarrhoea.

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A variety of Ginger, Spice Gardens, Penang, Malaysia Feb 04 Grapefruit: Good for cellulite, detoxifier, reduces aches & stiffness especially in athletes.

Good for acne and oily skin, antidepressant. "sunny oil" mentally enlivening. Not a photosensitiser like other citrus based oils (i.e. can be used when exposure to the sun is expected)

Helichrysum (Immortelle) Helichrysum italicum base note: Anti-allergenic, anti-spasmodic anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, antitussive, antispetic, astringent, cholagogue, expectorant, fungicidal, hepatic, and nervine.Main constituents:  Nerol, neryl acetate, geraniol, pinene, linalool, isovaleric aldehyde, sesquiterpenes, furfurol, eugenol.It is a great remedy for depression as it lifts the spirits.  Also good for debility, lethargy, nervous exhaustion and stress due to its strengthening effects on the nervous system.Helpful for circulatory disorders; it can relieve the pain of rheumatism and arthritis and has a beneficial effect on colds, flue, bronchitis, coughs and asthma.  Its regenerating qualities can assist in healing scars,  acne, dermatitis, stretch marks, oils, and abscesses.  It also supports the digestive system, reducing liver and spleen congestion. Avoid in pregnancy. Possible irritant to sensitive skin or in strong dilution. Do not continue use for more than a few days at one time.

Hyssop Hyssopus officinalis  Middle Note: Bruises, colds, coughs, sore throat and asthma when used as an inhalant. Cold compress on bruises. Liquefies mucus and relives bronchial spasms.  Makes a very good air purifier, protecting the room from infection.  Regulatory effect on the circulatory system and helps to raise low blood pressure.  As a tonic, it acts as a mild laxative to the digestive system, relieving stomach cramps and helping to expel wind and worms (used as a compress).  Also relieves menstrual problems associated with water retention and is effective for treating amenorrhoea and leucorrhoea.  It is also good for bruises, dermatitis, and eczema.  Hot compresses can aid with rheumatism. Hyssop enhances feelings of alertness and mental clarity.  It also eases emotional pain by bringing deep feelings into focus.  Toxic due to its pinocamphone content so should be used in low dosages.  Not for epilepsy, high blood pressure, or pregnancy.

Inula: aA rarely used and expensive oil, but is a powerful mucolytic and beaks down mucus Jasmine: Depression, dry skin, exhaustion, labour pains, sensitive skin, coughs,

convalescence tonic. Juniper Berry: Used for cellulites, gout, haemorrhoids, obesity, rheumatism, toxin build-up. Laurel leaf: Positive effects on the lymphatic system, for rheumatism. Lavender: Good for relaxation, acne, allergies, anxiety, asthma, athlete's foot, bruises, burns,

chicken pox, colic, cuts, cystitis, depression, dermatitis, earache, flatulence, headache, hypertension, insect bites, insect repellent, itching, labour pains, migraine, oily skin, rheumatism, scabies, scars, sores, sprains, strains, stress, stretch marks,  whooping cough. Oil can be used directly on burns and will help with healing and reduce scarring. There are many varieties of Lavender including:


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Lavender Bulgarian Lavandula angustifolia . Bulgarian Lavender has a slightly different fragrance to the French type, often having a more full-bodied aroma. However, in action it is very similar to French Lavender and it has the same range of therapeutic properties.

Lavender Croatian Lavandula angustifolia  The Lavender oil produced in Croatia has a sharper, more camphoraceous fragrance . Due to the variations in its natural chemical components, Croatian Lavender is slightly more antiseptic and stimulating.

Lavender English Lavandula angustifolia. At the turn of the century, Lavender grown in the United Kingdom was considered to be the finest in the world.

Lavender French Lavandula angustifolia  Cultivated throughout Europe, the oil produced in France is the most popular, with an almost endless list of therapeutic uses. This highly versatile oil eases tired muscles, balances head tension and soothes sensitive skin. 

Lavender High Altitude Lavandula angustifolia  Lavender grown at high altitudes exhibits the highest total ester content - 52% (linalyl, terpenyl, lavandulyl and geranyl acetates) which makes it the most relaxing of all the Lavenders. This oil appears to have the ability to uplift the mind whilst being relaxing to the body. French high altitude Lavender oil has a well balanced fragrance that is superior to many others, and is often the choice of the aromatherapist.

Lavandin: A wild form of lavender with similar properties but lass of a sedative. Lemon: Good for digestive problems, lowers blood pressure, and a tonic. Removes corns

and warts. Lemongrass: headaches (not directly on the skin) , respiration, insect repellent. Deodorant

and refreshing when used in the bath ( 3 drops only to avoid skin irritation) Lime: acne, asthma, chilblains, colds, dull skin, flu, varicose veins. Linden Blossom: Headache, insomnia, migraine, stress. Litsea Cubeba or May Chang: skin care, very antiseptic and deodorant.  Lotus: Lotus essential oil is known in all of Egyptian folklore to be the most precious oil.

Historically there has been mention of blue lotus and white lotus, however these are not easily found today. This green lotus has helped many rebuild all the chakras, produce a very serene and meditative state and helped in connecting to their Higher Self and Spirit Guides. Not  usually used for aromatherapy.

Mandarin Citrus reticulata Middle note: A yellow-orange mobile liquid with a sweet citrus scent. Refreshing aroma has an uplifting quality often used to eliminate depression and anxiety.  It brings a message of happiness, especially to children.  It is calming, helpful for insomnia, nervous tension and restlessness.Mandarin oil has similar properties to orange and tangerine oils.  Used for babies suffering from colic or hiccups.  It is a tonic to the digestive system, helping to regulate metabolic processes and aids the secretion of bile and breaking down of fats. It is useful for calming the intestines and relieving flatulence.   Mandarin is often used in combination with Neroli and wheat germ oil to help prevent stretch marks during pregnancy.Fresh, warm, soft, and mild.  Antiseptic, antispasmodic, carminative, digestive, ,diuretic (mild), laxative (mild), sedative, stimulant (to digestive and lymphatic systems), and tonic. Key qualities are warming, comforting, soothing, and uplifting. One of the oils that are safe to use during pregnancy, tonic, stimulant, calming, can be used on children. Prevents stretch marks if used regularly during pregnancy. Non-toxic, non-irritant, no sensitising, but slightly phototoxic.  Best to dilute before using.

Malaleuca: anti-infectious, antibacterial, anti-fungal, antiviral, anti-parasitic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, immune stimulating, decongestant, neurotonic, and analgesic.  

Manuka: (Leptospermum scoparium): excellent antiseptic for use on the skin, acne and on oily skin, insecticide, against fungal problems colds, catarrh, sinusitis and bronchitis.  

Marigold (Calendula officinalis): reduce old scars, varicose veins and ulcers.  Marjoram: for sprains, colds insomnia, warming affect. Local circulation helps muscles after

heavy exercise. Also for arthritis. 

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May Chang: Acne, indigestion. Avoid with glaucoma. May have a hormone-like action. Avoid in prostatic hyperplasia. Avoid with sensitive, diseased or damaged skin. Do not administer to children.

Meadowsweet: Contains salicylic acid (Asprin) anti inflammatory and mildly sedative. Myrrh Commiphora myrrha Base Note: The oil is a play yellow to amber, oily liquid.  Has a

warm, rich spicy balsamic odour that is long lasting.  Key qualities are purifying, uplifting, revitalising,  sedative (to nervous system), and restorative. Anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anti-phlogistic ,antiseptic, astringent, balsamic, carminative, cicatrizant, expectorant, fungicidal, sedative, stimulant, stomachic, tonic,  uterine, vulnerary. Active constituents: Herabolene, limonene, dipentene, pinene, eugenol, cinnamaldehyde, cuminaldehyde, cadinene. Thought to enhance spirituality and may be used in an oil burner or inhaled directly.  Valuable aid  emotionally or spiritually. Helps to lift feelings of weakness and apathy and cools heated emotions. Prevents infection and putrefaction,  clears toxins and promotes tissue repair.  It is an excellent expectorant for coughs, bronchitis, colds and also sooths the mucous membranes.  It generates warmth and stimulates the stomach, as a useful remedy for treating diarrhoea, flatulence, abdominal distension and poor appetite.  As a tincture,can be used as a mouthwash or gargle for mouth ulcers, inflammation of the mouth (stomatitis) and pyorrhoea. Is a uterine stimulant and promotes menstruation and relieves painful periods.  It may even be used for assisting prolonged and difficult labour during childbirth.  On the skin, myrrh is renowned for its revitalizing effects on aging skin and wrinkles.  It helps to reduce boils, skin ulcers, cracked heels, weeping eczema, athlete's foot and wounds.

Melissa: botanical name for lemon balm Soothing to body and mind, calming, regulates menstrual cycle. Relieves asthma and colds. Good remedy for shock. Helps lower blood pressure. 

Mimosa: not actually an oil but an absolute. Anti-depressant and de-stressing. Can be used on sensitive people.

Myrtle: antiseptic and bactericidal, suitable for children's coughs as chest rub.  Reduces haemorrhoids used for skincare and can be used on elderly people. 

Neroli: depression, frigidity, insomnia, mature skin, scars, shock, stress, stretch marks.  Treatment for shock.. Can be used during pregnancy. Made from Orange flower petals requiring considerable amount of flowers to produce a very small amount of oil, hence the oil is very expensive. a 2ml bootle costs about £10 and a 30 ml nearly £100.

Niaouli: Same family as Tee Tree and Cajeput but not a skin irritant. Good for cystitis and other urinary infections.  Good antiseptic for use on minor wounds and burns used neat. Also used for acne, chest rub for respiratory infections. Powerful stimulant. Used in conjunction with radiation therapy for cancer applied before the session for protection against burning.

Nutmeg: arthritis, constipation, fatigue, muscle aches, nausea,  circulation, rheumatism,  digestion, winter warming

Orange: colds, constipation, dull skin, flatulence, flu, gums, mouth, digestion, stress, insomnia.

Oregano.(Wild Marjoram): Powerful emmenagogue not to be used during pregnancy severe skin irritant. Not normally used in aromatherapy.

Palmarosa: antiseptic used for acne stimulating, skincare oil, also used in hand creams. Poplar: an oil recently available to Aromatherapists. Has very goof anti-inflammatory

properties. Parsley: arthritis, cellulites, cystitis, frigidity, griping pains, indigestion, rheumatism, toxic

build-up Patchouli: acne, athlete's foot, chapped skin, dermatitis, eczema, fatigue, frigidity, hair care,

insect repellent, mature skin, oily skin, stress. Pettigrain: antidepressant, lifting, calming, soothing, good for acne and dandruff with a few

drops in the final rinse. Comforting in convalescence. 

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Peppermint: for quick energy or migraine treatment, colds and 'flu. Used in cold compress with lavender to relieve headaches. Cooling affect for feverish conditions.

Pimento: Deeply warming, relieves vomiting and intestinal spasms when massaged on stomach (very dilute potential skin irritant).

Pine (needles): Treatment of respiratory problems including pneumonia, colds, sinusitis and sore throats, stimulating and relief of muscular pain. Also used as deodorant. 

Plai: healing and anti inflammatory. Plai has long been regarded by Thai massage therapists as one of those oils necessary to combat joint and muscle problems. Plai is of the same family as ginger but different properties and more intense actions. the only essential oil known to relieve pain. See below.

Ravensara:  Safe multi action oil for respiratory infections, sinusitis and catarrh, expectorant, also cold sores, shingles and genital herpes. muscle relaxant and analgesic, good for joint pains and muscular tension. Mentally and physically stimulating.

Rosemary: for gout, headaches and aches and pains. Can increase blood pressure. Rose: depression, eczema, frigidity, mature skin, menopause, stress, the woman's oil for

women's problems

Rose Otto:  Rosa damascena/Bulgaria, Russia, Turkey/Flower. Rose oil is one of the oldest and best known of all the essential oils. Known as otto of rose or attar of rose, the fragrance is associated with love. It is warm, intense, immensely rich and rosy. It is used in perfumes to lend beauty and depth. A drop or two in a massage, facial or bath oil is luxurious and soothing. The oil is used in skin creams, powders and lotions. Aromatherapy benefits: romantic, supportive, gently uplifting.

Rosewood: Aniba rosedora  Is a colourless to pale yellow colour with a sweet, woody-floral fragrance that has a hint of spice and a slight odour.  Its key qualities are warming, comforting, and pleasing.   Analgesic (mild), anticonvulsant, anti-depressant, antimicrobial, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, bactericidal, cellular stimulant, cephalic, deodorant, immune system stimulant, tissue regenerator, and tonic. Active constituents:  a-pinene, camphene, geraniol, neral, geranial, myrcene, limonene, 1,8-cineole, linalool, benzaldehyde, linalool oxides, a-terpineol. Rosewood is uplifting and enlivening with an overall balancing impact on the mind and spirit.  Used when feeling weary and over-burdened with problems.  It can also aid with headaches due to nervous tension and stress.  Its calming effect it does not induce drowsiness. Rosewood has limited physical therapeutic properties, but it is a very good addition to most massage and bath oils.  It is antibacterial and makes a good deodorant and immune stimulant. Nontoxic, nonirritant, non-sensitizing.

Rosehip: Rosehip seed oil can be used as a carrier oil or as a massage oil in its own right for skin problems.

Sandalwood Santalum album Middle/Top note: The oil is a pale yellow, greenish or brownish colour, dry-woody, amber, balsamic, musky, oriental, sensual, masculine, tenacious, and warming scent.  .  Sandalwood's key qualities are soothing, relaxing, aphrodisiac, uplifting, 

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purifying, warming, grounding, opening, elevating, and calming to the nervous system. Properties:  Antidepressant, antiphlogistic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, aphrodisiac, astringent,  bactericidal,  carminative, cicatrisant, ,diuretic, expectorant, fungicidal, insecticide, sedative, tonic. The primary constituents:  Santalols, santyl acetate, santalenes. The essential oil has a pronounced effect on the mucous membranes of the genito-urinary tract and the pulmonary tracks that is often used for chronic infections in these areas.  It is often recommend in treating catarrh and dry coughs.  Relieves intestinal spasms and inflammation and is used in the treatment of chronic and acute diarrhoea.  Is calming and harmonising, helping to reduce tension and confusion.  Remedy for nervous depression, fear, stress, and a hectic lifestyle. 

Sage: for catarrh, rheumatism and arthritis but to be used with care as it can have side affects.  Better to use Clary Sage. Can cause menstrual bleeding.

Saville Lavender ( Lavandula luisieri): Similar to other Lavenders, being evaluated by Aromatherapists but softens the skin, for tight muscles and stiff joints

Scotch Pine Pinus sylvestris Middle note: The oil is a colourless or pale yellow with a strong, dry-balsamic odour. The key qualities are strengthening, cleansing, restorative, reviving, refreshing, stimulant (nerve), and soothing (mental).  Antimicrobial, anti-neuralgic, anti-rheumatic, antiscorbutic, antiseptic, antiviral, bactericidal, balsamic, cholagogue, choleretic, deodorant, diuretic, expectorant, hypertensive, insecticide, restorative, rubefacient, stimulant (circulatory and nervous system), vermifuge. Main constituents: Pinene, Limonene, Borneol, Bornyl Acetate, Cineole, Camphene, Myrcene, Phellandrene.  Used as an inhalation, scotch pine oil is great for general debility and mental fatigue.  Cleansing and invigorating, promoting feelings of energy and well-being.  Helpful for nervous exhaustion and stress-related conditions and regenerates a tired mind. The antiseptic and expectorant properties are helpful in cases of asthma, bronchitis, laryngitis, and influenza.  Used for overcoming mental, physical and sexual fatigue, chills and poor appetite.  It is effective in treating cystitis, hepatitis and prostate problems, reduces inflammation of the gall bladder and gall stones, and stimulates the adrenal glands.  It stimulates circulation and with its warming properties relieves rheumatism, gout, sciatica and arthritis.  Use in compresses when these conditions are very painful. Do not use this oil if there are allergic skin conditions.  It is a skin irritant in concentration.  Use in low dilutions only. Not for use during pregnancy.  Do not use in high concentrations.

Spike Lavender: a more penetrating form of lavender. Antibacterial, antiviral. To be used with caution.

Spikenard Nardostachys jatamansi Strengthening, rejuvenating and unifying. Known in biblical times as Nard, this oil was used in religious ceremonies as it was believed to instil inner peace and nourish the soul. It is used in aromatherapy today to relax states of agitation and to rejuvenate mature skin. It is an effective oil to prevent premature ageing of the skin.

Spikenard or Nard: balancing effect on menstrual cycle, Helps in treating allergic skin reactions and rashes and cellulite. Particularly valuable for use on mature skin. Deeply relaxing.

St John's Wart: healing and soothing, has been used for battle wounds.  Good for minor burns insect bites and stings.

Tagetes (Tagetes minuta): a toxic oil sometimes used for the treatment of corns, verrucas.  Not recommended for massage.

Tagetes (Tagetes glandulifera): as above but Antifungal and cleansing. Tagetes has an unusual fruity-herbaceous aroma and is an oil favoured by athletes who use it on their feet. Not recommended for massage.

Thyme: treatment of colds coughs and 'flu. Disinfectant.  Used in the bath for insomnia and hair rinses. For treatment of lethargy, fatigue, depression and rheumatic pain. Not to be used on people with high blood pressure.

Tangerine: for an uplift and a safe oil for babies and pregnant women. Prevents and reduces stretch marks.

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Tea Tree (or Ti Tree): strong disinfectant, acne, athlete's foot, chicken pox, cold sores, colds, corns, cuts, flu, insect bites, itching, migraine, oily skin, ringworm, sinusitis, sores, spots, urethritis, warts, whooping cough.

Tulsi / Holy Basil Ocimum sanctum holy: Similar to Basil above. A very pleasant, slightly sweet, woody scent. Colourless to light yellow. Restorative, tonic, antidepressant, refreshing, uplifting, fortifying, purifying, clearing, warming, and cephalic. Analgesic, antidepressant, antiseptic, antispasmodic, carminative, cephalic, diaphoretic, digestive, emmenagogue, expectorant, febrifuge, nervine, sudorific, immune stimulant. Antispasmodic properties beneficial to the respiratory system and aids sinus congestion, asthma, bronchitis, influenza, or whooping cough. Beneficial for all types of fevers. Has been combined with black pepper for malarial fever. Stimulates the lungs and expels phlegm and relieves wheezing. It is best if used for conditions when there is fatigue, cold and/or depression present. Useful for digestive disorders such as vomiting, gastric spasms, nausea, dyspepsia and hiccups. Can be mixed with a carrier oil and used to gently massage over the stomach or chest to ease discomfort.  Benefits the respiratory tract.  anti-fungal.  Clears liver toxins and cools fevers.Good for tired, overworked muscles and can be used by athletes, dancers, and others involved in strenuous physical activities.  It also balances emotions, dispels fear and sadness. A fresh, invigorating oil for calming and grounding, clearing the mind and aiding in concentration, especially when tired or intellectually fatigued. Ideal after stressful days especially when added to the bath. Those with sensitive skin, however, should dilute the oil first or use minimal amounts. Used on the skin to help oily skin and acne in a carrier oil or skin cream or lotion. Avoid in pregnancy.  Always dilute and use in moderation.  Works well for diffusers.

Verbena: reduces stress levels, digestive stimulant,  stomachic, and antispasmodic. Vetivert:  acne, arthritis, cuts, depression, exhaustion, insomnia, muscular aches, oily skin,

rheumatism, sores, stress. Can be used in the bath.  Violet Leaf:  antiseptic, used for treating skin problems rheumatism, headaches, catarrh,

coughs and difficult breathing. Pain killing qualities (contains salicylic acid). Wild Tansy: (Tanacetum Vulgare):  very supportive of the immune system. It encourages an

up lifting feeling, a positive attitude and a general feeling of well-being. It is antiviral, anti-infectious, antibacterial, fights colds, flu and infections. wild Idaho tansy may help with weak veins, promote suppressed menstruation, improve weakness of the kidneys, tuberculosis, heart disorders, palpitations, sciatica, rheumatism, inflammation, sprains, bruises, freckles, sunburn, toothache, inflamed eyes, colds, flu, gout, dyspepsia, jaundice, stomach sickness, diarrhea, soothes the bowels and tones the entire system

Wintergreen: This oil was once an important perfumery and flavoring material, It has been used in toothpastes, chewing gum, sweets and baked goods. It can be harmful if too much is consumed because of its methyl salicylate content. As little as one teaspoon of pure oil can be fatal if ingested by a child therefore not generally recommended for Aromatherapy. Aromatherapy benefits: refreshing, bracing, invigorating.

Yarrow: (Achilea millefolium) fever, hair care, haemorrhoids, hypertension, indigestion, insomnia, migraine, scars, stretch marks, varicose veins, wounds.

Yuzu (Citrus junos): Uplifting, refreshing and fortifying. Yuzu is a citrus fruit that resembles a small orange, and yields an oil by cold expression of the rind. Yuzu is grown in Japan and has been used in their traditional herbal medicines for thousands of years as a panacea for almost everything. In action it is similar to Bergamot, and has a truly unique, fresh and citrus fragrance. 

Ylang-ylang: for anxiety, depression and as a tonic. Aphrodisiac and sedative. Slows down fast heartbeat and breathing.

Ylang-ylang, Spice Gardens, Penang, Malaysia Feb 04 Zdravetz: a new oil to aromatherapy, aphrodisiac, blends well with other oils using its base

note properties and is used in perfumery.

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Health Benefits of Tuberose Essential OilThe various medicinal properties of this essential oil are as follows.Aphrodisiac: Justifying its romantic and sensual names that include “Night Queen” and “Mistress of the Night”, this oil behaves as an aphrodisiac. It is commonly used as an aphrodisiac both in aromatherapy as well as in herbal medicines. The very strong, intense, and intoxicating floral fragrance made with the Essential Oil of Tuberose fills the atmosphere with romance and builds an atmosphere of love. This oil is found to be very effective in treating frigidity and a lack of libido. Certain components of this essential oil stimulate those parts of the brain that are responsible for arousal, sexual feelings, and libido, both when used in aromatherapy or taken orally (there are very rare examples of oral administration of this oil, since the aroma is very strong).

It also relaxes the mind, which is a pre-requisite for successful sex, as tension and stress are two of its biggest enemies. Furthermore, it has a warming effect on the organs because it increases circulation of the blood, which helps cure erectile dysfunctions and impotency.Deodorant: I don’t think that I need to explain its deodorant properties. This essential oil, which is world famous for its use in perfumes, certainly doesn’t need any explanation about its function as a deodorant. The rich, intense, and long-lasting floral fragrance is an ideal choice for a deodorant, which is why it is so popular in countries with hot and humid climates, as they have to frequently deal with sweat and the resultant body odour.Relaxing: The pleasant fragrance and various chemical components of this oil have relaxing effects on the brain, nerves, and the muscles. It calms people and gives relief from stress, tension, anxiety, depression, anger, nervous afflictions, convulsions, cramps, spasmodic coughs, and diarrhea.Sedative: This essential oil is good for sedating inflammations, particularly those pertaining to the nervous system and the respiratory system. However, to have this sedating effect, it should be used in relatively high dilution.Warming: Tuberose Essential Oil stimulates and increases blood circulation throughout the body, thereby inducing a warming effect. This effect counters the feeling of cold in winters, keeps the respiratory system warm, prevents the deposition of phlegm and catarrh, increases activity, and also helps to cure sexual disorders.

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Other Benefits: In addition to the benefits described above, this essential oil can also be used to keep the skin free of infections and cracks, in-hair oils (this does not suit everyone and may cause headaches) to counter nausea, and also reduces the tendency of vomiting and the effects of foul smells in certain areas.A Few Words of Caution: It is non-toxic, non-irritant and non-sensitizing. However, since it does have a very strong and intense aroma, it may cause headaches and can be slightly irritating to the nerves if used in higher concentration. Hence, very mild doses should be used for best results.Blending: In most cases, the Essential Oil of Tuberose is found blended with the essential oil of Jojoba, since in pure form its fragrance is excessively strong and overpowering. It also forms good blends with the essential oils of bergamot, clary sage, frankincense, geranium, lavender, mandarin, neroli, orange, patchouli, rose, sandalwood, and vetiver.Back to List of Essential OilsRelated Posts You May Like:

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The health benefits of Geranium Essential Oil can be attributed to its properties as an astringent, hemostatic, cicatrisant, cytophylactic, diuretic, deodorant, styptic, tonic, vermifuge and vulnerary agent. It is widely used as an element in aromatherapy for its many health benefits, including its ability to balance hormones, relieve stress and depression, reduce inflammation and irritation, improve the health of the skin, alleviate the effects of menopause, improve circulation, benefit dental health, boost kidney health, and reduce blood pressure.

The Essential Oil of Geranium is extracted through steam distillation of stems and leaves of the Geranium plant, bearing the scientific name Pelargonium Odorantissimum. The main components of this oil are Alpha Pinene, Myrcene, Limonene, Menthone, Linalool, Geranyl Acetate, Citronellol, Geraniol and Geranyl Butyrate.

The Essential Oil of Geranium has a lot to offer in terms of health, and many people regularly enjoy many of the following health benefits that are listed below.

Health Benefits of Essential Oil of Geranium

Astringent: The main function of an astringent is to induce contractions in various parts of the body. Accordingly, Geranium Oil makes the gums, muscles, intestines, skin, tissues and blood vessels to contract. Furthermore, this includes the contraction of abdominal muscles which gives you a better, toned look. Geranium essential oil can also prevent muscles and skin from sagging, as well as the untimely loosening and loss of teeth by tightening up the

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gums.  Finally, it can reduce the presence of wrinkles by tightening the facial skin, thereby delaying some of the effects of premature aging.

Antibacterial & Antimicrobial: The strong properties of geranium essential oil prevent bacteria or microbes from developing on wounds and keeps you safe from developing infections. This boost to the immune system allows the body’s defensive cells to focus on the internal challenges and dangers, rather than being weakened by peripheral toxins on the skin.

Vulnerary: Geranium Oil speeds up the healing process of wounds, cuts and surgical incisions. This property makes it a vulnerary. Perhaps, it is due to its other qualities as a hemostatic, styptic, antibacterial, antimicrobial and cytophylactic substance that also make it a vulnerary, but the end result is the same!

Cicatrisant: Everyone wants their skin to be free from scars and after marks of fat-cracks, surgeries, boils, acne or pox. Unfortunately, many people end up spending a fortune and trying all the available cosmetic solutions on the market and still don’t get the desired results. They could have avoided a waste of time and money had they tried Geranium Oil first. It is a powerful cicatrisant, so it helps the scars and other spots on the skin to fade and vanish. It facilitates blood circulation just below the surface of skin and also helps promote a uniform distribution of melanin.

Hemostatic: Geranium essential oil can stop hemorrhaging in two ways. First, as an astringent (more specifically, a styptic), it causes the contraction of blood vessels and helps to stop blood flow, as discussed above. Second, as a hemostatic agent, it speeds up coagulation and the clotting of blood, which aids in the healing of wounds and the prevention of toxins from entering the bloodstream through open or unclotted wounds.

Cytophylactic: Geranium Oil promotes cell health, encourages the recycling of dead cells, and the regeneration of new cells. This helps in the growth of the body cells as well as the gametes, by making the body metabolize things efficiently.

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Diuretic: Geranium essential oil has diuretic properties, which means that it increases urination. Urination is one of the three natural ways to remove toxins from the body.  The other methods are excretion and perspiration, but urination is the most effective of the three. These eliminated toxins are urea, uric acid, bile salts, pathogens and other synthetic or chemical substances, heavy metals, pollutants, and even sugar. Moreover, each time you urinate, fats amounting to 4% of the volume of urine and excess water are also removed from the body. Urination aids the digestive process and prohibits the formation of excess gas in the intestine. It is also an effective way of removing excess acids and bile secreted in the stomach. Urination also reduces blood pressure because the more you urinate, the more sodium is eliminated, causing blood pressure to fall.

Deodorant: Geranium Oil has a very pleasant and uplifting aroma, comparable to a combination of floral fragrances and mint. Surely you can imagine what an effective deodorant it would make. Its effects also last for a long time and it is not harsh on the skin. Furthermore, owing to its property as a mild antibacterial substance, it aids in eliminating body odor. Unlike other substances whose odors are released in exhalation, geranium oil is a circulatory oil, which means that it exits the body during perspiration. Excess physical activity is usually the time when body odor becomes more apparent, but sweating actually releases the pleasant aroma of geranium oil following aromatherapy sessions.

Styptic: This property is nearly synonymous with Hemostatic, with one slight difference. Being a styptic means being a hemostatic owing to astringent properties. A styptic, like Geranium Oil, causes the blood vessels to contract and thus slows down or stops the flow of blood. This can be a problem for some people with high blood pressure and risk of cardiovascular diseases like atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and stroke.

Neural Degeneration: Microglial cells are integral components in the fight against neuro-degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia. When microglial cells are activated, they release pro-inflammatory factors like Nitric Oxide, which combat the inflammation in the neural pathways that can cause neural degeneration. Geranium essential oil is shown to activate these microglial cells, therefore, the synergistic relationship between geranium oil and the natural chemistry of the brain can prevent those dangerous and potentially deadly conditions.

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A tonic is what tones up overall health. Internally, it makes all the systems and functions work properly in the body by influencing endocrine glands for regulating the secretion of various hormones, enzymes, acids and bile. This results in boosted strength and functionality of  the respiratory, digestive, circulatory, nervous, and excretory systems. Also, it adds tone to muscles and skin and can seriously improve your overall appearance.

Vermifuge: This particular property is very beneficial for those children (and a limited number of adults) who suffer from intestinal worms. Geranium Oil is a vermifuge and can help you get rid of this nasty problem.

Other Benefits: Geranium essential oil is very beneficial in the treatment of acne, dermatitis and other skin diseases, as well as infections of the nose, throat and other respiratory organs. Research has shown it to have a positive effect on eczema, neuralgia, burns, ulcers, tonsillitis, and Post Menopause Syndrome (PMS). Furthermore, it has powerful effects to uplift spirits and mental functioning, which makes it useful in the treatment of depression, chronic anxiety, and anger issues.

A Few Words of Caution: Geranium oil can have sensitizing effects in rare cases. Since it influences certain hormone secretions, geranium essential oil is therefore not advised for use by pregnant women or for those women who are breast-feeding, since it is unclear whether those same effects transfer through breast milk.

Blending: The Essential Oils which form fine blends with Geranium Oil are Angelica, Bergamot, Basil, Lavandin, Cedar Wood, Carrot Seed, Citronella, Lavender, Neroli, Lime, Orange, Lemon, Jasmine, Grapefruit and Rosemary Oil.

A well-loved Mediterranean herb, lavender has been associated with cleanliness since Romans first added it to their bathwater. In fact, the name comes from the Latin lavandus, meaning to wash. A Christian legend says that lavender originally had no odor, but since the Virgin Mary dried Jesus’s swaddling clothes on it, it has had a heavenly perfume. Essential oil of lavender is now known to have many application in aromatherapy.

Today lavender remains a favorite for scenting clothing and closets, soaps, and even furniture polish. Lavender was traditionally inhaled to ease exhaustion, insomnia, irritability, and depression. In the Victorian era, women revived themselves from faints caused by tight corsets with lavender-filled swooning pillows.

Two related plants called spike (L. latifolia) and lavandin (L. intermedia) are produced in greater quantities; but they are more camphorous and harsher in scent, with inferior healing properties, although they are useful for disinfecting. Less expensive to produce, they are commonly sold as lavender.

Principal constituents of lavender: Linalol, linalyl acetate, geranyle, eucalyptol, pinene, limonene, cineole, phenol, coumarins, flavonoids

Scent of lavender: The aroma is sweet, floral, and herbal with balsamic undertones.

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Therapeutic properties of lavender: Antiseptic, circulatory stimulant; relieves muscle spasms and cramping

Uses for lavender: Lavender is among the safest and most widely used of all aromatherapy oils. It relieves muscle pain, migraines and other headaches, and inflammation. It is also one of the most antiseptic essential oils, treating many types of infection, including lung, sinus, vaginal, and especially candida infections.

Lavender is suitable for all skin types. Cosmetically, it appears to be a cell regenerator. It prevents scarring and stretch marks and reputedly slows the development of wrinkles. It is used on burns, sun-damaged skin, wounds, rashes, and, of course, skin infections.

Lavender also treats indigestion, including colic, and boosts immunity. Of several fragrances tested by aromatherapy researchers, lavender was most effective at relaxing brain waves and reducing stress. It also reduced computer errors by almost one-fourth when used to scent the office.

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