  • yf 5 /

    "Ring the Bells . . .let the whole world know"

    News from George, Vera and Benjamin Bajenski

    January, 1977

    . . thanks be to God which giveth us thevictory through our Lord Jesus Christ.Therefore, my beloved brethren be yesteadfast, unmovable, aiv\/ays abounding inthe work of the Lord, for as much as yeknow that your labour is not in vain in theLord ..."

    I Cor. 15:57-58

    Dear Co-workers in Christ,

    With manywords of personal greetings from family and from brethren and with these words ofthe Scripture we have left Poland at the end of the year 1976.

    It was happy time for usfor in most part our mission in Poland was accomplished, and wewere going to be home for Christmas, and there was possibility of meeting many of you ourfriends and churches, but at this same time there were tears and sadness that we had to leave ourfamily and many Christian friends in Europe.

    However, God had something prepared for us and He was gradually leading us toward thisgoal, and after all, this move wasto strengthen and expand our ministry with Polish churches. So,we did gladly accept this new challenge and at the end of 1976 bicentennial year we returned tothe United States.

    Let me tell you more about this challenge and new developments In our Polish Mission work,but as exciting as this news is, I must first share with you the latest from our ministry in Poland.

    After busy seven weeks of summer camp program in Ostruda, which was attended by about140 different young people, in the last part of August, 76, we started visiting local churchespreaching and singing our old but always fresh message of Christ's love.

    In two places we participated in baptismal services where several were added to the church.We have shared the joy of many Christians in their thanksgiving or Harvest services whichchurches conduct at the end of summer, and in two different places we were involved in a joyfulservice, when Christians were dedicating their new place of worship. One of these places is thecity of my birth In the southeastern part of Poland. It is the first lime since the end of the SecondWorld War that a Christian congregation is going to have a regular place of worship in this city. Itis not large city, about 15,000population and is located only 4 miles from a Russian border. Theywill need now many prayers that the Lord will lead them to many victories for His glory. In this

  • citywe used to livein early 1940 and there my father laid the foundation for this Christian work. Ittook thirty years, but sowing was not in vain. Praise be to God for His great mercies and richblessings.

    Second place of worship which was also dedicated in Poland last October, you mightremember a little from our previous reports. It ischurch located in large and industrial district ofSouth Poland. This church started its independent work with our encouragement and financialassistance in 1973.They were having many difficulties from government but now they have placeof worship which can seat about 100 people. Young people have a separate room for their activities and everybody thanks Cod, and you our friends who have helped us with your prayersand support.

    In Warsaw church work is progressing. There 74-yearold minister, Bro.Sqcewicz, can fullydepend on youngerworkers. Among them is my nephew Andrew, and Peter. Now, in addition tothe work of youth musical group, which Is very helpful in our mission work, choir has beenorganized as it was four years ago and everybody is praising God for He is adding to His churchsaved souls. Last November we were helping Warsaw Church in a five-day evangelistic service. Asresult of this meeting there were 13 decisions for Christ, and most of them were young people.

    For such a nice developing work and considering our future work, we have left with the churchIn Warsaw the car that we were using while in Europe. It was a 1974 Volkswagen bus which canseat nine persons and has completely new engine. It will be a great aid to our mission work inPoland.

    n 1^1 "TTJ"! 'iTIII I more news from our work in Europe, butHis ' comes all the way from Russia.

    It was possible for me as an American citizento visit Russia last October. It was my first visit inthat country. I was traveling with John Huk, myfather-in-law, who has made for both of us

    ^ ' ' arrangements to visit with Christians in city ofLeningrad, Moscow, Minsk and in his homevillage, Kupiatiche and the city of Pinsk. It wastruly a very rewarding experience see these

    . placesand people about whom i was previouslyhearing so much. We were able to bring to thesepeople several Bibles and song books. Most of

    Andrew and Peter, receiving key to our mission nny baggage was filled with goods that were leftVolks Wagen bus. jn different cities in Russia, and you see not a

    piece ofour luggage was touched by Russian officials. In addition toliterature and some clothingthatwewere carrying for Russian Christians, Bro. John Huk was carrying with him two large communion cups that one church in Russia asked forand all of It was safely delivered to properhands. Thank God for this.

    In all of these places wewere able to either give greetings, sing or preach the Gospel message,but thehighlight of our visit in Russia came on last Sunday. We were in a small city, which is notlocated ona regular tourist way, butthis is a territory where Bro. John Huk and Bro. Paul Bajko'srelatives live. We had a special permit from police to be there, and church office in Moscow wasnotified about ourplanned visit in church in this city. Everything seemed like itwas going o.k. butIn a last minute local authorities of this city prohibited the minister of this congregation to use usInthe service. You would have to see it for yourself what a disappointment on the part of about400 people that came to this service. What kind of prayers and what kind of sensitive situationdeveloped In ourpresence. People did not want to leave thechurch building until we were permitted to speak to them. 1hope I'll beable to share with you in more details this and many otherexperiences ofour last 2years of work in Europe when Icome tovisit you and your congregation.Please send us a word when we can visit you,and please remember Inyour prayers these faithfulChristians InRussia and Poland and other landswhere they haveto defend their faith sostrongly. Now there is still other news that we would like to share with you.

  • were too frequent. In addition, it was getting tobe very expensive and we were not able to stay Warsaw our mission budget.

    All through this time we were making alternative plans for our mission work and were preparing younger Christian workers in Poland for more independent work. Finally time has comewhen we have to make decision. We were praying about it, and discussed it with the AdvisoryCommittee of our Ring the BellsPolish Mission and our unanimous decision was to return tothe United States and consolidate our effort in a work with the Department of Missionrepresented by Paul Bajko. Possibility of such united work was presented to us by Bro. Paul ashewas in Europe lastsummer. This consolidation will contribute for better work of Polish churches.It will help the brethren in Poland to workcloserwitheach other, and will underline value of theunity of one church and one mission and one message that we preach. This is exactly what wewould like to do, to help the church in Poland to growand become strongin the Lord. Bro. PaulBajko (as many of you know him) is involved in a similar work with Polish churches already for along time.

    Now, as of January, 1977, Ring the BellsPolish Mission will work together with the Department of Missions, Bel Air, Maryland.

    Our main responsibility will be to develop Polish Radio Ministry. Radio programs which cannotbe stopped by any visa regulation and which daily will contribute to preaching the Gospel inPoland. We will be producing Christian radio programs in Polish language and we'll be sendingthem for broadcast in Europe. Occasionally we'll be taking trips to assist brethren in Poland in afollow-up work. Also we willcontinue to assistdeveloping Youth and Music Ministryamong ourchurches in Poland. In addition to this we'll be working with Mr. and Mrs. Bajko inpublishingof Christian literature in Polish language and will be involved in all other activities ofthe Department of Mission which contributes in spreading the Gospel among Polish communities here in the United States and In Europe.

    We'll be waiting now for letters from you our friends. We'll be happy to answer any questionsthat you might have about our work, and we'll be glad to receive invitations from you so that wecan come to your church, camps, and mission rallies, sharing good newsof developing Chrsitlanwork behind the Iron Curtain.

    Please notice our new address: George Bajenski or Department of Mission (Ringthe Bells), Box629, Bel Air,Maryland 21014. Also important news to rememberfor all of this extensive ministry,we pray that you willcontinue to support us with your prayer and finances. We need to raise ourliving-link support, and as you can see there are many opportunities for our mission involvementbut much of it depends on your help. Please remember, when you'll be writing ckecks, write itto: Department of MissionRing the Bells fund.

    Closingwe send you our love and best Christian greetings. Thank you for your help and concern in our ministry.

    Yours in Christ,

    Vera, Benjamin, and George Bajenski

  • P.S.After our last January meeting with the Department of Mission, Brother Harry C. Randolphfrom Evansville, Ind. writes on behalf of the Advisory Committee of the Ring the BellsPolishMission:

    .. Arrangements were made to place Bro. Bajenski in a full-time work as Radio and YouthMinister with the Dept. of Missions. He will be working under the guidance of the GuidanceCommittee of the Department of Missions, effective immediately. Thus, it is very important forall funds to be made payable to:

    Department of MissionRing the Bells fund.This arrangement will present a united effort among the Polish people and the churches ofChrist in Poland. Please give your devoted prayers and financial support to this unified workwith our Polish brethren."


    A. Income (including living link, housing, missionand car expenses) $13,373.00

    B. Expenses: $15,165.00Living Link $8,820.00Housing 1,800.00Car Expenses 480.00

    Mission traveling and work:In Poland 2,070.00West Europe .. 725.00Russia 200.00

    Volks Wagen Bus for work in Poland 520.00Return trip to the United States andDecember Mission Expenses 550.00

    C. Balance -$ 1,792.00

    Lincoln Christian ChurchRing the Bells Mission, Box 147Lincoln, Illinois 62656


    Bulk Rate, Non-ProfitU.S. POSTAGE


    Permit No. 76Lincoln, Illinois 62656


    TO USAGeorge Bajenski, son of a

    minister of the Church ofChrist in Poland, came tothe United States in 1959 tostudy for the ministry undersponsorship of the Department of Missions.

    After spending ^ years atEastern Christian College,George went to LincolnChristian College and graduated in 196^ with a BA degree in ministries and in1965 with a degree in sacredmusic. After graduation, hereturned to Poland where heserved the Lord ^ years. In1969 he came to the UnitedStates and in December hemarried Vera Huk. In 1971theA returned to Polandwhe' 3 they rerved the Lord 2yea 3. In 1973 they returnedto :he USA where Georgeacquired American citizenship and also pursued grac-uate studies at LincolnChristian Seminary where hereceived his MA degree.

    In 1975 George and hisfamily went to Europe wherehe served the Lord in Ger-manjr and Poland.

    In July of 1976 Bro. PaulP Jko, after a visit to Po-1 sjid and meeting with Georg^made George an offer to jointhe Department of Missions.The work in Poland is growing and requires concentrated and joined effort forgreater accomplishments andgrowth of the Kingdom of God.George accepted the call andreturned to the UnitedStates in December 1976.

    Like all of those whowork in the Department ofMissions, George will alsowork under the leadership ofthe Guidance Committee. Heis transferring his living-link support to the Department of Missions.

    All support and living-link fundsshould be sent to the Department ofMissions, P. 0. Box 629f Bel Air, MD2101^, The checks should be issuedin the name of the Department ofMissions with a note: "Ring theBells" - George Bajenski.

    The last two years George hasbeen in Germany, Poland, and hasvisited Russia. He has a greatstory to tell and is available tospeak in churches,Rallies, MissionsChristian Servicewrite to the Depsirtment of Missionsfor his speaking dates.

    Faith PromiseRallies, and

    Camps. Please





    The WilHngham Men's

    Leadership Seminar

    March 1,2,3, 1977

    on the beautiful campus of EC C

    B a Q

    mmmc affairsEastern Christian College has

    included several courses in theschedule for second semester forthose within driving distance ofthe college. The following is aschedule of those classes:

    Manual Communication (Sign Language) CE 170Monday from 7*00-9*00 PM, 2 hrs.Phvsical Science SC 102Monday from 7:00-9*40 PM, 3 hrs.General Math MT 101Tuesday from 7*00-9*^0 PM 3 hrs.

    (con*t page 3)


    Bel air, Maryland 21014

    ovjv MiMtMnr:Assistance in Establishment of New Congregations Publishing ofChristian Literature and Song Books in Polish Language SpiritualMaterial and Moral Support of Preachers in Poland ReliefMinistryto Poland Training Foreign Students New Testaments and Biblesto Poland and Russia Radio Ministry in Polish, Russian andUkranian Languages Follow-up Work of Radio Listeners byCorrespondence #Preaching in Camps, Churches and at Rallies Work Among Foreign Speaking People in the United States of America


    Paul Bajko, Director

    January, 1977


    Another great year of service for the Lord is gone and we thank God for allvictories in 1976.

    We thank also all our faithful supporters who gave over $ 80,000.00 toward ourministry in 1976,and because you prayed and supported the Lord's work you areour co-laborers and missionaries too.

    There is so much to write about our work and it will be hard to describe everything on 2 pages of this newsletter so I will quote portions of letters fromdifferent phases of our work and let them speak for themselves.


    "Beloved Bro. and Sister Bajko. Several months passed since you visited ourcountry. We remember your visit and preaching and we are grateful for everything you do for our churches here. We trust that you will visit us next yeartoo. We live and work and we ask you to remember us in your prayers. May theLord bless youj your home, your work and give you strength for further fruitful ministry for the glory of God. With best greetings. In behalf of Churches,K. S."


    "Dear minister of the Gospel. I am a regular listener of your broadcast "TheVoice of Truth" and I greet you and tnahk you for the Word of God which you

    - 1 -

  • preach to us. Your programs touch our hearts and entrust faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. I would like to ask you to send me your song books';"One Song I andII, "Heavenly Sunshine I and II, and other Christian literature. I thank youonce more and wish you God*s blessing in your fruitful ministry. K. St."

    "Dear Sir. I am a Catholic priest. Lately somebody gave me "Life of ChristVvis.and "The New Testament Heroes", vis. I teach religion and I would like to havemany copies of that precious literature. Also I have another request - yoursong boooks. What beautiful, soul searching songs which we started to sing inour Catholic churches! Please send me those great song books and also your Christian poems. Please write me how I can repay you. I send you the best wishes fora Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. J. D."


    "To beloved Bro. and Sister Bajko. Peace be unto you. It was such great privi -ledge for us to have you in our midst. We will never forget those blessed mo -ments of fellowship and great preaching. We thank God for what you have done forus. We thank you for your contribution toward the capital repair of our churchbuilding and purchase of new pews. May the Lord bless you richly."


    "Dear in Christ Bro. Bajko. It was so good to have you in our country, our churches and homes. That great fellowship will never be forgotten and those greatmeetings, your advise, guidance and fulfillment of promises. Thank you for Mi -crobus which we received. What a help in our ministry! We are every day on theroad to radio listeners, to small missiom stations, to revival meetings. We areglad that not only in our Eastern area we have a microbus but also in Warsawand Ostroda,so now we can evangelize Poland and visit more of our churches andhave greater fellowship. May the Lord bless you richly. St. T."


    "Dear Mr. Bajko and Committee, I would like very much to thank you for theS 200.-scholarship. It was greatly needed and doubly appreciated. Sometimes when

    everything seems so bad I think the world is going to fall in. That is when theLord seems to come thru the most. I was really afraid I was going to end upgoing home. I need the knowledge and Christian atmosphere received here. Thankyou for this opportunity to learn and serve Christ here at ECC. Because of Him,S."

    - 2 -

  • I wish there was more space to write. It is so good to see the fruits of theministry and we thank God that we have this great priviledge to serve Him andthat He is blessing us together with you. HAPPY NEW YEAR,

    o n


    George Bajenski, son of a minister of the Churchg ^ of Christ in Poland came in 1959 to USA to study

    W for the ministry under sponsorship of the Depart-w ment of Missions.

    After spending 4 years at Eastern Christian Col-lege George went to Lincoln Christian Collegefrom which he graduated in 1964 with a BA degree

    1 I in ministry and in 1965 in sacred music.% I After that he returned to Poland where he served% the Lord 4 years

    J % In 1969 he came to USA and in December he marriedVera

    K . they returned to Poland where they setved^jjjU the Lord for 2years.

    -] 1973 George and Vera returned to USA whereTr I 'r-^- George acquired the American citizenship and also

    pursued graduate studies at Lincoln Christian Se~minary where he received his HA degree.

    ^^975 George with family went to Europe wherehe served the Lord in Germany and Poland.

    In July 1976 Bro. Paul Bajko after a visit to Poland and meeting with George,V made George an offer to join the Department of Missions. The work in Poland is

    ^^rowing and requires concentrated and joined effort for greater accomplishmentsand growth of the Kingdom of God. George accepted the call and returned to USAin December 1976.Like all of those who work in the Dept. of Missions, George will also work underthe leadership of the Guidance Committee. He is transferring his living - linksupport to the Department of Missions. All support and living-link funds shouldbe sent to the Department of Missions, P.O. Box 629, Bel Air.Md.21014 with a note on the checks or money order: "Ring the Bells- George Bajenski".

    The last two years George spent in Germany, Poland and visited Russia. He has agreat story to tell. He is available to speak in Churches, Faith Promise Rallies,Mission Rallies, Youth gatherings, Christian Service Camps. Please write to theDepartment of Missions for his speaking dates.

    - 3 -


    A. The Department of Missions received from the Churches,Sunday Schools, Missionary Rallies, Faith Promises,Youth Groups and Individuals S 80,988.79


    1. Living - link for Paul Bajko, Boleslaw Winnik andsecretarial-bookkeeping help S 17,259.60

    2. Housing and utilities 5,988.643. Insurances, Taxes, S/S, Blue Cross and Blue Shield 3,403.094. Travels by car, planes, car maintenance, annual

    meeting of Guidance Committee 1,890.915. Deposit for special H.L. trip 400.006. Newsletter 1,973.487. Office supplies, telephone 542.518. Poland; preachers, relief, medicine, church buildings,

    camp, radio 41,107.739. Christian literature. Bibles, song books 2,526.26

    10. Scholarships 1,540.0011. Contribution to Eastern Christian College 2,150.0012. Miscellaneous: speakers, loan to George Bajenski 1,451.00

    TOTAL S 80,233.22

    VERY IMPORTANT: Because the DEPARTMENT OF MISSIONS has it's own BankAccount and all money sent to the Department of Missions is used towardmissionary work in Poland and USA, ALL checks or money orders should be issuedin such order: DEPARTMENT OF MISSIONS^ ECC sent in Department of Missionsenvelopes or addressed to DEPARTMENT of MISSIONS, P.O.Box 629, Bel Air,Md.21014.

    If the money is designated for the living-link support of Paul Bajko, BoleslawWinnik, George Bajenski-Ring the Bells, etc; a note should be made on the checkbut the checks should NOT BE issued in the name of missionaries. This is IRS

    ruling.Thank You very much.

    - 4 -

  • , Jpf? r/sr?



    Name in full

    Complete address on field 02. ~6^0PoTfZ.i^'ihC^ U>/(hd,

    Complete forwarding addressnOnP ^

    Name and address of Livinglink church or churches:

    ^itocjo/in ChfofLSLyj ^^&^uic>cJ C^n^cJUi

    street. P City Zone _ State.

  • Name and address of hometown newspaper.

    Name and address of other papers which might carry stories of your work:


    City. Zone. ,State,

    ^ Street.

    - City^

    Place of

    Day ofhirth t3 Mnntli. Vpar

    Where baptiHPrl?


    Zone. State.

    Date. 19F7


    On an extra page please describe any details regarding conversion which you might care tomention.

    Divorced. Widowed.MARITAL STATUS:MflrripH. Single.

    Date of mavWagP Si l9fe5 Where married? Yovow 'o ,Who solemnized your wedding?

    List children by full name giving place, day, month, and year of birth:(If your children have been adopted, please indicate.)

    Name Place of their birth

    V^gw" IWxUo'fri.

    day, month, and year


  • Please list places of previous Christian service and what service you did. Give approximate dates;

    Place Service Dates

    / ^of. toce/ , /fS/', /fSP^hc4?/i4 /9eJ> /f^s

    SCHOOLING (high school and later):

    Name of school Location Number of years Degrees and date granted

    Ckro^-.e ' (Ajcv^fiLu) . fblft-UfjC f ^9CLi-l-^fiQU fij \r. lUJ ^CLfoW Caite^ i^lis!!. 3 . . (963^ ^ ' ' ' 4$ {S^k

    A.ikOC' M CUfujiX^ Wg^ L'tHCol^3 h ft.B ?ecf^ Uahuc iS'6S' All'\ IS 7 5

    What things influenced you to become a missionary? What is your purpose? What do you hopeto accomplish on the mission field? Your own story in some detail might be influential in leadingothers into fulltime service (Use an extra sheet if you need more space):

    /^{j oJfroit^^ nlt4^ir^esf /pyv^ i^ccei


    Paof, ^Father's name and home aHHr^Agg. f c / ' Living^ Deceased,Rtrppt rit^7 uJ Zone_State.j^: 'Vzy^

    His nnniipatinn Ts he a Christian? yps ^ nn.

    What positions of leadership has he held in the local church?

    What Christian service does he now do? -

    Mother's full maiden name: T.ivTng n^^npagp^f^ ^

    st.rppt nity. 7nnpt RfatP

    Is she a Christian? ^ Mn Her occupation if employed outside the VtnmpWhat leadership positions or Christian service has she rendered to the local church.?.


    N.n. bep^lA' e^ /kir>U^ Street__^!l_City. .Zone, Rtatfi, ' Telephone:-

    Where attend fihnrnh?. strppt

    City, 7nnp Rtatf^

    What duties are performed by the forwarding

    Does the forwarding agent receive a Rfllary?.

    In what form should funds be sent?,

    Should money be sent to the forwarding agent nnly?,

    If funds are to be sent directly to the missionary on the field, please explain the details of how todo it, so we can give your explanation to HORIZONS readers and others who may inquire.

    Use the remainder of this sheet or an additional sheet to supply other information which you thinkmight be helpful to the staff of MISSION SERVICES in preparing news stories about your ministry:



    Name in full v^a/ewsA:/Complete address on field WOr^-SltJ


  • Name and address of hometown newspaper.

    Name and address of other papers which might carry stories of your work:




    Zone. ,State, City,

    Place of BIRTH. ToROnT(P

    Day nfhlrfh ^7 V^gr 15^ 'Where hapHgftH? To>r 0Uiio

    City. 1OVOU'f'





    On an extra page please describe any details regarding conversion which you might care tomention.

    MARITAL STATUS:MarriftH VX Single, Divorced. Widowed.

    Date of tifigrWggia 3 ^ Where married?

    Who solemnized your wedding?y

    List children by full name giving place, day, month, and year of birth:(If your children have been adopted, please indicate.)

    Name Place of their birth day, month, and year

    LIuloU. Ill- 1^7 V

  • Please list places of previous Christian service and what service you did. Give approximate dates:

    Place Service Dates

    SCHOOLING (high school and later):

    Name of school Location Number of years Degrees and date granted

    Ai^cohj OM' ^ 1^6/" ^7

    CiuttUkouUiL 0^\t> \ - 6S

    What things influenced you to become a missionary? What is your purpose? What do you hopeto accomplish on the mission field? Your own story in some detail might be influential in leadingothers into fulltime service (Use an extra sheet if you need more space):

    Describe briefly in outline form the nature of your daily duties on the field:

    Which of the following terms most nearly describes your missionary status?

    Evangelist^__ Bible College TeacherPublick School Teacher.

    Homemaker_!il_ DoctorNurse__ Social worker. Music teacher. ^Radio miniatry. Radio fniir>wiip Christian Service Camp Linguistics

    Maintenance of mission equipmenti_._ Benevolence. . Office work , Name other:


    oU ^ Wolf ...Father's name and home address:, Living, Deceased.u _

    ,Rtrppt Mukf Ctuk ifty. ^ ^ Zone_^State.

    His npr.iipfltinTi Tg he a Christian? yes.J^.no.

    What positions of leadership has he held in the local church?

    What Christian service does he now do?

    Mother's full maiden name: T.iVingr

    Strppf lb Uuid' nify Rfgfp ,

    Is she a Christian? Vpb ^ No Her occupation if employed outside the home

    What leadership positions or Christian service has she rendered to the local nhurnh:?.


    Mama .fV pQV^KW StrAgt 8o^ ^^9City. SeJ. ZoneSl2i^Lstatfi Telephone: 75^-7gS'0Where attend nhnrnh?.

    City. iUA.O>^g. 7.nnf> 2i0lh StatP 1^0 .What duties are performed by the forwarding agent:

    Does the forwarding agent receive a gfllary?. f\0

    Should money be sent to the forwarding agent only?,

    In what form should funds be

    If funds are to be sent directly to the missionary on the field, please explain the details of how todo it, so we can give your explanation to HORIZONS readers and others who may inquire.

    Use the remainder of this sheet or an additional sheet to supply other information which you thinkmight be helpful to the staff of MISSION SERVICES in preparing news stories about your ministry:


    George and Vera Bajenski, of "Rin ' the B^ls" golisl| ^Mission, joined the staff of the Dep^tment?of Mi^psion^ ^at Eastern Christian College in Bel ifir, Maiyland^ on

    SJanuary 1, 1977. He writes, "Our main responslbliiity is

    ' r- E

    producing radio programs in the Polis'h language atld as-C



    slsting local workers in Poland in follow-up

    among our radio listeners. Also worlcing with the

    Department of Missions we_are involved in pu

    Christian literature in the Polish language,



    in spiritual and material support of |the Christian workjers

    in Poland, relief ministry to Poland,' and wo

    Polish and Russian speaking people here in t

    States". 'I

    George Bajenski was bom December |l3, 194

    family of a church of Christ minister' in PolI

    graduated from high school in Poland in 1958

    rk among

    le United

    ), into the

    ind. He

    After onp

    ^ear at Christian Theological Academy' in Warsaw, Poland

    le came to the U.S. in 1959 to study at Eastern Chris

    tian College and completed his course'in 196J. He also

    took 34 years af graduate work at Lincoln Ch ristian

    Seminary in Lincoln, Illinois, receiving the A.B.




    E P E E P1976, he enlisted George and his wlf^ in EC^*s mi^nistr^ jIto Poland. TKju^ a'fe A

    'RivWKL'Bsjyl^s'' Ccrvirni-l^ Chiifi-hnc: ^ ^^rs. Vera Huk Bajenski was bom June 27, 1946,'to ,


    Mr. and Mrs, John Huk in Toronto, Car^ada. She griaduat^d

    from high school there in 1965. She |received twoiyearq

    of training at Lincoln Christian Coll^ege in IllirWis ai^dI I

    one year at Cincinnati Bible Seminary, in Ohio. She mar

    ried George on December 31, 1969. Th,ey have

    Benjamin Peter, bom August 26, 1974.| Vera

    serving in Poland in 1971 with George| and th

    served two terms of two years each. ,

    The Bajenskis have a great story t|D tell,

    available for churches, Falth-Promise| rallie

    rallies, Christian service camps, and| conven

    livinglink and service funds should bp sent

    one son, ,


    sy haye

    They are

    mission |

    ions. All.

    :o the

    I iDepartment of Missions, designated fop the Bijenskis, ,

    It PO Box 629, Bel Air, MD 21014. Th^lr fie::d address ^sIr. and Mrs. George Bajenski, 802 Coconut Court, Apart-,

    nent 2, Bel Air, MD 21014.







    XLl .1

  • George Bajenski,Radio 6 Yoi

  • Over 20 years ago I saw the first copy of Life of Christ visualized in theEnglish language.Holding that copy in my hands I thought: "What a wonderful weapon in winningsouls for Christ in Poland."Poland is in 95% a Roman Catholic country. Many times, when Bible is offeredto Catholic people they will not accept it because, they say; "We are notinterested in another religion". But they do not raelize that we do not wantto give them "another religion" but Christ, who is "the Way, the Truth, andthe Life".

    The Life of Christ, Vis. is the most ideal book to show that Way, Truth andLife and give the people new life.As soon as the children, young people and adults see the cover of the bookwith a picture of Jesus, they become reverend, solemn and respectful. Thenthey turn te pages and read under each picture the Word of God - there is nohuman interpretation - just pure Scripture taken from the New Testament.The 3 books contain the whole life of Jesus Christ from His birth to Resurrection with the outlined plan of salvation on the last page. Then the readers are lead into the Book of Acts - New Testament Heroes, Visualized.After they read and studied the Life od Christ and New Testament Heroes,theywant to know more from the Word of God and they want to read the whole NewTestament and the whole Bible.

    In 1956 I met Bro. LaVerne Morse who gave me S 200.00 for publication of Lifeof Christ, vis. in Polish.First we translated and published the Life of Christ, vis. Book Nr. 3 in Polish and Russian languages and sent it to Poland. In the next couple ofmonths thousand copies were gone and letter after letter arrived for more copies. The requests for this book came from all kinds of people: our friends,from strangers, from non-Christians, from Catholics, Protestants, priests,pa-stors, ministers. We were flooded with requests.Then we started to work on translation of Book I and II and New TestamentHeroes I.

    Here, in a wonderful way, the Church of Christ in Markle, Ind. came with financial help and we were able to publish this time 4 books - the completeLife of Christ, vis. and first part of the Book of Acts.It was gone again in a couple of months. More requests were coming, so wehad to repeat the publications almost every second year.All our supplies are gone but requests are piling on our desk constantly -from Poland, Czechoslovakia, Australia, Germany, England and other countrieswhere Polish people live.Here I will quote few letters;

    "I turn to you with great petition. I just finished my studies at the Evan -gelical school of Theology and I teach children in Bratislava. In the beginning it is hard to give to children biblical material which they will understand, so I am turning to you for help - please send me several copies of Life of Christ, vis. May the Lord bless you. With respect, A.B."

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  • ''l turn to you with great petition, please send me Life of Christ, vis. all 3'books and New Test. Heroes. These books are mobilizing not only me but all myneighbours to read pure Word of God, because colored pictures help us to un-destand the Gospel. It is also easer for the children and youth to gain knowledge from the Life of Christ, vis. Once more I beg you. I am praying for youGod bless you. M.O.".

    I can quote letter after letter but these two will be sufficient to show whatblessed books they are. Many young as well as old souls accepted Lord JesusChrist as personal Savior because of these books.But all our supplies are exhosted and we have to say "sorry, no more".We prayed and planned to repeat the publications again, but found that the price is very high! It will cost S 1.00 per book plus shipment, nevertheless wedecided to go ahead believing that Lord will provide the funds. But Lord hassomething greater in store for us:We received good news from Poland that permission was granted to publish thosebooks in Poland. PRAISE GOD FOR SUCH GREAT NEWS!

    After meeting with Bro. Small and Bro. Carter from Standard Publishing Co.permission was granted for publishing the books and Standard Publishing Co. madecolor negatives for us for S 2,450.00 which is comparatively low price.When this news letter will reach you negatives will be in Poland and 10.000copies of each book will be printed in Poland - 50.000 copies all together.Till this time we translated and published only 4 books, now it was added afifth book: New Test. Heroes II, so the whole Book of Acts will be completed.As far as I know, so far only Polish translation has the whole set of 5 books.On this publication we are saving at least S 40,000.00 by printing in Poland.

    I do not know how much it will cost in Poland for paper, making plates andprinting but it will cost several thousand dollars. Brethren in Poland willmake sacrifice to raise money but it will be impossible for them to carry thewhole load, so we ASK YOU in the name of the Lord, to help the Polish brethren to publish those great books which will lead many souls to Christ.

    We are approaching the great Thanksgiving day in U.S. and soon after thatChristmas. Our hearts are turned to those great events and the greatest giftof God - Jesus.

    Please help to give Jesus to thousands of children, young people and old ini'oland and other countries by sending your special LOVE GIFT and OFFERINGtoward the publication of 50.000 copies of Life of Christ, Vis. and Book ofActs, vis.Permission by the Polish government is given for 1977 and everything shouldbe published this year!.

    Please send your contributions to DEPARTMENT OF MISSIONS, P.O. Box 629, BelAir, Md. 21014 in enclosed envelope with notation at the bottom of the check"Polish Life of Christ, vis.

    We thank Christian Standard Co. for the permission and the negatives and wethank all of you who are concerned and interested in evangelization of Polishpeople. Yours in Christ,



    Sergiusz Kobus

    Olsztyn church was Che first Church of Christ established in Poland after theSecond World War in 1945. Bro. Sacewicz, Bro. Winnik and Bro. Korniluk werethe first members and preachers of that congregation.The Church became very active and was known as the church with many specialprojects: Help for the needy, establishment of orphanage, publication of songbooks, etc. The Lord was adding to the Church many through Christian baptism.The Church had a choir of 24 members. The Church lead also special courses.forchoir leaders and church leaders. By 1949 it was the largest congregation inPoland.

    When Bro. Sacewicz moved to Warsaw to start a new work in 1947 and Bro. Winnik

    in 1949, Bro. M. Korniluk became the minister of the church till his death in1971. Olsztyn church was instrumental in establishing a congregation in Lidz.Warm., Gorowo Ilawiec, Bartoszyce, Dzwierrzuty and other place's.Bro. P. Bronowicki served as the minister from 1971 till May 1977. When Bro.Bronowicki moved to B.P. to start a new work Bro. Sergiusz Kobus was called asthe minister of the church.

    Bro. Kobus became Christian as a young person in his village in the easternpart of Poland. He attended special Bible training course and was very activein his home church. Later Bro. Kobus moved to Gdansk where for many years hewas assistant to the minister of the church. In 1974 he was called to become

    minister in Bialogard where he led many souls to Christ.Bro. Kobus is dedicated man of God and hard working preacher. He is married andhas 2 children, both of them are married.The Lord is blessing the ministry of Bro. Kobus and the Congregation.Being close to Ostroda they are making great contribution to the Christian Service Camp.

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