Download - Banat Case

  • 7/26/2019 Banat Case


    Considering pronouncements made by some PL groups about theirproclamations, it would be interesting to know the

    jurisprudence that forms the basis for how winners are determined in the PL system.

    And so, presenting (drumroll) Banat v. COMELEC!

    A bit of background. The PL Law says that parties, organizations, and coalitions receiving at least two percent (2%) of

    the total votes cast for the party-list system shall be entitled to one seat each. In addition, the law says those

    garnering more than two percent (2%) of the votes shall be entitled to additional seats in proportion to their total

    number of votes.

    In Banat, the Court said that:

    In computing the allocation ofadditional seats, the continued operation of the two percent threshold for the

    distribution of the additional seats as found in the second clause of Section 11(b) of R.A. No. 7941

    isunconstitutional. This Court finds that the two percent threshold makes it mathematically impossible to achieve

    the maximum number of available party list seats when the number of available party list seats exceeds 50. The

    continued operation of the two percent threshold in the distribution of the additional seats frustrates the attainment of

    the permissive ceiling that 20% of the members of the House of Representatives shall consist of party-list


    To illustrate: There are 55 available party-list seats. Suppose there are 50 million votes cast for the 100 participants

    in the party list elections. A party that has two percent of the votes cast, or one million votes, gets a guaranteed

    seat. Let us further assume that the first 50 parties all get one million votes. Only 50 parties get a seat despite the

    availability of 55 seats. Because of the operation of the two percent threshold, this situation will repeat itself even if

    we increase the available party-list seats to 60 seats and even if we increase the votes cast to 100 million. Thus, even

    if the maximum number of parties get two percent of the votes for every party, it is always impossible for the number

    of occupied party-list seats to exceed 50 seats as long as the two percent threshold is present.

    We therefore strike down the two percent threshold only in relation to the distribution of the additional seats as found

    in the second clause of Section 11(b) of R.A. No. 7941. The two percent threshold presents an unwarranted obstacle

    to the full implementation of Section 5(2), Article VI of the Constitution and prevents the attainment of the broadest

    possible representation of party, sectoral or group interests in the House of Representatives.

    Whew. So, after having basically upended everything we thought we knew about the PL, the SC goes ahead and lays

    down the rules:

    In determining the allocation of seats for party-list representatives under Section 11 of R.A. No. 7941, the following

    procedure shall be observed:

    1. The parties, organizations, and coalitions shall be ranked from the highest to the lowest based on the

    number of votes they garnered during the elections.

    2. The parties, organizations, and coalitions receiving at least two percent (2%) of the total votes cast for

    the party-list system shall be entitled to one guaranteed seat each.

    3. Those garnering sufficient number of votes, according to the ranking in paragraph 1, shall be entitled to

    additional seats in proportion to their total number of votes until all the additional seats are allocated.
  • 7/26/2019 Banat Case


    4. Each party, organization, or coalition shall be entitled to not more than three (3) seats.

    In computing the additional seats, the guaranteed seats shall no longer be included because they have already been

    allocated, at one seat each, to every two-percenter. Thus, the remaining available seats for allocation as additional

    seats are the maximum seats reserved under the Party List System less the guaranteed seats. Fractional seats are

    disregarded in the absence of a provision in R.A. No. 7941 allowing for a rounding off of fractional seats.

    Didja get that? No? Dont worry. Not a lot of people did, I imagine. But the Court did clarify with this:

    In declaring the two percent threshold unconstitutional, we do not limit our allocation of additional seats in Table 3

    below to the two-percenters. The percentage of votes garnered by each party-list candidate is arrived at by dividing

    the number of votes garnered by each party by 15,950,900, the total number of votes cast for party-list

    candidates. There are two steps in the second round of seat allocation. First, the percentage is multiplied by the

    remaining available seats, 38, which is the difference between the 55 maximum seats reserved under the Party-List

    System and the 17 guaranteed seats of the two-percenters. The whole integer of the product of the percentage and

    of the remaining available seats corresponds to a partys share in the remaining available seats. Second, we assign

    one party-list seat to each of the parties next in rank until all available seats are completely distributed. We distributed

    all of the remaining 38 seats in the second round of seat allocation. Finally, we apply the three-seat cap to determine

    the number of seats each qualified party-list candidate is entitled.

    Its really not that hard to understand. Just remember a coupla basics. First, there are two rounds of allocation of

    seats. The first round deals with those who get at least 2% of the total number of votes cast for the PL system. Those

    lucky bastards get one sure seat in the House.

    And second, the second round of allocations deals with additional seats. In this round, the 2% threshold of the first

    round no longer applies. Here, the basis for allocation of seats is more pro-rated, i.e., you get as many seats as may

    be proportional to the number of votes you got.

    Some of the 2%ers can get as much as two additional seats. Theres a cap to the number of seats a PL group can

    win and hold THREE. So, the front runners will probably max out at three seats each, while everybody else gets

    less with most getting just one seat. The main objective of this second round is to ensure that the seats guaranteed

    to PL Representation, by the Constitution, are completely filled up.

  • 7/26/2019 Banat Case






    - versus -


    (sitti! "s t#$ N"tio"% Bo"&' o











    x- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x

    BAYAN M*NA, ADVOCACY FOR G.R. No. 17929-









    - versus - !ARPIO MORA#ES,

  • 7/26/2019 Banat Case




    %E#AS!O, &R.,



    PERA#A, (nd




    x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x

    D E C I S I O N


    T#$ C"s$

    Petitioner in G.R. No. /0 B(r(n+(1 Asso2i(tion 3or N(tion(* Adv(n2e)ent

    (nd r(nsp(ren21 4BANA5 in ( petition 3or 2ertior(ri (nd )(nd()us, 67(ss(i*s t8e

    Reso*ution607pro)u*+(ted on 9 Au+ust 0 ;1 t8e !o))ission on E*e2tions

    4!OME#E!5 in NB! No. -ens5.
  • 7/26/2019 Banat Case


    Petitioners in G.R. No. /0/? B(1(n Mun(, A;ono, (nd Advo2(21 3or e(28er

    E)po=er)ent 8rou+8 A2tion, !ooper(tion (nd $(r)on1 o=(rds Edu2(tion(*

    Re3or)s 4A e(28er5 in ( petition 3or 2ertior(ri =it8 )(nd()us (nd pro8i;ition,

    697(ss(i*s NB! Reso*ution No. -@6(tions (nd 2o(*itions t8(t

    o;t(ined (t *e(st t=o per2ent o3 t8e tot(* votes 2(st under t8e P(rt1-#ist

    S1ste). 8e !OME#E! (nnoun2ed t8(t, upon 2o)p*etion o3 t8e 2(nv(ss o3 t8e

    p(rt1-*ist resu*ts, it =ou*d deter)ine t8e tot(* nu);er o3 se(ts o3 e(28 =innin+

    p(rt1, or+(ni>(tion, or 2o(*ition in (22ord(n2e =it8 Veterans Federation Party v.


    Estre**( '# S(ntos, in 8er 2(p(2it1 (s President (nd irst No)inee o3 t8e %eter(nsreedo) P(rt1, 3i*ed ( )otion to intervene in ;ot8 G.R. Nos. /0 (nd /0/?.

    T#$ F"0ts

    8e < M(1 0 e*e2tions in2*uded t8e e*e2tions 3or t8e p(rt1-*ist

    represent(tives. 8e !OME#E! 2ounted ?,/?,/ votes 2(st 3or /9 p(rties

    under t8e P(rt1-#ist S1ste).6@7

    On 0 &une 00, BANA 3i*ed (Petition to Proclaim the Full Number of Party-

    List Representatives Provided by the Constitution, do2eted (s NB! No. -ens B(tt*e A+(inst !orruption 4!IBA!5, G(;rie*(s Do)en P(rt1

    4G(;rie*(5, Asso2i(tion o3 P8i*ippine E*e2tri2 !ooper(tives 4APE!5, A e(28er,

    A;(1(n !iti>ens A2tion P(rt1 4AFBAYAN5, A*(+(d, #u>on (r)ers P(rt1

    4BUI#5, !ooper(tive-N(t2o Net=or P(rt1 4!OOP-NA!!O5, An( P(=is,
  • 7/26/2019 Banat Case


    A**i(n2e o3 Rur(* !on2erns 4AR!5, (nd A;ono. De Cuote NB! Reso*ution No. -

    @ in its entiret1 ;e*o=:

    D$EREAS, t8e !o))ission on E*e2tions sittin+ en banc(s N(tion(*

    Bo(rd o3 !(nv(ssers, t8ru its Su;-!o))ittee 3or P(rt1-#ist, (s o3 9&u*1 0, 8(d o33i2i(**1 2(nv(ssed, in open (nd pu;*i2 pro2eedin+s, (

    tot(* o3 it$$ i%%io to #3'&$' $i!#t4 t#&$$ t#o3s"' si5

    #3'&$' it46i$ (1-,28,-9)votes under t8e P(rt1-#ist S1ste) o3

    Represent(tion, in 2onne2tion =it8 t8e N(tion(* (nd #o2(* E*e2tions

    2ondu2ted *(st < M(1 0

    D$EREAS, t8e stud1 2ondu2ted ;1 t8e #e+(* (nd (;u*(tion Groups o3

    t8e N(tion(* Bo(rd o3 !(nv(ssers reve(*s t8(t t8e proHe2ted)(xi)u)

    tot(* p(rt1-*ist votes 2(nnot +o (n1 8i+8er t8(n si5t$$ i%%io s$$

    #3'&$' t$t4 t#&$$ t#o3s"' o$ #3'&$' t$t46o$

    (1,728,121)votes +iven t8e 3o**o=in+ st(tisti2(* d(t(:

    P&o:$0t$';M"5i3 P"&t46List Vot$s o& M"4 2

  • 7/26/2019 Banat Case


    D$EREAS, 3or t8e 0 E*e2tions, ;(sed on t8e (;ove proHe2ted tot(*

    o3 p(rt1-*ist votes, t8e presu)ptive t=o per2ent 40K5 t8res8o*d 2(n ;e

    pe++ed (t t#&$$ #3'&$' t#i&t4 o3& t#o3s"' o3& #3'&$' si5t46to


    D$EREAS, t8e Supre)e !ourt, in Citi"ens #attle $%ainst Corruption

    &C'#$C( versus CO!L!C, reiter(ted its ru*in+ inVeterans FederationParty versus CO!L!C (doptin+ ( 3or)u*( 3or t8e (ddition(* se(ts o3

    e(28 p(rt1, or+(ni>(tion or 2o(*ition re2evin+ )ore t8(n t8e reCuired t=o

    per2ent 40K5 votes, st(tin+ t8(t t8e s()e s8(** ;e deter)ined on*1 (3ter

    (** p(rt1-*ist ;(**ots 8(ve ;een 2o)p*ete*1 2(nv(ssed

    D$EREAS, t8e p(rties, or+(ni>(tions, (nd 2o(*itions t8(t 8(ve t8us 3(r

    +(rnered (t *e(st t#&$$ #3'&$' t#i&t4 o3& t#o3s"' o3& #3'&$'

    si5t46to (88=,=2)votes (re (s 3o**o=s:





    BU$AY ,@9,0J

    0 BAYAN MUNA /0,9

    9 !IBA! @,0@

    < GABRIE#A @,

  • 7/26/2019 Banat Case


    D$EREAS, ex2ept 3or B(+on+ A*1(ns(n+ (+(p(+t(+u1od n+

    Ad8i(in+ S();(1(n(n 4BAAS5, (+(inst =8i28 (n )R*!N+

    P!+'+'ON FOR C$NC!LL$+'ON,R!OV$L OF R!*'+R$+'ON

    $N '/)$L'F'C$+'ON OF P$R+0-L'+ NO'N!! &1ith Prayer

    for the 'ssuance of Restrainin% Order(8(s ;een 3i*ed ;e3ore t8e

    !o))ission, do2eted (s SP! No. -0?, (** t8e p(rties, or+(ni>(tions(nd 2o(*itions in2*uded in t8e (3ore)entioned *ist (re t8ere3ore entit*ed

    to (t *e(st one se(t under t8e p(rt1-*ist s1ste) o3 represent(tion in t8e


    NOD, $EREORE, ;1 virtue o3 t8e po=ers vested in it ;1 t8e

    !onstitution, t8e O)ni;us E*e2tion !ode, Exe2utive Order No.

  • 7/26/2019 Banat Case


    9 A;ono ABONO

    8is is =it8out preHudi2e to t8e pro2*()(tion o3 ot8er p(rties,

    or+(ni>(tions, or 2o(*itions =8i28 )(1 *(ter on ;e est(;*is8ed to 8(ve

    o;t(ined (t *e(st t=o per2ent 40K5 o3 t8e tot(* (2tu(* votes 2(st under t8eP(rt1-#ist S1ste).

    8e tot(* nu);er o3 se(ts o3 e(28 =innin+ p(rt1, or+(ni>(tion or

    2o(*ition s8(** ;e deter)ined pursu(nt to Veterans Federation Party

    versus CO!L!C 3or)u*( upon 2o)p*etion o3 t8e 2(nv(ss o3 t8e p(rt1-

    *ist resu*ts.

    8e pro2*()(tion o3 B(+on+ A*1(ns(n+ (+(p(+t(+u1od n+ Ad8i(in+

    S();(1(n(n 4BAAS5 is 8ere;1 de3erred unti* 3in(* reso*ution o3 SP!

    No. -0?, in order not to render t8e pro2eedin+s t8erein )oot (nd(2(de)i2.

    in(**1, (** pro2*()(tion o3 t8e no)inees o3 2on2erned p(rties,

    or+(ni>(tions (nd 2o(*itions =it8 pendin+ disputes s8(** *ie=ise ;e 8e*d

    in (;e1(n2e unti* 3in(* reso*ution o3 t8eir respe2tive 2(ses.

    #et t8e !*er o3 t8e !o))ission i)p*e)ent t8is Reso*ution, 3urnis8in+ (

    2op1 t8ereo3 to t8e Spe(er o3 t8e $ouse o3 Represent(tives o3 t8e


    SO OR'ERE'.6J74E)p8(sis in t8e ori+in(*5

    Pursu(nt to NB! Reso*ution No. -@, t8e !OME#E!, (2tin+ (s NB!,

    pro)u*+(ted NB! Reso*ution No. -0, =8i28 de2*(red t8e (ddition(* se(ts

    (**o2(ted to t8e (ppropri(te p(rties. De Cuote 3ro) t8e !OME#E!s interpret(tion

    o3 t8e Veterans3or)u*( (s 3ound in NB! Reso*ution No. -0:

    D$EREAS, on &u*1 /, 0, t8e !o))ission on E*e2tions sittin+ en

    banc(s t8e N(tion(* Bo(rd o3 !(nv(ssers pro2*(i)ed t8irteen 495

    Cu(*i3ied p(rties, or+(ni>(tion6s7 (nd 2o(*itions ;(sed on t8e presu)ptive

    t=o per2ent 40K5 t8res8o*d o3 99

  • 7/26/2019 Banat Case


    )(xi)u) tot(* nu);er o3 p(rt1-*ist votes o3 @,09,0, (nd =ere t8us

    +iven one 45 +u(r(nteed p(rt1-*ist se(t e(28

    D$EREAS, per Report o3 t8e (;u*(tion Group (nd Supervisor1

    !o))ittee o3 t8e N(tion(* Bo(rd o3 !(nv(ssers, t8e proHe2ted )(xi)u)

    tot(* p(rt1-*ist votes, (s o3 &u*1 , 0, ;(sed on t8e votes (2tu(**1

    2(nv(ssed, votes 2(nv(ssed ;ut not in2*uded in Report No. 0/, votesre2eived ;ut un2(nv(ssed, (nd )(xi)u) votes expe2ted 3or P(nt(r,

    #(n(o de* Norte, is @,0@,9@/ (nd t8(t t8e proHe2ted )(xi)u) tot(*

    votes 3or t8e t8irteen 495 Cu(*i3ied p(rties, or+(ni>(tions (nd 2o(*ition6s7

    (re (s 3o**o=s:

    P"&t46List P&o:$0t$' tot"% 3?$& o ot$s

    BU$AY ,J,

  • 7/26/2019 Banat Case


    D$EREAS, Cu(*i3ied p(rties, or+(ni>(tions (nd 2o(*itions p(rti2ip(tin+

    under t8e p(rt1-*ist s1ste) o3 represent(tion t8(t 8(ve o;t(ined one

    +u(r(nteed 45 se(t )(1 ;e entit*ed to (n (ddition(* se(t or se(ts ;(sed

    on t8e 3or)u*( pres2ri;ed ;1 t8e Supre)e !ourt in Veterans

    D$EREAS, in deter)inin+ t8e (ddition(* se(ts 3or t8e 3irst p(rt1, t8e

    2orre2t 3or)u*( (s expressed in Veterans, is:

    Nu);er o3 votes o3 3irst p(rt1 Proportion o3 votes o3 3irst

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - L p(rt1 re*(tive to tot(* votes 3or

    ot(* votes 3or p(rt1-*ist s1ste) p(rt1-*ist s1ste)

    =8erein t8e proportion o3 votes re2eived ;1 t8e 3irst p(rt1 4=it8out

    roundin+ o335 s8(** entit*e it to (ddition(* se(ts:

    P&o@o&tio o ot$s &$0$i$'?4 t#$ i&st @"&t4

    A''itio"% s$"ts

    ECu(* to or (t *e(st @K =o 405 (ddition(* se(ts

    ECu(* to or +re(ter t8(n

  • 7/26/2019 Banat Case


    D$EREAS, (pp*1in+ t8e (;ove 3or)u*(, t8e resu*ts (re (s 3o**o=s:

    P"&t4 List P$&0$t"!$ A''itio"% S$"t

    BAYAN MUNA .@?

    !IBA! .0J

    GABRIE#A .?

    APE! .?

    A EA!$ER .J9


    A#AGA' .

    BUI# .@/

    !OOP-NA!O .@/


    AR! .@9

    ABONO .?

    NOD $EREORE, ;1 virtue o3 t8e po=ers vested in it ;1 t8e

    !onstitution, O)ni;us E*e2tion !ode, Exe2utive Order No.

  • 7/26/2019 Banat Case


    8is is =it8out preHudi2e to t8e pro2*()(tion o3 ot8er p(rties,

    or+(ni>(tions or 2o(*itions =8i28 )(1 *(ter on ;e est(;*is8ed to 8(ve

    o;t(ined (t *e(st t=o per 2ent 40K5 o3 t8e tot(* votes 2(st under t8e p(rt1-

    *ist s1ste) to entit*e t8e) to one 45 +u(r(nteed se(t, or to t8e

    (ppropri(te per2ent(+e o3 votes to entit*e t8e) to one 45 (ddition(* se(**1, (** pro2*()(tion o3 t8e no)inees o3 2on2erned p(rties,

    or+(ni>(tions (nd 2o(*itions =it8 pendin+ disputes s8(** *ie=ise ;e 8e*d

    in (;e1(n2e unti* 3in(* reso*ution o3 t8eir respe2tive 2(ses.

    #et t8e N(tion(* Bo(rd o3 !(nv(ssers Se2ret(ri(t i)p*e)ent t8is

    Reso*ution, 3urnis8in+ ( 2op1 8ereo3 to t8e Spe(er o3 t8e $ouse o3

    Represent(tives o3 t8e P8i*ippines.

    SO OR'ERE'.6/7

    A2tin+ on BANAs petition, t8e NB! pro)u*+(ted NB! Reso*ution No. -JJ on

    9 Au+ust 0, =8i28 re(ds (s 3o**o=s:

    8is pert(ins to t8e Petition to Pro2*(i) t8e u** Nu);er o3 P(rt1-#ist

    Represent(tives Provided ;1 t8e !onstitution 3i*ed ;1 t8e B(r(n+(1

    Asso2i(tion 3or N(tion(* Adv(n2e)ent (nd r(nsp(ren21 4BANA5.

    A2tin+ on t8e 3ore+oin+ Petition o3 t8e B(r(n+(1 Asso2i(tion 3or

    N(tion(* Adv(n2e)ent (nd r(nsp(ren21 4BANA5 p(rt1-*ist, Att1.

    A*ioden '. '(*(i+, $e(d, N(tion(* Bo(rd o3 !(nv(ssers #e+(* Group

    su;)itted 8is 2o))entso;serv(tions (nd re2o))end(tion t8ereon

    6NB! -

  • 7/26/2019 Banat Case


    0. P(r(+r(p8 4;5, Se2tion o3 RA /ed =it8 Se2tion

    ?, Arti2*e %I o3 t8e !onstitution (nd =it8 Se2tion 0 o3 t8e

    s()e RA /

  • 7/26/2019 Banat Case


    seats of each 3innin% party8 or%ani"ation or coalition shall

    be determined pursuant to the %eter(ns eder(tion

    P(rt1 versus !OME#E!formula upon completion of the

    canvass of the party-list results.

    D$EREORE, pre)ises 2onsidered, t8e N(tion(* Bo(rd o3 !(nv(ssers

    RESO#%E', (s it 8ere;1 RESO#%ES, to (pprove (nd (dopt t8ere2o))end(tion o3 Att1. A*ioden '. '(*(i+, $e(d, NB! #e+(* Group, to

    'ENY t8e 8erein petition o3 BANA 3or ;ein+ )oot (nd (2(de)i2.

    #et t8e Supervisor1 !o))ittee i)p*e)ent t8is reso*ution.

    SO OR'ERE'.67

    BANA 3i*ed ( petition 3or 2ertior(ri (nd )(nd()us (ss(i*in+ t8e ru*in+ in NB!

    Reso*ution No. -JJ. BANA did not 3i*e ( )otion 3or re2onsider(tion o3 NB!

    Reso*ution No. -JJ.

    On / &u*1 0, B(1(n Mun(, A;ono, (nd A e(28er (sed t8e !OME#E!, (2tin+

    (s NB!, to re2onsider its de2ision to use t8eVeterans3or)u*( (s st(ted in its NB!

    Reso*ution No. -@ ;e2(use t8e Veterans 3or)u*( is vio*(tive o3 t8e !onstitution

    (nd o3 Repu;*i2 A2t No. /(tions (s Cu(*i3ied p(rties

    entit*ed to one +u(r(nteed se(t under t8e P(rt1-#ist S1ste): A+ri2u*tur(* Se2tor

    A**i(n2e o3 t8e P8i*ippines, In2. 4AGAP5, 607An( Mind(n(o 4AMIN5,697(nd An

    D(r(1.6(tions 8(ve ;een pro2*(i)ed (s o3 / M(1 0J:

    P"&t46List No. o S$"t(s)

    . Bu8(1 9

    .0 B(1(n Mun( 0

    .9 !IBA! 0

    .< G(;rie*( 0

    .? APE! 0
  • 7/26/2019 Banat Case


    .@ A e(28er

    . A;(1(n

    .J A*(+(d

    ./ Buti*

    . !oop-N(t2o 6si27

    . An( P(=is

    .0 AR!

    .9 A;ono

    .< AGAP

    .? AMIN

    8e pro2*()(tion o3 B(+on+ A*1(ns(n+ (+(p(+t(+u1od n+ Ad8i(in+

    S();(1(n(n 4BAAS5, (+(inst =8i28 (n Ur+ent Petition 3or !(n2e**(tionRe)ov(*

    o3 Re+istr(tion (nd 'isCu(*i3i2(tion o3 P(rt1-*ist No)inee 4=it8 Pr(1er 3or t8e

    Issu(n2e o3 Restr(inin+ Order5 8(s ;een 3i*ed ;e3ore t8e !OME#E!, =(s de3erred

    pendin+ 3in(* reso*ution o3 SP! No. -0?.


    BANA ;rou+8t t8e 3o**o=in+ issues ;e3ore t8is !ourt:

    . Is t8e t=ent1 per2ent (**o2(tion 3or p(rt1-*ist represent(tives provided

    in Se2tion ?405, Arti2*e %I o3 t8e !onstitution )(nd(tor1 or is it )ere*1 (


    0. Is t8e t8ree-se(t *i)it provided in Se2tion 4;5 o3 RA


  • 7/26/2019 Banat Case


    B(1(n Mun(, A e(28er, (nd A;ono, on t8e ot8er 8(nd, r(ised t8e 3o**o=in+ issues

    in t8eir petition:

    I. Respondent !o))ission on E*e2tions, (2tin+ (s N(tion(* Bo(rd

    o3 !(nv(ssers, 2o))itted +r(ve (;use o3 dis2retion ()ountin+ to *(2 orex2ess o3 Hurisdi2tion =8en it pro)u*+(ted NB! Reso*ution No. -@ to

    i)p*e)ent t8e irst-P(rt1 Ru*e in t8e (**o2(tion o3 se(ts to Cu(*i3ied

    p(rt1-*ist or+(ni>(tions (s s(id ru*e:

    A. %io*(tes t8e 2onstitution(* prin2ip*e o3 proportion(* represent(tion.

    B. %io*(tes t8e provisions o3 RA /

  • 7/26/2019 Banat Case


    !onsiderin+ t8e (**e+(tions in t8e petitions (nd t8e 2o))ents o3 t8e p(rties in

    t8ese 2(ses, =e de3ined t8e 3o**o=in+ issues in our (dvisor1 3or t8e or(* (r+u)ents

    set on 00 Apri* 0J:

    . Is t8e t=ent1 per2ent (**o2(tion 3or p(rt1-*ist represent(tivesin Se2tion ?405, Arti2*e %I o3 t8e !onstitution )(nd(tor1 or )ere*1


    0. Is t8e t8ree-se(t *i)it in Se2tion 4;5 o3 RA /

  • 7/26/2019 Banat Case


    Fourth, proportion(* represent(tion t8e (ddition(* se(ts =8i28 ( Cu(*i3ied

    p(rt1 is entit*ed to s8(** ;e 2o)puted in proportion to t8eir tot(* nu);er

    o3 votes.6/7

    $o=ever, ;e2(use t8e 3or)u*( in Veterans 8(s 3*(=s in its )(t8e)(ti2(*

    interpret(tion o3 t8e ter) proportion(* represent(tion, t8is !ourt is 2o)pe**ed to

    revisit t8e 3or)u*( 3or t8e (**o2(tion o3 (ddition(* se(ts to p(rt1-*ist or+(ni>(tions.

    Number of Party-List Representatives:

    The Formula Mandated by the Constitution

    Se2tion ?, Arti2*e %I o3 t8e !onstitution provides:

    Se2tion ?. 45 8e $ouse o3 Represent(tives s8(** ;e 2o)posed o3 not

    )ore t8(n t=o 8undred (nd 3i3t1 )e);ers, un*ess ot8er=ise 3ixed ;1

    *(=, =8o s8(** ;e e*e2ted 3ro) *e+is*(tive distri2ts (pportioned ()on+

    t8e provin2es, 2ities, (nd t8e Metropo*it(n M(ni*( (re( in (22ord(n2e

    =it8 t8e nu);er o3 t8eir respe2tive in8(;it(nts, (nd on t8e ;(sis o3 (

    uni3or) (nd pro+ressive r(tio, (nd t8ose =8o, (s provided ;1 *(=, s8(**

    ;e e*e2ted t8rou+8 ( p(rt1-*ist s1ste) o3 re+istered n(tion(*, re+ion(*,

    (nd se2tor(* p(rties or or+(ni>(tions.

    405 8e p(rt1-*ist represent(tives s8(** 2onstitute t=ent1 per 2entu) o3

    t8e tot(* nu);er o3 represent(tives in2*udin+ t8ose under t8e p(rt1-

    *ist. or t8ree 2onse2utive ter)s (3ter t8e r(ti3i2(tion o3 t8is !onstitution,

    one-8(*3 o3 t8e se(ts (**o2(ted to p(rt1-*ist represent(tives s8(** ;e 3i**ed,

    (s provided ;1 *(=, ;1 se*e2tion or e*e2tion 3ro) t8e *(;or, pe(s(nt,

    ur;(n poor, indi+enous 2u*tur(* 2o))unities, =o)en, 1out8, (nd su28

    ot8er se2tors (s )(1 ;e provided ;1 *(=, ex2ept t8e re*i+ious se2tor.

    8e 3irst p(r(+r(p8 o3 Se2tion o3 R.A. No. /

  • 7/26/2019 Banat Case


    x x x

    Se2tion ?45, Arti2*e %I o3 t8e !onstitution st(tes t8(t t8e $ouse o3 Represent(tives

    s8(** ;e 2o)posed o3 not )ore t8(n t=o 8undred (nd 3i3t1 )e);ers, un*essot8er=ise 3ixed ;1 *(=. 8e $ouse o3 Represent(tives s8(** ;e 2o)posed o3 distri2t

    represent(tives (nd p(rt1-*ist represent(tives. 8e !onstitution (**o=s t8e

    *e+is*(ture to )odi31 t8e nu);er o3 t8e )e);ers o3 t8e $ouse o3 Represent(tives.

    Se2tion ?405, Arti2*e %I o3 t8e !onstitution, on t8e ot8er 8(nd, st(tes t8e r(tio o3

    p(rt1-*ist represent(tives to t8e tot(* nu);er o3 represent(tives. De 2o)pute t8e

    nu);er o3 se(ts (v(i*(;*e to p(rt1-*ist represent(tives 3ro) t8e nu);er o3

    *e+is*(tive distri2ts. On t8is point, =e do not devi(te 3ro) t8e 3irst 3or)u*(

    in Veterans, t8us:

    Nu);er o3 se(ts (v(i*(;*e

    to *e+is*(tive distri2ts

    x .0 L

    Nu);er o3 se(ts (v(i*(;*e to

    p(rt1-*ist represent(tives


    8is 3or)u*( (**o=s 3or t8e 2orrespondin+ in2re(se in t8e nu);er o3 se(ts (v(i*(;*e

    3or p(rt1-*ist represent(tives =8enever ( *e+is*(tive distri2t is 2re(ted ;1 *(=. Sin2e


  • 7/26/2019 Banat Case


    A** p(rties (+ree on t8e 3or)u*( to deter)ine t8e )(xi)u) nu);er o3 se(ts

    reserved under t8e P(rt1-#ist S1ste), (s =e** (s on t8e 3or)u*( to deter)ine t8e

    +u(r(nteed se(ts to p(rt1-*ist 2(ndid(tes +(rnerin+ (t *e(st t=o-per2ent o3 t8e tot(*p(rt1-*ist votes. $o=ever, t8ere (re nu)erous interpret(tions o3 t8e provisions o3

    R.A. No. /

  • 7/26/2019 Banat Case


    In G.R. No. /0, BANA presents t=o interpret(tions t8rou+8 t8ree 3or)u*(s

    to (**o2(te p(rt1-*ist represent(tive se(ts.

    8e 3irst interpret(tion (**e+ed*1 8(r)oni>es t8e provisions o3 Se2tion 4;5 on t8e

    0K reCuire)ent =it8 Se2tion 0 o3 R.A. No. /

  • 7/26/2019 Banat Case


    4;5 r(n t8e) (22ordin+ to t8e nu);er o3 votes re2eived (nd,

    425 (**o2(te p(rt1-*ist represent(tives proportion(te*1 (22ordin+ to

    t8e per2ent(+e o3 votes o;t(ined ;1 e(28 p(rt1, or+(ni>(tion or 2o(*ition

    (s (+(inst t8e tot(* n(tion=ide votes 2(st 3or t8e p(rt1-*ist s1ste).60

  • 7/26/2019 Banat Case


    (;*e . R(nin+ o3 t8e p(rti2ip(tin+ p(rties 3ro) t8e 8i+8est to t8e

    *o=est ;(sed on t8e nu);er o3 votes +(rnered durin+ t8e e*e2tions.607

    R" P"&t4Vot$s

    G"&$&$'R" P"&t4



    BU$AY ,@/,09<

  • 7/26/2019 Banat Case


    0 UNI-MA' 0

  • 7/26/2019 Banat Case


  • 7/26/2019 Banat Case


    J A#AGA'

  • 7/26/2019 Banat Case


    3ound in t8e se2ond 2*(use o3 Se2tion 4;5 o3 R.A. No. /

  • 7/26/2019 Banat Case


    9. 8ose +(rnerin+ su33i2ient nu);er o3 votes, (22ordin+ to t8e r(nin+ in

    p(r(+r(p8 , s8(** ;e entit*ed to (ddition(* se(ts in proportion to t8eir tot(* nu);er

    o3 votes unti* (** t8e (ddition(* se(ts (re (**o2(ted.

    (tion, or 2o(*ition s8(** ;e entit*ed to not )ore t8(n t8ree495 se(ts.

    In 2o)putin+ t8e (ddition(* se(ts, t8e +u(r(nteed se(ts s8(** no *on+er ;e in2*uded

    ;e2(use t8e1 8(ve (*re(d1 ;een (**o2(ted, (t one se(t e(28, to ever1 t=o-

    per2enter. 8us, t8e re)(inin+ (v(i*(;*e se(ts 3or (**o2(tion (s (ddition(*

    se(ts (re t8e )(xi)u) se(ts reserved under t8e P(rt1 #ist S1ste) *ess t8e

    +u(r(nteed se(ts. r(2tion(* se(ts (re disre+(rded in t8e (;sen2e o3 ( provision in

    R.A. No. /

  • 7/26/2019 Banat Case


    Rank PartyVotes






    Votes for


    List, in %












    (B) lus

    (!), in







    seat ca


    1 BUHAY 1,169,234 7.33% 1 2.79 3 N.A.

    2 BAYAN


    979,039 6.14% 1 2.33 3 N.A.

    3 CIBAC 755,686 4.74% 1 1.80 2 N.A.

    4 GABRIELA 621,171 3.89% 1 1.48 2 N.A.

    5 APEC 619,657 3.88% 1 1.48 2 N.A.

    6 A Tea!e" 490,379 3.07% 1 1.17 2 N.A.

    7 A#BAYAN 466,112 2.92% 1 1.11 2 N.A.

    8 ALAGA$ 423,149 2.65% 1 1.01 2 N.A.

    931& C''P(


    409,883 2.57% 1 1 2 N.A.

    10 BUTIL 409,160 2.57% 1 1 2 N.A.

    11 BATA) 385,810 2.42% 1 1 2 N.A.

    12 ARC 374,288 2.35% 1 1 2 N.A.

    13 ANA#PA*I) 370,261 2.32% 1 1 2 N.A.
  • 7/26/2019 Banat Case


    14 AB'N' 339,990 2.13% 1 1 2 N.A.

    15 AMIN 338,185 2.12% 1 1 2 N.A.

    16 AGAP 328,724 2.06% 1 1 2 N.A.

    17 AN *ARAY 321,503 2.02% 1 1 2 N.A.

    18 YACAP 310,889 1.95% 0 1 1 N.A.

    19 +PPM 300,923 1.89% 0 1 1 N.A.

    20 UNI(MA$ 245,382 1.54% 0 1 1 N.A.

    21 AB) 235,086 1.47% 0 1 1 N.A.

    22 #A#U)A 228,999 1.44% 0 1 1 N.A.

    23 #ABATAAN 228,637 1.43% 0 1 1 N.A.

    24 ABA(A#' 218,818 1.37% 0 1 1 N.A.

    25 ALI+ 217,822 1.37% 0 1 1 N.A.

    26 )ENI'R


    213,058 1.34% 0 1 1 N.A.

    27 AT 197,872 1.24% 0 1 1 N.A.

    28 +P 196,266 1.23% 0 1 1 N.A.

    29 ANA$ 188,521 1.18% 0 1 1 N.A.

    30 BANAT 177,028 1.11% 0 1 1 N.A.

    31 ANG


    170,531 1.07% 0 1 1 N.A.

    32 BANTAY 169,801 1.06% 0 1 1 N.A.

    33 ABA#A$A 166,747 1.05% 0 1 1 N.A.

    34 1(UTA# 164,980 1.03% 0 1 1 N.A.

    35 TUCP 162,647 1.02% 0 1 1 N.A.

    36 C'C'+E$ 155,920 0.98% 0 1 1 N.A.

    Total & ''

  • 7/26/2019 Banat Case


    App*1in+ t8e pro2edure o3 se(t (**o2(tion (s i**ustr(ted in (;*e 9 (;ove, t8ere (re

    ?? p(rt1-*ist represent(tives 3ro) t8e 9@ =innin+ p(rt1-*ist or+(ni>(tions. A** ??

    (v(i*(;*e p(rt1-*ist se(ts (re 3i**ed. 8e (ddition(* se(ts (**o2(ted to t8e p(rties =it8

    su33i2ient nu);er o3 votes 3or one =8o*e se(t, in no 2(se to ex2eed ( tot(* o3 t8reese(ts 3or e(28 p(rt1, (re s8o=n in 2o*u)n 4'5.

    Partiipation of Ma#or Politial Parties in Party-List $letions

    8e !onstitution(* !o))ission (dopted ( )u*ti-p(rt1 s1ste) t8(t "%%o$' "%%

    @o%iti0"% @"&ti$s to @"&ti0i@"t$ i t#$ @"&t46%ist $%$0tios.8e de*i;er(tions o3

    t8e !onstitution(* !o))ission 2*e(r*1 ;e(r t8is out, t8us:

    MR. MONSO'. M(d() President, I Hust =(nt to s(1 t8(t =e su++ested

    or proposed t8e p(rt1 *ist s1ste) ;e2(use =e =(nted to open up t8e

    po*iti2(* s1ste) to ( p*ur(*isti2 so2iet1 t8rou+8 ( )u*tip(rt1 s1ste). x x

    x $ "&$ o& o@$i! 3@ t#$ s4st$, "' $ o3%' %i$ $&4 30#

    o& t#$ s$0to&s to ?$ t#$&$. T#"t is #4 o$ o t#$ "4s to 'o t#"t is

    to @3t " 0$i%i! o t#$ 3?$& o &$@&$s$t"ti$s &o "4 si!%$

    @"&t4 t#"t 0" sit it#i t#$ -< "%%o0"t$' 3'$& t#$ @"&t4 %ist s4st$ .

    x x x.

    x x x

    MR. MONSO'. M(d() President, t8e 2(ndid(21 3or t8e /J se(ts is not

    *i)ited to po*iti2(* p(rties. M1 Cuestion is t8is: Are =e +oin+ to 2*(ssi31

    3or ex()p*e !8risti(n 'e)o2r(ts (nd So2i(* 'e)o2r(ts (s po*iti2(*

    p(rties !(n t8e1 run under t8e p(rt1 *ist 2on2ept or )ust t8e1 ;e under

    t8e distri2t *e+is*(tion side o3 it on*1

    MR. %I##A!ORA. In rep*1 to t8(t Cuer1, I t8in t8ese p(rties t8(t t8e

    !o))issioner )entioned 2(n 3ie*d 2(ndid(tes 3or t8e Sen(te (s =e** (s

    3or t8e $ouse o3 Represent(tives. Li$is$, t#$4 0" "%so i$%' s$0to&"%0"'i'"t$s o& t#$ 2< @$&0$t o& 8< @$&0$t, #i0#$$& is "'o@t$', o

    t#$ s$"ts t#"t $ "&$ "%%o0"ti! 3'$& t#$ @"&t4 %ist s4st$.

    MR. MONSO'. In ot8er =ords, t8e !8risti(n 'e)o2r(ts 2(n 3ie*d

    distri2t 2(ndid(tes (nd 2(n (*so p(rti2ip(te in t8e p(rt1 *ist s1ste)

  • 7/26/2019 Banat Case


    MR. %I##A!ORA. #4 ot #$ t#$4 0o$ to t#$ @"&t4 %ist

    s4st$, t#$4 i%% ?$ i$%'i! o%4 s$0to&"% 0"'i'"t$s.

    MR. MONSO'. M(1 I ;e 2*(ri3ied on t8(t !(n UNI'O p(rti2ip(te in

    t8e p(rt1 *ist s1ste)

    MR. %I##A!ORA. Yes, =81 not Fo& "s %o! "s t#$4 i$%'

    0"'i'"t$s #o 0o$ &o t#$ 'i$&$t "&!i"%i$' s$0to&s t#"t

    $ s#"%% '$si!"t$ i t#is Costit3tio.

    MR. MONSO'. Suppose Sen(tor ((d( =(nts to run under BAYAN

    +roup (nd s(1s t8(t 8e represents t8e 3(r)ers, =ou*d 8e Cu(*i31

    MR. %I##A!ORA. No, Sen(tor ((d( =ou*d not Cu(*i31.

    MR. MONSO'. But UNI'O 2(n 3ie*d 2(ndid(tes under t8e p(rt1 *ist

    s1ste) (nd s(1 &u(n de*( !ru> is ( 3(r)er. D8o =ou*d p(ss on =8et8er

    8e is ( 3(r)er or not

    MR. A'EO. F(1 !o))issioner Monsod, +usto o *()(n+ *in(=in

    ito. Po%iti0"% @"&ti$s, @"&ti03%"&%4 io&it4 @o%iti0"% @"&ti$s, "&$ ot

    @&o#i?it$' to @"&ti0i@"t$ i t#$ @"&t4 %ist $%$0tio i t#$4 0" @&o$

    t#"t t#$4 "&$ "%so o&!"i$' "%o! s$0to&"% %i$s.

    MR. MONSO'. D8(t t8e !o))issioner is s(1in+ is t8(t (** po*iti2(*p(rties 2(n p(rti2ip(te ;e2(use it is pre2ise*1 t8e 2ontention o3 po*iti2(*

    p(rties t8(t t8e1 represent t8e ;ro(d ;(se o3 2iti>ens (nd t8(t (** se2tors

    (re represented in t8e). Dou*d t8e !o))issioner (+ree

    MR. A'EO. An+ punto *()(n+ n()in, p(+ pin(1(+(n )o (n+ UNI'O

    n( is(n+ po*iti2(* p(rt1, it =i** do)in(te t8e p(rt1 *ist (t )(=(=(*(n+

    s(1s(1 din 1un+ se2tor. #(*()unin )is)o n+ po*iti2(* p(rties (n+ p(rt1

    *ist s1ste). Gusto o *()(n+ ;i+1(n n+ diin (n+ reserve. $indi ito

    reserve se(t s( )(r+in(*i>ed se2tors. Fun+ titin+n(n n(tin iton+ /J

    se(ts, reserved din ito s( po*iti2(* p(rties.

    MR. MONSO'. $indi po reserved i1on (si (n1;od1 2(n run t8ere. But

    )1 Cuestion to !o))issioner %i**(2ort( (nd pro;(;*1 (*so to

    !o))issioner (deo is t8(t under t8is s1ste), =ou*d UNI'O ;e ;(nned

    3ro) runnin+ under t8e p(rt1 *ist s1ste)

  • 7/26/2019 Banat Case


    MR. %I##A!ORA. No, (s I s(id, *NIDO "4 i$%' s$0to&"%

    0"'i'"t$s. O t#"t 0o'itio "%o$, *NIDO "4 ?$ "%%o$' to

    &$!ist$& o& t#$ @"&t4 %ist s4st$.

    MR. MONSO'. M(1 I inCuire 3ro) !o))issioner (deo i3 8e s8(res

    t8(t (ns=er

    MR. A'EO. 8e s()e.

    MR. %I##A!ORA. P3$'$ @o "! *NIDO, @$&o s" s$0to&"% %i$s.

    x x x x

    MR. OP#E. x x x In )1 opinion, t8is =i** (*so 2re(te t8e sti)u*us 3or

    po*iti2(* p(rties (nd )(ss or+(ni>(tions to see 2o))on +round. or

    ex()p*e, =e 8(ve t8e P'P-#(;(n (nd t8e UNI'O. I see no re(son =81

    t8e1 s8ou*d not ;e (;*e to )(e 2o))on +o(*s =it8 )(ss or+(ni>(tions

    so t8(t t8e ver1 *e(ders8ip o3 t8ese p(rties 2(n ;e tr(ns3or)ed t8rou+8

    t8e p(rti2ip(tion o3 )(ss or+(ni>(tions. And i3 t8is is true o3 t8e

    (d)inistr(tion p(rties, t8is =i** ;e true o3 ot8ers *ie t8e P(rtido n+

    B(1(n =8i28 is no= ;ein+ 3or)ed. 8ere is no Cuestion t8(t t8e1 =i** ;e

    (ttr(2tive to )(n1 )(ss or+(ni>(tions. In t8e opposition p(rties to =8i28

    =e ;e*on+, t8ere =i** ;e ( sti)u*us 3or us to 2ont(2t )(ss or+(ni>(tions

    so t8(t =it8 t8eir p(rti2ip(tion, t8e po*i2ies o3 su28 p(rties 2(n ;e

    r(di2(**1 tr(ns3or)ed ;e2(use t8is ()end)ent =i** 2re(te 2onditions t8(t=i** 28(**en+e ;ot8 t8e )(ss or+(ni>(tions (nd t8e po*iti2(* p(rties to

    2o)e to+et8er. And t8e p(rt1 *ist s1ste) is 2ert(in*1 (v(i*(;*e, (*t8ou+8

    it is open to (** t8e p(rties. It is understood t8(t t8e p(rties =i** enter in

    t8e ro** o3 t8e !OME#E! t8e n()es o3 represent(tives o3 )(ss

    or+(ni>(tions (33i*i(ted =it8 t8e). So t8(t =e )(1, in ti)e, deve*op t8is

    ex2e**ent s1ste) t8(t t8e1 8(ve in Europe =8ere *(;or or+(ni>(tions (nd

    2ooper(tives, 3or ex()p*e, distri;ute t8e)se*ves eit8er in t8e So2i(*

    'e)o2r(ti2 P(rt1 (nd t8e !8risti(n 'e)o2r(ti2 P(rt1 in Ger)(n1, (nd

    t8eir ver1 presen2e t8ere 8(s ( tr(ns3or)in+ e33e2t upon t8e p8i*osop8ies

    (nd t8e *e(ders8ip o3 t8ose p(rties.

    It is (*so ( 3(2t =e** no=n to (** t8(t in t8e United St(tes, t8e A#-!IO

    (*=(1s vote =it8 t8e 'e)o2r(ti2 P(rt1. But t8e ;usiness)en, )ost o3

    t8e), (*=(1s vote =it8 t8e Repu;*i2(n P(rt1, )e(nin+ t8(t t8ere is no

    re(son (t (** =81 po*iti2(* p(rties (nd )(ss or+(ni>(tions s8ou*d not

    2o);ine, reen3or2e, in3*uen2e (nd inter(2t =it8 e(28 ot8er so t8(t t8e

  • 7/26/2019 Banat Case


    ver1 o;He2tives t8(t =e set in t8is !onstitution 3or se2tor(* represent(tion

    (re (28ieved in ( =ider, )ore *(stin+, (nd )ore institution(*i>ed =(1.

    8ere3ore, I support t8is 6Monsod-%i**(2ort(7 ()end)ent. It inst(**s

    se2tor(* represent(tion (s ( 2onstitution(* +i3t, ;ut (t t8e s()e ti)e, it

    28(**en+es t8e se2tor to rise to t8e )(Hest1 o3 ;ein+ e*e2ted

    represent(tives *(ter on t8rou+8 ( p(rt1 *ist s1ste) (nd even ;e1ondt8(t, to ;e2o)e (2tu(* po*iti2(* p(rties 2(p(;*e o3 2ontestin+ po*iti2(*

    po=er in t8e =ider 2onstitution(* (ren( 3or )(Hor po*iti2(* p(rties.

    x x x 69074E)p8(sis supp*ied5

    R.A. No. /(tions o3 (

    2o(*ition )(1 p(rti2ip(te independent*1 provided t8e 2o(*ition o3 =8i28

    t8e1 3or) p(rt does not p(rti2ip(te in t8e p(rt1-*ist s1ste).

    4;5 A p(rt1 )e(ns eit8er ( po*iti2(* p(rt1 or ( se2tor(* p(rt1 or ( 2o(*ition

    o3 p(rties.

    425 A po*iti2(* p(rt1 re3ers to (n or+(ni>ed +roup o3 2iti>ens (dvo2(tin+(n ideo*o+1 or p*(t3or), prin2ip*es (nd po*i2ies 3or t8e +ener(* 2ondu2t

    o3 +overn)ent (nd =8i28, (s t8e )ost i))edi(te )e(ns o3 se2urin+ t8eir

    (doption, re+u*(r*1 no)in(tes (nd supports 2ert(in o3 its *e(ders (nd

    )e);ers (s 2(ndid(tes 3or pu;*i2 o33i2e.

    It is ( n(tion(* p(rt1 =8en its 2onstituen21 is spre(d over t8e

    +eo+r(p8i2(* territor1 o3 (t *e(st ( )(Horit1 o3 t8e re+ions. It is ( re+ion(*

    p(rt1 =8en its 2onstituen21 is spre(d over t8e +eo+r(p8i2(* territor1 o3 (t

    *e(st ( )(Horit1 o3 t8e 2ities (nd provin2es 2o)prisin+ t8e re+ion.

    4d5 A se2tor(* p(rt1 re3ers to (n or+(ni>ed +roup o3 2iti>ens ;e*on+in+ to

    (n1 o3 t8e se2tors enu)er(ted in Se2tion ? 8ereo3 =8ose prin2ip(*

    (dvo2(21 pert(ins to t8e spe2i(* interests (nd 2on2erns o3 t8eir se2tor,
  • 7/26/2019 Banat Case


    4e5 A se2tor(* or+(ni>(tion re3ers to ( +roup o3 2iti>ens or ( 2o(*ition o3

    +roups o3 2iti>ens =8o s8(re si)i*(r p81si2(* (ttri;utes or 28(r(2teristi2s,

    e)p*o1)ent, interests or 2on2erns.

    435 A 2o(*ition re3ers to (n (++rup(tion o3 du*1 re+istered n(tion(*,

    re+ion(*, se2tor(* p(rties or or+(ni>(tions 3or po*iti2(* (ndor e*e2tionpurposes.

    !on+ress, in en(2tin+ R.A. No. /

  • 7/26/2019 Banat Case


    8e Cu(*i3i2(tions o3 p(rt1-*ist no)inees (re pres2ri;ed in Se2tion / o3 R.A. No.

    /en o3 t8e

    P8i*ippines, ( re+istered voter, ( resident o3 t8e P8i*ippines 3or ( period

    o3 not *ess t8(n one 45 1e(r i))edi(te*1 pre2edin+ t8e d(1 o3 t8e

    e*e2tions, (;*e to re(d (nd =rite, bona fide)e);er o3 t8e p(rt1 or

    or+(ni>(tion =8i28 8e sees to represent 3or (t *e(st ninet1 4/5 d(1s

    pre2edin+ t8e d(1 o3 t8e e*e2tion, (nd is (t *e(st t=ent1-3ive 40?5 1e(rs o3

    (+e on t8e d(1 o3 t8e e*e2tion.

    In 2(se o3 ( no)inee o3 t8e 1out8 se2tor, 8e )ust (t *e(st ;e t=ent1-3ive40?5 ;ut not )ore t8(n t8irt1 495 1e(rs o3 (+e on t8e d(1 o3 t8e

    e*e2tion. An1 1out8 se2tor(* represent(tive =8o (tt(ins t8e (+e o3 t8irt1

    495 durin+ 8is ter) s8(** ;e (**o=ed to 2ontinue unti* t8e expir(tion o3

    8is ter).

    Under Se2tion / o3 R.A. No. /(tions no)inee =(**o= in povert1, destitution (nd in3ir)it169(tion2o(*ition ;e*on+s to t8e )(r+in(*i>ed (nd underrepresented

    se2tors,69?7 t8(t is, i3 t8e no)inee represents t8e 3is8er3o*, 8e or s8e )ust ;e (

    3is8er3o*, or i3 t8e no)inee represents t8e senior 2iti>ens, 8e or s8e )ust ;e (

    senior 2iti>en.

    Neit8er t8e !onstitution nor R.A. No. /

  • 7/26/2019 Banat Case


    t8e 2onstitution(**1 (**o2(ted 0K p(rt1-*ist represent(tives 3ro) ;ein+ 3i**ed. 8e

    t8ree-se(t 2(p, (s ( *i)it(tion to t8e nu);er o3 se(ts t8(t ( Cu(*i3ied p(rt1-*ist

    or+(ni>(tion )(1 o22up1, re)(ins ( v(*id st(tutor1 devi2e t8(t prevents (n1 p(rt1

    3ro) do)in(tin+ t8e p(rt1-*ist e*e2tions. Se(ts 3or p(rt1-*ist represent(tives s8(**

    t8us ;e (**o2(ted in (22ord(n2e =it8 t8e pro2edure used in (;*e 9 (;ove.

    $o=ever, ;1 ( vote o3 J-, t8e !ourt de2ided to 2ontinue t8e ru*in+

    in Veteransdis(**o=in+ )(Hor po*iti2(* p(rties 3ro) p(rti2ip(tin+ in t8e p(rt1-*ist

    e*e2tions, dire2t*1 or indire2t*1. 8ose =8o voted to 2ontinue dis(**o=in+ )(Hor

    po*iti2(* p(rties 3ro) t8e p(rt1-*ist e*e2tions Hoined !8ie3 &usti2e Re1n(to S. Puno

    in 8is sep(r(te opinion. On t8e 3or)u*( to (**o2(te p(rt1-*ist se(ts, t8e !ourt is

    un(ni)ous in 2on2urrin+ =it8 t8isponencia.

    EREFORE,=e PARTIALLY GRANT t8e petition. De SET ASIDE t8e

    Reso*ution o3 t8e !OME#E! d(ted 9 Au+ust 0 in NB! No. -

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