Page 1: Best Essential Oils Recipes - Aroma Rays · . 5. 4) Cold-pressed essential oils are extracted from the fruit rind by grind & press processing for the fruits. Shelf Life Most aroma
Page 2: Best Essential Oils Recipes - Aroma Rays · . 5. 4) Cold-pressed essential oils are extracted from the fruit rind by grind & press processing for the fruits. Shelf Life Most aroma 2.

Table of Contents

Essential Aroma Oils Introduction …………………………………………. 4

Ayurvedic Oils Recipes ………………………………………………………. 7

Some Recommended Oils ……………………………………………………. 8

Best Essential Oil Recipes as Diffusers …………………………………….. 16

Cooking with Essential Oils ………………………………………………… 20

Aromatherapy massages for Relaxing Mind and Body……………………... 24

About the Authors …………………………………………………………… 32

Page 3: Best Essential Oils Recipes - Aroma Rays · . 5. 4) Cold-pressed essential oils are extracted from the fruit rind by grind & press processing for the fruits. Shelf Life Most aroma 3.


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Page 4: Best Essential Oils Recipes - Aroma Rays · . 5. 4) Cold-pressed essential oils are extracted from the fruit rind by grind & press processing for the fruits. Shelf Life Most aroma 4.

Introduction: Essential Aroma Oils by Sumedha Rewar

Essential Oils

Essential Oils are basically the liquids with the higher concentration being extracted from plant material: Flowers, bark (or stem), berries, roots, seeds, leaves or twigs. It is variable for all the plants as benefits vary for different plantations.

Extracting Essential Oils:

1) Steam Distillation is the most common way of extracting essential oils from plant material. It makes the oils to evaporate out. The condensation process makes the oil skimmed off with the liquid condensed back.

2) Some delicate plants like oil blossom, rose & jasmine can’t bear distillation and for those plants, the oils are extracted with the use of solvents. The oils generated from these cases are mainly used as diffusers or perfumes.

3) Carbon Dioxide extraction is the third way to extract essential oils. These are technically absolute oils and pressurized CO2 is used as a solvent to create oil full of aroma with adequate thickness.

Page 5: Best Essential Oils Recipes - Aroma Rays · . 5. 4) Cold-pressed essential oils are extracted from the fruit rind by grind & press processing for the fruits. Shelf Life Most aroma 5.

4) Cold-pressed essential oils are extracted from the fruit rind by grind & press processing for the fruits.

Shelf Life

Most aroma oils don’t have the infinite shelf life and lose their full potential after 6 months to one year. The life of floral oils is more than the fruit extract oils. It is always preferable to store the oil away from sunlight with less air space. Some oils remain better when refrigerated. So, you must take into account about the nature of the oil to keep it secured.

Know about the oil

The quality of oil does matter on the method of production of the oil. The plant nature, rarity, species, quantity and quality standards are important in determining the cost & superiority of the oil. The different varieties of the same plant can have variable uses. One plant can produce a wide range of aroma oils.

The essential oils should be purchased only from the reputed distributors or brands. There are many companies selling synthetic fragrances under the name of essential oils. This is certainly a RED FLAG for the purchasers.

Grading guide

Essential oils have therapeutic value, but the. There are no standards or official grades for the production of essential oils. There are marketing terms used by companies to attract customers to purchase their products.

Synthetic Oils

There are no rules and regulations for the synthetic or real production of the oils from the appropriate sources. Synthetic fragrances are blended with mineral oil, vegetable oil, propylene glycol or other toxic

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ingredients. These oils are cheaper than essentials oils and have the stronger scent. Some plants can’t produce essential oils at all and they are still marketed. It will certainly be synthetic in nature.

One truth about essential oils is that they never give nutrients to the body. They don’t contain minerals, vitamins, amino acids, carbs, proteins or any other nutrient. The use of wrong oils or excess of them can make it unsafe for the body. Uncertified oils can actually cause more harm to your body than doing any good. For example, certain oils shouldn’t be used for high BP patients and contradict certain medications.

Neat usage (undiluted) of any essential oil can be dangerous as well. There might be delayed or immediate reaction to such oils causing serious consequences. There are sometimes cumulative negative impacts caused by these oils, which cause serious problems later on. The strength and amount of using aroma oils are VERY IMPORTANT.

Using the right precautions and information for essential oils will be helpful in reaping the right benefits of the oils. Invest quality time in researching the benefits, knowing about the properties and checking contraindications and then purchase the best product as per your requirement. You will enjoy the benefits of aromatherapy in a better way if you are aware of the facts and information about them.

Page 7: Best Essential Oils Recipes - Aroma Rays · . 5. 4) Cold-pressed essential oils are extracted from the fruit rind by grind & press processing for the fruits. Shelf Life Most aroma 7.

Ayurvedic Oils for you by Emily Bowles

Ayurvedic medicine tailors therapy individually to each patient's unique history, as well as their specific physical, emotional, mental, and energetic needs. Prevention is key, and specific diet and lifestyle choices make up the most of the treatment. Each patient’s body is viewed as a unique expression of chemistry and mystery. One brilliant way to develop a better understanding of the body is found in the science of ayurveda.

Consider how some people are more sensitive to cold weather, while others must avoid spicy foods to care for their digestion. And we all know that person who gets extra cranky from missing a meal. There are easy-going, slow-paced people with better long-term memory, and the excitable, creative types who are quick to learn yet quick to forget. For some people, it is natural to be heavy, sturdy, and reliable, and for others--they are slender, lively, and bubbling with joy.

Then there is the average built, focused, sharp, and self-confident entrepreneur. This person, for example, has a healthy sense of competition, although they tend to have more sensitivity to aggression when their energy becomes imbalanced. These characteristics are all reflections of various doshic energies.

The five elements that flow in nature—Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space (Ether)—react with each other in various ways, combining to form energies making up all the matter under the sun. Ayurveda has identified three distinct categories of these energies that make up body/mind types, called doshas.

We all embody some combination of these three energies in our constitution, but there will be one or two existing predominantly in your body type. There are seven possible combination types: the Vata, the Pitta, and the Kapha type, then there is the Vata-Pitta, Pitta-Kapha, and the Kapha-Vata type, as well as a Tri-Doshic type, where all three energies are present in a balanced state. Knowing your dominant dosha can help with the essential oil selection process, as well as in the creation of any diet, supplement, or detox regime.

Page 8: Best Essential Oils Recipes - Aroma Rays · . 5. 4) Cold-pressed essential oils are extracted from the fruit rind by grind & press processing for the fruits. Shelf Life Most aroma 8.

Vedic sciences consult ancient wisdom to help tailor lifestyle choices that celebrate our personal traits—balancing the natural rhythm of our body/mind with the rhythms of nature. When it comes to choosing an essential oil, it is always recommended to be aware of the shifting needs of ourselves and the environment from season to season. Always select essential oils from well-known distributors who grow plants in their native locations and in season. Look for therapeutic grade oils that advertise the safe ingestion of their products.

To determine your dosha, see the infographic below. Note each quality that reminds you of yourself. Find the doshic category (or two!) with the most similarities, which best resonates with you. Try not to assess yourself based on times when you felt imbalanced or ill, but rather on a general, overall perspective of your entire life.

Recommended Oils:

For Vata: Warm and Grounding

Sesame, Olive, Almond, Safflower, Coconut, Peanut, Avocado, Aloe, Camphor, Wintergreen, Turmeric, Ginger, Black Pepper, Clove, Cardamom, Cinnamon, Garlic, Lavender, Peppermint, Oregano, Basil, Rosemary, Saffron, Sage, Chamomile, Bergamot, Lemon, Lime, Orange, Grapefruit, Neroli, Rose, Geranium, Jasmine, Patchouli, Labdanum, Lemongrass, Sandalwood, Vanilla, Myrhh

For Pitta: Floral and Citrus

Sunflower, Coconut, Flaxseed, Peanut, Safflower, Sesame, Aloe, Rose, Lotus, Dandelion, Chamomile, Neroli, Lavender, Rose-Geranium, Jasmine, Gardenia, Honeysuckle, Peppermint, Rosemary, Basil, Saffron, Sage, Turmeric, Ginger, Garlic, Lemon, Lime, Orange, Grapefruit, Sandalwood, Frankincense, Vetiver

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For Kapha: Warm and Stimulating

Sunflower, Almond, Avocado, Peanut, Sesame, Walnut, Flaxseed, Pumpkin seed, Safflower, Aloe, Grapefruit, Orange, Neroli, Clove, Cardamom, Cinnamon, Cayenne, Black Pepper, Cedarwood, Wintergreen, Camphor, Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Oregano, Saffron, Sage, Rosemary, Basil, Lavender, Cilantro, Garlic, Ginger, Turmeric, Carrot, Frankincense, Myrhh, Bergamot

Here are some recipes that will be the most therapeutic for your personal doshic body type.

For Vata:

Turmeric Almond Milk:

Energize and Strengthen

2-3 Cups Almond Milk

2-3 Drops Turmeric Essential Oil

Drink every day. The heaviness of the almond milk is grounding and soothing for vata types. Almonds are of a very high vibration. The Turmeric oil is anti-inflammatory, heals the digestion and liver, and is full of detoxifying and anti-oxidant properties. Turmeric benefits the joints, skin, and hair. The oil makes supplementing with Turmeric super convenient and effective. There’s no mess or prep!

Lavender Lemonade

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Calm and Cleanse

1-2 Lemons

3 Drops Lavender Essential Oil

Juice the lemons, add the lavender oil, and any honey or sweetener to taste.

It’s best for vata types to avoid cold beverages—so leave out the ice. You can add some water if you like, but it can also be taken like a shot, as a daily supplement. Lemons are sunny and warm—the high vitamin C, fiber, and citric acid content make them good for the belly. The high potassium levels are good for your heart. Yellow is associated with happiness, and the B-complex vitamins in lemons are great for the brain. Lavender soothes insomnia and stress. It is antibacterial, antifungal, carminative (muscle relaxing), sedative, and anti-depressive.

Essential Courage Blend in Sesame Olive Oil

Ground in Courage

Blend Basil, Myrhh, Lavender, Labdanum, Lemongrass, Patchouli, Sandalwood, Grapefruit, Bergamot, and Rosemary with Sesame and Olive Oils. Apply to skin, or inhale and diffuse. This blend invokes a happier mood with comforting and soothing aromas, to help overcome fear.

For Pitta:

Cucumber Iced Green Tea with Lemon & Peppermint Oils

Cool and Uplift

1 Tb Matcha Powder, Loose Leaf, or 2 Green Tea Bags

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2 Cups Water

2-3 Drops Lemon Essential Oil

1-2 Drops Peppermint Essential Oil

1 Cucumber

Ice Cubes

Drizzle with Honey or Agave

Add ingredients to blender. If using loose leaf or tea bags, steep the tea for ten minutes first—let chill, and then blend with the other ingredients. Peppermint brings a cooling and soothing sensation with antimicrobial properties. It’s good for digestion and is stimulating. Lemon is a thirst quencher with antibacterial and antifungal properties. Both peppermint and lemon alleviate nausea.

Aloe Avocado Oatmeal Face Mask with Frankincense & Lavender

Soothe and Glow

1 Aloe Vera Leaf or 1 Tb Aloe Gel

Half of an Avocado

¼ Cup Oats

5 Drops Lavender Oil

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5 Drops Frankincense Oil

Cut the Aloe Vera leaf horizontally, and scoop out the gel. Combine with the avocado and raw oats in a food processor and blend until a smooth paste is formed. Add the Frankincense and Lavender oils and mix thoroughly. Apply to clean face and body, wear for 20-60 minutes, and rinse.

Lavender soothes the mood and the skin. It’s an anti-fungal, circulatory stimulant. Increased blood flow to the skin means faster traveling nutrients and oxygen, and healthier cell turnover. Lavender also reduces blemishes, large pores, and wrinkles. Frankincense is an astringent that protects skin cells—it lifts and tones the skin, treating wrinkles, and stretch marks. Both lavender and frankincense are both antiseptic, disinfectant, and anti-inflammatory.

Belly Massage with Rose-Geranium in Sunflower Carrier Oil

Balance and Restore

To cool the body/mind, relieve stress and depression, and minimize inflammation—dilute Rose-Geranium essential oil in a Sunflower carrier oil. Massage around the belly moving in a clockwise direction, to help stimulate the digestive system, increase circulation, reduce blood pressure, and balance the emotions and hormones. [Substitute rose, vetiver, or neroli oil.]

For Kapha

Diffuse Neroli {Orange Blossom} & Clove Oil

Purity and Joy

Cotton Ball or Diffuser

3-5 Drops Neroli Oil

2-3 Drops Clove Oil

Diffuse Neroli and Clove oil on a cotton ball in your car’s vent, for focused and upbeat vibes, and to clean and purify the air of any unwanted micro-organisms. Stick cloves into unpeeled oranges, and leave around the house to purify the air and to bring a sense of warm joy to the atmosphere. Clove is a brain stimulator, energy booster, analgesic, and keeps away insects. Neroli’s fragrance is an anti-depressant and eases digestion.

Practice Dry Rubbing & Wet Sock Treatments with Eucalyptus or Rosemary Oil

Page 13: Best Essential Oils Recipes - Aroma Rays · . 5. 4) Cold-pressed essential oils are extracted from the fruit rind by grind & press processing for the fruits. Shelf Life Most aroma 13.

Easy Breath

Rough Textured Glove or Loofah

1 Pair Cotton Socks

1 Pair Wool Socks

Heating Pad or Warm Rice Bag

Eucalyptus and/or Rosemary Oil

Take a pair of cotton socks and rinse them out in the sink with cold water. Ring out the socks, then leave them in the freezer. Use a dry textured glove or loofah to self-massage the feet and body, moving toward the heart. This stimulates the lymph system.

Apply a heating pad or warm rice bag to the feet for five minutes. Take the frozen cotton socks out of the freezer. Rub a couple drops of Eucalyptus and/or Rosemary Oil onto the feet, an optional moisturizer like coconut oil or shea butter, and then put on the frozen socks. Take out the wool socks and wear them over the cold cotton ones, and immediately go to bed.

Sleep like this for three days in a row, and it will treat any symptoms of sinus or respiratory imbalance. Eucalyptus is an antispasmodic, deodorant, stimulating decongestant. Rosemary contains analgesic, anticancer, antifungal, antioxidant, disinfectant, and expectorant properties. They are both anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial.

Black Pepper & Cedarwood Blend

Hot and Happy

Combine equal parts Black Pepper and Cedarwood Oils, with carrier oil (like avocado, almond).

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Apply to skin and inhale throughout the day, pausing to take some deep breaths. Connect with your core strength, and allow the aroma to energize and cleanse your space while your breath enlightens you.

Black pepper is a digestive, diaphoretic, aperient, antispasmodic, antirheumatic, antarthritic, antibacterial, antioxidant muscle relaxer. Cedarwood is an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic, tonic, emmenagogue, insecticidal, fungicidal, diuretic, astringent, and expectorant sedative.

When black pepper and cedarwood oils are combined, a very pleasant affect is achieved. This blend is effective in reducing the symptoms and the impact of negative emotion on the body.

For All Doshas:

Peppermint Ginger Hot Tea

Strong Bellies & Deep Breaths

1 Piece Fresh Ginger Root, 1”

1 Tb Peppermint Leaves or 2 Tea Bags

2 Cups Water

1-2 Drops Peppermint Essential Oil

Wash, peel, and slice the ginger root into thin coins. Boil a pot of water on high heat to a boil. Add the ginger and let it boil gently for ten minutes. Turn off heat, add the leaves (in a strainer or bag) and let steep (covered) for ten more minutes. Add a couple drops of Peppermint Essential Oil. This is an excellent tri-doshic treatment for all digestive, metabolic, and respiratory concerns. Pitta types should drink chilled.

On Carrier Oils:

When choosing a carrier oil for diluting more potent essential oils and creating blends—select an oil that will balance your dosha. Shea butter is anti-inflammatory, rich, nourishing, grounding, and hydrating. Coconut oil is non-greasy, anti-bacterial, and rich in anti-oxidants—preventing free-radical damage. These are perfect for tri-doshic types. Sunflower oil is kapha and pitta balancing—lightweight, cooling, with quick absorption. It’s rich in essential fatty acids, ideal for those with sensitivities or allergies. Sunflower oil treats irritation, inflammation, sunburn, and acne. Sesame and olive oils are vata pacifying. They are heavy, warming, deeply penetrating, and grounding. They both deeply hydrate dry skin, calm the nervous system, and nourish joints.

The advice given in this article is for personal information and interest only. It is not intended to offer professional medical advice or treatment for any condition. I do not encourage self-diagnosis. I recommend that you consult a medical professional if you have any health concerns whatsoever. I also advise making an appointment with a local aromatherapist or clinical ayurvedic specialist who can take a full case history and offer you tailored treatment advice. Celebrate your life, listen to your body’s needs, and enjoy the exploration.

Page 15: Best Essential Oils Recipes - Aroma Rays · . 5. 4) Cold-pressed essential oils are extracted from the fruit rind by grind & press processing for the fruits. Shelf Life Most aroma 15.

Page 16: Best Essential Oils Recipes - Aroma Rays · . 5. 4) Cold-pressed essential oils are extracted from the fruit rind by grind & press processing for the fruits. Shelf Life Most aroma 16.

Best Essential Oil Recipes as Diffusers by Sumedha Rewar

Diffusers can really help in getting multiple benefits from the essential oils. There is nothing better than lit up candles, amazing music and the perfect ambiance to feel amazing from inside. I have changed my view after getting a great response from the diffusers and avoiding the paraffin candles. Essential oil diffusers have revolutionized the way of getting their benefits. This option is pretty good for the homes and in the real sense; I’ve adopted this beautiful addiction. The smell and feel of your environment change by these diffusers and you can all the way feel great with the top notch fragrances.

In our home, we can make use of the diffusers for getting the benefits of the essential oils and not only use them as a scent. Cold air diffusers are generally used for getting the therapeutic benefits of essential oils without affecting the properties. There are many practically used essential oil recipes for different purposes, which must be tried. There is nothing bad in using single oil, but there are some blended recipes, which are used to get the best benefits.

Some of the MUST TRY Essential Oil Recipes as Diffusers

• Summer/Hot Day

Refresh your space in hot summers with summertime scent.

3 drops Lavender + 3 drops Grapefruit + 2 drops Lemon + 2-3 drops Spearmint

• Morning Freshener

Make your mornings fresh and increase your mental alertness for the whole day with stimulating essential oils blend.

4 drops Peppermint + 4 drops Wild Orange

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• Anti-Allergic

Allergies are hidden in some months or weather variations. The oil is well suited for the people prone to allergic reactions.

3 drops Lavender + 3 drops Lemon + 3 drops Peppermint

• Whole Day Citrusy Sunshine

The citrusy blend of sunshine elements can brighten your home and make a fresh feeling throughout.

3 drops Grapefruit + 2 drops Bergamot + 2 drops lemon + 3 drops Wild Orange

• Remain Focused

Diffuser to keep the focus levels on the peak.

2 drops Cinnamon + 1 drop Rosemary + 2 drops Peppermint

• Evening diffuser for Rest

Night routines with restful minds can initiate the right mood for sleep.

3 drops Wild Orange + 3 drops Lavender + 3 drops Roman Chamomile Oil

• Breathing Oil

This blend of oil improves the respiratory functions and clears the congestion. It is mainly used for cold and flu season.

1 drop Lime + 2 drops Lemon + 1 drop Rosemary + 1 drop Clove + 2 drops Peppermint + 2 drops Eucalyptus

• Germ Buster

You can get rid of the airborne bacteria by diffusing this blend.

2 drops Lemon + 4 drops Shield + 1 drop Melaleuca

• Citrus Freshness

Citrus blends can help in purification of air and give a clean feel to the atmosphere.

2 drops Wild Orange + 1 drop Grapefruit + 2 drops of Lemon + 1 drop Lime + 1 drop Bergamot

• Cooling oil

Cooling oil blends can help in equalizing the hotness during summer day or hot spring weather.

Page 18: Best Essential Oils Recipes - Aroma Rays · . 5. 4) Cold-pressed essential oils are extracted from the fruit rind by grind & press processing for the fruits. Shelf Life Most aroma 18.

3 drops Peppermint + 4 drops Citronella + 4 drops Spearmint + 1 drop Lemongrass

• Winding Down

Winding oils can calm your emotions and mind for relieving stress.

2 drops Cedarwood + 1 drop Ylang Ylang + 2 drops Wild Orange + 4 drops Lavender

• Happiness oil

Some oils are blended for boosting mood and relieving all the mess.

2 drops Geranium + 2 drops Bergamot + 3 drops Lavender

• Spicy Cider

This is calm and grounding oil mainly used in winters.

3 drops Cinnamon + 3 drops Ginger + 3 drops Wild Orange

• Sleep boosting Oil

It can help in falling asleep and relaxing the mind during sleep.

3 drops Lavender + 3 drops Cedarwood

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• Headache relieving oil

Headaches are very common and it can be relieved by the blend of this practically used oil.

1 drop Thyme + 2 drops Peppermint + 1 drop Marjoram + 2 drops Rosemary + 2 drop Lavender

• Sensuality

Love and sensuality blend can improve your intimate experiences.

2 drops Ylang ylang + 1 drop geranium + 2 drops rosewood + 2 drops sandalwood + 2 drops jasmine + 1 drop Clary sage

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Cooking with Essential Oils by Sumedha Rewar

Nutritious food with flavored spices is a picture of the honored tradition. The flowers and herbs are a great source of providing delicious wellness resources with the extended value of cooking celebration. All the goodness of essential oils can be grabbed by including it into some of the finest cooking and delicious recipes.

Controversies related to Ingestion of Essential Oils

The ingestion of essential oils has always been a controversial topic. You must know about them fully before including these oils into any dish. There are plenty of options available and you can select the real and synthetic essential oils, which have been used as flavoring agents for years. It is easy to add these oils or aromatic agents, but the volume and quantity have to be known. There are some essential oils adding to the food safety. Some anti-microbial oils can minimize the illness if they are added to packaging.

Cooking with essential oils is possible and it can be done safely if you are aware of the right quantity and the idea behind using the particular oil. Every essential oil is not meant to be used for cooking. You need to consider the profile, safety and precautions to make the cooking safe and useful in all the aspects.

Basics of Cooking

Essential oils can make your food flavorful and delicious. There is a huge variety of nutrients offered by some of the finest oils. It is easy to add a drop and make your food unique in every aspect. The essential oil can take the place of an artificial flavoring ingredient and gives a different flavor to the food.

The essential oil is concentrated and should be used in very small quantity. You can spoil your whole dish if there is even a little more essential oil added to the dish. So, you need to be extremely careful about the same.

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Taking a small example, the cinnamon sticks or powder requires being put in more quantity than one or two drops to be added for a full recipe. You need to ensure that the flavors get evenly dispersed in the whole dish. It can be diluted in some olive oil and added to the recipe. Honey or syrup runs well for the sweet dishes. In the case of hot recipes, it is important to wait till the whole process ends before adding the oil. Most of the oils are volatile in nature and dissipate with high heat. You can dilute the essential oil and add it in the final phase to enjoy the flavors in the best way.

Effect on Cooking on the properties of the Essential Oils

This is the most common thing coming into the mind of people. It is clear that we’re adding the essential oils for getting the health or flavor benefits. The major concerns of essential oils for cooking are: Change in the chemical structure and Evaporation of oil.

These are valid concerns and should be thought of while making use of the essential oils in food. The reason for adding the essential oils in the last phase of cooking is quite clear. The evaporation can be minimized by best dilution and dispersion throughout the whole cooking procedure. In some essential oils, the boiling process actually gives better results than baking or microwaving it. The quality of the essential oil has to be very superior because these oils will be ingested and the properties are retained for the ultimate benefits.

Remember the fact that cooking with essential oils is meant for attaining fragrance and flavors into the dish with the potential health benefits.

Major Essential Oils for Cooking

You can use these oils (one or two drops) in the raw or cooked form in the food. Fewer drops in a recipe will give different flavor and safety for a wide number of dishes. Some of the best essential oils for cooking are:

1) Lavender Lavender is gentle oil and you can easily cook with its essence. It has floral and delicate flavor and is mainly used for dessert recipes. The recipe will be taken towards gourmet tone and give a calming effect

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to the body. It also has anti-anxiety effects, which are actually good for everyone to relieve from daily burdens.

2) Citrus Citrus oils are always great for cooking. These are unique and generated directly from the fruits rich in Vitamin C. There is no steam distillation followed for generating them and hence, there is no application of heat on them in any way. Citrus oils in smoothies, mocktails and another form of treats can be actually a great choice. There are endless recipes having the scope to add citrus effect on them. These fruity oils can be wonderful in every aspect. It can energize the body and even contains antimicrobial properties.

3) Bergamot Bergamot is citrus in nature, but it requires an exclusive mentioning. It is not a common fruit, which is eaten directly. Instead, it can act as an anxiety reliever. The mild citrus effect is great for a blend with green tea. It is cold-pressed oil having anti-anxiety and stress relieving properties.

4) Peppermint Peppermint has a cool and refreshing effect on the body. Just a single drop of peppermint essential oil added to honey can give an energizing effect to the body in the beginning of the day. It can also go well with other essential oils (lemon, peppermint, lavender and others) for getting the best blends. The three essential oils and flavors work together in a great way with peppermint effect. Peppermint oil is generally included in mint treats, chocolates and candies to get a sudden refreshing flavor in the mouth. It can energize you and gets you relieved from aches and pains.

5) Ginger Ginger essential oil can be used for cooking. It is a digestive substance used for relieving stomach and stress. Adding ginger to food elements like bread, spicy drinks or snaps will give a great effect. It can be used in savory dishes also. It is relatively an easy addition than the fresh ginger and can be utilized quickly. Ginger essential oil will keep your digestion strong, prevents nausea and has anti-inflammatory benefits for the body.

6) Thyme Thyme essential oil can be used against the microbes, which cause illness in the body. It builds up immunity and makes the food flavorful. It has a savory flavor and used in giving flavors to the main course dishes, such as meat. The herb flavor even goes well with soups, bakes, and stews. This essential oil can give a surprising twist to the flavors of food.

7) Cinnamon Cinnamon essential oil has the strong flavors and effects on the body. It is required for sweet dishes as a replacement to the powdered cinnamon bark. Cinnamon essential oil is used for boosting the flavors of

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French toast and other bakery items. It has anti-microbial properties and antioxidant effects. You’ll feel energized to get the effect of energizing oil.

8) Coriander/Cilantro Coriander is the plant seed and cilantro is the leaf. The essential oils of coriander and cilantro work in a similar way. The benefits are similar but the flavors are different for both options. Coriander oils work well in preparation of pickles, sauces, vegetable dishes and other recipes. Cilantro essential oil is used in salsas, savory cuisine, and various dips. Coriander and cilantro essential oils give antioxidant and digestive health benefits.

9) Cardamom Cardamom is a very strong antioxidant having the potential to improve your digestion. It is used in tea or main course dishes to get digestive benefits to the recipe with different flavors. Cardamom essential oil can relieve nausea and antioxidant composition.

10) Anise The licorice flavored Anise essential oil can get the delicious tone to any kind of recipe. It is majorly used in ethnic recipes, cookies, marinades, sausages, soups and many other treats.

The flavor of Anise is similar to fennel and you can enjoy the benefits of digestive wellness along with the good flavor. It can be dangerous if used in excess.

Safety and Precautions to follow There are many studies revealing the drug indications and precautions to follow for essential oil safety. The trained researchers will give you the most appropriate blends for essential oils in cooking. It is important to see that essential oils are safe in the right quantity and in an appropriate usage. Your common sense can be the best way to make the cooking marvelous. Make sure that you discontinue the use of the oil if any odd reaction occurs.

Page 24: Best Essential Oils Recipes - Aroma Rays · . 5. 4) Cold-pressed essential oils are extracted from the fruit rind by grind & press processing for the fruits. Shelf Life Most aroma 24.

Aromatherapy massages for Relaxing Mind and Body by Sumedha Rewar

Everyone likes to have a peaceful and quiet life. If you wish to get the best feeling of calmness from within, just think about using essential oils to get the required effect on the body. Lavender is the first option coming into mind when we think about the aroma oil for relaxed body. There are several essential oils to lower the stress levels and they are not having any side effects.

The blend of some oils can make you feel calm and peaceful. Roman Chamomile, Marjoram, Lemon, Spikenard, Ylang Ylang, Neroli, Frankincense, Lavender, and Rose are the common oils used for relaxing body and mind. You can even use these blends while meditating or in your room.

• Calming Massage Oil

Orange: 5 drops

Neroli: 4 drops

Petitgrain: 6 drops

Carrier Oil: 15 ml

Blend these oils and use it on shoulders and back area.

Other Option:

Eucalyptus: 5 drops

Roman Chamomile: 3 drops

Page 25: Best Essential Oils Recipes - Aroma Rays · . 5. 4) Cold-pressed essential oils are extracted from the fruit rind by grind & press processing for the fruits. Shelf Life Most aroma 25.

Pine: 5 drops

Birch: 3 drops

Sunflower Oil: 2 ounces

Blend all the oils and shake well. It can reduce the stiffness of tired muscles and makes your body relaxed.

• Relaxing Diffuser Blend

Lavender: 15 drops

Geranium: 10 drops

Roman Chamomile: 20 drops

Clary Sage: 10 drops

Ylang Ylang: 5 drops

Blend oils and keep in a glass bottle. Use it as a diffuser as you use it.

• Calming Blend for Body and Mind

Lavender: 20 drops

German Chamomile: 10 drops

White Chamomile: 10 drops

Orange: 20 drops

Marjoram: 20 drops

Combine all the oils in a glass bottle with dropper neck. Add the drops 5-8 drops in water. It can make your room fresh and is the perfect cologne to be used daily.

• Diffuser Blend for Relaxation

Roman Chamomile: 12 drops

Lavender: 20 drops

Rosewood: 15 drops

Ylang Ylang: 10 drops

Clary Sage: 10 drops

Geranium: 12 drops

Page 26: Best Essential Oils Recipes - Aroma Rays · . 5. 4) Cold-pressed essential oils are extracted from the fruit rind by grind & press processing for the fruits. Shelf Life Most aroma 26.

Blend these oils in a glass container and add to your favorite diffuser.

• Massage after a hectic day

Carrier Oil: 60 ml

Nutmeg: 6 drops

Rose: 15 drops

Jojoba: 1 drop (optional)

Anise: 6 drops

Massage to the upper chest area, back, shoulders and relieve your stressed body.

• Intense Massaging Oil

Carrier Oil: 15 ml

Anise: 3 drops

Orange: 4 drops

Neroli: 3 drops

Cedarwood: 4 drops

Chamomile: 2 drops

Other Option:

Carrier Oil: 15 ml

Cedarwood: 3 drops

Neroli: 3 drops

Roman Chamomile: 3 drops

Orange: 3 drops

Anise: 3 drops

• Cooling effect oil

Emulsifier: 30 drops

Page 27: Best Essential Oils Recipes - Aroma Rays · . 5. 4) Cold-pressed essential oils are extracted from the fruit rind by grind & press processing for the fruits. Shelf Life Most aroma 27.

Sandalwood: 3 drops

Marjoram: 3 drops

Mandarin: 10 drops

Lavender: 5 drops

Blend essential oils and add the emulsifier in it. Mix it well and add it to a pet plastic spray bottle. Add 4 ounces of water. This oil is good for kids who play for the whole day or has involvement with some activity.

• Stress buster Oil

Ylang Ylang: 4 drops

Roman Chamomile: 4 drops

Lavender: 6 drops

Blend these oils together in an amber bottle. It can be used as personal inhaler or diffuser (best in Terra Cotta diffuser). It will eliminate your tiredness and make you feel relaxed.

• Relaxation Bath

Prepare a warm bath by adding 2 drops of Lavender and 4 drops of Chamomile. You can do this before the bed and get relaxed.

• For soothing and relaxation

Bergamot: 6 drops

Ginger: 4 drops

Grapefruit: 6 drops

Lime: 6 drops

Sandalwood: 2 drops

Blend the oils and put 4-6 drops in the bath.

• Stress relieving back massage oil

Sweet Almond: 60 ml

Nutmeg: 3 drops

Rose Otto: 1 drop

Anise: 7-10 drops

Page 28: Best Essential Oils Recipes - Aroma Rays · . 5. 4) Cold-pressed essential oils are extracted from the fruit rind by grind & press processing for the fruits. Shelf Life Most aroma 28.

Blend these elements in 2 oz amber bottle and shake. This can be used anytime to massage on the back.

• Strain Soother

Carrier Oil: 15 ml

Marjoram: 3 drops

Lavender: 3-5 drops

Blend these elements and apply it on the loose muscles. It will ease your muscles and make you relaxed.

• Spray Mist

4 ounces of pure water

30 drops each of Marjoram, Petitgrain, Vetiver, Lavender and Cajuput

Shake well and spray in the room. It is good for the hyperactive brains.

• Calming Perfume

Jojoba: 4 ml

Rose: 1 drop

Ylang Ylang: 3 drops

Jasmine: 1 drop

Roman Chamomile: 2-3 drops

Add essential oils to Jojoba. It can be inhaled with the cotton ball and kept in the glass bottle. You can dab on the ears or pulse points.

• Spray for Comfort

Distilled water: 2 ounces

Lavender: 8-10 drops

Ylang Ylang: 3 drops

Vanilla: 3 drops (30 drops in Jojoba)

Cedarwood: 8 drops

Orange: 10 drops

Emulsifier: ½ teaspoon

Page 29: Best Essential Oils Recipes - Aroma Rays · . 5. 4) Cold-pressed essential oils are extracted from the fruit rind by grind & press processing for the fruits. Shelf Life Most aroma 29.

Add oils to Emulsifier and shake well. Then add distilled water, shake well and spray in the room.

• Simple Blend for Sleeping

Bergamot: 1 drop

Lavender: 1 drop

Place the blend on the tissue and place it under the pillow to get a sound sleep.

• Sleeping Mist Spray

4 oz distilled water

Pine needle: 50 drops

Eucalyptus: 30 drops

Myrtle: 50 drops

Grapefruit: 20 drops

Marjoram: 20 drops

Bay Laurel: 30 drops

Emulsifier: 2 teaspoons

Blend the essential oils and the emulsifier with distilled water. Shake well and spray in the bedroom before going to sleep. It will avoid snoring.

• Bedtime Spray for Monsters

Bedtime spray for children and adults can help in getting sound sleep. The bedtime spray can make the mix of essential oils in 8-ounce bottle of distilled water.

Emulsifier: 30 drops

Orange: 8 drops

Lavender: 15 drops

Roman Chamomile: 10 drops

Mix and spray on pillow or air in the room.

• Sleeping Massage Oil

Carrier Oil: 15 ml

Cinnamon: 1 drop

Page 30: Best Essential Oils Recipes - Aroma Rays · . 5. 4) Cold-pressed essential oils are extracted from the fruit rind by grind & press processing for the fruits. Shelf Life Most aroma 30.

Pine: 4 drops

Marjoram: 4-5 drops

Melissa: 4-5 drops

Blend all the ingredients and use for massaging to get a good sleep at night.

• Sweet Dreams: Pillow Spray

The easiest way is to a few drops of Lavender and Marjoram in a warm bath to relax.

• Pillow Spray

Distilled water: 15 ml

Lavender: 2 drops

Ylang Ylang: 1 drop

Orange: 1 drop

Chamomile: 1 drop

Shake the ingredients and spray on pillow cases. Let it dry and it will be a great welcome for your guests.

• Sleepy Time

Lavender: 4 drops

Oregano: 3 drops

Mandarin: 3-4 drops

Neroli: 4 drops

Carrier Oil: 1 tablespoon

Blend the essential oils in the carrier oil and shake it well. Massage arms, legs and back area for the perfect sleep.

• Oil for Meditation

Frankincense: 10 drops

Myrrh: 4 drops

Sandalwood: 5 drops

Cistus: 2 drops

Page 31: Best Essential Oils Recipes - Aroma Rays · . 5. 4) Cold-pressed essential oils are extracted from the fruit rind by grind & press processing for the fruits. Shelf Life Most aroma 31.

Clary Sage: 5 drops

Rose Otto: 2 drops

Clove bud: 2 drops

Blend oils and mix them well in the amber bottle. You can add 2-4 drops in your diffuser for use while meditating. This blend is very soothing for relaxing your body and mind.

• Foot Bath for Rejuvenation

Grapefruit: 4 drops

Myrtle: 4 drops

Cajuput: 4 drops

Spearmint: 4 drops

Carrier oil: 15 ml

Blend all the elements together and add 6-8 drops in the foot bath. The water can be swirled for dispersion of oils. Relax by dipping your feet in the water.

• De stressing bath

Lavender: 5 drops

Geranium: 2 drops

Ylang Ylang: 3 drops

Grapefruit: 2 drops

Basil: 3 drops

Fill the bathtub with warm water and add the above mentioned essential oils. Enjoy and relax the calmness. Play your favorite music or simply relax with closed eyes.

Page 32: Best Essential Oils Recipes - Aroma Rays · . 5. 4) Cold-pressed essential oils are extracted from the fruit rind by grind & press processing for the fruits. Shelf Life Most aroma 32.






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