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    Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences

    Funded by the Excellence Initiative of theGerman Federal and State Governments

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    Bremen International Graduate Schoolof Social Sciences (BIGSSS)

    Universitt BremenWiener Strae / Ecke CelsiusstraeD - 28359 Bremen

    Jacobs UniversityCampus Ring 1

    D - 28759 Bremen

    E-Mail: [email protected]:

    Published by BIGSSSEdited by Judith Lucas and Dr. Christian PetersLayout and Production by Wolfgang Zimmermann

    Pictures provided by:Universitt Bremen; Jacobs University; BTZ; Deutsche Telekom; ChristianKairies-Kosak; Europaparlament; Harald Rehling; photocase.com_Pryce,_zettberlin, _Jo.Sephine_, _ tomogul, _senior, _Psypion, _badmike,_eris23, _brianh, _luxuz::,; Pia Pollmans; Wozi

    Mai 2013

    1. About BIGSSS 4

    2. Ph.D. Program 6Thematic Fields 7

    3. Research Support at BIGSSS 13

    Doctoral Supervision 14Financial Support 15The BIGSSS Network 16

    4. Application and Admission 17

    5. Principal Investigators* 20

    6. Bremen and its two universities 21

    7. Contact 24

    *For a full list of faculty members, please refer topeople on our website:


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    4 5

    1. About BIGSSS

    The Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS)is an inter-university Graduate School of Universitt Bremen (UB) and

    Jacobs University (Jacobs), financed by the Excellence Initiative of theGerman Federal and State Governments from 2007 until 2012 as wellas from 2012 until 2017.

    BIGSSS integrates excellent areas of graduate education and researchat both universities into a synergetic inter-university institution de-signed to become an internationally competitive model of graduate

    education. The Graduate School builds on the experience and institu-tional structure of both UBs Graduate School of Social Sciences (GSSS)on the one hand and the School of Humanities and Social Sciences(SHSS) and the Jacobs Center on Lifelong Learning and InstitutionalDevelopment (JCLL) on the other. Founded upon the core disciplinesof political science, sociology and psychology, it also integratesbordering disciplines and is supported by a solid foundation in so-cial sciences methodology. BIGSSS offers advanced interdisciplinarytraining, preparing fellows for leading positions inside and outsideof academia, both nationally and internationally. BIGSSS focuses all

    of its efforts and resources on supporting the outstandinginternational body of Ph.D. and in add ition predoctoral andpostdoctoral Fellows, their research, and their professionaldevelopment. The cooperation facilitates the early integrationof doctoral students into a strong research environment andensures a cutting-edge research orientation within BIGSSS.

    Every September BIGSSS welcomes a new cohort of Ph.D.Fellows to start the program. Highly motivated graduates

    from all around the world are invited to apply. Successfulapplicants will receive a stipend of 1300 a month for threeyears; there are no tuition fees.

    For further information, e.g. stipends for pre- and postdoc-toral fellows, please read on and also please refer to theBIGSSS

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    The integration of most major social-science disciplines into one school isa key asset of BIGSSS. Our umbrella theme is Changing Patterns of Socialand Political Integration, which is subdivided into three thematic fields:

    Global Governance and Regional Integration Welfare State, Inequality, and Quality of Life Changing Lives in Changing Socio-Cultural Contexts

    While a specialized curriculum is dedicated to each of these researchfields, BIGSSS encourages its doctoral students to engage in the researchcarried out in all thematic fields and to let their own work be challengedby an interdisciplinary community of scholars. Teaching and researchwithin BIGSSS thematic fields is complemented by an emphasis on socialscience methods through the BIGSSS Methods Center.

    In combination, these perspectives yield a panoramic view of the chang-ing patterns of social and political integration in contemporary societies.


    2. Ph.D. Program

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    2.1 Thematic Fields

    Thematic Field A: Global Governance and Regional IntegrationThe field on global governance and regional integration addresses the relation-ships between political, social, legal, historical, and economic developments inthe post-national constellation, that is, after the demise of the nation state ascontainer. It considers supranationalization (European integration) and global-ization as part of a continuum of internationalization and studies the phenom-enon of political integration, comparing processes and outcomes at differentlevels and in different regions. Traditional forms of intergovernmental politicsare being complemented or superseded by international and supranational

    regulatory regimes. Private actors, such as NGOs and multinational enterprises,have also become more involved in the international sphere, generating whathas become known as transnational governance. The result is the emergenceof hybrid forms of governance that mix public, private, hard (legally binding)and soft (based on persuasion and advice) governance.

    Research questions in Thematic Field A fall into three groups:

    1. The emergence of global or regional governance and the dynamics ofdecision-making

    2. The effectiveness of global and regional governance

    3. Conflict, contestation, and legitimacy in global and regional governance

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    Thematic Field B: Welfare State, Inequality, and Quality of Life

    This field integrates macro, meso and micro level research, and focuses onthe connection between social policies, patterns of inequality, and collectiveand individual well-being. Welfare state regimes are being transformed andthe welfare states central role in government has been called into question.Traditional social policies were designed to deal with social risks in an indus-trial society but as economies shift from manufacturing to knowledge-based,manual labor ceases to be the dominant form of employment, educationmoves center stage, and traditional industrial society class structures arealtered. The result has been a resurgence of economic and social inequalityand the emergence of new forms of insecurity in advanced industrial societ-

    ies, with massive implications for collective and individual well-being.

    Research questions in Thematic Field B fall into three groups:

    1. How are European welfare states being affected by globalization, Europe-anization, and new socio-economic and demographic patterns and whatnew welfare state paradigms can we identify?

    2. How have inequalities in income, health, living conditions, education andother spheres of life changed over time and is the welfare state still able toperform its central role of alleviating inequality, poverty and deprivation?

    3. How are changing social structures and welfare state reform affecting thequality of life?

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    3. Research Support at BIGSSSFor further, more detailed, information on the program and the thematic fields,

    please refer to

    Thematic Field C: Changing Lives in Changing Socio-Cultural Contexts

    To understand changing patterns of societal integration, we have to analyze thecomplex interplay of social structures, culture, and individuals attitudes and be-haviors across time. This means to examine the changing dynamics of individuallives against a backdrop of political and social integration. Within Field C, this isdone by looking at the interplay of individual attitudes, capabilities, and behaviorand changing demographics, social structures, cultures, and institutions. Thisstudy of macro-micro interrelations requires dynamic individual-level analyses,embedded in multi-level models of social processes. Advanced sociological life-course and psychological lifespan research are powerful approaches to achievethis goal.

    Research questions in Thematic Field C fall into three groups:

    1. Global societal changes and individuals changing self-concepts, attitudes,behaviors, and values all of which shape interactions between individualsand individuals life courses.

    2. Current demographic trends, changing labor markets, and changing socialwelfare regimes as well as individuals educational and work biographies

    3. The demands and opportunities in changing modern societies and the (re-)or-ganization as well as stability of living arrangements and family relationships,accompanied by changing gender-related attitudes, values, life priorities, andlife plans.

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    14 15

    BIGSSS aims at focusing all its efforts and resourceson supporting the outstanding international bodyof Ph.D. and predocotoral and postdoctoral Fellows,their research, and their professional development.

    The Ph.D. program offers close supervision of disser-

    tation work while fostering early scientific indepen-dence. This is accomplished through demand-tailorededucation within a vibrant research landscape. OurPh.D. Fellows receive relevant theoretical and meth-ods training, acquire critical teaching experience,and complete high-quality dissertations in a timelymanner.

    Within the first two semesters Ph.D. Fellows choosetheir Ph.D. Committee from among the BIGSSS fac-ulty and from external institutions. The committee,together with the respective Thematic Field Coordina-tor and the Director of Studies, closely supports theFellows progress.

    Doctoral Supervision

    BIGSSS offers Ph.D. stipends of 1300Fper month. Thestipends are granted for 36 months, contingent on thesuccessful completion of each year. There are no tuitionfees charged. Each semester Ph.D. Fellows pay a servicefee of approx.150 Fwhich includes access to facilities at

    both universities as well as a semester ticket for publictransportation for within and outside Bremen.

    BIGSSS also accepts a number of postdoctoral Fellowseach year, providing them support and time to produceinitial publications out of their dissertations. Postdoc-toral Fellows can be employed for a period of up to twoyears. BIGSSS also accepts some predoctoral fellows as toallow outstanding Bachelor Graduates an early entry intoresearch with a stipend of 850 Fper month.To support its Ph.D. and postdoctoral Fellows in achiev-ing scientific independence, BIGSSS also provides fundsfor conducting, presenting, and publishing research.There is no separate funding application needed.

    Financial Support

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    The BIGSSS Network

    BIGSSS is supported by research institutes from bothuniversities with long-standing traditions of interna-tional and national cooperation and itself cooperateswith numerous partner-institutions around the globe.

    Founded upon the experience of institutions at bothuniversities BIGSSS can rely upon a long list of associ-ated alumni.

    For a full list of all institutions and job placements ofalumni, please refer to Network and Alumni and JobPlacements

    4. Application and Admissions

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    BIGSSS invites applications to its Ph.D., predoctoral and postdoctor-al program. Successful applicants for the fellowships will pursue atopic in one of BIGSSS three thematic fields. The ads are publishedin November of every year.

    Application DeadlineThe application deadline isFebruary 15th of each year inorder to start the program inthe following September.

    Ph.D. FellowshipAdmission to graduate studies requires:1. an excellent higher education degree in a discipline

    pertinent to one of BIGSSS Thematic Fields (MastersDegree, its German equivalents, Diplom or Magister,Staatsexamen (German state examination)),

    2. a complete transcript of each college or universitythe applicant attended,

    3. certification of English language proficiency

    5. a preliminary dissertation proposal,

    6. a statement of purpose and an outline of careerperspectives which describe how the applicantsresearch intended at BIGSSS fit with his/her personaland professional career,

    7 two recent letters of recommendation

    8. a curriculum vitae, as well as

    9. a statement of skills and experiences with methodsof empirical social research.

    Postdoctoral PositionsThe Bremen International GraduateSchool of Social Sciences (BIGSSS)invites applications to its Postdoctoralprogram.The competition is open to candidateswho have received a doctorate inpolitical science, sociology, psychol-ogy, law, economics or mass com-munication within the last 5 years orwho can be expected to finish prior tocommencing their stay as postdoctoralFellows.

    Affiliated FellowshipBIGSSS offers PredocotoralFellowships for particularlytalented BA graduates. Afterfulfilling some course re-quirements and having theirproposals accepted withinthe first year, candidates canswitch into the regular threeyear PhD program.

    Visiting FellowshipsBIGSSS continuously invitesapplications by doctoral can-didates from other institutionsto conduct a research stay atBIGSSS. Such Visiting Fellowsshould be working on a thesiswhich falls into one of BIGSSSthree thematic fields. The stayis unfunded, but office spaceand access to the universitieslibraries are provided.

    Further InformationPlease find out more about requirements and the application process under:www.bigsss-bremen.dePlease refer to Admissions and the respective fellowship.

    Email inquiries about the application process should be sent [email protected]

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    For a full list of faculty members, please refer topeople on our website:

    Jan Delhey SociologyAdele Diederich PsychologyUwe Engel SociologyPhilipp Genschel Political ScienceKarin Gottschall SociologyJohannes Huinink SociologyChristian Joerges LawUlrich Khnen PsychologyUlrike Liebert Political ScienceSarianna M. Lundan Business Studies and

    EconomicsPhilipp Manow Political ScienceKerstin Martens Political ScienceFrank Nullmeier Political ScienceHerbert Obinger Politcial Science

    Heinz Rothgang EconomicsUwe Schimank SociologySusanne K. Schmidt Political ScienceKlaus Schmann SociologyMargrit Schreier PsychologyUrsula M. Staudinger PsychologyMarco Verweij Political ScienceMichael Windzio Sociology

    Director of StudiesMandy Boehnke Sociology

    5. Principal Investigators

    Steffen Mau (Dean) SociologyKlaus Boehnke (Vice Dean) PsychologyKlaus Schlichte (Vice-Dean) Political Science

    The following professors are key figures in the developmentand ongoing academic success of BIGSSS:

    Founded 1200 years ago, Bremen isan international seaport and tradingcenter with two universities, high-techindustry, picturesque and vibrant cityquarters steeped in history and cityoutskirts conveying rustic countrycharm.

    Bremen, the Hanseatic cityalong the river

    6. Bremen and its two universities

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    Universitt Bremen

    Universitt Bremen was founded in 1971 and is consideredto be a reform university in its pursuit of new approaches toteaching and research. These reform ideas evolved into anattractive educational concept, characterized by interdisci-plinary and practice-oriented project studies which enjoy ahigh reputation in the academic world as well as in businessand industry. For many years now, the University of Bremenhas been among the top league of German universities in thearea of research. Since June 2012, the University of Bremen isentitled University of Excellence having been awarded fund-

    ing by the Excellence Initiative of the German Federal andState Governments.

    Universitt Bremen is a place of study for some 20000 students, a place of research for 1900 full time scientists and scholars, a place of work for more than 1300 full-time employees.

    For further information, please refer

    Jacobs University Bremen

    Jacobs University Bremen, a private English-languageresidential university, is distinguished by its inter-national orientation and highly selective admission,exclusively based on the candidates academic andpersonal potential. Opened in 2001, the universityis dedicated to excellence and innovation, intercul-tural education and transdisciplinary research, andsees its mission in preparing tomorrows leaders toresponsibly meet the global challenges of the 21st


    Jacobs University is a place of study for 1200 students from over 90

    nations, a place of optimum teaching conditions with

    student-to-faculty ratio of 10:1, a place of research and teaching in a broad range

    of fields in engineering, the natural, life, and socialsciences

    For further information, please refer

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    Dr. Christian Peters

    Executive SecretaryBremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS)Postfach 33 04 40D 28334 BremenGermany

    e-mail: [email protected]: +49 (0)421 218 66 402 / -66 389Fax: +49 (0)421 218 66 353

    Judith Lucas Senior Coordinator of the Deans officeBremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS) Postfach 33 04 40 D 28334 Bremen Germanye-mail: [email protected]: +49 (0)421 218 66460; +49 (0)421 200 3950

    Regarding the BIGSSS admissions process, please contact: [email protected]


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