

Software User Manual

Prepared for:

European Space Agency (ESA)

Prepared by:


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BIOMASS End-to-End Mission Performance Simulator

Software User Manual

Tomás Guardabrazo


Approved Tomás Guardabrazo

Released Paco López Dekker

BIOMASS End-to-End Mission Performance Simulator

June 2011 BIOMASS_E2ES_SUM_1.0



Document Change Control

Issue Rev. Date Chapter Changes Status

1 0 27/06/2011 All Initial issue delivered for CDR (SW Beta ve-sion).



BIOMASS End-to-End Mission Performance Simulator

June 2011

TOC Table of Contents BIOMASS E2ES

Table of Contents

BIOMASS END-TO-END ............................................................................ I 

MISSION PERFORMANCE SIMULATOR .................................................. I 

Software User Manual ........................................................................................................i 

Prepared for: .......................................................................................................................i 

European Space Agency (ESA).........................................................................................i 

Prepared by: ........................................................................................................................i 

1  REFERENCES.....................................................................................7 

1.1  Applicable Documents ..............................................................................................7 

1.2  Types and Units..........................................................................................................7 

2  INTRODUCTION................................................................................10 

2.1  Scope of this document ..........................................................................................10 

2.2  Software overview....................................................................................................10 

3  BIOMASS-E2ES INSTALLATION.....................................................13 

3.1  Preconditions ...........................................................................................................13 

3.2  Installation procedure..............................................................................................13 

3.3  COTS installation .....................................................................................................13 

3.4  SOFTWARE installation...........................................................................................14 

4  BIOMASS-E2ES OPERATION..........................................................15 

4.1  Quick start.................................................................................................................15 

4.2  Description of configuration parameters ..............................................................16 4.2.1  Orbit Setup and Geometry Module configuration file ..............................................16 

4.2.2  Scene Generator Module configuration file .............................................................18 

4.2.3  Observing System Simulator configuration file........................................................19 

4.2.4  Ionospheric Generation Module configuration file...................................................20 

4.2.5  Ionospheric Correction Module configuration file ....................................................22 

4.2.6  Product Generation Module configuration file .........................................................24 

4.2.7  L2 Retrieval Module configuration file .....................................................................25 

4.2.8  PE Module configuration file....................................................................................25 

BIOMASS End-to-End Mission Performance Simulator

June 2011 BIOMASS_E2ES_SUM_1.0



Table of Contents BIOMASS E2ES


BIOMASS End-to-End Mission Performance Simulator

June 2011

4.3  Montecarlo simulations .......................................................................................... 26 


List of Acronyms

AR Acceptance Review

CDR Critical Design Review

CCN Contract Change Notice

CDR Critical Design Review

CFI Customer Furnished Item

CM Configuration Management

CMP Configuration Management Plan

COTS Commercial Off-The-Shelf

CR Change Record

DB Data Base

DD Detailed Design

DDD Detailed Design Document

DDF Design Definition File

DDR Detailed Design Review

DJF Design Justification File

DDVP Design and Development Plan


ESA European Space Agency

ESTEC European Space Technology Centre

FP Final Presentation

FTP File Transfer Protocol

HMI Human Machine Interface

HW Hardware

IT Integration & Test

ICD Interface Control Document

ITT Invitation to Tender

KOM Kick-Off Meeting

N/A Not Applicable

NCR Non Conformance Report

OO Object Oriented

PDR Preliminary Design Review

QA Quality Assurance

RB Requirements Baseline

RID Review Item Discrepancy

BIOMASS End-to-End Mission Performance Simulator

June 2011 BIOMASS_E2ES_SUM_1.0




BIOMASS End-to-End Mission Performance Simulator

June 2011

SDE Software Development Environment

SDP Software Development Plan

SoW Statement of Work

SPR Software Problem Report

SR Software Requirement

SRD Software Requirements Document

SRR System Requirements Review

SUM Software User Manual

SVP Software Verification Plan

SVV Software Verification and Validation

SW Software

TBC To Be Confirmed

TBD To Be Defined

TS Technical Specification

UML Unified Modeling Language

UR User Requirement(s)

WBS Work Breakdown Structure

WP Work Package

WPD Work Package Description

XML Extended Markup Language

XSD XML Schema Definition

1 References BIOMASS E2ES

1 References

1.1 Applicable Documents

[AD1] ESA/ESTEC “Statement of Work for the BIOMASS End-to-End Mission Performance Simula-tor”, EOP-SFP/2009-05-1390, Issue 1.0, 16/04/2010.

[AD2] BIOMASS End-to_end Mission Performance Simulator Requirements Baseline (RB), Issue 1, revision 0, EOP-SFP/2009-05-1392.

[AD3] ECSS-E_ST-40C March 2009, Space Engineering – Software, tailored according to ANNEX 1 in [AD1].

[AD4] OpenSF Interface Control Document – OpenSF-DMS-ICD-001-11

1.2 Types and Units

Types used in this document

Type Name Description Size


CHAR ASCII character encoded with UTF-8 1

INT8 Signed short integer included in [-32 768, 32 767] ([-215, 215-1])


UINT8 Unsigned short integer included in [0, 65 535] ([0, 216-1])


INT32 Signed long integer included in [−2 147 483 648, 20 147 483 647]


UINT32 Unsigned long integer included in [0, 4 294 967 295] 4

FLOAT32 Single-precision binary floating-point number (Expo-nents in the range −126 to +127 are representable)


FLOAT64 Double-precision binary floating-point number (Expo-nents in the range −1022 to +1023 are representable)


POINTER Address of a memory area 4 or 8 de-pending on the com-puter.

BOOLEAN Boolean TRUE (1) / FALSE (any value not equal to 1) 1

<type name>[n] 1-dimension array of n elements of type <type name>. Example : INT32[10] is a table of 10 signed long integer

n*size of <type name>

<type x-dimensions array of elements of type <type name> n*p*…*q

1 References BIOMASS E2ES

Size Type Name Description



Example :FLOAT32[10][2] is a matrix of 10 rows, 2 col-umns of Single-precision binary floating-point number

size of <type name>

STRUCT Aggregation of several variables of different types (see after this table for the details) Example : STRUCT { INT32 variable1, CHAR[10] variable2, FLOAT64 variable3}


ENUM Finite list of predefined and ordered values coded with INT32 Example : ENUM {Red, Blue, Green) where Red corre-sponds to 1, Blue corresponds to 2 and Green corre-sponds to 3


When Type is STRUCT, the information is split into at least two tables. The main one (header in orange) includes the name of the structure. After it, a secondary table (header on gray color) con-tains the details of the structure. If further levels are needed, more tables are added (e.g., when a structure contains another structure). We include in the next example some arrows to guide the reader:

Variable Description Type / Size Units / scaling

Var1 This is var 1 FLOAT64 euros

Var2 This is var 2 FLOAT64[n] m

thisIsStruct A structure STRUCT[1] [keep empty]

ThisIsStruct2 Another structure STRUCT[3] [keep empty]

thisIsStruct [this field is empty because this structure

is described in the main table]

[empty] [empty]

NumPix Number of pixels FLOAT64 dimensionless

ID Counter across swath UNIT32 m

UT Time of observations STRING HH:MM:SS

ThisIsStruct2 [empty] [empty] [empty]

Field1 Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum

Field2 Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum

ThisIsSubStruct A short description about its contents Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum



BIOMASS End-to-End Mission Performance Simulator

June 2011

1 References BIOMASS E2ES

ThisIsSubStruct [The field is not empty because this is a

structure inside another structure. There-

fore, a description must indicate to which

structure it belongs]

This struct is contained in the struct Thi-


[empty] [empty]

QI1 Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum

QI2 Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum

Table 1.1: Convention for units

Unit symbol Name

dl dimensionless for numerical quantities


EU or W.m-2 .m-1 spectral irradiance

LU or .m-1 spectral radiance

jd julian day

e - (photo-)electrons

m metre

s seconds

% percentage

K degree Kelvin (temperature)

° or deg degree (angle)

rad radian

sr steradian

2 Introduction BIOMASS E2ES

2 Introduction

2.1 Scope of this document

This document is the BIOMASS-E2ES software installation and user manual. Some of the contents as the configuration parameters description are extracted from the ICD.

2.2 Software overview

The BIOMASS-E2ES SW system is composed of several modules, some of them developed in the frame of different contracts (EMs or External Modules).

The BIOMASS-E2ES Statement of Work (SoW) describes the following list of modules:

Geometry Module (developed in the frame of this contract by DMS)

Scene Generator (EM)

Ionospheric Module (EM)

Observing System Simulator A (EM)

Observing System Simulator B (EM)

Product Generation Module (developed in the frame of this contract by DLR)

L2 Retrieval Module (EM)

Performance Evaluation Modules (PEM) (developed in the frame of this contract by DLR)

The following picture is taken from the SADD and illustrates the modules interconnection. openSF is the SW GUI used to manage the software execution, logging, etc...

BEES system architecture departs slightly from the baseline architecture proposed in the SoW, since several modules have required a split to accommodate the system data flow needs. The mapping be-tween the SoW modules and the BEES modules is given in Table 1.1.

Figure 2.2 shows the simulator data flow as described in the SADD/ICD.



BIOMASS End-to-End Mission Performance Simulator

June 2011

2 Introduction BIOMASS E2ES

Figure 2.1 Block diagram of BEES

SoW Module BEES Modules Comment

OSM Feeds the RPG with orbit height and others GM

GM Generates the geometry data


IGM Generates the ionosphere effects IM

ICM Applies the ionospheric corrections

OSS-RPG Radar parameter generator to provide the GM with some required inputs

OSS-IRF Generates the Impulse Response Function


OSS-SES Generates the Sensitivity and Errors

PGM PGM-L1a Generates the iono-free output

2 Introduction BIOMASS E2ES

SoW Module BEES Modules Comment

PGM-L1b Reads the iono-corrected output


- PEM-L1b Performance evaluation module for L1b product

- PEM-L2 Performance evaluation module for L2 product

Table 2.1 Mapping between BEES modules and SoW modules

Figure 2.2 BIOMASS E2ES data flow.



BIOMASS End-to-End Mission Performance Simulator

June 2011


3 BIOMASS-E2ES Installation

3.1 Preconditions

The software installation section below assumes that the target platform has these components al-ready installed and accessible to non-root users:




IDL 8.0 or 8.1

3.2 Installation procedure

The BIOMASS-E2ES package is composed of two folders:

COTS. This includes all COTS required to run the BIOMASS-E2ES (EO-CFI, netcdf libraries, Matlab Compiler Runtimes, etc)

SOFTWARE. This includes all modules composing the software, external and internal, plus all the operational and testing harness (openSF sessions, installation scripts, integration tests, etc...)

Each folder has a dedicated installation script that shall be invoked as explained in following sections. The BIOMASS-E2ES installation shall be performed in a fixed order: first COTS and then SOFT-WARE.

3.3 COTS installation

To install the BIOMASS-E2ES COTS proceed as follows:

1. Login as root and move the mount point of the delivery media. If this media is an USB stick it should be auto-mounted, a file browser window should emerge. Just take note of the path and close this window.

2. Open a terminal (right click on desktop and select Open in Terminal). Now move to the media mounting point mentioned in the previous step.

3. Move to the COTS folder and type the following command:

>> ./ ./ 

This launches the COTS installer, that will compile and put all binaries and libraries in a specific folder (/usr/local/biomass_e2es/cots). If everything goes OK you should see this message at the end of the log:



In case of failure, the script indicates in the last line in red font which COTS has originated the problem. You should not worry if some red messages appear, they are just warnings.

The full COTS installation log is anyway stored in /tmp/install_COTS.log for inspection.

3.4 SOFTWARE installation

The software installation shall be done as the following user:

user:             bees password:    biomass_e2es 

To install the software the user shall go through the following steps:

1. Logout as root and login as bees

2. Open a terminal (right click on desktop and select Open terminal) and move to the media mounting point mentioned in the previous section.

3. Move the SOFTWARE folder and type the following command:

>> . ‐v <version> ‐s ./bees.tar.gz [‐f] [‐d] 

where <version> is the version name you want to give the installed software (for instance "vBeta_CDR"). The command line flags have the following meaning:

-v specifies the version name you want to choose for the installed software

-s specifies the name and path of the SW installation package

-f specifies that you want to overwrite an existing installation with name <version>

-d specified that you want to overwrite the existing bees openSF database

WARNING: The first time you install the software you shall include the -d flag, otherwise the bees database will not be created!

WARNING: However, if you use this flag and a previous installation of the software exists, you will remove all user-defined openSF sessions!

Now the installed extracts the data from the package, compiles the GM and installs all modules (including external ones) in a specific location:


If the SW installation finishes successfully you will see this message in the last line of the log:

BIOMASS E2ES successfully installed. 

The full SW installation log is saved as /tmp/install_BEES.log for further inspection.



BIOMASS End-to-End Mission Performance Simulator

June 2011


4 BIOMASS-E2ES Operation

4.1 Quick start

The BIOMASS-E2ES SW operation shall be done as the user bees (see default password in the pre-vious section). To open the GUI (openSF):

1. Login as bees

2. Type the following command:


3. For a quick start you can expand the Sessions tree in the left window and right click on any of the predefined sessions (e.g. BIOMASS-E2E-CDR-OSS-A) and select Run.

Predefined sessions are end-to-end chains using different OSSs and accounting account for default sessions, integrations tests, etc... The following preconfigured chains are provided by default:

Sample chains



Integration test chains





Time performance chains



The following screenshot shows the Sessions tree structure as preconfigured in installation:


4. The GUI operations are described in the openSF manual. For instance, the GUI allows inspect-ing and editing the configuration parameters. To open the configuration editor double click (left button) on the selected session and go to the Configuration tab.

4.2 Description of configuration parameters

4.2.1 Orbit Setup and Geometry Module configuration file

The Orbit Setup and Geometry Module configuration file is defined by the following fields:



BIOMASS End-to-End Mission Performance Simulator

June 2011


Parameter Dimension Type Units Range Description

repeat_cycle scalar INT16 days [1, 32767] Exact Repeat Cycle of the sun-synchronous orbit

cycle_length scalar INT16 orbits [1, 32767] Number of orbits per cy-cle

mlst_of_anx scalar FLOAT32 decimal hours

[0, 24) Mean Local Solar Time of Ascending Node

scene_center_lon scalar FLOAT32 degrees [-180, 180) Longitude of the scene center from -180 to +180 degrees

scene_center_lat scalar FLOAT32 degrees [-90, 90) Geodetic latitude of the scene center from -90 to +90 degrees


scalar FLOAT32 % [0, 100] Percentage of the critical interferometric baseline at the scene center latitude

num_acquisitions scalar INT16 - [1, 32767] Number of acquisitions (e.g. 2 for master/slave)

seed scalar INT32 - [0, 231-1] Seed to initialize the ran-dom number generation.

A zero value means self-initialization (if supported by the module)

scene_az_size scalar FLOAT32 m [0, 3.4•1038] Scene size in azimuth dimension

grg_sampling scalar FLOAT32 m [0, 3.4•1038] Ground range spacing between samples within a profile.

az_sampling scalar FLOAT32 m [0, 3.4•1038] Azimuth spacing between GM output profiles.

A value of 0 indicates that only one profile is gener-ated, corresponding to an azimuth invariant geome-try.

DEM_type scalar STRING - - Switch to choose DEM


Parameter Dimension Type Units Range Description


- "DISABLED" to ignore it

- "RANGE" to consider a 1-D DEM (azimuth invari-ant range profile)

- "COMPLETE" to con-sider a 2-D DEM (in range and azimuth)

DEM_folder scalar STRING - - Path to the DEM folder.

4.2.2 Scene Generator Module configuration file

The Scene Generator Module configuration file is defined by the following fields:

Parameter Dimension Type Units Range Description

scene_type scalar ENUM (INT8)

- [0, Ntypes-1] Scene type (biome type)

mean_biomass scalar FLOAT32 ? ? Average biomass level for the scene

biomass_gradient [2] FLOAT32 ? ? 2-D gradient of biomass (partial derivative with respect to ground range and azimuth)


scalar BOOL - - Switch to use external optional biomass pattern


- FILE - - Path to optional biomass pattern file.


- FILE - - High (1), medium (2) or low (3) temporal decorre-lation

seed scalar INT32 - [0, 231-1] Seed to initialize the ran-dom number generation.

A zero value means self-initialization (if supported by the module)



BIOMASS End-to-End Mission Performance Simulator

June 2011


4.2.3 Observing System Simulator configuration file

The following table describes the configuration parameters this file shall contain:

Parameter Dimension Type Units Range Description


OSS_execution_mode - STRING - - Execution mode for OSS:

- "MANUAL" to read ad-vanced parameters from configuration

- "PREDEFINED" to read advanced parameters from the acquisition file

- "AUTO" to let RPG op-timizing the SAR parame-ters from GM outputs

OSS_definition_file - FILE - - Path to acquisition defini-tion file (containing all instrument parameters)

seed scalar INT32 - [0, 231-1] Seed to initialize the ran-dom number generation.

A zero value means self-initialization (if supported by the module)


SAR_PRF scalar FLOAT64 Hz [0, 3.4•1038] Instrument PRF

SAR_midrange_inc_angle scalar FLOAT64 deg (-90, 90) Incidence angle at mid range

SAR_swath_width scalar FLOAT64 m [0, 3.4•1038] Swath width

SAR_pulse_bw scalar FLOAT64 Hz [0, 3.4•1038] Pulse bandwidth

SAR_rgsampling_freq scalar FLOAT64 Hz [0, 3.4•1038] Range sampling fre-quency

SAR_azdoppler_bw scalar FLOAT64 Hz [0, 3.4•1038] Processed doppler band-width

OSS_az_window_alpha scalar FLOAT64 - [0, 3.4•1038] Alpha parameter of the raised cosine window for


Parameter Dimension Type Units Range Description


OSS_ rg_window_alpha scalar FLOAT64 - [0, 3.4•1038] Alpha parameter of the raised cosine window for range

OSS_num_azimuth_ambig scalar INT16 - [0, 32767] Number of ambiguities in azimuth

OSS_num_range_ambig scalar INT16 - [0, 32767] Number of ambiguities in range

IRF_dimensions [2] INT16 - [0, 32767] Dimensions of the IRF in range and azimuth re-spectively

IRF_num_samples scalar INT16 - [0, 32767] Number of IRFs com-puted within the swath

IRF_oversamp_factor scalar INT16 - [0, 32767] IRF oversampling factor, applied both in range and azimuth

SES_num_samples scalar INT16 - [0, 32767] Number of SES across-range samples

4.2.4 Ionospheric Generation Module configuration file

The following table describes the configuration parameters this file shall contain:

Parameter Dimension Type Units Range Description

CkL_percentile scalar FLOAT32 % [0,100] CkL percentile

Kp scalar INT8 - {1,3,7} Kp

screen_samp scalar FLOAT32 m [0, 3.4•1038] Ground range sampling of phase and azimuth screen in meters

seed scalar INT32 - [0, 231 -1] Seed to initialize the ran-dom number generation.

A zero value means self-initialization (if supported by the module)

PS_method - STRING - - Switch to select the phase



BIOMASS End-to-End Mission Performance Simulator

June 2011


Parameter Dimension Type Units Range Description

screen generation method:




"Residual" (TBC)

TEC_model - STRING - - Switch to select the TEC computation model:




Rz12 scalar INT64 - [-1,300] 12-month smoothed Zu-rich sunspot number (re-quired only for "IRI" TEC model)

For negative values, the model will retrieve a his-torical Rz12 from IRI LUT

TEC_bias scalar FLOAT32 TECU [0, 3.4•1038] TEC bias

TEC_sd scalar FLOAT32 TECU [0, 3.4•1038] Standard deviation of TEC error probability dis-tribution

TEC_rg_grad scalar FLOAT32 TECU/m

[-3.4•1038, 3.4•1038]

TEC range gradient

TEC_az_grad scalar FLOAT32 TECU/m

[-3.4•1038, 3.4•1038]

TEC azimuth gradient

TEC_rg_step scalar FLOAT32 TECU [-3.4•1038, 3.4•1038]

Jump of TEC step func-tion in range (centered at zero)

TEC_az_step scalar FLOAT32 TECU [-3.4•1038, 3.4•1038]

Jump of TEC step func-tion in azimuth (centered at zero)

TEC_map_folder - FILE - - Path to the folder contain-ing IONEX files (required


Parameter Dimension Type Units Range Description

only for "IONEX" TEC model)

MAG_field_file - FILE - - Path to the magnetic field file

SCINT_db_folder - FILE - - Path to the folder contain-ing the scintillation pa-rameters database

IRI_data_folder - FILE - - Path to the folder contain-ing IRI coefficients

4.2.5 Ionospheric Correction Module configuration file

The following table describes the configuration parameters this file shall contain:

Parameter Dimension Type Units Range Description

FR_window [2] INT64 - [1, 263 -1] Number of pixels (azi-muth, range) over which to smooth FR estimates prior to correction

AZ_window [2] INT64 - [1, 263 -1] Number of pixels (azi-muth, range) over which to smooth azimuth correc-tion estimates prior to cor-rection

AZ_method - STRING - - Azimuth correction method:



FR_method - STRING - - Faraday rotation estima-tion and correction method:







BIOMASS End-to-End Mission Performance Simulator

June 2011


Parameter Dimension Type Units Range Description



AF_method - STRING - - Autofocus method:




TEC_model - STRING - - Switch to select the TEC computation model:




Rz12 scalar INT64 - [1, 263 -1] 12-month smoothed Zu-rich sunspot number (re-quired only for "IRI" TEC model)

TEC_map_folder - FILE - - Path to the folder contain-ing IONEX files (required only for "IONEX" tec model)

MAG_field_file - FILE - - Path to the magnetic field file

sw_output_errors - BOOL - [FALSE, TRUE]

Switch to enable the op-tional generation of the following output variables:

- ph_error_screen

- fr_error_screen

- az_error_screen

IRI_data_folder - FILE - - Path to the folder contain-ing IRI coefficients


4.2.6 Product Generation Module configuration file

The following table describes the configuration parameters this file shall contain:

Parameter Dimension Type Units Range Description

sw_iono_scint scalar BOOL - [FALSE, TRUE]

Switch to include the ionospheric scintillation

sw_iono_frot scalar BOOL - [FALSE, TRUE]

Switch to include the ionospheric faraday rota-tion

sw_amb_model scalar ENUM - [0,1 2] Switch to select ambiguity processing:

1 - Ignore ambiguities

2 - Simulate ambiguities using ambiguous IRF and mapping

3 - Model ambiguities us-ing AASR and RASR lev-els

sw_noise scalar BOOL - [FALSE, TRUE]

Switch to include noise

sw_rad_bias scalar BOOL - [FALSE, TRUE]

Switch to include a ra-diometric bias

sw_phase_stab [3] BOOL - [FALSE, TRUE]

Switches to include phase stability between chan-nels, between acquisi-tions, and within an image

sw_ampl_stab [3] BOOL - [FALSE, TRUE]

Switches to include phase stability between chan-nels, between acquisi-tions, and within an image

sw_ch_imbal scalar BOOL - [FALSE, TRUE]

Switch to include channel imbalance

sw_ch_xtalk scalar BOOL - [FALSE, TRUE]

Switch to include channel cross talk

sw_bypass_ICM scalar BOOL - [FALSE, TRUE]

Switch to enable the ICM bypassing. If TRUE, the PGM-L1b input shall be read from the PGM-L1a output instead of ICM out-



BIOMASS End-to-End Mission Performance Simulator

June 2011


Parameter Dimension Type Units Range Description



scalar FLOAT m [0, 3.4•1038] Azimuth sampling in me-ters for L1b product


scalar FLOAT m [0, 3.4•1038] Ground range sampling in meters for L1b product

seed scalar INT32 - [0, 231 -1] Seed to initialize the ran-dom number generation.

A zero value means self-initialization (if supported by the module)

4.2.7 L2 Retrieval Module configuration file

The following table describes the configuration parameters this file shall contain:

Parameter Dimen-

sion Type

Units Range Description



INT32 - [0, 231-1] Defines the block of range azimuth samples (each sample is a covariance matrix) used in the L2 retrieval algorithm.

model_defs_file - FILE - - Path to model-definitions database


- FILE - - Path to biome-to-model

map file

4.2.8 PE Module configuration file

The following table describes the configuration parameters this file shall contain:

Parameter Dimension Type Units Range Description

L1b_eval - BOOL - [FALSE, TRUE]

Switch to enable L1b per-formance evaluation

L2_eval - BOOL - [FALSE, Switch to enable L2 per-




BIOMASS End-to-End Mission Performance Simulator

June 2011

Parameter Dimension Type Units Range Description

TRUE] formance evaluation

matrix_norm - STRING - [Frobenius, Spectral]

Matrix norm to use for L1b errors.

confidence_interval - FLOAT32 - [0,100] Confidence interval for L2 errors.

range_bin_size FLOAT32 “m” [100,25•103] Range bin size for range profiles

biomass_bin_size FLOAT32 “T/ha” [1,100] Biomass bin size for bio-mass profiles

4.3 Montecarlo simulations

To perform Montecarlo simulations, the BIOMASS-E2ES software relies on the parameter iteration functionality provided by openSF.

To access this feature, double click on a session and go to the Parameters tab. Click on the desired parameter and press the "Iterate parameters". A new window emerges with the current value of the parameter. If the user double clicks on this value, the range-setting window appears to set the iteration range.

Once the iteration range is set, return to the session edition window and press Run. The batch of simulations will begin, each one generating a different output folder.

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