Page 1: Bistrita. Nostalgii citadine - partea a 2- a

Nosta{gii citsd,ine

Parcd revld strbzile cu calupurile de granit rdnduite pe mijloc, incinse pe margini de pavajul

m6runt al pietrelor de rdu, printre care se leseau dese covoare de portulace policrome. Florile de piatrd

se intindeiu intre casele atdt de cunoscute din burgul medieval peste tot, ldsdnd loc doar laigelor gi

bdncilor de pe la porfi. Pe acestea, la umbra teilor qi castanilor, in dupd amiezlle de vard, tdinuiaumolcom vecinii, despre multe din cele trecute,vdztfie sau auzite.

Linigtea dupd amiezelor era ingdnatd, in rdstimpuri, doar de bdtdile sobre ale ceasului dinTurnul Saqilor, care qi pe atunci orinduia treburile. Rareori se avzea tropotul cailor de la birjele ceduceau spre casd cfite un doctor sau avocat ostenit de licoarea vinului Steiniger sau a celui de Lechinfa,

servit la Restaurantul lui Braedt.Ordgenii, a$a cum se numeau cei ce locuiau in casele din fosta cetate, alcdtuiau cu hrubenii,

podenii qi cei din hendergass ,intreagapopulafie a Bistrilei, ce se ridica, la mijlocul secolului trecut, la

18.000 de suflete. Comunitatea era alcdtuitd din germani, romAni, evrei gi maghiari, ce se cunoqteaubine, ducdnd o vialdpatriarhald intr-o deplind armonie.

in viala de zi cu zi, grupurlle acestea nu se deosebeau prea mult, doar in zilele de sdrbdtoare serevdrsau orgolii in a-qi dovedi unii altorafrumuselea tradijiilor strdmoqegti gi a obiceiurilor, pdstrate cu I

sfinfenie, din generalie in generafie.

rr uuruDwl'w@ rrourr'rvr r'o'rv9vvur tr e vvrvvrur'vr' vwv!rwev vE 121

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Sdrbdtorile gi tdrgurile numeroase erau totatdtea prilejuri de etalare a costumelor populare, acdntecului qi jocului qi, mai ales, ocazii a numeroaseconcursuri, intreceri qi petreceri.

Seara, grddinile de vard,,Bombardir",,, Tu!7",

,,Stefan", sau ,,La Figdnoaia" deveneau neincdpdtoare.Aici, bistrilenii, cu "responsabilitatea" lor binecu-noscutd, inecau micii gi grdtarele in berea sau vinulautohton. Comesenilor li se aldturau de cele mai multeori vestilii muzicanJi din figdnime. Yirtuozitateamultora, de care imi amintesc Ai astdzi cu pl[cere, fbceaca agapele s5 se terminetdrziuinnoapte, intotdeauna inmare veselie, dar intr-o decenfd citadind remarcabil5.Nu arareori, ldutarii ii urmau in miez de noapte pe cei cedoreau sd facd serenade iubitelor. incurajate de Bachusqi generate deAmor, suspinele cavalerilor se distingeauprintre tangourile sudamericane, liedurile nemleqti saua romanfelor lui Fernic, interpretate cu mult patos delSutari.

Un chibrit, ce strdlucea la ferestrele intunecate,aducea intotdeauna rispunsul mult agteptat qi nuarareori, chiar impdcarea gi iertarea r6vnit6, ca apoitotul sd se scufunde in noapte qi linigte, ca Burgul sdadoarmi in liniqte.

Trdsurile a;teptau in Piala CentraldDroshken warten auf dem HauptplatzCarriages waiting in Central square

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Vedere aeriand a centrului vechi. I9l4

,r l

Luftbild des alten Stadtzentrums I 91 4

vedereaerianddinspresud, 19I6 Luftbitdgegensiidenlgt6 southsideairview, l9l6

Old Centre air view, 1914

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Std,dtisehe Nostulgie

Mir ist, als konnte ich die StraBen wieder sehen, mit den in der Mitte aufgereihtenPflastersteinen, am Rand umgeben von den kleinen FluBsteinen, zwischen denen sich dichte Teppichevon bunten Portulak-Roschen webten. Diese ,,Steinblumen" breiteten sich zwischen den so gutbekannten Hdusern der mittelalterlichen Stadt iiberall aus, unterbrochen nur von den Sitzgelegenheitenund Bdnken an den Haustoren. Auf diesen erzdthlten sich die Nachbarn im Schatten der Linden undKastanien an den ruhigen Nachmiuagen des Sommers vieles aus der Vergangenheit, Gesehenes oderGehortes.

Die Nachmittagsruhe wurde nur vom gleichmiiBigen Ticken der Uhr des Sachsenturmes gest<irt,die damals den Tagesablauf bestimmte. Hie und da horte man das Klappern der Hufe einesDroschkenpferdes, das einen Arzt oder Rechtsanwalt nach Hause brachte, der erschopft war vomsiiffrgen Steiniger-Wein oderjenem aus Lechnitz,die imRestaurant des Braedt serviertwurden.

Die Stiidter - so nannten sich diejenigen, die in den Hdusern innerhalb der ehemaligenStadtmauern lebten - setzten sich aus denen aus der Hrube zusammen, den Podeni und den Bewohnernder Hendergass. Die gesamte Population von Bistritz hatte um die Mitte des vergangenen Jahrhunderts18.000 Seelen. Die Gemeinde bestand aus Deutschen, Rumdnen, Juden und Ungarn, welche sich alle lzsuntereinander gut kannten und ein patriarchalisches Leben voller Harmonie fiihrten

Im tiiglichen Leben unterschieden sich diese Gruppen nicht sehr, nur an den Feiertagen setztensie ihren Stolz darein, einer dem anderen die Schonheit der uralten Traditionen und Briiuchevorzufiihren, die von Generation zu Generation sorgf?iltig aufbewahrt worden waren.

Die Feiertage und die zahlreichen Mdrkte waren ebenfalls eine solche Gelegenheit, dieVolkstrachten zur Schau zu stellen, die Lieder und Tdnze. Vor allem waren sie Gelegenheit zuzahlreichen Wettbewerben, Treffen und Unterhaltungen.

Am Abend waren die Sommergdrten ,,Bombardir",'\rt7", ,,Stefan'o oder ,,La Figanoaia"iiberfirllt. Hier efirdnkten die Bistritzer mit ih,rer allbekannten "Vera,ntwortlichkeif' die Mici und dasGegrillte in Bier oder bodenstiindigem Wein. Den Tischgesellschaften spielten oft die beriihmtenMusikanten aus der Ziganime auf. Durch die Virtuositdt vieler, an die ich mich auch noch heute mitVergniigen erinnere, dehnten sich die Festessen bis spiit in die Nacht, immer mit groBer Frohlichkeit,jedoch mit bemerkenswerter stiidtischer Zurtickhaltung. Nicht selten folgten die Musikanten umMitternacht demjenigen, der seiner Geliebten ein Stiindchen bringen wollte. Von Bacchus angesporntund vonAmor geleitet unterschieden sich die Seufzer der Kavaliere durch siidamerikanischen Tango,deutsche Lieder oder die Romanzen des Fernic, immer mit viel Pathos von den Musikanten begleitet.

Ein Ziindholz, das in einem der dunklen Fenster aufleuchtete, brachte immer die lang erwarteteAntwort und nicht selten auch die Versohnung und ersehnte Vergebung, damit danach alles in Nachtund Stille versinke und die Stadt in Ruhe einschlafen konnte.

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TMtrc wlsmekotJ,

I can still see with my mind's eyes the granite moulds arranged in the middle, surrounded by thetiny paving made up of river gravel like carpets woven in polychrome portulacae. Stone flowers wereall over between the well-known houses of the mediaeval burgh leaving enough room for the benchesin front of the gates. Under the lime and chestnut trees' shadow down on benches, neighbours used tolinger in summer aftemoons, about everything seen, heard, or happened before.

The afternoon peace was at times accompanied by the sombre ticking ofthe clock in the Saxons'Tower which, even then, ordered their work. One could seldom hear the clatter of horses from thecarriages which took back home some doctor or lawyer worn out by Steiniger or Lechinta wine, servedat Braedt, Europe or Pipa restaurants.

The citizens, as the people living in the former forhess houses were called, together with thoseliving in underground homes, those living in lofts and those in Pendergrass represented the wholepopulation of Bistrifa which reached about I 8,000 people at the middle of the 1 9th century.

The community was made up by Germans, Romanians, Jews and Hungarians who knew oneanother well and who were leading a peacefu I life in complete harmony.

In everyday life, these groups were not very different but on holidays they could show offthebeauty oftheir ancient traditions and customs, piously preserved over generations.

The numerous holidays and markets were also opportunities for displaying their folk costumes,their songs and dances and for organizing contests, competitions andparties.

In the evening, the public gardens "Bombardir","TtJtT", "stefan'or "At Figdnoaia's,, werecramped. Here, the people of Bistrifa were "responsibly" drowning steaks and highly seasonedsausages in native wine or beer. Famous Gipsy singers would join them most of the time. Their artisticperfection, which I gladly remember even to this day, made parties end late at night, always happily butin a remarkably town-like decency.

Fiddlers would sometimes follow, in the middle of the night, those who wanted to serenade fortheir beloved. Inspired by Bachus and generated byAmor, the gentlemen's sighs were heard throughSouth-American tango, German lieds orFernic's romances interpretedby enthusiast fiddlers.

A match lighted behind the dark windows would always bring the long-waited for answer oreven the reconciliation or forgiveness and then everything merged into night and silence and the Burghwouldgoto sleep.

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EdiliciiAfirmam cd multd vreme bistrilenii nu au putut indlfa construc{ii din piatrd, fiind obligali prin

dispozifiile Principilor Transilvaniei ca gi prin cele ale Curlii regale gi imperiale, sd-qi ridice case doardinlemn.

Abia dupd cdteva incendii de mari propor,tii, cdt gi ca urmare a necesitdlii de stdvilire ahoardelor migratoare, s-a permis construirea edificiilor din piatrd gi cirdmidd,

Prosperitatea economicd a orbqenilor din secolele XVI-XVIII gi invazia perpetud a ndvdlitorilor,au impus ridicarea unor construcfii temeinice, de o mare diversitate stilisticd, cu ro1 strategic, militar, inmdsurd sd asigure stdvilirea hoardelor barbarc, venite din Asia gi Europa Rdsdriteand. In numelecregtinismului gi a apdrdrli pdm0ntului strdbun, oamenii acestor p[mdnturi gi-au fbcut datorra aici,laoIaItL, romAni, germani, maghiari, secui, evrei qi de alte nalionalitdli, frrd sd bdnuiascd cdva veni ovreme, ca cea de azi, cdnd o mare parte dintre nafiunile europene au uitat rolul de scut al inaintagilornogtri in caleapaloqului, focului qi a barbariei hoardelormigratoare.


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$l!ri*11!a.isltre6rrrl *. irrr$Xtrhr- r. ii:i{.lfi-liir*sriti.1a;terrltle Birjrii-Aeiutlr*g


Nationalbank 1938The Nationol Bank, 1938

Fe, ! "l rf . .

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#**et*rq* *- #i*trftslri4tit r . t

Sediul Societdlii "Regna", 1926" Regna " -Gesellschaft 1 92 6The "Regna" society Headquarters, 1926

Fc f 14Sri 1*l+ n_v i*lr*ri*



Centrul Cultural, 1918Kulturzentrum I9I8The Cultural Centre, I9I8

S ediul as o cialiei mes erias ilor b is trileni, I 9 1 4Sitz des Bistritzer Gewerbeyereins 1914

The centre of Bistr\a craftsmen, I 9 1 4

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sry@wI have said that the people of Bistrifa were forbidden (for a long time) to raise stone buildings,

being forced by The Princes ofTransylvania's orders and those of the Imperial and Royal Court to buildonlywoodhouses.

Only after some big fires and consequently, out of the necessity to stop the migratory hordes,were they allowed to raise stone and brick buildings.

The welfare of the townspeople in the l6th 18th centuries and the permanent invasions of themigratory people imposed the construction of safe buildings, stylistically varied and having a strategicandmilitaryrole,abletostopthebarbarianhordeswhichwerecomingfromAsiaandEasternE.t op".Ittthe name of Christianity and defending their ancestors' land, the people here did their duty toglther,Romanians, Germans, Hungarians, Szecklers, Jews and other nationalities, without thinking that oneday many European nations would forget our ancestors' shield against the swords, fire and barbarism ofmigratoryhordes.

l ru

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&rpr*r$ntns,Aparifia curselor regulate^ ale poqtalioanelor in oraqul nostru a fost legatd, de inceputurile

activitdlii poqtale in Transilvania. In Elul mediu exista o refea de c[l[re!i qi curieri pogtali ce stribdteauvoievodatul la dispozifia Principelui autonom, acegtia duc0nd corespondenfa la nevoie. In perioada1 5 4 1 - 1 6 8 8 incepe or ganizar eaprimelor po gte locale.

Organizarea pogtelor locale a fost impusd de introducerea pogtalioanelor ce asigurau, pe ldngdserviciile pogtale, qi pe cele de transport de persoane. Oraqele in care acestea ajungeau erau obligate sdasigure caii de schimb, pentru o deplasare mai rapidd, ca gi gdzduirea gi cinstirea cdldtorilor.Cheltuielile trebuiau suportate de citre municipalitate.

in anul 1667 aufost numifi la Bistrila primii doi directori de poqt[, in persoana domnilor JohannRosenauer qi Georg Parlaghi, cu sarcini de a se ocupa de aceste lucruri.

La sfdrqitul secolului al XVIII-lea se stabilesc curse regulate intre principalele orage aleTransilvaniei, care aveau leg[turi gi cu ldrile invecinate.



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Plecarea poStalionului din Bistrila, picturd I 896 - Malerei von I 896-Abfahrt des Postillions von Bistritz - Mail coaches leaving Bistrila, painting 1896

Din ,.CALENDARIUM NOVUM ET VETUS MAGNUS PRINCIPATUS TRANSILVA-NIAE", ediliile 1796-1836, cunoagtem itinerariile poqtalioanelor din Transilvania, nominalizarcaprincipalilor magistrafi de pogtd, precum qi localitdlile in care existau pogte. Astfel, pe actualulperimetru al judelului nostru, principalul traseu al poqtalioanelor era cel ce lega Sibiul de Cagovia.Acest itinerar era strdbdtut in 44 de ore, cu halte mai importante la Sighigoara, Tdrgu-Mureq, Bistrifa,Suceava qi Cern[ufi, cu legdtur6 spre Viena.

Pe ruta de mai sus existau la noi in jude! urmdtoarele oficii pogtale: Teaca, Bistrifa, PrundulBArgdului, Iliufa qi, ceva mai tdrziu, dupd construirea actualei variante a drumului spre Bucovina,Tihula.

Timpul necesar pentru parcurgerea etapelor dintre oficiile poqtale era: Reghin-Teaca o or[ gijumitate, Teaca-Bistrila doud ore, Bistrila - Prundu-Bdrgdului - o ord qijumitate.

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SosescpoStalioanele,I 850

Ankunft derPostkutschen 1850

Mail coaches arecoming, 1850

Existau gi doud trasee interne, parcurse de doui ori pe sdptbmdnS: Bistrila-Cluj ,in7 ore qi 45 deminute, cu po$te la Ciceu- Cristeqti gi $intereag, qi BistriJa- Baia Mare, cu o duratd de 10 ore.

Dintre magistrafii de poqtb din aceastd perioadd ii amintesc, la Bistrifa: Sambori, Fagarasi,Daniel Schuster, Johanes Drexler; la Teaca: Budai, Dinges gi Miiller; la Prundu-BArgdului: MariaBecheg gi Iacobus Khol; la Iliufa: Roterich gi Iosif Held, iar la TihuJa: Martin Bohner gi Iosif Scrabal. I

Cu diligenJa, pe traseul de la Tihufa la Poiana $tampei, in Pasul B6rgdului se va deplasa gi 131Jonathan Harker, eroul celebrului roman al lui Bram Stoker ,,Contele Dracula", care, in noaptea de 4mai a anuluilST3,ora 0, ,,se int0lneqte aici curenumitul vampir", dup[ o cSldtorie ,,cupoqtalionul, de-alungul rAuluiverzui al Bistrfei, prin satul Prundu-Bdrgdului".

Oficiul poStal lliula, 1870Postamt lliula 1870

Iliula Post-ffice, 1870



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The &{sit Cacscl*

The setting of regular mail coach journeys in our town is connected to the beginning of mailactiviry in Transylvania. In the Middle Ages there was a system of riders and mail couriers *ho .'.r.rroving across the principality at the self governing prince's order. They used to take mail, ifneeded.

Befween I54Iandl688thefirstlocalmailofficesareorganized.Thishadbeenimposedbytheappearance of mail coaches which ensured, besides mail services, the public transport. The townsn*'here they arrived were compelled to have spare horses for a faster journey and ensureihe sleeping andt,"-rod facilities for the travellers. The expenses had to be paid by the municipality.

In 1667 the first two post-office directors were appointed at Bistrifa; they were Mr. JohannRosenauer and Mr. Georg Parlaghi in charge ofthese things.

At the end ofthe 18th century were set regularjourneys between the main towns ofTransilvania,o,r hich were also connected to the neighbouring counties.

FTOM "CALENDARIUM NOVUM ET VETUS MAGNUSP RINCIPATUSTR{NSILVANIAE", the editions of 1796 1836 we know the itineraries ofTransylvania main coaches,the appointing of the main mail magistrates and the towns where there were post offices. Thus, in thepresent area of our district, the main journey of the mail coaches was the one linking Sibiu to Casovia. |

""This journey was made in 44 hours, with important stops at Sighigoara, Tdrgu Mur.f Birtrilu, Suceava I oo

and Cerndufi, leading on to Vienna.On the above-mentioned journey, in our district there were the following post offrces: Teaca,

Bistrita, Prundu Bdrgaului, Iliula and, a liule later Tihu{a, after the actsalvaiant of the road to Bucovinahad been established.

The time necessary to reach the post offices was: Reghin Teaca: t hour and a half, TeacaBistrita: 2 hours, Bistrifa Prundu Bdrgaului 1 and a halfhour.

There were also 2 local journeys, made twice a week: Bistrila CluJ 7 hours and,45 minutes, with postotf-tces at Ciceu Cristeqti and $intereag, and Bistrifa Baia Mare 10 hours. Among the main magistratesin this period are: in Bistrifa: Sambori, Fagarasi, Daniel Schuster, Johanes Dreiler; in Teaca: Budai,Din-ees and Mriller; in Prundu Bdrgaului Maria Beches and Iacobus Khol, in Iliufa: Roterich and IosifHeld and in Tihuta: Martin Bohner and Iosif Scrabal.

Jonathan Harcker, the hero of the famous Bram Stoker's novel "Dracula" also goes by the mailcoach from Tihuta to Poiana Stampei across Bargau Pass and on the night of May 4th I8i3 ,aimidnight"meets here the famous vampire" after a journey "by the mail coach along the river of Bistrifa throughthe r.illage ofPrundu Bargaului".

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C twx&rd&tw

Unul dintre edificiile vechi ale oragului, cu valoare arhitectonicd qi istoriograficd,aparte, este,,Casa IoanZidaru", situatd in Centrul Vechi al oraqului ( vis-d-vis de Tribunal), pe coltul strddulei ceduce spre Piefigor.

Edificatd de meqterii autohtoni pentru Prim-judele Bistrifei, Andreas Beuchel, ea a fostterminatd in jurul anului 1520. Spafioasi, cu numeroase camere cu tavane boltite in ogive gotice, cuportaluri de piatr6, ornamentate cu motive geometrice gi florale, ea are coridoare de acces la niveluletajului, precum gi mari spalii de depozitare, fiind o re alizare arhitectonici de excepfie a acelor vremuri.Valoarea arhitectonicd a acestei clddiri este completatd gi de o istorio grafie aparte.

Dupd cdderea Regatului Ungariei la 1526, subloviturile otomane, incepe, la scurtd vreme, luptapentru supremalia Transivaniei dintre loan Zapoly a qiFerdinand de Habsburg. Acegtia, degi antrenali cuarmatele pe mai multe fronturi, nu au putut sd-giimpund superioritatea asupra provinciei fErd sprijinextern. Astfel, ambii igi dau seama de rolul strategic Aimilitar pe care l-ar putea avea Domnul Moldovei,Petru Rareq, in dobdndirea acestei provincii. in acesteincercdri Petru Rareq sprijind, mai intdi, tabdra luiFerdinand, trecdnd apoi de partea lui Ioan Zapolya,care, in schimbul acestei alian[e, oferd domnitoruluimoldovean, ca recompensd, Cetatea de BaltS,CetateaCiceului cu cele 60 de sate, Unguragul cu 34 de sate,Bistrila qi Valea Rodnei, ambele cu cele 23 de sateapa\indtoare.

In aceste condilii, cind lupta dintre cei doi eraincert6, se pare c5 Prim-judele Bishifei, AndreasBeuchel, a ezitat in a se aldtura din weme grupdrii cevadeveni invingdtoare, Acest lucru i-a fdcutpe bistrileni sd-l consideretrdddtor.Urmagul sduin funcfiade Prim-jude al Bistrifei il condamn[ la moarte prin decapitare, ceea ce s-a 9i intAmplat in PialaCentrald a oragului, in iulie 1532, cdnd cdldul oraqului a primit recompensa de un galben pentruexecutarea sentinlei.

Tot acum se hotdrdgte ca efrgiain basorelief a celui pedepsit sd fie expusd spre luare aminte peperetele demiazdzial Bisericii sisegti, unde poate fi vdzut[ gi astdzi.

Oragul sechestreazdbunurile executatului, printre care gi casaamintitd,cevafldndutdulteriorlui Ioan Zidaru ( Pietrarul ), megter venit din Moldova. Acesta, la rdndul sdu, a fost urmdrit de PetruRareg qi urmagii gdi, pentru neonorarea unor datorii qi astfel a fugit la Sibiu. in urma acestui fapt,clddirea a fost din nou v0ndutd, cu 200 de florini, cetdfeanului Paul Budaker .

Moqteniti din generalie in generafie, ea afost apoi etatizatdgi reamenaj atd, iar cdtevadecenii afuncfionat in ea,,Restaurantul Central".

In prezent edificiul a revenit mogtenitorilor Doctorului Buduqan, cel care a fost ultimulproprietar tabular antebelic.

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Y*eXp&rrs lwn Zidaru

One of the old buildings of the town, with special architectural and historiographical value is"The house loan Zidaru" ,situated in the Old Centre of the town (opposite the Court of Law;, at thecorner ofthe street leading to Pielisor (piata Mica).

It was built by the local craftsmen for the Prime Judge of Bistrita, Andreas Beuchel, and it wasfinished around 1520. It is large,with numerous rooms having vaulted ceiiings in Gothic pointed archesand stone portals with floral and geometrical ornaments; it has access corridors at the storey level andlarge lodging spaces, being an exceptional architectural achievement of the time. The architecturalvalue of this building is completed by a particular historiography. Shortly after the fall of the Kingdomof Hungary in 1526 under the Turkish attacks, the fight for the rule ovei Transylvania began beiveenloanZapolya and Ferdinand of Habsburg. Although they had been trained witil their arm-ies on frontneither of them could impose his supremicy over tf," p.orrin.. without external support. This way bothrealizedthe strategic and military role that the king of Moldova, Petru Rares, might have in conqueringthis province. In these attempts Petru Rares first supported Ferdinand but afterihat he took sides withIoanZapolva who in exchange for this alliance offered as a reward to the Moldavian King, Cetatea deBalta, Cetatea Ciceului and its 60 villages Unguragul with 34 villages, Bistrita and Rodna, both withtheir23 villages.

Under these circumstances, when their fight was uncertain, the Prime-Judge of Bistrita,Andreas Beuchel would have hesitated to join before long the group who was to win. This made thepeople in Bistrita consider him a traitor. His follower in the off,rce of Frime-Judge of Bistrita sentencedhim to be beheaded which actually happened in the Central Square of the town-in July l632when thetgwn hggman got his one ducat pay for the execution. Then they also decided that his bas-relief effigyshould be displayed on the eastern wall ofthe Saxon Church, where it can still be seen.

The town held back his belongings, among which the above mentioned house, which would belater sold to Ioan Zidaru(the stone - cutter), a master mason who had come from Moldova. He, in histurn was followed by Petru Rares and his descendents for not honouring his debts and so he fled toSibiu Consequently, the building was sold ag ainto citizen Paul Budaker for 200 ducats.

It had been inherited from one generation to another then it became state property and restored.The "Central Restaurant"has beenhere for some tens ofyears.

_ In the present, the house has become the property of the heirs of doctor Budugan, who was thelastpre-war tabular owner ofthe building.

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Tbrwnx{ Sry',srf$pr

Cei ce strdbat astdzi parcul oragului pot vedea, spre miazdnoapte, fragmente din vechiul ziddeapdrare a Bistrilei de altddatd, aga cum se bucur[ de existenfa acestora qi cei din strdzile EcaterinaTeodoroiu, Dogarilor, sau Bistricioarei. Zidul avea rolul de a proteja oragul de desele invazir alepopoarelor migratoare , dar a jucatun rol important gi in asigurarea independenlei oragului, periclitat detmpele austriece sau maghiare, ce l-au asediat qi ele in numeroase rdnduri.

Lttpta de la Bistrila, confruntarea dintrearmatele austriece qi maghiare pentru

ocuparea oraqului (1 8 1 2)

Kamft um Bistritz, Konfrontation 6sterr. undungar. Truppen zur Besetzung der Stadt(I8 I 2)

Bistrila battle, the Jight betwen the Austrianand Hungarian armies to conquer the


Construirea zidului a inceput imediat dupd permisiunea obfinutd de la Matei Corvin, la 1463,de a ddrdmavechea cetate a Bistrilei de pe Burich.

Piatra din cetate, la care s-a addugat gi cea provenitb din carierele Iadului qi ale Cepariului, aconstituit materialul din care s-au ridicat zidurile iniliale. Prima centurd de apdrare a oraqului aveaforma de patrulater, cu laturile de 1000 pe 800 meki, incluzdnd 13 turnuri de apdrare qi un bastion, aciror indlfare a fost incheiatd la anul 1485. Dupd alfi 50 de ani incepe construclia celei de- a douacenturi, impusd nu numai de extinderea perimetrului construibil, c6t qi de necesitatea de a proteja noileedificii, gidea repara qiconsolida unele por,tiunialevechiuluizid,delerroratintretimp.

Zidulridicat acum avea o indllime de 10 metri qi o grosime de 2 metri, fiind inconjurat de ungan! de apdrare cu o addncime de 3 metri, umplut cu ap[ printr-un canal derivat din rAul Bistrila.

Din loc in loc, in pozifii strategice, s-au amplasat cele 18 turnuri si bastioane de apdrate aoragului. Acestea erau in grija breslelor ce le-au qi edificat, cu sarcina de a le dota cu tot ceea ce eranecesar pentru a deveni redute inespugnabile. Forma gi dimensiunile lor variau in funclie de putereaeconomicd a breslelor cdrorale apar,tineau. Cum breslele se diferenli au atdt ca numdr cAt gi ca bog[Jie,se poate deduce gi varietatea constructivi a acestora. Tot acum se construiesc ai principalele cbi de accesin orag, desigur fortificate gi ele, cum au fost: Poarta Lemnelor( Holzgassertor), Poarta Ungaricd( Ungargassertor), Poarta Spitalului (Hospitaltor) gi Poarta Rodnei.

Din pdcate,,iR urma dispoziliilor imperiale sosite din Viena la 1863, incepe ddrdmareafortificafiilor, a porlilor gi bastioanelor.

Singurul care s-a pdstrat pdnd astdzi, in afara fragmentelor amintite, este TURNULDOGARILOR, unul.din cele mai puJin impresionante, ca arhitecturd qi mai pufin impundtor, ca qi

breasla pufin numeroas[ a celor ce l-au edificat gi i-au dat numele. El s-a pdstrat in condilii relativ bune

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qi poate fivizitat gi admirat. Are trei nivele , din care cele superioare au spalii qi incdperi cu ferestrecrenelate. Laprimul etaj existdposibilitatea de acces, pe zidul de apdrare, lametereze. ScSrile interioareabrupte gi inguste asigurau un acces rapid luptdtorilor de la un nivel la altul, ca qi o aprovizionarerelativ lesnicioasd.

Turnul are o indlfime de 25 de metri.Partea inferioard, necompartimentatd, a fostfolositd ca magazie, avdnd un portal masivinspre orag. De aici se asigura, printr-un tunelsubteran, legitura cu Abalia Benedictinilor dinapropiere, tunel ce continua spre bisericaevanghelicd,, ca apoi sd ajungi pe dealul fosteicetdfi de pe Burich, oferind astfel o posibilitatede evacuare a burgului in cazul unui asediuprelungit sau a unui pericol iminent, CAt esteadevdr in aceste ultime afirmafii gi c6t legend[,este greu de qtiut, urm6nd ca cercetdriamdnunfite si sistematice sd elucideze acesteamdnunte, in caz cd vor prezenta interes pentrucineva.

Cert este, ins6, cd Turnul Dogarilor a fostfolosit ca spital pentru bolnavii cronici de nervi,care erau legali, aici, in cdmdgi de fo4d, dar qi caloc de ferecare in lanluri a prostituatelor notorii,inainte de a fi lintuite la stAlpul infamiei, dinPiafa Central5, unde gAdele oraqului le aplicaloviturile cu gteampul, inainte de a fi alungate cumdturi ledefemeilevenerabi1ealeoragu1ui, in... . .-. , , , , . ,"-. . .-.*.. . . f : ; . iafaraCetfiii, prinpoarra Spitalului. '*

7;:;#i:""ffr2";:ii,t#;i,:"ff."!;;,'n"Turnul a fost supus unor amenajdri succesive, nu intotdeauna inspirate. Dacd amenajarea

Turnului Dogarilor din 1926, sub conducerea arhitectului de atunci al oragului, Oskar Kelp, a fost unabinevenitS, spaliul fiind oferit ca sediu tinerilor cercetaqi bistrileni, timp de opt ani, pdndladeshinfareamiqcdrii cercetdgegti prin decretul regelui Carol al Il-lea, dup6 aceastd, datd el devine locuinfi pentrumai multe generalii de nefericili ai soartei.

Repararea Turnului Dogarilor din anul 1968 a fost mai puJin inspirat6,. Ce e drept, a dus la osalubrizarea a lui qi a scos in eviden!6 gi elemente de construcfie din epoci diferite, dAnd imaginea unuimozaic arhitectonic. Din pdcate, s-au fbcut addugiri ulterioare de-a dreptul fanteziste, brutaleintervenfii asupraunor elemente de detaliu, cAt gi asupra construcfiei iniliale.

Cu toate acestea ,, TURNUL DOGARILOR" rdmine unul dintre cele mai interesante obiectiveturistice medievale ale ora$ului.

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The Caopers'Tower

Those who wander northwards through the town Park, as well as those who live in EcaterinaTeodoroiu, Dogarilor (Coopers'), or Bistricioarei streets may see fragments of Bistri{a's old defensewall. The wall was meant to protect the town against the frequent invasions of migratory peoples and italso played an importantpart in ensuring the town's independence, threatened by the Hungarian andAustriantroops who had alsobesieged it.

The construction of the wall started immediately after permission had been granted by MateiCorvin in 1463 to pull down the old fortress ofBistrita from Burich.

The stone in the fortress, together with the stone from Iad (Hell) and Cepari stone mines, was thestuff from which the initial walls were built. The first defense enclosure of the town was rectangular inshape with sides of 1 ,000 and 800 meters, including 13 defense towers and a bastion whose constructionwas completed in 1485. 50 years later, the construction of the second enclosure started, being imposedboth by the expansion of the building area andthe necessity to protect the new buildings and repair andreinforce parts ofthe old wall impaired in time.

The newly-built wall was 10 meters high and 2 meters thick, being surrounded by a3 metersdeep moat, filled with water through a canal derived from the river ofBistrita.

Here and there, in strategic locations, there were placed 18 towers and bastions for the towndefense. They were looked after by the guilds who had also constructed them. They had to equip themwith everything necessary to make them impugnable. Their form and dimensions varied depending onthe economical power of the guilds. As they were different in number and wealth there was constructionvariation between them, too. The main access roads to the town were also built in this period, such as:the Wood Gate (Holzgassertor), the Hungarian Gate (Ungargassertor), the Hospital Gate (Hospitaltor)andthe RodnaGate.

Unfortunately, as a consequence of the imperial orders from Vienna in 1863, they starteddemolishing the fortifications, the gates, and the bastions.

The only one which has been preserved up to now is the Coopers' Tower, one of the leastarchitecturally impressive and imposing of all, similar to the guild which constructed and gave it itsname.

It has been relatively well preserved and it can be visited and admired. It has three levels : theupper ones are spacious and have crenel-windowed rooms. On the first floor there is access possibilityon the defense wall to the crenels. The interior stairs, steep and nanow, ensured quick access to thehghters from one level to another and a relatively easy supplying.

The tower is 25 meters high. The inferior part with no compartments was used as a warehouse,as it had a massive portal to the town. The connection from here to the Benedictine Abbey nearby wasdone through an underground tunnel which also led to the Evangelical Church and then up the hill of thefarmer Burich fortress, thus offering the possibility of evacuating the burgh in case of siege or danger.We may never guess the truth or myth of these matters, but we hope further systematical and detailedresearch might clear up these circumstances, ifnecessary.

It is certain'that the Coopers' Tower had been used before as a hospital for the chronicallynervous diseased and as a prison for notorious prostitutes who had been locked here before they wereheld up to infamy in the Central Square, where the local hangman whipped them and then they werethrown awaythe citywalls throughthe Hospital Gatebythevenerablewomen intown.

The tower has been successively but not always successfully restored. The restoration done in


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l926by the then town architect Oskar Kelp was excellent, as the tower was oflered to the young scoutsof Bistrita for a period of eight years until the Scouts Movement was abolished through Cirol2nd,decree.Afterthatthe towerbecame a lodge formiserablepeople formanygenerations to come.

The restoration of the tower in 1968 was not so good. It made the tower healthier and.emphasized construction elements from differentperiods, offering the image ofan architectural mosaic.Unforyunately there have been otherbrutal adjustments and changes of some details, and of the initialbuilding,too.

However "The Coopers' Tower" still remains one ofthe most interesting mediaeval sights ofthetown.


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Catedral& Evanghelicd

Catedrala Evanghelicd din Piafa Central[ a rbmas gi ast[zi, dup[ mai multe secole, cel maiimpundtor edificiu al oraqului. Construcfia acesteia a inceput ?n secolul aI XIV-lea, continudndu-se de-alungul anilor cu lucrdri de addugire ,?ndl!6rigi consoliddri succesive, incheiate la1563 de c[tre meqteriidin Lrvov ai arhitectului Petrus Italus de Lugano.

Biserica a fost ridicatd peste o mai vecheBazilicd romanS. in mare parte aceasta a fostinglobata in actuala construclie, ceea ce explicdprezenta unor elemente arhitectonice qi decorativemai vechi, cum ar fi gi cele datate la inceputulsecolului aI XIV-lea.

Catedrala este de tip ha15, cu tribune pestenavele laterale, susfinute de pilaqtrii octogonali.

Portalul principal, ca gi cele laterale, auimpresionante registre de colonete angajate, de oridicata valoare artisticd gi sculpturald" Zidurrle cufrize au arcuri trilobate, specifice goticului gernan,au 9i elemente arhitectonice ce apa\in RenagteriiEuropei meridionale.

Ferestrele inalte, cuprinse in contururisemicirculare, mai au incd vitralii din epocidiferite.incdperile laterale au un plan neregulat cu

Sapte travee de dimensiuni variabile.Acestea au apdrut odatd cu construirea

stranelor, in 1508, de cdtre meqterulAntonius.Pe latura de mrazdzi a zidulrLi exterior se

poate observa cea mai veche sculpturd goticd din

1ard., datatdla 1320; se pare cd ea este lespedea de pemorm6ntul unui cavaler decedat qi inmormdntat aici,in urma participdrii sale la una din numeroaselecruciade ale cavalerilor teutoni, care atJ trecut 9ipeste plaiurile noastre. Tot aici, pe peretele dinspremiazdzi a C atedralei S fdtul Nicolae se

lo t

Portalul dinspre est al catedraleiDas Ostportal - The Cathedral eastern portal

poate vedea ldngd basorelieful cu efigia Prim-judelui Beuchel qi ceasul solar.Turnul catedralei mdsoard 76,5 mindlfime. El s-a ridicat separat in mai multe etape, cu lungi

perioade de intrerupere. La 1487 eraterminat etajul al Il-lea, la 1513, al III-lea, la1519, al IV-lea,des5vArqindu-se abia in a doua jumdtate a secolului al XV[I-lea. in firidele etajului al treilea aparsculpturi din secolul al XV-lea, unele deteriorate de vremuri, altele prdbugite, datoriti nepdsdrii 9ineglijenlei administratorilor urbei. Turnul principal are patru turnulele spre muchii, ce simbolizau forlagi prosperitatea urbei.

in incinta catedralei se pot admira valorosul mobilier lucrat in 1519 de Johannes Begler, cele23de steaguri ale breslelor bistrifene, cdt qi orga cu o vechime de peste 500 de ani. Orga este o bijuterieavAnd un registru amplu, in stare de funcfionare, aga cum ne putem convinge cu tolii la concertele ce se

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susfin frecvent aici.Numai clopoful cel mare al bisericii, al c6rui dangdt se auzeacdndva din Herina, nu mai este . El

a fo9!ton1t ln primul rdzboi mondial, din interese militare, fiind inlocuit cu un altul, ceva mai mic, inanul 1932.In rest, totul este aici de o originalitate indiscutablld, de o sobrietate austerd qi de o vdrstdsecular5, ceea ce ar trebui sd ne indemne sd cercetdm mai in am[nunt gi sd vizitdm iatedrala totibistrifenii qi nunumai

In acest templu, popula{ia germand, majoritard in burgul medieval, ?gi trdia o parte a viefiispirituale, in wemuri de pace gi prosperit ate, cagi in wemuri de restrigte, ce, din picate, pentru ea au fostnumeroase qi indelungate. Aq aminti cd[iva slujitori ai bisericii, printre cire pasio.ii: Molitoris,Menning, sau Franchy, care au servit cu credin!6 in ultimele decenii, inaintea exodului spre occident apopulaiiei gennane. Ei au transformat biserica intr-un centru de culturi important, cu o generoasddeschidere spre toleranfa sociald qi etnicd.

Astdzi, catedralaeste supusd unor restaurdri exterioare. Sper ca la insistenlele notabilit6filor, cueforturile Parohiei Evanghelice gi ale saqilor de pretutindeni, antreprenorul piincipal sd-i p6strezenealterate valorile gi sd-i redea cdt mai grabnic strdlucirea de altddatd.Este bine gli.rt.A u".rt edificiu nueste numai un loc in care s-a fburit istorie, ci qi unpatrimoniu cultural nafional deexcepfie.

Este un bun al nostru, al tuturor bistrifenilor, ce se cere pdstrat cu sfinfenie pentru noi gi urmagiinogtri. Dar, inainte de toate, el a fostun locaq de cult, ce concentraviala ipirituald aunei'populaliigefinane numeroase cindva. Preofii, slujitorii lui, erau respectafi, iubili gi venerali deopotrivd de tofibistrifenii, indiferent de na{ie.

Serviciul religios se desfbqura aici sobru, dupd un ritual binecunoscut: incepea intotdeauna laorele 10, cala T1 fix el sd se incheie. In acest interval, credincioqii participau .f..tiu cu cdrlilereligioase in mdini, la sivArqirea gi suslinerea slujbei in acompaniamentul vestitei orgi.

Participarea la manifestirile bisericeqti era consideratd de toatd lumea ca evenimentulsdptimdnal cel mai important qi, ca atare, gi modul in care se prezentau familiile aici, nu era unuioarecare, ci unul de fast vestimentar traditional.

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Primdvara anului 1928Friihling 1928

The spring of 1928

E a s t vi ew. to .tlte.,9,,.q,;1.*,f!!,g!*.,!2,!,9,,,,,,,, lou

Iarna anului l94lWinter 1941

The winter of 1941

Vara anului 1952Sommer 1952

The summer of 1952

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Catedrala dinspre nord, 1906die Kathedrale gegen Norden 1906Notthview to the Cathedral, 1906


Catedrala Si Gimnaziul defete, 1926 - Kathedrale und Mcidchen-Gymnasium 1926The Cathedral and the Girls Gvmnasium. 1926

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TFtc &v*xgelicrrt Cat&edre.t

The Evangelical Cathedral in the Central Square has been so far, after many centuries, the mostimpressive building of the town. Its construction began in the 14th century and it continued along theyears with successive consolidations, insertions, raising and completed in 1563 by the Lwow workersofthe architect Petrus Italus de Lugano.

The church was raised over an older Roman Basilica. Most of it was enclosed in the actualconstruction, which explains the presence of ancient architectural and decorative elements such asthose dating from the beginning ofthe 14th century.

The cathedral is hall-like with rostrums over the side naves, held by octagonal pilasters.The main portal, as well as the side ones, has impressive registers of engaged colonnades of a

highly artistical and sculptural value. The friezed walls have three-cusped arches specific to theGerman Gothic, but they also have architectural elements belonging to Southern EuropeanRenaissance.

The high windows, framed in semicircular lines still have stained-glasses from different periods.The side rooms have an irregular design with seven bays ofvariable dimensions.

They appeared along with the construction ofthe pews in 1508 by craftsmanAntonius.On the south side of the exterior wall one could see the oldest Gothic sculpture in the country,

dated 1320; itseems to be the tombstone of a deceased knight who died and was buried here after he hadtaken part in one of the numerous crusades of the Teutonic Knights which passed through our lands.Still here, on the Southern wall of Saint Nicholas Cathedral, one can notice the solar clock near the bas-reliefwith the effigy ofthe Prime-Judge Beuchel.

The tower of the cathedral is 76,5 m tall. It was raised separately in many stages with longperiods ofintemrptions. The second floorwas finishedinl4ST,the thirdin 1513, the fourth in l5l9,andit was fully completed only in the second half of the 18th century. In the niches on the third floor thereare sculptures from the 15h century, some of them wom out by the passage of time, others fallen inbecause of the town managers' carelessness and negligence. The main tower has other four smallertowers towards the edges symbolizing the town power and prosperity.

Inside the cathedral one can admire the valuable furniture wrought in 1519 by Johanes Begler,the23 banners ofBistrifa guilds and the 500 years old organ.

The new organ is a piece ofjewellery working with an ample register as we can all hear at theconcerts which are frequently held here.

But the big church bell, whose sound was once heard up to Herina, is no longer there. It had beenmelted during the First World War, out of military considerations, and it was replaced by anothersmaller one inl932. Everything else here is unquestionably genuine, ofan austere so6riety and as old ascenturies, which should urge us to search in detail and visit the cathedral, natives and touriits as well.

Inside this temple, the German population, the most numerous in the mediaeval burgh, used tolive part of their spiritual life both in times ofpeace andprosperity and of toil which, unfortunately forthem, were long and'plenty. I'd like to mention some seryants of the church among which the paslors:Molitoris, Menning or Franchy who had faithfully served during the last decades before the Germanpopulation started to go west. They turned the church into an important cultural centre, with generousethnical and social tolerance.

Nowadays, the cathedral has been restored on the outside. I truly hope, considering theinsistence of local authorities of the Evangelical parish and of the Saxons everywhere, that the main

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contractor will preserve its valuables untouched and render its long lost glamour. It is good to know thatflrisbuilding is not only ahistoricalplacebut also an exceptionallynational cultural inheritance.

It is the possession of all Bistrita inhabitants which has to be piously preserved for ourselves andfor our descendants. But above all it was a religious place which used to focus the spiritual life of theGerman population, vory numerous by the time. The priests, those who served here, used to bereqrected, loved and worshipped by all Bistrita people, no matter their nationaliry

The religious service was very sobre, following a well-known ritual: it always started at l0o'clock and it always ended at I I o'clock sharp. In this interval, the believers were actively participating,religious books in hands, in the performing of the service. The participation to church manifestationswas considered the most important weekly event and therefore the families' way of dressing, whens6ming here, was not cofilmon, but very pompously traditional.


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Eer&eware tn Nuga Cewtra{&C0nd alaiul celor ce veneau la biserica evanghelicd se incropea, noi, copiii, numai ochi gi urechi,

impresionali peste mdsurS, urmiream cu mare atenfie, cel mai fascinant spectacol' accesibil nou d, cel aidefilirii cortegiului de enoriagi sagi. Poate gi de aceea costumalia gi particularit[file vestimentare mi-


au rdmas gi astdzi atdt de proaspete in memorie.Saqii veneau la biserici in frumoasele lor

costume populare tradifionale, la care observam cuugurinli diferenfele legate de calitatea materialelor, aliniei croiului, intuind astfel cu ugurin{i zona deobArgie a acestora, deoarece fiecare sat sdsesc igi aveaparticularitdfile lui in privinla pieselor componente giin varietatea coloristicd,, mai ales la vestimentaliafeminind. Elemente specifice trddau originea lor qigenerau o mare diversitate a costumelor pe care noileadmiram.

Bdrbalii purtau pantaloni cambra[i gi scurtenegre, cdmdgi albe gi cizme. Numai chimirele gicravatele, cusute in motive florale pastelate,contrastau cu sobrietatea imbrdcdmintei. pe cappurtau o pdldrie neagrd, cu boruri mari. Numai inanotimpul friguros imbricau cojoace albe cu motiveflorale intente indrdzne[e.Femeile, in schimb, etalauo costumalie din care se revdrsa din belqug o farfieziecoloristicd greu de imaginat, dar de un real bun gust.Mi se pdrea atunci cd trupurile erau doar un suport alhainelor, adevdrate manechine in migcare.

Pe cap purtau o mitrd din catifea neagrinumitd "Borten", ce se prindea cu doua panglici negregi inguste la ceafr".Aceasta era impodobitd cu paietegi mdrgele in partea dinfa!d, iar in spate se inch-eia cudoud pOni la gase ornamente sferice din pietresemipre{ioase, sau sticld verde qi rogie. inspre spate serevdrsaupatrupanglici lungi, albastre sau galbene, cumotive florale policrome. in multe din acestea motivul predominant era spicul de gr6u in fir aurit.

trei sdptdmdni inainte de cununie, ca qi la logodnd, fetele p.trturr.oroiil" colorate sau albe,cubentife.

Nevestele primeaula nuntd din partea soacrei o scufi{i numiti "Haubchen", din catifeaneagrd",brodatd cu motive florale, de reguld in nuanle de roqu gi roz. C'6nd ele aveau culoarea albastrd, acesta eraun semn de doliu, fiind, in general, culoarea de predilecfie a femeilor vdrstnice. Florile prefeiate erau incea-mai mare parte ttandafirii,ldcrimioarele qi nu-mi-uita. Scufilele erau apoi decoiate cu paiete qiperle. Ele se prindeau cu doud panglici r ozla ceafr,.Parul il purtau impletit in ioud cozi,formate fiecaredin opt pdnd la unsprezece guvile. Cozile se prindeau pd.up. De asemenea, purtau qiraguri lungi demirgele ce se aranjau in doud pdn6 la gase rdnduri strdnse injurul gdtului, iar unii rugmailung era ld"sat

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pe piept. Mirgelele erau din sticld albd, sidef sau argint,Peste bluza albd se imbrdca un laibdr ("Rockleiber") din postav sau catifea rogie (uneori alb saunegru-vara) frtd m6neci, cusut de fustd de obicei, dar se foloseiu gi laibdre festonate peste rochie, ceerau ornate in trandafiri pe piept qi spate. Ele se incheiau cu o pafta argintie,incrustatd cu ornamente dinsticla rogie ;i verde. Peste fustele lungi de culoare inchisS, se purtau gorluri albe plisate, cu cusdturigeometrice gi florale in negru.Poate ar fi necesar si adaug la aceastd, prezentare a costumului sdsesc, faptul ci sagii sedistingeau ca fiind oameni harnici, onegti, capabili de o mare generozitate, pentru care altruismul nu erao nofiune abstractd, ci un fel de a fi. Cu tolii erau, pur qi simpli, niqte bistrileni, care in zilele de lucru nuse deosebeau cu nimic de ceilalli concitadini dec6t poate, prin tenacitate.


SaSte in straie de sdrbdloqreStichs innen in F eiertagskleidung

Saxon women wearing Sunday clothes

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piir,"j'r'iitin rn'costtrntay.iaferneilor - verschtedene..Ftay::.::*:':: :,:-;::XM#,;Jrir-**:;


., :;*x**,&!l,

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Costumele populare tradilionale alefemeilor de nalionalitate germand din Bistrila

Traditionelle Volkstrachten der deutschen Frauen in BistritzGerman womenb traditional folk costumes


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Festival in Central Squure

When the processions of people coming from the Evangelical Church started, we, children,deeply impressed, used to follow attentively the most fascinating show we could afford seeing, that isthe parade of Saxon parishioners. Maybe that is why their costumes and their clothes peculiarities oftheirdress are still so freshinmymind.

They used to come to church in their beautiful, traditional folk costumes, to which we couldeasily distinguish the difference regarding the quality ofthe material, of the design, guessing from thesetheir source because every Saxon village had its own peculiarities in the colour variety and thecomponent parts, especially in the women's costumes. The specific elements revealed their origin andgenerated a wide variety of folk costumes which we used to admire.

Men were wearing tight trousers and black jackets, white shirts and boots. Only their moneybelts and ties, adorned with coloured, flowered patterns, were in contrast with the sobriety of theirclothes. They were wearing large brimmed black hats on their heads. In the cold seasons they used towear white sheepskin coats decorated with boldly coloured flowery patterns. Women showed offclothes which proved an extraordinary colour fantasy, yet they were of taste. I was thinking their bodiesseemed to be just hangers for their clothes, real moving dummies. They used to wear a black velvet mitrecalled "Borten" on their heads. They were adorned with spangles and beads on the front part and at theback it was buttoned with 2 to 6 spherical ornaments made up of semi-precious stones or red and greenglass. Four long ribbons, blue or yellow, with colourful flowery decorations were left loose towards theback.

The favouritepatternwas the corn ear sown in goldenthread.Young ladies were wearing coloured or white ribbons with bands, three weeks before the

wedding or at their engagement.On their wedding day, daughters-in-law used to get as a present from their mothers-in-law a

black velvet cap, embroidered with pink and red flowered patterns, called "Haubchen". When they wereblue, they meant mourning, old women's colour.

The favourite flowers were mostly the rose, the lily-of-the-va11ey and the forget-me-not. Thecaps were then decorated with spangles and pearls. They were tied back with two pink ribbons. They hadtheir hair plaited in two pigtails, each made up of 8 to 11 strands, and then tied together up their heac.They were also wearing long bead necklaces which they arranged in two up to six successive rows roundthe neck and a longer necklace was left down the breast. The beads were made up of white glass, nacre orsilver.

They used to wear a waistcoat ("Rockleiber") made of red cloth or velvet (sometimes white orblack in summer), over the white blouse, usually sewn to the skirt, but they also used festoonedwaistcoats over the dress, decorated with roses on chest and back. They were buttoned with a silverybuckle, engraved with red and green glass ornaments. They were wearing, over the skirts, long dark-colored plaited aprons with black geometrical and flowery seams.

I may need to add to this short presentation of the Saxon costume the fact that they wereespecially hard-working people, honest, very generous, for whom altruism was not an abstract conceptbut their lifestyle. They were all, not in the least different from the other people, if one doesn't take intoaccounttheirtenaciW.

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Complexul Swg,&lete

Putine sunt locurile din orag care sd fie atdt de incdrcate de istorie ca Sugdletele.Ca ansamblu civic din vechea cetate, complexul cuprinde, pe latura de nord a Piefei Centrale ,

tilsprezece clddiri, sub care se inqird doudzeci de bol1i, in ogive gotice, suslinute gi strdjuite de:,:,rizeci gi unu de pilaqtrii dreptunghiulari.

Complexul a fost construit la sfdrgitul secolului aI XIV-lea qi inceputul secolului al XV-lea,:e,consolidat in mare parte dupi I45l , cdndunincendiu devastator a distrus o parte din construcfiile de.:::i:r ale oragului, printre care gi unele din Piafa C entrald.

Re,eele Ludovic I de Anjou (1342-1382), incurajdnd industria qi comerlul saqilor bistrifeni, a,; i'r,Jar acestora, lal352,dreptul de a line "t6rgul cel mare", de Sf. Bartolomeu, cu o durat6 de 15 zile.T,:,t arunci. oraqul primegte gi dreptul de antrepozit.

Ca urmare, localnicii au edificat ?n scurtd vreme Complexul Sugdlete gi cu scopuri mercuriales: ce desen'ire, construind spalii extinse de depozitare gi addpostpentrunegustori qi convoaiele lor.

Sub porliunea acoperitd a colonadelor, comercianlii iqi puteau etalamarfape timp nefavorabil,:: .,-reme ce Piala Centrald (Marktplatz) oferea un spafiu mai mult decit suficient cdnd timpul eral l l lTlr\S. I

Burgul primeqte qi titlul de ,,oraq liber regesc", in stema sa observAndu-se un stru! cu potcoava I 59

;3 aur in cioc, ce simboliza prosperitatea comerfului, crinii Casei;c,mnitoare deAnjou, ca qi cele patru dungi din stema Ungariei.

In anul 1453 regele Ladislau al V-lea il inal!6 pe inving[torul turcilor,:igenrul Ioan de Hunedoara(Hunyadi), la rangul de grof regal al Bistrifei,';,-..rdandu-i gi veniturile oragului. Se pare cd aceastd numire a finut cont qiJe taprul cd acesta avea deja aici un ,,castel cetate" pe DealulBurberg(Burich), din imediata vecindtate a oraqului.

Prin pozifia sa in teritoriu, Bistrila se afla la interseclia unor drumurir '-lmerciale de mare importan!6, ce legau Europa de Vest cu cea Rdsdriteand,Pu-,ltrnia gi Rusia cu Peninsula Balcanicd. Oraqul era in drumul de tranzit Stema orasului Bistrila

rblrgatoriu pentru cei ce-gi doreau o cale lesnicioasd qi directd spre gi t;,:::::;':3iyrT:;:

;lnspre aceste regiuni. Aqa se explicd numirul mare de convoaie comerciale ce treceauin acele wemuri:nn Bistrila.

Dezvoltarea economic[ a oragului a fost sprijinitd qi de cdtre Matei Corvin, devenit intre timp:ege al Ungariei. in anul 1465 elacordd bistrilenilor dreptul de a ddrdma cetatea sa de pe Burich, pe carec, rno;tenise, sprijinind astfel populafia in ridicarea primului zid de apdrare al oragului. Dupd allrzeceani. in l175,Matei Corvin atribuie Bistrilei Districtul Rodna, cu cele 20 de localitdfi componente, std-pinire ceva durapeste 300 de ani, p0ndlamilitarizarearcgiuhii de cdtre MariaThereza,inanullT66.

Bistrila devine, astfel, in scurtd vreme, un centru comercial qi economic de primi mdrime alTransilvaniei.

De multe ori comercianfii zdboveau aici, fiind scutifi de taxe gi impozite, dar qi obligali, prin,.-rrdinul expres al regelui, sd-gi ofere marfa spre vdnzare qi bistrilenilor, cdndtranzitau burgul.

Aproape zllntc, care cu coviltire umpleau curlile lungi ale caselor din^Sugdlete. Aici erauamenajate, pe ldngd depozite spafioase, qi grajdurile pentru animalele de povard. In inc6perile dinsprepia1d. drumelii se puteau ospdta pe cinste, cu rafinatele preparate culinare ale bistriJenilor. Vinurileaurohtone de Lechinfa,Teaca,Neuburgerul gi Steiningerul erau renumite gi se bucurau qi atunci de o

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binemeritatd apreciere. Viile roditoare din preajma oraqului erau mai mult decdt indestuldtoare pentru aasigura din belqug vinul pentru cei ce-qi potoleau cu greu setea, sau doreau s5-qi ,,pertracteze" afacerilelaunpahar.

Nu arareori in curlile qi grddinile spafioase din incintd se orAnduiau, la cererea musafirilor,mese, unde se petrecea in voie, ferit de privirile curiogilor. In vreme ce al1ii, dimpotrivi, se agezau lamesele orAnduite spre strad[, printre florile de piatrd ce impestrilau in acele vremuri peste tot pavajulmdrunt al strdzilor, cu un covor policrom, suav parfumat.

Toate cl[dirile ansamblului aveau cramespaJioase . . . qi, acolo unde era bdutura, se instala deobicei qi buna disp ozilie.

Dacd clavirul nu-l gdseai peste tot, instru-mentele cu coarde qi cele de suflat erau pretutindeni gise intreceau seard de seard in a desluqi mazurcile qilendlerele cele mai lamodd.

Tdrziu, in noapte, oaspefii se retrdgeau sprecamerele de la etaj, amenqate in dormitoareconfortabile. Doar ceasul din Turnul sagilor mai lineaseama timpului, bdt0nd ore exacte, pentru cei ce ar fifost interesali sau dispuqi s5le mai aud6. Numai gardamunicipal[, ce patrula noaptea prin t6rg, le maiurmdrea, deoarece qi ei anunfau ora cu glasurilerigugite, odati cu asigurarea datd ordqenilor c6 esteliniqte deplind gi totu-i in ordine in cetate.

Dis-de-dimineatd, zona fremdta datoritdtdrgovefilor. Se rdnduiau mesele qi tonetele cu marfi.Uneori marfa era expusdin c[rule sau chiarpe jos, subbolfile stradale.

Dintre mdrfurile ce se ofereau aici sprevdnzare bistrileniloq de o mare diversitate, erau cele ale meqterilor autohtoni, dar se giseau qi obiectedin aur gi argint, ornamente artistice , vestimentalii bisericegti qi chiar anne, ce-gi aveau obArgia inEuropa occidentald sau meridionald. Mdrfurile erau expuse zllnic sub arcade ca qi in piala mare de vis-d-vis.

Dinspre rdsdrit, din Moldova,Ucraina, Polonia si Rusia, comercianlii aduceau piei, bldnuri,animale pentru sacrificat, peqte, miere de albine, pietre semiprelioase qi p0nzeturi.

Dezvoltarea raprdd" a breslelor in Bistrifa a flcut ca in scurtd vreme produsele meseriaqilorbistrileni s[ aibd o mare cdutare qi peste grani16. Nu rareori convoaiele breslaqilor qi mai ales alenegustorilorbistrifeni au fost semnalate qi inAsia Central[ sau OrientulApropiat.

De o deosebitd prefuire s-au bucurat meseriagii bistrifeni in Moldova. Incb din secolul al XV-lea,bistrilenii frecventau regulat tdrgurile moldoveneqti. Ei duceau in Moldova unelte agricole, arrne,clopote, unelte casnice etc.

Iat[ doar c6teva exemple din comenzile domnitorilor moldoveni, culese din hrisoavele vremii:Domnitorul Eremia Movil5 a cumpdrat din Bistrila 200 quintale de vase de aramd,linguri, coase, iarbdde puqcd, sape, seceri, topoare, frAnghii qi plase de pescuit. Petru Rareq a cumpdrat ndvoade de prinspeqte, podoabe de aur qi argint, sdnii qi care. Alexandru Ldpuqneanu qi-a procurat de aici o suti de colidepergament.

Tot bistrilenii au furnizat voievozilor moldoveni postar,uri fine de Flandra gi Colonia, stofe dembtase cu fire aurite, ca gi ornamente artistice venejiene, stofe pentru vegmintele bisericeqti, precum qicoloniale ca: piperul, ghimberul, sau chiar alifri gi medicamente.

Comerjul s-a fEcut pe bani pegin, dar qi in naturd, pe boi ingriqali, cai, porci, piei, bldnuri,ldnd,pegte sau postav ldrdnesc etc.

Mulli meseriaqi au fost solicitali, de-a lungul timpului, in Moldova.Cei mai cunosculi au fostmeqterii zidari qi pietrari, care au construit multe din bisericile qi cetdfile fortificate ale Moldovei.

In acea vreme vestili au fost qi ,,doctorii" bistrileni, care av ingnjit multe fefe domneqti de-alungul secolelor, dovadd fiind numeroasele documente existente cu relatdri pe aceastd tem6.

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in perioadele de restrigte, bistrilenii au ajutat moldovenii in repetate rdnduri cu hrand gisezduire. O vreme, insSgi Bistri\aaapa\inut domnitorului moldovean Petru Rareg.

Complexul Sugdlete este o reahzare arhitectonicd remarcabild, cu un rol funclional binedeterminat, ce a oferit siguranfa, atdtdenecesari, convoaielor comercianfilor in acea epoci medievald.Elementele specifice arhitectonice ale fiecdrei clddiri se integrau perfect in ansamblu, iespect6nd stiluleoticului qi al renagterii transilvinene.

Interven{iile ulterioare asupra construcliilor au frcut sd apard sporadic gi elemente alearhitecturii renascentiste sau ale barocului tdrziu.

Cele treisprezece clddiri au fost ingeminate din considerente strategice. Grosimea de pAnd laun metru qi jumdtate a zidurilor caselor qi masivitatea porlilor carosabile bine zdvordte, dovedesc cuprisosin!6 gi astizi acest lucru. Doar diversitatea basoreliefurilor, a ancadramentelor, a cheilor de bolt6,a blazoanelor gi a faladelor, ofereau caselor ce alcdtuiau complexul o varietate ce se mai pistreazd incd.

Din pdcate astdzi, elemente de o mare valoare arhitectonicd qi artisticd, martore ale istorieinoastre, sunt acoperite, inparte, de tencuiala indiferenfei gi a iresponsabilitdfii.

Acoperiqurile caselor au fost reficute gi ele in repetate rdnduri, mai ales in ultimul secol, fiindinldrurate elemente decorative importante, reduc0ndu-le mult din indlfime qi din ingeniozitateaconstructivd. Astfel, cogurile de fum ca gi lucarnele etajate ale acoperigurilor de altddatl au disparut incea mai mareparte.

Pierzdnd din amplitudinea acoperiqurilor, Sugdletele a pierdut gi din somptuozitatea deodinioard. Uniformizarea copertinelor a siricit complexul de farmecul sdu medieval.

in prima casd, dinspre rdsirit, gi-a avut sediul prima farmacie din orag, numitd ,,La vulturulne-eru", atestatd documentar in anul 1516. In urmdtoarea clddire a funcfionat multe decenii Librd-nia Binder. Urmau casele H. Tomae, Himberg & Co., J. Lutsch qi Sklamer, girul incheindu-se cu CasaParohiald Evanghelicd, acegtia fiind proprietarii tabulari la inceput de secol XX, aqa cum reiese dinesrrasele de carte funciard, ale acestorimobile.

Multe din clddiri au suferit modificdri repetate, pierzAnd din originalitate, unele din porfile deacces in curlile spalioase au fost irg'umit5fite, ferestrele qi chiar incdperile recompartimenlate, f5ricea mai elementari responsabilitate civicS, sub ochii indulgenli, dacd nu nepdsdtori, ai notabilitdlilor.

Doar ultimele trei clddiri din partea de vest a ansamblului, p[streazd elemente constructiveori ginale, asupra cdrora voi insista pufin.

Nu sunt multe datele care ne dau amdnunte asupra proprietarilor acestora de-a lungul secolelor.$tim doar cd Ursula, solia consilierului Paul Forster, lasd in anul 1505, o casd din Compleiul Sug[lete,parohiei oraqului ( probabil cea de lanr.23), casd ce ulterior a fost vAndutd qi apoi currydratl aha, drnvecindtatea Casei parohiale,(cea de la m"I4) restaurati gi ea ?n I5I2 cu banii provenifi din vdnzareacelei dintdi. Aceasta a primit numele de Kapitelhaus, deoarece a fost donatd in anul 1432 printestamentde cdtre Petrus Kreschmeier, Ordinului catolic Fraternitas beate virginis, cu destinafia de gdzd:uire aadunarilor capitulului ecumenic. Degradatd,de timp, ea a fost ren ovatdde Ursula qi recedatd Ordinului.I'lembrii acestui ordin erau preolii catolici ai oragului, ca qi cei din satele apa\indtoare. Dupd reformaluterand, ea a ad[postit adundrile preofilor reformafi ce alcdtuiau capitul evanghelic.

Casa parohiald evanghelic[ (de la nr.13) este cea mai noud clddire a complexului qi pdstreazdincd multe elemente originale. Unele dintre acestea sunt vizibile din PiafS CentraId,,cum ar fi portaluldin piatrd in arc frAnt, cu un capiteliu heraldic astral, pe care se pot vedea simbolurile: soarele, luna giluceafErul. Pe acesta este inscripjionat qi anul 1480.Cladirea are forma literei U. Din curtea interioardse deschid ganguri de acces la etaj, cu bol1i gi arcuri

rntermediare. De o valoare artisticd aparte suntancadramentele uqilor qi ferestrelor, mdiestrit d5ltuitein piatrd, ca qi bollile cu pandantivi ale inciperilor dela etaj.

Casa Petermann (situatd la nr.15) a pdstrat, incea mai mare parte, forma inifial5. Dintre elementelearhitectonice de aici, aq aminti ancadramentul ugilorde la etaj, ce sunt considerate caunele dintre cele mai


r 909

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prelioase realizdriin stilul gotic din Transilvania. Ancadramentul are in partea de sus doub herburi careinfEfigeazd stema oraqului qi blazonul proprietarului Petermann. Pe capiteliu este gravat qi anul 1480,probabil anul edificdrii. Dar este tot atdtdeverosimil ca aceastd cifrd s6 reprezinte anul reconstruclieiacesteia. Una din uqile ce separd doud incdperi de la etaj este sculptatd in lemn de paltin, cu ornamenteflorale deosebit de valoroase, meqtequgrtreahzale gi bine pdstrate. Casa Petermann are sub colonadechei de boltd cu sculpturi florale qi astrale stilizate .

Cl[dirile situate spre est de cele amintite mai sus, sunt mici qi intervenliile masive alerestauratorilor le-au diminuat mult autenticitatea. La unele dintre ele s-a intervenit asupra faladelor prinamenajarea unor vitrine dreptunghiulare anonime in locul portalurilor gotice sau prin montarea peperefi a levilor de apd,canal qi gaze,preurmgi a branqamentelor electrice qi telefonice peste elementearhitecturale valoroase. Din exteriorul ansamblului, turistul poate observa componentele decorativeale portalurilor din piatrd, capiteliul heraldic,statueta Sfdntului Nicolaie dintre ferestrele CaseiParohiale, portalurile gi porlile carosabile, ca giparticularitSlile constructive ale caselor compo-nente.

Interiorul ansamblului este spaliu locuibil,oferind posibilitdli limitate de vizitare. Doarparterul stradal, inchiriat comercianfilor, ca qicolonadele exterioare mai pot oferi astdzi imagini,cdt de cdt, apropiate de ceea ce reprezentaambientul medieval al acestor locuri, c6ndva.

Astdzi, o valorificare a intregului ansamblu,cu pretenfii de restaurare, este, pe cAt de greu dereahzat din motive lesne de infeles in aceastdperioadd de austeritate, pe atdt de necesard.

Ansamblul are pentru oraqul Bistrifa, pelAngd o valoare arhitectonicd, gi una simbolicd qipatrimonialS, ce se cere etalatd gi inclusd incircuitul nafional qi internalional de valori.Valorificarea turistic[ a ansamblului este nu numaiposibild, ci gi imperativS, ca o chestiune declllizatie.

Serbarea Scolard din anul 1913, infala SugdletelorSchulfeier vor dem Kornmarkt I 9 I 3

1913 schoolfestival, infront ofthe Sugiilete Complex

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Complexul fotografiat dinspre est' 1922

Der komplex gegen Osten 1922East viei to tie Sugdlete Complex, 1922



Latura de est a Sugdletelot 192

Die Ostseite des Kornmarktes 192

The east side ofthe Sugdlete Complex' 192

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$ j s l : i i s * *

l i r r : : : l * : k l

{3s*xtcr*xs* l3xx*l*r


Ospdtard, 1878Kellnerin 1878Waitress,1878

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The Sugd,lete CornPlex

There are few places in town as full of history as the Sugalete Complex',

As civic ,o*pi.* of the old fortress, it comprises on the northern side of the Central Square,

rhirteen buildings ,pd., which there are twenty gothic arches, supported and protected by twenty-one

rectangular pilasters.The complex was built at the end of the 14th and the beginning of the L5th centuries, greatly

consolidated after 1457, when a devastating fire destroyed part of the wood buildings of the town,

arnongu'hich some fromthe Central Square.King Louis 1st ofAnjou(1342--1382) encouragedthe Bistrila Saxons' lndystry and commerce,

and granteithem, in l352,itt. iigltt to have "a l5-day big fair" on St. Bartholomew' On the same

o;caiion the town was granted the right of repository'Consequently, ihe inhabitants soon^constructed the Sugdlete Complex having mercurial and

.err ice purpor.r, *iie lodging spaces and shelter formerchants andtheir companions'

Under the covered"p# of tn. colonnades, merchants could display their goods in bad weather,

v, hile the central Square (Marketplatz) offered enough space when the weather was good'

The burgh got thetitle of ifreeKingly town'l and in its coat-of-anns we see an ostrich with the I ut

gtrlden horseshJe ii itsueat symbolizing th. .o*-.rce prosperity, lilies ofthe House of Anjou and the | -

tour stripes from Hungary's coat-of-arms.In 1453, rcn! faaislau 5th appointed the winner _of the Turks, regent Ioan of Hunedoara

, Hunvadi) royal Hunfiarian Count of filitrita and gave him the town gains. This.appointment :9tqt.tohar e taken into consideration the fact that he alreidy had here a "castle fortress" on Burberg (Burich)

Hill nearthe town.Owing to its position in the territory Bistrifa_was at the crossroads of some very importalt

commercial ways u#ing Western to Eastern Europe, Poland and Russia to the Balkan Peninsula' The

itr\rn \\,?S in the .o*prrirory transit road of those looking for a direct, easier way to and from these

regions. Thatis why so-anycommercial convoysusedtopass throughBistrilaatthetime'

The economical development of the town was blto t.tpported by lVlatei Corvin, who had

r.-,-*ome King of Hungary. In A6shegranted Bistrita people the right to pull d9Y" his castle on Burich

Hill. *-hich he had ini'erited, thus supporting the popuiation in raising the first defense wall ofthe town'

Ten 1-ears later, in 147 5,Mater corvin.loltr.f, ttt. Roatra district and its 20 component parts to Bistrila, a

3 116 -1'e ar-lasting rule, until the re gion was armed by Maria Theres a in l7 6 6'

Bistrilaioonbecame a great commercial and economic centre of Transylvania'

Merchants used to rest here, as they didn't have to pay duties or taxes but they were compelled

b1. the King,s orO., io airplay their goods for Bistrila inhabitants when passing through the burgh'

Almost aait' Uig, tiited c#iages filled the long yards of the houses in the Sugdlete Complex'

Here there were, blsid!'spacious waiehouses, stables ior the animals. Inside the rooms facing the

mrarket travellers could feast on the delicious and refined food made by the Bistrila people.The native

qines of Lechinla ,Teaca,Neuburger and Steiningef were famous and highly appreciated then' The

tirrilevineyardsaround the town were suffrcient to give the wine for those who hardly quenched their

thirst or wanted to wet their bargains.Sometimes, in the largE backyards and gardens, at the guests' request, tables were laid where

rhel.had their feasis, ""Ji.toiu"a.

wnite othersl on the contrary used to sit at the tables to the street,

arnong the stone flowers which were covering ihe small paving of ttre streets with a colourful, finely

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perfumedcarpet.All the buildings in the complex had wide wine cellars and ... where there was somethine to

drink, high spirits appeared, too.One could not find harpsichords everywhere, but there were string and wind instruments all

over the place, trying to make out the most up-to-date mazurkas and o.lendleis',.Late at night, guests used to go to their upstairs rooms, which were, in fact, comfortable

bedrooms. Only the clock in the Saxons' Tower was ticking for those willing to hear it, us it *us the caseof the town guard who were patrolling through the town ai night, as they uJed to cry out the exact timewith their hoarse voices and let the townspeople know that everything around was calm.

Eatly in the morning, townspeople were fussing about: goods were being arranged on the tablesand counters. Sometimes the goods were displayed in carriagei or even down on the[avement underthe street arches.

Among the various goods offered to Bistrifa inhabitants were those belonging to native workers,but also gold and silver objects and artistic ornaments, church clothes and even *euporr originating inWestern or Southern Europe. The goods were displayed daily under the arches andin the laige mar]<etopposite as well.

Merchants used to bring skins, furs, animals, fish, honey, semi-precious stones and linen fromMoldova, Ukraine, Poland and Russia.

The rapid development of the guilds in Bistrila made the products of the native tradesmen beappreciated even in foreign countries. The guilds convoys, especially those belonging to Bistrila people,were seen in Central Asia and in the Middle East. They were also highly praised in Moldova. itrbtnittevery 15th century Bistrifa townspeople regularly went to Moldavian markets where thev tookagricultural tools, weapons, bells, household tools etc.

Here are some examples of the orders placed by Moldova leaders, spotted in the charters of thetime:

King Eremia lVlovil5 bought from Bistrila 200 quintals of copper dishes, spoons, scythes,gunpowder, hoes, sickles, axes, ropes and fishing nets. Petru Rares bought fishing tiawls, golcl andsilver jewels, sledges and carriages. Alexandru Lapusneanu bought one hundred sh-eets of paichmentpaper.

Bistrifa townspeople were those who supplied Moldavian Kings with fine cloth from Flandersand the colonies, golden threaded silk, Venetian artistic omaments, fabrics for church clothes andpepper, ginger, even ointments and medicines.

The trade was done in exchange for cash, or barter, for bulls, horses, pigs, skins, furs, wool, fishorpeasants'cloth etc.

Many traders were asked to go to Moldova along the years. The best-known were the masonsand the stone workerg who built many of the churches and fortresses in Moldova. Bistrila's "doctors"were also famous for having looked after many kings along the centuries, as we find in the documents ofthetime.

In difficult times, the people of Bistrifa helped those in Moldova frequently, by offeringthem food and lodging facilities. Bistrifa even belonged to the Moldova King, petru Rareq, foiawhile.

The Sugdlete Complex is a remarkably architectural achievement having a well-determinedfunctional role, offering the so necessary security to the merchants'convoys in those mediaeval times.The specific architectural elements of each building were perfectly integrated in the assembly,respecting the style of the Gothic and of rransylvania Renaissance.

Further restorations of these constructions allowed elements of Renaissance architecture andlate Baroque to appear.

The thirteen buildings were connected for strategic reasons, as the one and a half metre thickwalls and the massiye front gates, always tightly locked are a proof in this respect.

Only the diversity -of

bas-reli-efs, of incashment, of Keystones, coats of arms and facadesofferedto the houses belongingto the complex a stillpreservedvariety.

Unfortunatelytoday, elements of agreatarchitectural and artistic value, witnesses ofourhistoryare covered by indiffirence and irresponsib-ility. The roofs ofthe houses had been repeatedly rebuilt, too,especiallyduringthe lastcentury by leaving aside importantdecorative elements, reducing

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their height and constructive ingeniosity. Thus, the chimneys and storey-ranged skylights of the formerroofs have mostly disappeared. By losing the amplitude of the roofs, the Sugilete also lost itssumptuousness. The standardizing of the rooflets deprived the complex from its mediaeval beauty. Thefrst house on the East side was the first chemist's shop in town, named "At the Black Eagle's", whosedocumentary attestation was in 1516. The next building had been Binder Bookshop for many decades.Then followed the houses H.Tomae, Himberg & Co, J.Lutsch and Sklamer and finally the EvangelicalVicarage, these being the tabular owners at the beginning of the 20th century as it is shown in theground book ofthe houses.

Many of the buildings have undergone repeated modifications losing their originality; some ofthe access gates in the wide yards have been diminished, the windows and even the rooms have beenrepartitioned without any civic responsibility under the kind, if not careless eyes of the officials. Onlythe last three buildings in the west side of the assembly have still preserved original constructionelements which I am going to speak about.

There is little information as to their owners along the centuries. We only know that Ursula,councilor Paul Forster's wife, bequeathed inheritance a house from the Sugilete Complex to the townparish in 1505 (probably the house atnr.23), which was later sold and another one was bought in theVicarage neighborhood (the house atnr.I4),which was also restored inI5I2 with the money got fromselling the first one. It got the name of Kapitelhaus, as it had been donated in 1432 through PetrusKreschmeier's will to Fraternitas beate virginis Catholic Order to host the assemblies of the ecumenicalcapitulars. Degraded in time, it had been restored by Ursula and given back to the order. The members ofthis order were the Catholic priests of the town and of its villages. After the Lutheran Reform it hostedthe assemblies of the Reformed priests who belonged to the Evangelical capitulars.

The Evangelical vicarage (at nr. 13) is the most recent house of the Complex which haspreserved many original elements. Some ofthem can be seen from the Central Square, such as the stonebroken arch portal, with astral heraldic cap, on which one can see the s;rmbols: the sun, the moon and themorning star as well as the year 1480. The building is U-shaped. From the back yard begin accesspassages to the first floorwithvaults and intermediary arches' | -"

The framework of the doors and windows, masterly carved into stone, has a particular artistic | ' '

value, as well as the pendent vaults ofthe top floors rooms.The Petermann House (situated at nr. 15) has preserved almost allits initial form. Among the

architectural elements here I might count the framework ofthe top floors doors, which are considered tobe some of the most precious achievements of the Gothic style in Transylvania. At the upper side of theframework there are the town's coat of arms and the one belonging to its owner, Petermann. On the capthe year 1480 is engraved, which might have been the year of its building up. But this year may alsorepresent the time of its reconstruction. One of the doors between two rooms on the first floor is carvedin sycamore maplewood, withhighlyvaluable flowerydecorations, whichhavebeenmasterfullymadeand well preserved. The House of Petermann has, under the colonnades, keystones adorned withstylized astral and flowery sculptures.

The buildings lying to the east of those mentioned above are small and the massive activity ofthose who have restored them has diminished their authenticity. Some of them now have commonrectangular show cases in their fagades, instead of the Gothic portals, or they have water, gas or sewagepipes mounted on the walls or even electricity and telephone branch circuits over the valuablearchitectural elements. From the outside of the complex tourists could notice the decorativecomponents of the stone portals, the heraldic cap, the stafue of Saint Nicholas between the windows ofthe vicarage, the portals and the carriage gates as well as the construction peculiarities ofthe componenthouses.

Inside the complex there is a dwelling place, offering little possibility for those who want to visitit. Only the street ground floor, rented by shop-owners, and the exterior colonnades could offer slightglimpses ofwhat the pediaeval environment once represented.

Today, a revaluation of the whole complex, meaning restoration, is not only extremely difficultto be carried out under these severe circumstances, but it is absolutely necessary. This complex has, forthe town ofBistrifa, both architectural and symbolical value, itbelongs to the cultural inheritance and ithas to be displayed and included in the national and international patrimony.

The use for tourism ofthis complex is possible and imperative, a matter of civilization.

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