Page 1: Blumea · 110 BLUMEA —Vol.44, No. 1, 1999 orgyalis)remainsunclear(seebelow).Fernandez-VillarinBlanco(1880), Rolfe(1884), andVidal(1886)published onthisgenus,butespecially Robinson(1908,1911)

BLUMEA 44 (1999) 109-148

Revision of the genus Cleistanthus

(Euphorbiaceae) in the Philippines

Stefan Dressler

Rijksherbarium/Hortus Botanicus, P.O. Box 9514, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands 1


The Philippine species of the euphorbiaceous genus Cleistanthus are revised. Sixteen species are

recognised for this archipelago of which two are recorded from there for the first time. The oldest

available combination from the Philippines [C. orgyalis (Blanco) Merr.] remains obscure and three

collections from Palawan are tentatively treated as a separate taxon (C. spec. A). Three species are

illustrated here and distribution maps for the Philippines are given for all species.

Key words. Cleistanthus, Philippines, taxonomy.


The Philippine Cleistanthus species were selected for this revision as Airy Shaw

has covered nearly all other areas of the Flora Malesianaregion with his treatments

(1972, 1975, 1980a 1980b, 1981, 1982) apart from this island group. His paper of

1983 merely represents an uncritical enumeration of species described from there

with citation of herbarium specimens housed in Kew. The history of the genus in the

Philippines dates back to Blanco (1845), the famous early phytographer for this

archipelago. Unfortunately, the identity of his species Gluta orgyalis (= Cleistanthus

1) Current address: Herbarium Senckenbergianum, FIS, Senckenberganlage25, D-60325 Frank-

furt am Main, Germany. E-mail: [email protected]

The genus Cleistanthus was established in 1848 by Planchon for a single species

from West Tropical Africa using an unpublished name of J.D. Hooker. Before and

after that several species were described affiliated to other (partly new) genera (e.g.,

Roxburgh, 1802; Hasskarl, 1855;Miquel, 1861; Thwaites, 1861, 1864; MiillerArgo-

viensis, 1863) but MiillerArgoviensis (1866) soon clarified the taxonomy and made

thenecessary new combinationsin his revision ofthe Euphorbiaceae for De Candolle's

Prodromus. Later the genus was treated in some floras or regional revisions (e.g.,

Bentham, 1873; Hooker, 1887; Robinson, 1908).

Jablonsky (1915) still represents the most recent complete generic treatment. With

all its weaknesses his infrageneric classification is the one still adopted nowadays (cf.

Airy Shaw's various papers, see below) and indeed is a handy determinationtool.

However, I consider it to be rather artificial inparts (e.g., sections based on indumentum

of sepals, division of styles), but without having revised the full genus no other is pro-

posed here. Therefore, the alphabetical order was used in the taxonomic part of this


Page 2: Blumea · 110 BLUMEA —Vol.44, No. 1, 1999 orgyalis)remainsunclear(seebelow).Fernandez-VillarinBlanco(1880), Rolfe(1884), andVidal(1886)published onthisgenus,butespecially Robinson(1908,1911)

110 BLUMEA —Vol. 44, No. 1, 1999

orgyalis) remains unclear (see below). Fernandez-Villarin Blanco (1880), Rolfe (1884),

andVidal (1886) published on this genus,but especially Robinson(1908,1911) contri-

butedsubstantially to our knowledge on Philippine Cleistanthus. He describedmany

newspecies, and although his species concept was rather narrow, a considerable number

of them are still recognised. Later Merrill (1912, 1914, 1920, 1923) described some

new species of which most did not stand a critical revision. More recently only two

enumerationshave been published which cover Cleistanthusofthe Philippines (Salvosa,

1963; Airy Shaw, 1983). The main weakness of nearly all these works was the very

narrow geographical scope: with this approach often species were described as new

for the Philippines which were already named particularly from Borneo. So a number

of 'endemic species' were created which later turned out to be ofa wider distribution.

A critical reassessment of the genus is presented here as a precursory paper to the

forthcoming Flora Malesiana treatment of the Euphorbiaceae.

Cleistanthusforms together with Bridelia the tribe Bridelieaewithin the subfamily

Phyllanthoideae of the Euphorbiaceae. Both genera have a valvate sepal aestivation

and thus are easily distinguishable from other taxa. Cleistanthus is characterised by

having 3 ovary locules, woody capsules, and an always brochidodromous secondary

venation, whereas Bridelia has 2 locules per ovary, mostly indehiscent drupes and a

craspedodromous venation with a distinct intramarginal vein in the majority of the

species. As described elsewhere (Dressier, 1996) species with certain intergrading

features occur (e.g., Bridelia triplocarya with regularly trilocular fruits, B. stipularis

with a dehiscent drupe or fleshy capsule). For a more detailed discussion ofthe rela-

tionships see the above mentionedpaper as well.

Withinthe genus Cleistanthus the following characters turned out to be diagnostically

important: stipule shape; indumentumof twigs, petioles, lower leafsurfaces, ovaries,

and capsules; number and prominence of secondary veins; colour of dried leaves;

shape of flower bearing branches; flowers/fruits pedicelled or not, capsules stipitate

or not; dimensionsofstipules, petioles, flower glomerules, capsules. The fact that the

flower glomerules are borneeither on normal leavedbranches, on those with smaller

leaves, or even on leafless branchlets was used by Jablonsky (1915) to definetwo of

his ten sections. However, this phenomenon was found withinrather variable species

(C. sumatranus, C. myrianthus) and in the latter it was merely recognised to define

varieties. In Bridelia species are known to show a variable leaf size on flowering

branches too (e.g., B. retusa, B. stipularis). This character seems to be insufficiently

consistent to base higher nomenclaturalranks on, but it facilitates the recognition of

certainspecies. The sections proposed by Jablonsky (1915) are therefore not accepted

here. The infrageneric delimitationneeds critical reassessment. This was not an objec-

tive ofthe present work. Hence, the species recognised for the Philippines are treated

in alphabetical order. The very narrow geographical scope of this work was contrary

to detecting supraspecific entities.

Cleistanthus angustifolius, C. pilosus, C. robinsonii, and iC. spec. A represent Philip-

pine endemics, of which the taxonomic status of some is still not entirely certain.

Close geographical relationships exist especially with Borneo and furthermore with

Peninsular Malaysia: seven Philippine species also comprise those areas with their

distribution. Two additional species have an even wider range including Peninsular

Page 3: Blumea · 110 BLUMEA —Vol.44, No. 1, 1999 orgyalis)remainsunclear(seebelow).Fernandez-VillarinBlanco(1880), Rolfe(1884), andVidal(1886)published onthisgenus,butespecially Robinson(1908,1911)

111S. Dressier: Revision of Cleistanthus in the Philippines

Thailand(C. decurrens) and Celebes, Flores, and Sumatra(C. bridelifolius). Widespreadelements are the Indo-AustralianC. myrianthus, Sino(?)-Malesian C. pedicellatus, and

Sino-Indochinese-MalesianC. sumatranus. Two species C. erycibifolius and C. rufes-

cens are newly recorded for the Philippines.


Herbarium material was studied from the following herbaria: A, AAU, B, BO, BR,

CAS, DS, E, F, G, GH, K, K-W, L, M, MA, NY, P, SING, TCD, U,US, WRSL (Holmgren

et al., 1990). All specimens cited have been seen unless stated otherwise. The dimen-

sions given are for dried material, except for flower characters which are taken from

material rehydrated with water.


Cleistanthus Hook.f. ex Planch, in Hook., Icon. PI. 8 (1848) ad t. 779. — KaluhaburunghosL. ex

Kuntze, Revis. Gen. PI. (1891) 607. — Type: Cleistanthus polystachyus Hook.f.

Nanopetalum Hassk., Verslagen Meded. Afd. Natuurk. Kon. Akad. Wetensch. 4 (1855) 140.—

Type: Nanopetalum myrianthum Hassk. [= Cleistanthus myrianthus (Hassk.) Kurz].

Lebidiera Baill., Etude Euphorb., Atlas (1858) 50, t. 27, f. 1-4.=

Amanoa sect. Lebidiera Baill.,

Etude Euphorb. (1858) 581. —Type: Lebidiera ferrugineaBaill. [= Cleistanthus ferrugineus

(Thwaites) Miill.Arg.].Stenoniella Kuntze in T. Post & Kuntze, Lex. Gen.Phan. (1903) 535; nom. nov. forStenonia Baill.,

Etude Euphorb. (1858)578, (non Endl. 1847).—Type: Stenonia boiviniana Baill. [= Cleistanthus

stenonia (Baill.) Jabl.j.

Leiopyxis Miq., Fl. Ned. Ind., Eerste bijv. (1861)445.— Type: Leiopyxis sumatrana Miq. |s Cleis-

tanthus sumatranus (Miq.) Miill.Arg.].

LebidieropsisMiill.Arg., Linnaea 32 (1863) 79. —Type: Lebidieropsis collina (Roxb.) Miill.Arg

[= Cleistanthus collinus (Roxb.) Benth.].

Schistostigma Lauterb.,Fl. Schutzgeb. Siidsee, Nachtr. (1905) 299. —Type: Schistostigma papua-

num Lauterb. [= Cleistanthus papuanus (Lauterb.) Jabl.].

Godefroya Gagnep., Bull. Soc. Bot. France 70 (1923) 435. — Type: Godefroya rotundata (Jabl.)

Gagnep. |= Cleistanthus rotundatus Jabl.].

Paracleisthus Gagnep., Bull. Soc. Bot. France 70 (1923) 499.— Lectotype (Wheeler, 1975: 537):

Paracleisthus subgracilis Gagnep. [= Cleistanthus sumatranus (Miq.) Miill.Arg.].

[Zenkerodendron Gilg ex Jabl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. H. 65 (1915) 48; in syn., nom. nud.; authentic

species: Zenkerodendron bipindense Gilg ex Jabl. (= Cleistanthus bipindensis Pax).]

Trees or shrubs, monoecious,branches scattered lenticellate.Leaves simple, alternate,

stipulate, entire, membranaceous to coriaceous, petiolate; petiole subterete, (slightly)

thicker than midrib and wrinkled when dry; brochidodromous venation, secondaryveins becoming weaker distally towards their looping. Inflorescences axillary, glomeru-

late, sometimes on leafless or small-leaved branches, glomerules male or female or

both. Calyx 5-lobed, mostly persistent, lobes valvate, tube shortly obconic. Petals 5,

persistent, small, free. Disc annular, saucer-shaped in staminate flowers and divided

in pistillate flowers into an outer saucer-shaped one, lining the receptacle, and an in-

ner cup-shaped to tubularone with irregular margin, covering the ovary (or at least its

base) and tearing into lobes during fruit development. Stamens 5, filaments connate

into a column, free above, spreading, terete to flattened, tapering towards the apex,

anthers extrorse, bilobed at the base, pistillode small, trifid or trilobed, borne at the

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112 BLUMEA —Vol. 44, No. 1, 1999

apex ofthe column. Ovary 3-locular, ovules 2 in each cell. Styles 3, subconnatebelow,

bifid. Capsules 3-locular, subglobose or depressed, sessile or pedicelled, sometimes

stipitate within the calyx, dehiscing apically loculicidal and completely septicidal,

hence the valves falling apart, leaving the receptacle and columella. Dehiscence is

mechanical, caused by the expansion ofthe internal endocarp tissue, additionally sep-

tae splitting during this process; endocarp bony, inside fibrous, each locule2-seeded

or frequently 1-seeded by abortion. Seedexarillate.


la. Leaves glabrous beneath (exceptionally scattered hairs present) 2

b. Leaves hairy beneath(at least on the main veins) 9

2a. Flowers (and fruits) clearly pedicellate (pedicel > 5 mm long) 3

b. Flowers and fruits (sub)sessile 4

3a. Leaves with conspicuously prominent, fine, dense, reticulate venation, greyish

brown beneath. Many flowers in axils of normal leaves...

10. C. pedicellatus

b. Leaves with inconspicuous venation, dark coloured (blackish) beneath. Flowers

on short axillary shoots (brachyblasts) 4. C. erycibifolius

4a. Capsules big, > 15 mm diam. Stipules 5-10 mm long, long persistent. Ovary

glabrous. Leaves often conspicuously glaucescent beneath.

8. C. megacarpus

b. Capsules smaller, < 15 mm diam. Stipules < 5 mm long. Ovary densely hairy*

[*cf. C. spec. A: ovary presumed to be glabrous] 5

5a. Secondary veins more than 9 pairs. Capsules stipitate (2-4 mm) and subsessile to

shortly pedicellate (2-4 mm), densely brownish tomentose. Petiole mostly > 7

mm, scattered pilose to glabrous 13. C. rufescens

b. Secondary veins less than9 pairs. Capsules not stipitate and sessile, scattered pilose

to glabrous. Petiole mostly < 7 mm, glabrous 6

6a. Stipules 2-4 mm long, triangular. Veins conspicuously prominent beneath.Flowers

on smaller leavedbranchlets 15. C. venosus

b. Stipules up to 1.5 mm long, scale-like or triangular. Veins faintly prominent be-

neath. Flowers axillary on normal leaved or short, leafless, axillary, spike-like

branchlets 7

7a. Leaves yellowish or greenish when dry; base obtuse, slightly attenuate. Secondary

veins not conspicuously long running towards apex 6. C. glaber

b. Leaves (olive) brownish when dry; base acute to round, rarely obtuse. Secondary

veins with a ratheracute angle of divergence and long running towards apex before

arching 8

8a. Leaves conspicuously narrow-elliptic or narrow-ovate (nearly linear). Long droop-

ing branches. Flower glomerules usually in the axils of normal leaves

1. C. angustifolius

b. Leaves not extraordinarily narrow. Branches short, not drooping.Flower glomerules

on differentiated, often smaller leaved to leafless, terminal or axillary branchlets

(like 'pearls-on-a-string') 14. C. sumatranus

9a. Capsule > 15 mm diam. Stipules conspicuous, 5-10 mm long, long persistent.

Leaves conspicuously glaucescent beneath (see however C. everettii with 2-9

mm long stipules but not conspicuously glaucescent leaves) 8. C. megacarpus

Page 5: Blumea · 110 BLUMEA —Vol.44, No. 1, 1999 orgyalis)remainsunclear(seebelow).Fernandez-VillarinBlanco(1880), Rolfe(1884), andVidal(1886)published onthisgenus,butespecially Robinson(1908,1911)

113S. Dressier: Revision of Cleistanthus in the Philippines

b. Capsule < 15 mm diam.Stipules < 5 mm long, not conspicuous, not long persistent

(if so, see C. everettii). Leaves not conspicuously glaucescent beneath....


10a. Leaves finely and closely appressed puberulous to sericeous beneath (lens!). Ovary

and capsule glabrous 11

b. Leaves with erect hairs beneath. Ovary (and later capsule) ± hairy 12

11a. Leaves with coppery indumentumbeneath. Secondary veins mostly 5-8 pairs .

l.C. isabellinus

b. Leaves with light to golden indumentumbeneath. Secondary veins mostly 10-16

pairs 9. C. myrianthus

12a. Capsules not stipitate 13

b. Capsules stipitate 16

13a. Branchlets conspicuously long, light-coloured pilose, also main veins. Leaves

greenish-brown when dry 11. C. pilosus

b. Branchlets fulvo-pubescent to -puberulous. Leaves pale green to olive when dry


14a. Leaves linear-oblong. Stipules minute, < 1 mm long, very inconspicuous ...12. C. robinsonii

b. Leaves elliptic. Stipules 1 mm and longer 15

15a. Petioles 1.5-4 mm long. Capsules < 1 cm diam.Leaves mostly smaller (< 9 cm

long) 2. C. bridelifolius

b. Petioles 4-8 mm long. Capsules > 1 cm diam. Leaves mostly larger (> 8 cm

long) 5. C. everettii

16a. Glomerules few-flowered (< 10 flowers) 17

b. Glomerules many-flowered (> 10 flowers) 18

17a. Leafbase attenuate, conspicuously decurrent along petiole. Leaves dark reddish-

brown when dry, blade elliptic to ovate. Stipules > 1 mm long. Sepals fulvo-stri-

gose to subglabrous 3. C. decurrens

b. Leafbase acute, but not decurrentalong petiole. Leaves greenish when dry, blade

oblong. Stipules minute, < 1 mm long. Sepals glabrous ....

12. C. robinsonii

18a. Leaves glabrous, rarely with some hairs, brown to greenish-grey when dry, often

bullate. Secondary veins mostly up to 9 pairs. Capsules > 1 cm diam., densely

brownish tomentose, subsessile to shortly pedicellate (2-4 mm)

13. C. rufescens

b. Leaves rusty pubescent to pilose, rarely subglabrous, dark reddish brown when

dry. Secondary veins mostly less than9 pairs. Capsules < 1 cm diam., scattered

pilose to glabrous. Inflorescence glomerules conspicuously rufo-villose....

16. C. vestitus

1. Cleistanthus angustifolius Merr. — Map 1

Cleistanthus angustifolius Merr.,Philipp. J. Sci., Bot. 7(1912) 386; Jabl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. H. 65

(1915) 52; Merr., Enum. Philipp. Flow. PI. 2 (1923) 419; Salvosa, Lex. Philipp. Trees (1963)

92; Airy Shaw, Enum. Euphorb. Philipp. Is. (1983) 14. — Lectotype (here designated): CM.

Weber 1562 (holoA; iso E, F, G, GH, K, NY, P 3x, US), Philippines, Luzon, Prov. Cagayan,

Abulug River, Jan. 1912.

Scandentshrub or tree? Branches often long, ofdrooping appearance,glabrous, rarely

scattered albo-pilose when young. Stipules very inconspicuous, triangular, c. 1 mm

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114 BLUMEA —Vol. 44, No. 1, 1999

long, base 0.5-1 mm wide, glabrous, scaly. Leaves: petiole subterete, darker coloured

than midrib in dry state (blackish), glabrous, 3-6 mm long, 0.5-1 mm diam.; lamina

very narrow ovate to narrow ovate-elliptic or narrow lanceolate (almost linear), 35-

130 by 6-30 mm, index3.6-9.6, chartaceous, base roundish, rarely obtuse, apex long

acute to acuminate, acumen not discernible, margin entire. Venation: obscure above,

very faintly prominent beneath, secondary veins in 5-8 pairs, long running towards

apex before looping, sometimes with tertiary arches, irregular reticulate areolation.

Indumentum: absent; leaves greyish brown to brownish olive above, greyish green to

brownish grey beneath when dry, sometimesglaucescent beneath. Inflorescence: few-

flowered glomerules (up to c. 5 flowers) in the axils ofnormal leaves, rarely on short,

spike-like shoots. Bracts small, triangular, c. 1.5 by 1-1.5 mm, glabrous to albo-

pilose, with sericeous margin, and/or hairy midvein. Flowers (not seen) sessile, 4-5

mm diam. Sepals (narrow-)triangular, c. 2 by 1-1.5 mm, albo-pilose outside. Infructes-

cence with 1 or 2 fruits per glomerule. Fruit sessile, rarely minutely stipitate (1 mm),

obtusely triangular and deeply 3-lobedfromabove or tricoccous-subgloboid, concavely

depressed at apex, 5-6 mm tall, c. 8 mm diam., glabrous, basal and in sutures (grooves)

with scattered pilose hairs, dark brown when dry. Seeds semigloboid to heart-shaped,

ventrally with median hilum, dorsally slightly keeled, 6-7 by 4.5-5.5 by 3-3.5 mm;

testa smooth, slightly lineate with occasional inconspicuous warts, brown.

Field note — Reported to be of scandent habitand to have slightly glaucous young

leaves (,'Lagrimas & Penarubia 607, L).

Map 1. Distribution of Cleistanthus

angustifolius C. erycibi-


Merr., (•),

AiryShaw (�), and

Airy Shaw (■), C. glaberElmer

(�) in the Philippines and adjacentBorneo.

C. isabellinus

Page 7: Blumea · 110 BLUMEA —Vol.44, No. 1, 1999 orgyalis)remainsunclear(seebelow).Fernandez-VillarinBlanco(1880), Rolfe(1884), andVidal(1886)published onthisgenus,butespecially Robinson(1908,1911)

115S. Dressier: Revision of Cleistanthus in the Philippines

Distribution — Philippines (Luzon).

Habitat & Ecology — On river.

Notes — The main characteristics are: conspicuously narrow leaves (nearly linear,

narrow ovate to narrow elliptic), long drooping, glabrous branches, glabrous, charta-

ceous leaves with indistinct, i.e., hardly prominent venation, 5-8 secondary veins,

sessile fruits, which are sparsely pilose and become subglabrous.

Only 4 collections of this species could be traced and all are in fruit.

It might well be that this species merely represents a very narrow leaved (rheo-

phytic?) form of C. sumatranus. Unfortunately, there are no fieldnotes. The type col-

lectionwas collected atAbulug River, Cagayan Province, Luzon. Two other collections

are both annotated with Cagayan Province only. All three were collected in January

1912.It is possible thatall three originate from the same plant.An additionalcollection

from Zambales Province, Luzon, has larger leaves which are already somewhat inter-

mediate to C. sumatranus. However, the plants display the drooping habit.

I provisionally retain the species rankhere. The taxon is separated from C. sumatra-

nus by the combination of its distinct leaf shape and drooping habit.

2. Cleistanthus bridelifoliusC.B. Rob. — Map 2

Cleistanthus bridelifolius C.B. Rob., Philipp. J. Sci., Bot. 3 (1908) 191; Philipp. J. Sci., Bot. 6

(1911) 323; Jabl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. H. 65 (1915) 25; Merr., Enum. Philipp. Flow. PL 2 (1923)

419; Salvosa, Lex. Philipp. Trees (1963)92; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull.,Add. Ser. 4 (1975) 78; Kew

Bull. 33 (1978) 51; J.A.R. Anderson, Check L.Trees Saraw. (1980) 181; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull.

36 (1981) 280; Kew Bull. 37 (1982) 13; Enum. Euphorb. Philipp. Is. (1983) 14; Whitmore,

Tree Fl. Indon.,Checkl. Sumatra (1986) 80; Tree Fl. Indon., Checkl. Sulawesi (1989) 46; Tree

Fl. Indon., Checkl. Kalimantan 1 (1990) 123; KcGler & Sidiyasa, Trees Balikpapan-Samarinda

Area,Tropenbosser. 7 (1994) 126 in clavi. —Lectotype (here designated):FB 7064, leg. Klemme

(holo US), Philippines, Luzon, Prov. Cagayan, San Vicente, 5 m, 7 May 1907. [Note: AiryShaw (1978) suspected the type to be in NY. I did not receive a specimen from there.]

Cleistanthus subcordatus (J.J. Sm.) Jabl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. H. 65 (1915)22; syn. nov.; Backer &

Bakh.f., Fl. Java 1 (1964) 474 in clavi.—

Cleistanthus pallidus (Thwaites) Mull. Arg. var. sub-

cordatus J.J. Sm. in Koord. &Valeton, Bijdr. Boomsoort. Java 12 (1910) 304.—Type: Teijsmann

1741 HB (BO?), Java, Madoera, M. Gegu - protologue: "alleen verzameld in de res. Banten,

afd. Tjaringinbij Tjemara op 10-200 m zeehoogte".[Note: AlthoughI have not seen the actual

type specimen, I am convinced of the conspecificity since material identified by J.J. Smith in L

represents C. bridelifolius.]

Shrub to tree, up to 15 m high, reported with6 m high bole and with up to 35 cm dbh.

Bark smooth to rough, brown, innerbark reddish brown, cambium pinkish. Sapwood

yellow. Branches fulvous-pubescent to -puberulous when young, laterbecoming gla-

brous, triangular stipules sometimes conspicuously densely concentrated and long

persistent on the terminal branches often after the leaves have fallen. Stipules narrow

to broadly ovate-triangular, subulate, glabrous to puberulous, 1-3.5 mm long, base

1-1.5 mm wide.Leaves: petiole subterete, densely pubescent to scattered pilose, rarely

glabrous, 1.5-4mm long, 1-1.4 mm diam.; lamina elliptic to lanceolate, rarely slightly

ovate, 40-90(-130) by 10-30 mm, index 2.3-4.2, chartaceous, base acute, roundish

to obtuse, sometimes slightly cordate, apex acute to acuminate, acumen up to 15 mm

long, margin entire. Venation: secondary veins in 6-11 (-12) pairs, (sub)prominent

beneath,obsoleteabove, areolation indistinct. Indumentum:glabrous above, only single

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116 BLUMEA —Vol. 44, No. 1, 1999

hairs atmidrib, or near base and margin, (scattered) pilose to glabrous beneath, densely

hairy on base and major veins, rarely fully glabrous; leaves greyish green to olive

when dry. Inflorescence: few-floweredglomerules with up to c. 8 flowers, axillary on

normal-leavedbranches. Bracts broadly ovate-triangular to triangular, c. 1 by 1-1.5

mm, densely whitish pubescent. Flowers sessile to shortly pedicellate, pedicel 1-2

(-3) mm long, pubescent, rarely glabrous, 3.5-5 mm diam. Sepals triangular, 1.5-2

by 1-1.5 mm, whitish pubescent to subglabrous outside. Petals whitish, spathulate to

broadly obovate, lobulate at apex, 0.7-1 by 0.6-0.7 mm. Disc glabrous, sometimes

pilose, in staminate flowers and outer one in pistillate flowers saucer-shaped, 1-1.5

mm diam., inner one cup-shaped with erose margin, 0.8-1.2 mm tall, glabrous to

whitish pilose outside. Staminalcolumn c. 1-1.2 mm long, freepart offilaments up to

c. 1 mm long. Anthers ovoid, c. 0.5 by 0.2-0.3mm. Pistillodeconico-ovoidal, whitish

pilose, c. 0.5-0.7 mm tall, 0.2-0.4 mm diam. Ovary ovoid to globoid, 0.8-1.2 mm

diam., 1-1.5 mm tall, densely whitish strigose. Styles 0.5-1(-1.5) mm long, apically

bifid, lobulate. Infructescence with 1 or 2 (also 3?) fruits. Fruit sessile, triangular

seen from above, shallowly 3-lobed in outline, concavely depressed at central apex,

5-7 mm tall, 7-9 mm diam., yellowish pilose to pubescent, rarely nearly glabrous.Seeds semi-ovoid to heart-shaped, sometimes abaxially keeled, 3-4 by 3.5-4.5 by1.5-3mm; testa smooth to rugulate, dark brown.

Field notes — Flowers fragrant, whitish to light green, calyx pale green, petals

whitish, stamens yellowish; fruits light to yellowish green turning dark purple with

greenish base.

Cleistanthus bri-


Map 2. Distribution of

C.B. Rob. (•) and C. everettii

C.B. Rob. (■) in the Philippines and

adjacent Borneo.

Page 9: Blumea · 110 BLUMEA —Vol.44, No. 1, 1999 orgyalis)remainsunclear(seebelow).Fernandez-VillarinBlanco(1880), Rolfe(1884), andVidal(1886)published onthisgenus,butespecially Robinson(1908,1911)

117S. Dressier: Revision of Cleistanthus in the Philippines

Distribution — Peninsular Malaysia? (fide Whitmore, 1986), Sumatra, Borneo,

Philippines, Java (fide Whitmore, 1986), Celebes, Flores (fide Airy Shaw, 1982).

Habitat & Ecology — Open or low statured primary or secondary lowlandforests;

at altitudes up to 800 m. Reported from ultrabasic, igneous-derived soils, black stony

soil, or coral limestone.

Notes — The diagnostic characters of C. bridelifolius are: the pubescence of

branches, petiole, inflorescence glomerules axillary; the stipules glabrous to scattered

puberulous; petiole 2-4 mm long; inflorescences axillary; capsules sessile, < 1 cm

diam. The leaves are smaller than those of C. everettii. It is very closely related to

C. everettii; the distinguishing characters are petiole length and capsule size. Further

studies are needed inorder to show whether there is a real discontinuity between these


Ironically, this species does not particularly resembleBridelia in its foliage. Robin-

son did not state in the protologue why he had chosen this name. There are other spe-

cies which more closely resemble the leaves of certain Bridelia species of the sect.

Cleistanthoideae.A flowering Cleistanthus vestitus Jabl. e.g. recalls B. insulana Hance

or B. glauca Blume. The untrainedeye has to examine the numberof ovary locules or

styles to trace the generic affiliation.

Airy Shaw recognises two varieties. His var. calcicola differs from the typical one

in less abruptly and distinctly caudate leaf-apices, a rather rectangular angle ofdiver-

gence of the secondary veins, pedicellate staminate flowers, glabrous sepals and its

occurrence on limestone. This combination of characters is, at least in Philippine

material, not consistent. Airy Shaw's (1978: 51) statement concerning an even higher

ranking of this entity cannot be supported. Ecological field studies are necessary

in order to decide whethera supposedly calcicole variety shouldbe recognised at all.

3. Cleistanthus decurrens Hook.f. — Map 3

Cleistanthus decurrens Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 5 (1887) 278; Jabl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. H. 65 (1915)

33; Ridl.,Fl. MalayPenins. 3 (1924) 191; Gage, J.Asiat. Soc. Bengal 75 (1936) 508; Henderson,

J. Malayan Branch Roy. Asiat. Soc. 17 (1939) 69; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 26 (1972) 236;

Whitmore, Tree Fl. Malaya 2 (1973) 81 in clavi; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull., Add. Ser. 4 (1975) 80;

J.A.R. Anderson, Check L. Trees Saraw. (1980) 181; Airy Shaw, Enum. Euphorb. Philipp. Is.

(1983) 14; Whitmore,Tree Fl. Indon.,Checkl. Kalimantan 1 (1990) 123. — Kaluhaburunghosdecurrens (Hook.f.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 2 (1891) 607, nom. illeg. — Lectotype (here desig-

nated): Scortechini 1916 (holo K), Peninsular Malaysia, Perak.

Cleistanthus decipiens C.B. Rob.,Philipp. J. Sci.,Bot. 3 (1908) 195, syn. nov.; Elmer, Leafl. Philipp.Bot. 4 (1911) 1284; Jabl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. H. 65 (1915) 33; Merr., Enum. Philipp. Flow. PI.

2 (1923) 420; Salvosa, Lex. Philipp. Trees (1963) 92; Airy Shaw, Enum. Euphorb. Philipp. Is.

(1983) 14. — Lectotype (here designated):FB 1001, leg. Clark (holo K; iso NY), Philippines,Island Ticao, Niladlaran, 125 m, May-June 1904.

Cleistanthus ovatus C.B. Rob., Philipp. J. Sci., Bot. 3 (1908) 194, syn. nov.; Jabl. in Engl., Pflanzenr.

H. 65 (1915) 34; Merr., Enum. Philipp. Flow. PI. 2 (1923) 421; Salvosa, Lex. Philipp. Trees

(1963) 92; Airy Shaw, Enum. Euphorb. Philipp. Is. (1983) 15. —Lectotype (here designated):BS 4051, leg. Fenix (holo K; iso US), Philippines, Camiguin Island, Babuyanes, 21 June 1907.

Cleistanthus mattangensis Jabl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. H. 65 (1915) 33, syn. nov.: Airy Shaw, 1975;

Merr., Bibl. Enum. Bom. PL (1921) 334; Masam., Enum. Phan. Bornear. (1942) 392. — Lectotype(here designated): Beccari 2040 (holo K; iso FI-B, photo seen), Borneo, Mattang, July 1866.

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118 BLUMEA —Vol. 44, No. 1, 1999

Cleistanthus decipiens auct. non C.B. Rob.: Elmer, Leafl. Philipp. Bot. 4 (1911) 1284; Merr.,

Enum. Philipp. Flow. PI. 2 (1923) 420, p.p. quoad Elmer 12888 & 12988.

Shrub to small tree, up to 5 m high, with a suberect, crooked stem, dbh c. 3 cm. Outer

bark yellowish grey, smooth, thin, sapwood yellowish-white, heartwood rose-red.

Branches brownish strigose to scattered pilose when young, soon glabrescent. Stipules

triangular, often scale-like, 1.5-2 mm long, base 1—1.5 mm wide. Leaves: petiole

(sub)terete, darker colouredthan midrib in dry state, brownish strigose, (3-)4-7 mm

long, 1-2 mm diam.; laminalanceolate, elliptic to (slightly) ovate, 35-215 by 18-99

mm, index 1.8-3.8, chartaceous to subcoriaceous, base attenuate, conspicuously decur-

rent on petiole, apex acuminateto (bluntly) acute, acumen up to 20 mm long, margin

entire, slightly revolute. Venation: secondary veins in (5—)7—11 pairs, prominent be-

neath, (sub)prominent above, sometimes tertiary arches present, perfect reticulate

areolation. Indumentum: scattered albo-pilose above, albo-pilose to subglabrous be-

neath, sometimes strigose near base and at midrib; leaves often conspicuously dark

reddish brown when dry. Inflorescence: few-flowered glomerules (mostly 3 or 4, up

to c. 7 flowers) axillary on normal-leavedbranches, very rarely axillary, spike-like,

leafless branches bearing the glomerules seen. Bracts fulvous, elliptic, ovate or broadly

triangular, 1.5-2.5 by 1.5-2 mm, membranaceous, often conspicuously brownish

strigose to pilose outside, sometimes glabrous with hairy midvein, with erose margin.

Flowers sessile, 3-4.5 mm diam. Sepals triangular, 1.5-2 by 1-1.5 mm, brownish

strigose to subglabrous with some hairs on apex outside. Petals whitish, spathulate,

margin irregularly erose to lobulate, c. 1 by 0.5-0.8 mm. Disc glabrous, in staminate

flowers and the outer one in pistillate flowers saucer-shaped, 1-1.5 mm diam., inner

one cup-shaped, 0.5-0.8 mm tall. Staminal column 1-1.5 mm long, free part offila-

ments up to 1 mm long. Anthers ovoid, 0.5 by 0.2-0.4 mm. Pistillode cylindrical,

with widenedblunt apex, glabrous, up to 0.7 mm tall, c. 0.3 mm diam. Ovary (semi)-

globoid, c. 1.5 mm diam., 1-1.5 mm tall, densely brownish strigose to pilose. Styles

c. 1 mm long, apical quarter bifidly divided, widened tip, stigmas lobulate. Infructes-

cence with up to 2 fruits. Fruit sessile, but 4-6 mm stipitate, obtusely triangular from

above, shallowly tri-lobed, more or less rectangular to semiorbicular with concave

depression in outline, 7-11 mm tall, 7-10 mm diam., sparsely pilose to glabrous with

some scattered hairs in grooves and at base, shiny reddish brown when dry with pro-

minent reticulumofveins, or tuberculate.Seeds heart-shaped inoutline (?, collapsed),

5-6 by 3-3.5by 2-3 mm; testa smooth to rugulate, light brown.

Field notes — Leaves thinly coriaceous, dark green, glossy above, lighter beneath,

with a swollen petiole when fresh; flowers pale green; fruits reddish green turning

black, stipe yellow-green.

Distribution — Peninsular Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo, Philippines,Java (?), Flores (?).

Flabitat & Ecology — Primary or secondary forests, often reported from dense

shade; at low altitudes to 500 m; very fertile, rocky soil, occasional on limestone(sec.

Whitmore, 1973).

Notes — This species is characterised by the decurrence ofthe basal leaf-margins

along the petiole, as well as by its reddish brown leaves in the dried state, its few-

flowered glomerules, and its stipitate, nearly glabrous capsules.

Page 11: Blumea · 110 BLUMEA —Vol.44, No. 1, 1999 orgyalis)remainsunclear(seebelow).Fernandez-VillarinBlanco(1880), Rolfe(1884), andVidal(1886)published onthisgenus,butespecially Robinson(1908,1911)

119S. Dressier: Revision of Cleistanthus in the Philippines

Cleistanthus decipiens, described as endemic for the Philippines, is according to

Jablonsky's key distinguished from C. decurrens by shorter stipitate capsules (< 4 vs.

6-10 mm) and more or less acuminate (vs. rotundate or obtusely acuminate) leaves.

However, materialfrom PeninsularMalaysia and Borneo shows all intergradations in

leaftips. Airy Shaw annotatedthe isotype in K as "very near C. decurrens” but did not

place the name into the synonymy of the latter.This is done here now. In the protologueofC. decipiens C. B. Robinsonalready stated that this species is "very similar in gross

characters to C. ovatus, but quite distinct, especially in its venation". It is said to

differ from the latter by having elliptic or oblong leaves (vs. ovate ones) and by

curving secondary veins (vs. straight ones) which do not submarginally divideforming

distinct tertiary loops as it was deemed to be typical in C. ovatus. Having examined

some more material I have to state that this distinction is not consistent, but merely

due to different developmental stages and shapes of the leaves. In fact, the tertiary

loops are often present in all leaves, but sometimes not very clearly developed or

very small and close to the margin.

The reference to Flores is based on Verheijen 3077, Schmutz 4361 (both L), which

are identifiedas cf. decurrens. There is also a collection of C. decurrens in Leiden

(Boerlage s. n., L no. 909.77-179,909.76-164)which is hiedamong Javanese material,

but the provenance is a bit doubtful as the label informationis hardly legible (I would

read: "Eiland Leiden, Boerlage"). Van Steenis-Kruseman (1950: 68) gives Pulau

Leiden in the Bay of Batavia as a collecting locality of Boerlage in Sept. 1896.

Map 3. Distribution of Cleistanthus

decurrens Hook.f. (•) and C. vestitus

Jabl. (■) in the Philippines and adja-

cent Borneo.

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120 BLUMEA —Vol. 44, No. 1, 1999

4. Cleistanthus erycibifolius Airy Shaw — Fig. 1, Map 1

Cleistanthus erycibifolius Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 20 (1967) 389; Kew Bull. 27 (1972) 76; Kew

Bull., Add. Ser. 4 (1975) 80; Kew Bull. 32 (1978) 383; Whitmore,Tree Fl. Indon., Checkl.

Kalimantan 1 (1990) 124.— Type: Schut K.24 (holo K; iso A n.v., BO, L, P n.v., PNH n.v.,

SING), E Indonesian Borneo, Kutei, River Tiram, 15 in, 29 Feb. 1954.

Tree, up to 30 m high, with a clearbole up to 10 m high, up to 25 cm dbh,and a round

crown. Outer bark light brown, soft, peeling off, inner bark brown, sapwood yellowish

to pale white. Branches glabrous to scattered puberulous. Stipules triangular, small,

c. 1 mm long, base 0.6-1 mm wide, glabrous, scale-like, often inconspicuous. Leaves:

Fig. 1. Airy Shaw. a. Habit; b. brachyblasts; c. dehisced fruit; d. capsule

(allL; a: SAN 96565; b:

Cleistanthus erycibifoliusEndert 4918; c, d: Kostermans 10186).

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121S. Dressier: Revision of Cleistanthus in the Philippines

petiole subterete, dark coloured in dry state (blackish), glabrous, sometimes slightly

obovate, 40-130by 13-38 mm, index 2.4-3.9, subcoriaceous, base acute to obtuse,

apex acuminate, acumen 15-20 mm long, margin entire, slightly revolute. Venation:

inconspicuous on both sides, obscure above, obscure to indistinctly raised beneath,

secondary veins in (5—)6—10(—11) pairs, secondary arches only slightly weaker than

secondary veins, areolationindistinct. Indumentum: glabrous, rarely scattered puberu-

lous on petiole and midrib beneath; leaves light brownish grey above, conspicuously

light brown beneath when dry. Inflorescence: flowers on short, condensed, axillary

brachyblasts, these on short axillary shoots or in axils ofnormal leaves. Bracts small,

broadly ovate to ovate-triangular, 0.8-1.5 by 0.5-1 mm, glabrous to puberulous outside,

margin erase, sometimesslightly ciliate, abaxially keeled (midvein). Flowers not seen!;

distinctly pedicelled (?), 5-8 mm diam. (in fruit). Sepals triangular, 2-3 by 1.5-1.8

mm, glabrous. Innerpistillate disc cup-shaped, c. 1.2-1.5 mm tall (in fruit), margin

irregular. Styles 1-1.5 mm long, deeply bifid (up to half of their length), stigmas

widened, lobulate.Infructescence seen with up to 2 fruitsperbrachyblast. Fruitdistinct-

ly pedicelled, pedicel 3-7 mm long, 1-2 mm diam.; subglobose, depressed, trilobed

from above,7-9 mm tall, 8-10 mm diam.,glabrous, only sporadic single hairs, especial-

ly basal. Seeds bean-shaped, ventrally concavely depressed with medial hilum, 6-7.5

by 4-5 by 4-5 mm; testa smooth, brown.

Field notes — Bark reported to be bitter, branches horizontal, leaves whitish or

glaucous below, fruits greenish.

Distribution — PeninsularMalaysia, Borneo, Philippines (Negros).Habitat & Ecology — Primary forests, locally common; up to 1400 m. Reported

from sandy soil, sandstone, or sandy loam.

Notes — This only ratherrecently describedbut quite characteristic species is here

reported for the first time for the Philippines. Its characteristics are: stoutly pedicelled

fruits, which are borne on shortly condensed shoots (brachyblasts), subcoriaceous

leaves with an indistinct venation and a conspicuous ochre-brown colourbelow, as

well as its general glabrousness in young parts.

Probably most closely related to C. pedicellatus this species is easily distinguishable

from that by its thicker leaves, which have an indistinct venation when dried (rarely

faintly prominent) and the shorter, but stouter pedicel ofthe fruits. Non-fruiting collec-

tions sometimes recall C. bridelifolius, but seem strange becauseoftheirsubcoriaceous,

glabrous leaves, and their inconspicuous scale-like stipules.

5. Cleistanthus everettii C.B. Rob. — Fig. 2, Map 2

Cleistanthus everettii C.B. Rob., Philipp. J. Sci., Bot. 3 (1908) 194; Jabl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. H. 65

(1915) 53; Merr., Enum. Philipp. Flow. PI. 2 (1923) 420; Salvosa, Lex. Philipp. Trees (1963)

92; Airy Shaw, Enum. Euphorb. Philipp. Is. (1983) 14.— Lectotype (here designated): FB

7274, leg. Everett (holoK; iso US), Philippines, Negros, Himugaan River, 75 m, 21 May 1907.

Cleistanthus samarensis Merr., Philipp. J. Bot. 9 (1914) 475, syn. nov.; Enum. Philipp. Flow, PI. 2

(1923) 422; Salvosa, Lex. Philipp. Trees (1963) 93; Airy Shaw, Enum. Euphorb. Philipp. Is.

(1983) 16.— Lectotype (here designated); BS 1685, leg. Ramos (holoG; iso BO, G, GH, L,

NY, P, SING, US), Philippines, Samar, Mt Cauayan, Apr. 1914.

Cleistanthus acuminatissimus Merr., Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 25 (1929) 155, syn. nov.; Masam.,

Enum. Phan. Bornear. (1942) 391; Meijer, Bot. News Bull. Forest Dept., Sabah 7 (1967) 41 in

clavi; Bot. Bull. Herb. Forest Dept., Sabah 10 (1968) 232; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull., Add. Ser. 4

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122 BLUMEA Vol. 44, No. 1, 1999

(1975) 77; Whitmore, Tree Fl. Indon., Checkl. Kalimantan I (1990) 122.— Lectotype (here

designated): Elmer 20969 (holo PNH| replaced by L; iso BM n.v., BO, BR, DS, GH, K, L, M,

NY, P, PH, SING, U, UC), British N Borneo, nr Tawao (Elphinstone Prov.), Oct. 1922-Mar.


Shrub to small tree, up to 6 m high and reported up to 20 cm dbh. Heartwood light

olivaceous. Branches fulvous-pubescent to -pilose when young, later becoming gla-

brous, triangular stipules sometimes conspicuously densely concentrated and long

persistent on the terminal branches. Stipules ovate- to narrow-triangular, subulate,

glabrous to scattered pubescent, 2-9 mm long, base 1-2 mm wide. Leaves: petiole

subterete, greenish to brownish when dry, pubescent to scattered pilose, 4-8 mm long,

1.5-2 mm diam.; lamina lanceolate to elliptic, rarely slightly obovate, 60-240 by20-95 mm, index 1.9-4.5, chartaceous, base acute to obtuse, rarely slightly emarginate,

apex attenuate to acuminate, acumen 15-25 mm long, margin entire. Venation:secon-

dary veins in 9—12(—14) pairs, prominent beneath,obsolete above, areolation indistinct.

Indumentum: glabrous above, only single hairs at midrib, or near base and margin,

(scattered) pilose to glabrous beneath, densely hairy on base and major veins; leaves

greyish green dry, reported to be deep green above, light green beneathwhen living;

leaves sometimes conspicuously rugose. Inflorescence: few-flowered glomerules with

up to 10(—15) flowers, axillary on normal-leavedbranches, often with conspicuous

whitish, dense pubescence. Bracts broadly triangular, 2.5-3 by c. 2.5 mm, whitish

pubescent. Flowers sessile c. 5-6 mm diam. Sepals triangular, (1.5—)2—3 by 1—1.6

mm, densely, whitish- to yellowish-strigose to -pubescent outside. Petals whitish to

light yellow, spathulate to broadly obovate, lobulate at apex, 0.8-1 by 0.8-1 mm.

Disc in staminate flowers and outer one in pistillate flowers saucer-shaped, 2-3 mm

diam., inner one cup-shaped with erose margin, 1.5(-2) mm tall, whitish strigose

outside. Staminal column c. 1.5 mm long, free part offilaments up to c. 1 mm long.

Anthers ovoid, c. 0.8 by 0.5 mm. Pistillode conical, whitish strigose to pilose, c. 0.8-1

mm tall, 0.5-0.7 mm diam. Ovary globoid, c. 1.5 mm diam., 1.5 mm tall, densely

whitish strigose. Styles 0.7-1 mm long, apically indistinctly bifid.Infructescence with

1 or 2 (also 3?) fruits. Fruit (sub)sessile (base sometimes c. 1 mm stalked), roundly

obtuse-triangular from above, 3-lobed in outline, concavely depressed at apex, 8-10

mm tall, 10-13mm diam., densely yellowish pubescent. Seeds heart-shaped, sometimes

abaxially keeled, 5-5.5 by 4.5-5 by 3.5-4mm; testa smooth to rugulate, brown.

Distribution— Borneo, Philippines,

Habitat & Ecology — Primary forests; up to 700 m altitude. Reported from red

clay soil.

Notes — This species is characterised by pubescent branches, petioles, and inflores-

cence glomerules, but glabrous (to scattered pubescent) stipules. The axillary inflores-

cences are often conspicuously whitish pubescent. The sessile capsules have a diameter

> 1 cm and the leaves are larger than in C. bridelifolius.

Robinson described C. everettii in the same article as C. bridelifolius, and from the

protologues it seems to be obvious that it is mainly based on the larger leaves, a longer

petiole (5-8 mm), more secondary veins (11-13) and a shortly pedicelled capsule

(this could not be confirmedin the type material inK andUS). No qualitative characters

could be foundwhich distinguish C. everettii from C. bridelifolius. The distinguishing

Page 15: Blumea · 110 BLUMEA —Vol.44, No. 1, 1999 orgyalis)remainsunclear(seebelow).Fernandez-VillarinBlanco(1880), Rolfe(1884), andVidal(1886)published onthisgenus,butespecially Robinson(1908,1911)

123S. Dressier: Revision of Cleistanthus in the Philippines

PNH 41925; b: PNH 6328).

Cleistanthus everettii C.B. Rob. a. Branch in flower; b. receptaculum and dehisced valve

showing endocarp (all L; a:

Fig. 2.

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124 BLUMEA Vol. 44, No. 1, 1999

characters between everettii and bridelifolius are: petiole length, leaf size, number of

secondary veins, and size ofthe capsules. It seems that C. everettii merely represents

a larger version ofC. bridelifolius. The distinctionbetween both is occasionally some-

what problematic and I am aware that the gap may appearrather artificial. However,

I retain both here as species untilfurther informationis at hand: lumping both would

render the species enormously variablein leaf size, and one would have to lump other

taxa as well for the sake of inherent logic and consistency.

As so often field studies could contribute towards a clarificationofthis taxonomi-

cally unsatisfying situation.

The type of C. samarensis {Ramos 1685) was collected from a narrow-leaved speci-

men of C. everettii. From the protologues ofthese species it is evident that they differ

only by lanceolate (samarensis) vs. elliptic or oblong leaves (everettii). As there are

plenty of intermediatecollections available, I consider them to be conspecific.

Due to the absence of distinguishing characters C. acuminatissimus is here sub-

sumed underC. everettii which extends the latter's range to Borneo.

6. Cleistanthus glaber Airy Shaw — Map 1

Cleistanthus glaberAiry Shaw, Kew Bull. 21 (1968) 366; Meijer, Bot. News Bull. Forest Dept.,Sabah 7 (1967) 40 in clavi; Bot. Bull. Herb. Forest Dept., Sabah 10 (1968) 230; Whitmore,

Tree Fl. Malaya 2 (1973) 80 in clavi; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull., Add. Ser. 4 (1975) 80; J.A.R.

Anderson, Check L. Trees Saraw. (1980) 181; Airy Shaw, Enum. Euphorb.Philipp. Is. (1983)

14; Whitmore,Tree Fl. Indon.,Checkl. Kalimantan 1 (1990) 124. —Type: Clemens & Clemens

22236 (holo K; iso A, BO 2x, K, L, P), Borneo, Sarawak, Lundu, Mt Gadin, Oct. 1929.

Tree, up to 15 m high, with a clear bole up to 6 m high, girth up to 1 m. Outer bark

green, flaky to scaly, innerbark white or reddish, cambium white or brown, sapwood

pale yellowish-white to brown. Branchesglabrous. Stipules scaly, often inconspicuous,

triangular, minute, 0.7-1.2 mm long, base 0.5-1 mm wide. Leaves: petiole subterete,

coloured differentlyfrom the blade in dry state (yellowish or blackish), glabrous, 3-7

(-8) mm long, 1-2 mm diam.; lamina elliptic to ovate, very rarely obovate, 44-165

by 18-87 mm, index 1.85-3.5, chartaceous, base obtuse, slightly attenuate, rarely

acute, apex acuminateto acute, acumen (10—)15—25 mm long, margin entire. Venation:

secondary veins in 4-9 pairs, prominent beneath, secondary veins rather irregular,

perfect reticulate areolation. Indumentum:absent; leaves greenish to yellowish when

dry, hardly glaucescent beneath, but reported to be glaucous beneath when living. In-

florescence: few-floweredglomerules (up to c. 10 flowers) axillary (mostly on terminal

branches) or on short axillary spikes (up to 4 cm long) with the spike axis sometimes

scattered pilose. Bracts small, ovate-triangular, c. 1 by 1 mm, pilose outside, midvein

glabrous, with erose margin. Flowers sessile, staminateones slender, c. 4 mm diam.,

pistillate ones 5(-6) mm diam.Sepals triangular, 1.8-2.5 by 1.4—1.8(—2) mm, brownish

(staminate) or greenish (pistillate) when dry, densely to scattered, appressed albo-

pilose outside, indumentum becoming scattered in fruit. Petals whitish, obovate to

rhomboidal, margin irregularly erose, 0.8-1 by 0.5-0.6mm. Disc in staminateflowers

1.6-1.7mm diam., outer one in pistillate flowers saucer-shaped, c. 2 mm diam., inner

one cup-shaped. Staminal column c. 0.6 mm long (immature), free part offilaments

up to 0.7 mm long (immature). Anthers ellipsoid, two thecae well separated, 0.5-0.6

by c. 0.4 mm. Pistillode broadly ovoid, hairy, up to 0.5 mm tall, c. 0.3 mm diam.

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125S. Dressier: Revision of Cleistanthus in the Philippines

Ovary globoid to slightly ovoid, apically terminating into style, 1.2-1.6 mm diam.,

1-1.2 mm tall, densely hairy. Styles 1.5-2 mm long, united at base, apical branches

of styles bifidly divided (upper thirds or quarters), stigmas papillose, widened. Infruc-

tescence with up to 4 fruits. Fruit sessile, 3-lobed, obtusely triangular from above,

heart-shaped in outline, concavely depressed at apex, 5-7 mm tall, 8-11 mm diam.,

dark green when living, densely to sparsely hairy, often becoming glabrous, then the

hairs only apical, basal, and in sutures. Seeds semigloboid to ovoid, heart-shaped in

outline, sometimes abaxially keeled, 4.5-5 by 3-4 by 2-3.5 mm; testa smooth to

rugulate, dark brown.

Distribution — Malaysia (fide Airy Shaw, 1975), Borneo, Philippines (Mindanao).

Habitat & Ecology — Primary forests; on brown to black, sandy soil; on hillside

(sec. Whitmore, 1973).

Note — Cleistanthus glaber is mainly characterisedby its glabrousness inbranchlets

and leaves (the petiole rarely bears some scattered erect hairs) and the greenish yellowleafcolour in the driedstate. The fully glabrous C. sumatranus,with which this species

could be confused, always dries brownish grey. Cleistanthus bridelifolius is similar

in leaf shape, but always has an indumentum.Cleistanthusbaramicus from Peninsular

Malaysia (?) and Borneo differs from C. glaber by its larger stipules and the brownish

colour of the dried leaves.

7. Cleistanthus isabellinus Elmer — Map 1

Cleistanthus isabellinus Elmer, Leaf], Philipp. Bot. 3 (1910) 911; Jabl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. H. 65

(1915) 40; Merr., Enum. Philipp. Flow. PL 2 (1923) 420; Salvosa, Lex. Philipp. Trees (1963)

92; Airy Shaw, Enum. Euphorb. Philipp. Is. (1983) 14. — Lectotype (here designated): Elmer

12268 [holo NY; iso A 2x, BO, DS, E, F, G 2x, GH, K, L, P, PNH (n.v., photo in A), U, US,

WRSL], Philippines, Is. Sibuyan, Prov. Capiz, Magallanes (Mt Giting-Giting). Apr. 1910.

Tree, up to 20 m high, clearbole at least 7 m, dbh up to 25 cm. Outer bark dullbrown,

smooth, inner bark reddish, sapwood thin, whitish, heartwoodreddish brown, moder-

ately hard, heavy. Branches finely brownish sericeous when young, later glabrous.

Stipules triangular, often scale-like, c. 1.5 mm long, base c. 1 mm wide. Leaves:

petiole terete, rather slender, darker colouredthanmidrib in dry state, finely appressed

hairy, brownish puberulous to sericeous, (5-)6-10 mm long, 1-1.2mm diam.; lamina

elliptic, rarely slightly oblong, sometimes very slightly obovate, 60-115 by 20-45

mm, index 2.3-3.8, chartaceous to (sub)coriaceous, base acute, apex distinctly acumi-

nate, acumen up to 30 mm long, margin entire, rarely faintly revolute. Venation:

secondary veins in 5-8(-10) pairs, indistinct to subprominent beneath, (sub)prominent

above, sometimes tertiary arches present, reticulateareolation.Indumentum:glabrouswith some scattered hairs above, finely appressed lightish to golden puberulous to

sericeous beneath (lens!); leaves shiny olive to greenish brown above, lighter brown

beneath; very young shoots sometimesfulvous hairy. Inflorescence: medium-flowered

glomerules (up to c. 10 flowers) axillary on normal-leaved branches. Bracts fulvous,

ovate triangular, up to 1 by 0.7-0.8 mm, membranaceous, brownish puberulous to

sericeous outside. Flowers not seen, 3-6 mm diam. in fruit. Sepals triangular, 1.5-3

by 1-1.5 mm, glabrous to slightly albo-pilose. Infructescence with up to 8 fruits.

Fruit subsessile (sometimes pedicel 0.5-1 mm long), but 2-4 mm stipitate, stipe

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126 BLUMEA —Vol. 44, No. 1, 1999

glabrous, 1-1.5 mm diam., obtusely trilobed from above with shallow grooves, de-

pressed oval with concave apical depression in outline, c. 8-9 mm tall, 8-10 mm

diam., glabrous, sometimes with very few whitish hairs, blackish when dry. Seeds

compressed semiovoid, c. 4 by c. 3.5 by 3 mm; testa smooth, dark brown (only 1 seed



Leaves shiny deep green, glaucous green or yellowish brown beneath,

folded upon the upper surface when young; flowers odourless; fruits erect, green

turning reddish brown.

Distribution —Borneo (Sabah), Philippines (SW Luzon, Sibuyan Island, E Samar),

New Guinea (W Irian: Merauke Distr.; Papua: Central Prov.).

Habitat & Ecology — Humid, primary forests; at altitudes up to 250 m. Reported

from gravelly damp soil.

Notes — Cleistanthus isabellinusdiffers from the widespread C. myrianthus merely

in the rather acuminate leaf apex and the conspicuous coppery colour of the abaxial

leaf indumentum (especially present on the young leaves). Additionally the abaxial

lateral veins are far less prominent in C. isabellinus. In all other features, especially in

structure of this indumentum, the number of secondary veins and the shape and gla-

brousness of the capsules this species is very similar to the rather variable C. myrian-

thus. Both taxa are characterised by the dense appressed indumentum on the lower

leaf surface. It is very likely that further work will allow this species to be included

within C. myrianthus. This was already assumed by Jablonsky (1915: 40). More

abundant material and field studies should answer this question. I still retain it as

separate species which is characterised by the above mentioned charactercombination.

One collection from North Borneo (SAN 36010, leg. Ambullah, L) and two from

New Guinea (Van Royen 4707, Schodde 2953, both L) indicate that this taxon is no

Philippine endemic, but - although rarely collected- more widespread than thought.

8. Cleistanthus megacarpusC.B. Rob.— Fig. 3, Map 4

Cleistanthus megacarpus C.B. Rob., Philipp. J. Sci., Bot. 6(1911) 323; Jabl. in Engl., Pflanzenr.

H. 65 (1915) 31; Merr., J. Str. Branch Roy. As. Soc. 86 (1922) 322; Enum. Philipp. Flow. PI. 2

(1923)420;Holthuis& H.J. Lam, Blumea5 (1942) 200; Masam., Enum. Phan. Bornear. (1942)

392; Salvosa, Lex. Philipp. Trees (1963) 92; Meijer, Bot. News Bull. Forest Dept., Sabah 7

(1967) 39 in clavi; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull., Add. Ser. 4 (1975) 83; J.A.R. Anderson, Check L.

Trees Saraw. (1980) 182; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 37 (1982) 13; Enum. Euphorb. Philipp. Is.

(1983) 14; Whitmore, Tree Fl. Indon., Checkl. Maluku (1989) 39; Tree Fl. Indon., Checkl.

Kalimantan 1 (1990) 124.— Lectotype (here designated): Whitford 1443 (holo K; iso NY),

Philippines, Mindoro, Camantigue, BongabongRiver, Feb. 1906.

Shrub to tree, up to 13 m high, stem up to 7 m and dbh up to 26 cm reported. Outer

bark dark grey to reddish, smooth, innerbark yellowish red topurplish brown, sapwood

white red to light brown. Branches scatteredalbo-pilose to glabrous. Stipules obliquely

narrow triangular, subulate, rather conspicuous, 5-10 mm long, base 1-3.5 mm wide,

reddish to dark brown, chartaceous to membranaceous, glabrous, rarely with ciliate

margin, margin membranaceous, conspicuously densely clustered on base of shoots

and persistent even without leaves.Leaves: petiole conspicuously long, subterete, con-

spicuously dark in dry state, glabrous, rarely scattered pilose, 7-13 mm long, 1.5-2

Page 19: Blumea · 110 BLUMEA —Vol.44, No. 1, 1999 orgyalis)remainsunclear(seebelow).Fernandez-VillarinBlanco(1880), Rolfe(1884), andVidal(1886)published onthisgenus,butespecially Robinson(1908,1911)

127S. Dressier: Revision of Cleistanthus in the Philippines

(-2.5) mm diam.; lamina elliptic, often (slightly) obovate, 10-35 by 5-12 cm, index

2.2-3.2, submembranaceous to chartaceous, rarely subcoriaceous, base obtuse to acute,

apex acuminate, acumen up to 30 mm long, margin entire, sometimesslightly revolute.

Venation: secondary veins in 9—14(—17) pairs, prominent beneath, faintly subprominent

or lighter coloured above, with rather acute angle of divergence, weak secondary

arches, tertiary veins percurrent, reticulateareolation. Indumentum:glabrous on both

sides, rarely scattered albo-pilose beneath; leaves light greenwhen fresh, often conspic-

uously glaucescent beneath, greyish brown when dry. Inflorescence: few- to medium-

flowered glomerules (up to 10 flowers) axillary on normal-leaved branches. Bracts

broadly ovate-triangular, 1.5-2.5 by 1.5-2 mm, albo-pilose, dark midvein, marginmembranaceous.Flowers sessile, 4-5.5(-7) mm diam.Sepals (narrow) triangular, 2-

3.5 by 1-2.5 mm, glabrous. Petals whitish, spathulate to rhomboidal, margin sometimes

lobulate, 1-1.5 by 0.7-1 mm. Disc glabrous, in staminate flowers and outer one in

pistillate flowers saucer-shaped, c. 1.5 mm diam., innerone cup-shaped, c. 1.5 (?) mm

tall. Staminal column not seen, free part offilaments up to 0.7 mm long. Anthers

ovoid, c. 0.7 by 0.4 mm. Pistillode cylindrical, with widened blunt apex, glabrous,

c. 1 mm tall. Ovary ovoidal, c. 1 mm diam., height ?, with a ring ofbrownish hairs at

base (only 1 flower studied). Styles c. 0.5 mm long. Infructescence suberect, fruits

mostly solitary, occasionally 2- or 3-clustered. Fruit: a large capsule, sessile, conspic-

uously stipitate, stipe rather robust, 4-10mmlong, 2-4 mm diam.; capsule subglobosely

Map 4. Distribution of Cleistanthus

megacarpus C. rufes-


C.B. Rob. (•),

Jabl. (■) and (�)in the

Philippines and adjacent Borneo.

C. spec. A

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128 BLUMEA —Vol. 44, No. 1, 1999

trilobed, obtusely triangular from above, oval in outline, 18-23 mm tall, 20-25 mm

diam., glabrous, rarely tuberculate, dark brownish when dry. Seeds semigloboidally

heart-shaped with ventral groove, 10-12 by 9-10 by 6-8 mm; testa smooth, dark


Fig. 3. C.B. Rob. a. Habit in fruit; b. dehisced capsule; c. flower (all L;


Cleistanthus megacarpus

Kostermans 5297; b: SAN 93814; c: B-11792).

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129S. Dressier: Revision of Cleistanthus in the Philippines

Field notes — Flowers whitish; stamens pale green to white; fruits reported as

light yellow, pinkish green, or brown with a brown calyx.

Distribution — Sumatra (Simaloer Is.), Borneo, Philippines, Sangi and Talaud Is.

(fide Airy Shaw, 1975); Morotai (fide Airy Shaw, 1982).

Habitat & Ecology — Reported from humid and primary forests, but also open

woods; at low altitude up to 500 m. Reported from rich loamy and wet alluvial soils,

and from coral limestone rocks.

Notes — This species is somewhat isolated among the taxa studied. Surprisingly

there are only a very few collections in flower but many fruiting ones.

The main diagnostic characters are: the big, longly and stoutly stipitate capsules

(more than 2 cm diam.); the characteristic, long subulatestipules (sometimes densely

clustered on the base of shoots and persistent even after the leaves have fallen off)

and the long, dark petioles. The leaves reach comparatively large dimensions. The

flowers are poorly known due to a lack of material. Apart from the bracts the whole

plant is rather glabrous; only the young branches and leaves sometimes have a scattered

pilose indumentum.

9. Cleistanthus myrianthus (Hassk.) Kurz — Map 5

Cleistanthus myrianthus (Hassk.) Kurz, Prelim. Rep. Forest Pegu, App. A. (1875) cx; Forest Fl.

Burma 2 (1877) 370; J. Asiat. Soc. Beng. 42, II (1874) 242, in note; Benth. & Hook.f., Gen. PI.

3 (1880) 268 in nota; Fern.-Vill. in Blanco, Fl. Filip., ed. 3, Noviss. App. 4 (1880) 187, t. 353;

Gamble, Man. Ind. timb. ed. 1 (1881)598; Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 5 (1887)275; Boerl., Handl.

Fl. Ned. Ind. 3 (1900) 271; Brandis, Ind. trees (1906) 561; C.B. Rob.,Philipp. J. Sci., Bot. 3

(1908) 190; J.J. Sm., Nova Guinea 8 (1910) 231; in Koord. & Valeton, Bijdr. Boomsoort. Java

12 (1910) 297; Koord., Exkurs.-Fl. Java 2 (1912) 484 in clavi; Jabl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. H. 65

(1915) 37, f. 7 A-D; Merr., Bibl. Enum. Born. PL (1921) 334, Enum. Philipp. Flow. PI. 2 (1923)

421; Ridl., Fl. Malay Penins. 3 (1924) 194; S. Moore, J. Bot. 63, Suppl. (1925) 93; Gagnep. in

Lecomte, Fl. Indo-Chine 5 (1926) 482; Merr., Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 15 (1929) 154; Gage,J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal 75, 5 (1936) 515; Masam., Enum. Phan. Bomear. (1942) 392; Holthuis &

H.J. Lam, Blumea 5 (1942) 200; K. Heyne, Nutt. PI. Ned.-Ind., ed. 3 (1950)918; Salvosa, Lex.

Philipp. Trees (1963) 92; Backer & Bakh.f., Fl. Java 1 (1964) 474 in clavi; Meijer, Bot. News

Bull. Forest Dept., Sabah 7 (1967) 41 in clavi; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 26 (1972) 237; Whitmore,

Tree Fl. Malaya 2 (1973) 82 in clavi; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull., Add. Ser. 4 (1975)83; Kew Bull.

31 (1976) 378; Kew Bull. 33 (1978) 43; Kew Bull., Add. Ser. 8 (1980a) 60; Kew Bull. 35

(1980b) 611; Muelleria 4 (1980c) 221; J.A.R. Anderson, Check L. Trees Saraw. (1980) 182;

Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 37 (1982) 13; Enum. Euphorb.Philipp. Is. (1983) 15; Whitmore,Tree Fl.

Indon., Checkl. Sumatra (1986) 80; Checkl. Maluku (1989) 39; Checkl. Sulawesi (1989) 46;

Checkl. Kalimantan 1 (1990) 124; Hnatiuk, Austral. Fl. Fauna Ser. 11 (1990) 180;A.D. Chapm.,Austral. Fl. Fauna Ser. 12 (1991) 740;Pham-hoangHo, Cayco Vietnam 2, 1 (1992)286; KeBler

& Sidiyasa, Trees Balikpapan-Samarinda Area, Tropenbos ser. 7 (1994) 126 in clavi.—

Nanopetalum myrianthum Hassk., Verslagen Meded. Afd. Natuurk. Kon. Akad. Wetensch. 4

(1855) 141; Bot. Zeitung (Berlin) 14 (1856) 803; Flora 40 (1857)534; Hort. Bogor. Descr.

(1858)66; Miq., Fl. Ned. Ind. 1,2 (1859) 357; Mull. Arg. in DC., Prodr. 15,2 (1866) 510; Kurz,

J. Asiat. Soc. Beng. 42, II (1874) 242.— Kaluhaburunghosmyrianthus (Hassk.) Kuntze, Rev.

Gen. PL 2 (1891)607, nom. illeg. — Lectotype: Hasskarl [holo BO, designated by Airy Shaw,

1980b, but not found there by the present author; iso L, U, possible iso K], W Java, Bantam,

S coast, 1841.

Cleistanthus cupreus S. Vidal, Revis. PL Vase. Filip. (1886) 235, syn. nov.: Airy Shaw, 1975; Koord.,

Versl. Minahasa = Meded. Lands Plantentuin 19 (1898) 582; C.B. Rob., Philipp. J. Sci., Bot. 3

(1908) 191.—

Cleistanthus myrianthus subsp. cupreus (S. Vidal) Jabl. in Engl., Pflanzenr.

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130 BLUMEA —Vol. 44, No. 1, 1999

H. 65 (1915) 39; Merr., Enum. Philipp. Flow. PI. 2 (1923) 421. — Lectotype (here designated):Vidal 560 (holoMA; iso A, AAU, K, L, MA),Philippines, Prov. Rizal, Distr. Morong, Bosoboso.

Cleistanthus apiculatus C.B. Rob., Philipp. J. Sci., Bot. 3 (1908) 189, syn. nov.; Jabl. in Engl.,

Pflanzenr. H. 65 (1915)42;Merr., Enum. Philipp. Flow. PL 2 (1923)419; Salvosa, Lex. Philipp.Trees (1963) 92; Airy Shaw, Enum. Euphorb. Philipp. Is. (1983) 14. — Lectotype (here desig-

nated): Williams 2356 (holoNY; iso GH, K, NY, US), Philippines, Mindanao,Distr. Zamboanga,

Sax River, 165 m, 23 Feb. 1905.

Cleistanthus pseudocanescens Elmer, Leafl. Philipp. Bot. 3 (1910) 910, syn. nov.: Merr. 1923:

421; Elmer, Leafl. Philipp. Bot. 4 (1911) 1284.—

Cleistanthus pseudo-cinereus sens. Airy

Shaw, 1978: 45.— Lectotype (here designated):Elmer 12140 [holo NY; iso A, DS, E, F, G 2x,

GH, HBG n.v., K, L, P, U, US, WRSL],Philippines, Is. Sibuyan, Prov. Capiz, Magallanes (Mt

Giting-Giting), March 1910.

Cleistanthus misamisensis C.B. Rob., Philipp. J. Sci., Bot. 6 (1911) 325, syn. nov.; Jabl. in Engl.,

Pflanzenr. H. 65 (1915) 41; Merr.,Enum. Philipp. Flow. PI. 2 (1923) 420; Salvosa, Lex. Philipp.

Trees (1963) 92; Airy Shaw, Enum. Euphorb. Philipp. Is. (1983) 15. — Lectotype (here desig-

nated): FB 15463, leg. Pray & Cenabre (holo US), Philippines, Mindanao, Prov. Misamis,

Iligan, 50 m, Apr. 1910.

Cleistanthus mindanaensis C.B. Rob., Philipp. J. Sci., Bot. 6 (1911) 324, syn. nov.; Jabl. in Engl.,Pflanzenr. H. 65 (1915) 41; Merr.,Enum. Philipp. Flow. PI. 2 (1923)420; Salvosa, Lex. Philipp.Trees (1963) 92; Airy Shaw, Enum. Euphorb. Philipp. Is. (1983) 15. — Lectotype (here desig-

nated): FB 9474, leg. Whitford & Hutchinson [holo K; iso L, P, PNH (n.v., photo in A), US],

Philippines, Mindanao,Distr. Zamboanga, Port Banga, Feb. 1908.

Cleistanthus pseudomyrianthus Jabl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. H. 65 (1915) 41, syn. nov.: Whitmore,

1973: 82; Ridl., Fl. Malay Penins. 3 (1924) 194; Gage, J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal 75, 5 (1936) 516.

— Lectotype: Wray 2486 (holo K, designated by Gage 1936: 517, but not traced there by the

present author; iso SING], Peninsular Malaysia, Perak, Larut, July 1888.

Cleistanthus castus S. Moore, J. Bot. 63, Suppl. (1925) 93, syn. nov.: Airy Shaw, 1981: 281. —

Type: H. O. Forbes 1622 (iso GH, L, SING), Sumatra, hills S of Goenoeng Trang, Lampongs,

380 ft, 1881-1882.

Tree, up to 30 m high, with a rather long and thick stem, clearbole up to 15 m, dbh up

to 60 cm. Outer bark greyish, smooth to roughened blotched, inner bark roseous red,

sapwood thin, whitish, heartwood rose-red, hard. Branches finely brownish sericeous

when young, later glabrous. Stipules triangular, often scale-like, c. 1.5 mm long, base

c. 1 mm wide. Leaves: petiole terete, rather slender, darkercolouredthanmidribin dry

state, finely appressed hairy, brownish puberulous to sericeous, (5-)6-16 mm long,

l-2.5(-3) mm diam.; lamina elliptic to oblong, rarely lanceolate, sometimes slightly

ovate or obovate, 60-270 by 16-99 mm, index 1.8-4.8, chartaceous to (sub)coriaceous,base obtuse, roundish to acute, apex acuminate, sometimes acute, acumen up to 45

mm long, margin entire, rarely faintly revolute. Venation: secondary veins in (9-) 10-

16(—19) pairs, prominent beneath, (sub)prominent above, sometimes tertiary arches

present, reticulateareolation.Indumentum:glabrous with some scattered hairs above,

finely appressedlightish to goldenpuberulous to sericeous beneath(lens!); leaves olive

to greenish brown above, often rather glossy, sometimes bullate when dry, lighter

brown beneath; very young shoots sometimes circinate (fern-like rolled inwards) and

fulvous hairy. Inflorescence: many-flowered glomerules (morethan 10flowers) axillary

on normal-leavedbranches, sometimes axillary, spike-like, leafless branches bearing

the glomerules, glomerules densely fulvo-pubescent to -sericeous because of bracteal

indumentum, and often conspicuously protruding in fruiting state. Bracts fulvous,

ovate triangular, c. 1 by 0.7-0.8 mm, membranaceous, brownish puberulous to seri-

ceous outside. Flowers (sub)sessile, rarely up to 1.5 mm pedicelled (esp. staminate

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131S. Dressier: Revision of Cleistanthus in the Philippines

flowers), 3-6 mm diam., often dark brown when dried. Sepals triangular, 1.5-2.5 by1-1.5 mm,glabrous to slightly albo-pilose. Petals spathulate, rhomboidor obtriangular,

margin sometimes lobulate,0.6-1.2 by 0.5-0.7 mm. Disc glabrous, in staminateflowers

and outer one in pistillate flowers saucer-shaped, 1.5-1.8 mm diam., inner one cup-

shaped, 1-1.5 mm tall. Staminalcolumn c. 1 mm long, freepart offilaments up to 1.2

mm long. Anthers ovoid, 0.5-1 by 0.3-0.6 mm. Pistillode ovoid, apically turbinate,

apex sometimes trifid, glabrous, up to 0.8 mm tall, c. 0.3-0.4 mm diam. Ovary semi-

globoid to ovoid, c. 1-1.5 mm diam., c. 1 mm tall, glabrous. Styles c. 1.5-2 mm long,

apical quarter bifid, widened at the tip. Infructescence with up to 10 fruits. Fruit sub-

sessile (sometimes pedicel 0.5-1 mm long), but 2-5(-8) mm stipitate, stipe glabrous,

1.2-2.5 mm diam., obtusely trilobed from above with shallow grooves, depressed

oval with concave apical depression in outline, 7-11 mm tall, 7—9(— 14) mm diam.,

glabrous, sometimeswith very sporadic whitish hairs, blackish when dry. Seeds semi-

ovoid, adaxially with medial concave depression, apically blunt, 5-6 by c. 4 by 2-3

mm; testa smooth, dark brown.

Field notes —Twigs quite rigid, the blaze is said to have a sickly-sweet smell (Airy

Shaw, 1980a). Leaves dark green, glossy above, greyish green, glaucous or golden

hairy beneath, folded uponthe upper surface when young,old leaves diebright yellow.

Flowers citrinous to yellow green, odourless. Fruits greenturning dull purple.

Distribution— Burma, Thailand,Andamans, PeninsularMalaysia, Sumatra, Borneo,

Philippines, Java, Celebes, Talaud Is., Flores (?, cf. C. myrianthus), Ambon, Morotai,

Moluccas (Bacau Is.), New Guinea, Solomon Islands, N Australia (Queensland).Habitat & Ecology — Humid, primary forests; at altitudes up to 800 m. Reported

fromred or brown or sandy soil, or limestone scree.

Uses — Leaves applied to treat asthma (PNH 38375).

Notes — This species is very variable with regards to its leaf characters: from nar-

row elliptic (nearly lanceolate) to broadly elliptic, from small to large, from chartaceous

to bullate-coriaceous. Characteristic, however, is the finely appressed indumentum

beneath. Additionally, the many-flowered inflorescence glomerules which become

conspicuously protruding in fruitand the small, stipitate, glabrous capsules facilitate

the recognition ofthis widespread species. Already in 1874 Kurz recognised the neces-

sity of the new combination("Nanopetalum,,

Hassk. ad Cleistanthuscertissime reducen-

dumest."), but without mentioning the epithet. The new combinationof Cleistanthus

myrianthus was formally made in Kurz (1875: App. A: cx). It is sufficient, as it refers

to the basionym. Hence, Chapman's (1991:740) opinion ("This name must be regarded

as a new description and not as a new combinationas Kurz makes no reference to a

basionym." i.e., in his Forest Fl. Burma 1877) is erroneous.

The description above is based mainly on Philippine materialwhere the truly spicate

variety (var. spicatus Airy Shaw) was not found.

A var. concinnus (syn. iC. pseudocanescens) was describedby Airy Shaw based on

the manifestly convex leaf, which is glossy on its upper surface. Such collections

were made in the Philippines too. However, this character combinationbadly needs

field study to assess its validity for nomenclatural recognition.Cleistanthus apiculatus was based mainly on its narrower and longer acuminate

leaves having an apiculate top in comparison with C. myrianthus. Having checked

the type-material I am convinced that the former is only a rather narrow-leavedcollec-

Page 24: Blumea · 110 BLUMEA —Vol.44, No. 1, 1999 orgyalis)remainsunclear(seebelow).Fernandez-VillarinBlanco(1880), Rolfe(1884), andVidal(1886)published onthisgenus,butespecially Robinson(1908,1911)

132 BLUMEA —Vol. 44, No. 1, 1999

tionofthe latter.The apiculate apex is not even a consistent characteristic of all leaves.

In all important diagnostic features (e.g., number and prominence oflateral venation,

indumentumofleafand ovary) this material agrees with thevery variableC. myrianthus

and a separate status cannot be maintained.

Robinson stated that C. mindanaensis is closely allied to C. isabellinus but differs

mainly by larger and thicker, less acuminate leaves with a greater number of lateral

veins (10-13pairs) and stouter branches. All this clearly matches with C. myrianthus.

Only the coppery colourof the undersurfaceof (especially the young) leaves suggests

C. isabellinus, whose specific justification is still somewhat questionable (see there!).

Although the young fruitsof the type collection show no distinct stipe I am convinced

that C. mindanaensis is conspecific with C. myrianthus.

10. Cleistanthus pedicellatus Hook.f.— Map 6

Cleistanthus pedicellatus Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 5 (1887) 281; Jabl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. H. 65

(1915) 44; Merr., Enum. Philipp. Flow. PI. 2 (1923) 421; Ridl.,Fl. MalayPenins. 3 (1924) 187;

Gage, J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal 75, 5 (1936) 498; Whitmore,Tree Fl. Malaya 2 (1973) 80 in clavi;

Airy Shaw, Kew Bull.,Add. Ser. 4 (1975)84; Kew Bull., Add. Ser. 8 (1980a)61; Enum. Euphorb.

Philipp. Is. (1983) 15; P.T. Li, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 25 (1987) 139; Whitmore, Tree Fl. Indon.,

Checkl. Kalimantan 1 (1990) 125; R.I. Milne, Kew Bull. 49 (1994) 452; P.T. Li, Fl. Reipubl.

Pop. Sin. 44, 1 (1994) 27. — Kaluhaburunghospedicellatus(Hook.f.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 2

(1891) 607, nom. illeg. — Lectotype: Curtis 169 (holo K, designated by Gage 1936: 499; iso

K, SING 8x), Peninsular Malaysia, Penang, Government Hill, March 1885.

Map 5. Distribution of Cleistanthus

myrianthus (Hassk.) Kurz in the Phil-

ippines and adjacent Borneo.

Page 25: Blumea · 110 BLUMEA —Vol.44, No. 1, 1999 orgyalis)remainsunclear(seebelow).Fernandez-VillarinBlanco(1880), Rolfe(1884), andVidal(1886)published onthisgenus,butespecially Robinson(1908,1911)

133S. Dressier: Revision of Cleistanlhus in the Philippines

Cleistanthus integer C.B. Rob.,Philipp. J. Sci., Bot. 3 (1908) 196, syn. nov.:Airy Shaw, 1975: 84;

Elmer, Leafl. Philipp. Bot. 3 (1910) 908; Jabl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. H. 65 (1915) 45, f. 6 E-G;

Merr., Enum. Philipp. Flow. PI. 2 (1923) 420; Salvosa, Lex. Philipp. Trees (1963) 92; Airy

Shaw, Kew Bull. 23 (1969) 65; Enum. Euphorb. Philipp. Is. (1983) 14.— Lectotype (here

designated): FB 3076, leg. Ahern's coll. (holo US; iso BO, NY), Philippines, Luzon, Prov.

Rizal, Bosoboso, 17 May 1905.

Cleistanthus quadrifidus C.B. Rob., Philipp. J. Sci., Bot. 3 (1908) 197, syn. nov.: Airy Shaw,

1975: 84; Jabl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. H. 65 (1915) 44; Merr., Enum. Philipp. Flow. PI. 2 (1923)

421; Salvosa, Lex. Philipp. Trees (1963) 92; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 23 (1969) 64.— Lectotype

(here designated): FB 9478, leg. Whitford & Hutchinson (holo US; iso K, NY), Philippines,

Mindanao,Distr. Zamboanga, Port Banga, 20 m, 28 Feb. 1908.

Cleistanthus dichotomus J.J. Sm. in H. Lorentz, Nova Guinea 8(1912) 786, t. 136, syn. nov.:Airy

Shaw, 1975: 84; Jabl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. H. 65 (1915) 43. — Type: Gjellerup 142 (iso BO 2x,

K, L, U), Niederl. New Guinea, N-Kiiste bei Biwak Hollandia (Humboldt-Bai),28 May 1910.

Cleistanthus pedicellatus f. crassipes Jabl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. H. 65 (1915) 44, syn. nov. —Type:

Wray 2375 (iso K ? n.v., SING), Peninsular Malaysia, Perak, July 1888.

[Cleistanthus paucinervius Merr. in PK. Holmgren et al., Index to specimens filed in the New

York Bot. Gard. Vase. PI. Type Herb. (1985) 281, nom. nud., syn. nov. —Authentic material:

FB 29311, leg. Aloba (A, K, NY, US), Philippines, Luzon, Cagayan Prov., June 1922.]

Cleistanthusmonocarpus R.I. Milne, Kew Bull. 49 (1994) 450, f. 3, syn. nov.

—Type: Greagh s. n.

(holoK), Borneo, Sabah, Pulau Gaya, May 1895.

Treelet to tree, up to 16 m high, with a clear bole up to 9 m high, up to 20 cm dbh.

Outer bark yellowish grey, peeling in small, shredded plates, inner bark greenish,

sapwood greenish white.Branches glabrous. Stipules ovate triangular to narrow trian-

gular, subulate, small, sometimes tiny, often very inconspicuous, 1-2.5(-6) mm long,base 0.5-1 mm wide, glabrous. Leaves: petiole subterete, darker coloured than midrib

in dry state(blackish), glabrous, sometimes withoccasional hairs, (2.5-)4-7 mm long,

(0.7-) 1-1.5 mm diam.; laminaelliptic, sometimes ovate, 40-145 by 20-64mm, index

1.4-3.3, (sub)coriaceous, base obtuse-rotundate to acute, or slightly attenuate, apex

acuminate, acumen 10-25 mm long, margin entire, leaves greyish brown when dry.

Venation: conspicuously prominent on both sides, distinctly reticulatebeneath, secon-

dary veins in 4-8(-9) pairs, reticulateareolation. Indumentum:absent. Inflorescence:

many-flowered glomerules (up to c. 20 flowers) in the axils normal leaves, sometimes

on short axillary leafless or smallerleaved shoots. Bracts very small, broadly triangular,0.5-0.8by 0.5-0.8mm, glabrous, some with occasionalhairs or hairy margin, abaxiallykeeled (midvein), with erose margin. Flowers distinctly pedicelled, pedicel slender,

terete, glabrous, (2—)5—13 mm long, 0.2-0.5 mm diam., those of staminate flowers

mostly more slender, flowers 5-7(-8 in fruit) mm diam. Sepals triangular, 2-3.5 by1.2-1.8 mm, glabrous. Petals spathulate to broadly obtriangular, margin lobulate,

1-1.2by 0.6-1 mm, midribdarker. Disc in staminate flowers and outer one in pistillate

flowers saucer-shaped, 1.5-2 mm diam., innerone cup-shaped, c. 1 mm tall, coveringbase of ovary, glabrous, margin irregular. Staminal column 1-1.5 mm long, c. 0.5 mm

diam., free part of filaments up to 1 mm long. Anthers ellipsoid to ovoid, 0.7-1 by0.5-0.8 mm. Pistillode ellipsoid, deeply trifid at apex, glabrous, 1-1.3 mm tall, 0.4-

0.5 mm diam. Ovary depressed globoid, 1.2-2 mm diam., 1-1.5 mm tall, whitish stri-

gose to pilose. Styles 1.5-2 mm long, deeply bifid (up to halfof their length), stigmaswidened lobulate to bifidly divided (as quadrifid). Infructescence with up to 9 fruits

per glomerule. Fruit distinctly pedicelled, pedicel 7-13 mm long, 1-2 mm diam.;

subglobose capsule, depressed, often perfectly round from above,5-8 mm tall, 7-10

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134 BLUMEA —Vol. 44, No. 1, 1999

mm diam., scattered fulvo-puberulous to later glabrous, hairs especially basal. Seeds

semigloboidally broadly heart-shaped, ventrally concavely depressed, dorsally keeled,

3.5-4.5 by 3-4 by 2-3 mm; testa smooth, dark brown.

Field notes — Wood hard. Branches laxly rebranched, the ultimateones very fine.

Leaves thinly coriaceous, bright red brown when young. Flowers creamy white, odour-

less. Fruits ascending, yellowish green, reddish to blackish with dark persistent calyx.Distribution— China(?; fide Li, 1987), PeninsularMalaysia, Borneo, Philippines,

New Guinea.

Habitat & Ecology — Primary lowland, also logged over, and secondary forests;

up to 300 m. Reported from gravelly, stony, or red clay soil.

Uses — Wood locally used for construction or as fuel.

Notes —This species is well characterised by slenderly pedicelled flowers and

fruits and by subcoriaceous to chartaceous leaves with a distinct prominent venation.

It has only a few pairs of secondary veins and is glabrous in all young parts (only very

occasionally pilose). Together with the newly recorded C. erycibifolius this species is

the only pedicelled one in the Philippines.

Materialcollected in New Guinea tends to have longer, subulate stipules and denser

pilose young fruits.

To me C. monocarpus represents a weak form of the normal 1C. pedicellatus as it

differs only in having 1 fruitper infructescence and petioles of only 2 mm length. In

fact, the paratype (Kahar 5477, L) has petioles of 2.5 mm length.

Map 6. Distribution of Cleistanthus

pedicellatus Hook.f. in the Philippinesand adjacent Borneo.

Page 27: Blumea · 110 BLUMEA —Vol.44, No. 1, 1999 orgyalis)remainsunclear(seebelow).Fernandez-VillarinBlanco(1880), Rolfe(1884), andVidal(1886)published onthisgenus,butespecially Robinson(1908,1911)

135S. Dressier: Revision of Cleistanthus in the Philippines

11. Cleistanthuspilosus C.B. Rob. — Map 7

Cleistanthus pilosus C.B. Rob., Philipp. J. Sci., Bot. 6 (1911) 326; Jabl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. H. 65

(1915) 33; Merr., Enum. Philipp. Flow. PI. 2 (1923) 421; Salvosa, Lex. Philipp. Trees (1963)

92; Airy Shaw, Enum. Euphorb. Philipp. Is. (1983) 15.— Type: FB 19511, leg. Almagro

(iso K), Philippines, Basilan, Sept. 1910.

Treelet to tree, up to 4 m high, dbh 6 cm (only one collection with notes!). Branches

long light-coloured-pilose to -velutinouswhen young.Stipules narrow to oblique trian-

gular, 1.2-1.5 mm long, base 0.5-1.5 mm wide, pilose to glabrous, scaly, inconspic-

uous. Leaves: petiole subterete, darker coloured than midrib in dry state (blackish),

pilose to velutinous,2-3mm long, c. 1 mm diam.; lamina(oblong) elliptic, very rarely

slightly obovate, 40-90 by 13-35 mm, index 1.9-3.3, chartaceous to subcoriaceous,

base subcordate, slightly asymmetric, apex shortly acuminate, acumen up to 20 mm

long, margin entire. Venation: indistinct to subprominent above, prominent beneath,

secondary veins in 7 or 8 pairs, secondary arches resemble tertiary veins, reticulate

areolation. Indumentum: glabrous above, rarely with occasional hairs on midrib, gla-brous beneath except midrib, and main veins pilose, sometimes also margin and lower

part ofleafblade; leaves dullgreyish brown above when dry, lighter beneath. Inflores-

cence: few-flowered glomerules (not seen) on short spike-like axillary shoots, rarelyin the axils of normal leaves, the spike axis pilose. Bracts small, triangular, 1-2 by0.7-1 mm, albo-pilose outside. Flowers not seen, sessile, 5-7 mm diam. (in fruit).

Sepals narrow-triangular, c. 3.5 by 1-1.5 mm, albo-pilose to -sericeous outside. Petals

Map 7. Distribution of Cleistanthus

pilosus C. sumntra-


C.B. Rob. (•) and

(Miq.) Müll.Arg. (■) in the Phil-

ippines and adjacent Borneo.

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136 BLUMEA —Vol. 44, No. 1, 1999

spathulate to roundish, margin often erose, 1-1.5 by c. 1.5 mm, albo-pilose outside.

Inner disc in pistillate flowers up to 1 mm tall. Styles 1.5-2 mm long, apical halfof

styles bifidly divided.Infructescence with 1 (or 2?) fmit(s) per glomerule. Fruit sessile,

ob-semigloboid, trilobed from above, compressed oval and concavely depressed at

apex in outline, 10-11 mm tall, 10-12 mm diam., long pilose, becoming glabrescent,

but still pilose in grooves and at base. Seeds semigloboid, ventrally andbasally concave-

ly depressed, 5-6 by 4.5-5by 3-4 mm; testa smoothto somewhatstriate, lightbrown.

Fieldnotes — Twigs hairy brow. Leaves with hairy midrib beneath.

Distribution— Philippines (Basilan and Mindanao).

Habitat & Ecology — Reported from 60 m altitude.


Used for lumber (FB 27034).

Note — This taxon is mainly characterised by the conspicuous pilose indumentum

(especially ofyoung twigs, petiole, midribbeneath, inflorescence axis). Furthermore,

it has subcordate leafbases, short spicate inflorescences and its leaves often dry greyish

brown. Sessile capsules (which become glabrous), inconspicuous stipules, and albo-

pilose petals as well as narrow triangular sepals are other distinctive features. Only a

few collections could be affiliated to the species, which shows some morphological

similarities with C. bridelifolius.

12. Cleistanthus robinsonii Elmer — Map 8

Cleistanthus robinsonii Elmer, Leafl. Philipp. Bot. 3 (1910)909; Jabl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. H. 65

(1915)52; Merr., Enura. Philipp. Flow. PI. 2 (1923) 422; Salvosa, Lex. Philipp. Trees (1963)

93; Airy Shaw, Enum. Euphorb. Philipp. Is. (1983) 15.— Lectotype (here designated):Elmer

12540 (holoNY; iso BO, E, F, G, HBG n.v., K, L, P, U, US, WRSL), Philippines, Is. Sibuyan,

Prov. Capiz, Magallanes (Mt Giting-Giting), May 1910.

Slender and tall tree, up to 15 m high, trunk reported to be c. 60 cm (!?) thick, not

straight, with main branches arising from the middle, conspicuously 'wadded', burly;

wood dingy white on the outside, odourless and tasteless, hard. Bark relatively thin,

brown, scaling in plates, reddish beneaththe epidermis. Branches spreading, numerous-

ly rebranched, the ultimateones very lax and spreading horizontally, appressed brown-

ish pubescent. Stipules scaly, triangular, pubescent, minute, up to 0.5 by 0.5 mm.

Leaves: petiole subterete, hardly thicker than midrib and smooth when dry, brownish

when dry, fulvously pubescent, 5-8 mm long, up to 1 mm diam.; lamina linearly

oblong, 4-10 by 1-2.5 cm, index 3.85-5.2 (4.33), submembranaceous to subcoria-

ceous, base acute (to round), apex slenderly acuminate, acumen 1-1.5 cm long, mar-

gin entire. Venation: secondary veins in 8-11 pairs, prominent above and beneath,

sometimeswith glands (?) in the angle between midrib and secondary veins, areolation

indistinct. Indumentum:very scattered albo-pilose above, scarcely puberulent beneath;

leaves drying green, glaucescently greenbeneath. Inflorescence: few-floweredglomer-

ules with up to 6 flowers, axillary on normal-leavedbranches, glomerules inconspic-

uous, with fulvous pubescence. Bracts broadly ovate-triangular, minute, c. 0.7 by

c. 0.7 mm, fulvous pubescent. Staminateflowers sessile, c. 4-6 mm diam. Sepals

triangular, 1.5-2by 1 mm, glabrous outside. Petals whitish to light yellow, spathulate,

0.5-1 by 0.3-0.5 mm. Disc in staminate flowers saucer- to bowl-shaped, c. 2 mm

diam., pistillate one not seen. Staminalcolumn 1-1.5 mm long, free part of filaments

Page 29: Blumea · 110 BLUMEA —Vol.44, No. 1, 1999 orgyalis)remainsunclear(seebelow).Fernandez-VillarinBlanco(1880), Rolfe(1884), andVidal(1886)published onthisgenus,butespecially Robinson(1908,1911)

137S. Dressier: Revision of Cleistanthus in the Philippines

up to 1.5-2 mm long, whitish. Anthers ovoid, c. I by 0.6 mm, yellowish brown.

Pistillode conico-ovoid, glabrous, c. 1 mm tall, c. 0.4 mm diam.; pistillate flowers not

seen, style thick, 1.5 mm long (sec. Elmer, 1910). Fruit not known.

Field note — Flowers purple.

Distribution — Philippines (Palawan, Sibuyan).Habitat & Ecology —

On wooded cliffs and forested slopes at about 300 m altitude.

Notes —This species is still incompletely known. The sterileLoher471 /collection

determined as C. robinsonii by Airy Shaw is in my opinion C. sumatranus. I could

trace only one other specimen (Ebalo 634, A) from Palawan, additional to the type

collection, of which only some specimens (e.g., NY, WRSL) bear a few flowers.

Because of the paucity of material I have merely elaborated the description from the

literature and added some minorthings from the collectionsI had at hand. A recollec-

tion couldpossibly clarify its taxonomic situation.

The base of the leaves was erroneously reported to be obtuse (Elmer, 1910) but is

in fact acute.

13. Cleistanthus rufescens Jabl.— Map 4

Cleistanthus rufescens Jabl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. H. 65 (1915) 30; Whitmore, Tree Fl. Malaya 2

(1973) 83; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 33 (1978) 49; Kew Bull. 36 (1981) 282; Whitmore,Tree Fl.

Indon.,Checkl. Sumatra (1986) 80. — Type: Beccari 933 (iso FI-B 2x, n.v., photos seen, L),

Sumatra, Padang, Sungei bulu, Sept. 1878.

Map 8. Distribution of Cleistanthus

robinsonii Elmer (•) and C. venosus

C.B. Rob. (■) in the Philippines and

adjacent Borneo.

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138 BLUMEA Vol. 44, No. 1, 1999

Cleistanthus pseudopodocarpus Jabl. var. pseudopodocarpus auct. non Jabl.: Airy Shaw, Kew

Bull. 27 (1972) 76; Kew Bull., Add. Ser. 4 (1975) 85, pro major parte, cum synon. (sec. Airy

Shaw, 1978: 49).

Cleistanthus pseudopodocarpus var. leptopus Airy Shaw, I.e. 1972, 1975, syn. nov.: Airy Shaw,


Cleistanthus pseudopodocarpusauct. non Jabl.: Whitmore,Tree Fl. Malaya2 (1973) 83 (sec. Airy

Shaw, 1978: 49).

(Small) tree, up to 10m high, dbh up to 12 cm. Branches glabrous to brownish tomen-

tose. Stipules (oblique) triangular, 1.5-2.5 mm long, base 1.5-2mm wide, tomentose

to glabrous. Leaves: petiole terete,rather slender, darker coloured than midrib in dry

state, scattered pilose to glabrous, (5-)7-14 mm long, 1.5-2.3 mm diam.; laminael-

liptic, sometimes slightly obovate, 95-240by 35-90 mm, index2.3-4, subcoriaceous

to chartaceous, base acute to shortly decurrent, or obtuse, apex obtuse sometimes

with acuminate tip, acumen up to 15 mm long, margin entire. Venation: secondary

veins in (7—)9—12 pairs, prominent above and beneath, tertiary veins strongly parallel,

reticulateareolation. Indumentum: glabrous above and beneath, rarely some scattered

hairs beneath, especially when young (lens!); leaves greenish olive to dark brown

above, sometimes bullate when dry, lighter to greyish brown to light green, glaucous

beneath. Inflorescence: many-flowered glomerules (more than 10 flowers) axillary

on normal-leaved branches, sometimes on axillary, spike-like, leafless shoots, axis

then albo- or rufo-strigose or tomentose. Bracts ovate triangular, 1-2.5by 1-2.5 mm,

albo- to fusco-strigose to -pilose outside. Flowers (sub)sessile, rarely up to 0.5 mm

pedicelled, 5—6(—8 in fruit) mm diam., not widely opened. Sepals triangular, 2-4 by

1.5-3 mm, appressed brownish tomentose outside. Petals spathulate to semilunate

with narrowed base, margin erose, 1—1.5 by 0.6-1.2 mm. Staminate disc glabrous,

saucer-shaped, c. 2 mm diam. Staminal column 1-1.7 mm long, freepart offilaments

up to 1.2mm long. Anthers ovoid with sagittate base, 0.7-0.8 by 0.5-0.8mm. Pistillode

ovoid, apically turbinate but blunt on top, light hairs especially at base, 0.8-1 mm

tall, 0.5-0.7 mm diam., pistillate flowers not seen. Styles c. 2 mm long, apical half

bifidly divided, widened tip. Infructescence with up to 4 fruits seen. Fruit subsessile

to shortly stalked (pedicel 2-4 mm long, 1-1.5 mm diam.) and 2-4 mm stipitate,

stipe densely brownish tomentose, c. 1.5 mm diam., trilocularcapsule obtusely trilobed

from above with shallow grooves, semigloboidal with concave apical depression in

outline, 8-10 mm tall, 10-13mm diam., densely brownish tomentose, endocarp hairy

inside.Seeds semigloboid to heart-shaped, adaxially with medial concave depression,

dorsally keeled, c. 7 by 5-6.5 by 4.5-5 mm; testa smooth to rugose, dark brown.

Field note — Fruits pale yellowish green.

Distribution— PeninsularMalaysia (fide Airy Shaw, 1978), Sumatra, Borneo (Sara-

wak, Sabah, E Indonesian Borneo), Philippines (Basilan, Mindanao).Habitat& Ecology — Lowland primary forests. Reported up to c. 100 m altitude.

Growing in sandy loam (one reference).

Notes — This species is easily confusedwith C. myrianthus, but a thorough exami-

nation of the leaf underside reveals that it lacks the appressed indumentum of the

latter. It does have the conspicuous prominent venationand a sometimes bullate leaf-

surface when dried, like C. myrianthus, but in the densely brownish tomentose calyx,

and the brownish tomentose stipe and capsule it is distinct from C. myrianthus, which

has glabrous stipes and fruits.

Page 31: Blumea · 110 BLUMEA —Vol.44, No. 1, 1999 orgyalis)remainsunclear(seebelow).Fernandez-VillarinBlanco(1880), Rolfe(1884), andVidal(1886)published onthisgenus,butespecially Robinson(1908,1911)

139S. Dressier: Revision of Cleistanthus in the Philippines

This species is newly recorded for the Philippines. Two collectionswere seen from

Basilan Island (BS 15402, Santos 4236) and one from Mindanao (BS 36851). The

material clearly matches collectionsofC. rufescens from Borneo. However, the isotype

specimen seen from Sumatra (Beccari 933, L) has axillary leafless inflorescences,

but matches perfectly otherwise. With this the distinction between C. rufescens and

C. bakonensis (see the key in Airy Shaw, 1978: 49) becomes doubtful. Since the ma-

terial seen of C. rufescens has slightly stronger, a bit bullate, coriaceous leaves whereas

C. bakonensis has chartaceous leaves with a conspicuously prominent venation beneath

and the flowers resp. fruits are nearly always on slender leafless 'spikes', I still hesitate

to lump them. Clearly, the distinctionbetween 'spicate' and axillary glomerules is not

a sharp one. Additionally, indumentumand colour are more variable than thought.

The fruitsof C. rufescens and C. bakonensis are shortly stipitate andshortly pedicellate

sometimes(which was not known yet).The wholecomplex (C. rufescens, C. bakonensis,

C. pyrrhocarpus, C. pseudopodocarpus, etc.) needs critical revision and I think also

after Airy Shaw's (I.e.) key and remarks on the sect. Ferruginosi it is far from under-


14. Cleistanthus sumatranus (Miq.) Müll.Arg. — Map 7

Cleistanthus sumatranus (Miq.) Miill.Arg. in DC., Prodr. 15, 2 (1866) 504; J.J. Sm. in Koord. &

Valeton,Bijdr. Boomsoort. Java 12 (1910) 299; Koord., Exkurs.-Fl. Java 2 (1912) 484 in clavi;

Jabl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. H. 65 (1915) 13, f. 2A-E; Merr., Bibl. Enum. Born. PI. (1921) 335;

Ridl.,Fl. Malay Penins. 3 (1924) 192; Merr., Philipp. J. Sci. 29 (1926) 381; Masam., Enum.

Phan. Bornear. (1942) 393; Backer & Bakh.f., Fl. Java 1 (1964) 474 in clavi; Meijer, Bot. News

Bull. Forest Dept., Sabah 7 (1967) 40 in clavi; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 26 (1972) 238; Whitmore,

Tree Fl. Malaya 2 (1973) 82 in clavi; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull., Add. Ser. 4 (1975) 87; J.A.R.

Anderson, Check L. Trees Saraw. (1980) 182; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 36 (1981)282; Kew Bull.

37 (1982) 13; Enum. Euphorb. Philipp. Is. (1983) 16; Whitmore,Tree Fl. Indon.,Checkl. Sumatra

(1986) 81; P.T. Li, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 25 (1987) 138; Whitmore, Tree Fl. Indon., Checkl.

Maluku (1989) 40; Checkl. Sulawesi (1989) 46; Kiu, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 27 (1989) 456;

Whitmore,Tree Fl. Indon.,Checkl. Kalimantan 1 (1990) 126; Pham-hoangHo, Cayco Vietnam

2,1 (1992) 288; Siemonsma & Kasem Piluek (eds.),PROSEA 8 (1993) 286; P.T. Li, Fl. Reipubl.

Pop. Sin. 44, 1 (1994) 25, t. 7, f. 4-8. — Leiopyxis sumatrana Miq., Fl. Ned. Ind., Eerste bijv.

(1861) 446. — Kaluhaburunghossumatranus (Miq.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 2 (1891) 607, nom.

illeg. — Type: Teijsmann s.n. [holo U; iso Bf, BO, G-DC (microfiche seen), GH n.v., K, L],

S Sumatra, Prov. Lampong, in monte Gunung Batin, prope Tega-nennin.Cleistanthus vidalii C.B. Rob.,Philipp. J. Sci., Bot. 3 (1908) 193,nom. nov. =Cleistanthus blancoi

S. Vidal, Revis. PI. Vase. Filip. (1886) 234, non C. blancoi Rolfe, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 21 (1884)

315, syn. nov., already assumed by Airy Shaw, 1972: 238; C.B. Rob., Philipp. J. Sci., Bot. 6

(1911) 327; Jabl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. H. 65 (1915) 15; Merr., Enum. Philipp. Flow. PI. 2 (1923)

422; Salvosa, Lex. Philipp. Trees (1963) 93; Airy Shaw, Enum. Euphorb.Philipp. Is. (1983) 16.

— Kaluhaburunghos blancoi (S. Vidal) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. PI. (1891) 607, nom. illeg. —

Lectotype (here designated): Vidal 559 (holoMA; iso AAU, K, L, MA), Philippines, Luzon,

Prov. Tarlac, Moriones.

Cleistanthus heterophyllus Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 5 (1887)276, syn. nov.:Airy Shaw, 1972: 238;

Hallier f., Meded. 's Rijks Herb. 1 (1910) 7; Jabl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. H. 65 (1915) 14; Merr.,

Bibl. Enum. Born. PI. (1921) 334; Ridl., Fl. Malay Penins. 3 (1924) 190; Gage, J. Asiat. Soc.

Bengal75,5 (1936)505; Masam., Enum. Phan. Bornear. (1942) 392.— Lectotype (here desig-

nated): MaingayKew Distrib. 1372 (holo K; iso K, L), Malacca.

Cleistanthus laevis Hook.f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 5 (1887) 277, syn. nov.: Airy Shaw, 1972: 238; C.B.

Rob., Philipp. J. Sci., Bot. 3 (1908) 193; Jabl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. H. 65 (1915) 13.— Type:

Marton 109 (holo K), Singapore, jungle behind the Botanical Gardens, Dec. 1875.

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140 BLUMEA Vol. 44, No. 1, 1999

Cleistanthus minahassae Koord., Meded. Lands Plantentuin 19 (1898) 625. = Versl. Minahasa

(1898) 582, syn. nov; J.J. Sm. in Koord. & Valeton (1910) 301, in obs.; Jabl. in Engl., Pflanzenr.

H. 65 (1915) 52.— Lectotype (here designated): Koorders 16920 (holo L; iso BO), Celebes,

Prov. Minahassa, Menado, 50 m, 1895.

Cleistanthus laevigatus Jabl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. H. 65 (1915) 12, syn. nov.: Airy Shaw, 1975: 87;

Merr., Bibl. Enum. Born. PI. (1921) 334; Masam., Enum. Phan. Bornear. (1942) 392; Meijer,

Bot. News Bull. Forest Dept., Sabah 7 (1967) 40 in clavi; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 21 (1968) 363,

in obs. —Lectotype (here designated): Beccari 3882 (holo K; iso FI-B, photo seen), Borneo,

Sarawak, Oct. 1867.

Cleistanthus oligophlebius Merr., Philipp. J. Sci., Bot. 13 (1918) 80, syn. nov.:Airy Shaw, 1975:

87; Merr., Bibl. Enum. Born. PI. (1921) 335; Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 15 (1929) 154; Masam.,

Enum. Phan. Bornear. (1942) 393.—Lectotype (here designated): Villamil 399 (protol. errone-

ously sub no. 339?) (holoK), British North Borneo, Marutai watershed nr Tawau, 4 June 1917.

Cleistanthus saichikii Merr., Philipp. J. Sci. 23 (1923)248, syn. nov.:Airy Shaw, 1972: 238; Lecomte, Fl. Indo-Chine 5 (1926) 499, f. 64.5-7; Merr. & Chun, Sunyatsenia 1 (1930) 64;

Chun & Chang (eds.), Fl. Hainanica 2 (1965)141; Anonymous, Iconogr. Corm. Sin. 2 (1972)

592, f. 2914. —Type: Canton Christian College 9148, leg. Mc Clure (iso A 2x, CAS, E, K, NY

2x, P), China, Hainan, Fan Ta, 18 Apr. 1922.

Paracleisthus subgracilis Gagnep., Bull. Soc. Bot. France 70 (1923) 500; in Lecomte, Fl. Indo-

Chine 5 (1926) 500, syn. Nov.: Airy Shaw, 1972: 238. Syntypes: Thorel s.n. (syn P?, n.v.),

Laos merid.,Bassac; Magnien,Gourgandetc. s.n. (syn P?, n.v.), Cambodge,Pnom-penh; Pierre

6300 (syn E, K: s.n., P?, n.v.), Cambodge,Phu-quoc; Thorel s.n. (syn BR, K, P?, n.v.), Lefevre

252 (syn P?, n.v.), Cochinchine, Point A; Harmand 81 (syn P?, n.v.), Cochinchine, Chaudoc;

Poilane 165 (E, K, P?, n.v.), Cochinchine, Sang-dinh., 15 July 1919; Poilane 172 (syn P?, n.v.),

Cochinchine, Gia-ray.

Cleistanthus euphlebius Merr.,Pap. MichiganAcad. Sci. 1938,24(1939)78, syn. nov.:Airy Shaw,

1975: 87; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 21 (1968) 363, in syn.— Type: Rahmat si Toroes 818 (iso A

n.v., E, MICH n.v., NY n.v., SING), Sumatra, E Coast, Asahan, Silo Maradja, nr Taloen Djo-

ring, July-Aug. 1928.

Tree, up to 18 m high, with a clear bole up to 12 m tall, dbh up to 35 cm. Outer bark

brownish to pale grey, finely cracked, inner bark thin, white to pale brown, sapwood

reddish, hard. Branches glabrous, rarely scattered albo-pilose when young. Stipules

(oblique) triangular, 1-1.5 mm long, base 0.8-1.5 mm wide, glabrous, rarely with

some hairs. Leaves: petiole subterete, darker colouredthan midrib in dry state (black-

ish), glabrous, rarely some scattered hairs adaxial, 2—6(—7) mm long, 0.7—1.2(—1.5)

mm diam.; lamina (narrow) ovate to (ovately) elliptic, rarely lanceolate, 27-150 by

11-55 mm, index 2.25-4.25, chartaceous to subcoriaceous, base acute to roundish,

rarely obtuse, apex (shortly) acuminate to acute, acumen 15-25 mm long, margin

entire. Venation: obscure above, faintly prominent beneath, secondary veins in (4-)

5-8pairs, often acute angles of divergence, long running towards apex before looping,

sometimes tertiary arches, irregular reticulateareolation.Indumentum: absent; leaves

brownish olive above, brownish grey beneathwhen dry, hardly glaucescent beneath,

but paler greyish when dry, above often conspicuously shiny. Inflorescence: few-

flowered glomerules (up to c. 7 flowers) in the axils ofvery small leaves or on leafless

spike-like shoots, glomerules resemble 'pearls-on-a-string'. Bracts small, triangular,

c. 1.5 by 1-1.5 mm, glabrous to albo-pilose, with sericeous margin. Flowers sessile,

4-5 mm diam. Sepals (narrow-)triangular, 2-2.5 by 1-1.5 mm, glabrous with occasion-

al hairs at apex to albo-pilose outside. Petals narrow spathulate, marginslightly lobulate,

0.7-1.2 by 0.3-0.4 mm. Disc in staminate flowers and outer one in pistillate flowers

saucer-shaped, c. 1.5 mm diam., inner one cup-shaped, 0.7-1.2 mm tall, covering

Page 33: Blumea · 110 BLUMEA —Vol.44, No. 1, 1999 orgyalis)remainsunclear(seebelow).Fernandez-VillarinBlanco(1880), Rolfe(1884), andVidal(1886)published onthisgenus,butespecially Robinson(1908,1911)

141S. Dressier: Revision of Cleistanthus in the Philippines

base ofovary, glabrous. Staminalcolumn 1-1.5 mm long, free part offilaments up to

1 mm long. Anthers ellipsoid, 0.3-0.5 by 0.2-0.4 mm. Pistillode ovoid to ellipsoid,

glabrous with some hairs at base, 0.6-0.8 mm tall, c. 0.3 mm diam. Ovary globoid,1-1.2 mm diam., 1-1.2mm tall, densely albo-strigose. Styles c. 1-1.3 mm long, basally

united, apical thirds of styles bifidly divided, stigmas widened. Infructescence with

1 or 2 fruits per glomerule. Fruit sessile, rarely minutely stipitate (1 mm), obtusely

triangular and deeply 3-lobed fromabove or tricoccous-subgloboid, compressed oval

and concavely depressed at apex inoutline, 7— 9(—13) mm tall, 8—10(— 13) mm diam.,

glabrous, basal and in sutures (grooves) with scattered pilose hairs. Seeds ovoid with

bluntapex to heart-shaped, ventrally with median hilum, dorsally slightly keeled, 5-6

by 4-4.5 by 3-4 mm; testa smooth, slightly lineate with occasional inconspicuous

warts, brown.

Field notes — Leaves reported as somewhat glaucous beneath. Flowers brownish

yellow with red. Fruits red when ripe.Distribution— China: Guangdong (fide Kiu, 1989), Hainan, Indochina,Thailand,

PeninsularMalaysia, Sumatra, Borneo, Philippines, Java, Celebes, Bali, Ambon.

Habitat& Ecology — Dry to alluvial primary forests, also in secondary forests; up

to 700 m altitude. Reported from rocky (granitic) alluvial soil and limestone.

Notes — This species has a rather wide distribution in SE Asia. Nevertheless it is

not exceedingly variable and hence easily recognizable, especially by its characteristic

smaller leaved to leafless axillary shoots bearing the flower glomerules Cpearls-on-a-

string' appearance). It is also characterisedby its glabrous, chartaceous to subcoriaceous

leaves, which are often glossy above and dry greyish brown, by its few secondary

vein pairs, which show a conspicuously acute angle of divergence and run widely to-

wards the apex before looping. It might be confused with C. venosus, which is larger

in most parts. The bigger leaves ofthe latterare more oblong and have more secondary

veins which do not run as far towards the apex and which are conspicuously prominentwhereas the lateral veins in C. sumatranus are remarkably obscure. The leaves of the

former dry conspicuously yellowish or greyish green. The two species are doubtlessly

very closely related.

Cleistanthus gracilis from Peninsular Malaysia and Borneo is supposed to differ

from C. sumatranus merely by smaller leaves and their distinct acumen. These charac-

ters should be carefully compared. Both taxa might well prove to be conspecific.

15. Cleistanthus venosus C.B. Rob. — Map 8

Cleistanthus venosusC.B. Rob.,Philipp. J. Sci., Bot. 3 (1908) 192; Jabl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. H. 65

(1915) 12; Merr., Bibl. Enum. Born. PL (1921) 335; Enum. Philipp. Flow. PI. 2 (1923) 422;

Masam., Enum. Phan. Bornear. (1942) 393; Salvosa, Lex. Philipp. Trees (1963)93; Airy Shaw,

Kew Bull.,Add. Ser. 4 (1975) 87; Kew Bull. 36 (1981) 282; Enum. Euphorb.Philipp. Is. (1983)

16; Whitmore,Tree Fl. Indon.,Checkl. Sumatra (1986) 81; Checkl. Kalimantan 1 (1990) 126.

— Lectotype (here designated): Williams 2187 (holo NY; iso GH, K, NY, US), Philippines,

Mindanao, Distr. Zamboanga, Sax River, 150 m, 4 March 1905.

Cleistanthus elmeri Merr., Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 15 (1929) 154, syn. nov.: Meijer, 1968: 232;

Masam., Enum. Phan. Bornear. (1942) 392; Meijer, Bot. News Bull. Forest Dept., Sabah 7

(1967) 40 in clavi; Bot. Bull. Herb. Forest Dept., Sabah 10 (1968) 232. — Lectotype (here

designated):Elmer 21694 (holoPNHf ?, replaced by L; iso A, B, BO, BR, DS, K, L, M, NY, P,

PH, SING, U, US), British N Borneo, Elphinstone Prov., nr Tawao, on steep forested river

banks, Oct. 1922-Mar. 1923.

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142 BLUMEA —Vol. 44, No. 1, 1999

Treelet to tree, up to 12 m high, with a clearbole up to 9 m high, girth up to 1 m. Outer

bark light green to pale grey, smooth, inner bark pale to brownish green, sapwood

white to whitishbrown. Branches very young scattered pilose, laterglabrous. Stipules

triangular, 2-4 mm long, base c. 1 mm wide, glabrous, occasionally some hairs at

apex. Leaves: petiole subterete, darker coloured than midrib in dry state (blackish),

glabrous, 5-9(-10) mm long, 1-2.5 mm diam.; lamina elliptic, very rarely slightly

obovate, 75-270by 20-100mm, index2.64-4.3, chartaceous, base acute to roundish,

slightly asymmetric, rarely slightly emarginate, apex acuminate, acumen 10-30 mm

long, margin entire. Venation: conspicuously prominent beneath, secondary veins in

5-8(-10) pairs, secondary arches resemble tertiary veins, irregular reticulate areolation.

Indumentum: absent; leaves greenish to yellowish when dry, hardly glaucescent

beneath, but pale greenish when dry. Inflorescence: few-flowered glomerules (mostly

3 or 4 flowers, rarely up to c. 10 flowers) in the axils of very small, lanceolate leaves

which are conspicuously hairy beneath, these on spike-like branches in the axils of

normalleaves with the spike axis sometimesscattered pilose. Bracts small, triangular,

1.5-2.3 by 1.2-2 mm, albo-pilose to -strigose outside, abaxially keeled (midvein),

with erose margin. Flowers sessile, staminate ones slender, 4-7 mm diam. Sepals

narrow-triangular, 2-3.5 by 1-1.5 mm, appressed albo-strigose outside. Petals spathu-

late to obovate, margin often erose, (1-) 1.5-2 by (0.3—) 1—1.5 mm. Disc in staminate

flowers saucer-shaped, 1.5-2.5 mm diam., outer one in pistillate flowers saucer-shaped,

2-3 mm diam., inner one cup-shaped, 1-1.5(-2) mm tall, covering base of ovary, gla-

brous to weakly pilose outside. Staminal column 1.2-1.5 mm long, c. 0.5 mm diam.,

free part of filaments up to 1.2 mm long. Anthers ovoid, 0.7-1.2by 0.5-0.8mm. Pis-

tillodeovoid to globoid, apex blunt, glabrous, 1-1.3 mm tall, c. 0.6 mm diam. Ovary

globoid, 1.5-2.2 mm diam., 1.4-2.2 mm tall, densely albo-strigose. Styles c. 2 mm

long, apical thirdofstyles bifidly divided, stigmas papillose, widened. Infructescence

with 1 or 2 fruits per glomerule. Fruit (sub)sessile (to 1 mm stalked), obtusely triangular

and deeply 3-lobedfrom above, compressed oval and concavely depressed at apex in

outline, 9-11 mm tall, 9-13 mm diam., scattered pilose, hairs only apical, basal, and

in sutures (grooves). Seeds broadly bean-shaped, ventrally and basally concavely

depressed, dorsally keeled, c. 7 by 4 by 4.5 mm; testa smooth, slightly lineate with

occasional inconspicuous warts, dark brown.

Field note — Fruits reddish green.

Distribution— PeninsularMalaysia, Sumatra(Simaloer Is.), Anambas Is., Borneo,

Philippines (Mindanao).

Habitat & Ecology — Primary lowlandforests; up to 600 m altitude; on brown to

black, sandy soil.

Notes — The smaller-leaved, spike-like flower bearing branches generally charac-

terise C. venosus together with the conspicuous prominence of venation of higher

order (3° and more) on the lower leaf surface. Moreover, the chartaceous leaves are

glabrous with only scattered hairs beneath. They often dry greenish. The narrow-

triangular sepals show a strong indumentum, the deeply lobed, sessile capsules are

pilose but become glabrous later.

From C. everettii it differs by the glabrous petiole and the fewer-flowered glomer-

ules. The leaves often reach a larger size too. Field studies have to prove whether

Page 35: Blumea · 110 BLUMEA —Vol.44, No. 1, 1999 orgyalis)remainsunclear(seebelow).Fernandez-VillarinBlanco(1880), Rolfe(1884), andVidal(1886)published onthisgenus,butespecially Robinson(1908,1911)

143S. Dressier: Revision of Cleistanthus in the Philippines

these characters are consistent andboth taxa are really distinct. BS18614 (McGregor)

seems to represent a collection intergrading between both.

From C. sumatranus it is distinguished by the larger stipules, the colour of the

dried leaves and by shape ofthe flower-bearing branches.

Airy Shaw (1975) states: "Closely related to C. winkleri, with which it shares rather

large flowers and long narrow sepals, but differing in that the sepals and petals are

externally long pilose". In my opinion the distinction between these taxa should be

re-examined when better material is available.

16. Cleistanthus vestitus Jabl.— Map 3

Cleistanthus vestitus Jabl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. H. 65 (1915) 32; Merr., Bibl. Enum. Born. PI. (1921)

335; Gage, J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal75, 5 (1936) 514; Masam., Enum. Phan. Bornear. (1942) 393;

Whitmore,Tree Fl. Malaya 2 (1973) 83 in clavi; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull., Add. Ser. 4 (1975) 87;

J.A.R. Anderson, Check L. Trees Saraw. (1980) 182; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 36 (1981) 282;

Whitmore,Tree Fl. Indon., Checkl. Sumatra (1986) 81; Checkl. Kalimantan 1 (1990) 126.—

Lectotype (here designated): Teijsmann 11331 (holoL; iso BO), Borneo, Sungei Landak.

Cleistanthus perakensis (Jabl.) Gage ex Ridl., Fl. Mai. Penins. 3 (1924) 195, syn. nov.: Gage,1936: 514 [Note: AlthoughGage does not explicitly mention this species in the synonymy, he

cites both syntypes ofC. perakensis under C. vestitus, which has to be considered as a synonymi-

sation]; Cleistanthus vestitus f.perakensis Jabl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. H. 65 (1915) 32. — Type:Scortechini 1822 & 1823 (syn K), Peninsular Malaysia, Perak,

Cleistanthus barrosii Merr., Philipp. J. Sci. 20 (1922) 400, syn. nov.: Airy Shaw, 1975: 88; Merr.,

Enum. Philipp. Flow. PI. 2 (1923) 419; Salvosa, Lex. Philipp. Trees (1963) 92; Airy Shaw,

Enum. Euphorb. Philipp. Is. (1983) 14. — Lectotype (here designated): FB 26070, leg. Barros

(holoUS), Philippines, Luzon, Isabella Prov., Ilagan, c. 200 m, 23 June 1916.

Cleistanthus sp. Merr., Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 15 (1929) 155 (Elmer21567).

Bridelia cinnamomea auct. non Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 5 (1887) 273, p.p. (cf. Gage, 1936: 514)

Shrub to small tree, up to 6 m high. Outer bark dark brown, smooth, thin, sapwood

yellowish. Branches fulvo-pubescent to -pilose when young. Stipules (narrow) triangu-

lar, 2-4 mm long, base 1-1.5 mm wide, pubescent to glabrous. Leaves: petiole (sub)-

terete, darker coloured than midrib in dry state, light brownish pubescent to pilose,

later glabrous, 4-9 mm long, 1-2 mm diam.; lamina elliptic, often slightly ovate,

sometimes lanceolate,5-20 by 2-8 cm, index 2-3.5, chartaceous, base obtuse, round-

ish to acute, rarely attenuate, apex shortly acuminate to acute, acumen up to 20 mm

long, margin entire. Venation: secondary veins in 6-9(-10) pairs, prominent beneath,

(sub)prominent above, with very weak secondary arches, sometimes arches tertiary,

perfect reticulate areolation. Indumentum: scattered albo- to fulvo-pilose above, later

glabrescent, rusty pubescent to pilose beneath, becoming subglabrous, indumentum

at base and main veins usually denser; leaves often conspicuously dark reddish brown

when dry. Inflorescence: conspicuously reddish-woolly, many-flowered glomerules

axillary on normal-leavedbranches, sometimes axillary, spike-like, leafless branches

bearing the glomerules. Bracts fulvous, ovate or broadly triangular, c. 2 by c. 1.5 mm,

membranaceous, often conspicuously brownish strigose to pubescent outside, some-

times glabrous with hairy midvein, with erose margin. Flowers sessile, 3-4(-5) mm

diam. Sepals triangular, 1.5-2.5 by 0.7-1.5(—2) mm, brownish pubescent. Petals whit-

ish, spathulate to rhomboidal, margin lobulate, 0.6-1 by 0.5-0.9 mm. Disc glabrous,in staminate flowers and outer one in pistillate flowers saucer-shaped, 1.5-2 mm

Page 36: Blumea · 110 BLUMEA —Vol.44, No. 1, 1999 orgyalis)remainsunclear(seebelow).Fernandez-VillarinBlanco(1880), Rolfe(1884), andVidal(1886)published onthisgenus,butespecially Robinson(1908,1911)

144 BLUMEA —Vol. 44, No. 1, 1999

diam., inner one cup-shaped, c. 0.5 mm tall. Staminalcolumn up to 1.5 mm long, tree

part offilaments up to 1 mm long. Anthers ovoid to ellipsoid, 0.5-0.7by 0.3-0.4mm.

Pistillode cylindrical, with widened blunt apex, glabrous, up to 1.2 mm tall, 0.4-0.6

mm diam. Ovary (semi)globoid, c. 1.5 mm diam., c. 1 mm tall, densely brownish pu-

bescent. Styles c. 1 mm long, apical quarter bifidly divided, widened tip, stigmas

lobulate.Infructescence with up to 5 fruits seen. Fruit sessile, but 2-4(-5) mm stipitate,

stipe rather slender, 1-2 mm diam.; capsule obtusely triangular from above, shallowly

tri-lobed, more or less rectangular to broadly ovate in outline, 6-7 mm tall, 7-9 mm

diam., scattered pilose to glabrous, hairs mainly in grooves and at base, brownish

when dry. Seeds heart-shaped in outline, abaxially keeled, c. 4 by 3 by 2.5-3 mm;

testa smooth, brown.

Field notes —Flowers brown. Fruits light brown or brownish grey.

Distribution— Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo, Philippines (Luzon).

Habitat& Ecology — Reported from disturbedor secondary forests, but infrequent-

ly collected; on low altitudes up to 300 m. Reported from sandy, clayey soil.

Notes — This species has its morphologically closest relative in C. decurrens, but

can be recognised by the conspicuously reddish tomentose, many flowered glomerules

and non decurrent leafbase.

Cleistanthus vestitus is sometimes confused with the very variable C. myrianthus

because of its leaf shape and the stipitate capsules. The latter differs, however, suffi-

ciently in its appressed abaxial leaf-indumentum.Additionally it has mostly glabrous

capsules. Despite the fact thatanother Philippine species was named C. bridelifolius

I think the leaves of C. vestitus resemble much more closely those of some Bridelia

species (see under C. bridelifolius)

The typical C. barrosii described as a Philippine endemic never has spicate inflores-

cences, a feature which sometimes characterises C. vestitus (and is noted in its proto-

logue). However, this is not consistent among the material studied of the latter from

Borneoand Sumatra. I therefore confirmAiry Shaw's synonymisation.


Cleistanthus spec. A — Map 4

I have seen three collections, all from Palawan, which in my opinion do not match

any otherof the species known from the Philippines: Ridsdale 1008(A, BO, K, L 2x),

Soejarto et al. 6833 (A, CHI n.v., F n.v., K, L, PNH n.v.), Soejarto et al. 8412 (A n.v.,

CHI n.v., F, L, PNH n.v.). I also could not relate them to a Bornean species. They

might belong to a yet undescribed taxon, which I did not venture to describe, as the

material is rather poor in the generative phase (no flowers, only dehisced capsule

bases present).

This taxon is characterisedby the following features; Treeofreported height up to

25 m, dbh 20 cm with dry, brown erect inflorescences, being glabrous on branches,

petioles, leaves, sepals (only youngshoot tips are covered by a brownish indumentum).

Stipules triangular, scaly, tiny, c. 0.5 mm wide at base, c. 0.7 mm long. Leaves with

3-10 mm long petioles; blade lanceolate, elliptic to slightly obovate, rather small,

2-10 by 0.8-4 cm, apex (shortly) acuminate, base obtuse to acute; of coriaceous

texture, glossy above, with somewhat revolute margin, and conspicuously raised

Page 37: Blumea · 110 BLUMEA —Vol.44, No. 1, 1999 orgyalis)remainsunclear(seebelow).Fernandez-VillarinBlanco(1880), Rolfe(1884), andVidal(1886)published onthisgenus,butespecially Robinson(1908,1911)

145S. Dressier: Revision of Cleistanthus in the Philippines

secondary venationwhen dried;8-10 pairs ofsecondary veins. Flowers in few-flowered

glomerules on normalleavedbranches; bracts broadly ovate-triangular with brownish

pubescent indumentum. Sepals triangular, c. 2 by 1 mm, glabrous. Capsule sessile,

not stipitate, glabrous (at least basal), c. 5-6 mm tall.

All these collections originate from ultrabasicslopes (collector's statement on two

labels; the third, Soejarto et al. 6833, was foundin forest oflow stature on a thin soil

layer). The plant appears to be common in the area and withstandsrather dry conditions.

1. Cleistanthus orgyalis (Blanco) Merr., Rev. Blancos Fl. Filip. (1905) 75, nom. rej.

prop. (Dressier & Hoffmann, 1998); C.B. Rob., Philipp. J. Sci., Bot. 3 (1908) 189;

Jabl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. H. 65 (1915) 42; Merr., Sp. Blancoan. (1918) 220; Merr.,

Enum. Philipp. Flow. PI. 2 (1923) 421; Salvosa, Lex. Philipp. Trees (1963) 92;

Airy Shaw, Enum. Euphorb. Philipp. Is. (1983) 15. = Glutei orgyalis Blanco, Fl.

Filip, ed. 2 (1845) 451. —Type: not designated.

2. Cleistanthusblancoi Rolfe, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 21 (1884) 315; Merr., Rev. Blancos

Fl. Filip. (1905) 75, in syn.; C.B. Rob., Philipp. J. Sci., Bot. 3 (1908) 193; Hallier,

Meded. 's Rijks Herb. 1 (1910) 7; Jabl. inEngl., Pflanzenr. H. 65 (1915) 13; Merr.,

Enum. Philipp. Flow. PI. 2 (1923) 419; Salvosa, Lex. Philipp. Trees (1963) 92;

Airy Shaw, Enum.Euphorb. Philipp. Is. (1983) 14. = Cleistanthusferrugineus auct.

non Miill.Arg., Fern.-Vill. in Blanco, Fl. Filip., ed. 3, Noviss. App., 4 (1880) 187.

— Type: Fernandez-Villar in Blanco, Fl. Filip., ed. 3, Noviss. App. (1880) t. 353.

Note: The true identity of the Blanco species Gluta orgyalis always remained obscure,

as there obviously is no herbariummaterial extant. An analytical plate in Fernandez-

Villar [in Blanco, Fl. Filip., ed. 3, Noviss. App. (1880) t. 353] was drawnafter Blanco's

death and therefore does not represent original material. This plate, however, is the

type of C. blancoi Rolfe. Unfortunately, it is ambiguous as the depicted parts of the

plant do not sufficiently show diagnostic characters. In the article by Dressier & Hoff-

mann (1998) it is proposed to reject the comparatively early combination C. orgyalis

in order to prevent possible undesirable nomenclatural changes. For a detailed

discussion see the cited paper.


I would like to thank the directors and staff members of the herbaria that provided material or

hospitality during my visits; two anonymous reviewers for their comments on the manuscript;J. Wessendorp, L, for the illustrations and all staff members ofthe Rijksherbarium who helped in

many ways during the course ofthis revision. The distribution maps were drawn with the COOR

database (© RC. van Welzen) and the KORT program (© B. Hansen). The work was carried out at

the Rijksherbarium Leiden with the financial support ofthe European Union Human Capital and

Mobility Programme in the "Botanical Diversity in the Indo-Pacific Region"-network, which is

gratefully acknowledged here.


Airy Shaw, H.K. 1972. The Euphorbiaceae of Siam. Kew Bull. 26: 191-363.

Airy Shaw, H.K. 1975. The Euphorbiaceae of Borneo. Kew Bull., Add. Ser. 4.

Airy Shaw, H.K. 1978. Notes onMalesian and otherAsiatic Euphorbiaceae. Kew Bull. 33: 25-77

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146 BLUMEA Vol. 44, No. 1, 1999

Airy Shaw, H.K. 1980a. The Euphorbiaceae of New Guinea. Kew Bull., Add. Ser. 8.

Airy Shaw, H.K. 1980b. A partial synopsis of the Euphorbiaceae-Platylobeaeof Australia (excl.

Phyllanthus, Euphorbia and Calycopeplus). Kew Bull. 35: 577-700.

Airy Shaw, H.K. 1981. The Euphorbiaceae of Sumatra. Kew Bull. 36: 239-374.

Airy Shaw, H.K. 1982. The Euphorbiaceae of Central Malesia. Kew Bull. 37: 1-40.

Airy Shaw, H. K. 1983. An alphabetical enumeration ofthe Euphorbiaceaeofthe Philippine Islands.

Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

Bentham,G. 1873. Cleistanthus. In: Flora Australiensis 6: 121-123. L. Reeve & Co., London.

Blanco, F.M. 1845. Flora de Filipinas, ed. 2. D. Miguel Sanchez, Manila.

Chapman, A.D. 1991. Australian Plant Name Index A-C. Austral. Fl. Fauna Ser. 12.

Dressier, S. 1996. The genus BrideliaWilld. (Euphorbiaceae)in Malesia and Indochina-A regionalrevision. Blumea 41: 263-331.

Dressier, S. & P. Hoffmann. 1998. (1373)Proposal to reject the nameGluta orgyalis (Euphorbiaceae).Taxon 47: 753-754.

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Hasskarl, J.K. 1855. Brief van den Heer Hasskarl aan den secretaris der natuurkundige afdeelingvan de Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen te Amsterdam. Verslagen Meded. Afd. Na-

tuurk. Kon. Akad. Wetensch. 4: 134-141.

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Hooker, J.D. 1887. Euphorbiaceae. In: J.D. Hooker, The flora of British India 5: 239-477.

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Jablonsky, E. 1915. Euphorbiaceae- Phyllanthoideae -Bridelieae. In:A. Engler (ed.),Das Pflanzen-

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Kiu, H.-S. 1989. Notes on Cleistanthus Hook.f. ex Planch. (Euphorbiaceae)from Guangdong and

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Kurz, S. 1874. New Burmese Plants Part III. J. Asiat. Soc. Beng. 42.11: 227-254.

Kurz, S. 1875. Preliminary Report on the Forest and otherVegetation ofPegu. C.B. Lewis, BaptistMission Press, Calcutta.

Li, P.T. 1987. Notes on the genera Sauropus and Cleistanthus ofEuphorbiaceae in China. Acta

Phytotax. Sin. 25: 132-139.

Meijer, W. 1968. A taxonomic treatment oforders and families of trees of Sabah with further revi-

sions offamilies. Bot. Bull. Herb. Forest Dept., Sabah 10: 29-239.

Merrill, E.D. 1912. Notes on Philippine Euphorbiaceae. Philipp. J. Sci., Bot. 7: 379-410.

Merrill, E.D. 1914. Notes on Philippine Euphorbiaceae II. Philipp. J. Sci., Bot. 9: 461-493.

Merrill, E.D. 1920. New or noteworthyPhilippine plants XVII. Philipp. J. Sci. 20: 367-476.

Merrill,E.D. 1923. Cleistanthus. In: An Enumeration ofPhilippine Flowering Plants 2: 419-422.

Bureau of Printing, Manila.

Miquel, F.A.W. 1861. Euphorbiaceae. In: Flora van Nederlandsch Indie, Eerste bijvoegsel:441-465. C.G. van der Post, Amsterdam.

Miiller Argoviensis, J. 1863. Euphorbiaceae.Vorlaufige Mittheilungen aus dem fur De Candolle's

Prodromus bestimmten Manuscript liber diese Familie. Linnaea 32: 1-126.

Miiller Argoviensis, J. 1866. Euphorbiaceae - Bridelieae. In:A.L. P.P. de Candolle (ed.), Prodromus

systematis naturalis regni vegetabilis 15 (2): 491-511.Victor Masson et fils, Paris; F. Wagner,


Planchon, J.E. 1848. Cleistanthus polystachyus. In: W.J. Hooker, Icones Plantarum 8: t. 779.

Hippolyte Bailliere,London; J.B. Bailliere, Paris.

Robinson, C.B. 1908. Alabastra Philippinensia II. Philipp. J. Sci., Bot. 3: 175-218.

Robinson, C.B. 1911. Alabastra Philippinensia III. Philipp. J. Sci., Bot. 6: 319-358.

Rolfe, R.A. 1884. On the flora of the Philippine Islands and its probable derivation. J. Linn. Soc.

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Page 39: Blumea · 110 BLUMEA —Vol.44, No. 1, 1999 orgyalis)remainsunclear(seebelow).Fernandez-VillarinBlanco(1880), Rolfe(1884), andVidal(1886)published onthisgenus,butespecially Robinson(1908,1911)

147S. Dressier: Revision of Cleistanthus in the Philippines

Roxburgh, W. 1802. Cluytia. In: Plants of the Coast of Coromandel 2: 37-40, pi. 169-173, W.

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Thwaites, G. H. K. 1861.Amanoa. Enumeratio Plantarum Zeylaniae 4: 280. Dulau & Co., London.

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Vidal y Soler, S. 1886. Revision de Plantas vasculares Filipinas. M. Perez, Manila.

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Identification list


1. angustifolius2. bridelifolius3. decurrens

4. erycibifolius5. everettii

6. glaber7. isabellinus

8. megacarpus

9. myrianthus10. pedicellatus

11. pilosus

12. robinsonii

13. rufescens14. sumatranus

15. venosus

16. vestitus

17. spec. A

Bartlett 13462: 3—

BS 462: 9; 1685: 5; 2681: 14; 3307: 9; 4051: 3; 8031: 14; 13927: 1; 15402: 13;

15655: 9; 16078: 1; 17694: 9; 18613: 5; 18614: 5(?); 25391: 10; 25427: 2; 25465: 2; 26015: 2;

26272: 14; 26774: 2; 26949: 9; 27349: 3; 27469: 3; 28066: 5(7); 28184: 10; 28501: 2; 28676: 2;

29911; 2; 31386: 9; 35137: 14; 35589: 3; 36610: 11; 36822: 5; 36851: 13; 39662: 9; 40870: 8;

40901: 9; 40921: 9; 40991: 3; 41063: 8; 43790: 8; 44165: 2; 44746: 2; 46765: 10; 47104: 16;

47159:16;48978: 14; 49128:14;75945: 3; 76705:10; 77804:5;79470:10; 83399:9; 84895: 5.

Clemens 16607a: 16; 16607c: 16; 16741: 16; 18262: 14 — Coode & Ridsdale 5407: 9; 5418: 9.

Ebalo 446: 3; 610: 3; 634: 12 — Elmer 12140: 9; 12244: 10; 12268: 7; 12381: 8; 12540: 12;

12888: 3; 12890: 9; 12955: 9; 12988: 3; 13053: 9.

FB series 292: 2; 1001: 3; 1003: 9; 3076: 10; 3716: 8; 6441: 10; 7064: 2; 7274: 5; 9037: 3; 9474:

9; 9478: 10; 9838: 3; 10673: 9; 11630: 9; 13273: 8; 15463: 9; 17796: 1; 18923: 10; 19409: 2;

19511: 11; 19561: 10; 21419: 2; 21445: 10; 21464: 10; 21466: 10; 21485: 9; 22009: 8; 22016:

6; 22031: 8 ; 22801: 14; 22839: 10; 23596: 8; 24086: 16; 24153: 10; 24164: 10; 24166: 6;

25539: 10; 25547: 2; 26070: 16; 26574: 9; 26607: 10; 26649: 3; 26876: 14; 27034: 11; 28645:

5; 28675: 14; 29311: 10; 29440: 9; 29450: 14; 30232: 8; 30233: 1; 30309: 7; 30313: 10; 30604:

10; 30630: 8; 30633: 10; 30778: 9; 30870: 9; 31194: 10; 31434: 14 —Fenix 230: 14.

Gutierrez et al. 174: 5

Lagrimas 545:3— Lagrimas & Penarubia 607:1 —Loher4637: 9; 4717: 14; 12884: 10.

Merrill 1812: 9; 2015: 10; 2094: 14; 2883: 14; 9573: 14; 10467: 2

PNH series 1524: 8; 2292: 2; 5728: 10; 5752: 9; 5797: 10; 5809: 5; 5813: 5; 5856: 10; 6111: 8;

6195: 14;6269: 10; 6273; 5; 6292: 5; 6328: 5; 6356: 10; 6381: 3; 13528:9; 16912: 3; 17638:3;

19051: 9; 33907: 9; 36832: 3; 38375: 9; 41788: 5; 41789: 10; 41790: 4; 41925: 5; 41955: 5;

42095: 14; 42111: 10;42175: 14; 42239: 5; 42260: 8; 42278: 10; 42284: 5; 42289: 5; 42305: 8;

42353: 5; 42407: 5; 42442: 10; 42504: 14; 42506: 10; 77993: 16; 78009: 16; 78174: 2; 91526:

9; 97891: 10; 117574: 10; 117603: 10; 118374: 10; 118399: 7; 122779: 5; 150251: 10.

Quadras 338: 5.

Ramos 1684: 14; 1686: 9 —Reynosoet al. 457:2; 1950: 2—Ridsdale 1008: 17; SMHI 1574:2—

Rojo 84: 9; 154: 5; 317: 14 —Rolet 395: 5; 578: 5.

Santos 4236: 13 — Soejarto & Fernando 7486: 2 — Soejarto et al. 6494: 2; 6833: 17; 7938: 2;

8265: 9; 8412: 17; 8469: 14; 8956: 9; 9194: 9; 9204: 9.

Univ. San Carlos 383: 5.

Page 40: Blumea · 110 BLUMEA —Vol.44, No. 1, 1999 orgyalis)remainsunclear(seebelow).Fernandez-VillarinBlanco(1880), Rolfe(1884), andVidal(1886)published onthisgenus,butespecially Robinson(1908,1911)

148 BLUMEA Vol. 44, No. 1, 1999

Vidal 559: 14; 560: 9; 560bis: 9; 588: 9; 1748: 9; 3655: 9: 3656: 10; 3703: 3.

Warburg 11876: 16; 12293: 9; 13971: 14—Weber 1562: 1 —Wenzel 1277: 9; 1320: 10; 1784: 9;

3126: 9 — Whitford 1443: 8 — Williams 2186: 15; 2187: 15; 2356: 9; 3107: 3.


Numbers refer to the species number as used in this revision. Genus names (and their synonyms)

have been referred to page number. For synonyms italics have been used. For doubtful species the

abbreviation 'D' is used.

Amanoa sect. Lebidiera Baill. [p. 111]

Bridelia cinnamomea auct. 16

Cleistanthus Hook.f. [p. Ill]

acuminatissimus Merr. 5

angustifolius Merr. 1

apiculatus C.B. Rob. 9

barrosii Merr. 16

blancoi Rolfe [D 2]blancoi S. Vidal 14

bridelifolius C.B. Rob. 2

castus S. Moore 9

cupreus S. Vidal 9

decipiens C.B. Rob. 3

decipiens auct. 3

decurrens Hook.f. 3

dichotomus J.J. Sm. 10

elmeri Merr. 15

erycibifolius Airy Shaw 4

euphlebius Merr. 14

everettii C.B. Rob. 5

ferrugineus auct. [D 2]

glaberAiry Shaw 6

heterophyllus Hook. f. 14

integerC.B. Rob. 10

isabellinus Elmer 7

laevigatus Jabl. 14

laevis Hook.f. 14

mattangensis Jabl. 3

megacarpus C.B. Rob. 8

minahassae Koord. 14

mindanaensis C.B. Rob. 9

misamisensis C.B. Rob. 9

monocarpus R.I. Milne 10

myrianthus (Hassk.) Kurz 9

subsp. cupreus (S. Vidal) Jabl. 9

oligophlebius Merr. 14

orgyalis (Blanco) Merr. [D 1]

ovatus C.B. Rob. 3

pallidus (Thwaites) Miill.Arg.

var. subcordatus J.J. Sm. 2

paucinervius Merr. 10

pedicellatus Hook.f. 10

f. crassipes Jabl. 10


perakensis (Jabl.) Gage ex Ridl. 16

pilosus C.B. Rob. 11

pseudocanescens Elmer 9

pseudo-cinereus sens. Airy Shaw 9

pseudomyrianthus Jabl. 9

pseudopodocarpus Jabl.

var. leptopus Airy Shaw 13

var. pseudopodocarpus auct. 13

pseudopodocarpus auct. 13

quadrifidus C.B. Rob. 10

robinsonii Elmer 12

rufescens Jabl. 13

saichikii Merr. 14

samarensis Merr. 5

sp. Merr. 16

spec. A [D; p. 144]

subcordatus (J.J. Sm.) Jabl. 2

sumatranus (Miq.) Miill.Arg. 14

venosus C.B. Rob. 15

vestitus Jabl. 16

vidalii C.B. Rob. 14

Gluta orgyalis Blanco [D 1]

Godefroya Gagnep. [p. Ill]

Kaluhaburunghos L. ex Kuntze [p. Ill]

blancoi (S. Vidal) Kuntze 14

decurrens (Hook.f.) Kuntze 3

myrianthus (Hassk.) Kuntze 9

pedicellatus (Hook.f.) Kuntze 10

sumatranus (Miq.) Kuntze 14

Lebidiera Baill [p. Ill]

Lebidieropsis Miill.Arg. [p. Ill]

Leiopyxis Miq. [p. Ill]

sumatrana Miq. 14

NanopetalumHassk. [p. Ill]

myrianthum Hassk. 9

Paracleisthus Gagnep. [p. Ill]

subgracilis Gagnep. 14

Schistostigma Lauterb. [p. Ill]

Stenoniella Kuntze [p. Ill]

Zenkerodendron Gilg ex Jabl. [p. 111]

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