Page 1: Bryce Tubbs SEO Portfolio

Website creation Since our business is in assisting new small businesses, many of those businesses have gone under. And since they have gone under we have shut down their websites, so that people would not think the business was still around. Some include,, etc. Here are some that are currently serving customers. On each I mention the design program it was created on. By using various website design programs we can serve many types of clients. This is our SEO hub, it contains articles on SEO, and promotes our website creation services, paid advertising, and SEO services. This was created using “wordpress”

Page 2: Bryce Tubbs SEO Portfolio This website is an ecommerce website built using “wix”. We learned that wix has hidden fees, so we can save our customers money by telling them these costs from the start. This website was for a local Grocery Delivery service. It was created

Page 3: Bryce Tubbs SEO Portfolio

using “Wordpress.” This website is for a local Therapist practice. It was created using “Godaddy” Social Media Platform Management We manage various social media pages. The number of likes is usually around 100 likes or followers (A like/follower is a person who consistently views your content). This is a good number for a small business who is just starting out. To get the 100 likes we only pay $20. These first 100 fans are crucial to creating word of mouth and brand awareness.

Page 4: Bryce Tubbs SEO Portfolio

This is an old SEO page, it was very challenging, because the original name was called profacebook. It was going well for about 6 months, until Facebook threatened to sue because of the name. So we took down the website very quickly. However we were able to get some long term clients due to this website and facebook page combo.

This is my best page to date. We have close to 200 fans. This page is very unique because with the facebook advertising we have been able to have 1100 people go to his website and 110 of those people (10%) have become new campers. That is 55 new campers per year. This year we are on track to have 100 new campers (retaining 25 from year 1, 25 from year two, and 50 this year).

Page 5: Bryce Tubbs SEO Portfolio

This is my younger brother’s music page. This page is about finding unique ways to get exposure for free. We have generated 35 local fans, but the main accomplishment is having around 400 views per video, by utilizing facebook communities, and word of mouth. This page has helped him book concerts, and get paid for performing at local events.

This client was referred to me. She was retiring but wanted to make some extra money, so she opened her own psychology practice. This website has gotten engagement from fans really quickly. This client advertises almost exclusively on Google Adwords, so 35 fans for free was very hard to create in such a short amount of time.

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This was for a martial arts academy. The academy closed because the grandmaster moved to Georgia, so we had to take down the website.

This was a facebook for myself. I wanted to see if I could generate any interest. I was able to get 29 people to watch the page on a consistent basis.

Page 7: Bryce Tubbs SEO Portfolio

This is the Facebook page for Sycamore GDS. This page is relatively new. Paid Advertising One specific aspect of our company is paid advertising. We use channels like Facebook advertising, Instagram advertising, Google Adwords, Google Display advertising, Bing Advertising, etc. On Facebook alone with only spending $1051, we have reached 72,643 prospects. Keep in mind that these are 72,000 local prospects whose location is relevant to the small business we are serving.

(General overview of Facebook advertising.) Key metrics include Average money spent is around $100, Average traffic sent to websites is around $100 which equates to paying $1 per website visit.

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On this campaign we spent $340. We reached 7,000 local prospects, and sent 530 people to the website. 10% of the people who went to the site were converted into a customer. And each customer paid $200. So the amount of revenue from advertising was $10,000.

This was the second year of the Basketball camp.

● $170 spent ● 225224 reached ● 606 went to website. ● 50 people of the 606 registered a child ● 10,000 revenue from the campaign

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One recent addition to the services we offer is Google Adwords. This is tremendously inexpensive but effective. The client spent $51 and 27,455 people saw the advertisement. This is such a low price for brand awareness especially if used over a long period of time.

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