
Buddha’s Words

10 Verses From Anguttara Nikaya

觉者之言精选增支部 10句偈

With the fading of greed,There is release of mind ,

With the fading of ignorance,There is release through wisdom. 离贪而心解脱,离无明而慧解脱。

AN 2.32

There two are offerings.Offering material and offering the Teaching.Of these two, offering the Teaching is better.此等是二种施。财施与法施 .此二种施中,法施是殊胜。

AN 2.142

The Thus Gone One, worthy and rightfully enlightened

is born supreme in the world.如来、应供、正觉者是为希有人之生。AN 1.172

A Great Man is grateful and has consideration for others.

Being grateful and has consideration for others is noble. 善士者是知恩、感念恩。知恩及感念恩者,是善人所称赞。

AN 2.33

To one with right view, not arisen meritorious thoughts arise and arisen meritorious thoughts dev

elop and get completed.人若怀正见,能生未生之善法,又能倍增广大已生之善法。AN 1.299

After death , a person with right view is born in increase, in a good birth, in

heaven.成就正见之有情,身坏、死后,生于善趣、天界AN 1.305

There are two kinds of pleasantness. Bodily pleasantness and mental pleas

antness. Of these two, mental pleasantness is

better.此等是二种乐 .身乐与心乐 .此等二种乐中 ,心乐是殊胜者AN 2.71

Abide without coveting and without an angry mind.

Internally settled, bring the mind to one point.保持无贪无瞋之心 平和之心得以专一AN 4.29

These two are jewels. The material jewel and the jewel of th

e Teaching. Of the two, the jewel of the Teaching i

s better. 此等是二种宝 .财宝与法宝是。法宝是殊胜。AN 2.161

These two are possessions. Material possessions and possessio

ns of the Teaching. Of these two, possessions of the Te

aching are better.此等是二种受用 ,财受用与法受用。法受用是殊胜。AN 2.146

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