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By: Olivia Coker Slide 2 Feet changing to look like other animals Eyes light up to see in the dark Special skin and feathers to protect it from the cold. Strong sense of smell Sharp beak and teeth for digging grass Very long tongue to reach into holes and hard to reach places. Powerful wings to fly in strong winds Feathers act as a camouflage against the mountains and dry grass. Slide 3 The climate here is wet and cold most of the time. Slide 4 My bird will protect itself from the changes in weather conditions by migrating to warmer places on the planet. As it grows and the seasons and temperature changes, the bird will lose and grow new feathers. Slide 5 What type of body covering will your bird have? #1: Feathers. (the color is black and gray ) purpose: To protect itself from the cold. #2: Scales purpose: To hide and blend in with the environment. #3: Blubber purpose: To protect itself from the cold as well as the feathers. Slide 6 Its feet change to mimic other animals feet to trick predators with footprints. It has wings to fly away from the animals that eat it too. Slide 7 My birds eyes will light up and shine light in the direction it wants to go, because it is mostly dark on the planet. Slide 8 My bird will eat the dry grass on the planet. It has a sharp beak to rip the dry grass from the hard surface. Slide 9 The birds tongue has adapted to be more than six inches long in order to reach water in holes, branches and hard to reach places. Slide 10 My bird will fly up into the mountains and build a nest for its shelter. Slide 11 The predators that will harm my duck would be the nocturnal hunting cat and the variety of insects. My bird will protect itself by flying away and using its changing feet. Slide 12 My birds most unique adaptation is that it can change its feet to trick predators. Slide 13 By Olivia Coker Slide 14 What components will your plant have? Why? a. Stem #1 thorns_ __________________________________________________________ purpose: To protect itself from being eating by predators. ____________________________________________________________ b. Flower #2 poison on its pedals ____________________________________________________________ purpose: to protect itself from being eaten ______________________________________________________________ c. Leaves #3: poison on leaves too ____________________________________________________________ purpose: to keep predators from eating it. ______________________________________________________________ d. Roots #4 can stay in the ground _____________________________________________________________ purpose: so when an animal tries to pull it out it will be very hard. ______________________________________________________________ Slide 15 There is spiky poisonous thorns that poke out of its stem to protect itself from being eaten. The center of the plant has a poisonous juice inside. The stem has thorns on it and also has a poisonous color warning on it. The leaves are pointy and have points all over them. The leaves also have a color warning to protect itself from predators. The roots are strong and tough so whenever a predator tries to grab the plant, it will have no luck. Slide 16 My plant will have thick, tough roots to help it stay in the ground. It will use the darkness instead of light and the water to make its food. It uses the wind that blows to disperse its seeds. My plant gets water by sucking the water in with its roots. The mouse and the insects will likely try to eat my plant. The plant has big leaves to collect the leftover sunlight. My plant can also shoots thorns out of its leaves and pedals.

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