
PowerPoint Presentation

Bryan WadeSVP & Chief Product Officer, Marketing Cloud@[email protected] ConnectionsMarketing CloudProduct Keynote

No lightning compatibility lets look at designing a different slide

The future of marketing is about 1:1 journeys a va signer avec Sales Cloud !

Graldine ViolsStrategic Account [email protected]

Alternate titles:Customer Experience: The Future of MarketingThe Future of Marketing is Customer Experience

Good morning and welcome everyone to Connections 2016!

Dclarations conditionnellesDclaration conforme la directive Safe Harbor contenue dans la loi amricaine intitule Private Securities Litigation Reform Act de 1995:Cette prsentation est susceptible de comporter des dclarations conditionnelles, qui impliquent ncessairement une certaine prise de risque, des incertitudes et des hypothses. Si l'une de ces incertitudes se concrtise ou si certaines hypothses se rvlent incorrectes, les rsultats de Salesforce, Inc. pourraient tre sensiblement diffrents de ceux explicitement ou implicitement avancs par nos dclarations conditionnelles. Toutes les dclarations ne portant pas sur des faits historiques peuvent tre considres comme conditionnelles, y compris les projections de disponibilit des produits ou des services, d'augmentation du nombre d'abonns, de bnfices, de chiffre d'affaires ou autre valeur financire, toute dclaration concernant les stratgies ou les plans de gestion des oprations venir, toute opinion personnelle, toute dclaration concernant les services ou les dveloppements technologiques nouveaux, planifis ou mis niveau, ainsi que les contrats clients et l'utilisation de nos services.Les incertitudes et les risques susmentionns concernent, sans s'y limiter, les risques associs au dveloppement et la fourniture de nouvelles fonctionnalits pour notre service, aux nouveaux produits et services, notre nouveau modle commercial, nos pertes d'exploitation antrieures, les ventuelles fluctuations de nos rsultats d'exploitation et de notre taux de croissance, les interruptions ou les retards de notre systme d'hbergement, les failles des mesures de scurit, l'issue des litiges, les risques associs aux fusions et acquisitions relles et ventuelles, la jeunesse du march dans lequel nous voluons, notre historique relativement limit, notre capacit dvelopper, fidliser et motiver notre personnel et grer notre croissance, les nouvelles ditions de notre service, ainsi que le dploiement russi chez les clients, notre exprience limite en matire de revente de produits tiers, et l'utilisation et les ventes de grands comptes. Vous trouverez plus d'informations sur les facteurs pouvant influencer les rsultats financiers de Salesforce, Inc. dans notre rapport annuel (formulaire 10-K) pour l'exercice fiscal le plus rcent et dans notre rapport trimestriel (formulaire 10-Q) pour le trimestre fiscal le plus rcent. Ce rapport et d'autres documents contenant d'importantes informations sont accessibles sur notre siteweb dans la partie Informations Investisseurs, section Documents pour la Commission des oprations de bourse (SEC).Certains services ou fonctions qui ne sont pas encore commercialiss et sont mentionns ici ou dans d'autres prsentations, communiqus de presse ou dclarations publiques, ne sont pas encore disponibles et ne seront peut-tre pas livrs temps, voire pas livrs du tout. Les clients qui achtent nos services doivent prendre leur dcision sur la base des fonctionsactuellement disponibles. Salesforce, Inc. n'est pas tenu et n'a pas l'intention de mettre jour cesdclarations conditionnelles.

Salesforce est une socit cot en bourse sous le symbole CRM. Si vous prenez des dcisions dachats, faites les sur la base de ce qui est disponible aujourd'hui et non sur des annonces qui peuvent tre faites lors de cette prsentation. Merci

Entrez dans lre du clientPowered by Lightning

Connectez vous avec vos clients comme jamais !Grez votre business depuis votre smartphoneCrez des parcours clients personnalissEnrichissez votre connaissance client

You need a customer success platformBecome a customer-obsessed company with the Salesforce CSP

At Salesforce, our mission is to help you close the gap and become a customer company - a company focused on creating long-term relationships with its customers. Our customer success platform solely focused on helping you connect with your customers in a whole new way.

You want to build 1 to 1 relationships with your customers. You expect a seamless experience regardless of platform or device you choose. That is our commitment to you. And continuous investment in our ecosystem, now the worlds largest in the enterprise.

Get ready for a new kind of customer success.

Remportez des contrats plus rapidementSalesforce SteelBrick et intgrations MicrosoftPrenez de meilleures dcisionsSalesforceIQ et Sales Wave AnalyticsTravaillez votre manirePlateforme Lightning et cosystme SalesforceVendez o que vous soyezApplication mobile Salesforce1Lapplication de ventes n 1Sales Cloud Lightning

Philippe MartinezDirecteur Gnral

To get everyone on the same page, I want to remind you that the Sales Cloud is the worlds #1 sales application. It provides all the core sales capabilities like opportunity management, collaboration, and sales reports that your organization needs to sell faster, sell smarter, and sell the way you want.

All of these capabilities were built from the ground up to help salespeople be more productive, whether or not theyre out in the field with customers, in the office making sales calls, or on the road looking for new business. The Sales Cloud is built on the Customer Success Platform, which makes it possible for any company to customize the application to the way your business works.

Whats the core benefit of the Customer Success Platform?. (continued on next slide)

Latout SalesforceGrez vos ventes depuis la plateforme qui samliore continuellementCloud multitenantPersonnalisation rapide dapplisPlateforme extensible base sur des mtadonnesScurise et fiable

Why do customers choose Salesforce? Our key differentiator is the Customer Success Platform that I mentioned earlier. The Customer Success Platform means that every company gets the Salesforce Advantage.

Because Salesforce uses a multi-tenant cloud model, all of our customers are on the latest version of the application. That means that our development teams can focus on innovation - delivering the features that are most important to your business. We offer continuous improvement to security, availability and performance. No matter the size of your company, these benefits are yours. This multitenant infrastructure becomes especially powerful when coupled with our scalable metadata platform which allows you to completely customize your instance of Salesforce and have those customizations protected when we upgrade our code base 3x a year. With 48 major releases and counting, we are the most trusted enterprise cloud.

Salesforce reste le leader pour les forces de ventes


Magic Quadrant pour lautomatisation des forces de ventes (SFA)Juillet 2015; Analyste(s): Rob DeSisto, Tad TravisThis graphic was published by Gartner, Inc. as part of a larger research document and should be evaluated in the context of the entire document.

Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner's research organisation and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

For the past 9 years, the Sales Cloud has been named as the leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Salesforce Automation. We are proud of this accomplishment, and we believe it speaks to the success that our customers have achieved.

+ de 150 000 clients

More important than analyst recognition is customer success. Over 150,000 customers are using Sales Cloud to grow their sales. These customers are of all sizes, come from all industries, and are located around the globe.

Les 4 piliers de la russite commerciale

Carrie Mantione

Amliorez votre pipelineAugmentez la productivitPrenez les bonnes dcisions

Renforcez ladoption grce la personnalisation

I believe that there are 4 groups of best practices that can help a company go from good to great. They are:Build better pipelineAccelerate productivityMake insightful decisionsDrive adoption through customization

Les 4 piliers de la russite commerciale

Carrie Mantione

Amliorez votre pipelineAugmentez la productivitPrenez les bonnes dcisionsRenforcez ladoption grce la personnalisation

Lets first talk about building better pipeline.

Acclrez vos opportunits commerciales

Visibilit et prcision grce aux tableaux de bordSuivi des opportunits et alertesTableau de bord dactivits

We all know dashboards are a great way to provide visibility and accountability for both account reps and sales management. But what dashboards in particular are best?

At Salesforce, there are two dashboards that our sales management uses every single day: the Clean Your Room dashboard and the AMP dashboard.

The clean your room dashboard shows opportunities that have been pushed too many times, ones that are closing soon that dont have activities, and big deals that are missing important fields. By surfacing this information on a wall of shame of sorts, reps now have public accountability for their actions. Theres incentive for them to keep their data clean and follow up with opportunities that need attention.

And to balance the stick with a carrot, we have our AMP dashboard for our business development team. AMP stands for activities, meetings, and pipeline. These are the tasks and actions that we believe lead to pipeline creation. Calls and emails lead to meetings. Meetings lead to opportunities. And opportunities equal pipeline. We measure each of these tasks and display them on a leaderboard to highlight those people who are hitting and exceeding their goals. We play on our salespeoples competitive nature to encourage our junior salespeople to hit their goals and build pipeline faster.

Krishna BhagavanYelpAmliorez votre pipelineAugmentez la productivitPrenez les bonnes dcisions

Renforcez ladoption grce la personnalisation

Les 4 piliers de la russite commerciale

Now that weve talked about building better pipeline, lets discuss how to accelerate productivity.

Vendez o que vous soyez avec les applis mobilesDepuis tous les types de terminauxGrez votre business depuis votre smartphone

Tlchargez aujourd'hui

Enrichissez la connaissance client de chaque commercial


Dsormais disponible hors-ligne

For organizations that have field sales reps, you know that you need them to remain productive while theyre on the road. Why should reps have to wait until they get back into the office to log meeting notes, submit quotes, or collaborate around a competitive deal? Salesforce1 helps our top customers arm their reps with all of their CRM on their smartphones. They can access their contacts, their opportunities, their files, their data and even all of their AppExchange apps - from anywhere.

Now, what about email? Most of your teams probably spend a lot of their time looking through and responding to email, and when theyre on the road its even more important to be productive. SalesforceIQ for Sales Cloud brings a new level of intelligence to your inbox. You can now create a contact, an account, or an opportunity - right from your email. All of that is captured automatically in Sales Cloud. SalesforceIQ for Sales Cloud makes it effortless to move deals forward while keeping Salesforce data up to date.

Both of these apps will help your salespeople maintain their productivity while on the road.

Grez vos priorits

Suivez la performance par rapport vos objectifsObtenez des informations utiles sur vos comptes cls au bon moment Allez lessentiel, chaque jour

Aidez vos commerciaux grer leurs priorits avec Sales Cloud Home

Weve talked about productivity on the road, but what about when youre back in the office? Customers who have turned on the Lightning Experience have a new feature called Home which allows sales reps to prioritize their days and focus on the most important tasks at hand.

At the beginning of every day, reps can see how theyre doing against their sales targets by checking out the quarterly performance chart.

They can see breaking news about all of their accounts with insights. Its like a an account briefing book thats personalized and updated automatically for each rep.

The assistant shows all of the leads assigned to them that day, opportunities that need attention, and the tasks that need to be completed that day.

Home keeps reps on track and productive, each and every day.


Aidez chaque commercial russir

Accompagnez vos commerciaux chaque tape du cycle de venteDfinissez vous-mmes les tapes cls de votre cycle de venteIntgrez des conseils et meilleures pratiquesFournissez des informations pertinentes au bon moment

Another feature that our top customers are using to keep their sales reps on track is Sales Path.

Sales Path visualizes the sales process to help know exactly where they stand in a deal, including how long theyve been in each stage. Most importantly, these companies have baked in best practices so that reps know the steps to success at that stage and which fields are most important to concentrate on. Theyve even surfaced the documents that are typically used at that stage, whether its a pitch deck, a quote template, or a contract.

Sales path helps reps be more productive by highlighting whats important and giving the right advice at the right time.

Enrichissez vos profils clients

Organisez vos notes dans votre appli CRMNe perdrez rien grce la sauvegarde automatiqueLiez une note un compte, un contact ou une opportunit

Prenez des notes en contexte et associez-les au bon lment

Another productivity feature that our top customers are using is our all-new Notes application.

If you think about it, a lot of the writing salespeople do every day are notes about the deals that theyre working on. These notes usually end up on post-its, notepads, index cards, or whatever other manual system the rep might have. When they get home at night, reps *might* transfer some of these notes to the sales application theyre using.

With our new notes app, our most successful customers are putting their notes directly into the Sales Cloud using an intuitive interface theyre used to with other consumer apps. They can relate these notes to multiple CRM objects like accounts, contacts, and opportunities. And they wont lose any of their work because autosave comes built-in.

Crez rapidement des devis prcisGnrez vos propositions et vos contrats facilementAutomatisez votre processus de facturation

Powered by Finalisez vos contrats plus rapidement

Concluez vos opportunits en toute simplicit avec SteelBrick

When Sales teams are looking to close their deals more quickly, its important to have an efficient, accurate way to quote, invoice, and collect cash.

We are excited to introduce our newest member of the Sales Cloud family SteelBrick. With SteelBrick reps can quickly create accurate sales quotes and deliver them directly to their customers. Generate beautifully designed proposals. And ensure the sales ordering and billing process is automated and connected to key ERP systems.

SteelBrick is built directly into Salesforce so the quote-to-cash process is a breeze for all Salesforce customers.

Anthony Vitalone

Les 4 piliers de la russite commercialeAmliorez votre pipelineAugmentez la productivitPrenez les bonnes dcisions

Renforcez ladoption grce la personnalisation

Thanks XXX for that demo. The next best practice that I want to talk about it making insightful decisions.

Newly designed desktop and intelligent tools to supercharge agent productivityDtectez des tendances et agissez en consquence depuis tous vos terminauxDcouvrez les facteurs cls de performance Accdez des tableaux de bord pr-remplis avec vos donnes Sales Cloud

Analysez vos donnes facilement

Utilisez Sales Wave pour obtenir une meilleure vue de votre business

Powered by

Our customers who have seen the most success with Sales Cloud are those that understand whats going on with their business and are able to take action on it.

We believe that business insights shouldnt be something that only Sales Operations owns or that you need to log a ticket with IT to get. Instead, you should be able to empower your end users - sales reps and sales managers - with the information they need to make important decisions.

The Sales Wave Analytics App allows users to do pipeline management and forecasting very quickly. They can see exactly how theyre trending month over month, quarter over quarter, and year over year. They can course correct if things arent going well.

As well, they can manage their teams better by pinpointing what activities are driving the most pipeline for their business and applying them more broadly across the organization.

Sales Wave Analytics App lives right within the Sales Cloud, so your team can access this data right where they are working day in and day out.

Concentrez-vous sur vos opportunits cls

Sachez exactement o en sont vos opportunits

Crez des vues de pipeline personnalisesUtilisez des alertes intelligentes pour intervenir sur vos opportunits risqueMaintenez votre pipeline jour en dplaant vos opportunits dans le cycle de vente

Another best practice weve seen from our customers is to create an easy way to see and take action on their big deals. And theyre doing that easier and faster than ever with the all-new pipeline board.

The pipeline board gives sales managers a 30,000 foot visualization of their entire pipeline. Managers can see every deal summarized by sales stage, and they can quickly figure out if they have enough deals in qualification stages to make their number for the quarter.

Additionally, the pipeline board has intelligent alerts that show opportunities that have problems - they may have no activities or associated with them, or perhaps an overdue task. By creating a custom view that shows only opportunities that are above a certain value, you can concentrate your efforts on working these deals and pushing them over the finish line.

Guillaume Attia

Senior Manager Solution Engineer

To show you some of this functionality in action, Id like to bring up my colleague XXX

Les 4 piliers de la russite commerciale

Natalie Kwong

Amliorez votre pipelineAugmentez la productivitPrenez les bonnes dcisionsRenforcez ladoption grce la personnalisation

The last set of best practices that I want to talk to you about are all about driving adoption through customization. While Sales Cloud has a lot of functionality out of the box, the most successful customers are ones which understand their sales processes in depth and customize the app to sell the way they want. Lets talk about how theyre doing this.

Renforcez ladoption avec des fonctionnalits qui facilitent la vie de vos quipes

Utilisez la plateforme Salesforce pour personnaliser lexprience Sales Cloud

Personnalisez vos pagesComposants LightningPersonnalisez vos applis

Console de ventesPersonnalisez vos profils

Lightning App Builder

Customization starts at the page, app, and role level.

Lightning Experience is componentized so that you can use pieces of functionality in different Sales Cloud pages depending on your needs. There are standard components that come with Sales Cloud, you can build your own, or you can download pre-built components from the AppExchange.

Once youve decided which components you want, you can use the Lightning App Builder to customize your app to match the way you work. Lightning App Builder uses clicks not code, so you can drag and drop these components to change the app without asking IT for help. So for example, if youre on the opportunity layout, and you want Sales Path to appear at the top, you can just edit the page and drag it to the place you want it to be.

Finally, its a best practice to customize at the role level as well. For example, inside sales teams typically need lots of information at their fingertips as they make their calls during the day. We consolidated all the key prospecting information they need into a single view called the Sales Console. Customers using the Sales Console see big jumps in productivity because they can assess companies, identify key contacts, view multiple leads, and access sales intelligence in one place.

Automatisez vos processus et gagnez du temps

Soyez plus rapide grce des actions personnalises

Sales can sometimes think about CRM as something that their manager makes them do so they can look over their shoulders or play big brother. But weve found that if you can add functionality that provides value for sales reps, then theyll come back into the app and use it more.

At Salesforce, weve created something called a DSR or deal support request that weve had a lot of success with to increase adoption. The DSR is a custom publisher action that a sales rep can press when he needs help closing an opportunity. This action triggers a workflow that routes the request to the right people in the organization who have the knowledge to assist with their request. Instead of having to know who the exact person is in pricing, competitive, or marketing, a rep has a help button that does the work for them.

And because of the cloud model, this publisher action is available on any desktop, phone, or tablet.

Profitez de vos applications de productivit

Augmentez la productivit avec les intgrations Office365Grez votre bote de rception avec lapplication Salesforce pour OutlookSynchronisez votre calendrier, vos contacts et vos tchesCrez des lments directement depuis Outlook

Travaillez plus efficacement, mieux et en collaboration+

Many of our customers are using Microsoft for their everyday tasks - email and word processing, for example. With the partnership between Salesforce and Microsoft, our best customers can deliver even more productivity-boosting functionality to their reps.

Integration with Microsoft Outlook and Exchange means reps dont have to leave their inbox to create new records, or manage your tasks and activities.

Salesforce App for Outlook is 100% cloud-based, and plugs right in to your Office 365 window, no installation necessaryall of your CRM data at your fingertips.

Additionally, for those customers who use Sharepoint for file storage, they can collaborate on those files directly within Salesforce without any complex integration.

Repoussez les limites de Sales Cloud

Avec des applications pr-intgres+ de 2 950 applis cloud et mobileDes solutions pour tous les besoins mtiersAccs rapide et simpleContrats Rmunration et bonus Devis Commandes Gestion de territoires Gestion des partenaires Intelligence commerciale Signature lectronique Performance commerciale

Another powerful way to increase adoption is to extend Sales Cloud to meet a companys specific needs. One of the best ways to do this is with the AppExchange.

We have more than 2,800 cloud and mobile apps that enable you to transform your business.

These are solutions meet a wide range of needs, from incentive compensation, to configure-price-quote apps, to e-signature, and more.

Applications in the AppExchange are fast and easy to deploy.

Guillaume Attia

Senior Manager Solution Engineer

To show you some of this functionality in action, Id like to bring up my colleague XXX

Les 4 piliers de la russite commerciale

Carrie Mantione

Amliorez votre pipelineAugmentez la productivitPrenez les bonnes dcisions

Renforcez ladoption grce la personnalisation

Lets review what weve seen today

Philippe MartinezDirecteur Gnral

(1) Tell us about Aston Martin and your role there

I am the Chief Marketing Officer at Aston Martin Lagonda Ltd. I joined the company in November 2014 and have responsibility for global marketing and global communications for the company worldwide. I joined the company as it entered the most intense period of product investment and launches in its history. In the months that followed my arrival, our CEO Andy Palmer created a new business plan for the company that builds on this product transformation and takes the company further into new segments, markets and business opportunities. As CMO, I am focused on ensuring we bring our loyal customers on this transformational journey at the same time as bringing new customers to the brand, enabled by the growth of our product portfolio. Its an incredible opportunity to realize the full potential of this very special company. What kind of challenges were you facing before Salesforce?

The challenges were myriad. First, we had no platform to collaborate internally/with dealer partners no single view of the customer. Second, we lacked the data to prove or disprove hypothesis about our customers and potential customers and how they were interacting with the company. Third, we had a reliance on archaic legacy systems and basic spreadsheets for managing our customers; and there was absolutely no way to access on mobile devices or have real-time reporting. Finally, we were disjointed in the way we communicated to our customers.

(3) How are you using Sales Cloud?Most importantly, Sales Cloud has created a single view of the customer which is shared with our dealer community. This enables us to both create and deliver the excellent ownership experience to match the quality of our hand-crafted cars. The reporting functionality has been a major breakthrough, enabling that single truth for the state of the business and truly enabling deeper insights into our customers. In turn, our customers benefit from a quality of service from Aston Martin that they expect from a brand of our reputation.

(4) What kind of benefits are you seeing?Benefits and have been rapid. With the launch of the DB11, we were able to have a consistent view of customer interest and subsequent sales performance. The real time reporting has supported better decision making and an improved customer experience, such as invitations to the right events to the right customers.

(5) What best practices can you share with your colleagues here?Clearly, it has been the use of technology to achieve a quantum leap forward in a short space of time and with relatively low cost. We chose Sales Cloud because we knew it would constantly improve and constantly offer us new functionality that could be tailored to our specific requirements. As a business in transformation, having a solution that can grow and adapt as our business changes and evolves is critical for our success.

Learn More About Salesforce Today

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