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    G. MARIA and M. D. ENE, Modelling Enzymatic Reduction of 2-keto-D-glucose, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 27(4) 385395 (2013) 385


    Genetically engineered enzymes of modifiedstructure are proved very effective biocatalysts formany biosyntheses of industrial interest, which tendmore and more to replace some of the classical finechemical synthesis processes. Engineered enzymat-ic reactions, displaying a high selectivity and speci-ficity, are sustainable bioengineering routes to ob-

    tain a wide range of biochemical products in food,pharmaceutical, detergent, textile industry, bio-re-newable energy industries, or present challengingapplications in medicine.1,2 Biocatalytic processes

    produce fewer by-products, consume less energy,and generate less environmental pollution, requiresmaller catalyst concentrations and moderate reac-tion conditions. However, the crucial aspect in anyrealistic engineering analysis for process design,operation, control, and optimization relies on theknowledge of an adequate and sufficiently reliablemathematical model. Such a model, preferably

    based on the process mechanism and developed at

    various detailing levels (enzyme, reaction, reactor,process, separately identified and linked using spe-cific methodologies), has to ensure interpretableand reliable predictions of the process behaviourunder varied operating conditions.24

    In particular, special attention was paid overthe decades to aldose reductase (EC, alde-hyde reductase), being justified by its medical ap-

    plications: involvement of ALR in the glucose me-tabolism (glucose conversion to sorbitol, galactosereduction to galactitol), development of diabeticcataract (leading to eye and nerve damage due tosorbitol overproduction),5 of the myocardial isch-emic injury,6 and other putative physiological pro-cesses related to steroid and catecholamine metabo-lism.7 As a member of the aldo-keto reductasesuperfamily,7 the ALR catalyzes the NADPH-de-

    pendent unspecific reduction of a wide variety ofcarbonyl-containing aliphatic and aromatic com-

    pounds to their corresponding alcohols, and espe-cially of aldoses, and corticosteroids (although theenzyme can also utilize the cheaper NADH in-stead).8,9For such reasons, ALR has high potentialfor industrial applications, e.g. for the production of

    Modelling Enzymatic Reduction of 2-keto-D-glucoseby Suspended Aldose Reductase

    G. Mariaa,*and M. D. Enea,b

    aUniversity Politehnica of Bucharest, Department of Chemical & BiochemicalEngineering, Polizu Str. 1, 011061 Bucharest, P.O. 35-107, Romania

    bBiotehnos Co. s.a., R&D Department,Gorunului Str. 3-5, 075100 Otopeni, Romania

    Batch experiments have been systematically carried out at 25 C, pH = 7, over24-76 h reaction time in order to evaluate the activity of a commercial (recombinanthuman) aldose reductase (ALR) used to catalyze the reduction of 2-keto-D-glucose(kDG) to fructose using NADPH as cofactor, by employing various enzyme/reactantsinitial ratios. A kinetic model was proposed by extending the core reaction mechanism

    proposed in literature for the reduction of several saccharides and keto-derivates (glu-cose, galactose, xylose, glyceraldehydes) by the human or animal ALR (wild or modi-fied), or by similar aldo-keto reductases (e.g. sorbitol dehydrogenase, xylose reductase)in the presence of NAD(P)H. The reaction pathway assumes a very quick reversibleformation of a stable ALRNADPH complex, from which a small fraction is binding thesubstrate thus determining a succession of Bi-Bi reversible reactions leading to the final

    product (fructose). Model parameters have been estimated based on the recorded datasets of four observable key-species, being in concordance with the reported values inliterature for similar processes. The results confirm the conformational change ofENADP+complex allowing the release of NADP+as being the rate-limiting step of theoverall process. The results also underline the necessity to stabilize the fast deactivatingenzyme by immobilization, as well as the requirement of a continuous in-situregenera-tion of the cofactor.

    Key words:

    Keto-glucose reduction to fructose, aldose reductase, reaction mechanism, kinetic model

    *Corresponding author: Tel: +40 744 830308,E-mail: [email protected]

    Original scientific paperReceived: February 14, 2013

    Accepted: March 26, 2013

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    386 G. MARIA and M. D. ENE, Modelling Enzymatic Reduction of 2-keto-D-glucose, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 27(4) 385395 (2013)

    polyols largely used as sweeteners (e.g. sorbitol,mannitol, xylitol, erythritol),10for the production ofchiral hydroxy-beta-lactams,11of arabitol, or of rib-itol.12ALR can also be used for glucose transforma-tion to fructose, either by glucose reduction to sor-

    bitol followed by its oxidation to fructose (catalyzedby sorbitol dehydrogenase),13 or by oxidation ofglucose to keto-glucose followed by the reductionof the latter to fructose (Cetus process).14

    ALR is a small monomeric protein, with a mo-lecular mass of 3443 kDa depending on the en-zyme source, present in most of animal cells (liver,kidney, lens, retina, muscles, peripheral nerves, red

    blood cells, etc.).15 The commercially purified re-combinant ALR, including 315 aminoacid residues,is produced by expressing the human ALR in

    E. coli. Even if presenting multiple forms,7,1618the

    basic ALR structure consists of a/-barrel motifmade up of eight parallel strands, the adjacentstrands being connected by eight peripheral -helicalsegments. The larger active hydrophobic catalyticsite is situated in the barrel core, where the cofactor

    NADPH binds in an extended conformation. Thecatalytic carbon C4 of the nicotinamide ring of

    NADP+is located at the bottom of a deep cleft andhaving the pyrophosphate straddling the barrellip.7,9,19 Aminoacid residues Asp-43, Tyr-48, Lys-77, His-110, Asn-160, and Gln-183, highly con-served in all aldo-ketoreductases, form a tight net-

    work of hydrogen bonds linked to the nicotinamidering (see 3D plots of human ALR given by Blakeleyet al.9). The tertiary enzyme structure retains con-siderable flexibility, and many compounds with dif-ferent chemical structures (inhibitors, activators)can interact with the enzyme in different conforma-tions.

    Although ALR is active with both NADPH andNADH coenzymes, the enzyme prefers NADP(H)approximately 2-fold to NAD(H) (in terms of reac-tion rate), due to better apparent binding of the

    phosphorylated form of the coenzyme.20,21 In spite

    of its higher instability and much higher cost vs.NADH, the NADPH remains the main co-enzymein ALR catalyzed reactions, with multiple possibili-ties to be regenerated by means of redox reactionsconducted in-situ or in separate regenerative sys-tems.22 Chemical modification of ALR with pyri-doxal 5-phosphate could avoid the oxidation-in-duced activation, thus increasing its activity.20

    Optimal ALR activity is reported for tempera-tures of 2550 C and pH =5.810 depending onthe substrate used.23 For instance, an optimum of{50 C, pH =6} was found for D-xylose enzymat-ic reduction with NADH,20of {25 C, pH =8} forits reduction with NADPH,24 of {25 C, pH = 7}for glycolaldehyde reduction,17 or of {2037 C,

    pH =67} for DL-glyceraldehyde reduction.8,25

    One potential industrial application is related tothe two-step Cetus process for production ofhigh-purity fructose:14,26i) D-glucose is firstly con-verted to kDG in the presence of pyranose 2-oxi-dase and catalase (to avoid the quick oxidase inacti-

    vation),27,28 at 2530 C and pH =67, with veryhigh conversion and selectivity; ii) the kDG is thenreduced to D-fructose by NAD(P)H-dependent ALRat 25 C and pH =7, the NAD(P)+being in-situorexternally regenerated and re-used.22,29,30

    When developing an industrial biosynthesis,the engineering aspects related to bioreactor selec-tion, optimal operation and control, are all based onqualitative-quantitative information on the enzymecharacteristics (stability, activity, sensitivity to oper-ating conditions and products, deactivation rate, im-mobilization possibilities), cofactor regeneration,

    and raw-material characteristics.3133 On the onehand, the free-enzyme (semi-)batch operation can

    be preferred when enzymes exhibit high activity butalso a high deactivation rate, and the enzyme ischeap and the product can be easily separated, or itscontamination with the enzyme is not important.However, in most cases the use of immobilized en-zymes is more advantageous due to easy productseparation (with less allergenic enzyme impurities),less enzyme loss, increased enzyme stability (andstorage/recycling possibility), enzyme protectionagainst harmful environmental stress, and better

    control of the process. The enzyme is immobilizedon a suitable support (powder, beads, foils, fibres,mesoporous matrices, etc.) made from a large vari-ety of materials (aluminium silicates, ceramics,clay, gels, charcoal, polymers, etc.) tailored to in-crease enzyme stability with less influence on itsactivity. Enzyme immobilization methods include:adsorption on solid carriers (through hydrophobicinteractions, hydrogen or ionic bonds), entrapment(within the interstitial space of water-insoluble

    polymers), encapsulation (in gels, lipids, polymerscoated with a semi-permeable membrane), cova-

    lent-binding (between enzymes and the functional-ized support matrix through groups that are not im-portant for catalytic activities of the enzyme),cross-linking (with multifunctional cheap reagentsleading to more stable derivatives), and molecularimprinting (by applying specific preparative strate-gies that place binding or functional groups at de-fined positions in imprinted sites of the support).3440The advantages and disadvantages of each em-

    ployed technique are largely presented in the litera-ture. Modern technologies also employ chemicalmodification of enzymes, or production of modifiedenzymes by molecular design, prior to their immo-

    bilization.1,38,41However, enzyme immobilization iscostly, and has to be carefully engineered to over-come the significant decrease in activity due to the

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    G. MARIA and M. D. ENE, Modelling Enzymatic Reduction of 2-keto-D-glucose, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 27(4) 385395 (2013) 387

    matrix-enzyme interactions (changing the enzymestructure), and due to resistance introduced by thediffusion transport through the support. Moreover,when the enzyme deactivation rate is high enough,the use of fixed-/fluidized-bed reactors with immo-

    bilized enzymes on solid carriers becomes too cost-ly and inoperable, requiring frequent biocatalystregeneration/replacement.

    One additional engineering aspect to be solvedfor biocatalytic reactions that use an enzyme cofac-tor (e.g. NADPH or NADH in the ALR-catalyzedreduction reactions) refers to its continuous regen-eration (in-situ or externally). Various alternativescan be employed: electron transfer from an elec-trode via intermediate redox reactions (electrochem-ical route), parallel enzymatic oxidation reactions(enzymatic routes), (photo)chemical redox reac-

    tions, or regeneration using the living cell metabo-lism (biological route), all being developed in vari-ate continuous systems (membrane, hollow-fibre,

    packed-beds, or fluidized-beds).1,22,4245

    Beside the thermal and chemical stability of theenzyme, one of the key-points in solving the engi-neering aspects of the process development is relat-ed to the knowledge of an adequate process kineticmodel based on a formulated reaction pathway.

    However, modelling complex enzymatic processesinvolving a significant number of unstable interme-diates and steps is a difficult task because the model

    has to reflect the process complexity under variateoperating conditions, starting from a limited num-

    ber of observed variables recorded with a limitedsampling frequency, and often with a low reproduc-ibility due to the enzymes high sensitivity to theoperating conditions. In spite of that, tremendous

    progress has been made in developing mechanisti-cally-based biochemical process models of variousdetailing degrees (at biocatalyst, reaction, reactor,and process level),2 by using comprehensive sys-tematic approaches and mathematical tools.4,31,46

    In particular, modelling the ALR-catalysed re-

    duction of aldo-keto derivates of saccharides is asteady step due to the involved significant numberof unstable intermediates (up to 6)24of large mole-cules linking the substrate, the products, the enzymeand its cofactor (usually NADPH), and difficult to

    be quantitatively recorded. Various aspects of theALR catalytic mechanism have been studied, andseveral models have been proposed, with the identi-ty of the residue donating the proton proving con-troversial.9 Recent results suggested that h-ALRmay overcome the difficulty of simultaneously sat-isfying the requirements of being an effective cata-lyst and a promiscuous one by using a distal protondonor (Asp-43Lys-77 pair) acting through theflexible side chain of the final proton donor (Tyr-48),9 being thus capable of unspecific accommo-

    dating of different substrates. The reaction debutswith the very fast (few seconds)24coupling of ALRto NADPH leading to a quite stable complex. How-ever, the substrate presence triggers formation ofsuccessive intermediates involving a succession of

    reversible ordered Bi-Bi reactions.8,13,17,19 Most ofthe proposed kinetic models assume that these suc-cessive reactions quickly reach their quasi-equilibri-um, while the conformation change required for

    NADP+ release in the last step is rate-limiting forthe whole process. To overcome the large numberof rate constants of low estimability (leading to esti-mated lumps),13,24some attempts use reduced mod-els assuming a non-competitive substrate /NADPHinhibition,25or omit formation of instable enzyme--cofactor-substrate complex (i.e. the Theorell-Chancekinetic mechanism with the enzyme-coenzyme

    product dissociation being the rate-limiting step forthe overall reaction).19,47,48

    The aim of this work was to study several ki-netic aspects of the complex reaction of kDG con-version to fructose using commercial ALR and

    NADPH. On the one hand, a quantitative analysisof the process kinetics is developed based on sys-tematic batch experiments conducted using sus-

    pended ALR (recombined human ALR in E. coli)and for various enzyme/reactants initial ratios, inorder to check and complete the reaction coremechanism proposed in literature. The estimated

    model parameters based on the recorded data (keyspecies concentration dynamics) were compared toliterature values reported for similar ALR-catalyzedreduction reactions. On the other hand, the model-ling analysis reveals some quantitative aspects of

    practical interest, thus pointing out the rate-limitingstep in the direction of substrate reduction, the qua-si-stability of the ALRNADPH complex, the fastdeactivation of the enzyme, and the low level ofactive NADPH in the environment during the reac-tion. The results clearly indicate the requirement ofenzyme stabilization by using a suitable immobili-zation method, as well as the necessity of continu-ous in-situregeneration of NADPH cofactor.

    Experimental section

    Enzymes and reagents

    The experiments were conducted in a thermo-statically controlled system using commercial gradecompounds from SigmaAldrich: 2-keto-D-glu-cose; 2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC); 6

    N NaOH solution; acetic acid; ethanol; hydrochlo-ric acid; fructose; resorcinol; thiourea; NADPH;0.01 mol L1phosphate buffer solution of pH =7.ALR (EC, commercial recombinant en-zyme produced by expressing the human ALR in

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    388 G. MARIA and M. D. ENE, Modelling Enzymatic Reduction of 2-keto-D-glucose, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 27(4) 385395 (2013)

    E. coli; enzyme activity of 0.6 U mg protein1) waspurchased from ATGEN (product number ALR0901).The h-ALR activity was evaluated at 25 C in0.1 mol L1phosphate buffer of pH =7 in the pres-ence of 10 mmol L1 DL-glyceraldehyde and

    0.3 mmol L1 NADPH as substrates (ATGEN testconditions).

    The conversion of 2-keto-D-glucose was as-sessed by applying the same spectrometric proce-dure described by Maria et al.27The detection meth-od is based on a different reduction rate of2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride in the presenceof various sugars in triphenylformazan. In the pres-ent case, the kDG reduces TTC to a red pigment,while fructose presents no effect on the TTC. Theanalysis uses 0.010 mL sample in a 4 mL test tube,

    by adding 0.020 mL 1 % aqueous TTC and 0.08 mL

    6 N solution of NaOH. After exactly 5 minutes,3 mL acetic acid:ethanol (1 : 9) is added, and thetest tube content is homogenized by inversion. Theabsorbance of each sample was analysed by spec-trophotometry at 480 nm and the unchanged 2-ke-to-D-glucose content was relatively quantified to astandard curve generated using 2-keto-D-glucosefrom Sigma.

    The decomposition of NADPHcan be followed

    directly by the decrease in absorbance at 340nm(e

    340 = 6.2 0.3 103 L mol1 cm1).21 Enzymatic

    activity was confirmed by measuring the amount

    of enzyme catalyzing the oxidation of 1 mol L1NADPH/min. at 25C.

    Determination of fructose concentration insamples was based on the property of carbohydratesto form furfural in the acid environment, which sub-sequently reacts with resorcinol to form a red com-

    pound. The reaction mixture contained: 80 L ofsample, 40L of resorcinol reagent (1g resorcinoland 0.25g thiourea dissolved in 100 mL glacial ace-tic acid), and 0.280 L of diluted hydrochloric acid(five parts concentrated HCl mixed with one partdistilled water). The reaction mixture is heated in a

    water bath at 80 C for exactly 10 minutes. Thetubes are then cooled by immersing them in tap wa-ter for 5 minutes, and absorbance is read at =520 nm within 30 minutes.49The fructose content isrelatively quantified from a standard curve generat-ed using fructose from Sigma.

    Batch experiments of kDG reduction to fructose

    Free enzyme experiments were carried out in asmall reaction vessel (precision Hellma cells madeof Quartz SUPRASIL, of 10 mm thickness), filledwith 1.82.5 mL reaction liquid, and equipped withan on-linetemperature recording system. The sealedmilli-reactor (to prevent solvent vaporization) was

    placed in a UV/VIS spectrophotometer Lambda 25

    with a thermostatic mixing system and a PTP-6 tem-perature-control unit of the following performances:0100 C temperature range, of 0.1 C readout res-olution and 0.01 C readout stability, heating/cool-ing temperature programming rate of 10 C min1,

    1800 rpm stirrer speed. The reaction was conductedat 25 C and pH =7 in a 10 mmol L1phosphate

    buffer, with various initial conditions covering therange of [kDG] = 1535 mmol L1, [NADPH] =635 mmol L1, and [ALR] =0.00260.0060 U mL1.The shaking system (a magnetic stirrer in the cu-vette) ensured satisfactory homogenization of the

    bioreactor content, while the phosphate buffer pre-served quasi-constant pH. A slight increase in pH to7.4 was recorded at the end of the batch due to theenvironmental H+ consumption by the main reac-tion (Table 1). However, the minor pH increase is

    assumed to present a negligible effect on the en-zyme activity as long as the optimum range for thehuman-type ALR covers the interval pH =78.23,24

    Even if the NADPH concentration declinedsharply at the beginning of the reaction, the prog-ress of the kDG reduction was continuously moni-tored over large batch times (up to 4600 minutes)to confirm the reversible formation of theALRNADPH complex maintaining a low level of

    NADPH in the reactor, and characterize enzyme de-activation. Small samples taken during the reactionwere analysed separately to determine the concen-tration of kDG (10 L samples), fructose (80 Lsamples) and the ALR residual activity (10 L sam-

    ples). Aliquoted samples in vials were immediatelystored at 70C for future analysis. Enzyme assaysand sample analyses were performed in duplicate,leading to an approximate estimate of the noise lev-el for every recorded species, that is the standarddeviations of kDG = P = NADPH =1.5 mmolL1, and ALR =10

    4U mL1.

    Experiments at low initial concentrations ofsubstrate and NADPH are not interesting from theengineering point of view due to the obtained lowconversions and reactor productivity. The recorded

    dynamic evolution of the main species concentra-tions, displayed in Figs. 14, was further used toestimate the rate constants of the kinetic model.

    Modelling the enzymaticprocess kinetics

    Reaction pathway

    Several studies from literature indicate that thecore mechanism of ALR and NADPH action onaldo-keto derivates involves a succession of severalrapid reversible Bi-Bi reactions.8,13,17,19 Since theequilibrium is reached quickly, quasi-stationaritycould be assumed of the transitory complexes

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    G. MARIA and M. D. ENE, Modelling Enzymatic Reduction of 2-keto-D-glucose, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 27(4) 385395 (2013) 389

    T a b l e 1 Kinetics and batch reactor model proposed for keto-D-glucose enzymatic reduction using NADPH and suspended aldosereductase (commercial recombinant ALR obtained by expressing human 1-316aa plasmids in E. coli; enzyme source:ATGEN, Cat. no. ALR-0901). Notations: E =aldose reductase; A =NADPH; A+=NADP+; S =kDG (substrate); P =

    fructose (product)

    Overall reactions:

    ALR ( ) ,

    6 10 6 6 12 6(phosphate buffer)

    C H O (S) NADPH (A) H C H O (P) NADP ( )PE r

    A+ + ++ + +


    k d



    ALR (E) inactive ALR (Ein)ir

    Rate expressions (see scheme of Fig. 5):


    [ ] 1 [ ][ ][ ][ ]

    K [ ]

    [ ] [ ][ ] [ ]1

    p tA eq AP


    A R A AP

    A A Pk E S

    K K K Sr

    A A S A

    K K K K




    + + +

    , (successive Bi-Bi mechanism)

    [ ][ ]d d

    r k A E = ; *[ ]d d

    r k E A

    = ; [ ]i ir k E=

    [ ][ ]

    [ ]



    kE AK

    EA k

    = = ;[ ][ ]

    [ ]



    kEA SK

    EAS k

    = = ;[ ][ ]

    [ ]



    kEA PK

    EAS k


    = = ;

    [ ][ ]

    [ ]



    kE AK




    = =

    Mass balances in the batch operation mode: Operating parameters:


    dS dP dAr

    dt dt dt


    = = =

    -dr rP ddA

    r y ydt

    = +

    -dr r rd idE

    dt = + *


    ( ) r rd

    d E A


    liquid volume = 1.82.5 mL10 mmol L1phosphate bufferpH = 725 C[kDG] = 035 mmol L1

    [NADPH] = 035 mmol L1

    initial [ALR] = 0.00260.0060 U mL1

    F i g . 1 Dynamics of the observable species concentrationfor keto-D-glucose enzymatic reduction using NADPH and sus-

    pended ALR. Initial conditions: 35 mmol L1kDG, 35 mmol L1NADPH, 0.0057 U mL1 ALR, 10 mmol L1 phosphate buffer,pH =7; 25 C. Model predictions are represented by full line,and experimental values by circles.

    F i g . 2 Dynamics of the observable species concentrationfor keto-D-glucose enzymatic reduction using NADPH and sus-

    pended ALR. Initial conditions: 35 mmol L1kDG, 35 mmol L1NADPH, 0.00257 U mL1ALR, 10 mmol L1phosphate buffer,pH =7; 25 C. Model predictions are represented by full con-tinuous line, and experimental values by diamonds.

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    390 G. MARIA and M. D. ENE, Modelling Enzymatic Reduction of 2-keto-D-glucose, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 27(4) 385395 (2013)

    formed between ALR, NADPH and substrate. Sim-plified expressions of the overall reaction rate canbe derived by including the equilibrium constants ofthe intermediate steps.50 Thus, the main reaction

    pathway proposed for the studied h-ALR catalyzedreduction of kDG with NADPH, is presented inFig. 5. The main intermediate steps and deactiva-

    tion side-reactions are the following (with notationsE =ALR; A =NADPH; A+=NADP+; S =kDG;P =fructose; Ein =inactive form of enzyme):

    i) The first very rapid reaction is the A bindingto E, in large amounts, to form a quasi-stable com-

    plex (E*Ay), which is inactive for substrate binding,

    probably due to the transient unfavourable configu-ration of sites. As experimentally proved by Grim-

    shaw et al.24this is a very fast binding reaction (ofhigh dk much larger than dk in Table 2), taking

    place over a few seconds, confirmed by our experi-

    mental observations. Most of the reported models inthe literature do not consider the formation of thiscatalytically inactive complex, even if inactiveforms of ALR have been identified by several au-thors.24 This, apparently parallel, reaction is sug-gested by the experimental evidence in Figs. 14,revealing a continuous reaction progress in terms of

    consumed kDG and formed fructose in spite of theinitial, very sharp decrease in [NADPH] from635 mmol L1 to low but quasi-constant levels of0.10.3 mmol L1. Otherwise, a monotonous[NADPH] trajectory should be expected, similar tothe exponential-like [kDG] curve. This experimen-tal evidence suggests that the kDG reduction doesnot stop due to the NADPH sharp initial decrease,

    but only slows down, while small amounts of cata-lytically active (EA) complex are continuouslyformed triggered by the presence of the substrate.

    ii) In parallel, a small fraction of enzyme israpidly binding to NADPH by forming an activecomplex (EA) suitable for further coupling the sub-strate. The reaction can be considered at quasi-equi-librium (of /A a aK k k= constant in Table 2). Asremarked by Petrash et al.19 this enzyme activationinduces a conformational change of enzyme EA EA that involves hinge-like movement of asurface loop so as to cover a portion of the coen-zyme in a fashion similar to a safety belt. The en-zyme isomerization is not very rapid, having an av-erage equilibrium constant of O(101) (Table 2).8Asfurther revealed by the identified model constants,

    only a small fraction of the enzyme follows thisroute comparatively to the formation of the inactive(E*A

    y) complex.

    F i g . 3 Dynamics of the observable species concentration

    for keto-D-glucose enzymatic reduction using NADPH and sus-pended ALR. Initial conditions: 35mmol L1kDG, 6 mmol L1NADPH, 0.0055 U mL1 ALR, 10 mM phosphate buffer,pH =7; 25 C. Model predictions are represented by full line,and experimental values by squares.

    F i g . 4 Dynamics of the observable species concentration

    for keto-D-glucose enzymatic reduction using NADPH and sus-pended ALR. Initial conditions: 15 mmol L1kDG, 35 mmol L1NADPH, 0.006 U mL1 ALR, 10 mmol L1 phosphate buffer,pH = 7; 25 C. Model predictions are presented by full line,and experimental values by stars.

    F i g . 5 The reaction pathway proposed for keto-D-glucoseenzymatic reduction using NADPH and suspended ALR. Nota-tions: E = aldose reductase (ALR); A =NADPH; S = kDG(substrate); P =fructose (product); Ein, (E*A

    y) = inactive

    forms of the enzyme.

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    G. MARIA and M. D. ENE, Modelling Enzymatic Reduction of 2-keto-D-glucose, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 27(4) 385395 (2013) 391

    iii) The presence of the substrate triggers theformation of an instable complex (EAS) whichquickly ( /eq p pK k k= >> /R r rK k k= ) leads tofructose-product formation by transfer of thepro-Rhydride of NADPH to the re-face of the substratecarbonyl carbon.19 The compulsory-order mecha-nism involving the formation of the ternary com-

    plex was experimentally proved by Ryle and Tip-ton21 in the case of pyridine-3-aldehyde reduction,although the complementary iso-Theorell-Chance

    mechanism cannot be totally excluded [in which theenzyme-substrate complex is oxidized by the elec-tron acceptor so rapidly that the ternary complex(EAS) becomes kinetically insignificant].

    iv) After the product release, a second confor-mation change is required (EA+EA+, not ex-

    plicitly included in the model) in order to releasethe oxidized coenzyme NADP+. Various kineticstudies proved that this conformation change re-quired for NADP+release represents the rate-limit-ing step of the whole process in the direction ofsubstrate reduction, the equilibrium constant

    /AP ap apK k k= being one-two orders of magni-tude smaller than all other equilibrium constantsfrom the successive reaction scheme (Table 2).

    v) Experimental observations in Figs. 14 re-veal a quite fast enzyme deactivation, in parallel toother reactions. Even if the complex (E*A

    y) slow

    dismemberment partially compensates the activeenzyme loss (see enzyme mass balance in Table 1),the inactivation process leads to maintaining a lowenzyme level during most of the reaction.

    Globally, the overall reduction reaction dis-played in Table 1 is accompanied by a side-re-versible binding of ALR to the co-enzyme NADPH

    to form an inactive complex, and by the enzymedeactivation reaction. The present study will checkthe validity of the successive reversible Bi-Bireaction scheme in the case of kDG substrate, thecharacteristics of the side-reactions, the signifi-cance of the estimated rate constants, and will usethe model predictions to derive practical conclu-sions of interest for further improvement of the pro-cess.

    Rate constant identificationand results discussion

    Based on the proposed reaction pathway in Fig.4, a hyperbolic expression of the overall reactionrate was derived (Table 1), by assuming rapid equi-

    T a b l e 2 Identified kinetic parameters, significance tests, and literature data for keto-D-glucose enzymatic reduction using NADPHand suspended aldose reductase (kinetic parameters for 25 C, pH=7; commercial recombinant ALR from ATGEN, ALR-0901). The t-tests computed with minimum relative noise of =0.024 (see Appendix of Treitz et al.51 for de-tails)


    ( 95 % CI)(a)t-test(a)




    j (b)

    Reported value

    pk , mM min1(U/mL)1

    (3.90 1.20) 106

    (2891560 min1)6.3 () 1

    1136 (min1) (substrate of glycolaldehyde,17or

    glyceraldehydes8; animal ALR)

    9300 min1(for xylose reductase)16

    AK , mmol L1 50.58 23.85 4.1 () 1 104 2740 (various substrates and ALR sources) 23,24,52

    RK , mmol L1 1.15 0.21 10.9 () 1

    0.2150 (various substrates)25

    1.06 (xylose substrate; human ALR)24

    eqK , mmol L1 1637 417 7.7 () 1.6

    446528 (xylose reductase)16

    200 (xylose substrate; human ALR)24

    APK , mmol L1 0.99 0.40 4.8 () 4.8

    1.9 103 8.3 103 (glyceraldehydes)8

    3 103(xylose substrate; human ALR)24

    dk , mM



    1 (2.66 0.14) 106 37.7 () 9.7 7.2 106(human ALR)24

    dk , min1 672 35 37.7 () 1.6 105 104(human ALR)24

    y , mM (U/mL)1 (1.78 0.01) 104 2219 () 1.1 109

    ik , min1 (7.01 0.01) 102 8162 () 3.5 1012

    ys (c), (-) 1.04 remark:

    (d)adequacy2 test passed

    (a) a parameter is significant for t-test > t(Nm-p;0.975)=1.98 (symbol for passed test), whereN=total number of experimentalpoints (39) over four data sets; m=number of observed variables (4);p=number of model parameters (9); 95 % CI = the 95 %confidence interval of the estimate.3

    (b) ridge selection test of Maria and Rippin53is passed when / 2j > 1.3,51Values of / 2j 1 correspond to highly intercorrelated

    parameters, which are difficult to estimate separately ( j =eigenvalues of the inverse of the modified parameter covariance matrix).

    (c) relative standard error deviation of the model (related to the noise error) was computed with Eq. (1) formula.

    (d) model is adequate, the following test being passed:



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    392 G. MARIA and M. D. ENE, Modelling Enzymatic Reduction of 2-keto-D-glucose, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 27(4) 385395 (2013)

    libriums for all elementary steps of the main path,and by eliminating the unobservable intermediatespecies from the rate equation (see e.g. Segel50 fordetails on such a general rule for writing equationsfor rapid equilibrium systems). The species mass

    balance also includes the side reactions of revers-ible enzyme binding to NADPH (of dk and dk rate constants), and of enzyme irreversible deactiva-tion. In order not to complicate the kinetic model, afirst-order ALR inactivation model was adopted (of

    ik deactivation constant).

    An ideal batch reactor model was adopted (iso-thermal, perfectly mixed), in order to simulate the

    batch experiments, by including the mass balanceequations of Table 1. The rate constants were fitted

    by adjusting the model predictions to match theexperimental concentration-time profiles of kDG,

    fructose, NADPH, and active ALR. The used datasets cover four batch tests by using variate initialconditions in the ratios of [kDG] / [NADPH] /[ALR] =35 / 35 / 0.0057, 35 / 35 / 0.00257, 35 / 6/ 0.0055, and 15 / 35 / 0.006 (mmol L1/ mmol L1/U mL1) respectively. A weighted least square crite-rion was used as statistical estimator of the rate con-stant vector k, by minimizing the relative error vari-ance of the model, that is:3

    k=arg Min ( 2ys );


    s =



    j j j21



    j= c c ) /

    mN p

    , (1)

    j=kDG, NADPH, fructose, ALR

    where:N=the number of experimental points (i.e.39 reaction times); m = the number of observedvariables (4 here);p=the number of model param-eters (9 here), ^ =estimated values. The adaptiverandom optimization algorithm MMA/MMAMI ofMaria,54 implemented in MatlabTM, was used as aneffective solver. The multimodal search was startedfrom an initial guess of the kinetic parameters ran-

    domly generated within the reported variation do-main of Table 2 (last column) (except the ik deacti-vation constant, which was approximated from the[ALR] experimental plots).

    The estimated model parameters for 25 C arepresented in Table 2 together with the associated95 % confidence interval, and statistical t-test ofestimate quality. Model predictions displayed inFigs. 14 for all data sets (solid lines) are in goodagreement with the experimental data (points). Themodel is globally adequate, while the average rela-tive error of the model ys = 1.04 is acceptable,

    being comparable to the experimental minimum rel-ative noise. The analysis of the estimated rate con-stants (Table 1) and model predictions (Figs. 14)leads to several conclusions:

    i) in spite of slight overparameterization (i.e. 9parameters vs. 4 observed variables recorded over39 runs), the proposed kinetic model is robust andoffers adequate predictions irrespective of the cho-sen initial concentrations of species over the in-

    vestigated operating domain of [kDG] = 035mmol L1, [NADPH] = 035 mmol L1, initial[ALR] = 0.00260.0060 U mL1. Such a conclu-sion could support the adoption of the above-pre-sented core mechanism from literature derived forsimilar reduction processes, including h-ALR24 oranimal-ALR17catalysed reactions.

    ii) the statistical tests were roughly passed, acceptable model global adequacy (2 test was

    passed, displaying a smaller value than the theoret-ical 95 % 2-quantile; see Table 2-footnote d), and

    fairly significant rate constants (i.e. t-tests higherthan the relevant quantile value of Table 2-footnote

    a, and most of / 2j test values higher than 1, seeTable 2-footnote b). The 95 % confidence intervalsof the estimated constants are satisfactorily small,the larger ones corresponding to estimated parame-ters presenting smaller t-tests ( AK , APK , and pk ).Besides, equal t-tests of dk and dk constants indi-cate their high inter-correlation, leading to the im-

    possibility of their separate estimation without addi-tional information. According to the more sensitive

    / 2j significance test of Maria and Rippin53,

    there are three constants of low estimability, corre-sponding to AK , APK , and one of the dk and dk constants. Such low estimability for some rate con-stants of the hyperbolic rate expression models is acommon subject in literature when structured infor-mation on intermediate dynamics is lacking, some

    parameters presenting inter-correlation coefficientshigher than 0.950.99. Consequently, their separateestimation with precision is not possible as longas no experimental measurements concerning thedynamics of instable intermediate species (EA),(EAS), (EA+) are available.

    iii) most of the estimated rate constants presentclose values or fall within the range of variation ofthe corresponding rate constants reported in the lit-erature for similar enzymatic reduction processes,even if various sources of ALR (including h-ALR)and aldo-keto substrates have been used; such anobservation supports the model structure choice.

    iv) the high value of eqK indicates a quickelectron transfer in the (EAS) complex leading tofructose formation. It is also confirmed that the

    NADP+release from the (EA+) complex representsthe rate-limiting step, the estimated


    K beingsmaller than the other equilibrium constants of thereaction chain. However, the estimated small equi-librium constant RK of Table 2 reveal that the trig-

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    G. MARIA and M. D. ENE, Modelling Enzymatic Reduction of 2-keto-D-glucose, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 27(4) 385395 (2013) 393

    gering step (EA) +S (EAS) is also a slow stepin the chain.

    v) another model confirmation is related to thefair reproduction of the experimental evidence of a

    very sharp initial decline in [NADPH] from the ini-tial 635 mmol L1to low but quasi-constant levelsof 0.10.3 mmol L1. In spite of this low [NADPH]level over the whole reaction domain (thousands ofminutes), the kDG reduction does not stop but it oc-curs quantitatively due to the continuous decompo-sition of the (E*A

    y) inactive complex triggered by

    enzyme and co-enzyme consumption. In the ab-sence of such a (co-)enzyme reservoir, a monoto-nous [NADPH] trajectory should be expected, sim-ilar to the exponential-like [kDG] decreasing curve.

    vi) the experimental sharp decline of the initial

    [NADPH] over a few minutes is fully confirmed bythe reported decline time (of a few seconds) mea-sured by Grimshaw et al.24when reducing D-xyloseusing h-ALR. This evidence translates into an esti-mated high dk constant, of the same order of mag-nitude as those reported for the h-ALR coupling to

    NADPH.24Even less favoured, the continuous slowtransformation of the inactive E*A complex into anactive (EA) complex (in our model via free enzymeand NADPH release) leads to the continuous avail-ability of these species during the reaction, even ifthe quick NADPH consumption and ALR inactiva-

    tion maintain their low level (see Figs. 14). Thestoichiometric coefficient y 17.8 milli-moles

    NADPH / U ALR (Table 2) indicates very high af-finity of enzyme to NADPH, the inactive (E*A)complex lasting during the entire reduction process.

    vii) the irreversible h-ALR enzyme inactivation oc-curs quite rapidly (ca. 10 min half-life according to theestimated ik value) triggering the continuous release ofactive enzyme from its complex with the cofactor.

    Several inhibition terms of the reduction ratehave been neglected from the rate expression,

    according to the experimental observation of Leit-ner et al.,14 i.e. the fructose low inhibition until500 mmol L1concentration, and the negligible in-hibition with the kDG substrate until 100 mmol L1levels (i.e. [S][A]

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    394 G. MARIA and M. D. ENE, Modelling Enzymatic Reduction of 2-keto-D-glucose, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 27(4) 385395 (2013)

    suitable support, or for predicting the process dy-namics when performing in-situ regeneration of thecofactor by means of a suitable redox reaction, thusallowing further process optimization.


    The second author is grateful to the BiotehnosCo. (Otopeni, Romania) for the experimental facili-ties offered with generosity.

    S y m b o l s

    jc speciesjconcentration, mol L1

    jk rate constants (in terms of mol L1, s, U L1units)

    jK equilibrium constants, mol L1

    m number of observed speciesN total number of experimental points over all datasets (recording times)

    p number of model independent parameters

    jr reaction rates (mol L1 s1, U L1 s1)

    ys ,2ys standard error deviation of the model, or its

    variance (in relative terms, Eq. 1)

    t time (s), or statistical Student test

    y stoichiometric coefficient, mol U1

    G r e e k s

    eigenvalues of the inverse of the modified pa-rameter covariance matrix3

    measurement error standard deviation, mol L1,U L1

    I n d e x

    t total

    S u p e r s c i p t s

    ^ estimated

    A b b r e v i a t i o n s


    A+ NADP+

    (h)ALR (human origin) aldose reductases

    E aldose reductases

    kDG 2ketoDglucose

    NAD(P)H Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide(phosphate) reduced form

    P fructose

    S substrate (kDG here)TTC 2,3,5triphenyltetrazolium chloride

    2 Euclidean norm

    R e f e r e n c e s

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