  • 8/9/2019 CAC - Call Admission Control Prsentation


    CAC : Call Admission Control

  • 8/9/2019 CAC - Call Admission Control Prsentation


    Page 2

    Basic procedure for a resource-based adm

    Code resource-based admission succeeds if

    the remaining code resources are sufficient for

    the service to be admitted.

    Available cell code resources

    Available cell power resources

    NodeB credit resources, which are used to

    measure the channel demodulation capability of


    Available ub transmission bandwidth

    Number of !"#PA users $only for !"#PA services%

    Number of !"&PA users $only for !"&PA services%

  • 8/9/2019 CAC - Call Admission Control Prsentation


    Page '

    NodeB Credit Resource-based CAC

    On RRC Connection Setup Requests AMR Connection Setup

  • 8/9/2019 CAC - Call Admission Control Prsentation


    Page (

    Iub & Code Resource-based CAC

    Iub Transmission Resource-based CAC

    Iub transmission resource-based CAC applies to R99, HSDPA, and HSUPA services in both

    uplink and donlink!

    Cell Code Resource-based CAC

    Cell code resource-based CAC applies to R99 services onl" in donlink! Cell code resource-based CAC does not appl" to HSDPA services because code resource

    have been reserved #or HSDPA services! In addition, these resources can be shared b" HSDPA


  • 8/9/2019 CAC - Call Admission Control Prsentation

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    CAC Based on the Number of S!A "s

    CAC Based on the Number of S!A "sers

    $he number o# HSDPA%HSUPA users in the cell is less than or e&ual to the threshold speci#ieMaxHsdpaUserNum/ MaxHsupaUserNumonce the HSDPA%HSUPA service is admitted!

    $he number o# HSDPA%HSUPA users in the cell is less than or e&ual to the licensed limit on

    HSDPA%HSUPA service is admitted!

    $he number o# HSDPA%HSUPA users in the 'ode( is less than or e&ual to the threshold spec

    NodeBHsdpaMaxUserNum/NodeBHsupaMaxUserNum once the HSDPA%HSUPA service

  • 8/9/2019 CAC - Call Admission Control Prsentation

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    Cell !o#er Resource-based CAC

  • 8/9/2019 CAC - Call Admission Control Prsentation


    Page +

    Cell !o#er Resource-based CAC

    $o#nlin% !o#er-Based Admission $ecision for S!A Cells Based on Alorithm '

    P(R-based decision) $he P(R o# all e*istin+ services must +reater than or e&ual to the admissio


    oad-based decision) $he total donlink load a#ter the ne RA( access must be less than or

    threshold o# the total donlink poer o# the cell .DlCellTotalThd/!

    !o#er-Based Admission Alorithm ' for RAB Setup in $)

  • 8/9/2019 CAC - Call Admission Control Prsentation



    Cell !o#er Resource-based CAC

    !o#er-Based Admission Alorithm * for RAB Setup in ")

    Based on +qui,alent Number of "sers

    $he 01!1 kbit%s A2R tra##ic is de#ined as one 3'U

    In the normal state, hen the uplink 3'U admission #or a ne RA( is implemented, the R'C cal

    3'U o# the RA(, and then estimates hether the ratio o# the total uplink 3'U a#ter the ne R

    ma*imum 3'U .UlTotalEqUserNum/ is less than or e&ual to the cell uplink admission thresh

    t"pe o# service! $he threshold ma" be UlNonCtrlThdForAMR, UlNonCtrlT

    UlNonCtrlThdForther, or UlNonCtrlThdForHo! I# the condition is met, the R'C admits the ac

  • 8/9/2019 CAC - Call Admission Control Prsentation



    Thank foryour


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