  • Caring for the Community for the Next 100 Years繼往開來,關懷服務社區新百年

    Issue No. 8: 2016 | 2016 年刊(縂第八期)Grand Opening Celebration of the New Patient Tower, see page 3 東華醫院全新醫務大樓落成慶典

  • Message from the Board President James K. Ho


    2016, the Year of the Monkey was truly a year of auspicious change for Chinese Hospital. This year we witnessed the completion of our new hospital, a $180 million project, and enacted a new alliance with the Jade Health Care Medical Group. These two historic milestones have totally reinvigorated our hospital and successfully positioned Chinese Hospital Association to serve the community for the foreseeable future.

    As we take stock of the metamorphosis of Chinese Hospital, we have to start with the genesis that began at least 32 years ago. In 1985, the year when I first joined the Chinese Hospital Board of Trustees, the hospital started to reconfigure its business model and conceived an inclusive and innovative tri-partite partnership with a common vision to deliver culturally sensitive, high quality health care to the Chinese community in San Francisco. We created our sister organization, the Chinese Community Health Plan (CCHP), to provide affordable health insurance to our patients and part-nered with an IPA group to provide quality health care to our subscriber base. Together we shared in the financial health and risks of serving our community. Under this highly collaborative umbrella, the hospital worked in close cooperation with all our partners; the staff delivered superior performance; and the Board demon-strated unselfish commitment and effort. As a result, Chinese Hospital thrived! We were able to serve patients well, and still generate a surplus, which put the hospital on a solid financial foundation for the future.

    The new hospital wing is a direct result of all the efforts and hard work of the last 30 years. Finally, the new hospital wing broke ground in 2012, and the building

    was completed in January this year. We finalized the permit & inspection process for occupancy in October and received our first patients shortly thereafter.

    The new building attests to our board members’ and staff ’s commitment to bring the state of the art medical care to our community. We endorsed a “spare no cost” mindset to construct a world class building, furnished with the latest state of the art equipment, to take care of our new immigrants, our older population, and the disen-franchised. Our competitive advantage is to give our customers the benefit of bilingual service, which we believe goes a long way to satisfying the need of our community.

    Furthermore, to enhance the geographic service reach of our facilities, and for the convenience of our patients, we complimented the main hospital in a hub and spoke approach by opening five outpatient clinics. Our largest is the Chinese Hospital Outpatient Center in Daly City, with three others in the Sunset District, Excelsior, Daly City and the East-West Clinic in the Financial District of San Francisco.

    The new hospital wing now stands as a shining testa-ment of what our community can do. It reminds those who come after us that on our watch, we built an edifice to inspire them to continue a legacy of excellence. This is a legacy that has lived on since the inception of the Chinese Hospital 117 years ago in 1899. Our new hospital building is a shining monument of what ingenuity, deter-mination and hard work can do.

    We broke through many grounds and created many firsts with the new expansion. We raised a large public bond issue of $65 million; a first for a Chinese non-profit community group to do so. We financed practically the full budget of the building from operating surpluses of 30+ years, that enabled us to build a reserve and from funds donated from the generosity of our community. The $180 million price tag for the new expansion is also the largest building ever constructed in Chinatown. We remain one of the few remaining independent communi-ty hospitals, not to speak of our size that is unique too. We are also the only hospital in the country that is dedicated to serving primarily the Chinese community.

    We should be very proud of Chinese Hospital and make sure that no evil ever comes to it. We need to guard this

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    precious treasure with vigilance, since it is the shining beacon that our descendants will look up to. I hope with all my heart that everyone in our community will cherish Chinese Hospital, as much as I do, because it is truly one of the best things that ever happened to our community. It has been a gift that keeps on giving; an asset that burns brightly. Together we can keep the flames alive!!

    Lastly, I like to take this opportunity to mourn the passing of Rose Pak, one of our most prominent board member as well the Chairman of our Fund Raising Committee and her effort contributed mightily to the completion of the hospital. Her passing is deeply mourned by our Board and the staff of Chinese Hospital.

    Rose, you will be missed by all of us!!!

    Yours truly,

    James K. HoPresident of the Board of TrusteesChinese Hospital


    談論東華醫院的變化,我們不得不從32年前開始說起。1985年,我首次加入東華醫院董事會時,適逢 醫院重新設定其商業模式。於是我們構思了一個具包容性及創新的「鐵三角」商業模式,共同為三藩市華人社區提供具有文化意識及高質素的醫療服務。我們並且建立姐妹公司 – 華人保健計劃(CCHP)為病人提供可負擔的保健計劃,還與獨立醫生團合作為會員提供優質的服務。我們承諾一起承擔社區服務的順境及逆境。在這高度合作的環境下,醫院可與我們所有合作夥伴緊密合作、員工可發揮其出色的表現、及董事局可展現其無私的承諾及努力。此外,我們為病人提供優質服務的同時亦獲得盈餘,為醫院未來建立了穩固的財政根基。因此,東華醫院能蓬勃發展,茁壯成長!

    新醫務大樓是30年來辛勤努力及工作的成果。新醫務大樓於2012年破土動工,並於2016年1月完工。同年 10月獲得了執照及完成了檢查程序讓第一批病人進住醫院。


    此外,為方便病人及擴大我們的服務範圍,東華醫院建立了5間衛星診所,分別遍佈日落區、米慎區、金融區(中西醫學門診中心)及帝利市(Skyline Plaza 及Gellert Boulevard);當中以帝利市 Gellert Boulevard 的東華醫院門診中心佔地最廣。

    東華醫院的傳奇是從117年前的1899年開始。新醫務 大樓像一座閃亮生輝的紀念碑,我們需要智慧、決心及勤奮來興建它。新醫務大樓是我們社區的驕傲,它提醒及鼓勵人們在未來的日子要繼續前進及追求卓越表現。






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    Historic Grand Opening Celebration of the New Patient Tower

    On April 18, 2016, thousands of our patrons and benefactors celebrated with us for the historic grand opening of the Chinese Hospital New Patient Tower, the same date when the original hospital building was opened in 1925. It marked a special milestone in the more than 100 years of Chinese Hospital history. The celebration began with a Buddhist blessing by Chi Sin Buddhist & Taoist Association, the Catholic blessing by Father Daniel McCotter, Lion Dancing by Yau Kung Moon Kung Fu Sport Association and performance by Beach Blanket Babylon, capped off with a thunderous roar of firecrackers that followed the ribbon cutting. The proceedings were led with remarks by San Francisco Mayor Edwin Lee, former Mayor Willie L. Brown, Jr., District 3 Supervisor Aaron Peskin, Dr. Edward A. Chow, Chair of the San Francisco Health Commission, Dr. Collin P. Quock, a retired physician and past Chief of Medical Staff at Chinese Hospital, James K. Ho, Chinese Hospital Board President, Mel Lee, Board Member and Brenda Yee, Chief Executive Officer. The ceremony concluded with guided tours for hundreds of people from the community who eagerly awaited the pride of the new Patient Tower to open its doors.

    In October, we gradually moved into the new tower and began serving the community. The current hospital building will be renovated for offices and administration use.

    2016年4月18日,社區近千名支持者和受惠者與我們一起慶祝東華醫院全新醫務大樓的落成。這一天也是原有醫院在1925年開幕的同一日子,它標誌著東華醫院在超過100年歷史上的一個里程碑。慶祝儀式以早上至善佛道社的誦經祈福拉開序幕,緊接著是由神父 Father Dan 主持的天主教祝福,柔功門表演舞獅賀慶,和經典 Beach Blanket Babylon 的精彩獻唱,隨後是熱鬧的大鳴鞭炮及剪綵儀式。出席名人包括:三藩市現任市長李孟賢、前市長布朗、第3區市參事佩斯金、舊金山醫務委員會主席周兆年醫生、前東華醫院醫生團團長郭嘉麟醫生、東華醫院院長何國杰、東華醫院董事會成員李焯宗及東華醫院行政總裁余金玲。當天下午更安排了萬眾期待的新醫務大樓免費開放參觀活動,數百名民眾踴躍參與,相當興奮。


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    Caring for Our Patients – Safe Patient Care is Our Priority

    Chinese Hospital is constantly striving to deliver the best care to our patients. Improving the care, workflow, and the safety of the patients are among Chinese Hospital’s most important goals.

    HospitalistsOne of the ways we have found to improve patient care is by working with a group of physicians who specialize in caring for patients while they are in the hospital; they are called Hospitalists. Hospitalists are board certified internal medicine doctors with the ability to respond to emergencies. Twenty-four hours a day, 7-days a week, they coordinate a patient’s care throughout their hospital stay until the patient is discharged. They consult with specialists in cardiology, nephrology, pulmonary, surgery, orthopedics, neurology, or whatever is needed to treat the patient.

    Throughout the patient’s stay, the Hospitalist will communicate the patient’s condition with the patient themselves, their primary care and specialist doctors, and their families. So, at the end of the patient’s stay, the resulting discharge plan is personalized and is carefully laid-out so that families know what to do upon leaving the hospital’s care.

    Emergency Care AccessAccess to emergency care is crucial to our CCHP members and our community. We have made changes to enhance the flow of our patients through the Emergency Department so that patients can receive care as quickly as possible. We added two new stations for screening and triaging patients, improved signage so patients could more quickly locate the Emergency Department, and purchased new laboratory equipment so that results to key blood tests could be obtained quickly. We hired additional staff and expanded the hours of our Radiology Department.

    To make these improvements, a team of physicians and staff from all areas of the hospital worked together to identify potential improvements and solutions to ensure patients get the best care as quickly as possible.

    Patient SafetyPatient safety is always our number one goal. Chinese Hospital has implemented many new systems to keep our

    patients safe. We have an electronic medical record that alerts nurses of any patient allergies and drug interactions when they are administering medication. We use bar codes to ensure that the right patient is getting the right drug in the right dose at the right time. Physicians enter many of their orders directly into the computer so that there is no risk of misreading a hand written order. In the new patient tower, we have patient beds that are equipped with bed alarms so that nurses are alerted whenever an at-risk patient attempts to get out of bed. Nurses also carry phones that will notify them when a patient needs assistance, or when a heart monitor alarms.

    All the hard work has paid off. Chinese Hospital recently received an ‘A’ grade for patient safety by Leapfrog Group, a national nonprofit organization which surveys U.S. hospitals in quality and safety. Chinese Hospital is among the top 32% (out of over 2633 participating hospitals in the U.S.) to receive an ‘A’ grade.

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    東華醫院不斷努力為病人提供最好的護理。改善病 人護理、工作流程及病人安全是東華醫院最重要的 目標。


    與專注照顧住院病人的駐院醫生合作是改善病人護理方法之一。駐院醫生是獲得醫學委員會認證的專業內科醫生,並有能力應付突發事件。他們會每天24小時不間斷地為病人協調各方面的護理,直至病人出院。他們同時對症下藥,跟參與治療的相關專家研究合作,專家包括心臟科、腎科、肺科、外科、骨科、 及神經內科等等。




    醫院裡所有醫生及員工都共同努力來尋求潛在的改 進及解決方案,務求令病人盡快得到最佳及最有效 的治療。



    一分耕耘,一分收獲。最近,這些努力得到了回報。東華醫院獲得美國非牟利醫院評級組織 Leapfrog 集團的“A”級病人安全評分,成績更位列獲得A級評分醫院的前三分之一(全美2633所醫院)。

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    Community Welcomes Jade Health Care Medical Group 恭賀「翡翠東華醫師協會」成立

    In September 2016, Chinese Hospital ushered-in another exciting change by helping to launch a new medical group called Jade Health Care Medical Group (Jade). Led by Dr. Gustin Ho, Chairman, and Dr. Edward Chow, President & CEO, Jade answers the call from dedicated community doctors who wanted a place where they can focus on patient care.

    Jade Medical Group will work as important partner in an integrated healthcare system referred to as Chinese Hospital Health System. The system includes Chinese Hospital, CCHP Health Plan, and Jade Medical Group, providing Care, Coverage, and Community, respectively.

    Jade was formed in response to the desire of interested community physicians to provide care to community patients, utilizing the resources afforded by Chinese Hospital and in close partnership with CCHP health plan network in San Francisco and northern San Mateo.

    The physician group will also assist its member physicians to meet the demands of the new practice environment, and provide physicians with the opportunity to work together with Chinese Hospital and its health plan to meet the needs of our community.

    For more Information and a full roster of Jade doctors, contact:170 Columbus Ave, Suite 368, San Francisco, CA • [email protected]






    170 Columbus Ave, Suite 368, San Francisco, CA • [email protected]

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    The new Surgical Services Unit on the 5th floor is available for naming sponsorship. For more information, please contact Office of Fund Development at 1-415-677-2470.






    Chinese Hospital is proud to announce the opening of four new Operating Rooms, a 7-bay Post-Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU), and a modernized Central Sterile Processing and Supply department. The new Surgical Suite began operations when it opened in October.

    The new operating rooms are designed with leading-edge medical technologies which enable the highly skilled surgical team to deliver the highest quality and safest care possible to the patients. Each surgical suite is equipped with advanced video-integration system, with 3 booms and 5 monitors for today’s high-tech, minimally invasive surgery, and the latest in infection, communication and temperature control. The surgical suites have adjacent sub-sterile rooms and access to Central Sterile Processing and Supply department, which houses the most advanced cleaning and sterilization equipment.

    With a focus on patient-centered care, the new Surgical Suite features 7 post-operative single-patient bays, designed to provide natural light, more space, and greater privacy for patients. A warm color palette and earth tones throughout create a soothing and comforting environment.

    Many thanks to the members of our community who generously supported this project, including the many physicians who continually demonstrate their commit-ment to our patients by providing superior care and through generous financial contributions to the Hospital, and to our Board of Directors for their leadership and support.

    Department Spotlight: Brand New Surgical Services 部門聚焦:全新外科手術部

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    If you missed a Dragon Tile, Buy Your Phoenix Tile Now

    The dragon tiles on the community wall at the Chinese Hospital New Patient Tower are so popular that all the tiles were sold out fast last year and raised close to $4 million. People asked to be on wait list if there is any such similar program in the future. After working with the designers for several months, we are excited to announce that the new phoenix and flaming fire design is here!

    This new phoenix wall will be placed next to the dragon wall. Together it completes the prosperous image giving the meaning of a holistic good fortune and wellness. The new design includes a total of 406 hexagon glass tiles in 10 colors and of different sizes. Suggested donation for the tiles ranges from $1,500 to $25,000 on a first come, first serve basis. Starting bid of the only ONE “flaming fire” is $500,000.

    All contributions are 100% tax deductible. For more information, please contact Office of Fund Development at 1-415-677-2470 or visit our website at

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    CALL NOW to Buy Your Phoenix Tile


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    Thanks to our generous donors who contributed from August 2015 to July 2016

    $200,000 & AboveAnonymousArthur Chan

    $100,000 - $199,999Chinese Community

    Health Plan (CCHP)Ruth Yee FongSam Xian Huang &

    Cindy CaoThe San Francisco


    $50,000 - $99,999Paul T.F. Chu, M.D. &

    Christina Choi Chi Fong Chu, M.D.

    DPR ConstructionHop Wo Benevolent Assoc.David & Annie NgPG&ER&G Executive Lounge東江飯店翁清標夫婦

    $25,000 - $49,999Kenneth D. Chan, M.D.Chinese Community

    Health Care Assoc.Construction Testing

    Services, Inc.Milton FongHenry B. Woo &

    Bessie K.Woo FoundationJames K. & Doreen HoRodney JeongLennar UrbanDominique LienMah Family Charitable

    FoundationRobert L. McKeownMEI ArchitectsMabel SetoSutter Health - CPMCWilliam & Lilly WongJohn M. YeeYeong Wo Benevolent Assoc.

    $10,000 - $24,99921st Century Home

    Improvement 76AECOM/Parsons Joint

    VentureAngela’s Children

    Center-InfantsArthur J. Gallagher & Co.Bank of The OrientThe Honorable

    Willie L. Brown, Jr.Edward Y.C. Chan, M.D.Jack S. Chan, M.D.Shu-Wing Chan, M.D.

    Suanne Chan & FamilyCharles Pankow BuildersChew Lun Benevolent Assoc.Anita Choi &

    Eugene Choi, M.D.Dr. & Mrs. Edward A. ChowDavid Scott Company, Inc.DeSilva Gates ConstructionDelfina Lin-Sau Fung, Esq.Jeanne GeeGF Bunting, LLCGolden Gate Radiology

    Medical GroupGraton Resort & CasinoMiguel & Kock Sui HamGustin M. Ho, M.D.Ironshore Management, Inc.Kuomintang of ChinaVincent & Sylvia LeeJim Soon LeongL. Eric Leung, M.D.Rebecca K. LeungRaymond K. Li, M.D.Zhao Nuan Liang Lui FoundationLawrence & Gorretti LuiMichael Ong, M.D.PKSK Wong Family

    Partnership, LPRed Top Electric Co.San Francisco Waterfront

    Partners II, LLCSHP FoundationSilverado Contractors, Inc. Tung Sen Benevolent Assoc.The Warren Tong

    Revocable TrustEva & Edmund WongGeorge & Bao Xia WongJohn W. WongVanessa & Timothy WongYan Wo Benevolent Assoc.David M. & Stephanie YeeKin F. Yee, D.D.S.Yee Shew Yan

    Benevolent Assoc.Shum & Shui YeeYing On Assoc.Allen W. YuuKatherine Zhang &

    Michael Liang梁蔭桓先生夫人蟲草城參茸店

    $5,000 - $9,999The Ask FoundationBayside Development, LLCBoyett Construction, Inc.C.A.C.A. - SF LodgeCDW CorporationMai-Sie Chan, M.D.

    Rosalyn ChanLawrence L. Chao, M.D.John & Sherry ChenStanley & Helen ChengChinatown YMCAChinese Chamber of

    CommerceMegginn Chow &

    Franklin FungComcastCorporate Security ServiceDignity Health Emerald Fund, Inc.FMU Charitable FoundationJanet FongFortune Players Group, Inc.Hathaway Dinwiddie

    Construction CompanyHDR, Inc.HMS AssociatesTa-Lin & Joyce HsuJack Sen Benevolent Assoc.Herbert JeongJames JeongJeffrey JeongJessie Y.T. Cheng Charitable

    FoundationJesy FoundationMay Jew & Larry Jew, M.D.Wanda Jung & Leland FongTony & Shu KongCarol KwanFaye Woo LeeAnthony LeongRebecca & Raymond LeungHilton LewLinda LewWilliam & Darlene LockEfrem MahMark K. MahVirda MahMillennium PartnersMr. & Mrs. York Sing MockMontgomery CorporationMWH Constructors Michelle L. NgAsbjorn Nysaether James & Jane OngMuriel OngPaul Hastings, LLPQuest DiagnosticsSan Francisco Health PlanShorenstein Realty ServicesJan ShremElton SiuStationary Engineers

    Local 39The Stinnett Group, LLPElizabeth TsaiMary Tsui

    TZK Broadway, LLC United Way of the Bay AreaUniversal ParagonVisitacion Development, LLCWI Harper Group, Inc.Dick & Nira WongRuby WongBrenda YeeEddie YeeYee Fung Toy Family Assoc.

    $1,000 - $4,999Acco Engineered SystemsRichard & Barbara AllenAON Risk SolutionsKenneth AuBay Area Medical AcademyRobert BeckBEZ Group, Inc.Debra & Nikolaus BorthneC.A.C.A. - Grand LodgeC.M. Capital CorporationHenry & Judy ChanChee Kung Tong SocietyMarilyn ChewPhilip C. ChinChinese Sportsmen Club, Inc.Cheuk Yu ChowCynthia ChungPeggy CmielCornerstone Concilium, Inc.John Pierce Culver III &

    Kathryn Johnson JtwrosSara Duryea DammGeorge & Sue-Min DerbalianDFS Group LP (North

    America Division)Annie DonmonDuck Sin Benevolent Assoc.Eva Tam Insurance

    ConsultantExcel Plumbing Supply &

    ShowroomEXCELYUFirst Republic BankDana Fong & Billy CheungJeannie FongStuart FongGee Sue Duck Assoc.Golden Gate PharmacyBilly GongDenise HaleHee Shen Benevolent Assoc.Heinz Roth TrustThe Herrick CorporationHip Sen Assoc.Hip Sen Assoc. - San JoseEdwina HoGin Yi HoSpencer J. HoJohn & Susan Hoganson

    Peter HongHospital Council of

    Northern & Central CAThomas & Jeannette HsiehCook Yuen HuiJ.W. McClenahan Co.Jan Ying Benevolent Assoc.Harry JeongJohn A. Martin &

    Associates, Inc.Pearl KoQuor KongWing & Dorothy LaiAmy & Dan LeeAstrid LeeChristina LeeDenise & David LeeHelen & Larry LeeJennie LeeMr. & Mrs. Kai Man LeeLinda T. LeeDoreena LiKam C. LiYim Ching LiJeffrey LoMarian LoJason LooLarry LooDarien Louie &

    Michael FongIrene LouiePreston LowJim & Pei LuShuet Chor LumLydia Mahr-ChanMichelle MaloneMaloy’s Jewelry WorkshopDiane McNealJulina MoyMagdalen MuiBetty M. NgNancy OakesOakhill Gateway PartnersThe Olympic ClubOne Work PlaceOrigin SolutionsAllen PangSusanna & Peter PauLewis & Helena PonRichard PonPrime Residential AdvisorProSpectra Contract

    FlooringIrene Yee RileyRose T.Y. Chen

    Charitable FundSan Bruno Avenue

    Dental ClinicSan Francisco Lee Federal

    Credit UnionJohnson & Jean Seto

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    Judy Seto & George WooSimplexGrinnell SJ EngineersKatya SorokkoSteris CorporationStoecker and Northway

    ArchitectsRosina & Anthony SunYang Sun, M.D.Susan Chan LawGregory TingJanice TomPeggy TomClayton TominagaTomokazu Japanese Cuisine

    (SFO) Inc.Mee T. ToyToy Real Estate Investment Thomas ToyPhyllis TsaiFlorence TsoWilson Tso, D.D.S.Amy TsuiTun Shan Benevolent Assoc.Dih WangWDG Family FoundationWebcor Construction LPWells Fargo FoundationBeatrice WongBennett WongLillie L. WongMabel B. WongRaymond K. WongSherman WongLillian WooJon L. Yang, M.D.Yee Ying Benevolent Assoc.Gin Yiu YoungJian ZhangSi Hong ZhaoZhenshu ZhaoWeiwen Zheng, M.D.Ying ZhouZhuhai Benevolent Assoc.

    of AmericaMonica Zucca, M.D.

    $100 - $999Altman & Cronin Benefit

    Consultants, LLCAmazon Smile FoundationAnonymousApplied Materials

    FoundationAsian Community Mental

    Health ServicesJohnathan AuBAR ArchitectsBel Builders, Inc.Jeffrey BetterBig Heart Pet Brands

    Bing Kong Tong Benevolent Assoc.

    Thomas BolgerRobert BonnetDon & Anna BordenAsuncion BuenavidesBuild GroupTommy Cai & FamilyBill L. ChanHelen L. ChanJoan ChanKit Wah ChanKwong ChanMoon ChanRandy ChanScott ChanStevie Chan & Amy LauVickie ChanWilliam I. ChanWilliam ChangJane ChaoWinnie ChauBenjamin ChenKelly ChenPauline ChenSheng Nan ChenAnna ChengJoyce ChengChi Sin Buddhist &

    Taoist Assoc.Anna & Peter ChinArnold ChinPaul & Cindy Chin and

    Herb & Pauline AncellWinston ChinChinese Consolidated

    Benevolent Assoc.Chinese Hospital Medical

    Record Dept.Chinese Hospital

    Medical StaffAnnie ChingVictor ChinnAda ChoYoungSoo ChoLarry Chong, M.D.Robert & Betty ChongHsi Fen ChouAda M. ChowLily & Collin ChuPriscilla ChuThan ChuWilliam & Daisy ChuCity Motor Sales Yan Bin CuiMay DeaHenry DerMuoi Tam DoAlice & George DoerflerWayne Dong

    Dublin Education Group, LLC

    East West BankEng Family

    Benevolent Assoc.Pei Lan FangFar East CaféFar Yuen Chong Sen

    Benevolent Assoc.Fehr & PeersRobert FiorittoAlice & Albert FongDavid FongErvin FongJennie FongJoyce FongLinda FongMelinda FongRobert S. FongSing Yee FongLucky FungChoy Foon GaoJennifer GeeMee Oy & Frank GeeFun GeongGin Sun Hall

    Benevolent Assoc.Goldstein-Enright

    Accountancy CorporationHui Qiong GuanSally GuanHaas & Najarian, LLPXiangli HaoGeorge & Patty HarwoodJames HaugenBetty N. HoBosco & Paul HoChing Sin HoMary HoRocky & Christina HoTuan A. Hoang, M.D.Samuel, Myrna & Fred HomWesley HomCourtney HongCindy HsiaoDiana Hsu, Julianna Yang,

    David Wu, Danny Wu & Chun Chin Hsu

    Howard & Theresa HuKai Yi HuangShu Jun HuangAmy Y. HuiIBM International

    FoundationJonathan & Cynthia

    Jang-LouieDonald JensenWayne JeungJew & Jew Medical

    AssociatesSylvia Jew-Chow

    Maria JonesDebbie JueNgan Gee JungJup Shin TongGrace & Henry KanHarlan Kelly, Jr.Kennedy Event MarketingAnita & Kenney KoAdam KongKong Chow

    Benevolent Assoc.Hon Lung Eric KongMabel G. KongKow Kong Benevolent Assoc.Kam Chu KwanCarrie KwokLawrence KwokKam Yan LaiKwong Tsy LaiLai M. LaiKimberly LainChun Kwai Lam & Sae NooMargaret & Skonson LamSai Ngor C. LamTung Tu LamJames Langseth, Jr.Macy LaoChris & Paula LarsenDavid LauKing C. LauSam S. LauAllen & Kay LeeDavid T. LeeThe Lee Family TrustGloria LeeHeidi LeeIsabella & Kui LeeJoseph K. LeeLan Wai LeePatrick S. LeeRose & Gil LeeTa Kon LeeTsung Kai LeeWilliam LeeJonathan LeongLihmeei LeuEugene LeungJames LeungKent LeungLilian LeungMei Hoo LeungStephanie LeungWing & Chauho

    Magdalen LeungLevi Strauss & Co.Mabel LewYin L. Lew Chi Chang LiLawrence LiMaria K. Li

    Hui Qing LiangYvonne LiangNorris LimRegina LimRobert L. LimJulia LingDoris & Cary LiuKaren W. LiuKevin LiuYuk Wah & Lai King LooAlfred LouieCalvin Y. LouieChester & May LouieLai King LouieLes LouieYiu-Kei LouieAllan LowHunter LowJeffrey LowLawrence LowLois LowMei Y. LowRandall Low, M.D.Angelica LozaJessica LuDavid LuiSteven LumTian Ying LuoChung Fai MakSalina ManAllen MarkSee Ping &

    Yerk Sheung MarkMetropolitan BankVictor MoyeNam Ping Benevolent Assoc.New Asia RestaurantAnthony & Stella NgBenton NgBrandon NgKam Wing NgKimberly NgMichael NgNelson NgVictor NgWarren NgYuk C. NgCharles Nip, D.D.S. Cuong OumLorraine OwFanny OwyoungLi Bao PanPG&E Corporation

    FoundationLai Ching Stella PoonAllyn Frances QuanTim QuanJean QuintalDr. & Mrs. Collin P. QuockQuong Ming B. & T. Society


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    Dr. William C. ChanJonathan &

    Cynthia Jang-Louie

    Dr. Kenneth H. Chang & Chinese Hospital Surgery Unit

    Jessica Lu

    Harry ChinLucky Fung

    Chinese Hospital StaffsJason Loo

    Jack Lee Fong & Dorothy Der Fong

    Maria K. Li

    Angela HallHelen & Daniel Sheehan

    James K. HoRichard & Barbara AllenThe Ask FoundationHenry & Judy ChanRosalyn ChanJohn & Sherry ChenStanley & Helen ChengJohn Pierce Culver III &

    Kathryn Johnson JtwrosSara Duryea DammGeorge & Sue-Min DerbalianDenise HaleDoreen HoSpencer J. HoJohn & Susan Hoganson

    Ta-Lin & Joyce HsuLawrence & Gorretti LuiNancy OakesJan ShremKatya SorokkoElizabeth TsaiWI Harper Group, Inc.Timothy & Vanessa Wong

    Drs. Edward K. Ko, Seck L. Chan & Arthur S. Chin

    Ta Kon Lee

    Dr. Shiu-Yuen KwokTa Kon LeeJessica Lu

    Dr. Charles Y. LoRandy Zechman

    Edward K. LoAlice & George DoerflerBosco & Paul HoChing Sin HoAnita & Kenney KoPearl KoAllen & Kay LeeJoseph K. LeeTsung Kai LeeEugene LeungStephanie LeungWing & Chauho

    Magdalen LeungDoris & Cary LiuMarian Lo

    Jim & Pei LuSee Ping &

    Yerk Sheung MarkSusanna & Peter PauSuzanne & Jiann Sheng ShiehRosina & Anthony SunEleanor SzetoViolet & Wing Chung ToyVirginia & Hubert TseKa-Cheung & Miriam TsuiZhao & Zheng WangWDG Family Foundation Doris & Chuen WongShirley & Jules WongVanessa & Timothy WongBarbara & Jackie YeeDick YueWinnie & Dickie Yue

    Loo & Hung FamilyYuk Wah &

    Lai King Hung Loo

    Michelle LyJames Haugen

    Maggie MuiGin Yi Ho

    Amy OwLorraine Ow

    Drs. Kin-Kee Pun & Fusheng Wang

    Lewis & Helena Pon

    Mabel SetoJanet & TommyJuliana & FredMarva, Miranda,

    Emily & BettyLydia ButedArthur & Adrienne ChanNoemi ChanRosalind ChanStevie Chan & Amy LauVickie ChanPauline ChenRobert & Betty ChongMay Quan DeaMr. & Mrs. Yee DoiPei Lan FangMr. FongTeresa FongRocky & Christina HoMary HomHoward & Theresa HuAnna & James JewGrace & Henry KanSharon KrainerSue KwanRichard & Elise KwongMargaret & Skonson LamLinda T. LeeStella & Ellis LoweCuong OumMrs. SiuMr. & Mrs. TsuiPing Lam TungGlenda Wang

    Mrs. WongEdward & Anita WongYok Kum WongCarolyn & Albert WooChung Yen YeeDixon & Danly YeeKen & Lupita YeeKay Yun四姨七姨董黃佩珊

    Wai C. WanMichael Ng

    Chuan Chuan Wang & Chen Chiao

    Andy Wang

    Kathy & Chun WongDennis Soohoo

    Wilbur & Dolores WooMr. & Mrs. Thomas Wu

    Beatriz YeeSamuel & Camille ChanDennis & Marsha SoohooCalvin & Ronald SzetoKenneth & Cindy SzetoSally SzetoDeborah Szeto WongKathy & Chun Wong

    Raymond Young & Moon Leu

    Theodore Young

    Tribute Gifts – August 2015 to July 2016In Honor of 表揚捐款:

    Asha RajagopalGloria RiordanSalesforce.comSam Yick Benevolent Assoc.Sam Yup Benevolent Assoc.Jo Ann Jeong &

    Charles SchultheisDoreen ShewSuzanne & Jiann Sheng ShiehNancy Shim-AuAmy ShumRodel SingcaEddy SiuMing SiuSam & Gar Yee SiuWendy SiuWing Yau Go SiuFrancis SoSuk Han SoderDennis SoohooDennis & Marsha Soohoo,

    Samuel & Camille Chan, Chun & Kathy Wong, and Deborah Szeto Wong

    John E. & Maedell F. StaffordCharles StoreyMark StrobeckDavid SturkenGreg SuhrSysmex America, Inc.Donald SzetoEleanor SzetoLily TaPhan Tuyet TaRebecca TakahashiTak TamVivienne TamTam’s Auto Body Corp.Jing Yun TanLisa TanTammy TanNu TatTom Do Hing FoundationWilliam TomChe Lim TongAnna ToyViolet & Wing Chung ToyKinny & Connie Tsang

    Hin W. TseVirginia & Hubert TseKa-Cheung & Miriam TsuiPing Lam TungChoon TwanAnh ViBrenda VilladorVisa Giving StationIvy WanAndy WangJoanne WangZhao & Zheng WangWells Fargo Community

    Support CampaignMuliani WidjajaFelicia WinPoleon, Shirley &

    Edmund WinRosanna WinGary WonLouise WonMrs. WongDoris & Chuen WongElena Wong

    Garland WongIvan Wong &

    Harmony QuanKwok Leung WongLesley WongMichael K. WongNelson WongShirley & Jules WongStella WongWayne & Jenny WongMayly & Michael WooVency WooAmy WuMr. & Mrs. Thomas WuXiu Xia XuJohn YangBarbara & Jackie YeeChung Yen YeeDixon & Danly YeeHelen B. YeeClare YeungKang Pov YeungLuke K. Yeung, M.D.Sau Kwan Ying

    Shirley L. YuVictoria P. YuDick YueSiu Mui Yung-ChanRandy ZechmanNora Xu ZhenYong Zheng & Shu YuFanny ZhouWanda ZhuZone 7 Water AgencyJuliana & FredMarva, Miranda,

    Emily & Betty陳小姐熊肖微合家開市楊岡陵同鄉會董黃佩珊馬寳瑜馬麗婷

  • 14

    King Chiu ChanWilliam Tom

    Mei Fung Chan, Shou Kan Wong & William Guan

    Julia Ling

    Chi-Ying ChangJoanne Wang

    Albert G. Chin Chinese Hospital

    Medical Staff

    Yan ChinMilton LeeAsha Rajagopal

    Hawk Jeng Chu & Shiu Ying Yu

    Goldstein-Enright Accountancy Corp.

    Florence DerHenry Der

    Dr. Roger Eng, Sr.Chinese Hospital

    Medical StaffJulia Ling

    Charles N.M. & May Y.Y. Fong

    John E. & Maedell F. Stafford

    Ngook Sin FongJennie FongJoyce Fong

    James GeeJeanne Gee

    Shuk Fong GeeSteven BerlinOlga CantuPatricia ChoyRichard ClarkJennifer GeeGeorge & Patty HarwoodWayne JeungWilliam KingChris & Paula LarsenMary & Walt LewMichael PerryKinny & Connie TsangTracie WenMae Wong

    Bik Sha Shak HoJohnathan AuChinese Hospital

    Medical StaffCandy FangIsabella & Kui LeeMei Hoo LeungJulia Ling

    Elaine HoSylvia Jew-ChowRobert L. LimLois Low

    Carl & Mabel HongPeter Hong

    Louie K. HongHerb & Pauline AncellPaul & Cindy ChinCourtney HongDavid LauPatricia MattoxZone 7 Water Agency

    Lorraine HooIsabella & Kui Lee

    Hui Yong HuangKai Yi Huang

    Penelope HuieArnold ChinEddie & Mimi ChinMelanie ChinRaymond ChinWinston Chin

    Nicholas M. IyoyaChinese Hospital

    Medical Staff

    Yin Ming JeongHarry JeongHerbert JeongJames JeongJeffrey JeongJo Ann Jeong &

    Charles Schultheis

    Eva Siu JungJeannie FongBenton NgBrandon NgKimberly NgEddy SiuElton SiuMing SiuSam & Gar Yee SiuWendy Siu

    Fred JungNgan Gee Jung

    Mrs. Ka & Mrs. FuSalina Man

    Mei Chan KongAdam Kong

    Loretta Y. LauWesley HomKing C. LauAllan LowCharles QuachJames & Lorraine Sato

    Bruce Lee & Moon Fay Louie

    Les Louie

    Cara J. LeeMaria Li

    Fay Ying LeeMabel Seto, Judy Seto &

    George Woo

    Fred J.F. LeeJean Kit Lee

    Jack LeeMr. & Mrs. Kai Man LeeLihmeei LeuSan Francisco Lee Federal

    Credit Union

    Pai Dick LeeHeidi Lee

    Ling Fung LeungLilian Leung

    Shuey LewKatherine LeungLinda LewSarah Won

    Janet Y. LienDominique Lien

    Dr. Kwong LimSylvia Lim Tsang

    Ngan Sun LouieJean Quintal

    Drs. Serene & Ronald LowFelicia WinPoleon, Shirley &

    Edmund WinRosanna Win

    Pui T. LuiChinese Hospital Medical

    RecordBetsy Yee

    Kim Sue NgNelson Ng

    Lai King QuanAllyn Frances Quan

    Nancy QuanTim Quan

    Ed RiordanGloria Riordan

    Wei M. SumCarol LeeGeorge ShimNancy Shim-AuPhyllis TsaiZhenshu Zhao

    Yung ToKam C. Li

    Yuk Ching TongDon & Anna BordenWinnie ChauStacy LeedsSusan SteckelFrank Truttman, Jr.

    John TsangIsabella & Kui Lee

    Dr. Gilbert WonLouise Won

    Bill Ying Wah WongScott ChanWayne ChanAnnie ChingMaria JonesRose & Gil LeeJames LeungLisa TanTammy TanBennett WongRuby WongStella WongKenneth Young

    Henry T. WongLillie & Elena Wong

    Sydney & Dora WongMarilyn ChewLily & Collin ChuSamuel, Myrna & Fred HomGraham & Amy HueyJennie LeeWilliam & Verre LewChester & May Mar LouieAllen MarkBetty M. NgLoraine PansegrauJubilee Tsui &

    Lucinda ChungEva & Edmund WongMabel B. WongNelson WongRaymond K. WongSherman K. Wong

    Mary Ann Lee WooJudy Seto & George WooMabel SetoHoover Woo

    Wilbur B. WooLillian Woo

    Lily YeeFrancis So

    Oi Li YeungLuke K. Yeung, M.D.


    Victor Ng


    Shirley L. Yu


    John W. Wong


    Thomas Toy

    In Memory of 紀念捐款:




    PERMIT 487

    PresidentJames K. Ho 何國杰院長Chinese Democratic Constitutionalist Party 民憲黨

    Vice President Harvey Louie 雷頌文副院長Chinatown Y.M.C.A. 華埠男青年會

    English SecretaryThomas T. Ng 伍璇燦Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association 中華總會館

    Assistant English SecretaryYork J. So 蘇鑰莊Sam Yup Benevolent Association 三邑總會館

    Chinese SecretaryLarry S. Mao 毛書南Kuomintang of China 國民黨

    Assistant Chinese SecretaryJack Lee Fong 方創傑Sue Hing Benevolent Association 肇慶總會館

    TreasurerMel Lee 李焯宗Ning Yung Benevolent Association 寧陽總會館

    Assistant TreasurerFaye Woo Lee 胡慧兒Chinese American Citizens Alliance 同源會

    Board Members Edward Y. C. Chan, MD 陳耀祥醫生Chinese Hospital Medical Staff 東華醫院醫生團

    Kitman Chan 陳傑民Chinese Chamber of Commerce 中華總商會

    Dan B. Lee 李殿邦Chee Kung Tong 致公堂

    Maria K. Li 李陳國玲 Yeong Wo Benevolent Association 陽和總會館

    Ivan Pung 彭書城Yan Wo Benevolent Association 人和總會館

    Jack Sit 薛曹績Kong Chow Benevolent Association 岡州總會館

    Dick W. Wong 劉紹榮Chinese Christian Union of San Francisco 三藩市基督教聯會

    Kin F. Yee, DDS 余健峰醫生Hop Wo Benevolent Association 合和總會館

    CEO 行政總裁Brenda Yee, RN, MSN 余金玲

    Chief of Medical Staff 醫生團團長William S. Chung, MD 莊銘惠醫生

    Newsletter Staff 簡訊編輯委員會YoungSoo Cho - Editor 編輯Amy Wu - Designer 排版設計

    Jenni Lau , Stephy LiangTranslation 翻譯

    YoungSoo Cho, Julia Ling, Peggy Cmiel, James K. Ho, Ivy So, Stephy Liang Contributors 供稿者


    Chinese Hospital Association

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