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Carnelian Gemstone Mala

The Carnelian gemstone is an orange colored variety of Chalcedony,

which is again another member of the Quartz family. Its color ranges from

pinkish orange to a deep rusty brown. Its name comes from a Latin word

which means “flesh”.

Since ancient times, Carnelian is believed to help timid speakers to become

eloquent and bold orators. Ancient warriors wore Carnelian Gemstone

necklace around their neck for courage and physical power to conquer their

enemies. In Egypt, it was worn by architects to show their rank as a builder.

Alchemists in the middle Ages used it as boiling stone to activate the energies

of the other Chalcedones. The ancient Egyptians considered this stone to

activate male energy and were traditionally worn to enhance passion, love

and desire.

The benefits of a Carnelian Gemstone Necklace are:

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. A Carnelian Gemstone Necklace stands as a stone of motivation and

endurance. One who has lack of motivation regarding the realms of live can

wear it to gain courage and motivation to lead one’s life.

. Couples having random quarrels can wear a Carnelian Gemstone

Necklace to restore the happiness and contentment in ones relationship. It

helps in rekindling passions that might have faded in an otherwise loving


. A Carnelian Gemstone Necklace is an excellent aid for training,

coordination of physical exercise programs and for balancing body energy


. People having appetite problems can wear a Carnelian Gemstone

Necklace to stimulate it.

. A Carnelian Gemstone Necklace aids architects, builders and

construction workers in their creation of buildings.

. In athletes and military personnel, a Carnelian Gemstone Necklace

accentuates power and stamina.

. A Carnelian Gemstone is said to attract prosperity, new sources of

ventures and good luck. It increases finance at home. It is a talisman for

success in any financial venture. In the workplace, it can act as crystals of

ambition and determination and wards off unnecessary pressure and


. Singers can wear a Carnelian Gemstone Necklace during their stage

performance as it clarifies the voice. It also promotes confidence for

performance on stage or in live media.

. If a member of the family wears a Carnelian Gemstone Mala, it tends

to guard the home from theft, fire, storm, or accidents.

. A Carnelian Gemstone Necklace lends courage to help overcome

difficulties and defend a cause.

. A Carnelian Gemstone is an important stone linked with conceiving a


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. A Carnelian Gemstone stimulates metabolism in the body and ensures

good supply of blood to the organs and tissues. It also aids in, menstrual cycles

and menopausal symptoms.

. A Carnelian Gemstone Mala helps one to benefit the absorption of

vitamins, nutrients and minerals into the body.

. A Carnelian Gemstone Necklace improves concentration in students and

removes extraneous thoughts in day dreamers and during meditation.

. A Carnelian Gemstone alleviates jealousy and possessiveness in


. A Carnelian Gemstone tends to stimulate the Sacral Chakra in one’s


With such implausible properties of motivation and accentuating power in

architects and masons, a Carnelian Gemstone is one of the boons presented

by Earth to the entire human race.

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