Page 1: CASE REPORT Open Access Spontaneous retroperitoneal … · 2017-08-26 · CASE REPORT Open Access Spontaneous retroperitoneal bleeding: a case series Hitoshi Yamamura*, Takasei Morioka,

Yamamura et al. BMC Research Notes 2014, 7:659


Spontaneous retroperitoneal bleeding: a case seriesHitoshi Yamamura*, Takasei Morioka, Tomonori Yamamoto, Kazuhisa Kaneda and Yasumitsu Mizobata


Background: We experienced four Japanese patients with spontaneous retroperitoneal bleeding, a rare disease.We categorized the clinical characteristics of spontaneous retroperitoneal bleeding in these patients treated in ourhospital and discuss the risk factors of spontaneous retroperitoneal bleeding.

Case presentation: Three of the 4 patients did not have a bleeding tendency as indicated by laboratory dataobtained at the time of retroperitoneal bleeding. The causative blood vessels were the lumbar and superior glutealarteries and the internal iliac artery. All patients were receiving an anticoagulant, heparin in one and nafamostatmesilate in the other three patients. Three patients were being treated with hemodialysis or continuoushemodiafiltration when the spontaneous retroperitoneal bleeding occurred. We achieved hemostasis withtranscatheter arterial embolization in 3 patients and with surgical hemostasis in 1 patient.

Conclusions: We suggest that in patients receiving anticoagulant therapy in whom progressive anemia andunstable vital signs are present, spontaneous retroperitoneal bleeding should be considered as a possible cause.Nafamostat mesilate may be one of the risk factors for spontaneous retroperitoneal bleeding.

Keywords: Spontaneous retroperitoneal bleeding, Nafamostat mesilate, Anticoagulant, Hemodialysis

BackgroundSpontaneous retroperitoneal bleeding (SRB) is a rare dis-ease. Most retroperitoneal bleeding is associated withtrauma, tumor, hematologic disease, thrombotic thrombo-cytopenic purpura [1], or Evans syndrome [2]. Other thanthese existing diseases, heparin is one of the reported riskfactors for SRB [3-6]. The clinical characteristics of SRBhave not been elucidated yet. We experienced four pa-tients with SRB in our intensive care units, of whom threepatients were receiving nafamostat mesilate for anticoagu-lation. We categorize the clinical characteristics of SRB inthese patients and discuss the risk factors for SRB.

Case presentationWe experienced four Japanese patients with SRB in our in-tensive care and emergency care units. None of the patientshad hematologic disease or congenital anomalies. We in-vestigated the present and past medical histories, bloodtest results before bleeding, therapies used, and causativeblood vessels of all four patients. SRB was diagnosed inall patients by computed tomography (CT) imaging, and

* Correspondence: [email protected] of Critical Care Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, OsakaCity University, 1-4-3 Asahimachi, Abenoku, Osaka 545-8585, Japan

© 2014 Yamamura et al.; licensee BioMed CenCreative Commons Attribution License (http:/distribution, and reproduction in any mediumDomain Dedication waiver (http://creativecomarticle, unless otherwise stated.

no vessel malformations such as aneurysm, arteriovenousmalformation, or arteriovenous shunt were found. Wecollected data relating to patient history, existing disease,dialysis, laboratory data, treatment, and prognosis. Allpatients gave their written informed consent for thisdata collection.Patient characteristics are listed in Table 1. The patients

included 2 men and 2 women (average age, 63 years).Average platelet count before bleeding was 135,750/mm3

(range 113,000–175,000/mm3), prothrombin time (inter-national normalized ratio) was 1.44 (range 1.03–1.84), andthe activated partial thromboplastin time was 34.2 sec(range 30.5–39.0 sec). Only one of the three patientsshowed a bleeding tendency. The causative blood vesselswere the lumbar and superior gluteal arteries and internaliliac artery. CT images showed that three patients hadhematoma of the intra-iliopsoas muscle, and one patienthad hematoma of the retroperitoneal space (Figures 1and 2). None of the abdominal CT images showed thecollection of any intraperitoneal fluid. We did not findaneurysm to be the cause of bleeding in any of the pa-tients. Bleeding points in all patients were located in thedistal portion of the causative artery on angiography, and wealso observed micro-extravasation. We achieved hemostasisin 3 patients with transcatheter arterial embolization using

tral Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the/, which permits unrestricted use,, provided the original work is properly credited. The Creative Commons applies to the data made available in this

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Table 1 Patient characteristics

Case 1 2 3 4

Age (yrs) 45 63 77 66

Sex Male Male Female Female

Diagnosis Post liver transplantation Fulminant hepatitis Post cardiac arrest syndrome Aneurysm of external iliac artery

Existing disease Liver cirrhosis (−) Thyroid carcinoma CRF, DM, HT

Bleeding artery SGA, LA (3) LA (3) LA (1–4) IIA

Hemodialysis CHDF CHDF (−) HD

Anticoagulant NM NM Heparin NM

PLT (×104/mm3) 17.5 11.6 11.3 13.9

PT (INR) 1.48 1.84 1.03 1.42

APTT (sec) 30.5 39.0 30.6 36.6

Treatment TAE TAE TAE Operation

Duration in supine position (days) 13 12 10 2

Outcome Survival Death Survival Survival

CRF: Chronic renal failure, DM: Diabetes mellitus, HT: Hypertension, SGA: Superior gluteal artery, LA: Lumbar artery, IIA: Internal iliac artery, CHDF: Continuoushemodiafiltration, HD: Hemodialysis, NM: Nafamostat mesilate, PLT: Platelets, PT (INR): Prothrombin time (international normalized ratio), APTT: Activated partialthromboplastin time, TAE: Transcatheter arterial embolization.

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SPONGEL® (Astellas, Tokyo, Japan) and in 1 patient withsurgical hemostasis. We had begun hemodialysis beforebleeding in two patients, whose durations of continuoushemodiafiltration had been 3 to 8 days, respectively,and one patient received hemodialysis every 3 days.

Figure 1 Computed tomography and angiographic images in cases 1giant intramuscular hematoma in the iliopsoas muscle and the active bleedangiographic image from case 1. Extravasation was found in the superior gabdominal CT image from case 2. A left iliopsoas muscle hematoma is shoMultiple extravasations were found in the 3rd lumbar artery (black arrowhe

Nafamostat mesilate was used for anticoagulation in allthree of these patients. Three of the four patients were stillalive at 1 month after the SRB incident, but the patientwith fulminant hepatitis died from multiple organ failureon hospital day 19.

and 2. Upper left panel shows abdominal CT image from case 1. Aing point (white arrowhead) are shown. Upper right panel shows anluteal artery area (black arrowheads). Lower left panel shows anwn. Lower right panel shows an angiographic image from case

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Figure 2 Computed tomography and angiographic images in cases 3 and 4. Upper left panel shows an abdominal CT image from case 3. Agiant intramuscular hematoma in the right iliopsoas muscle is shown. Upper right panel shows an angiographic image from case 3. Extravasationwas found in the 4th lumbar artery (black arrowheads). Lower panels show abdominal CT images from case 4 (left: axial view, right: coronal view).A giant retroperitoneal hematoma and the active bleeding point (white arrowhead) are shown.

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DiscussionThere are several well-recognized causes of retroperiton-eal hematoma, including ruptured aortic aneurysm, trau-matic vascular injury, retroperitoneal neoplasms, andcoagulopathy [1]. However, idiopathic or spontaneousretroperitoneal hematoma is rare, and there are only afew documented reports implicating heparin, warfarin,low-molecular-weight heparin, or antiplatelet agents as apotential cause [3]. As a lesson from our cases, we con-sider administration of an anticoagulant drug andhemodialysis to be risk factors for SRB. There are no re-ports of nafamostat mesilate as a risk factor for SRB, toour knowledge, and we believe this is the first report.Nafamostat mesilate is a serine protease inhibitor used

clinically as an anti-inflammatory. It inhibits protein de-grading enzymes such as thrombin, active form coagula-tion factors (XIIa, Xa, and VIIa), kallikrein, plasmin, andcomplements such as C1r, C1s, C3, and C5 convertases.It is also effective in inhibiting elements in the alternatepathway such as factors B and D. Similarly, it can coun-ter the activation of key molecules in the coagulationcascade such as thrombin and plasmin and is thus usedas an anticoagulant. The inhibitory action of thrombindevelops without the need for antithrombin III. Thehalf-life of nafamostat mesilate is short, 2–3 hours [7].Use of nafamostat mesilate for anticoagulation is safe

compared with that of heparin, and therefore, it is usedin critical patients or those with a bleeding tendency.We recognized hemorrhage in our patients on the

basis of progressive anemia, tachycardia with low bloodpressure, and abdominal distension. Abdominal ultra-sonography was not useful for identifying retroperitonealhemorrhage because none of our patients showed thepresence of any intraabdominal fluid. However, en-hanced CT was useful for the accurate diagnosis of SRB.Bleeding was slow in our patients, and thus it was hardto recognize SRB in the early phase. Trans-catheterembolization is reported to be useful in achievinghemostasis in SRB [8]. Multiple sites of bleeding werepresent in our patients, and bleeding occurred in periph-eral arteries in three of the patients. SPONGEL® wasused as the embolic material, and complete hemostasiswas achieved in all patients with no incidents of re-bleeding or complications.The mechanism of SRB was not clear. A previous re-

port suggested that forceful muscular strain might be amechanism of SRB [9]. In our patients and in previousreports, sites of bleeding were mostly intramuscular, oc-curring in the posterior region of the iliopsoas or glutealmuscles [9]. The sites of bleeding were the lumbar arter-ies in the majority of our patients. We considered onepossible mechanism of blood vessel rupture in our

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patients to be the long time in which they had lain inthe supine position, which resulted in compression ofthe posterior side of the involved muscle. Another pos-sible mechanism might have been muscle strain of theiliopsoas muscle occurring during routine patient careof which neither the nursing staff nor the patientswere aware. The patients with iliopsoas hematoma werein the supine position for an average of 11 days (range,10–13 days), and changing of patient position was lim-ited because they were being treated with continuoushemodiafiltration. Multiple sites of bleeding were presentin all but one of our patients. Although our results maysuggest that achievement of hemostasis in SRB withtranscatheter arterial embolization was more usefulthan that by surgical treatment, this report included avery small number of cases from a single center. Thus,there is a need to collect more cases from additionalcenters. Further, we could not definitively determinethat the cause of SRB was directly related to nafamostatmesilate. However, we suggest that nafamostat mesilatemay be one risk factor for SRB.

ConclusionsWe suggest that SRB should be considered as a possiblecomplication in patients receiving anticoagulant ther-apy in whom progressive anemia and unstable vitalsigns are present. Nafamostat mesilate may be one riskfactor for SRB.

ConsentWritten informed consent was obtained from three ofthe patients themselves and from the next of kin of thefourth patient who died for publication of this Case Re-port and any accompanying images. A copy of the writ-ten consent is available for review by the Editor-in-Chiefof this journal.

AbbreviationsSRB: Spontaneous retroperitoneal bleeding; CT: Computed tomography.

Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Authors’ contributionsHY participated in study design and in data collection and interpretation anddrafted the manuscript. TM, TY, KK, and YM participated in data collection.HY had a major impact on the interpretation of data and critical appraisal ofthe manuscript. All authors participated in the writing and review of themanuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

AcknowledgementsWe thank the medical staffs who contributed to treatment of the patient.

Received: 24 April 2014 Accepted: 28 August 2014Published: 18 September 2014

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doi:10.1186/1756-0500-7-659Cite this article as: Yamamura et al.: Spontaneous retroperitoneal bleeding:a case series. BMC Research Notes 2014 7:659.

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