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  • The Mysterious Islands-Part 1

    Did you know that one in every ten people in the world lives on an island? There is

    even a word for a craze or a strong attraction to islands islomania! From places of

    the paradise to the last pirates refuge each of these islands has set at least one world

    record and some have stories that are truly stranger than fiction. From the greatest

    to the most remote, mysterious and least populated, these are some amazing islands

    from around the world.

    Easter Island is a Polynesian island in the

    southeastern Pacific Ocean, and Its perhaps the most

    mysterious of all islands. Easter Island is famous for its

    moai, colossal sculptures of the human body, each

    carved out of volcanic rock by the Rapa Nui people.

    Travelers and archaeologists continue to be fascinated

    by its mysterious statues. Why did the Rapa Nui make

    them? How many people were needed to transport the

    giant statues around the island? Who and what do they symbolize? In spite of many theories and theses

    related to this questions, their true origins and meaning are still unknown.

    In the middle of the Pacific Ocean there is a deserted island

    called The Crying Island. Both day and night the mysterious

    crying sound can be heard. It echoes as a horde of people

    wailing or even animals crying out. When ships go past this

    place the sound even drives all people on the board to the

    point of broken-hearted tears. But to these days no one has

    managed to explain the mysterious thing.The little island

    continues to cry all day and night.

    The Bishop Rock, the smallest island in the

    world, is known for It`s amazing lighthouse built in

    1858. The mystery of this island is the lighthouse

    itself, as well as It`s constructor. Many people used to

    say that they saw a strange light coming from the

    island, although the lighthouse didnt actually

    work.What is so mysterious about the lighthouse is

    that it has managed to survive all the currents and all

    the winds for more than a century.


  • . 18 2013



    1) Birth of civilization in Sumer. Sumer was the first true civilization in world history. The cities of Sumer were the first to practice intensive, year-round agriculture. The organization in Sumer led to the necessity of record keeping and the subsequent development of writing.

    2) Establishment of the first official series of laws by the Egyptians.

    3) Invention of paper. The invention of paper made writing a lot easier, since paper is a lot more dependable than the other objects that can be used to write on.

    4) Discovery of electricity. Without electricity, cell phones, computers, microwaves, TV's, etc. would not exist today. People's houses would still be lit by candles if electricity was not discovered because innovations such as the light bulb would of course never occur, either.

  • 5) Establishment of the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire was one of the most powerful empires in world history, and the Romans invented democracy. If it was not for the contributions of the Romans, the United States (a country founded on the principles of democracy) would not be in existence today.

    6) Signing of the Magna Carta. The US Constitution and many other constitutions of countries around the world would not have been possible without the Magna Carta. It was a turning point in the struggle to establish freedom and a key element in the ransformation of constitutional thinking throughout the world.

    7) The Black Death strikes Europe. The Black Death is estimated to have taken the lives of 30%-60% of Europeans at the time it struck. Clearly, some individuals who died because of the Black Death could have become similar to a Da Vinci or Newton, but they died before the world could benefit from their geniuses.

    8) The Renaissance. The Renaissance was a time of great learning in Europe and led to some of the greatest artistic, literary, and scientific achievements made in history. Because of the Renaissance, Europe went from being in a state of barbarism to becoming a very advanced society.

  • . 18 2013


    9) World War I. World War I was among the most deadly wars in the history of the world. It was supposed to be "The War to End All Wars", but it wasn't. Because of the mistakes made after the war, conditions arose that eventually led to the catastrophe known as World War II.

    10) World War II. World War II was the largest and deadliest war ever fought in human history. Also used in World War II for the first time were nuclear weapons. As a result of World War II, the Soviet Union and the United States became the two superpowers of the world and the tension that arose between the two superpowers after came close to destroying humanity on several occasions.

    By 7-2

    1. Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument in Wiltshire, England, about

    2 miles west of Amesbury and 8 miles north of Salisbury. One of the

    most famous sites in the world, Stonehenge is the remains of a ring of

    standing stones set within earthworks. It is in the middle of the most

    dense complex of Neolithic monuments in England, including several

    hundred burial mounds. Archaeologists believe it was built anywhere

    from 3000 BC to 2000 BC. Radiocarbon dating in 2008 suggested that

    the first stones were raised between 2400 and 2200 BC, whilst

    another theory suggests and Bronze Age that bluestones may have

    been raised at the site as early as 3000 BC.

  • 2. Peru's towering burial mounds, with their underground chambers and layers upon layers of history, had long been thought to be a distinctive feature of the country's arid coast. But the discovery of two ancient pyramid complexes near the town of Jaen, on the western edge of the Amazon lowlands, shows that monumental architecture had spread across the Andes and well into the jungle thousands of years before the Spaniards arrived. The largest mound, over an acre at its base, was overgrown with vegetation and used by modern townspeople as a dump.

    3. Church - Jamestown, Virginia

    Archaeologists searching for a mens barracks at Jamestown, Virginia, site of the first permanent English colony in the New World, have found instead the remains of the earliest Protestant church in North America. Led by Bill Kelso, Historic Jamestowns director of archaeology, the team exposed five deep postholes spaced 12 feet apart. Records indicate the wooden church, built in 1608, was 60 feet long. It didnt take a mathematical genius to figure out that we had found it, says Kelso.

    4. Kadanuumuu - Woranso-Mille, Ethiopia For the last 35 years, the short-legged Lucy skeleton has led some scientists to argue that Australopithecus afarensis didnt stand fully upright or walk like modern humans, and instead got around by knuckle-walking like apes. Now, the discovery of a 3.6-million-year-old beanpole on the Ethiopian plainschristened Kadanuumuu, or Big Man in the Afar languageputs that tired debate to rest. The new fossil demonstrates these early human ancestors were fully bipedal.

    5. A fractured skull and a thighbone hacked in half. Finds of damaged human bones along with axes, spears, clubs and shields confirm that the bog at Alken Enge was the site of violent conflict.

    By 7-2

  • . 18 2013


    1. In Ancient Egypt, the heart was considered to be the seat of intelligence not the brain. Egyptians thought the brain was just a stuffing for the head.

    2. During the plague in the Middle Ages, some doctors wore a primitive form of biohazard suit called plague suits (pictured above). The mask included red glass eyepieces, which were thought to make the wearer impervious to evil. The beak of the mask was often filled with strongly aromatic herbs and spices to overpower the miasmas or bad air which was also thought to carry the plague.

    3. In urban circles of Western Europe and the Americas, beards were out of fashion after the early 17th century; to such an extent that, in 1698, Peter the Great of Russia ordered men to shave off their beards, and in 1705 levied a tax on beards in order to bring Russian society more in line with contemporary Western Europe.

    4. In Ancient Egypt, cats were considered sacred. When a family pet cat died, the entire family would shave off their eyebrows and remain in mourning until they had grown back.

    5. In 200 BC, when the Greek city of Sparta was at the height of its power there were 20 slaves for every citizen. Imagine how tidy their houses must have been!


  • Did you know Australia was originally called New Holland

    Did you know in 1878 the first telephone book made contained only 50 names

    Did you know tennis was originally played with bare hands

    Did you know the Olympic flag was designed in 1913

    Did you know Isaac Newton invented the cat door

    Did you know Hawaii was originally called the Sandwich Islands

    Did you know the doorbell was invented in 1831

    Did you know The first English dictionary was written in 1755

    Did you know the first city to reach 1 million was London

    Did you know the first train reached a top speed of only 8 kmh (5 mph)

    Did you know New York was once called New Amsterdam

    Did you know the yo-yo was originally used as a weapon for hunting the in the Philippines

    Did you know the Chinese used fingerprints as a method of identification as far back as AD 700

    Did you know Sir Isaac Newton was 23 when he discovered the law of gravity

    Did you know paper money was first used in China

    Did you know Leonardo Da Vinci invented scissors

    Did you know Shakespeare invented the words 'assassination' and 'bump'

    Did you know there is no proof as to who built the Taj Mahal

    Did you know it took Leonardo Da Vinci 10 years to paint Mona Lisa

    Did you know the ancient Greeks first grew carrots as a form of medicine and not a food

    Did you know the first place in the world to allow women to vote New Zealand

    Did you know most dinosaurs lived to be more than 100 years old

    Did you know the world's first paved streets were laid in Rome in 170 B.C.

    Did you know England's first great industry was wool

    Did you know mapping is older than writing

    Did you know the winter of 1932 was so cold that Niagara Falls froze over completely


  • . 18 2013


    Dear Culture Crew,

    What can you tell me about Serbia? Im doing a project on the country. Isidora,


    Hi Isidora,

    Well, Serbia is a country in south-eastern Europe. Ten million people live in it. The

    Serbian alphabet is Cyrillic and has 30 letters. Saint Sava is the patron saint of

    Serbia . The Serbs celebrate St Savas day on 27th January . The capital city is

    Belgrade, wich means White City . Belgrade is famous for a statue called ,, The

    Victor , Avala Tower, Kalemegdan Park , Republic Square and The temple of

    Saint Sava . Serbian food is well known like salads , barbecued meat and cakes

    so the restaurants here are also busy places. Serbias most popular sports are

    tennis football . Serbia is famous across the world for its music festivals, folk

    dances, art, literature and science. You can visit a lot of monasteries, churches

    and old places from centuries ago. You can skiing, swimming, hunting, fishing or

    walking on the mountains. Its great place for a holiday.

    Hope this helps!



  • Ramonos, Clash, Blondi, Kurt Cobain,


    starke. Rock

    and roll, , , , ,


    Converse 1917.

    All Star.




    Chuck Taylors, Chucks

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  • . 18 2013




    Nike .



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  • . 18 2013


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