
Cerinte editare

Referatul va cuprinde 4-8 pagini si va fi astfel conceputa incat sa evite plagiatul, respectand cerintele de citare ale Asociatiei Americane a Psihologilor APA referencing guide (American Psychological Association), din ghidul pentru alcatuirea listei bibliografice si citarea autorilor.

Cerinte editare articol:

12-point Times Roman typeface (for the body)

13-point Times Roman typeface (for Headings)

16-point Times Roman typeface (for the Title)

Single-spaced text

3.5 cm margins from all sides.

Cum citam autorii? Exemple:

If you are referring to the general theme of a book or article

Brown (1991) investigated the effects of ...

An investigation into the effects of maternal age

(Brown, 1991) found that ...

When to include page numbers

When paraphrasing or referring to an idea in another work, page or paragraph numbers are not required.But it can be helpful,for example when paraphrasing or referring to information or an idea that can be located on a particular page, quoting or referring to images, figures or data, or when a work is particularly long and page numbers might be useful for the reader.

Soil layers below the well tip contribute relatively little

water (Kozeny, 1988, pp. 223-224).

Kozeny (1988, p. 223) found soil layers below the well

tip contributed little.

When the authors of a source are not part of the formalsentence structure

Both the authors and years of publication appear in parentheses, separated by semicolons.

Reviews of research on sport and reading have concluded

that at least some types of reading behaviours are related to

higher levels of physical health (Austin, 1990; McGovern &

Henderson, 2001; Wright & Morgan, 2001).

Exemple in amanunt despre citare si intocmirea listei bibliografice la urmatorul Link:

Lista bibliografica va contine cel putin 3 lucrari din ultimii 4 ani.

Rog sefa de grupa sa predea lucrarile pana cel tarziu in 13 mai.


Dr. Ana Honiges

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