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    Chapter S4Building Blocks of the Universe

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    How has the quantum

    revolution changed our world?

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    The Quantum Realm

    Light behaves like particles (photons). Atoms consist mostly of empty space. Electrons in atoms are restricted to

    particular energies. The science of this realm is known as

    quantum mechanics.

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    Quantum Mechanics and

    Society Understanding of quantum laws made

    possible our high-tech society:

    Radios and television Cell phones Computers


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    What have we learned?

    How has the quantum revolutionchanged our world? Quantum mechanics has revolutionized

    our understanding of particles and forces

    and made possible the development ofmodern electronic devices.

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    S4.2 Fundamental Particles and

    ForcesOur goals for learning: What are the basic properties of

    subatomic particles? What are the fundamental building

    blocks of matter?

    What are the fundamental forces innature?

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    What are the basic properties

    of subatomic particles?

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    Particle Accelerators Much of our

    knowledge aboutthe quantum realmcomes particleaccelerators.

    Smashing together

    high-energyparticles producesshowers of newparticles.

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    Properties of Particles

    Mass Charge (proton +1, electron -1) Spin

    Each type of subatomic particle has acertain amount of angular momentum, as ifit were spinning on its axis.

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    Fermions and Bosons

    Physicists classify particles into two basictypes, depending on their spin (measured inunits of h /2 ).

    Fermions have half-integer spin (1/2, 3/2,5/2 ,). Electrons, protons, neutrons,

    Bosons have integer spin (0,1,2 ,). Photons, gluons, intermediate vector


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    Fundamental Particles

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    Orientation of Spin Fermions with spin

    of 1/2 have twobasic spin states:up and down.

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    What are the fundamental

    building blocks of matter?

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    Protons and neutrons are made of quarks. Up quark (u) has charge +2/3. Down quark (d) has charge -1/3.

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    Quarks and Leptons

    Six types of quarks: up, down, strange,charmed, top, and bottom.

    Leptons are not made of quarks and alsocome in six types. Electron, muon, tauon

    Electron neutrino, mu neutrino, tauneutrino

    Neutrinos are very light and uncharged.

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    The Standard Model

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    Matter and Antimatter

    Energy of two photons can combine to create aparticle and its antimatter counterpart (pairproduction).

    Insert TCP 5e Figure S4.5b

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    What are the fundamental

    forces in nature?

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    Four Forces

    Strong Force (holds nuclei together) Exchange particle: gluons

    Electromagnetic Force (holds electrons inatoms) Exchange particle: photons

    Weak force (mediates nuclear reactions) Exchange particle: weak bosons

    Gravity (holds large-scale structures together) Exchange particle: gravitons

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    Strength of Forces

    Inside nucleus: strong force is 100 times electromagnetic

    weak force is 10-5

    times electromagneticforce gravity is 10 -43 times electromagnetic

    Outside nucleus: Strong and weak forces are unimportant.

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    What have we learned? What are the basic properties of

    subatomic particles? Charge, mass, and spin

    What are the fundamental buildingblocks of matter? Quarks (up, down, strange, charmed, top,

    bottom) Leptons (electron, muon, tauon, neutrinos)

    What are the fundamental forces innature? Strong, electromagnetic, weak, gravity

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    S4.3 Uncertainty and Exclusion in

    the Quantum RealmOur goals for learning: What is the uncertainty principle?

    What is the exclusion principle?

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    What is the uncertainty principle?

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    Uncertainty Principle

    The more we know about where a particle islocated, the less we can know about itsmomentum, and conversely, the more weknow about its momentum, the less we canknow about its location.

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    Position of a Particle In our everyday

    experience, aparticle has a well-defined position ateach moment intime.

    But in the quantumrealm particles donot have well-defined positions.

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    Electrons in Atoms In quantum

    mechanics anelectron in an atomdoes not orbit in theusual sense.

    We can know only

    the probability offinding an electronat a particular spot.

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    Electron Waves

    On atomic scales, an electron often behavesmore like a wave with a well-defined momentumbut a poorly defined position.

    Insert TCP 5e Figure S4.8

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    Location and Momentum


    in location


    in momentum

    Plancks Constant ( h)/4


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    Energy and Time


    in energy


    in timePlancks Constant ( h)/4


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    What is the exclusion principle?

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    Quantum States

    The quantum state of a particle specifies itslocation, momentum, orbital angularmomentum, and spin to the extent allowed bythe uncertainty principle.

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    Exclusion Principle

    Two fermions of the same type cannotoccupy the same quantum state at the sametime.

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    Exclusion in Atoms Two electrons, one

    with spin up andthe other with spindown can occupy asingle energy level.

    A third electronmust go intoanother energylevel.

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    What have we learned? What is the uncertainty principle?

    We cannot simultaneously know theprecise value of both a particles positionand its momentum.

    We cannot simultaneously know theprecise value of both a particles energyand the time that it has that energy.

    What is the exclusion principle? Two fermions cannot occupy the same

    quantum state at the same time.

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    S4.4 The Quantum Revolution

    Our goals for learning: How do the quantum laws affect special

    types of stars? How is quantum tunneling crucial to

    life on Earth?

    How empty is empty space? Do black holes last forever?

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    How do the quantum laws

    affect special types of stars?

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    Thermal Pressure Molecules striking

    the walls of aballoon applythermal pressurethat depends onthe temperatureinside the balloon.

    Most stars aresupported bythermal pressure.

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    Degeneracy Pressure

    Laws of quantum mechanics create adifferent form of pressure known asdegeneracy pressure.

    Squeezing matter restricts locations of itsparticles, increasing their uncertainty inmomentum.

    But two particles cannot be in same quantumstate (including momentum) at same time.

    There must be an effect that limits how muchmatter can be compressed degeneracypressure.

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    Auditorium Analogy

    When the number of quantum states (chairs) ismuch greater than the number of particles(people), its easy to squeeze them into asmaller space.

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    Auditorium Analogy

    When the number of quantum states (chairs) isnearly the same as the number of particles(people), its hard to squeeze them into asmaller space.

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    Degeneracy Pressure in Stars

    Electron degeneracy pressure is whatsupports white dwarfs against gravity quantum laws prevent its electrons frombeing squeezed into a smaller space.

    Neutron degeneracy pressure is whatsupports neutron stars against gravity quantum laws prevent its neutrons from beingsqueezed into a smaller space.

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    Quantum Tunneling Person in jail does

    not have enoughenergy to crashthrough the barrier.

    Uncertaintyprinciple allowssubatomic particleto tunnel throughbarriers because ofuncertainty inenergy.

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    Quantum Tunneling and Life

    At the core temperature of the Sun, protonsdo not have enough energy to get closeenough to other protons for fusion(electromagnetic repulsion is too strong).

    Quantum tunneling saves the day by allowingprotons to tunnel through the electromagneticenergy barrier.

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    How empty is empty space?

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    Virtual Particles Uncertainty

    principle (in energy& time) allowsproduction ofmatter-antimatterparticle pairs.

    But particles mustannihilate in anundetectably shortperiod of time.

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    Vacuum Energy According to

    quantummechanics, emptyspace (a vacuum)is actually full ofvirtual particle pairspopping in and outof existence.

    The combinedenergy of thesepairs is called thevacuum energy.

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    Do black holes last forever?

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    Virtual Particles near BlackHoles

    Particles can beproduced nearblack holes if onemember of a virtualpair falls into theblack hole.

    Energy topermanently createother particlecomes out of blackholes mass.

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    Hawking Radiation Stephen Hawking

    predicted that thisform of particleproduction wouldcause black holesto evaporate overextremely long timeperiods.

    Only photons andsubatomic particleswould be left.

    h h l d

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    What have we learned? How do the quantum laws affect special

    types of stars? Quantum laws produce degeneracy

    pressure that supports white dwarfs andneutron stars.

    How is quantum tunneling crucial tolife on Earth? Uncertainty in energy allows for quantum

    tunneling through which fusion happens inSun.

    h h l d

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    What have we learned? How empty is empty space?

    According to quantum laws, virtual pairs ofparticles can pop into existence as long asthe annihilate in an undetectably short timeperiod.

    Empty space should be filled with virtualparticles whose combined energy is thevacuum energy.

    Do black holes last forever? According to Stephen Hawking, productionof virtual particles near a black hole willeventually cause it to evaporate.

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