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Carioca: the scanned Rio de Janeiro cultureCamila Garofalo - Updated on July 18, 2012 at 14:49cultural magazine have all your scanned issues with the support of Insight Engineering Communications and Marketing"It's my Brazilian Brazil. Land of samba and tambourine ", and Ary Barroso defined an entire country and did not need to define territories or segregate tupiniquins states. Miner birth, lived and made his career in Rio de Janeiro, address what we call surely samba cradle.Directly from the land of drizzle, entitled to São Paulo accent, Turnstile Livreapresenta the beach, the boardwalk, the Maracanã and a handful of musical mannerisms of our tropical neighbor through the "Carioca", a cultural magazine published quarterly by Cultural Cravo Albin Institute , which you can check this link.With a circulation of 5000 copies and free distribution, the magazine is aimed, through direct mail, for cultural and educational institutions, experts, researchers, journalists and opinion leaders.Take time out for a coconut water while perusing virtually all editions of "Carioca", which has as protagonists the sun, the sea, Elza Soares, Ivan Lins, the hose and everything wonderful that makes up the culture Rio de Janeiro.

Page 3: Chamas Olímpicas


Pará - PA


The headquarters of the current municipality of Maracanã is situated on the left bank of the river of the same

name in the physiographic area of Salgado.

It is known that its historical foundations were laid in 1653. So far, only

existed there, a village of Indians Maracana, missioned by the Jesuits. With the arrival this year

Father Antonio Vieira, the Society of Jesus, the village has progressed, and in 1700, acquired forums

Parish in the innovation of São Miguel.

However, in 1755, the then Governor of Pará Province, Francisco Xavier

Mendonça Furtado, fulfilling the orders issued by Pombal law, raised the Maracana

catetoria village, with the name of Cintra. At the same time, that religious order was expelled from

Portuguese rule.

In 1833, Cintra was elevated to a municipality and two years

later won the forums

City. Repurchased also its primitive appellation in 1897.

The place name of indigenous origin, remember the name of a bird (Markan propynhura

maracana, Vieill) = small parrot voice garish. Hence the name maraca rattle = and = Not Made

nana, with 1 "n" false.

The locals give it the name "maracanaenses".

Gentile: maracanaense

Administrative training

Elevated to parish category with the name of San Miguel de Cintra in 1700.

Elevated to the category of town with the name of Cintra, by Royal Charter of 06/06/1755.

Elevated to the status of city and municipal seat with the name of Cintra by law

Provincial No. 1209 of 11/11/1885.

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By state law No. 518 of 05.28.1897, the municipality of Cintra came to be called


In administrative division for the year 1911, the municipality comprises the district


By state decree No. 6 of 04.11.1930, the municipality of Salinas is extinct, and its

territory annexed to the municipality of Maracanã.

By Decree No. 1002, of 29.06.1933, dismembered Maracanã municipality the district

Salinas. High again to the municipality.

In territorial divisions dated 31-XII-1936 and 31-XII-1937, the municipality of Maracanã

It appears composed of two districts: Maracanã and Santarém Novo.

By State Decree-Law No. 3131 of 10.31.1938, the St. Robert district is created and

attached to the municipality of Maracanã.

Within the framework set to take effect in the 1939-1943 period, the municipality consists of 3

districts: Maracanã, Santarém Novo and St. Robert.

By state law No. 158 of 12/31/1948, it is created the district of Good Hope and attached to

municipality of Maracanã.

In territorial division dated 1-VII-1950, the municipality consists of 4 districts: Mara

Cana, Good Hope, Santarém Novo and St. Robert.

So staying in territorial division dated 1-VII-1960.

By state law No. 2460, of 12.29.1961, dismembered Maracanã municipality district

Santarém New. Elevated to municipality.

In territorial division dated 31-XII-1963, the municipality is made up of three districts: Mara

Cana, Good Hope and St. Robert.

So staying in territorial division dated 2007.

municipal toponymic change

Cintra for Maracanã, as amended by state law No. 518 of 05.28.1897.

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Performing several shows, the Convention Center Prof. Gilberto Mestrinho, the Sambadrome, was officially opened in 1994. Before that had been pre-opened in 1991 and 1992, with only a few stands bids, it was still party stage led by frevo bands.

Approximately 405 meters long and up to 100 thousand people, the Sambadrome has hosted religious shows, regional, national and international, in addition to the parades of samba schools of Manaus, the Carnaboi, the School and Military Parades, in September, and the Boi Manaus.

They are a total of eight bids bleachers, six parallel to the runway shows, with capacity for four thousand people each, and two in the call horseshoe with capacity for ten thousand, five thousand on each side. The site also houses the School of Arts and Crafts Claudio Santoro and Braille Library.

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Cathedral Culture


2. A renewed Europe "In the thirteenth century, Europe mostly filled with men. The ancient cultivated fields expand, new ones appear in the wastelands. More numerous, these men produce more and, as they were not too numerous, their standard of living rose. (...) Many parish churches were then rebuilt; rural homes gained strength and layettes preparing for the marriage of the daughters became more luxurious (...). In urban society, the circle is widened, so the men able to show magnificent, ornamentarem of their stocks and realize this eminently gratifcante gesture: placing an order to artists. Among the promoters of artistic creation no longer counted only warriors and men of prayer. (...) "Georges Duby, Art and Society, G. Duby and M. Laclotte, Artistic History of Europe - Middle Ages

3. EUROPE OF CITIES - THE CENTURY OF THE RENAISSANCE. XIII MID FOUR twelfth century - XIII Europe:.. Renewal century XIV - famines, pestilence and war improvement climática century XII - economic growth excedentes agricultural progress Growth Trade Development demográfico, industries (textiles, paints in Flanders , Italy, England) Reappearance of trade, growth of cities.

4. Market Economy: The circulation elite aristocratic Saving money with power of monetary goods: exchange purchase and products by capitalist money appear the money changers; banks grows the

bourgeoisie, which seeks profit and individual.Desenvolvem up the mesteres promotion, corporations, crafts for artisans; asGuildas or Hansas for kings comerciantes.Os grant legal status to own bourgeoisie in exchange for the bourgeois seuapoio to centralize power.

5. The urban revival From the thirteenth century there was a significant increase in the urban world: - Old Cities - construction of new walls - new cities - fairs sites near sea or a abadiaLocais meeting and party: - Catedral- public square

6. catedraisNas cities, the cathedral or the see became osímbolo power: -Of bishops spiritual power over the territórioepiscopal; - Of the bourgeois: monetary participation naconstrução and maintenance of catedraisA cathedral becomes the symbol of the city andis through it seafirma the urban community. Abbey St. Dennis - France

7. The cathedrals - festivals - fairs - theatrical performances - Justice (pillory) - schools / universities religiosity Motors, political power and económicoFachada of deNotre-Dame Cathedral - Paris

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8. Cathedrals "The light, which appears simultaneously as God himself and as agent union between the soul and God, must entirely fill the Kingdom whose field the cathedral walls symbolically delimiting" G. Duby, The time of representing catedraisVitral the Abbot Suger (inside St. Dennis)

9. The cathedrals The human eye does not know at first where to settle: looking ceilings are flowering as bright fabrics; it turns to the walls, they are a kind of delightful garden; it is overshadowed by spurts of light coming through the wall, admiring the priceless beauty of glass and the variety of the most precious work. "Interior of the Abbey St. Dennis Father Theophilus, thirteenth century

10. catedraisAbade Suger, considered the Gothic doestilo creator with his project daabadia St. Dennis- Abbey as "kingdom of God sobrea Earth" - verticalidade- decoration of stained glass pórticos- "Illumination Theory" (God is Light " ): representation of the divine in the spiritual and physical space of the cathedral Abbey St. Dennis - France

11. The courtesan culture Century XIIdesenvolvimento culture Ideal chivalrous and courteous courtesan • Loyalty • courtesy • GentilezaValorização love: • Peace + • joy of living civility • Pleasure • elegance

12. The courtesan culture Literature scoffing Cantigas "Roman

de la Rose" friend of Cantigas Cantigas of love and curse (French poem (the representative poet (de- troubadour (critical or sátiramedieval written sits monster woman a umacomo directed to a dream which expresses the noble love and real person quealegórico on their sensuous feelings to her was someone próximoamor) tos by the beloved lover) of the troubadour) absent)

13. The courtesan culture Literature "and I command you that (says the love of God, speaking to a young lover) do disappear from your ways all villainy. The villainy makes the villains; and villains (...) are unable to "Roman de la Rose" delicate feelings. Be social, just and moderate in what you say. Avoids pronounce gross and popular words. Serve and honor all women; puts it all your efforts. If you hear someone speaking ill of one, disapproves, so that it shut. To become kind, we need you to be stylish. Take care of your clothing and footwear. Then remember manteres you in a good mood: give yourself the joy and pleasure. Nobody loves a dark man. Above all flee avarice. It is important to give. "Guillaume de Lorris, The Romance of the Rose, the first half of the thirteenth century

14. cortesãMúsica culture profane functions and collective oureligiosas individual dances (carola, estampies, ballads, rondo)

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15. The courtesan culture religiosoRepresentado Theatre in the churchyard of the churches enas squares by street actors religious The mingled with the symbolic and serious with the grotesque doctrinal paper and teaching but also recreational (link to examples of medieval texts)

16. Dante Alighieri born in Florence in 1265 fond of Beatrice Portinari, devotes most of his poesia After his death, intervenes in the city vidapolítica, eventually sercondenado to desterro He took refuge in Verona, Padua, Casentino, Paris, perhaps Oxford, Pisa efinalmente in Ravenna, where he died em1317

17. Dante Alighieri His major work was "The Divine Comedy" a journey into the world of the dead, in which Dante is the guide, is an explanation of life and death, through Hell, Purgatory and Paradise. Has a happy ending, that is, after a journey full of pain, the author explains how man can be virtuous in life and achieve redemption.

18. The Divine Comédia Written in ordinary Italian, cultivates dolce stil nuovo clear language, delicate, demanding and depurada Rigor and estrutural ordering descriptive belezado Detail detalhe strong social criticism, ereligiosa policy Use of paradescrever visual images fantasy eauditivasAproximação to literáriaclassicista culture

19. Signs of fragilidade Climate change: rain and bad years cold agrícolas Increased hunger económica Recessão prices War 100 anos the Great Western Schism: Urban VI (Rome)

and ClementeVII (Avignon) Death Negra popular uprisings

20. propagaçãoda Plague NegraMorte 1/3 to ½da populaçãoeuropeiaSentimentos demedo and terror

21. The Plague NegraDocumentário "The Black Death"

22. Plague Aftermath Black "In the year of the Lord 1348 was in almost every surface of the globe umatal mortality and rarely have known each other. Living malchegavam to bury the dead or avoided us with horror (...). More fearful thing to hear, dogs, cats, roosters, chickens and all osoutros domestic animals suffered the same fate (...). In this up-malacrescentou another, he ran the noise that certain criminals, particularly Jews, lay in the rivers and poisons sources faziamengrossar the plague. Therefore, both Christians and foramqueimados innocent Jews dead, as it is certain that everything came from constelaçãoou of divine vengeance. "Vitae papirum, Avenionensirum, Clement VI, Prima Vita

23. Consequences of the Black Death Fear and desesperoMassacres Jews and lepers + Movement + flagellants Increased donations to the Church + Increase in processions and pilgrimages + Construction of hospitals and hospices The macabre dances

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Page 9: Chamas Olímpicas

Fonte: IBGEHistory of the city of Sugar LoafHistory, Gentile and Administrative Training in the city of Sugar Loaf - AlagoasThe beginning of the settlement began around 1611, by mixing whites and Indians of the Sierra Aracaré, State of Sergipe. In the early seventeenth century, Urumaris, Indians who inhabited the region, succeeded King John IV lands on the banks of the River.They gave the place the name "Jaciobá" which in Tupi-Guarani language means "Moon Mirror". The donation caused envy to cuttlefish Indians who invaded the lands of Urumaris and drove them out of there.In 1634, Cristóvão da Rocha took possession of the land in what is now the municipality. In 1660, however, the land passed by letter of allotment for the Portuguese José Lourenço de Brito Correia, who installed a cattle farm and gave her the Sugar Loaf name. The name comes from the shape of the hills which was similar to the manner in which purified sugar. In 1815, the lands were auctioned and auctioned by the family of Father José Rodrigues Delgado, who gave great impetus to the development of povoado.A parish, established in 1853, invoked the Sacred Heart of Jesus patron of the city. Sugar Loaf was still village in 1859, whenD. Pedro II spent the night there, on your trip to Paulo Afonso. It was elevated to city status on June 18, 1887,

through Law 756, dismembered Great Forest.The great attraction of this riverside city of San Francisco are the natural pools on the river, called "little beach" where are enjoyed at the feet of a replica of Christ the Redeemer, the typical local dishes: fish catfish, shrimp, crayfish and the traditional meat of sun. The craft, made of straw, leather, clay, fabric and wood is the attraction Iron Island village. The main festivities are: the feast of the patron (June 6) and Emancipation.Gentile: Gingerbread açucarenseAdministrative trainingDistrict created with the Sugar Loaf denomination by Provincial Law No. 227 of 11-071853.Elevated to the category of town with the Sugar Loaf denomination by Provincial Law No. 233 of 03.03.1854, dismembered Great Forest. Headquarters in Sugar Loaf village. Constituted district headquarters. Installed on 07/08/1854.Elevated to city status with the Sugar Loaf denomination by Provincial Law No. 756 of 18/06/1877.In administrative division for the year 1911, the city appears composed of two districts: Sugar Loaf and Lemon Tree.

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By state law No 1619 of 23.02.1932, the Sugar Loaf municipality acquired the extinct municipality of Belo

Monte, as simple district.In administrative division for the year 1993, the city

consists of three districts: Sugar Loaf, Belo Monte and Limoeiro.

By Article 6 of the transitional provisions of the state constitution, of 16.09.1935, dismembered Sugar Loaf

municipality district of Belo Monte. High back will municipality.

In territorial divisions dated 31-XII-1936 and 31-XII-1937, the municipality consists of two districts: Sugar Loaf and

Lemon Tree.By state decree No 2435 of 11.30.1938, the Lemon Tree

district came to be called Rosemary.Within the framework set to take effect in the 1944-1948 period, the city consists of two districts: Sugar Loaf and

Rosemary former Limoeiro.By Law No. 1473, of 09.17.1949, the Alligator districts of Men and São José da Tapera both former villages and

attached to the Sugar Loaf municipality are createdIn territorial division dated 1-VII-1950, the municipality

consists of 4 districts: Sugar Loaf Rosemary Men Alligator and São José da Tapera.

So staying in territorial division dated 1-VII-1955.By state law No 2073 of 09.11.1957, dismembered Sugar

Loaf municipality Jacare district of Men. Elevated to municipality.

By state law No 2084 of 12.24.1957, dismembered Sugar Loaf municipality district of São José da Tapera. Elevated

to municipality.By state law No 2090 of 03.28.1958, is created the district Guaribas former village. Created with lands dismembered

Alligator district of Men and attached to Sugar Loaf municipality.

By state law No. 2250, of 06.15.1960, confirmed by state law nº 2909, of 17-061968, dismembered Sugar Loaf

municipality Guaribas.Elevado the district to a municipality under the name Monteirópolis.

In territorial division dated 1-VII-1960, the municipality consists of two districts: Sugar Loaf and Rosemary.

So staying in territorial division dated 17-I-1991.The Municipal Law No. 083 of 18.04.1994, Rosemary

district came to be called Lemon Tree.In territorial division dated 2003, the municipality consists

of two districts: Sugar Loaf and Limoeiro former Rosemary.

So staying in territorial division dated 2007.

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Christ the RedeemerInformation, location, construction, historical, cultural and tourist importance, Rio de Janeiro________________________________________ Christ the Redeemer: the postcard of Rio de Janeiro Key features of the monument - Christ the Redeemer is a statue of Jesus Christ situated on Corcovado Mountain (city of Rio de Janeiro). - The statue has 30 meters high, being more 8 pedestal. - The monument construction work began in 1926, and opened on October 12, 1931. - In 1937, this monument was listed by IPHAN (Historical Heritage Institute for National Artistic). - Project attended the Paul Landowsi sculptors, artist Carlos

Oswald and the engineer Heitor da Silva Costa. - In October 2006 it was considered Catholic shrine of Brazil. - There is a chapel of Our Lady of Aparecida, located at the base of the statue. - In 2007, he was elected as one of the New Seven Wonders of the World. - It is one of the most visited tourist attractions in Brazil.

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