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  • 8/4/2019 chap 1 hbo


    Chapter 1

    Introducing OrganizationalBehavior

    People Make the


  • 8/4/2019 chap 1 hbo


    Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1-2

    Chapter Study Questions

    What is organizational behavior and why isit important?

    What are organizations like as worksettings?

    What is the nature of managerial work?

    How do we learn about organizationalbehavior?

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    Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1-3

    What is organizational behavior

    and why is it important?

    Organizational behavior

    Study of human behavior in organizations.

    A multidisciplinary field devoted tounderstanding individual and group behavior,interpersonal processes, and organizationaldynamics.

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    Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1-4

    What is organizational behavior

    and why is it important?

    Scientific methods models

    simplified views of reality that attempt to identifymajor factors and forces underlying real-worldphenomenon

    Link independent variables with dependentvariables

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    Figure 1.1

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    Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1-6

    What is organizational behavior

    and why is it important?

    Scientific thinking is important to OB because:

    Process of data collection is controlled andsystematic

    Proposed explanations are carefully tested

    Only explanations that can be scientificallyverified are accepted

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    What is organizational behavior

    and why is it important?

    Contingency approach

    researchers identify how different situations canbe best understood and handled

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    What is organizational behavior

    and why is it important?

    Modern workplace trends

    Commitment to ethical behavior

    Importance of human capital Demise of command and control

    Emphasis on teamwork

    Pervasive influence of information technology

    Respect for new workforce expectations

    Changing definition of jobs and career

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    Organizations as Work Settings


    a collection of people working together in adivision of labor to achieve a common purpose.

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    Organizations as Work Settings

    The core purpose of an organization is thecreation of goods and services.

    Mission statements focus attention on thecore purpose.

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    Organizations as Work Settings


    comprehensive plan that guides organizationsto operate in ways that allow them tooutperform their competitors.

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    Figure 1.2

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    People, groups, and institutions having aninterest in an organizations performance

    Interests of multiple stakeholders sometimesconflict

    Organizations as Work Settings

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    Organizations as Work Settings

    Organizational culture

    the shared beliefs and values that influence thebehavior of organizational members.

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    Figure 1.3

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    Organizations as Work Settings

    Constructive culture

    members are encouraged to work together in ways thatmeet higher order human needs

    Passive/defensive culture members tend to act defensively in their working


    Aggressive/defensive culture

    members tend to act forcefully in their workingrelationships to protect their status and positions

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    Organizations as Work Settings

    Workforce diversity

    describes the presence of individual differencesbased on gender, race and ethnicity, age, able-

    bodiedness, and sexual orientation

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    Organizations as Work Settings


    refers to pluralism and to respect for diversityand individual differences

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    What is the nature of managerial



    someone whose job it is to directly support thework efforts of others

    Effective manager

    one whose team consistently achieves its goalswhile members remain capable, committed,

    and enthusiastic

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    Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1-20

    What is the nature of managerial


    Task performance

    quality and quantity of the work produced bythe work unit as a whole

    Job satisfaction

    how people feel about their work and the worksetting

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    What is the nature of managerial


    The management process.





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    Figure 1.4

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    Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1-23

    What is the nature of managerial


    The nature of managerial work.

    Managers work long hours.

    Managers are busy people.

    Managers are often interrupted.

    Managerial work is fragmented and variable.

    Managers work mostly with other people.

    Managers spend a lot of time communicating.

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    Figure 1.5

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    Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1-25

    What is the nature of managerial


    Managerial skills and competencies


    an ability to translate knowledge into action thatresults in a desired performance.

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    Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1-26

    What is the nature of managerial


    Technical skill

    ability to perform specialized tasks

    Human skill ability to work well with other people

    Conceptual skill

    capacity to analyze and solve complex andinterrelated problems

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    What is the nature of managerial


    Emotional intelligence

    ability to understand and deal with emotions

    Self-awareness Self-regulation


    Empathy Social skill

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    What is the nature of managerial


    Moral Management

    Immoral manager

    Amoral manager Moral manager

    Ethics mindfulness

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    Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1-29

    Figure 1.6

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    Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1-30

    How do we learn about

    organizational behavior?

    Learning an enduring change in behavior that results

    from experience.

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    Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1-31

    How do we learn about

    organizational behavior?

    Life-long learning

    learning continuously from day-to-day workexperiences, advice from mentors and training

    seminars and workshops

    Organizational learning

    process of acquiring knowledge and utilizing

    information to adapt successfully to changingcircumstances.

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    Figure 1.7

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