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Chapter 1 SummaryNear the end of summer, two friends, Pema and Bounce, are mountain-biking when they discover many new houses being built in their town of Hillside. Bounce’s father has changed his business from selling trucks to selling wind turbines to make electricity. He sold his first turbine to Mr. Irfan, Jagroop’s father. Jagroop is friends with Pema and Bounce. Pema’s sister Nima is doing an internship at the local TV station. She is interviewing Mr. Irfan. Jagroop is angry because Mr. Reed, a rich business-man, wants to buy their farm to build more houses. After the interview everyone goes to the TV station to learn how news is made. Later that night, a building on Jagroop’s farm burns down. Bounce sees someone running away.

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Chapter 1 VocabVocabulary Help (scroll down)12 hard words in this chapter• meltdown• catch big air• payback• soaker• brats• subdivision

• fire up• segment • confront• blaze• screeeeech• thud

Page 1 メルトダウン

Definition: total destruction

meltdown noun

Example: There was a nuclear meltdown at the atomic reactor in Fukushima.She had a meltdown after breaking up with her boyfriend.

Synonyms: catastrophe

Antonyms: creation

Word friends: nuclear, emotional, stress, depres-sion, financial

Note: a meltdown is usually nu-clear, but can also be emotional, systematic, or functional.

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Page 1 滞空時間が長い

Definition: make a big jump

catch big air verb

Example: The snowboarder caught some big air on his third try down the mountain.

Synonyms: jump, leap, bound

Antonyms: stand

Word friends: skateboard, sports, competitionNote: used only for skateboard-

ing or snowboarding or other sports

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Page 2 リベンジ(復讐)

Definition: revenge

payback noun

Example: He hurt me. I want payback. I want him to hurt too.

Synonyms: avenge, get back at

Antonyms: settle

Word friends: jealous, bitchNote:

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Page 2びしょ濡れ (浸る)

Definition: splash of water

soaker noun

Example: That rainfall was a real soaker. I was riding my bike.

Synonyms: immerse, flood, moisten

Antonyms: dry, dehydrate

Word friends: splash, wet, rainNote: Not a common word.

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Page 3 悪ガキ

Definition: bad kids, spoiled kids

brat noun

Example: Her kids have no discipline. They are total brats.

Synonyms: punk, rascal

Antonyms: angel

Word friends: kid, whine, complainNote: used mostly with children

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Page 3 分譲地

Definition: An area of land developed by one company with all the same kind of houses.

subdivision noun

Example: I lived in the Sunset Park subdivision when I was a kid.

Synonyms: development, tract

Antonyms: whole

Word friends: developer, houses, sameNote:

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Page 5始動させる, 着火 する

Definition: start, turn on, light

fire up verb

Example: Let’s fire up the car and drive to the store.

Synonyms: light, start

Antonyms: stop, close down

Word friends: match, light-er, key, start, push buttonNote: Can also mean “to light”

like a cigarette.

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Page 7 部門、部署

Definition: section, part (of a newscast)

segment noun

Example: The sports is usually in the final segment of the news broadcast.

Synonyms: portion, piece, section

Antonyms: whole

Word friends: portion, audi-ence, Note:

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Page 12 立ち向かう

Definition: come face to face with

confront verb

Example: The firefighters confronted the blaze, even though it was very very hot.

Synonyms: oppose, resist

Antonyms: avoid, evade

Word friends: argue, op-pose, fightNote:

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Page 12 炎

Definition: fire, very large flame

blaze noun

Example: The blaze moved from tree to tree in the forest fire.

Synonyms: flame, bonfire


Word friends: forest, put out, fightNote:

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Page 12 キーーー(音)

Definition: sound of stopping very quickly. High pitched.

screeeeech noun

Example: He was going too fast on his bike, so when he tried to stop, his brakes made a screech..

Synonyms: shriek, squeal


Word friends: brake, stopNote: sound often used in com-ics (manga)

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Page 12 ゴツン♪

Definition: sound of hitting something

thud noun

Example: He was not feeling very well, and when he fainted, he fell on the floor. His head hit the floor with a thud.

Synonyms: thump, bang

Antonyms: praise

Word friends: drop, hit, fall, noiseNote:

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