Download - Chapter1 2 Dian

  • 8/12/2019 Chapter1 2 Dian


    Stoichiometry (2)

  • 8/12/2019 Chapter1 2 Dian


    Empirical & MolecularEmpirical & Molecular

    FormulasFormulasA pure compound always consists of theA pure compound always consists of the

    same elements combined in the samesame elements combined in the same

    proportions by weight.proportions by weight.

    Therefore, we can express the molecularTherefore, we can express the molecular

    composition ascomposition as PERCENT BY WEIGHTPERCENT BY WEIGHT

    Ethanol, CEthanol, C22HH66OO

    52.13% C52.13% C13.15% H13.15% H

    34.72% O34.72% O

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    Percent CompositionPercent CompositionPercent CompositionPercent Composition

    Consider NOConsider NO22, Molar mass = ?, Molar mass = ?

    What is the weight percent of N and of O?What is the weight percent of N and of O?

    Wt. % O 2 (16 .0 g O per mole )

    46 .0 gx 100 % 69 .6%

    Wt. % O 2 (16 .0 g O per mole )

    46 .0 gx 100 % 69 .6%

    Wt. % N =

    14.0 g N

    46.0 g NO2 100% = 30.4 %

    What are the weight percentages of N and O in NO?What are the weight percentages of N and O in NO?

  • 8/12/2019 Chapter1 2 Dian


    Determining FormulasDetermining FormulasDetermining FormulasDetermining Formulas

    InIn chemical analysischemical analysis we determinewe determinethe % by weight of each element in athe % by weight of each element in a

    given amount of pure compound andgiven amount of pure compound and

    derive thederive the EMPIRICALEMPIRICAL oror SIMPLESTSIMPLESTformula.formula.

    PROBLEMPROBLEM: A compound of B and H is: A compound of B and H is81.10% B. What is its empirical81.10% B. What is its empirical


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    Because it contains only B and H, it mustBecause it contains only B and H, it must

    contain 18.90% H.contain 18.90% H.

    In 100.0 g of the compound there areIn 100.0 g of the compound there are

    81.10 g of B and 18.90 g of H.81.10 g of B and 18.90 g of H. Calculate theCalculate the number of molesnumber of moles of eachof each


    A compound of B and H is 81.10% B. What isA compound of B and H is 81.10% B. What isits empirical formula?its empirical formula?

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    Calculate theCalculate the number of molesnumber of moles of eachof each

    element in 100.0 g of sample.element in 100.0 g of sample.

    81.10 g B 1 mol

    10.81 g

    = 7.502 mol B

    18.90 g H 1 mol

    1.008 g = 18.75 mol H

    A compound of B and H is 81.10% B. What isA compound of B and H is 81.10% B. What isits empirical formula?its empirical formula?

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    Now, recognize thatNow, recognize that atoms combine in theatoms combine in theratio of small whole numbersratio of small whole numbers

    Find theFind the ratio of molesratio of moles of elements in theof elements in the


    A compound of B and H is 81.10% B. What isA compound of B and H is 81.10% B. What isits empirical formula?its empirical formula?

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    But we need aBut we need a whole number ratiowhole number ratio..

    2.5 mol H/1.0 mol B = 5 mol H to 2 mol B2.5 mol H/1.0 mol B = 5 mol H to 2 mol B


    Take the ratio of moles of B and H.Take the ratio of moles of B and H. AlwaysAlwaysdivide by the smaller number.divide by the smaller number.

    18.75 mol H

    7.502 mol B =

    2.499 mol H

    1.000 mol B =

    2.5 mol H

    1.0 mol B

    A compound of B and H is 81.10% B. What isA compound of B and H is 81.10% B. What isits empirical formula?its empirical formula?

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    A compound of B and H is 81.10% B.A compound of B and H is 81.10% B. ItsItsempirical formulaempirical formula is Bis B22HH55. What is its. What is its

    molecular formulamolecular formula ??Is the molecular formula BIs the molecular formula B22HH55, B, B44HH1010, B, B66HH1515,,

    BB88HH2020, etc.?, etc.?

    BB22HH66 is one example of this class of one example of this class of compounds.


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    ow to etermine t eow to etermine t emolar mass?molar mass?

    Mass spectrometerMass spectrometer

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    A compound of B and H is 81.10% B. Its empirical formula isA compound of B and H is 81.10% B. Its empirical formula is

    BB22HH55. What is its molecular formula. What is its molecular formula??A compound of B and H is 81.10% B. Its empirical formula isA compound of B and H is 81.10% B. Its empirical formula is

    BB22HH55. What is its molecular formula. What is its molecular formula??

    We need to do anWe need to do an EXPERIMENTEXPERIMENTto findto findthe MOLAR MASS.the MOLAR MASS.

    Here experiment givesHere experiment gives 53.3 g/mol53.3 g/molCompare with the mass of BCompare with the mass of B22HH55

    == 26.66 g/unit26.66 g/unitFind the ratio of these masses.Find the ratio of these masses.

    53.3 g/mol

    26.66 g/unit of B 2H5

    =2 units of B 2H5

    1 mol

    Molecular formula = BMolecular formula = B44HH1010

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    ELEMENTSELEMENTS are composed of identical particles, atomsare composed of identical particles, atoms

    CHEMICAL COMPOUNDSCHEMICAL COMPOUNDS are formed when atoms of different elementsare formed when atoms of different elementscombine with each other: A given compound always has the samecombine with each other: A given compound always has the samerelative numbers and types of atomsrelative numbers and types of atoms

    Law of definite proportion [Joseph Proust, 1754Law of definite proportion [Joseph Proust, 1754--1826]1826]A given compound always contains the sameA given compound always contains the same

    proportion of elements by massproportion of elements by mass

    Law of multiple proportions [John Dalton, 1766Law of multiple proportions [John Dalton, 1766--1844]1844]When 2 elements form multiple compounds, the mass of the secondWhen 2 elements form multiple compounds, the mass of the second

    element per gram of the first one can always be reduced to small wholeelement per gram of the first one can always be reduced to small whole


    Law of conservation of mass [Lavoisier, 1743Law of conservation of mass [Lavoisier, 1743--1794]1794]

    Mass is neither created nor destroyedMass is neither created nor destroyed

    in a chemical reactionin a chemical reaction

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    Chemical EquationsChemical EquationsChemical EquationsChemical Equations

    Because the sameBecause the same

    atoms are present in aatoms are present in a

    reaction at the beginningreaction at the beginning

    and at the end, theand at the end, theamount of matter in aamount of matter in a

    system does not change.system does not change.

    TheThe Law of theLaw of the

    Conservation of MatterConservation of Matter

    Demo of conservation ofmatter, See Screen 4.3.

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    Because of the principle of theBecause of the principle of theconservation of matterconservation of matter,,

    anan equation must beequation must bebalancedbalanced..

    It must have the sameIt must have the same

    number of atoms of thenumber of atoms of the

    same kind onsame kind on

    both sides.both sides.

    Chemical EquationsChemical Equations

    Lavoisier, 1788Lavoisier, 1788

  • 8/12/2019 Chapter1 2 Dian



    ___ Al(s) + ___ Br___ Al(s) + ___ Br22(liq)(liq) ------> ___ Al> ___ Al22BrBr66(s)(s)

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    Chemical EquationsChemical EquationsDepict the kind ofDepict the kind of reactantsreactants andand productsproducts and theirand their

    relative amounts in a reaction.relative amounts in a reaction.

    2 Al(s) + 3 Br2 Al(s) + 3 Br22(g)(g) ------> Al> Al22BrBr66(s)(s)

    The numbers in the front are calledThe numbers in the front are called

    stoichiometric coefficientsstoichiometric coefficients

    The letters (s), (g), and (l) are the physical states ofThe letters (s), (g), and (l) are the physical states ofcompounds.compounds.

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    Chemical EquationsChemical EquationsChemical EquationsChemical Equations

    4 Al(s) + 3 O4 Al(s) + 3 O22(g)(g)------> 2 Al> 2 Al22OO33(s)(s)

    This equation meansThis equation means

    4 Al atoms + 3 O4 Al atoms + 3 O22 moleculesmolecules------givegive------>>

    2 molecules of Al2 molecules of Al22OO33

    4 moles of Al + 3 moles of O4 moles of Al + 3 moles of O22------givegive------>>

    2 moles of Al2 moles of Al22OO33

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    It rests on the principle of theIt rests on the principle of the conservation of matterconservation of matter..

    2 Al(s) + 3 Br2(liq) ------> Al2Br6(s)

  • 8/12/2019 Chapter1 2 Dian


    PROBLEM:PROBLEM:If 454 g of NHIf 454 g of NH44NONO33 decomposes, how much Ndecomposes, how much N22O andO and

    HH22O are formed? What is the theoretical yield ofO are formed? What is the theoretical yield ofproducts?products?

    PROBLEM:PROBLEM:If 454 g of NHIf 454 g of NH44NONO33 decomposes, how much Ndecomposes, how much N22O andO and

    HH22O are formed? What is the theoretical yield ofO are formed? What is the theoretical yield ofproducts?products?

    STEP 1STEP 1

    Write the balanced chemicalWrite the balanced chemicalequationequation

    NHNH44NONO33 ------> N> N22O + 2 HO + 2 H22OO

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    454 g of NH454 g of NH44NONO33 ----> N> N22O + 2 HO + 2 H22OO454 g of NH454 g of NH44NONO33 ----> N> N22O + 2 HO + 2 H22OO

    STEP 2STEP 2 Convert mass reactantConvert mass reactant

    (454 g)(454 g) ----> moles> moles

    454 g

    1 mol

    80.04 g = 5.68 mol NH4NO3

    STEP 3STEP 3 Convert moles reactant (5.68Convert moles reactant (5.68

    mol)mol) ----> moles product> moles product

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    454 g of NH454 g of NH44NONO33 ----> N> N22O + 2 HO + 2 H22OO454 g of NH454 g of NH44NONO33 ----> N> N22O + 2 HO + 2 H22OO

    STEP 3STEP 3 Convert moles reactantConvert moles reactant ----> moles> moles


    Relate moles NHRelate moles NH44NONO33 to moles productto moles product

    expected.expected.1 mol NH1 mol NH44NONO33 ----> 2 mol H> 2 mol H22OO

    Express this relation as theExpress this relation as the


    2 mol H2O produced

    1 mol NH4NO3 used

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    454 g of NH454 g of NH44NONO33 ----> N> N22O + 2 HO + 2 H22OO454 g of NH454 g of NH44NONO33 ----> N> N22O + 2 HO + 2 H22OO

    = 11.4 mol H= 11.4 mol H22O producedO produced

    5.68 mol NH4NO


    2 mol H2O produced

    1 mol NH4NO3used

    STEP 3STEP 3 Convert moles reactant (5.68 mol)Convert moles reactant (5.68 mol) ----> moles product> moles product

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    454 g of NH454 g of NH44NONO33 ----> N> N22O + 2 HO + 2 H22OO454 g of NH454 g of NH44NONO33 ----> N> N22O + 2 HO + 2 H22OO

    11.4 mol H2O 18.02 g

    1 mol= 204 g H2O

    STEP 4STEP 4 Convert moles product (11.4Convert moles product (11.4mol)mol) ----> mass product> mass product

    Called theCalled the



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    454 g of NH454 g of NH44NONO33 ----> N> N22O + 2 HO + 2 H22OO454 g of NH454 g of NH44NONO33 ----> N> N22O + 2 HO + 2 H22OO

    STEP 5STEP 5 How much NHow much N22O is formed?O is formed?

    Total mass of reactants = total mass ofTotal mass of reactants = total mass of


    454 g NH454 g NH44NONO33 = ___ g N= ___ g N22O + 204 g HO + 204 g H22OO

    mass of Nmass of N22O = 250. gO = 250. g

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    454 g of NH454 g of NH44NONO33 ----> N> N22O + 2 HO + 2 H22OO454 g of NH454 g of NH44NONO33 ----> N> N22O + 2 HO + 2 H22OO

    STEP 6STEP 6 Calculate theCalculate the percent yieldpercent yield

    If you isolated only 131 g of NIf you isolated only 131 g of N22O, what is theO, what is the

    percent yield?percent yield?

    This compares theThis compares the theoreticaltheoretical (250. g) and(250. g) and

    actualactual (131 g) yields.(131 g) yields.

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    454 g of NH454 g of NH44NONO33 ----> N> N22O + 2 HO + 2 H22OO454 g of NH454 g of NH44NONO33 ----> N> N22O + 2 HO + 2 H22OO

    % yield =actual yield

    theoretical yield


    STEP 6STEP 6 Calculate the percent yieldCalculate the percent yield

    % yield =131 g

    250. g 100% = 52.4%

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    PROBLEM: Using 5.00PROBLEM: Using 5.00g of Hg of H22OO22, what mass, what mass

    of Oof O22 and of Hand of H22O canO canbe obtained?be obtained?

    PROBLEM: Using 5.00PROBLEM: Using 5.00g of Hg of H22OO22, what mass, what mass

    of Oof O22 and of Hand of H22O canO canbe obtained?be obtained?2 H2 H22OO22(liq)(liq) ------> 2 H> 2 H22O(g) + OO(g) + O22(g)(g)

    Reaction is catalyzed by MnOReaction is catalyzed by MnO22

    Step 1: moles of HStep 1: moles of H22OO22


    to calculate moles of Oto calculate moles of O22

    Step 3: mass of OStep 3: mass of O22

  • 8/12/2019 Chapter1 2 Dian


    Reactions Involving aReactions Involving aLIMITING REACTANTLIMITING REACTANTReactions Involving aReactions Involving aLIMITING REACTANTLIMITING REACTANT

    In a given reaction, there is not enough ofIn a given reaction, there is not enough of

    one reagent to use up the other reagentone reagent to use up the other reagent


    The reagent in short supplyThe reagent in short supply LIMITSLIMITS thethequantity of product that can be formed.quantity of product that can be formed.

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    Reactantseactants ProductsProducts

    2 NO(g) + O2 (g) 2 NO2(g)

    Limiting reactant = ___________Limiting reactant = ___________

    Excess reactant = ____________Excess reactant = ____________

  • 8/12/2019 Chapter1 2 Dian



    Demo of limiting reactants on Screen 4.7Demo of limiting reactants on Screen 4.7

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    Rxn 1: Balloon inflates fully, some Zn leftRxn 1: Balloon inflates fully, some Zn left

    ** More than enough Zn to use up the 0.100 mol HClMore than enough Zn to use up the 0.100 mol HCl

    Rxn 2: Balloon inflates fully, no Zn leftRxn 2: Balloon inflates fully, no Zn left* Right amount of each (HCl and Zn)* Right amount of each (HCl and Zn)

    Rxn 3: Balloon does not inflate fully, no Zn left.Rxn 3: Balloon does not inflate fully, no Zn left.* Not enough Zn to use up 0.100 mol HCl* Not enough Zn to use up 0.100 mol HCl


    React solid Zn with 0.100 mol HClReact solid Zn with 0.100 mol HCl


    Zn + 2 HClZn + 2 HCl ------> ZnCl> ZnCl22 + H+ H22

    1 2 3

    (See CD Screen 4.8)(See CD Screen 4.8)

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    Rxn 1Rxn 1 Rxn 2Rxn 2 Rxn 3Rxn 3

    mass Zn (g)mass Zn (g) 7.007.00 3.273.27 1.311.31

    mol Znmol Zn 0.1070.107 0.0500.050 0.0200.020

    mol HClmol HCl 0.1000.100 0.1000.100 0.1000.100

    mol HCl/mol Znmol HCl/mol Zn 0.93/10.93/1 2.00/12.00/1 5.00/15.00/1

    Lim ReactantLim Reactant LR = HClLR = HCl no LRno LR LR = ZnLR = Zn


    React solid Zn with 0.100 mol HClReact solid Zn with 0.100 mol HCl(aq)(aq)

    Zn + 2 HClZn + 2 HCl ------> ZnCl> ZnCl22 + H+ H22

  • 8/12/2019 Chapter1 2 Dian


    Reaction to be StudiedReaction to be StudiedReaction to be StudiedReaction to be Studied

    2 Al + 3 Cl2 Al + 3 Cl22 ------> Al> Al22ClCl66

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    PROBLEM:PROBLEM: Mix 5.40 g of Al with 8.10 g of ClMix 5.40 g of Al with 8.10 g of Cl22..What mass of AlWhat mass of Al22ClCl66 can form?can form?PROBLEM:PROBLEM: Mix 5.40 g of Al with 8.10 g of ClMix 5.40 g of Al with 8.10 g of Cl22..What mass of AlWhat mass of Al22ClCl66 can form?can form?










  • 8/12/2019 Chapter1 2 Dian


    Determine the formula of aDetermine the formula of acompound of Sn and I using thecompound of Sn and I using the

    following data.following data.

    Determine the formula of aDetermine the formula of acompound of Sn and I using thecompound of Sn and I using the

    following data.following data.

    Reaction of Sn and IReaction of Sn and I22 is done using excessis done using excess

    Sn.Sn. Mass of Sn in the beginning = 1.056 gMass of Sn in the beginning = 1.056 g

    Mass of iodine (IMass of iodine (I22) used = 1.947 g) used = 1.947 g

    Mass of Sn remainingMass of Sn remaining = 0.601 g= 0.601 g

  • 8/12/2019 Chapter1 2 Dian


    Find theFind the mass of Sn that combinedmass of Sn that combined withwith

    1.947 g I1.947 g I22..

    Mass of Sn initially = 1.056 gMass of Sn initially = 1.056 g

    Mass of Sn recovered = 0.601 gMass of Sn recovered = 0.601 gMass of Sn used = 0.455 gMass of Sn used = 0.455 g

    FindFind moles of Sn usedmoles of Sn used::

    0.455 g Sn

    1 mol

    118.7 g = 3.83 x 10-3

    mol Sn

    Tin and Iodine CompoundTin and Iodine Compound

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    Tin and Iodine CompoundTin and Iodine Compound

    Now find theNow find the number of moles of Inumber of moles of I22 thatthat

    combined with 3.83 x 10combined with 3.83 x 10--33 mol Sn. Massmol Sn. Mass

    of Iof I22 used was 1.947 g.used was 1.947 g.

    1.947 g I2

    1 mol

    253.81 g = 7.671 x 10-3

    mol I2

    How many moles ofHow many moles of iodine atomsiodine atoms??

    = 1.534 x 10-2 mol I atoms= 1.534 x 10-2 mol I atoms

    7.671 x 10 -3 mol I2

    2 mol I atoms

    1 mol I 2

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    Tin and Iodine CompoundTin and Iodine Compound

    Now find the ratio of number of moles ofNow find the ratio of number of moles of

    moles of I and Sn that combined.moles of I and Sn that combined.

    1.534 x 10 -2 mol I

    3.83 x 10-3

    mol Sn

    =4.01 mol I

    1.00 mol Sn

    Empirical formula isEmpirical formula is SnISnI44

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