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Bachelor of Quantity Surveying (Honours)

Community Service Initiative UCM 60102


Melvin Lim Wei Jien0315772

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I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my teacher Ms. Tay Shir Wen who gave me the golden opportunity to do this wonderful project which is giving out to the community and to the less fortunate, which also helped me in developing my soft skills and I came to know about so many new things, I am really thankful for all that.

Secondly I would also like to thank my parents, friends and also my wonderful group members who helped me a lot in finalizing this project within the limited time frame.



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In this assignment, we, my group members and I were asked to find an orphanage home and to entertain and teach the kids for a period of time. We were instructed to organize a role play game for the kids, organize a time for sharing on different professions to the kids in order to enhance the interest of the kids. Lastly, to have a question and answer session with the kids regarding the previous activities.

Therefore, the orphanage home that we found was Ti-Ratana Welfare Society located at New Salak South Village, Kuala Lumpur. Ti-Ratana Welfare Society is a community service society set up in the spirit of compassion to both serve and provide shelter, education and care to the underprivileged members of the community. It is also a voluntary, non-profit, non-partisan and non-denominational organization offering a wide scope of community service (, 2016). The age range of the kids at Ti-Ratana that we were hosting, are all below 12 years old.


The objective of this assignment is to nurture a culture of respect and care towards all members of the community among the fortunate students and to plant a seed of dream into the hearts of kids in the orphanage homes.



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To develop a community of tertiary students to be more responsible, be more sensitive, and be more knowledgeable about the community and their needs


0830 – Met up at Taylor’s University

0930 – Arrived at Ti-Ratana and start setting up

0945 – Dividing the kids into 3 teams for games

1000 – Each game has been started

1130 – End of games, Q&A session

1230 – Gave a token of appreciation to Ti-Ratana

1300 – End of whole event and had lunch



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There were 3 activities that our group planned and hosted. The first activity we planned was called the “Hospital game”, in this game we displayed and taught the kids how a real operating hospital business would run. There is approximately 17 kids in this game, we then assigned different roles such as doctors, nurses, patients to the kids. After that, they would all each play their role accordingly and see how a hospital would run.

Secondly, the construction game. In this activity, we taught and helped the kids step by step on how to construct a housing model by showing the housing model that we had already pre constructed. The main materials that the kids had to use were all recyclable such as straws, satay sticks, manila cardboards and Styrofoam boards. During the construction period, we also gave them a few tips and some knowledge on Malaysia’s construction industry.

Last but not least, the fashion show game. In this game, the objective is to test the kids creativity by using recyclable newspapers to design a “dress” or some sort of similar clothing on another persons’ body. Once they are done with the designing, the person that is wearing the dress have to do a fashion walk to display to the audience their finished product. At the end, we gave different kinds of prizes to the kids depending on their creativity.



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Basically my role for this group assignment is to help out with the games. I was assigned into the construction games group. During the earlier stages of this assignment, my group and I had to find pictures of housing models that is manageable and able to construct for kids under 12 years old.

After finding some sources and pictures of the housing model, we finally decided on one model that my group and I voted for. Hence, my group and I then went to buy related materials that is needed to construct the housing model we chose.

When all the materials is purchased, my group and I then met up and we did a dry run together. To test out to see whether or not we are able to construct the housing model and to also test the time required to construct that housing model. After testing out, we then decided that is it possible, so my group and I then started doing the preparation of the game.

Besides that, my other role of this group assignment was to also take pictures and videos to record what we did during that day itself, so we can then also show the pictures and videos through our project videos and presentations.



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In conclusion, I can say that I have definitely learn how to be more patient and be more understanding. Be it working as a team in such a big group together or be it controlling and managing the kids, both of these needs to have patience and understanding.

Another thing to mention is, after seeing and looking the kids’ current conditions, I have also realized how fortunate I am, in this current state, living in such a comfortable environment, able to have a proper education, food and shelter.

Able to help and teach, and to also show love and support to orphanage kids there was definitely a privileged. Seeing the smile on their faces really makes your day and makes you feel the joy of doing these little things. If I had an opportunity to do this sort of event or project in the future again, I would definitely want to volunteer and help out.



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